CANCER German Breakthrough

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Dear Friend, The hellish cancer treatments Americans take for granted are now outdated.

The cancer treatments they give you in conventional U.S. hospitals are backward, false, and proven ineffective. Theyre just plain bad science. Having toured 17 cancer clinics in four countries, let me tell you about the astounding cancer breakthrough in Germany... ...a stunning advancement that makes the hellish cancer treatments in America obsolete. Yes, Germanys top cancer doctors have a long track record, proving that drastic surgery, burning radiation, and poisonous chemo are now out of date . Theyve developed a better way. Incredible as it sounds, Germanys top cancer doctors literally cook cancer out of your body while you sleep and you wake up without any bad side effects. Yes, you heard me right: no bad side effects. No hair loss, no vomiting, and no nausea The German cancer cure is turning the worldwide medical community upside down! Patients whip their cancer in Germany and enjoy a new lease on life. They get to spend many more good, healthy years with their loved ones. They get to keep on doing what they love: golf, tennis, hiking, boating, and even martial arts. Yet the American medical establishment hides the amazing German cancer cure from you. Hard to believe? Perhaps. But Im not asking you to believe anything just yet. Keep reading and see the evidence for yourself. All I ask is that you refrain from disbelieving while I show you my proof. In the next five minutes, Ill prove to you that Germanys cancer doctors really have made a breakthrough. Invest those few minutes and judge for yourself, because... It could save your life or the life of someone you love

In fact, in a moment Ill show you a couple of photos that prove the German cancer breakthrough! Youll see how a beautiful lady with a severe case of melanoma (an extremely deadly skin cancer) avoided surgery that would have ruined her looks. Shes been cancer free for over 10 years, and today shes in vibrant health! Its shocking that some American doctors still insist on drastic, disfiguring surgeries such as radical mastectomies. Just as shocking, some American doctors still insist on orchectomies for prostate patients the surgical removal of the testicles! But these crude operations are definitely obsolete according to a German surgeon I interviewed. In fact, the same German surgeon also told me flat out: Doctors give chemo, chemo, chemo, and patients die, die, die. This brilliant surgeon insists its unnecessary to poison patients with massive doses of chemo. He also says the drastic, disfiguring cancer surgeries Americans take for granted are totally unnecessary as unnecessary as those notorious ice pick lobotomies which American doctors were routinely doing as recently as the 1970s! Believe it or not, American doctors in the 1970s routinely treated mental patients by hammering an ordinary kitchen ice pick past the eyeball right through the eye socket into the brain. Then the doctor would twist the ice pick around to scramble the frontal lobe of the patients brain! Im not joking. And this cruel, brutal operation was thought to be good medicine! How actor Jack Nicholson shamed American doctors You may have seen actor Jack Nicholson in his unforgettable role as the victim of a lobotomy in the 1975 film classic One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. This powerful film exposed and discredited lobotomies. Fortunately, American doctors no longer hammer ice picks into the brains of mental patients. Yet American doctors still use many of the same crude cancer operations theyve been using for the last 50 years. During my tour of six German cancer clinics, I found out German doctors have leaped far ahead of American doctors. While still in office, President Reagan got rid of his cancer the German way When President Ronald Reagan got cancer during his presidency, the great German doctor

Hans Nieper, M.D, treated him. It would have been front page news if it hadnt been hushed up at the time. Just imagine if the American public knew a sitting president preferred German cancer treatments! I learned about it from my confidential source in Germany. In addition, Reagans German doctor acknowledged it in an interview. I called the Reagan Library to see if the Library would confirm or deny that Dr. Nieper treated President Reagan in May of 1985. A Reagan Library employee named Jenny responded to my request. She admitted that Reagan was in Germany in May of 1985, but she would neither confirm nor deny that Dr. Nieper treated him. She told me, President Reagans private medical records before, during, and after his presidency are unavailable. In July of 1985, Dr. Nieper flew to America to attend to Reagan in his hospital recovery room, according to my source. Many American cancer patients lose their hair and their vitality. But Reagan kept his famous pompadour hairstyle. He also kept his warm smile and vigorous stride. And after whipping his cancer the German way... Reagan lived for another 19 years He died at age 93, and not from cancer. No wonder so many other celebrities and even European royalty have gone to Germany to get rid of their cancer. Ill name some of these famous people in a moment. But first let me briefly introduce myself. Im Andrew Scholberg, a healthcare consumer advocate and a medical journalist. Im not a doctor. And that gives me an advantage because, as a journalist, Im free to tell you about the alternative treatments your doctor cant tell you about without getting into serious trouble. And thats no exaggeration. Ive interviewed several American doctors whove been hassled by medical boards or the government. One distinguished doctor served 56 days on a road gang like Cool Hand Luke before the governor pardoned him. Health-care freedom in America has all but disappeared Fortunately, as a journalist Im protected by the First Amendment. I can tell you the truth without having to risk persecution from the authorities. Before I learned about the German cancer breakthrough, I saw too many loved ones and friends suffer dreadful cancer treatments and then die anyway, often as not. I dont want to see any more loved ones go through cancer treatment hell. And I dont want you or your loved ones to go through it either.

Ill tell you about the German cancer breakthrough, but its simpler just to show you. Photographic proof: You be the judge of these before and after photos Let me show you photographic proof of the German cancer breakthrough.

