Sandler Countertransference

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Joseph Sandlers Contributions to The Concept of Countertransference

G L E N O . G A B B A R D , M.D.

A few months before Joe Sandlers death, he participated in an American Psychoanalytic Association panel that focused on the Controversial Discussions that occurred in the British Psychoanalytic Society from 1941 to 1945. Our plan was to revisit the controversies in the context of British psychoanalysis some 50 years later. As we designed the panel, I suggested that we have one Kleinian panelist, one contemporary Freudian panelist, and a third panelist representing the Independents.


panel and responded that it might be difficult to find prominent representatives of those three groups who disagreed with one another. He quipped that we were likely to find more disagreement among members of the same group than we would from analysts across groups. He went on to say that a good deal of cross-fertilization had occurred in the past half-century. Sandler observed that listening for some time to papers from the three British Society groups and living next door to Betty Joseph for many years had undoubtedly influenced his current views of theory and practice.

Glen O. Gabbard, M.D. is Brown Foundation Chair of Psychoanalysis and Professor of Psychiatry, Baylor College of Medicine; Director of Psychotherapy Education and Director of Baylor Psychiatry Clinic; Training and Supervising Analyst, HoustonGalveston Psychoanalytic Institute. 184



That influence takes many forms when one examines the monumental work of this towering figure in psychoanalysis. However, I focus here on the development of Sandlers view of countertransference and how it evolved in the context of his own culturethat is, the three groups of the British Psychoanalytic Society. Sandler was a bridge builder who brought disparate ideas together through creative synthetic work. Not only did he build bridges between the contemporary Freudians and the other groups of the British Society, but he also was instrumental in bringing about a rapprochement between American ego psychology, Kleinian thought, and the British School of object relations theory. Finally, in an era of wide agreement that psychoanalysis is both a one-person and a two-person psychology, Sandler was a pivotal figure in integrating those two perspectives.

Early Views of Countertransference Of course, the narrow Freudian view of countertransference is that it interferes with analytic work. In essence, Freud regarded it as the analysts transference to the patient. The construct was not viewed as positive or useful until the arrival of Paula Heimanns (1950) classic paper in which she made clear for the first time that the analysts reaction might actually be a useful clue to what was happening inside the patient. Melanie Klein did not regard Heimanns broadening of the concept of countertransference as particularly auspicious (Spillius, 1992). She worried that Heimanns perspective might allow analysts to blame their patients for countertransference problems. In her view, if the analyst was sufficiently influenced by the patients behavior to create a countertransference response, this reaction was best understood in the narrow Freudian sense and clearly implied that the analyst required further analysis to understand the response. While it is true that in Kleins (1946, 1955) initial papers on projective identification she referred to projective contents as going into rather than onto the targeted object, she did not emphasize that this preposition implied a change in the external object as an integral part of projective identification (Spillius, 1992). The notion that there might be an interpersonal dimension of projective identification was made explicit by a small group of British



analysts in the 1950s who were influenced by Klein but extended her work further. Along with Rosenfeld (1952) and Money-Kyrle (1956), Bion (1955, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1962a, b, 1970) led the way to a more contemporary view of projective identification as involving an alteration in the targeted object. Drawing from the containercontained model, Bion emphasized that in the analytic dyad, the analyst actually feels coerced by the patient into playing a role projected by the patient as part of the patients fantasy. Contemporary Kleinian analysts accept the notion that the analysts feelings may reflect the patients attempts to evoke feelings in the analyst that they cannot tolerate themselves. Joseph (1989) noted that patients often nudge the analyst to behave in a manner that directly corresponds to what the patient is projecting. She even suggests that optimally the analyst must allow herself to respond to those pressures from the patient in an attenuated way because it enables the analyst to become consciously aware of the projected contents and interpret what is happening to the patient. Spillius (1992) shares the view that the analyst is always influenced to some degree by what the patient is projecting. This trend was further reinforced by developments on the other side of the Atlantic, from both North and South America. Racker (1968) suggested that the analysts reactions can be divided into complementary and concordant countertransferences. The former involve the analysts identification with the projectively disavowed internal object of the patient. Racker regarded this type of identification as an instance in which the analysts own conflicts were activated by the patients projections. In concordant countertransferences, the analyst identifies with a self-representation within the patientan empathic link between patient and analyst. Grinberg (1979) further distinguished countertransference by coining the term projective counteridentification. In this variation, the analyst introjects an affective state associated with the patients object representation that comes almost entirely from the patient. He contrasted this with Rackers complementary countertransference reaction, which was regarded as a function of the patients projection, corresponding with certain aspects of the analysts own unconscious conflicts. Meanwhile, in North America, Ogden (1979, 1982) elaborated on Bions view of projective identification by postulating three steps



