Sem2 Syllabus

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I M.

tech DCS II Semester

CS 942 CS904


CS905 CS906 CS926 CS931 CS932


CS904 HIGH PERFORMANCE NETWORKS UNIT- I Introduction to computer networks - Review of OSI/ISO model Introduction to high speed networks - High speed LANs Fast Ethernet - Switched Fast Ethernet - Gigabit Ethernet ISDN, FDDI, Frame relay - operations and layers. UNIT- II Introduction to SONET SONET/SDH Layers SONET Frame Structure Sonet Physical Layer. Introduction ATM Cell format and Switching Principles Protocol Architecture Service categories. TCP/IP protocol Suite IP Packet Header TCP packet header User services Protocol Operation Connection Establishment UDP. UNIT- III Congestion control in Data Networks and Internets Effects of Congestion Congestion Control in Packet Switched Networks. Frame relay Congestion Control Traffic rate Management Congestion Avoidance. ATM Traffic and Congestion Control Attributes Traffic Management Framework Traffic Control ABR Traffic Management. TCP Traffic Control Flow Control TCP Congestion Control Timer Management Window Management. UNIT-IV Introduction to Quality of Service - Integrated Services Differentiated Services Protocols for QoS support - Resource Reservation (RSVP) Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) RealTime Transport Protocol (RTP). UNIT- V Introduction to Optical networks Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) Introduction to broadcast-and-select networks - Switch architectures - channel accessing Wavelength routed networks Switch architectures - Routing and wavelength assignment virtual topology design IP over SONET over ATM over WDM IP over ATM over WDM IP over WDM. REFERENCES 1. William Stallings,High-Speed Networks and Internets, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2002. (Unit I, II, III, and IV) 2. Fred Halsall,Multimedia Communications: Applications, Protocols, and Standards, Pearson Education Asia, 2001. (Unit I and II) 3. Rajiv Ramaswami and Kumar N. Sivarajan, Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective, 2nd Edition, Morgan Kaufmann (Elsevier Indian Edition), 2004. (Unit II and V). 4. C. Siva Ram Murthy and Mohan Gurusamy, WDM Optical Networks: Concepts, Design, and Algorithms, PHI, 2002. (Unit V) 5. Laon-Garcia and Widjaja,Communication Networks: Fundamental Concepts and key Architectures, Tata McGrawHill, 2000. 6. Behrouz A. Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2000.


UNIT-I:Introduction to Cloud Computing- The Evolution of Cloud Computing Hardware Evolution Internet Software Evolution Server Virtualization - Web Services Deliver from the Cloud Communication-as-a-Service Infrastructure-as-a-Service Monitoring-as-a-Service Platform-as-a-Service Software-as-a-Service Building Cloud Network UNIT-II:Federation in the Cloud - Presence in the Cloud - Privacy and its Relation to CloudBased Information Systems Security in the Cloud - Common Standards in the Cloud EndUser Access to the Cloud Computing UNIT III:Introduction - Advancing towards a Utility Model Evolving IT infrastructure Evolving Software Applications Continuum of Utilities- Standards and Working Groups Standards Bodies and Working Groups Service Oriented Architecture Business Process Execution Language Interoperability Standards for Data Center Management - Utility Computing Technology Virtualization Hyper Threading Blade Servers - Automated Provisioning - Policy Based Automation Application Management Evaluating Utility Management Technology - Virtual Test and development Environment - Data Center Challenges and Solutions - Automating the Data Center UNIT-IV:Software Utility Application Architecture - Characteristics of an SaaS - Software Utility Applications - Cost Versus Value - Software Application Services Framework Common Enablers Conceptual view to Reality Business Profits - Implementing Database Systems for Multitenant Architecture UNIT-V:Other Design Considerations - Design of a Web Services Metering Interface Application Monitoring Implementation - A Design for an Update and Notification Policy Transforming to Software as a Service - Application Transformation Program - Business Model Scenarios - Virtual Services for Organizations - The Future. REFERENCES 1. John W. Rittinghouse and ames F. Ransome, Cloud Computing Implementation, Management and Security, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton London New York. 2010 [Unit -11 and Unit II] 2. Alfredo Mendoza, Utility Computing Technologies, Standards, and Strategies, Artech House INC, 2007 . [Unit -11I to Unit V] 3. Guy Bunker and Darren Thomson, Delivering Utility Computing, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2006. 4. George Reese, Cloud Application Architectures, Oreilly Publications, 2009.


