Chapter Rankine

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EMM 3210 THERMODYNAMIC II Chapter 2: Vapor and Combined Power Cycles

By: Dr. Azmah Hanim Mohamed Ariff

1. Analyze vapor power cycles in which the working fluid is alternately vaporized and condensed. 2. Investigate ways to modify the basic Rankine vapor power cycle to increase the cycle thermal efficiency. 3. Analyze the reheat and regenerative vapor power cycles.

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Carnot Cycle
We consider power cycles where the working fluid undergoes a phase change. The best example of this cycle is the steam power cycle where water (steam) is the working fluid. Carnot cycle is most efficient cycle operating between two specified power limits. Naturally, Carnot cycle is the first cycle to be evaluated as prospective ideal cycle for vapor power plants.

Fig. 1 : Carnot Vapor Cycle

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Carnot Cycle (Cont.)

The heat engine may be composed of the following components: 3

4 1

The working fluid, steam (water), undergoes a thermodynamic cycle from 1-2-3-4-1. The cycle is shown on the following T-s diagram.
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Carnot Cycle (Cont.)

The thermal efficiency of this cycle is given as
700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0.0
6000 kPa

Carnot Vapor Cycle Using Steam

T [C]

th , Carnot
100 kPa

Wnet Q 1 out Qin Qin TL TH

3 4
4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0

1.0 2.0 3.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

s [kJ/kg-K]

Note the effect of TH and TL on th, Carnot.

The larger the TH the larger the th, Carnot The smaller the TL the larger the th, Carnot So, to increase the thermal efficiency in any power cycle, we try to increase the maximum temperature at which heat is added.
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Carnot Cycle (Cont.)

Reasons why the Carnot cycle is not practical:
Isothermal heat transfer between two phase system is easy to achieve (make sure the pressure is constant). But, it limit the maximum TH (water, critical point value is 374C. this limit the thermal efficiency. Higher than critical point, will go into one phase region (not possible to maintain temperature while heating). Isentropic expansion can be controlled by turbine efficiency. But, quality of steam continue to decrease (higher moisture content). Bad for equipment reliability (corrosion, wear, etc.). Steam with quality <90% should not be use. Can be solve by using working fluid with very steep vapor line. Isentropic compression need to compress liquid-vapor mixture to saturated liquid. Not easy to make sure we end up with desired quality at state 2. Not practical to design compressor that handle two phases. Carnot Vapor Cycle Using Steam
700 600 500

T [C]

Modifications can be done. But, bring up other issues.

2 1

400 300 200 100 0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

Conclude that Carnot Cycle is not a realistic model for vapor power cycles!

s [kJ/kg-K]

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Rankine Cycle
The simple Rankine cycle has the same component layout as the Carnot cycle. The simple Rankine cycle continues the condensation process 4-1 until the saturated liquid line is reached. Ideal Rankine Cycle Processes
Process 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-1

Description Isentropic compression in pump Constant pressure heat addition in boiler Isentropic expansion in turbine Constant pressure heat rejection in condenser

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Rankine Cycle (Cont.)

The T-s diagram for the Rankine cycle is given below.
Wpump m(h2 h1 ) mv1 ( P2 P ) 1 Wpump w pump v1 ( P2 P ) 1 m

Qout m(h4 h1 )
in 3 3

Qin m(h3 h2 )
wnet wturb wpump

s4 s f x4 s fg s s

h4 h f x4 h fg 6.3357 0.6492kJ

Wturb m( h3 h4 )


wnet qin

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Consider a steam power plant operating on the simple ideal Rankine cycle. Steam enters the turbine at 3MPa and 350C and is condensed in the condenser at a pressure of 75kPa. Determine the thermal efficiency of this cycle.

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Rankine Cycle (Cont.)

Deviation of Actual Vapor Power Cycles from Idealized Ones Fluid friction and heat loss to the surroundings are the two common source of irreversibility.
IDEAL CYCLE Pressure drop in the boiler.



Irreversibility in the pump.

Irreversibility in the turbine.


Pressure drop in the condenser.

Fig. 2: (a) Deviation of actual vapor power cycle from the ideal Rankine cycle; (b) the effect of pump and turbine irreversibility on the ideal Rankine cycle.

Isentropic efficiency of pump:

Isentropic efficiency of turbin:


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Consider a steam power plant that operates on a simple ideal Rankine cycle and has a net power output of 45MW. Steam enters the turbine at 7MPa and 500C and is cooled in the condenser at a pressure of 10kPa by running cooling water from a lake through the tubes of the condenser at a rate of 2000kg/s. Show the cycle on a T-s diagram with respect to saturation lines, and determine (a) the thermal efficiency of the cycle (b) the mass flow rate of the steam, and (c) the temperature rise of the cooling water. Repeat the above problem with isentropic efficiency of 87% for both the turbine and the pump.

