Group Discussion

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Submitted by D.A.KRISHNA


Under the Guidance of Mrs KASIBAI Department of civil engineering VIJETHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE(VITS) (Accredited by National Board of Accreditation, AICTE, New Delhi Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Affiliated to JNTU Kakinada) CHINAMAMIDIPALLI, NARSAPUR-534280, W.GDist, A.P .

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CERTIFICATE Certified that this is the bonafide record of Practical work done by Mr./miss. A student of.....with Redg No.. In the.laboratory during the year................


Head of the Deparment

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Contents: 1. Introduction 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. What is group discussion? Personality traits in the group discussion Why group discussions? Importance of group discussion

2. Structure of a group discussion 2.1. 2.2. Types of Group discussions Pre requisites of a GD

3. Characteristics of successful group discussion 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. Myths regarding group discussion Selection of group discussion Group discussion strategies Group interaction strategies

4. How to prepare for a group discussion 4.1. 4.2. How to initialize a group discussion How to interrupt a group discussion

5. Dos of a group discussion 5.1. Donts of a group discussion

6. Body language during the group discussion 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. How to work with the group members: How to avoid problems during the group discussions Group discussion challenges: How To Encourage Members During the Group Discussions

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6.5. How to Speak Properly During the Group Discussions 7. How to Discuss In a Group 7.1. Group Discussion Etiquette 7.2. Selecting topics for a group discussion 7.3. Points to be remembered for a good GD 8. Conclusion 9. Bibliography


1.1. What is a group discussion?

A Group Discussion can be defined as a formal discussion involving ten to 12 participants in a group. It is a methodology used by an organization to gauge whether the candidate has certain personality traits and/or skills that it desires in its members. In this methodology, the group of candidates is given a topic or a situation, given a few minutes to think about the same, and then asked to discuss the it among themselves for 15-20 minutes. As in a football game, where you play like a team, passing the ball to each team member and aim for a common goal, GD is also based on team work, incorporating views of different team members to reach a common goal.

Personality traits in the group discussion:

Ability work in a Team
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Reasoning Ability Leadership Flexibility Assertiveness Initiative Creativity/ Out of the box thinking Inspiring ability Listening Awareness 1. Ability work in a Team It is essential for managers to be team players. The reason: Managers always work in teams. At the beginning of his (manager) career, a manager works as a team member. And, later, as a team leader. Management aspirants who lack team skills cannot be good managers.

2. Reasoning Ability Reasoning ability plays an important role while expressing your opinions or ideas at a GD. For example, on India's growth and its effect's: Any Answer for this should be based on reasons, not assumptions. 3. Leadership There are three types of situations that can arise in a GD: A GD where participants are unable to establish a proper rapport and do not speak much. A GD where participants get emotionally charged and the GD gets chaotic. A GD where participants discuss the topic assertively by touching on all its nuances and try to reach the objective.
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Here, a leader would be someone who facilitates the third situation at a GD. A leader would have the following qualities: S/he shows direction to the group whenever group moves away from the topic. S/he coordinates the effort of the different team members in the GD. S/he contributes to the GD at regular intervals with valuable insights. S/he also inspires and motivates team members to express their views.

Caution: Being a mere coordinator in a GD does not help, because it is a secondary role. Contribute to the GD with your ideas and opinions, but also try and steer the conversation towards a goal.

