Job Analysis 2009

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HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Human resources is one of the most valuable and unique assets of an organization.

According to Leon C. Megginson, the term human resources refers to the total knowledge. Skills, creative abilities, talents and aptitudes of an organizations work force, as a process involves planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling activities that facilitate the achievement of an organizations objectives. All these activities are accomplished through efficient utilization of physical and financial resources by the companys human resources. Human Resource Management is a management function involving procurement of suitable human resources, train and develop their competencies, motivate and reward them effectively and create in them urge to be part of the management team whose aim should be render, dedicated, committed service for the success and growth of the organization. The term human resources spell the total sum of the components (like skills, creative abilities)possessed by all employees and other persons(like employees, owners etc.) who contribute their services to attain the organizational objectives and goals. Human Resource Management is much broader compared to the term personnel management either at the components level or in coverage at organizational level. NATURE OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANGEMENT: Human resource management is also a management function concerned with hiring, motivating, and maintaining people in an organization. It focuses on people in organizations. Human Resources Management (HRM) is a management function that helps managers recruit, recruit, select, train and develop members for an organization. Obviously, HRM is concerned with the peoples dimension in organizations.

SCOPE OF HRM: The scope of HRM is indeed vast. All major activities in the working life of a worker from the time of his or her entry into an organization until he or leaves come under the purview of HRM. Specifically, the activities included are HR planning , job analysis and design, recruitment and selection, orientation and placement,

training and development, performance appraisal and job evaluation, employees and executive remuneration, motivation and

communications, welfare, safety and health, industrial relations (IR) and the like. For the sake of convenience, we can categories all these functions into seven sections (I) introduction to HRM, (ii) employee hiring, (iii) employee and executive remuneration, iv) employee motivation, HRM. (v) employee maintenance, (vi) IR, and prospects of

The societal objectives of HRM seek to ensure that the organization become sociality responsive while the organizational objectives make sure that HRM is not a standalone department, but rather a means to assist the organization reach its primary objective. The primary objective of HRM is to ensure the availability of a competent and willing work force to an organization. Beyond this, there are other objectives, too. Specifically, HRM objectives are four fold societal, organizational, functional and personal.

Societal Objectives: To be ethically and socially responsible to the needs and challenges of the society while minimizing the negative import of such demands upon the organization. The failure of organizations to use their resources for the societys benefit in ethical ways may lead to restrictions. For example, the society may limit HR decisions through laws that enforce reservation in hiring and laws that address discrimination, safety or other such areas of societal concern. Organizational Objectives: To recognize the role of HRM in bring about organizational effectiveness. HRM is not an end in itself. It is only a means to assist the organization with its primary objectives. organization. Functional Objectives: To maintain the departments contribution at a level appropriate to the organizations needs. Resources are wasted when HRM is either more or less Simply stated, the department exists to serve the rest of the

sophisticated to suit the organizations demands. The departments level of service must be tailored to fit the organization it serves. Personal Objectives: To assist employees in achieving their personal goals, at least insofar as these goals enhance the individuals contribution to the organization. Personal objectives of employees must be met if workers are to be maintained, retained and motivated. Otherwise, employee performance and satisfaction may decline and employees may leave the organization.

FUNCTIONS: In order to realize the objectives stated above, HRM must perform certain functions. These functions have been stated while outlining the scope of HRM.

Generally, it may be stated that there is a correlation between the objectives and the functions. In other words, some functions help realize specific objectives. For

example, the organizational objective is sought to be met by discharging such functions as HR planning, recruitment and selections, training and development and performance appraisal. Similarly, the personal objective is sought to be realized through such functions as remuneration, assessment, and the like.

HRM Objectives and Functions: HRM Objective 1. Societal Objectives Supporting Functions 1. Legal compliance 2. Benefits 3. Union-management relations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Human resource planning Employee relations Selection Training and development Appraisal Placement Assessment Appraisal Placement Assessment Training and development Appraisal Placement Compensation Assessment

2. Organizational Objectives

3. Functional Objective

4. Personal Objective

JOB ANALYSIS The process of determining, by observation and study and reporting pertinent relating to the nature of a specific job, It is the determination of the tasks which comprise the job and of the skills, knowledge, abilities and responsibilities required of the worker of a successful performance and which differentiate one job from all others. The aspects of job analysis include: job description, job specification. PROCESS INVOLVED IN JOB ANALYSIS: 1. Organization analysis The first step is to get an overall view of various jobs in the organization with an inclination to examine the linkages and relationships between the jobs and organizational objectives. The organization chart and work flow or process charts constitute an important source of information.

2. Deciding in the uses of job analysis information Based on the organizational priorities, land constraints, a clear idea has to be developed regarding the possible uses of the job analysis information.

3. Selection of jobs for analysis Carrying our job analysis is a very time consuming job. Therefore, it is desirable to select a representative sample of jobs for purpose of job analysis.

4. Collection of data Data collection methods of a job vary from on-job to off-job. They depend upon characteristics of a job. 5. Preparation of job description The information collected in the previous steps in used in preparing a job description highlighting major tasks, duties and responsibilities of a job. 6. Preparation of job specification It is as similar as making job description, but to prepare job specification, one should highlight the required age, education, training, skills, knowledge, abilities and experience to perform a job.


The need for the study on job analysis is to know the complete information about the job in the organization. A comprehensive JOB ANALYSIS programme is an essential ingredient of sound personnel management. It is the major input to forecasting future human resource requirements, job modifications, job evaluation, determination of proper compensation, and the writing of the job descriptions it is of fundamental importance to manpower management programmes because of the wider applicability of its results. The information provided by JOB ANALYSIS is useful, if not essential, in almost every phase of employee relations.

OBJECTIVES 1. To make effective recruitment, selection and placement activities. 2. To determine the number of jobs and kind of jobs available in each department. 3. To plan and implement appropriate HRD programmers. 4. To reduce the ambiguity condition of employee about their job. 5. To motivate the employees for their effective performance.

SCOPE OF THE STUDY The study was limited to the employees of Orient Cement Industries Ltd in Devapur, Mancherial, Adilabad, Andhra Pradesh.

LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY 1). Personnel Department employees 2). Financial and Accounts Department employees 3). Quality Checking Lab employees 4). Marketing Department employees. Respondents from manager and officer category are fully satisfied with the recruitment and selection procedure. The response pattern indicates that the employee specification is match with the job specification in the organization. Most of the employees felt that frequent job rotations are needed in this organization.


Research design The Research after selecting the research problem, he has to plan how he should conduct his research in a most efficient and successful manner. Good planning gives the direction to the research for the successful completion of the project because, A Good Start Is Half Done. The plan of the study is called Research Design constitutes the blue print/ frame work for the data collection, measurement of analysis of data. As such the design includes an outline of what he research will do from writing hypotheses and its operation implication to the final analyses of data.

