ArcticDx Et. Al. v. Sequenom Et. Al.

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COMPLAINT FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT AND DECLARATORY JUDGMENT Plaintiffs ArcticDx, Inc. (ArcticDx), ArcticAx, Inc. (ArcticAx), and ArcticAx US Ltd. (ArcticUS) (collectively Arctic), for their Complaint for Patent Infringement and Declaratory Judgment against Defendants Sequenom, Inc. (Sequenom) and Sequenom Center for Molecular Medicine, LLC (SCMM) (collectively, Defendants) allege as follows: NATURE OF ACTION 1. This is an action in under the patent laws of the United States (35 U.S.C.

101 et seq.) and the Declaratory Judgment Act (28 U.S.C. 2201 and 2202).



seeks damages and injunctive relief

for Sequenoms

infringement of U.S. Patent No. 8,114,592 (the 592 patent) related to Sequenoms RetnaGene product. 3. Arctic seeks a declaration that its Macula Risk product and Arctics

activities related thereto do not infringe any valid claim of U.S. Patent Nos. 8,053,190 (the 190 patent), 7,867,727 (the 727 patent), 7,695,909 (the 909 patent), 7,351,524 (the 524 patent), or 8,088,579 (the 579 patent) (collectively, the DJ Patents). THE PARTIES 4. ArcticDx is a privately held company incorporated in Canada (registered

number of 432117-1) with its principal place of business at 101 College St., Suite 335, South Tower, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1L7, Canada. ArcticDx is dedicated to the

development and commercialization of products in the field of medical diagnostics, including genetic diagnostic products and methods. 5. ArcticAx is a subsidiary of ArcticDx. ArcticDx owns the majority of

shares of ArcticAx. ArcticAx is a Canadian company with its principal place of business at 101 College St., Suite 335, South Tower, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1L7, Canada. ArcticAx is dedicated to the development and commercialization of products in the field of medical diagnostics, including genetic diagnostic products and methods. 6. ArcticUS is a wholly owned subsidiary of ArcticAx. ArcticUS is

incorporated in Delaware with its principal place of business at 27499 Riverview Center Blvd., Suite 413, Bonita Springs, FL 34134. ArcticUS is dedicated to the development


and commercialization of products in the field of medical diagnostics, including genetic diagnostic products and methods. 7. Defendant Sequenom is a Delaware Corporation with its principal place of

business at 3595 John Hopkins Court, San Diego, CA 92121. Upon information and belief, Sequenom has an international presence and sells its products, including medical diagnostic products, throughout the United Statesincluding sales within this Judicial District. 8. Upon information and belief, Defendant SCMM is a wholly owned

subsidiary of Sequenom with its principal place of business at 301 Michigan Street, NE, Suite 580, Grand Rapids, MI 49503. Upon information and belief, SCMM is an agent and alter ego of Sequenom. Upon information and belief, SCMM performs medical diagnostic services for customers throughout the United Statesincluding customers within this Judicial District. JURISDICTION AND VENUE 9. This is a civil action arising under the patent laws of the United States, Accordingly, this Court has subject-matter

Title 35 of the United States Code.

jurisdiction under Title 28, United States Code, 1331 and 1338(a). 10. With respect to the DJ patents, this Court also has subject-matter

jurisdiction under Title 28, United States Code, 2201 and 2202. As set forth in detail below, an actual controversy exists between Arctic and Sequenom with respect to the infringement and validity of the DJ Patents because Sequenom has represented that the DJ patents are infringed by Arctics activities related to its medical diagnostic products.



Venue is proper in this Judicial District under 28 U.S.C. 1391(b),

1391(c), and 1400(b). Upon information and belief, Defendants have transacted, and continue to transact, directly and/or indirectly, business in this Judicial District. 12. Upon information and belief, Defendants are subject to this Courts

general personal jurisdiction pursuant to due process and/or the Texas Long Arm Statute, based on their substantial business in this forum, including regularly doing or soliciting business, engaging in other persistent courses of conduct, and/or deriving substantial revenue from goods and services provided to individuals in Texas and in this Judicial District. 13. Upon information and belief, Defendants have collaborations with entities

in Texas and this Judicial District and are thereby doing business in this Judicial District. 14. Upon information and belief, Sequenom offers for sale, sells, and causes

to be sold, medical diagnostic products in Texas and this Judicial District, and is thereby doing business in this Judicial District. Upon information and belief, Sequenom employs a sales force that targets the sun belt, including Texas and this Judicial District, for sales and offers for sale of its medical diagnostic products, including those at issue in this litigation. 15. Upon information and belief, SCMM performs tests pursuant to

