FCE Paper 3 Use of English: Part 1 Multiple Choice Cloze

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FCE Paper 3 Use of English

Part 1 Multiple choice cloze

For questions 115, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C, or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0). Example: 0 Amanage B succeed C try D want

Scientists in the United States have found that hibernating bears (0) ___________ to keep fit in their sleep. The (1) ___________ that over 130 days of winter hibernation bears (2) ___________ only a quarter of their muscle power was made by (3) ___________ from the University of Wyoming. The scientists (4) ___________samples from black bears at the start and finish of the hibernation. The researchers had to (5) ___________attach devices to the bears and this meant (6) ___________ into the caves (7) ___________ the autumn and spring. They attached a machine to the bears legs for (8) ___________ muscle strength. The device was (9) ___________ to a computer and very small electric (10) ___________ were sent to the bears nerves causing the legs to move suddenly and the measurement was then taken. The scientists are (11) ___________ that their research will enable them to help humans that are confined (12) ___________ bed for a long time. Human beings that are (13) ___________ for 130 days lose a/an (14) ___________ 90% of their body strength. Furthermore, in the future there might be long-distance space (15) ___________ and the effects of lack of muscle movement will need to be considered. 1 A discovery B invention 2 A waste B lose 3 A investigators B detectives 4 A made B took 5 A accurately B steadily 6 A climbing B running 7 A at B in 8 A measuring B guessing 9 A stuck B tied 10 A wires B messages 11 A optimistic B enthusiastic 12 A to B in 13 A inactive B unenergetic 14 A guessed B estimated 15 A journey B trip C exploration C gain C researchers C did C slowly C creeping C on C adding C transmitted C signals C sympathetic C at C lazy C predicted C voyage D experiment D spend D discoverers D gained D carefully D sliding D over D estimating D connected D shocks D pessimistic D with D unmovable D measured D travel

Test A
Part 2 Open cloze
For questions 1630, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).

The Model T Ford

The age of the car started (0) on the 12th August 1908, when the first Model T Ford rolled off (16) ___________ worlds first assembly line. From the beginning demand was high and orders came in from all (17) ___________ the world. Henry Ford quickly realized that the company (18) ___________ have to expand quickly to meet demand. As a result, he introduced the idea (19) ___________ the mass production line. However, the company still (20) ___________ problems meeting the orders so he (21) ___________ to open another branch in Kansas City. Two years later, the company (22) ___________ producing cars on a moving assembly line. An official history of Ford says In October 1913 mass production (23)

___________ the automobile began. Before this, Ford (24) ___________ only been able to organize men and components in order (25) ___________ improve the efficiency of the Model, but the moving assembly line improved the speed of chassis assembly (26) ___________ 12 hours to only 1 hour 33 minutes. In 1914 Ford (27) ___________ 308,162 cars in his factories, (28) ___________ was more than all the other manufacturers combined. The age of (29) ___________ car had definitely arrived and the car would become the most (30) ___________ means of transport in the 20th century.

Test A
Part 3 Transformations
For questions 3140, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. There is an example at the beginning (0). Example: (0) Id rather you didnt chew gum in the classroom. prefer Id prefer you not to chew gum in the classroom. 31 It really wasnt easy to find a flat in Rome. difficulty I had ______________________________________ a flat in Rome. 32 He said to me, Dont bring the dog again. told He ______________________________________ bring the dog again. 33 There were more accidents last year than this year. as This year, there were not ______________________________________ last year. 34 Despite his inability to speak the language well, he was understood. although He was understood ______________________________________ the language well. 35 Theres very little possibility of his failing the exam. chance There is a good ______________________________________ passing the exam. 36 They only gave him the job because his uncle worked there. given He ______________________________________ the job if his uncle had not worked there. 37 The firemen managed to extinguish the fire quickly. put The fire ______________________________________ by the firemen. 38 Theres little point in travelling if you expect every place to be like home. worth Its ______________________________________ if you expect every place to be like home. 39 Im sure it was John. been It ______________________________________ John. 40 When he was forty he finally got the job he wanted. until It ______________________________________ was forty that he got the job he wanted.

Test A
Part 4 Error correction
For questions 4155, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (3) at the end of the line. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word. There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00). 0 A colleague at work had a small boat in which every weekend 3 00 he used to go for sailing. He invited myself and a friend to go for 41 with him on a sailing trip. We imagined that ourselves sitting on ________ 42 the deck of the boat, near a beach, sunbathing and doing what we ________ 43 wanted. But the reality was much more different. Our friend, who ________ 44 owned it the boat, wanted to do some real sailing and was only ________ 45 happy with at sea. As a result, we were actually at sea most ________ 46 of the time. To make matters the worse our friend spent a lot ________ 47 of the time shouting orders at us. Whatever was the weather ________ 48 we sailed on and on. We did get a tan but not from the sun, ________ 49 it was from the strong winds in which blew cold sea water ________ 50 in our faces all day. We had been imagined a relaxing time ________ 51 doing for nothing but it was not the case. Unfortunately, when ________ 52 we got back to home our friends were very envious and ________ 53 would not believe that we had had such a demanding time. ________ 54 We were considered to be very lucky people indeed and ________ 55 they could not understand why we were complaining about. ________

Part 5 Word formation

For questions 5665, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in each line. There is an example at the beginning (0). Every weekend in Britain thousands of walkers head off into the (0) countryside COUNTRY with the necessary (56) _______________ to enjoy their hiking. One thing they will EQUIP not leave behind because it is considered an absolute (57) _______________ is their Ordnance NECESSARY Survey Map. These maps are (58) _______________ to the hiker as they are VALUE very (59) _______________ , with up-to-date details about every part of the country. INFORM The Ordnance Survey (60) _______________ in the eighteenth century BEGIN and was (61) _______________ intended to provide the army of the time with ORIGIN maps. Before this, most maps were inaccurate and (62) _______________ . Better maps RELY were thought to be important because the country felt (63) _______________ by invasion THREAT from abroad or (64) _______________ at home. The organization is still wholly owned REBEL by the Government, but it was recently (65) _______________ trading fund status, which GIVE allows it to reinvest any profits.

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