4. Flexibility You must be open to other ideas as well as to the evaluation of your ideas: That is what flexibility is all about. But first, remember: Never ever starts your GD with a stand or a conclusion. Say the topic of a GD is, 'Should India Ban night work for Women at night hours?' Some participants tend to get emotionally attached to the topic and take a stand either in favor or against the topic, i.e. 'Yes, India should', or, 'No, India should not'. By taking a stand, you have already given your decision without discussing the topic at hand or listening to the views of your team members. Also, if you encounter an opposition with a very strong point at the 11th hour, you end up in a typical catch-22 situation: If you change your stand, you are seen as a fickle-minded or a whimsical person. If you do not change your stand, you are seen as an inflexible, stubborn and obstinate person.
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5. Assertiveness You must put forth your point to the group in a very emphatic, positive and confident manner. Participants often confuse assertiveness with aggressiveness. Aggressiveness is all about forcing your point on the other person, and can be a threat to the group. An aggressive person can also demonstrate negative body language, whereas an assertive person displays positive body language. 6. Initiative A general trend amongst students is to start a GD and get the initial kitty of points earmarked for the initiator. But that is a high risk-high return strategy. Initiate a GD only if you are well versed with the topic. If you start and fail to contribute at regular intervals, it gives the impression that you started the GD just for the sake of the initial points. Also, if you fumble, stammer or misquote facts, it may work against you. Remember: You never ever get a second chance to create a first impression. 7. Creativity/ Out of the box thinking An idea or a perspective which opens new horizons for discussion on the GD topic isalways highly appreciated. When you put across a new idea convincingly, such that it is discussed at length by the group, it can only be positive. You will find yourself in the good books of the examiner. 8. Inspiring ability A good group discussion should incorporate views of all the team members. If some team members want to express their ideas but are not getting the opportunity to do so, giving them an opportunity to express their ideas or opinions will be seen as a positive trait. Caution: If a participant is not willing to speak, you need not necessarily go out of the way to ask him to express his views. This may insult him and hamper the flow of the GD. 9. Listening Always try and strike a proper balance between expressing your ideas and imbibing ideas.

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10. Awareness You must be well versed with both the micro and macro environment. Your awareness about your environment helps a lot in your GD content, which carries maximum weight age. 1.3. Why group discussions? The reason why organizations put one through a group discussion and an interview after testing ones technical and conceptual skills in the exam, is to know the candidate as a person and gauge how well he fits in their institution. It helps you to understand a subject more deeply. It improves your ability to think critically. It helps in solving a particular problem. It gives you the chance to hear other students ideas. It improves your listening skills. It increases your confidence in speaking.

1.4. Importance of group discussion:

Whether one is a student, a job seeker, a professional engineer or a company executive one needs effective GD skills. Group discussions aid in problem solving, decision making and personality assessment. GD is also used for job selection or admission to professional courses.


In informal discussions, we are subject to any scrutiny. In the canteen or garden or home we hardly bothered about etiquettes. There was also no defined structure on how to go about the discussion. The only thing we were concerned about was what we said. Generally a GD usually consists of 8 to 12 people. Mostly a topic or a situation is given to group members who have to discuss it within 10 to 20 minutes.

Fig: Ten To Twelve Members Participants Ina Group

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2.1. Types of Group discussions:

Group discussions are classified into five categories. They are: Factual topics Controversial topics Abstract topics Case based topics Article based topics 1. Factual topics: About practical things, about day to day life. A factual topic for a discussion gives a candidate a chance to prove that he or she is aware of a sensitive to his or her environment. Example: tourism in India, Global warming etc.
2. Controversial topics:

These are not argumentative in nature. They are mean to generate controversy. This is to check your temper, logical arguing and emotional balance. Example: women make better management.
3. Abstract topics:

These kinds of topics are not given often for discussion. To check your lateral thinking. Example: A is an alphabet.

4. Case based topics:

The case study tries to stimulate a real life situation. The objectives in the case study are to get you to think about the situation from various angles.
5. Article based topics: Page 9

This is the new in the job market. An article from newspaper or magazine will be given and the group should discuss about the same.


1. Knowledge: The group discussions assess the personality traits of an individual. One needs in depth knowledge about the topics in order to succeed. A candidate who has knowledge on numerous topics will speak authority, confidence and interest. 2. Listening : Even without proper knowledge one can succeed in a GD, provided one has developed the art of skillful listening. 3. Presentation: A presentation should have a proper beginning and a logical conclusion. Dont be over enthusiastic. 4. Initiation : If you want to initiate, you need to define the subject before you state your opinion.