Sequenoms business dealings in Texas and this Judicial District, including tests for customers in Texas and this Judicial District, and is thereby doing business in this Judicial District. 16. This Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendants by virtue of their Sequenom

systematic and continuous contact with this State and Judicial District.


directly and/or through its distribution network, places products within the stream of commerce, which stream is directed at this Judicial District, with the knowledge and/or understanding that such products will be sold in the State of Texas. SCMM directly and/or through Sequenom, renders services pursuant to products placed within the stream of commerce, which stream is directed at this Judicial District, with the knowledge and/or understanding that such services are performed for customers in the State of Texas. Therefore the exercise of jurisdiction over Defendants does not offend traditional notions of fair play and substantial justice. FACTUAL BACKGROUND A. Arctic and Macula Risk 17. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a disease that damages the

tissue in the central portion of the eye, which can worsen over time and cause blindness. The medical research community long considered AMD to be an environmental etiology, but now understands that AMD is strongly influenced by inheritance (i.e., genetics). Specifically, genetic variation is now known to account for the majority of the risk for AMD. 18. The introduction of genetic marker testing into clinical practice has

allowed for the identification of patients with at risk for AMD and management of this complex and potentially disabling disease using a personalized approach.

Implementation of patient specific management, aided by genetics diagnostics (e.g., Arctics Macula Risk) has been a successful development in managing the risk for AMD.



Arctics Macula Risk is a genetic test that incorporates known genetic

predictors of AMD progression and is a powerful way of identifying individuals that will progress to late-stage AMD. Specifically, Macula Risk measures eight risk markers and incorporates a risk prediction scoring system that allows the categorization of individuals into different risk groups. Such categorization allows tailored treatment based on the individuals genetic risk for AMD, including a personalized approach to disease surveillance, early intervention, and, ultimately, sight preservation. B. The 592 Patent and Sequenoms Infringement of the 592 Patent 20. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) duly and legally

issued the 592 patent on February 14, 2012. The inventor of the 592 patent is Dr. John R.W. Yates and the 592 patent is assigned to Cambridge Enterprise Limited (CE) of Cambridge, Great Britain. CE is a company wholly owned by The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge. 21. Through a grant of an exclusive right and license under the 592 patent

from CE, ArcticDx has all substantial rights to enforce the 592 patent, including all rights to recover for any and all past and present infringement thereof. Through a grant of a sublicense from ArcticDx, ArcticAx and ArcticUS may practice the claims of the 592 patent. 22. The 592 patent teaches and claims novel methods for identifying an

increased risk for developing AMD comprising detecting a marker for the disease. 23. patent. Arctics Macula Risk product practices one or more claims of the 592



Upon information and belief, Sequenom began offering for sale and

selling a genetic diagnostic product called RetnaGene in the United States at least as early as May, 2011. 25. Upon information and belief, use of Sequenoms RetnaGene product,

including service rendered directly or indirectly by SCMM, practices at least one of the claims of the 592 patent. Upon information and belief, use of Sequenoms RetnaGene product infringes at least one of the claims of the 592 patent. 26. Upon information and belief, Defendants have been aware of ArcticDxs

intellectual propertyincluding the published patent application patent (U.S. Patent Appl. Pub. No. 2009/0269761) that lead to the 592since at least 2010. With respect to the AMD landscape, Ron Lindsay, the Executive Vice President of Research and Development at Sequenom, identified ArcticDx as a competitor to Sequenom and recognized that theres probably some IP issues there as early as 2010. (Sequenom, Inc. Q3 2010 Earnings Call, Nov. 4, 2010, available at C. The DJ Patents 27. Sequenom claims to be the exclusive licensee of and have the rights to

assert the claims of the DJ Patents. 28. The face of the 190 patent indicates that the PTO issued the 190 patent

on November 8, 2011, and the inventors of the 190 patent are Michael B. Gorin, Johanna Jakobsdottir, Yvette P. Conley, Daniel E. Weeks, Tammy S. Mah-Fraser, and Robert E. Ferrell.



