Elctric Supply Manual

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The hierarchy of the Electric Supply Branch of the BEST Undertaking is on the roll of the Electric Supply Office Establishment. It consists of :

One Dy. General Manager, One Asst. General Manager, Three Chief Engineer, One Sr.Administrative Officer(ES), Superintendent ((ES), DGM(ES) Office Asst.Engineer, DGM(ES) Office One Dy. Labour Officer (ES), One Statistical Officer.


All these officers are assisted by Junior Officer and staff members. For the sake of

convenience the establishment is divided into smaller units each headed by the officers mentioned above. The work carried out in these offices is as given below :

2. The Deputy General Manager (Electric Supply) is the Head of the Electric Supply Branch Office BEST Undertaking . He is responsible for the formation and implementation of various technical and economic policies for the Electric Supply Branch. Taking final decision regarding matters pertaining to planning of routine and development schemes. He is recommending to the General Manager, proposal for Variations to the Establishment schedule, Budget Proposals. Posting and Transfer of

Officers and Staff of the Supply Branch. He is finalising the tenders for major stores items required by the Supply Branch and put up his recommendations to the Management. He is negotiating with bulk energy supply for revisions in the Supply tariff and finalise the tariffs for purchase of electricity. He is scrutinising, finalising and approve all drawings pertaining to administrative buildings and workshops for the Electric Supply Branch. To formulate billing policies of the Undertaking and guide the concerned Departments to follow the same efficiently. 3. The Asst. General Manager (Supply) is directly in-charge of various divisions such as the Planning, Project, Vigilance & IMCG and is looking after the activities through the Chief Engineer (Electric Supply) in respect of Meters & Relays, Street Lighting, Training & Industrial Engineering and Consumers Advisory Services Divisions. He is responsible for the formation and implementation of various technical and economic policies of the departments under him. To deal with reports in respect of technical matters, accidents and to report to DGM(ES) whenever necessary. Taking final decision regarding matters pertaining to planning of routine and development schemes. He is finalizing the tenders for major stores items required by the Supply Branch and put up his recommendations to the Management. He initiates schemes for encouraging Electrical development, modernisation, standardisation and planning major projects etc. 4. Chief Engineer (Electric Supply) : Chief Engineer (Electric Supply) is having overall control over the activities of Meters & Relays, Training & Industrial Engineering, Consumers Advisory Services, Street Lighting., Material Testing & Standards & Tele-Communication & Electronic Depts. He is wholly responsible for the overall control over all these divisions and performance of the same. 5. Chief Engineer Distribution North & Chief Engineer Distribution South : Each Chief Engineer is in-charge of Commercial Department, Consumers Department, Operation & Maintenance Department and Erection Department in their Zone South and North. These Departments deal with maintenance of Supply, Installation works and also Consumer related problems like high electricity billing, complaints of consumers, new connections etc. In addition to the above Chief Engineer Distribution (South) is also incharge of Energy Audit Department, which is a very important revenue oriented function, since the department is entrusted with the activity of installation of electronic meters and matters arising out of it. CEDN is also in-charge of Construction Division, which carries out installation of equipment in 33KV and 22KV receiving substation and 33 KV Cable laying jobs. 6. Sr. Administrative Officer Electric Supply : As the Head of the Administrative Wing, he is directly under the control and responsible to DGM(ES). He is also dealing with to the Personnel, Audit, Accounts and other Departments in dealing with staff as well as budgetary matters. Sr.AO(ES) is required to scrutinise all proposals for establishment, creation of temporary posts, promotion and compiling proposals for

annual variation of establishment schedule, Budget proposals, Proposals for transferring of Budget grants, Keeping Budgetary control over Capital expenditure, Keeping control over staff positions, Implementation of various incentive schemes, and revalidation thereof in consultation with JWSC. To deal with strike matters, transfers, reply to Unions letters, Joint Committee and Joint Safety Committee. To issue circulars, Office Orders, Procedure Orders, as per the instructions of DGM(ES)/AGM(ES). He advises and guide in establishment and administrative matters to departments/divisions of Supply Branch and also comments on litigation filed against the Undertaking in Labour/Industrial Court. 7. Supdt (Electric Supply) :The DGM(ES) receives a number of proposals

from the various divisions of the Electric Supply Branch. These proposals are required to be scrutinised by technical Officer having technical qualifications. Supdt.(Electric Supply) is scrutinising the various proposals received from the various divisions/parties and assist DGM(S) in finalising the same.

Administrative Officer Supply : AO(ES) is required to hear the appeal against the Dy.LO(ES). He is assisting the Sr.AO(ES) in various

orders passed by

Establishment/Administrative matters. He advises Dy. LO(ES) as regards the various procedures laid down by the management from time to time as regards to departmental inquiries. He is over all supervision on the working of Sr.AO(ES)s Office.


Assistant Engineer :- The proposals are received from the various divisions

for the concurrence / approval. These proposals are required to be scrutinised. Thus the Asst. Engrs. are assisting the executives in scrutinising the proposals. There are number of complaints as regards to the high bill and others. Whenever complaints are received from the higher authorities, high dignitaries, it is necessary to expedite the proposals. These Asst. Engrs. Follow-up these cases and communicate the results to DGM(ES)/AGM(ES).


Dy. LO(ES) : To








departments/division of Electric Supply Branch except Consumers Department. To conduct Branch. Branch departmental enquiries against delinquent employees of Electric Supply

To collect full MIS reports from various departments/divisions of Supply regarding pending departmental enquiry appeal and put up a monthly

consolidated statement to the General Manager.


Statistical Officer (A/GX) :-



Depts/Divns of Electric

Supply Branch submits various statistical information. This information is required to be compiled and analysed. The data and information of permanent utility is

maintained by using a proper documentation system. The Statistical Officer compiles all such data and information and makes arrangement to publish the same quarterly in the form of a Statistical Bulletin of the Electric Supply Branch.



This chapter gives generally the organisational set up of the division and is intended to assist the officers and staff of the undertaking to be acquainted with the work of the Project Division. It will be seen that at several places there is repetition of duties allocated to different categories of staff and this may lead to misunderstanding in fixing responsibilities. Therefore, at the outset, it must be clarified that whenever any item is repeated under different staff levels, the staff at the lowest level is the one, who actually carries out the work, and the staff at higher level guide them and assume responsibility for implementation. Details and accuracy are to be ensured by the staff that actually carries out the work. 1.2 ORGANISATION:

1.2.1 The division shall be under the overall supervision and control of the Divisional Engineer (Project) who shall report to the Deputy Chief Engineer (Planning), who in turn shall be responsible to the Assistant General Manager (Electric Supply) for the efficient administration of the Department. 1.2.2 The organisational set up of the department is shown in the organization chart enclosed. 1.3 RESPONSIBILITIES AND FUNCTIONS:

1.3.1 The division shall be concerned with the planning, designing and other technical work of the various projects of the Electric Supply Branch and shall be responsible for advance planning and systematic development of the E.H.V. network. The department is

also responsible for any new project and adopting the same after studying technical and commercial viability for the improvement of the electric supply distribution system. The division is also responsible to execute in time, the various projects such as 110kV Receiving Substations, 22kV and 33kV Receiving Substations, 33kV changeover of Receiving Substations, Fiber Optic System, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System, Fire Fighting system etc. Further, obtaining of appropriate sanction of the General Manager and or of the Committee for all proposed projects and of the annual Capital Budget of the entire supply branch shall constitute the important responsibilities of Project Division. 1.3.2 The division shall give necessary technical assistance to the executing departments in connection with various jobs in Receiving Stations. 1.3.3 The division shall be responsible for preparation of specification and tender documents for all plant and equipment and special materials required for 110 kV, 33 kV and 22 kV Receiving Substations, scrutinizing the tender received and recommending the same for acceptance. The division shall also be responsible for keeping a careful watch over the progress of manufacture of the equipment and paying periodical visits at the works during the process of manufacture of the equipment. It shall also ensure that the equipment on order is delivered at proper time and at proper location. 1.3.4 The division shall also be responsible for satisfactory maintenance of all drawings, plans and allied records of all Receiving Substations and its equipments. 1.3.5 The division shall be responsible for interacting with various agencies such as Power Finance Corporation (PFC), Overseas Development Agency (ODA), Accelerated Power Development and Reform Programme (APDRP) Cell etc. for obtaining loan and preparation of detailed project reports for the same. 1.3.6 The division shall be responsible for carrying out correspondence with Tata Power Company Ltd (TPC) and arranging co-ordination meetings in connection with bulk supply metering, termination arrangement of BESTs 22KV & 33KV feeders at TPCs supply points, arrangement of taking 110KV supply at various points and other related issues. 1.3.7 The division shall be responsible for arranging the training of the staff of the Electric Supply Branch in India and abroad with a view to equip them with requisite knowledge of the equipment, job handling techniques necessary for efficient execution of the work etc. 1.4 ESTABLISHMENT:

1.4.1 The Department shall consist of Divisional Engineer (Project); four Superintendents (Supply); Six Assistant Engineers and other staff that may be sanctioned from time to time.

1.5 1.5.1


Divisional Engineer Project - A3 Grade

The Divisional Engineer Project shall be responsible for the overall supervision of the various activities of the Project Dept. The various activities include: i) Dealing with M/s TPC (Bulk Power supplier) ii) Preparation of project reports pertaining to various projects of the Supply branch for System improvement. iii) Co-ordination with various departments and outside agencies for smooth execution of various projects. iv) Planning and development of electrical network to meet the present and future load growth and reducing distribution losses. v) Interaction with various suppliers for procurement of modern various cost effective equipments.

vi) vii) viii) ix) x)

Adaptation of new technologies in BEST system for improving reliability. Preparation of the Capital budget for the Supply branch. Arrange to procure various equipments for 33/22 kV receiving stations. Arrange to procure various equipments for 110KV receiving stations. Overall administration of the Project Division.

1.5.2. Supdt. A4 Grade The Supdt. (Project) shall be responsible to the Divisional Engineer (Project) for the specific duties allotted to him out of the following: i) Economic studies of major projects. ii) Planning and designing of 110KV RSS iii) Planning, designing, procurement of equipments for major projects such as SCADA, distribution automation, communication.. iv) Study and adaptation of new technical developments of various equipments used in E.H.T. Substations. v) Study and adaptation of new technology to improve the existing SCADA and communication system . vi) Preparation/revision of specification for 110 KV RSS as per the latest development in the technology vii) Procurement of various equipments for new 110 KV RSS viii) Procurement of various spares and equipments for addition and alteration in existing 110 KV RSS ix) Co-ordination with bulk power suppliers, viz TATA Power Company

x) Identifying new RSS sites and load centers as per the load growth and load projection. xi) Follow up with the various government/private agencies for taking over new RSS sites. xii) Study and adaptation of new technological development in various equipment related to 33KV/22KV RSS. xiii) Procurement of various new equipments for 33KV/22 KV RSS xiv) Procurement of various spares for existing 33/22KV RSS equipment. xv) Preparation/revision of specification of equipments for 33/22 KV as per the latest development in the technology. xvi) Preparation of schemes proposal for commissioning new receiving stations, obtaining comments from various related departments. xvii) Preparation of schemes proposal for addition and alteration of existing RSS, obtaining comments from various related departments. xviii) Follow up with the various departments for the smooth execution of the scheme. xix) Procurement of cable Jointing kits/accessories. xx) Study of economics of power sourcing strategies such as bulk purchase, generation etc. xxi) Load forecasting and future planning for 15 years. xxii) Periodic review of the load growth of the system vis-a-vis load forecasting. xxiii) Preparation of capital budget estimates for various activities related to new RSS, addition/alteration in existing RSS. xxiv) Compilation of capital budget estimates of complete supply branch. xv) Preparation of project reports pertaining to availing various grants/ loans from Govt. agencies such as APDRP Cell, PFC etc xvi) Subject studies for system improvement and trouble shooting such as equipment failures, harmonics , earthing system, power factor improvement, reduction of distribution losses etc. 1.5.3

Assistant Engineers - A5 Grade

The Assistant Engineer (Project), under the technical guidance of Supdt (Project) shall be responsible for the specific duties allotted to him out of the following: i) Procurement of various equipments for new 110 KV RSS

ii) Procurement of various spares and equipments for addition and alteration in existing 110 KV RSS iii) Procurement of equipments for major projects such as SCADA, distribution automation, communication..


Failure analysis of the equipments procured

v) Upgradation of communication system for SCADA, distribution automation by using fibre optics/microwave/satellite etc. vi) Integration of SCADA system with distribution automation and micro processor based numerical relays vii) actions Monitoring of performance of equipment in service and taking corrective

viii) Subject study of the various equipments as per the latest technological development and BESTs requirements alongwith Supdt. for system improvement. ix) Advising for scrapping of equipments.

x) Follow up with various Govt./private agencies for taking over new receiving station sites. xi) Preparation of layout of new RSS and follow up with Civil Engineering Dept. for the preparation of building drawing and thereafter progress of the civil work of the receiving station. xii) Preparation of cable laying and equipment installation schemes proposals for commissioning of new RSS and obtaining comments from executing and user depts. xiii) Preparation of detailed schemes after incorporating comments from various departments. xiv) Preparation of schemes for diversion of cables necessitated due to infrastructural projects such as overhead underground subway road widening/concreting etc. xv) Preparation of cost estimates for various schemes and obtaining necessary managements sanction. xvi) Procurement of cables such as 33 KV XLPE/PILC, 11KV XLPE and control cable. xvii) Procurement of 33KV cable protection cover (RCC tiles).

xviii) Procurement of 33KV switchgears for new receiving station and for addition and alteration of existing receiving station.

xix) Procurement of 11KV switchgears for new receiving station and for addition and alteration of existing receiving station. xx) Procurement of control and relay panels for new receiving station and for addition and alteration of existing receiving station. xxi) Procurement of spares required for 33KV/11KV switchgears, control and relay panel for existing receiving station. xxii) Detailed study of numerical relays.

xxiii) Procurement of power transformer for new receiving station and for addition and alteration of existing receiving station. xxiv) Procurement of spares for power transformer for existing receiving station. xv) Procurement of various types of 33KV cable jointing kits and accessories such as conventional joints, heat shrinkable joints, cold shrinkable joints, tapex joints etc. xvi) Tendering for repairs/reconditioning of power transformers.

xvii) Preparation of remodelling schemes of existing RSS and 33KV changeover and obtaining management sanction. xviii) Procurement of battery and battery chargers for new receiving station and for addition and alteration of existing receiving station. xix) Procurement of HV capacitor, reactors, RVTs and neutral link for new receiving station and for addition and alteration of existing receiving station. xxx) Procurement of fire fighting system for new receiving station and for addition and alteration of existing receiving station. xxxi) Follow up with related depts.. for smooth execution of schemes xxxii) Preparation of departmental MIS. xxxiii) Collecting, compiling and analyising data of feeder and power transformer loads of all the receiving stations for the purpose of load forecasting and future planning. xxxiv) Arranging data from various executing departments of the capital work proposed to be executed for the preparation of budget. xxxv) Preparation of departmental administrative report.

xxxvi) Corresponding with Govt. of India agencies such as Power Finance Corporation, Accelerated Power Development & Reforms Projects Cell for arranging grants/financial assistance for the Undertaking. xxxvii) Follow up with related departments for execution of the schemes covered under various Govt. of India financial assistance schemes xxxviii) Generally, Assistant Engineers are required to carry out following activities for procurement of each equipment. (a) (b) (c ) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) 1.5.4 Finalisation of specification. Sending indents to Stores Dept. Evaluation of the various offers. Tender recommendation. Drawing approval. Arranging inspection/testing at the factory. Delivery schedule Follow up with the firms for adhering to the delivery schedule. Monitoring guaranteed technical performance OFFICE ASSISTANT:-

He shall be responsible to the Divisional Engineer. He shall supervise the work of the clerical staff and stenographers working in the department. He shall be responsible for the following: i) Keeping a check on organisational matters pertaining to the division. ii) Studying/co-coordinating/implementing the recommendations made by various Departments in administrative matters. iii) Preparing departmental budget estimates and administration reports. iv) Preparing establishment schedule of the division. v) Preparing O.B.Memos for recovering dues for jobs done for outside parties. vi) Initiating payments for services rendered by outside parties viz Tata Power Company, monthly charges of GIS of Khetwadi RSS.

vii) Corresponding with organisations such as MCGB, Government, Tatas, Railways, C.P.W.D., CBA, DOE etc. viii) Obtaining administrative sanctions. ix) Making arrangements for deputation visits etc. x) Dealing with staff matters and maintaining staff records, files and other confidential files of the division. xi) Initiating and following up procurement of various requirements of the division. xii) Maintaining inventory of office equipment. xiii) Obtaining way leave permissions from various parties. xiv) Recommending leave of staff under his charge. xv) Scrutinising notes and letters dispatched from the department. xvi) Maintaining the budgetary control of different budget heads. xvii) Maintaining statistical records. xviii) Reviewing the departmental manual. xix) Maintaining general up-keep and cleanliness of the division. xx) Maintaining Imprest Cash & Register. xxi) Follow up the files with other Dept.


Sr. Dman G/G IV Grade

The Senior D'man will be reporting to the Supdt. Supply. He shall be responsible for carrying out the following duties: i) The Sr. D'man will be reporting to the Supdt. Supply. He shall be responsible for carrying out the following duties: ii) Guiding/Allotting work to the Draughtsman under him in the preparation of various drawings such as equipment drawing, wiring diagram, layout drawings, scheme drawings, machine drawings etc. iii) Checking the building drawings received from Architects or from Civil Engineering Dept. iv) v) vi) vii) office. Checking drawings drawn by Draughtsman working under him. Updating the registers maintained in the drawing office. Arranging for the prints. Looking after the general requirements of the Draughtsman and drawing


Draughtsman - G/G III Grade

i) Shall work under the Senior Draughtsman and shall carry out the work allocated to him. The duties of the Draughtsman would generally be any of the following: ii) Preparing equipment drawings, layout drawings. iii) Preparing wiring diagrams and schematic diagrams. iv) Preparing network drawings. v) Preparing site plan drawings, EHV mains scheme drawing. vi) Taking out the prints, coloring & folding the same. vii) Taking out measurements at locations/work sites and preparing the sketches and drawings for the same. viii) Taking out the measurements at site for the underground works carried out by the executing department. ix) Preparing machine drawings. 1.5.7 Typist cum Clerk - A/G/ V Grade Typist cum Clerks duties consists of: i) Regular typing work of technical `A Grade Officers. ii) Checking typed matter iii) Compiling specifications iv) Filing & finding references (Technical as well as Administrative) v) Preparation of deputation bills and collecting data vi) Obtaining sanctions for expenditures vii) Initiating OB memos, bill vouchers, salary bills etc. viii) Following up cases with Govt. Railway & other bodies ix) Preparation of monthly reports viz. pending of tender recommendation & material inspection, absenteeism memo of A & B Grade Officers, accidents reports, MIS reports, staff allocation vacancy. x) Quarterly and annual reports viz verification of registration of Books of Motor Cars, Capital/Revenue Budget, Confidential reports, renewal of bus passes, inventory entries. xi) Issue of briefcase of officers, medical reimbursement of employees/officers. xii) Taking over duties, change in name and address xiii) Records, attendance & confidential reports of Probationary Engineers, apprentice. xiv) Despatch of leave forms, LTA forms & encashment forms xv). Issue of soaps, napkins & clothes to officers & staff xvi) Preparation of gate passes xvii) Preparation of purchase forms xviii) Annual requirement of diaries, calendars, desk calendars & printing of stationary & its follow up with Stores & Sr.AOS.


Clerk - A/G V Grade

Clerks duties consists of:

i) All dispatch work ii) Maintaining leave record of staff iii) Recoupment of stores & stationary materials iv) Issuing of stationary & clothing v) Maintaining of various types of registers vi) Scrutinising outgoing /incoming papers vii) Checking estimates & maintaining the register of new substations viii) Maintaining statistical records ix) Maintaining office files x) . Following up of training programs xi) Reviewing of filing index xii) . Preparation of budget estimates xiii). Preparation of administration reports xiv) Controlling budget grants xv) Replying MCA queries xvi) Dealing with cases pertaining to work done for outside parties and sale/hire of equipments xvii) Looking after general up-keep of cleanliness in the division


Stenographer A/G V Grade

Stenographers' duties shall consist of i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) 1.5.10 Taking dictation from 12 officers of the Dept. and transcribing it Typing and cutting stencils Checking and comparing types matter and stencils Filing Giving work information to OA. To prepare soft copy of all specifications of all the equipments. Sepoys A/G I Grade

The sepoy's duties shall consist of i) ii) iii) iv) Arranging the prints of drawings and notes Folding of the drawings Carrying dispatch to the various departments of the Undertaking Carrying dispatch to the offices of the other utilities/companies

v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi)

Up-keeping and cleaning the furniture in the office Mopping and dusting Bringing materials from Stores and other departments Taking out reference files and keeping them back at the proper place Collecting and distributing internal papers from the trays Attending telephone calls Attending to the visitors and giving them the necessary guidance.


Nawghany - T-1 Grade

The Nawghanies duties shall consist of i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix). x) xi) Arranging the prints of drawings and notes Folding of the drawings Carrying dispatch to the various departments of the Undertaking Carrying dispatch to the offices of the other utilities/companies Up-keeping and cleaning the furniture in the office Mopping and dusting Bringing materials from Stores and other departments Taking out reference files and keeping them back at the proper place Collecting and distributing internal papers from the trays Attending telephone calls Attending to the visitors and giving them the necessary guidance.



1.6.1 The staff records of all the officers and employees both temporary and permanent on the roll of the division and those of separated employees shall be maintained by the Divisional Engineer Project. All the entries in the staff records shall be made in ink and duly authenticated by the Divisional Engineer Project or the concerned officer authorised by him. 1.6.2 These records shall be of a confidential nature and shall be accessible to the person dealing with the subject matter only.


2.1 This chapter is intended to give a general idea of the overall working of the Project Division and to assist the officers and staff to follow the procedure connected

with the activities of the department. The methods to be adopted for different types of works indicated herein shall serve as guidelines for the staff and shall not be deemed to be complete in all respects. 2.2 RECEIVING SUBSTATIONS (110kV & 33kV)

2.2.1 The planning and establishing of RSS involves locating suitable plots for establishing 110kV or 33kV substations in our area of supply at different load centers. The locations are decided taking into account the load requirements, availability of plots, techno economic feasibility considering rebate in tariff for 110KV Receiving Substation, reduction in losses after 33kV change over, meeting the load growth in and around the area, efficient management of the load transfer, shut downs etc. 2.2.2 The design of 110kV Stations is related to the requirement of load and dimensions of the plot. Main parameters are given below: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Equipment Land & Building Mode of Utilisation Manpower Capital Outlay



The requirement of plant and equipment shall be assessed on the basis of requirements to be fulfilled from the stations. While deciding the mode of equipment it shall take into consideration the various factors such as changes in technology and techniques, availability of the equipment, import content etc. Before deciding the equipment it is necessary to collect data information from various sources and then adopt the relevant equipment to suit our purpose and meet the ultimate requirement. By equipment it means all items such as switchgears, transformers, cables, control panels, etc. ii) LAND AND BUILDINGS:

The need of land and buildings shall be decided in consultation with the Planning Department. While deciding the requirement of 110kV Substations to meet our future needs, it is required to study in detail the load requirements in the island City of Mumbai, pattern of load growth etc.



Taking into consideration the geographical locations of TATAs main station i.e. Carnac, Parel, Mahalaxmi & Dharavi, the locations of our main stations are decided. At some of the stations, the requirement is only to have 110kV to 11kV transformers to meet the loads in the neighbouring area. But some of the locations are required to have 110kV/33kV transformers so that 33kV/11-6.6kV substations can be established in the area to strengthen the network. Supply of this 33kV substations is given from the main 110kV Substations established in the area. The Project Dept. shall prepare a project plan to give these details. The economics for establishing such stations is also worked out by the Project Division.



Manpower shall be related to the various types of functions required to be performed. The categories of man and their number depends upon the quantum of the work load and its type. It is necessary to prepare a list of activities and sub activities for each function and ascertain the type and number of men required for carrying out these activities by fixed standards. After this is done, the increase in work load due to expansion shall be worked out and the total requirement of manpower shall be computed for the entire period of the plan. The requirements shall be presented in a tabular form giving the categories and number to be added each year as well as the cumulative total under each category. Care shall be taken to check the fixed standards of work taking into consideration change in organization and methods. An organization chart showing the levels of responsibilities and number of personnel shall be drawn to depict the ultimate picture at the end of the plan period.



The requirement of capital for equipment, land and buildings, manpower shall be estimated at the prevailing rates allowing for variation in rates for the entire plan period. This shall be presented in a tabular form showing breakup under each head year wise and indicating the quantum of foreign exchange requirement separately. The capital outlays shall be compared with the estimated revenue so as to trim the expenditure suitably whenever warranted. 2.2.3 FOR THE PREPARATION OF LAYOUT PLAN: The 110kV Substations shall be of completely indoor type that means the 110kV switchgear, power transformer, 11kV switchgear etc. are to be housed in the building. While preparation of layout for 110kV Substation the following requirements shall be

carefully considered and the preliminary layout drawings are prepared. While preparing the preliminary layout plan it is necessary to estimate the dimensions required for the various type of equipment to be installed in the station. The location of the various equipment rooms are required to be properly chosen considering erection, maintenance and ventilation aspects. The layout drawings shall indicate: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) a) Control room 110kV switchgear room 33kV switchgear room 11kV switchgear room Battery room Transformer bays Capacitor reactor room S.R.C. Equipment Automatic Fire Fighting Equipment Station Service Termination Communication Cable Termination Rest room Store room Cable room Sanitary block Lighting CONTROL ROOM:

The layout of the panels shall be such as to allow unrestricted light in the room taking into account future extensions if any. The control rooms shall be air-conditioned to make them dust proof and to maintain/control the temperature inside the room. This room shall be located centrally with respect to the room that are provided for major equipments such as 110kV, 33kV, 22kV, 11kV switchgear, power transformer, etc. The control cables leading to the control room from various equipment shall be installed by using suitable size cable trays. While preparing the drawing, slots or openings in the slabs shall be indicated at proper locations and the number of slots shall be adequate in number. To have proper effect of air-conditioning it is necessary to reduce the volume of the control room to a minimum by providing false ceiling and false floor.



For indoor Substations it is necessary to install SF 6 (Sulphur Hexaflouride) Gas Insulated Metal Clad Switchgear which is ideal for indoor stations being very compact and safe to operate the height of this switchgear room from the ground level shall be at a minimum level so that the installation of the switchgear becomes easier. To facilitate installation of the switchgear it is preferable to provide an opening in the side wall having

dimensions 2 mtrs. x 4 mtrs. through which the switchgear bays can be taken inside the room. After transporting the switchgear the opening shall be breaken up to make the switchgear room dust proof as far as possible. It is preferable to have a bus duct connection between the transformer and switchgear and hence location shall be chosen bearing this factor in mind.



This room shall be preferably be located on the ground floor to facilitate installation of switchgear as well as cables. It is also preferable to have a bus duct connection between transformer and switchgear and location of the room shall be chosen accordingly.



As several cables will have to be terminated in the station it is preferable to have this switchgear on the ground floor only. Instead of trenches behind the switchgear to lay cable it is necessary to have either stilt or cable room for the cables.



The battery room shall be adequate in size to install station battery and S.R.C. battery. One wall of this room shall face open space so that exhaust fan can be fixed about 1.2 mtrs. above the floor of the battery room. The room shall be sealed from the direct sunlight. Special type of flooring shall be provided in the room so that it will not get affected by acid.



The transformer bays shall be located near to the road as far as possible to facilitate movement of the transformers. To provide proper ventilation to the transformer it is desirable to have chimneys and cross ducts in the transformer bays. The transformers shall be installed at a height of not less than 1 mtr. From the ground level to provide proper inlet for the air. It is preferable to have a soak pet just below the transformer to avoid a separate sumpwell for the transformer oil. The transformer shall be installed on rollers to facilitate easy movement and installation. A 5 Ton capacity chain pulley block shall be provided in the transformer bay at suitable height for handling the accessories of the transformer. The height of the transformer bay shall be adequate for removal and fixing of accessories of the transformer, but the height shall not be provided for lifting the

core and winding of the transformer. An opening for the transformer bays on the road side shall be provided of adequate size so that when installation of the transformer is done the opening can be bricked up. g) CAPACITOR REACTOR ROOM:

Dry/Cast resin reactor shall be used for capacitor banks. These banks shall be installed in a separate room and if the room is provided on the upper floors proper facility for lifting the reactor shall be provided in the station. The ventilation of the room shall be sufficiently good. h) S.R.C. EQUIPMENT:

The S.R.C. Equipment shall be preferably installed in the control room itself to avoid long lengths of control cables. i) AUTOMATIC FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENTS:

The automatic fire fighting equipments shall be provided for the transformers only as 110 kV switchgears, 33kV switchgears, 22kV switchgears and 11kV switchgears shall not have any fire hazard as oil is not used in modern type of switchgears. It is preferable to use mulsifier water system for transformer bays. However, if it is not possible to make a provision for adequate size of water tank, CO2 fire fighting system shall be used. j) STATION SERVICES TERMINATION:

This shall be located at a convenient place preferably at the main entrance. Duplicate service shall be provided and it shall be located near the main service. A changeover switch shall be provided to facilitate easy changeover of the supply. The various fittings comprising the station shall be enclosed in a metal cabinet which shall be vertically mounted on the wall. k) COMMUNICATION CABLE TERMINATION:

The communication cable shall be terminated on a tag block mounted on a wall preferably near the S.R.C. and shall be covered by a wooden cubicle. l) REST ROOM:

This room shall be near to the control room with adequate facilities such as hot plate, lockers, tables and chairs etc. m) STORE ROOM:

It is preferable to have two store rooms for each station. For storing heavy equipment the room shall be located on the ground floor itself, but for storing of small components and parts etc. this room can be on upper floors.



To facilitate proper laying of power cables it is necessary to have either a cable room below the switchgear rooms or stilts below these rooms. If the cable room is provided below the switchgear rooms adequate number of leading in tubes shall be provided in the basement walls. With the provision of cable room or stilts below the switchgear rooms the grouping of the cables inside the station is avoided and fire hazard is minimized. This also increases the current carrying capacity of the cables. o) SANITARY BLOCK:

Two sanitary blocks shall be provided in the station. One for the use of R&M staff and one for the use of shift staff. The sanitary block for the shift staff shall be provided on the same floor where control room and rest room are provided while the sanitary block for the R&M staff shall be preferably provided on the ground floor. p) LIGHTING:

Lighting in the control room shall be adequate and indirect lighting shall be provided in the control room to avoid glare. Emergency DC lights of adequate number shall also be provided in the control room. In the transformer bays it is preferable to have one Mercury Vapour Lamp in each bays to provide proper lighting. In addition to Mercury Sodium Vapour Lamp sufficient number of tube lights shall be provided on the side walls of the transformer bays. 2 or 3 emergency DC lights shall be provided in each bay. Two numbers of 3 phase metal switches shall be provided in each bay. Similarly in other rooms, such as 110kV switchgear room, 33kV switchgear room, 11kV switchgear room, compressor room, battery room etc., sufficient number of light shall be provided. Similarly DC lights shall also be provided in these rooms. It is also necessary to have DC lights in the staircase of the station to provide emergency light in the staircase.



2.3.1 M/s. TEC will be making 33kV supply available at their Carnac Receiving Station. To avail the advantage of this supply it was decided to upgrade the intake voltage of 22kV substations at our existing Hutatma Chowk and Apollo 22kV substations. As a policy, it has been decided that our supply intake voltage of all the Receiving Substation

be changed over to 33kV depending upon the availability of 33kV feed from M/s. TPC or from our own 110kV Substation. 2.3.2 To effect the changeover in the existing stations it is necessary to replace 22kV switchgear by 33kV switchgear; if the existing switchgear is not suitable for 33kV operation. Similarly, the power transformers are also required to be replaced by 15 MVA, 33kV/11kV transformers. By changing over the voltage from 22kV to 33kV the capacity of the existing cable between TATAs Carnac Receiving Station and our station increases by 50%. As the ideal transformation is from 33kv to 11kV, the changeover is effected in the 11kV zones only. 2.4 FIBRE OPTIC SYSTEM:

The fibre optic cable alongwith its terminal equipment will be installed between Dadar and Backbay Reclamation with the terminal equipment at following places: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Dadar SRC Kussara Vidyut Pathakwadi BEST House Backbay Reclamation 110kv Substation

This system has multiple channels and can be extensively used for our intercom connection system, data transfer and SRC system. The optical fibre cable will be laid in the common excavation of 220kV and 110kV cables which will be taken by M/s. TPC between Sewree Station and Backbay Reclamation. The portion between Sewree Station and Dadar will be separately excavated by us to lay fibre optic cable. Due to the extensive capacity available with this system, laying of communication cables alongwith the route is not required.

There is a proposal to have on-line computer at our Backbay Reclamation which will control the two SRC stations at Dadar and Vidyut and with this computer we can monitor the system from control station and effectively control loads at various points in our system. 2.5 33KV/11KV SWITCHGEAR:

2.5.1 In our existing 22kV system the transformers are supplied by individual cables and in case of 22kV cable fault the transformer at our 22kV stations remains out. As it takes long time to repair faults developed in the underground 22kV cables, extensive load transfers are required to be carried out in 11kV or 6.6 kV network. The transformers in the affected station get fully loaded.

2.5.2 We have now selected four 22kv substations in the present network which will be connected by 22kVand 33kV ring main switchgear. In this scheme our 22kV stations at Kussara and Byculla will be connected by providing 22kV ring main units connecting 22kV cable. Besides, the two 22kV substations at Malabar Hill and Cumballa Hill will be connected by providing 33kV ring main units and 33kv cable interconnector.

2.5.3 After execution of this project the off supply resulting due to the failure of any of our 22kV cable feeding these stations will be reduced. Besides, no extensive load transfers in the 11kV or 6.6. kV network are called for to meet the loads during the breakdown. This scheme will also help carrying out load transfers between M/s. TPCs Carnac System, Parel System and Mahalaxmi System in case it is required for any reason.

3 LOAD FORECASTING AND PREPARATION OF 5 YEAR AND 20 YEAR PLANS 3.1 In order to plan our electric supply network and to make various schemes for enhancing the capacities of cables and equipments, we must know the quantum of load expected to come up in the immediate future as well as in the next 15 to 20 years. Accordingly, various short term as well as long term plans are prepared for meeting the load requirement. 3.2 Peak demand and energy usage of an electric utility grow based on the following :

3.2.1 Addition of new customers: Load will increase if new constructions take place and more and more new customers come foreword for electric supply. 3.2.2 New uses of electricity: Existing customers may add new appliances or replace the existing appliances with improved devices that require more power, thus increasing the demand for electricity. 3.3 Load forecasting is used as a planning tool for the development of the system. Since the load growth in different areas vary differently, area-wise load growth is considered for the planning purpose. In this method, the peak load is predicted by extrapolation method by using the past data of peak loads of various Receiving Substations in the area. Based on the projected load and the existing peak load of Receiving Substations, the 5 year and 20 year plan for augmentations in the existing network and commissioning of new Receiving Substations is prepared. 3.4 ESTABLISHING 33KV AND 110KV RECEIVING SUBSTATIONS

3.4.1 The requirement of establishing a 33kV and 110kV Receiving Substation is decided based on the load growth expected in the area. Accordingly, Project Department

negotiate with various govt and private agencies for a piece of land to establish a Receiving Substation. Generally we require a minimum plot area of 900 sqmtrs for a 33kV RSS and 2000sqmtrs for 110kV RSS. The plot for the RSS can be materialized through following ways: Commercial Departments receive applications for electric supply for new developments or for additional loads. As per the procedure order no 90A, if a plot area under development is more than 10000 sqmtrs or if the load requisitioned is more than 1500kW, the case is referred to Project Department to study the requirement of RSS in the area. If it is necessary to establish a RSS, Project Department initiates the negotiations with the party to provide a space for RSS. In the 20 year planning of MCGM, BEST is asked to inform our requirement for plots for Receiving Substations, Bus Depots etc. Accordingly, Project Department advises our Civil Engineering Department to reserve plots at various locations as per our requirements. Project Department also follows up with Ward Officers of the respective areas where the need for establishing a Receiving Substation is more. In this case, our Commercial Department is also informed to process the requisitions taking into account this requirement. 3.4.2 After successful negotiations, the taking over of the plot and finalisation of the Lease Agreement is done by our Civil Engineering Department. 3.4.3 Project Department then prepares the Layout plan for the proposed RSS and the same is sent to Civil Engg Dept for preparation of the Building Drawing. The Civil Engg. Department then initiates the proposal for the construction of the structure. 3.4.4 While the Civil Engg. Department expedites the work of Construction of the building, Project Department prepares the scheme for 33kV cable laying and commissioning of the RSS. Also Planning Department is informed to prepare the 11kV outlet scheme for the RSS.




Tendering and procurement procedure: The tendering and procurement process involves following important steps:

4.1.1 Forwarding indent to MM Department alongwith sufficient number of copies of specification.

4.2.2 Two bid type tender (for transformers and few major items) is invited by public advertisement by our MM Department. 4.3.3 Initially only technical offers are opened. On scrutiny of technical offers, price offers, of the technically suitable tenderers only, are opened. During scrutiny of technical offers various clarifications are obtained from the tenderers, technical discussions are held with tenderers so as to ensure compliance with our requirements as per specification. 4.4.4 After opening of price offer, MM Department prepares ranking statement and forward the tender documents to Project/Planning Department for final recommendations. Recommendations of Project/Planning departments are forwarded to MM Department through Audit Department and head of the Supply Branch. 4.5.5 Recommendations are discussed in tender committee for finalizing the recommendations. MM Department prepares committee note on the basis of recommendations finalized by tender committee. 4.6.6 The Committee note is approved by GM.

4.7.7 On obtaining approval of BEST Committee, Undertaking enters into the contract with the tenderers for supply of the material. 4.8.8 Acceptance letter is forwarded to the successful tenderers which includes various commercial/technical details of equipments to be procured, specification reference, quantity variation clause, prices, terms of payment, delivery schedule, maintenance guarantee inspection at works etc.

5. 5.1.

BEST SCADA SYSTEM SCADA system in North and Central North Zone:

At present BEST have Supervisory control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system supplied for 16 Receiving Substations in Central north and North zone

by SITU Ltd. with sub-control at Kingsway. The details are as follows : 5.1.2 System Configuration North and Central North Sub-control at Kingsway.

Remote Stations Byculla, Dharavi, Kingsway, KEM Hospital, Mahim, Mahim Causeway, Mahalaxmi, Parel, Prabhadevi, Sitladevi, Sewree, Wadala, Worli, Worli Dairy, Sion Fort, Love Grove. 5.1.3 Operating Principle

The system is Microprocessor cord (8085 CPU) based having transducer panel, interposing relay panel and control processing panel at Remote Stations. These central processing panels are powered from 110v DC battery and battery chargers with DC-DC connecters to correct the voltage to various DC voltage levels required. At sub control Mimic panel are provided which comprises of Microprocessor cord (8085 CPU) scanner module, deco dropper module, digital displays, Annunciations windows, modem cards, discrepancy switches etc. Also computers are provided at sub-control, which works on QNX 4.1 operating software. The communication between Remote Station and sub control is through communication cables. 5.1.4 Input to the system

1) Interposing relays for 125 V DC operation with two changeover contact; 2) Interposing current transformers and potential transformers for telemetering; 3) Changeover relay for tap change control; 5) There are 17 contacts on tap change control gear connected in potentiometric arrangement across 230 volts AC or 110 DC. 5) There are also 17 potential free contacts on the OLTC gear each corresponding to the tap position.


Output The Man-Machine Interface of the system is a mimic diagram in which

1) the control and indications of circuit breaker position is by discrepancy switches; 2) The tap position is indicated in digits on tap position indicator. The tap position can be changed by two push buttons; a) one for `Raise operation and


one for `Lower operation

3) The metered functions of loads and voltages are displayed by 4 meters (two Voltmeters and two ammeters) for one remote station. 5.2 5.2.1 SCADA system in South and Central South zone: System configuration: Central South zone - Sub-control at Pathakwadi Remote stations - Esplanade, Mumbadevi, Masjid, Girgaum, Malbar Hill,Cumballa Hill, Nepean sea, Nair Hospital, Kussara, Grant Road, Khetwadi, Mumbai Central, J.J.Hospital South zone - Sub-control at Backbay Veej Bhavan Remote stations - G.T. Hospital, Hutatma Chowk, Colaba, Marine Drive, Bellard Estate, Nariman point, Apollo, Naval Dock, Navy Nagar 5.2.2 Operating principle

The SCADA system is being installed at all Receiving Substations in South and Central South zone by NELCO Ltd. and SITU Ltd. respectively. The SCADA system is having distributed architecture. Separate intelligent electronic device is installed on top of every switchgear. Also, one separate device is provided for tap change control and tap position indication. All of these devices are connected to PC, which serves as Remote Terminal Unit (RTU), in RS485 multidrop configuration. This PC is a CISC machine with 550 MHz clock speed. These RTUs are connected to Sub Control PCs through microwave communication system. At Sub Control at Backbay Veej Bhavan and Pathakwadi, the main computer is dual redundant in hot standby mode. The front-end processors are also in hot standby mode connected to dual LAN. Apart from these PCs, two workstations will be connected to dual LAN as Human Machine Interface (HMU). In addition to this, mosaic type mimic is being provided which is having digital displays for measurands, important alarm displays and control facility with the help of discrepancy switches. These mimic panels are connected to dual LAN through independent front-end processor for mimic panels. The SCADA system by Nelco Ltd. works on UNIXWARE 2.1.3 operating system (except for transformer secondary switchgear, which operates with Modbus protocol and the waveform recording and harmonic analysis operates with Pegasys protocol), whereas that by SITU Ltd. works on QNX 4.2 operating system. The communication protocol for both system is DNP3.0.

The following facilities are available in SCADA system:i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Control of switchgear. Tap change control and tap position indication. Electrical parameters such as 3 phase current, 3 phase voltage, derived MVA, MW, MVAR, PF, frequency etc. Switchgear status. Important alarms. Waveform recording and harmonic analysis for transformer secondary switchgear. However, this facility can be extended to all switchgears.


Co-ordination with M/s. Tata Power Co. Ltd. (TPC)

At present BEST is purchasing all its power requirement from M/s. Tata Power Co. Ltd. Project Division co-ordinates various activitites/issues pertaining to TPC. Main issues with M/s. TPC are the following: 1. Agreement : An agreement is made detailing the conditions of power purchase from M/s. TPC. 2. Bill payment for GIS procurement for 110kV Khetwadi RSS : A monthly payment of 7.3Lacs is done to TPC for the GIS system at Khetwadi 110kV RSS as per the agreement. 3. Co-ordination meeting of concerned departments of BEST and TPC.

4. To co-ordinate between Construction Dept. and TPC for smooth execution of schemes. 5. 6. To co-ordinate TPC with MRE Dept. regarding relay setting, metering etc. To follow up with TPC for rebate on 110kV supply.

7. To co-ordinate for 33kV change over and for allocating suitable cubicles for new RSS.



The officers and staff working in the Project Division shall observe following duty hours:


OFFICERS: Week days (Monday to Friday) : 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. (with 45 minutes lunch recess from 12.45 p.m. to 1.30 p.m.)


CLERICAL STAFF: Week days (Monday to Friday)

: 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. (with 45 minutes lunch recess from 12.45 p.m. to 1.30 p.m.)


SENIOR DRAUGHTSMAN AND DRAUGHTSMAN: Week days (Monday to Friday) : 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. (with 45 minutes lunch recess from 12.45 p.m. to 1.30 p.m.) 7.4 SEPOYS: Week days (Monday to Friday) : 8.30 a.m. to 5.15 p.m. (with 45 minutes lunch recess from 12.45 p.m. to 1.30 p.m.) These timings are subject to alteration depending upon the exigencies of the work. 8. FILES AND FILING SYSTEM:

8.1 The following categories of files are maintained in Project Division. Separate files are maintained for individual subject under each category: 8.1.1 Correspondence (Corr): All correspondence with governmental and non governmental agencies like MCGM, PWD, BPT, Railways, TPC etc. are done under this category. 8.1.2 Stores: These files consist of all matters related with stores viz. annual contract schedule, administrative sanctions, tender enquiries, stock positions, minutes of meetings, import license particulars, inventory control, tender progress report, cancellation of tenders, testing of materials, tender recommendations etc. 8.1.3 Administrative (Adm): These files consist of administrative matters of the Undertaking viz circulars of delegation of powers, filling up of posts etc., BCR copies, issue of bus passes, identity cards, uniforms, wrist watches etc., procedure orders, BIR Act and various wages acts, grains circulars, confidential reports, minutes of supply branch conferences, office accommodation, MCA queries etc. 8.1.4 Publications (Pub): These files consist of all matters related with publications viz annual administration report, apprentice acts and syllabii, conditions of supply & miscellaneous charges, I.E. rules, P.F. rules, payment of gratuity act and rules etc.

8.1.5 Library (Lib): These files consist of all the matters related with library viz sanction in respect of periodicals, magazines, subscription, procedure rules, membership, I.S. specifications etc. 8.1.6 Subject Study (SS): These files consist of subject study of various matters viz. cable jointing, cable laying, consumption pattern, load density, costing methods, generation and transmission, meter installation, meter reading, O & M, planning, research & development, seminar, rating of cable, load factor, short circuit levels, tariff structure study, flat rate, voltage, mechanization, earthing, service lines, transformer replacement, chargers, fire fighting, power factor, project study, ripple control device, harmonic analysis, protection code and procedures, etc. 8.1.7 Planning (Plan): These files consist of matters related with future planning viz. development plan for Mumbai, previous, current & future plans, financial structure, energy forecast, load forecast, master plan, commissioning schedule of Receiving Substations, augmentation plan, load transfers, planned V/S actuals, HV, LV communication, schemes, site plans, construction, street lighting plans 22KV, 33KV & 110KV function plans manpower, tariff, replacements etc. 8.1.8 Equipment (Eq): These files consist of matters related with various equipments in Receiving Substations like Power transformers, switchgears, capacitors and reactors, battery & battery charger, control & communication equipment etc., cables of various sizes etc. 8.1.9 Order: These files consist of purchase order and subsequent correspondence with suppliers of each item required for Receiving Stations.

Maintenance of files

The following points shall be ensured by the filing clerk: i) No file shall be unduly bulky ii) New continuation files are opened and designated as Part I, Part II, etc. iii) References of new parts opened are given in consecutive parts iv) All torn files are replaced v) All torn papers are reconditioned vi) All loose papers are filed properly vii) All files are properly labeled and numbered viii)They shall ensure that all files are kept in their proper places

ix) They shall check the inventory of files in the filing cabinets in the months of April, July, October and January.


They shall remove all obsolete files and papers from the filing cabinets in consultation with the A.E. at each review period and send such papers and files to Bombay Central for records. Papers, which are not required to be maintained, shall be destroyed forthwith.


DEPARTMENTAL MANUAL Department : Operation & Maintenance (South) Dept.

Head of the department: Divisional Engineer. Address : 2nd Floor, Colaba Offshore Building, Colaba Bus Station, S.B. Singh Road, Opp. Young Womens Graduate Hostel, Colaba, Mumbai 400 005.

Department Tel. Nos. :

2215 3486, 2285 6262 Extn. 507. South Mumbai .

