Link Design 4th Chapter in Satellite Communication

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Combining [C/N] & [C/I] values in satellite links: [Overall [C/N]0 ]

The complete satellite circuit consists of an uplink & downlink. When more than one ratio is present In the link, the individual ratio, i.e., . ratios are added reciprocally to obtain an overall

This is referred to as the reciprocal


To calculate the performance of a satellite link uplink

in the transponder &


the earth station should be determined. If there are intermodulation products as a result of non-liner transfer characteristic of the transponder, then the carrier to interference ratio should also be considered.

From the two the following rules: If the If one the If one

[up & down], the overall values are equal,


can be determined easily using

is 3dB lower than either value. is lower than the smaller of value, then is equal will be less than

value is 10 dB smaller than the other, values. value is or very greater than the other values. ( value.

to the smaller of the two or equal to smaller

Variation), so the

1. Thermal noise in earth station receiver results in a from a bent pipe transponder with of . A signal is received at = 24dB, what is the value of overall

the earth station? If the transponder introduces intermodulation products with what is the overall Solution: at the receiving earth station?

Overall (C/N)o with uplink & Downlink attenuation

Most satellite links are designed with link margins to allow for attenuation that may occur in the link or rise in noise power caused by interference. The effect of a change in the uplink ratio has a different impact on transponder. Linear transponder: depending on the type (operating mode) of the

Non linear transponder:

Regenerative transponder: [Automatic gain control is used] Where, Pin is Power at the transponder input (delivered by satellites receiving antenna) Pout is Power delivered by transponder to the satellites receiving antenna input. Gxp is Gain of the transponder. G is Loss of gain caused by the non-linear saturation characteristics of the transponder.

Uplink & Downlink Attenuation in Rain

Rain attenuation affects uplink & downlinks differently. It is usually assumed that rain attenuation occurs on either the downlink or the uplink, not on both at the same time. This is true for earth station that are well separated geographically, but not if they are close (< 20 Km).

(C/N)0 Uplink
Rain attenuation on the uplink path to the satellite reduces the power at the satellite receiver input & thus reduces i) in direct proportion to the attenuation on the link.

If the transponder is of linear type,


Non-linear transponder,


for regenerative transponder or AGC,

Downlink Attenuation & (C/N)dn

The earth station receiver noise temperature can change significantly when rain is present in the downlink path from the satellite. The sky noise temperature can increase to close to the physical temperature of individual rain drops in heavy rain. The overall is then given by,

Satellite communication link design procedure:

1. Determine the frequency band in which the system must operate comparative designs can be used for better selection. 2. Determine the communication parameters of the satellite. Estimate any values that are not known. 3. Determine the parameters of the transmitting & receiving earth station. 4. Start at the transmitting earth station. Establish an uplink budget & a transponder noise power budget to find (C/N)up in the transponder. 5. Find the out put power of the transponder based on transponder gain or output back off. 6. Establish a downlink power & noise budget for the receiving earth station. Calculate (C/N)down & (C/N)o for a station at the edge of the coverage zone (worst case). 7. Calculate S/N or BER in the base band channels. Find the link margins.

8. Evaluate the result & compare with the specification requirements change parameters of the system as required to obtain acceptable (C/N)0 or S/N or BER values. This requires several trial designs. 9. Determine the propagation conditions under which the link must operate, calculate outage times for the uplink & downlinks. 10. Reducing the system by changing some parameters if the link margins are inadequate. Check that all parameters are reasonable & that the design can be implemented within the expected budget.

System Design Problems

1. The specified parameters of a down link are satellite saturation EIRP = 25dBW, output back off 6 dB, freespace loss 96dB, allowance for other downlink losses 1.5dB, earth station G/T is 4 dB/K. Calculate the carrier to noise density ratio at the earth station. Solution: [C/N0 ] = [EIRP] + [G/T] [FSL] [k] [Lm] density {[EIRP]sat [B0]0 }. Tabulation method (with minus sign for FSL, k & Lm), Satellite saturation EIRP Earth station[G/T] Free space loss (FSL) K Other losses(Lm) Output backoff BO0 Total [C/N0] dnlink = 25 dB W 41.0 -196 228.6[-(-k)] (-228.6) = + 228.6. -1.5 -6.0 91.1

System & satellite specifications:

Ku-band satellite parameters: Geostationary at 73w longitude, Total RF output power Antenna gain (transmit & receiver) Receiver system noise temperature Transponder saturated output power Transponder bandwidth 28 ku-band transponders = 2.24kw = 31 db = G = 500k = TS = 80w = Psat = 54 MHz.

Signal : Compressed digital videos signal with transmitted symbol rate at 43.2 Msps. Minimum permitted overall (C/N)0 in the receiver = 9.5 dB.

Transmitting Ku-band earth station Antenna diameter Aperture efficiency Uplink frequency Required C/N in Ku-band transponder Transponder HPA output backoff Miscellaneous uplink losses = 5m = D = 68% = e = 14.15GHz = fup = 30 dB = (C/N)up = 1 dB = [BO]0 = 0.3 dB.