The PTO recorded on June 2, 2011, an assignment of the 190 patent from

the named inventors to The University of Pittsburgh of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education. 30. The claims of the 190 patent are directed to SNP rs10490924, which is in

the ARMS2 gene on chromosome 10. 31. 32. Arctics Macula Risk does not infringe the claims of the 190 patent. The face of the 727 patent indicates that the PTO issued the 727 patent

on January 11, 2011, and the inventor of the 727 patent is Gregory S. Hageman. 33. The PTO recorded on February 21, 2008, an assignment of the 727 patent

from the named inventor to The University of Iowa Research Foundation. 34. The claims of the 727 patent are directed to a screening method

comprising detection for the presence or absence of a deletion of at least 10,000 base pairs in the genomic sequence encoding CFHR1 and/or CFHR3, which is on chromosome 1. 35. 36. Arctics Macula Risk does not infringe the claims of the 727 patent. The face of the 909 patent indicates that the PTO issued the 909 patent

on April 13, 2010, and the inventors of the 909 patent are Michael B. Gorin, Johanna Jakobsdottir, Yvette P. Conley, Daniel E. Weeks, Tammy S. Mah-Fraser, and Robert E. Ferrell. 37. The PTO recorded on July 13, 2007, an assignment of the 909 patent

from the named inventors to The University of Pittsburgh of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education.



The 909 patent is from the same patent family as the 190 patent. The

claims of the 909 patent are directed to SNP rs10490924, which is in the ARMS2 gene on chromosome 10. 39. 40. Arctics Macula Risk does not infringe the claims of the 909 patent. The face of the 524 patent indicates that the PTO issued the 190 patent

on April 1, 2008, the inventors of the 524 patent are Gregory S. Hageman and Robert F. Mullins, and the patent is assigned to the University of Iowa Research Foundation. 41. The claims of the 524 patent are directed to the use of changes in levels

of complement pathway proteins, including C3, C3a, and C5b-9, to diagnose AMD. 42. 43. Arctics Macula Risk does not infringe the claims of the 524 patent. The face of the 579 patent indicates that the PTO issued the 579 patent

on January 3, 2012, and the inventors of the 909 patent are Gregory S. Hageman and Richard J. Smith. 44. The PTO recorded on August 7, 2008, an assignment of the 579 patent

from the named inventors to the University of Iowa Research Foundation. 45. The claims of the 579 patent are directed to SNP rs800292, which is in

the CFH gene on chromosome 1, as an indicator that the subject is at a reduced risk of developing AMD. 46. D. Arctics Macula Risk does not infringe the claims of the 579 patent.

Sequenoms Aggressive Litigation Tactics 47. On December 5, 2011, Michael Malecek, a partner at Kaye Scholer LLP

and counsel for Sequenom, wrote Mr. Greg Hines, President and CEO of Arctic, stating that it had come to his attention that ArcticDx has begun offering or is planning to offer


AMD diagnostic services. A true and correct copy of the December 5, 2011, letter from Mr. Malecek to Mr. Hines is attached hereto as Exhibit A. 48. Mr. Maleceks letter to Mr. Hines claimed that Sequenom is the

exclusive licensee of several issued patents and pending patent applications worldwide with claims directed to methods of diagnosing AMD. (Ex. A.) Mr. Maleceks letter to Mr. Hines referenced the 190 patent, the 727 patent, the 909 patent, and the 524 patent, as well as U.S. Patent Application No. 11/816167, which the PTO issued as the 579 patent shortly after the date of Mr. Maleceks letter. (Id. at Appendix.) Mr. Maleceks letter purported to provide notice to ArcticDx of the DJ Patents and requested that ArcticDx discontinue any diagnostic activities that you may be currently engaging in which are covered by [the DJ Patents,] and threatened that Sequenom may seek all damages owed to it for any infringement of the DJ Patents. (Ex. A.) 49. Mr. Maleceks letter to Mr. Hines concluded by requesting a detailed

explanation for Arctics belief, if any, that Sequenoms rights in the 13 U.S. patents and patent applicationsand the other 60 foreign patents and patent applications (whether pending, published, issued, granted, or allowed) cited in the Appendix to Mr. Maleceks letterare not relevant to [Arctics] AMD testing services. (Id.) Mr. Maleceks letter requested a response, in writing, by January 11, 2012. (Id.) 50. Also on December 5, 2011, Mr. Malecek wrote a letter to Dr. Michael

Salem, President and CEO of National Jewish Health (NJH). A true and correct copy of the December 5, 2011, letter from Mr. Malecek to Mr. Salem is attached hereto as Exhibit B.

