Canadian Action Party Policies

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Canadian Action Party Policies

Introduction to Policies

The Canadian Action Party enshrines within all policies the principle that human beings
are entrusted as custodians of the planet and that every species on the planet is worthy
of our respect and protection. We shall practice a ‘do no harm’ ideology and reach for
the ‘common good’ in every policy we develop. We shall seek all information available
and implement policy to improve the quality of life of our citizens without jeopardizing
the environment. Our primary focus is to secure and maintain Canada as a sovereign,
free, democratic, and peaceful nation. Canadian Action Party policies are intended to be
common sense, solution oriented, and fundamental to the very nature of a sovereign,
free and democratic nation. A nation must have control over its monetary system in or-
to implement any social programs. Representative, accountable, accessible elected of-
ficials are essential to democracy. All international agreements shall reflect the best in-
terest of Canadians and our environment. The Canadian Action Party is committed to
terminating the erosion of Canada as an independent nation capable of governing itself.

FIVE essential interconnecting pillars in our platform are:

1. Monetary Control – The use of our Bank of Canada in the best interest of all Ca-
nadians and to maintain and enhance sovereignty.
2. Sovereignty – The ability to make laws and decisions for Canadians by Canadi-
3. Civil and Human Rights – The restoration and fulfillment of our rights as originally
intended under our Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Constitu-
4. Parliamentary Reform – The changes needed to bring our country to a state of
complete interactive democracy, for the people, by the people
5. Global warming – our species faces extinction too soon unless we take action

Without these solid points addressed, Canada is a shell of a country, a colony

under corporate and financial rule.
Canadian Action Party List of Policies

Monetary Control
• Bank of Canada
• Statutory Reserves
• Common Currency
• Taxation

• Fair Trade-Abrogate NAFTA
• Globalization - Reject North American Union
• Canadian Nationalism
• A United and Independent Canada

Civil and Human Rights

• Law Order and Justice
• Responsible Gun Ownership is a Privilege
• Royal Commission to Investigate 9/11
• First Nations

Parliamentary Reform
• Direct Democracy
• Anti-secrecy
• Ban electronic voting machines
• Elected Senate (Jury)

Global warming
• Environment

• Food, Fish and Forests

Social Policy
• Education
• Healthcare
• Seniors
• Families
• Elimination of Poverty
• Guaranteed Livable Income

• Protecting the Nation and Promoting Peace in the World

Research and Development

• Electric Car
• Arts, Culture and the CBC

Monetary Control

Bank of Canada

A re-empowered Bank of Canada is critical for the Survival of Canada as an independ-

ent and sovereign nation.

The Bank of Canada, unlike the Federal Reserve in the U.S., is wholly owned by the
people of Canada. It was nationalized in 1938 and was used very successfully to fund
infrastructure, social programs, education, etc., for the benefit of all Canadians. It was
used to bring us out of the depression, funded World War II, to build highways such as
the McDonald-Cartier freeway, public transportation systems, subway lines, airports, the
St. Lawrence Seaway, our universal healthcare system, our Canada Pension Plan.

Unfortunately, since Canada adopted economist Milton Friedman’s theory of Monetar-

ism in 1974 this has not been the case and one can track the progression of the dis-
mantling of Canada since then.

By 1974, Canada’s accumulated federal debt since Confederation was $18 billion. By
1977 after the government reduced its use of the Bank of Canada to carry public debt, it
had risen 3000% to $588 billion. Today the debt is $500 billion, 95% of which is com-
pound interest owed to private banks and investors. Currently Canadians pay $37 bil-
lion approximately per year in debt servicing.

We must return to the Bank of Canada for a minimum of 50% of Government-created

money (GCM). It is essential to maintaining our sovereignty (our monetary sys-
tem must not be in the complete control of the private bankers and corporate
elites. GCM could also be used to:

-Incrementally repatriate our debt back to the Bank of Canada, eventually eliminating
the need of paying interest to private banks. This means lower income taxes for all.

-Fund new infrastructure (roads, bridges, hospitals, schools) could be built at a fraction
of the cost because of reduced interest costs.

-Lend to provinces and municipalities at near or zero interest with the proviso that they
maintain a certain level and quality of healthcare, housing and education. That means
lower property taxes for all.

-Improve our universal health care system, reducing wait times and removing public-
private partnerships. It is a proven fact that public healthcare systems are more efficient
than private ones because profit is not the motive.
-Ensure that our public school systems and teachers are equipped with all that is nec-
essary to bring forth future generations of well-informed, well-rounded, well-educated
adults capable of critical thinking.

-Lower and/or subsidize university tuitions so that all citizens would have an opportunity
to attend institutions of higher learning should they wish, without ending up in the poor

-Alleviate the suffering of the poor, homeless, drug-addicted and mentally challenged.

-Invest in green technologies to save our environment.

-Invest in the family farm and new agricultural technologies that would eventually benefit
all citizens.


The Canadian Action Party would:

-Ensure that a minimum of 50% of new money supply would be GCM on which no inter-
est is paid (an increase from less than 5% currently).

-Amend the Bank Act requiring banks and other deposit taking institutions to maintain
statutory cash reserves with the Bank of Canada.

(for more information, please read this article:
ons_in_Canada.asp )


A central bank (Bank of Canada) properly used in the sovereign best interest of a nation’s citi-
zens requires the use of statutory reserves. Also previously known as fractional reserves, Statu-
tory Reserves are an alternative to interest rates for regulating the economy.

Higher interest rates hit everything in the economy, and especially hurt the unemployed and do
nothing to inhibit bank lending, which occurs whenever a profit is anticipated regardless of the
rate of interest.

Statutory reserves, properly used, permit governments to exercise financial sovereignty in de-
fense of society’s interest at minimum cost.

Statutory reserves can be applied to the economic sector that needs to be adjusted in order to
permit the expansion and contraction of the money supply when and where it is required, and
can be used effectively to inhibit inflation.

Statutory reserves give the government the use of interest free money to the extent permitted by
the Bank of Canada Act.

Statutory reserves are an essential means of financing essential infrastructure for a modern so-


a) The reserves themselves do not finance infrastructure. Rather they allow the financing.
The borrowing would still be done through the chartered banks at set interest rates, ex-
cept in the case of a crown corporation, such as the almost defunct Canadian Central
Housing Corporation.

b) Before the 1968 Bank Act changes, the rate of interest that a chartered bank could
charge was 6%. In many cases they actually collected about 11% by levying the interest
in advance for the entire period and collecting monthly payments. i.e., the borrower paid
interest on the full amount, full term, but only had use of the 1st month amount for 1

The statutory reserve is the requirement that banks deposit with the Bank of Canada a percent-
age of the [cash] deposits they received from the public. These statutory deposits do not earn
the chartered banks any interest (i.e. the B of C does not pay out any interest to the charted
banks on this reserve). The percentage rate of the reserve requirement can vary determined by
an overheated economy. [See #3]

The purpose and effect of statutory reserves is to regulate the multiplier – the number of multi-
ples of reserve that a bank can lend. That is, a fractional reserve of 8% would allow a Chartered
Bank to lend 11.00 for every 1.00 of its cash reserve.
11 X 8 = 88.00 + reserve of 8.00 = 96.00

This provided the means of cooling off an overheated economy or stimulating a depressed
economy without changing interest rates.

Statutory reserves were the basis of the most prosperous and productive quarter century in
Canada’s history following WW2. (During this time Canada renewed and modernized it’s infra-
structure that had been neglected during 10 years of depression and 6 years of war. New tech-
nologies were introduced and large numbers of refugees were assimilated and integrated into a
higher and more productive standard of living, etc.).

The Chartered Bank Act pre 1968 limited the amount of interest that a Chartered Bank could
charge at 6%. [See #5] Additionally, Chartered Banks could only lend for a period of 4 years.
That’s why Trust Companies were the source of lending for mortgages of more than 4 years and
most consumer loans (appliances) were for four years. Smart investors such as bank directors
would borrow a few million from a Chartered Bank, and then deposit it in a Trust Company. The
Bank of Canada was founded in 1935 under a Conservative government regime and was na-
tionalized in 1938 under the Liberal government regime of William Lyon Mackenzie King by the
purchase of 1200 private shares at a fair price.