inherent in the process: (1) an aspect of the self is projectively disavowed by unconsciously placing it in someone else; (2) the projector exerts interpersonal pressure that coerces the other person to experience or unconsciously identify with that which has been projected; and (3) the recipient of the projection (in the analytic situation) processes and contains the projection, leading to reintrojection by the patient in a modified form. Ogden (1992) subsequently emphasized that these three steps should not be construed literally as a linear sequence. These related aspects of projective identification create a dialectic in which the patient and analyst enter into a relationship in which they are simultaneously separate but also at one with each other. This dialectic of inner penetration of two subjectivities creates a unique third subjectivity.

Role Responsiveness When Sandler (1976) published his seminal paper on role responsiveness, he was in the midst of reconsidering the psychoanalytic psychology of object relationships. He felt that the classic view of transference as a displacement of the patients libidinal or aggressive energic cathexis from a past object to the person of the analyst was an inadequate and archaic explanation of what happens in the analytic setting. Sandler viewed the expression of unconscious wishes as occurring in the context of fantasies involving the self and an object in an interaction where each is assigned a particular role. He felt that transference attempted to actualize these role relationships and the relationship between the analyst and patient. In this model, the patient would prod the analyst into behaving in ways that conformed to the internal role relationship. In the course of an analysis, then, a series of role relationships would emerge in which the patient cast herself in one role while casting the analyst in a complementary role. In keeping with this conceptual model of the analytic encounter, Sandler (1976) emphasized that free-floating attention is only a partial account of the analysts frame of mind. He suggested that freefloating responsiveness was of equal importance. Part of the useful countertransference, in Sandlers view, was the analysts overt attitudes, behaviors, and reactions as he responded naturally to the prodding of the patient. In this sense, he departed from the narrow



Freudian construction of countertransference as a phenomenon that reflected only the analysts past and unresolved difficulties: However, I want to suggest that very often the irrational response of the analyst, which his professional conscience leads him to see entirely as a blind spot of his own, may sometimes be usefully regarded as a compromise formation between his own tendencies and his reflexive acceptance of the role which the patient is forcing on him [Sandler, 1976, p. 46]. Concerned that he might be misconstrued as going further than he intended, Sandler (1976) also stated that he was categorically opposed to the idea that all feelings in the analyst can be attributed to what the patient has induced or imposed on the analyst. To distance himself a bit from his Kleinian colleagues, he also argued that the complicated system of unconscious cues involved in these interactions were not adequately explained by projective identification or the notion of putting parts of oneself into the analyst. On the other hand, anticipating much of our contemporary view of countertransference, he noted that certain aspects of the analyst role-responsive countertransference might need to be carried into action before the analyst was aware of the role in which he had been cast.

Character and Countertransference Five years after his paper on role responsiveness, Sandler (1981) made a highly creative contribution to the psychoanalytic understanding of character. Up to this point, character was primarily regarded as a defensive mastery of childhood instinctual conflict, largely influenced by the contributions of Wilhelm Reich (1933). In a continued expansion of his theory of internal object relationships, Sandler suggested that limiting the view of character to instinctual conflicts and a repertoire of defense mechanisms failed to take into account the interactional aspects of character. Using countertransference as a starting point, Sandler regarded at least some personality traits as evocative in the sense that they are designed to actualize responses in others that reflect an unconscious fantasy involving a wished-for role relationship. He referred to this constellation of traits