A conventional doctor told a 61-year-old woman with facial cancer that drastic surgery was necessary surgery that wouldve disfigured the areas around her ear and eye. She said no. Instead, she sought treatment from a top German surgeon the one I quoted earlier. He was a marvel you dont often see: a surgeon who routinely recommends against cancer surgery. You see, the German surgeon has found a better way to treat cancer. He told me that when this lady first came to him for treatment in May of 1995, the tumor by her ear was ugly and disgusting. Whats more, it would have killed her if she hadnt found effective treatment Take a look at these astonishing before and after photos. As you can see, in the first photo, taken in May, 1995, the angry red tumor looks like some kind of deformed, mutant vegetable. It was horrible. In the second photo, taken just five months later, the tumor is completely gone, though the skin is dark in the area where the tumor was. In the third photo, taken in May, 1996, its difficult to tell that this lady ever had an ugly tumor on her face! Seeing is believing This lady got rid of her cancer without any disfiguring surgery. So she didnt need any reconstructive surgery.

Whats more, she didnt put up with any hair loss or nausea from chemo. She didnt endure scorching doses of radiation. By the way, did you know radiation does PERMANENT damage to your body? You never completely recover from it. Thats why you should at least consider doing what this woman did. Shes still in touch with her German doctor. No wonder! He not only saved her life but also restored her face to its original beauty. Shes doing fine. Youll get the full details about this doctors treatment methods in my new Special Report, German Cancer Breakthrough: A Guide to Top German Clinics. German doctors cook cancer out of your body while you nap! Youre probably wondering how the German doctor whipped this ugly and shocking case of melanoma (skin cancer) without disfiguring the ladys face. The key therapy is a technique that literally cooked the cancer out of her body while she slept. Best of all, this therapy killed the cancer cells throughout the body without harming any healthy cells or the immune system! So she woke up from the therapy feeling good. This incredible German cure is the total opposite of the shotgun-approach chemotherapy American doctors use. American doctors aim to poison the cancer cells with chemo, but highdose chemo also poisons the healthy cells. This poisoning also damages or destroys the immune system the very asset the patient most needs to beat cancer. The results of standard, high-dose chemotherapy are often tragic. In German Cancer Breakthrough: A Guide to Top German Alternative Clinics I fully describe how the German doctors safely cook cancer out of your body while you sleep. The German cancer cure: Cooking cancer cells to death Youd think that a fever of 105 to 107 degrees Fahrenheit would be bad for cancer patients, right? Wrong! Surprisingly, cancer cant take the heat. But your bodys healthy cells can handle a temporary fever just fine. Fever is one of the tools your immune system uses to kill disease. Ironically, it was a German-American doctor in Philadelphia, Peter Busch, M.D., who discovered that fever can cure cancer. He found out by pure chance in 1868, 140 years ago! Yet this effective non-drug cancer treatment

is just about impossible to get in the United States today One of Dr. Buschs patients was a 43-year-old woman with a severe case of sarcoma of the face. He observed that her cancer went away after she suffered a fever of 105 degrees Fahrenheit from a strep infection. It dawned on him that he might be onto a major discovery. And todays German doctors have proved Dr. Busch right. Theyve proved that a fever whether caused by an illness or artificially induced has a devastating effect on cancer. Yet few American doctors today even know about this remarkable treatment that causes no side effects! You have to go to Germany for this breakthrough therapy Cooking cancer cells to death is NOT an experimental therapy. To turn up the heat on cancer, the German doctors use a machine that costs about $250,000. And the German doctors have the skill needed to operate this sophisticated machine. Most important of all, theyve racked up a long track record of success. The fever therapy lasts about six hours, and cancer patients receive the therapy once a week. It not only cooks the tumor to death but also kills cancer cells that have spread elsewhere in the body. You can place total confidence in this valuable information The doctors I interviewed have used this therapy thousands of times with no side effects whatsoever none! So dont let some uninformed American doctor tell you its unproven. Most American oncologists havent studied this therapy at all. They havent read the vast number of papers that have been published on it, or talked (as I have) to patients who beat cancer with it or to their doctors who are acknowledged international experts on this therapy. In short, American doctors who discourage this treatment DONT KNOW WHAT THEYRE TALKING ABOUT! This is a key point: Its not one organ or body part that has cancer. Its the whole body! Conventional surgery and chemotherapy may appear to wipe out a tumor. The doctors who administer these treatments might tell you they got it all! And then, what do you know, a few months or years later the cancer comes roaring back. Surgery usually fails because no surgeon can remove all the cancer cells that may have spread. Why? Because cancer cells too small to detect can be anywhere in the body. Cancer is systemic there are cancer cells throughout a patients body but the fever therapy kills them wherever they are.