Statutory Reserves were then and still are now an essential component of a sovereign banking
system functioning in the best interest of the people of a nation. Following the nationalization of
the Bank of Canada, the percentage of the federal debt ratio to the G.D.P. fell from 160% to
26%. The current proportion of the federal Canadian debt to the G.D.P. is 73.1%

Statutory Reserves in Canada followed the model established by President Roosevelt in the
U.S.A. in 1935, in the U.S.A.’s The Bank Act of 1935.

The Statutory reserves were eliminated in Canada by the Mulroney Conservative government
over two years beginning in 1991. Subsection (4) of Section 457 of Chapter 46 of the Statutes of
Canada 1991 change the Bank Act to provide for the phasing out changes in the Bank Act re-
specting the requirement of our chartered bands to maintain reserves with the Bank of Canada
(Meltdown William Krehm, p. 116).

Since the statutory reserves were eliminated, the percentage of the federal debt ratio to the
GDP has escalated at incredible rates. (Chartered banks built up their holdings of government
bonds, which no longer required cash reserves at the central bank, nor more capital of their
own. Between December 1990 and August 1994, their portfolios of federal government bonds
soared from $.5 billion to $35.6 G- i.e. by 900%. The total federal debt held by the banks in-
creased by 300% to $80 B. (Meltdown William Krehm, 153) An important distinction exists be-
tween financial capital and real capital.

97% of financial capital is abstract, abstracted from the real capital that has been monetized as
a debt. Real Capital is the knowledge, skills, accumulated tools and material resources referred
to by Adam Smith, when he said in The Wealth of Nations that “the wealth of a nation depends
upon the extent to which it supplies its own needs, with its own people, their skills and tools and
its own material resources”. That is why education, as a prerequisite to training, is so important;
not only how to work, but why to work.

The Canadian Action Party will re-institute the use of statutory reserves.


With the current cash reserve index (according to repeated references by Mr. Krehm) at
about $350 – $400 to $1.00, the immediate or rapid introduction of the percentage of
reserves proposed, the economy would deflate about 300 times the amount and speed it
deflated in 1927 – 1929.

The Chartered Bank credit that is now extant would have to be slowly reduced. Since
most of the collateral is now monetized, (commoditized, and the shortage is forcing the
Bank Credit to seek public property – value) the demonetization would have to be care-
fully orchestrated. Either that, or as Solon did in Ancient Greece, simply cancel all debt
and start fresh.

The banks will not be allowed to use the reserve requirements as a justification for in-
creasing interest rates or transaction fees.
Common Currency

CAP Commits to Independent Monetary System

Dollarization in a North American Union vs. National Monetary sovereignty

It is important to understand that if we use our Bank of Canada as was intended, there is
no possibility of a common North American currency that could be used in Canada or
could replace our Canadian dollar!


There currently exists an unconstitutional restructuring of Canada, the USA and Mexico into the
formation of a supra-NAFTA, supra-regional political and economic entity, driven by the agenda
of the financial/industrial corporate elite of North America.

The Liberal Prime Minister of Canada (Paul Martin) and the Presidents of both the USA and
Mexico, signed an agreement in March of 2005 called “The Security and Prosperity Partnership
Agreement” which promised to implement and effect that elite agenda;

The three national leaders met again in March of 2006 (This time the Canadian Conservative
Prime Minister Steven Harper) reporting to each other on the progress of their countries’ respec-
tive implementation.

This North American Union entity is surreptitiously eliminating the sovereignty of the people of
all three countries. This restructuring is occurring bureaucratically outside of the Parliamentary
process. The changes appear before Parliament incrementally and are rubber-stamped. Such
restructuring exceeds the power and authority of the executive branch of government and vio-
lates the constitutional rights and protections of the citizens of the three respective nations.
These constitutional rights belong to the citizens of each country, not to the corporate elite, nor
national leaders, nor to the governments.

The Council on Foreign Relations in the USA, produced a report in 2001, called “Building a
North American Community”. Among other things, that report called for the creation of a new
shared currency called the “AMERO”, a currency proposed to replace the U.S. dollar, the Cana-
dian dollar, and the Mexican Peso.

Other proposals called for the adoption in North America of the U.S. dollar, i.e., the dollarization
of Canadian and Mexican currency presumably governed by the U.S. Federal Reserve, a collec-
tion of powerful U.S. private banks. There is no greater aspect of sovereignty than the currency
of a country.

An independent currency empowers a nation to protect its national interest as and when neces-
sary. (This was proven in Mexico and the Argentine when scholars reached the conclusion that
governments that did not make their currency dependent on the U.S. dollar fared far better than
those who did.)
A common currency of Canada and Mexico with the U.S.A. would be a subordination of Cana-
dian and Mexican currency to that of the United States, as happened catastrophically in Mexico
in 1995 and in the Argentine around 2000.

At the beginning of the millennium, Argentina was persuaded to have every peso backed by
American currency before it could be issued. Thereafter Argentina descended rapidly from the
most developed Latin American country to that of third world status. In 1995, after Mexico is-
sued its debt payable either in U.S. dollars or in the Mexican peso at the holder’s choice, and
after NAFTA caused the abolition of all restrictions on the movement of short-term money
across the frontier, the Mexican peso lost 40% of its value, and the Mexican standard of living
tumbled to the worst level in generations.

The idea of Canada adopting the U.S. currency has been raised and dismissed before in Can-
ada, but the corporate financial elite refuse to take “no” for an answer.


The Canadian Action Party calls for the continuation of an independent sovereign Canadian
monetary system rooted in the utilization of the Bank of Canada and we reject any suggestion of
a “common currency” with any other country, or the dollarization of Canada’s currency by the
United States.

Responsible Fair Taxation

Cutting taxes is only part of the problem. The manner in which our tax dollars have been spent
or mismanaged must be resolved immediately.

Almost everyone would like to see further tax cuts but the extent of these would have to be
weighed against other priorities like healthcare, affordable housing, day-care, and a dozen other
areas including better safety inspection of our food, water and transportation systems. Corpo-
rate taxation needs to be reviewed immediately. Everyone that does business in Canada uses
the systems of Canada and must pay their share to support a viable progressive system. We
must ensure that we have the funds in place to pay for corporate mistakes in environmental is-
sues and not put the burden solely on individual taxpayers.

There is one tax, however, that should be removed and that is the Goods and Services Tax.

CAP confirms its long-standing policy in that regard. The GST on books, newspapers, periodi-
cals, postage stamps and theatre tickets would be eliminated immediately. The tax on all other
items would be reduced from 6% to 5%. In the second budget the GST would be reduced from
5% to 3%.

In the third budget the GST would be TOTALLY ELIMINATED.

The Canadian Action Party would pursue the full employment strategy that was envisioned
when the Bank of Canada Act was passed. By getting unemployed people back to work, Em-
ployment Insurance and welfare costs would decrease, and tax revenues would increase to help
offset the loss of revenue from the GST.

Computer simulations show that the tax can be eliminated over three years, by injecting 68- 70
billion dollars into the economy over 4 years without any new tax and maintaining a balanced
budget. ($68-70 billion equates to 50% of money supply over 4 years).

When we say that the GST would go, it would go!

Other Taxes
Payroll taxes should be further reduced. The Liberal and now Conservative governments have
milked the system to bolster general revenue at the expense of workers and employers. Our
monetary policy would end the boom-bust cycle so there would be no need to maintain big sur-
pluses in anticipation of the next recession.

Tax Reform
We would undertake a general review of our extremely complicated tax system to make it fairer,
simpler and more equitable.

Fair Trade - Abrogate NAFTA

Pro-Active Trade Deals

Canadians have been duped! We were led to believe that the Canada - U.S. Free Trade
Agreement (FTA) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) were “free trade”
agreements. They were not! They are a Charter of Rights for Corporations.
Canadian Action Party fully supports fair and responsible trade FTA, NAFTA, CAFTA do not rep-
resent fair trade.