UNIT-I Introduction: Codes and Ciphers Some Classifiable systems Statistical theory of cipher systems-Complexity theory of crypto systems Stream ciphers, Block ciphers. UNIT-II :Stream Ciphers: Rotor based system shift register based systems Design considerations for stream ciphers Cryptanalysis of stream ciphers Combined encryption and encoding. Block Ciphers DES and variant, modes of use of DES. Public key systems Knack sack systems RSK Diffie Hellman Exchange Authentication and Digital signatures, Elliptic curve based systems. UNIT-III:System Identification and clustering: Cryptology of speech signals narrow band and wide band systems Analogue & Digital Systems of speech encryption. UNIT-IV:Security: Hash function Authentication: Protocols Digital Signature standards. Electronics Mail Security PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) MIME, data Compression technique. IP Security: Architecture, Authentication Leader, Encapsulating security Payload Key Management. Web security: Secure Socket Layer & Transport Layer security, secure electronics transactions. Firewalls Design principle, established systems. UNIT-V:Telecommunication Network Architecture, TMN management layers, Management information Model, Management servicing and functions, Structure of management information and TMN information model, SNMP v1, SNMP2 & SNMP3, RMON1 & 2, Broadband Network Management (ATM, HFC, DSL), ASN REFERENCES 1. Upper Saddle River ,Cryptography and Network Security: Principal & Practices, 2nd Edition, PHI 2. Subramanian and Mani,Network Management Principles & Practices, AWL. 3. Wllam Stallings, SNMP: A Guide to Network Management , MGH. 4. H.H.Wang,Telecom Network Management, MGH 5. U.Dlack,Network Management, MGH


UNIT I: Fundamental SOA-Common characteristics of contemporary SOA- Common misperceptions about SOA-Common tangible benefits of SOA- Common pitfalls of adopting SOA - An SOA timeline The continuing evolution of SOA - The roots of SOA (comparing SOA to past architectures). The Web services framework- Services Service descriptions (with WSDL)-Messaging UNIT II:Web Services and Contemporary SOA - Message exchange patterns- Service activity-coordination-Atomic transactions- Business activities-Orchestration-ChoreographyIssues - Addressing- Reliable messaging- Correlation-Policies- Metadata exchange- SecurityNotification and eventing. UNIT III: Principles of Service-Orientation-Service-orientation and the enterprise- Anatomy of a service-oriented architecture- Common principles of service-orientation- How serviceorientation principles inter-relate-Section-Service-orientation and object-orientation- Native Web service support for service-orientation principles. Service Layers -Service-orientation and contemporary SOA- Service layer abstraction-application service layer-Business service layerOrchestration service layer-Agnostic services- Service layer configuration scenarios. UNIT IV:Building SOA - SOA Delivery Strategies- SOA delivery lifecycle phases- The topdown strategy- The bottom-up strategy- The agile strategy. Introduction to service-oriented analysis- Benefits of a business-centric SOA- Deriving business services-Service Modeling Service modeling -Service modeling guidelines- Classifying service model logic- Contrasting service modeling approaches UNIT V:Service-Oriented Design - Introduction to service-oriented design- WSDL-related XML Schema language basics- WSDL language basics- SOAP language basics- Service interface design tools. SOA Composition Guidelines - Steps to composing SOA-Considerations for choosing service layers and SOA standards, positioning of cores and SOA extensions. Service Design -Overview-Service design of business service, application service, taks centric service and guidelines. Business Process Design - WS-BPEL language basics-WS-Coordination overview- Service-oriented business process design REFERENCES 1. Thomas Erl , Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology & Design, Pearson Education Pte Ltd, 2008. 2. Thomas Erl, SOA Principles of Service Design, Pearson Exclusives, 2007. 3. Tomas Erl and Grady Booch, SOA Design Patterns, Prentice Hall, 2008.