5. Body language: This plays a vital role in selection as it transmits a signal about your frame of mind. Facial expressions and body gestures communicate more than spoken words. Eye contact is one of the important factors. 6. Communication skills: Communication skills mean effectively communicating your thoughts to listeners. In a GD, effective communication implies timely interaction as well as manner interaction. 7. Co-operation:

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A co-operative attitude helps a candidate to avoid unhealthy conflict you have the right to disagree but you should not be disagreeable. Good Support ensures a good relationship with others.

Fig: Body Language of a Group Discussion


Effective group discussions achieve group goals and aid in decision making. It is important to know the characteristics that make a group discussion successful. Agreement on group goals: An effective GD begins with a purpose, which is shared and understood by all the group members. The agreement on group goals brings clarity and provides direction to the group. Goal oriented interaction: Successful discussions motivate group members to have goal oriented interactions. Effective GD members are more interested in achieving group goals than prompting their personal interests. Thus they develop and prompt meaningful interactions that aid in implementing the purpose of the discussion. Cooperative and friendly atmosphere: An important characteristic of successful a GD is the development of cooperative, friendly and cordial atmosphere where disagreements do exist but they do not lead to serious conflicts. There may be direct but goal oriented confrontation as each member presents his/her points of view. However these different positions opinions, ideas and approaches enrich the process of discussion and broaden the horizon of the group.

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Use of effective communication techniques: The success of a GD depends on effective use of communication techniques. Effective GD member speaks clearly and precisely using simple words, short sentences, correct articulation and appropriate pronunciation. Be direct and specific and use non - verbal communication tactfully and also interpret the body language of others. As they are active team listeners they encourage others to speak. Equitable distribution of participation: An effective GD ensures an equitable distribution of participation by all. Each member is important and no one is allowed to dominate or monopolize the discussion. Reluctant and shy members are drawn into the discussion. Shared leadership: There is generally no elected or formal leader in a GD. Each participant comes forward to perform leadership tasks such as starting the discussion, keeping the discussion going, encouraging the non participants to speak, making periodic summaries, checking the group progress and so on.

Myths Regarding Group Discussion:

You should be aggressive: Grabbing the initiative does not mean that you begin the discussion, just for the sake of it. On the other hand, while giving others a chance to begin, you exhibit leadership skills as well as an extrovert, co-operative nature. It also presents you an opportunity to gauge your adversaries, giving you a definite edge over them. Use should speak more: You should speak the most relevant points within the time limit of one and a half to two minutes. The best way to ensure this is to have fairly good knowledge on the topic discussed. What you speak is more important than how much you speak. Quality counts, not quantity. You should speak in favor: There is no thumb rule that if you are speaking in favor of a topic you have a positive outlook. You should feel comfortable and natural while discussing a topic. Most individuals feel if they speak in favor of a topic, they stand a better change of being selected.
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You should cut down your opponents: Do not interrupt the speakers. If they speak first, it is good for you, especially if you are not familiar with the topic. Moreover if the speakers speak illogically, it goes in your favor. Besides, even if you have spoken well, but keep interrupting the other participants, it speaks volumes about your inherent insecurity. You win by default if the other speaker is off the mark. You should make others agree to your point: You have not gone to fight a legal battle that you should make others agree to your view points. If you disagree with everyone, everyone will disagree with you. Ultimately you will the entire group against you placing in an embracing position. You should be an individual speaker: You are in group discussion, not a debate; and in a group you have to get involved. Participation is very important: so go the extra mile to help others in voicing their opinions. Look for the individual who has not spoken and motivate him/her to speak. You will create a very positive picture of yourself to the co-ordinator. You should project yourself in style: Do not try to project what you are not. Be yourself. Be normal. The objective of a group discussion is to discover your traits. Do not change your pronunciation or accent and try to speak in ornamental English.