The National Treatment Clause

The most under-discussed ‘clause’ means that foreign investors have the unrestricted right to
invest in Canada: (a) without conditions and, (b) without limits. We have lost the right to say that
only foreign investment that is beneficial to Canada is welcome.

NAFTA must be abrogated! — It must be cancelled!

NAFTA is worse than FTA because of ‘Chapter 11” which allows U.S. and Mexican investors the
right to sue us if any of our governments, federal, provincial or municipal, passes or amends a
law that affects their profits or future profits. North American Security and Prosperity Initiative
must be cancelled. Smart Regulations must be cancelled.

Canadian Nationalism
Most Canadians believe that this is not the moment for another constitutional wrangle. They
think there are more important priorities and we agree. In fact, we think the threat of globaliza-
tion and the loss of sovereignty it entails is a greater threat to both Québec and Canada than
our internal differences.

Recent polls indicate that English and French-speaking Canadians may be a lot closer in their
views than is commonly thought. We believe that a wording can be found which will recognize
Quebec's distinctiveness while reassuring other Canadians that this does not deny equality.

Most important, the Canadian people would be widely consulted before any decisions were
reached and the final recommendations would be submitted to electors for a decision by means
of a binding referendum.

A United and Independent Canada

Whether it is Quebec’s dissatisfaction or the alienation feelings of the West, Canada has expe-
rienced internal turmoil for more than 25 years. We must recognize that our internal differences
pale in comparison to the threat from external sources. Canadian Action Party has repeatedly
pointed out that Canada cannot survive as an independent country if we continue to be the vic-
tims of the “national treatment” clause in the FTA and NAFTA, and agreements such as the
North American Security and Prosperity Partnership.
For more than a quarter of a century Canadian unity has appeared to be an elusive goal. The
threat of Québec separating from the rest of Canada has never been far beneath the surface.
The immediate threat has waxed and waned but never disappeared. Some parts of western
Canada have threatened separation as an expression of acute frustration. Much political en-
ergy has been diverted from constructive pursuits to damage control and rearguard actions.

Western alienation reflected exasperation with a central Canadian establishment that appeared
neither to understand nor be concerned about western problems. The sources of Québec's dis-
satisfaction were more varied and complex.

There is the old perennial of Ottawa's intrusion in areas of provincial jurisdiction. While this cen-
tralization of power was essential in wartime it has never been totally given up in peacetime
which has annoyed Québec and some of the other provinces. So the division of power remains
an irritant.

In Québec's case the demand for independence gained impetus from an outside source. That
source was a petulant general Charles de Gaulle who wanted to get even with western leaders
for the slights, both perceived and real; he received during World War II. Winston Churchill and
Franklin D. Roosevelt excluded him from many top level discussions and, this was deeply re-
sented. Causing trouble in Québec was an outlet for his peeve, so he sent "moles" from France
and Morocco to propagate separation and socialism in Québec schools and universities and
some media outlets, with notable success.

The Pearson government provided the French government with more tangible reason for inter-
ference when it refused to sell it uranium for its atomic weapons on the same open conditions
that applied to the U.S. and Britain. Treating France as a second-class "mother country" did not
sit well in Paris and provided incentive for continued "subversion".

Patriation of the Canadian constitution became another potent weapon in the hands of the sepa-
ratists. It was not a significant issue, at first, despite René Levesque's sense of betrayal. It was
Brian Mulroney's treatment of the issue which made it explosive.

Mulroney's real appraisal was probably his immediate one when he crossed the floor of the
Commons to shake Pierre Trudeau's hand and congratulate him on a remarkable achievement.
The tone changed when Mulroney went all out in an attempt to convert Québec from a Liberal
fiefdom to a Conservative stronghold.

He told the people of Québec that they had been betrayed by the rest of Canada. Québec had
been excluded - it was the Canadian knife in Québec's back. The charge was repeated over
and over again until Québecers accepted the distortion as truth. Mulroney made no mention of
the fact that Québec members’ of parliament, like members of parliament from the rest of Can-
ada, had voted enthusiastically for one of Canada's major achievements — bringing the consti-
tution home after 50 years of failed attempts. Mulroney's political expediency did Canada a
great disservice.

Finally Canada's unwillingness to recognize Québec's distinct nature became a source of ag-
gravation. Of course Québec is not the only part of Canada which is distinct. Newfoundlanders
claim as much and so does Nunavut. But Québec is not a province like the others. It never has
been. It operates under the Napoleonic code rather than the British common law. But its big-
gest difference is that the majority of its inhabitants are French-speaking and it has its own dis-
tinctive majority culture.

So the recognition of this distinctiveness was primarily symbolic, like admitting to your wife that
she is both equal and different. The rest of Canada refused because it feared that "equal but
different" meant superior, in some mysterious way which, of course, it did not.

But all of this relates to an era which is past. It carried some legitimacy in the days before the
Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, the North American Free Trade Agreement, the World
Trade Organization and globalization, the substitution of corporate and plutocratic rule for de-
mocracy. These events have become the new and potent threat to Québec's survival.

As the Canadian Action Party has repeatedly pointed out, Canada cannot survive as an inde-
pendent country if we continue to be the victims of the "national treatment" clause in the FTA
and NAFTA. We are losing control of our industries and resources at a rate that indicates we
are probably only about two years (or less) away from the point of no return after which annexa-
tion by the U.S. will become inevitable.

If Canada dies, so will Québec. And the French language and culture in North America will soon
disappear. So if the goal of Québec sovereigntists is to preserve the French language and cul-
ture in North America, they will have to change strategy completely. Their survival depends on a
strong independent Canada.

The Canadian Action Party reminds Québecers that it was French-speaking Canadians and
Aboriginals who made the difference in keeping Canada from being annexed by the U.S. both in
1776 and again in 1812-14. Had they decided differently then there would be no Canada today,
and consequently no Québec.

Now they have the same choice again. They can opt for an independent Canada, including a
strong and influential Québec, which would achieve their goal. Any other choice will lead to as-
similation and disappearance of us all in the great American polyglot. This would not be an ap-
propriate end to several hundred years of proud and fascinating history.

The people of Québec are intelligent people who will quickly discern where their true interests
lie. But they can't survive on their own. All Canadians will have to cooperate in order to regain
our sovereignty as the foundation for an independent Canada comprising a strong central gov-
ernment and strong provinces willing to put petty politics aside and work cooperatively in the
interests of all citizens of this unique, richly blessed and beautiful land.

“My dream is that this beautiful country will never die”

Pierre Elliot Trudeau, October 1984

Reject the North American Union (N.A.U.)


1. The Agenda of the corporate/financial/military elite of North America is to unify

the territories currently occupied by Canada, USA, and Mexico into one entity
with a new border around the perimeter of North America under their aegis and
2. This agenda is currently being implemented by the cooperation and duplicity of
the governments and civil and military bureaucracy of the three nations;
3. The media and the corporate political parties of Canada currently sitting in Par-
liament are silent or deny that the restructuring of Canada is occurring;
4. The majority of Canadians are uninformed of this phenomenon, and have been
given no opportunity to become informed;
5. The position of Member of Parliament has already become almost irrelevant ex-
cept to rubber-stamp the will of the Corporate/financial elite;


1. The Canadian Action Party consider specific actions to warn Canadians and to
protest the creation of a North American Union such as:

a) Simultaneous sit-ins at the office of every MP in Canada,

b) A major campaign identifying and targeting the particular MP’s mandate to
implement the dismantling of Canada
c) Identifying and boycotting the corporations and individuals who are participat-
ing in this agenda;

2. A lawsuit to challenge the constitutionality of the NAU

a) The Canadian Action Party call for the immediate withdrawal of all govern-
ment participation in the North American Union, including withdrawal of par-
ticipation in the military Bilateral Planning Committee; the dissolution of the
North American Competitiveness Council (Canadian membership was an-
nounced by P.M. Harper in June, 2006); an end to the annual meetings of the
three leaders of Canada, USA and Mexico on this NAU impetus; the abroga-
tion of NAFTA; and the cessation of the NAFTA model expansion into all ar-
eas of Canadian affairs; defence, international trade, finance, immigration,
justice, et cetera
Civil and Human Rights

Law Order and Justice

Canadian Action Party recognizes that fear is the most critical factor threatening freedom in any
country. Whether it be fear of freedom to speak, voice opinions that differ from government or
the freedom to walk at night on our streets.