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Mr. Maleceks letter to Dr. Salem claimed that it had come to his attention

that Advanced Diagnostic Laboratories of National Jewish Health [(NJH)], in conjunction with ArcticDx, has begun offering or is planning to offer AMD diagnostic services. (Ex. B.) The remainder of Mr. Maleceks letter to Dr. Salem, including the threats related to the DJ patents and request for a response in writing by January 11, 2012, is substantively the same as Mr. Maleceks letter to Mr. Hines. (Exs. A and B.) 52. According to Sequenom, Arctic and its Macula Risk customers have

infringed and are infringing each of the DJ patents. 53. On December 20, 2011, Mr. Arthur Renaud wrote to Mr. Malecek in

response to his December 5 Letters and identified himself as Canadian counsel for ArcticDx. A true and correct copy of the December 20, 2011, letter from Mr. Renaud to Mr. Malecek is attached hereto as Exhibit C. 54. Mr. Renaud observed that Mr. Maleceks December 5 letters failed to

provide a claim chart or any infringement analysis and noted that, absent these items from Mr. Malecek or Sequenom, the requested detailed response is neither practical nor warranted. (Id.) Mr. Renaud also observed that Mr. Maleceks letter to Dr. Salem was intended to interfere with [ArcticDxs] economic relationship with NJH and demanded that Mr. Malecek retract the letter to Mr. Hines. (Id.) 55. Lastly, Mr. Renaud requested that Mr. Malecek direct all future

correspondence on this matter to our firm. (Id.) 56. Despite Mr. Renauds request, neither Sequenom nor Mr. Malecek

retracted Mr. Maleceks letter to Dr. Salem. Also, neither Sequenom nor Mr. Malecek has responded to Mr. Renauds December 20, 2011 letter.

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Sequenom has consistently and aggressively threatened to litigateand

has litigatedits genetic diagnostics-related patents rights to stop perceived competitors from lawfully commercializing their own intellectual property. 58. Upon information and belief, in the last few months alone, Sequenom has

engaged in a letter writing campaign to threaten not only ArcticDx and NJH, but other companies practicing in the genetic diagnostics field as well. 59. For example, Mr. Malecek sent letters on behalf of Sequenom dated

December 6, 2011 to Aria Diagnostics, Inc. (Aria) and Natera Diagnostics, Inc. (Natera). See Aria Diagnostics, Inc. v. Sequenom, Inc., Case No. 3:11:cv-06391-SI (N.D. Cal., Dec. 19, 2011) (D.I. 1); Natera, Inc. v. Sequenom, Inc., Case No. 3:12:cv00132-SI (N.D. Cal., Jan. 6, 2012) (D.I. 1). In those letters, Mr. Malecek made threats similar to those made in his December 5 letters and cited U.S. Patent No. 6,258,540 (the 540 patent). See id. 60. Aria and Natera responded to those letters by filing declaratory judgment

actions against Sequenom directed to the 540 patent. See, e.g., Aria, Case No. 3:11:cv06391-SI; Natera, Case No. 3:12:cv-00132-SI. 61. Shortly thereafter, Sequenom initiated separate infringement actions

asserting the 540 patent against both Aria and Natera. See Sequenom, Inc. v. Aria Diagnostics, Inc. et al., Case No. 3:12:cv-00189-BEN-BGS (S.D. Cal., Jan. 24, 2012); Sequenom, Inc. v. Natera, Inc., et al., Case No. 3:12:cv-00184-DMS-MDD (S.D. Cal., Jan. 24, 2012). 62. Based on Sequenoms aggressive correspondence and litigious history,

and its failure to respond to Mr. Renauds letter, Arctic has formed a reasonable belief