AREA OF OPERATION : From Metro, L.T. Marg, Carnac to entire

Tel no. for Restoration of electric supply

System Control Tel. No.

: 2208 5888, 2452 8719, 2206 7896, 2808 2875. : 2206 6611, 2206 6661.

Fault Control Tel. No.

ORGANISATION, RESPONSIBILITIES & DUTIES OF THE OEPRATION & MAINTENANCE (SOUTH) DEPARTMENT 1.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter generally gives the organizational set-up of the division and is intended to assist the officers and staff of the Undertaking to get acquainted with the work of the Operation & Maintenance (South) Division. 1.2 RESPONSIBILITIES & FUNCTIONS 1.2.1 The division shall be primarily concerned with operation and maintenance of the Electric Supply Distribution System for South zone i.e. from Metro, L.T. Marg, Carnac upto entire South Mumbai i.e. Navy Nagar. 1.2.2 This shall include the responsibility for the smooth and uninterrupted working of (a) Receiving Stations; (b) Substations; (c) H.V. and L.V. Mains. 1.2.3 Restoration of supply whenever interruptions occur in the system. 1.2.4 The department shall be responsible for complying the requirements of various legislations applicable to its functioning viz. (a) Indian Electricity Act and Rules now Indian Electricity Act, 2003, (b) The Indian Factories Act and Rules and other Acts applicable from time-to-time. department shall also send necessary returns as required under the above Act to the respective authorities. 1.2.5 The department shall be responsible for initiating bills for payment of fees to the Government Electrical Inspector.

P.T.O. :: 2 :: 1.2.6 Maintenance of appropriate records in respect to payments of (a) Lease rents, (b) Electrical Inspectors fees, (c) Way-leave charges and other suitable records for various substations / receiving stations. 1.2.7 The department shall furnish the following data of the other departments of the Supply Branch; of various transformers, cables, feeders, in the distribution system to the Planning department and suggest appropriate schemes, wherever considered necessary. Information regarding service over-loads and unbalanced loads shall be furnished to the Commercial Department, whenever detected. The department shall send data regarding mal-operations of relays installed in the receiving stations or substations to the Meters & Relays Department for suitable action. The department shall render assistance to the Stores & Planning Departments in selecting and approving various Stores items required by the department as far as their quality and suitability for use of the department are concerned. The department shall furnish to Planning and Stores Departments its estimates of yearly consumptions of various items and stores likely to be used by the department in an ensuing year. ....3.

:: 3 :: 1.3 ORGANISATION The Operation & Maintenance Department of Electric Supply branch, BEST is divided into four zones viz. (1) South, (2) Central South, (3) North and (4) Central North. 1.3.1 Each zone will be under the control and supervision of the respective Divisional Engineer. 1.3.2 Each Divisional Engineer shall be immediately responsible to the Deputy Chief Engineer of the respective zone. 1.3.3 For convenience of works, the department is broadly divided into two Sections, viz. (a) Repairs & Maintenance and (b) Operation & Restoration of Supply). 1.3.4 The organization set-up of the department is shown in the Organizational Charts (Appendix A). 1.4 ESTABLISHMENT 1.4.1 The respective zonal organization of the department shall consist of (a) Divisional engineer (Maintenance); (b) Three Superintendents; (c) Five Assistant Engineers; and (d) Other staff that may be sanctioned under the Establishment Schedule from time-to-time. Establishment chart is given in Appendix B

. 4.

:: 4 :: 1.5 DUTIES 1.5.1 The Divisional Engineer The Divisional Engineer shall be directly responsible to the respective Deputy Chief Engineer of the zone and is the Chief Executive Officer In-charge of the Operation & Maintenance Division (South). 1. To assist him in the performance of his duties, he is provided with the staff as shown in the establishment schedule sanctioned annually and also as shown in the departmental organizational chart. 2. He is responsible in co-ordination with the Divisional Engineer-Planning for the proper maintenance of all sketches, plans and survey sheets. 3. He has to visit the site, when there is a major off-supply, difficulty in execution of work. Routine office work shall be delegated to his subordinate, so as to leave him freer to attend major issues of the department. 4. He shall constantly keep under review the all activities of department. 5. He shall see that the expenditure is controlled within the budget amount. 6. He has to ensure that the various register maintained in the department is updated time-to-time. 7. He shall enforce all regulations, standing orders, safety rules and other departmental and statutory rules, instructions issued from time-to-time and periodically inspect all departmental registers, records and activities. 8. He shall prepare annual budget estimate of capital and revenue expenditure and annual report of department. 9. He shall maintain and uptodate Inventory of Plant, Machinery and Items of Dead Stock entrusted to the department.

10. He shall maintain staff records and deal with other matter connected with staff of department. 11. He shall collect the statistical data of department and submit to the appropriate authority. .5. :: 5 :: 12. He shall constantly keep under review of all activities of the department and introduce with the approval of appropriate authorities, whenever necessary such changes that will improve the efficiency of the department. 1.5.1a Duties & Responsibilities of administrative staff Office Assistant : A/G-VIII Office Assistant is responsible to the establishment of the department and working directly under Divisional Engineer. The Office Assistant shall be directly responsible to the Divisional Engineer:a) Preparation, maintenance, checking of staff records, clothing records, staff engagement forms, discharge notices, permanent & temporary staff vacancy advices. In-charge of the imprest cash of the department; checking of bills, annual reports, budget estimates; absentee memos of A and B grade officers. Follow up for recoupment of imprest cash bills. Follow up various files put up for sanction. Put up cases to Dy.LO(ES) of staff for disciplinary action. Preparation of CR forms of all Officers and submit to DEMCS. Drafting of letters and attending to general correspondence. General supervision of all clerical office work


c) d) e) f) g) h)

Supervisor Establishment : A/G-VII Supervisor is overall In-charge of the establishment of the department. a) To maintain the S.R. files of staff, A & B grade officers.


c) d) e)

Taking over notes of permanent & temporary staff/officers, reversions advices and other matters with the help of Establishment Clerk. To supervise the administrative staff of the department. To send monthly and quarterly statements to various departments. To assist OA to prepare CR forms of all officers at the end of the year. .6. :: 6 ::

f) g) h) i)

To assist OA to prepare the establishment variation. To assist the OA in preparation of Budget. To assist OA to co-ordinate and follow up various matters. To supervise the department during OAs absence.

Stenographer (English): A/G-V a) b) c) d) To take dictation and transcribe it on a typewriter and give the required copies as per priority. To make the necessary corrections as made in the draft copy and give its printed copy again. To type any written note given by any officer of the department as required. To cut stencils according to instructions.

Clerical Duties: A/G-V Clerk No. 1:a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) (Substation)

To keep record of lease agreement of around 500 substations. To follow up of lapsed lease agreement of substation. To file the substation papers. To prepare bills of transport or equipments hired. To send monthly servicing report of motor vehicles and meter recording statement. To check estimates and maintain registers of new substations. Preparation of bills for work done for outside parties and maintaining its record. Prepare energy meter reading statements of 9 Receiving Stations & send to DEMS for billing purpose.

Shop Recorders Duties: A/G-V Shop Recorder (Attendance) a) b) To send monthly absentee memo of A & B grade officers. To maintain leave record in the attendance register of staff and officers. .7. :: 7 :: c) d) To dispatch leave forms, LTA/Encashment forms of staff & officers to STK/DIA To prepare Sunday/Holiday working of staff for sanction and thereafter send zerox copies of the same to respective Time Keeping Department of the staff for making the payment. To prepare identification note of staff & officers for LTA, Encashment, PF loan payment. To send monthly unpaid cards to Time Keeping Department.

e) f)

Shop Recorder (Overtime & Allowances) a) b) c) d) To prepare statement of hazardous allowance, field duty allowance of all the staff. To prepare statements of incentive bonus. To maintain record of inventory. To prepare Overtime statement of the department.

Shop Recorder / Clerk (Despatch) a) b) c) To make inward dispatch entry in incoming register. To make outward dispatch entry in outgoing register and scrutinize outgoing papers. Preparation of budget estimates & maintain its records and maintain register pertaining to budget control.

Shop Recorder (Stationery & Misc.)

a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

To prepare the meal allowance statement of all the sections of the department. To recoup stationery as per requirement and maintain its record. To issue stationery to all the sections as per their requirement and maintain its record. To maintain the record of deputation, training of SSA and Probationary Engineers of the department. To send the monthly deputation statement. To maintain record of briefcase particulars of staff/officers eligible and put up for their sanction & payment. To write Purchase Forms & maintain its record as instructed by OA or DEMS and maintain their record. ..8. :: 8 ::

Shop Recorder (Sub-Stores) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) Procurement of material form Kussara Store required for R&M work department. To issue materials in the stores. Issue day to day material to all sections against Despatch Note. Maintain inventory of 392 items required for work carried out by department. Issue monthly Khadi cloth/soap to T-7 & all officers. Issue lockers to the staff & maintain record. Issue & maintain record of tools issued to staff against permanent gate-pass. To keep proper stock level & store material in proper manner to avoid wastage/damage. Prepare statements such as monthly, yearly fair/monsoon requirement/consumption. Fill up purchase forms of material, equipments required for sub-store & Static-II Section & arrange to procure the same. Maintain register of Tender files & papers. To work on Sunday/Holiday in the stores in rotation with other Shop Recorders.

Shop Recorder (Casual Labour) a) b) To prepare attendance register from job sheets of casual labourers. To prepare payment sheet of casual labourers.

c) d) e) f) g)

To get the attendance register and payment sheet of casual labourers audited. To prepare attendance statement, identification slips, balance payment statement of casual labourers. To do payment duty for payment of wages to the casual labourers. To issue/maintain record of imprest cash. To prepare bills of imprest cash and recoup the same.

Shop Recorder (Clothing & Bills) a) b) To issue clothing, jersey to the staff. To prepare requisition for raincoat, gumboots etc. & issue to the staff. 9.

:: 9 :: c) d) e) f) g) h) To recoup clothing and jersey as per the requirement and maintain its record. To send statements for payment of stitching allowance and washing allowance. Filing of Substation papers. To maintain the record of lease rent & property tax paid for all the Substations. To prepare and issue grain requisition and maintain its record. To prepare reinstatement bills & property tax bills.

Sepoy: A/G-I:a) b) c) d) To clean the tables of A grade officers and of the administrative office. To attend the bell of all A grade officers and OA. To remove dispatch from the out tray of all A grade officers cabin. To remove dispatch from the pigeon rack on the dispatch table and accordingly give it to the concerned sections or put in concerned officers inward tray. To take the dispatch to Head Office at Colaba or other BEST office premises and give the dispatch to the concerned departments and take their acknowledgment on the dispatch register.


f) g)

To bring papers, file etc. as required by the Officers or office staff and file papers as instructed by them. To do any other office work delegated by Officers, Office Assistant and office Supervisor, office staff i.e. filing of papers, cleaning table, bringing water for drinking, Xeroxing of papers etc.

Any other work may be allotted to the above administrative staff by the Supervisor, Office Assistant or Head of the Department.

1.5.2 Superintending Engineers The Superintending Engineers shall generally assist the respective Divisional Engineers in the discharge of their duties as Divisional Engineers pertaining to their respective sections. ..10. :: 10 :: 1.5.3 Assistant Engineers The Assistant Engineers shall generally assist the respective Divisional Engineers in the discharge of their duties as Divisional Engineers pertaining to their respective sections. 1.5.4 There are various sections to carry out maintenance activities & they are under A grade officers as shown against the section 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Receiving Stations-Superintending Engineer- SMS1 Substations- Superintending Engineer SMS3 Cable Network Cable Maintenance- Superintending Engineer SMS2 Pillar maintenance-Assistant Engineer AEMS1 110 kV RSS-Maintenance Assistant Engineer AEMS3 & AEMS5 Schemes Assistant Engineer AEMS2 LV restoration Assistant Engineer AEMS4

1.5.5 The staff allocation is done as per the work load for every section in various grades as shown in the organization chart. The staff reports to its higher Supervisor / Officer for carrying out day-to-day activities as shown in the chart. The Dy. Engineers / Sub-Engineers are controlling the field staff with the help of

Supervisors and carry out day-to-day activities. In certain cases, the Dy. Engineers carry out the jobs themselves like H.V. / L.V. operations. The nature of work of different categories of staff is similar to other operation and maintenance departments.




SR. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


GRADE A- 3 A- 4 A- 5 G G VI G/ G V T- 8 T- 7 G/ G- 3 T- 3 T- 1 G- 3

NO OF POSTS SANCT. 1 5 5 21 29 33 34 1 6 235 25

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

T- 6 T- 5 T- 5 T- 5 T- 4 T- 4 T- 3 T- 3

1 6 1 8 5 1 4 1

20 21

T- 4 T- 2

5 1

22 23 24

T- 2 T- 2 T- 1

2 1 4

25 26 27 28 29 30


A/ G VIII A/ G VII A/ G V A/ G V A/ G V A/ G I

1 1 1 2 4 1

Erection Central
TEXT OF MANUAL TO BE UPLOADED IN BESTS WEBSITE Erection Central Division under Distribution and Commercial Establishment is situated on the second floor of Bijlee Bhavan, Kussara Bunder Road, Mazagaon Mumbai, 400 010. Divisional Engineer Erection Central, designated as DEEC, is the head of this division. He is also appointed as the information officer as required under the provisions of the right to Information Act 2005. DEEC is responsible to Dy. Chief Engineer, Distribution South, designated as DCEDS whose office is situated on the fourth floor of Vidyut Bldg., Phatakwadi, of L.T. Marg, Mumbai-400 002. He is also appointed as Appellate Officer under the provisions of the Right to Information Act 2005. The various activities of this division are enumerated below:

1) Replacement of Oil Circuit Breakers by Vacuum Circuit Breakers in Distribution Substations. 2) Disposal of equipments which are outdated / outlived / damaged beyond economical repair removed from Electric Supply Branch. 3) 4) Upgradation of 2C/3C service by 4C service. Execution of minor HV / LV cable laying scheme in emergency.

5) Installation of FCBCs in Distribution Substations and laying of associated underground cable. 6) Tender recommendations and disposal of Inspection memos received from Material Management Department of various material used in Electric supply Branch. Brief description of various activities listed above (itemwise) 1) The technology used in the manufacture of Oil Circuit Breakers (OCBs) has become obsolete. Besides, OCBs are potential fire hazards. We have therefore switched over to Vacuum Circuit Breakers (VCBs) and has been replacing OCBs from our Distribution Substation (D.S.S.) by VCBs since the year 2001.


2) Obtains scrapping sanction from appropriate authority for various supply branch equipments removed from the system which are outdated / outlived and damaged beyond economical repairs. Arranges to send these equipments to Oshiwara Scrap Yard for Auction. 3) We execute the job of conversion of 2C/3C service cables laid at the premises of our consumers by 4C services to increase the flexibility in load balancing and for reducing the losses. 4) We execute minor schemes wherein small length of High tension/low tension cables are laid to strengthen our underground cable network. 5) In connection with the proposed Distribution Automation, we install Float Cum Boost Chargers (FCBCs) and lay the associated LV cable in D.S.S. 6) Recommendation of tenders of various materials used in Electric Supply Branch and disposal of Inspection Memos of materials received from MM Dept. In addition to the above technical activities, following administrative work also is carried out by the division. 1) Preparation of the Annual Report, Administrative Report, Establishment schedule, and budget estimate pertaining to the division. 2) Arranging for Permanent / temporary staff to suit departmental requirements from time to time. For carrying out the above activity, the Divisional Head is assisted by a team of Technical and Administrative officers / staff. The technical officer / staff who are directly in charge of the job are reporting at their site offices namely at Lady Harding Road, Mahim, Mehta, DSS at Fort and N.M. Joshi Marg, Byculla. Their normal working time is from 8 a.m to 5 p.m. However, sometime they work in the evening and night whenever situation demands. Dept. has a plot at shed no. 6 Anik Depot which is being used to store old equipments which are to be scrapped. The details about the Technical / Administrative officer are furnished in the table below:

Name of Officer & Designation

Stationed at

Tel. No.

In Charge of Activities


S. Nair M DEEC

Erection (C) Office, 2nd Floor, Bijlee Bhavan Kussara Bunder Road, Mazgaon, Mumbai-400 010.

23736890 Overall in charge of Erection (C) Division

Also appointed as Information Officer as required under right to Information Act 2005.

A.A. Bhide Supdt. (Supply)



Scrapping Cell located at Shed No. 6 Anik Depot & tender recommendation Conversion of OCBs by VCBs. Disposal of Inspection Memoes received from Stores Dept. Upgradation of services. Execution of small HV/LV schemes and Installation of FCBCs and laying of associated LV cables. Helps O&M Dept. to repair cable faults in case of emergency.

A.B. Parkar Asst. Engr.



C. Sasheendran Asst. Engr.




M.B. Tonpe OAEC G.I. Parashar Dy. Engr.



All administrative matters.

Mehta DSS, Bomanji Lane, Behind Fort Fire Brigade, GBS-7/3. Mumbai-400 001.

22634016 Conversion of OCBs by VCBs. Upgradation of services. Execution of small HV/LV schemes and Installation of FCBCs and laying of associated LV

cables. Helps O&M Dept. to repair cable faults in case of emergency.


Name of Officer & Designation

Stationed at

Tel. No.

In Charge of Activities


R.S. Gaikwad Dy. Engr.

Mahim L.H., Near Head Post office Mahim, Opp. Union Bank of India, T.H. Kataria Marg, Mumbai-400 016.

24459415 Conversion of OCBs by VCBs. Upgradation of services. Execution of small HV/LV schemes and Installation of FCBCs and laying of associated LV cables. Helps O&M Dept. to repair cable faults in case of emergency.

Z.A. Kazi Dy.Engr.

Byculla, M.N. Joshi Marg Opp. Hindusthani Masjit, Near Byculla Rly. St. Byculla (W) Mumbai-400 016.



Energy Audit





Sr. Description No. CHAPTER I : DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES Technical Staff Grade Page No.


Divisional Engineer
2 3 4 Superintendent A/4 A/5 G/ G VI

Assistant Engineer Deputy Engineer

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sub Engineer Charge Engineer Deputy Charge Engineer Foreman Assistant Foreman Meter Reader (Technical) Testing Assistant G/G V P1/T8 P1/T7 P1/T7 P1/T6 P1/T6 P1/T5

12 13

Meter Inspector Nawghany Annexure Organisation Set up Administrative Staff

P1/T5 P1/T1

14 15

Administrative Officer

A/5 B) A/G

Asst. Administrative Officer

16 Office Assistant C) A/g



D) A/G


Clerk/Supervisor (P)

E) A/G

19 20 21 22

Clerk/Shop Recorder Stenographer Clerk/Typist M.V. Driver CHAPTER II : PROCEDURAL WORKIG

F) A/G G) A/G H) A/G I) G3 J) K) L) M) N)

Complaint Section

LVCTO Section

3 4 5 6

Installation Section Reading Section Review of Vigilance Cases Administration Section

O) P) Q) R)


CHAPTER I Introduction : This chapter gives the organizational set up of the department indicating duties and responsibilities of the officers and the staff of the department. The area of operation comprises of Cycle-19 electronic meters of the Undertaking. 1.1 Responsibility : The department shall be responsible for, 1) Reading and Billing of Cycle-19 electronic meters. 2) Installation / Replacement / Removal `P (50-100 Amps.) series electronic meters. 3) Replacement of LVCT Operated meters. 4) Routine testing of C.T. Operated meters. 5) Attending complaints to Cycle-19 meters, 6) Amendment arising out of defective Cycle-19 meters. 7) Incorrect tariff. 8) Outstanding creation of accounts, 9) Review of vigilance cases where provisional claim is less than Rs.25,000/-. 1.2 Organization :

The department shall be under the overall supervision and control of Divisional Engineer Energy Audit, who shall be responsible to the Deputy Chief Engineer (Consumers South).

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES THE DIVISIONAL ENGINEER (A/3), ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Divisional Engineer Energy Audit is overall In-charge of the department and is directly reporting to DCE(CS). He is responsible for : 1. To ensure proper allocation of work to all officers / staff of department for smooth functioning and optimization of available resources. 2. To ensure availability of men and materials required for departmental works for efficient working of the department. 3. 4. To ensure proper training related to job for officers/staff of the department. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of work and progress of officers / staff of department. 5. 6. 7. Constantly endure improvement of the department. To review periodically all the activities of the department. To ensure that proper relations are being maintained among the officers / staff of the department for smooth functioning of department. 8. To ensure good co-ordination of his officers / staff with officers / staff of other departments.

9. 10.

To ensure expenditure in budgeted amount. To ensure that various Procedure Orders and Administrative Orders etc are properly followed.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

To prepare annual budget estimates and Adm. Reports. To periodically check up stock of material / stationeries. To ensure proper maintenance of inventory of various items. To submit monthly MIS of the department to Senior Officers. To conduct departmental enquiries whenever asked by the management. To recommend and sanction leave of his staff. To certify attendance file of his officers. To render technical assistance to Legal Department in dispute cases with Court/Electrical Inspector.

19. 20.

To attend Review Committee meetings whenever called for. To carry out testing/inspections of materials at suppliers/manufacturers work, when ever asked for.


To recommend tenders for departmental materials.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES SUPERINTENDENT ENGINEER (A/4), INSTALLATION & READING SECTION, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Superintendent Energy Audit is overall In-charge of the i) Installation and ii) Reading Sections of the department. He is directly reporting to DEEA for all the work, connected to his sections. He is responsible for : 1. 2. 3. To assist Divisional Engineer in discharge of his duties, in general. All the matters technically or otherwise connected with his section. Personally supervising and guiding the subordinates in performing their duties correctly and efficiently. 4. To ensure proper allocation of work to all officers / staff of department for smooth functioning and optimization of available resources. 5. To ensure that EDP Departments Master File is timely updated in respect of Cycle-19 meters installed / replaced / removed and, the 1st bills in

cases of newly installed / replaced Cycle-19 meters are issued in time.


To ensure that information in respect of removal / replacement of conventional meters is communicated to concerned department timely thereby enabling them to up date their records and EDP departments master file.


To co-ordinate with EDP department for solving problems in day to day working .

8. 9.

To ensure that all Cycle-19 meters are read in time. To insure that time schedule for communication of monthly reading data of Cycle-19 meters with EDP Department, is adhered to.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

To ensure proper maintenance of records pertaining to his sections. To check periodically records maintained by his sections. To offer suggestions for improvement in working of the section. To submit monthly MIS report for his section. To ensure best co-ordination with staff / officers of various sections / departments.

15. 16. 17.

To recommend and sanction leave of his staff. To certify attendance file of his officers. To render technical assistance to Legal Department in dispute cases with Court / Electrical Inspector.

18. 19. 20.

To attend Review Committee meetings whenever called for. To visit sites for investigations, in special cases. To recommend the tenders of the materials required to be purchased for his section.


To look after the working of other sections of the department, in absence of the Divisional Engineer.


To carry out testing / inspections of materials at suppliers / manufacturers work, whenever asked for.

23. 24.

To attend consumers. To help Divisional Engineer in reviewing vigilance cases wherein initial claim amount is less than Rs.25,000/-.


To look after the work of DEEA in his absence, whenever asked for.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ASSISTANT ENGINEER (A/5), COMPLAINTS SECTIONS, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Overall In-charge of Complaints Section, is responsible for : 1. Getting attended i)consumers complaints in respect of high bill, defective meters, ii) Nil/Low cases, iii) vigilance cases etc., 2. Ensuring i) site investigations / testing of meters, ii) submitting and getting approval of amendment proposals in case of meters found defective, iii) replying to consumers. 3. 4. Generally to assist Divisional Engineer in discharge of his duties. Responsible for all the matters technically or otherwise connected with his section.


Personally supervise and guide the subordinates in performing their duties efficiently.

6. 7. 8.

Ensure proper maintenance of records pertaining to his section. To periodically check up records maintained by subordinates. To ensure proper allocation of work to various staff of the section to ensure the best out put.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

To give suggestions for improvement in working of the section. To submit monthly MIS report. To ensure best co-ordination with various sections / department. To recommend and sanction leave of his staff. To certify attendance file of his officers. To render technical assistance to Legal department in dispute cases with Court / Electrical Inspector.

15. 16. 17.

To attend Review Committee meetings whenever called for. To visit sites for investigations / testing of meters in special cases. To look after the working of other sections of the department in absence of concerned officer.


To carry out testing / inspections of materials at suppliers / manufacturers work, whenever asked for.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ASSISTANT ENGINEER (A/5), READING SECTION, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Overall In-charge of Reading Section, responsible for : 1. 2. 3. Attending to consumers complaints in respect of billing discrepancies. To ensure that all Cycle-19 meters are read in time. To insure that time schedule for communication of monthly reading data of Cycle-19 meters with EDP Department, is adhered to.

4. 5. 6. 7.

Sending of reading floppies for billing of the consumer. To maintain proper records of meters in Cycle-19. Generally to assist Divisional Engineer in discharge of his duties. Responsible for all the matters technically or otherwise connected with his section.


Personally supervise and guide the subordinates in performing their duties efficiently.

9. 10. 11.

Ensure proper maintenance of records pertaining to his section. To periodically check up records maintained by subordinates. To ensure proper allocation of work to various staff of the section to ensure the best out put.

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

To give suggestions for improvement in working of the section. To submit monthly MIS report. To ensure best co-ordination with various sections / department. To recommend and sanction leave of his staff. To certify attendance file of his officers. To render technical assistance to Legal department in dispute cases with Court / Electrical Inspector.

18. 19. 20.

To attend Review Committee meetings whenever called for. To visit sites for investigations in special cases. To look after the working of other sections of the department in absence of concerned officer.


To carry out testing / inspections of materials at suppliers / manufacturers work, whenever asked for.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ASSISTANT ENGINEER (A/5), CTO METER SECTION, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Overall In-charge of CTO Meter Section, responsible for :


Attending to consumers complaints in respect of high bill, defective meters and Nil / Low cases, vigilance cases etc.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Routine site investigations / testing of meters. Submitting of amendment proposals in case of meters found defective. Replying to consumers for all complaints. Generally to assist Divisional Engineer in discharge of his duties. Responsible for all the matters technically or otherwise connected with his section.


Personally supervise and guide the subordinates in performing their duties efficiently.

8. 9. 10.

Ensure proper maintenance of records pertaining to his section. To periodically check up records maintained by subordinates. To ensure proper allocation of work to various staff of the section to ensure the best out put.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

To give suggestions for improvement in working of the section. To submit monthly MIS report. To ensure best co-ordination with various sections / department. To recommend and sanction leave of his staff. To certify attendance file of his officers. To render technical assistance to Legal department in dispute cases with Court / Electrical Inspector.

17. 18.

To attend Review Committee meetings whenever called for. To visit sites for investigations / testing of meters in special cases.


To look after the working of other sections of the department in absence of concerned officer.


To carry out testing / inspections of materials at suppliers / manufacturers work, whenever asked for.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES DEPUTY ENGINEER (G/G VI) INSTALLATION SECTION, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Preliminary study of cases wherein outstanding amount is more than Rs.5 lacs. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Study of incorrect credit/debit given by EDP Department. Accounting of electronic meters in Cycle-19. Accounting of electronic meters installed under lease agreement. Accounting of defective Secure make meters. Assist Superintendent Engineer in performing his duties. Initiating monthly statements for accounting of meters, lease meters replacement etc. to Meters & Relays Department. 8. To lodge Police complaints and to attend Court in cases of tampered meters / direct supply in co-ordination with Vigilance Department, as per the roaster for the same. 9. To handle the various software / program in the department while performing his duties and generate reports whenever asked for.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES DEPUTY ENGINEER (G/G VI) CTO METER SECTION, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2. Routine periodic site testing of CTO meters. Site testing / investigation in respect of CTO meters in cases of consumers complaints, newly installed CTO meters, vigilance cases, Nil/Low consumption cases. 3. To get shut downs arrange in co-ordination with Operation & Maintenance Department wherever required for facilitating of site testing of meters. 4. 5. Study of consumers complaints and meter testing results. To lodge Police Complaints and to attend Court in cases of tampered meters/direct supply in co-ordination with Vigilance Department, as per the roaster for the same. 6. 7. Assist Assistant Engineer in performing his duties. To ensure the correctness of the instruments and tools required for testing of the meters.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES SUB ENGINEER, (GG/V), COMPLAINTS SECTIONS, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Allocation of work to Testing Gangs, Clerks / Shop Recorders. Site visits for investigation/testing of meters in required cases. Study of consumers complaints and meter testing results. Initiating DLs / Notes to various sections / departments. Putting up draft replies to consumers. Putting up the amendment files. Obtaining load survey / tampering data in case of electronic meter. Preparation of MIS. To lodge Police Complaints and to attend Court in cases of tampered meters / direct supply in co-ordination with Vigilance Department, as per the roaster for the same. 10. 11. 12. 13. Supervision over day to day working of subordinates To recommend and sanction leave of his staff. Ensure proper handling and maintaining of tools and equipments. To attend the consumers.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES SUB ENGINEER, (GG/V), READING SECTION, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2. 3. 4. Allocation of job to Meter Readers. Monitoring daily output of Meter Readers and follow up of no read cases. Analysis of no read meters. Arranging tampered information and load survey data and instantaneous parameters for electronic meters. 5. 6. Supervision of processing of reading data. Up-keeping of Meter Reading Instruments, communication cords, batteries, chargers etc. 7. 8. Supervision on updation of reading file and allocation of sub wards. Follow up with EDP Department regarding floppies, reports, updating eunit, no read cases etc. 9. Checking of exception, forwarding abnormality cases to concerned sections of the department. 10. Study of consumers complaints.


Intimating display defective meter / meter not on board cases to concerned sections of the department.


To forward list of supply found disconnected cases to concerned Consumers / Commercial Departments.

13. 14.

Follow up with the manufacturers in respect of discrepancy in software. To handle the various software / program in the department while performing his duties and generate reports whenever asked for.


To lodge Police Complaints and to attend Court in cases of tampered meters / direct supply in co-ordination with Vigilance Department, as per the roaster for the same.


To attend the consumers.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES SUB ENGINEER, (GG/V), INSTALLATION SECTION, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For Cycle-19 : 1. 2. Allocation job to Deputy Charge Engineers. Scrutinizing CO /SM /MRAs received from Commercial Departments and getting the discrepancies, if any, corrected before execution of the same. 3. Sending of initial floppies monthly for updating EDP Departments Master File. 4. Preparing amendment files in cases of discrepancy related to incorrect initial/final reading, meter not on site but billed on average, incorrect tariff / ED etc. 5. Exception checking pertaining to new / replaced / removed electronic meters and updating of EDP Departments Master File.

6. 7. 8.

Maintaining necessary records / registers. Work related to closing of electronic accounts. To handle the various software / program in the department while performing his duties and generate reports whenever asked for.

9. 10.

Preparing & assisting Superintendent Engineer for preparing MIS. To lodge police complaints and to attend Court in cases of tampered meters / direct supply in co-ordination with Vigilance Department, as per the roaster for the same.

11. 12.

To attend the consumers. To co-ordinate with Commercial & Consumers Department for

departmental work. For Closing of conventional/electronic account : 1. 2. Work related to closing of conventional/electronic account. Arranging MRAs from respective Commercial Departments of removed conventional meters for stopping double billing. 3. Manual correction of bill wherein consumer is having credit balance in corresponding conventional account. 4. 5. Follow up of double account cases. To handle the various software / program in the department while performing his duties and generate reports whenever asked for. 6. Scrutinizing CO /SM / MRAs received from Commercial Departments and getting the discrepancies, if any, corrected before execution of the same.

7. 13.

Preparing & assisting Superintendent Engineer for preparing MIS. To lodge police complaint and to attend Court in cases of tampered meters / direct supply in co-ordination with Vigilance Department, as per the roaster for the same.

14. 15.

To attend the consumers. To co-ordinate with Commercial & Consumers Department for

departmental work.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES CHARGE ENGINEER (T8), READING SECTION, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Study of consumers complaints in respect of discrepancy in billing and working out the manual correction of bills. 2. 3. 4. 5. Maintaining register for manual correction of bills. Initiating debit / credit cases of pertaining to Reading Section. Preparing daily report in respect of manual correction of bills. To hand the various software / program in the department while performing his duties and generate reports whenever asked for.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES CHARGE ENGINEER (T8), INSTALLATION SECTION, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Allocation of work to Meter Inspectors for installing / replacing / removing of meters against CO / SM / MRA and intersectional work orders. 2. Scrutinizing CO /SM / MRAs received from Commercial Departments and getting the discrepancies, if any, corrected before execution of the same. 3. 4. Allocation of work to Deputy Charge Engineers for meter removal cases. Arranging materials for Installation Section.


Maintaining inventory register of the meters obtained from Meters & relays department.

6. 7. 8.

Crediting of meters to Meters & Relays department. Forwarding information/advises to concerned sections of the department. Preparing and forwarding amendment files in case of burnt meters, to concerned Complaint Section of the department.


Preparing & assisting Superintendent Engineer for preparing MIS.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES DEPUTY CHARGE ENGINEER (T7), READING SECTION, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2. 3. Dumping in PCs, the monthly reading data of Cycle-19 meters. Conversion of monthly reading data into ASCII format for billing purpose. Updating of reading file, e-unit file and various programs for sending monthly reading data to EDP Department. 4. Extracting of various data such as billing history, tampering information, instantaneous parameters, load survey in respect of electronic meters whenever required. 5. Scrutiny of Meter Readers daily report.


Outdoor inspection arising due to Meter Readers reports, whenever required.


Preparation of initial and final floppies of monthly readings for forwarding to EDP Department.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES DY.CH. ENGINEER (T7), INSTALLATION SECTION, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For Cycle-19 : 1. 2. Investigation in respect of double billing cases. Checking of discrepancies in respect of cross over cases, wrong MF, ED, reading cases. 3. 4. Follow up in cases of electronic meter installed but not being billed. Follow up in cases of electronic meters existing in more than one account.


Preparation of Cycle-19 initial floppy to be sent to EDP Department monthly.


Assisting Sub Engineer in monthly exception checking.


To handle the software / program of electronic meters in the department and generate the reports whenever asked for. For Installation Section :


Allocation of job to Meter Inspectors in respect of MRAs received from Consumers Department for non payment cases.


Preparation of SM/MRA for replacement / removal of meters against COs forwarded by Commercial Departments.


Site investigation in cases where Meter Inspectors are reporting problem in installation of meters / CTs.


Visiting site in cases of consumer disputing for removal of meters for non payment.


Cross checking of meter number and maker number of the electronic meter issued by Meters & Relays Department.


To handle the software / program of electronic meters in the department and generate the reports whenever asked for.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FORMAN (T/7), COMPLAINTS SECTION, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2. 3. Site investigation / testing of meters. Submitting of investigation / testing reports. Reporting of tampering of meters / direct supply whenever observed.


Arranging reading of meters, load survey, tampering information.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ASSISTANT FOREMAN (T/6), CTO METER SECTION, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. To assist Deputy Engineer during site investigation / testing of meters.

2. 3.

Submitting of investigation / testing reports. Arranging reading of meters, load survey, tampering information.


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Reading of electronic meters. Submission of daily negative reports. Reporting of abnormalities in electronic meters if observed on site. Carrying out site investigation and submitting reports whenever ask for. Installation / replacement of meters, whenever ask for.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES TESTING ASSISTANT B (T/5), COMPLAINTS SECTION, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2. To assist Foreman during site investigation / testing of meters. To assist Foreman in arranging reading of meters, load survey, tampering information.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES METER INSPECTOR (T/5), INSTALLATION SECTION, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2. 3. Installation / replacement / removal of meters. Reporting of tampering of meters / direct supply whenever observed. Collecting the meters from and crediting of meters to Meters & Relays Department.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES NAWGHANY (T1), ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To assist Foreman in site testing of meters. To carry testing instruments to & fro from the sites. To transport meters to & from Meters & Relays Department. To transport material from Stores Department. To perform manual labour incidental to departmental work i.e. moving furniture, files, PCs etc. 6. 7. 8. To deliver / collect departmental papers / file to & fro various locations. To accompany Meter Inspector, carrying meters, tool bag. To accompany Meter Reader (Technical), carrying Meter Reading Instruments (MRI). 9. To accompany Assistant Forman carrying testing instruments.



ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Overall In-charge of Establishment Section and Amendment of Bill Preparation Section of the department. 2. 3. Assisting Divisional Engineer in performing his duties. Supervising work of Office Assistant, Supervisors and Clerks of the section. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Initiating proposals for procurement of furniture and office equipment. Initiating proposals for staff sanction. Initiating civil complaints and their follow-up. Ensuring maintains of Roster of Backward Class. Ensuring maintaining of S.R. files of `A and `B grade officers of the department. 9. Follow up of establishment related proposals initiated by the department.


Ensuring submission of periodical and yearly statement of staff requirement / vacancy.

11. 12.

Ensuring preparation of administrative report. Preparation of Revenue and Capital Budget and Variation in

Establishment Schedule. 13. 14. Sanctioning of various types of leaves of staff. Checking and forwarding of various type of statements pertaining to establishment matter. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. To attend the consumers. Ensuring of proper maintenance of records in respect of Imprest Cash. Checking / forwarding amendment bills prepared by the Clerks. Replying audit queries. Checking / forwarding debit/credit notes and summary statements prepared by the Clerks. 20. 21. Following up of recovery arising out of amendment of bills. Ensuring necessary actions in respect of creation of outstanding in respect of conventional and electronic account.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ASST. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (A/G X), CTO METER SECTION, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2. Initiating DLs / Notes to various sections/departments. Putting up of letters to consumers intimating amendment of bills and following up till recovery. 3. 4. 5. 6. Putting up draft replies to consumers. Putting up the amendment files. Obtaining load survey / tampering data in case of electronic meter. Preparation of MIS.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ASST. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (A/G X), COMPLAINT SECTION, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1. 2.

Initiating DLs / Notes to various sections / departments. Putting up of letters to consumers intimating amendment of bills and following up till recovery.

3. 4. 5.

Putting up draft replies to consumers. Putting up the amendment files. Obtaining load survey / tampering data in case of electronic meter.


Preparation of MIS.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OFFICE ASSISTANT (A/G VIII), ESTABLISHMENT SECTION, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Supervising work of Supervisors and Clerks. Initiating proposals for procurement of furniture and office equipment. Civil complaints and follow-up. Maintaining Roster of Backward Class. Maintaining S.R. files of `A and `B grade officers.











Establishment Schedule. 7. 8. Sanctioning of various types of leaves of staff. Checking and forwarding of various type of statements pertaining to establishment matter. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Replies to Union letters. Put up proposal for staff sanction. Confidential Reports of officers and staff. To control Imprest Cash. Follow up of establishment proposals. Preparation of Administrative Reports. Drafting letters. Attending to general correspondence.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES SUPERVISOR (A/G VII), ESTABLISHMENT SECTION, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Maintaining Imprest Cash Box, Register and check the bills prepared by Clerk.


Initiating Superannuating Notice, S.T. Slip, Service Certificate, employees Identity Card and Report.


3. 4.

Issue of Identification Slips, General Certificates. Preparing proposal for awarding Silver Medals, Wrist Watch under momento scheme proposal and related work.

5. 6.

Initiating work requisitions in respect of repairs of furnitures. Verification of Motor Driving License, Report and submitting periodic report s on the same.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Maintaining Inventory Record. Sending periodic Accident Report File to Sr.AOES. Updating SR file of schedule staff. To verify staff registers for permanent and temporary vacancies. To maintain register of SSA, Probationary Engineers, Apprentice Clerk, staff on loan etc.

12. 13.

To arrange for test and interview. To maintain register, waiting list and relevant correspondence and follow up.

14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

To maintain inventory dead stock item register. To maintain taxi bill register. Verification of negative attendance, checking of attendance register. To report cases of long absenteeism. Initiating scholarship proposal and payment advice. Initiating advice for Festival Advance.


To issue notes in respect of taking over duties, reversion ID, transfer ID, requisition of various posts etc.


Issue of briefcase.


ESTABLISHMENT SECTION, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2. Initiating Material Sanction Form. Initiating Purchase Form and keeping records of the same in the register concern of furniture and office equipments. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Clothing and monsoon apparels requirement and related work. Issue of material to Meter Readers. Preparation of Holiday working allowance and overtime statement. Initiating deputation report. Initiating Incentive Bonus. Issue of napkins, soaps to officers, employees. Maintaining computer maintenance registers. Maintaining inventory registers.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES CLERK/SHOP RECORDER (AG/V), COMPLAINTS SECTIONS, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2. 3. 4. Entry of consumers complaints, site testing results of meters in PC. Obtaining CIS / E-unit, installation particulars for various complaints. Preparation of amendment file. Preparation of Connection Order (in case of Substitute Billing Meters) and intersectional work orders for installation of check meters and

replacement/removal of meters. 5. 6. 7. Filling up 906 advises for Nil / Low consumption cases. Updating records in PC. To furnish data required for preparation of monthly MIS, statistical bulletin and Administrative Report.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES CLERK/SHOP RECORDER (AG/V), READING SECTION, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2. 3. 4. Entry of consumers complaints in PC. Obtaining CIS / E-unit, installation particulars for various complaints. Preparation of amendment file. Daily computer entries of daily negative reports submitted by Meter Readers. 5. Preparation of daily output statement, report of no read cases, report of sending reading and Cycle-19 floppies to EDP Department. 6. 7. Entry of manual reading. Allocation of MRIs, Cords, Batteries to Meter Readers and maintaining their records in the registers. 8. 9. Maintaining records related to administrative work of the section. Updating records in PC.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES CLERK/SHOP RECORDER (AG/V), INSTALLATION SECTION, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For Cycle-19 : 1. 2. Keeping records of CO / SM / MRA. Checking records of CO /SM / MRA and forwarding them to respective department after execution. 3. Giving account numbers / punching of CO / SM / MRA in the format given by EDP Department. 4. 5. 6. Checking of various advises received from EDP Department. Keeping records of account number given To do administrative work related to Cycle-19 Section. For Installation of meters : 1. 2. 3. Keeping records of CO / SM / MRA received from other departments. Generating SM / MRA as per Procedure Order 136. Forwarding executed CO / SM / MRA to Cycle-19 Section for updating EDP Departments Master File. 4. Preparing MIS information and updating MIS file.

5. 6.

Preparing amendment files in burnt meter cases. Entry in computer and maintaining registers of various jobs related to Installation Section viz. Installation/replacement particulars, updating daily job register, inventory register, fire message register, MRA register etc.


Preparing information of installed meters to be forwarded to Reading Section and Commercial/Consumers Department respectively.


To do the administrative work to Installation Section.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES CLERK/SHOP RECORDER (AG/V), AMENDMENT BILL PREPARATION SECTION, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2. 3. 4. Preparation of amendment bills. Preparation of debit/credit notes to be sent to EDP Department. Preparation of ledger position from monthly ledgers. Follow up with Audit Department in respect of amendment bill and debit/credit cases. 5. 6. Maintaining listings received from EDP Department. Preparing summary statement of amendment bill to be sent to Accounts Department.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES CLERK/SHOP RECORDER (AG/V), ESTABLISHMENT SECTIONS, ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For Establishment work : 1. Initiating engagement / taking over duties, confirmation, reversion, relieving duties notes, loan arrangement, note, letters etc. 2. 3. Initiating staff requisition and filling up TSS and PSS Form. Initiating monthly, quarterly, half yearly and yearly vacancy statement and SC / ST statement of promotion and appointments. 4. 5. 6. Issuing Bus Tokens and keeping records of the same. Up-keeping staff record and filling of staff record papers. Up-keeping staff position and seniority list.


Checking of PF, Society, Medical Reimbursement, Housing Loan, Subsidy, Pension and Ex-employees children/legal heirs application for certification.

8. 9. 10. 11.

Releasing of final bills and keeping its record. Maintaining Motor Vehicle Records. Initiating absentee memo of `A and `B grade officers. Maintaining attendance of all office staff and `A and `B grade officers, Trainees,









Labourers and other related work like report, job sheet etc.

For Despatch work : 1. 2. 3. 4. Dispatch work and up-keeping related registers. Filing of papers. Arrangement of daily dispatching to various departments. To receive the papers and entered in Inward Register and distribute the papers. 5. 6. To despatch papers and entered in Outward Register and despatch book. To keep the movement of papers to send the monthly statement of pending cases. 7. To maintain Tender Files and Purchase Form Register.

8. 9. 10. 11.

To file the papers in respective departmental files. To maintain officers leave registers. Filing of papers except S.R. Files. Any other work assigned to Supervisor / Office Assistant.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES STENOGRAPHER (A/G V), ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To take dictation and type the same and produce required copies. To make necessary correction in the draft copies. To type the written notes and produce required no. of copies. To cut stencils as required. Updating / maintaining records stored in PC.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITES CLERK/TYPIST (A/G V), ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2. 3. 4. Typing draft letter and to make necessary correction in the draft copies. To type the written notes and produce required no. of copies. To cut stencils as required. Doing clerical work as may be allocated by Office Assistant / Supervisor.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES M. V. DRIVER (G 3), ENERGY AUDIT DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. To park the vehicle in nearby office premises and appropriate places such as depots and BEST Premises only. 2. To drive departmental vehicles as required for various activities of the department.

3. 4.

To check the engine oil, water, battery water, etc. daily. To take the vehicle to Anik Depot for servicing, PUC check up as per schedule.


To inform Traffic Control in case of break down, accident and any other major incidents caused damaged to the vehicle.





Introduction : This chapter gives a general picture of overall working of the Energy Audit Department. The method to be adopted for different type of work indicated

herein all serve as guidelines for the officers and staff and shall not to be deemed to be completed in all respect. Wherever possible, reference to relevant office orders and departmental circular has been made. amended from time to time. Main goal of Energy Audit Department is carry out regular meter reading of 3-phase electronic meters pertains to `P series and `T series and to prepare monthly billing of these 3-phase electronic meters with the help of EDP Department for those consumers, who is having `P series and `T series meters. Energy Audit Department involves various activities like as routine testing of LVCTO meters, installation of new electronic meter by replacing conventional meter, amendment of bills for defective meter, review of vigilance cases etc. For carry out above smooth jobs, Energy Audit Department has divided in the following sections : I) Complaint Section II) LVCTO Section III) Installation Section IV) Reading Section This may required to be

V) Review of Vigilance Cases VI) Administration Section


Complaint Section :

Complaint Section is having two zones named as Complaint Section (North) and Complaint Section (South). This section is headed by AEEA with one Sub Engineer, who is working under him. Main activity of Complaint Section is to attend high bill complaint and to give reply to consumers complaint letter, to make amendment of bills for defective meters, testing of whole current meters on sites against high bill complaint received from consumer, cases referred by Vigilance Department, and cases referred by Commercial Departments etc.
1. The section is responsible for carry out testing of whole current meter and

amendment of bills of defective meters, high bill complaint, low bill complaint, average billing complaint due to Nil Code, testing of new meters installed after Vigilance Departments raid, testing of meters as desired by Review Committee, testing of new meters installed after replacement of defective meters, testing of meters referred by Installation Section for connection orders, testing of defective meters referred by Reading Section.


Amendment of Bills are done for defective meter, which are referred by

Reading Section, burnt meter referred by respective Commercial departments, defective meter replaced under connection order by Installation Section. 3.