We believe laws are created to facilitate ease of movement in a civilized society. They are not
meant to control society as in a police state. There are several laws which are being passed or
have already been passed in the name of security which CAP believes are threats to our civil
liberties and democracy.

It has to be acknowledged that fear is one of the predominant emotions of our times.
Women, especially, are afraid to walk alone at night - sometimes, even in the daytime. So a
principal aim of CAP's policy is to reduce that fear to the maximum extent possible in today's

There are two characteristics predominant amongst people who commit crimes.

First, the vast majority has been abused at some stage of their lives. Second, the majority is un-
employed at the time the crime is committed. This is one more powerful reason that the Cana-
dian Action Party is committed to a policy of full employment (about 4% unemployed).

Achieving that, in itself, would reduce the crime rate significantly.

Of those who do commit crimes there are two distinct categories. The first includes hardened
criminals and repeat offenders. For those, we would provide stiff penalties and eliminate auto-
matic parole. The second comprises first-time offenders and persons guilty of minor crimes. For
these we would ease their path back into civil life and encourage them to stay clean. Rehabilita-
tion is by far the most cost-effective way of treating criminal behaviour.

We would give judges wider discretion about trying young offenders in adult court. We know of
young people who have committed serious crimes because they knew they would not be sub-
ject to the full impact of the law.

Another reform would be to fund enough additional judges so that cases could be tried more
expeditiously. It is totally unacceptable to see cases, including serious crimes, being dismissed
because too much time had elapsed.

Canadian Action Party believes that prevention should be the policy of choice for a just society.
We know that poverty contributes to crime rates. We know that children who live in poverty are
less likely to excel in school, and to be left unsupervised. We know that opening up extra-
curricular activities to all our children will keep them healthy, active in positive ways and less
likely to begin a path of criminal behaviour out of boredom. A full athletic program within a pub-
licly funded school system would assist with that goal. Criminals are not born they are created!
All people in our society need to be given the tools to become contributing members of society
and we believe it is government’s role to create policy that encourages that atmosphere.
On the subject of abortion, we respect the Supreme Court decision of 1998, which ruled in fa-
vour of a woman's right to choose. And we fully endorse the Charter of Rights declaration of
equality of gender, race, religion, and sexual orientation. We also fully respect our member’s
right to moral conscience. Therefore all elected Canadian Action Party MP’s would be free to
vote according to their conscience on moral issues.

Responsible Gun Ownership is a Privilege

Gun Control Legislation has been a ‘Boondoggle! Like most Canadians we are deeply con-
cerned about the irresponsible use of guns and applaud measures to keep them out of the
hands of criminals, people with criminal records and the mentally challenged.

Further effort is required to restrict the import of guns into Canada illegally. We also note that
since the inception of the latest ‘boondoggle’ called the new gun registry, it appears that vio-
lence with the use of guns has risen. Prior to it being brought into effect Canadian Action Party
had this to say “We have searched widely but have found no evidence, however, that the regis-
tration of rifles and shotguns, as set out in Bill C-68, will save lives. The available evidence
merely indicates that the exercise will be very, very expensive and a considerable nuisance to
some Canadians, especially those from rural areas, westerners, northerners, and Aboriginal

Consequently we would repeal Bill C-68 so that it would no longer be necessary to have a per-
mit to own rifles and shotguns and there would be no necessity to register them.

We are convinced that there are other ways to spend the same amount of money that would
save more lives while eliminating a lot of aggravation for thousands of honest Canadian citizens.

Firearm Acquisition Certificates would, of course, still be required to prevent angry or unstable
persons from buying firearms.

Now that we have seen it implemented, we once again are forced to observe that our money
has been mismanaged. As we suspected registration of long-guns or rifles would do little to de-
crease crime or prevent loss of life. We need responsible government capable of making solid
policy on the issues that matter. We cannot afford government that overspends, underestimates
costs of projects and doesn’t do the necessary homework before creating policy.
Royal Commission to Investigate 9/11


Prime Minister Harper has said he sent Canadian troops to fight in Afghanistan as a result of the
24 Canadians who died on September 11th, 2001.

The complete democratic fibre of Canada is being dismantled on the grounds of a threat to na-
tional security arising out of the 9/11 incidents.

A fundamental tenet of a free society is the right to be fully informed.

The antiterrorist laws are the enforcement tools being used to create a North American unified
entity that is intended to replace Canada, USA, and Mexico.

But there is overwhelming evidence that the official investigation looking into the causes of the
destruction of three towers in New York City, of the destruction of a part of the Pentagon, and of
the supposed crash of an airliner in the fields of Shanksville, Pennsylvania on September 11,
2001 was grossly inadequate.

The questions arising upon examination of the evidence by noteworthy experts from all relevant
fields of scientific inquiry are so numerous and so profound as to challenge the legitimacy of the
entire “anti-terrorist” mentality and program, and in particular, the Al Qaeda “conspiracy theory”
of their responsibility for attacking the U.S.A.

Some interesting facts to consider:

• Osama bin Laden is no longer suspected of, nor have the FBI found any evidence link-
ing him to the attacks of September 11th, 2001 and recently disbanded the FBI team re-
sponsible for tracking him down.
• President Bush seems to have lost all interest in finding Osama bin Laden.
• Unprecedented liberty stripping and police state laws have been enacted with more set
to come in Canada, the USA, Great Britain, and Australia, as a direct result of the tragic
events of September 11th, 2001.


1) The Canadian Action Party calls for the immediate establishment of a Royal Commission
to examine all evidence and to take sworn testimony so as to ascertain what really hap-
pened on September 11, 2001 and to disclose all its findings to the public forthwith,
whereas 24 Canadians met with their death as a direct result.

2) The CAP/PAC calls for an immediate moratorium on all Canadian antiterrorist legislation
pending the results of this Royal Commission
First Nations Concerns

Respecting Our Past

The Canadian Action Party policy on Aboriginal rights is based on the spirit of the report of the
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Some specific points may be open to discussion and
negotiation but the Commission Report is a solid foundation on which to build progressive and
forward-looking solutions to long-lasting problems. Poverty on First Nation reserves in Canada
must be addressed without delay.

Detailed information:

The Canadian Action Party policy on Aboriginal rights is based on the spirit of the report of the
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Some specific points may be open to discussion and
negotiation but the Commission Report is a solid foundation on which to build progressive and
forward-looking solutions to long-lasting problems.

The present situation is desperate. The percentage of child poverty in aboriginal communities is
totally unacceptable. The number of aboriginal people in jail in proportion to the total population
is shocking and reflects badly on our system of "justice". It is the abandonment of hope on the
part of so many young people, however, which is the greatest cause for concern. Hope must be
restored, and anger abated, before we can claim any degree of success.

Land claim settlements are, of course, a source of aggravation and some means must be found
to speed up the process for the benefit of all involved. One has to wonder, however, even if
even all of the claims were expeditiously resolved, if that would solve the problem of youth al-
ienation of which part, at least, appears to be a function of boredom.

As the National Chief, Matthew Coon Come, has said, his dream is that the coming generation
will have their choice of the old ways and the new ways, living off the lakes and forests in the
tradition of their ancestors or of participating fully in the dynamic new horizons of the information

Canadian Action Party believes that one way this dilemma might be resolved would be to select
one or two new city sites - perhaps one in the west and one in the east - as part of an overall,
comprehensive land-claims agreement.

New cities that would be designed, built, operated and governed by Aboriginal peoples.
Cities that would respect the environment but would, at the same time, offer exciting opportuni-
ties for creative young people in every area of human development imaginable.

