Delivery Process Scribd
Delivery Process Scribd
it controls how the item is to behave in the document type. Generally, the delivery item category has the same naming convention as the sales document item category from which it is determined; however, it has its own control features. Defining the Delivery Item Category To define delivery item categories, use the following menu path. Menu Path SAP Customizing Implementation Guide| Logistics Execution| Shipping| Deliveries| Define Item Categories for Deliveries [0VLP] We will configure these a little later. Defining Delivery Item Category Determination First, we need to discover from where the delivery item category is determined. If an order item or a schedule line is copied into a delivery, the item category used in the sales order is also copied. For example, if a TAN item category is used in the sales document type, the system will propose a TAN in the delivery document as well. For items independent of orders in the delivery (for example, packaging material that is entered in the delivery) or for deliveries that have no reference to a sales document, the item category is determined by the delivery item category determination table. This item category is determined, as seen in Figure 6-2, by the delivery type plus the item category group of the material plus the usage of the item plus the item category of the higher level item, similar to the item category determination procedure in the sales order. To configure delivery item category determination, use the following menu path.
Menu Path SAP Customizing Implementation Guide | Logistics Execution | Shipping | Deliveries| Define Item Category Determination in Deliveries The SAP system will still need an underlying schedule line category, thus, should a delivery item category be able to copy an item category from a sales order, a schedule line category must still be maintained in order for the system to propose the correct goods movement type and subsequent financial postings for the goods movement. The availability check in the delivery is still carried out and controlled by the delivery item category regardless of whether the delivery item category has the same name as the item it is
referenced from in the sales order, or if it is determined in the delivery. The delivery item category determination is especially useful for assigning batch items to standard delivery items. For example, should you carry out batch determination in the delivery, you are able to assign a delivery item category to an item that has a usage defined as CHSP- batch split. (This will create a delivery line item for each batch, even if the product on the delivery is the same and was represented by a single sales document line item.) Don't forget you can view the usages of the item category in table TVVWT, which may be easier than looking at each in configuration individually. The item requirement must be fulfilled before an item can be processed in a delivery created without reference to a sales document type. Document Content Most of the fields in the document content screen are not configurable from this view. They are mostly determined in individual settings that then allocate the settings to the delivery document type. They are shown in the delivery document type for ease of understanding and control. Only the delivery split according to warehouse number, the delivery split according to additional partners, the rescheduling, the automatic packing indicators, the general packing material item, and the distribution mode are controllable from this section. In this section the storage location rule specifies how the system determines the picking/storage location when you create a delivery without entering a picking/storage location for the item. The storage location is determined by a combination of shipping point + plant + storage condition. However, this only applies if the storage location rule on the delivery document type is MALA. (Storage location rules are defined in materials management and warehouse management, and are not covered in this book.) The output determination procedure and output type are used by the system in allocating output to the delivery document type. (Output is described in Chapter 9.) The text determination procedure is used by the system to determine where texts are allocated from in the delivery. (Text determination is described in Chapter 9.) The document statistics group is the determining field that updates the logistics information structures (LIS). It is not possible to assign a value to this field here. You are able to assign a value to the delivery document type in the control settings for LIS. Note that it is only advisable to assign a statistics group value to those deliveries and delivery items that do not contain a reference to an order. You are able to assign a delivery split per warehouse number, that is, items belonging to different warehouse numbers will be split into different deliveries. You can also force a delivery split by partners by setting the delivery split part checkbox.
The assignment and control of route determination will be covered later in this chapter. The settings for the application are internally used by the system to allocate outputfor example, whether the output is used for sales orders or for delivery documents, etc. The partner determination is also not available to set in the delivery document type. it is set in the assignment of document types to the partner determination procedure. Partner determination procedures will be covered in Chapter 9. The rescheduling indicator is used to control the rescheduling of backlog deliveries. The automatic packing indicator controls if the packing proposal should be adhered to and the items in the delivery automatically packed or not. If you permit the delivery document type to automatically create packing items based on the configuration for packing (see packing later in this chapter), then check the generate packing material item checkbox. If you use a decentralized warehouse management system, you will wish to update the system automatically. This is defined by the setting in distribution mode. Transaction Flow In the definition of the delivery document type, in the transaction flow you may define the following: Screen sequence group is used to determine the screens and the sequence in which the SAP system should display them for a certain delivery type. The display range controls the data display for the delivery items. For example, you can limit the display to only the main items and to suppress all items dependent on main items. The standard text field is not used in ERP ECC6. An example of the standard delivery document types in ERP ECC are Standard delivery: LF Delivery without reference: LO Returns delivery: LR Returns delivery from a purchase order: RL Replenishment delivery: NL The standard SAP version of a delivery that may be made without reference to a sales order is delivery document type LO. Delivery Item Categories and Determination A delivery item category is similar to the sales document item category in that it controls how the item is to behave in the document type. Generally, the delivery item category has the same naming convention as the sales document item category from which it is determined; however, it has its own control features.