Procedure for testing of whole current meters are as follows :

List of proposed sites inspection is prepared by Sub Engineer (Site

Testing) on the basis of study of complaint received from consumer, Reading Section, Installation Section and Vigilance Department. On next day, the jobs are allotted by Sub Engineer (Site Testing) to respective testing gangs. Testing gang normally includes one Foreman in grade P1/T7, one Testing Assistant in grade P1/T5 and one Nawghany in grade P1/T1. Testing of meter includes following activities like accuracy of meter, dial testing, taking load survey reading if require, checking of seal position etc. Investigation includes tariff of consumer to be verified from CIS records and checking actual electricity monthly bill on site, taking connected load of electrical appliances on site if consumption found dropped, making inquiry with the consumer regarding consumption drop, undertaking from consumer is to be obtained by Foreman onsite, if the meter found defective. After certified the test report by Sub Engineer (Site Testing), same are forwarded to AEEA for his written advise in case of defective meters. For

defective meters, AEEA gives written advise on test report copy as to prepare amendment of bills.

For defective meters, the amendment files are prepared and respective load profile / tampering data is attached. Advice / remarks is taken from

respective AEEA for further action whether meter to be replaced and forwarded to Vigilance Department if the complaint is originated from Vigilance Department. Advice from AEEA is taken. Work Orders are forwarded to Installation Section for replacement of meters (defective). The replacement particular / MRA / SM copy in case of defective meters are attached to respective file. After new meter is appeared in CIS records, the file is put up to AEEA. After getting the testing of new meter, the relevant file is put up to DEEA for getting approval of proposal. The amendment files includes replacement details, E-unit of defective meters and new meter, CIS of accounts, laboratory test report of defective meter if available, copy of test report of defective meters and new meters, consumers high bill complaint letter if available, tampering data / instantaneous parameter of defective meter, undertaking of consumer at the time of testing when meter found defective, replacement particular received from Installation Section after new meter is installed. Case is put up for DEEAs approval, after receiving approval of DEEA, the necessary bills are prepared by concerned Clerk and same is scrutinized by AAOEA. The file is then forwarded to Audit for further scrutiny. After receiving approval from Audit, the amendment period is required to be checked. If the amendment period is less than 6 months, then amended bill is debited in consumers account after written intimation to consumer by AAOEA.

If the amendment period is more than 6 months, the supplementary bill along with written intimation letter is sent to consumer and wherein consumer is requested to pay the amendment of bills, whatever amount mentioned therein, within one month from the receipt of said letter. If the debited amount in the consumers account is appeared in CIS, then case of amendment of bill, stands closed. The consumer is requested to produce copy of paid supplementary bill. If same is found bill paid, copy of bill is enclosed in concerned case file then case stands closed. 4. In addition with the above activity, following activities are done by Sub

Engineer as follows : Preparation of MIS of Complaint Section. To assist Divisional Engineer, Vigilance Department in case of tampered meter cases as per the roaster for standby for vigilance cases. Supervision of day to day working of subordinates. II. 1. LVCTO Section : LVCTO Section is headed by AEEA. Deputy Engineer is working under

him. Main function of LVCTO Section is to carry out routine testing of CTO meters, includes to attend high bill complaint and to give reply to consumers complaint letter, to make amendment of bills for defective meters, testing of CTO meters on sites against high bill complaint received from consumer, cases referred by Vigilance Department, and cases referred by Commercial

Departments, Nil Code cases, Zero ID cases and Reading and Complaint section etc. 2. The section is responsible for carrying out routine testing of LVCTO meter

ad amendment of bills for defective meters, high bill complaint, average billing complaint due to Nil Code, testing of new meters installed after Vigilance Departments raid, testing of meters as desired by Review Committee, testing of new meters installed after replacement of defective meters, testing of meters referred by Installation Section for connection orders, testing of defective meters referred by Reading Section. 3. Amendment cases includes the defective meters referred by Reading

Section, display defective meter found during routine testing, burnt meter referred by respective Commercial departments, defective meter replaced under connection order by Installation Section.


Procedure for testing of CTO meters is as follows :

Testing gang normally includes one Deputy Engineer, one Meter Tester in

grade P1/T6, and two Nawghanies in grade P1/T1. For testing of CTO meter, MRI and Accucheck is required. These

instruments are kept in `Tools Bags. Same are carried by Nawghanies from office to site. On site, connections of MRI to subject CTO meter, Tong insertion of Accucheck in service cable, connections of potential load of Accucheck to

system are done by meter tester under supervision of Deputy Engineer. Accucheck is considered as standard reference meter. Percentage accuracy of subject meter is calculated by comparing power supplied to subject meter and Accucheck in specific time interval. Testing of meter includes following activities like calculation of accuracy of meter for Kwh part and Rkvah part if necessary, taking load survey, MRI reading if required, checking of seal position, power factor etc. Investigation includes tariff of consumer to be verified from CIS records, verification regarding remark on connection order copy and type of actual supply being used on site, taking connected load if consumption found dropped, taking tampering data / instantaneous parameter of suspected tampered CTO meter depend on test result, inquiry with the consumer regarding causes of consumption drop, undertaking from consumer is to be obtained if the meter found defective / suspected tampered. For defective meters, the amendment files are prepared and respective load profile / tampering data is attached. Advice / remarks are taken from AEEA. Intersection Work Orders are forwarded to Installation Section for replacement of meters (defective) / installation of new SBM (Substitute Billing Meter) if the CTO meter found slow in working during testing. The cases are forwarded to Vigilance Department if required, as advised by AEEA. The replacement particular / MRA in case of defective meters are attached by AAOEA to respective file. After new meter is appeared in CIS

records, the file is put up to AEEA. After getting the testing of new meter / SBM, the relevant file is put up to DEEA for getting approval of proposal. The amendment files includes replacement details, E-unit of different meters, CIS of accounts, laboratory test report of defective meter if available, copy of test report of defective meters and new meters, copy of undertaking of consumer at the time of meter found defective, replacement particular received from Installation Section, copy of six weekly reading arranged by meter tester when disputed meter was observed working slow during routine testing. The case is studied by AEEA. Basis of amendment is decided on the basis of defectiveness of meter. If disputed meter was slow in working, then basis of amendment is taken as amendment factor. Amendment Factor is

worked out by comparison between consumption recorded by SBM and disputed meter over six week. It is ratio of consumption recorded by SBM to disputed meter. Worked out ratio is always greater than 1 (one). If the disputed meter was display defective, then AMC during past period and post period either recorded by disputed meter prior to become defective or recorded by SBM, whichever is higher, is taken as basis of amendment etc. The proposal is put up by AEEA to DEEA for getting approval. After receiving

approval of DEEA, the necessary bills are prepared by concerned Clerk and same is scrutinized by AAOEA. The file is then forwarded to Audit for further scrutiny. After receiving approval from Audit, the amendment period is required to be checked.

If the amendment period is less than 6 months, when bill is debited in consumers account after written intimation to consumer. If the amendment

period is more than 6 months, the supplementary bill along with written intimation letter is sent to consumer. If the debited amount in the consumers account is appeared in CIS, then amendment of bill case stands close. The consumer is requested to produce copy of paid supplementary bill. If same is found bill paid, copy of bill is enclosed in concerned case file then case stands close. 5. In addition with the above file, following activities are done by AEEA and

his subordinate : 5.1 5.2 To attend Review Committees meeting. To attend Electrical Inspectors hearing case if desired by Electrical Inspectors. 5.3 5.4 5.5 Preparation of MIS of LVCTO Section. To assist Divisional Engineer. Deputy Engineer is working in this section to attend cases as per the roaster for standby for vigilance cases. 5.6 Supervision of day to day working of subordinates.


Installation Section : The main functions of Installation Section are as follows :

Installation of 3-phase new electronic meters (`P series and `T series), removal of electronic meters, replacement of electronic meters. 1. Electronic meters are installed as per connection orders received from

respective Commercial departments and electronic meters are also installed as per intersectional work orders received from various sections of Energy Audit Department. Electronic meters are installed by replacing 3-phase conventional meters as per request of respective Commercial departments. Electronic meters are removed on the receipt of intersectional work order from various sections of Energy Audit Department, MRAs are received from respective Consumers departments. 2. On the receipt of intersectional work order from Complaint Section /

LVCTO Section. The electronic meters are removed by Meter Inspector gang in the presence of consumers acknowledgement regarding removal particulars is obtained. Undertaking from consumer regarding physical observation and defect if any is taken. 3.

MRAs received from respective Consumers departments :

The MRAs are received from respective Consumers departments, the

meters are removed after getting clearance for removal of meter from Reading as well as respective Complaints / LVCTO sections. 4.

Replacement of electronic meter :

The meters are replaced on the following advises,


Intersectional work order.

ii) Department. iii) iv)

SM / DSM from respective Commercial departments and Vigilance

Connection Orders. O.T.s from Vigilance / Consumers departments : The electronic meter is replaced O.T.s sent along with necessary

undertakings from consumer. In O.T. case, the old meter is replaced and entire electronic meters T.B. and body is sealed in presence of consumer. 5.

Installation of SBM and Check Meter :

The SBM and check meters are installed on the receipt of intersectional

work order from Complaint / LVCTO sections.

On site, in the presence of

consumer, above job is carried out. Consumers acknowledgement regarding installation of SBM / check meter is taken. This job is done under supervision of Deputy Charge Engineer. 6.

Procedural working for installation / replacement / removal of

electronic meters :
For carry out the jobs of installation / removal / replacement of `P series and `T series electronic meter, the papers like COs, intersectional work order are received. Same are scrutinized first by Deputy Engineer. Listing of site visits are done by Deputy Engineer. Before execution of jobs, site is required to be inspected by Deputy Charge Engineer in order to book proper size of CTs at Meters & Relays Department, to confirm availability of sufficient space for fixing meter and to take appointment with consumer for taking shut down on schedule

date and time. These papers re given to Charge Engineer for booking purpose by Deputy Engineer. Charge Engineer is allotted the job to Meter Inspector

gang, which includes one Meter Inspector a two Nawghanies. Normally, jobs of installation / removal / replacement of CTO meters are done on site under supervision of Deputy Charge Engineer. Deputy Engineer and Charge Engineer are also goes onsite for important jobs if necessary and simultaneously appointment with LVCTO Section / respective Commercial departments etc. are taken. After allocation of jobs to Meter Inspector gang, execution of work is done by gang on site. Papers like replacement particular / SM copies filed with detail data, consumers acknowledgement / undertaking are submitted by Deputy Engineer by Deputy Charge Engineer / gang either same day or next day. Other activities of Installation Section are as follows : i) To maintain the stock of meters, CTs ad various meters required for installation of electronic meters. ii) Crediting of conventional meters (removed from site), electronic meters, CTs, C.T. meter boxes, bus bar etc. iii) To send the executed papers to Cycle-19 for starting billing of electronic meter in Cycle-19. iv) To send the papers regarding replacement / removal / installation data in Reading Section on daily basis. v) To send the testing advises to LVCTO Section after execution of intersectional work order received from LVCTO / connection orders.


To send testing advises to Complaint Section in order to execute the jobs of installation / removal and replacement of electronic meters if necessary.


To send executed DSM / SM / intersectional work order, papers to Complaint / LVCTO / Other sections such as Vigilance / Consumers etc. for amendment purpose.

viii) ix)

To send replacement particulars to various sections. To send meter issue data from Meters & Relays Department to Reading Section for updating BESTDATA Software File.


To send `B form along with replacement particulars to SCN, SCS, DECS, DECN for recovery of damaged meter charges. Above all these jobs are done by Clerk under the supervision of Charge

Engineer / Deputy Charge Engineer. xi) xii) To prepare MIS of Installation Section. Scrutinizing of various papers such as COs, letter from consumers, MRAs, SMs, intersectional work order etc. before execution. xiii) To send report of meter replaced, new meter installed to CEES / DCE(APDRP). xiv) To send the report of meter removed to DE(Vig.), DECS, DECN, SCS, SCN, AOEA and AEEA. xv) Accounting of electronic meters installed by Energy Audit Department follow up various cases with respective sections of Energy Audit / Consumers / Other departments / external government authorities such as Police and High Court etc.

Above all these jobs are done by Clerk under the supervision of Deputy Engineer / Charge Engineer. xvi) Maintaining the records of job and executed by Energy Audit Department in the PC as well as on register. Above job is done by Clerk under the supervision of Deputy Engineer / Charge Engineer / Deputy Charge Engineer. 7.

Miscellaneous Activities :
To send the letter to consumers / other departments / other authorities if

necessary in certain cases. III A Cycle-19 Section : This section is headed by SEA with one Sub Engineer. Sub Engineer is working under him. Main activity of this section is, i) To give electronic account number to newly installed meter as per geometric location of meter i.e. if the meter is installed in South Zone, then account number will be read as 100-023-# # # and if the meter is installed in North Zone, then account number will be read as ii) 200-023-# # #.

To start billing of 3-phase electronic meters replaced or installed by Commercial, Vigilance and Energy Audit departments and deletion of electronic meters from their accounts when these meters are removed by Commercial, Consumers, Vigilance and Energy Audit departments.


This section is responsible for insertion and removal of electronic meters from respective electronic accounts, changing tariff (C1 to C2 and GP1 to

GP2) of electronic meters. Advising EDP Department for actual billing of electronic meters, deletion of electronic accounts, correction in tariff / electricity duty of electronic meters etc. iv) Starting billing of new electronic meters includes checking of connection order for errors and getting it corrected from source departments, after that new account number is given and connection order is forwarded to EDP Department for punching and if any error / rejection is their in punching by EDP Department, same is corrected by Deputy Charge Engineer. v) Starting billing of replaced electronic meters includes checking of SM for errors and getting it corrected from source department, after that, same is punched in computerized format by Deputy Charge Engineer and soft copy (floppy) sent to EDP Department for updating of Master File these cases are also checked for any rejection by EDP Department. vi) Removal of electronic meters from account includes checking of MRAs for errors and getting it corrected from source department, after that, same is punched in computerized format by Deputy Charge Engineer and soft copy (floppy) sent to EDP Department for updating Master File, these cases are also checked for any rejection by EDP Department. vii) For change of tariff (C1 to C2 and GP1 to GP2) cases of electronic meters, the letters are received from consumers, after checking average monthly consumption (which should be more than 500 units per month),

the advice for changing tariff is sent to EDP Department through floppy, which is done by Deputy Charge Engineer. viii) For starting actual billing / deletion of electronic accounts, the information is received from Complaint Section / AOEA, same cases are punched in computerized format by Deputy Charge Engineer and soft copy (floppy) sent to EDP Department for updating Master File. ix) After implementation of advises by EDP Department, copies of CO / SM / MRAs are sent back to their source departments for keeping records. x) MRAs of conventional meters from South Zone are sent to Consumers (South) Department for removal of meters from accounts, checking exceptions of conventional accounts etc. xi) For wrong tariff / electricity duty cases, necessary correction is done by sending advice to EDP Department, also amendment file is prepared by Sub Engineer and sent it to AOEA for preparation of bills. xii) The consumers complaints such as double billing, incorrect tariff / electricity duty, account number are attended by procuring correct data from source department / sections and advising EDP Department for correction. III B In addition with the above following activities are done by Sub Engineer Cycle-19 Section : i) Section. Providing necessary documents (CO / SM / MRA) for Amendment


Investigating and answering queries from Commercial, Consumers, Vigilance and Other departments orally and in writing with proper accompanying documents.


Collecting data for attending complaints, amendments and queries from records, site inspection, other departments.

iv) v)

To assist SEA for preparation of MIS of Cycle-19 Section. To assist Vigilance Department in case of tampered meter cases as per the roaster for standby for vigilance cases and to attend Court cases.

IV. 1.

Reading Section : This section is headed by AEEA and partially by SEA. Sub Engineer and

Deputy Charge Engineer, Shop Recorder working under him. Charge Engineer, who is In-charge of High Bill Complaint Section, is also working under AEEA (Reading). Meter Readers (Technical) are working under Sub Engineer and

Deputy Charge Engineer. 2. Reading Section of Energy Audit Department is responsible for taking

readings of electronic meters in Cycle-19, through Meter Reading Instrument (MRI) and to forward reading data to EDP Department for billing purpose. At present, two makes of meters are existing in system i.e. M/s Secure Meters Ltd. and M/s ABB. 3. The reading of meters located in South Zone is done from 1st to 15th and

that of North Zone is done from 16th to end of the month. The final reading data of South Zone is sent to EDP Department on 23rd of reading month and that of North Zone on 8th of next to reading month.


Electronic meters are read through Meter Reading Instrument (MRI). At

present, the instrument in use, is of Radix make, which runs on 3 x 1.2 Volts rechargeable battery. This battery is required to be recharged regularly. The MRI is loaded with software of Secure and ABB for reading purpose. 5. At present, there are about 13,000 meters in Cycle-19. Every Meter

Reader (Technical) is given with a list of meters to be read by him fortightly i.e. zone wise, which he is supposed to complete before end of reading cycle i.e. 15th for South Zone and end of month for North Zone. Each meter reading gang consist of one Meter Reader (Technical) and one Nawghany. The procedure for reading of Secure and ABB make meters is given below : 6. 6.1 Procedure for taking reading / load survey of Secure make meters: Meter Reader (Technical) visit the site with MRI (Meter Reading Instrument) and Secure cord. 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 Connect MRI to the meter and press `R on the MRI. Reading started. When the reading completed, MRI shows reading completed. Same procedure for taking reading of another Secure meters. For load survey, press `L on MRI. Give number of days for load survey. Press enter. MRI returns to its main menu. Press `R for load survey. Main menu of Secure meter on MRI screen.

6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 7.

(R) - Read (D) - Dump (E) - Energy C(A) lib Calibration. (T) - Terminal (S) - Space (M) F sum meter summator (I) d MRI ID No. (L) d sur Load Survey Procedure for taking reading / load survey of ABB make meters. Meter Reader (Technical) went to site with MRI and ABB cord. If the MRI is in Secure menu, press `T `Y `Enter keys for same time, the MRI will be reset. When MRI, comes in dos prompt, type `CD ABB -> Enter C:\ABB For P+ABB meters Type Pr Enter. For P++ABB meters Type Pr1 Enter Reading will be started when it is completed, MRI shows meter ID for that particular meter. For taking load survey for ABB meters. MRI reset for that it will be in Dos prompt C:\ Type `CD ABB enter C:\ABB Type PI -> P+ meter Enter. Type PII -> P++ meter Enter.

Load Survey will be started. When it is completed, MRI shows meter_ID of that meter. 8. Dumping of reading data : The reading data downloaded on MRI at site by Meter Reader (Technical) is dumped on PCs kept in department. This dumping is done by Deputy Charge Engineer and record of number of meters dumped is kept in a register. At

present due to non-availability of sufficient supervisory staff, the job is being done by Shop Recorders. Dumping of Secure and ABB reading data is done on

separate PCs as per the dumping software supplied by the respective manufacturer. 8.1 Procedure for dumping of reading data of Secure meters : For MRI, press `D for dumping. For PC, - Dos prompt Sys 6 \ Sys5-5 C:\BEST_PAK enter C:\BEST_PAK\SEMS_PAK enter. Type password GUESTS enter. Press `Esc Go to FLXCOMMS enter Go to read MRI enter Password -> GUESTS enter Enter the character_ID enter Dumping process is started. After the dumping process is over, Go to General enter.

Go to work file C:\BEST_PAK\DATA\MRI_ID\Date-MRd enter Go to report -> Go to Reading -> enter Check the Dos of reading Go to Flx.comms Go to prepare MRI Enter Enter the password - `GUESTS Check the MRI whether it is in dump mode or not. Prepare the MRI 8.2 Procedure for dumping of reading data of ABB meters : For MRI If MRI is in secure program mode, press Q Quit Enter the password -> This That MRI is in Dos prompt C:\ Type -> `Intersvr Enter The MRI is in position to download the readings from MRI to PC. For PC Go to Start Menu Go to Shut Down -> Restart in MS DOS Go to C:\Aplus 112 Enter (do not log in PC) Type `Dumpstrt command and Enter Power Off and after the again restart the PC Go to Start Menu Go to Shut Down -> Restart in MS DOS -> Enter

Go to C:\Aplus 112 -> Enter Type `I command -> Enter (this will copy all data file i.e. rp3 & rb3) Then type `Clean -> Enter (this will delete all data from MRI). After all MRI are over, type Dumpstop command -> Enter Power Off and again Restart PC. Log in & start normal window operation. 9. Conversion / Processing of dumped reading data : The reading data dumped on the PCs is converted to ASCI format by Deputy Charge Engineer (Reading) as per the processing software given by the respective meter suppliers. For ABB make meter, the software is based on M/s

window platform whereas for secure meter, it is on DOS platform.

Secure Meters Ltd. has also given a window base software as SMART2K for which trial run is in progress. Secure meter reading data is converted on day to day basis whereas ABB meter reading data is converted fortnightly. 9.1 Conversion of reading data of secure meters : Sys 6 \ Sys 5 Go to Dos prompt C:\BEST_PAK -> Enter C:\BEST_PAK\SEMS_PAK -> Enter Enter the password - `GUESTS Press Esc Go to General -> work file C:\BEST_PAK\DATA\Name of file -> Enter (For example : C:\BEST_PAK\DATA\00005847\01030501.MRD)

Go to convert -> for IT Dept Conversion process is started Repeat this procedure for every MRI.file and for every data file. 9.2 Conversion of reading data of ABB meters : Sys 4 \ Sys 5 \ Sys 6 Copy BESTDATA for ABB meters from BEST_PAK\BESTDATA.dbf to C:\MIM3_Export\BESTDATA.dbf Go to reference Select BESTDATA.dbf (i.e. C:\MIM3_Export\BESTDATA.dbf) Go to select Directory Open the ABB data for current month (i.e. C:\Aplus112 -> Enter) Open all rp3 ad rb3 file Select all Go to Generate Report Wait till processing is done Go to Export Save as The file is save as C:\MIM3_Export\bestcalc.dbf in dbase3 type 10. Preparation of ASCI files : Sys 6 \ Sys 5 For Secure Meters, After conversion of all the secure meters .AO3 file is created. After conversion of all ABB meters, bestcalc.dbf file is created, which is copied at C:\noread\ABB.dbf

For Preparing ASCI_Prg file, run No read_1 prg (i.e. C:\Noread\dbase -> Enter Do Noread_1 -> Enter) This Noread_2.prg will combine all Secure and ABB meters data in a one file, which is called as ASCI_Prg.dbf 11. Entry of manual readings : For meters which can not be read through Meter Reading Instrument MRI) due to no communication with MRI are read through display readings. The

reading data of such meters is sent in a separate file for which software has been given by EDP Department. The entry of manual reading is done by Shop

Recorder (Reading). These readings are checked by Sub Engineer (Exception) before sending to EDP Department and during exception. 12. Preparation of file for entry of manual readings : Sys 6

Initial floppy from Cycle-19 Section

(CYS19IM.PC and CYN19IM.PC) Copy above two files to C:\nonagree\billing month file i.e. C:\nonagree\Jan2005 Copy files from C:\nonagree\Dec04 a) CYS19IM.dbf b) CYN19IM.dbf c) BIIITS.dbf d) BIIITN.dbf

e) CY19.Exe f) Arj.Exe Go to C:\nonagree\Jan2005\dbase Enter Use CYS\N19IM Zap Append from CYS/N19IM.PC type sdf Go to C:\Prg\dbase Modi comm Testing C:\nonagree\Jan2005\CYS\N19IM.dbf Do Testing Enter the manual reading 13. Sending of first initial floppy of reading data : After completion of ASCI conversion and entry of manual readings and just after receipt of initial floppy from EDP Department for South Zone and on first of next to reading month, first initial floppy / CD of North Zone is sent to EDP Department. The floppy is prepared by Deputy Charge Engineer (Reading). 14. Preparation of floppy for sending initial reading data : Three files are sent as initial Rdg.data 1) BIIIT.AO3 -> MRI data 2) BIIITN/S.Dat -> Manual data 3) Reading.Arj -> Reading data Preparing BIIIT.AO3 C:\noread\dbase -> Enter

Use ASCI_Prg Copy to BIIIT.AO3 Type sdf * Preparing BIIITS/N.dat file Sys 6 C:\nonagree\Jan2005\CY19 -> Enter Enter Division South / North Go to Reports Month & Year -> Quit Go to C:\nonagree\Jan2005\dbase -> Enter Use BIIITS/N Copy to BIIITS/N.dat Type sdf * Preparing Reading.Arj file Sys 6 C:\Reading -> Enter C:\Reading=Arj a reading reading3.dbf 15. Analysis of no reading meters : After receipt of first initial floppy / CD of reading data, EDP Department gives list of no read meters. This list is studied for finding reasons of no read meter cases by Deputy Charge Engineer (Reading) / Sub Engineer (Reading). The common reasons found are no dumping found or incomplete ASCI conversion, non existence of meter in BESTDATA file. In case of incomplete conversion, same meters data is converted. For no dumping cases, display

readings are obtained from Meter Reader (Technical) and same readings are entered in manual reading file. For meters not existing in BESTDATA file,

updation is done after verification of Meters & Relays Departments data / test

report from Complaint / CTO Sections or as per meter software ID observed by Meter Reader (Technical). After completion of this, revised initial floppy / CD is sent to EDP Department for getting the exception report. 16. E-unit Updation : E-unit is a software program which displays month wise reading of electronic meter. It is updated twice in a month, after completion of South and North Zone reading cycle respectively. 17. Procedure for E-unit updation : For updating `E-unit, copy ASCI_Prg.dbf to E:\Eunit\ASC.dbf Copy manual Rdgs files to C:\Eunit Go to C:\Eunit\Eunit -> Enter Go to Indexing -> Enter Go to updating Eunit -> Enter 18. Exception Checking : Exception report contains following type of cases : 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.7 High Reverse Zerois Nil / Low MRA SM New

18.8 19.

WTRDG Reverse, Zerois cases are checked by Sub Engineer (Reading). High

cases are checked by Shop Recorders / Sub Engineer (Exception). SM / New / MRA / WTRDG cases are checked by Shop Recorder / Clerk / Sub Engineer Cycle-19 / Sub Engineer (Exception). If any abnormality is noticed, corrective action is taken. IR (Insert Reading) is filled. Suspected defective meter cases are referred to respective Complaint / CTO Section for investigation / testing. The list of Nil / Low cases is also forwarded to respective Complaint / CTO Section for checking / investigation and further action of filling up of 906. While checking exception, E-unit, CIS, CO, SM, MRA (replacement particulars), meter billing history, reading.dbf file (Readers report) is required to be referred. 20. Sending of final reading data to EDP Department : After completion of exception report and necessary filling of IR and corrections in B08 done by Cycle-19 Section, final floppy of reading data is sent by Sub Engineer (Exception) to EDP Department for printing of bills. After this, EDP Department send list of final no read meters. Based on this, MIS of

Reading Section is prepared by Deputy Chief Engineer (Reading). 21. 22. 23. Sending of final reading data to EDP Department. Final floppy send to EDP Department after preparation of IR file. Final files are 1) BIIIT.AO3 2) BIIITS/N.DAT 3) Reading.Arj 4) IR.DAT

24. 25. 25.1 25.2 25.3 26. 26.1

First 3 files are prepared as given at Sr. No. 6 Preparing IR.DAT file Sys 4 C:\IR\dbase -> Enter Use IR Copy to IR.DAT type sdf Updation of various software files in Reading Section : Reading.dbf : As per the intimations of installation / removal of meters received from

Installation Section data base file containing record of meter to be read by Meter Reader (Technical), (Reading.dbf) file is updated. 26.2 BESTDATA.dbf : As per the data of meter ID and BEST meter number received from Meters & Relays Department, BESTDATA.dbf file is updated. 26.3 The above files are required to be updated well in time. As non existence Cycle-19, may

of record of meters in these file, if any are already inserted in result in no read. 27. 27.1 Various software programs used by Reading Section :

Reading / Dumping / Conversion Software for Secure meters : C:\BEST_PAK\SEMS_PAK


Conversion software for ABB meters : C:\MIM3_Export\MIM3_BEST


No Read_1 preparation of ASCI file : C:\No read\DBASE\Do No Read_1


Entry of manual reading : C:\Prg\Testing.prg


Exception Report : C:\Exception\Exception.prg, Except1.prg


Display of ve report code submitted by MRT : C:\daily\daily.prg


Month wise record of MRI / manual readings of electronic meters : E_unit


Maintaining of various records / backups : Following records are maintained by Reading Section :


Daily negative report of Meter Reader (Technical). 29.2 Monthly list of first, second and final list of no read cases received

from EDP Department. 29.3 Monthly Exception Report / IR filled by Sub Engineer (Exception). 29.4 List of meter ID and BEST meter number (BESTDATA) (updated as

received from Meters & Relays Department). 29.5 30. 30.1 Daily dumping / processing backup (soft copy). Daily negative report submitted by Meter Reader (Technical) : Meter Reader (Technical) generally read the meter through Meter Reading In case, if there is no communication, manual readings are


submitted by them in the daily negative report. Also for the meters, which could

not be read due to any reason, same are mentioned by them in the daily negative report. The common reasons for meter no read are given below :

Code Reason
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Key not available. Supply found disconnected. Obstruction for reading. Address can not find. No display. No communication. Meter not found at site. No display / No communication. Out of area. Others, RTC defect / meter at abnormal height / BESTDATA discrepancy


Cases of key not available / obstruction / cant find and out of area are

attended by sending same Meter Reader (Technical) or spare Meter Reader (Technical) at site. 30.3 The cases of defective meters Code 6, 7 and 9 are referred to respective

Complaint / CTO Section for testing / investigation / replacement / amendment respectively. 30.4 The cases of meter not found at site are referred to Installation Section to

take up the matter further with Commercial / Consumers Department for insertion / removal of meter from Cycle-19. 30.5 The cases of supply found disconnected are also referred to Installation After receipt of feedback if MRA is not received, such cases are


referred to Consumers / Commercial Department for further action.


The cases of RTC / BESTDATA discrepancy are referred to respective

Complaints / CTO Section for testing / replacement / further action. 30.7 The cases of meter at abnormal height are referred to respective

Commercial departments, so as to relocate the meters at readable height. 31. Billing Complaint Section : The complaints of the consumer are received through complaint letters or the consumers personally visit the department for redressal of their complaint. In such cases, Charge Engineer (Complaint), study the complaint made by the consumer if the complaint is related to Reading Section say average billing due to no read other than defective meter or wrong reading case. The manual

correction is carried out by Charge Engineer Complaint in consultation with Sub Engineer / Assistant Engineer (Reading). In case of manual bill correction cases also if excess billing is involved debit / credit notes are forwarded to Billing Section. For the other cases, such as defective meter cases or average billing under P.O. 128 or tariff discrepancy cases, bill correction is done by Charge Engineer (Complaint) by consulting respective `A grade officers. The complaint letters received from the consumers is studied by Sub Engineer (Reading) / (Exception). If any excess billing due to reading

discrepancy is observed. Debit / Credit notes are prepared and same forwarded to Billing Section and reply to the consumer is given accordingly. V. Review of Initial Claim of Vigilance Cases :

This section is headed by AEEA. One Clerk and Inspection Gang are working under him. Inspection Gang including Meter Inspector and Nawghany. Raided sites are inspected by above gang as and when instruction by AEEA. 1. Main function of this section is reviewing of initial claim of direct supply

and tampered meter cases referred by Vigilance Department in which initial claim is not more than Rs.25,000/-. In the cases of initial claim of direct supply and tampered meter, in which claim is not more than Rs.25,000/- and average monthly consumption of tampered meter is not less than 1,000 units per month, is required to be reviewed by DEEA as per Administrative Order No. 254 dated 5.3.1997. 2. When such case files are received from Vigilance Department after carry

out the raid by Vigilance Department, necessary entries are made by concerned staff / Clerk in register. 3. The letter mentioned therein date of review to be held and venue, is

forwarded through registered A.D. to concerned beneficiarys on address mentioned in the subject file. Generally, these letters are forwarded to those beneficiary, who had taken direct supply and those beneficiary, who are made the meter tampered, wherein average monthly consumption of tampered meter is more than 1,000 units per month. 4. On receipt of these letters, some beneficiary attends the meetings held at

Energy Audit Department on the given date. The case is reviewed in presence of DEEA, SEA and AEEA. Beneficiary has asked to submit documentary proof if he / she disputed claim period or basis or claim or both, for sustaining his / he


Beneficiary submits documentary proof, case is studied and Proposal on the basis of reasonable usage of

reviewed in further meeting.

electrical appliances on which Vigilance Department had made provisional claim, is required to be get approved from DEEA and Audit. This case file is then forwarded to DE(Vig.) / SCN / SCS. 5. SCN / SCS is requested to adjust revised / recalculated claim amount in

Advance and Suspense Account. Finally, file is forwarded to DE(Vig.) for his records by SCN / SCS. 6. If the beneficiary not responded to our letters, one more effort is being

taken by visiting raided premises by our Meter Inspector gang. He submits his reports on next day to AEEA. His reports states following remarks : 6.1 Beneficiary is available and he is using unauthorized supply

through neighbors electrical meter. 6.2 Beneficiary is not available, building / premises found demolished. No body willing to give information about beneficiary as it is big zopadpatti. 6.3 7. Beneficiary left the premises, new tenant is occupied the premises. On the above remarks, AEEA to write note to DECN / DECS regarding

confirmation of undertaking towards repayment of outstanding of vigilance cases from new consumer. DECN / DECS is requested to take necessary action

against neighbors of raided premises if they are given supply to said beneficiary. 8. File is kept pending till report is received from DECN / DECS. If no reply

is received from DECN / DECS within one or two months, file is put up to DEEA for ex-parte decision on the basis of available data in case file.


File is then scrutinized by Audit after recalculated the claim and getting

approval of DEEA. 10. Case file is, thereafter, forwarded to DE(Vig.) / SCN / SCS. In the case

file, SCN / SCS is requested to set right the recalculated revised claim amount in the Advance and Suspense Account and thereafter file is to be forwarded to DE(Vig.) for his records. With this, case stands close at the end of Energy Audit Department. 11. The average monthly consumption of tampered meters are less than

1,000 units per month ad claim amount is less than Rs.25,000/-. For such cases, AEEA obtained the reading folios of tampered meter and existing meter from respective Consumers departments. For this work, one Clerk is keeping busy or instructed by AEEA to follow up with other departments. Such cases are

thereafter put up to DEEA for getting approval for sending these cases to SCN / SCS. As per Administrative Order No 254 dated 5.3.1997, review of initial claim of tampered meter cases are done by SCN / SCS. 12. All the entries regarding date of receiving and sending to / from Audit,

again sending it to SCN / SCS / DE(Vig.) dates thereof are maintained by Clerk. In addition to above functions, AEEA is attended Review Committee Meeting held at office of DCE(APDRP). Preparation of MIS of this section, submitting monthly progressive report of section to DCE(CS). Updating of Master File of day to day work of section in computer once in a week. VI. Administrative Section :

Administrative Officer, Energy Audit Department

1. Administrative Officer shall generally assist the respective

Divisional Engineer in the discharge of their duties. 2. he shall be overall In-charge of Establishment Section and Amendment of Bill Preparation Section of the department. 3. he shall supervise the work of Assistant Administrative Officer, Office Assistant, Supervisors and Clerks / Shop Recorders of the department. 4. He shall constantly review the activities and functions of the department and suggest necessary changes aimed at improving efficiency. 5. He shall maintain personal contact with the officers and staff working under him and ensure a smooth working of the department. 6. 7. He shall inspect all departmental registers and records. He shall attend all departmental meeting with the Divisional Engineer and assist him in the deliberations thereof. 8. He shall certify and sign the credit / debit notes in each instance for mistakes in billing due to incorrect meter readings, stoppage of meter, incorrect application of tariff, electricity duty etc. 9. He shall attend the consumers, who call at our office with complaints and shall investigate the causes of complaints and give satisfactory replies. 10. He shall scrutinize cases pertaining to amendment of bills arising out of change of tariff or stoppage of meters and make his recommendations to the DEEA and follow up the recovery arising out of the amendment of bills.


He will hold departmental inquiries and take disciplinary action against the staff of the department and also hear appeals against the orders passed by the officers working under him.


He shall examine proposals for establishments for procurement of furniture and office equipments, staff sanction.


he shall ensure maintaining of roaster of reserve category, S.R. files of `A and `B grade officers of the department.


He shall ensure the preparation of administrative report, revenue and capital budget and variation in establishment schedule.

15. 16.

He shall sanction various types of leave of officers and staff. He shall ensure the necessary action in respect of creation of outstanding in respect of electronic account.


he has to visit the related departments like Consumers, Commercial, Audit, EDP to co-ordinate the activities of Energy Audit Department with the related department.


Activities carried out by Assistant Administrative Officer attached to

CTO Section : 2.1 He should initiate DLs / notes to various sections for collecting

required information as regards for amendment of bills. 2.2 He should put up letters to consumers intimating claim amount and to follow up till recovery. 2.3 He should put up draft reply to consumer as regards disputes of amendment of bills.


he should ensure that case files correctly prepared by Clerk / Shop Recorder (i.e. noting / corresponding section make).


He should swap check the amendment of bills prepared by Clerk / Shop Recorder before sending to Audit for checking.


he should put up file to Review Committee if consumer disputes the claim amount after checking that consumer has paid 50% of claim amount.


He should arrange to obtain load survey / tampering data for electronic account.


He should sing all credit notes prepared by Clerk / Shop Recorder for sending to EDP Department.

2.9 2.10 3. 3.1 3.2

He should sign all letters / notes related to amendment of bills. To ensure that MIS prepared by Clerk is correct / O.K. Office Assistant (Establishment) - A/G VIII : OAEA (Est.) will directly report to AOEA. He will be working under AOEA to look after the following jobs :

3.2.1 He will be supervise and control the Establishment Section. 3.2.2 He will initiating proposals for procurement new office furniture. 3.2.3 He will grant privilege, sick, casual leave to staff working under him as per the limit. 3.2.4 He will maintain roaster of backward class. 3.2.5 He will maintain S.R. files of `A and `B grade officers. 3.2.6 He will control imprest cash. 3.2.7 He will prepare confidential reports of staff and officers.


Supervisor (Establishment) A/G VII : 4.1 He will maintain imprest cash and recoup the same from concerned

department. 4.2 4.3 He will initiate ST slip and service certificate. He will prepare proposals of silver medals, writ watch and other related work. 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 He will initiate work requisitions in respect of repairs of furniture. He will verify capital and dead stock inventory record. He will send periodic accident report to Sr. AOES. He will maintain S.R. files of staff. He will verify negative attendance of `A and `B grade officers with attendance register. 4.9 4.10 He will put up the cases of long absenteeism every month. He will take out notes in respect of taking over duties, reversion, transfer and requisition of various posts. 5. 5.1 Supervisor (P) (Establishment / Stores) A/G VII : He will initiate material sanction form and its related work. 5.2 He will initiate purchase forms of different items, which will required

for our department for daily work. 5.3 He will collect staff clothing and monsoon apparels and it will be issued to eligible staff members. 5.4 He will issue material to staff when performing duties as required.


He will prepare holiday working statement and same will send to concerned Time-Keeping Department.

5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6.

he will prepare deputation report of officers. He will collect and issue napkins, soaps to officers and employees. He will maintain computer maintenance register. He will maintain upto date record of capital and dead stock register. Clerk (Establishment) A/G V : 6.1 Establishment Clerk will initiate taking over notes, confirmation

notes, reversion, relieving notes, loan arrangement note ad letters consulting with Establishment Supervisor. 6.2 6.3 He / She will initiate staff requisition form. He / She will prepare monthly, quarterly, half yearly, yearly vacancy statement and appointment statement. 6.4 6.5 6.6 He / She will keep staff records and filling of staff record papers. He / She will prepare seniority list of all staff. He / She will check and forward the following forms of staff to concerned departments : 1) Provident Fund Form 2) Medical Reimbursement Form 3) Staff Pension Form etc. 6.7 6.8 6.9 He / She will release final bills and keeping its proper record. He / She will maintain attendance register of `A and `B grade officers. He / She will initiate absentee memo of `A and `B grade officers.

7. 7.1

Despatch Clerk A/G V : He / She will keep register of inward and outward register. 7.2 He / She will file the papers properly in respective departmental

files with the help of Casual Laborers. 7.3 7.4 He / She will arrange to dispatch papers to various departments. He / She will receive the papers and entered in register and same

will be distributed to concerned sections. 7.5 Assistant. He / She will do any other work as directed by Supervisor / Office

Commercial South MANUAL OF THE COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT CHAPTER - I ORGANISATION, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT. 1.0 INTRODUCTION : This chapter gives the organisational set up of the department. 1.1 Functions and Responsibilities The department shall be mainly responsible for the following : 1.1.1 Arranging for electric supply requisitioned by consumers. 1.1.2 Maintaining continuity of supply. 1.1.3 1.1.4 Maintaining records of connected load. Observing the Electricity Act 2003 and Rules framed there under and suggesting amendments to them. Providing liaison between the consumer and the Undertaking vis-a-vis all technical and commercial matters except routine billing.



Taking monthly reading of agreemental consumers and supplying necessary data to the EDP and Consumers department for billing them. Organisation : The Distribution and Commercial department of the Electric Supply Branch is divided into two zones, viz. North and South for administrative convenience. The overall incharge of the South zone is Chief Engineer Distribution (South). A Dy. Chief Engineer, Commercial (South) DCE(CS) shall be incharge of South zone to whom the Divisional Engineer, Commercial (South) DECS shall be responsible for the administration of the Commercial Department, South zone.

1.2 1.2.1


1.3 1.3.1

Establishment :The Dy. Chief Engineer shall be overall in charge of the Commercial Division. The staff of the Commercial Division consists of the Divisional Engineer, 2 Superintendents, 5 Asstt. Engineers, Dy. Engineers, Sub-Engineers, Charge Engineers, Dy. Charge Engineers, Office Assistants and subordinate staff as may be sanctioned from time to time - (Appendix 'A') Duties : Deputy Chief Engineer Commercial (South) The Dy. Chief Engineer is in charge of Commercial and Consumers Dept. of South zone. The duties and responsibilities of the Deputy Chief Engineer in respect of Commercial Division are:

2.0 2.1


He is responsible to the Chief Engineer Distribution (South) for the administrative and general control of all the service apparatus and its installing on consumers' premises and of the officers and staff of the divisions under him. He shall be responsible for matters affecting electric supply to consumers, including development of load. He shall exercise general supervision and control and co-ordinate the work of the Commercial Division with the other divisions working under him.




He shall normally be the final authority on all technical decisions, but all important decisions involving heavy expenditure or major procedural changes shall be referred to the CED (S) for advice and orders, wherever necessary. He shall be competent to order, transfers and postings of all scheduled and nonscheduled staff and shall exercise powers in respect of grant of leave, etc., to the extent delegated to him. He shall satisfy himself that the staff employed is actually necessary and adequate and carefully watch the expenditure on works, operation and maintenance, etc.




He shall normally correspond direct with officers of equal status in the Undertaking, the Municipality and the Government and other outside departments on all matters connected with his duties, but on subjects of importance he shall put up draft replies for approval by the CED (South0 and/or the General Manager (G.M). 2.1.8 He shall be responsible for estimating the requirements of material and taking action with the Material Management Department for recouping necessary stock of materials required for new services and for the maintenance of service installations. 2.1.9 He shall represent the Undertaking on the Association of Electrical Undertakings, Government Controlled Committees and other public bodies, and deal with matters arising from the same. He shall, however, report to the General Manager through the CED (S) on important matters dealt with these Committees.

2.1.10 He shall deal with electricity supply tariffs and negotiate the terms and conditions with the consumers for supply agreements and for acquiring of substation sites, where such sites are required in connection with the supply of energy to consumers concerned. 2.1.11 He shall be responsible for preparing the annual report, budget estimates and establishment schedule concerning the divisions under him. 2.1.12 He shall put up, through CED(S) technical reports and draft notes for appropriate sanction of the Committee or the General Manager in respect of matters concerning the divisions under him. 2.1.13 He shall initiate policy matters and put up his proposals and recommendations for the decision of the CED(S), DGM(ES), G.M. or the Committee, as the case may be.


Divisional Engineer (Commercial South) The Divisional Engineer, Commercial (South) (DECS) shall be directly responsible to DCE(CS) and shall be the Chief Executive of the Commercial Division. He shall be responsible for :


Executing all duties and functions of the D.C.E. enumerated in 1.1.4 they concern the Commercial Division.

so far as


Approving drafts of letters to outside parties and notes to DCE(CS)/CED(S) or Management. Attending to complaints of serious nature from consumers/requisitionists and officers/staff under him. Introducing new materials and techniques in the execution of work. Observing the Electricity Act 2003 and Rules and suggesting amendments to them with a view to have them incorporated in the same. Supdt. Engineer - (Substation Section )


2.2.4 2.2.5


There is one Superintendent directly responsible to Deputy Chief Engineer and he shall be responsible for the following: 2.3.1 Negotiations for substation cases with consumers arising out of T.C. cases. 2.3.2 Co-ordination with the Consumer, Planning, Erection and Civil Engineering Department till substation gets commissioned. To co-ordinate with Commercial department for releasing part/full load of the buildings where substation sites are taken over. Supdt.Engineer/Asst.Engineer(Ward In-charge ):-




The working of entire Commercial Division is vertically divided into various wards. There are 5 wards i.e. A,B,C,D & E in South zone. Each ward is headed by either a Supdt. or Asst. Engineer who shall be directly responsible to DECS. He shall be responsible for the following:-

2.4.2 Requisitions registered for new meters, extension of supply re-connection, part of installation, new service case, shifting of meters, shifting of service etc.

2.4.3 Complaints from consumers and Investigation of Electrical Accidents. 2.4.4 Procedures and Manuals.

2.4.5 One Supdt. Engineer is incharge of agreemental consumers, in addition to the activities of IF section. 2.4.6 Supdt. IF section is incharge of fuse controls and responsible for attending the fuse messages. Requisitions registered for new meters, reconnection, part of installation, installation of new meters in SIMHA/SIMHA-97, removing meter against MRA and replacing meters against SM falling under above Section etc. Preparation of overload SIMHA Schemes for giving load relief and schemes for giving supply under SIMHA-97. Intimating the schemes to Erection/O&M Division after getting Divisional Engineer's approval. Liasioning with the concerned Government/local authorities.





Attending to complaints from consumers accidents of SIMHA /SIMHA -97.

and investigation of


2.4.11 2.5

Inspection of material pertaining to SIMHA/SIMHA-97 Scheme. The Installation Section/Preventive Maintenance section of A, B and C wards are headed by a Supdt. and Installation Section/Preventive maintenance section of D & E wards are headed by an Asstt. Engineer. Installation Foreman's Section i.e. installing new meters, C.T. meters, removing meters against MRA's, replacing meters against SMS, Fabrication of new busbar, maintenance, Erection of new subs services, installation of prepaid meters etc. Replacing meter for routing O.T. Replacing meters against EDP SM advice.


2.5.2 Stores and Material. 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.5.5 2.5.6 Transport Wiring of standard meter boards Wiring of SIMHA-97 boxes. Supdt./Asstt. Engineer (Preventive Maintenance Section ) shall be responsible for the followings:- Carrying out Preventive Maintenance of the service position as per complaints received from the consumers or the cases arising out of 38-A, 38-B notices served to the consumers by various wards. 2.6 Dy. Engineer (Sanctioning/complaints):There are two Dy. Engineers each in A & D wards and one each in B, C & E wards who is incharge his zone for load sanctioning and for attending complaints. The Deputy Engineer shall be directly responsible to the Asst.Engineer/Supdt. (Ward Incharge) under whom they are working. The duties and responsibilities of the Dy. Engineer (sanctioning) shall be as follows:2.6.1 Allocating and supervising the work of Service Assistants, Installation Inspectors, Investigation Inspectors etc.