The Research used descriptive research procedure for describing the present situations in the organization and analytical research to analyze the results by using research tools. Data source : primary & secondary Data Survey method Questionnaire Random sampling personal / Direct

Research Approach : Research instrument : Sampling scheme Contact method : :

Data sources

In order to perform the research on JOB ANALYSIS in Orient Cement Ltd, the sources from which data is obtained, according to the problem on hand are: a. Primary Data This data is obtained by personal contact and interviewing the respondents by providing them the questionnaire (of closed ended and open ended question) and directly asking them to give their views and responses regarding job analysis in the organization. A survey method is used which is a mix of factual, opinion and future invention kind. b. Secondary Data This data is obtained directly from the companys annual reports, i.e; periodical office magazine, journals, newspapers, company site. Questionnaire The method of data collection is quite popular particularly in case of complex enquires. In this method, a questionnaire is issued to the persons concerned with a request to answer the questions and return the questionnaire. A questionnaire consists of number of questions printed or typed in a definite order or a form or set forms. The researcher used the structured questionnaire which contains the questions of : Closed ended Open ended & Rating scale

The questionnaire administration is used to measure: 1) Job information of employees with in the organization

2) 3) 4)

Required skills and qualification of employees in order to achieve the goals. Job design of employee with in this organization. Any changes needed in their duties and responsibilities to increase the efficiency.

Sampling: The importance of sampling is that, it allowed in concentrating our attention upon a relatively smaller number of people and hence to devote more energy to ensure that the information collected from them is accurate, less time consuming less cost and more reliable information. Sampling drawn from it, studied and conclusion was made. The process of sampling involves three steps. a) Selecting the sample. b) Collecting the information c) Making the inferences of the population Sampling Design: The researcher selected the Managers, Officers, and Supervisors for the study on the job analysis in Orient Cement Ltd., Population: Total population is: 700 Sample size Sample Units: As it is necessary to know the characteristics of top management and middle level management commitment and contribution and finding the intervening variables, survey is conducted only at the execute and managerial levels which constitute the sampling unit. : 40


Sampling Method: Sampling method determines how the respondents are chosen; the researcher used the convenience sampling. It is based in the convenience of the respondents in the sample are included in it merely on account if their being available on the spot where the survey is in progress. Statistical tools for analysis: Arithmetic mean, percentage and tables and bar charts are used to test the hypotheses analyses and represent the results.

Procurement is the first operative function of personnel management, which can be sub-divided into various sub-functions like human resources planning, recruitment and selection. Management should determine the kind of personnel required for a job and the number of persons to be employed. The organization should also find out the right man for the right job in the right time. The knowledge of the job is essential to perform these functions. In addition, establishment of the scientific standard in advance is essential to compare the applicants with the job and to select the suitable personnel. This standard stipulates the minimum acceptable qualifications, skills and qualities required for adequate job performance. Stipulation the standard required the knowledge regarding job performance. Stipulation the standard required the knowledge regarding job design, study of the job duties and responsibilities, requirements of the job human abilities and qualities etc. job analysis is needed to know all these functions and to perform various functions of HRM.



1. Job performance/job involvement: This method involves the analyst doing the job under study to get first hand exposures to actual tasks, physical, environmental and social demands of the job. This is very suitable method only for the jobs where skill requirements are light, not l for the requiring extensive training. 2. Observation method: The analyst observes the worker or a group while they do a job without directly getting involved in it. The observations are made on various tasks, activities and on the way different activities are carried out. the information obtained through observation will be transmitted in to a standard format. This is a very suitable method for there are manual in nature, standardized and short job cycle activities, the disadvantage in this method is, it may not be able to extract the information pertaining to psychological attitudes, values or mental processes required on a job. 3. Questionnaire: It is also part of observation method. This involves job analyst to do a random observation of the job. 4. Interview: This method involves a job analyst to visit each job site and talk with employees performing each job. Usually structured interview from is used to collect the information. Established rapport between analyst and worker is a prerequisite for effective use of this method. Usually this method is adopted as a follow up after undertaking observation method. There are two kinds of interview methods. One is individual interview method, and the results, which involves job analyst to interview selected jobholders one after another extensively, and the results of a number of these interviews are combined into a single job analysis. The second lone is group interview method, which is similar to the formed method expecting that job holders are interviewed simultaneously.


5. Conference method/jury of experts: format in this method, job analyst invites all the experts of each job for a meeting/conference. They usually will be supervisors with extensive knowledge of the job. In conference. Information of each job is collected from experts/supervisors, and transfers into a standard format. 6. Dairy method: In this process the jobholders are asked to record their daily duties, responsibilities and activities in a dairy. The analyst will collect the dairies from the all the jobholders. After a through analysis of the dairy report, with the consultation of concerned supervisor, standard job descriptions are prepared. 7. Questionnaire: This is a very widely used method of analyzing jobs and work. The questionnaire designed by incorporation several items relating their duties, tasks and behavior on a job. The prominent questionnaires are: functional job analysis(FJA),Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ), Management Position Description Questionnaire (MPDQ) AND Supervisory Tasks Description Questionnaire (STDQ)



The job description should indicate the scope and nature of the work including all important relationships. The job description should be clear regarding the work of the position, duties etc. 1. More specific words should be selected to show a. The kind of work b. The degree of complexity c. The degree of skill required d. The extent to which problems are standardized e. The extent of workers responsibility for each phase of the work and f. The degree of and type of accountability Action words such as analyze, gather, plan, confirm, deliver, maintain, supervise and recommend should be used. 1. Supervisory responsibility should be shown to the incumbents. Brief and accurate statements should be used in order to accomplish the purpose. 2. Utility of the description in meeting the basic requirements should be checked from the extent of understanding the job by reading the job description by a new employee.



The job description normally contains the information on the following lines: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Job title Organizational location of the job Supervision given and received Materials, tolls, machinery and equipment worked with Designation of the immediate superiors and subordinates Salary levels pay, D.A, other allowances, bonus, incentive wage, method of payment, hours of work shift and break 7. Complete list of duties to be performed separated according to daily weekly and casual, estimated time to be spent on each duty 8. 9. Definition of unusual terms Conditions of work location, time, speed of work, accuracy, health hazards and accidents hazards 10. Training and development facilities and promotional chances and channels.