3.2. Selection Of Group Discussion:

Group discussion is an effective and powerful technique for evaluating personality traits of candidates for job selection or admission to professional courses. Selection GDs may vary from a brief discussion on a simple topic to exhaustive interactive discussion on a controversial issue. They all indent to evaluate the depth and range of candidates knowledge, his/her ability to present that knowledge in a convincing manner and his/her effective group communication, leadership and team management skills. There are four major areas of evaluation in selection GDs: subject knowledge, oral communication skills, leadership skills and team management. Subject knowledge:

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Subject knowledge is the first requirement of effective participation in a GD. Although a GD test is not designed to test his knowledge of current events, people with depth and range of knowledge are always sought after in dynamic companies and organizations. Participants need to have a fair amount of knowledge on a wide range of subjects. Know about national and international affairs, burning social and economic topics, scientific and environmental issues, key newsmakers and controversial topics. The best way to keep one abreast of latest events is to read daily newspapers, good magazines and periodicals and watch news bulletins on television. Use internet to improve our knowledge about recent developments. Examiners will evaluate the ideas based on relevance to topic, original approach and wide perspective. Oral communication skills: The participants in a group discussion must possess not only subject knowledge but also the ability to present the knowledge in an effective way. One of the prerequisites of success in group discussion is the ability to speak confidently and convincingly. The selection committee closely assesses the oral competence of a candidate in the following aspects. Listening skills Appropriate of language Clarity of expression Positive speech attitudes Non-verbal clues Leadership skills: The examiners evaluate a candidates unique set of personal skills, which allow him/her to prove himself/herself as a natural leader in a GD. Thus it is necessary to reflect the qualities of leadership in order to create the right impression. Anything that contributes to goal achievement can be considered a leadership function. Although leadership functions are shared in a GD, each participant should try to be the first one to perform the function whenever a need arises. Leadership functions during a GD include the following: Analysis
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Self-confidence Objectivity Patience and composure Motivation Team management: Employers today look for candidate who can work in a team oriented environment. So every participant needs team management skills in order to be successful in a GD test. Examiners will assess whether each participant is a team player who can get along with people or an individualist who is always fighting to save his/her ego. Some of the skills needed to mange a group effectively are the following. Adaptability Cooperation Coordination


Group Discussion Strategies:

Getting the GD started: In the absence of a designated leader, the group is likely to waste time in cross-talks, low-key conversations, cross consultations and so on. Someone in the group has to take assertive position and restore the chaos into order. In order to get the GD started, the assertive, natural leader will have to remind the group of its goal and request them to start the discussion without wasting time. A few examples of the opening lines are given below. Well friends, may I request your kind attention? I am sure all of us are keen to begin the GD and complete it within the allotted time. Let me remind you that we have only thirty minutes to complete the task. So, let us get started. Hello everybody, I am sorry to interrupt but I have something very important to say. We are here to discuss the topic and the time given to us is just 20 minutes. Let us begin, shall we?
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My dear friends, may I have your attention please? As you all know we have to complete the discussion in 15 minutes and we have already used up 5 minutes. I think we should start the discussion now.

Contributing systematically: Success of a GD depends on systematic contribution. For this, all the group members should understand the process of reflective thinking. They should be able to identify the stage of discussion and contribute accordingly. Participant must ensure that his/her contribution, Relates to what has previously been said by other members, Focuses on the theme of the discussion, Deals with the specific point under consideration, Is directed towards the overall objective of the GD, and Is an per the requirement of the particular stage of discussion.

Contributions must reflect the depth of understanding and knowledge of the subject as well as the participant ability to analyze it. Each participant must see the topic from his/her perspective so that his/her background and personal experiences give it a new interpretation. Creating a friendly cooperative atmosphere: Creating friendly atmosphere is the responsibility of each member of the group. All participants should help the group discussion lively and pleasurable. Participants should develop a consensus regarding group standards early. Demonstrate a sense of fair play by treating others as they would like themselves to be treated. Participants must have a conduct of dignity. All participants must show interest in what others say.

Moving the discussion along:

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A leader should ensure that the GD moves along the right direction. Leader should make sure that every member of the group gets some time to present his/her views. No member should monopolize the discussion. If someone takes too much time, the leader may politely thank the aggressive member but firmly ask him/her to give the next person a chance to ask. It is very important to avoid any deviations that may sidetrack the group. Handling conflict: As a group can be heterogeneous, conflict is natural in any group activity and may sometimes be desirable for the success of a group process. Expect differences of opinions but do not let these conflicting opinions go against the basic purpose of a GD. Do not be a silent spectator when two or more people are in a conflict. Remember the following in case of resolving conflicts. Maintain a friendly atmosphere where people respect conflicting opinions. Avoid conflicts between persons and not conflicts between ideas. Clarify conflicting statements given by group members so that they do not lead to personal differences. When people are in conflict, they should both be encouraged to express themselves completely and then their views can be summarized. This will satisfy the ego of both the group members.