2.6.2. Sanctioning of load upto 25 kW as per procedure orders/office orders in force. 2.6.3. Arranging Interviews and Appointments with consumers or licenced electrical contractors for inspection of premises for service or meter position and testing of Installation.

2.6.4 Scrutinizing draft quotations for laying service lines and getting the approval of the A.E./Supdt. 2.6.5 Checking service work orders and sketches before forwarding them tot he Erection Division for execution of work.

2.6.6. Putting up routine drafts. 2.6.7 Putting up T.C. for loads above 25 kW and for new buildings. 2.6.8 Investigating complaints regarding high or low voltage, high bills damaged or stolen meters, unsafe installations, electrical shock, off supply etc. Inspecting and testing of consumers installations and meters at site.


2.6.10 Issuing notices to consumers for defective installation, unauthorised extensions or for any other breach of I.E. Rules. 2.6.11 Scrutinising fuse messages referred to wards. 2.6.12 Scrutinising connection orders. 2.6.13 Dealing with routine correspondence and queries from other departments.

2.6.14 Dealing with reports of damaged or stolen meters ; 2.6.15 Checking connections slips, fuse messages and reports submitted by Installation Inspectors.

2.6.16 Investigating complaints regarding high or low voltage, interchange of meters, high bills and damaged and stolen meters. 2.6.17 Investigating fatal/non-fatal electrical accidents. Informing the office of Electrical Inspector (PWD) and arranging joint inspection with Electrical Inspector. Deputy Engineer (SIMHA/SIMHA-97) There is one Deputy Engineer for SIMHA/SIMHA-97 in A ward, in other wards Dy. Engineers sanctioning /complaints look after SIMHA section also. 2.7.1 To give new connection such as tapping, reconnection, part of installation under SIMHA scheme. 2.7.2 Whenever the SIMHA circuits are overloaded, Deputy Engineer shall forward the requisition to Assistant Engineer and prepare suitable scheme for relieving overload. To carry out preventive maintenance of existing SIMHA network and SIMHA meter boxes.



2.7.4 To prepare R & M scheme for overloaded SIMHA circuits whenever complaints are received from the consumers. 2.7.5 Deputy Engineer (SIMHA) is responsible for attending SIMHA off supply messages received from various Fuse Controls and Fault Controls.


SIMHA-97 scheme was started in September 1997 for giving electric supply in the hutment area in safe and systematic manner by eliminating the problems faced in conventional cabin scheme and old SIMHA scheme. In SIMHA-97 scheme supply is given through single phase meter only. Initial site visit to be done after receiving minimum 5 no. of requisitions. Arrange to get the new area surveyed and landlord confirmation with the help of Planning Department.

2.8.1 2.8.2

2.8.3 Sanctioning of requisition from new area after obtaining approval from AE and DECS. 2.8.4 To prepare SIMHA-97 Scheme after getting compliances from minimum 5 nos. requisitionist. Intimating SIMHA-97 scheme to Erection/O&M Division after getting approval of DECS. Allotting SIMHA-97 circuit boxes in various scheme and preparing service work order after necessary site visit.



2.8.7 Arrange to initiate Connection order after receiving service work completion report from Erection/O&M Division. 2.8.8. 2.8.9 Attending to consumers and V.I.P. complaints. Arrange to attend the off supply/shock messages etc. under SIMHA-97 section.

2.9 2.9.1 2.9.2

Deputy Engineer Installation section /Preventive Maintenance) Overall Incharge of Installation and Preventive Maintenance section. Visiting fuse control stations, arranging CRU vehicles and staff in all three shifts. Supervision of off supply messages, arranging for quick restoration of supply and arranging for replacement of burnt/damage meters.


2.9.4 Carrying out Preventive Maintenance of service position as per complaints received from the consumers or the cases arising out of 38-A, 38-B notices served to the consumers. by various wards. 2.10 2.10.1 Deputy Engineer Agreemental :To take the readings of LV agreemental consumers monthly and forward the same to EDP Dept. for billing, processing.

2.10.2 To forward the HV agreemental and HV non agreemental consumers readings received from MRE Dept. to EDP Dept. for billing. 2.10.3 Putting a proposal for :- Increase/Decrease in Contract Demand Change of tariff from ordinary tariff to agreemental. Change of tariff from agreemental to ordinary tariff. To prepare a monthly MIS of agreemental consumers. Attending complaints related to LV as well as HV agreemental consumers. To maintain the records of all agreemental consumers. To arrange for outages as per consumers request in consultation with O & M and MRE Dept. To arrange for disconnection of agreemental consumer after disconnection memo received from Consumer Dept. for non payment. To monitor the bills sent by Consumer Dept. for agreemental consumers.


Service Assistants :- (Deputy Charge Engineer) There are two Service Assistants in each zone. The duties of the Service Assistants are divided among them according to the office orders issued by the DECS depending on the exigencies of work. Service Assistant shall be responsible to the Deputy Engineers sanctioning/complaints. The duties and responsibilities of Service Assistant are :

2.11.1 Inspection of sites to select service positions. 2.11.2 2.11.3 Preparing draft service quotations. Interviewing the consumers and Licensed Electrical Contractors and fixing appointment for inspection, connection, deciding service positions etc. Inspecting service positions after applicants comply with the Terms and Conditions of the Service quotations. Inspecting installations for the purpose of checking unauthorised extension, change of tariff, change of ownership etc.




Allocating and checking the work of Investigation Inspectors and Installation Inspectors. To prepare input/output statement for incentive schemes. Charge Engineer : The Charge Engineer shall be directly responsible to the Deputy Engineer incharge of the section. The duties and responsibilities of Charge Engineer are :

2.11.7 2.12

2.12.1 Allocating work to Meter Inspectors, Fusemen, Wiremen, Carpenters and Nawghanies and Supervising their work. 2.12.2 2.12.3 2.12.4 2.12.5 Requisitioning and crediting materials. Allocating the size the of meters in respect of connection orders. Inspecting disputed meter positions. Scrutinising the connection orders after the meters are installed to ensure that the jobs are carried out according to the connection orders before forwarding them to the Deputy Engineer. Putting up proposals for fixing of non standard meter boards wherever necessary.


2.12.7 Allocating work to Meter Inspectors, Painter and Nawghanies and Supervising their work. 2.12.8 Execution of connection order 2.12.9 Removal and replacement of meters against MRA and SM slips.

2.12.10 Checking feasibility of new connections. 2.12.11 2.13 Arranging material from Stores and crediting of scrapped materials.


2.13.1 To supervise at site in case of major faults 2.13.2 To maintain off supply register. 2.13.3 To prepare R & M schemes.

2.13.4 2.13.5 2.13.6 2.14

To carry out Preventive Maintenance Work Maintaining different records and register of SIMHA section. Attending to consumers and V.I.P.'s complaints. Installation :

2.14.1 Inspecting C.T. operated meters after they have been installed to ensure that the work carried out satisfactorily with Dy. Engr. Installation section. 2.14.2 Installing C.T.s, bus bars and Aluminimum Strip type bus bar on the consumer's premises. Deciding positions for laying sub services and extensions of service in consultation with the Dy. Engineer and laying them. Removal and disconnection of meters on the advice of the Consumers Dept. Carrying out maintenance work in connection with meter boards, cut outs, wires etc., and changing of meter boards wherever necessary.


2.14.4 2.14.5


Investigating cases of damaged or stolen meters and arranging for their replacement. 2.14.7 Maintaining records of tools, equipments etc. handled by the staff under them and material used in carrying out various jobs and putting up proposals for additional tools, equipment and materials required by the section. 2.14.8 Receiving from the Meter Testing Department meters required for Installation as per Connection orders and replacement slips (SM slips) 2.14.9 Returning to the Meter Testing Department meters disconnected and removed from the Consumers installations. 2.14.10 Installation of temporary prepaid meter for construction purpose of functions. 2.14.11 To co-ordinate between the consumer, MRE and Consumers Dept. for official testing of disputed meters. 2.15 Installation Inspector : The duties and responsibilities of the Installation Inspector shall be : 2.15.1 Checking all types of consumers' installations and testing them in accordance

with the I.E. Rules for insulation resistance, earthing, etc., and connecting supply. 2.15.2 2.15.3 Reporting defects in case of unconnected cases. Testing defective installations when supply is disconnected due to fire, shock, house collapses, etc. Restoring supply to serviceable installations or disconnecting supply in case of defective installations. Inspecting installations in case of complaints regarding creeping, etc. and submitting a report. Inspecting installations in case of complaints, such as unauthorised use of electricity and as per departmental letters received from Consumers Department and submitting a report. Checking loads and voltages on services for the purpose of balancing the loads on all the phases. Assisting Deputy Engineer/Asst.Engineer in investigating fatal/non-fatal electrical accident cases. In case of hutment areas, to inspect the correct premises as per sketch given by investigation inspector for checking its installation.







2.15.10 To visit the site and investigate the complaints received from the consumers and give report to the Dy. Engineer complaints.


Meter Inspector :

Meter Inspectors are working in various section in the Commercial Department as given below:Investigation Inspector - (Grade T-5) 2.16.1 The duties of Investigation Inspectors are to investigate the new requisition on site to confirm the physical occupancy of the premises where the premises is qualified for the electric supply, to inspect space in meter cabin for installing new meter, draw the sketch showing the premises and service position etc.

Also he shall confirm structures from site by thorough investigation that whether the said premises was having a meter earlier and subsequently removed due to non-payment of bill.


Installation Foreman's Section : The meter Inspectors in Grade T-4 and T-5 are working in IF section. The duties of T-4 Grade Meter Inspector are to install new meters against connection order, to remove meter against MRA, replacing the damage meter against DSM, fixing new meter board, maintenance of meter board etc. The duties of T-5 Grade Meter Inspectors are to install Bus Bars in Meter cabin, to install CT operated meter and also all the jobs carried out by T-4 Grade Inspectors. 2.16.3 Fuse Control Section : T-4 Grade meter inspectors are working in Fuse Control and they are called as Fuseman. Duties of Fusemen are restoration of supply against fuse message received from the consumers, to replace the burnt/damaged meter in case of OFF supply. CRU van is working in all the 3 shifts for replacing burnt/damaged meter. 2.16.4 Sub Engineer, Preventive Maintenance Arranging for preventive maintenance of the service position as per complaints from consumers and cases arising out of 38-A, 38-B notices. Arranging for equipping materials in the stores. 2.16.5 Dy.Charge Engineer (Preventive Maintenance) : Inspection of sites as per consumers letters, 38-A, 38-B notices. Allotting jobs to inspectors, supervision of jobs and closing of letters. 2.17 Carpenter : The duties and responsibilities of the carpenter shall be : 2.17.1 Drilling holes on meter boards of various sizes for wiring purpose. 2.17.2 Altering the sizes of meter boards, whenever required. 2.17.3 Preparing wooden battens and boards required for meter installations :

2.17.4 Repairing shop furniture, whenever required. 2.17.5 Removing meter boards and installing new ones on site in difficult cases where the job could not be carried out by the Meter Inspector. 2.18 Assistant Wireman :The duties and responsibilities of the Assistant Wireman shall be : 2.18.1 Carrying out wiring of meter boards of various sizes for installing single and three phase meters. 2.18.2 Replacing old wiring of meter boards, whenever necessary. 2.18.3 2.18.4 Soldering the joints of neutral tappings on the rear of the meter boards. Assisting the Meter Inspector in channelling wires for busbar connections.


Nawghanies :The duties of the nawghanies shall be :

2.19.1 Loading and unloading of meters and meter boards into or from the vehicle. 2.19.2 Carrying meters, meter boards, tool kit, megger, etc. to the site of installation or as the case may be. 2.19.3 2.19.4 Sweeping the shop floor and dusting the furniture. Giving manual assistance to the Meter Inspector in installing or removing of meter boards or meters. Varnishing old meter boards, and stencilling number and date on old and new meter boards. Office Superintendent :The Office Supdt. shall be directly responsible to Divisional Engineer to assist him in Administrative work. She has one Assistant Office Supdt. and four Office Assistants and other supervisors/staff. She has to look after the work Asstt. Office Supdt. and four Office Assistant as per following works and section.



1 Asstt. Office Supdt. for Establishment section 4 Office Asstt. for wards The duties and responsibilities of the Office Supdt. shall be : 2.20.1 Attending to routine correspondence in connection with queries/sending replies. 2.20.2 Attending to Administrative queries Consumers. Checking refund bills of consumers. Preparing yearly administrative report of the division. To ensure procurement and control over stationary and printing requirement. Dealing with change of name cases of motive power installations. Checking O.B. memos regarding damaged, lost, burnt or stolen meters. received from Accounts, Audit and

2.20.3 2.20.4 2.20.5 2.20.6 2.20.7

2.20.8 To ensure preparation and forwarding of Annual budget estimates and Establishment schedule and control of budget grants. 2.20.9 Issuing notices consumers for non-payment of Government inspection fees and dealing with correspondence with the electrical inspector in that connection. 2.20.10 Keeping record of Government orders, issued from time to time i connection with control of supply of electricity. To ensure recoupment of imprest cash bills and safe custody of imprest cash.


2.20.12 Arranging for BPT way leave agreement for laying underground cables in their property maintaining the registers of way leave permission and certifying the payment of bills received from BPT in that connection. 2.20.13 Dealing with matters of staff regarding appointments, leave, termination of service, transfers etc. as directed by Divn. Engr. 2.20.14 Maintaining records and reviewing the filing system. 2.20.15 Implementing officer procedures laid down in the manual or as directed by Divisional Engineer.

2.20.16 To ensure maintenance and operation of computers, printers provided in the department.


Office Assistant (Requisition) wards : He shall be directly responsible to Office Supdt. shall be : His duties and responsibilities

2.21.1 Supervising the work of receiving and registering of requisition and maintaining the requisition in department. 2.21.2 To ensure forwarding of requisition to Balance Clerk for particulars of connected load on the service etc. 2.21.3 Sending Service quotation to requisitionists where new services are required to be laid or existing services are to be changed to higher capacity. 2.21.4 Scrutinising Test Report submitted by LECs. 2.21.5 Answering general queries at the counters. 2.21.6 Ensuring the compliance of all requirements before notifying the connection order. 2.21.7 Scrutinsing all connection orders and forwarding them for installation of meters and connection of supply. Meeting consumers, licensed electrical contractors, their representatives requiring advice regarding the office procedures and our requirement in connection with their requisitions. Scrutinising all documents such as land lords permission, NOC from MCGM, registration certificate from the State Directors of Industries, NOC from Directors of Industries, Indemnity bonds etc. submitted by requisitionists.



2.21.10 To ensure maintenance records of requisitions received, dealt with and cancelled for the purpose of preparing statutory and other periodical statistical returns as required by Govt. or the Management for administrative purpose. 2.21.11 Supervising the work of clerks, carrying out the work of sending ESL-4, ESL-9 to consumers and notices issued to consumers for defective installations, unauthorised extensions or alterations or for any other breach of I.E. Rules. Notifying the disconnection and reconnections of supply in connections with such cases to Consumers Dept. 2.21.12 Attending to the routine correspondence in connection with requisitions.

2.21.13 Assisting office Supdt. in day to day departmental work. 2.21.14 Supervision of work of Cash counters, compliance supervisor etc. and ensure the smooth operation counters. 2.21.15 Supervising collection of keeping proper records. cash and deposit it with cash department after

2.21.16 Supervising the work of supervisors and clerks carrying out the work of furnishing service particulars, load connected, records of meters, consumers data on service card and installation cards etc. 2.21.17 Checking incoming/outgoing and refund bills pertaining to the division.

2.21.18 Maintaining the records of motive power card, installation card, service cards etc. for electrical loads. 2.21.19 2.21.20 Attending to routine correspondence. Supervision of record section, maintaining of records of Installation papers/files, service files etc. Assistant Office Supdt. Asstt. Office Supdt. is directly responsible to Office Supdt. for all Establishment and Administrative work. The duties and responsibilities shall be as under : 2.22.1 Supervision and control of staff working in Establishment section. 2.22.2 Attending to staff matters such as holding of Trade Test of different categories, staff promotion, transfers, reversion and termination, resignation, filing of vacancies, bus token, acting, combination, stationary dead stock, furniture, inventory of items, direct supply cases, leave/attendance etc. Arrangement of procurement of stationary, office furniture tools and equipments, dead stock items, meal allowance etc. Attending to queries from Personal and Time Keeping Dept., Budget Dept. Putting up proposals of creations of posts, promotions, budget, combination of appointment, purchase of stationary and office furniture items, maintaining records of Incentive scheme, operating in Commercial Division (South)





Supervision of Imprest cash handled by Supervisor, recoupment of bills. To ensure that various types of statements such as staff position, monthly/quarterly over time, Sunday working, Meal allowance, Complimentary allowance etc. are forwarded in time. Maintaining classified files pertaining to various subject such as office procedures, office orders, Govt. order, correspondence with the Worker Union, Licensed Electrical Contractor Association etc. Maintaining stock registers of stationary and printing items and keeping check on their consumption. Supervision of the work of Stenographers, Typist and Office peons. Scrutinising the attendance of staff of all the divisions and attending to work arising from the same. all



2.22.8 2.22.9

2.22.10 To ensure various payments and recovery required to be made such as over time, compensation allowance, filed duty allowance etc. 2.22.11 Preparing periodical statutory stastical returns regarding the staff as required by Govt. and Management. 2.23.1 2.23.2 Checking O.B memos regarding damaged, lost, burnt and stolen meters. Ensure recovery of damaged/stolen meters charges from consumers by sending damaged recovery advice regularly. Arranging for BPT way leave agreement for laying of underground cables in their property and maintaining way leave registers and checking bills received from BPT for payment of way leave rent.



Supervisor : There are supervisor posted in different wards and section. The supervisor shall assist the Office Assistant under whom they work. The duties and responsibilities of supervisor shall be as under :


Checking/accepting compliance of requisitions and forwarding for payments of payment cases and giving installation numbers.


Attending attention.

to temporary

supply requisition and cases requiring special

2.24.3 2.24.4 2.24.5

Attending to consumers queries which cannot be settled by counter clerks. Helping cashiers for depositing daily cash, received in cash department. Preparing periodical statements and maintaining statistical of requisition viz. monthly information system, information to be submitted to the management every month. Attending to damage, lost/stolen meter cases and preparing monthly bulletin. Accepting the compliance of the requisition for connection of meter and forwarding the requisition to cashier for accepting payment. Carrying out correspondence regarding agreemental consumers and power factor improvement cases and maintaining their records. Preparing yearly statement of outstanding amounts to be credited to revenue accounts.

2.24.6 2.24.7



2.24.10 Preparing and maintaining records of way leave permission agreements with BPL and certifying their rent bills. 2.24.11 Dealing with requisition for change of name of motive power consumers received by consumer department. Scrutinising the documents submitted in support of the same and advising the consumers department. 2.24.12 Arranging for Trade Test of different Inspector (Jr. & (Sr.) categories such as Wireman, Meter

2.24.13 Maintaining and preparing waiting list of the trades T-3, T-4, & T-5 2.24.14 Filling up of vacancies according to waiting list of the said categories in the supply branch departments. 2.24.15 Maintaining and forwarding monthly statements of Roaster for Grade T-3, T-4 & T-5. 2.24.16 Forwarding reports of deputation and training programmes and other seasonal works like Scholar ship of eligible staff. 2.24.17 Maintaining imprest Cash-Recoupment of bills, Vouchers, etc.

2.24.18 Inventory records Forwarding proposals for scraping and new purchase of dead stock. 2.24.19 Looking after Computer Maintenance Contracts thereof. 2.24.20 Looking after advice. and sending certificates

Group Incentive Scheme. No. 34. Input/Output and payment

2.24.21 Supervision of day to day work and activities of clerks. 2.24.22 Assisting Office Assistant in preparing Budget proposals.


Stenographer :Stenographer shall be responsible to Divisional Engineer and Supdt./Assistant Engineers for departmental dictation and typing work. The duties of the Stenographer shall be as under :

2.25.1 2.25.2 2.25.3 2.26

Taking dictation and transcribing it on computer/typewriter etc. Typing departmental letters, monthly statement, draft letters etc. Cutting stencils according to the instructions from officers. Typist :Typist shall be responsible to Office Superintendent and Office Assistant Establishment. The duties of typist are as under .:


Typing of draft, Departmental letter, Monthly statement etc., maintain the data of department on computer for day to day information, cutting stencils of department/ matter whenever required.


Clerk :Clerk shall be responsible/assist to Office Assistant and supervisor under whom they work. The duties of Clerk shall be as under :

2.27.1 Checking and accepting requisitions at the counter and maintaining an alphabetical index. Directing the requisition to proper person and make note in a

register. 2.27.2 2.27.3 Recording details of new requisition received in computer. Sending ESL-4 letter stating our requirements to the applicant as directed by Dy. Engr. and recording the movement in computer. Preparing connection order in computer. Writing service quotation and forwarding to the applicants.

2.27.4 2.27.5

2.27.6 Writing work orders for laying new service and forwarding them to Erection department for execution. 2.27.7 Noting all movements of all requisition in computer.

2.27.8 Cancelling overdue requisition . 2.27.9 Keeping a record of cases referred to the planning department and to government and preparing monthly statement of maximum demand of consumer. 2.27.10 Preparing statistics and monthly statements to be forwarded to Planning Dept. and Management. 2.27.11Keeping record of notices and correspondence for unauthorized cases. 38-C 2.27.12 Sending notices to consumers who have not paid government inspection fees and leading with correspondence relating to the same. 2.27.13 Writing notices for faulty installations 38 A, 38 B .. 2.27.14 Forwarding connection orders and folio prepared with all details to consumers department and EDP for billing purpose. 2.27.15 Preparing new installation and service cards for new service cases. 2.27.16 Intimating consumer of temporary off supplies required for maintenance work . 2.27.17 Noting change of name in installation card as information received Consumers department. 2.27.18 Intimating consumers regarding details of load as required by them. 2.27.19 Keeping record of idle services remarked by Erection department on service cards and maintaining a register and also to prepare yearly statement. from

2.27.20Preparing reconciliation of service cable charges and meter connection fee statements monthly and yearly. 2.27.21 Maintaining load register and preparing weekly and monthly statement to be sent to Planning Department. 2.27.22 Preparing and forwarding monthly statements of load connected to electrical inspector PWD. 2.27.23 Obtaining the cost of damaged and stolen meters from MRE and preparing and forwarding bills to the respective consumers through Consumers department. 2.27.24 Maintaining the register of burnt and stolen meters and preparing yearly statement of the same. 2.27.25 Preparing bills for recovery of charges/ refund of deposits of consumers, Municipality, PWD etc. 2.27.26 Preparing receipts for payment received at the counter and remittance of cash to Cash Department. 2.27.27 Filing installation paper for each installation in record room and issuing them as and when required. 2.27.28 Receiving all letters received, dispatching them to the proper person and keeping in update record of movement. 2.27.29 Engagement, Taking over, Confirmation and Termination of staff, maintaining staff position register Permanent & Temporary staff viz. Officers and Staff. 2.27.30 Attending to Final Bills and maintaining registers of Final Bills of employees. 2.27.31 Maintaining S.R. Files and Data register of transfer/promotion etc. 2.27.32 Issuing Bus Token and maintaining records there. 2.27.33 Forwarding monthly statement in respect of vacancy. 2.27.34 Quarterly statement of SC/ST staff Permanent & Temporary etc. 2.27.35 Filing of papers regarding establishment matters viz. S.R. File, Quarters, Transfers, Promotion, Disciplinary action, load arrangement etc. Officers and Staff ex-


2.27.36 Preparing payment statement of overtime. 2.27.37 Field duty and Hazardous duty allowance. 2.27.38 Incentive scheme No. 10, 32 and 35 etc. 2.27.39 Forwarding proposal for sanction of leave without pay, Holiday Sunday working and Technical/Clerical Overtime. 2.27.40 Maintaining of Leave Record. 1 Entry of A & B grade Officers leave forms. 2 Staff leave form. 2.27.41 Maintaining of registers. 1 Overtime Technical and Clerical. 2 Meal allowance 3 Compensatory allowance 4 Sunday working 2.27.42 2.27.43 Distribution of Payment Slips, P.F. Slips, Income Tax Slips etc. Forwarding and follow-up of proposals for scrapping and new purchase of dead stock items. Maintaining registers and attending requisitions of supply. Forwarding proposals and maintaining register for Tool Bags, Brief cases for eligible Officers/staff. Maintaining attendance, preparing job sheets and forwarding payment advice in respect of casual labourers. Fatal-Non Fatal monthly report and keeping maintained records. Forwarding Half Yearly report of vehicles maintained by A & B grade Officers. Taking permission for parking the vehicles on emergency duty in no parking zone from R.T.O. Preparing Grain Requisition. Procurement and distribution of departmental stationary items and maintaining records thereof. working,

2.27.44 2.27.45


2.27.47 2.27.48


2.27.50 2.27.51

2.27.52 2.27.53 2.27.54 2.27.55 2.27.56 2.27.57 2.27.58 2.27.59 2.27.60 2.27.61

Issue of Gate Passes. Printing stationery required for Commercial Division (South). Filing different papers in respective files. Forwarding Monthly reports of vehicle utilization. To purchase tools and printing materials required for departmental work. Entering daily fuse messages and sending report thereof. Monthly Input/ Output statements of Fuse Controls. Payment and recovery advises of I.B. Scheme No 34 Preparing list of Fuseman Charges of Rs. 1/Typing work if any.


Sepoy. The duties and responsibilities of the sepoys shall be :

2.28.1 2.28.2 2.28.3 2.28.4

Looking after the dispatch of papers within the divisions. Taking the outward dispatch to various departments. Cleaning the tables and chairs. Carrying out other minor work, such as bringing of stationary etc.


3.1 3.1.1.

Rules Governing the Supply of electric power :The supply of energy is normally governed by : The Electricity Act 2003, as amended from time to time. The Electricity Rules made under the Indian Electricity Act. The Bombay Electricity (Special Powers ) Act, 1946 and the orders issued by the Government thereunder from time to time. The Undertakings sanctioned conditions of supply Conditions and Miscellaneous Charges for the Supply of Electrical Energy ;. Service connection for low voltage supply : Requisitions for electric supply under Electricity Act. 2003,clause 43 shall be received in the prescribed form (Appendix no. D-1) at the Electric House and Dadar by the Divisional Engineer.

3.2 3.2.1


Every requisition for electric supply shall be accompanied by registration fee of Rs. 4/- which is non-refundable. Service quotations/estimates of costs :

3.3 3.3.1

Whenever a requisition is registered for taking new service, Service

Assistant for Services (SAS) visits the site for getting details i.e. nearby references (ADP No. , Pole No. Name of Road or any other reference ) and prepares rough

sketch. This rough sketch is sent to Planning Department. A correct block plan (Service sketch) is received from Planning, in which distributors, nearby applicants premises are marked. SAS again visits site with the sketch and marks applicants premises and takes measurements from nearest supply point to service cabin.


On sketch, applicants premises is marked, proposed service cabin is shown, pipe laying by applicant in private property and by BEST in

public property is shown, manholes at each 15 metres are shown, also proposed T of service is shown on distributor.


SAS prepares draft quotation and sends to DYE and AE for approval. After approval, service quotation is prepared by the service clerk with all conditions and compliances mentioned in it. Applicant approaches with letter mentioning that site compliances are ready. Same is inspected by SAS and if compliances are done, payment, if any, is thereafter accepted. After payment and paper compliances, service sketches are prepared and work order is sent to Erection Department for execution. After work completion report of laying service cable is received from Erection Department, first meter is sanctioned by DYE. (Appendix D 2) Applicant makes necessary payment of connection fee and deposit with Test Report (T.R) of Licensed Electrical Contractor (LEC). After payment, Installation Inspector inspects site. If all necessary requirements are met, then connection order is sent to Installation Section to install the meter and meter is installed. Ownership of service lines :The service line is the property of the Licensee by whom it is maintained (Bombay G.R. No. 5365 of 02.10.1924.) The Undertaking is, therefore, entitled to supply energy to other consumers through this service line and in order that the staff of the Undertaking may have access to the service position for this purpose, a written undertaking should be obtained from the consumer in the prescribed form (vide Appendix D-3) to the effect that he would have no objection to the meters, switches, etc., of other consumers being installed in the above service as and when occasion arise. Wiring of consumers premises : For the protection of the consumers and the public in general, it is necessary that the wiring on the consumers premises should conform to the Indian Electricity Rules, and the Rules of the fire Insurance Company in terms of which the building is insured and be carried out by a Licensed Electrical Contractor.




3.4 3.4.1


3.5 3.5.1


As soon as the consumers installation is completed in all respects and tested by the consumers contractor, the consumer shall have to submit to the Undertaking the Licensed Electrical Contractors Work Completion Certificate and Test Report in the prescribed form (vide Appendix D-4).


As required by Electricity Act 2003 , no electrical installation work (including additions, alterations, repair and adjustments to existing installation), except such as replacement of lamps, fans, fuses, switches and other component parts of the installation as in no way alters the capacity or character of the installation, shall be carried out upon the premises on behalf of any consumer or owner, except by an Electrical Contractor licensed by the Government in this behalf and under the direct supervision of a certificate of competency issued by Government. Fixing of meters by the Undertaking : Upon receipt of a work completion report and Test Report, from the consumers LEC, Undertaking shall proceed with the fixing of meters and coupling them with the consumers installation, preparatory to the inspection and testing of the Installation and connection of supply, consumers Wiring contractor shall ensure that each installation is properly identified by a tag or otherwise at the point of supply and that sufficiently long lead wires are provided for connecting the installation to the meters. In case of installation already on supply requiring a separate meter viz. a sub division of an installation, meters shall be installed after inspection and testing. Inspection and testing of installations by the Undertaking :

3.6 3.6.1




After the compliances are received, connection order is prepared for checking the installations. The Undertaking shall notify the applicant/LEC, the time and the date the Undertakings representative proposes to inspect and test the installations, in cases where such appointments are asked for. It shall then be the duty of the LEC to arrange for his representative to be present at the time of inspection to give the Undertaking or its representatives any information or assistance required concerning the installation. No connection with the Undertakings supply mains shall be made until the consumers installation has been inspected and tested by the


Undertaking and found satisfactory. No charge shall be made for the first inspection and test by the Undertaking, but subsequent inspections and /or tests rendered necessary by any faults and for defects found on the previous test shall be charged for in accordance with the schedule of charges given in our General Conditions of Supply. 3.7.3. Before the insulation test of the installation is taken the wiring must be completed in every respect. All appliances such as lamps, fans, cookers, motors, etc. shall be connected, fuses inserted or switches set in ON position before the tests are carried out. Temporary wiring of fittings or dead ends shall not be included in the installation no part of the work shall be left incomplete. The I.R of the entire installation to earth shall be tested from the


terminals of consumers main switch or fuses near the service position.


No connection shall be given unless the Service Assistant is reasonably satisfied that the connection will not, at the time of making the connection, cause a leakage from the consumers conductors and fittings exceeding one five thousand part the maximum supply demanded on the consumers premises. If after the receipt of the necessary test report from the LEC the installation is inspected and found to be defective and as a consequence of the supply could not be connected, the consumer shall be notified of the defects, by our notice ESL-55 A/55 B (See Appendix D 5). In cases where notice ESL 55A is served, a second visit fee is charged in accordance with the schedule of charges, given in the General Conditions of Supply. Issue of work order and connection orders :


3.8 3.8.1

Work order for laying, shifting or changing to higher capacity of a service

line is issued to the Erection Dept. after all requirement are complied with (vide Appendix E 1)


Connection orders for Tappings, Extensions, Part of Installation, Reconnections and /or alterations to the existing load is issued to the

Installation Foreman (Appendix E 2). 3.9 3.9.1

after all


are complied


Use of Consumers materials and Connection Orders : Consumers shall not be permitted to supply materials for erecting service lines. In special cases and for recorded reasons, Consumers materials may be used with the permission of the General Manager. This does not apply to temporary connections given during the temporary illuminations, etc. where sanction of the Divisional Engineer shall be sufficient.

3.10 3.10.1

Service Holders permission : Service holders permission is not required because all the services upto 300 meters distance is laid by BEST free of cost. Disconnection of defective installations : Whenever installations are found defective because of heavy leakage which is likely to endanger life and/or property, supply is immediately disconnected after verbally informing the consumers under Electricity Act 2003 Clause 50 and our standard ESL 38 B notice is sent to the consumer, within 24 hours (See Appendix D 6) In case of disconnection of a large number of meters, a notice giving meter numbers and defects is pasted at the service position by inspection staff. Whenever installations are found defective because of minor leakage and/or minor wiring defects constituting a potential source of danger to life and/or property and waste of energy and./or minor defects adversely affecting the maintenance and security of our meter installations is also a possible source of danger to the consumers, our standard notice ESL-38 A (Appendix D 7) is served on the consumer, and if the installation is not put in order before the specified date, the supply is disconnected by the Undertaking. Unauthorised extensions : Whenever unauthorized extensions on consumers installations are detected, our standard notice ESL 38 c (Appendix D 8) is served on the consumers asking him to regularize the load and if not regularized, is processed as per the directives of the management.

3.11 3.11.1


3.12 3.12.1

3.13 3.13.1

Completion Certificate : When the defects mentioned in the notices served have been rectified, the consumer shall forward to us the completion certificate from their Licensed Electrical Contractors on the prescribed form (See Appendix D 9). Progress of Requisitions : Enquiries from new applicants for supply of energy are answered by

3.14 3.14.1

our standard letter and a requisition form is sent to the party (Appendix D-1).


To ascertain the progress of work of any application made by the consumer, the movement of requisition is maintained in computer every day. The progress of requisitions involving new service lines is maintained separately by service clerk (SCL). The progress of requisition where T.C. is prepared is maintained separately by T.C. Clerk (T.C.C) Every requisition for electric supply is registered and a registration


number is given to each in serial order and a receipt for the registration fee is passed. Details of name, address, load, purpose etc. are entered in computer wardwise.


For loads of 25 kW and above we prepare TC (Technical Clearance) Upto 75 kW load, TC may be cleared by D.C.E.C.S. and load may be sanctioned or it may be forwarded to DEPL (N) as per DCE(CS)s decision. Above 75 kW load and for each new construction TC is sent to Planning Department for clearance. TC from Planning Department may be cleared with the remark of (i) load may be released on existing service, (ii) L.V. Network

strengthening is required to be done. (iii) Spare capacity is available, (iv) Sub-station is required to be established in applicants premises, etc. 3.14.5 TC comes to Commercial Department after clearance and then processed. In case it is not possible to connect the load on the existing network as

per DEPL (N) advice, negotiations for establishing a substation are initiated and the load is released after intimation from the Deputy Chief Engineer.


After the requisition is sanctioned, our requirements are intimated to the consumer by our standard ESL-4 letter (Appendix D 2) Whenever any application is incomplete or requires further clarification, our standard letter ESL-9 (Appendix D 10) is sent to the consumer to call at our office. In case the supply is to be given by laying a new service line in the building, after investigation, a service quotation giving all our requirements is sent to the applicant (See Appendix D 11).



3.15 3.15.1

New connections : Details of requisitions for new service cases are maintained in a special register by service clerk. After the connection order of installation of meters is issued to the Installation Foreman, the progress of such connection is maintained in the connection order register. Reconnection : If for any specific reasons, such as defects etc., on the consumers wiring the installation has been disconnected, it is necessary for the consumer to pay a reconnection fee according to the schedule of charges given in the General Conditions of Supply and to submit the completion certificate from the L.E.C.


3.16 3.16.1


If the meter is disconnected for non-payment of Electric bill then for reconnection of the same there are two types, valid reconnection and lapsed reconnection. In case of valid reconnection, the consumer apply within six months of meter removal. In this case Investigation and Installation Inspectors are not sent on site. The consumer is required to pay all the arrears and their meter is sanctioned. Lapsed reconnection is the case when the consumer applies after six moths of disconnection of meter. This is treated similar to tapping case. The consumer is required to pay arrears as well as connection fee, deposit etc. Cancellation of requisitions: If the applicant does not comply with our requirements within the



3.17 3.17

stipulated time, the requisitions are cancelled.


Agreemental Consumers Section : The duties and responsibilities of Agreemental consumers section are as given below :


To take the readings of L.V. Agreemental consumers monthly and forward the same to EDP Department for billing, processing. To forward the HV Agreemental and HV Non-Agreemental Consumers readings received from MRE Department to EDP Department for billing. Putting up proposal for : Increase/decrease in contract demand. Change of tariff from ordinary tariff to agreemental. Change of tariff from agreemental to ordinary tariff. To prepare monthly MIS of agreemental consumers. Attending complaints consumers. related to LV as well as HV agreemental



To maintain records of all agreemental consumers. To arrange for outages as per consumers request in consultation with O & M and MRE Department. To arrange for disconnection of agreemental consumer after disconnection memo received from Consumer Department for nonpayment. To monitor the bills sent by Consumer Department for agreemental consumer. Damaged meters: Whenever meters are reported to be damaged on consumers premises a

3.19 3.19.1

representative of the Commercial Department is deputed to investigate the matter and submit full details about the nature of the damage. The meter is replaced by another unit and the damaged one is returned to the Meters and Relays Department for repairs. The cost of repairs is billed to the consumer after getting a report from MRE Department about the nature of damage.


A deposit is accepted from the consumer to cover the cost of the damages in cases where the damage to the meter results in discontinuance of supply.

3.20 3.20.1

Dispute regarding accuracy of the meter : When consumers dispute the accuracy of the meter they are required to pay a testing fee as per the schedule given in the conditions of the supply. For testing the meter with Supdt. Consumers, subsequently, official

testing S.M. slip is prepared by Supdt. Consumers and it is forwarded to Installation Section for replacing the disputed meter. The disputed meter is sealed in the presence of the consumer and brought in to be tested in the MRE Department. The consumer is notified by MRE Department of the day and time of the test by standard letter in order to give him an opportunity to be present when the test is carried out. After the test is completed, the Meters and Relays Department advises the Consumers Department of the results of the test. The consumers bills are then adjusted, if necessary. 3.21 3.21.1 same Stopped meters :Whenever it is found that meters have stopped working, after consecutive readings or drop in consumption, EDP Department forwards exception

memo to consumers department. After getting the exception memo investigations are carried out by consumer department and stop meter advices are initiated and forwarded to Installation Section. The consumer is advised in writing that the meter will be replaced by another meter in the recent future. The stopped meter is replaced by a new tested meter.

3.22 3.22.1

Collection of fees : At the close of the day, the collected cash is handed over to the Cash Department through a remittance slip (See Appendix D 12). The cashier maintains a register or Revenue Stamps. Memos for meters lost, damaged or damaged beyond repair. etc., are prepared after obtaining the cost of repairs and other particulars from the Meter Testing Department. These service are pre-fixed with serial MEN and MES for Commercial Department North and South zone respectively. Memos for services laid, meters installed, and other work carried out for State Government bodies are prepared on the basis of quotations and after obtaining the job cost sheets from the Commercial Department. These series are prefixed with the serial SDN and SDS over the Commercial Department (North) and (South) respectively.




A refund bill voucher for amounts received for laying services, installing meters, as deposits, etc., but work not carried out are prepared in the bill vouchers form. A register is maintained for recording the amounts paid to BPT for wayleave purposes. These amounts are subsequently recouped and recorded in this register. Preventive Maintenance Section. The activities of Preventive Maintenance Section are as follows : Routine Maintenance :- The work of Preventive Maintenance of service position is carried out as per complaint letters received from the consumer. During monsoon the work is carried out as per 38 B Notices wherein the service positions are in dangerous condition. The deteriorated meter boards are replaced as per requirement. Minor Maintenance : Replacement of Branch C/OS and Leads. Bus-Bar Arrangement : The work of providing busbar at the service position as a part of preventive maintenance to old services is carried out by using (a) 1x1/4 (b) 1 x and (c) 2 x Aluminium strips or by using 50 sq.mm. copper wire. .Mass Replacement : Mass Replacement of Clock type meters are carried out in B ward as per the list received from TSP. In D & E wards combination of meters are carried out and only one meter is kept for one consumer. Stop Meters : A list of stopped meters is received from EDP Department for replacing these Single phase/Three phase meters by new Single phase/Three phase meters and record of these meters in the format 912 given by EDP Department is forwarded to Consumers, B.C and EDP Department.


3.23 3.23.1

3.23.2 3.23.3

3.23. 4

3.23.4. 2


3.24 3.24.1

Fuse messages : The details of no-current message are recorded on a printed fuse message form by our representative who attends to the call. Fuse message register : It is the duty of the fuseman at the fuse stations to receive the No current message and, when received, to render prompt service in restoring the supply. He shall enter the messages in the register kept for the purpose. Whenever fusemen visit the consumers premises for attending the nocurrent messages, they are required to complete a form (Appendix D 12) and forward the same to the office the following morning. For the purpose of further investigation, if necessary, and for the recovery of fuseman attendance charges he has also to report messages attended by him in a separate form (Appendix D 13) Emergency Fuse Service : The Undertaking has in all 8 fuse services stations functioning in the Electric Supply system to render 24 hours service to consumers in the event of failure of electricity. The details of these stations are as follows :

3.25 3.25.1

3.26 2.26.1

Name of the Address Area cover Fuse Control under F/C ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Dadar Gate No.5 Dadar,Naigaon Pariwahan Bhavan, Wadala,Sion, Dadar Chunabhatti Matunga (E) Antop Hill Parel 2 Suparibaug Suparibaug Officers Qtrs,Suparibaug Road, Parel Mumbai Central Darukhana, Rey Rd. Lalbaug,Parel, Shiwadi, Mazgaon, Byculla Lower Parel(E) Veer Sawarkar Mg. Matunga (W) Dharavi

3 Mahim

Mahim Bus Stn. 1st flr. Mahim

Sitaladevi, Mahim

4 Worli

Nr.Nandu Satams Shivsena Office, Ganpatrao Kadam Mg. Worli Naka Worli

Prabhadevi, Tardev N.M. Joshi Marg, Worli, Lower Parel (W)

5 Pathakawadi Pathakwadi Rd. Vidut Bhavan, Near G.T. Hospital 6 Khetwadi Tardeo bus Depot R.S. Nimkar Mg.

Girgaon, Kalbadevi Bhendibazar

Pedar Rd. Grant Rd. J.J. Hospital Malbar Hill Walkeshwar Backbay, Fort Nariman Point Hutatma Chowk

7 Colaba

Shahid Bhagastsingh Road, Colaba, Causeway, Colaba Masjid Receiving Stn. Two Tad St. Dongari

8 Masjid

Dongari Umarkhadi Mazgaon ( C) Masjid Bunder -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.27 3.27.1

Stolen meters : Whenever a meter is reported to have been stolen from the consumers installation, the matter is investigated and the meter is replaced after obtaining deposit from the consumer equivalent to the cost of the meter,FIR from nearest Police Station. The cost of the meter is obtained from M.R.E. and the date when the meter was last read is obtained from the consumer department with copies endorsed to I.A SCS and MCA . Bill for the recovery of the cost is then sent in the regular manner. Change of ownership ; If a consumer tasking over the premises from the previous occupant desires to effect change of ownership of the existing installation, he shall submit a requisition to our Consumer Dept. who shall deal with the matter.

3.28 3.28.1


The change of ownership of motive power installations is governed by Govt. orders regarding control of electricity issued from time to time. These cases are referred by Consumer Dept. to this department and advice is given to them after necessary verification. Working of Simha Section : In hutment areas where conventional Simha scheme is in existence, consumers demanding electric supply as intermediate ( i.e. cutting cases) will continue to be given under this scheme. In future the supply under Simha scheme will be converted to improved Simha 97 Scheme. On receiving the requisition for Simha supply Ch Engr./Dy. Ch.Engr. visits sites for getting details i.e. whether premises is qualified or not, occupancy proof , prepared rough sketch and forward the report to Dy. Engr.




The Dy. Engr. sanctions the qualified requisitions after confirming reconnection particulars from Consumers Dept.


In cases where supply is to be given through extension of existing Simha circuit cable, then requisition is sanctioned after taking approval of AECS/DECS.


Connection order is initiated after compliances are made by applicants.


Meter is installed by Meter Inspector against the Connection order.


Working of Simha 97 section.


A group of minimum 5 requisitions are required to be registered under Simha 97 scheme. Whenever 5 or more requisitions are registered, site is visited and sketches are arranged from Planning Dept.


Landlord of the area is confirmed by sending a D.L. to Planning Dept.


Area is surveyed with the help of Surveyor and all the hutments are marked on the block plan.


Individual hutments against each requisitions is marked in the surveyed sketch and then qualified requisitions are sanctioned.


After compliances of 5 nos. of requisitions of a particular area, the site is visited again for preparation of Simha 97 scheme.


A Simha 97 scheme is prepared showing locations of various mini pillars, circuit boxes, feeding point etc. and put up to DECS through Asstt. Engr. for approval.


The approved scheme is sent to Erection Dept. for execution. If the scheme is prepared for conversion of conventional cabin supply to Simha 97 or old Simha to Simha 97 then the scheme is sent to O & M Dept. for execution.


After getting the work completion report of the Simha 97 scheme, circuit boxes are fixed at various locations as per the approved scheme. These boxes are fixed only after receiving compliances from atleast one applicant in each box besides the initial 5 applicants as mentioned above.


After installation of circuit boxes, Service Work order (OCS) is prepared and sent to Erection Dept. or O & M Dept. for execution.


After execution of the service work order and getting the completion report from Erection Dept. /O & M Dept., Connection orders are prepared.


Connection orders are issued to Installation Inspector for checking the installation of each consumer. If the installation is as per our requirement , meters are installed.


Pre-arranged shut down of the consumers installation:


An advance intimation regarding temporary disconnection of supply to a consumer for the purpose of testing the supply mains for any maintenance work is send by our post card, ESL 53 (Appendix D 14).


Appointment for keeping the premises open for our inspection.


When premises are found locked at the time of inspection of the Installation for connection of supply to it and appointment is made with the consumers by our post card, ESL 55 C (Appendix D 15) to keep the premises open at the time of next inspection.


Notice for removal of meter lying idle.


Whenever a meter has been lying idle on a particular installation, for over a month, after disconnection of supply, the consumer is intimated accordingly and the meter in question shall be removed from the installation.


Removal and Replacement of meter :

Special forms (Appendix E 3) called SM slips are used to send notifications to the Installation Foreman for replacement of meters.


Meter Removal advice showing details of meters to be removed from installations.


An intimation to the Installation Foreman to remove a meter, supply through which has been disconnected, is called Meter Removal Advice, giving details of the meter number, installation number and the name and address of the consumer, (Appendix E 4)


Notice regarding damage meters


The consumer is informed when the meter hired to him is damaged and the bill for the cost of repairs and replacement charges, if any, is also forwarded to him.


Records :


Records of services, installation and meters are required to be maintained for an indefinite period. The original papers kept separately and the details regarding load particulars are maintained on cards giving the dates on which the loads are connected, number of meters, name of the consumer, for quick reference (See Appendix D 16), Installation card.

Motive load is entered on a pink card (Appendix D 17).


Original papers are filed in serial order according to the installation number and kept separately in the records section of the department.


Service cards : These are yellow in colour (Appendix D 18) on which details of all installations on the service, service holders name, size of service alongwith the date on which such services are laid, are recorded.