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Tutorial 2:
A-A simple ideal Rankine cycle with water as the working fluid operates between the pressure limits of 3MPa in the boiler and 30kPa in the condenser. If the quality at the exit of the turbine cannot be less than 85%, what is the maximum thermal efficiency this cycle can have? (Ans: 29.7%) B-Water is the working fluid in an ideal Rankine cycle. Superheated vapor enters the turbine at 10MPa, 480C, and the condenser pressure is 6kPa. Determine for the cycle: (a) The rate of heat transfer to the working fluid passing through the steam generator, in kJ per kg of steam flowing. (b) The thermal efficiency (c) The rate of heat transfer from the working fluid passing through the condenser to the cooling water, in kJ per kg of steam flowing.

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Tutorial (Cont.)
C-Water is the working fluid in an ideal Rankine cycle. Saturated vapor enters the turbine at 16MPa, and the condenser pressure is 8kPa. The mass flow rate of steam entering the turbine is 120kg/s. Determine: (a) The net power developed in kW. (b) The rate of heat transfer to the steam passing through the boiler in kW. (c) The thermal efficiency (d) The mass flow rate of condenser cooling water in kg/s, if the cooling water undergoes a temperature increase of 18C with negligible pressure change in passing through the condenser.
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Tutorial 2 (Cont.)
D- Water is the working fluid in a Rankine cycle. Superheated vapor enters the turbine at 10MPa, 480C, and the condenser pressure is 6kPa. The turbine and pump have isentropic efficiencies of 80 and 70%, respectively. Determine for the cycle (a) The rate of heat transfer to the working fluid passing through the steam generator, in kJ per kg of steam flowing. (Ans: 3155.5kJ/kg) (b) The thermal efficiency (Ans: 32.8%) (c) The rate of heat transfer from the working fluid passing through the condenser to the cooling water, in kJ per kg of steam flowing. (Ans: 2120.6kJ/kg) E- Water is the working fluid in a Rankine cycle. Superheated vapor enters the turbine at 8MPa, 560C with a mass flow rate of 7.8kg/s and exits at 8kPa. Saturated liquid enters the pump at 8kPa. The isentropic turbine efficiency is 88% and isentropic pump efficiency is 82%. Cooling water enters the condenser at 18C and exits at 36C with no significant change in pressure. Determine: (a) The net power developed in kW. (Ans: 9426kW) (b) The thermal efficiency (Ans: 35.9%) (c) The mass flow rate of cooling water, in kg/s. (Ans: 223.1kg/s)


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Rankine Cycle Improved

Ways to improve the simple Rankine cycle efficiency: Basic idea behind all modifications to increase thermal efficiency of a power cycle:
Increase the average temperature at which heat is transferred to the working fluid in the boiler, or decrease the average temperature at which heat is rejected from the working fluid in the condenser

3 ways of accomplishing this for simple ideal Rankine cycle:


(a) Lower condenser pressure Less energy is lost to surroundings. Moisture is increased at turbine exit. Limited by the minimum coolant medium temperature. (b) Superheat the vapor Average temperature is higher during heat addition. Moisture is reduced at turbine exit (we want x4 > 85 percent). Limited by metallurgy considerations. (c) Increase boiler pressure (for fixed maximum temperature) Availability of steam is higher at higher pressures. Moisture is increased at turbine exit.


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Ideal Reheat Rankine Cycle

As the boiler pressure is increased in the simple Rankine cycle, not only does the thermal efficiency increase, but also the turbine exit moisture increases. The reheat cycle allows the use of higher boiler pressures and provides a means to keep the turbine exit moisture (x > 0.85 to 0.90) at an acceptable level.


T3=T5; P4 (Optimum reheat pressure) =(1/4)P3

Added cost. increase number of stages more than two is not practical. If turbine inlet pressure is not high enough, would result in superheated exhaust. Decrease efficiency. 16 Code: EMM3210

Ideal Reheat Rankine Cycle (Cont.)

Important equations: Component Process Boiler Const. P Turbine Isentropic Condenser Const. P Pump Isentropic The thermal efficiency is given by: First Law Result qin = (h3 - h2) + (h5 - h4) wout = (h3 - h4) + (h5 - h6) qout = (h6 - h1) win = (h2 - h1) = v1(P2 - P1)
wnet qin (h - h4 ) + ( h5 - h6 ) - ( h2 - h1 ) 3 (h3 - h2 ) + ( h5 - h4 ) h6 h1 1 (h3 - h2 ) + ( h5 - h4 )

Note: The whole purpose of reheating is to reduce moisture content of steam at turbine exit. But, if the component is made of material that can sustained sufficiently high temperature, there will be no need for reheating.
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1. Consider a steam power plant operating on the ideal reheat Rankine cycle. Steam enters the high-pressure turbine at 15MPa and 600C and is condensed in the condenser at a pressure of 10kPa. If the moisture content of the steam at the exit of the low-pressure turbine is not to exceed 10.4 %, determine A) the pressure at which the steam should be reheated B) the thermal efficiency of the cycle Assume the steam is reheated to the inlet temperature of the high-pressure turbine.