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that Sequenom will employ the same litigation tactics in an attempt to eliminate lawful competition from Arctic. COUNT I (CLAIM FOR INFRINGEMENT OF THE 592 PATENT) 63. The allegations in Paragraphs 1 through 62 of this Complaint are

incorporated by reference as if set forth in their entirety. 64. Defendants have directly infringed at least one claim of the 592 patent

by the use, sale, or offer for sale of, genetic diagnostic products, including Sequenoms RetnaGene product. 65. Defendants have contributed to or induced the infringement of at least one

claim of the 592 patent by contributing to or inducing the use of genetic diagnostic products, including Sequenoms RetnaGene product. 66. Defendants had and have notice of the 592 patent and their infringement

of at least one claim of the 592 patent has been deliberate and willful. 67. Defendants infringing acts have not been authorized by ArcticDx and are

in violation of ArcticDxs rights related to the 592 patent. 68. As a direct result of Defendants infringing acts, ArcticDx has suffered

and continues to suffer damages and irreparable harm. 69. ArcticDx has no adequate remedy at law for Defendants infringing acts.

Unless and until Defendants infringing acts are enjoined by this Court, ArcticDx will continue to be damaged and irreparably harmed.

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COUNT II (DECLARATORY JUDGMENT OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THE 190 PATENT) 70. Arctic incorporates by reference the allegations in Paragraphs 1 through

62 of this Complaint as if set forth in their entirety. 71. Upon information and belief, Sequenom purports to have the rights to

assert the claims of the 190 patent. 72. Arctics Macula Risk product and Arctics activities related thereto have

not and do not directly infringe any valid and enforceable claim of the 190 patent. 73. Arctic has not induced, and does not induce, infringement of any valid and

enforceable claim of the 190 patent. 74. Arctic has not contributorily infringed, and does not contributorily

infringe, any valid and enforceable claim of the 190 patent. 75. An actual and justiciable case or controversy exists, within the meaning of

28 U.S.C. 2201 and 2202, between Arctic and Sequenom as to whether Arctics Macula Risk product and Arctics activities related thereto infringe the claims of the 190 patent. 76. Arctic is entitled to a judicial determination and declaration that its

Macula Risk product and activities related thereto have not and do not infringe any valid and enforceable claim of the 190 patent. COUNT III (DECLARATORY JUDGMENT OF INVALIDITY OF THE 190 PATENT) 77. Arctic incorporates by reference the allegations in Paragraphs 1 through

62 and 71 through 76 of this Complaint as if set forth in their entirety.

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The claims of the 190 Patent are invalid for failure to meet the

requirements of patentability under 35 U.S.C. 102, 103 and/or 112. 79. An actual and justiciable case or controversy exists, within the meaning of

28 U.S.C. 2201 and 2202, between Arctic and Sequenom as to whether the claims of the 190 patent are invalid. 80. A judicial declaration is necessary and appropriate so that the validity of

the claims of the 190 patent and Arctics rights related thereto may be determined. COUNT IV (DECLARATORY JUDGMENT OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THE 727 PATENT) 81. Arctic incorporates by reference the allegations in Paragraphs 1 through

62 of this Complaint as if set forth in their entirety. 82. Upon information and belief, Sequenom purports to have the rights to

assert the claims of the 727 patent. 83. Arctics Macula Risk product and Arctics activities related thereto have

not and do not directly infringe any valid and enforceable claim of the 727 patent. 84. Arctic has not induced, and does not induce, infringement of any valid and

enforceable claim of the 727 patent. 85. Arctic has not contributorily infringed, and does not contributorily

infringe, any valid and enforceable claim of the 727 patent. 86. An actual and justiciable case or controversy exists, within the meaning of

28 U.S.C. 2201 and 2202, between Arctic and Sequenom as to whether Arctics Macula Risk product and Arctics activities related thereto infringe the claims of the 727 patent.