Consumer Information System (CIS):


All details pertaining to a consumer are fed in the computer and they are called Consumer Information System, CIS used as an alternative to Installation Card.

Consumer South CONSUMERS (SOUTH) DEPT. Technical staff 1. Superintendent (Consumers) :The Superintendent (Consumers) shall be directly responsible to the Deputy Chief Engineer (Consumers South) and is the Executive officer in charge of the Consumer Department (South) zone. i) To assist him in the performance of his duties, he is provided with necessary staff as shown in the departmental organization chart. He shall constantly review all the activities and functions of the department and shall introduce any changes as and when considered necessary, which are likely to improve the efficiently of the department All changes involving major policy decision shall be subject to the prior approval of the Deputy Chief Engineer (Consumers South). He shall maintain personal contact with the officers and staff working under him and shall be responsible for smooth working of the department. He shall submit the Annual Administration Report on the working of his zone to the Deputy Chief Engineer (Consumers South) not later than 30th April of each year.





He shall enforce all regulations, procedure orders, standing orders and other departmental statutory rules and instructions issued from time to time and shall inspect all departmental registers and records according to the schedule for such inspection. He shall be responsible for the preparation of yearly budget estimates of Capital and Revenue Expenditure. He shall ensure indenting and stocking of sufficient stationery required and continuity of supply of the same. He shall maintain an inventory of machinery / equipment and of Dead Stock entrusted to his department. He shall maintain staff records and deal with other matters connected with the staff of his zone. He shall collect, maintain and submit to the appropriate authorities statistical data and other information regarding the Consumer Departments may be necessary from time to time. He shall ensure that all meters are read according to the schedule programme and bills for electric energy are prepared and dispatched within a period of 7 to 10 days from the dates the meters are read. He shall arrange to advise the Accounts Department regarding the total amount for the electric energy charges and electricity duty under various account heads as shown in the ledgers after bill posting is done and monthly summaries are prepared. He shall arrange for preparation of Electricity Duty returns and payment of Electricity Duty in three installments on or before the schedule dates as provided for under the provisions of the Bombay Electricity Duty Rules, 1962. He shall ensue that all cash collections made by the Consumers Department are promptly deposited with the Cash Department. He shall arrange to investigate consumers complaint regarding incorrect reading of meters, incorrect billing, omission of payment posting etc. and if necessary rectify the error and inform the consumers subsequently. He shall issue instructions to the Indoor and Outdoor Sections and coordinate the working of these sections.













He shall attend the meeting with the Electrical Inspector of Government of Maharashtra as a Member of the Authorities constituted under Part II of the Schedule of the Bombay Electricity Duty Act, 1950 and participate in deliberations regarding Electricity Duty chargeable in cases of disputes raised by the consumers.

xviii) He shall certify and sign credit notes for amounts exceeding Rs.25,000/- in each instance for mistakes in billing due to incorrect applications of tariff, electricity duty arising out of incorrect meter readings, etc. xix) He shall visit the consumers premises for verification of correct tariff of electricity duty applicable where the class of premises as recorded on the meter reading folio, tariff and electricity duty made applicable are disputed by the consumer. He has to attend various courts like High Court, City Civil Court, Consumers Dispute Redressal Forum, Electrical Inspector, any other Authorities which whom filed the cases. He has to file Affidavits for defending the cases and assist our Legal Department in defending the cases. He has to keep a watch over backlog of various activities in the Department and bring the same to the notice of Management and put up for additional staff to clear the backlog. He has to monitor the Disconnection Drive for recovery of outstanding of arrears. He has to supervise and guide subordinate officers.




xxiii) He has to monitor the disciplinary action against the officers & staff depending upon the reports received against them. xxiv) He is appellate authority for first appeal of delinquent officer/staff against whom punishment is awarded in the disciplinary action taken. xxv) He has to attend various meetings namely Supply Branch Conference, DGM(ES), CED(S) fro time to time and furnish the information required by them and implement the orders, suggestions given by the Management.

xxvi) He has also to attend personally complaints received from VIPs or repeated complaint received from consumers. xxvii) He has to coordinate the activities of the Consumers Department with the other related Departments namely Commercial, EDP, Vigilance, Security Vigilance, Energy Audit.

xxviii) He is also a Member of Review Committee wherein he has to attend the meeting called by the Chairman of Review Committee. xxix) He has to attend Seminars, Symposiums, Meeting, Exhibition etc. deputed by the Management. xxx) He has to visit other Electricity Boards in order to study the working of their Consumers Department so that improvements can be introduced in our Department. Deputy Engineer, GG-VI :Removal of Meter due to non-payment of : a) electricity bill; b) ESL claim; c) Dishonoured cheque; d) Unauthorised extension. To advice EDP, Cash Department, Accounts etc; in respect of recovery of amount of Dishonoured Cheques; To interact with EDP & TSP regarding the TSP Project; To advice and follow up with EDP for modification in billing reports, CIS etc. Implementation of new equipment, programmes etc; Overall in charge of Technical officers and staff; Any other work assigned by the SCS from time to time.

2. 2.1


2.3 2.4

2.5 2.6 2.7

3. 3.1

Sub Engineer - GG-V : To look after the work of Sr. Inq. Insp. T7 and Inq. Insp. After distribution work to Sr. Inq. Insp. To check Report brought by Inquiry Inspector, Investigate, meter testing etc; If the meters are defective, advice for replacement and Amendment; To send meter for OT at MRE


3.3 3.4

3.5 3.6 3.7

To advice for rectification of bills; To report to Dy. Engg., Supdt. Supply and SCS; Testing of meter by accucheck in VIP cases.

Responsibility :1. 2. 3. 4. To control on T7, Sr. Inq. Insp. Ask consumers for making payment against non-payment. To recover O/S amount Report to Vig (Supply) regarding direct supply, tampered meter, or any alteration in connection with meter. Deputy Charge Engineer - T7 : To test the meters on OLT, Accuchek To bring meter testing reports Disconnection of meters, 50,000/- & above. Investigation at site.

4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4

Responsibility : 1. 2. To find the accuracy of meters, Report to Sub Engineer.

5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4

Meter Reader (Tech.) T6 : Reading of meters Disconnection for non-payment Dishonoured cheque dispute cases. Site visit, Bank Visit, for investigation, installation of cut outs, Bridges for non-payment cases.


Reading of induction type Meters with Palmtop Electronic Meter Reading Instrument. Reading of Electronic Meters. To report for tampered meter, damage meter.

5.6 5.7

Responsibility : 1. 2. To brought proper reading and reports. Cut outs, Bridges, proper sizes to present at office and to carry again for installation

ADMINISTRATION & GENERAL STAFF 1. Assistant Superintendent Consumers :i. Assistant Superintendent Consumers shall generally assist the respective Superintendents (Consumers) in the discharge of their duties. ii. Assistant Superintendent may normally go for inspection, surprise visits, attending to consumers complaints, etc. in the morning and attend to office work or investigation of complaints in the office in the afternoon. Assistant Superintendent shall carry out the following inspections : a) Visit all Cash Centres within the zonal jurisdiction twice a month to check their working, imprest cash, etc. Each cash center shall be checked at least once a month at the time of opening of the center. Visit consumers, whenever necessary, regarding cases which cannot be satisfactorily settled by correspondence and when the consumers cannot, or will not for valid reasons call at our office.




Visit those localities from where complaints of non-receipt of bills are received, with a view to enquire into the genuineness of such complaints against Messengers and for taking of appropriate action. Visit consumers premises whenever necessary in connection with disputes regarding applicability of tariff or electricity duty, inaccessibility of service position, etc.



He shall constantly review the activities and functions of the department and suggest necessary changes aimed at improving efficiency of the department. He shall maintain personal contact with the officers and staff working under him and ensure a smooth working of the Department. He shall inspect all departmental registers and records. He shall ensure that the programme for reading of meters and preparation of bills is drawn up well in advance. He shall ensure that the reading programme for commercial, industrial and public accounts is drawn up well in advance and copies thereof are sent to Billing, Ledger and EDP Dept. Energy Audit Dept. He shall attending all departmental meetings with the Superintendent Consumers and assist him in the deliberations thereof. He shall certify and sign credit notes for amounts, exceeding Rs.25,000/in each instance for mistakes in billing due to incorrect application of tariff, electricity duty, arising out of incorrect meter readings, etc. He shall attend the consumers who call at our office with complaints and shall investigate the causes of complaints and give satisfactory replies. He shall scrutinize cases pertaining to claims arising out of change of tariff or stoppage of meters and make his recommendations to the Superintendent Consumers. He will generally supervise the working of the Indoor and Outdoor Sections and sanction leave in excess of 7 days at a time to the staff of those sections.


vi. vii.








He will hold departmental enquiries and take disciplinary action against the staff of the Department and also hear appeals against the orders passed by the officers working under him. He shall periodically check whether bills are being properly delivered by actually visiting the consumers premises. He shall examine requests for making changes in the deposit receipts and approve the same if arranged. He shall examine proposals for establishment of new cash receiving centers or shifting of the existing ones. He shall also negotiate for acquisition of new sties for locating such cash receiving centers.




xviii. He shall attend to the work of the Superintendent Consumers in his absence. xix. He is a Member of Review Sub Committee. He has to attend meetings called by Chairman Review Committee from time to time. He has to attend various Court cases, sign Affidavits and assist Legal Department in defending the cases. He has to visit the related Department like EDP Commercial, Vigilance, Energy Audit, Accounts to coordinate the activities of Consumers Department with related Department.




Office Superintendent (Wards), A/G-X : i. ii. Directly responsible ASCSI, ASCSII, Supdt. Supply, SCS. He should maintain staff records and deal with other matters connected with staff of this zone. He should collect; maintain and submit to the appropriate authorities statistical datas and other information regarding his zones may be necessary from time to time. He should arranged to investigate consumer complaints regarding incorrect reading of meters, incorrect billing, omission of payment posting, High bill, Low Bill, no bill, and if necessary rectify the errors and inform the consumers subsequently.




He should issue instruction to the subordinate officer Indoor and Outdoor staff and coordinate the working of these sections. He should certify and sign Debit/Credit notes for amounts exceeding Rs.10,000/- in each instance for the mistakes in billing due to incorrect applications of tariff, electricity duty arising out of incorrect meter reading, wrong punching etc. He has to attend various Courts like High Court, City Civil Court, Consumers Dispute Redressal Forum, Electrical Inspector, any other Authorities which consumers filed the cases. He has to file Affidavits for defending the cases and assist our Legal Department in defending the cases. He has to keep a watch over backlog of various activities in the Department and bring the same to the notice of his superiors. He has to take the disciplinary action against the staff depending upon the reports received against them. He has to coordinate the activities of the consumers Department with the other related Departments namely Commercial, EDP, Vigilance, Security Vigilance.







Office Assistant (Wards), A/GVIII : i. ii. iii. Directly responsible to office Supdt. He shall maintain staff attendance Leave record and deal with other matters in connection with staff. He shall collect, maintain and submit to the Office Supdt. Statistical data and other necessary information from time to time. He has to attend consumers complaint change in tariff, change of name etc. and give satisfactory reply. He shall issue instructions to the Supervisor, clerk and coordinate the working of these sections. He look after the work of Office Supdt. in his absence. He shall certify and sign Dr./Cr. Notes, change of name forms for collection of correct deposit.



vi. vii.


He has to keep a watch over backlog at various activities in the Department and bring the same to the notice of Superintendent. He will generally supervise the working of the Indoor Section and sanction leave up to 7 days at a time to the staff of his section. He should maintain personal contact with the staff working under him and ensure a smooth working of the Dept. He shall ensure the various forms prepared by his staff and sent to EDP Dept. He has to coordinate the activities of the Consumers Dept. With the other related Dept. namely Commercial, EDP, If , Vigilance, Security Vigilance.






Office Assistant (Outdoor) (OAC2 (OD) : i. He will directly report to SCS. He will be working under ASCSI and has to look after the following jobs. He will supervise and control the bill distribution by Messengers who are working directly under one Supervisor. OAC2(OD) will keep contact with SEDP in case of delay in receipt of cycle-wise bills as per the schedule already fixed. He will grant leave to staff working under him as per the limit. Daily in the morning, he will attend Cash Counter office to supervise and coordinate posting of Counter Clerks, arranging substitutes in case of absence of staff. He will also check up about the availability of Mobile Cash Van and Cash Collection Van and the concerned M.V. Drivers. OAC2(OD) will put up draft replies to ASCS-I regarding communications received in connection with bill delivery and other problems pertaining to operation of 28 Cash Collection Centres. OAC2(OD) will visit the Cash Counters in case of any complaints, which are to be attended immediately. OAC2(OD) will prepare a draft proposal for opening new Cash Collection Centres at the request of Municipal Corporators, MLAs and Local Associations.



iv. v.





Before preparing the proposal as stated I 1.7 above, OAC2(OD) will visit the proposed new site to ascertain the ownership of the site, say public land or private land. Accordingly, OAC2(OD) will contact the concerned landlord/authority to confirm whether the site would be available for proposed Cash Counter. OAC2(OD) then will confirm from Supervisor Cash which are the Cash Counters situated near to the proposed Cash Collection Centre. He will also arrange the receipts of bills for 3 months at these counters. This statistics will be attached to the proposal. OAC2(OD) then will write to concerned local authority or landlord of the proposed site for obtaining written permission to start our new Cash collection Centre. OAC2(OD) prepare a draft proposal with the relevant information as stated above.





Office Assistant (Establishment) : i. OACS (Est) will directly report to SCS. He will be working under ASCSI to look after the following job. He will supervise and control the Establishment Section, Receipt Section, Control Section, Deposit Section, Vacating Call Section, Enquiry Counters, Dishonured Cheque Section, Godown Section, staff who are working directly under one Supervisor. OA (Est) will put up draft replies to ASCS in connection with all the above referred Sections. He will grant PL, CL, SL leave to staff working under him as per the limit. He maintains the leave records of all officers and sent it to Audit Dept.



iv. v.


Supervisor Deposit Section AG VII :

1. Attending Consumers i.e. guiding about procedure of deposit refund.


Drafting all the letter pertaining Security Deposit refund in case of discrepancies noted while refunding. Preparation of MIS i.e. no. of cases received/disposed off/pending handling of Imprest Cash (booking of Vrs., Sending letters to parties inviting them to collect payment). Preparation of recoupment bills, Issuance of revenue stamps to CH/N counter and maintaining control register of receipts books issued and completed. Put up cases of excess Security Deposit refund, Dispatching deposit, verification slips to concerned zones, marking papers for preparation of bill after scrutiny, filing O/L of disputed cases etc. To look after the bills prepared by Clerk, To look after the TDS Job at the end of every year. To look after the Demand drive for excess deposit.



5. 6. 7.

2. 1.

Supervisor Control :Despatch cy. wise adj. code papers to EDP Department and Amendment papers. To prepare billing programme with the approval of outdoor section/DEO II of EDP Department and make necessary charges of required and to distribute approx. 80 copies to all concerned Wards/Section Department. To prepare disconnection programme with consideration of billing programme and actual position of bill delivery. CMTR3-Statement for Consumers South. To prepare Summary of PO 128 under Code 28& 68 for Debit & Credit Summary purpose. To maintain exempted Electric Duty Register in tacts. To keep track of No. of A/cs. & No. of meters of each cy. as well as total. Filling of documents of 28 & 68 code cyclewise/monthwise for audit purpose. To assist agreemental A/c. Clerk and comptist when required.



4. 5.

6. 7. 8.


10. 11.

Filing work of statements received from various Departments. To prepare E Form of Summaries for SCS.

3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Supervisor Cash Counter : Cash Collection of Electric Bills. General Administration work. Posting of clerk/Reliever of counter. Cash depositing of previous days Cash in Cash Dept. Daily earnings entry in register & report to SCS. Visiting Counters. Relieving Clerks in absenteeism. Prepare G.I.B. & I.I.B. Statements sent to JWSC for sanction. Prepare Machine allowance statement.

4. 1.

Supervisor Government A/c : Bill Delivery, Follow-up, Reply to consumer (Govt. A/c.).


Supervisor Bill Delivery :-

1. Private A/c. Bill Delivery, Supervision, Daily Worksheet & O.T. Statement, Worksheet of Messenger checking, calculation of Incentive, Public Complaints & Follow-up. 6. 1. 2. Supervisor Receipt Section :To maintain shortage Excess Registers of Cash Counters. To maintain printing Mistake Register of Cash Counters and to send debitcredit advice accordingly.


To send monthly J.E. of cash counter shortage excess through Audit Dept. to (C.A.) To issue shortage slips to Counter Clerks. To receive dishonoured cheques from Banks. To send weekly Pay Order statement to Supdt. / Cash. To solve discrepancies of banks. To cross tally dis-cheques from banks with the bank Register. To attend consumers bill discrepancies. To keep record of Bank files.

4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9.

7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Supervisor Temporary Section : Suspense payment posting in ledger. To help/attend short-run as well as long run cases. To post debit/credit adjustment received from receipt section. To make entries of dishounoured cheques. To send these prepared reading folios to Outdoor Section for reading, every month. As soon as reading is obtained, the bills are prepared manually for every consumer. All these bills are posted in a) monthly summary and b) personal account of every consumer in ledger. After posting of manually prepared bills in summary monthly summary after getting tallied to send it to Consumers (South). Bills are given to consumers for payments. To initiate yellow memo for inquiry of high, low, nil consuming. To write the reply of memo on reverse of the folios.




9. 10. 11.


Ganeshotsav & Navaratrotsav Temporary Meter cases are entered in Deposit register maintain separately and get it audited. Prepare summary of both utsavs and sent it to Consumers (South) after auditing has done. O/S amount statements are prepared for Ganesh Utsav & Navaratra Utsav & send it to Commercial Dept. for recovery.



8. 1. 2. 3.

Supervisor Dishonoured Cheque Section (Cash Counter) : Send debit advice on floppy to EDP. Debit advice entry in all zone registers to close the entry in our register. Keep the cheques in our custody zone wise and serial wise.


Not on records cheques. Find out correct A/c Nos. from receipting, chalan, folio, Ledger or Banks. Attend consumers enquiries regarding dis-cheques. Attend consumers applications regarding dis. cheques and action thereafter letters to consumers, Dr.Cr. advices through Control Section. Attend Applications of cheque facility from Computer & inform to sorting section. Monthly statement of dish. cheque to Review Committee. Receiving Requisitions from zone and Commercial Dept. attend Consumers of requisitions inquiry, attend requisition from p.c. & sent to zone. Receiving Refund of Deposit papers from deposit section attend consumers of Deposit enquiry, attend Deposit papers from P.C. send to Deposit Section. Debit Advices copies to be sent to Cash Department (S) to close the entries of Cash Dept. register as per OA Cash request.

5. 6.


8. 9.




Final JE advices prepare JE advices bank wise Audit the JEs from EDP printout 7 send to Cash Dept. / Accounts Dept. for closing the entry of Cash Department.

9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Supervisor Electronic Meters : Attend Double billing cases. Arranging distribution of Electronic Meter Bills. Attending consumers. Preparing Ledger Position. Preparing MRA. Dr/Cr adjustments. Reply to consumers letters (dispute for High Bill, D.P. Charges, Tariff Change etc.) To send advise to Supervisor Deposit for transfer old accounts security deposit to electronic account. To coordinate with Energy Audit Dept. Preparation of O/S amount. To create O/S, O/C, Amendment on Requisition received from Commercial Dept. To reply MCA queries pertaining to Electronic Meters.


9. 10. 11.


10. A)

Supervisor Establishment : Appointment : A person come with a I.D. note from Personnel Dept. where his name, designation and check nos. are given.

i. ii.

To post him/her in a section as per SCSs instructions. To issue him/her time card.

iii. iv. v. vi.

To accommodate the person against vacant vacancy. To note his particulars in staff Record Register. To update on roll position. To prepare F.T.T. statement.

B) i.

After 10/15 days we receive Appointment papers of Personnel Dept. To take all the particulars on staff Record from appointment papers i.e. To note his starting Salary, Date of joining, Designation, Date of Birth, accommodated against vacancy, Superannuation Date, Cast, Residential Address etc. To prepare his S.R. file and file the papers. To send back appointment papers, received from CPO to S.T.K. for further action. To prepare F.T.T. statement and file in his/her S.R. File.

ii. iii.


C) i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii.

Transfer from other dept. to this dept. : To post his/her to the Section as per SCSs instruction. To issue him/her time card. To take out taking over duties note. To accommodate him suitable vacancy. To update on roll position. To note in S. R. Register. To follow whether his/her S.R. file and set of Identity Card cum Bus Token is received. Make necessary changes in his/her Bus token. Promoted / Transfer from this Dept. to other Dept. :

viii. D)


To write Reliving note and take back his Gate Pass, Laminated Outdoor Card, Electrical Equipment i..e. Torch, Bulb, Cell, Key of Locker.

ii. iii. iv.

To note in S.R. Register. To update on roll position. To note the vacancy & put up Requisition to CPO for filling the vacancy f necessary. To send his S.R. file and set of F.T.T. To intimate EDP to delete the name of the person for Machine Allowances. To send set of F.T.T. to corresp. for cancellation

v. vi.



Expired employee : i. After received the message from expired members family to collect Rs.4000/- from AOS Dept. And make arrangement to hand over the family member of expired employee. To forward death certificate to P.F.. To prepare the S.T. Slip of the expired person. To send Requisition for filling the post. To initiate the final bills of expiry staff.

ii. iii. iv. v.


Dismissed Employee : i. ii. To send copies of order to all concerned. To collect F.T.T. from the staff concerned. Other actions as stated above.



To sort out the dispatch of SCS (i.e. VIPs letters pertaining to the Consumers Dept. and papers of other Dept.) on day to day basis and forwarded to SCS and other officers of Consumers (S) Dept. Confidential Report of A & B Grade Officers : i. ii. iii. To get the printed forms from Personnel Dept. To get the particulars of the officers. To fill the leave Record of the officers.


By Resignation/Voluntary Retirement :i. To send a letter of Resignation along with proposal and S.R. file to CPO, DGM(ES) for approval. After receipt of resignation letter duly approved by DGM(ES)) to intimate employee concerned by a letter. To prepare S.T. slip and send to concerned depts. To send requisition to CPO for filling of vacancy. To collect F.T.T. from employee. To handover Ex-employee F.T.T. to the concerned employee for one year and necessary entries are made and obtain him/her signature in the register. vii. viii. To certify his/her final bills and send to SMA. After receipt of intimation from Cash Department to send letter to him that final dues are ready for payment. ix. x. To issue him identification note. To inform him about ex-gratia payment bill and other dues.


iii. iv. v. vi.


J) i)

By Retirement: To issue him a letter in six month advance from due date of Retirement.

ii) iii) iv)

To send Service Termination slip to the concern Department To collect the cheque and bills of 90% P.F. from Cash Department. To collect F.T.T.


Issue of Wrist Watches : i) To fill up the option forms in triplicate by the concerned employee and certified from the SCS. ii) To forward the option form copy to CPO & IA and third copy to be filed in S.R. file iii) To intimate the employee about the time place of presentation of Wrist Watches. iv) If the wrist watches are not collected by the concerned employee to make necessary arrangement to handover the wrist watches.


To draft proposals for various requirement/repair pertains to Consumer (S) Department to obtain Management sanction.


To forward the vehicle report of Motor vehicles of Consumer (S) Department to EET(MV) Anik. To take entries of servicing of Cash Registering machines of Consumer (S) Department & forward the satisfactory report to Material Management Department. To take quotation from the supplier for repairing Cash Registering Machines and put up proposal to obtain Management sanction.




To prepare inventory of computer, attend the complaints pertaining to the computers of Consumer (South) Department. To collect the papers from wards and other Sections and forward the same to Xeroxing contractor on day-to-day basis and distribute accordingly. To circulate Office Orders and circulars among the wards and other sections.



S) T) U) V) W) X)

To attend the complaints of staff of Consumers (S) Dept. To prepare the Budget proposals (yearly) To prepare Administrative report of Consumers (S) (Yearly) To revalidate the lapse post when the vacant posts are filled. To prepare monthly on roll position of staff and Quarterly statement. All other work pertaining to Establishment Section emerging from time to time


Supervisor O.S.:
To create O.S.


Supervisor Change of name: i. ii. Send reply to letters regarding change of name. Requisition to be noted on M.R. Folios.


Supervisor High Bill : i. ii. iii. To attend high bill letter and oral complaints on the counter preparation of duplicate bills, ledger position C.C. Memos. Report of Investigation memos noting on folios.


Supervisor Def. Mtr. Amendment: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Reply to dispute letters. Combined billing. Consumers audit query and recalculation of claim. Passing J.E. To attend consumers. Attend Court Cases, Legal Department, Electrical Inspector, Review/ Sub Review Committee. Also attend Vigilance cases. Take out ledger position, working out reamendment claims. To work out credit for O.T. cases, fast meter cases, maintaining proper records and follow up.

vii. viii.


Sr. Inquiry Inspector AG-VII : 1) Distribution of work of Inq.Inspector, Reading files to MRBC. 2) Distributing work to MRBC. 3) Distribution of disconnection memo to MRBC. 4) Distribution reconnection memo. 5) Distribution of Outstanding recovery to Inquiry Inspector. 6) Distribution of work of new account. 7) Distribution of work of Government Agreemental Account

Responsibility :1. Distribute work properly to Inq. Inspector M.R.B.C. 2. To send Reading files to EDP as per Schedule for billing. 3. To Control on MRBC for bringing, reading as per schedule. 16. Stenographer AG-VII. 1) Take dictation from SCS, Supdt. (Supply), ASCS, Ward Officer & Translate it.

2) Type letters and notes of various wards and section.

TECHNICAL STAFF :1. Nawghany T1 : 1) To carry Accucheck bags with Inspectors and Sub Engineers. 2) Removed meter from site and to keep in the office. 3) To bring Reading files from record room to wards, vice versa whenever required. 4) To send reading files to EDP as per daily schedule. 5) Sort / out/cut disconnection memos received from EDP Department. Responsibility: 1) To take care of Accucheck bag, for maintenance. 2) To keep meters properly which brought from sites.


Meter Inspector (Sr.) T5 : 1) To removal / Reinstall of meters due to non-payment. 2) To replace the defective meter. Responsibility: 1) MRA should be properly filled up at time removed. 2) Meter replacement slips to be filled up properly.

ADMINISTRATIVE & GENERAL STAFF 1. Scavenger T1 : Nature of work: Clearing and moping of Consumers Department, Godown, Cash Counter Office, Cash Department etc. 2. M.V. Driver P2/G3 : To drive departmental Jeeps to perform outdoor activities such as disconnection, recovery, site testing. To bring cash from all Cash Collection Centers. 3. Sepoy AG-I : 1) To clean the table & chair in the office. 2) To carry meter reading files, ledgers etc. as and when required by the concern clerk while attending consumers complaint. 3) To insert the new connection folios in the meter reading files. 4) To tie the ledgers sheets of the payment made by the consumer at the various cash counter. 5) To distribute exception and reading files ward-wise after received from EDP. 6) To dispatch call back of meter to the IFN Section as per instruction of the Ward Officer. 7) To carry urgent dispatch of various Ward/Section in Colaba, EDP etc. 8) To hand deliver the Consumers letter as per the instruction of SC and Ward Officer. 9) To tie Deposit listing, Demand month wise and cycle wise. 10) Bind loose sheet according to ledger nos. Arrange. 11) Arrange the meter reading files and ledgers at the appropriate places. 12) Switch off the light and fans after closing cabin & office. 13) To lock the office and hand over the keys to the Security Guard.


Jamadar - AG-II: 1) To post sepoys ward wise by rotation for 3 months. To take their attendance every morning. To post sepoy in the absence of any sepoy posted in the respective ward / section. 2) To inspect sepoy whether they are in uniform or not. 3) To note the outdoor dispatch received from Section/Ward and to arrange to forward the same through sepoy. 4) To inspect the work given to sepoy has been done correctly.


Messenger -


Delivery of bills. 6. Dafatary AG-IV:

To maintain the daily workbook of messenger. Bill Distribution record register, presenty of messenger, Sorting of bills (Making of parts messenger wise). 7. Sorter AG-IV : Sorting of bills, pullout of bills. 8. Record Keeper (Godown) - AG-IV : 1) Keeping reading folios files according to cycle wise. 2) Keeping ledger file according to cycle wise. 3) When folio comes form zone wards section have to arrange it properly number wise and then have to do Patti pasting accordingly. 4) Every year before month of March ending have to complete new ledger files. 5) Record keepers are maintaining reading folio files current and old for 10 year. 6) Record Keeper are maintaining stubs, Audit, Roll Challans, Stationery etc.

7) One register book has been kept in Godown section for maintenance of record. Incoming and outgoing registers. 8) Investigation memo of four-ward wise section arranging and filing is done. 9) When Record Keeper have to carry old files, papers to PMGP, Dharavi Record keeper have to inform Dy. CSVO for arranging one Security Guard to post at Godown Section, to check the material and then proceed to PMGP Dharavi. As per instruction to SCS please. 10. MRBC AG-V: 1) To take reading of conventional meters and ordinary electronic meters. 2) Disconnection of electricity as per memos. 3) Reconnection of electricity as per memos. 4) Submit various reports for non availability of meter on board, inaccessible meters for readings, cabin key not available, unread meters. 11. Inquiry Inspector - AG-V: 1) To test the meters by OLT. 2) Change at tariff (Investigation) 3) Change of address and name (ii). 4) Investigation regarding various codes N, B C, H etc. 5) To give new account to meter installed.

Responsibility :1) To verify various codes properly e.g. H, C, B, N Codes. 2) To verify change in tariff cases, R TO C, C TO R etc. 12. A. CLERK AG-V: Establishment Clerk : 1) Free Travel Tokens: i) Register showing name of staff and issued some travel token set maintained. ii). In case a FTT is reported spoiled. A) to get application from the staff B) To ask the staff to pay Rs. 10.00. C) To prepare duplicate one and to collect original from the staff. D) To

send original spoiled FTT to O.S. Corr. for cancellation. E) File all relevant papers in S.R. file. In case a FTT is reported lost same procedure is obtained but on 4th occasion penalty is to be charged. 2) To prepare Grain Requisitions. 3) To maintain attendance and leave record of the staff working in Establishment Section and staff of T-7 Grade. 4) To prepare sweepers voucher bills. At present 13 Sweepers are used for Cash Counter for cleaning and providing drinking water. i) To put up proposal for new sweeper as per requirement ii) To prepare bill and make payment from Imprest Cash. iii) To obtain yearly sanction. 5) Attendance and Absentee Memo of A & B Grade Officers. i) To enter leave forms and LTA forms of A & B Grade Officers in register. ii) To send these forms to IA after getting sanction from proper authorities. iii) To prepare absentee memos as per the attendance file and register. iv) To Send these memo to Audit Department. v) To reply queries of any from Audit Department. vi.) To maintain Muster. 6) Festival Advance :- Festival Advance is give for Ganesh Chaturthy, Buddh Poornima, X;mas, Ramzan Idd. i) To take out circular well in advance. ii). To send application form to all sections and collect these forms from them. iii) To prepare advices to EDP & AIA Paysheetwise iv) To see eligibility of the staff ( to verify religion and grade etc.) 7) Scholarship :After receipt of circular form CWO i) To send forms to staff members. ii) To prepare list of staff to whom forms are issued. (iii) To collect the forms along with Xerox of mark list and verify them. iv.) to verify application forms (v) See eligibility and whether filled properly. (vi) To prepare statement and get it typed. (vii) To give acknowledgment to the staff for recovery their application. (viii) To send form alongwith statement of DL to the CWO. After recovery scholarship statement from EDP. (i) To prepare advises and send them to AIA alongwith fee receipts or attendance from school or college. 8) Workers Education Classes :gone for Study Tour. To prepare bills for these who have

9) LTA & Encashment : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) 10. To issue LTA & Encashment forms to the staff. To collect these forms from them and enter in register. To verify the forms and check eligibility To get sanction of these forms To send these forms to IA. & Time keeping Identification notes. : To issue identification notes to the staff for payment of LTA, Encashment, P.F. loan Society loan etc. PF loan & Society Loan Forms :- To verify PF Refundable and non refundable forms and society loan forms. House loan to verify documents regarding House loan and subsidy and get attested form Head of the Department. Financial Assistance of Rs .100.00: - To verify form and attendance of school from staff members and make statement Paysheetwise and send to EDP and AIA for payment. Meal Allowance: - To send Meal allowance of members of staff after informing them in register to Audit Department & to verify them P.F Nomination Forms: - To check P.F. nominations forms and send them to P.F Department and give acknowledgment to the staff and solve queries if any. Departmental letters regarding various subjects sending attendance to time keeping No objection certificate for passport, for sending S.R. File etc. Laminated Bus Pass to Retiree: To make arrangement for Bus passes to retirees after receiving Photograph for them and issue these laminated bus passes to the after entry in the register and to issue service certificate to retiree.









Final bills: To enter final bills of separated employees in the register and send these bills to Time Keeping and follow up them Salary Certificate: - To prepare salary certificate after receiving applications form member of the staff. Sport leave Forms: To maintain register of sport leave form and send them to Time Keeping; Medical Reimbursement. :- After receiving application from members of staff for claiming Medical Department / AIA & CPO after receiving sanction from Medical & audit bills are to be prepared and send them to CA/DIA. When these bills are passed Est. Section has to receive Identification notes and issue them to staff members. Dispatch: - Sending dispatch to various Departments of Colaba. Application for Quarters and Promotion to various posts :- To verify application for quarters and check eligilibility them and send them to Welfare Department To verify application for promotions and check eligibility of them and get three years attendance from the Time Keeping and three years record from S.R. file. Change of Address: - To get applications from staff members who want to change their addresses in S.R. File and issue them letters in pre forms and send copies of these letters to various department. Ex-gratia payment: - To give idenditification & entry in Ex-gratia slip to ex-employee. Complaints: To attend complaints for repairing furnitures, Water Cooler, telephones, electrical fitting etc.


20. 21.

22. 23.




List of Duties of Supervisor (Misc.) : 27. Stationery :

i. ii. iii.

To check up and put up stationary requisition every month To arrange to get stationery from Dadar Stores. To arrange to issue stationery to the staff as and when required.


Printing Indent : i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. After receipt of approval from SC/ASC prepare specification form in triplicate separately for forms and books. To prepare printing requisition in triplicate and attached specimen. To obtain section officers signature on specification form and specimen. To forward specification form duly signed by the officer to the Material Management Department. To make compilation and file one copy of specification from and specimen in separate file maintain for it. To give printing requisition number and make entry in the register book maintain for printing ended. To note progress of printing requisition i.e. Tender no. and Date of Opening, P.O. No., Name of the Supplier, Cost etc. in the register book as and when we receive papers form Material Management Department. After opening of the tender, the Material Management Department forward the tender file for recommendation. On receipt of the tender file for recommendation, GSM of sample papers are verified whether they are as per our specification. After verification of GSM of Sample papers we recommend to the lowest tenders. If the lowest tender is overlooked and 2nd lowest or 3rd lowest tenderer is recommended we have to state reasons why lowest tenderer is rejected. Recommended tender file is forwarded to the Material Management Department. The recommended firm forwards the proofs of printing for our approval.

viii. ix.

x. xi.

xii. xiii.

xiv. xv. xvi. xvii.

On receipt of proof for approval it is sent to the concern section for approval. To forward the proof duly approved to the Material Management Department. To send material inspection form to the concern section when material is ready. To prepare material requisition form when concern section certifies that the material is O.K. To make entry in the register regarding the quantity, date of receipt of material and date and number of material requisition form. To inform the concerned section that material is received. i. If the cost of material is upto 2000.00 put up purchase form

xviii. To arrange to get the material. xix.

xx. 29.

Material other than stock items. ii. If the cost of material is more than Rs.2000.00. a) Put up a note to DCE(CS)/CED(S)/BO/CA & PA/DIA/AGM(S)/ADDL.GM./G.M/B.O./SCS giving proper justification. b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Put a revenue sanction form. To send purchase form along with G.M.s Sanction to Material Management Department. To follow up. To inspect the material when received. To arrange to bring the material. To forward material requisition form. To hand over the material to concerned section.


Supervisor Est. (Imprest Cash) : i. ii. iii. iv. To prepare purchase form for purchase of material from Imprest cash. To make entry in the Petty Cash Book. To get purchase form audited. To place order to the supplier.

v. vi. vii. viii. ix. 31.

To prepare voucher against cash memo issued by the supplier. To make entry in the Imprest Cash Register. Voucher and Imprest Cash Register is audited. Voucher bill is sent to Colaba CA/DIA for recoupment. After recoupment entry is made in the Imprest Cash Register.

Clothing / Rain Coat & Gumboot : i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Clothing issued to sepoy, Nawghany, Inquiry Inspector and Sr. Inquiry Inspector. Issued in June / December every year as per this due. To prepare clothing card and note this due and maintain To prepare note to EDP., T.K., & DIA for stitching and washing allowance. Raincoat and Gumboot issued to Outdoors staff and Umbrella to Sepoy every three years. To prepare annual requirement statement of clothing/rain coat and Gumboot and forward to Material Management Department every year.


Supervisor (Est.) - Brief Case : i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Brief case is issued to Officers and Outdoor staff. Issued once in every three year. To put up sanction note as per due. After sanction is obtained inform the concern staff to purchase the brief case. To prepare P.F. enclosing the cash memo of the brief case and zerox copy of sanction and send to DIA After P.F. is audited, amount of paid from Imprest Cash to the concern staff as per their grade. Voucher bill is prepared for recoupment of amount. Brief case due register is maintained further all details i.e. P.F. No., Cash Memo No. & Date. Next Due etc.


Supervisor Est. - MIS Report :-

i. ii. iii.

MIS report is prepared every month and a copy of which is sent to SOES, AOS & DCE(CS). Information is collected from various sections of department in prescribed format. Consolidated statement of four zones are prepared.

All other miscellaneous work pertaining to Establishment Section emerging from time to time. B) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Deposit section : Registering application of deposit refund preparation of deposit verification slip with comparison of interest register & listings of deposit. Checking of triplicate deposit receipt book before issuance to CHN counter. Verification of files to confirm removal of meter, change of name etc. Verification & settlement of MCA queries. Adjustment of O/S.FB of G/S & G/N ward in deposit listings. Attending consumers regarding refund & demand verification of deposit paid against old account and adjustment of the same against electronic account. Attending queries of confirmation of deposit interest job i.e. 1 to 19 and Agreemental account and TDS thereon. Attending queries of non-receipt of interest and TDS thereon. Transfer of accounts cases i.e. after receipt of 902 advices and accordingly changes in listings preparation of MIS. Preparation of refund of S. bill and closing all entries in deposit listings preparation O/C refund bills. Reconciliation work of deposit collection and refunded. Job pertaining to additional S. Deposit demand drive. Preparation of fresh receipts. Transfers of deposit of old account to electronic account. Attending queries of non-reflection of deposit. Preparation of MIS deposit demand drive collection an notices served. All other work pertaining to deposit demand drive. Cash Counter Clerk:

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

12. F.

1) 2) 3) 4)

Receive the amounts and the bills from the consumers and write down the amount received on the bill form. Put the bill form in the Machine and operate the machine to pass the receipt. Issue receipted bill to the consumer. Count the days collection and prepare the remittance Challans with the particulars of cash and cheques collected, receipts passed ( from--- to) and the total amount of the receipts passed. Prepare `a cash collection memo with following particulars. a) b) c) d) e) f) Date of collection. Machine receipts nos. (from --- to ) Manual receipts (hand receipts) from ---to No. of receipts pertaining to South Zone, North Zone and DEA. Total amount of receipts passed. Total amount deposited with Cash department.



Deposit the cash collections as shown on remittance challan with the Cash Department. Send the Cash collection memo, counter folios of receipts and Audit Roll to the Receipt Section. Bill Delivery Section : 1) Correction of address to maintain register, to prepare the investigation memo, to advice the amended address to EDP, to attend the folio, to attend the consumers complaint.




Receipt Section : 1. 2. 3. 4. To maintain Bank Register. Entries regarding receipts, daily collection, discheques, bank balance, weekly pay orders and to tally the same. To keep record of summary of Cash Counters and banks received from EDP. To prepare weekly and monthly bank collection statement to tally daily collection of Cash Counters and banks with EDP Summary.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

To maintain bank Punching Mistake Reg. & issue shortage slips to the banks and to attend bank queries. To keep record of collection for north by north. To prepare vouchers of monthly commission to the banks. To send monthly bank J.E. to SCS & C.A. To reconcile deposits of the banks with the record of Accounts Department. To solve all types of queries and discrepancies regarding reconciliation and pass Journal Entries accordingly. To maintain Advance Rebate code Reg.


11) 12)

To send annual reports regarding bank collection. To attend letters from consumers and to attend queries from Account Dept. & Cash Dept. To attend consumers bill queries to keep record of Bank guarantee received against operating cash counter by Co-op. Nationalized, scheduled Bank on behalf of Undertaking. To receive dispatch from Banks. To send counters & banks stubs to EDP after entering in various statements. To keep record of daily stubs received from EDP. To write the daily remittance of Cash Counter Collection and keep record of monthly cash counter collection. To maintain register of 16-56 code. To attend queries from Cash Dept. regarding Remittance and Challans. To attend J.E.s (Cyclewise) in Susp. Register. To extend the amount of Susp. Register. To post different cycles is susp. Register.


14) 15)

16) 17)

18) 19) 20) 21) 22)

23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29)

To make statement regarding unadjusted receipt to revenue transfer A/c. To maintain Suspense Register. Posting of Susp. A/c. 1) Cy. 28-form Rec. Missing Rec. Cy-23 Prov. Claim Amt. (Amendment). Cy-22 Change in Tariff. Cash highlight wrong punching, Transfer of A/c. , O.S. A/c. To verify stubs for payment discrepancies. To send advice about suspense and interchange of payment i.e. 17-57 & 18-58 Reg. To maintain insertion deletion Reg. & follow-up. To maintain Delay-Payment and send advice. To attend D.L. & queries from South & diff. Zones. To attend consumers bill discrepancies.

30) 31) 32) 33)


Temporary Section : 1) Posting of temporary security deposit receipts paid by the consumer, received from Commercial Dept. in Deposit Register (approx. 100 each month). 2) Payment posting in Personal account of consumers in ledger according to the payment listing received from EDP and from original receipts shown by

the consumers. 3) To bill the short run cases. (Monthly 100/150 approx.) 4) After billing of short run cases, enter it into deposit register and adjustment register. 5) After auditing has done, to create O/S of outstanding amounts of short run cases. 6) If the said amount is refunded by preparing refund bill and entries of the same are made in 4 registers 1) CD Book, 2) Deposit Register, 3) Deposit Adjustment Register, 4) Application Register Afterwards sent to audit for audit purpose.

7) Posting of letters in application register. 8) If meter found stopped, damaged To prepare 8.M. and send list to Commercial Department for replacement of meter. 9) To make entries of S.M. after replacement of meter. 10) Reading folios are prepared for each and every consumer who is taking temporary meter, according to the connection order received from Commercial Department. 11) After auditing has done, to create O/S of outstanding amounts of short run cases. 12) Likewise, short-run cases, to attend long-run cases (i.e. meters taken for construction, etc. for long period purpose.) 13) To prepare summery of Temporary Section and sent to Supdt. Consumer(S). 14) While attending long run cases, checking of debit and credit side of A/c. is done from installation of meter till removal of meter. Period of long run cases may be for 3,5,7,9 years. 15) To give refund cheques to consumer of Ganesh Utsav and Navratri Utsav. 16) To carry forward the ledger each and every account in new ledger ( Since 19951996). 17) To prepare statement of personal temporary account of consumer whenever he demanded. 18) To bill short run/Long run cases. 19) A separate register is being prepared for the prepaid meter.

II) Dishonored Cheque Section : 1) Receiving cheques from Cash Department (N) from register. 2) Receiving cheques from Cash Department (S) from register. 3) Receiving cheques from Consumer Department (S) from register. 4) Receiving cheques from Receipt Section (N) from register.

5) Sorting of cheques zone wise Electronics, Temp. A/c. Consumer (S). 6) Entry in zonewise register. 7) Checking of A/c. Nos. from All Zone Computer. 8) Sent advice to sorting inspection for cancellation of cheque facility. 9) If cheque consist of 2,3, or 4 A/cs, then confirm the bill amounts from Ledger or Receipt Section and advice Accordingly. 10) Rejected adjustment to be check which comes from EDP & readvice through Control Section. 11) Dish. Cheque of Temp. Section Prepare separate audited advice to debit the amount to Temp. Section. 12) Dish. Cheque of O.S. amount Inform to O.S. Section of zones. 13) Suspense A/c. cheque - find out the original A/c from zone 7 then Debit advice.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES EXCEPTION CLERKS 1] To attend cyclewise exception (Part I,II,III,IV) received from EDP Dept. day to day. 2] 3] 4] To initiate the pink memos, yellow memos whenever it is necessary. To attend the 3rd exception of low and Nil consumption memos.

To attend the Green memo, Yellow memos, Pink memos and Computer memos received from Sub Engineer and distribute the same to the concerned Section if so.


To note the report of Sub. Engineer on M.R. Folios and maintain record of the same. To maintain the Register of Computer memos, Pink memos and Yellow memos separately.


CHANGE OF NAME CLERK 1] To accept the change of name requisition by verifying the documents and demanding security deposit. 2] 3] 4] 5] 6] 7] Register to be maintained. In clear cases noting in the file to be done and advices to be sent to EDP. In doubtful cases, cases are to be sent for investigation. Dispute letters to be replied. Information regarding Change of Name is to be sent to Consumer Dept.

Cases of High Court / City Civil / Consumer Redressal Forum are to be attended with Legal Dept.


1] 2]

To maintain data-wise register of Consumers letter.

To prepared investigation memo as per consumers letter and forward to Sub. Engr. 3] 4] After receiving report from Sub. Engineer make entry on reverse of folio. In case of replacement to send report to Sup. NA.


In case of wrong punch, over read, slab benefit to prepare Debit/Credit adjustment and send to pre-audit.


In between the audit period bills to be pulled out and make necessary correction in the bill and send back to OAC-4 . After receiving adjustment papers from Audit debit/credit note to be prepared and record the same on reverse of folio and debit/credit note send to post audit. After that the same is forwarded to EDP Cell III. After debit/credit passed approval to be taken for Delay Payment waived. In case of removal of meter approval to be taken and after that send for disconnection clerk for further action. In case of meter replaced under O.T. Duplicate papers to be sent to I.F. with due approval of concerned authorities. If required debit/credit adjustment to be prepared. In case of Electronic Meter. Meter replacement particulars to be taken from I.F. Section. 10] 11] 12] To attend invalid cases. To take legal action. To give written reply to consumers complaints.




DUTIES OF AMENDMENT SECTION : 1] Receiving the ESL-85 Rdg. Statement and manual SM papers from EDP & New account section. Preparing manual reading statement considering the old and current reading files and confirming the average for amendment of claim which varies case to case. To confirm P.O. 128 order applied for the case , if applied all correspondence pertaining to the case consider while preparing the amendment or refund any done the LC although the defective meter replacement case and computer avg. billing to the consumer.




Forwarding the preparing reading statement to EDP section to prepared amendment. 5] Receiving the prepared claim and make noting of receipt of claims.


