Shad Id

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Shadid Chowdhury

Phone: (+46) 70 053 8606 Email: [email protected]

SUMMARY 4+ years of industry experience, worked on performance critical system, served as team lead Interest on scalability, distributed systems, networking protocols & software craftsmanship Familiar with agile development process PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (4+ YEARS) Software Developer Software Developer May 2011Dec 2009- April 2011 R&D Platform Team Klarna AB Seamless Distribution AB Stockholm, Sweden Stockholm, Sweden

Software Engineer Sept 2006 Aug 2008 ReliSource Technologies Ltd Boston, USA Dhaka, Bangladesh

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION MSc in Software Engineering of Distributed Systems Aug 2008 Till Date Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden

BSc in Computer Science with minor in MIS 2002 2006 North South University, Bangladesh


Languages: Java SE, Java EE, C, C++, Erlang/OTP, PHP Scripting Languages: JavaScript, AJAX, HTML, CSS and PERL. Frameworks: GWT, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Mootools, ExtJS, jQuery, JADE, Kompics. IDEs: Eclipse, MyEclipse, NetBean, Visual Studio.Net, Emacs, JBuilder, Borland C++, DreamWeaver RDBMs: MySQL, Mnesia, Oracle, MS SQL Server, Access. Platforms: Linux, Windows Other Tools & Technology: Maven, Ant, MS SharePoint, Crystal Report, Sphinx Search Engine, Opnet, Apache, Tomcat, IIS Server, MS Visio, MS Project, UML, Bugzilla, SVN, Git, RightScale, VMware, SoapUI, JMeter, FreeMarker.


ERS 360 (December, 2009 April, 2011) Seamless Distribution AB Electronic Recharge System (ERS) 360 is a high performance transaction engine facilitates Telecom Operators to manage credit distribution and electronic refill through different channels (SMS, USSD, ATM, Web etc.) with numerous other features. ERS 360 is a mission critical system which is currently deployed by more than 40 different operators across the world. I work in platform development team which is responsible for building and maintaining the core product. My responsibility includes: Participate in solution design from Software Requirement Specification Implement new features and components i.e. ERS Proxy for External Clients, SingleSignOn Solution, Price Engine, Anonymous ID Solution etc. R & D on different tools and technologies Fix bugs Assist Solution, Operation & QA team with different issues Documentation Follows agile development process

In this project, I have worked with a team of highly skilled and experience developers. It also helped me to improve my understanding about software architecture, software design choices, scalability issues & good practices in developing large systems. Working in a complex product is also helping me to boast my confidence as well as technical expertise. Tools/Technologies: J2SE, GWT, MySQL, Eclipse, Ericsson CS, UCIP protocol, Apache CXF, Tomcat, JUnit, EasyMock, Maven, SVN, Continuum, FreeMarker, Bugzilla, JMeter, SoapUI, Sonar, DocBook & Linux Platform. Surrge (October, 2007 August, 2008) ReliSource Technologies Ltd Surrge is a data-intensive e-commerce application to promote music referral network. My contributions to the project are as follows: Client Communication Complete implementation of different features like storefront, site search, members profile and data migration . Wrote complex MySQL stored procedures and queries for complex ranking calculation and data migration Extensive JavaScript coding on front end to make a highly interactive and responsive GUI. Served as Team Lead at later phase & followed Scrum In this project, besides dealing with computational complexity, I familiarized myself good practices of software engineering. I also developed effective team communication skill to resolve dependency issues of related component. Team lead role helped me to work with more responsibility and pressure. Tools/Technologies: J2EE Technologies (Struts, Spring framework), ORM Technologies (Hibernate), JavaScript (MooTools framework), XML, JSON, MySQL, Sphinx search engine, MyEclipse, SmartSVN, Trac, RightScale etc. Covergence (September, 2006 February, 2007) ReliSource Technologies Ltd Covergence is a session border controller used for Scaling, Securing and Controlling VoIP and real-time services based on Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). My responsibilities were following: I was responsible to study and initiate testing in new channels like web service, SNMP, Command Line Interface Study the product and find scope for functional testing via different channels ( Web CMS, Desktop Client, Web Services, SNMP, Command line interface ) Client Communication, Local Dispatcher and overall team monitoring This project helped me to get a better understanding about SIP technologies and real life large scale products. In addition, it also helped to improve my communication skill and ability to juggle between multiple tasks. Tools/Technologies: Java Technologies, WSDL Technologies, Covergence API, MIB browser, Radius server, Notes server, Oracle Server, MS Live Communication Server and Different SIP agents, SmartSVN, Emacs, MS SharePoint. ACADEMIC & PERSONAL PROJECTS SIP Stack implementation to support VoIP calls and auto Answering (May, 2009) As a course project developed a functional auto answering machine. Complete SIP stack has been implemented without using any existing API. Allows user to set his vacation message using a web interface, and the engine converts the text to speech and plays it back to the caller. Technology used: Java Standard Edition Information Search with mobile Agent (December, 2008) I implemented a multi-server multi-agent information system with neighbor and service discovery feature. In this system, a thread-based agent traverses to different server to carry out a task in different hosts where each host can discover and keep track of existing neighbor/service. Technology used: Java Standard Edition (Multicasting, TCP/UDP Socket Communication, Threading, Serialization)

Simulation of Peer to Peer file sharing System using Agents (November, 2008) Implemented a p2p file sharing where agents automatically choose a leader/ coordinator and any agent can work as a seeder and leecher at the same time. This system also implements equilibrium so that it prevents agents from acting selfish. Technology used: JADE platform Decision Support System for Purchasing Apartment (June, 2005 August, 2005) DSS system has a complex model published in excel which computes ranking among available options based on user provided criteria to advise a choice for user. Tools/Technologies used: PHP, Mysql, Excel. Efficient AODV (Adhoc On Demand Vector) Routing Protocol for Wireless Ad-hoc Network (April, 2006 August, 2006) As a thesis project I did research on adhoc routing protocols and redesigned existing AODV routing protocol to improve the performance. My proposed model works efficiently by balancing the signal strength, channel bandwidth and number of nodes required to travel. A Comparison between different Convex hull algorithms (April, 2005 August, 2005) A comparative study between Jarvis march and Graham scan algorithm and performance analysis. On this study, I have gained knowledge about how these algorithms solve convex hull problem and analyzed and compared the performance of these well known convex hull problems.

Network-based Exam System (November, 2003 March, 2004) Network-based exam System is software to automate exam process over a local area network developed by me along with my friend. This software used to allow admin/faculty to make multiple answer questions exam with a user friendly GUI and can set the exam time, duration and target student list. This software also does automatic answer checking and updates student result. Network-based Exam System was selected for Softfair2004 -Dhaka (which exhibits best software developed by university students across the country).
Technology used: Java Standard Edition (Serialization, TCP Socket Communication, Swing), Oracle 9i

LANGUAGE SKILLS English - fluent Bangla - native Swedish - beginner level REFERENCE Reference will be furnished upon request.

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