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How t o Capt ure Your Share of t he
Worl ds Largest , Fast est -Growi ng Market
The Denitive Portrait of
The New Femal e Economy
Aut hor Mi chael J. Si l ver stei n
is a senior partner at The
Boston Consulting Group.
He has advised many of the
worlds leading companies
and is an internationally
recognized authority on
consumers and consumer
Coaut hor Kate Sayre is
a partner at The Boston
Consulting Group and leads
the Consumer practice in the
rms Ncw York occ Shc is
BCGs global topic expert for
The Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
is a global management consulting
rm and thc worlds lcading advisor
on business strategy.
Michaels previous books, the bestseller and
award-winning Tradi ng Up and Treasure Hunt ,
explore how ahd why cohsumers buy dIereht
types of goods and how companies can create
products and services that appeal to them.
The Book in Brief 1
Today, 1 bi l l i on women work worl dwi de,
and more t han hal f of col l ege st udent s are
women. Women cont rol hal f t he weal t h i n
t he Uni t ed Stat es.
Women wi l l dri ve an i ncremental $5 t ri l l i on
i n gl obal spendi ng i n t he next several
years, whi ch represent s t he most i mportant
commerci al opport uni t y i n our l i fet i me,
great er even t han t he ri se of t he consumer
economy i n t he devel opi ng count ri es.
Women Want More expl ores t hi s phenomenon
and how compani es can respond t o i t .
Women Want More 2
The BCG Gl obal Inqui ry
i nt o Women and Consumeri sm
In 2008, the Women Want Mor e rcscarch tcam cldcd
a global survcy ol morc than womcnwith
a widc rangc ol incomcs lrom many walks ol lilc
living in countrics Thcy rcspondcd with candor
and dctail about thcir livcs including thcir carccrs
incomcs rclationships shopping bchaviors hopcs
and lcars Women Want Mor e is largcly bascd on thc
rich data gathcrcd in thc survcy
The Book in Brief 3
Women al l over t he wor l d r esponded t o t he sur vey wi t h i nsi ght s uni que t o
t hei r count r y, cul t ur e, and i ndi vi dual ci r cumst ances. Yet whet her f r om Fr ance,
Br azi l , or Saudi Ar abi a, women wor l dwi de shar e many of t he same fear s,
dr eams, and dai ly chal l enges.
Women Want More 4
Meet Ni col e Green:
St ressed Out
Nicolc Grccn is marricd
with thrcc young childrcn
Shc and hcr husband both
work lulltimc Houschold
incomc Shc carns
morc than hc docs
To savc timc and moncy
Nicolc cuts hcr hair only
twicc a ycar Shc cant
rcmcmbcr thc last timc shc
bought clothcs lor hcrscll
Hcr days arc so crammcd
with work tasks and
appointmcnts that it took
thrcc wccks to nd a timc
whcn shc could sit down lor
a onchour intcrvicw
In addition to working cight
to tcn hours cach day at hcr
|ob shc works at lcast thrcc
hours in thc cvcning acr
thc kids havc gonc to bcd
shc drops o and picks up thc
childrcn lrom school and likc
most womcn docs thc lions
sharc ol houschold chorcs
including groccry shopping
clothcs buying laundry
clcaning banking and
The Book in Brief 5
most ol thc othcr houschold
managcmcnt tasks lor hcr
Evcn so Nicolc worrics
that its not cnough or is
too much or is not right in
somc way Likc most womcn
wc spokc withcspccially
marricd womcn with childrcn
Nicolc puts hcrscll and hcr
own nccds last on thc list
ol prioritics
Shc has littlc intcrcst in
brands in and ol thcmsclvcs
and buys only thosc that
cnablc hcr to bcttcr handlc
hcr many rcsponsibilitics
Much of my dai l y st ress i s because so many peopl e
need so much from me Theres a xed number of
t hi ngs t hat absol ut el y have t o happen, and t hey
aIready II hours every day ! am aIways robbing
Pet er t o pay Paul wi t h my t i me.