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Arctic is entitled to a judicial determination and declaration that its

Macula Risk product and activities related thereto have not and do not infringe any valid and enforceable claim of the 727 patent. COUNT V (DECLARATORY JUDGMENT OF INVALIDITY OF THE 727 PATENT) 88. Arctic incorporates by reference the allegations in Paragraphs 1 through

62 and 82 through 87 of this Complaint as if set forth in their entirety. 89. The claims of the 727 Patent are invalid for failure to meet the

requirements of patentability under 35 U.S.C. 102, 103 and/or 112. 90. An actual and justiciable case or controversy exists, within the meaning of

28 U.S.C. 2201 and 2202, between Arctic and Sequenom as to whether the claims of the 727 patent are invalid. 91. A judicial declaration is necessary and appropriate so that the validity of

the claims of the 727 patent and Arctics rights related thereto may be determined. COUNT VI (DECLARATORY JUDGMENT OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THE 909 PATENT) 92. Arctic incorporates by reference the allegations in Paragraphs 1 through

62 of this Complaint as if set forth in their entirety. 93. Upon information and belief, Sequenom purports to have the rights to

assert the claims of the 909 patent. 94. Arctics Macula Risk product and Arctics activities related thereto have

not and do not directly infringe any valid and enforceable claim of the 909 patent. 95. Arctic has not induced, and does not induce, infringement of any valid and

enforceable claim of the 909 patent. - 16 -


Arctic has not contributorily infringed, and does not contributorily

infringe, any valid and enforceable claim of the 909 patent. 97. An actual and justiciable case or controversy exists, within the meaning of

28 U.S.C. 2201 and 2202, between Arctic and Sequenom as to whether Arctics Macula Risk product and Arctics activities related thereto infringe the claims of the 909 patent. 98. Arctic is entitled to a judicial determination and declaration that its

Macula Risk product and activities related thereto have not and do not infringe any valid and enforceable claim of the 909 patent. COUNT VII (DECLARATORY JUDGMENT OF INVALIDITY OF THE 909 PATENT) 99. Arctic incorporates by reference the allegations in Paragraphs 1 through

62 and 93 through 98 of this Complaint as if set forth in their entirety. 100. The claims of the 909 Patent are invalid for failure to meet the

requirements of patentability under 35 U.S.C. 102, 103 and/or 112. 101. An actual and justiciable case or controversy exists, within the meaning of

28 U.S.C. 2201 and 2202, between Arctic and Sequenom as to whether the claims of the 909 patent are invalid. 102. A judicial declaration is necessary and appropriate so that the validity of

the claims of the 909 patent and Arctics rights related thereto may be determined. COUNT VIII (DECLARATORY JUDGMENT OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THE 524 PATENT) 103. Arctic incorporates by reference the allegations in Paragraphs 1 through

62 of this Complaint as if set forth in their entirety. - 17 -


Upon information and belief, Sequenom purports to have the rights to

assert the claims of the 524 patent. 105. Arctics Macula Risk product and Arctics activities related thereto have

not and do not directly infringe any valid and enforceable claim of the 524 patent. 106. Arctic has not induced, and does not induce, infringement of any valid and

enforceable claim of the 524 patent. 107. Arctic has not contributorily infringed, and does not contributorily

infringe, any valid and enforceable claim of the 524 patent. 108. An actual and justiciable case or controversy exists, within the meaning of

28 U.S.C. 2201 and 2202, between Arctic and Sequenom as to whether Arctics Macula Risk product and Arctics activities related thereto infringe the claims of the 524 patent. 109. Arctic is entitled to a judicial determination and declaration that its

Macula Risk product and activities related thereto have not and do not infringe any valid and enforceable claim of the 524 patent. COUNT IX (DECLARATORY JUDGMENT OF INVALIDITY OF THE 524 PATENT) 110. Arctic incorporates by reference the allegations in Paragraphs 1 through

62 and 104 through 109 of this Complaint as if set forth in their entirety. 111. The claims of the 909 Patent are invalid for failure to meet the

requirements of patentability under 35 U.S.C. 102, 103 and/or 112. 112. An actual and justiciable case or controversy exists, within the meaning of

28 U.S.C. 2201 and 2202, between Arctic and Sequenom as to whether the claims of the 909 patent are invalid. - 18 -


A judicial declaration is necessary and appropriate so that the validity of

the claims of the 909 patent and Arctics rights related thereto may be determined. COUNT X (DECLARATORY JUDGMENT OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THE 579 PATENT) 114. Arctic incorporates by reference the allegations in Paragraphs 1 through