The idea is one that would provide both the challenge and the comfort level that young aborigi-
nal people are looking for - one where fear of discrimination does not exist. It is understood, of
course, that the aboriginal communities would be in accord and substantial financial assistance
would be available as part of the settlement package - money that would go into something
concrete and useful for generations to come.

It is possible that this idea may not appeal, but it is novel, positive and forward-looking.
That, in itself, is a step in the right direction.
Parliamentary Reform
Canadians have expressed great dissatisfaction with the way parliament works today.

Canadians are insulted with the behaviour of our MP’s during Question Period and don’t like to
see the party whip used to make MP’s follow party line. We understand and agree.

We would change the rules for question period-in part, limiting the number of days ministers
spend in Question period.

We would make all votes in the Commons, except those clearly defined as votes of no confi-
dence, "free votes" where MPs could vote according to their conscience and the wishes of their

We would change the rules for Question Period. The principle of Question Period is good. Minis-
ters should be accountable for their actions. But to have them all there five days a week, like a
row of sitting ducks in a shooting gallery, is an incalculable waste of time.

Instead, we would adopt some variation of the British system under which ministers are ques-
tioned in rotation. Advance notice of the questions would be given, but supplementary questions
on the same subject would be allowed. Two days a week the Prime Minister would answer
questions of either a general or urgent nature. Not only would a change along these lines bring
improved decorum to the House, it would multiply the hours ministers have available to learn
their departments and make the decisions that might otherwise be left in abeyance.

We would give Members of Parliament a real function in the legislative process. We would actu-
ally have MPs in all party committees draft legislation for submission to Parliament. This would
be a sharp departure from the present practice where nearly all legislation is written by public
servants, approved by cabinet and rammed through parliament with the help of the government
whip. The advantage of giving MPs a greater role is that most legislation would then be non-
partisan, the product of the best minds from all the parties. It would allow MPs to more clearly
express the wishes of their constituents, and it would make MPs "somebodies" instead of no-

As the "first past of the post" method of electing members of parliament does not result in a
House which truly reflects the views of the electorate, the Canadian Action Party is committed to
the principle of proportional representation which would result in a Commons more in tune with
the real wishes of voters.

One of our reform policies has already been addressed. Specifically that is with regard to drasti-
cally reducing the amount of money corporations could contribute to a party, so their money
wouldn't play such a dominant role in election campaigns. We would require television and radio
stations to provide limited amounts of free advertising to all parties as a public service.

One further concern is the lack of any popular control of government between elections.
The party whips are so pervasive that voter’s wishes are often ignored. Consequently we are
committed to citizen’s initiatives and referendum based on the Swiss model. We are convinced
that if such a system had been placed it is likely that we would have been spared the Free
Trade Agreement, NAFTA and the Goods and Services Tax.
Direct Democracy

Direct Democracy Structure


Full Accountability, Accessibility, and Representation are essential elements of a democratic

system of government. The current system and practice of government in Canada serves Ca-
nadians very poorly. The practice and experience of most political parties in Canada is of inter-
nal tyranny. There is a desire among CAP members that a method of operation in CAP/PAC be
created to prevent sabotage, takeover, and tyranny.


The legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee and the Organization

Committee will examine and consider policies of direct democracy including a Swiss style refer-
endum system to govern CAP and Canada, and to make recommendations on the wording of a
policy to be put to the CAP/PAC membership for vote by referendum.

Making Democracy Work

Canadian Action Party fully supports the need to introduce more open participatory democracy.
There are several proposals open for discussion. We believe that there are occasions when
Canadians ought to be called on to assist in choosing the right plan for
Canada. Referendum is one of those options. We are open to discussion on this subject.


Secrecy is the breeding ground of power abuse and corruption and is the modus operandi of the
forces operating Canada and the world. The political parties are fouling Canadians. The Cana-
dian Action Party commits to complete openness as a fundamental principle to democracy and
to a complete absence of secrecy in the party and in governance of the country.


Ban Electronic Voting Machines Petition

The Canadian Action Party deems it as unacceptable the use of any and all electronic voting
machines and will execute as soon as possible the implementation of an online petition across
Canada by the CAP Executive. On the cessation of polling, CAP shall have the number of
names delivered to Jean-Pierre Kingsley, Chief Electoral Officer of Canada.

Elected Senate (Jury)

An elected Senate

Canadian Action Party sees the need to reform the Senate. We see it as a very important vehi-
cle for second thought before legislation is passed. We have reviewed various ideas on senate
reform and believe that the ‘Jury Senate’ is by far the best proposal for real democracy to func-

Elected Senate in Detail

From the 1930s to the end of the 20th century, senate reform has periodically appeared in the
platform of some political parties. The only reform that took place, however, was that when the
Liberals were in power they appointed Liberal senators and when the Tories were in power they
appointed Tory senators. A handful of Independents were rare exceptions. More recently the Re-
form Party (Alliance) has been pushing the Triple E Senate - elected, equal and effective. But
this American idea wouldn't fly in Canada. We don't have 50 states. We have ten provinces and
three territories of vastly different size and population.

There is no way that British Columbia, Ontario and Québec would settle for the same number of
seats as Prince Edward Island. Other ideas have included giving the power to appoint senators
to provincial governments. But this was perceived as potentially fractious and self-serving on the
part of the provinces. The search remained for an elected senate which would not have the
wide-ranging power of the U.S. Senate but would still act as a genuine check on a House of
Commons dominated and dictated to by the government party whip at the whim of an all-
powerful prime minister.

The "Jury" Senate

Originally the brainchild of Frank Stronach, the concept of a jury senate is novel and meets the
test of providing both fundamental reform and a workable system. It would provide both the "so-
ber second thought" that has been the present Senate's principal rationale for continued exis-
tence, in the face of pressure to abolish it altogether, and a real populist counter-balance to the
near absolute power of Canada's prime ministers - greater, proportionally, than the president of
the United States.

The original plan for the "jury" senate called for one senator to be elected for each two electoral
districts for a total of 150. The Canadian Action Party has opted instead for one senator for each
three electoral districts (approximate) for a total of 101. There are two reasons for the change.

The first reason is practical housekeeping. The present Senate Chamber will accommodate 101
whereas it is too small for 150. Even more compelling is the fact that under the following pro-
posal 101 is ample to balance the power of the Commons while 150 might be too overpowering
and dominant. With a 101 total the initial distribution would be something like this. Newfound-
land 2, Prince Edward Island 1, Nova Scotia 4, New Brunswick 4, Québec 25, Ontario 34, Mani-
toba 5, Saskatchewan 5, Alberta 9, British Columbia 11 and the three Northern Territories 1.

In order to keep provincial representation in round numbers some senate constituencies would
be slightly more or slightly less than the Commons constituencies. This would not interfere in
any way with the smooth operation of the system.

The House of Commons would be elected as it is now on a partisan basis. The "jury" senate, on
the other hand would be non-partisan and vote as individuals. The Chief Electoral Officer would
choose candidates for the “jury” senate from the permanent list of electors by computer random
selection. Twenty or twenty-five names would be drawn and they would be asked to indicate
whether or not they would like to stand for election.
Those that replied in the affirmative would be asked to submit a two-page summary of their
background experience and reasons why they would like to serve in public office, together with
a photograph. The Chief Electoral Officer would have the information transcribed in standard
form and mail it to each qualified elector in the senatorial district at public expense.

This would eliminate the need for campaigning in the traditional way, putting up signs and buy-
ing advertising, which would be prohibited, so that there would be a level playing field between
candidates and they would be beholden to no one except the taxpayers at large.

Once elected, the senate would vote with the Commons on all measures. This means that gov-
ernment legislation would have to meet the non-partisan test of the senators. It is doubtful that
measures such as the GST or the restricted compensation for victims of
Hepatitis C would have withstood such a test. "Jury" senators would only be allowed to serve for
one term unless, by miraculous coincidence, their name was drawn a second time by random
sample. This way they would be completely free to vote as their conscience and common sense
dictated. The only general exception to the one term rule would be in the event parliament was
dissolved before it had served 21⁄2 years of its statutory 5 year limit in which case the entire
senate would be considered re-elected and only any vacancies existing at the time would be
filled by ballot.