Defining the Delivery Item Category To define delivery item categories, use the following menu path. Menu Path SAP Customizing Implementation Guide| Logistics Execution| Shipping| Deliveries| Define Item Categories for Deliveries [0VLP] We will configure these a little later. Defining Delivery Item Category Determination First, we need to discover from where the delivery item category is determined. If an order item or a schedule line is copied into a delivery, the item category used in the sales order is also copied. For example, if a TAN item category is used in the sales document type, the system will propose a TAN in the delivery document as well. For items independent of orders in the delivery (for example, packaging material that is entered in the delivery) or for deliveries that have no reference to a sales document, the item category is determined by the delivery item category determination table. This item category is determined, as seen in Figure 6-2, by the delivery type plus the item category group of the material plus the usage of the item plus the item category of the higher level item, similar to the item category determination procedure in the sales order. To configure delivery item category determination, use the following menu path.
Menu Path SAP Customizing Implementation Guide | Logistics Execution | Shipping | Deliveries| Define Item Category Determination in Deliveries The SAP system will still need an underlying schedule line category, thus, should a delivery item category be able to copy an item category from a sales order, a schedule line category must still be maintained in order for the system to propose the correct goods movement type and subsequent financial postings for the goods movement. The availability check in the delivery is still carried out and controlled by the delivery item category regardless of whether the delivery item category has the same name as the item it is referenced from in the sales order, or if it is determined in the delivery. The delivery item category determination is especially useful for assigning batch items to standard delivery items. For example, should you carry out batch determination in the delivery, you are able to assign a delivery item category to an item that has a usage defined as CHSP- batch split. (This will create a delivery line item for each batch, even if the product on the delivery is the same and was represented by a single sales document line item.)
Don't forget you can view the usages of the item category in table TVVWT, which may be easier than looking at each in configuration individually. Defining a Delivery Item Category Continued The delivery item category is represented by the following settings as seen in Figure 6-3. The item category is assigned to a document category; in this case the document category is for deliveries, represented as a "J." The Material Number 0 Allowed field is used to permit the item to be created without having a reference to a material reference. This is used in examples for text items, where one creates a line item with a special item category and types text in the description of the material description. The statistics group for the item category is used to generate statistics in the logistics information system. The stock determination rule is used in conjunction with the stock determination group to determine the stock determination strategy. The Check Quantity of 0 field specifies whether you can create an item that has a zero quantity and, if you do, how it is to react with a warning or error message or no message at all. The Check Minimum Quantity field is a check carried out against the minimum delivery quantity on the material master record and the customer material information record. The response from the system can be a warning or an error message. It is possible to create an over-delivery, thus the Check Over Delivery indicator is used to display a warning message or an error message should the delivery quantity exceed the limit in the customer material information record or the sales order quantity. The Availability Check Off indicator allows you to turn off the availability check for a delivery item. The Rounding indicator is used to determine if the system should round up, round down, or leave the results as they are in cases such as the correlation of multi-level bills of material in the delivery if the non-availability of a particular BOM in another partial BOM were to cause decimal positions. This would only impact you if you were using large numbers with indivisible partial quantities in a BOM.
The Relevant for Picking indicator is used to switch on picking relevance for a particular item. This item is then available in the picking list and to be transferred to warehouse management. It would not be advisable to make all items relevant for picking; for example, you would not pick service items such as a technicians hours. Generally, unless you do physical picking from the warehouse, you do not need picking. Picking is therefore not required for non-stock, value, and service items. The Storage Location Required field indicates a storage location must be entered for this item before the delivery can be completely processed. Likewise, the Determine Storage Location field is an indicator used by the system to indicate automatic determination of the storage location for the delivery item. The Don't Check Storage Location field is used to stop the system from checking that the material exists in the storage location that was determined. The No Batch Check field ensures the system does not check to determine if the batch entered in the delivery line item exists in the system or not. Thus, should you enter a batch in the line item when the batch is not in the system, the system will accept it anyway. The Automatic Batch Determination field tells the system to carry out automatic batch determination in the delivery for this line item. (Automatic batch determination can happen at the line item level in the sales order or the delivery.) The Text Determination Procedure field is not maintainable and will be covered in "Text Determination" in Chapter 9. The Standard Text field is not used in ERP ECC6. Delivery Due List The delivery due list is used to create delivery documents en masse automatically as opposed to individually. A number of companies have a specific emergency shipping point for their delivery due list to create emergency deliveries. A variant is then created for this shipping point and is executed on a much shorter time scale than ordinary delivery document creation. When one deals with delivery creation, one must be aware of the fiscal requirements of the country in which you are operating. Some countries do not permit a sales order to be broken up into more
than one delivery, and likewise they may not permit more than one sales document to be combined into one delivery. The item categories of a delivery are referenced from the sales order; for example, item category TAN in the sales order proposes item category TAN in the delivery. The SAP standard version uses DLN as the standard item category used to represent an item in a delivery without reference to a sales order. One is also able to define a delivery split according to specific criteria in the copy control rules. In the formation of the data transfer one may set up splitting criteria. Splitting criteria and the usage of ZUK is covered in "Pricing" later in Chapter 8. One may execute the delivery due list by using the following transaction codes. (Note that the transaction code VL04 should no longer be used after SAP 4.0b.) [VL10A]: Sales orders fast display [VL10B]: Purchase orders fast display [VL10C]: Sales orders items [VL10D]: Purchase orders items [VL10E]: Sales orders schedule lines [VL10F]: Purchase orders item schedule line [VL10G]: Sales and purchase orders fast display [VL10H]: Sales and purchase orders items fast display [VL10I]: Sales and purchase orders item schedule line