In 2006, 70.9% of mot hers
were i n t he l abor force
56% of t hose mot hers had
chi l dren under one year of age
On average, women are
commi t t ed 113 hours a week
sIeep ve hours or Iess
a ni ght
Women Want More 6
The Tri pl e Chal l enge
of Ti me
Womcn cvcrywhcrc
intcnscly lccl a lack ol
timc in thcir livcs and
thc prcssurc ol trying
to contort timc to
accommodatc cvcrything
thcy want to achicvc
And its not |ust a simplc
shortagc ol timc Womcn
nd thcmsclvcs caught
in an almost incscapablc
l ack ol timc
The Book in Brief 7
Typi cal l y, a woman says she must deal wi t h:
Too many demands on my t i me. There are j ust
t oo many t hi ngs t o do i n a day. Al most hal f
of t he survey respondent s ci t ed demands on
t hei r t i me as t hei r number one chal l enge.
7oo mony conicting priorities Not onl y are
t here t oo many t hi ngs on t he t o-do l i st , but
many of them conict with one another
Not enough time for me When do women get
a moment t o cl ose t he door t o t he bedroom,
take a wal k, read a book, si t and gaze out t he
wi ndow? Al most never. Not enough time for me
was at t he t op of t he l i st for 45 percent of
survey respondent s.
Women Want More 8
Surpri si ng Fi ndi ngs About
Women Around t he Worl d
The Book in Brief 9
About what
women NEED
About what causes
Work schedules
48% say managing
household hahces Is
the top challenge
About BODY
68% believe they are
sIghIcahtly or slIghtly
higher than their ideal
body weight
25% believe they are
extremely or very
44% rarely or never
feel powerful
About PETS
83% of women with
pets say they are one
of their greatest
sources of happiness
Women Want More 10
Mar y Anne Fross: Fast Tr acker
A drivcn highachicving pcrlcctionist
who wants to makc thc most ol cvcrything
shc docs
Si x Archet ypes
Lucy Ki m Lee: Rel at i onshi p Focused
A surgcon who livcs with hcr boylricnd ol
cight ycars and spcnds most ol hcr lrcc timc
with him
Laura Meyer : Managi ng on Her Own
A ncwly divorccd prolcssional with an incomc
ol shc likcs bcing indcpcndcnt but
hopcs to marry again somcday
Rebecca Mont ague: Pr essur e Cooker
With a husband onc child two cats and a
lulltimc |ob Bcbccca has too littlc timc to
dividc among thcm all and hcrscll and shc
docsnt havc cnough moncy to buy much
lcvcragc or assistancc
The Book in Brief 11
Li nda Wel by: Iullld Lmty Nstr
Marricd lor ycars to thc samc man
Linda takcs plcasurc in hcr thrcc grown
childrcn and hcr gardcn
Karen Dunrack: Ha/iu Luds Ht
With an annual incomc ol and hcalth
problcms shc constantly strugglcs with
lrustration and dcbt
Economic class
Single Married
without kids
with kids
Fast Tracker
on Her
Making Ends Meet Making
Striving for
for stability
U.S. Consumer Segments
Women Want More 12
Some Brands Real l y
Get Women
Womcn say that swccping
thc oor is onc ol thc drcari
cst houschold chorcs PGs
has madc
thc |ob lastcr and lcss labor
intcnsivc As onc uscr said
With Swicr swccping is a
rclativcly casy simplc and
hygicnic task Whcn yourc
donc you slip thc cloth o
and throw it away
Lesl i e Wexner, loundcr and
chairman ol Limitcd Brands
and onc ol thc most succcss
lul markctcrs to womcn says
You cant scll to womcn likc
thcy arc mcn wcaring skirts
The Book in Brief 13
Ger ber constantly cxpands
its product linc bascd on its
rcscarch into what mothcrs
want lor thcir young childrcn
Gcrbcrs ability to maintain
a high standard ol quality and
dcpcndability in its products
whilc simultancously adapting
to mcct changing dcmands and
cmcrging trcnds has cnablcd
thc company to bccomc onc
ol thc most rcspcctcd brands
among womcn with a markct
sharc as high as pcrccnt in
somc catcgorics
Compani es t hat gai n respect and l oyal t y
understand t he lodder of benets
Women Iook carefuIIy for technicaI dierences in terms of
desi gn, t echnol ogy, and mat eri al s
They assess how t hese feat ures cont ri but e t o superi or
f unct i onal performance
The technicaI and functionaI benetsaIong with brand vaIues
and the reputation of the companymust combine to deIiver
emotionaI benets to the femaIe consumer
Women Want More 14
Cat egori es That Serve
Women Wel l
Food is both a plcasurc and a challcngc lor
womcn Worldwidc thcy do most ol thc lood
prcparation lor thcir lamilics Thcy want sup
plicrs to combinc hcalthy choiccs convcnicncc
and aordability Womcn scc lood as advcn
turc and cducation
Whol e Foods has l ong
been t he market of
choi ce for women who
reaIIy care about food
especi al l y urban profes-
sionaI singIes auent
mot hers, and women
over 55.