Effecting closure: In absence of a designated leader, the group is likely to continue until the examiner announces the time is finally over. Every member has to see that the GD ends with positive conclusions. A leader can summarize the progress made by the group and put forward the common points of agreement. The following statements could be used to end the GD. I think that covers everything. Its time to wind up. Shall we close the discussion then?

3.4. Group Interaction Strategies:

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Group discussion is a forum that provides opportunities for interaction. In order to ensure an impressive performance in a GD test, you should know how to exchange opinions and suggestions in group discussions. Exchanging opinions during GDs include asking for opinions, giving opinions, supporting opinions, balancing points view, agreeing and disagreeing. Asking for opinions You may ask some person to give his/her opinion on any point or your request may be directed at a group in general. Directed at one person What is your opinion about this? What do you think about that? Have you any strong view on this? Do you want to make any comments?

Directed at a group of people What is the general view on this? Any reaction to that? Does anyone have strong view on this? Does anybody have any comments to make? Giving opinions During a GD you may have to give your opinions about the subject. You may express your opinion in a strong way, neutral way or in a tentative way. It is very important to make other members aware of the nature of your opinion. Strong opinions
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I have no doubt that..

Im pretty sure that.. Im convinced that.. Theres no doubt that..

Neutral opinion I think that.. I feel that.. The way I see it is.. As I find it..

Tentative opinions It appears to me that.. It seems like.. Im inclined to think that.. I might accept the view..

Agreeing and disagreeing: Agreeing and disagreeing are the two aspects of interaction in a GD. When you agree with someone your expression agreement should indicate to the listener the strength of your agreement, which might be strong or neutral. Strong agreement
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I strongly agree I completely agree Yes, definitely Exactly Thats right

Neutral agreement I agree I quite agree Yes Of course I think you are right

Similarly, our expression of disagreement should indicate to the listener the strength of our disagreement. Strong disagreement I strongly disagree I disagree completely That is out of question Definitely not

Neutral disagreement I disagree I dont agree Thats not true


One can be successful at GD with proper preparation and guidance. Just follow these five easy steps. TIP 1: Brushing up on your general awareness is a must. Be aware of current affairs. Make a habit of reading newspapers. TIP 2: Think about what you feel about different issues and your opinions.
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TIP 3: Get into the habit of discussing issues with your friends and family, hear multiple ideas. Listen, question and argue. Express you opinion. Modify your opinions as you go along. TIP 4: Learn to check your temper. Learn to respect others point of view even if you dont accept them. This is utmost important in a GD. TIP 5: practice.

How To Initialize A Group Discussion:

We are here today to discuss Lets start off with.. Good morning friends.. Well friends, now I would like to..

4.2. How To Interrupt A Group Discussion:

What I think is.. Excuse me, but I feel that what you are saying isnt universally true. Yes, I agree with your idea, and I would like to add on to it. The main point I wish to make is. I must disagree with your opinion.. As far as I am concerned. I dont agree with the previous speaker because. Can you please give your views on..? I strongly believe that. Please dont interrupt. Let me finish

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Think before you speak. Listen to others; it is not necessary to initiate a group discussion. Say what you feel, without going in favor or against the topic Initiative the discussion if you are familiar with the topic Be gentle with your expression Speak to the point without repeating the same Speak pleasantly and politely to the group Respect the contribution of every speaker Try to stick to the discussion topic Be aware of your body language when you are speaking Agree with and acknowledge what you find interesting Support your points with facts and figures Be participative and reciprocative Be as natural as possible. Do not try and be someone you are not. Be yourself. Take time to organize your thoughts Seek clarification if you have doubts regarding the subject Be assertive not dominating; try to maintain a balanced tone in your discussion and analysis. Make your comment short and crispy Use simple, direct and straight forward language, avoid slang languages.
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When some appreciates your point of view responds positively and say THANKYOU for your compliment Wind-up on the time which can be done by incorporating all important points discussed. Say thank you before ending your presentation.