Thats one of the reasons German cancer doctors I interviewed are so successful. They employ a state-of-the-art therapy thats more advanced than anything youll find in America. It heals the whole body instead of just tinkering with the obvious signs of this system-wide disease. Its all based on a simple, proven fact: High temperature the kind we all get when we have a fever KILLS cancer cells and leaves healthy cells unharmed. Most mainstream American doctors dont even know about it, and the few who do call it quackery! Here in the U.S., you cant get heat therapy with the German level of experience and expertise. A few American doctors very few use some forms of heat therapy, but the work going on in Germany is far ahead of what you can find here. Whats more, there are several different methods of raising the body temperature. The most scientifically advanced ones arent available in America. For example, the German doctors raise the temperature of the whole body using the $250,000 machine I mentioned earlier. But they have another method that just raises the temperature in one part of the body. Its called deep penetration localized heat therapy and you cant get it in America at all... Thats why you need my new guide to German cancer clinics the first such guide ever published in the English language. My new Special Report tells you the BEST places to go And the cost is amazingly low! Using this unique, cutting edge technology, German doctors concentrate heat in the area around the tumor. For example, the doctor places a special device directly over the breast of a breast cancer patient to heat up that specific area. The patient doesnt get a temporary wholebody fever with this kind of heat therapy. German doctors use radio frequencies (shortwaves), which cause heat to penetrate deep into the body 18 centimeters, about 7 inches. This kind of deep penetration heat therapy is available only in Germany As I saw for myself, the results are amazingly effective. And thats one reason why cancer

patients from all over the world come to Germany. In some countries, clinics use microwaves to heat up the tumor. But microwaves only penetrate the body about five centimeters about two inches. This is far less effective than the deeper penetrating radio frequencies that German doctors use. German-style deep-penetration heat therapy is not available anywhere in the United States. Heat therapy doesnt fit with the American medical establishments model of cut-burnpoison for cancer treatment. Royalty, movie stars, and other celebrities know the German secret One of Germanys most legendary cancer doctors was Hans Nieper, M.D. Im sure youve heard of some of the people who came to him to get rid of their cancer: Princess Caroline of Monaco and President Ronald Reagan, to name just two. Dr. Nieper cured Princess Caroline of breast cancer, and she remains in glowing health to this day. Other celebrities, such as actors William Holden and Anthony Quinn, have gone to Dr. Niepers clinic for cancer. And comedian Red Buttons brought his wife there. Its a remarkable story. Ill tell you the details in a moment. I already mentioned President Ronald Reagans May 1985 trip to Germany for cancer treatment. Reagan chose Germany because of Dr. Niepers reputation as the No. 1 cancer doctor in the world. By the way, something really odd happened around the time of Reagans trip to Dr. Niepers cancer clinic. The National Cancer Institute, part of the American cancer establishment, had published a pamphlet purporting to warn the public about how to recognize a cancer quack. One of the red flags for identifying a quack was: Beware of any doctor who links cancer to diet. But President Reagan had to change his diet after his treatment in Germany for cancer. Dr. Nieper told him it was necessary. And thats when Americas cancer establishment withdrew the ridiculous claim that cancer has nothing to do with diet! I suspect President Reagans experience had something to do with their change of mind. Sadly, Dr. Nieper died in 1998, and his clinic no longer exists. But his priceless health secrets

didnt die with him. The six German clinics I toured are using the cancer breakthrough he helped pioneer and perfect. The movie stars wife who said no to mutilating surgery Dont believe some cancer doctor who predicts, With luck, you might live a year. Those are the exact words a cancer doctor told Alicia Buttons, the wife of comedian and actor Red Buttons. Youve probably seen him in classic movies such as The Poseidon Adventure, Alice in Wonderland, and The Longest Day. Reds wife had an advanced case of one of the most dreaded cancers: oral pharyngeal cancer. In 1975 she said no to surgery that would have disfigured her face and went to Germany instead. Alicia got rid of her cancer with no disfiguring surgery and lived in good health for another 29 years! And Red Buttons went on to become an advocate for health freedom in America. The same information that saved Reds wife from surgical mutilation, miserable treatments, and an early death could save you or a loved one. Get the complete information in my new Special Report German Cancer Breakthrough: A Guide to Top German Alternative Clinics. Celebrity undergoes disfiguring surgery in U.S. Its sad that celebrity film critic Roger Ebert (of Siskel and Ebert and Ebert and Roper) didnt know about the German cancer breakthrough. Ebert suffers from cancer of the salivary glands. The poor man has endured four surgeries that have left him disfigured and unable to speak. If only Id been able to get my Special Report into his hands before he went under the knife! But for you, its not too late. I want to get this report into your hands before you or any of your loved ones have any kind of needless, life-ruining cancer surgery or chemotherapy. Many cancer patients have said theyd rather die than endure one more round of chemo. Other celebrities whove chosen German treatments President Reagan, Princess Caroline of Monaco, and Alicia Buttons arent alone in going to Germany for cancer treatment. Numerous celebrities have benefited from German treatments, including:

Elizabeth Taylor Cher Princess Haja of Jordan Siegfried and Roy Suzanne Somers

Jennifer Lopez (who financed her aunts successful cancer treatment in Germany) Jack Cassidy (the bass player from the Jefferson Airplane rock group) George Hamilton William Holden Anthony Quinn