Forward the cases to consumer for the claim less then Rs.10,000/- and claim above Rs.10,000/- to audit dept. for preaudit. Duly audited claims to sent to consumer. Claims with any query to forward to EDP for correction OR to again to audit dept. after sorting out query. Preparing manual Esl-85 claims for the Two meters [C/21 & C/24] for consumers. To follow the instructions and query for the manually prepared claim and after pre-audit sent the same to consumer. 10] To send final notice for claims.





To attend the dispute letters from consumers by letters and personal visit from Electrical Inspector, from Committee Members from G.M., DGM, CED(S), office. 12] To reply to the consumers letters explained the fact of the case.


To send disconnections for non payment of claim for not considering the final notice and reply to their dispute correspondence for ESL-85 claims. 14] To follow up with disconnection memo.

15] Follow up on Installment cases and to send disconnection or direct debit letter as per the unpaid amount of installments. 16. After 15 days from the receipt of disconnection particulars for disconnection inspector to case forward to OACB / OSC B for approval to meter removal for non-payment of claim after disconnection of supply. 17. To send the note to disconnection section to initiate MRA for non payment of claim after approval. 18. upto settlement of ESL-85 claim. 19. section. To keep track on meter removal instructions given to disconnection To send letter to Commercial B to not to sanction the new connection


To forward the case to Review Committee/Review Sub-Committee or appropriate authority as per claim amount. To prepare the drafts and manual claim workings for approval and forward the cases to appropriate authority. To note down the payments particulars received form EDP Dept. And consumer produced receipts for payment of claims. If claim fully paid the debit slips forwarded to EDP-3 Section to do necessary debit credit adjustments. Sent debit letters for the claim below Rs.10,000/- to Consumers to settle the claim failing which claim will be debited in subsequent bills. Along this manual letters manually prepared bills attached to facilitate the payments and to produce the same at office within 07 days. For the letters of debit of claims the debit notes are forwarded to EDP-3 sections after a month after checking the claim payment records. After settlement of claims the stamping is done at backside of current folio mentioning the claim amount, claim period, base period and filing date after that the case forwarded to Internal Audit Dept. for post audit. 26. To attend the audit queries of post audited ESL-85 case to correct those






errors. 27. After non-settlement of claim amount if meters removed form the installations the claim papers are forwarded to Sup. O/S to create additional O/S after confirmations of payment particulars. Preparation of credit notes for the revised ESL-84 cases and refund delay payment charges if any due to ESL-84 case. To prepare the brief information of the claim for Electrical Inspector Case and court cases and put up and forward the cases to Legal Dept. for further actions. 30. 31. 32. 33. To attend court matters and appeal thereafter. To attend MCA queries. To prepare manual claim in respect of tariff cases. Attending invalid cases.




Necessary noting on reading file and necessary debit credit adjustment for settled Security Vigilance cases.

Duties & Responsibilities of Clerk Disconnection Section : ----------------------------------------1. Puling out the disconnection memos referring NTD Register, VIP and Payment Noting Register, MRA Register, DR/CR Register, P.O. 128 Register etc; Preparing the lots for disconnection after obtaining the officers signature on disc. Memo; Distribution of lots to MRBC; Initiating reconnection orders after payment; Sending reconnection orders to Outdoor Section; Initiating MRA for non-payment of regular bills; Reconnection Fee Debti Advice to EDP; Preparing Disc. Memo for dishonoured cheque cases; Initiating MRA for party letters and non-payment of dishonoured cheques; Scrutinize the scan list; MIS Reports and various reports to AEC(S).


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Government A/c. Section -----------------------------1. 2. Overall supervision of work;

To attend the consumers and their queries such as high bill complaints, change of name & address, correction of bills as per authority;


To check the payment in Suspense and pass necessary Debit/Credit to the respective account; To reply letters received from the consumers; To send final disconnection notices, removal, creation of O.S. To reply the MCA/Audit queries; Opening of new accounts; To attend SM and MRAs in regarding files as well as on Master Tape; Preparing proclaim, forwarding to the consumers, sending final notices/disconnection/removal advices, creation of O.S. etc; Replying Consumers dispute regarding amendment; Follow up of O.S. Recovery; Giving authority codes; Preparing duplicate bills; Preparing Statements; Attending to Reconnected Memos sent by Commercial Dept.; Attending legal maters such as redressal forum, City/Civil/High Courts etc; and appeal thereafter; Attending exception cases, passing Debit/Credit notes of wrong bills; Attending invalid cases; To attend transfer of A/c, from Govt. to Ordinary and vice-versa.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

17. 18. 19.

Refund of Security Deposit :1. 2. To attend the consumers regarding security deposit; To check the folio for change in name or meter removal;


If change in name not done, investigation memo to be attached with Change in Name form and send the same to the consumer; ESL-9 letters sent to consumers for any other query; For removal of meter cases, find out O.C., O.S. amount and to check whether MRA form received or attended to be filed, to send 901 advice; To check security deposit particulars, extra claim amount; Prepare Voucher bill, attach interest particulars form and calculate rate of interest of deposit amount; Necessary entry of CD nos. in the deposit registers; sundry book no. 44, 12, OC OS books and NT, Suspense books, to close the amount and details. Refund of bills of Govt. Staff Quarters and prepare final bill and sent it to Audit; Refund of amendment claim and excess paid amount after taking approval of higher authorities, as per mount; Check the entry of amount in the Suspense book and pass necessary remark of the C.D. No. Collect Review Committee file, make necessary entry of refund amount and CD No. and send it to Sup. Stats for checking. Voucher bill to be sent to Legal Dept. if amount exceeds is Rs.5000/- and any dispute matter of consumers relating to Legal;

4. 5.

6. 7.


9. 10.




MRA & Suspense : ----------------------1. 2. Entry of MRA Form in the Register (Odd/Even);

Attend MRA Form on the Folio; mention date of removal, units, month and check the MRA Form as per folio; 3. Prepare 913 advice form and send it to EDP;


To prepare OC, OS form and make entry in the OC book, OS book and send it to Audit for checking; 5. To attend the Stub cyclewise and enter in the Suspense book;


To attend consumers and check the paid amount receipt verify the suspense entry rand send advice for credit amount to EDP; Total calculation of paid case and send summary of paid cases to Statistical Section twice in a month;


Duties & Responsibilities Supervisor (O.S.) : -----------------------------1. 2. To check ESL 84, 85, 86 amount and check the extra claim amount; Find out the last ledger position amount as per removal date and enter in the reconnection form; Find out O.S., O.C. amount from the old registers (BD and DCL book). Prepare Final Bill and deposit amount on the reconnection forms, make entry in the Registers and send it to Commercial Dept; Prepare monthly summary of O.S. and O.C.; To attend reconnection memo and follow up O.S. Recovery; Reconciliation entries and send pleading notices; To forward the case to Legal Dept. and initiate legal proceedings for recovery; To put up Committee notes.

3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.



Preparing temporary accounts registers

a] Short Term A/c 2.

b] Long Term A/c

As per the connection orders opening the accounts In case of long terms a/c ---------------------------a] b] c] d] e preparing reading folios of the meter sending the folios to their respective wards to get monthly reading Noting the reading of the meters in the register preparing bills and ledgers sending papers for investigations, if necessary.

3. 4. 5. 6. a]

As per all the I.D. papers, closing the accounts. In case of non-payments advise to be sent to DECS. Preparing cheques for Ganapati utsav and Navratrotsav. After closing the accounts, if Refund is raised then refund voucher to be prepared after submitting the original deposit receipts by the consumer. If outstanding amount balancd shown, the outstanding memo created along with I.D. papers and send to Recovery Section and E.D. amount of o/s send to Sup. Stats and to follow up recovery. Writing the letters to the defaulter consumers for making arrears payment. Monthwise summary send to Sup. Stats. Preparing O/S creation book and DCL register. Recording/checking payment from cash collective list and stubs. Reply to the consumers letters.


c] 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Attending legal matters such as redressal forum, city civil court, high court and appeal thereafter.

12. 13.

Preparing Street Lighting Bills and all unmetered supply bills. Preparing summary of Street Lighting bills.

14. 15.

Attending queries of the consumers. Follow up of the DESL in case of non-payment.

SUPERVISOR : 1. 2. To attend the consumers complaint for high billing, low billing.

To bifurcate the consumers written complaint as per complaint matter and forward them for further process. To attend change of name of consumers meters with due verification of documents. Receiving of documents in case of change in tariff and amendment if required. To give duplicate bills if consumer has not received the bill and if he complaints about that. To issue current bill for extension of meter. To issue installments as per instructions of ASCS and SCS. To make corrections in the bills regarding with case of wrong punch over-read, wrong debits or credit etc. To attend complaints of amendment and issue installment if required. To keep records of staff attendance and leave record. To keep circulars in update manner. To attend the P.O. 128 cases and to fill 906, 955 forms if required in any case. Overall supervision and guidance to staff.


4. 5.

6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13.



INTRODUCTION The organizational set-up, duties & responsibilities of the officers & staff working in O&M(CN) department is given to assist the officers and staff of the Undertaking to get acquainted with the work of the Operation & Maintenance department. RESPONSIBILITIES AND FUNCTIONS OF (O&M) DEPARTMENT 1. The division shall be primarily concerned with operation & maintenance of the Electric Supply Distribution System in the area of operation. 2. This shall include the responsibility for the smooth and uninterrupted working of : (a) Receiving Substations. (b) Distribution Substations. (c) H.V. & L.V. mains 3. Restoration of supply whenever interruptions occur in the system. 4. The department shall be responsible for complying with the requirements of various legislations applicable to its functioning, viz (a) Indian Electricity Act and Rules, (b) The Factories Act and Rules & other Acts applicable from time to time. 4.1. The department shall also be responsible for initiating bills for payment of fees to the Government Electrical Inspector. 5. The department shall be responsible for initiating bills for payment of fees to the Government Electrical Inspector. 6. Maintenance of appropriate records in respect to payments of (a) Lease rents, (b) Electrical Inspectors fees, (c) Way-leave charges and other suitable records for various Distribution substations / receiving substations. 7. The department shall furnish the following data to the other departments of the Supply Branch. 7.1. Loads of various transformers, cables, feeders, in the distribution system to the Planning department and

suggest appropriate scheme, wherever considered necessary. 7.2. Information regarding service over loads and unbalanced loads shall be furnished to the Commercial department, whenever detected. 7.3. The department shall send data regarding mal-operations of relays installed in the Receiving substations or Distribution substations to the Meters & Relays department for suitable action. 7.4. The department shall render assistance to the Material Management and Planning (Material) departments in selecting & approving various stores items required by the department as far as their quality & suitability for use of the department are concerned.

7.5. The department shall furnish to Planning (Material) & Material Management departments its estimates of yearly consumptions of various items and stores likely to be used by the department in an ensuing year. ORGANISATION

The Operation & Maintenance department is divided into 4 divisions viz. (1) North, (2) Central North, (3) South, & (4) Central South. 1. Each division will be under the contraol & supervision of the Respective Divisional Engineer. 2. Each Divisional Engineer shall be immediately responsible to The Deputy Chief Engineer of the respective zone. 3. For convenience of works, the division is broadly divided into two section, viz (a) Repairs & Maintenance and (b) Operation & Restoration of Supply. 4. The organization set-up of the division is shown in the organizational Chart (Appendix A)

ESTABLISHMENT 4.1. The respective zonal organization of the division shall consist of (a) One Divisional Engineer (b) Three Superintendents (c) Three Asistant Engineers & (d) Other staff that may be sanctioned under the Establishment Schedule from time to time (e) Other non-scheduled staff engaged from time to time. DUTIES 1. The Divisional Engineer The Divisional Engineer shall be directly responsible to the respective Deputy Chief Engineer of the zone and is the Chief Executive Officer incharge of the Operation & Maintenance Division. To assist him in the performance of his below mentioned duties, he is provided with necessary staff as shown in the Establishment schedules sanctioned annually and also as shown in the department organizational charts.


He shall constantly keep under review all the activities of the division and introduce as & when considered necessary, any changes that will materially improve the efficiency of the division. All changes concerning policy, however, before being introduced are subject to the prior approval of the Dy. Chief Engineer.


He shall submit to the Deputy Chief Engineer, Distribution North not later than of each month before 10th the monthly MIS Report for proceeding month on the salient acitivities carried out by department as per format prescribed. He shall also be responsible for efficient operation, maintenance & routine testing of all plant, machinery & cables in the distribution system. He shall enforce all regulations, Standing Orders, Safety Rules & other departmental & statutory rules, instructions issued from time to time & periodically inspect all departmental registers, records & activities of the department. He shall submit detailed reports of all major interruptions of supply of serious nature or any breakdown of plant or equipment or any other major changes in the system.





He shall be responsible for preparation of annual budget estimates of Capital & Revenue Expenditure & manual administrative report of the division. He shall ensure indenting & stocking of sufficient spare parts for plant & machinery & other items of Material Management department to maintain continuity of supply. He shall maintain an up-to-date inventory of plant, machinery & items of dead stock entrusted to the division. He shall maintain staff records & deal with other matters connected with the staff of the division. He shall collect, maintain & submit to the appropriate authorities statistical & other information regarding his division as may be necessary from time to time. He shall procure administrative & other appropriate sanctions for jobs to be carried out for outside parties & initiate actions for preparing outdoor bills etc. in respect of the same. He shall constantly keep under review all activities of the department & introduce with the approval of the appropriate authorities, wherever necessary, such changes-technical, procedural or otherwise that will improve the efficiency of the department.







Assistant Engineers & Superintendents i) The Superintendents & Assistant Engineers shall generally assist the DEMCN in the discharge of his duties as Divisional Engineer. As far as possible & subject to the availability of personnel, 2 Superintendents & 2 Assistant Engineers in the division shall be incharge of all departmental matters connected with the repairs & maintenance of Distribution substation equipment & cables & the other 1 Superindent & 1 Assistant Engineer shall be similarly responsible for


all works in connection with (a) restoration of supply (b) R&M of Receiving Substations.


Subject to the above arrangement, a Superintendent / Assistant Engineer shall perform the following duties depending on the section allocated to him.

a) He shall prepare & execute detailed programs of operation, maintenance & testing of plants; machinery, cables & other equipment entrusted to the department. b) He shall be responsible for restoration of supply including service cutout service. c) He shall see that records of loads & voltages at Distribution substations, Receiving Substations & of L.V. distributor cables are maintained. d) He shall report cases of overloads & take appropriate actions for relief. e) He shall be responsible for maintaining up-to-date maintenance registers, operation instructions of different Receiving substations & Distribution Substations, maps, diagrams, layouts, etc. f) He shall plan & arrange to indent or recoup materials required in the day to day running of the department.

g) He shall maintain discipline & efficiency in all sections & staff under him, investigate reports or irregularities by staff & make suitable reports & recommendations to the Divisional Engineer. h) He shall localize & rectify faults on underground cables including communication cables. i) He shall submit reports of faults to the Divisional Engineer. (iv) He shall allocate & direct appropriate staff to carry out particular day-to-day assignments in the execution of above duties. (v) He may suggest scheme or any other measure for improvement of the functioning of the department. (vi) (a) The Assistant Engineers shall further ensure that the operating instruction issued in the electricity safety code & other departmental instructions are properly understood & followed by the staff under them while carrying out works on live or dead equipment. (b) The requirement of Indian Electricity Acts & Rules & also any other statutory provision applicable as far as their duties & operation are concerned, are adhered to.

DY. ENGINEER 1. The duties of Dy. Engineer are broadly classified into the following categories: a) Fault Duty. b) R&M Distribution substation Receiving substations. c) Repairs, fault localization of cables. 2. Fault Duty i) When assigned fault duty, a Dy. Engineer shall be primarily concerned with the immediate restoration of supply by the quickest possible measure without sacrificing safety & security. With this in view, he shall keep in contact with the System Controller (North) or Fault Controller either on VHF or though telephone. On receipt of a fault message, he will proceed to the affected place, without any delay in the vehicle provided for this purpose. He will carry out necessary operation to restore supply. If necessary, he may seek help of standby Dy. Engineer or the Assistant Engineer / Superintendent concerned.




After restoration of supply he shall contact system Controller (North) & give him particulars of the operations carried out by him. He shall submit within 24 hours a detailed fault report in the standard form to the Divisional Engineer through the Asst Engrs./ Supdt. Concerned. He shall do load transfer & operations for arranging outages / shutdowns for maintenance & addition / alteration / replacement of various equipment in the distribution system. The Dy-Engineer will keep himself conversant with:




(a) all types of plant, machinery and equipment in the Supply System. (b) He shall maintain up-to-date H.V. network diagrams. (c) He shall maintain in proper working condition all tools assigned to him and keep sufficient stock of stores and materials in his vehicle. (d) He shall be conversant with the Electric Safety Code and relevant provisions of the Indian Electricity Act and Rules.

When assigned LV fault duty as MECN the Sub-Engineer / DyEngineer shall : i) Primarily be concerned with the immediate restoration of supply in L.V. network by the quickest possible measure without sacrificing safety & security. Remain in contact with Fault / System Controller (N) on VHF/ Telephone and attend to the off supply messages according to priority given by Sy. Controller(N) whenever necessary. On receipt of off supply message proceed to the affected place without delay in the vehicle provided for this purpose. Restore the supply to consumers by replacing burnt cutout, replacing blown / strained fuses in pillars through a test switch parallel LV network required by Fault Engineer for phasing out. Restore supply in case of open circuit fault on LV distributor through alternate feed.






After restoration of supply contact the Fault/System Controller (N) and give him all the particulars about the fault. Carry out load transfers in case of LV faults himself or in consultation with standby Engineer / AE in case of major load transfers. Test the service position for location of open circuit faults, after taking out the tracing of the affected distributor. Test and isolate service fault / open circuit distributor fault. Excavate, locate, isolate distributor faults/feeder faults according to the instructions of DyE(ML)/ standby Engineer. Decompound the H.V. & L.V. boxes of the transformer and boxes of the H.V. switchgear. For replacement purpose after getting the necessary permit to work. Keep himself conversant with upto-date L.V. network.









Take new distribution transformer on load and rearrange L.V. network as per instruction from DyE MLCN/AE concerned. Arrange to maintain in proper working condition all tools assigned to him and keep sufficient stock of materials (such as cut-outs fuses etc.) in his van. Attend to low voltage complaints and submit the report regarding the cause to DyE(ML). Take loads on LV network / service position in all cases of faults & also as per instructions from System controller(N)/ DyE MLCN.




xviii) Change units in the distribution pillars or LV board as directed by DyE MCLN. xix) Pot-head idle service in dangerous conditions. Attend to electric shock messages. Attend to pillar damages and house collapse / fire messages.




Take proper care of the VHF set and batteries and arrange to refit the set and batteries in the substitute vehicle in case of breakdown / servicing of his vehicle.

xxiii) Ensure that precautions mentioned in safety codes and other office orders issued from time to time are strictly followed while working on / near live equipment / cables. xxiv) Maintain a diary giving details of the works carried out in his shift. xxv) Maintain the operation diary giving correct details about the LV network changes for paralleling / separating of substations or load transfers advised by DyE MLCN or AE.

xxvi) Maintain handing over diary giving in brief the jobs pending in his shift. xxvii) Maintain the cutout message register giving full details about address, size of cutout, off supply timing, condition of core, etc. xxviii) Write dept. letters regaring shortage of materials, staff reports, damages to Undertakings property, theft reports and accident reports.

xxix) Initiate departmental letters regarding temporary potheading of idle / dangerous services. xxx) Indent materials required for execution of job and credit unserviceable materials back to stores.

xxxi) Write OT/MA/Leave forms etc. for himself and the staff working under him. xxxii) Drive light motor vehicle whenever required. xxxiii) Supervise and direct the work of M.V. Driver, Jointer and Nawghanies working on shift duties directly under him. R&M of Receiving substations and Distribution substation. The Dy. Engineers on repairs and maintenance of Receiving substations shall be directly responsible to the Supdt. and shall under his direction and supervision, execute maintenance program of various Receiving substations. In the course of these operations, he shall : (a) arrange for necessary shutdowns of equipment for maintenance purposes :

(b) Overhaul switchgears, transformers (including filteration of transformer oil), tap-change gear, compressor, etc. as per the schedule prepared by the Supdt. (c) Attend to complaints regarding equipment etc., installed in receiving stations. In the discharge of the above duties, the Dy.Engineers shall be assisted by appropriate staff and the Dy.Engineers shall be responsible for both the work and safety of the staff allotted to them. The duties of supervisory staff & tradesman are as under : The duties of Deputy Engineers & other supervisor staff on R&M of DSS are more or less similar to their counterparts on R&M of RSS, mentioned at above. Cable maintenance and fault localization This Dy Engineers shall be directly responsible to the Supdt. Assistant Engineer and shall : i) Locate faults and effect temporary and permanent repairs to the underground HV / LV cables network, including communication cables and service cables. Test high and low voltage cables, pressure test cables switchgear, etc. Attend to accidental damages of cables. Supervise the work of Dy.Ch. Engineers who are checking day and evening peak load and report cases of overloads and unbalanced loads.


iii) iv)


Maintain and keep in safe custody all testing equipments/ instruments. Pay particular attention to emergency work such as interruption of supply, reports of electrocution, poles / pillars giving shock, cable burning, etc. Consolidate date regarding equipment at distribution substation, Receiving substation, interruption of supply and maintain the necessary records. Process reports submitted by the field staff and prepare fair reports ultimately to be submitted to the CEDN. Inspect stores materials indented by the department for their suitability in use. Pressure, test tapes, oils, switchgears, etc. Collect and co-ordinate necessary statistical and other information and prepare draft report of the work of his section for eventual inclusion in the monthly MIS & Annual Administration report. Assist the Dy. Engineers on outdoor jobs in cases of major breakdowns, whenever necessary.





x) xi)


1. Sub Engineer (Fault Control) The Sub-Engineer posted in system control shall : i) Receive general as well as Fault messages related to the BEST electric supply network and on a preliminary analysis direct the Fault Engineer and / or Mains

Engineers or Tower wagon or fuseman to proceed to the place of Off Supply and keep in constant touch with those attending the off supply. Keep the officers of the concerned zones informed regarding off supplies. ii) Log important messages received from the Fault Engineers/ Mains Engineers etc. and report them to the officers and staff concerned through his Assistant or personally, if urgent. Maintain up-to-date records regarding cutout, service and L.V. Faults. Maintain fault register, V.H.F. register, paralleling and separating of distribution substations register and all other registers required. Receive and dispatch stationary materials at the control room. Arrange for standby staff in case of emergency reported at various vehicles attending fault emergency messages. Take appropriate action in case of unusual incidents occurring at substation. Prepare daily report and V.H.F. report and inform every day and take action as per their instructions. He shall report giving details regarding non-working telephones & V.H.F. sets to DET&E. Note down and convey telephone complaints to the staff concerned and get the complaints attended.









In case of urgent fault messages, he shall inform fault vehicles on wireless if they are on the road.

Deputy Engineer (Cable Fault Repairs) The Deputy Engineers shall in overall in charge of the jointing and cable laying section. He shall. i) Prepare the daily work sheet showing the work allocation of staff comprising of Jointers, Muccadam, Security Guard and Nawghanies, Dy. Ch. Engineers etc. Take measurements of road reinstatement work after the completion of cable Fault Repairs for forwarding to Municipal authorities for resurfacing of roads / footpath. Ensure that office registers / files relating to work, such as chargeable work orders jobs, replacement of cutout, etc. and reinstatement, damage, accidents are properly maintained. Write completion reports & cost sheets giving details of labour / material utilized, etc. Indent materials required for execution of jobs and credit unserviceable / excess materials back to the stores and ensure that material is supplied to work sites in time. Fill in accident forms and certify correctness of particular entered therein. Recommend leave of staff. Prepare cost sheets for chargeable jobs and certify bills received from M.C.G.M/ M.B.P.T in respect of road reinstatement work. Write inter-departmental letter regarding execution of work, shortage of materials, staff reports, damage to Undertakings property, theft reports, etc.






vii) viii)



Perform H.V. and L.V. work in connection with permanent repairs to cable faults and other maintenance work of the underground distribution system.

Charge Engineer (RSS) maintenance The Charge Engineer shall i) look after the working of electrical and mechanical equipment installed in the Receiving substation and shall be responsible for maintenance of electric supply to the Distribution substation and consumers at the required voltage.


Ensure that hourly readings of loads / temperatures etc., are maintained in the logsheet and that the transformers / cables do not carry overload. Carry out switching on and switching off operations on transformers / feeder, breaker / equipment and isolate the same as and when required.



Submit monthly reports on load condition at the receiving substation. Carry out routine tests on batteries, compressors, earth resistance, weekly testing of alarm relay on transformers, etc. Supervise the work of cleaners and get the station equipment cleaned. He shall be responsible for the general cleaning and upkeep of the equipment and the station. Ensure safety of the staff of other departments, when working in the receiving substation. Supervise the work of oil filtering of transformers and switchgear, whenever required. In case of accidents in the station caused to other staff, give first aid and make arrangements to take the affected staff to hospital and report to accident inspector and factory inspector. He shall maintain the station diary and other registers for load, units consumed, telephone calls etc. Supervise work of routine overhauling of switchgears and minor station auxiliary equipment in the station.








Charge Engineer & Deputy Charge Engineer (DSS R&M) The Deputy Charge Engineer (DSS, R&M) shall i) Supervise maintenance work of oil circuit breakers at the Distribution substations, filtering transformer oil on site, & circuit breaker oil at depot, & repair work, such as oil leakage from transformer oil tank, earthing conductor, wiring of substation lighting. Test circuit breaker oil & transformer oil for acid test & dielectric strength test. Renew drying agent (silicagel) from transformer breather.




Take load readings, temperature readings etc. & maintain diary. Drive delivery van for transporting material for maintenance work & for attending to breakdowns. Keep vigil to ensure safety of persons working inside Distributions substation in the vicinity of live equipment, whenever required. Supervise the work of Fitters on maintenance work of Distribution substation equipment.




Deputy Charge Engineer (DSS) The Deputy Charge Engineer shall i) inspect superficially & report the functioning of electrical plant & equipment, such as transformers, circuit breakers, cables, dividing boxes, L.V. Boards, current transformers, etc. in the substations in the section of comprising no. of DSS allocated to him. Record load readings on high-tension feeders, transformers at the DSS.



Report on building condition of Distribution substations as regards doors, locks, windows, fastenings, leakage during monsoon, etc. Supervise the cleaning work done by Nawghany / Scavenger. Keep vigil to ensure safety of persons working inside substations in the vicinity of live equipments, whenever required.



Charge Engineer / Dy. Ch. Engineer (Cable Fault Repairs) The Charge Engineer / Dy. Ch. Engineer shall : i) supervise and check attendance and guide outdoor staff, such as Muccadams, Jointers, Masons, Nawghanies in the case of HV / LV cable Fault repairs. assist the Sub-Engineer in preparing daily worksheet showing labour allocation and details of work and in cases of urgency re-allocation of labour on site, take measurement for road reinstatements work, etc. write requisitions and prepare credit notes for excess unserviceable materials. Maintain registers, such as the work order book, attendance, etc. Drive light vehicles, whenever required. Maintain daily progress of work.




v) vi) Jointer

The jointer shall i) put in and remove fuses and links in the live distribution / pillar / boards. Temporary pothead live L.V. cables. Seal dead cables.

ii) iii)


Cut live low voltage cables in case of faults and restore supply by looping over with C.T.S. / V.I.R. cables / temporarily.

v) vi)

Replace phase and neutral cutouts on live services. Assist in transporting testing instruments and making connections while carrying out testing work. On maintenance jobs of distribution pillars, replace broken insulators, terminals, contacts and carry out cleaning, etc. Supervise the work of about 5 Nawghanies. Carry out decompounding work of H.V. and L.V. dividing boxes of transformers, switchgear, etc. Open out sealing chamber / sealing end of services in case of faults to restore supply.


viii) ix)


Jointer-mate The Jointer-mate shall :


help jointer in jointing work, such as cushion around, fixing cutout board, taping cleaning tools, giving proper tools, preparing tape bobbins, etc. tow the jointers handcart with Nawghanies to and from the depot.


Fitter The fitter shall i) effect all the repairs to plant in receiving and substations under the guidance of supervisor. carry out alterations in control panel wiring and station wiring of all types in accordance with drawing supplied. Carry out routine maintenance of station plant and machinery. Attend to all minor fitting jobs.




Assistant Fitter The Assistant Fitter shall i) ii) iii) carry out all alterations to station wiring. Assist Fitter, in repairs and erections jobs. Overhaul machines and machine plant.


Attend to switchgears, filtering of transformer and circuit breaker oils and operation and maintenance of machines used for the purpose, overhauling of circuit breakers and maintain portable machines and appliances. Effect all minor-fittings jobs.

v) Mason

The Mason shall i) Lay precuts foundations, erect distribution pillars & makes foundations on site, whenever required. Lay & align the concrete pipes & seal the joints. Plaster & repair drainage arches. Replace the small size flooring during excavation work in the private properties. Construct manholes along pipelines for inspection & cable pulling. Fix rag-bolts in walls for cable-cleats, cutout board, etc.

ii) iii) iv)



WIREMAN The wireman shall i) repair / maintain the lighting wiring in distribution substations.


The painter-writer shall reproduce legend for unit nos. of supply network on the door of distribution pillars, showing the destination of cables, etc. MUCCADAM The Muccadam shall i) ii) take attendance of men working under him. Read route-plan only in cases of minor work & mark area for excavating cable trenches. Ensure that obstruction to pedestrians & vehicular traffic is kept to the minimum by proper piling & stacking of debris & by providing suitable crossings across the trenches. Whilst excavating the road, arrange to keep caution boards for guidance of traffic. Supervise a gang of Nawghanies working on excavations & cable laying of minor schemes, such as laying of distributors, H.V. cables, erection of pillars, etc.




Cable Inspector The Cable Inspector shall


inspect & report requirement of supporting our cables exposed during excavations taken by other utilities & report visible damage to our cables, if any. Go around the section allotted & inform other utilities to take care of exposed cables. Take instructions as regards excavations to be taken or in progress by other utilities. At the time of filling up the excavations, arrange to keep the cables in level & get them covered with the warning covers.




Since 1992, the necessary staff is sanctioned in O&M divisions for creating following 2 sections. 1) Pillar Maintenance Section 2) Schemes section for carrying preventive maintenance & execution of minor schemes related to LV network. The pillar maintenance section is responsible for preventive maintenance works related to LV distribution system for reducing the interruptions in electric supply and improving its quality. The Pillar Maintenance section carried out following R&M activities. R & M Activities 1) Replacement of old obsolete / corroded Distribution Pillars / LV Boards and spare parts therein like fusebase, busbar. 2) Taping of burnt core insulation of the cables in the L.V. Board / ADP. 3) Cleaning and tightening of cable contacts on LVBs, ADPs 4) Raising of Distribution Pillars above floor level. 5) Attending load-sharing transformers. complaints of distribution

Associated activities In addition to the periodic maintenance as stated above other associated activities are also carried out which further strengthen the distribution network, extends the life of the equipments, enhances the aesthetic appearance of the equipments, reduces the system losses, utilizes the sources evenly and makes the distribution installation workaholic for the workers. This activities are listed below. 1) Regular inspection and cleaning of pillars. 2) Periodic painting of pillars. 3) Mechanical maintenance of the pillar cabinet, canopy, locks, hinges, aprons, etc. 4) Regular inspection of our cables exposed in the excavation trench taken by protection to the cables. 5) Shifting / diversion of cables on request from MCGM, if our cables are coming in the alignment of their pipe laying or concretization of roads. 6) Permanent potheading of idle cables referred by Commercial Dept. 7) Service position maintenance : Raising service cable above flood level, replacement of service cutouts / cutout boards, removal of bunching of top terminal wires and proper cleaning, load balancing on all three phases, attending to loose contacts on service cutouts & neutral links. 8) In case the number of cable faults increase, the pillar maintenance section also repairs the cable faults. Duties and responsibilities of the staff are as follows : A.E. : Assistant Engineer (Pillar Maintenance) shall be the executive officer incharge of section related with Pillar, cable diversion of service position maintenance and shall be responsible to Divisional Engineer O&M(CN) division for all the works connected with his section.

He shall be responsible for following specific duties. i) ii) iii) Preparing program for execution of jobs well in advance. Allocating & supervising the work of the staff under him. Furnishing details regarding justifications for temporary staff wherever required. Furnishing details for preparing MIS / Annual report, budget estimates and establishment schedules pertaining to his section. Dealing with all staff matters of the section and expeditious disposal of the papers. To put up purchase form and arrange for purchase of materials for urgent jobs.




Deputy Engineer: 2.1. The allocation of work of DyE in PM section shall depend on the exigencies of the dept. and shall be decided by A.E. incharge from time to time. 2.2. Being assistant to A.E. in matters connected with work allocated, DyE is specifically responsible for all technical work pertaining thereto. 2.3. The DyE shall be responsible for the following specific duties wherever applicable. i) ii) Proper location code is to be opened for each job. Surveying the site of pillar raising / replacement before execution of the job. Planning efficient execution of the job before taking in hand, taking into account the availability of material and transportation of material. Supervising the execution of jobs. Ensuring that material & labour required reach on the site in time.


iv) v)

vi) vii)

Daily allocation of jobs to the staff. Ensuring that safety measures are followed before and during execution of work on live cables.


Arranging to collect permit to work issued by fault Engr. case of outage of transformer. Discharging the permit to work after taking all necessary precautions. Logging messages with System Control (N), whenever required. Arranging for sending reinstatement notice to the appropriate authorities and follow up them till the reinstatement is done. Arranging for removal of debris from work sites. Maintaining necessary records and registers. Submitting O.T. forms and meal allowance forms with justification.




xii) xiii) xiv)

Sub-Engineer :

The Sub Engineer shall work under the DyE and his specific duties shall depend on the exigencies of the dept. & shall be decided by the Asst. Engineer. He shall perform the following duties. 1) Supervising the execution of jobs scheduled. 2) Arranging for necessary permission required from the Ward office of MCGM, whenever required. 3) Allocating work to the staff working under him. 4) Preparing requisitions for material for the execution of jobs undertaken. 5) Preparing credit notes for excess material, scrap released at the jobs sites. 6) Transporting material to the jobs sites in time. 7) Sending staff attendance / job sheets to Attendance Clerk in time. 8) Closing of location codes of jobs after checking and crediting of material. 9) Informing various utilities regarding damage to their cables / pipes etc. 10) Preparing RI notices after taking measurements. 11) Filling in various forms such as leave forms, accident form, provident fund, meal allowance form and writing job sheets and handing them over to DyE. 12) Preparing cost sheets for chargeable jobs like, pillar damaged by private partys vehicle, & follow up the same with accident Inspector. 13) Checking tools and equipments and sending damaged tools/ equipments to Kussara / CAS dept. for repairs / reconditioning. 14) Maintaining necessary records and registers.

15) Driving the Undertakings vehicles during the course of his duties. 16) In cases of accident arrange to take the injured person to the nearest dispensary / hospital for attention and informing the concerned authorities. 3) Charge Engineers / Deputy Charge Engineers : The Charge Engineer / Dy. Ch. Engr. shall work under Dy. Engineer & his specific duties shall depend on the exigencies of the Dept. which shall be decided by the Asst. Engineer. He shall perform the following duties. a) Carrying out direct supervision of jobs allotted to him. b) Allocating work to the staff under him. c) Arranging for materials required for the jobs through Sub-Engrs. / Dy. Engineers. d) Arranging to provide necessary protection to trenches against accidential hazards.

e) Keeping credit notes ready for materials to be credited. f) Filling in different types of forms like leave application, P.F. etc. for the staff under his control. g) Forwarding statutory intimation form to concerned ward office and obtain permission for the excavation work. h) Informing the appropriate authorities in case of damage to the other utility services. i) Giving or arranging for First aid to an injured person and taking him to hospital / dispensary wherever necessary. j) Furnishing measurements of trenches to Sub-Engr. / Dy. Engr. in order to enable him to prepare RI notices. k) Preparing requisitions for materials for jobs allocated to him. l) Preparing credit notes for excess materials and crediting them to Stores / Scrap-yard, (Anik/ Oshiwara). m) Arranging to deliver materials and tools to outdoor staff at sites, as & when required and keeping the records of the same. n) Driving the Undertakings vehicles during the course of his duties.

Scheme Section The scheme comprise of L.V. cable laying, installation of ADP. To reduce repeated D/F and S/F and to reduce the number of services on service chain distributors, L.V. loads section prepares small schemes. After getting the approval of DEMCN, the schemes are executed by Scheme section in fair season. Besides the Simha schemes prepared by Commercial (North) Dept. for giving load relief to Simha Circuits, conversion of 3 core service to 4 core and upgradation of frequently failing overloaded services are also carried out by this section. The execution of scheme involves laying & jointing of L.V. cables, erection & replacement of pillars. The duties and responsibilities of the staff working in the scheme section are as follows. Assistant Engineer (Schemes) 3.1. Asst. Engineer of Schemes section shall be the executive officer in charge for the L.V. Scheme section allocated to him and shall be responsible to the Divisional Engineer Maintenance (CN) for all the works connected with his section. 3.2. He shall be responsible for the following specific duties. i) Preparing programs for execution of schemes well in advance.


Arranging for necessary permissions from MCGM and Traffic Police Authorities, wherever required. Allocating and supervising the work of Dy. Engineers working under him. Furnishing details regarding justification for temporary staff wherever required. Furnishing details for M.I.S. report, preparing annual reports, & budget estimates pertaining to his section. Dealing with all staff matters of the section and expenditure disposal of the papers. To put up purchase forms and arrange for purchase of materials for the urgent jobs. To supervise smooth co-ordination between Dy. Engineer and Transport Contractor for the movement of materials at site and removal of Debris / scrap etc. To obtain post facto sanction for the scheme executed departmentally.








4. DEPUTY ENGINEER (Schemes) The allocation of work of Deputy Engineers in Scheme Section shall be decided by the Assistant Engineer in charge from time to time. Besides being of general assistance to the Assistant Engineer in the matters connected with the work allocated, the Deputy Engineer, is specifically responsible for all technical work pertaining thereto. The Deputy Engineer shall be responsible for the following specific duties, wherever applicable.

i) ii)

Proper location code is to be opened of each job. Work commencement notice to be forwarded to Accounts Department for each scheme. Surveying of proposed routes of the cables before the execution of the relevant schemes.



Planning and efficient execution of schemes, preparation of daily program for execution of schemes before taking them in hand, taking into account the availability of material and transportation of materials. Ensuring that necessary formalities in respect of permission / intimations have been complied with before taking any job in hand. Supervising the execution of schemes. Ensuring that material and labour required reach the work site in time. Instructing Sub-Engineer, Charge Engineer / Deputy Ch.Engr. regarding the execution of work. Arranging with Sub Engineer / Ch. Engr. for the booking of Jointers & Muccadams for the day to day jobs.


vi) vii)




Ensuring that safety measures are followed before and during execution of work on live equipments. Ensuring that no consumers are kept off-supply without prior notice. Arranging for sending reinstatement notice to the appropriate authorities and follow up with them till the reinstatement is done. Arranging for removal of debris from the work sites. Collection of necessary data regarding output.





xv) xvi)

Maintaining necessary records and registers. Checking Muccadams Hand Craft and Jointers kit regularly. Inspecting `First Aid boxes regularly.


xviii) Submitting O.T. forms and Meal allowance forms with justifications. xix) Ensuring the closing of work orders in time.


Driving Undertakings vehicles in the course of his duties. Attending courts wherever required. Inspection of stores material whenever required. Report

xxi) xxii)

xxiii) Submissions of `Work Completion regarding execution of schemes. xxiv) Investigations of complaints from public. xxv)

Ensuring that proper security arrangements are made at chowkey.

xxvi) Ensuring that excess material is not stored in the chowkey. xxvii) Crediting the materials brought from the work sites to stores. xxviii) In case of accident, arranging to take the injured person to the nearest dispensary / hospital for attention and informing about it to the concerned authorities. xxix) Arranging for necessary permissions from MCGM, Traffic Police Authorities and other authorities whenever required. xxx) To ensure monthly servicing of the Undertakings vehicle allotted to the section.

xxxi) To co-ordinate with transport contractor for transporting materials at site in time. xxxii) Arranging to forward vehicle accident report to Motor Vehicle Department whenever Undertakings vehicle meet with an accident. xxxiii) To forward fact finding report to officers in charge whenever our staff are injured while carrying out Undertakings works at site.

5. SUB ENGINEER (Schemes) 5.1. The Sub Engineer shall work under the Deputy Engineer and his specific duties which shall be decided by the Assistant Engineer. He shall perform the following duties. i) Supervising the execution of schemes / repairs to cable faults. Daily booking of Jointers/Muccadams for the day to day jobs. Studying the schemes in detail and assessing the number of men and material required for the job.




Arranging for necessary permission required from the Ward office of MCGM and the Police authorities, wherever required. Allocating work to the staff working under him. Engaging work orders for different jobs. Preparing requisitions for material for the execution of jobs undertaken by him. Preparing credit notes for excess materials left over or released at the job sites. Transporting jointers materials to the job sites in time. Checking attendance of staff and materials at sites. Sending staff attendance / job sheets to Office in time. Arranging required. for Draughtsman wherever


vi) vii)







Closing work order after checking and crediting materials. Collection of data in connection with the execution of schemes / cable fault repairs. Checking progress of work and controlling labour on various jobs. Informing various utilities regarding damage to their equipment / cables, etc. Preparing reinstatement notices after taking measurements.





xviii) Follow up the reinstatement work in private properties with XEN(BS)/ Supdt. (BS) of

Building Department and ensuring its proper execution.


Arranging for removal of debris from work sites. Filling in various forms, such as, leave forms, accident forms, Provident Fund, Meal allowance forms and writing job sheets and handing them over to the Deputy Engineer in respect of the staff working under him whenever required. Giving first-aid to the injured persons and taking them to hospital whenever necessary. Arranging for posting of Security staff to guard chowkey and cable drums and other materials at work sites.




xxiii) Arranging for transport of materials such as cables and tiles. xxiv) Checking tools and equipment and sending damaged tools to Kussara for repairs / reconditioning.


Supervising laying whenever required.





xxvi) Maintaining necessary records and registers. xxvii) Preparing weekly off schedule of the Security Guards and other staff in advance. xxviii) Driving the Undertakings vehicles during the course of his duties. xxix) Arranging for getting sundry materials fabricated in the workshop whenever necessary. xxx) Planning for efficient execution of Simha Schemes work orders received from Commercial Department.

xxxi) Ensuring closing of work orders in time. xxxii) In case of accident arranging to take the injured person to the nearer dispensary / hospital for attention and informing the concerned authorities. 6.2. DEPUTY CHARGE ENGINEER / DY.CH. ENGR. (SCHEMES) The Ch.Engr. / Dy. Ch. Engineer shall work under one of the Sub Engineers and his specific duties shall be decided by the Assistant Engineer from time to time. He shall perform the following duties. i) Carrying out direct supervision of jobs allotted to him. Allocating work to the staff under him. Taking attendance of the staff posted on the job.

ii) iii)


Arranging for materials required for the jobs through Sub Engineer / Charge Engineer.

v) vi)

Arranging Security Guards duties. Arranging to provide necessary footboards over the trenches. Arranging to provide necessary protection to trenches against accidental hazards. Keeping credit notes ready for materials to be credited. Filling in different types of forms regarding leave application. Provident Fund etc. in respect of the staff working under him. Informing the appropriate authorities in case of damage to the other utility services. Inspecting tools and other materials in chowkey and arranging with the Sub Engineer / Deputy Engineer for replacing / reconditioning / scrapping of tools, whenever Necessary. Giviing or arranging for first-aid to an injured person and taking him to hospital wherever necessary.








Checking the inventory of materials with the Muccadams directly. Deciding the cable route after taking trial holes. Furnishing measurements of trenches to SubEngineers / Charge Engineer in order to enable him to prepare reinstatement notices. Preparing requisitions for materials for jobs under him. Preparing credit notes for excess materials and crediting them to stores. materials retrieved

xiv) xv)



xviii) Getting the damaged wherever required. xix) xx) Preparing job sheets.

Arranging to deliver materials and tools to outdoor staff at sites, as and when required and keeping the records of the same.

Office Assistant The Office Assistant shall be directly responsible to the Divisional Engineer for the preparation, maintenance and / or checking, as the case may be, of staff records, clothing records staff engagement forms, discharge notices, temporary staff return forms, bills, manual reports, budget estimates, B grade officers absentee memos, & also for the drafting of letters & attending to general correspondence, & for the general supervision of all clerical office work. Supervisor The Supervisor shall supervise the work of clerks, shop recorders in the division & assist the Office Assistant in all respects in his day to day work. Clerk

The clerk shall i) ii) iii) iv) dispatch, file & find references. Check typed matter & worksheets. Maintain staff leave record Recoup departmental requirements of stores materials. Issue stationery & clothing. Maintain various general registers Scrutinize outgoing papers. Check estimates & maintain registers of new Distribution substations Maintain equipment files. Assist in maintaining registers Review filing system, files etc.

v) vi) vii) viii)

ix) x) xi)

The Clerk shall assist the higher administrative staff in the following work: i) preparation of budget estimates, manual reports, etc., & register pertaining to budget control. Maintenance of files on development & history of the Undertaking. M.C.A. & Audit (internal) queries & register pertaining to them. Preparation of specification related to office equipments. Stores matter dealing with Supply Branch materials & equipments etc.






Work done for outside parties & sale / hire of equipment. O.B. memo, bill vouchers, salary bills, etc. Progress of cases with Government, railways, electrical inspector, etc. Registers pertaining to bill vouchers & hire / sale of equipment etc.

vii) viii)


Stenographer The stenographer shall i) take dictation & transcribe it on a typewriter / PC. Type from drafts, typewritten matters, etc. Cut stencils according to instructions.

ii) iii) Typist

The typist shall i) ii) type from drafts, typewritten matter, etc., cut stencils according to instructions.

Peon The peon shall i) distribute relevant papers to different sections as per the instructions of the staff. Carry out dispatch to various offices in the Undertaking / related organizations.













(UPDATED AS ON 15.04.2002)



This manual has been compiled by scrutinizing, reviewing, updating the existing departmental manual. Although, every effort has been made to bring it up-to-date, this manual is intended only as a forerunner. All persons connected with this manual are, therefore, requested to examine the manual in detail and intimate to us any amendments that they feel necessary. A suggestion form for this is given along with the manual, please. Necessary instructions has been given to all concerned in the department to ensure that the manual is read and understood by them and that the procedure laid down are strictly followed.




CHAPTER I ORGANISATION, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE TRAINING AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1.1 INTRODUCTION: This chapter describes the organisational set-up of the department and lays down the duties and responsibilities of the staff of the department. Department consists of Training Section, Industrial Engineering Section & Joint Work Study Committee Section. 1.2 1.2.1 FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The department shall be responsible for training of the officers and staff of the Electric Supply Branch with a view to equip them with the requisite technical and administrative knowledge necessary for efficient execution of their work in their

own departments and the corresponding work in departments of the Supply Branch other than their own. 1.2.2 The department shall be responsible for smooth working of the library activities of the Supply Branch. ORGANISATION: The department shall be under the supervision and control of the D.E.T.I.E., who shall be responsible to the D.C.E.(G), for efficient working of the department. For functional convenience, the department consists of 3 sections: i) Training ii) Industrial Engineering iii)Joint Work Study Committee 1.3.3 1.4 1.4.1 The organisational set-up of the department is as per Appendix A. ESTABLISHMENT: The department shall consist of the Divisional Engineer, two Superintendent (Supply), three Assistant Engineers and other staff that may be sanctioned from time to time. The scheduled strength of the department is shown in the Organisation Chart. P.T.O. -21.5 1.5.1 DUTIES OF THE DIVISIONAL ENGINEER TRAINING & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING: The Divisional Engineer Training & Industrial Engineering shall be responsible to the Deputy Chief Engineer (General) for smooth and efficient working of the Training & Industrial Engineering Department and shall co-ordinate the work of the sections comprising it. His principle duties and responsibilities are enumerated below:i) He shall supervise the training of Probationary Engineers. ii) He shall supervise the training of the following: (a) Student and College Engineer; (b) Government sponsored trainees e.g. Graduate Apprentices (Sandwich), Graduate Apprentices (Plain), Technician Apprentices (Sandwich), Technician Apprentices (Plain) & visitors; (c) Senior Stipendiary Apprentices.