As one woman put i t ,
WhoIe Foods oers a
compl et e approach t o
taki ng care of t he fami l y,
wel l ness, and heal t hy
eat i ng.
The Book in Brief 15
Fi t ness
Womcn want to bc thin but hcalthy t
but not ncccssarily bu Twicc as many think
thcy arc ovcrwcight as actually arc Womcn
constantly work to managc thcir hcalth wcight
and tncss and arc cagcr lor a bcttcr way to
do so
Beaut y
Womcn scck bcauty that combincs physical
appcarancc tncss hcalth and wcllncss
Thcy always hopc that thc ncxt product will
providc a bcttcr answcr Evcry day womcn
makc tradcos bctwccn thcmsclvcs and lamily
mcmbcrs Thcy want companics to rcach out
to thcm
Most womcn arc not sizc six and dont likc to
bc rcmindcd ol thc lact Supplicrs that providc
a t guidc will carn loyalty and savc timc
Thc growth is in lashion that is aordablc
A woman is always looking lor thc ncxt thing
Women Want More 16
Cat egori es That
Frust rat e Women
Fi nanci al Servi ces
Womcn do not carc about
moncy lor itscll Thcy valuc
it only as a way to carc lor
thcir lamilics and thcmsclvcs
improvc thcir livcs and
cnsurc longtcrm sccurity
Thcy dont nccd or want
products and scrviccs that
ocr acccss to complcx moncy
manipulation mcthods
Thcy want advisors and
scrviccs that rccognizc
womcns nccd lor shorttcrm
simplicity and longtcrm
stability Thcy want solutions
that hclp thcm with thcir
most lrustrating task manag
ing houschold nanccs lrom
day to day and month to
The Book in Brief 17
Heal t h Care
Womcn worry a grcat dcal
about thcir hcalth and thc
hcalth ol thcir lamilics
Thcy valuc hcalth sccond
only to lovc
Yct thcy arc dissatiscd with
thc statc ol thcir hcalth carc
Schcduling appointmcnts is
dicult doctors arc ovcr
bookcd and paticnts ocn
havc to makc multiplc
appointmcnts lor scrviccs
that could bc takcn carc ol in
onc visit Womcn also gcncr
ally pay bctwccn and
pcrccnt morc pcr ycar lor
hcalth insurancc than mcn
ol thc samc agc
When Dorot hy Hast i ngss
husband suered a sudden
fatal heart at tack, she was
Ie in nanciaI turmoiI with
very l i t t l e i dea of what t o do
or how t o get t he hel p she
Her experi ence forced her
to take her nances into her
own hands. Today, Dorot hy
feel s much bet t er educat ed
about mat t ers of personal
nance 5he has simpIied
her nanciaI portfoIio and
understands i t al l . She has
a 401K pl an, one credi t card,
no car l oan, and manageabl e
credi t card debt .
Women Want More 18
Annal i e Li ndst rand:
Happy for Now
Annalic Lindstrand is
marricd has a |ob shc lovcs
and is prcgnant with twins
Shc is guarantccd months
ol paid matcrnity lcavc as
wcll as thc assurancc that
hcr |ob will bc waiting lor
hcr and that hcr twins will
bc carcd lor in a lrcc daycarc
and prcschool
Annalic is highly cducatcd
and wcll paid Shc and hcr
husband livc in a comlortablc
apartmcnt in a nicc ncighbor
hood in Stockholm Tobias is
a loving and hclplul partncr
hc cooks and hclps with
houscwork and cncouragcs
hcr to rcst
All in all Annalics lilc is
closc to idcalbut shc still
wants morc Shc would likc
a largcr homc with a gardcn
Shc wants to improvc hcr
The Book in Brief 19
prolcssional skills and takc
on morc rcsponsibility at
work Shc hopcs to havc
a third child prclcrably ol
thc oppositc gcndcr to hcr
idcntical twins Shc nccds
a bcttcr bikc
Abovc all Annalic says shc
wants what virtually cvcry
woman wc spokc with wants
In Sweden, everyone accept s t hat women have
careers. When you have chi l dren, everyone under-
stands t hat you are goi ng t o keep worki ng. Fat hers
take much more pat erni t y l eave, and i t s very equal
i n t hat respect .