Suzanne Somers had surgery and radiation in America for her breast cancer in 2001. Naturally her doctors wanted her to follow up these treatments with highly toxic chemotherapy. They were appalled when she said no. Instead, she opted for mistletoe, a German herbal therapy that worked well for her. Mistletoe therapy is natural. Its gentle on the patient but tough on cancer. All the German cancer clinics I toured use mistletoe therapy. You might think it sounds odd or weird to use mistletoe against cancer. And you can be sure some American doctors would call mistletoe therapy quackery. But this therapy is backed up by more than 3,000 studies conducted between 1985 and 2006. Mistletoe has been proven to have a direct effect against cancer cells, and it boosts the immune system When you order your personal copy of my new Special Report, German Cancer Breakthrough, Im going to give you a special gift, as well: youll get a FREE bonus report that tells you all about mistletoe therapy. In fact, you get FIVE FREE BONUS REPORTS with your purchase of German Cancer Breakthrough. FDA officials sneak off to Germany for the treatments they deny you Back in 1987, Dr. Nieper let a man named Jeff Harsh interview him for a video documentary. After commenting that President Reagan is a very nice man, Dr. Nieper declared: You wouldnt believe how many FDA officials or relatives or acquaintances of FDA officials come to see me as patients in Hanover. You wouldnt believe this or directors of the American Medical Association (AMA), or American

Cancer Society (ACS), or the presidents of orthodox cancer institutes. Thats the fact. Well, thats Americas cancer establishment for you. FDA officials and their colleagues want you to submit to disfiguring surgery, poisonous chemo, and burning radiation when you get cancer. But when they get cancer well, thats different! They go to Germany to get rid of their cancer. For themselves, they prefer treatments that are more effective and dont have any side effects. Americas cancer system is a broken down mess These fat cats dont practice what they preach, so why do they hide the German cancer breakthrough from you? Most likely, the answer is money. Cancer treatment in America has become a racket. It costs $350,000 to die of cancer in America. You could buy a nice house for that kind of money and pay cash! The fact is, the drug companies get filthy rich when you buy their grossly overpriced chemo drugs, one of which costs $10,000 a month! But dont blame your doctor. Hes so pressed for time that he relies on the medical establishments experts to tell him what works and what doesnt. Furthermore, he knows that he risks losing his license if he breathes even a word about alternative therapies for cancer. So he does the best he can in a broken system. American doctors arent evil; they simply tell you what they learned in medical school. And unfortunately, the American medical schools are under the thumb of the drug companies. The drug company executives, on the other hand, arent so innocent. Cancer dilemma: do you swat mosquitoes or drain the swamp? Perhaps the main difference between American cancer doctors and their German counterparts is that the American doctors only focus on the symptom of cancer, which is the tumor. But thats like swatting mosquitoes. After youve swatted one, another one soon appears. Thats the way it is with cancer, if you focus only on the tumor. What good does it do to get rid of a tumor if another one grows back? Swatting mosquitoes doesnt cut it. You have to get at the root cause. You have to drain the swamp! And thats why the select German cancer doctors in my report are so successful. Of course, theyre good at getting rid of tumors, but they also focus on the root causes of cancer: toxicity in the body and improper diet. The typical cancer patients body is sludged up with all kinds of toxins that must come out of the body. American cancer doctors totally ignore this toxic mess, while German doctors use effective therapies to get rid of it. In my Special Report German Cancer Breakthrough, Ill show how German doctors help cancer patients rid their bodies of poisons. You can use many of the same methods at home and

even if youre healthy its a good idea. Why wait until youre at deaths door? Speaking for myself, Im detoxing myself at home, using the same techniques Ive learned in the course of investigating 17 alternative cancer clinics. I practice what I preach, and I fervently hope youll get my report and see how you can benefit, too. I dont have cancer. Im using these amazing secrets to make sure I NEVER get it. My new Special Report, German Cancer Breakthrough, is chock full of the most effective techniques for preventing cancer that Im using myself, at home. Theyre based on the advice of a couple dozen of the worlds most famous and successful cancer doctors. Ive interviewed a great many of their customers, too (all three of my guides to cancer clinics feature numerous interviews). Ive seen for myself what actually works in real-life patients. You CAN prevent AND treat cancer using the valuable information in this report and in your five FREE bonus reports In German Cancer Breakthrough: A Guide to Top German Alternative Clinics I describe the simple, easy, at-home secrets that German doctors recommend to help cancer-proof your body. German doctors use the best of both worlds You need to know a major difference between cancer doctors in America and Germany: The American cancer establishment has declared war against doctors who champion alternative cancer therapies. In America, alternative doctors have to watch their step or theyll be persecuted, punished, and put out of business. Thats not the way it is in Germany. German doctors use the best of both worlds: the best natural medicine together with the best conventional medicine. This combination gives patients the best chance of whipping cancer for good. The 6 little-known clinics that use the German cancer breakthrough Today, German doctors in six little-known cancer clinics are using the German cancer breakthrough. Unlike American doctors, the German doctors I interviewed are free to speak to

