Black Crusade - Broken Chains Additional Characters

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Character Name: Babaroth Player Name________________________________________ Character Type: Chaos Space Marine Archetype: Chosen Character History: Babaroth

is a terrifying figure, a towering berserker in the blood-red armour of the dreaded World Eaters legion. Whether or not he is truly one of these ancient warriors is an open question, for none have worked up the courage to ask him. Babaroth has long served with warbands travelling out of the Eye of Terror. He is always content to follow the orders of other leaders, though his only desire is slaughter, and his only allegiance is to the deity he sees as his patron: Khorne, the Blood God. Babaroth was captured by a concerted Inquisitorial effort. They hope severe psychic interrogation could provide valuable information that would offset the loss of a company of Guardsmen in capturing him. Pride: Devotion Failing: Destruction Motivation: Violence
Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill Strength Toughness Agility Intelligence Perception Willpower Fellowship Infamy










(Inf )


38 47

44 38 29 41
Pen: 2 Athletics (S) Awareness (Per) Dodge (Ag) Intimidate (S)

52 31
Trained +10

+20 +30

World Eaters power armour, 2 chainaxes (Babaroth does not begin play with this gear).


Frenzy: Babaroth may spend a Full Action allowing himself to be overcome with his thirst for destruction and death, working himself into an unquenshable rage. If he does so, during the next Round he gains +10 to WS, S, T, and WP, but suffers 20 to BS, Int, and Fel. He must attack the nearest enemy in melee whenever possible (without being suicidal). Once there are no enemies or combat ends, Babaroth must make a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test each Round to end Frenzy or continue to attack (Babaroth may choose NPCs first, but may have to attack allies!) Two Weapon Wielder: As a Full Action in melee combat, Babaroth may make one Standard Attack with each of his chainaxes. These attacks are made at a +0 modifier (instead of the usual +10 for Standard Attacks). Unnatural Characteristics: Babaroth adds +4 to his Strength and Toughness Bonuses due to his Space Marine implants.

World Eaters power armour Armour Points: 8 Special: Grants +20 Strength

Total: 17 Current_______________ Fatigue_______________

Half Action: 4m Full Action: 8m Charge: 12m Run: 24m

Total: 3 Current_______________

Playing BaBaroth
Babaroth is a single-minded killer. He ignores other matters, even his own safety, so long as he can taste death. Though not a simpleton, Babaroth long ago decided to leave leadership to others, his mind focused only on violence. This actually makes him a valuable ally, as he is willing to follow ordersso long as they do not keep him from killing for too long.

Permission granted to photocopy for personal use. Games Workshop Ltd 2011.

Name: Chainaxes Class: Melee Damage: 1d10+14 Special Rules: Tearing

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Character Name: Kastala the Scarred Player Name________________________________________ Character Type: Human Archetype: Psyker Character History: Kastala grew up in one of the the warring tribes of the feral world of Iocanthos in the Calixis Sector. An orphan, she barely survived as an unwanted outcast. However, early in life she learned she could sense a blows impact just before it hit. Kastala stopped avoiding the beatings from the tribes warriors. Though this earned her many scars, it also honed her power until she could dodge any blow. The warriors derision turned to awe, then terror when she began summoning vicious bolts of darkness to consume any who dared raise a hand against her. Kastala rose from outcast to avatar of destruction, carving a bloody swath through Iocanthos before being noticed and captured by the Inquisition. Pride: Foresight Failing: Wrath Motivation: Ascendancy
Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill Strength Toughness Agility Intelligence Perception Willpower Fellowship Infamy










(Inf )


32 28

31 33 32 48
Awareness (Per) Dodge (Ag) Forbidden Lore (Warp) (Int) Scrutiny (Per) Stealth (Ag)

50 29
Trained +10

+20 +30

Kastala is a quiet woman, but prone to violent rage when threatened. Her most notable feature is her singular force of will, which since her earliest memories is bent towards survival. Of course, now she has tasted the gifts the warp has to offer, and knows that true survival can only be found in its embrace. She wants to live long enough to grow in power, until nothing can destroy her. Kastala has no qualms about working with others. However, if they ever threaten her, shell burn them down immediately.

Flak vest, psy-grounding rig (When rolling the 1d10 for suffering Psychic Phenomena, the rig reduces the result by 1 to a minimum of 1. Kastala does not begin play with this gear).


Psyker: Kastala is a psyker, able to manifest warp-spawned powers. In the Black Crusade Core Rulebook, psychic powers have a more thorough ruleset. However, a simplified version is presented here. Kastala has a Psy Rating of 4. This affects the potency of her powers and is already included in the power profiles. When manifesting a power, Kastala must spend the requisite time (listed under Action) and make a Focus Power Test. She adds +20 to this Test (from her Psy Rating), and success means the power succeeds. In addition, if she rolls doubles (a result of 11, 22, 33, 00, etc.) she temporarily loses control and suffers Psychic Phenomenarolling an additional 1d10. On a 1-5 she loses a Half Action during the next Round. On a 6-10 she and everyone within 3 metres suffer 1d5 wounds ignoring armour and Toughness Bonus. (This replaces the Perils of the warp and Psychic Phenomena rules found in the actual game). Powers may be used in melee.

Flak vest Armour Points: 2

Half Action: 3m Full Action: 6m Charge: 9m Run: 12m

Name: Doombolt Range: 80m Action: Half Action Focus Power Test: Challenging (+0) Willpower Test Subtype: Attack, Concentration Kastala summons corrosive bolts of roiling dark energy. If she succeeds on her Focus Power Test, she hits her target once, plus once per every two additional Degrees of Success. Hits deal 1d10+4 damage with 8 Pen. Name: Precognitive Dodge Range: Self Action: Reaction Focus Power Test: Difficult (10) Perception Test Subtype: Concentration Kastala dodges by seeing the future. If Kastala takes an Evasion Action, she may use this power instead. If the power is successful, she avoids the attack in exactly the same way as if she passed a Dodge Test (including additional Degrees of Success negating additional hits from the attack).

Total: 10 Current______________ Fatigue______________

Total: 3 Current______________

Permission granted to photocopy for personal use. Games Workshop Ltd 2011.

Playing Kastala the scarred

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Broken Chains

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