TPM Seminar

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In the 1950s, not much importance was given to preventive breakdowns of equipments.

The tendency was to repair after the occurrence of breakdowns of equipments. In the 1970s, the concept of productive maintenance emerged which comprises preventive maintenance, equipment reliability engineering. Shortly after, the concept of true Total Productive maintenance (TPM) came into practice wherein everyone from the operator to top management owns equipment maintenance. Under TPM, the operators instead of limiting themselves to using the machine and calling a technician in the event of a breakdown, inspect, clean, lubricate, adjust and even perform simple calibrations on their respective equipments. This will enable the technical work force to concentrate on high-level preventive maintenance activities. DEFINITION Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a management system for optimizing the productivity of manufacturing equipment through systematic equipment through systematic equipment maintenance involving employees at all levels. It is a maintenance programme which involves a newly defined concept for maintaining plant and equipments. The goal of the TPM programme is to markedly increase production while, at the same time, increasing employees morale and job satisfaction. Under TPM, everyone is involved in keeping the equipment in good working order to minimize production losses from equipment repairs, set ups, etc. OBJECTIVES OF TPM The objectives of TPM are as listed below. 1. Aim at the creation of collective of collective relating to the attainment of maximum efficiency throughout the production process. 2. Use the system so as to prevent losses and to reach the Zero accident, Zero defects and Zero breakdowns, in the manufacturing process. 3. Involve the entire work force from bottom to top. 4. Obtain zero losses by integrating the activities of teams with the production system. WASTES ELIMINATED IN TPM TPM eliminates 6 big losses which are as listed below. Breakdowns which can result in long, expensive repairs. Set ups and changeovers which can take much longer time than needed. Idling and minor stoppages which are hard to quantify and add up to big losses. Reduced equipment speed which results in gradual deterioration of equipment cycle time. Defects and rework which results in quality losses and unhappy customers. Start-up losses which can take much time to get to steady state after a change.


TPM uses four equipment maintenance techniques, viz. Preventive Maintenance: It involves cleaning, inspection, oiling an re-tightening of the parts which help to retain the healthy condition of equipment and prevents failure through the prevention of deterioration, periodic inspection of equipment condition to data about deterioration. Corrective maintenance: It is to modify or improve equipment for increase the reliability and easier maintenance. This means that the equipment with design weakness is redesigned to improve reliability or maintainability. Maintenance Prevention: It is designed and install new equipment that are maintenance - free based on the study of the weakness of current equipments. Breakdown Maintenance: It is to repair equipment quickly after they breakdown. BENEFITS OF TPM: Increased equipment productivity. Reduced equipment downtime. Increased plant capacity. Lower maintenance and production cost. Approaching zero equipment caused defects. Improved return on investment. Rectified customer complaints. Reduced accidents. Ensuring pollution control measures. Better understanding of the performance of equipments. Better understanding of critical equipment and the worth of deploying improvement effort for potential benefits. Improved teamwork and a less adversarial approach between production and maintenance. Improved procedures for changeovers and set ups, better training of operators and maintainers, which all lead to reduced costs and better service. General increased involvement of the work force.

PILLAS OF TPM TPM has 8 pillars which will enhance its success. The pillars are listed below, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5S Jishu Hosen (Autonomous Maintenance) Kaizen Planned maintenance Quality Maintenance Training

7. Office TPM 8. Safety Health & environment 5 S Making problem is visible is the first step of improvement which is possible by cleaning and organizing the work place. Such task will uncover problems. The different S are as presented below. a) b) c) d) e) Seiri (Sort Out): This means sorting and organizing items as per the frequency of usage Seiri which means Sort Seiton which means Systematize Seiso which means Sweep Seiketsu which means Standardise Shitsuke which means Self-discipline

Seiri(sori out). This means sorting and organising items as

per ythe frequency of usage. If the items are used once per year, they can be stored away from the work place; if the items are used once per month or once per week, they can be stred together but off-line. If the items are used daily, they should be stroed at the work place itself.

Seiton(organize). The items should be stored in an

organized way . there should be place for each item and place is assigned with only one item. Name plates and coloured tags mays be used for easy idenfication.

Seiso (shine the work place). This maens that the work
place should be cleaned such that it is free from burs ,grease, oil,waste,scarp,etc.

Seiketsu(standization). The employees should decide the

standards for keeping the work place, machines, assails in neat and clean condition. The standard should be inspected randomly.

Shitsuke(self-discipline). This means that the employees

should treat 5 star their way of life and develop self-discipline by way of wearing badges, following work procedures, punctuality and dedicating themselves to the organisation, etc. Jishu hozen( autonomus maintenance). This pillar aims to prepare the operators to take care of routine maintenance task which will help to free the core maintenance personnel to concentrate on high end maintenance activites . the operators act of taking care of small maintenance tasks will aviod the equipments froms deterioration. The autonomous maintenance aims for uninterrupted operation of equipments, flexible operators to operate and manitain other equipment, and elimination of defects at source through active employee participations.

Kaizen. Kaizen means ` change for the better` in japanese.

The best English equivalent is improvement . Kaizen is made of two sets of characters, viz, kai and zen which mean change and respectively. It is orginally japanese management concept for incremental change/improvement. It is actually a way of life philosophy, assuming that every aspect of life deserves to be constatly improved. Kaizen focuses on zero losses, cost reduction in all resource, improveement of overall plant effectiveness, use of PM analysis as a tool for eliminating losses and easy handling of operators. It tries to achieve zero losses with respect to minor stoppage, measurement and adjustment, defects and unavidable downtimes. It also aims to achieve 30% maqnufacturing cost reduction. The losses can be categorized as liosted below. Losses that impede equipment efficency Losses that impede human work efficiency Losses which impede effective use production resources.

Planned manintenance. Planned maintenance aims

to have trouble free machines and equipments to produce defect free products to fully satisfy customers requirements. This planned maintenance is classified into preventive maintenance, breakdown maintenance, corrective maintenance and maintenace prevention which are already explained. The steps of planned maintenance are listed below. Evaluate eqipment and record its present status Restore from deterioration of equipment and minimize its weaknesses Build up information management system Prepare time based informtion system,select equipment partsand member and map out plan Prepare predictive maintenance system by introducing equipment diagnostic techniques Evaluate planned maintenance

Quality maintenance. Quality maintenance aims to

maintain the equipments in good operating condition such that

highest quality proiducts are delivered to customers through defect free manufacturing.

Training; training is an important pillar in TPM which emphasizes educating operators to upgrade their skill. It is not sufficient to know only know-How but they should also learn Know-Why. By experience they gain Know How to overcome a problem which they face. The idea is to create multi skilled employees in the factory. So, the training concentrates on the following. Focus on improvement of knowledge, Skills and techniques Creating a training environment for- self learning based on felt needs. Training curriculum/ tools/assessment, etc.. Conductive to employee revitalization Training to remove employee fatigue and make work enjoyable. Office TPM. Office TPM should be taken up after achieving Autonomous maintenance (JH), Kaizen, Planned maintenance and quality Maintenance.

The mainly aims to improve the productivity and efficiency in the administrative functions by identifying and eliminating losses n them. This is achieved by analyzing processes and producers for enhanced office automation. The office TPM aims to eliminate the following losses.

Safety Health & environment; these thing aim to have zero accident , zero health damage and zero fires . one can achieve these things by creating a safe work place and a surrounding area that is not damaged by the processes and producers. The awareness among employees can be created through competitions like safely slogans , quiz , drama posters etc which are organized at regular intervals.

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