Job specification is a written statement qualification, traits physical and mental characteristics that all individual must possess to perform the job duties and discharge responsibilities effectively. JOB SPECIFICATION INFORMATION: The first step in the programmer of job specification is to prepare a list of all the jobs in the company and where they are located. The second step is to secure and write up the information about each of the jobs in a company. This information include: a) physical specification b) Mental specifications c) Emotional and social specifications d) Behavioral specification a) Physical specification: physical specification include the physical qualifications or capabilities include physical features like height, weight, chest, vision, hearing, ability to lift weight, ability to carry weight, health, age, capacity to use or operate machines, tools, equipments etc b) Mental specification: Mental specification include ability to perform, arithmetical calculations to interpret data, information blue prints, to read electrical circuits, ability to plan, reading abilities, scientific abilities, judgment, ability to concentrate, ability to handle variable factors, general intelligence, memory etc.

c) Emotional and social specifications:


Emotional and social specifications are more important for the post of managers, supervisors, foremen etc. These include emotional stability, flexibility, and social adaptability in human relationships, personal appearance including dress, postures, poise, features and voice required by the job. d) Behavioral specifications: Behavioral specifications play an important role in selecting the candidates for higher level jobs in the organizational hierarchy. This specification seeks to describe the acts of managers rather than the traits thats cause the acts. These specifications include judgments, research, creativity, teaching ability, maturity trial of conciliation, selfreliance, dominance etc. JOB SPECIFICATION FORM SHOULD CONTAIN: 1. Grade 2. Job title 3. Age 4. Sex 5. Educational qualifications 6. Training received 7. Experience 8. Physical specification 9. Social specifications 10. Extra-curricular activities



A brief description of uses of job analysis is as follows a) Employment: Job analysis is useful as a guide in every phase of employment process like manpower planning, recruitment selections, and placement and orientation induction and in performance appraisal as it gives the information about duties, tasks and responsibilities etc. b) Orientation audit: Job information obtained by job analysis often reveals instances of poor organization in terms of the factors job design. The analysis process, therefore, constitutes a kind of organization audit. c) Training and development programmes: Description of duties and equipment used is of great help in developing the content of training and development programmes. Needs of training and developing are identified with the help of job description. Further, the training programmes are also evaluated with the standards of job analysis. d) Performance appraisal: Instead of rating an employee on characteristics such as dependability there is now a tendency toward establishing job goals and appraising the work done toward those goals. In this type of appraisal, a job description is useful in defining the areas in which job goals should be established. e) Promotion and transfers: Job information helps in charting the channel of promotion and in showing lateral lines of transfer. f) Preventing dissatisfaction and setting complaints: Job information can be used as a standard in preventing and setting complaints related to work load nature of work, procedure etc., alteration or revisions of job description etc. g) Discipline: Job description can be used as a standard when discipline is being considered for standard performance. h) Restriction of employment activity for health reasons and early retirement: when employees are unable to maintain the standard job performance due to old large

or health hazard they may opt for early retirement the organization may retrench their services. In such cases job information is helpful to the employee and their supervisors to think objectively. In some other cases some mutually satisfactory rearrangements of subsidiary duties might make it possible to retain older employees whose intelligence, general experience, reliability make them valuable assets. Job information becomes as standard in this situation also. i) Wage and salary administration: Job analysis is the basis for job evaluation. Basically wage and salary levels are fixed on the bases of job evaluation which takes into consideration the content of the job in terms of tasks, duties, responsibilities, risks, hazards etc. j) Health and safety: Job description provides the information about hazardous and unhealthy condition about the job. k) Induction: Job description is a standard function to solve industrial disputes sand to maintain sound industrial relations. If an employee attempts to add or to delete some duties from the ones listed in job description, the standard has been violated. The labor union as well as management is interested in this matter. Controversies often result, and a written record of the standard job description is valuable in resolving such disputes, despite these uses, job analysis is also a target of criticism.



Job design ins defined as the process of deciding in the content of a job in terms of in duties and responsibilities of the job holders, on the methods to be used in carrying out the job, in terms of techniques, systems and procedures and on the relationship that should exit between job holders and his superiors, sub ordinates and colleagues. JOB ROTATION: Job rotation refers to the movement of an employee from one job to another. Job themselves are not actually changed only the employees are rotated among various jobs. An employee who works on a routine/respective job moves to and works on another job for some hours/days/months and backs up to the first job. JOB ENLARGEMENT: Job enlargement means adding more and different tasks to a specialized job to provide greater variety. This process is called horizontal job the organization. It tackles dissatisfaction and reduces monotony by increasing the variety and scope of tasks. This technique leads to specialization it improves worker satisfaction, quality of production and overall efficiency of the organization. JOB ENRICHMENT: Job enrichment loads the job vertically. Job enrichment means adding duties and responsibilities that will provider for skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback on job performance. It tries to deal with dissatisfaction by increasing job depth as work activities from a vertical slice of the organizational unit are combined in one job. JOB TERMINOLOGY: Description of technical terminology is highly necessary in order to facilitate the study of a job analysis. Sol it is desirable to define the terms related to job analysis like


task, position, job, occupation, job analysis, job description, job specification and job classification. JOB: Job is a bundle of related tasks. A synonym for job is work. work is a physical and mental activity that is carried out at a particular place and time, according to instructions, in return of money. TASK: A task is an action or related group of action designed to produce a definite outcome or result. POSITION: A job is a group of positions that are similar as to the kind and level of work. In some instances, only one position may be involved, simply because no other similar position exists. For example, in the small firm, the position of personnel manager also constitutes a job since there is only one personnel manager position in the organization. Further, there may be six employees, all of whom are classified under the same title, yet each may perform slightly different work. For example, there may be five or six cashiers in a large commercial bank branch who may do different work. OCCUPATION: An occupation is a group of jobs that are similar as to the kind of work and are found throughout an industry or the entire country. An occupation is a category of work found in many firms. USES OF JOB ANALYSIS: Job analysis facilitates various HRM functions. All executive job analysis well drafted job description and job specification can be used for various HRM activities in an organization.



Employment: Manpower planning, recruitment, selection, placement, orientation and induction are different areas of employment. These make use of job analysis in some point or the other. The result of job analysis like the recruitments, tasks, responsibilities of the job form the input for this exercise.

2. Organization Audit: Job analysis helps in identifying the loopholes if any, in the organization in terms of jobs, processes, organizational structure, work flow etc. Hence it serves the purpose of an audit and identifies areas of improvement and development.


Training and development: Job analysis comes in a handy during training need identification and design of training programs for employee. Management development can also be undertaken if the responsibilities attached with all the position in the organization are already available.


Performance Appraisal: Performance appraisal is normally based on goal-setting or the competencies associated with the job. The task and responsibility form the basis for goal selecting. 5. Promotion and Transfer: Once the job responsibility, task recruitments are known, it is easier to make decision on the transfer and the promotion based on suitability. The best fit for the position can be identified by evaluating through the candidates for the transfer / promotion against the result or job analysis.

6. Preventing Dissatisfaction: Job analysis help identify and rectify problem or short coming in job design. This helps remove some of the possible reason for employ dissatisfaction.

7. Compensation Management: Job evolution, used with other technique like market survives, provide the inputs for wage and salary administration in an organization. Job evaluation task takes into consideration the content of the job in terms of task, duties, responsibilities, risk, hazards etc. 8. Health and Safety: Knowledge of hazard or harmful working condition and the risk of accident associate with the job, if any is providing by job analysis. This help in taking necessary safety measures.