The Canadian Action Party is convinced that of all the proposals it has seen so far for senate
reform or an elected senate that the "Jury Senate" is by far the best. It is fair, fundamental and
populist. Ordinary voters would have their voices clearly heard without the distortions that often
occur when they are screened through political parties. The "Jury Senate" would be a giant step
in the direction of a more genuine democracy.



Global warming has proceeded at a faster pace than anyone had imagined: the
10 hottest years on record have occurred in the last 14 years, 2005 being the hottest and not
even one reputable scientist will any longer claim that this warming is just cyclical, nor dispute
the fact that human beings are causing an escalating global warming and at current rates of
warming it is estimated now that both Arctic and Antarctic ice caps will melt within 50 years,
causing water levels worldwide to rise by 20 feet, ocean currents and therefore climate disposi-
tion to be entirely uncertain and unknown and warming to clearly accelerate quite possibly be-
yond life means with said 50 years and we (human beings) are therefore in a situation which
transcends any national or international party policy (such as the North American Union, the
Bank of Canada, human rights) or ideology, and which requires us to take extraordinary (i.e.
war-based) measures, said situation being that we (human beings) must now humbly admit that
it can now be argued with credibility that our species extinction is highly probable within this
generation or the next, unless we take action NOW.


The Canadian Action Party shall consider global warming to be a primary policy priority, devel-
oping policies and priorities to that end.


Cleaning Up Our Toxic Country

All policies must be respectful of our environment. We must always strive to create an atmos-
phere where people can live in a healthy manner. We must encourage responsible decisions
and penalize decisions, which are detrimental to the environment. Our food, water, air and soil
are the basis to sustain all life forms. We cannot afford to sacrifice one for the sake of greed or
pursuit of profit.

We support the family farm, organic foods, sustainable, responsible agriculture, fisheries and
forests. We support the Kyoto Protocol and water as a human right.

Environmental Concerns

We must reduce the use of fossil fuels to meet the Kyoto Accord. In order to achieve this goal
we shall adopt a similar energy strategy to Europe, which includes: 1) energy conservation; 2)
renewable energy such as wind, solar, hydroelectric and geothermal; 3) use cleanest available
fossil fuel in the most efficient way possible. In particular, we shall review the development of
the Alberta tar sand’s and its contribution towards global warming. In situations involving re-
source extraction we shall seek alternatives that provide jobs and prosperity without damaging
wildlife habitat or contributing to CO2 emissions.

To meet our transportation needs we shall establish the manufacture of a hybrid Canadian
made car, promote car sharing, fuel efficiency, public transit, rail, and urban planning for pedes-
trians and bicycles, within cities and outlying urban areas.
The Canadian Action Party acknowledges the extremely high priority, that environmental con-
cerns demand and would provide financial assistance in research, development and application
of all progressive measures necessary to meet the objectives of sustainability. Another high pri-
ority would be garbage reduction. The Canadian Action Party would develop environmental
standards for waste and packaging reduction, while helping to fund all Canadian cities willing to
accept new non-polluting technology to the end that dumping in landfill sites would soon be only
a distant memory.



Canadian agriculture as a major industry got its start as a result of European wars, revolutions
and by being under the umbrella of the British Empire. Traditionally the Ukraine was considered
the breadbasket of Europe. As a result of the Russian Bolshevik revolution Canada was able to
claim the title ”Bread basket of the world”. Via the British connection we: cleared land, settled
land, built railways and supplied about 80% of grains to Europe. The point is it was a volume
production model and unfortunately still is. In the 21st Century a profit-based model for rural
communities is critical if the nation’s farm resource is to survive. The world situation is vastly
different and the problems faced by farmers are many faceted.

We now have competition from the former customers in Europe, and from most of South
America, as well as New Zealand, Australia and the US. Nation-states have given way to global
corporations with more trading power and ability to manipulate the market than the nation-states
ever had. The produce volume at any cost mindset is an unparalleled opportunity for the trans-
nationals to pit farmer against farmer and powerless nations against each other in downward
price spirals. Canada can’t compete very effectively in this scenario because of higher land
costs, higher standard of living, short growing season, and being a subsidiary, in terms of mar-
ket decision making, to the American dominated corporate sector.

Agriculture at the present depends on high input costs in relation to intolerably thin profit mar-
gins. In fact, we experienced negative margins in 2003. The supply management sectors, which
are geared to domestic consumption, are the only profitable sectors aside from a few niche spe-
cialty operations.

Global Climate change is beginning to show some worrisome effects.

Current agriculture policy appears blissfully unaware of any of these problems, and offers no
real solutions. The marketplace has not, and will not respond to the needs of rural Canadian
communities. The marketplace responds to profit taking by the trans-national traders. The crisis
in Canadian agriculture is left unattended. The market rules of compete or fail places the total
burden on farmers who have no resource to deal with them. We are losing, and will continue to
lose independent farmers under a hand of “the market economy”.
The Canadian Action Party Policy is the only political force that embraces a comprehensive
foundation needed to transform agriculture into a new, dynamic and profitable vocation for farm-
ers, rural communities, and by extension, all of Canada.

Agriculture Depends on the Abrogation of NAFTA

It is absolutely necessary to reclaim sovereignty, and with it the ability to formulate our own poli-
cies, which have the sole objective of long term economic and environmental sustainability. We
will create profit-based policies to put realistic dollars into farmers’ pockets. We must be free of
corporate agriculture which is volume based and controlled by a few international corporations.
NAFTA is the tool they have created to successfully entrench rules that guarantee their power
and profit.

We as an independent nation are capable of finding markets, developing markets, and diversify-
ing products and markets that will benefit and revitalize rural communities. In a shrinking world,
the value is in the resources. We must not lose control of our farmland and the skilled people
who live there. Encroaching foreign corporate ownership must be stopped.

NAFTA as an investment agreement using farmers as pawns in the hands of global traders is
not in rural Canada’s best interests.

Agriculture that is Sustainable

The Canadian Action Party supports the following positions as set out by the National
Farmers Union:

"A few decades of international trade liberation have increased the volumes of agricultural trade
significantly. It has worked very well for the trans-national processors, traders and retailers.
Volatile unstable markets abroad have replaced well paying stable markets within the region or
within the country.

Trade in agricultural commodities is dictated by volumes that traders can extract for the lowest
possible price from farmers in countries where they have the market power and the infrastruc-
ture to do so.

Farmers in Canada that are producing for the international commodities market is increasingly
battered by low commodity prices and increased input costs. Without government subsidies,
which are all geared to reward volume of production, not one farmer would survive the conse-
quences of this trade agenda.

The IMF, WORLD BANK, WTO, NAFTA and most agricultural policies of provincial governments
and the federal government have one thing in common: they work very well for trans-national
processors, traders, and large retailers.

They do not work for the natural environment, for farmers, nor for consuming taxpaying citizens
at large.

The Bank of Canada could be used to major research into finding new products that will grow on
farms here for a predominantly Canadian market. Many of these may be non-food products
such as paper, fuels and building materials. In a world that depends on stripping natural re-
sources, it is time to develop products that can have a renewable base. It is important to de-
velop products for domestic consumption and lessen our dependence on foreign volatile mar-
kets. Pricing for domestic consumption can reflect true costs and reasonable profit margins. We
will trade globally but our survival should not be dependent on the whims of the global market
place. We will strive for as much independence as possible. It is to our long-term benefit that
shrinking natural resources in the world will create a demand for our surplus products and

By implementing agriculture policy’s that put money into farmers’ hands we will revitalize entire
rural communities. This includes better margins between cost and returns. It means not accept-
ing trans-national price-fixing on neither inputs, nor commodity returns.
Climate change is real and it’s a national crisis. It will require state money to change practices if
we are to attempt to divert this crisis. A sovereign Canada in control of the economic levers
working in cooperation with farmers is the only way to avert problems of climate change. Possi-
ble solutions may range from re-establishing wetlands on farms and the reestablishment of wa-
ter replenishment areas such as wood lots. Changes and diversifying cropping practices de-
signed to work with the nature cycles will be employed.