Donts Of Group Discussion:

Do not speak first if you are unfamiliar with the topic Do not be loud or aggressive Do not interrupt other speakers Do not change your opinions Do not ask irrelevant questions Do not stop abruptly Do not exhibit your emotions Do not get nervous if the previous speakers have presented their points in a better way Opening the discussion is not only the way of gaining attention and recognition. If you do not give valuable insights during the discussion, all your efforts of initiating the discussion will be in vain. The key is to stay objective. Dont take the discussion personally Dont be loud, emotion or angry.

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There are many group discussion tips that one needs to gather. Though a personal experience is the best you can relate to. Body language is something which people rarely talk about but expressions speak the most. Many times we can gauge by a smile or a frown about the words that are not expressed by the tongue. Do not divulge personal details and be general in your opinion. Do not brag about your achievements and be to the point when questions are asked. It is true that eyes are mirror of the soul. The facts about negative emotions, confusion, not understanding, lying, distracted, non interest and anger are very well expressed with eyes. If you look away in airy fairy manner it clearly suggests you do not comprehend the topic of group discussion. If you are looking around desperately with shifty eyes it also indicates you are looking for help and cues to speak something. Eye brows need to be relaxed; quizzical looks and raised eye brows are dramatic and can be interpreted in the wrong manner. The biggest problem is what to do with your hands and toes. Drumming the hand rest or picking for treasures on the chair is disgusting. This clearly indicates a restless attitude and unable to concentrate feeling. Practice a formal smile and please be natural. Do not cross your arms or your legs. Shoulders should be square and drooping indicates low self esteem or unsure feeling. Be natural and sincere is the final key to success.

6.1. How To Work With Group Members:

When you participate in group discussions, it important to realize that the other members may not share the same views as you. In fact, they may come from a different cultural or ethnic background. Generally, the members of the group will have one of two communication styles, and these are introverted and extroverted. The members who have an extroverted communication form will be outspoken, and will create their thoughts quickly. They may not function well in group discussions that are too quiet. A member who has an introverted communication form will think quietly. They will often listen to what the other members have to say before making a statement. They enjoy being in group discussions where silent periods are allowed.
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Introverted people will want to be more vocal about their thoughts, and members who are extroverted will want to silently formulate thoughts within their minds. A discussion group will work well when all the members understand the differences that will exist in communication for different cultures. The best way for a group to communicate is to hold a discussion that will allow them to share all the views of the members. Once they do this, they will move towards reaching their goal, and they will also learn things about each other.

6.2. How To Avoid Problems During Group Discussions:

When you are participating in a group discussion, it is important to avoid Problems. The members of the group should know exactly what is expected of them. In addition to this, they should also be aware of the goals that the group intends to reach. To make sure the members understand the assignments, they can write statements or make a list. Writing should be an important part of any group discussion, and can help you avoid problems. It will keep the members focused, and will give them a basic way to retain information that is presented. Time management is an issue that the group will need to keep in mind. Once the time is up, bring the discussion to a close. To be polite to the members, it is always a good idea to give a one or two minute warning. Conflict is something that must be avoided at all costs. In any group discussion, some members will have opinions that will differ from others.

6.3. Group Discussion Challenges:

Being able to successfully overcome these challenges will mean the difference between the success and failure of your group. The biggest challenges that you will face in group discussions are avoiding put-downs, connecting solutions, listening for data, and summarizing ideas. Being able to overcome these challenges will bring about successful group discussions. Avoiding put-downs are extremely important. To avoid put-downs is to let members know that you appreciate their hard work. This will make the confident, and will encourage them to work harder. The next challenge that you will want to overcome is the connecting solutions or ideas. This is problematic, because a group will not be able to come up with a relevant solution to a problem if the members keep generating new ideas without building on
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them. The next challenge that you will want to focus on is listening for information or data. This is a challenge that logically follows making connections between ideas. It is important for the members to be able to summarize the information they have learned. It is also important for all members to listen for important ideas. This is the last challenge that must be overcome. When everyone is attentive, they will be able to respond to ideas by adding relevant concepts that can better allow the group to solve a problem. Once you are able to overcome these challenges, your group discussion will be effective, and you will be able to develop excellent solutions that can be used to solve a problem.