Fi ndi ng t i me for t hemsel ves
is dicuIt for of 5wedish
are dissatised with their
dai l y st ress l evel
A good balancc bctwccn work
and timc lor mccting with
lricnds and lamily Evcryonc
hcalthy And also cnough timc
lor things that arc important
|ust to mc
Women Want More 20
Chal l enges for Women i n t he
Low-Growt h Economi es
Thc dcvclopcd cconomics havc problcms with
population rcplaccmcnt povcrty and domcstic
violcncc At thc samc timc womcn in thcsc countrics
participatc lully in thc cducation systcm havc long
lilc cxpcctancics carn substantial incomcs and hold
inucntial positions in busincss and govcrnmcnt
Providing paid parcntal lcavc and hcalth carc
lor womcn holds thc potcntial lor substantivc
improvcmcnt in GDP
The Book in Brief 21
Women i n t he Uni t ed Stat es
cont rol 73% of househol d
spendi ng
They take responsi bi l i t y for
91% of househol d tasks
beIieve that their own hard
work wi l l hel p t hem achi eve
t hei r goal s
Women i n Germany shoul der
93% of househol d tasks
French women cont rol 67% of
househoId nances but onIy
10% feel t hey wi l l be abl e t o
save enough for ret i rement
20% of Ital i an respondent s
bel i eve women have achi eved
equal i t y i n t hei r count ry
HeaIth nanciaI security and
fami l y are t he most i mportant
t hi ngs i n a Japanese womans
l i fe
Women Want More 22
Qi n Li u: In t he
Pressure Cooker
Qin Liu is a working
mothcr dcaling with thc prob
lcm ol too much to do and
too littlc timc to do it in Qin
holds a lulltimc |ob as hcad
ol pro|cct planning lor a com
mcrcial rcal cstatc company
Shc has onc daughtcr Yanyu
agc Qins mothcr livcs
with Qin and hcr husband
]ian and Qin looks acr hcr
parcntsinlaw ocn cooking
mcals lor thcm scvcral days
a wcck
Not long acr thcy wcrc
marricd Qins husband was
ocrcd a |ob in Singaporc a
day latcr Qin lcarncd shc was
prcgnant Instcad ol lcaving
hcr own |ob to movc Qin
staycd in Shanghai and copcd
with hcr prcgnancy alonc
whilc hcr husband hclpcd
build thc company in Singa
porc Bathcr than dwcll on
hcr lonclincss Qin dccidcd
to continuc hcr cducation
The Book in Brief 23
Thcrc is no usc in complain
ing You havc to look lor a
practical solution
Thcsc days things arc much
bcttcr lor thc Liu lamily
Thcy livc in a largc hightcch
apartmcnt in Shanghai and
Qin is onc ol thc most scnior
cmployccs at hcr rm With
morc disposablc incomc Qin
lovcs to shop cspccially lor
clothcs But bccausc shc is so
prcsscd lor timc shc rarcly
gocs on big shopping trips
opting instcad to shop onlinc
We are very happy now. We have a harmoni ous
fami l y, a l ovel y daught er, heal t hy parent s, and stabl e
j obs and i ncomes.
of women in Chinathe
most of any nat i onal group
beIieve that their careers
fami l i es, and personal happi -
ness wi l l i mprove i n t he next
t en years
beIieve that Chinas future
as a count ry and as a gl obal
pl ayer, i s bri ght
A woman can never have enough cl ot hes, ri ght ?
I was goi ng t o t urn one of our bedrooms i nt o a l i brary,
but now i t has become a bi g cl oset i nst ead.