62 of this Complaint as if set forth in their entirety. 115. Upon information and belief, Sequenom purports to have the rights to

assert the claims of the 579 patent. 116. Arctics Macula Risk product and Arctics activities related thereto have

not and do not directly infringe any valid and enforceable claim of the 579 patent. 117. Arctic has not induced, and does not induce, infringement of any valid and

enforceable claim of the 579 patent. 118. Arctic has not contributorily infringed, and does not contributorily

infringe, any valid and enforceable claim of the 579 patent. 119. An actual and justiciable case or controversy exists, within the meaning of

28 U.S.C. 2201 and 2202, between Arctic and Sequenom as to whether Arctics Macula Risk product and Arctics activities related thereto infringe the claims of the 579 patent. 120. Arctic is entitled to a judicial determination and declaration that its

Macula Risk product and activities related thereto have not and do not infringe any valid and enforceable claim of the 579 patent.

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COUNT XI (DECLARATORY JUDGMENT OF NON- INVALIDITY OF THE 579 PATENT) 121. Arctic incorporates by reference the allegations in Paragraphs 1 through

62 and 115 through 120 of this Complaint as if set forth in their entirety. 122. The claims of the 579 Patent are invalid for failure to meet the

requirements of patentability under 35 U.S.C. 102, 103 and/or 112. 123. An actual and justiciable case or controversy exists, within the meaning of

28 U.S.C. 2201 and 2202, between Arctic and Sequenom as to whether the claims of the 579 patent are invalid. 124. A judicial declaration is necessary and appropriate so that the validity of

the claims of the 579 patent and Arctics rights related thereto may be determined.

WHEREFORE, Arctic prays that the Court: (a) Enter a judgment that Defendants have infringed, either directly, by contribution and/or active inducement, one or more claims of the 592 patent; (b) Preliminarily and permanently enjoin Defendants and those in privity with Defendants from further acts of direct infringement, contributory infringement and active inducement of infringement of the 592 patent; (c) Award Arctic damages adequate to compensate for Defendants infringement of the 592 patent; (d) Declare that Defendants infringement of the 592 patent has been knowing and willful;

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Treble the award of any damages pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 284 and in view of the willful nature of Defendants infringement of the 592 patent;


Enter a judgment that Arctics Macula Risk product and activities related thereto do not infringe any claim of the 190 patent;

(g) (h)

Enter a judgment that the claims of the 190 patent are invalid; Enter a judgment that Arctics Macula Risk product and activities related thereto do not infringe any claim of the 727 patent;

(i) (j)

Enter a judgment that the claims of the 727 patent are invalid; Enter a judgment that Arctics Macula Risk product and activities related thereto do not infringe any claim of the 909 patent;

(k) (l)

Enter a judgment that the claims of the 909 patent are invalid; Enter a judgment that Arctics Macula Risk product and activities related thereto do not infringe any claim of the 524 patent;

(m) (n)

Enter a judgment that the claims of the 524 patent are invalid; Enter a judgment that Arctics Macula Risk product and activities related thereto do not infringe any claim of the 579 patent;

(o) (p) (q) (r)

Enter a judgment that the claims of the 579 patent are invalid; Declare this to be an exceptional case pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 285; Award Arctic its attorneys fees, costs and expenses in this action; and Award Arctic pre-judgment and post-judgment interest, and such further relief as the Court deems just and proper.

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JURY TRIAL DEMAND Arctic requests a trial by jury of all issues so triable to a jury raised in this Complaint. /s/ Jason W. Cook________________ Jason W. Cook (TX Bar No. 24028537) LEAD COUNSEL ([email protected]) ALSTON & BIRD LLP 2828 North Harwood Street Suite 1800 Dallas, Texas 75201-2139 Tel.: (214) 922-3400 Fax: (214) 922-3899 Thomas J. Parker (NY Bar No. 2499846) ([email protected]) Deepro R. Mukerjee (NY Bar No. 4046157) ([email protected]) ALSTON & BIRD LLP 90 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016-1387 Tel.: (212) 210-9400 Fax: (212) 210-9444 John W. Cox, Ph.D. (GA Bar No. 134059) ([email protected]) ALSTON & BIRD LLP One Atlantic Center 1201 West Peachtree Street Atlanta, Georgia 30309-3424 Tel.: (404) 881-7000 Fax: (404) 881-7777 Counsel for Plaintiffs ArcticDx, Inc., ArcticAx, Inc., and ArcticAx US Ltd.

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