1.3 1.3.1


(d) Trade Trainees in various Trades such as Wireman, Electronics, Electrician, Carpenter, Welder, Fitter & Turner, Trainee Cable Jointer iii)He shall draw up plans for training during probationary period for officers who have been promoted in order to get them acquainted with the working of the departments in which they are posted. iv)He shall finalise and supervise the conducting of short term refresher training courses for officers, supervisors and employees in the various departments of the Supply Branch. The refresher course also includes the latest technological developments adopted in Electric Supply Distribution Network. v) He shall initiate the proposals in consultation with CE(S)/DCE(G) for deputing officers and staff for participating in the training courses conducted by the outside institutions. vi) He shall supervise the arrangement of lectures, film shows and excursions with a view to acquaint the personnel of the Electric Supply Branch with the latest technological developments in the equipments.. vii)He shall evaluate the training imparted to various personnel and suggest ways and means of utilising the experience/knowledge gained by them to the advantage of the Undertaking. viii)He shall finalise, in consultation with D.C.E.(G) when necessary, training programmes for executives. P.T.O. -3ix)He shall be responsible for the submission of annual reports, establishment schedule and budget estimates of the department. x) He shall deal with all the staff matters of the department. xi) To prepare ground work for personnel placement and to maximise the manpower resources of the Undertaking.



Superintendent (Supply), Training & Industrial Engineering shall assist the Divisional Engineer Training & Industrial Engineering for smooth and efficient working of Training & Industrial Engineering Department. His principal duties and responsibilities are:

i) He shall formulate training programme for officers of Electric Supply Branch. ii) He shall finalise the training programmes for officers after discussion with concerned departmental heads and Deputy Chief Engineer (General) whenever necessary. iii) He shall arrange for suitable faculty members having relevant experience and sufficient knowledge from officers of the Undertaking for various internal refresher training programmes. iv) He shall arrange for hand-outs materials for the above training programmes for officers. v) He shall obtain managements sanction for officers training programmes and expenditure to be incurred whenever necessary. vi) He shall attend the various training courses for officers as an observer with a purpose of evaluating the training imparted and evaluate programmes for finding the improvements if necessary. vii) He shall scrutinise the comments/suggestions received from various senior officers and trainees about the training programmes and training needs and to take suitable action.

P.T.O. -4viii) He shall initiate the proposals of training deputations of officers/staff of Supply Branch for participating in training course/seminar/workshop in consultation with CE(S)/DCE(G) a) Scrutinise all the brochures/letters received from various training institutes and finding out the useful training programme for Undertaking and initiating the proposal of the same. b) Necessary correspondence with the heads of various training institutes for getting the details of the training programmes so as to enable us to put up the proposals.

c) Monthly updation of deputation charts which includes deputation records (Training & Inspection material) of all the officers of Electric Supply Branch. d) Monthly updation of Bio-datas of all the officers who have gone for deputation. e) Necessary correspondence with the heads of various training institutes for registration and confirmation of the officers participating the training programmes/workshop. f) Issuing of circular for calling for papers from the officers of the Supply Branch for presenting in various Conferences/Seminars and necessary process of the same till the acceptance of the paper by the concerned institute. ix) He shall compile and submit reports at regular intervals to the management about all the deputations in the Electric Supply Branch x) He shall assist DETIE to evaluate the training imparted to various personnel and suggest ways and means of utilizing the experience/knowledge gained by them to the advantage of the Undertaking. xi) He shall assess the needs of the departments in respect of new equipments as training aid and prepare its specifications. xii) He shall assist DETIE in the new development activities of the department. xiii) He shall assist DETIE/DCE(G)/CES in the field of manpower.

xiv) He shall scrutinize the training report (Basic & Intensive) submitted by the Probationary Engineers and give necessary advice to improve upon and also conduct group & individual review to assess their performance. P.T.O. -5xv) He shall also assist DETIE in correspondence with various Employment Exchanges and assist DETIE in conducting the written test for the post of Probationary Engineers and necessary evaluation of the papers. xvi) He shall also scrutinize and update the basic & intensive training programme for Probationary Engineers. xvii) He shall also scrutinize and update the training programmes for the fresh promotees in administrative officers in grade A/GVIII to A5.

xviii) He shall formulate and periodically review syllabi for different categories of trainees. He shall scrutinise training programmes for Trainee Engineers and Probationary Engineers. xix) He shall arrange the meetings with the company executives to get the details of the products along with details regarding the design, installation & maintenance of the products before organising the technical presentation for the technical officers before initiating the proposals of technical presentation. xx) He shall obtain managements sanction for arranging presentation/demonstration of newly introduced products in our system so as to benefit all the technical officers of Supply Branch. This inclusive of other arrangements required for the presentation. xxi) He shall formulate training programmes for the staff member/supervisors in all departments of Electric Supply Branch. xxii) He shall formulate training programmes for officers/staff members/supervisors/tradesmen appearing for the promotional posts in all the departments of Electric Supply Branch. xxiii) He shall finalise the training programmes after discussion with concerned departmental heads and Deputy Chief Engineer (General) whenever necessary. xxiv) He shall arrange for suitable faculty members having relevant experience and sufficient knowledge from officers of the Undertaking for various internal refresher training programmes/promotional programmes. xxv) He shall arrange for hand-outs materials for the above training programmes. xxvi) He shall obtain managements sanction for training programmes and expenditure to be incurred whenever necessary. P.T.O. -6xxvii) He shall attend the various training courses as an observer with a purpose of evaluating the training imparted and evaluate programmes for finding the improvements if necessary. xxviii) He shall scrutinise the comments/suggestions received from various senior officers and trainees about the training programmes and training needs and to take suitable action.

xxix) He shall assist DETIE to evaluate the training imparted to various personnel and suggest ways and means of utilizing the experience/knowledge gained by them to the advantage of the Undertaking. xxx) He shall assess the needs of the departments in respect of new equipments as training aid and prepare its specifications, obtain sanctions and arrange for the purchase of such equipments. xxxi) He shall assist DETIE in the new development activities of the department. xxxii) He shall assist DETIE/DCE(G)/CES in the field of manpower. xxxiii) He shall organise the training of Technician Apprentices and Graduate Apprentices under the Apprenticeship Act 1961. Accordingly, he shall formulate and periodically review syllabi for different categories of trainees. xxxiv) He shall conduct the group review of the Apprentices periodically with the help of a Deputy Engineer holding a degree in Electrical Engineering or equivalent qualifications for Graduate Apprentices and Deputy Charge Engineer/Charge Engineer holding a diploma certificate or equivalent qualifications recognised by Government of India as obligatory as per the rules of Apprenticeship Act 1961. xxxv) He shall also formulate and periodically review the schedule of Trainees for Technician Apprentices under Sandwich Course sent by various Institutions in the middle or at the end of their Engineering course. xxxvi) He shall arrange the training of visitors such as Military Engineers and College students from various college throughout the country for an exposure of underground distribution system. xxxvii)He shall organise the project work training of the Engineering students coming to this Undertaking from various colleges. xxxviii)He shall also arrange inplant training to the Engineering students during Summer vacation. P.T.O. -7xxxix) He shall inquire the vacancies in various trades in Electric Supply Branch and arrange to engage the Trade Trainees. xl) He shall conduct the successful training of Trade Trainees and intimate to the concerned Panel Chairman for their absorption in permanent grade.



Assistant Engineer, Training & Industrial Engineering shall be responsible to the Divisional Engineer, Training & Industrial Engineering for the smooth & efficient working of the Training & Industrial Engineering Department. His principle duties & responsibilities are: i) He shall assist DETIE in correspondence with various Employment Exchanges and assist DETIE in conducting the written test for the post of Senior Stipendiary Apprentices and necessary evaluation of the papers. ii) He shall scrutinise and update the basic & intensive training programme for Senior Stipendiary Apprentices. iii) He shall scrutinise the training reports (basic & intensive) submitted by the Senior Stipendiary Apprentices and give necessary advice to improve upon and also conduct group & individual reviews to assess their performance. iv) He shall evaluate the training taken by Senior Stipendiary Apprentices during their training period and suggest some improvements to them before conducting their appraisals by the Panel Chairman.

v) He shall conduct the individual & group reviews of the Cable Jointer Apprentices and give necessary advice to improve upon their performance. vi) He shall supervise the Jointers Training School at Kussara Receiving Substation. vii) He shall arrange for initiating proposals for scrapping and replacement of equipments. viii) He shall upkeep the training/demonstration Bus Saudamini for conducting periodical Safety programmes, Energy Conservation programmes and also for conducting the programmes while observing weeks like Electrical Safety Week. He shall utilise this bus for creating awareness of Safety and Energy Conservation among the general public and staff members of Electric Supply Branch. P.T.O.

-8ix) He shall study various films, video cassettes on the subject of electrical equipments/systems available from British Council, National Safety Council, Films Division and various consulate general offices like Japan etc. and to organise programmes for the officers & staff members for the benefit of BEST Undertaking. x) He shall study different books published which are useful for the Training & Industrial Engineering Department for helping the officers of the Training Department to update their knowledge for imparting training to the new recruitees and to procure these books in Training & Industrial Engineering Department after obtaining necessary sanction. xi) He shall scrutinise the list of books received from various organisations and after studying the same he shall initiate a proposal for procurement of the books for the Supply Branch Library as reference material. xii) He shall receive the recommendations for selecting the books.

xiii) He shall scrutinise the recommendations and put up the proposals for obtaining sanction for purchasing of the recommended books/periodicals for Supply Branch Library. xiv) He shall put up the proposals for annual institutional membership of BEST with the outside institutes and also for annual subscription for periodicals/magazines for Supply Branch Library. xv) To refer the periodicals and publications to the senior officers nominated by DGMS for study. xvi) To circulate the relevant articles advised by these senior officers, among officers of Electric Supply Branch and also to keep the relevant articles for the Supply Branch Library for the benefit of officers & staff of Electric Supply Branch. xvii) He shall certify the record/dues form of the retirees in connection with the receipt of books for those officers regarding the amount for the book not returned by the officer. xviii) To receive the research papers from the institutes like Central Board of Irrigation & Power, Central Power Utilities etc. and to inform all the officers and staff members of Electric Supply Branch regarding their availability in the Supply Branch Library. P.T.O.

-9xix) He shall investigate the areas of priorities in the Supply Branch where industrial engineering studies & exercises are called for. xx) He shall create proper climate to introduce the industrial engineering exercises amongst the staff of Supply Branch. xxi) He shall fix up priorities for I.E. exercises and obtain appropriate approval for priority and for conducting the exercises. xxii) He shall evaluate results obtained from field trials of modified procedures and put up recommendation to appoint authority for implementation. xxiii) He shall initiate the formulation of new schemes as per the instructions from Chairman JWSC. xxiv) He shall arrange meeting with the Divisional Engineer/concerned Departmental Head to discus various aspects for the activities of new Incentive Schemes, activities for which the priorities are to be given in studying the schemes. xxv) To discuss with JWSC group on the data collected for the formulation of new schemes, total number of activities, departmental procedure for carrying out different activities. xxvi) To discuss with Chairman JWSC/Head of the Department about the time study data obtained after carry out time study of any new activity, existing activities, and decide upon other allowance factors, rating factors etc. before finalising the standard time. xxvii) Ask for comments on the existing schemes and suggestions/modifications etc., required before revalidating the scheme. xxviii) Study the comments/recommendation etc., and incorporate the same if required in consultation with Chairman JWSC. xxix) Approve monthly input/output statements, Average Group Efficiency and Factor of Incentive Bonus etc., and forward the same for the sanction of Chairman JWSC before sending to the Head of the Department.

xxx) Attend meetings, arranged by Chairman JWSC with Union Representatives regarding various Incentive Bonus Schemes whenever required and take necessary action if required by JWSC. P.T.O. - 10 -






Deputy Engineer, Training & Industrial Engineering shall assist the Superintendent Engineer for smooth & efficient working of the section. His main duties & responsibilities are: i) He shall assist STIE for conducting written test for the post of Probationary Engineers.

ii) iii) iv)

He shall look after the training of Probationary Engineers. He shall take the reviews of Probationary Engineers. He shall assist STIE for preparation of preliminary syllabus & training programme schedules as basic & intensive training to be given to the Probationary Engineers. He shall evaluate the training taken by the Probationary Engineers during their training period and suggest some improvements to them. He shall check the training reports on basic & intensive training of Probationary Engineers. & suggest them any shortcomings/improvements. He shall assist STIE for preparation of deputation proposal : a) He shall prepare deputation file in all respects. b) He shall send note to participants along with the zerox copy of brochures & to participants Head of Department for reliving them. c) He shall update the monthly deputation charts which includes deputation records (Training & Inspection Material) of all the officers of Electric Supply Branch. d) He shall update the bio-data of officers according to their deputation.




viii) He shall look after the collection of deputation reports from the officers deputed to the various training institutes (along with training material/proceeding given by the institutes) for our reference & records. ix) He shall assist STIE for putting up of draft note for deputation summary report to DETIE. P.T.O. - 11 He shall prepare & arrange to circulate the circular- calling for papers to the officers of Supply Branch for presenting the paper in various Conferences/Seminars organised by various training institutes He shall assist STIE, from the receipt of the paper from the officers till the acceptance of the same by concerned institute. He shall assist STIE for arranging presentation/demonstration. xiii) He shall be responsible for:




a) Booking of Conference Hall for presentation/demonstration purpose. b) Making all necessary arrangements at Conference Hall. c) Preparation of circulars & circulating it to various departments. d) Making arrangements for OHP, TV, VCR, DLP etc. e) Coordinating with Welfare, Building, Security, CAS departments etc. xiv) He shall inform all heads of the departments about the presentation/demonstration.

xv) He shall assist STIE for formulating/updating the training/refresher courses for officers in all the departments of Electric Supply Branch. xvi) He shall be responsible for:

a) Preparing schedule for training/refresher courses. b) Selecting suitable participants for training/refresher courses. c) Preparing of circulars & circulating it to various participant officers & faculty. d) Making all necessary arrangements at lecture hall. e) Looking after zeroxing & compiling of the documents to be given to participants. xvii) He shall assist STIE in arranging documents on technical subjects in consultation with faculty member.

xviii) He shall assist the faculty member for arranging site visits as a part of training/refresher course. xix) xx) He shall assist STIE in scrutinising the comments/suggestions received from the participants of training/refresher courses. He shall assist DETIE/STIE for preparation of specifications of new training aid equipments.

P.T.O. - 12 xxi) As obligatory under the Apprentice Act, 1961, the Deputy Engineer, Training must be a Graduate in Electrical Engineering or having equivalent qualification as recognised by Government of India to impart training to Graduate Apprentices. Accordingly, he shall assist the Superintendent Training in the overall performance of duties of Training of following trainees/apprentices in the Electric Supply Branch of the Undertaking regarding follow-up, preliminary syllabi, training programmes, schedules & tests. a) Technician Apprentices/Graduate Apprentices under Apprenticeship Act 1961. b) College students. c) Trade Trainees in various trades viz. Wireman, Electrician, Carpenter, Welder, Fitter, Electronics, Turner & Cable Jointer. d) In-plant/vocational, project work students and educational visits. xxii) To receive visitors and Government sponsored trainees to the Undertaking, put up draft programmes for them and make arrangements for showing them round. xxiii) To prepare schedule for training/refresher courses for staff of Electric Supply Branch. xxiv) To arrange for promotional training programmes for officers/staff appearing for the test & interview in the promotional post. xxv) To arrange for documents on technical subject in consultation with faculty members.

xxvi) To attend the various training courses as an observer with a view to evaluate the training imparted therein. xxvii) To maintain & update seniority list of officers/staff in consultation with AOS office. xxviii) To direct trainees for basic/intensive training as per schedule and conduct review of trainees at regular intervals.

xxix) To check technical reports of apprentices/trainees. xxx) To arrange visit to the substation/receiving station for trainees, apprentices & college students & visitors.

xxxi) To arrange slides/video shows for trainees, apprentices & employees of the Undertaking. xxxii) To check the attendance of trainees & apprentices on submission dates. P.T.O. - 13 xxxiii) To arrange to update the register of trainees & apprentices. xxxiv)To make surprise visit to any department where trainees & apprentices are posted. xxxv) To arrange to inform in advance regarding training programmes/refresher courses to the faculty members & participants. xxxvi) To assist head of department in celebration of National Safety Week.


He shall assist Assistant Engineer, Training for conducting written test for

the post of Senior Stipendiary Apprentices.

xxxviii)He shall look after the training of Senior Stipendiary Apprentices.

xxxix)He shall scrutinise the training reports (basic & intensive) submitted by Senior Stipendiary Apprentices and give necessary advice to improve upon their performance. He shall also direct Senior Stipendiary Apprentice back to the department for further training, if he has not acquired sufficient knowledge regarding

the activities carried out by that department. He shall conduct their individual reviews also.

xl) He shall scrutinise the training reports (basic & intensive) submitted by Cable Jointer Apprentices and give necessary advice to improve upon their performance.

xli) He shall supervise the training imparted to Cable Jointer Apprentices.

xlii) Saturday.

He shall supervise the job carried out at Jointing School on each of the


He shall supervise the job of Senior Cable Jointer.

xliv) He shall supervise R.I. classes for Ist, IInd & IIIrd year Cable Jointer Apprentices. xlv) xlvi) Ensure the basic training of S.S.A. is conducting in orderly manner. Explain in brief to S.S.A. the following : a) Organisation setup of Supply Branch. b) Function and responsibilities of various department of Supply Branch. c) Distribution System. d) Mode of training significance of training and how to study. P.T.O. - 14 -

e) Need and Method of maintaining attendance. f) Need and Method of submission and of reports on activities carried out. g) Service Regulation and Standing Order of Undertaking. h) Safety Code of Electric Supply Branch. i) Leave and other facilities. xlvii) Arrange slide show and Video show for S.S.A.. xlviii) Arrange for visits to Distribution Substation and Receiving Sub-station.


He shall collect the field data.

l) He shall study the collected data, formulate alternative procedures and field trials of each of the procedure. li) He shall attend the meeting arranged by Assistant Engineer with Divisional Head for discussing the details about the activity for which new Incentive Scheme is to be formulated and arrange for necessary action. lii)He shall arrange for collection of various data in connection with new Incentive Schemes, revalidation and modification of existing schemes, etc. liii) He shall personally take up the time study activities, and record the time study data.

liv) He shall study and analysis the data obtained from time study and discuss the same with Assistant Engineer for any clarification for further processing the data for finalisation. lv) He shall try to solve any dispute between direct worker and work study staff while carrying out work study by discussing with concerned Deputy Engineer/assistant Engineer in charge of that section, where the workstudy is carrying out. lvi)He shall distribute the monthly input/output statements to Charge Engineer/Deputy Charge Engineers for scrutinising and calculating of AGE and FIB. lvii) He shall ensure that all the statements of valid schemes are received at JWSC at the stipulated period of times, as mentioned in the schemes. He shall arrange for reminder notes for non receipts of statements.



P.T.O. - 15 He shall verify the AGE and FIB calculation done by the staff and certify for approval of Assistant Engineer. He shall ensure that all the records, data, files, statements etc. are kept in good and upto date state and all entries are made promptly. He shall make necessary drafting required in the JWSC Section under the instructions from Asst. Engineer.



lxii) He shall entertain the staff of other department in connection with inquiring about incentive scheme and jointly discus with Asst. Engineer, if required. lxiii) He shall guide the staff for necessary computer data entry jobs in connection with JWSC work, and outlook for good quality jobs done the staff of JWSC section. 1.9 DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF CHARGE TRAINING AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING: ENGINEER(T8),

Charge Engineer, shall assist the Deputy Engineer for smooth & efficient working of the section. His main duties & responsibilities are: i) He shall assist Dy.E. for arranging presentation/demonstration: a) Making arrangements for OHP,TV, VCR, DLP etc. b) Making all necessary arrangements at Conference Hall. c) Coordinating with Welfare, Building, Security, CAS department etc, d) Making arrangements for marking participants attendance. He shall be responsible for: a) Distribution of circulars of different training/refresher course, paper presentation etc. b) Making necessary arrangements like distribution of refresher course materials to participants, arrangements for tea & snacks, sitting arrangements for participants & faculty etc. c)He shall assist the Dy.E./faculty member for arranging site visit. d)He shall assist the faculty member for operating OHP, DLP. e) He shall collect the feedback form from refresher course participants and assist Dy.E. for compiling the same. iii) He shall assist Dy.E.TIE in the new development activities of the department.


P.T.O. - 16 iv) He shall assist Dy.E.TIE for miscellaneous jobs to be carried out in TIE department from time to time. v) He shall assist Dy.E. for Probationary Engineers training: a) Preparing note for sending Probationary Engineers to various departments for training purpose. b) Checking monthly progress reports of each Probationary Engineers and sending progress reports reminder note to various departments where Probationary Engineers are posted. c) Collect written reports from every Probationary Engineer & filing the same. vi) He shall assist STIE/Dy.E. for: a) Updating monthly deputation charts (Training & Inspection Material) of all officers of Electric Supply Branch. b) Updating the bio-datas of officers. c) Filing all deputation documents received from officers for departmental reference. d) Filing the brochures received from various training institutions. vii) As obligatory under the Apprentice Act 1961, the Charge Engineer, Training must be a Diploma in Electrical Engineering or having equivalent qualification as recognised by Government of India to impart training to Technician Apprentices. Accordingly, he shall assist Dy.Engr.(Trg.) in giving general instructions regarding card punching, leave, discipline, maintaining daily dairy & proper way of taking effective training to Technician Apprentices in various departments as per schedule and checking the execution of the same. viii) To arrange visit to substation/receiving station for trainees, apprentices in consultation with Dy.E. giving instructions to all trainees, apprentices regarding safety measures to be adopted during visit & explaining use of equipments installed there on. ix) To arrange to show all models in TIE department for trainees & apprentices, thereby giving brief knowledge about use of the same in the Undertaking. x) Arranging with the help of Charge Hand General video films show by using OHP, VCD, VCR & DLP on different types of safety measures to be adopted in day to day life at work place & home.

xi) Checking attendance sheet & punch card of trainees & apprentices during submission day. P.T.O. - 17 xii) To go through reports submitted after completion of training in various departments by trainees & apprentices & to clear doubts, if any. xiii) To direct trainee/apprentices for basic/intensive training in various departments as per schedule. xiv) Updating of control register of trainees/apprentices.

xv) Surprise visit to any department where trainees are posted for confirming their presence. xvi) Informing regarding progress/misbehaviour of trainees to Dy.E.

xvii) To prepare chart of monthly schedule of refresher courses for staff of Supply Branch as per instructions of Dy.E. xviii) To distribute handouts of materials for refresher courses/safety training programme and to get feedback from duly filled by participant. xix) To assist Dy.E. in day to day work.

xx) To covey safety messages amongst the staff of various departments during Safety Week on training vehicle. xxi) To arrange various equipments while conducing refresher courses/training programmes on different sites. xxii) To take college students for visiting Sub-station and Receiving Station.

xxiii) He shall take up the job of Deputy Engineer in case of Deputy Engineer is absent. xxiv) He shall scrutinize the statement and calculate AGE/FIB and put up for approval of Assistant Engineer. xxv) He shall directly involve in the work study activities.

xxvi) He shall point out any discrepancies in the statements and report to Deputy Engineer/Assistant Engineer, to refer back the statements to concerned department, for clarification/correction.

xxvii) He shall keep the record of all the valid schemes in operation and take timely action for revalidation before expiry date. xxviii) He shall personally follow up with the cases referred to Audit/Personal and another departments. P.T.O. - 18 xxix) He shall personally collect the data from various departments in case of urgent needs. xxx) 1.10 He shall assist the Deputy Engineer/Assistant Engineer in all related jobs.

DUTIES OF DEPUTY CHARGE ENGINEER, TRAINING & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Deputy Charge Engineer, Training & Industrial Engineering shall assist the

Deputy Engineer for the smooth & efficient working of the of the section. His main duties & responsibilities are:

i) As obligatory under the Apprentice Act 1961, the Charge Engineer, Training must be a Diploma in Electrical Engineering or having equivalent qualification as recognised by Government of India to impart training to Technician Apprentices. Accordingly, he shall assist Dy.Engr.(Trg.) in giving general instructions regarding card punching, leave, discipline, maintaining daily dairy & proper way of taking effective training to Technician Apprentices in various departments as per schedule and checking the execution of the same. ii) To arrange visit to substation/receiving station for trainees, apprentices in consultation with Dy.E. giving instructions to all trainees, apprentices regarding safety measures to be adopted during visit & explaining use of equipments installed there on. iii) To arrange to show all models in TIE department for trainees & apprentices, thereby giving brief knowledge about use of the same in the Undertaking. iv) Arranging with the help of Charge Hand General video films show by using OHP, VCD, VCR & DLP on different types of safety measures to be adopted in day to day life at work place & home. v) Checking attendance sheet & punch card of trainees & apprentices during submission day.

vi) To direct trainee/apprentices for basic/intensive training in various departments as per schedule. vii) viii) Updating of control register of trainees/apprentices. Informing regarding progress/misbehaviour of trainees to Dy.E.

P.T.O. - 19 ix) To prepare chart of monthly schedule of refresher courses for staff of Supply Branch as per instructions of Dy.E. x) Informing in advance regarding training programmes/refresher courses to faculty members & staff as per schedule. xi) To distribute handouts of materials for refresher courses/safety training programme and to get feedback from duly filled by participant. xii) To arrange various equipments while conducing refresher courses/training programmes on different sites. xiii) To take college students for visiting Sub-station and Receiving Station.

xiv) As obligatory under the Apprentice Act 1961, the Deputy Charge Engineer must be atleast a Diploma in Electrical Engineering or having equivalent qualifications as recognised by the Govt. of India to impart training to trade apprentices in various trades. xv) He shall give lectures to newly joined Cable Jointer Apprentices at Wadala Training Department first semester every year (Oct-May). He shall clarify all the doubt of Trainees about Supply Branch functions.


xvii) He shall arrange visit to distribution substation & receiving station & model room and explain about it to the S.S.A. & Cable Jointer Apprentices. xviii) He shall give lectures to Cable Jointer Apprentices as per the syllabus at Mumbai Central during Relate Instruction (RI)Class. xix) He shall guide to all the Trainees about filling of leave forms, punch card & attendance sheet.

xx) xxi) xxii)

He shall give practical training to Cable Jointer Apprentices on every Saturday at Kussara with Senior Jointer. He shall evaluate theoretical & practical knowledge of each Cable Jointer Apprentice. He shall check attendance at the time of submission of Senior Stipendiary Apprentices (SSAs) and Cable Jointer Apprentices (CJAs)

xxiii) He shall update attendance register of S.S.A. & Cable Jointer Apprentices on submission dates. xxiv) He shall visit various sites for checking progress of Cable Jointer Apprentices. P.T.O. - 20 xxv) He shall check different types of daily dairy & journals of Cable Jointer Apprentices. xxvi) He shall maintain all registers- history registers of SSAs/CJAs, basic/intensive training, and SSA/CJA progress report register. xxvii) He shall maintain tools, material, training equipments with the help of T6 Fitter. xxviii) He shall check inventory of model tools, training equipments kept at Kussara for practical. xxix) He shall maintain & update register for Saudamini vehicle movement. xxx) He shall maintain slide register.

xxxi) He shall be responsible for showing video cassettes & film shows to the Cable Jointer Apprentices & Senior Stipendiary Apprentices for their updation on Electrical aspects. xxxii) Ensure proper implementation of the accepted recommendation. xxxiii) Collect the field data for the I.E. exercises. xxxiv) Assist the Dy.E.I.E./A.E.I.E for making I.E. exercises. xxxv) He shall scrutinize the monthly input/output statements and calculate AGE/FIB.

xxxvi) He shall prepare the discrepancy form, in case of any discrepancy in the statements and refer to concerned Deputy Engineer. xxxviii) He shall collect various datas from various departments in connection with work study, modification, revalidation of GIB Scheme, as per the direction of Deputy Engineer/Assistant Engineer. xxxix) He shall carry out work study of new activities, existing activity as per the direction of Deputy Engineer/Assistant Engineer and report the data to Deputy Engineer/Charge Engineer. xl) He shall do all data entry in the computer and keep all datas upto date.


The Charge Hand General shall assist the faculty members while conducting the refresher/training course- practical session (on site) for explaining the different types of makes of equipments used in the Electrical Distribution System. i) Showing in details the equipments with their operations for explaining the safety precautions incorporated in the equipments for avoiding the accidents while operating these equipments when a faculty is explaining these equipments to the participants of the programme. These programmes are conducted for the Tradesmen, Supervisors & B grade officers periodically. ii) To show different types of switchgears & transformers used in the distribution system in details to the Probationary Engineers along with the Dy.E.Trg. iii) To show different types of switchgears & transformers used in the distribution system in details to the Senior Stipendiary Apprentices along with the Dy.E.Trg. iv) To show different types of switchgears & transformers used in the distribution system in details to the Graduate & Technicain Apprentices along with the Dy.E.Trg. v) To impart training to the Trade Trainees about the functioning of each of the electrical equipment and the skill required in maintaining the same.

vi) Maintain T.V., V.C.R., over head Projector, Slide Projector, Slides, Video Cassettes and VCDs. vii) Maintain public audio system in good condition.

viii) Shall display the models on Energy Conservation and Safety with the help of Saudamini in various departments and Public places. ix) x) Shall maintain Energy Conservation Bus Saudamini". Shall maintain Saudamini Bus Register.

xi) Shall arrange driver for Energy Conservation Bus Servicing/for technical programmes/PUC checking/RTO permission. xii) xiii) Shall maintain slides according to register or book. Shall arrange overhead Projector/Slide Projector / Audio System at Electric House/T.I.E. Department/any other departments at the time of technical presentation. P.T.O. Maintain all models in consultation with Deputy Charge Engineer/Charge Engineer/Deputy Engineer/Assistance Engineer Training. Arrange Video Shows/Slide Shows to different trainees.

- 22 xiv)


xvi) Carrying boxes for safe transportation of costly equipments e.g. Digital Light Processor, VCD Player used for conducting various training programmes. xvii) Preparing the boards for displaying Conservation/Safety Training Bus Saudamini. 1.12 DUTIES OF SENIOR JOINTER (T6): i) Shall give practical training to Cable Jointer Apprentices on every Saturday at Kussara. ii) Shall visit to different outdoor chowkeys (Erection department, Street Lighting department, O & M department etc. ) for giving practical training and clarify all doubts of Cable Jointer Apprentices. iii) Shall inform to Deputy Charge Engineer about procurement of materials, tools etc. required to practical training at Kussara of Cable Jointer Apprentices. iv) Shall clarify all doubts of Cable Jointer Apprentices. the posters in Energy

v) vi)

Shall maintain tools, materials at Kussara. Shall check daily dairies of Cable Jointer Apprentices.

vii) Shall visit the various sites for checking their presence and progress of learning, jointing at site. 1.13 DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIE OF OFFICE ASSISTANT.:

The Office Assistant shall work under the Divisional Engineer and shall coordinate the work of the Supervisor and other staff under him. He shall be responsible for the following: i) General supervision of the work of the staff under him in connection with recruitment /engagement of Probationary Engineers, Senior Stipendiary Apprentices, Graduate/Technician Apprentices, Trade Trainees, Cable Jointer Apprentices, inplant training students, project work students & deputation work. ii) Attending to general correspondence matters/drafting of letters such as Employment Exchange, Technical Institute, College, Polytechnique, BTRI P.T.O. - 23 Classes and Central Government Authorities i.e. Board of Apprenticeship Training (BOAT). iii) To put up various draft proposals such as recruitment/engagement of Probationary Engineers, Senior Stipendiary Apprentices, Graduate/Technician Apprentices. iv) To put up note for Panel Chairman requesting them to conduct written test/interview for absorption of S.S.A.s & Trade Trainees, revalidation of lapsed post, extension of training period of S.S.A.s & Probationary Engineers, termination of Apprentices, disciplinary action. v) vi) Replies to Union letters/VIP letters etc. To control imprest cash.

vii) To follow up departmental files & papers and coordinate with the departments of the Undertaking. viii) Compiling of Standing Orders and Service Regulations.

ix) To prepare administrative reports, variation in establishment schedule, capital, revenue budget.

x) Preparing monthly/quarterly periodical statements viz. verification of Registration Book of Motor Cars/Motor Cycles/Scooters maintained by A & B grade officers, items of capital works/revenue i.e. furniture & office equipments, tools & equipments, quarterly statement expenditure incurred on welfare of SC/ST, on roll position of backward class employees. xi) xii) Preparing advance bills, closing of accounts i.e. JE bills, OB memos. Maintaining inventory register for Capital & Dead stock item.

xiii) Putting up note pertaining to staff matters, such as scholarship, advance, recovery statements etc. 1.14 DUTIES OF SUPERVISOR (JWSC): i) Scrutiny of all dispatch pertaining to JWSC Section.

ii) Dividing Input/Output statements in two Groups i.e. Running Scheme Statement and Pending Statement. iii) Giving Register Number to the Statements of running Scheme, making entries in register with date. P.T.O. - 24 iv) After giving the register number and over that statement to Deputy Engineer JWSC for scrutinising and declaration of FIB. v) Keeping pending scheme statement in one folder and giving that statement to Dy.Engr.JWSC after sanctioning the pending scheme with register number. vi) Preparing daily allowance statement of JWSC staff.

vii) As and when Deputy Engineer JWSC give declared FIB statement with Input Output Statement, preparing covering letter, in triplicate and sending it for checking and counter signature of AEJWSC. viii) After taking the counter signature of AEJWSC sending the same statement for the signature of Chairman JWSC for, Pathakwadi with dispatch book. ix) As and when statement received back from Chairman JWSC with his signature sending one copy to department head, one copy to Audit department and one copy for respective scheme file. x) Making entries of declared FIB statement in register regarding all details of the statement.

xi) Making entries of payment advice in register of various schemes i.e. total amount, no. of employees and date. xii) xii) xiii) xiv) Taking totals of payment advice (grand total). Follow up input/output statement/payment advices. Keeping/filing records of all schemes in relevant files. Displaying monthly FIB figures on display board.

xvi) Collecting important information from other departments, dispatch of urgent documents- outdoor job. xvii) Arranging zerox copies which is required for official work.

xviii) Arranging of resography copies, different covering letters for different schemes and FIB declaration statements. xix) xx) Assisting technical staff for calculating FIB/AGE. Follow up of revalidation put up files. P.T.O. - 25 xxi) xxii) Dec. Filing work of JWSC section. Preparing new scheme files of different scheme every year from Jan. to

xxiii) Attending phone calls and inquiries regarding input/output statements, xxiv) positions of input/output statements etc. xxv) If the statement is incomplete or not in duplicate or if our technical staff required more information or signature of A grade is missing then the same statement send back to the respective departments. xxvi) Any other work as per the instructions of Dy.E.JWSC/AEJWSC/DETIE. 11 1.15 DUTIES OF LIBRARIAN (SUPERVISOR):

The Supervisor shall carry out the specific duties detailed below, and shall share part of the work of clerks. The allocation of work between the Senior Clerk-cumLibrarian and other clerks, shall depend upon the exigencies of work and convenience of the department. He shall be responsible for: i) circulating technical magazines, weeklys and periodicals to Heads of Departments on Thursdays. ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Maintaining a register for (i) above. Making a subject authority file. Re-numbering the classifications. Updating the recommendation list for books. Following up receipt of subscribed magazines and periodicals.

vii) Putting up sanction forms for purchasing books and paying subscriptions to periodicals. viii) ix) - 26 x) Maintaining the register of members and enrolling new members. Issuing books and sending reminders if books are not returned in time. Arranging the recovery of lost books. P.T.O.

xi) Replying I.A.s queries regarding outstanding books with members who have resigned or retired etc. xii) Making uptodate the stock of I.S. specifications in the Library and pasting amendments received from time to time. xiii) xiv) xv) Arranging for cyclostyling and distributing documents. Indexing and filing of articles required to be preserved. Attending to the general up-keep of books book-binding etc.

xvi) Periodical physical stock-taking and disposal of old magazines and obsolete books.


DUTIES OF STENOGRAPHER: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Taking dictation and transcribing it on a Typewriter/P.C. Preparation of routine and simple drafts. Typing from drafts and hand written matter. Follow up with the maintenance contract of P.C. Updating/maintaining records stored in P.C.


DUTIES OF CLERK-CUM-TYPIST-I: i) To follow up matter with Panel Chairman regarding castewise requirement of Trade Trainees (Wireman, Cable Jointer, Electronic, Electronics, Electrician, Fitter, Turner, Welder & Carpenter) ii) As per the requirement of Panel Chairman, requisitioning the list of candidates from Employment Exchange- Ghatkopar & subsequently scrutiny of list thereof regarding eligibility of candidates. iii) Make arrangement for conducting trade tests & interviews of eligible candidates. iv) To follow up proposal put up for management for selection of candidates, if approved, put up note to Personnel department for issuing appointment letters. P.T.O.

- 27 v) Checking of original certificates, i.e. educational, domicile, leaving & caste with attested zerox copies. vi) Making arrangement for medical fitness test, if found medically fit for employment, engage them as a trade trainee in respective trade by signing the terms & conditions of the said post, issue of bus token & allotting check numbers. vii) Maintaining vacancy register, initiating taking over note & put up note for revalidation of lapsed post. viii) To inform the medically unfit candidates to appeal for re-medical test.

ix) Maintaining S.R. files of Trade Trainees & follow up with the departments for progress report where these trainees are posted for training. After receipt, file the report in respective S.R. files. x) To prepare the draft note informing the Panel Chairman to conduct the trade test & interview for considering the suitability for absorption. xi) To prepare S.T. slips in case of resignation, terminated & training completed candidates and also issuing experience certificate as per their request application. xii) To maintain attendance, leave record & send letters to those who are not reporting for training & follow up the matter. xiii) After receiving identification notes from Supdt. Cash, sending letters & issuing identification notes to Ex-employees (Trade Trainees) regarding their payment/recoveries. xiv) Preparing quarterly statement of expenditure incurred on welfare of SC/ST. xv) Maintaining register for applications received from son/daughter of Exemployees and giving the reply accordingly. xvi) xvii) Giving replies to the applications received from outside candidates He/she shall assist OATIE.

xviii) Typing of letters, drafts in English Marathi. P.T.O. 12 13 14 - 28 1.18 DUTIES OF CLERK-CUM-TYPIST-II:

i) Maintaining the register for the list of candidates referred by Board of Apprenticeship Training (BOAT) for engaging as Graduate/Technician Apprentices and also register the recommendation slip brought by the candidates individually. Accordingly, appointment letters are sent to the candidates on the waiting list as per the requirement. ii) Checking of original certificates with attested zerox copies before directing the candidates for making payment of medical fees.

iii) Making arrangement for medical fitness test, if found medically fit for employment, engage them as a Graduate/Technician apprentice in respective trade by signing the terms & conditions of the said post, issue of bus token & allotting check numbers. iv) Maintaining vacancy register, initiating taking over note & put up note for revalidation of lapsed post. v) To inform the medically unfit candidates to appeal for re-medical test.

vi) Maintaining S.R. files of Graduate/Technician Apprentices & follow up with the departments for progress report where these apprentices are posted for training. After receipt, file the report in respective S.R. files. viii) To prepare S.T. slips in case of resignation, terminated & training completed candidates and also issuing experience certificate as per their request application. ix) To maintain attendance, leave record & send letters to those who are not reporting for training & follow up the matter. x) Prepare and forward quarterly progress report, employment information form, contact form for the registration of contract, informing about registration/termination of T.A/G.A. to BOAT authorities, along with covering letter. xi) Preparing quarterly claim statement and sending it to OATK(Central)/Audit. After audit verification, final claim statement is prepared and forwarded along with advance receipt to BOAT office for reimbursement of 50% of stipend. The OB memo is also prepared against this amount. P.T.O.

- 29 xii) Preparing monthly daily allowance statement of officers, staff & nawghanies by checking their attendance, calculate the daily allowance & sent statement along with daily allowance register to Audit department for verification. xiii) Preparing quarterly R.I. class statement by comparing attendance register with R.I. class register (in respect of Cable Jointer Apprentices) and calculate the total reimbursement amount payable to us and put up the same with R.I. Institute. xiv) Putting up note to EDP department for making festival advance to the staff members and payment of stitching charges and washing allowance to nawghanies.

xv) Maintaining clothing card register and issuing requisition to the eligible staff members for gum boots, jercy, yearly tericotton suiting and submitting yearly requirement of BEST Diaries and subsequently issuing them. xvi) To put up proposal for issue/replacement of brief case and to fill in purchase form for reimbursement of cost of brief case to the officers/staff members. The cost is reimbursed to concerned officers/staff through imprest cash only after CESs approval & Audit sanction on purchase form. xvii) To put up proposal for inplant training, project work of college students and visit by outsiders for approval of CES. If approved, recruiting and making necessary entries in control register. xviii) He/shall assist OATIE. xix) 15 1.19 Typing of letters, drafts in English & Marathi. DUTIES OF CLERK-III :

i) Relevant data for putting up the proposal and follow up the matter with concerned Panel Chairman regarding castewise requirement in the post of Probationary Engineers & Senior Stipendiary Apprentices. ii) As per the requirement of Panel Chairman, letters are sent to University Employment Information & Guidance Bureau- Mumbai, Nagpur, Kolhapur, Aurangabad & Project Officer- Nasik, Thane & Mumbai for requisitioning the list of candidates castewise and subsequently scrutiny thereof regarding eligibility of candidates. iii) After receipt of the management sanction, call letters are sent to eligible candidates to appear for the written test & interview. At the time of the written test & interview, their application along with attested zerox copies of certificates i.e. educational, domicile, creamy layer, leaving, caste & experience are checked and verified with the originals. P.T.O. - 30 iv) After obtaining the managements sanction, put up note to Personnel department for issuing appointment letters to those candidates who found successful in written test & interview. v) Making arrangement for medical fitness test, if found medically fit for employment, they are appointed as Probationary Engineers/S.S.A.s and are sent to Stamp Office for stamping the agreement and making the payment of security deposit of Rs. 2000/- / 1000/- as the case may be.

vi) Allotting check numbers, issuing bus pass/sending Probationary Engineers to collect Officer Bus Pass from Secretary Office on the day of appointment and entering in the Control Register, Vacancy Register, Bus Pass Register and initiating taking over note to respective department and also note to EDP department for deducting balance security deposit of Rs. 500/- for the period of six months only in case of Probationary Engineers (Rs. 2000/- in cash and Rs. 3000/- by six installments of Rs. 500/-). vii) Letters are sent to medically unfit candidates to appeal for re-medical test.

viii) Maintaining S.R. files, Control Register and follow up with the departments for Progress Report where these Probationary Engineers & S.S.A.s are posted for training. After receipt, file the report in respective S.R. files and prepare the summary of Progress Report. ix) Maintaining attendance, leave record of Graduate/Technician Apprentices and also send letters to those who are not reporting for duties and follow up the matter. x) Preparing S.T. slips of terminated, resigned and training completed apprentices and sending it to respective departments. Also issuing experience certificate as per their request application. xi) After receiving identification notes from Supdt. Cash, sending letters & issuing identification notes to Ex-employees (Probationary Engineers & S.S.A.s) regarding their payment/recoveries, if any and also filing S.R. file papers of all officers, staff, Probationary Engineers, Senior Stipendiary Apprentices, Graduate/Technician Apprentices & Ex-employees.. xii) Maintaining register for recording applications received from internal candidates and son of Ex-employees for the post of Probationary Engineers & S.S.A.s and replies to outsider application accordingly. xiii) Preparing quarterly on roll position of backward class employees, quarterly statement of expenditure incurred on welfare of SC/ ST candidates and monthly vacancy statement of permanent and temporary staff. P.T.O. - 31 xiv) Preparing advance bill for promotional training programme/training programme and maintaining training programme registers i.e. Trg-48, Trg-52 etc. xv) After completion of last/concerned batches of training programme, J.E. bill and statement of expenditure incurred on honorarium, tea & snacks are prepared and balance cash if any is remitted to Cash department by preparing remittance slip. The recoupment of bills is made after Audit verification.

xvi) After each batch of training programme, sending attendance of the participants to their respective departments who have attended the training programme. xvii) Writing D.L.s to various departments to carry out departments job and shall assist OATIE. DUTIES OF CLERK - IV i) Maintaining of inward register by giving numbers wherein inwards entries of various papers, notes, letters, brochures, office files received from various departments from the Undertaking and also from the outside institutions, organisations (Private/Public).


ii) Maintaining of outward register wherein outwards entries of various papers, notes, letters, circulars, office files. iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Preparing the gate pass. Writing D.L.s to various departments for departmental work. Maintaining S.R. file movement register. Directing nawghanies to various departmental work and maintain their outdoor register. Maintaining of outgoing important file register and follow up thereof.

viii) To contact DHL Courier for sending documents to organisation/institution/programme coordinator for presentation purpose, by packing the papers properly and making the payment to DHL as courier charges. ix) Issuing DL to S.S.A, G.A/T.A , Cable Jointer Apprentices & Trade Trainees to their posting at various department of Supply Branch for training. x) Issuing punch cards and attendance sheets to Graduate/Technician Apprentices, Cable Jointer Apprentices, S.S.A.s and also accepting submission of their attendance twice in a month (on 1st & 16th of every month ) with their signature in attendance register and submitting the certified cards to Time Keeping department for their payment. x) - 32 1.21 SHOP RECORDER-I i) Filing of papers in respective files. He/She shall assist OATIE. P.T.O.

ii) Maintaining of files- Adm, Est, Trg & TD as well as IE files i.e. replacement of old files as well as proper filing of papers day to day. iii) Filing of Project Reports, Technician/Graduate Apprentices periodical reports. iv) To check availability of stationery items, to prepare requisitions, draw the items from Materials Management Dept. by arranging the vehicle and nawghanies. v) Prepare credit notes for scrapping/crediting material etc.

vi) To draw toilet soap/napkins & white cloth from Material Management Dept. and issue of same to eligible officers and staff members as per procedure. vii) viii) ix)

Issue of identification notes. Writing D.L.s to various departments for departmental work. Any other work as instructed by superiors.

x) Issuing DL to Graduate/Technician Apprentice, Senior Stipendiary Apprentice, Trade Trainee & Cable Jointer Apprentice for medical treatment if any. xi) Making the gate pass for the office equipment/material sent to other departments. xii)

Writing DL to secretary office for printing on resography machine. He/She shall assist OATIE. 1.22 i) DUTIES OF SHOP RECORDER -II

xiii) 18

To follow up the deputation files, get the names of the participants proposed by CES.

ii) After G.M.s sanction, advance bill for T.A./D.A. and registration fees is to be prepared and get it audited and with proper authorisation, advance is to be drawn and hand over the same to participants along with demand draft/cheque as registration fee subject to the confirmation of the programme. After that advance is to be liquidated by passing necessary journal entry. P.T.O. - 33 iii) Sending monthly circulars to all P.A. to Chief Engineers, all P.A. to Deputy Chief Engineers, all heads of department and Sr.AOS of Electric Supply Branch for collecting information of monthly deputation. Also collecting information of monthly inspection deputation from M&R, Planning, Project & Street Lighting (C).

iv) Prepare final quarterly deputation report of all the departments of Electric Supply Branch by collecting the information, compiling the same and submitting to CPO through DCEG, CES and Sr.AOS. v) Daily marking attendance and maintaining attendance and leave register of officers and staff. vi) Monthly checking the attendance sheet of A & B grade officers and Probationary Engineers along with the attendance register and prepare absentee memo accordingly and forwarding the same to Audit department. vii) Issuing Pay Cards and Unpaid Payment Advice to newly appointed Graduate/Technician Apprentices on the day of payment or next day. viii) Checking the meal allowance forms of Nawghanies.

ix) Preparing imprest bills- tea & snacks, honorarium, taxi fare, zerox, printer ribbon refilling, paper setting and general expenses etc. x) After completion of last/concerned batches of training programme, J.E. bill and statement of expenditure incurred on honorarium, tea & snacks are prepared and balance cash if any is remitted to Cash department by preparing remittance slip. The recoupment of bills is made after Audit verification. xi) After each batch of training programme, sending attendance of the participants to their respective departments who have attended the training programme. xii) Preparing the advance and J.E. bills for Energy Conservation, National Safety & Electrical Safety Weeks. xiii) He/shall assist OATIE.