as character transferences. Some individuals, for example, may behave in an ingratiating way that leaves others feeling manipulated. Another type of character transference involves sadistic behavior designed to elicit masochistic responses in others or vice versa. Sandler reasoned that a child naturally learns how to initiate wishfulfilling responses from others and that these developmental strategies are carried into adulthood. In other words, object-related character traits involve ways of evoking responses from others that fulfill a longed-for mode of relatedness. In keeping with his longstanding theory of motivation, he suggested that the wish-fulfilling aspect went beyond instinctual gratification by also including wished-for safety and affirmation. Sandler also anticipated the contemporary concern about the mechanism by which traumatic childhood relationships are repeated, despite their negative aspects. He emphasized that even distressing and unpleasant relationships may provide affirmation, reassurance, and safety in that they recreate the predictable and familiar environment of childhood. Sandlers notion that character traits involve unconscious techniques for imposing on another person a way of experiencing and behaving has important diagnostic implications. In an era when personality disorders are often diagnosed by checklists in response to direct questions, Sandlers model of character stresses the importance of the clinicians reactions to what the patient does in a diagnostic interview. In other words, part of a patients character is the dance that he or she creates with an interviewer that reveals a wished-for internal object relationship as it becomes externalized in the interpersonal situation (Gabbard, 1997). The role in which the interviewer is placed may be critical to understanding the nature of the patients difficulties in object relations outside the clinical setting. Sandler always stressed, however, that the clinicians response to the enticement to join in the dance may vary from one person to the next. Some clinicians may enact the role that the patient is actualizing. Others may note the attempt to actualize and slough it off. Still others may unconsciously reject the role in which they have been cast. Although I emphasize the bridging function of Sandlers writings in the context of the different groups within the British Society, I think it is also fair to recognize that Sandler acknowledged a debt to Anna Freuds thinking in developing his conceptualization. He once observed, for example, that Anna Freud had introduced a



whole class of what might be called object-related defenses, which involved reversal of roles or some combination of identification and projection (Sandler, 1983, p. 41). Hence, in his view, there was only a small step between object-related defenses and character transferences.

Countertransference and Projective Identification Throughout his writing, Sandler was careful to point out the potential misuse and overgeneralization of Kleins construct of projective identification. He emphasized that projective identification occurred in fantasy and that the parts of the self were put into a fantasy object (i.e., an internal object rather than an external object). Because of this deemphasis on the interactive aspects, Sandler (1987) felt that projective identification (as originally described by Klein) had little connection with countertransference: Transference reflects infantile object relationships . . . and is a fantasy about the analyst which needs to be analyzed. . . . Countertransference, in its turn, is scarcely mentioned, and when it is . . . it is regarded as a hindrance to the analysts technique (p. 17). Sandler was, of course, thoroughly familiar with Bions extension of Kleins original view. He credited Bion with the elaboration of projective identification as an externalization of parts of the selfor of an internal objectdirectly into an external object. While he could accept the idea that projection occurs into an external object, he thought it was stretching the concept to the breaking point when Bion included the analysts containment, detoxification, and return to the patient as part of the definition of projective identification. In his view, the containment of the analyst was a separate phenomenon. One of Sandlers main concerns appears to have been that projective identification had become an all-encompassing term that had lost its specificity. He entitled his 1993 paper, based on his summary at the 38th International Psychoanalytic Congress in Amsterdam that year, On Communication from Patient to Analyst: Not Everything Is Projective Identification. In this essay, he cautioned against the assumption that all subjective experiences that analysts feel during a session have been put into them by the patient. He worried that such a



sweeping generalization would lead to wild countertransference analysis (Sandler, 1993, p. 1104). He felt strongly that projective identification should be regarded as a defense and that what distinguished it was that the projected selfor object representation was thrust upon the external object. He contrasted it with primary identification, which he viewed as a fundamental and automatic mirroring process closely related to analytic empathy. He uses as an example an incident that stayed in his mind some 35 years. He had been walking along a crowded London street when a man in front of him suddenly slipped off the edge of the pavement. Sandler noted that he immediately righted himself as though he were also about to stumble into the street. A direct emotional reaction to the patients material or behavior was not projective identification, in Sandlers view, unless it is unconsciously intended to evoke such a reaction in the analyst (Sandler, 1993, p. 1105). Despite Sandlers efforts to define projective identification in a clinically useful and specific manner, a convergence between his view of role responsiveness and the British Kleinians view of projective identification has occurred over the last decade or so. Spillius (1992) characterized his concept of actualization in the process of role responsiveness as a colloquial term for the same process described by Joseph when she said the patient unconsciously nudges the analyst into behaving in a way that is consistent with what has been projected. Similarly, in the 1999 panel on the Controversial Discussions at the American Psychoanalytic Association meeting that postdated Sandlers death, Britton opined that there is no significant difference between the contemporary usage of projective identification and Sandlers notion of role responsiveness.