Location : -2 dB contour of satellite receiving antenna = Lpt Receiving KU-band earth station: Downlink frequency Receiver If noise bandwidth Antenna noise temperature LNA noise temperature Required overall (C/N)0 in clear air Miscellaneous downlink losses = 11.45GHz = fdn = 43.2 MHz = BN = 30k = Tin = TA = 110k = TLNA = TRF = 17 dB = (C/N)0 = 0.2 dB

Location : -3 dB contour of satellite transmitting antenna = Lpt Rain attenuation & propagation factors Ku-band clear air attenuation Uplink (14.15 GHz) Downlink (11.45 GHz) Rain attenuation Uplink 0.01% of year Downlink 0.01% of year =6 dB =5 dB = 0.7dB = 0.5 dB

This example examines the design of a satellite communication link using a ku-band geostationary satellite with bent pipe transponder to distribute digital TV signals from an earth station to many receiving stations.

Ku-Band Uplink Design

The first step is find out the uplink transmitter power required to achieve (C/N) up = 30 dB in clear air atmospheric conditions. Noise power is determine first, which is then added to (C/N) to get [C] Uplink Noise Power Budget

K = Boltzmanns constant Ts = 500k Bn = 43.2 MHz Pn = N = Transponder noise power Pn = kTs Bn [Pn] = [N] = [K] + [Ts] + [Bn] [C/N]up = [C] [N] [C] = [Pr] = [C/N] + [N] [Pr] = 30-125.2 = 195.2 dBW To find Pt, Gt & Lp should be calculated. Gt Gain of transmitting antenna. Gt = 4Ae/2 = 4Ae/ 2 = e(D/ )2 Gt = 0.68*[ (5)/0.0212]2 Gt = 37.3316 = 373.316* 103 [Gt] = 10 log Gt = 55.7 dB Lp Free space path loss.

-228.6 dBW/K/Hz 27.0 dBk 76.4 dBHz -125.2 dBW. = -228.6 + 27+ 76.4 = -125.2 dBW


[Pr] = power at transponder input (or) the carrier power (or) the received power.

= c/fup = 3*108 /14.15*109 = 0.212m.

Lp = (4R/ 2) = (4*38.500*103 / 0.021)2 Lp = 5.3076*1020 [Lp] = 10log (5.3076*1020) = 207.25 dB. Uplink power Budget Pt = Earth station transmitter power Gt= Es antenna gain Gr = satellite antenna gain Lp = Free space path loss Lpt = Es on 2dB contour Lm = other losses Atmospheric attenuation & miscellaneous losses Pr = Received power at transponder

Assume R= 38,500 Km

Pt dBW 53.7 dB 31 dB 207.2 dB -2 dB (0.7+ 0.3) = 1dB

Pt 123.5 dB

W.K.T [Pr] = [Pt] + [Gt] + [Gr] [N] [LOSSES] [pr] = [Pt] + [Gt] + [Gr] {[Lp] + [Lm] } [Pr] = [Pt] + 55.7 + 31 207.2 L- 2 Lpt from (1), Pr = 95.2 dBW [-95.2] = [Pt] 123.5

[Pt] = 28.3 dBW (or) gain (Pt) Ku-band Downlink Deign The first step is to calculate (C/Ndn that will provide (C/N)0 = 17dB When (C/N)up = 30 dB. Pt = 676W. This is relatively high power, so the transmitting antenna diameter is increased there by increasing its

(C/N)up = 30 dAB = 1000 (C/N)0 = 17 dB 101.7 = 50 (or) 1/(C/N)dn = 1/(C/N)0 1/(C/N)up 1/(C/N)dn = 1/50 1/100 (C/N)dn = 52.63 [C/N]dn = 10log 52.63 = 17.2 dB Next step is to find the required receiver input power to give (C/N)dn = 17.2 dB & then find the receiving antenna gain, Gr. Down link noise power budget K= -228.6 dB W/K/Hz Ts = TLNA + Tin = 110 + 30 = 140K = 21.5 dBK Bn = 43.2 MHz = 76.4 dBHz. [Pn] = [N]dn = [K] + [Ts] + [Bn] = -228.6 + 21.5 + 76.4 = -130.7 dB W [C/N]dn = [C]dn [N]dn [C] = [C/N]dn + [N]dn [C] = 17.2 + (-130.7) = -113.5 dBW (2)

[C] = [Pr] Power at earth station receiver input . Lp Path Loss. [Lp] = 10log (4R/ )2 [Lp] = 20log [4* 38500* 103 /0.0262 ] [Lp] = 205.3 dB. The transponder is operated with 1 dB output backoff, so the output power is 1 dB below the saturated power. Psat = 80 W [Psat ] = 19 dBW = C/f = 3*108 / 11.45 GHz = 0.00262m