their patients about the full range of treatment options without being punished or hassled by their government. This refreshing atmosphere of freedom is the reason that people from all walks of life, including a steady stream of Americans, come to these German cancer clinics. But besides the advanced, cutting-edge German technology, these folks enjoy another benefit... This way of beating cancer is like going on vacation! These clinics dont look or smell like hospitals. Not even one of them is like that. Theyre like bed & breakfasts. Its like being on vacation. And the patients focus on living and healing, not death and dying. I sort of hesitate to say it, since the people I interviewed are battling a deadly illness... but they actually seem to be having fun. Theres a climate of joy and optimism you can feel. Let me give you a brief summary of the clinics in the order in which I visited them. Clinic No. 1 is located in a charming and historic town near Frankfurt. Of course it offers the state-of-the-art scientific breakthroughs Ive mentioned. But theres more. Across the street youll find a spa park where you can drink the mineral waters said to have medicinal value especially for the colon. Clinic No. 2 is located just five miles from the French border, not far from Strasbourg, one of the most romantic cities in the world. From the windows you enjoy an idyllic view of the historic city and the lovely vineyards around it. This clinic, too, is near the mineralized waters of a historic spa. Rolling hills make Clinic No. 3 a hikers paradise. The doctor emphasizes the importance of fitness and mild exercise and encourages patients to drink the mineralized, healing waters. Clinic No. 4 is located at the foot of a spectacular mountain in the Bavarian Alps. The doctor is the surgeon I told you about who routinely recommends against cancer surgery. Hes proven again and again that theres a better way to get rid of cancer. The clinic is located in a charming village, and the doctor encourages the patients to ride bicycles, which he provides free of charge. Clinic No. 5 provides a balcony in each room so the patient can enjoy the fresh Bavarian Alpine air and a beautiful view of the Alps. Like most of the clinics, theres an historic water spa nearby. Clinic No. 6 is perched high up in the Alps on the Austrian side of the border at the site of two Winter Olympics. Each patients room has picture windows with views that will take your breath away. The same doctor operates an outpatient clinic on the German side of the border in an enchanting spa town. With all of these wonderful choices, where do you begin? Youll read a full description of my

interviews with the doctors in each of those clinics as well as interviews with patients in German Cancer Breakthrough: A Guide to Top German Alternative Clinics. The Special Report provides all the contact information you need, including websites, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses for each of the 6 clinics. Cancer treatment you can afford! Is your life worth a Honda? At one of the clinics in the Bavarian Alps I interviewed Franko, a retired pianist from Key West. As we gazed out the window on a gorgeous view of the Alps, he told me he had stage-four prostate cancer that had spread to his bones. Stage four is generally hopeless. Without health insurance, Franko couldnt afford the standard American treatments. But he scraped together the money for his treatment in Germany. And as far as he was concerned, it was a bargain. As he put it, Is your life worth a Honda? Compared to the six-figure price tag of cancer treatment in America, German treatments cost only pennies on the dollar even at todays weak dollar and sky-high European prices. After just one week at the clinic, Frankos PSA score dropped from 3,500 to 500. Thatd never happen at a U.S. hospital. At the same clinic I also interviewed Paul, a retired businessman from North Carolina who was there for a follow-up visit. Like Franko, he was there for metastatic bone cancer stemming from prostate cancer. You wont last a year, his oncologist at Duke University told him four years ago Paul proved him wrong! In Pauls previous visit at the clinic he had enjoyed meeting Cher, who was there for a health tune-up. You never know who you might meet at one of these German clinics! More important, Paul is doing well. He loves the clinic, enjoys being in Germany, and has developed a close personal friendship with his doctors.

Youll get all the details about this clinic and five other clinics, including all the websites and contact information, in my new book German Cancer Breakthrough: A Guide to Top German Alternative Clinics. Mastectomy for breast cancer? The German surgeon says NO! One doctor showed me a fat scrapbook of before and after photos, including photos of patients with severe, advanced breast cancer. The before pictures are disturbing and ugly. The after pictures show healthy, happy patients. These women survived and thrived with their breasts intact! For reasons of decency, I cant show you the before and after photos of these breast cancer patients in this letter. But you can see these pictures for yourself if you have access to a library that collects German medical journals. Look up Bio: Gesundheit fuer Koerper, Geist und Seele, August/September, No. 4/2003, pages 41-46. Surgery for prostate cancer? Never, never, never, NEVER!, says the surgeon! Surgeons in general like to cut because lets face it its what they do. Youve probably heard the adage, When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. But this skilled German surgeon I interviewed often recommends against cancer surgery. His breakthrough treatments could put many surgeons out of business or at least force them to tighten their belts. As for prostate cancer, the surgeon told me he never recommends surgical removal of the prostate. Nor does he ever recommend an orchectomy (surgical removal of the testicles). To make his point crystal clear, he told me, Never, never, never, NEVER! Rather, this brilliant surgeon helps men get rid of their prostate cancer with kinder, gentler treatments like those I describe in German Cancer Breakthrough: A Guide to Top German Alternative Clinics. These breakthrough treatments enable men to keep their precious prostate gland. You can whip prostate cancer without the risk of losing control over your bodily functions and without being surgically mutilated. Youll read all about it in the Special Report German Cancer Breakthrough: A Guide to Top German Alternative Clinics. Why this surgeon recommends against surgery I wish every American cancer surgeon could hear what this German surgeon told me about the nature of cancer:

In cancer, the whole body is ill. You cant just cut off a breast and pretend everythings OK. You must treat the whole patient. Thats why we use a combination therapy for the whole body. As a surgeon, I usually recommend against surgery. Youll get metastasis unless you get at the cause of the cancer. Its not enough just to get rid of the tumor. You have to get rid of the metastasized cells, and that requires treating the whole body. German cancer doctors pull cancer out by the roots while American cancer doctors just dither around treating symptoms. Thats a BIG difference. American researchers acknowledge the German cancer breakthrough American cancer researchers generally frown on alternative, complementary, and integrative treatments for cancer. Its been said that their idea of research is to see if two doses of this poison are better than three doses of that poison. But researchers from Columbia University in New York were at least open-minded enough to travel to one of Germanys top cancer clinics and examine several terminal cases of cancer. All of these cancers were cured using the German cancer breakthrough. The researchers were forced to admit that the German therapy merits further study. They published their findings and youll get the details in my new Special Report, German Cancer Breakthrough. So why does the American cancer establishment hang on to its failed therapies? Whats their problem? The following story may give us a hint... The cancer doctor who refused a $5 million tax-free bribe Let me give you an important WARNING: Not all German clinics use the German cancer breakthrough. And not all German clinics are reputable. The ones I feature in my guide are the best the ones at the cutting edge of cancer science. In fact, most German clinics use the same outdated cut-burn-poison method of treating cancer that American doctors use. I found out why when I interviewed a German doctor at his clinic in a picturesque village perched high in the Austrian Alps. The doctor told me that a drug company salesman visited his clinic one day. I wont mention the name of the company, but youd know it. You see their ads everywhere. The salesman asked the doctor how many cancer patients he had. After hearing the doctors

estimate, the salesman whipped out his laptop computer and crunched some numbers. Then the salesman looked up and offered to sneak the doctor 3.7 million Euros under the table after a year, if hed give all his cancer patients big doses of an expensive chemo drug. I want to be absolutely sure you get the picture. The salesman offered the doctor more than $5 million under the table, tax-free. Do you see? If a doctor is treating lots of cancer patients, and if he prescribes an expensive chemo drug for all of them, a drug company can easily afford to give the doctor a seven-figure kickback at the end of the year. The doctor who told me this story refused the bribe. And the drug salesman was stunned. He couldnt believe the doctor turned down that kind of money. Youre from a different planet, the salesman marveled. Every hospital works together with us. Thats why itd be a mistake to walk into just any hospital or clinic in Germany and assume that youll get the breakthrough treatment Ive been telling you about. I dont know for sure, but it wouldnt surprise me a bit if the same sort of thing happens here in the United States. Another reason you need my valuable new guide Some excellent cancer clinics in Germany arent set up to accommodate English-speaking patients. You need to know which clinics are the best. In my new, exclusive guide to Germanys top cancer clinics the first ever in English! I point you toward facilities where Englishspeaking patients and their loved ones feel completely at home. Ive done all the legwork for you. The six alternative clinics I toured are first-class. Theyre glad to accept Americans and Canadians. And youll be shocked at the cost shocked in a good way. Its surprisingly low, even after the dollars recent loss in value. In fact, the cost is piddling compared to what youd pay in America for conventional cancer treatments. Let me say it again: German cancer treatments cost pennies on the dollar compared to the cost of American cancer treatment. I profile all these clinics, devoting a chapter to each one, in my new book German Cancer Breakthrough: A Guide to Top German Alternative Clinics. You or someone you love

can kick cancer out of your life like this martial artist did! My Special Report is packed with real-life stories of patients I spoke with personally in Germany. They not only prove the German approach can work but they give you an idea of what its like to be a patient in one of these clinics. I interviewed Amy, a breast cancer patient from New Jersey. Amy is a martial artist. She has always marched to the beat of a different drummer, which is how she rejected conventional treatment and ended up at a German clinic. When I spoke with her, she was there for a followup visit. In 1998 Amy got breast cancer. Her doctors wanted to hustle her onto the operating table. They also wanted to rush her into chemo. I ran the other way because of their crassness, she says Her surgeon recommended a mastectomy, too. She said no. Instead, she got serious about looking for effective alternative treatment. Her search brought her to one of the top clinics in the world one of the six clinics in my Special Report. It worked like a charm for her Amy told me shes so confident shes made a full recovery, she plans to write a book, The Tao of Breast Cancer. Shes one determined lady, and I dont doubt that she will! To get more information about this clinic and other top clinics, including websites and contact information for all of the clinics, click on the link below. Former bone cancer patient zips around Europe on a motorcycle One of the most remarkable integrative cancer clinics I toured is in Germanys wine region, just five miles from the French border. One of the doctors there told me about a 55-year-old German named Georg (pronounced Gayorg) who came to the clinic in 1995 as a last resort for his bone cancer that had spread. Georg had cancer from head to toe and could barely walk. He went through the German therapies. Now hes so healthy hes going on a motorbike tour all over Europe. His cancer is gone, and he keeps in touch with the staff at the clinic. They saved his life. Youll find out the full details of the treatment methods in German