9. Induction: Job description provide information regarding the job and health a new incumbent understand his tasks and responsibilities. This helps him adapt quickly to the workplace. Since roles and responsibilities are clearly delineated.


10. Career Planning: Job analysis essential to plan the career for individual employees and prepare them to progress along their career path. Job specification indicates the competences that employees must develop to move up into higher level in the organization. 11. Succession Planning: Succession planning involves identifying grooming a successor for a vacancy that would arise in the future. The tasks and responsibilities of the job and the specifications of the job help in evaluation the available candidates and selecting the most suitable one.

Job Analysis is a formal and detailed examination of job. It is a process of gathering information about a job. It tries to reduce to words the things that people do in human work According to Dale Yoder, Job Analysis refers to the procedure by which the facts with respect to each job are systematically, discovered and noted, It is sometimes

called Job Study suggesting the care with which tasks, process, responsibilities and personnel requirements are investigated.


Job analysis is the process of collecting job related information. Such information helps in the preparation of job description and job specification. A synonym for job is work. Work is understood as physical and mental activity that is carried out at a particular place and time, according to instructions, in return for money. . The job- incumbent attends to all the allied tasks for wages or salaries. His or her motivation performance and loyalty depends on how much he or she is paid at the end of a month. The nature of the work and how managers organize work is a critical element affecting human resource activities. Before discussing design and organization of work, it is desirable that we know job analysis the too for collecting job related data. Job analysis refers to the process of collecting information about a job. The process of job analysis results in two sets of data: (i) Job description, and (ii) Job Specification. Job description indicates what all a job involves-takes and responsibilities tagged on to a job. Job title, duties, machines, tools and equipment, working conditions and hazards form part of job description. The capabilities that the job-holder should possess form part of job

specification. Education, experience, training, judgment, Skills, communication skills and the like are a part of job specification.

What is important is that there should be fit between ob demands (job description) and abilities required to discharge the tasks (job specification). Any mismatch is likely to result in job dissatisfaction that carries dysfunctional consequences like low productivity, absenteeism and turnover.

JOB ANALYSIS AND COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: Job analysis has its impact on all functions of HRM. Job analysis, if properly done, will enhance the effectiveness of all HR activities. Specifically, job analysis benefits an organization in the following ways. Laying the foundation for human resource planning Laying the foundation for employee hiring Laying the foundation for training and development. Laying the foundation for performance appraisal.



As was stated earlier, job analysis is useful for overall management of all personnel activities. While this is a generalized statement, it is important to specify the uses of job analysis. Job-related data obtained from a job- analysis program are useful in HRP, employee hiring, training job evaluation compensation, compensation, performance appraisal, computerized personnel information system, and safety and health .Each of these application of job analysis is described in brief here. Human Resource Planning HRP, determines as to how many and what type of personnel will be needed in the near future. The number and the type of personnel are determined by the jobs which need to be staffed. Job related information is, therefore necessary for HRP. Recruitment and Selection: Recruitment needs to be preceded by job analysis. Job analysis helps the HR manager to locate place to obtain employees for openings anticipated in the future. An understanding of the types of the skills needed and a type of job that may open in the future enables managers to have a better continuity and planning in staffing their organization.

Similarly, selecting a qualified person to fill a job requires knowing clearly the work to be done and the qualification needed for someone to perform the work satisfactorily. Without a clear and precise understanding of what a job entails, the HR manager cannot effectively select someone to do the job. The objective of employee hiring is to match the right people with the right jobs. The objectives are too difficult to achieve without having adequate job

information. Training and Development: Job analysis is useful for an HRD manager inasmuch as it helps him/her know what a given job demands from the incumbent in terms of knowledge and skills. Training and development programs can be designed depending on the job requirements. analysis. Job Evaluation: Job evaluation involves determination of relative worth of each job for the purpose of establishing wage and salary differentials. Relative worth is determined mainly on the basis of job description and job specification. Remuneration: Job evaluation helps determine wage and salary grades for all jobs. Employees need to compensate depending on the grade of jobs which they occupy. Remuneration also involves fringe benefits, bonus and other benefits. Clearly, remuneration must be based on the relative worth of each job, Ignoring this basic principle results in inequitable compensation. A perception of inequity is a sure way of de-motivating an employee. Performance Appraisal: Performance appraisal involves assessment of the actual performance of an employee against what is expected of him/her. assessment is the Such Selection of trainees is also facilitated by job

basis for awarding promotions, effecting transfers, or assessing

training needs. Job analysis facilitates performance appraisal inasmuch as it help fix


standards for performance in relation to which actual performance of an employee is compared and assessed. Personnel information Organization generally maintain computerized personnel information systems such information system is useful as it helps. 1. Improve administrative efficiency by speeding up the provision of data, by reducing the resources required to carry out routine administration, and by freeing the resources for higher-value activities which are fundamental to the success of the management. 2. Provide decision support-information which gives a factual basis for decisions concerning the planning, acquisition, development, utilization and remuneration of human resources. Safety and Health The process of conducting a detailed job analysis provides an excellent opportunity to uncover and identify hazardous conditions and unhealthy environmental factors (such as heat, noise, fumes, and dust), so that corrective measures can be taken to minimize and avoid the possibility of human injury.


COMPANY PROFILE Introduction ORIENT CEMENT is the cement division of Orient Paper and Industries Limited which is one of the GP-CK Birla Group Companies. Mining lease was granted to the company in March 1980 and the factory started production in September 1982 in a small village called Devapur near Mancherial. This is in the tribal belt of Adilabad District in Andhra Pradesh which is having abundant limestone deposits. The Company uses the most sophisticated and updated technology with the latest control measures such as XRF/XRD, Optical Microscope, Online energy monitoring and Computerised working. ORIENT CEMENT is known for its consistent high quality cement supply to the full satisfaction of the customers. Its Premier brand ORIENT GOLD 53 Grade is a house- hold name in quality cement. It has 700 employees (Skilled, Semiskilled & Unskilled) and a total turnover of about Rs.400 crores. The company is also seen with much regard because of its contribution in developing this backward tribal belt. The company is not only looked upon as a source of providing employment but also as a channel for better infrastructure facilities and welfare of surrounding villages.