Common Ground In my 1995 paper entitled Countertransference: The Emerging Common Ground, I stressed that countertransference has become conceptualized as a joint creation involving contributions from both analyst and analysand, a view that had taken hold among contemporary Freudians, modern Kleinians, relational theorists, and constructivists. To a large extent, Sandler paved the way for this consensus when he spoke



of role responsiveness as a compromise between the analysts psychology and what was induced in the analyst by the patients behavior. In the ensuing years, a number of American ego psychologists followed suit in their emphasis on enactment. McLaughlin (1991) defined enactments as involving defensive interactions between analyst and patient that were experienced by either one as a consequence of the behavior in the other. The link between Sandlers ideas and the concept of enactment is even clearer in Chuseds (1991) definition: Enactments occur when an attempt to actualize a transference fantasy elicits a countertransference reaction (p. 629). Jacobs (1993) observed that what the analyst experiences may provide a valuable source of information about the inner experiences of the patient. Roughton (1993) pointed out that enactment as an actualization of a countertransference response was virtually identical to role responsiveness. He also showed the similarity between that view and the most widely held American view of projective identification, the one based on Odgens (1979) paper. Roughton speculated that perhaps the most fundamental difference in the common usage of the term was that projective identification was typically used to describe more primitive patients, whereas enactment was commonly applied to the more typical neurotically organized analytic patient. Along with this consensus about the joint construction of the countertransference response is the view that enactments and role responsiveness are inevitable in the course of any psychoanalytic treatment. Relational analysts, such as Mitchell (1988) and Aron (1991), have reached similar conclusions. Mitchell noted that the analyst is regarded, at least to some degree, as embedded within the analysands relational matrix. There is no way for the analyst to avoid his assigned roles and configurations within the analysands relational world (p. 292). To be sure, there are still some differences in the way that analysts of different persuasions construe the relative contributions of patient and analyst to countertransference phenomena. Projective identification generally connotes aspects of the patient that have activated certain internal representations or feelings in the analyst in a powerfully coercive way. The countertransference feeling is often experienced as ego alien because the repressed components that have been stimulated in the analyst are unfamiliar or disavowed. When American



ego psychologists write about countertransference enactment, they generally focus more on the contributions from the analysts unconscious conflicts and less on the coercion by the patients projections. Hence, one can postulate a gradient with projective identification on one end, role responsiveness in the middle, and countertransference enactment on the other end with considerable overlap in between (Gabbard, 1995). Looking back on the evolution of Sandlers ideas, one cannot avoid the sense that he brought together a great many analysts of different persuasions. With his solid common sense, his impressive synthetic mind, and his carefully reasoned style of argument, he demonstrated that both a one-person and a two-person psychology are relevant to psychoanalytic theory and practice. He also illustrated convincingly that patients always work to transform the analyst into a transference object that is part of an unconscious wished-for role relationship within the patient. His openness to object relations thinking encouraged other contemporary Freudians and American ego psychologists to broaden their notion of motivation to include wishes that involved objects, not simply instinctual gratification. Certainly, one of Sandlers fundamental contributions to psychoanalysis was his broadening of our understanding of unconscious fantasy. In all of his writing he made it clear that unconscious fantasy included much more than simple derivatives of aggressive and libidinal drives. Wishes for specific types of gratifying relationships between the self and others were always considered an essential part of unconscious fantasy in Sandlers view. Indeed, the drive derivatives were regarded as transformed into a desired interaction with an object. Finally, through his ongoing efforts to understand countertransference, Joseph Sandler was a role model within the British Society for the maintenance of intellectual rigor while also allowing for peaceful coexistence of different theories and cross-fertilization from one theory to another.


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