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Problem Statement

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PROBLEM STATEMENT A fluid is flowing through a pipe of diameter D=0.2m and length L=8m. The inlet velocity Uz=1m/s.

The fluid leaves into ambient atmosphere whose pressure is 1 atmosphere. The values of density =1kg/m3 and coefficient of viscosity =2*10-5 Ns/m2.

Plot centre-line velocity, wall-skin friction coefficient and velocity profile at the outlet. SOLUTION:
PRE-ANALYSIS AND START UP The value of Reynolds Number: Re=(*Uz*D)/() = (1*1*0.2)/(2*10-5) =104=10000 Hence the flow is turbulent. 1. Open the Workbench. Start/All Programs/ Ansys 13.0/

2. Double click on Fluid Flow (Fluent)

GEOMETRY In the Project Schematic, right click on Geometry, select Properties. Here on the right side in the Advanced Geometry Options change Analysis type from 3D to 2D. The double click on Geometry. 1. Select the desired length unit as meter. Select XY Plane from the tree outline. Select the Z axis from the right bottom compass. 2. In the Sketching Toolboxes, select Draw/ Rectangle. Bring the cursor at the origin(indicated by the P sign). Draw a rough rectangle of any length and breadth. 3. Select Sketching Toolboxes/Dimensions/General. Give dimensions to any two sides of rectangle. In the Details View, edit the dimensions H2 and V1 as 8 and 0.1. Select the Zoom to fit from the in the top Menu Toolbar. 4. Select Concept/Surface From Sketches. Select the 4 sides of rectangle as Base Objects, give thickness as 0.1m then use Apply. Finally use Generate in the left top to generate the surface. MESH 1. Back to the Project Schematic, double click on Mesh. 2. Click OK in the Meshing Options on right side. In the left side right click on Mesh (under Project/Model (A3)) and select Generate Mesh. 3. Select Mesh Control/mapped Face Meshing. Select the surface created in Geometry (under Details View). The surface would become green and then

click Apply, it will become mapped and shown as blue. Then again right click on Mesh and select Generate Mesh. 4. Select Mesh Control/Sizing. Select the Edge Selection Filter from the top. Pressing Ctrl. from the keyboard select the top and bottom edges of the rectangle and click Apply. Change Type/ Number of Divisions. Select Number of divisions as 100. Change behaviour to Hard. Change Bias Type to smaller divisions closer to the wall and edit Bias Factor as 2.5. Click on Update. Again repeat the above process but this time use Number of divisions as 30 in the other two sides of rectangle. 5. Select Edge Selection Filter and click on left side of the rectangle. Right Click and select Create Named Selection and edit the name as Inlet. Similarly name other sides of the rectangle as Outlet (right edge), Centre Line (bottom edge) and Wall (upper edge). 6. Save the Project in a suitable directory. SETUP 1. Right click on Setup and select Refresh. Again right click and select Update. Then double click on Setup and select Double Precision in the Fluent Launcher and select OK. 2. Click on Mesh(Menu Bar)/ Info/ Size. You should get:Cells: 3000(100*30) Faces: 6131(2*100*30+(100+3+1)) Nodes: 3131(100*30+(100+30+1)) Partitions: 1. (With 1 cell zone and 5 zone)

3. You can also view different named selections under Display option. 4. Change Problem Setup/General/Solver/2D Space/Axisymmetric. 5. Because this is incompressible flow problem hence Problem Solver/Models, energy equation turned off. Again in Viscous model/Edit, select k-spsilon(2 eqn) and then in Near Wall Treatment select Enhanced Wall Treatment. 6. Again Problem Solver/Materials, double click on air. Change density to 1kg/m3 and coefficient of viscosity to 2e-05. 7. Select Problem Setup/Boundary Conditions. Check the Operating Conditions as 101325 Pa. Select the Inlet/Edit/Momentum/Velocity Specification Method: Magnitude,Normal to Boundary; Velocity Magnitude: 1m/s. Select Specification Method: Intensity and Hydraulic Diameter. Edit Turbulent Intensity as 1% and Hydraulic Diameter as 0.2m. 8. Finally check Outlet Zone to be Pressure Outlet Type and then after clicking on Edit, gauge Pressure to be 0. SOLUTION

1. Select Solution/Solution Methods. Change Momentum, Turbulent Kinetic Energy and Turbulent Dissipation Rate as Second Order Upwind. 2. Select Solution/ Monitors and double click on Residuals. Edit the Absolute Criteria of Continuity, X-velocity, Y-Velocity, k, epsilon to 1e-06. Click OK.

3. Select Solution/ Solution Initialization. Select Compute From: Inlet. Check Axial Velocity : 1m/s; Gauge Pressure and Radial Velocity to be 0; Turbulent Kinetic Energy : .00015 and Turbulent Dissipation Rate : 2.156208e-05. Click on Initialize. Save the Project. 4. Select Solution/ Run Calculation/ Number of Iterations: 250. Click Calculate. RESULTS 1. Select Results/Plot/XY Plot/Setup/Plot Direction X: 1 and Y:0/ Y Axis Function: TurbulenceWall Y Plus/Surfaces : Wall and then click on Plot. Use Write File to save the plot. 2. Again Under Y Axis Function: VelocityAxial Velocity/ Surfaces: Centre Line/ Axis/ Check the Major Rules, Minor Rules and the Auto Range. Do this for both X and Y Axis. Select Curves/Solid Line from Pattern, give Weight 2, Symbol blank and click on Apply. 3. Perform the above procedure for Y Axis Function:Wall FluxesSkin Friction Coefficient. 4. For Velocity Profile, in the XY plot select position on Y Axis. Change X to 0 and Y to 1, X Axis Function : VelocityAxial velocity and Surfaces as Outlet.

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