ORIENT CEMENT has three main divisions strategically formed to meet its business objectives. They are: The Works, Devapur Marketing Division, Hyderabad Cement Grinding Division, Jalgaon A brief description of the above is given below: 1. The Works, Devapur: Industrial relations. To maintain Co-operative public relations. Welfare of the employees and their families. To improve market share & customer satisfaction at optimum cost. Continuous improvement in productivity with team work. To adopt the latest technology to compete with the other best in the field. To adopt the latest Management Tools for higher efficiency. To keep the morale of the employees high for achieving higher productivity. To train the work force for effective working. To maintain productive and congenial


2. Marketing: ORIENT CEMENT has a full fledged marketing division located at Hyderabad right from 1982. The main function of the division is to create brand image of the products and market it effectively with utmost customer satisfaction. Further, our Marketing network has about 40 Marketing Offices and Regional Offices of which 12 are in Andhra Pradesh and 15 in Maharashtra and balance in other States. The division also has an effective distribution network and C & F Agents and has latest communication facilities for effective control. The main market is Southern and Western India with Telangana, Vidarbha and Marathawara region as primary market. The company has further plans to consolidate in these markets and expand to Northern India. The product is marketed in bags as well as in bulk. The thrust of the marketing is given here under: 1. time. 2. Progressive improvement in vendors rating. 3. Optimisation of distribution cost. 4. To become Regional Market Leader. 3. Cement Grinding unit, Jalgaon: This division carries out the Cement grinding and despatch of the cement with respect to its business objectives in the Maharashtra state. Progressive reduction in customer complaints and minimise complaints settling



The Companys mission is: To supply high quality cement at optimum cost to the customers in time to their satisfaction To be the market leader by achieving sustained customer satisfaction and growth. To promote Human Resources Development and productive Industrial Relations. To gain adequate return on investment. The Company believes in living up to its motto Quality Is Its Super Strength.


ORIENT CEMENT PRODUCTION The Company is using the latest controls like PLC etc. for smooth operation of the Plant. In the Central Control Room, the company uses Computer Based Control View Graphic Systems to control as well as ANALYSE the plant operations. ORIENT CEMENT has also introduced the Computerised Preventive Maintenance System which has been used very effectively. This is helping the plant in cutting down the unwanted down-time / break downs there by adding up to the Productivity. Orient Lab is very well equipped and has been declared as the best lab in Andhra Pradesh by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). Optical Microscope: This has been added to understand and analyse the phases in the Cement (This is of Nikon, Japan). Through these studies the process condition would be optimised. X-ray analyser: An X-ray Analyser has been installed for getting accurate analysis of different materials including cements. This will also throw insight in the phases present in clinker and will help in further automation and stabilisation of the process.


ORIENT CEMENT TECHNICAL DETAILS ORIENT CEMENT commenced its production with a capacity of 0.45 MT p.a. and later expanded to 0.90 MT p.a. in the year 1990. At present the plant has two production lines and both lines have been further modernised and the plant capacity has been raised to 2.4 MT p.a. Line 1, started in 1982, is supplied by L&T / FLS, Denmark. This Line is based on dry process 4 stage suspension Pre-heater technologies. Line 2 was started in 1990. CIMMCO/KHD Humboldt, Germany provided the technical expertise. This line is based on dry process 5 stage suspension Pre-heater with Pre-calcinatory technology.


ORIENT CEMENT PROCESS FLOW IN CEMENT MANUFACTURE: In cement manufacture the key operation and process involves the following: (See Annexure - 1 for the Flow chart of the process at the plant). 1. Mining: In mines the limestone is quarried by drilling, blasting, excavating and transported to the crusher for crushing. 2. Crushing: We have a limestone crusher of 1,100 Tonnes per hour for crushing the limestone. The product size is 97% passing through 25mm sieve. From the crusher the crushed material is transported to pre-blending stock pile. 3. P B S R: The crushed limestone is stacked layer by layer in longitudinal piles and reclaimed transverse for blending purpose. The capacity of PBSR is 1.1 Lakh Tonnes with two piles, each of 55,000 tonnes capacity. 4. Raw Grinding: The crushed, blended limestone from pre-blending stock pile is fed for grinding along with additive i.e. laterite and aluminous laterite in the ball mill. The ground material is stored in the blending silos of total capacity 16,000 MT.


ORIENT CEMENT 5. Clinkerisation: The ground raw material is further fed to the kiln via the pre-heater where the material is pre-heated and calcined. The calcined material is sintered in the burning zone of the kiln were the product Clinker is formed. The clinker is cooled in the clinker cooler with forced air fans. The cooled clinker is stored in the clinker storage stock pile. The covered clinker storage capacity is about 40,000 MT.

6. Cement Grinding: The clinker from stock pile is pre-crushed in the horizontal impact crusher before feeding to the cement mill along with Gypsum which acts to reduce the setting time of the cement. The ground cement is stored in the cement silos. The total cement storage capacity is about 20,000 MT.

7. Packing: The cement is bagged through the packing machines which weigh and bag the cement in 50 kg bags for despatch through wagons and trucks to the destinations.

8. Quality control: Rigorous quality control checks are made around the clock at all stages to confirm the product as per the B I S.



9. Services: To support cement manufacturing unit operations, following support/service departments are also functioning. a. Compressor House & Chilling Plant - Caters to compressed air needs of various departments and maintains various control rooms & MCC rooms temperature. b. Water supply - Caters to need of water for plant both for cooling of machines, gas conditioning tower and drinking water. c. Workshop - Supports maintenance activities. d. Powerhouse - D.G.powerhouse ensures regular and quality power for plant operation especially during power cut period. e. Maintenance Dept. - Mechanical, Electrical & Instrumentation and Civil departments ensures maintenance of plant and machinery for optimum utilisation. f. Monitoring Cell - Monitors and give feed back for various activities of different sections. Also provides health monitoring of various plants and

equipments using latest technology.


ORIENT CEMENT COMPUTERISATION (EDP) To provide improved services to employees, customers, vendors etc, ORIENT CEMENT has introduced a comprehensive Computerisation both in RDBMS user friendly environment and in BATCH system. The following areas have been computerised in RDBMS, User Friendly Atmosphere: Material Despatch System Preparation of Railway Receipt/Excise Gate Pass and Accounting System Stores, Inventory and Accounting System MODVAT Accounting and Availing System Financial Accounting System Attendance Recording System Plant Preventive Maintenance System The following are in BATCH System: Payroll System Production and Efficiency Parameter Reports Depot Invoicing and its Further Accounting The company is continuing its efforts to provide working knowledge of computer to all its literate employees.


The company is certified under ISO-9002, ISO-14001, and ISO-18000 It is also awarded TPM excellence and consistency awards by JIPM. Quality Circles about 31 Quality Circles have been formed and are functioning.


ORIENT CEMENT POWER The unit has got its own power generation equipments to the tune of 17.6 MVA for meeting any eventualities and to maintain uninterrupted production even during restrictions of power supply by the State Electricity Board. ORIENT CEMENT is installing two 25 MW steam captive power plant and on its completion ORIENT CEMENT will be self sufficient in power.


ORIENT CEMENT STRENGTHS High Quality massive limestone mine, which gives consistent quality. Highly qualified, trained and committed group of employees and workmen. Enlightened, efficient and highly motivated Management. Cordial Industrial Relations. State of the art Process Control Systems. Modern and updated Machinery. Low cost availability of Coal. Quality is the strength of ORIENT CEMENT that manufactures 3 Grades of Cement that is 43 and 53 and blended Cement popularly known as Birla A1. Orient is a major player in the market with regard to Grade 53, popularly known as Orient Gold.



