Hi-Point JH 45acp (Old Style)

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Shown in “Sale” Postion MODEL JH 45 ACP ALL FIREARMS ARE DANGEROUS, PLEASE BE CAREFUL We strongly advise that you familiasize yourself with all the mechanisms of this gun, or any gun, before putting any ammunition into it. We also strongly advise that the yellow safety plug we provide be Kept in the chamber during transportation or storage of this jirearm. A new plug will be provided free of charge upon request. ‘We provide reasonable care in the manufacture of this pistol, but assume no responsibility for its care, handling and use, CAUTION For your safety, and that of others, we strongly recommend that you do not store, carry orliandle this, orany other fireartn ‘with a cartridge in the barrel until you are ready to shoot. A. cttridge from the Magazine supply can be placed in the bat= rel, ready to shoot, in about the same length of time as required to move the Safety Slide from the “Safe” (S) position to the “Fire” position Magazine capacity is seven cartridges, BE CAREFUL! CAUTIONS: ALWAYS heridle yous pistol as iP it were loa, wo that yous never fire itascidemally when you thnk iis unloaded NEVER point your pistol at anything you do not inend to shoot so if it injury, death or damage 1 property will be preven Fires uosidesval NEVER take anyone's word tha a gun is unloades; check for yourselt ‘with fingers off ihe tigger and gum pointed in sale dieetion, «0 that ‘you never fre the gun aeeidentlly when you think it is unloaded, ALWAYS be sure Darel and aetion ave clear of obsiructions. Clean a Fouled pistol mmectately so that it will function coerectly and safely. NEVER squeeze the trigger or pat your finger inthe trigger guard until you ee aiming at target and ready to shoot. This will pevent you from firing the pisol when itis pointing in an unsafe diression NEVER pat your Finger on the triggor while cocking. (See “Loading the Pistol") ALWAYS he absolutely sure of your target and the area behind it etore ‘you scuesze the trigger. A blll could (revel through er past your target {up © 1-1/2 miles. if in doubt, don’t shoot NEVER leave a joes pistol unalierded Scmeore, especialy 2 chil, may fire it znd eaus injory, death or damage to propery NEVER use your pistol it fails to function properly, and never force a jununed acticn, as round may explode causing serious injury, possible ‘eal or Severe damage to your pistol NEVER leave your pistol cooked, rsady 10 firo, «6 this condition is ous, and the pistol could casily be accidentally ‘ischarged, causing injury, death o- damage to property NEVER leave the magezine poctilly in tho handle, The magavine aoald either be compltely insorto in the handle, with the magazine in irs proper position or completcly cemoved. HI-POINT FIREARMS MODELJHL45 ACP STOP! YOU MUST READ INSTRUCTION SHEET Always keep iLwith the pistol. If you lend. the instuction sh With i You can get a fice instruction sheet fiom: HI-Poine Firearms, Haskell Manufaciuring Ine, 585 East blue Lick Rose, Lima, Ohig. 45801, (419) 225.8207. vs or sll this piso be suse GRT INSTRUCTIONS FROM A COMPETENT FIREARM INSTRUCTOR BEFORE USING ANY GUN. STATEMENT OF LIMITED WARRANTY i fron dal Model JH45 ACP is wavrantl tothe orginal retail eustomer for life original purchase wins defects in material andlor workmanship. All parts snd Il covered oF of rephicement, at our option, are Trenspoctation to and from repnir facilities, damage eaused by failure to perforin normal maintenance, sales ouside the Unived Stas amaze dc 1 he use oF high pressure, reloaded oy othes nonstandar arimunition, any tnaathorizad repair, modifiation, misuse, abuse, o7 alteration of the veduct is not covered by this Limited Warranty Any implied warranties, including the implied warranties of nerchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are lined 10 one year fom cle of original retail purchase. Consequential or incigena ‘damages ce expeates, or any ther expensos are not covered by this TO OBTAIN SERVICE UNDER WARRANTY Send your Firearm to us via Priority Mail or UPS along with a photocopy bof your proof of retail purchase: Meigh charges prepaid. Be sure to include a s ts 16 the reason for return and make sure to include your vomplete return stsstaccress, Ship your product to the following address: HE-Point Firearms, Haskell Manufacturing Ine, $85 Bast ‘Ohio 45801 FORMATION CONCERNING SHIPPING THROUGH THE US. MAIL AND UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, CALS. 419-747-9444, FOR BEST RESULTS USE JACKETED AMMUNITION PARTS LIST FOR MODEL JH 45 ACP L. Ejection Pin Recoil Spring 2. Ejection Key Trigger Pin 3. Ejection Spring Trigger Assembly 4. Slide Grip Seren (2) 3. Finng Pin Grp (2) 6. Firing Pin Spring Magazine Catch 7. Slide Retain Magazine Catch Spring 8. Slide Retainer Pin Magazine Assembly 9. Sear Spring 22) Coumterweight Hold Pin 10. Sear Cam 2, 11, Scar Assembly 24. 