6.4. How To Encourage Members During Group Discussions:

There are a number of methods you can use to encourage those that participate in group discussions. One technique is to ask a single question and make a request for all the members to discuss it. The members can read the question, and they can tell the other members what they think the question means. It is best to use open-ended questions, because they will allow the members to think about the topics. Everyone should be allowed to give their thoughts on the question. It is always important to make sure the group stays on topic. First, the topic will be given to the group. Each member will think about the topic for set period of time, and will begin coming up with a number of different ideas. The other members of the group should build on the ideas that have already been presented. After the idea creation period has ended, the ideas which have been developed will be organized and reviewed. The results will be shared with the entire group. When group discussion are held, it is important for them to receive encouragement. This encouragement can come from the group leader, or it can come from the other members. It will bring about results that are the exact opposite of what happens when the idea of a member is put-down by others in the group. The biggest problems in group discussions occur when members discourage each other and promote their own ideas. Group discussion are successful when all the members respect each other. When someone comes up with a great idea, they should be thanked for their participation. Members who are quiet should be allowed to convey their thoughts to the other members, and the participants who are outspoken should spend more time listening to what the other members have to say. No one member should ever be allowed to dominate the conversation in group discussion. Every member of the group should be given an equal amount of time to convey their own thoughts to the group.
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Encouragement will give members the confidence they need, and this will allow them to work hard to make sure the group become successful.

6.5. How To Speak Properly During Group Discussions:

Speech plays an important role in our ability to communicate as humans. This is especially important when we get together in groups. During group discussions, the speech you use can have a powerful impact on the way your message is received by those who listen to you. First, it is important to make sure you speak clearly. Those who listen to you will need to understand what you are saying. Because most group discussions are restricted to time, it will become tedious to both you and the other members if you have to repeat what you are saying because they do not understand you. Speak in a manner that will allow the other members to understand exactly what you are saying. This should occur the first time you make a statement. You should not have to repeat yourself. It is also important to speak audibly. Everyone should be able to hear what you are saying. If someone has to ask you to speak up, you will be forced to repeat yourself, and this will waste time. If someone makes a statement that you do not understand, ask them to clarify in a polite manner. While it is important to speak eloquently, you will want to avoid using technical terms that are not understood by the group. Being able to explain complicated concepts in a simple manner will allow the group to quickly grasp what you are trying to tell them.


In order for a group discussion to be successful, it is important for all members to know how to discuss a topic. The first thing that the group will need to have is a goal. The goal can be simple, or it can be complex. Goals are important because they will allow the members to focus on specific objectives. Remember, the goal of a group discussion is to assist the members in making a decision or learning a specific skill. The members will participate and learn by being directly involved in the subject that is being discussed. When this is kept in mind, a leader or planner will step away from the learning process to allow the members to obtain the necessary information. There are two types of members that you will encounter in most group discussions. These two groups are quiet members and dominant members. While both groups will be present in any discussion that is composed of a large group, they should not cause problems. Dominant members will be outspoken. They will be quick to let the other members know what they think. The quiet members are just the opposite. They will think and
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form ideas within their minds, and will not be quick to voice those thoughts to the group because they may be shy. Quiet members will often function well in smaller groups, so splitting the large group into a number of smaller groups will allow you to help both quiet and dominant members. In most cases, the members of a group who do not have a large amount of knowledge on the subject will not be able to make connections which are related to the topic. The reason why open-ended questions are more effective is because they do not require a specific answer. Because they don't require a specific answer, they will not place any limits on the discussion. Closed-ended questions should only be used when the members of the group must understand a specific concept before they can move forward.