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Example (Cont.):
2. Consider a steam power plant that operates on the ideal reheat Rankine cycle. The plant maintains the boiler at 4000kPa, the reheat section at 500kPa, and the condenser at 10kPa. The mixture quality at the exit of both turbines is 90percent. Determine the temperature at the inlet of each turbine and the cycles thermal efficiency.


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Tutorial 2:
F- A steam power plant operates on the reheat Rankine cycle. Steam enters the high pressure turbine at 12.5MPa and 550C at a rate of 7.7kg/s and leaves at 2MPa. Steam is then reheated at constant pressure to 450C before it expands in the lowpressure turbine. Steam leaves the condenser as a saturated liquid. If the moisture content of the steam at the exit of the turbine is not to exceed 5%, determine: (a) The condenser pressure (b) The net power output (c) The thermal efficiency


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Tutorial 2 (Cont.):
G- Water is the working fluid in an ideal Rankine cycle with reheat. Superheated vapor enters the turbine at 10MPa, 480C, and the condenser pressure is 6kPa. Steam expands through the first stage turbine to 0.7MPa and then is reheated to 480C. Detemine for the cycle: (a) The rate of heat addition, in kJ per kg of steam entering the turbine. (Ans: 3913.9kJ/kg) (b) The thermal efficiency (Ans: 41.9%) (c) The rate of heat transfer from the working fluid passing through the condenser to the cooling water, in kJ per kg of steam entering the first stage turbine. (Ans: 2274.1kJ/kg) H- For the cycle of problem 2, reconsider the analysis assuming the pump and each turbine stage has an isentropic efficiency of 80%. Answer the same questions as in problem 2 for the modified cycle. (Ans: 3786.6kJ/kg, 34.5%, 2479.3kJ/kg)


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Ideal Regenerative Rankine Cycle

The regeneration process in steam power plants is accomplished by extracting (or bleeding) steam from turbine at various stages and feed that steam in heat exchanger where the feedwater is heated. These heat exchangers are called regenerator or feedwater heater (FWH). FWH also help removing the air that leaks in at the condenser (deaerating the feedwater). There are two types of FWHs, open and closed.


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Ideal Regenerative Rankine Cycle (Cont.)

Open (Direct-Contact) Feedwater Heaters An open FWH is basically a mixing chamber where the steam extracted from the turbine mixes with the feedwater exiting the pump. Ideally, the mixture leaves the heater as a saturated liquid at the heater pressure.


Equations: qin = h5-h4 qout = (1-y)(h7-h1) wt = (h5-h6)+(1-y)(h6-h7)

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y = m6/m5 (fraction of steam extracted) wpump1 = V1(P2-P1); wpump2 = V3(P4-P3) wp = (1-y)wpump1 + wpump2

Ideal Regenerative Rankine Cycle (Cont.)

Let y m6 / m5 be the fraction of mass extracted from the turbine for the feedwater heater.
min mout m6 m2 m3 m5 m2 m5 m6 m5 (1 y )

Conservation of energy for the open feedwater heater:

Ein E out m6h6 m2 h2 m3h3 ym5h6 (1 y )m5h2 m5h3 h h y 3 2 h6 h2

Thermal efficiency of the Rankine cycle increases as a result of regeneration since FWH raises the average temperature of the water before it enters the boiler. Many large power plants have as many as 8 FWHs.
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Ideal Regenerative Rankine Cycle (Cont.)

Closed (No Mixing) Feedwater Heaters In closed FWH, heat is transferred from the extracted steam to the feedwater without any mixing taking place. Thus; two streams can be at different pressures, since they dont mix. In an ideal closed FWH, the feedwater is heated to the exit temperature of the extracted steam, which either leaves the heater as a saturated liquid at the extraction pressure and pumped to the feedwater line or routed to another heater or routed to the condenser through a device called a trap. A trap allows the liquid to be throttled to a lower pressure region but traps the vapor. (a) Cycle with a closed feedwater heater with pump to boiler pressure


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Ideal Regenerative Rankine Cycle (Cont.)