Cancer Breakthrough: A Guide to Top German Alternative Clinics. I found so many exciting new breakthrough treatments in these clinics. Heres another one! NASA technology boosts cancer patients immune system 20 to 25 percent! One of the key therapies at the German cancer clinics comes from the futuristic field of space medicine. Its a scientific breakthrough the Soviets developed to preserve the health of cosmonauts who spent long periods of time in space. Now Americas NASA uses it, too, for our astronauts. And so do the German clinics. But you wont find it in American hospitals. Too controversial. Quackery. Unproven. If thats true, you might wonder why NASA astronauts use the device three times a day while in space to maintain their health. Doesnt sound like quackery to me. Sounds like something that doesnt cost much and can help save your life. Cancer patients who get this space medicine therapy simply lie down on a special mat, the doctor flips a switch, and after 16 minutes of pure relaxation, its over. Call it the ultimate power nap. Unlike astronauts in space, cancer patients get the therapy once a day. What does this amazing therapy do for the cancer patient? Doctors told me it improves the circulation of the blood and gives a big boost to the immune system the very thing that kills off the cancer cells. The doctor at the clinic in the Austrian Alps told me, Two years ago we did a study. We took blood samples from 200 patients on the first day. Then 100 patients took the space medicine therapy, and the other 100 didnt. Patients who took the therapy were found to have 20 to 25 percent MORE immune cells, natural killer cells the cells that can destroy cancer cells. Best of all, you can use this immune-boosting therapy right here in America, in your own home. The device is portable, affordable, and there are no side effects only good effects for a wide variety of health issues. I give you all the details on where you can get it in my book. But can German doctors save every cancer patient? You may be wondering whether German doctors can cure every case of cancer. No, I dont claim that. Sometimes its too late. For example, if a cancer patient is just two or three days

away from death, its obviously too late to go to Germany. But an American cancer doctor who gave his patient just three weeks to live was just plain wrong. I know because I interviewed the lady more than a year later, and she was in fine health! Even in cases when it really is too late, German treatments can sometimes extend the cancer patients life and result in a better quality of life without pain. One patient who was just days away from death came to a German cancer clinic asking for help. His liver had practically conked out, and his skin was yellow. He told the doctor he needed to live for six more months so he could pass on to his daughter the knowledge of how to run his business. The doctor thought the man had only about two weeks left. But he could see the mans determination, so he replied, I dont know. Ill try. The man lived for six months, met his goal, and had a peaceful death, surrounded by his loving family. I mention that story because I want to give you a bright ray of hope, but not false hope. Even if you never go to Germany, my new book gives you helpful information you can use right at home. German breakthrough treatments you can use in the comfort of your own home Besides all the facts my new book gives you about the German cancer breakthrough, I tell you about the amazingly effective therapies you can do right at home. Youll discover:

Information about how to get the therapy device thats based on NASA technology. How a former brain cancer patient keeps his cancer from returning. The secret? A once-a-month routine he does right here in America What cancer patients MUST avoid eating yet conventional American cancer doctors ignore this cancer-feeding food Detoxification: How to help your largest organ your skin eliminate waste. Its perhaps the finest possible bath, but it uses no water. The best way to give your lymphatic system a good, detoxifying flush you can easily do this at home in just 10 minutes How German doctors tear down the acid wall that hides cancer cells from your immune system. The secret is a natural substance you can easily buy at a health food store or over the Internet. Try this and your immune cells can locate and kill the cancer cells.

Ill also give you the practical information you need:

The best way to get to the clinic youve chosen Where your relative or companion should stay during your treatment Sights to see and things to do in Germany as you regain your health

But you get even more! Five extra FREE bonus reports when you take advantage of my 100 percent no-questions-asked money back guarantee. Fast-response BONUS: Five FREE Reports Let me tell you about the five FREE Bonus Reports I want to give you for responding quickly. If you take advantage of my risk-free offer within the next 72 hours, Ill send you: FREE Bonus Report No. 1 Colonic hydrotherapy: The key to detoxifying your body Germanys top cancer doctors warn that a major cause of cancer is the build-up of pollutants, chemical food additives, putrefying waste, and other toxins that nearly everybody carries in their colons today. For cancer patients, detoxification is job one! And for detoxification, the German doctors I interviewed all recommend colonic hydrotherapy as the cornerstone. They use it in their clinics, but its something you can also do right here in America. You see, back when Americans ate a healthier diet, people thought it normal to have two or more bowel movements per day. Thats 14 or more movements per week, which is healthy. But today, the typical American has half that number of movements or fewer. Thats unhealthy. That means things are backing up and getting clogged. The Bonus Report describes colonic hydrotherapy and explains the two options: getting colonic hydrotherapy from a professional, or doing this therapy in the privacy of your home. After having a colonic, many people say, I feel like a million bucks! Many call it the Fountain of Youth. Youll get all the information you need in this FREE Bonus Report. FREE Bonus Report No. 2 Taking the Waters Germanys Newest State-of-the-Art Spa Can Germanys mineralized waters really heal?

Did you know that water can actually cure an incurable disease? Its true. A German priest in the19th century proved it by curing himself when doctors gave him no hope. Youll learn all about the German water cure, which is still used throughout Germany today. And the FREE Bonus Report even tells you how you can easily benefit from this therapy in your shower at home. You see, the German water therapy can improve your circulation even better than exercise! And good, strong circulation of the blood is a key to good health. Germanys historic, world-famous mineral springs are said to have medicinal value. People have been visiting them to take the waters since the days of ancient Rome. This FREE Bonus Report includes a description of Germanys newest state-of-the-art spa an amazing complex of pools that also offers a famous rejuvenating massage with mineralized mud. FREE Bonus Report No. 3 The Therapy from Space: NASA Technology Meets Modern Medicine German cancer doctors use a space-age therapy on their patients every day because it increases circulation of the blood, which is essential for good health. It also gives a big boost to the immune system. But its not just for cancer patients. Russian space scientists developed this therapy for cosmonauts to keep them healthy in the absence of the earths magnetic field. NASA scientists use this same therapy for American astronauts. Today, this amazing therapy is used by patients for a variety of diseases including cancer. In the FREE Bonus Report, youll get proof that this therapy can help many common health problems such as:

