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INTRODUCTION Use BTMM (Bloomberg Treasury and Money Markets Monitor) to monitor all major rates, securities, and

economic releases for a selected country. BTMM provides a comprehensive picture of the current interest rate environment so you can react quickly to changing market conditions. The top section of the screen displays real-time quotes for treasury, money market, equity, currency, swap, futures, and mortgage backed markets. These all update in realtime. Whenever there is a price or yield update, the time, price/yield, and change information is highlighted. The bottom of the screen displays a recap of recent economic releases with events for the current day highlighted in white. This provides insight into the factors driving the markets. HOW TO Access the Treasury & Money Markets Screen - Enter BTMM <Go>. Displays the Treasury & Money Market Screen for your default country setting. - Enter BTMM (country code) <Go>. Displays the Treasury & Money Market Screen for the country you specify. (The Settlement Calendars function (CDR) displays a list of countries and their corresponding country codes.) Interpret the Data The Treasury & Money Market screen allows you to monitor various market sectors and rates from one screen. The name for each type of market rate appears at the top of the appropriate box. When there is an update to a rate, the corresponding values are highlighted in yellow, red (negative change on day), and/or green (positive change on day). For some rate boxes, like the US Bonds Yld/Ask/Chg, you can hover your mouse over a rate to display a tooltip that identifies the data. The Glossary of Terms section of this guide provides further details for the rates displayed in the individual boxes. At the bottom of the screen, a recap of current economic events and releases appears. To the far left of the table, the date, time, and relevant country code for the event appear. The name of the release appears in the Event column. Events scheduled for the current day are highlighted in white. To the right of the name of the event, the time period the release covers appears, when applicable. The four right-most columns display the estimated, actual, prior, and revised values for the event, as available.

The Survey column displays the BLOOMBERG NEWS median estimate of the release data. The Actual column displays the currrent release data. The Prior column displays the release data for the previously reported period. The Revised column displays the revision of the prior release data. If data is not available for any of these fields, two hypens [- -] appear in the appropriate column. Additionally, the following letters may appear next to the economic release data: - A: Advance/Flash/Estimate - B: Billion - F: Final - P: Preliminary - K(k): Thousand Further Analyze a Rate - Click and hold on the appropriate data, then select the appropriate option from the security-specific menu that appears. Change the Monitor View The Change Country toolbar button at the top left of the screen allows you to display an overview of treasury and interest rates, swap rates, or the commodity market for a country or region you select. (The corresponding <HELP> displays further information for the Swap Benchmark or Commodity Markets screens.) - From the toolbar click on the Change Country button, then choose the appropriate options from the dropdown menus that appear. Change the Default Country The country that appears by default in the Treasury & Money Markets screen is determined by the Personal Settings & Defaults function (PDF). To change the country that appears by default when you enter BTMM <Go>, complete the following steps: 1. Enter PDF <Go>. The Personal Settings & Defaults Screen appears. 2. From the upper left of the screen, click Language/Time/Local Conventions. 3. Click Default Country/Settlement Dates.

4. Enter the appropriate two-letter country code in the highlighted Use Business Days for Country field, then press <Go>. (The Settlement Calendars function (CDR) displays a list of countries and their corresponding two-letter country codes.) 5. Enter BTMM <Go>. The Treasury & Money Markets screen appears with information for the country you selected. Drag and Drop Data - Instructions on how to drag and drop data are included in the Related Information > Bloomberg Basics section of this guide. APPENDIX GLOSSARY OF TERMS Terms not defined in other sections of this guide are listed here in alphabetical order: 10yr Note Fut The rate and the change since the previous day's close for the 10-year U.S. Treasury bond futures contract trading on the Chicago Board of Trade (CBT). 30Y MBS The coupon, bid price, ask price, and change based on the previous day's closing price of generic benchmark mortgage securities created by the Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA), GOLD, a security issued by the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), and the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA). 90D EUR$ FUT The rates for the first six generic 90-day Eurodollar futures contracts. CCMP The current value for the NASDAQ composite index and the change since the previous day's close. CRB The current value for the Reuters/Jeffries CRB Futures Price Index and the change since the previous day's close. CRB <Go> displays the full index and its components. CRUDE OIL The price per barrel and change since the previous day's close for West Texas Intermediate crude oil. DEALER CP The dealer-placed commercial paper maturity rates for 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 180 days. DJIA

The current value for the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the change since the previous day's close. EURO$DEP The three-month, six-month, and one-year bid and ask rates of the Eurodollar Certificates of Deposit. FED FUNDS The Federal Funds rate expressed as the following: - BID/ASK: The bid/ask price at the time posted. - LST/OPEN: The last price at the time posted and the opening market price. - HIGH/LOW: The highest/lowest market price during the current trading session, as of the time posted. FUNDS FUT The last price for the first six generic U.S. Fed Fund futures contracts. Key Rates The following current benchmark interest rates appear: - Prime: The Bloomberg Prime Rate for the U.S. based on rates from the top 25 banks in total assets. - BLR: The Bloomberg Broker Call Money Loan Rate. The interest rate charged when brokers borrow from banks to cover client security positions. Callable on 24 hours notice. - FDTR: The Federal Funds Target Rate. A daily indication of the Federal Funds Rate expected to be consistent with the degree of reserve pressure. - Discount: The Federal Reserve US Primary Credit Discount Rate. The interest rate charged to commerical banks and other depository institution on loans they receive from their regional Federal Reserve Bank's lending facility, the discount window. LIBOR FIX The one-week, one-month through six-month, and one-year London Interbank Offered Rates, in U.S. dollars. REPO The overnight, one-week, two-week, and one-month bid yields, as of the time posted, on repurchase agreements using government securities as collateral. REVERSE

The overnight, one-week, two-week, and one-month bid yields, as of the time posted, on reverse repurchase agreements using government securities as collateral. S&P 500 FUT The current value for the Standard & Poor's 500 futures contract trading on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and the change since the previous day's close. SPOT FOREX The U.S. Dollar's current value against the Japanese Yen, Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, and Canadian Dollar. SWAP RATES The swap rates for the 3-year, 5-year, and 10-year U.S. Dollar swap. US BONDS YLD/BID/ASK/CHG The 2-, 5-, 10-, and 30-year bond/note coupon, maturity date, ask yield, bid price, ask price, and change based on the previous day's closing price. US T-BILL YIELD/PRICE The bond equivalent yield. The yield change based on the previous day's closing ask rates, the bid price, and the ask price for the corresponding one-month, three-month, sixmonth, and one-year bills. RELATED INFORMATION Bloomberg Basics

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