The ability of farmers with a history of innovation skills is critical in the battle to avert the serious
effects of climate change. The money to achieve this is available at no cost. It is the same fund-
ing formula that financed the 2nd World War, the Trans-Canada highway, and the St. Lawrence

It is time to act in rural Canada’s interests. Laying the foundation as advocated by the Canadian
Action Party is the only way to do this.

The Canadian Wheat Board and the Supply Management arrangements in the dairy and poul-
try sectors are the only tools left for Canadian farmers to exert some market power. Canadian
sovereignty is crucial to defend these institutions at trade negotiations. They are under perma-
nent attack by trade institutions.

Another phenomenon with the international commoditization of agricultural production is that

there is a de-linking of the prices that consumers pay and farmers receive.

There seems to be enough power in processing, trading and retailing that they can extract the
commodities for less and sell the consumer items for more"... Jan Slomp

Richard McKelvie sets out the objectives and needs of the family farmer as follows:

The issue at its core is not money for long-term loans. The goal is to get reasonable prices for
the commodities. No loans would then be needed. The goal is to promote small farms because
they are and can be much more efficient than large corporate agriculture. (Diverse production
involving vegetables etc will produce 1000 times more food that industrial monoculture.) The
integrated transnational factory model is not ecologically sustainable. We need small farms pro-
ducing for the domestic market.
We need research to find alternate crops for the land resource, i.e., building material, fuel, etc.
Foreign international corporations conduct research to assist them to find the best way to ex-
tract the highest profits for them. Under NAFTA we have no power to compel research to help
the small farmer or the sustainability of the land. NAFTA must be abrogated.
Climate change and "serf" prices for commodities are the deadly combination that family farm-
ers face. Industrialization in forestry and factory farming are the primary cause of agricultural
poverty and failure, and they play a major role in climate change. On the Canadian prairies, cli-
mate change means the ‘desertification’ of the Great Plains — The creation of desert wasteland.

Dependence on oil to operate agriculture is not sustainable. Estimates are that Canada will run
out of our oil and gas reserves in about 10 to 15 years. Under NAFTA, Canada cannot cut off or
reduce the supply to the U.S.A of that energy from Canada even if we need what is left for our
own survival. It takes 8 units of oil to produce one unit of food.

When we run out of oil, we run out of food.

Food, Fish and Forests

It is no secret that the Canadian farming industry is in crisis. Instead of small is beautiful, which
it really is, it has become small is bankrupt or soon to be driven out of business.
This is largely the product of globalization and the so-called "free trade" agreements that have
opened our country to predatory practices. A few large trans-national corporations want to mo-
nopolize the world food supply from seed to feed to production and finally processing in order to
make both producers and consumers totally dependent.

Canadian officials, over-zealously pushing the ideology of a world without borders, reduced
subsidies on Canadian wheat unilaterally ahead of the U.S. and the European Union. This has
resulted in more than 25,000 Manitoba and Saskatchewan farmers going bankrupt in 2001 ~V a
portent of worse to come.

Our supply management system for dairy and poultry products is also under attack. The
Liberal government tells us that the system is not open to negotiation. But they are not telling us
the truth. As long as we are subject to the FTA, NAFTA and the World Trade
Organization our supply management system is doomed. There is no way to protect it as long
as these treaties are in effect.

That is just one of the reasons CAP would abrogate (cancel) the FTA and NAFTA and take agri-
culture off the negotiating table under the WTO. Immediate and urgent action is required and if
CAP is given the balance of power we will insist on regaining control over our destiny and nego-
tiating "fair trade" agreements that are mutually beneficial.

Meanwhile the situation is so desperate, comparable to the 1930s for western farmers, we
would demand extraordinary measures.

A moratorium on the foreclosure of mortgages on farm properties to stabilize the situation until
remedial action can be taken.

Farm mortgages would be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and debt written down to the point
where the farm could be reasonably expected to operate at a profit.
Grain subsidies would be restored until the U.S. and the European Union abandon theirs, which
could be quite a long time if one can believe spokesmen for the European Union. The purpose
of these extraordinary measures will be to restore a way of life, which is loved by many and to
prevent Canada from becoming dependent on foreign sources for our food supply. Every coun-
try should retain some independence - especially when it comes to the staff of life.

The fishing industry, too, requires careful review. Ottawa officials refused to listen to the pleas
of fishermen in the Atlantic Provinces and the result has been chaos in the industry.

CAP would either listen to the people who know the business, or turn jurisdiction over to them if
that proved to be the only solution. Again the needs of the inshore fishermen would be given
preference over the interests of trans-national corporations.

Canada needs a hard and fast policy to protect its forests. Clear-cutting should be abol-
ished through a national policy, and the provinces urged and rewarded for observing it. The ob-
ject should be a sustainable harvest of forest products in perpetuity.

Another area of concern is our boreal forests. They are slow-growing trees and are being har-
vested at an unacceptable rate. We complain about the Brazilians devastating their rain forests
to the detriment of world conservation measures. They have equal right to fault us for not pro-
tecting the boreal forests, which are also essential to the preservation of the ozone layer and the
survival of our planet.
Social Policy

Empowering the Citizenry

Social policies are tied to our trade and monetary policies. Most importantly, CAP would abro-
gate (cancel) trade agreements that contain a "national treatment clause" allowing us to regain
control over our social policies.

• We would ensure that money creation was shared between the Bank of Canada on be-
half of the people and private banks to adequately fund our social needs
• Ensure that all of society has access to affordable housing, especially our most vulner-
able, our mentally ill, disabled, elderly and our children.
• Support construction of cooperative housing and (subsidized housing in mixed income
neighborhoods to assist the working poor.
• Ensure that the minimum wage across Canada is sufficient to sustain a reasonable
standard of living.


Investing in our Future

The Canadian Action Party believes in universal access to a public educational system.
And, whereas education is a provincial responsibility — All Canadians have a direct interest in a
well-educated future generation.

To ensure education is not just a choice dependent on family or personal wealth CAP would:

• Transfer between $1 billion to $1.5 billion a year to the provinces for the express pur-
pose of reducing tuition fees and bringing them down to 1990-91 levels.
• Make direct, low interest loans to students.
• Allow the interest paid on existing loans to be deducted from taxable income for tax pur-
• Support the teaching of the liberal arts and resist the effort to restrict education to readily
marketable skills.
• Prevent corporations from having too much power and influence in the educational proc-
• Reinstitute the teaching of skills that encourage how to think, calculate, assess and
adapt to real life; as opposed to being indoctrinated or taught what to think.
• Keep universities free of public/private partnerships, which benefit private corporate in-
terests like military contractors and scientific experimental labs involved in the genetic
modification of life etc. See for
background information
• Bring back the basics of teaching government function, how it works, the purpose of
government and encourage all citizens to participate fully in the democratic process
• Make monetary systems, (economics, how money is created, etc.) part of the education
curriculum from K to grade 12 mandatory, in conjunction with Civic responsibilities.

Health – Healthy Babies Healthy Society

Today, our health care system is a national emergency. Canadian Action Party knows how to fix
it without turning the system over to private for profit interests. The Bank of Canada could be
used to finance its health and survival. This could be achieved by creating and spending money
into circulation specifically targeted for health care needs: hospitals (see also CANADA INFRA-
STRUCTURE BONDS), doctors, nurses, technicians, equipment, and so on.

After federal funding cuts of $25 billion over the past ten years, CAP supports the minority gov-
ernment decision to put federal funding back up to 25%. We need more we need to immedi-

• Make natural holistic remedies available under Medicare.

• Scientific studies on Genetically Modified Organisms, irradiation and vaccines
• Foster a genuine Canadian drug industry vs. giant for profit U.S. drug industry
• Promote preventative medicine with emphasis on how poverty, stress and pollution affect

Canadian Action Party Supports the implementation of The Romanow Report, which made it
abundantly clear that Canadians want adequately funded universal health care that includes
home care and a drug plan.

