Walrasian Exercises

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The Walrasian Model and Walrasian Equilibrium

1.1 There are only two goods in the economy and there is no way to produce either good. There

are n individuals, indexed by i = 1, . . . , n. Individual i owns i units of good #1 and i units of x1 x2

i i good #2, and his preference is described by the utility function ui (xi , xi ) = 1 log xi + 2 log xi , 2 1 2 1 i i where xi and xi denote the amounts he consumes of each of the two goods, and where 1 and 2 2 1

are both positive. Let denote the price ratio p1 /p2 . Express the equilibrium price ratio in terms of the parameters ((i , i ))i=1 that describe the economy. x 1.2 Ann and Bob each own 10 bottles of beer. Ann owns 20 bags of peanuts and Bob owns no

peanuts. There are no other people and no other goods in the economy, and no production of either good is possible. Using x to denote bottles of beer and y to denote bags of peanuts, Anns and Bobs preferences are described by the following utility functions:
4 uA (xA , yA ) = xA yA


uB (xB , yB ) = 2xB + yB .

Note that their M RS schedules are M RSA = yA /4xA and M RSB = 2. Determine all Walrasian equilibrium price lists and allocations.


Quantities of the economys only two goods are denoted by x and y; no production is possi-

ble. Anns and Bens preferences are described by the utility functions uA (x, y) = x + y and uB (x, y) = xy.

Ann owns the bundle (0,5) and Ben owns the bundle (30,5). Determine the Walrasian equilibrium price(s) and allocation(s).


There are two goods (quantities x and y) and two people (Al and Bill) in the economy. Al

owns eight units of the x-good and none of the y-good. Bill owns none of the x-good, and three units of the y-good. Their preferences are described by the utility functions uA (xA , yA ) = xA yA and uB (xB , yB ) = yB + log xB .

Determine the competitive equilibrium price(s) and allocation(s).


There are two consumers, Al and Bill, and two goods, the quantities of which are denoted

by x and y. Al and Bill each own 100 units of the Y-good; Al owns 12 units of the X-good and Bill owns 3 units. Their preferences are described by the utility functions uA (xA , yA ) = yA + 60xA 2x2 A and uB (xB , yB ) = yB + 30xB x2 . B

Note that their marginal rates of substitution are M RSA = 60 4xA and M RSB = 30 2xB . (a) Al proposes that he will trade one unit of the X-good to Bill in exchange for some units of the Y-good. Al and Bill turn to you, their economic consultant, to tell them how many units of the Y-good Bill should give to Al in order that this trade make them both strictly better o than they would be if they dont trade. What is your answer? Using marginal rates of substitution, explain how you know your answer will make them both better o. (b) Draw the Edgeworth box diagram, including each persons indierence curve through the initial endowment point. Use dierent scales on the x- and y-axes or your diagram will be very tall and skinny. (c) Determine all Walrasian equilibrium prices and allocations.


The Arrow and Debreu families live next door to one another. Each family has an orange

grove that yields 30 oranges per week, and the Arrows also have an apple orchard that yields 30 apples per week. The two households preferences for oranges (x per week) and apples (y per week) are given by the utility functions
3 uA (xA , yA ) = xA yA


uD (xD , yD ) = 2xD + yD .

The Arrows and Debreus realize they may be able to make both households better o by trading apples for oranges. Determine all Walrasian equilibrium price lists and allocations.


Amy and Bob consume only two goods, quantities of which well denote by x and y. Amy

and Bob have the same preferences, described by the utility function u(x, y) = x + y 1, if x 3x + y 3, if x 1 1.

There are 4 units of the x-good, all owned by Amy, and 6 units of the y-good, all owned by Bob. Draw the Edgeworth box diagram, including each persons indierence curve through the initial endowment point. Determine all Walrasian equilibrium prices and allocations.