At Orient, we believe not only in keeping with the statutes but also aiming much beyond. With a team of technically competent personnel we have set our own standards. Hence we are in a constant pursuit for ongoing development and continuous improvement. At ORIENT CEMENT every one puts his best efforts with a belief that there is no end to development. Hence every one at ORIENT CEMENT works as one with full dedication and esteem. This has enabled us to fetch many coveted awards as under. Best Industrial Relations and Labour Welfare: In recognition of the efforts of the company with regard to labour welfare, the company was awarded the prestigious award of the Government of Andhra Pradesh on the occasion of May Day in 1994 and again in 2007. Best Safety: An award was given on 4th March, 1995 by the Factories Department of Government of Andhra Pradesh instituted jointly by National Safety Council Andhra Pradesh Chapter & Factories Department for best safety in an industry in Andhra Pradesh.


Best labour Welfare Award: The Federation of Andhra Pradesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FAPCCI) also recognized the Company as a good employer and in the year 1995 for best labour welfare efforts.

ORIENT CEMENT Best improvement in energy performance: A very prestigious award was given by National Council for Cement and Building Materials in association with the Ministry of Power, Government of India in the month of November 1996 for the year 1995-96 for energy efficiency in Indian industry. Pollution Control: The Company was awarded at the State level for Pollution Control efforts in 1989 by Federation of Andhra Pradesh Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

Environment and best Ecological implementation: An award is given by international Greenland Society Indian Chapter, Hyderabad in 1996.

`Best effort in Rural Development by an Industrial Unit in the State: Awarded by the Federation of Andhra Pradesh Chambers of Commerce & Industry in 1998.



ORIENT CEMENT EXPANSION PLANS To keep up with the competition and maintain the leadership, ORIENT CEMENT is in the constant pursuit of growth. In order to facilitate this, periodical up gradation and expansion works are carried out. programmes under progress: 1. Line 1 is being upgraded by introducing a Second Line of Pre-heater Following are the expansion

tower with Pre-calcinatory and balancing machinery. A Vertical Roller Mill (VRM) for coal grinding, additional blending and storage capacity, and a high pressure roll press are also being added to increase the installed capacity to 3 Million Tons p.a. This expansion is planned to be completed by March 2007. In addition to the increased production capacity substantial savings in power and fuel is envisaged with the up gradation. 2. Further, 10.6 MVA captive power generation facility is being added

which will make the total power generation to 28.3 MVA. A Thermal Power Plant of 50 MVA capacity is proposed which when completed will give ORIENT CEMENT self sufficiency in power. 3. The plant grinding capacity is augmented by installation of split

grinding and packing unit at Jargon (Maharashtra) with a capacity of 0.57 M T p.a


1: The procedure for selection and recruitment is effective?


NO OF RESPONDENTS 19 13 4 4 40

% OF RESPONDENTS 47.5 32.5 10 10 100

Table 1: Effectiveness of procedure for selection and recruitment

50 40 30 20 10 0 19



100 80 60 40 20 0 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr East West North

Graph 1: Effectiveness of procedure for selection and recruitment


From the above table and graph it is clearly denoting that 48% employees are Strongly agreed and the 33% of employees are agree that the selection and recruitment process is effective. At the same time 10% employees are disagree and 10% employees are strongly disagree with the statement particularly.

2: Skills and qualifications match with job specification.


NO OF RESPONDENTS 20 15 4 1 40

% OF RESPONDENTS 50 37.5 10 2.5 100

Table 2: Match of qualification with job specification.

50 40 30 20 10 0 20



Graph 2: Match of qualification with job specification. INTERPRETATION:


88% of the respondents are agreed that the employee specification matches with the job specification in this organization. Only 12% of respondents marked their response on disagreed dimension.

3: Roles are defined in an effective manner to reduce the ambiguity of employee.


NO OF RESPONDENTS 14 16 10 0 40

% OF RESPONDENTS 35 40 25 0 100

Table 3: Proper definition of roles.

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 S.AGREE 14 16 35





Graph 3 : Proper definition of roles.



From the above and graph it is clearly denoting that the 75% of the respondents are agreed with the above statement. Among them 25% of the respondents marked their response on disagreed dimension.

4: Job information constitutes a kind of organization audit. SCALE STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL NO OF RESPONDENTS 13 13 11 3 40 % OF RESPONDENTS 32.5 32.5 27.5 7.5 100

Table 4: Job information concern with organization audit.

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 13


32.5 27.5

NO OF RESP 13 11 7.5 3 s.agree agree disagree s.disagree PERCENTAGE

Graph 4 : Job information concern with organization audit. INTERPRETATION:


From the above table and graph it is clearly explaining that 65% of the respondents marked their response on agreed dimension. And 25% the respondents disagreed with the above statement.

5: Job description provides the information about hazardous and healthy conditions.


NO OF RESPONDENTS 16 15 7 2 40

% OF RESPONDENTS 40 37.5 17.5 5 100%

Table 5: Appropriate job description.

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 16



15 7







Graph 5: Appropriate job description.



77.5% of the respondents agreed with the above statement. At the same time 22.5% of the respondents disagreed that job description provide the information about hazardous and healthy condition of the job.

6: I am able to reach the level of performance that I am expected of in job specification. SCALE STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL NO OF RESPONDENTS 14 16 5 5 40 % OF RESPONDENTS 35 40 12.5 12.5 100

Table 6: Matching performance with job specification.

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 14

40 35

16 12.5 5 5 S.D.AGREE 12.5





Graph 6: Matching performance with job specification.



From the above table and graph we can observe that 25% of the respondents disagreed with the above statement. Among them75% of the respondents are marked their response on agree dimension particularly.

7 Job analysis is of great help in implementing the HRD programmes. SCALE STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL NO OF RESPONDENTS 23 10 7 0 40 % OF RESPONDENTS 57.5 25 17.5 0 100

Table 7: HRD programs with the help of job analysis.

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 23


25 17.5 10 7 0 0 DISAGREE S.D.AGREE




Graph 7: HRD programmes with the help of job analysis. INTERPRETATION: From the above table and graph we can observe that 57.5% of the employees marked their response on strongly agreed and 25% of the employees are marked their

response on agreed dimension. And only 17.5% of the respondents are marked their response on disagreed with the above statement.

8: I feel tension if a critical situation arises which affects my job. SCALE STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL Table 8: Tense in a critical situations. NO OF RESPONDENTS 3 7 23 7 40 % OF RESPONDENTS 7.5 17.5 57.5 17.5 100

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 3 7.5 7 agree 17.5 23






Graph 8: Tense in a critical situations. INTERPRETATION: Only 7.5% of the respondents agreed with the above statement. And 75% of the respondents are rated as disagreed with the above statement. By this we can


observe that the employees of this organization are capable enough to handle the critical situation their jobs.