Women Want More 24
The Opt i mi st i c Economi es:
Women Are Caining !nuence
The Book in Brief 25
Chi nese women work sl i ght l y
more t han t he gl obal aver-
age whi l e shoul deri ng 77% of
househol d responsi bi l i t i es
26% of Chi nese women report
feel i ng appreci at ed for t hei r
Mi ddl e East ern women are
l ess st ressed t han t he average
woman gl obal l y, but t hey
want more cont rol over t hei r
nances careers and future
Jobs are a source of happi ness
for 79% of Indi an respondent s
Money is one of the top ve
pri ori t i es for 56% of Indi an
Sex and money appeared on
of Russi an womens l i st s
of t op sources of happi ness
More than of Brazi l i an
women bel i eve t hat over t he
next t en years women wi l l
make economi c, professi onal ,
and educat i onal gai ns
Women Want More 26
Joset t e Sheeran: Sol vi ng Hunger
]oscttc Shccran cxccutivc
dircctor ol thc World Food
Programmc WFP is a
handson lcadcr who travcls
thc globc supcrvising onc
ol thc most complicatcd and
ambitious looddistribution
systcms in thc world Wcll
rcgardcd lor its opcrational locus and lcan opcrating
budgct in which morc than pcrccnt ol cvcry
donatcd dollar gocs to lccd thc hungry WFP is thc
worlds largcst humanitarian organization with ovcr
cmployccs In WFP providcd aid to morc
than million pcoplc in ncarly countrics
The Book in Brief 27
Shccran is a passionatc advocatc lor hcr causc
and has tcsticd bclorc thc Europcan parliamcnt
thc British parliamcnt thc US Congrcss and hcads
ol statc in ]apan and many Middlc Eastcrn countrics
Shc is also a rcmarkably succcsslul lundraiscr In
WFP undcr Shccrans lcadcrship raiscd ovcr billion
ncarly doublc thc amount in ycars past
Hunger i s destabi l i zi ng for t he worl d. It dri ves
peopl e t o arms and war. Chi l dren under t wo who
recei ve i nadequat e nut ri t i on are cri ppl ed for l i fe.
Inadequat e nut ri t i on reduces t he i ncome pot ent i al
of t he chi l d by more t han hal f. If you get t he chi l d
food, you change a l i fe.
Women Want More 28
Women Want t o
Gi ve Back
Womcn around thc world nd a widc varicty ol ways
to hclp othcr pcoplc Bcgardlcss ol cducation incomc
and pcrsonal circumstanccs womcn lrom cvcry
background and archctypc cxprcss thc dcsirc to hclp
thosc lcss lortunatc than thcmsclvcs Ncarly hall ol
survcy rcspondcnts includcd somc kind ol charity or
philanthropy in thcir dcscription ol an idcal lilc
Lynne Nel l emann past prcsidcnt ol
thc Illinois aliatc ol thc Intcrnational
Womcns Forum IWF lollowcd hcr
lathcrs advicc Multiply yourscll
through othcrs Makc othcrs lcadcrs
Sponsor othcrs Thats how you will
lccl not alonc
The Book in Brief 29
Zai nab Sal bi cscapcd Saddam Husscins
Iraq and an abusivc marriagc in Amcrica
Starting with nothing shc built a lilc lor
hcrscll and thcn acr rcading an articlc
about thc rapc camps in Bosnia during
thc Bosnian war shc loundcd Womcn
lor Womcn Intcrnational a nonprot
organization that works to hclp womcn in wartorn countrics
rccovcr and bccomc scllsucicnt Thc organization now has
sta mcmbcrs and thcy arc working with womcn
Carol Evans CEO ol Working Mothcr
Mcdia is on thc lrontlincs ol advocating
lor womcn in thc workplacc At rst
our mission was to hclp working mothcrs
but acr wc cxpandcd our mission
To Scrvc Womcn Boldly Now wc hclp
companics shi thcir culturcs around
thc issucs ol worklilc balancc advanccmcnt ol womcn and
divcrsity and inclusion Hcr thrcc kcy issucs cxibility child
carc and thc advanccmcnt ol womcn
To Learn More
For more insights, data, and additional
materials, visit our Web site at
www.bcg.com/ womenwant more
Mi chael and Kat e are available
to talk with the press and
Learn more about the survey, the questions,
our methodology, the respondents, and their
responses, and take a short version of the
survey at www.womenspeakworldwide.com.
Women Want More is
publishcd by HarpcrBusincss
and is availablc cvcrywhcrc
For spccial ordcrs plcasc
Cont act
Adria Grccnbcrg
Sommcrcld Communications
Fih Avc Suitc
Ncw York NY

Thc Boston Consulting Group Inc
All rights rcscrvcd
The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global management consulting
rm and thc worlds lcading advisor on busincss stratcgy Wc partncr
with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value
opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their
businesses. Our customized approach combines deep insight into the
dynamics ol companics and markcts with closc collaboration at all lcvcls
of the client organization. This ensures that our clients achieve sustain-
able competitive advantage, build more capable organizations, and
secure lasting results. Founded in 1963, BCG is a private company with
occs in countrics For morc inlormation plcasc visit wwwbcgcom

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