There are r girls and r boys, where r is a positive integer. The only two goods are bread and

honey, quantities of which will be denoted by x and y: x denotes loaves of bread and y denotes pints of honey. Neither the girls nor the boys are well endowed: each girl has 8 pints of honey but no bread, and each boy has 8 loaves of bread but no honey. Each girls preference is described by the utility function uG (x, y) = min(ax, y) and each boys by the utility function uB (x, y) = x + y. Determine the Walrasian excess demand function for honey and the Walrasian equilibrium prices and allocations.


There are only two consumers, Amy and Bev, and only two goods, the quantities of which

are denoted by x and y. Amy owns the bundle (4, 5) and Bev owns the bundle (16, 15). Amys and Bevs preferences are described by the utility functions uA (xA , yA ) = log xA + 4 log yA and uB (xB , yB ) = yB + 5 log xB .

Note that the derivatives of their utility functions are uAx =

1 , xA

uAy =

4 , yA

uBx =

5 , xB

uBy = 1.

Determine a Walrasian equilibrium, and verify by direct appeal to the denition that the equilibrium you have identied is indeed an equilibrium.


A consumers preference is described by the utility function u(x, y) = y + log x and her

endowment is denoted by (, ). Determine her oer curve, both analytically and geometrically. x y


There are two goods (quantities denoted by x and y) and two consumers (Ann and Bob).

Ann and Bob each own three units of each good. Anns preferences are described by the relation M RS = y/x (you should be able to give a utility function that describes these preferences), but Bobs preferences are a little more complicated to describe:
1 If y < 2 x, then his indierence curve through (x, y) is horizontal.

If y > 2x, then his indierence curve through (x, y) is vertical. If 1 x < y < 2x, then his M RS is x/y . (Note that this could be described by 2 the utility function u(x, y) = x2 + y 2 in this region.) (a) Determine Bobs oer curve, both geometrically (rst) and then analytically. (Note that Bobs demand is not single-valued at a price ratio of = 1.) (b) Show that there is no price that will clear the markets i.e., there is no Walrasian equilibrium. Do this three ways: by drawing the aggregate oer curve, by drawing both individual oer curves in an Edgeworth box, and by writing the aggregate demand function analytically, and showing that at each price the market fails to clear.


The demand and supply functions for a good are D(p) = + log a p2 and S(p) = ebp .

where each of the parameters a, b, , and are positive. Determine how changes in the parameters will aect the equilibrium price and quantity. What is a natural interpretation of the parameter ?


The demand for a particular good is given by the function D(p) = 20p + 4p2 1 p3 and 6

the supply by S(p) = 4p. An equilibrium price of p = 6 is observed, but then increases. (a) Estimate the change in the equilibrium price if increases by 2. (b) Estimate the change in the equilibrium price if increases by 1 percent. (c) Your answers to (a) and (b) should seem a little odd. What is it that is unusual here? Draw the excess demand function, and show why this unusual result is occurring here. How many equilibria are there in this market? Which of the equilibria have this unusual feature?


The excess demand for a particular good is given by the function E(p) = 3(5+)p+5p2 p3
p ,

for p > 0. For all positive values of , determine how many equilibria there are and determine where p denotes the equilibrium price.


Arnie has ve pints of milk and no cookies. A cookie and a pint of milk are perfect

substitutes to Arnie so long as he has no more than six cookies. He has no desire for more than six cookies: if he had more, he would sell or discard all but six. He always likes more milk. Bert has ten cookies and ve pints of milk. He has no use for cookies if he has cookies, he either sells them or discards them. He too always likes more milk. (a) Provide a utility function that describes Arnies preferences, and draw his indierence curve through the bundle (6, 6). (b) Determine all the Walrasian equilibrium price-lists and allocations. Verify that youve identied all the equilibria.


There are only two consumers, Ann and Bob, and only two goods, the quantities of which

are denoted by x and y. Ann owns the bundle (15, 25) and Bob owns the bundle (15, 0). Anns and Bobs preferences are described by the utility functions uA (xA , yA ) = 6 log xA + log yA (a) Determine each consumers demand function. (b) Determine a Walrasian equilibrium price-list and allocation. (c) Depict the equilibrium in an Edgeworth box diagram. and uB (xB , yB ) = yB + 30 log xB .

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