Apple Industry

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Apple Industry 1

Apple Industry

Since the last century in our history we have seen technological advances. Most people throughout our lives looking for a better and hassle free. Inventions like cars, washing machines, stoves and electricity especially has helped us to accelerate the cleaning, the food is no problem that can lead anywhere. Now in our time with the arrival of the new millennium have come new technologies, especially with the digital age. Again, faster computer, internet, smart phones, iPods and iPad. These advances have been made possible thanks to the people who had the vision to help the society has become more independent and improve their daily lives. We can take the example of apple industry. Thanks to its creators is that we are enjoying the new technology trends and communicate with others around the world. Apple Computers Inc. is largely responsible for the tremendous growth of the personal computer industry in the 20th century. The introduction of the Macintosh line of personal computers in 1984 founded the company as an innovator in industrial designs, manufactures and markets personal computers, software and peripherals, focusing on lower-cost computers as a designer and iMac Power Macintosh models. Apple was founded in April 1976 by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs. Jobs and Wozniak sold their most valuable possessions, a van and two calculators, raising $ 1,300 with which to start a business. The interesting thing is that started their company in the garage of his house where he made his creation, the Apple I. then began to receive commissions from computers they built themselves with hand-made machines, selling about 200 copies of his machine Apple I.

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Early microcomputers were usually housed in metal boxes. Jobs wanted to create a great company and consulted with Mike Markkula and help with business plan. Regis Mckema work contracted to design and advertising strategy for the company. Later that summer, Wozniak began work on the Apple II, designed to attract a larger market than computer hobbyists. Professional team of marketing at Apple, the Apple II placed in retail stores and in June 1977, annual sales reached $ 1,000,000.00 million. It was the first microcomputer to use color graphics with the TV as a display. In addition, the expansion slot became more versatile Apple II computers from the competition. ( The first Apple logo, designed by Jobs and Wayne, depicts Sir Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree. However, the first design was not liked by enough people at Apple, so a redesign was commissioned Rob Janoff, which presented a variety of monochrome logos based on the same block. Liked the concept, but Jobs insisted that the logo include rainbow colors to highlight the humanization of the company and the image quality of the Mac Although it is generally accepted that the logo is a reference to Isaac Newton, a curious legend Urban says the bite from the apple pays homage to the mathematician Alan Turing, who committed suicide by eating a poisoned apple cianuro. According to urban legend, the rainbow of colors would be a reference to the rainbow flag as a tribute to Turing's homosexuality. However, these assumptions have not been confirmed, and in fact, the colors of the logo is not even listed in the same order as in the rainbow flag, as this was designed two years later the birth of Apple logo. Other theories about the motivation of the apple as the apple of knowledge or referral by the bite of the computer byte (in English, written bite bite), have also been denied by Janoff, the original designer. (

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The first Apple II S read and stored cassette tapes of the information that were not available and slow. In 1978 the hand Wozniak invented the Apple Disk at the time of the drive faster and more cheaply offered by any equipment manufactured. In late 1978, Apple was one of the fastest growing companies in the United States, with its always 100 products sold by distributors. ( According to the magazine Vanity in his biography of Steve Jobs, the company had less income with the Apple III and Lisa. This caused the first problems in the company. This was only the beginning for the Macintosh arrived. The former website says that the Macintosh is considered the first commercially successful computer to use a GUI (graphical user interface), as discussed below. The Macintosh is executed by turning images on the screen with a small hand-operated device called a "mouse". Latest computers operate on this principle, including modern Apple computers and others that run Microsoft Windows operating system. Before computers were so large that it occupies the entire space of a room and not accessible to all. With the advent of the computer people could use at home without any problems and not take up much space. Despite its revolutionary character, Lisa sold very poorly, mainly due to its high price: USD $10,000. While Apple was suffering from the failures of the Apple III and Lisa, Mike Markkula resigned from the leadership of Apple in 1983. The post of Chairman was proposed to John Sculley, then vice president of Pepsi. Initially turned down the job, to convince Steve Jobs you raised this profound question: "Would you rather spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or have the opportunity to change the world? ". John Sculley finally accepted and became the third President of Apple. (www.wikipediacom) In 1984, Apple Macintosh computers sold 70,000 in the first 100 days. In September 1984 a new Macintosh was released with more memory and two disk drives. But after the

