The Efficient Market Theory and Evidence - Implications For Active Investment Management

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Foundations and Trends R in Finance Vol. 5, No. 3 (2010) 157242 c 2011 A. Ang, W. N. Goetzmann and S. M. Schaefer DOI: 10.


The Ecient Market Theory and Evidence: Implications for Active Investment Management
Andrew Ang1 , William N. Goetzmann2 and Stephen M. Schaefer3
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Ann F. Kaplan Professor of Business, Columbia Business School, USA, [email protected] Edwin J. Beinecke Professor of Finance and Management Studies, Yale School of Management, USA, [email protected] Professor of Finance, London Business School, UK, [email protected]

The Ecient Market Hypothesis (EMH) asserts that, at all times, the price of a security reects all available information about its fundamental value. The implication of the EMH for investors is that, to the extent that speculative trading is costly, speculation must be a losers game. Hence, under the EMH, a passive strategy is bound eventually to beat a strategy that uses active management, where active management is characterized as trading that seeks to exploit mispriced assets relative to a risk-adjusted benchmark. The EMH has been rened over the past several decades to reect the realism of the marketplace, including costly information, transactions costs, nancing, agency costs, and other real-world frictions. The most recent expressions of the EMH thus allow a role for arbitrageurs in the market

who may prot from their comparative advantages. These advantages may include specialized knowledge, lower trading costs, low management fees or agency costs, and a nancing structure that allows the arbitrageur to undertake trades with long verication periods. The actions of these arbitrageurs cause liquid securities markets to be generally fairly ecient with respect to information, despite some notable anomalies.

159 All modern investors are faced with the fundamental decision to use a passive management strategy, an active management strategy, or a combination of the two approaches. A passive management strategy is also known as indexing. Indexed assets are invested according to a pre-determined set of rules that seek to replicate the performance of an index of pooled securities whose positive historical performance and risk characteristics have been studied, and are known to match the goals of the investor. Passive indexation started in the late 1970s and grew very popular in the 1980s because of a theory prevalent in nancial economics through most of the second half of the twentieth century the Ecient Market Hypothesis [EMH]. In simple terms, the ecient market theory asserts that, at all times, the price of a security reects all available information about its fundamental value. A consequence of the theory is that, if true, it is impossible for an investment manager and hence the clients of the manager to consistently beat the market. The underlying principle driving the EMH is elegant and intuitive. In a large, active marketplace for publicly traded securities, vigorous competition among scores of investors will drive speculative prots to zero. The implication of the EMH for investors is that, to the extent that speculative trading is costly, speculation must be a losers game. Hence, an indexing strategy is bound to eventually beat a strategy that uses active management; where active management is characterized as trading that seeks to exploit mispriced assets. In the world of the EMH, there are no mispriced assets because the invisible hand of the marketplace moves faster than any single agent. We review the extensive theoretical and empirical literature on the EMH. The academic literature on the EMH is vast. While a complete history of its theoretical development is intellectually interesting, we base our review on the implications of the EMH for the practice of active investment management. We begin with a brief discussion of current ecient market theory. Following this theoretical foundation we discuss the recent empirical evidence on eciency as it pertains to a range of dierent markets not simply the large, liquid public securities markets but also the private capital markets.

160 Our review of the empirical tests of the EMH is divided into two parts: tests on prices and tests on investment managers and institutions. Tests of the theory using past price behavior in the stock and bond markets have occasionally produced evidence contrary to the null hypothesis of eciency, suggesting that the EMH may not hold for all markets and all times. The logical foundation for these tests is a pricing model that represents the fair price of a security in terms of its exposure to a set of common risk factors. The simplest of these models is the Capital Asset Pricing Model [CAPM], and the most commonly used in recent times is a multi-factor model derived from the Arbitrage Pricing Theory [APT]. The APT holds that the investor will be compensated by higher returns for accepting the risk implied by exposure to these factors. Both the CAPM and the APT stress the important role that risk factors play in determining the expected future return of investment in an asset. Tests of the EMH in this framework are implicitly joint tests of the pricing model and market eciency, however. Much recent debate has focused on whether such violations should be interpreted as ineciency, or simply the inability of researchers to correctly identify and specify the risk factors relevant to the market. If the benchmark is solely a market-weighted portfolio consisting of all traded securities, then active management (dened as deviations from these market weights) may be useful in accessing factor risk premiums which are not captured by market exposure. In the context of the APT this could also be interpreted as passive exposure to additional risk factors. Theory and empirical evidence suggests that investors are compensated for taking systematic risks such as investing in value stocks vs. growth stocks and volatility risk over the long term. In the presence of these multiple systematic risk factors, empirical tests overwhelmingly reject that the market portfolio is ecient and other static or time-varying combinations of assets result in higher rewardto-risk ratios. The back-tests of trading strategies seeking pure alpha have suggested a wide array of potentially protable investments. However, for a number of reasons these provide limited guidance to investors. They represent simulated (not actual) returns and do not account for

161 actual transactions costs, fees, and price impact. They also suer from potential data-mining biases. Changing market conditions, including time-varying arbitrage activity, make it dicult to extrapolate future performance. Finally, many anomalies are not scalable and cannot be implemented in large position sizes. The second part of the review on empirical tests of the EMH focuses on returns generated by active managers and institutions. Recent theory and empirical evidence suggests that some fund managers may have talent and out-perform market benchmarks before fees. However, the evidence does not support the conclusion that superior ability lters predictably through to the ultimate investors in those funds. In the mutual fund industry, after-fee returns and alphas are, on average, zero or negative. While the average mutual fund typically underperforms a passive portfolio on an after-fee risk-adjusted basis, there is evidence that under certain conditions better managers can be identied. Turning to the non-retail sector, there is some evidence of positive post-fee risk-adjusted returns in hedge funds where highly paid managers actively trade marketable securities. One caveat is that the quality and duration of these data, as well as the changing institutional marketplace for hedge fund services, make it dicult to extrapolate such conclusions to future performance. By contrast, there is little convincing evidence of superior risk-adjusted returns to private equity and venture capital. Although some studies suggest skill persistence, the current data are not conclusive on this point. In the real estate sector there is simply not enough information to evaluate whether managers have added value on a risk-adjusted basis. In other institutional investment sectors, such as large-scale endowments, pension funds and sovereign funds, there is even less evidence about the capability of active management to generate positive riskadjusted returns. Some U.S. endowments performed exceedingly well prior to the recent crisis using alternative investments as the basis for their strategy. It is often noted that a long-horizon perspective allowed these endowments to focus on alternative asset classes. Most research suggests that pension fund managers are not able to identify top managers ex ante and the managers who serve the pension fund sector show little evidence of skill on a risk-adjusted basis. Finally, the few studies

162 of sovereign fund trades in public securities provide evidence that, while stock prices respond positively when a sovereign fund invests, the longterm performance of these investments is not particularly good. In summary, the EMH has been rened over the past several decades to reect information, transactions, nancing and agency costs. Tests of the theory on prices have produced violations suggestive of the potential for active management to add value to a multi-asset portfolio, but nding consistent out-performing active managers is dicult. Since the most recent versions of the EMH emphasize the comparative advantages of specialized arbitrageurs due to better information, skill, lower trading costs, and better access to nancing, the balance between indexation and active management is a choice variable for which the optimum depends on general beliefs about the existence and potential of manager skill, the pricing opportunities aorded within a given market, the time preferences and risk aversion of the investor, and the expertise and incentive contract of the specic manager.

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