Variants of SIMPLE
Variants of SIMPLE
Variants of SIMPLE
Extra Material
Variants of SIMPLE: SIMPLER &
SIMPLER Algorithm: Motivation
The SIMPLE algorithm has been used widely but
suffers from a drawback
Dropping the terms produces
too-large pressure corrections, needing under-
relaxation when correcting pressure
Under-relaxation factors are problem-dependent
Velocity corrections are good though
Are configured to guarantee velocity fields are
continuity-satisfying every iteration
' '
nb nb nb nb nb nb
a u a v
Motivation (Contd)
Idea is to use pressure-correction to correct velocities
but not pressure
Create a separate equation for pressure computation
Another Take
Lets say we start with a good guess of velocity but a
bad guess of pressure
First step in SIMPLE algorithm is to solve for u*,v*
using bad guess p*
Even if velocity guess is good, bad p* destroys good
velocity guess right away
Rest of the iterative procedure is basically trying to
recover the good velocity field
Need to compute a good pressure field from good
velocity guess instead of having to guess it.
Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure-Linked Equations
Creates a separate equation for pressure (rather than
using p equation)
Uses p equation only to correct velocity
Pressure Equation
Discrete momentum equations:
Find velocities
Pressure Equation (Contd)
Define hat velocities
Momentum equations:
Pressure Equation (Contd)
Multiplying hat velocities by density and area:
Similarly, from the momentum equations:
Continuity Equation
Discrete continuity equation for main control volume:
Substitute for flow rates in terms of pressure and hat
velocities to obtain equation for pressure
Discrete Pressure Equation
Scarborough criterion
satisfied in the equality
Notice p coefficients are
the same as p
b is in terms of , not
F* -- not mass imbalance
No approximations if
velocity is exact,
pressure is exact
Overall SIMPLER Algorithm
1. Guess velocity field
2. Compute momentum coefficients and store.
3. Compute pressure coefficients and store.
Solve pressure equation and obtain pressure
4. Solve momentum equations using stored momentum
coefficients and just-computed pressure. Find u* and
5. Find b term in pressure-correction equation using u*
and v*
, u v
SIMPLER Algorithm (Contd)
6. Solve p equation to find pressure correction field
7. Correct velocities:
Do not correct pressure!
8. Compute other scalar fields if necessary
9. Check for convergence. If not converged, go to 2. Else
SIMPLER is found to be faster than SIMPLE (about
30-50% fewer iterations)
Does not need good pressure guess finds it from
velocity guess
About 50% larger computational effort typically
Two pressure-like equations
Expensive because of lack of Dirichlet conditions
Need extra storage for pressure and momentum
Can recompute instead
Discussion (Contd)
P equation only used for velocity correction
pressure correction does not correct pressure
No need to under-relax pressure correction
May under-relax pressure equation directly, but
usually not necessary
May need to under-relax momentum equations to
account for non-linearities, sequential solution
procedure (as with SIMPLE)
SIMPLEC Algorithm
SIMPLE-Corrected (SIMPLEC) algorithm seeks to
mitigate the effects of dropping velocity neighbor
correction terms:
SIMPLEC Velocity Correction Equation
SIMPLEC retains neighbor velocity correction terms,
but makes an approximation:
Velocity Correction (Contd)
Therefore, re-define d coefficients:
Need under-relaxation in
the momentum equation
to avoid division by zero
for S
=0, steady flow
Discrete Pressure Correction Equation
Form of equation is
the same as for
b term is still the
amount by which the
starred velocities do
not satisfy continuity
Only d coefficients
are different from
' '
P P nb nb
a p a p b = +
SIMPLEC Algorithm
The overall algorithm is identical to that for SIMPLE
Only the d coefficients used to drive the p equation
are different.
With SIMPLEC, because the
are not dropped, there is no need to under-relax the p
correction. Thus:
' '
nb nb nb nb nb nb
a u a v
SIMPLEC Performance
SIMPLEC is found to converge faster that SIMPLE
Gains of 20-30% can be found for many problems
Does not solve extra equations like SIMPLER
Cost per iteration approximately the same as
However, like SIMPLE, the SIMPLEC algorithm will
also destroy a good velocity field unless there is also a
good pressure guess.
Relationship Between SIMPLE an
SIMPLE and SIMPLEC can be shown to be closely
related to each other.
Recall that pressure correction for SIMPLE is
For SIMPLEC, it is:
Can think of SIMPLEC as solving for a variable
p p o
' '
The SIMPLEC pressure correction equation can be
written as:
with coefficients of the form:
for pressure correction equation is of the form
e nb
e e
a a
d y
= =