(b) Cycle with a closed feedwater heater with steam trap to condenser

3 7 8 6

To find the fraction of mass to be extracted from the turbine, apply the first law to the feedwater heater and assume, in the ideal case, that the water leaves the feedwater heater as a saturated liquid. (In the case of the ideal closed feedwater heater, the feedwater leaves the heater at a temperature equal to the saturation temperature at the extraction pressure.)
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Ideal Regenerative Rankine Cycle (Cont.)

Open FWH versus Closed FWH:


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1- Open FWH A steam power plant operates on an ideal regenerative Rankine cycle with two open feedwater heaters. Steam enters the turbine at 10MPa and 600C and exhaust to the condenser at 5kPa. Steam is extracted from the turbine at 0.6 and 0.2MPa. Water leaves both feedwater heaters as a saturated liquid. The mass flow rate of steam through the boiler is 22kg/s. Show the cycle on a T-s diagram, and determine (a) the net power output of the power plant and (b) the thermal efficiency of the cycle.
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Example (Cont.):
2-Closed FWH Consider a steam power plant that operates on the ideal regenerative Rankine cycle with a closed feedwater heater as shown in the figure. The plant maintains the turbine inlet at 3000kPa and 350C; and operates the condenser at 20kPa. Steam is extracted at 1000kPa to serve the closed feedwater heater, which discharges into the condenser after being throttled to condenser pressure. Calculate the work produced by the turbine, the work consumed by the pump, and the heat supply in the boiler for this cycle per unit of boiler flow rate.
4 turbine 5 Boiler Closed FWH 3 2 Pump 1
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6 7 compressor

Tutorial 2:
I-A steam power plant operates on the reheat-regenerative Rankine cycle with a closed feedwater heater. Steam enters the turbine at 12.5MPa and 550C at a rate of 24kg/s and is condensed in the condenser at a pressure of 20kPa. Steam is reheated at 5MPa to 550C. Some steam is extracted from the low-pressure turbine at 1.0MPa, is completely condensed in the closed feedwater heater, and pumped to 12.5MPa before it mixes with the feedwater at the same pressure. Assuming an isentropic efficiency of 88percent for both the turbine and the pump, determine: (a) The temperature of the steam at the inlet of the closed feedwater heater (Ans: 328C) (b) The mass flow rate of the steam extracted from the turbine for the closed feedwater heater. (Ans: 4.29kg/s) (c) The net power output, and (Ans: 28.6MW) (d) The thermal efficiency (Ans: 39.3%)

High-P turbine Boiler 6 10 4 Mixing Chamber Pump 2 30 11 Code: EMM3210 3

Low-P turbine 7 9
y 1-y

Closed FWH 2

8 Pump 1


Tutorial 2 (Cont.):
J- Water is the working fluid in an ideal regenerative Rankine cycle. Superheated vapor enters the turbine at 10MPa, 480C, and the condenser pressure is 6kPa. Steam expands through the first stage turbine to 0.7MPa where some of the steam is extracted and diverted to an open feedwater heater operating at 0.7MPa. The remaining steam expands through the second-stage turbine to the condenser pressure of 6kPa. Saturated liquid exits the feedwater heater at 0.7MPa. Determine for the cycle: (a) The rate of heat addition, in kJ per kg of steam entering the first stage turbine. (b) the thermal efficiency (c) the rate of heat transfer from the working fluid passing through the condenser to the cooling water, in kJ per kg of steam entering the first stage turbine.
(Ans: 1458.4kJ/kg) (Ans: 2613.9kJ/kg) (Ans: 44.2%)

K- For the cycle of problem 2, reconsider the analysis assuming the pump and each turbine stage has an isentropic efficiency of 80%. Answer the same questions as in problem 2 for the modified cycle.
(Ans: 2611.3kJ/kg, 36.4%, 1662kJ/kg)


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Tutorial 2 (Cont.):
L- Water is the working fluid in an ideal regenerative Rankine cycle with one closed feedwater heater. Superheated vapor eneters the turbine at 16MPa, 560C, and the condenser pressure is 8kPa. The cycle has a closed feedwater heater using extracted steam at 1MPa. Condensate drains from the feedwater heater as saturated liquid at 1MPa and is trapped into the condenser. The feedwater leaves the heater at 16MPa and a temperature equal to the saturation temperature at 1MPa. The mass flow rate of steam entering the first stage turbine is 120kg/s. Determine: (a) the net power developed, in kW. (b) the rate of heat transfer to the steam passing through the boiler in kW. (c) the thermal efficiency (d) the mass flow rate of condenser cooling water, in kg/s, if the cooling water undergoes a temperature increase of 18C with negligible pressure change in passing through the condenser. M- Reconsider the cycle of problem 4, but include in the analysis that the isentropic efficiencies of the turbine stages and the pump are 85%.


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