Allergies Arthritis Depression

Diabetes Type II Edema Fibromyalgia Pain Headaches (both Migraine and non-Migraine) Heart disease High blood pressure Immune system disorders Incontinence and bladder problems Multiple Sclerosis Osteoporosis Rheumatism Sleep disorders Spinal column disorders Stomach disorders Strokes Tennis elbow Tinnitus Tiredness/exhaustion/stress Ulcers (speeds up healing) Wounds and broken bones (speeds up healing)

Besides seeing proof that this space age therapy can help with these medical problems, youll also find out where to order the very same space medicine therapy device that German clinics use. FREE Bonus Report No. 4 The Amazing Anti-Cancer Effects of Mistletoe Therapy

All the German doctors I interviewed use mistletoe therapy to kiss cancer cells goodbye. Its been proven: certain parts of the mistletoe plant have a powerful and direct anti-cancer effect. The FREE Bonus Report tells the story of Dr. Rudolf Steiner, the German genius who developed mistletoe therapy back in the 1920s. Youll find out WHY mistletoe works and HOW it works. And youll also discover some of mistletoes other benefits: Pain relief, better sleep, more energy, and improved appetite FREE Bonus Report No. 5: Bobbys Story: How Two Determined Parents and One Brave Three-Year-Old Defeated Hopeless Cancer Kevin Wright, a passionate advocate for health freedom, is a family man who turned his familys lifestyle upside down to save his little son Bobby from neuroblastoma one of the deadliest childhood cancers. This is his personal account. This Bonus Report is chock-full of things you can do at home to protect yourself from cancer, or to get rid of it if you have it. It worked to heal Bobby of a terminal cancer, and it could work for you or for a loved one too. Bobby was diagnosed with neuroblastoma at age three. Few children survive this type of cancer, but little Bobby beat the odds. Today, at the age of six, hes as healthy as any other child, and he has a bright future ahead of him. Its just about certain he would have died if his father and mother hadnt battled the conventional doctors every step of the way and insisted on the alternative approach. This FREE Bonus Report is the transcript of the speech Kevin gave at the 2007 Cancer Control Society Convention. How to get ALL FIVE of these FREE BONUSES Remember, these FIVE powerful Bonus Reports are yours FREE as my thank you for taking advantage of my risk-free offer within the next 72 hours.

The German alternative cancer treatments I feature in my new book are effective. They cost a fraction of what conventional treatments cost. And they have no agonizing side effects. Best of all, you can use and benefit from some of these German health secrets even if you stay right here in America. Legendary medical pioneer says, Good information is your best medicine According to Michael DeBakey, M.D., who pioneered open-heart surgery, Good information is your best medicine. Thats exactly what Im offering you and your loved ones today. My iron-clad, unconditional 365-day money-back guarantee When you order my new book, you have a full 365 days to read it and evaluate it. You MUST be delighted with it, and Im confident you will be. You MUST feel my book is an outstanding investment in your health and the health of your loved ones. Otherwise, simply ask for a refund by the 365th day, and Ill give you a cheerful and prompt 100 percent refund of every penny of the full purchase price. No questions asked. And you get to keep the book and the five FREE Bonus Reports! You dont have to return

anything. Well, as a practical matter you cant really return something youve downloaded from the Internet. But thats O.K. I believe youre a fair-minded person. I trust you. And if you order hard copies of the book and the five free reports, you dont even have to return them to get a refund. How can I afford to offer an unconditional 365-day guarantee? Its because Im confident youll be delighted with this investment in your health. I believe you wont even think of returning it once youve discovered the sheer wealth of lifesaving information it contains. I take ALL of the risk on my shoulders. You take no risk whatsoever. My book will give you much more detail about Germanys finest alternative clinics, and contact information for six of the most excellent clinics. Let me summarize what youll get when you order my new book, German Cancer Breakthrough: A Guide to Top German Alternative Clinics:

All the details about the six outstanding clinics. I give you all the phone numbers, websites, and e-mail addresses. What you need to know about the most effective non-toxic cancer treatment options in the German clinics Numerous encouraging stories about hopeless cancer patients who whipped their cancer using natural, non-toxic methods Details about a healthy eating plan the German doctors recommend to keep cancer from ever coming back Great treatments you can use at home even if you never go to Germany

With the book at hand, youre ready to offer your friends and loved ones who get cancer a bright ray of hope and a most precious gift: the gift of health. And you might need the information for yourself someday. It might save your life. So dont put it off. Youve got nothing to risk, nothing to lose and everything to gain because I take all the risk. With kindest regards,

Andrew Scholberg Alternative health journalist P.S.Why wait till you or someone you love is diagnosed with cancer and doctors are trying to hustle you onto the operating table? Find out about your options now, and be ready. My new book, German Cancer Breakthrough: A Guide to Top German Alternative Clinics, will set your mind at ease, even if you dont need treatment now. If only you knew this information, youd see theres so much less to fear than you may think.

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