7.1. Group Discussion Etiquette:

Many of the problems that arise in group discussion result from members who do not have discussion skills. Being able to properly participate in a discussion group is similar to reading. If you have a lot of experience with discussions, it is likely that you will do well in a discussion group. However, if you don't have experience with discussions groups, you may not know how to participate in them properly. There is a certain amount of etiquette that you will need to display when you are in a discussion. During a discussion, it is important for members to always stay on topic. It is bad etiquette to raise issues that are not related to the subject of the discussion. When members raise issues that are off topic, they can waste time and prevent the group from achieving a certain goal. Most group discussions will have a time limit. The group will have little time to waste talking about topics that are not relevant to the subject. Because of this, it is always important to make sure any questions or statements you make are related to the topic. Another good form of etiquette in group discussions is to ask open-ended questions instead of closed-ended questions. An open-ended question is one that does not require a specific answer. It is a question that is designed to get the group thinking. The only time a closed-ended question should be raised is if the group has specific information that they need to learn. Openended questions are important because they allow the other members to think. Group discussions are important events that allow people to brainstorm ideas or solutions to problems. When the members of the group use proper etiquette, the discussion will be extremely productive.
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7.2. Selecting Topics For A Group Discussion:

Group discussions tend to be more formal than standard conversations. When you plan a group discussion, it is important for you to make sure you select the right topic. The topic that you choose should be something that the other members are interested in. The topic that you choose should be one that allows the members to express their own questions or statements. When you present these topics to the group, you will want to present it in the form of a question. In most cases, open-ended questions are best, unless the group needs to learn a specific skill. The questions that you ask should be relevant on multiple levels, and they should engage the members of the group. It is important that the members of the group are able to build on the questions, and everyone should be able to participate. Group discussions are important because they allow each member to become independent. Though there are members of a group that will work together to come up with ideas or solutions, they can become independent by assisting the group. In addition to this, group discussion can also allow the participants to develop collaboration skills. The leader will also be able to work with each member on an individual level. When you select a topic for discussion, it is crucial to make sure it is clear to all those who are participating. It is also important to pay attention to the size of the group. A group of five people is best for group discussions, and can allow the leader and members to interact with each other. If the group is too large, it may be difficult to manage, and the ability for members to interact with each other may be reduced. If the members will be given certain tasks that they must perform, it is important for this to be clear to them. Once the topic has been chosen, it may be helpful for the group to establish procedures that can help the attain a certain goal. It is important that all participants work for the best interests of the group instead of themselves. In addition to this, it is also important to create a schedule that the members will follow. All members should listen to the statements and opinions of others, even if they do not agree with the points that are being raised.

7.3. Points To Be Remembered For A Good GD:

Body language Thinking a few minutes before starting of a GD
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Dont feel anyone is better than you Dont mix your personal emotions in GD Continues with your ideas. Dont let it down when anybody try to stop in chaos period Select a different point of view; stronger one that attracts other eyes and idea Never balance anyone there. Dont talk to one person talk to all of them so that there is a pleasing atmosphere Lend your ears to every ones point of view and timely attack them considering all. Dont look moderators Speak slowly and confidently.

Finally I am concluding that Group discussions are very important in ones career life. One can improve his confidence and communication by participating in group discussions. In my point of view group discussions are basically very important while the interviews want to know his/her personal information. Hence, One can follow the following: If you are familiar with the topic then you may initiate the topic that is given to your group if not the person can listen all the others what they are speaking. Then you can improve your listening skills. Look all members in the group and not look into up or down or moving or his/her hands themselves leads to bad impression in HRs view. By reading news papers, magazines, daily then you can improve your vocabulary and English speaking easily Maintain the emotional balance while you are speaking and listening to his/her self
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Dont repeat the same that you have already said, before you are starting the discussion you can introduce yourself and say thank you if you are giving conclusion.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Group discussion Anand Ganguly Book discussion group the Thomas Jefferson education consortium Heaven small group discussion guide Theory and practice- Gloria.J.Galanes

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