Caribbean South America

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Quito, 25 of january, 2012

Volumen 1, n 1

Caribbean South America

Physical Features

Beautiful waterfalls

Many natural landscapes

River systems

Rugged mountains

In Caribbean South America you can see many llanos.

Inside of the jungle you can find many animals such as jaguars, ocelots, and several spe-

Physica l Fea tur es 1 Wi l d l i f e C l i ma t e a n d V e g e ta t i o n Reso ur ces C o l o mb i a Venezuela The G uianas 1 2

2 3-7 8-9 1011

cies of monkeys.

Pgina 2

Caribbean South America

Climate and Vegetation

The llanos has a tropical savanna climate.

The jungle has humid tropical climate. The climate change with elevation. The vegetation is so dense that sunlight barely shines

The major crops in the region are rice, coffee, bananas, and sugarcane .

Both Venezuela and Colombia have large oil rich areas.

The region has other valuable resources, such as oil, iron ore, and coal. e region's major rivers are used to generate hydroelectric power.

Pgina 3

Colombia is a beautiful place where you can go on the vacations.

Colombia's history
Colombia's history begins with these people , it also includes conquest by Spain and, late, independence.

The Chibcha
n Chibcha the gold was a artifact that represents the ceremonial raft used by their King.

The Chibcha covered their new rulers in gold dust.

Spanish Conquest
Cartagena was a major naval base and commercial port in the Spanish Empire.

After independence was achieved, the republic of Gran Colombia was created.

One Group wanted the Roma Catholic Church to participate in government Spanish estate owners forced South America Indians and enslaved Africans to work the land.

Colombia Today
The national capital is Bogot, a city located high in the eastern Andes. Colombia is rich in culture and resources, Colombia is the most populous country of the Caribbean South America.

Most Colombians live in the fertile valleys and river basins among the mountain range, where the climate is moderate and good of farming.

The people of Colombia live along the Caribbean coast are known for songs and dances influenced by African traditions.

A traditional game in Chibcha culture was tejo, this game is a launch of rings.

The religion in Colombia today is Roman Catholicism. The official language is Spanish in Colombia.

The major crops in the region are bananas, sugarcane and cotton. Colombia produce flowers that are exported around the world.

Civil War
The major problem in Colombia are the guerrillas. These illegal groups grow crops of the illegal coca plant, this plant is dangerous drug. This is the base of the economy for this groups. U.S. Provides assistance to Colombias government, Colombia crated a new laws that make it harden to the groups to operate freely.

Before After

.The Chibcha people spoke a native .They had languge. a way for communi.They wrote a sym- cation. bols for the communication .

.They speak a
language of the Spanish.

.They use the alphabet for writing.

Before After

ve in a god. many gods such as the god sun, They belief in etc. .They went to the someone. church and pride .They offered to for the family. the gods many sacrifices.

.They belief in

.The people belie-

Before After

.They were


.The Indian people and the spaniards mixed and created a differents races. The spanish change their costums.

They can esThey create many tablish a new customs for example life. they had a beautiful clothres.

Economy of Venezuela
Before After

The base of the

.The . People
have had

economy is

economy was the agriculture (ranching and farming).

based in oil production and exportation.

a way for earning money .

People used

Now the people

trueque as their principal trade activity.

use the exportation as their principal trade activity.

Before After

The people were

governed by a king or a emperor.

. .
People always

The people are by a

governed president.

People had an gov-

have a dictator in the government.

autocratic ernment

. People have a democratic government.

The Guiana
Guiana is the name of called are the group that conformed Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana.

Guyana is a country that have a diverse people. The people is descended from former African slaves. The population lives in Georgetown, the capital. Guyana's most important agriculture products are rice and sugar, they have a most plantation of sugarcane. Along the coast is located the lands of agriculture.

Suriname has a diverse population. The countrys population includes South Asians, Africans, Chinese, Indonesians, and Creoles. The people live in Paramaribo the capital.

French Guiana
This country is territory of French and sends representatives to the government in Paris. In the coast areas 190.000 people live there. A group of the population is descendent by Africans. The country depends heavily on imports for its food and energy.

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