History of Commissioning - NCBC

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that commissioning started being adopted in the 1970s and has increasingly become more widely used over time, with many organizations and utilities playing a role in establishing best practices and programs to advance commissioning.

Some of the early adopters and pioneers of commissioning mentioned include Public Works Canada, Disney, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the ASHRAE HVAC Commissioning Guideline Committee.

Organizations that have played a role in advancing commissioning practices mentioned include ASHRAE, US GSA, DOE, EPA, PG&E, SMUD, LADWP, PECI, BCA, CCC and many state governments and utilities.

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National Conference on Building Commissioning
efficienc persistence performance
Histor of Commissioning
Public Works Canada begins to use Cx in its project delivery system
Disney includes Cx in the design, construction and start-up of Expo Center
University of Wisconsin, Madison begins to offer Cx courses
ASHRAE HVAC Commissioning Guideline Committee formed
Texas LoanStar Program applies monitoring and existing building Cx
ASHRAE publishes HVAC Commiioning Gideline
ASHRAE national convention includes Cx presentation
Montgomery County, Maryland institutes Cx program
University of Michigan establishes facilities evaluation and Cx group
First edition of BPA 's Building Commissioning Guidelines published
Electric utilities begin to require Cx on energy installations
BPA tests Commiioning Gideline on Energy Edge building in Portland, OR
BPA publishes Bilding Commiioning Gideline, Second Ediion
BPA and PECI convene Cx Roundtables
U.S. GSA develops HVAC Fncional Inpecion & Teing Gide
Pacific Energy Center offers its first course on Cx
NEBB develops Cx provider certification program
National Grid (formerly NEES) offers a Cx guide to commercial customers
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers develops Cx guide specification
University of Washington begins to require Cx and develops Cx guide specification
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1st NCBC hosted by SMUD
LADWP launches Cx program
Public Works Canada publishes Project Commissioning Manual
Executive Order 12902 requires a Cx program for federal agencies
Florida Design Initiative introduces eDesign Online to compliment Florida Department of
Management Services Cx program
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers develops HVAC Commiioning Pocede
ASHRAE Cx series offered via Professional Development Seminars
ACEEE Summer Study devotes a full panel of presentations to Cx and O&M
LBNL focus on building performance assurance through metrics, Cx and operations
SMUD offers incentives to owners who develop Cx plans
SCE initiates the Cx Research Study Demonstration
2nd NCBC: Hosted by Florida Design Initiative
ENERGY STAR Building Partnership Program includes Cx
AIA magazine, Architectural Record publishes article on Cx
U.S. EPA & DOE conduct Cx demonstrations of five existing buildings
U.S. GSA publishes Bilding Commiioning Gide, Veion 1
U.S. GSA & Facility Operations Divisions initiates Cx program
Detroit Edison one-day Cx conference draws more than 300 attendees
NW Commissioning Collaborative sponsors regional conference
State of Washington requires Cx
APPA publishes Cx manual and provides training
3rd NCBC: Hosted by Energy Center of Wisconsin
ASHRAE publishes Gideline 1-1996: The HVAC Commiioning Poce
U.S. GSA & FEMP fund development of Model Commissioning Guideline and
EPRI conducts market study of firms providing Cx services
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International Measurement & Verification Protocols recommends Cx in all projects
U.S. DOE /FEMP conducts Cx workshop for federal agency project managers
NW Commissioning Collaborative holds 2nd conference and publishes provider
U.S. GSA & FEMP conduct existing building demonstration in Seattle, WA
State of Tennessee begins existing building Cx program for state buildings
4th NCBC: Hosted by Florida Design Initiative
U.S. DOE /FEMP publishes Model Commiioning Plan and Gide Specificaion
Sprint commissions World Headquarters in Kansas
Sandia National Laboratories issues Cx specification
E Source Tech updates Commiioning Eiing Bilding
Cx articles begin to be published in trade press on a regular basis
NEEA conducts Commissioning Baseline and Market Research Study
Oregon Office of Energy's Commissioning Toolkit becomes available online
Federal RCx demonstration projects are conducted in the Northwest
AIA sponsors Cx workshop at Client Connection Conference
5th NCBC: Hosted by Southern California Edison
U.S. DOE Sponsors National Strategy for Building Commissioning
BCA incorporated as a not-for-profit trade association
USGBC LEED criteria includes Cx
Energy Star Benchmarking Tool and Building Label create new opportunities for Cx
Washington State Board of Education recommends matching funds for Cx of K-12
U.S. DOE /FEMP proposes Cx to be art of federal building renovations
U.S. GSA announces Comprehensive Building Commissioning Program
U.S. DOE Rebuild America publishes Cx guide
MasterSpec begins to integrate Cx specifications
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NEEA funds Commissioning Public buildings Program
Cx workshop at AIA National Convention
Seattle Energy Code incorporates Cx for HVAC and lighting controls
ACEEE/CEE conduct existing building Cx workshop
NIBS conducts workshop on whole building Cx
U.S. GSA Bilding Commiioning Gide becomes Ineagenc Gide fo Fedeal
Cx session at ASHRAE Winter Meeting draws more than 300 attendees
Portland General Electric offers Retrofit Commissioning Program
Public Works Canada revises and expands its Project Commissioning Manual to define
basic and enhanced Cx for various projects types
U.S. DOE produces a film on Cx with Sandia National Labs and holds a simulcast