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success with this technology, says the magazine Vanity, Jobs left the company he founded because of differences with the other members of the company. It created a power struggle between Steve Jobs and John Sculley CEO, who had been hired by Jobs himself two years earlier. Jobs was unwilling to be relegated to an irrelevant because the company he founded (the office was moved to an almost empty building on the campus of Jobs called the Apple Siberia) and began to conspire with Apple executives to gain control. Sculley learned that Jobs had been trying to organize a coup and called a board meeting in which Apple's board was unanimously sided with Sculley and Jobs was removed from his duties as manager. A few weeks after Jobs left Apple and founded NeXT Inc. the same year. So Apple went without its two founders. Wozniak had to retire because of health problems. Jobs stayed away from the company since 1985, until in 1997 the Apple plunged into a crisis. He returned as interim CEO could say that this return was a rebirth for the company. This was the scene of the launch of the iMac, iBook and then that would revolutionize the world: iPod, iPhone and the iPad. Also created the iTunes Music Store. With this technology people have the freedom to access the Internet or any program without having to use a computer. You can browse through the social networks from the cell phone. (Vanity Magazine). We can say that Apple was one of several highly successful companies founded in the 1970s. It was one of the pioneers in the head by chance, a manager who no longer wears a jacket and tie. Steve Jobs often walked around the office barefoot even after Apple belonged to the Fortune 500 ranking. This feature has become a hallmark of the company trying to differentiate themselves from their competitors. The company has grown and has been addressed by a number of chief executives, each with their own idea of what Apple should be, some original character, but Apple still has a reputation for fostering individuality and excellence. To recognize the best

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of their employees, Apple created the scholarship program. Members of the Apple fellows are those who have made extraordinary technical or leadership contributions to personal computing, while in the company Apple grants to date have been granted to a few individuals including Bill Atkinson, Steve Capps, Rod Holt, Alan Kay, Guy Kawasaki, Al Alcorn, Don Norman and Steve Wozniak. Unfortunately being a visionary, Steve Jobs died of cancer at 56 years of age. All media published the news. The daily "El Pas" said on its website that Jobs was the director of Apple. Their contribution to the world of technology makes it one of the great innovators of the past 75 years. He even compared to Thomas Edison and most importantly the computer of a user-friendly device changed the way the music business over the Internet and set up the phone to another level. After his death, Apple has continued its mission and legacy. Now throw the IPOD vs. market. In his own website says that you can use your voice to use your iPhone. (www. We conclude that Steven Jobs has died left a legacy that seems unique and could play against technology company in the following years. From now on anything that produces Apple bought the company with the times of Steven Jobs, who for many was more than a great manager but he was a guru who associated the image of your company to a philosophy of quality and design that attracted million adherents willing to compare anything with the apple symbol bite. The number of followers has increased and this has led the company to continue expanding worldwide. Finally, the Recording Academy of America acknowledged that Steven Jobs had revolutionized the way people listen to music while U.S. President Barack Obama said from the network on the internet that the genius of Twitter Apple has transformed the way we work. It is

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therefore expected that the company continue its legacy and can improve their product so they can stay competitive in the market. It is therefore expected that the company continue its legacy and can improve their product so they can stay competitive in the market. Since, some experts say that the absence of Steve Jobs should not be different from others that have already occurred and which have served as inspiration for many companies like Microsoft have successfully passed through this process of succession and allow us to see how strong is the respite generation Apple. Apple is the responsibility of keeping their fans happy right now when it is recognized as one of the largest companies in the world inspiring. Apple needs to work to keep the empire of its founder, Jobs is one of the technological and business geniuses of our time, someone in the league of Ford, Watson, Gates, people who are very difficult to replace.

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Funding Universe (2011). Apple Computer, Inc. Malabuna M.D. (2011). Apple Macintosh. Conrad, Peter (2011) Steve Job: The Exclusive Biography by Walter Isaacson review. Encyclopedic Wikipedia (2011) Steven Jobs. Agency EFE. (2011). El Pais Newspaper. What comes to Apple after the death of Steven Jobs?

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