Two years of intergovernmental bickering have brought federal funding back up to 25% how-
ever, there are no conditions attached and, Prime Minister Paul Martin has already created a
new cabinet post to oversee public-private partnerships.

To prevent the privatization of health care the Canadian Action Party would:

• Place a moratorium on all public/private partnerships

• Enforce labeling of genetically modified and irradiated foods
• Ensure that Canada Health Act is enforced

Finally, Canadians must understand that any decent health-care system in this country
requires three major changes:

1) We must cancel the Canada/U.S. Free Trade Agreement and NAFTA because these "trade"
deals give U.S. corporations the right to challenge the very existence of Medicare by claim-
ing it is a trade irritant which distorts the "free" market. We can do so with six months notice.
2) We must stop the sell-out of Canada to large foreign corporations, and maintain control over
our resources and industries. A country is no longer independent — and can't afford social
programs — if its assets and decision-making are controlled beyond its borders. The end of
Canada means the end of Medicare.
3) We must reform our monetary system. Right now, our money creation is a virtual monopoly
of the private banks. The Canadian ACTION Party will return to the economic and monetary
system we had from 1939 to 1974 when the money-creation function was shared between
the government of Canada, through the Bank of Canada, and private banks. This would pro-
vide the fiscal flexibility necessary to fund health care and other essential services without
increasing taxes.

Respecting Our Elders — Pension Reform

The pension system in Canada is really a mess and the adjustments Paul Martin made to the
Canadian Pension Plan when he was finance minister were merely tinkering. They result in a
huge tax increase without producing either stability or equity. Generation X has no confidence
that the CPP will survive until they retire. In addition, some people now retire with four or five
pensions, while others have only one.

There is a need to call a round table on pension reform that includes seniors, economists, pen-
sion consultants and industry with federal and provincial governments. The objective will be to
devise a universal system that will be fully vested from day one, fully portable, completely fair
and adequate to meet retirement needs. Meanwhile the existing pension rights for seniors will
be fully guaranteed.

One of the great injustices in the present system is that of pensions for Members of Parliament.
CAP would change the law so that MP's would not get their pensions until age 65. One of the
objects of pension reform would be to treat Members of Parliament in exactly the same way as
other citizens.

Fairness & Equality for Families

Canadian Action Party stands with all Canadians to support fairness and equality for parents, for
children and therefore for families. Children are an investment in our future our seniors are the
investors of our past. We must respect and support all individuals in a just, civil and fair society.

• We need to ensure a fair living wage for people regardless of gender

• We need to eradicate child poverty, a commitment that Canada made to our children to
eradicate poverty by the year 2000, it is now 2006 and the poverty rates for children
have risen. This is unacceptable.
• We support women to be treated equal in Canadian law, in the workplace and in family
and parental rights.
• We support men to be treated equal in Canadian law, in the workplace and in family and
parental rights.
• We stand with Canadians against family abuse and violence in our society.
• We stand with parents to protect their children’s right to healthcare, education and the
essentials of life.
• We support policy to assist with childcare choices, daycare accessibility, and honouring
the right and responsibilities of stay at home parents.
• We stand with seniors and their right to be respected at all stages of their lives.
• We support the importance of long-term care and homecare to assist families in caring
for their aging parents and all seniors.

The Canadian Action Party believes that all of our policies on social programs, education and
public healthcare provide the much-needed support for families to thrive in our society.

• We value the very essence of family in its role to support healthy children to grow, learn
and become our future responsible leaders.

• We encourage government to assist families to thrive and not struggle for the very ba-
sics of life, including homes, sufficient healthy food choices, healthcare and a clean non-
toxic environment.

• We support children by supporting their parents to access full-time employment, daycare

when necessary, and strong, fair family law legislation.
Elimination of Poverty

There is no greater problem facing Canada and the world than the elimination of poverty.

This very large task is within our abilities because there is more than enough wealth and pro-
duction ability in the world to accomplish it. In 1989 the 3 main political parties in Canada
agreed to alleviate poverty in Canada by the year 2000. By 2005 (16 years later) poverty had
increased by 20%.

Guaranteed Livable Income


A just transition to the sustainable and affordable public health and safety initiative is required to
address the impact of climate change on Canadian communities.
A CAP government will implement a guaranteed liveable income.

Protecting the Nation and Promoting Peace in the World

Canadian Action Party is fully committed to a Canadian National Defence Program, for
Canada, commanded by Canadians in the service of Canadian interests, both domestic and in-
ternational. Years of under-funding and reductions in manpower have taken their toll on morale
in the Armed Forces. Although we have seen an increase in funding for Canadian military we
see very little reflection of Canadian values in the present system.

CAP is committed to fully fund, fully equip and fully support our troops; in their mandate to de-
fend Canada’s interest both at home and around the world.

Prime Minister Harper says that Canadian troops are fighting in Afghanistan because of the
deaths of 24 Canadians from the fall of the World Trade Center on 9/11. However, to many
questions linger as to who was responsible for those tragic events.


Be it resolved that the Canadian Action Party calls for:

• An immediate withdrawal of our troops from Afghanistan;
• The slashing of the military budget and restoration of funding for health, education, hous-
ing infrastructure, municipalities, et cetera.
• Perform a parliamentary review of future roles and capability of Canada's military.
• Use a common sense monetary policy that would make it possible for us to afford fund-
ing for defense without sacrificing social programs.
• Ensure adequate funding for the sole purpose of peacekeeping, protecting our sover-
eign coastal and Artic borders and disaster relief.
• Stop investing Canadian Pension Plan funds in companies that manufacture 33 of the
weapons used in the War against Iraq.
• End government contracts to military companies involved in missile defense, land mines
and weapons containing depleted uranium.
• Remove Canadian war planners from the Bi-national Planning Group and NORTHCOM.
• End the culture of war mentality that is driving the greed and lust for power, control and
dominance of people all over the world. CAP seeks to promote policies, which support
peace and freedom for all.
Research and Development

Canada has fallen behind world leaders because foreigners own so much of our industry.

The Canadian Action Party would:

• Reinstate grants that were cut back to the National Research Council, Social Sciences
Research Council and Universities to help create high tech jobs in microbiology, robot-
ics, energy and communications replacing lost jobs in manufacturing.
• Invest in Research and development into greener environmentally friendly products, al-
ternative energy choices are no longer an option they are mandatory for our planet and
our country.
• Invest in Research into cause and cure of illness such as Autism; Juvenile Diabetes and
Learning Disabilities must be a priority.
• Ensure that proper independent testing and approval of all pharmaceuticals, agriculture
products, pesticides etc. were conducted before they enter the market.

The film “Who killed the Electric Car?” Demonstrates that such a car is already a reality. In spite
of claims to the contrary, the required battery has been developed. It allows the car to run for up
to 300 miles, at current roadway speeds, before having to be recharged. The film also refutes
the claim that the price of the car was “too high”, as the car hadn’t been mass-produced, nor
had it been that widely advertised. The service for an electric car is minimal, since the car has
no complicated internal combustion engine and does not use gas. Again, the unprecedented
nature of our situation requires emergency measures, which could be taken through the use of
the Bank of Canada.

This would have corollary benefits that would include:

• Keeping pace with other developed countries that produce their own cars.
• Giving a higher profile to the intelligent use of a national bank.

• Provide an example to other developed nations of practical and timely steps that can be
taken to reduce the increase of global warming.

• Developing an electric car would invigorate the Canadian economy and set a precedent
that other nations might wish to follow. It would also address, at the same time, another
of CAP’s key policy issues: the intelligent use of the Bank of Canada.


To aid in the reversal of the global warming, a CAP government will vigorously promote the de-
velopment of a Canadian Electric Car manufacturing industry and all other viable automobile

Arts, Culture and CBC

Canadian Action Party believes that culture is the soul of a nation and for that reason it would
increase funding to the National Arts Council and the CBC.
Although not all Canadians see the significance of our CBC it provides much of the sinew of
continuity that makes us Canadian. The Canadian Action Party believes that a vibrant and CBC
is a symbol of a vibrant Canada. We would like it to be a vehicle for our national voice reflecting
all regions and views of Canada.

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