12, Safety eB 13. Frame 26 2k Spring, Contact your local dealer for parts inquiry To order exira magazines, send a $15 money onder (includes shipping & handling) per magazine to: Haskell Manufacturing Inc., 585 Fast Blue Lick Road, Lima, Ohio 45801. Prices available upon request. Changes in design may occur m time {0 time. Always specify tne serial number of your pistol with your inquiry 5 6 ieee ee 2 wevemang / bo Salety/Slide Lock is Insstod ot top of left grip. Sliding safety lover upward, into side notch engages safety, exposes lever (5) on etip al places pisol ia "SAFE" positon Siding safety te position. + down, out of slide noteh, places pistol in “Fring Slide ean be locked opea by moving slide ty reurmost position and st this time pushing safety lever up ino the notch in the slide, Breceh, chamber tnd bare] inspection ow elcaning is easily perfoned in tis postion, Safety Bs engaged nly when lever is up in the slide notch, when lever is (out oF note, Pst isn “Firing” position. LOADING THE PISTOL: Aer lading your Magarine, inser it into the bottom of the bande and push it into the pistol as far as pesibl, When fully insemed, the Magazine Catch will heok over the botiera of the Magazine and hold it in ts proper position, Take the pistol In one eau with a finn grip, making sure your fingers are net tonching the trigger, Point your pistol in # safe direetion and with your piher hand firmly grasp the serrated portion of the Sle and pull es fr rearward 2s it will go, RELEASE THE SLIDE FROM ITS REARMOST POSITION ALLOWING IT TO GO FORWARD ON ITS OWN ACCORD. This prcwsslue places the first eartridge ino the ehaniber and the gun is ready for firing. Subsequent feeding and ejection apextiens ae ponformed auvoratically until dhe pistol is empty CAUTION: UNLOAD YOUR PISTOL IF YOU DO NOT INTEND TO SHOOT IMMEDIATELY! UNLOADING WITHOUT FIRING: Always point your piste in « safe direction before attempting to unload it, To unlood unfired ‘cuties, moye the Masazine Cateh rearvad until the Nagazine can be ple fiom ihe piscl. AFTER THE MAGAZINE IS REMOVED, PULL THE SLIDE TO THE REAR TO REMOVE THE CARTRIDGE FROM THE BARREL CHAMBER. As «safety precoution alwass oleck the Baavel chember visually by halding the ‘STide back and looting ino the Slide, Charnber and Mo DISASSEMBLY Pistol must be uniealed to petfvin disassembly. Move slide to reatmnos positon, Allow slide w move forward [78 inch, exposing slide retainer pin, USing a 1/8 pin pc, emove retainer pin inna taeme. Lil side Up Unt i stops. Hold rear of slits up and pash forward this removes Slide assembly from fame. Reassomble by reversing disassembly procedare ALL FIREARMS ARE DANG PLEASE BE CAREFUL Ou ATTENTION ‘Ths handgun is essed by the ATF Divsion othe Inienal Revenus Service, U'S. Treasury Dept as & firearm ar cangateue weapon ard is roiaased ty Hioint Firearms, Haskoll Manufacturing Ine. wth the express urderstanding thai HLPoint Flteacme, Haskell Manutscturing Ine. Is noi respansine and assumes no liaaiy in ary manner whatsoever for inury, ceaih, or damage '0 praparty resuling inom azher intenonal cr accldania! acenarge o this nandgun, cr from fs ‘uncon when used fer unoses or subjeced to treatment for which il was nat designed. HPoint Firearms, Haskell Manufacturing Ine wil not hener aims inveving this firearm which result fom any or combination ot any of tha folawing A) Improper caraiass or uneats handing ) Use of ha wrong cater armmuntion 5) Use of amruntion oinarthan anginal righ qualty commercally manufactured ammunition n geod eareston. 1) Unauinores acjustments, repairs or alterations ®) Corosion 0: neglact, 1) Omar irtliances beyond cur direct anc immediate corte Hi-Point Firearms, Haskell Nanutacturing ine. wll ot nano: any clam \anatsoever by seccnd er any sunsequent owner o his frearm H-Point Firearms, HasellNanutacturing nc. wilrict ne hele eb fx ‘any injury oF damages to ary person resulting irom the use of this trearra for ery puronse, Inludhig ol defense, ple actly. nung dangerous ‘game, or compat Ths statement of fbilty supersedes ary omer statement of aot whether exptessed or imple HLPOINT FIREARMS 585 East Elue Lick Road LeoanUracTuANe. iyo. Lme,Cho 45601 MANUFACTURING. NC. “1440) 295-0907 pyr Courtemerht Pivot Pin Voor veessembl sivas place sea bloc Sine ceuntanvegh pot pn linger seer pin are \— Courtennaight Courtomoiht Held Ein NOTE: Wha insalica sea in, rrp en top af sear pl 'abes the fort of hana am

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