SPSS 16.0 Tutorial To Develop A Regression Model
SPSS 16.0 Tutorial To Develop A Regression Model
SPSS 16.0 Tutorial To Develop A Regression Model
This tutorial shows how to apply regression analysis using SPSS 16.0 .We will be using a case study to explain the process involved. We will be using linear Regression Analysis in our case study. Case Study: To develop a regression model for the Photo catalytic degradation of indole in UV/TiO2 involving three factors namely; UV intensity(X1), Stirring Speed(X2), Indole Concentration(X3) and the response is Y (% degradation). FACTORS UV intensity(X1) Stirring Speed(X2) Indole Concentration(X3) UNITS W/m2 tr/min mg/l HIGH LEVEL(+1) 608.79 837.85 25.95 LOW LEVEL(-1) 341.21 362.15 14.05
We will study the chemical process using a standard RSM design called a central composite design (CCD). Its well suited for fitting a quadratic surface, which usually works well for process optimization. The three-factor layout for this CCD is pictured below. It is composed of a core factorial that forms a cube with sides that are two coded units in length (from -1 to +1 as noted in the table above). The stars represent axial points. How far out from the cube these should go is a matter for much discussion between statisticians. They designate this distance alpha measured in terms of coded factor levels.
The experiment therefore will consists of: 1. Twelve runs: composed of eight factorial points, plus four center points. 2. Eight runs: composed of six axial (star) points, plus two more center points
The values we have calculated for all the factors and the corresponding response will be used for applying the regression.
To begin with start the program by double clicking on the SPSS 16.0 icon the following window will be displayed:
The window displayed has a Untitled data sheet to enter the values of the variable. We will now enter the factors and the response (Y) by clicking on the Variable View tab at the bottom .
We will enter the values for the Name, Type, Width and Decimal values for each of the factors.
After the above procedure now choose the DATA View and enter the values for each of the factors from the Table 1 as shown in the window below.
To apply regression Click on the Analyze option on the menu bar and Select Regression Linear option.
We will then be presented with the Linear Regression dialogue box shown below. Now we need to select the criterion (dependent) and the predictor (independent) variables.
Select the Criterion (or dependent) variable and click here to move it into the Dependent box.
Select the predictor (or independent) variables and click here to move them into Independent(s)
Choose the Method you wish to employ. If in doubt use the Enter method.
Click on the Next to choose the next three for 2nd block and then for 3rd block to select all independent variables
Select Estimates
Select Model fit and Descriptives. We may also select Collinearity diagnostics. If we are not using the Enter method we should also select R squared change.
The R squared change option is useful if we have selected a statistical method such as stepwise as it makes clear how the power of the model changes with the addition or removal of a predictor variable from the model. When we have selected the statistics options, click on the Continue button. This will return us to the Linear Regression dialog box. Now click on the button. The output that will be produced is illustrated on the following pages.
The first table is produced by Descriptives Option. It gives a general mean and standard deviation for each data.
This second table gives details of the correlation between each pair of variables. We do not want strong correlations between the criterion and the predictor variables. The values here are acceptable.
This third table tells us about the predictor variables and the method used. Here we can see that all of our predictor variables were entered simultaneously because we selected the Enter method.
This table is important. The Adjusted R Square value tells us that 3rd model accounts for 98.1% of variance in the Photocataytic Degradation of Indole a very good model!
The adjusted R2 adjusts for the number of explanatory terms (independent variables) in a model and increases only if the new independent variable(s) improve(s) the model more than would be expected by chance.
We can see that we have three model which are being tested :
So, higher value of F means a model is fit because then we can explain most of the variations in our experiment. As we can see from the above table value of F is highest for the 3rd model and it is the most suited to represent the Photocatalytic degradation process involving the three factors. UV intensity(X1) Stirring Speed(X2), Indole Concentration(X3)
The t and Sig. values give a rough indication of the impact of each predictor variable a big absolute t value and Sig. value suggests that a predictor variable is having a large impact on the criterion variable.
Unstandardized Coefficients are used in the final Regression model to predict the Response, for our case we get the final Regression model as:
The Standardized Beta coefficients give a measure of the contribution of each variable to the model. A large value indicates that a unit change in this predictor variable has a large effect on the criterion variable.
So from the above Regression method in SPSS 16.0we have developed the following model