ECS - Apprenticeship Assignment
ECS - Apprenticeship Assignment
Click the link for the Skilled Trades NB website: Skilled Trades NB
1) On the main page for Skilled Trades NB, find the Information for apprentices and workers
Find the next link Become an apprentice. Click on Learn more.
Scroll down to Pathways to certification. Click on Learn more. This is a pdf document.
Complete the Pre-Employment course and pass Work required hours (3,600-10,800)
the Block 1 Exam Apply to challenge the Certification Exam and
Obtain employment and register as an apprentice provide proof of hours
Follow similar steps as a direct apprenticeship Pass the Certification Exam to receive a
pathway Certificate of Qualification
2) On the main page for Skilled Trades NB, find the section called List of designated
There are two types of occupations – compulsory and voluntary.
3) Go back one page and find About. Click on that link. Scroll down to Benefits.
What are the four benefits of Apprenticeship training?
Earn while you learn
Lower debt
Gain work experience
Benefits from qualified mentors
4) On the same page, scroll down to Roles and responsibilities. What is the responsibility of the
employer when taking on an apprentice at their company?
It is your responsibility to provide an opportunity for the apprentice to learn his or her occupation by
offering a well-rounded, practical training experience. It is your responsibility to provide a safe learning
environment and to encourage training at all levels. You set the example by fostering a work ethic
conductive to training, while minimizing productivity losses. You provide the fair and equitable
treatment of all employees and recognize and reward excellence. You provide the foundation for the
apprenticeship training and the continuum for passing skills on to the future.
5) Return to the page Information for apprentices and workers. Click on the link that says
Financial assistance and incentives. What are the two programs listed to help apprentices
financially while studying?
Employment Insurance Training and skills development
6) Already have experience in the trade? On the same page, find the section for Experienced
Scroll down to Prior learning assessment and recognition.
Using the PLAR process, what documentation information do you need to obtain theory credits
for previous learning?
official transcript of marks issued by the training institution
copies of curriculum content (if available)
training institution’s name and address
training institution’s contact name and telephone number
7) Return to the page Information for apprentices and workers. Find Labour mobility.
According to the website, a Red Seal designation is a “passport to mobility across the country.”
This means that your Red Seal is recognized across the country… well, except Quebec. They
have their own system.
How many occupations does New Brunswick recognize as part of the Interprovincial Standards
50 occupations
8) You need to contact your apprenticeship office for more information about registering as an
apprentices and furthering your training. At the top of the page, click on the link back to the
Skilled Trades NB homepage.
Scroll down to find Offices.
Find the apprenticeship office closest to you and write down the contact information below:
1234 Mountain Road, Room A-1140
Moncton, NB E1C 8H9
Telephone: (506) 856-2236
9)There is a document posted on Brightspace along with this assignment. The document is called
Apprenticeship and Occupational Certification Fast Facts. Open this document.
How many Apprenticeship Hours (or App) do you need to become Red Seal qualified for your
7200 hours
10800 hours
Go to the open tab in your browser with the Red Seal website.
Answer the following questions:
1) At the top of the website, go to the drop-down menu for Red Seal Exams.
Click on Exam Breakdowns.
Find your trade.
Depending on the trade, how many potential multiple-choice questions are there on the
125 questions