9: My roles are defined in such a way that it encourages initiative and creativity SCALE STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL NO OF RESPONDENTS 14 13 8 5 40 % OF RESPONDENTS 35 32.5 20 12.5 100

Table 9: Roles gives the scope.

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 14



20 NO OF RESP 13 8 5 s.d.agree 12.5 PERCENTAGE




Graph 9: Roles gives the scope. INTERPRETATION:


35% of the employees are strongly agreed with the above statement, and 32.5 of the employees agreed. And also 20% of the employees are disagreeing and 12.5% of the respondents are strongly disagreed.

10: The job design in your organization is done in a flexible manner to adopt value changes in job. SCALE STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL Table 10: Appropriate job design.
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 6 s.agree agree disagree 15 16 11 7 27.5 17.5 NO OF RES PERCENTAGE 40

NO OF RESPONDENTS 6 16 11 7 40

% OF RESPONDENTS 15 40 27.5 17.5 100


Graph 10: Appropriate job design.



From the above table and graph it is clearly denoting that 55% of the respondents disagreed with the above question. And also 45% of the respondents from all categories agreed that their jobs are designed in a flexible manner to adopt the changes in their job.

11: My job gives me satisfaction and motivation to make initiative.


NO OF RESPONDENTS 19 16 5 0 40

% OF RESPONDENTS 47.5 40 12.5 0 100

Table 11: Job gives the power of initiative.

50 40 30 20 10 0 19

47.5 40






Graph 11: Job gives the power of initiative. INTERPRETATION:


The response on this question is quite obvious, 87.5% of the respondents rated on the agreed dimension. By this we can observe that employees of this organization are fully satisfied with their jobs. Only 12.5% of the respondents disagreed with the above statement.

12: Do you feel that the Restructuring of designation is encouraging?



% OF RESPONDENTS 20 47.5 22.5 10 100

Table 12: Restructuring of designation is encouraging.

50 40 30 20 10 0 8 s.agreed 20 19


22.5 9 4 10



disagreed s.d.agreed

Graph 12: Restructuring of designation is encouraging.



From the above table and graph it is clearly denoting that 67.5% of the respondents are agreed with the above statement. And rest of people i.e. 32.5 of the respondents marked their response on disagreed dimension.

13: I feel the compensation package suits to my present job. SCALE STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL Table 13: Suitable compensation package. NO OF RESPONDENTS 6 9 16 9 40 % OF RESPONDENTS 15 22.5 40 22.5 100

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 22.5 15 6 s.agree 9 16






Graph 13: Suitable compensation package.



22.5% of the respondents strongly disagreed with the above statement. And 40% of the respondents are marked their response disagree dimension, they are not satisfied with their compensation package in this organization. And 37.5% of the respondents are rated on agreed dimension.

14: My job provides enough opportunities for my growth and development. SCALE STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL NO OF RESPONDENTS 12 20 5 3 40 % OF RESPONDENTS 30 50 12.5 7.5 100

Table14: Enough opportunities for growth and development.

50 40 30 20 10 0 12 30 20


NO OF RESP PERCENTAGE 12.5 5 7.5 3 s.d.agree




Graph 14: Enough opportunities for growth and development.



30% of the respondents strongly agreed with the above statement. At the same time 50% of the respondents are agreed with the above statement. Only 20% of the respondents are disagreed with that statement. Employees from manager category they are feeling that they have enough opportunities in their jobs.

15: Career path helps in charting the channel of promotion and in showing lateral line of transfer. SCALE STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL NO OF RESPONDENTS 07 14 10 09 40 % OF RESPONDENTS 17.5 35 25 22.5 100

Table 15: Satisfied with the career path.

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 13



22.5 NO OF RESP 13 9 5 s.agree agree disagree s.d.agree 12.5 PERCENTAGE

Graph 15: Satisfied with the career path


65% of the respondents marked their response on agreed dimension. By this we can observe that employees in this organization agreed that their job makes them to learn other skills and management activities also. And only 35% of the respondents from supervisor category disagreed with the above statement.

16. My job makes me learn from others skills and management activities. SCALE STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL NO OF RESPONDENTS 13 13 09 05 40 % OF RESPONDENTS 32.5 32.5 22.5 12.5 100

Table 16: Scope of learning.

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 13



22.5 NO OF RESP 13 9 5 s.agree agree disagree s.d.agree 12.5 PERCENTAGE

Graph 16: Scope of learning.


INTERPRETATION: 65% of the respondents marked their response on agreed dimension. By this we can observe that employees in this organization agreed that their job makes them to learn other skills and management activities also. And only 35% of the respondents from supervisor category disagreed with the above statement.

17: Job rotation is helpful to utilize employee skills on various jobs SCALE STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL Table 17: Helpful job rotation. NO OF RESPONDENTS 15 14 11 0 40 % OF RESPONDENTS 37.5 35 27.5 0 100

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 15


35 27.5 NO OF RESP 14 11 0 0 PERCENTAGE





Graph 17: Helpful job rotation.


INTERPRETATION: 72.5% of the respondents marked their response on agreed dimension. And only 27.5% of the respondents are disagreed with the above statement. By this we can understand that the job rotation is helpful to utilize employee skill on various jobs.

18: Job rotation is needed to relieve the boredom and monotony conditions of employee. SCALE STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL Table 18: Relevance of Job Rotation. NO OF RESPONDENTS 14 16 5 5 40 % OF RESPONDENTS 35 40 12.5 12.5 100

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 s.agree 14 16 35


NO OF RESP 12.5 5 5 s.d.agree 12.5 PERCENTAGE



Graph 18: Relevance of Job Rotation.


INTERPRETATION: From the above table and graph it is clearly denoting that 75% of the respondents agreed with the above statement. Only 25% of the respondents are marked their response on strongly agreed dimension.

19: Frequent job rotations are not advisable on view of their negative impact on the organization and the employee. SCALE STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL Table 19: Job Rotations are advisable. NO OF RESPONDENTS 14 18 5 3 40 % OF RESPONDENTS 35 45 12.5 7.5 100

45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

45 35


18 12.5 5 7.5 3 s.d.agree





Graph 19: Job Rotations are advisable.


INTERPRETATION: 80% of the respondents agreed with the above statement. And 20% of the respondents are disagreed. By this we can observe that the employees are expressing that frequent job rotations are needed to utilize their skills on various job.

20: Job Rotations are improving self-image and provide personal growth. SCALE STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE TOTAL NO OF RESPONDENTS 19 16 5 0 40 % OF RESPONDENTS 47.5 40 12.5 0 100

Table 20: Improvement of self-image through Job Rotation.