workshop for DOE sites
6th NCBC: Hosted by Florida Design Initiative
Oak Ridge National Laboratory publishes Pacical Gide fo Commiioning Eiing
State of Tennessee begins New Construction Commissioning Initiative
U.S. GSA conducts a Cx demonstration at its Advanced Workplace Lab
LBNL hosts diagnostician workshop
SMUD offers RCx program
ASERTTI Cx training curriculum is used in seven state workshops
State of Washington adopts Seattle Cx code requirements
ComEd launches Maintenance Operations and Repairs Program (MORES) which
includes RCx, and begins offering Cx as one of its Advisory Services
1st Annual Benner Award presented to Charles Dorgan
7th NCBC: Hosted by Portland General Electric
PG&E publishes Califonia Commiioning Make Chaaceiaion Sd
CCC established as an ad-hoc group to promote Cx in California
PIER High Performance Commercial Building Systems Program includes integrated Cx
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PG&E begins to incorporate Cx into Savings by Design Program
NYSERDA funds Cx market transformation program
ARTI launches research into automated Cx activities
PG&E pilots program for energy efficiency upgrades and RCx of long-term care facilities
BCA develops technical training
ASERTTI develops technical training
GPU Energy holds Cx workshops
Xcel Energy launches recommissioning program for customers in Colorado and
2nd Annual Benner Award presented to Carl N. Lawson
8th NCBC: Hosted by Sprint World Headquarters Cx Team
CERL produces Commissionpedia CD-ROM
Massachusetts code incorporates aspects of Cx
First International Conference on Enhanced Building Operation held in Austin, TX
CEC considers incorporating performance verification into California Energy Code
USGBC begins work on Eiing Bilding Gideline to include Cx
SDG&E funds RCx pilot study
PIER project investigates persistence of Cx
Systems commissioning is included in Washington State Energy Code
State of Hawaii Energy Code includes requirements for systems commissioning
3rd Annual Benner Award presented to Karl Stum
9th NCBC: Hosted by GPU Energy
PIER Program funds development of Functional Testing Guide
AABC publishes the AABC Commiioning Gideline
Energy Design Resources publishes online energy design tools and resources
AABC launches Cx certification program
NYSERDA publishes Cx guideline
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FEMP publishes Conino Commiioning Gidebook for Federal Managers
4th Annual Benner Awards presented to Rick Casault and Emory University
10th NCBC: Hosted by ComEd
SDG&E offers RCx program
PG&E publishes Commissioning Test Protocol Library
CCC develops online library of Cx-related research, articles, brochures and white
5th Annual Benner Award presented to ASHRAE
11th NCBC: Hosted by Southern California Edison
CCC incorporates as a non-profit organization
MBCx Program launched by UC/CSU/IOU Partnership
California Governor's Executive Order S-20-04 includes Cx
BCA launches certification program
LBNL releases The Co-Effeciene of Commiioning, a national study of
commissioning costs and benefits
USGBC introduces LEED-EB and includes a prerequisite for retrocommissioning
6th Annual Benner Award presented to Chad Dorgan
12th NCBC: Hosted by Emory University
California's Energy Efficiency Standards include acceptance testing requirements for
non-residential new construction
ASHRAE publishes Gideline 0-2005: The Commiioning Poce
AABC Commissioning Group (ACG) holds 1st Annual Meeting
ASHRAE begins development of Gideline 1.2: The Commiioning Poce fo
Eiing HVAC&R Sem
Connecticut Light and Power Company initiates RCx pilot program
NEMI publishes a national study of market potential for new building commissioning
7th Annual Benner Award presented to Paul Tseng and NYSERDA
13th NCBC: Hosted by NYSERDA
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California utilities roll out large-scale RCx programs
CCC publishes Commiioning Gide fo Ne and Eiing Bilding
California DGS publishes In-Hoe Commiioning Toolki fo Small Bilding
PIER publishes Specificaion Gide fo Pefomance Monioing Sem
PIER publishes online Fncional Teing and Deign Gide
ASHRAE announces plans for a certification program for Cx and integrated building
ASHRAE Sustainability Roadmap sets organization-wide agenda to lead the
advancement of sustainable building design and operations
8th Annual Benner Awards presented to Mary Ann Piette and USGBC's LEED Green
Building Rating System
14th NCBC: Hosted by Pacific Gas & Electric Company
North Carolina includes commissioning in a bill to increase energy efficiency in state
Massachusetts' LEED -based energy efficiency standards for state buildings require
third-party commissioning for projects greater than 20,000 square feet
CCC publishes RC ToolkiTemplates and Sample Documents
PECI develops A Reocommiioning Gide fo One with funding from the EPA
BCA membership increases more than 30% over 2006 membership
9th Annual Benner Awards presented to Dan Turner and BCA
15th NCBC: Hosted by ComEd and Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation
CCC expands RC Toolki Spreadsheet Tools
USGBC restructures LEED-EB as LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations &
Maintenance, allowing up to 4-points for RCx and 2-points for ongoing commissioning
ComEd launches large-scale commercial building RCx and retrofit initiative
10th Annual Benner Awards presented to Michael English and CCC
16th NCBC: Hosted by Southern California Edison
11th Annual Benner Awards presented to Don Frey
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17th NCBC: Hosted by BetterBricks
12th Annual Benner Award presented to Carl Lundstrom, PE, CCP
18th NCBC: Hosted by ComEd
PECI receives $749K Stimulus Grant to fund the development of curriculum to train
engineers, building auditors and operators in building science and commissioning.
2010 Portland Energ Conservation, Inc. Al l Ri ghts Reserved.

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