[Pt] = [Ptsat ] [Bo]0 = 19-1= 18 dBW. Downlink power budget: Pt = Satellite transponder o/p power Gt = Satellite antenna gain Gr = ES antenna gain [Lp] = path loss Lpt = E/s on -3 dB contour of sat antenna -3 dB Lm = other losses = 0.2 + 0.5 = 0.7 dB. Miscellaneous loss Absorption in atmosphere Pr = Received power at transponder. [Pr] = [Pt] + [Gt] + [Gr] [Lp] + [Lm] +Lpt [Pr] = 18 + [Gr] + 31 205.3 0.7 -3 [Pr] = [Gr] 160 [Gr] = [Pr] + 160 = -113.5 (From(2)) [Gr] = 46.5 dB= 44668.3 Diameter Gr = (D/ )2 x e D2 = Gr 2 / 62 * e = 44668.3*0.02622 / 2 * 0.65 D = 2.18m Diameter of the receiving antenna. Rain effects at Ku-band. 1) Uplink. Under conditions of heavy rain, the Ku-band path to the satellite station suffers an attenuation of 6dB for 0.01% of the year. The (C/N)up = 30 dB in clear air. If we assume a linear characteristic transponder, then [C/N] [C/N]upca - [A] rain [C/N] uprain = 30-6 = 24 dB. The overall [C/N] also falls by 6 dB, [C/N]0rain = 17-6 11dB But this is grater than the min C/N of 9.5 dB Additional margin is 1.5 dB. Total margin available on uplink is 1.5 + 6 = 7.5 dB 2) Downlink: The 11.45 GHz path between the satellite & receive station suffrs rain attenuation of 5 dB for 0.01% of the year. The sky noise temperature because of rain fall is,
up rain

18 dBW 31 dB [Gr] dB 205.3 dB

D = 2.18m

Tskyrain = T0 (1- Gl) Gl< 1 Total attenuation = [A]absorption + [A] rain [A] = 0.5 + 5.0 = 5.5 dB. Gl = 1/100.55 = 0.282. Tsky rain = 270 (1-0.282) = 194K = TA = Tin . Thus, the antenna noise temperature has increased from 30K in clear air to 194k in rain. Ts rain = Ts sky + TLNA = Tin + TRF Ts rain = 194 + 110 = 304k 24.8 dBk. The increase in noise power, [N]rain 10 log (Ts rain/Ts ca) [N] rain = 10 log (304/140) = 3.4 dB [C/N]dn rain = [C/N]ca dn [A]rain [N] rain = 17.2 5- 3.4 [C/N] dn rain = 8.8 dB = 7.585 W.K.T Tsca = Tin + TRF = 30 + 110 140k

which is less than the min (C/N) i.e., 9.5 dB. So, we will find the max tolerable attenuation, (trials error method) Let [A] rain be equal to 4.7 dB. Tskyrain = 178k, N rain = 10 log (178+110/ 140) = 3.1 dB (C/N)dn rain = 9.36 9.4 dB (almost equal to C/N min 9.5 dB) 1. An LNA is conducted rain receiver F= 12 dB = 15.85. Tn = T =T0 (F-1) = 290(15.85-1) = 4306k (receiver) Ts (or) GLNA, Ts= TRF + Tn/GRF Ts = 120 + 4306/104 = 120.43K. 2. A parabolic dish antenna having a mouth diameter of 20m & an aperture efficiency of 90% produces a radiated beam with a solid angel of 3*10-4 steradians. Determine the antennas power gain in dB, & also the operational frequency. Beam solid angle = = 3*10-4 steriadians.

Operational frequency, f= c/ = 3*108 /0.291 = 1.03 GHz The following fig shows a cascaded arrangement of three gain blocks. It is given that G1= 106 & its noise temperature Te1 = 100k, G2 = 104 Te2

60k, G3 100 & Te3 = 20k. Determine the equivalent noise temperature of the cascaded

arrangement. Tc

Te = Te + Te2 / G1 + Te3 /G1 G2 Te = 100 + 60/106 + 20/106 *104 Te 100k. The following fig shows the cascaded arrangement of four gain 5lods with their gain & noise figures as G1 = 100, F1 = 2, G2 = 10, F2 = 10, G3 = 10, F3 = 1, G4 = 10, F4 = 20. Determine the noise figure of the cascaded arrangement. The overall noise figure, F= F1 + (F2 -1/G1) + (F3 -1/G1 G2) + (F4 -1/G1 G2 G3) F = 2 + (10-1/100) + 100 (15-1)/100*10 + 20-1/100*10*10 F = 2.1059 = 3.2 dB. 5) The following fig shows the reciver side of satellite earth station. Determine the earth station system noise temperature & (G/T) referred to the i/p of the low noise amplifier. To = 290k. TA = 60k Gr = 66dB Waveguide LNA L- 1.075 10,000k. Ts = (TA * Gl) + Tp (1 Gl ) + TLNA + Tm/GLNA Ts = 160.01 + 76.04 = 236.05K. At LNA i/p Ts = Ts LNA /Gl = 236.05/0.93 = 253.75 k (or w/g i/p) Antenna gain referred to LNA i/p is, G = 66 0.3 = 65.7 dB Gl = 1/1.075 = 0.93 = (60*0.93) + 290 (1 0.93) + 160 + 10,000/ 106 Mixer 160k,106

(loss in wave guide) [G/T] = 65.7 [10 log 236.05] = 65.7 23.73 [G/T] = 41.97 dB/K. referred to LNA i/p.

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