50 40 30 20 10 0 19

47.5 40

NO OF RESP 16 5 0 s.agree agree disagree 0 s.d.agree PERCENTAGE 12.5

Graph 20: Improvement of self-image through Job Rotation.


INTERPRETATION: 87.5% of the respondents agreed with the above statement. By this we can observe that employees are agreed that job rotation provides personal growth to an individual.

FINDINGS 1) Performance may be the best parameter for both company and manager. It reduces the companys cost while rewarding the best. 2) The job satisfaction in the company is fair and it takes place annually. 3) Most of the employees know about their attributes and traits. some are ignorant. 4) The job satisfaction has been taken in two way process.

RECOMMENDATIONS 1) Improve the labour welfare programmes with in the organization which

was very important for the development of the organization. 2) Improve the percentage of provident fund and insurance of the employee

which improves Employees loyalty and motivation. 3) Improve the safety precaution of the employees while they are in the

work providing internal and external safety precautions. 4) Give more importance to welfare activities such as education, house,

allowances, and essential commodities and also give more importance to welfare benefits such as medical insurance, disability insurance, holidays, etc.


SUGGESTIONS Improvements in defining roles shall be done in order to

reduce the ambiguity condition of employees in their jobs and for effective performance of employees. Job design shall be flexible to accept the changes very easily to

enable employees tune to adopt the changes. This can be possible through job Enrichment and job enlargement. Most of the employees felt that frequent job rotations are

needed in this organization. Management may look into this. From the analysis we observe that most of the employees are

dissatisfied with the restructuring of designation. We suggest the management to re look into this.


Respondents from manager and officer category are fully satisfied with

the recruitment and selection procedure. The response pattern indicates that the employee specification is match

with the job specification here.


Response from the manger category indicates that the roles are defined

in an effective manner in this organization. On statement of organization audit through the job analysis. There is a

healthy. Convergence of views from the respondents. Respondents opined positively as the question of the job description

provides the information about hazardous and healthy conditions. The response from the officer category indicates that they are able to

reach their level of performance through the job analysis. Respondents from all categories pooled their opinion that job analyses

plays a major role in implementing HRD programmes. Analysis of data suggests that people feel tension if critical situations

arises which affects heir jobs. Respondents disagreed with the statement of the roles are defined in

such a way that it encourages initiative and creativity. Respondents feel that the job design in this organization is in a flexible

manner to adopt changes in their jobs. The job is giving satisfaction, motivation and initiative- for this question

evidence suggests that there is a tendency of decision taken at the local level. On question of the restructuring of designation in this organization.

There is an unhealthy convergence of views from the respondents, which indicates that the employees are opposing the restructuring of designation. Response pattern of respondents indicates that the employees are

dissatisfied with the compensation package in this organization.


Response from the manager category indicates that they haves more

opportunities for their growth and development in their jobs. The response pattern from all the categories indicates that their job

makes them to learn other skills and management activities also. Respondents agreed that the job rotation is a helpful tool to utilize

employee skills on various job. A respondent opined positively in the question of job rotation is needed

to relieve the boredom and monotony conditions of employee. Analysis of the data suggests that frequent rotations are advisable in

their organization. Response from the all categories agreed that the job enlargement

improves the efficiency of individuals and also eliminates the dissatisfaction and reduces monotony of employee.



S.NO 1


TITLE OF THE BOOK Organizational Behavior.

YEAR/EDITION 2008, 8th Revised Edition.

PUBLISHER TATA MC Grawhill,New Delhi. Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi. Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi

L.M. Prasad

Organization Behavior

2000, 4th edition.

P.Subba Rao

Essential of HRM and Industrial Relation.

2006, 3rd Revised edition.



CONSOLIDATED FEEDBACK FROM THE RESPONDENTS ON THE QUESTIONNAIRE QUESTI Serial No. 1 2 3 ONS Procedure for selection and recruitment is effective. Skills and qualifications match with job specification. Roles are defined in an effective manner to reduce the ambiguity of employee. Job information constitutes a kind of organization audit. Job description provides the information about hazardous and healthy conditions. Employee can reach his level of performance in an efficient manner through the job analysis. Job analysis great help in implementing the HRD programmes. Strongly agree 47 50 35 Strongly Disagree Disagree 10 10 25 10 3 0

Agree 33 37 40

4 5

33 40

32 37

27 18

8 5









8 9


Employee feel tension if a critical situation arises which affects his job. Roles are defined in such a way that it encourages initiative and creativity of employee. Job design in the organization is in a flexible manner to adopt changes in employees job.

8 35

17 32

58 20

17 13







Job satisfaction and motivation plays an important role to take initiative. Restructuring of designations encouraging is encouraging. I feel the compensation package suits to my present job. Job provides enough opportunities for employees growth and development. Career path helps in charting the channel of promotion and showing lateral line of transfer. Employees job makes him to learn other skills and management activities. Job rotation is helpful to utilize employee skills on various jobs. Job rotation is needed to relieve the boredom and monotony condition. Frequent job rotation is not advisable in view of their negative impact on the organization and the employee. Job rotation improves selfimage and provides personal growth.












































QUESTIONNAIRE I request you to kindly spare a few minutes to fill up this Questionnaire, which would help me to accomplish my project work on Job analysis Process.

PERSONAL INFORMATION: Name:____________________________________________ Gender: Male Female

Age 20-25 25-30 30-40 Above 40 Qualification:_______________________________________ Present: Department:______________________________ Designation:______________________________


What has been duration of service in Orient Cement Industry Ltd.? Scale: 1) Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Disagree 4) Strongly Disagree

a. b. c. [ ] d. e.

Effectiveness of procedure for Selection & Recruitment My skills and qualification match with job specification.

[ ] [ ]

Roles are defined in an effective manner to reduce the ambiguity of employee.

Job information constitutes a kind of organization audit. Job description provides the information about hazardous and healthy conditions. [ ]

[ ]


I am able to reach the level of performance that I am expected of in job specification. [ ] [ ] [ ]

g. h. i.

Job analysis is of great help in implementing the HRD programmes. I feel tension if a critical situation arises which affects my job. My role is defined in such a way that it encourages initiative and creativity.

[ ]


The job design in your organization is done a flexible manner to adopt Value changes in job. [ ] [ ]


My job gives me satisfaction and motivation to make initiative.


l. m. n. o.

Do you feel that the restructuring of designation is encouraging? I feel the compensation package suits to my present job.

[ ] [ ]

My job provides enough opportunities for my growth and development [ ] Career path helps in charting the channel of promotion and in showing lateral line of transfer. [ ] [ ] [ ]

p. q. r.

My job makes me learn from others skills and management activities. Job rotation is helpful to utilize employee skills on various jobs. Job rotation is needed to relieve the boredom and monotony conditions of employee.

[ ]


Frequent job rotations are not advisable on view of their negative impact on the Organization and the employee. [ ] [ ]


Job rotations improve self-image and provide personal growth.

100 80 60 40 20 0 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr East West North


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