1.23 i)


To open the department doors, windows in the morning and closing the same in the evening by collecting/depositing the keys from Security Post. P.T.O. - 34 ii) To clean the tables and chairs of the Officers/Staff. iii) To attend bell of Cabins and calls of the staff.

iv) v)

To make arrangements of tea, coffee, water etc. Sweeping and cleanliness of the department.

vi) Forwarding despatch to Colaba, Dadar, Kussara, Pathakwadi, Seweree, Tardeo and other places of the Undertaking, wherever required and also collecting the same back from those places. vii) To transport Audio Visual Aids, DLP Projector, VCR, TV, extension board etc. whenever required at the places such as G.M.s office, Conference Hall for Technical Presentation and during Energy Conservation, National Safety & Electrical Safety Weeks in our training bus Saudamini. viii) To maintain the cleanliness in the Jointer School at Kussara on every Saturday.

ix) Forwarding despatch to various Government Establishment/Institutions, such as IEEMA, NITIE, NSC, Chief Engineer (Electrical) P.W.D., University Employment Exchange at Ghatkopar, Charchgate, Goregaon by hand delivery. x) To bring stationery items and other materials such as Toilet Soaps, Napkins etc. from Dadar/Kussara stores. To take out the xerox of the documents from outside whenever required.


xi) To clean Conference Hall of TIE Department and make arrangements for drinking water, tea & snacks and siting arrangements for participants during the Refresher/Training Courses. xii) For training/refresher courses conducted at Kussara, Receiving Stations, Veejbhavan, Backbay & technical presentation at Colaba, making siting, tea & snacks arrangements whenever programmes are conducted. xiii) To maintain/clean Energy Conservation Van.

xiv) To Clean and maintain the Models kept in Training & Industrial Engineering department. xv) To clear the waste paper basket/dust bin and dispose at proper place.

xvi) To bring imprest cash from Colaba, Cash Department with proper authorisation. P.T.O. - 35 -

xvii) To remit balance cash advance to Cash Department and deposit the cheque received from Board of Apprenticeship to Cash Department as reimbursement of stipend. xviii) To keep all the files and stationery items at their proper places every day. xix) To work beyond normal hours due to exigencies of work for sending the despatch through courier, sending fax from Colaba H.O. and also urgent hand delivery papers etc. xx) Despatching/displaying of banners, posters & stickers during Energy Conservation Week, National Safety Week & Electrical Safety Week. xxii) Despatching letters by registered A.D.s at Post Office.

PROCEDURAL WORKING OF TRAINING & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1.0 Recruitment: Training & Industrial Engineering Department shall be responsible for the recruitment of Probationary Engineers, Senior Stipendiary Apprentices, Graduate/Technician Apprentices, Trade Trainees & Cable Jointer Apprentices in time to time. 1.1 Probationary Engineer: There are 24 permanent posts of Probationary Engineers on the establishment of Training & Industrial Engineering Department. These posts of Probationary Engineers possessing degree in Electrical Engineering or its equivalent of Statutory University/Institution are filled in as per castewise requirement in the post of Deputy Engineer furnished by Panel Chairman- DCEDN as and when posts are required to be filled. 1.1.1 These posts of Probationary Engineers are filled in by way of issuing internal circulars inviting applications from the staff members of the Undertaking and also by requisitioning the list of candidates from various Employment Exchange, such as University Employment, Information & Guidance BureauMumbai, Nagpur, Kolhapur, Aurangabad, Project Officer- Nasik, Thane & Mumbai. 1.1.2 The written test & interviews of eligible candidates (Internal & External) are conducted and if found successful, they are appointed as Probationary Engineers for one year training. Their appraisals are taken by Panel ChairmanDCEDN for considering the suitability for absorption to the post of Deputy Engineer, subject to the availability of vacancies. 1.1.3 In order to fill the posts of Deputy Engineer (Direct recruitment), Probationary Engineer & Senior Stipendiary Apprentices, if required advertisement in that respect is published in the local newspapers. 1.2 Senior Stipendiary Apprentices: There are 60 permanent posts of Senior Stipendiary Apprentices on the establishment of Training & Industrial Engineering Department. These posts of S.S.A.s possessing diploma in Electrical Engineering are filled in as per castewise requirement in the post of Deputy

Charge Engineer furnished by Panel Chairman- DCEDS as and when posts are required to be filled. 1.2.1 These posts of S.S.A.s are filled in by way of issuing internal circulars inviting applications from the staff members of the Undertaking and also by P.T.O. -2requisitioning the list of candidates from various Employment Exchange, such as University Employment, Information & Guidance Bureau- Mumbai, Nagpur, Kolhapur, Aurangabad, Project Officer- Nasik, Thane & Mumbai. 1.2.2 The written test & interviews of eligible candidates (Internal & External) are conducted and if found successful, they are appointed as Senior Stipendiary Apprentices for one year training. After completion of one year training, their written tests & interviews are conducted by Panel Chairman- DCEDS for absorption to the post of Deputy Charge Engineer, subject to the availability of vacancies. 1.3 Graduate & Technician Apprentices: It is a statutory requirement under the Apprenticeship Act 1961 to engage stipulated quota of Graduate & Technician Apprentices. At present, we have 97 posts of Graduate/Technician Apprentices on the establishment of Training & Industrial Engineering Department [Graduate Apprentices (Plain) 30, Graduate Apprentices (Sandwich) 5, Technician Apprentices (Plain) 50, Technician Apprentices (S) - 12]. We requisite the list of candidates from Board of Apprenticeship Training and also candidates referred to us individually alongwith recommendation slip for engaging as Graduate/Technician Apprentice for one year training, subject to the medical fitness and Technician Apprentices (Sandwich), for six months training. These Apprentices are paid stipend as prescribed by Central Government, out of which 50% of stipend is reimbursed to us. Training & Industrial Engineering Department is 1.4 Trade Trainees: having 100 posts of Trade Trainees on its establishment, in various trades viz. Electrician, Wireman, Fitter, Carpenter, Welder, Turner, Electronics & Cable Jointers. 1.4.1 These trade trainees are engaged as per the requirement received from the Panel Chairman of various trades. As per the requirement received from Panel Chairman, list of candidates is requisitioned from Employment Exchange, Ghatkopar possessing I.T.I./N.C.T.V.T. in particular trade. Their trade test & interview of the eligible candidates are conducted, if found successful, they are engaged as Trade Trainees. After completion of one year training, if found suitable, they are absorbed, subject to the availability of vacancy.

1.5 Cable Jointer Apprentices: Under the Apprenticeship Act 1961, Transportation Engineering Department engages Apprentices in the trade of Cable Jointer for 3 years training. They are imparted basic training of 6 months at Technical Training Centre, Wadala. Afterwards, these Apprentices are directed to Training & Industrial Engineering Department for remaining 2 years for imparting basic, theoretical & practical training to 1st, 2nd & 3rd year Cable Jointer Apprentices. After successful completion of training, they are directed to Transportation Engineering Department. P.T.O. -32.0 2.1 Procedure of Training:

Procedure for arranging lectures:

i) Training & Industrial Engineering department shall, at regular intervals arrange informative lectures for the benefit of the staff and officers of the Electric Supply Branch. ii) 6 weeks before the lecture is scheduled to be held, the Deputy Engineer (Training)/Assistant Engineer/Superintendent(Supply), shall issue reminder to the lecturer stating the subject on which he is to deliver the lecture along with the proposed date. iii) 5 weeks before the scheduled date of the lecture, the Deputy Engineer (T)/Assistant Engineer(T)/Superintendent (Supply), shall confirm from the lecturer that the lecture is under preparation. iv) 4 weeks before the scheduled date of the lecture, the Deputy Engineer(T)/Assistant Engineer(T)/Superintendent (Supply) shall obtain from the lecturer a final typed draft of the lecture that he proposes to deliver. v) 4 weeks before the scheduled date of the lecture, the Deputy Engineer (T) in consultation with the lecturer, shall fixe the final date and time of the lecture. vi) Deputy Engineer(T) shall then arrange for taking the zerox copies of the document as per the requirement of the training programme.


About 2 weeks before the final date of the lecture, the Deputy Engineer(T) shall arrange to circulate to all the departments, a notice intimating to all concerned, the time, date, place and subject of the lecture along with the names of the lecturer.

viii) Copies of the lecture, along with necessary documents/graphs, shall be kept ready for distribution about a week before the lecture is scheduled to be delivered. ix) Previous to the scheduled date of the lecture, the Deputy Engineer(T) shall arrange to send a telephonic reminder to the lecturer and a message to all heads of the departments of the Supply Branch requesting them to relieve the officers/staff members as participants for participating in the lecture. P.T.O.

-4x) On the day of the lecture, Deputy Engineer(T) shall ensure that the requisite number of copies of the lecture for distribution are available. xi) At least one of the members of the Training & Industrial Engineering department shall attend the lecture and ensure that all the facilities required for the lecture for smooth delivery of the lecture are provided. If, due to unforeseen circumstances, the lecturer is not able to turn up, the Deputy Engineer (T)/Assistant Engineer/Superintendent (Supply) shall intimate all concerned as soon as possible, regarding the cancellation of the lecture. xii) Training & Industrial Engineering department shall keep in stock a number of copies of the lecture, which shall be given to any number of the staff on demand. 2.2 Procedure for conducting basic training/course for Technical Supervisors: i) 3 weeks before the commencement of the course, the Deputy Engineer(T) shall confirm the course content along with the list of subjects and names of the persons who are to give lecture on these subjects. ii) He shall then intimate to the lecturer, the subject of their lecture and obtain the consent.

iii) The Deputy Engineer(T) shall make a list of the trainees for the particular post and the copy of the programme shall then be send to each of them through heads of the departments of Supply Branch. iv) The Technical Assistant, Training shall contact the lecturer one day before the lecture on a particular subject is to be delivered.

v) On the first day of the basic training course, the Divisional Engineer, Training & Industrial Engineering, or, in his absence, Superintendent (Supply), shall be present to introduce the course to the trainees. vi) One member of the Training & Industrial Engineering department, either Deputy Engineer(T) or Assistant Engineer or the Superintendent (Supply) or some other suitable person, shall be present as an observer for all lectures given to the trainees during the basic training/course. vii) The duties of the observer of the Training & Industrial Engineering department shall be 1) To confirm that the lecturer is present for delivering the lecture and if did not report for lecture then to remind him telephonically. P.T.O. -52) To introduce the lecturer to the trainees. 3) To ensure that the basic training course is conducted in an orderly manner, and to make arrangements for the comfort of the lecturer and the trainees. 4) To ask question to the lecturer, such that all doubts in the minds of the trainees regarding the subject of the lecture are cleared. 5) On behalf of the Training & Industrial Engineering department to evaluate, the test of the lecture delivered by the lecturer and his performance. 2.3 Procedure for training of Probationary Engineers:

Training & Industrial Engineering Department is having 24 number of posts for Probationary Engineers. After recruitment of Probationary Engineer, following training procedure is to be adopted. i) Bio-data of Probationary Engineers is to be filled with complete details such as Name, Ch.No., Date of Birth, Date of Joining, Date of completion of training, Local Address, Permanent Address, Telephone No., Qualification, College/University, Past Experience & details, Seminar delivered at College, Project done at College, Knowledge of Computers & Extra activities. ii) Giving Probationary Engineers introductory knowledge of BEST Undertaking and detailed knowledge of its Supply Branch. iii) Deputy Engineer shall explain to Probationary Engineers a single line diag. of BEST from TATAs starting point to consumer premises.

iv) Deputy Engineer shall explain Probationary Engineer details of organisation chart of BEST & organisation chart of Electric Supply Branch. v) Deputy Engineer shall accompany a Probationary Engineer to visit to typical Receiving Station & Substation for studying & understanding various aspects such as design, layout, functions & ratings of various equipments installed in the Receiving Station & Substation. vi) Probationary Engineer would complete his basic training of 95 days (3 months) and remaining period shall be intensive training. 95 days of basic training shall include all vital departments of Electric Supply Branch. vii) Deputy Engineer shall make the format of Basic Training of Probationary Engineers, duly signed by DETIE along with Progress Report format. P.T.O. -6viii) STIE/Dy.E.(T) shall go through the reports of basic training submitted by the Probationary Engineer and shall advice them to make further improvement in acquiring training. Deputy Engineer/STIE shall take the reviews after completion of each of the basic training department. ix) Deputy Engineer shall see the evaluation of training taken during training period & suggest Probationary Engineers some improvements. x) Deputy Engineer shall make the format of Intensive Training of Probationary Engineers after discussing with STIE/DETIE. xi) DETIE/STIE shall intimate the Panel Chairman about the completion of training of Probationary Engineers and after six months of training, ask for permission to conduct their appraisal to evaluate their performance. xii) DETIE/STIE shall request Panel Chairman to conduct three appraisals of Probationary Engineers before completion of training permit to evaluate their performance. After successful completion of training, Panel Chairman will post them according to the available vacancies in the post of Deputy Engineers. 2.4 Procedure of Training of Senior Stipendiary Apprentices:

There are 60 posts of Senior Stipendiary Apprentices on the role of Training & Industrial Engineering Department. After the recruitment, procedure of training is as under:

i) The Charge Engineer, Training shall enter the data such as Name, Address, Date of Joining, Ch. No., Date of Starting the Training and Department etc. in the register provided for the purpose. ii) The Deputy Engineer (Training) shall give necessary instructions about the schedule of training etc. and an introduction to the Electric Supply Branch & BEST Undertaking. He shall further explain the organisational set up and the distribution system to the S.S.A.s. iii) The S.S.A. is kept in TIE Department for one week on basic training during which the Deputy Engineer explains the organisational set up, distribution system, significance of training, needs & methods of maintaining day to day record, writing and submission of reports etc. He further explains the rules & regulations applicable in the Undertaking. S.S.A.a are also taken around to the Receiving Station & Subsation and shown various models of equipments used in the distribution of electricity. P.T.O.

-7iv) The S.S.A. is then sent to various departments as per the schedule for on the job training. A review is regularly taken fortnightly to assess the training and solve the difficulties. The same is followed by group discussion in which Assistant Engineer, Training participates. v) The performance of the S.S.A.s is assessed after the completion of training in each department and on satisfactory completion of training, the change of department is allotted by Deputy Engineer.

vi) After completion of 4 months of basic training, the S.S.A. is posted in one of the departments for on the job intensive training till the rest of the period. vii) On successful completion of approximately 10 months of training, an intimation is sent to the Panel Chairman to conduct the test & interview for assessing suitability of absorption of these S.S.A.s in grade T7. Accordingly, an inhouse training for absorption is conducted in the Training & Industrial Engineering Department.


Procedure for recruitment & training of Apprentices under Apprenticeship Act, 1961:

It is statutory obligation on the part of Undertaking to engage 97 Technician & Graduate apprentices in the field of Electrical Engineering for imparting training in Electric Supply Branch under Apprenticeship Act 1961 at any given point of time. The procedure for recruitment and training of apprentices is as under: i) The list of candidates is asked to the Board of Apprenticeship training, western Region, for the requirement of apprentices Board of Apprenticeship training,( BOAT) sends recommendation slips of individual candidates to Divisional Engineer, Training and Industrial Engineering department for engaging apprentices. iii) After receiving recommendation slips, call letters are sent to the candidates serially for filling the application forms.


iv) After filling up of application forms, candidates are directed for medical test to the medical department for medical fitness. (Medical test fees of Rs. 25/to be borned by candidate) v) After fitness is certified by our Medical department, candidates are appointed as Apprentices for a period of one year and for period of six months in case of sandwich course. P.T.O. -8vi) After engaging a candidate as an Apprentice, a letter is sent to the Board of Apprenticeship Training (BOAT) for registration of Apprenticeship contract. vii) During this one year or six months (sandwich course) period apprentices are directed for on the job training to various departments of Electric Supply Branch for basic training as per the schedule of training. viii) The apprentices are called fortnightly in training department for the purpose of group review and technical discussion and relevant instruction are given from time to time . ix) The apprentices are also called after completion of training in each department. They have to submit their written technical report of training. The same is scrutinised and when found satisfactory, the change of department is given. x) xi) Apprentices are called for submission of attendance fortnightly. After completion of successful training of one year, a Training certificate is given to the apprentices.


Procedure for recruiting and training of Trade Trainees: i) As per the requirement/vacancy of Tradesman (upto next 2 yrs.) in the different departments of the Supply Branch, the concerned Panel Chairman will inform DETIE to recruit tradesman of the particular category. ii) Arrange to intimate Employment Exchange at Ghatkopar to send list of particular tradesman of the required category having qualification S.S.C. and I.T.I./ NCTVT. iii) After receiving list, call letters are sent to the candidates serially, mentioning our terms & conditions for filling application forms. iv) After scrutinizing the applications received from the candidates, once again they are informed about the date, time & venue of written/practical test & interview in consultation with the concerned Panel Chairman. v) The concerned Panel Chairman & Panel Members are informed about the date, time & venue of the interview. vi) The concerned Panel Chairman & Panel Members are reminded one day in advance from the date of interview. P.T.O.

-9vii) On receipt of the evaluation sheet of the candidates from the concerned Panel Chairman, to put up file for DGMSs approval of the successful candidates for appointment as Trade Trainees and maintaining waiting list. viii) After obtaining managements sanction, the appointment letters are send to the successful candidates by the Personnel department as per caste and merit & also as per the requirement of the concerned Panel Chairman for the post of Trade Trainees in particular Trade, subject to their fitness certified by our Medical Department (necessary medical test fees are obtained from candidates prior to sending them for medical test). ix) The Trade Trainees are appointed on one year contract.

x) During one year period of training, Trade Trainees (Viz, Wireman, Electrician, Cable Jointer, Fitter, etc.) are directed for on the job training to various departments of Electric Supply Branch for Basic and Intensive training as per the schedule of training.

xi) Trade Trainees are reviewed fortnightly and after completion of their successful training in each department relevant instructions are given from time to time. xii) Trade Trainees have to submit their written technical report of training. The same is scrutinized and when found satisfactory the change of department is given. xiii) Trade Trainee are called for submission of attendance fortnightly.

xiv) After completion of eight months of successful training a list of Trade Trainees is sent to the concerned Panel Chairman for conducting written test and interview to asses their suitability for absorption in the permanent grade. xv) Accordingly the trainees are absorbed in the suitable grade depending on the vacancies. 2.7 Procedure for training to Cable Jointer Apprentices: Cable Jointer Apprentices are appointed by Transportation Engineering Department for 3 years training. At present, there are 27 posts of these Apprentices on their establishment. i) During the 1st year of their appointment, they are imparted basic training of six months. During these six months, we also depute our Deputy Charge Engineer for imparting basic training. P.T.O -10ii) After six months training at T.T.C., they are directed to Training & Industrial Engineering Department for theoretical and practical training for remaining 2 years training. iii) During the 2 years training, these apprentices are taught theory subject such as Trade Theory, Workshop Calculation & Science, Engineering Drawing and Social Studies by our Deputy Charge Engineers once in a week for each 1st, 2nd & 3rd year Apprentices by conducting Related Instruction classes. iv) Once in a week mostly on Saturday, these Apprentices are imparted practical training in jointing in batches at Jointers Training School, Kussara by our Senior Jointer under the guidance & supervision of Dy.E./AETIE. v) On other days, they are posted for on the job training at working departments such Operation & Maintenance, Street Lighting, Construction & Erection departments.

vi) The departments where these apprentices are posted for training, our Senior Jointer visits department & chowkies for training them. vii) For assessing their progress, we are conducting exams once in year and review them after completion of each department. viii) After completion of 3 years training, they are also prepared for NCVT exams for enabling them to appear in the exam. ix) At the end of f 3 years training, they are redirected to T.T.C., Wadala for NCVT Examination. 2.8 Procedure for receiving visitors and Government sponsored trainees to the Undertaking: The following procedure shall be followed in receiving visitors and Government sponsored trainees, i) The Divisional Engineer, Training & Industrial Engineering Department on receiving a request from the Government or any outside party for a visit to the installation or departments of the BEST shall consider it, and in keeping with current practices, determine whether it can be granted. As per the present practice, the approval of the concerned Deputy Chief Engineer is required to be obtained for permitting the visitor to visit any of our receiving substation, substation system control room or any other installation. In other cases, the permission of Chief Engineer of Supply is required to be obtained for permitting the visitors to any other department. P.T.O -11ii) If the visit can not be granted, the Divisional Engineer, Training & Industrial Engineer shall send negative reply to the party or Government giving the reasons for why the visit can not be arranged. iii) If the visit is to be arranged, the Divisional Engineer, Training & Industrial Engineering shall reply to the Government or to the party, intimating them the date and time when it will be convenient for us to receive their representative/trainees. iv) The Divisional Engineer, Training & Industrial Engineering shall then ask the Deputy Engineer (T) or the Assistant Engineer(T) or Superintendent (Supply) to make arrangements for showing the visitors around. v) The Deputy Engineer(T) shall prepare a complete training programme for him in accordance with the trainees technical equipment and interest.


The Deputy Engineer(T) or in his absence Assistant Engineer(T) shall show the trainees around or make arrangements to show them around.


Procedure for Project work and Inplant Training of College students: The following procedure is to followed, i) The Divisional Engineers, Training and Industrial Engineering Department on receiving request from College/Institution for project or inplant training shall consider it and in keeping with current practices determine whether it can be granted. As per the present practice, the approval of Chief Engineer (Supply) is required to be obtained for permitting the college student for doing the project work and for taking inplant training. ii) After approval of Chief Engineer (Supply) a letter is sent to college/institution, intimating the date of commencement of project and inplant training as the case may be. iii) After reporting of college student, in case of inplant training, they are directed to even department as per the schedule and incase of project work they are sent to the concerned department where they applied for the project under guidance of officers of that department. iv) College students are reviewed during the course of their training and necessary assistance provided from time to time. v) After completion of project work and inplant training students have to submit a copy of project work and inplant training report respectively. P.T.O


Procedure for arranging Technical Presentation/Demonstration:

i) Training & Industrial Engineering Department shall at appropriate time, arrange Technical informative, Presentation/Demonstration of newly introduced or likely to be introduced products in our system for the benefit of officers & staff of Electric Supply Branch.
ii) Training & Industrial Engineering Department shall arrange the meetings with the Company executives to get the details of the product along with the details regarding design, installation & maintenance of the products before organising Technical Presentation/Demonstration.

iii) Training & Industrial Engineering Department shall initiate proposal and obtain necessary management sanction for arranging Presentation/Demonstration inclusive of other necessary arrangements required for the Presentation/Demonstration. iv) The scheduled date & time of Presentation/Demonstration shall be fixed in consultation with our senior officers and with the Company executives. The Superintendent (Supply) shall consult the senior officers to know their suitable time & date. v) Two weeks before the scheduled date of the Presentation, Superintendent (Supply) shall send the letter to the concerned Company for confirming the date & time and also for confirming the availability of their person who is going to give the Presentation. vi) One week before the scheduled date of the Presentation/Demonstration, Superintendent (Supply)/Deputy Engineer (Training) shall initiate the circular for intimating the date, time & venue to all the officers & staff to participate in the Presentation/Demonstration. vii) One day before the scheduled date of Presentation/Demonstration, Superintendent (Supply)/Deputy Engineer (Training) shall ensure necessary arrangements like providing Multi Media/OHP Projector, sitting arrangement at the venue of Presentation/Demonstration. viii) One day before the schedule of the Presentation/Demonstration, Deputy Engineer (Training) shall coordinate with Welfare, Security & CAS Departments to ensure smooth functioning of Presentation/Demonstration. ix) One day before the scheduled date of Presentation/Demonstration, Superintendent (Supply)/Deputy Engineer (Training) shall arrange to send telephonic reminders to all the heads of the Divisions of Supply Branch requesting them to relieve the officers/staff members to participate in the Presentation/Demonstration. P.T.O -13x) One day before the scheduled date of Presentation/Demonstration, Superintendent (Supply) shall arrange to get sets of the presentation material from the executives of company so as to enable us to distribute the same during the Presentation/Demonstration. 2.11 Procedure for initiating deputation proposals: i) DETIE/STIE shall check all the brochures received in the department from various institutes to ensure out subject of interest along with a remark of senior officers, if any.

ii) STIE shall prepare proposals for deputation & put in subjectwise deputation file. iii) Deputy Engineer shall check the list of officers attended similar programme earlier, if any. iv) DETIE shall ensure preparation of expenditure of deputation statement.

v) Dy.E.TIE shall ensure the zeroxing of brochures is to be done & zeroxing of updated list of officers for putting in correspondence section. vi) Dy.E.TIE/STIE shall follow up the proposal of deputation file till the G.M. sanction is obtained. vii) Dy.E.TIE shall send letters for registration of participants by fax or by phone depending on institute is in Mumbai or outside of Mumbai. viii) Dy.E.TIE shall send a note to deputed participants, Head of the Department for reliving them on concerned dates & deputed participants along with the zerox copy of brochures & invitation letter. ix) STIE/Dy.E.TIE shall ensure to get the confirmation from institute by fax and give the zerox copy of the fax to deputed participants. x) Dy.E.TIE shall ensure the DD/Cheque and allowances to be paid to participants along with the covering letter of institute. xi) Dy.E.TIE shall update the data of deputation attended by participants and shall maintain that in Training & Inspection Deputation Charts. xii) Dy.E.TIE shall ensure that the deputation reports along with the training material/proceedings given by the institute from participants are received in TIE department for our reference & records. xiii) Dy.E.TIE/STIE go through the deputation report & if required to put up deputation for information to senior officers. P.T.O -14xiv) STIE/Dy.E.TIE shall ensure that the deputation data of inspection as well as factory inspection from Planning (Materials), Project, Meters & Relays, Street Lighting & various departments of Supply Branch are received in TIE department regularly & update the training & inspection deputation charts regularly. 2.12. Supply Branch Library:

2.12.1 The Training & Industrial Engineering Department shall maintain a library of books and periodicals for the entire Electric Supply Branch. The activities of the library are:i) ii) Receiving recommendations for selecting books. Scrutinising and approving the recommendations. iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) a) b) c) d) e) Shelf list card Author card Title card Subject card Book card ix) x) Placing the books in the cupboards. Checking pest attacks every month. xi) xii) xiii) xiv) Enrolling members. Lending books. Stock taking. Registering the books to be purchased. Obtaining sanction for purchase of books. Putting up purchase forms to Stores department. Putting up requisitions to Stores department. Receiving and stamping books received. Classifying the books and preparing

Removing obsolete books. P.T.O. -15Maintaining statistics. Receiving periodicals.

xv) xvi) xvii)

Classifying and documentation of articles.

xviii) Circulating periodicals. xix) xx) Extracting information and information retrieval. Disposing of leaflets and discarded materials.

2.12.2 The following procedure shall be adopted for each of these activities: Any officer of the Supply Branch can make recommendations for the purchase of books through the Head of the department. The recommendations shall give the following information:a) b) c) d) e) Name of the book Name of the author Name of the publishers The number of the edition Approximate price The Head of the department shall forward these recommendations to the DETIE for including in the purchase list. The group of officers nominated by DGMS for going through the periodicals and publications will advice the Supply Branch Library for selecting the informative technical articles and information for keeping, and zerox copies of the important extracts for keeping in the Supply Branch Library and/or for circulating among the departments. The officers of the Training & Industrial Engineering department shall not miss any opportunity of perusing new books displayed or advertised by bookshops or at exhibitions and fairs. They shall send their recommendations for purchase to DETIE. All other recommendations received by the DETIE shall be scrutinized by personal visits to big shops and perusing the books themselves and/or going through the book reviews. After scrutiny, the books shall be approved for purchase by the DETIE. Books approved by the DETIE shall be entered in the register maintained author-wise alphabetically. When sizeable number of entries are made, say 30 to 40 Nos., a list of books shall be prepared. The list of books for purchase shall then be put up to the sanctioning authority. P.T.O. -16On receipt of sanction, a purchase form along with the list of books shall be sent to the Stores department for effecting the purchase.

The books purchased by Stores department shall be taken over after giving a requisition. Each book shall be stamped on the title page and page No. 37 of the book. If the number of pages in the books is less than 37, the second stamp shall be put on page No. 7 & 17. After stamping, each book shall be classified subject-wise and a number given. For subject-wise classification, a subject authority file based on the 17th edition of DEWEY DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION INDEX has been prepared and kept readily available. In case, any subject is not covered by this file, a fresh reference to the 17th edition of the DEWEYS INDEX shall be made and the book classified. Simultaneously, the subject authority file shall also be updated. When a book covers more than one subject, a broader number which covers both the subjects shall be chosen. If a book deals with the subject related to another subject, the relation is shown with a colon between the two numbers e.g. Economics Related to Electricity a number for economics and a number for Electricity shall have a colon sign in between. Also if a book deals with two subjects specifically, the numbers denoting both the subjects shall be included in the classification with a plus sign in between the two numbers e.g. Physics and Mathematics will have a number for Physics and a number for Mathematics shown in the main classification number with a plus sign. As a general example, the book named The Law Relating to Electricity in India gets the number 34 ; 537 (54) where 347 stands for the subject Law. 537 for the subject Electricity and (54) for the subject India. This number is called the Call Number. After classifying the books as described above the following cards shall be prepared:i) Shelf list card ii) Author card iii)Title card iv) Subject card v) Book card. Specimen copies of these cards are given in Appendix AC. After preparing these cards, the books received shall be covered with brown paper. The label of Call Number and the Surname of the author as well as the title slip shall be pasted on the bound side of the book. A book card pocket shall be pasted on the inside front cover of the book and a Draft due slip shall be pasted on the first leaf of the book. P.T.O -17-

The books shall then be placed in the cupboards according to the serial order of the Call Numbers. The Librarian shall once a month inspect all the shelves to ensure that they are free from likely damage due to pest, e.g. white ants, cockroaches etc. For this purpose, he shall arrange to spray dry insecticides and pest repellant chemicals once a month. Membership Any permanent employee of the Undertaking can apply through the Head of the department to the DETIE for membership of the library on the prescribed application from (Appendix AJ ) available with the librarian. When the DETIE accords his approval on the application form, the employee becomes a member of the library. Every member shall be issued two library tokens (Appendix AH) against acknowledgement. These tokens shall be signed by the members and carefully preserved. Lending books: Except for preference books and periodicals including certain specifications, all other books shall be issued to members of the library. The member shall go through the catalogue, select any book and surrender one library token for one book. The librarian shall issue the book to the member and shall affix the Date due stamp on the slip provided inside the book. The library token shall be placed in the book card and the book card be removed from the pocket and kept separately with the librarian. On return of the book, the book card shall be replaced in the pocket provided in the book and the book replaced in the shelf. At the same time the members token shall be returned to him. Rules governing the issue of books are given in Appendix AJ. Stock taking: The inventory of books shall be checked once in six months by the librarian. For doing this work, he shall take out all the shelf list cards and arrange them serially according to the numbers. With the help of another person, he shall reconcile the description on the shelf list card with the description read out by the other person from the book itself. If the book is out of place, the same shall be kept in the proper place. Similarly, if the card is found out of place, it shall be put in the proper place. If a book is missing, the card shall be upturned and the work continued. When the entire stock taking in this manner is completed, it is likely that many books will be found misplaced which shall be put back in their respective places. A search for the missing books indicated by the upturned cards shall be made in the book cards of the books issued out. After this search is over, if the books are still missing, then the following procedure shall be followed: A separate list of books found missing shall be prepared and sent to all the departments to find out if any one has by mistake, kept the book. If there is no response for about a month, a reminder circular shall be sent and response awaited for a month. If P.T.O -18-

there is no response still, managements sanction shall be obtained for writing off the book and purchasing another copy of the same. All the shelf list cards shall be collected, the author cards, title card and subject card pulled out. Once all the cards are out of the catalogue, the number of shelf cards discarded shall be counted and these will correspond with the number of books discarded or lost. A list of discarded cards and books shall be made and then all the shelf list cards as well as the catalogue cards shall be thrown away. If any card for any book is missing, a new card shall be made and added to the shelf list and the catalogue cards list. Inventory checking shall be done in the months of August and February of each year. All records of statistics and accounts shall be brought up-to-date at the time of taking stock. At the same time, a new budget for equipment and material shall be considered and improvement suggested. Removal of obsolete books:

At the time of inventory checking, help shall be obtained from knowledgeable persons to weed out old books and render them obsolete. Arrangements shall be made to replace these by latest editions. At the same time, all books requiring repairs such as bindings, coverings, etc. shall be attended to. Maintaining Statistics: The number of books issued during a year shall be maintained by the librarian. He shall also maintain the figures for the number of members making use of the library. In order to attract more members, the librarian shall periodically issue circulars giving information of new additions to the library. Attractive covers and jackets shall be displayed in the library. Receiving periodicals: i) Separate cards shall be made for each title of the periodicals. The periodicals shall be recorded in the respective cards when received. If any issue is lost a remark shall be made on the card and a substitute copy ordered immediately. A list of periodicals which are subscribed for, shall be maintained by the librarian and the subscriptions renewed on the due dates. In addition to these periodicals, the department also receives complimentary copies of house magazines. Certain periodicals published by professional institutions and associations of which the Undertaking is a member, are received free of cost. ii) Those periodicals which are received regularly shall be listed out separately and if any issue is not received, a request letter shall be sent to the publisher to send us a copy. All periodicals shall be stamped at the time of receiving. Classifying and documentation of articles: All articles of interest shall be classified subject-wise and documented. A list of subjects shall be maintained with the librarian to which additions shall be made P.T.O.

-19from time to time. Extracts from articles or re-prints of articles or any other information so collected shall be filed subject-wise according to the subject index and the location of such articles shall be given on the connected documentation card. Circulating of periodicals:

All subscribed periodicals shall be circulated according to the routing slip given in Appendix AK 1 & 2. A check shall be exercised to indicated the possible location of a periodical once it is issued out for circulation. If any issue is not received back in the library for more than 4 months, a circular shall be issued to all concerned and the issue traced back. At the end of every year, the periodicals shall be bound in serial order and kept in the library. The documentation card pertaining to articles of interest shall give the relevant compilation number and the location of the bound volumes for future use. Extracting information and information retrieval:

i) Any article or information of interest from the periodicals or from any source shall be extracted and typed out on plain white paper of A4 size. No other size of paper shall be used for such extracts. These extracts shall be classified subjectwise according to the subject index and filed in the relevant files. A separate card for every information shall be prepared and kept in the classification catalogue. ii) As and when any information is required, the person concerned shall indicate subject matter and go through the subject cards, which indicate all articles documented and/or extracted, available in the library. He shall then go through every documented card and title card to find out any information he would be interested in. These cards shall indicate the location of the information and the person shall have a free access to the files containing the information. These files and extracts shall not be issued to any member of the library. However, copies of these, as and when required by members shall be taken out on request and made available to them. Disposal of leaflets and discarded materials:

All leaflets, pamphlets, house magazines, obsolete books etc., which are declared not worth documenting by DCEG, shall be weeded out and discard immediately. The librarian shall ensure that such material does not remain in the library. 2.13 Celebration/observance of Energy Conservation Week, National Safety Week & Electrical Safety Week: Proposals are initiated for G.M.s sanction for celebration/observation of Energy Conservation Week, National Safety Week & Electrical Safety Week during 4th to 10th December, 4th to 10th March & in the 1st week of May respectively and to incur expenditure towards zeroxing, cost of banners, posters, refreshment & competition expenses etc. for celebration. i)

P.T.O. -20ii) During the celebration/observation of weeks, banners, posters, are displayed at various prominent places of Undertaking, stickers are distributed to -various departments of Electric Supply Branch giving the message of these weeks. iii) With the help of Energy Conservation/Safety demonstration vehicle (Saudamini) we conduct video presentations along with the lectures delivered by our officers and staff and general public conveying the message on above weeks. iv) During the celebration/observation of Safety & Electrical Safety Weeks, we conduct refresher courses for Supervisors and technical staff to inculcate the habits of safety & measures for preventing accidents. v) vi) The competitions like drawing & essay writing are arranged for school children & essay writing & slogan competition for staff members. During Safety Weeks, Rotating Shield/Trophy is also awarded to the department having zero/minimum accidents.

To: D.E.T.I.E. I suggest the following amendments to the manual of the ___________________ ____________________________________ department. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page Section Suggested amendment No. No. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name: ________________________ Signature: _____________________ Designation: ___________________ Department: ___________________



General public, VIPs, Govt. officers, our staff members etc. for giving lamp of complaints, circuit messages, fire messages etc. Street Lighting Maintenance Division BES & T Undertaking, Bijlee Bhavan, 1st floor, Kussara Depot, Mazgaon, Mumbai 400 010. Telephone Nos. : 2377 5544 2371 1941 Extn. 806 b) For North Zone i.e. from Mazgaon to Sion on Central Railway & from Haji Ali to Mahim office of the Deputy Engineer of Streeet Lighting (Maint.) Dadar Depot Gate No. 1, L.T. Marge, Dadar, Mumbai 400 014. Telephone Nos. (DyESL(PMN) : 2410v1517 OR Fault Control 2414 6611, 2414 6683.


For South Zone i.e. Colaba to Haji Ali & Mazgaon, office of the Dy. Engineer (PMS) Kussara. Telephone No. (System Control) 22085888, 22082875, OR Fault Control 22066611, 22066661, DyESL(PMS) 2375 0690 - Extn. 805. RESPONSIBILITIES AND FUNCTIONS OF STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DIVISION There are around 32,500 street lighting poles (approx. 37,500 lamps) installed in the area of supply of the BEST Undertaking. The Street Lighting Maintenance Division is responsible for the operation and regular maintenance of this street lighting system. It also assists the O & M Division in providing temporary overhead electric supply to the LV consumers affected due to faults on underground LV cables. The maintenance of street lamps involves attending to circuit

1.0 1.1

messages, lamp-off messages, shock, fire, damage to the street lighting pole and other miscellaneous complaints like turned bracket, switch box complaint etc. This division is further divided into two sections viz. Preventive Maintenance & Breakdown Maintenance which have been further divided into North & South Zones for operational convenience. 1.2 1.2.1 ORGANISATION The department is under the overall supervision and control of a Divisional Engineer i.e. DESL(M), who is responsible to the Dy.Chief

Engineer (Street Lighting) for the efficient administration of the department.

1.3 1.3.1

ESTABLISHMENT The department consists of 1 Divisional Engineer, 1 Supdt. And 3 Asst. Engineers and other staff that may be sanctioned from time to time.


DIVISIONAL ENGINEER Divisional Engineer Street Lighting (Maintenance) is Chief Executive Office incharge of the Maintenance activities of the department.

1.4.1 i) ii)

DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES Operation of the street lighting system. Inspection and regular maintenance of street lighting system and to ensure that the lamp-off messages are kept at minimum.










changes in line with technological development for improving the efficiency of the department. iv) v) Dealing with the major issues and staff matters of the divisions. Expeditious disposal of papers and complaints / suggestions from VIPs and general public and to ensure that the complaints and promptly attended.


Preparation of MIS reports and statistical data monthly and submitting the same for managements perusal. Preparation of budget estimates, target and achievements and administrative report of the division every year. To ensure that the set targets are achieved.


As ex-officio panel chairman, DESL(M) is required to arrange to conduct test and interview of tradesman in various grades.


To attend zonal meetings of MCGM and other meetings as required by the management and to ensure necessary action is taken as per the decision in the said meeting.


Arrange to prepare specification for pole painting and to send it to Material Management Department for inviting tenders, giving recommendations for such tenders, giving work orders for

painting, certifying the bills of the pole painting contractors. x) xi) Updating wardwise inventory of street lighting poles. Preparing emergency booking of staff and officers at the time of emergency like strikes, bandhs and riots. xii) xiii) 2.0 Certifying various bills and vouchers of sundry expenditures. Certifying various purchase forms for procurement of materials.


The details on function of various sections & duties / responsibilities of staff working therein are given in the following text. 2.1 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SECTION The Lighters in their respective allocated areas switch on the manually operated lamps through individual / group switches

(provided on SLPS) at the specified time in the evening based on Sunset-time. Most of the lamps, however, are made ON through automatic control using mechanical time switches or electronic

programmable timer. These lamps are switched OFF in the morning at the specified timing depending on the Sunrise-timers during the year. The electronic programmable timers give ON / OFF command as per the schedule of timings programmed for the entire year. The lamps thus made ON / OFF are inspected by the Lighters for any mal-operation / abnormal conditions i.e. lamps remaining OFF during evening and lamps remaining ON during mornings, immediately after the switch ON / OFF operation. The work of Lighters is supervised by Lighter Inspectors, Lighter Muccadams and other supervisory staff. Based on inspection reports from the Lighters and publiccomplaints, the circuit off messages and other emergency messages (fire / shock and damage cases) are given to the zonal emergency

crew for attending the same promptly. The emergency crews are equipped with Tower Wagon / Aerial Lift and work on all the 3 shifts of the year. The complaints of damage / theft of the street lighting poles and SLPs etc. are lodged with the concerned Police Station by the staff in the Lighter Section. The individual lamp-off messages are passed on to respective Area Fitters for attending in the day time. The Area Fitters use Hand Tower. Some of the complaints which Area Fitter cannot attend are passed on to the crew having Tower Wagon / Aerial Lift. The pending lamp-off messages are monitored by the supervisory staff so as to maintain street lamps promptly. The Lighters during the day time part of their duty, carry out cleaning of lamps as the light given out by the lamp get badly affected by accumulation of dust and insects. For this purpose, they work in small groups and use Hand Tower. The cases of damage to the street lighting poles are dealt by this section to the extent of removing the obstruction to vehicular traffic and obviating in pilferage. The cases of damaged poles / SLPs as well as those of heavily corroded poles (falling in the category of dangerous one) are referred to Breakdown Maintenance Section for restoring by a new pole / SLP.

To prevent damage due to corrosion as well as to maintain aesthetic appearance, the street lighting poles and pillars are painted periodically as per the programme drawn. Most of the poles are painted through contract whereas the SLPs are painted

departmentally. The lamp-off messages affected by faults on underground cable are attended by this section to the extent of giving an alternate electric supply from the neighbouring network through overhead span wires. The repairs to underground cable faults are passed on to Breakdown Maintenance Section. Preventive Maintenance Section takes over newly

commissioned street lamps. The loads of street lighting fed at all the SLPs are periodically monitored and corrective actions are taken, wherever necessary. The section attends to complaints of lamp-offs and street lighting poles in bad / dangerous conditions received from general public / VIPs. 2.2 SUPERINTENDENT / ASST. ENGR. OF (PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE) STREET LIGHTING

The Supdt. / Asst. Engineer is the Executive Office incharge of the zone allocated to him for Preventive Maintenance activities of

street lamps and is responsible to the Divisional Engineer Street Lighting (Maintenance) for all the work connected with his section. He is responsible for the following specific duties : 1) Preparing programme for painting of street lighting poles through Painting Contractor, inspecting the work of pole painting after completion, certifying the numbers of pole painted and aprons made, checking the quality of paint, preparing performance reports of the pole painting contractor and following up with the painting

contractors to ensure that all the poles given in the work orders are painted and apron made. 2) Allocating and supervising work of Deputy Engineer and Sub Engineer working under him and giving instructions to them time to time to carry out the work of section smoothly. 3) Preparing necessary proformae and statements required from time to time. 4) Collecting and maintaining statistical data as required from time to time. 5) 6) Preparing justification for temporary staff, whenever required. Putting up tender recommendations for the painting of street lighting poles on contract. 7) Ensuring that the lamp-off messages are promptly attended.


Arranging removal of damaged poles so that vehicular traffic is not disrupted.


Ensuring that the correct procedure as laid down are followed in the section.

10) 11)

Dealing with all staff matters of the section. Expeditious disposal of papers received in the section and to ensure that the public and VIP complaints are promptly attended.


With the introduction of mechanical / programmable timers for street lighting control in place of manual rotary switches, it is envisaged that the Supdt. / Asst. Engineer PM shall ensure that the SLPs are becoming ON / OFF on the scheduled time. He shall also ensure that the time setting of the mechanical timers is done regularly and the programme of such time setting activity should be prepared by him. Also, the performance of such timers shall be monitored and periodical evaluation. reports of their performance will be submitted for

13) 14)

Preparing MIS reports and statistical reports monthly. Preparing evening inspection programme of `A grade officers and to ensure that the complaints received during such inspections are promptly attended.


Preparing programmes for energy conservation by keeping 1/3 lampoff. To ensure that three 1/3 lamps are becoming off between 01.00 a.m. and 05.00 a.m. and keeping updated records of such 1/3 lamps.


Attending to Ward Office meetings with Ward Officers, other officers of MCGM and Municipal Corporators of the concerned Ward.


To assist Divisional Engineer in preparation of wardwise inventory of street lighting poles.


Preparing replies to MCA and Audit queries pertaining to PM Section.










arrangements for standing duties. 20) To take suitable precautionary steps to combat with the emergency situations calamities. 21) To initiate procurement of major items like domes for garden lighting. 2.3 DEPUTY ENGINEER MAINTENANCE) STREET LIGHTING (PREVENTIVE due to BEST strikes, riots or `Bandh and natural

Each zonal Superintendent (Supply) / Asst. Engr. Preventive Maintenance is allocated one Deputy Engineer and one Sub Engineer who are directly incharge of the jobs at site and are responsible to

the Supdt. (Supply) / Asst. Engineer concerned. The allocation of work among them depends on the exigencies of the section and is decided by the Supdt. (Supply) / Asst. Engr. Concerned, from time to time. Besides, being of general assistance to the Supdt. (Supply) / Asst. Engr., in all the matters connected with the allocated, the Deputy Engineer is specifically responsible for all the technical work pertaining thereto. The specific duties of the Dy.Engr. Street Lighting (Preventive Maintenance) are as under : 1) 2) 3) Scheduling of various activities to achieve the targets set. Allocation of man-power for the various activities of the section. