Subjects Econfin
Subjects Econfin
Subjects Econfin
ECON 1016 MACROECONOMICS 1 AIM Develops a conceptual framework within which the workings of the macroeconomy can be analysed. In order to evaluate usefully the often conflicting predictions of different economists, students require a working knowledge of the inter-relationship between the different sectors of the economy and an ability to approach difficult and often controversial issues with an open and analytical mind. TOPICS Topics include economic methodology, product and labour markets macroeconomic objectives and measurement, Keynesian models fiscal policy, monetary policy, inflation, unemployment and economic growth and international trade and finance. ASSESSMENT Test; Examination ECON 1025 PRICES AND MARKETS AIM Provides students with an understanding of the basic analytical tools needed to understand the working of the microeconomy. Students also undertake some practical work which aims to familiarise them with sources of business data and to develop problem solving abilities with respect to economic problems. TOPICS Topics include industrial market structure models; demand analysis with computer applications; production and cost theory; decision making for the various market structures using marginal analysis; factor markets; market failure; privatisation. ASSESSMENT Test; Examination
LAW 2460 LAW OF INVESTMENT & FINANCIAL MARKETS AIM Offers students a programme of studies in analysing the law pertaining to finance and securities in Singapore. The course provides students with an awareness of aspects of the law of finance and securities as are appropriate to professionals in banking, and other finance related industries. TOPICS In addition, the course includes; banker/ customer relations; securities over real and personal property; and insolvency issues. ASSESSMENT Assignment; Examination
ECON 1035 BUSINESS STATISTICS 1 AIM Aims to help students to become statistically literate in order that they will be able to critically evaluate common business information. Furthermore, this literacy will assist students to formulate their business reports and requirements in statistical terms. TOPICS Emphasis is placed on analysing data and related statistics and undertaking regression and time series analyses. Computer applications are used to highlight various statistical problems and solutions. ASSESSMENT Test; Examination
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ECON 1056 PRICE THEORY (PRE-REQUISITE COURSE: ECON 1025 PRICES & MARKETS) AIM Price Theory is designed to benefit students who wish to gain a broader and deeper understanding of economic concepts and principles and their application to decision making situations in the real world. Students will be taught how to use key economic variables as a problem solving tool for firms and use simple economic models to produce reasonably good predictions of firms market behaviour. A major focus of this course will be on understanding the factors which influence the strategic behaviour of firms and consumers in their respective roles in the product and factor markets, and the assessment of the impact of such behaviour on industry structure and performance. TOPICS Topics include consumer demand theory; pricing and output decisions in competitive markets; market power and strategic behaviour; market failure; pricing of factor inputs in factor markets of varying degrees of competition and decision making in situations of uncertainty and in market with asymmetric information. ASSESSMENT Test; Examination
ECON 1045 MACROECONOMICS 2 (PRE-REQUISITE COURSE: ECON 1016 MACROECONOMICS 1) AIM Develops a framework in which the simultaneous determination of economic aggregates such as output, prices, employment and interest rates can be explained. It provides students with the ability to identify and discuss major schools of economic thought within this framework enabling students to develop the necessary tools to analyse current economic problems and policy positions. TOPICS Topics include the IS-LM model; equilibrium; adjustment and policy effectiveness; aggregate demand; aggregate supply; theories of the trade cycle; Keynes, Monetarists and Post-Keynsians; inflation and unemployment; supply side inflation; open economy macroeconomics and the simultaneous pursuit of internal and external balance. ASSESSMENT Test; Examination
BAFI 1012 BUSINESS FINANCE (PRE-REQUISITE COURSE: ECON 1035 BUSINESS STATISTICS 1 AND ECON1025 PRICES AND MARKETS) AIM Business Finance is an introductory course which has three main aims: firstly, to develop basic skills and knowledge needed to analyse financial decisions; secondly, to demonstrate the practical relevance and applications of financial analysis techniques; thirdly, to introduce students to some of the most significant theories which have been developed in corporate finance over the past four decades. TOPICS Topics include financial decisions and the firms objective; financial mathematics; sources of finance; valuation of securities; valuation of the firm; estimating the cost of capital; project evaluation; portfolio theory and valuation under uncertainty; capital structure theory. ASSESSMENT Test; Examination
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BAFI 1029 RISK MANAGEMENT AIM Introduces students to the concepts of financial risk management. It teaches students how to identify the risk involved in a treasury transaction and how to analyse the problems involved with exposure to movements in interest rates, commodity prices and foreign exchange rates. TOPICS This course examines the major products used to manage financial risk and enables a comparison to be made between the benefits and disadvantages of each of these products. Students develop an understanding of the use of financial Information for decision making and students will learn about the procedures of a treasury transaction from conception to settlement. ASSESSMENT Test; Examination
ECON 1089 INTERNATIONAL TRADE (PRE-REQUISITE COURSE: ECON 1025 PRICES & MARKETS) AIM Acquaints students with the fundamental determinants of the size and pattern of international trade flows. TOPICS The course will initially concentrate on the basis of trade between countries and then explore the case for free trade. In particular the welfare and income distribution consequences will be considered in detail. The rest of the course will then concentrate on arguments for and against intervention in the trade process and look at the various types and extent of intervention that exist. Issues such as the movement towards regional trade blocks will be looked at in detail.
ECON 1085 INTERNATIONAL MONETARY ECONOMICS (PRE-REQUISITE COURSE: ECON 1016 MACROECONOMICS 1) AIM Aims to provide students with an understanding of the principles of open macroeconomies. The aim is to provide students with insights into the concept of external equilibrium and exchange rate determination. This material is then applied to practical problems of exchange rate regimes. TOPICS Topics will include an introduction to external balance; the IS-LM-BP approach; and the choice of exchange rate regime. ASSESSMENT Test; Examination
BAFI 1045 INVESTMENT (PRE-REQUISITE COURSE: BAFI 1012 BUSINESS FINANCE) AIM The aim of this course is to acquaint students with both traditional and modern investment theories and practices. At the conclusion of the course the student should be familiar with current industry practice in this area and have developed an understanding of the theoretical framework supporting investment analysis and portfolio management. TOPICS Examination of, firstly, investment evaluation theories and techniques for a range of financial assets and, secondly, an examination of portfolio management practices. ASSESSMENT Assignment; Test; Examination Last update as at 21/01/2010 Singapore Institute of Management Pte Ltd Page 3
BAFI 2071 INTRODUCTION TO FUTURES & OPTIONS (PRE-REQUISITE COURSE: BAFI 1012 BUSINESS FINANCE) AIM This course is intended to familiarise students with derivative securities, their nature, how they are priced, and how they are used. TOPICS Topics include forward and futures markets; pricing principles; hedging strategies; options markets and pricing principles; option strategies. ASSESSMENT Test; Examination
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