CS932 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM SECURITY UNIT I:Introduction Distributed Systems, Distributed Systems Security. Security in Engineering: Secure Development Lifecycle Processes - A Typical Security Engineering Process - Security Engineering Guidelines and Resources. Common Security Issues and Technologies: Security Issues, Common Security Techniques. UNIT II:Host-level Threats and Vulnerabilities: Transient code Vulnerabilities - Resident Code Vulnerabilities - Malware: Trojan Horse Spyware - Worms/Viruses Eavesdropping - Job Faults. Infrastructure-Level Threats and Vulnerabilities: Network-Level Threats and Vulnerabilities - Grid Computing Threats and Vulnerabilities Storage Threats and Vulnerabilities Overview of Infrastructure Threats and Vulnerabilities. UNIT III:Application-Level Threats and Vulnerabilities: Application-Layer Vulnerabilities Injection Vulnerabilities - Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) - Improper Session Management - Improper Error Handling - Improper Use of Cryptography - Insecure Configuration Issues - Denial of Service - Canonical Representation Flaws - Overflow Issues. Service-Level Threats and Vulnerabilities: SOA and Role of Standards - Service-Level Security Requirements - ServiceLevel Threats and Vulnerabilities - Service-Level Attacks - Services Threat Profile. UNIT IV:Host-Level Solutions: Sandboxing Virtualization - Resource Management - ProofCarrying Code -Memory Firewall Antimalware. Infrastructure-Level Solutions: Network-Level Solutions - Grid-Level Solutions - Storage-Level Solutions. Application-Level Solutions: Application-Level Security Solutions. UNIT V:Service-Level Solutions: Services Security Policy - SOA Security Standards Stack Standards in Dept - Deployment Architectures for SOA Security - Managing Service-Level Threats - Compliance in Financial Services - SOX Compliance - SOX Security Solutions Multilevel Policy-Driven Solution Architecture - Case Study: Grid - The Financial Application Security Requirements Analysis. Future Directions - Cloud Computing Security Security Appliances - Usercentric Identity Management - Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) - Virtualization in Host Security. REFERENCES 1. Abhijit Belapurkar, Anirban Chakrabarti, Harigopal Ponnapalli, Niranjan Varadarajan, Srinivas Padmanabhuni and Srikanth Sundarrajan, Distributed Systems Security: Issues, Processes and Solutions, Wiley Pubilications. 2009. 2. Yang Xiao and Yi Pan,Security in Distributed And Networking Systems, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2007. 3. Rachid Guerraoui and Franck Petit Stabilization, Safety, And Security Of Distributed Systems, Springer, 2010.


UNIT I Relation to statistics, databases, machine learning - Taxonomy of data mining tasks - Steps in data mining process - Overview of data mining techniques. UNIT - II Visualization and statistical perspective Visualization - Dimension reduction techniques - Data summarization methods - Statistical Perspective - Probabilistic - Deterministic models Clustering - Regression analysis - Time series analysis - Bayesian learning. UNIT - III Predictive modeling - Predictive Modeling - Classification - Decision trees - Patterns Association rules - Algorithms. UNIT - IV DATA WAREHOUSING: Design - Dimensional Modeling - Meta data - Performance issues and indexing -VLDB issues - Development life cycle - Merits. UNIT - V APPLICATIONS: Tools - Applications - Case Studies. REFERENCES 1. Usama M.Fayyad, Geogory Piatetsky - Shapiro, Padhrai Smyth and Ramasamy Uthurusamy, Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, The M.I.T Press, 1996. 2. Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber, Data Mining Concepts and Techniques, Morgan Kauffmann Publishers, 2000. 3. Ralph Kimball, "The Data Warehouse Life Cycle Toolkit, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1998. 4. Sean Kelly, Data Warehousing in Action, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1997. 5. Bharat Bhushan Agarwal and Sumit Prakash Tayal, Data Mining and Data warehousing, Laximi Publications Ltd., 2009

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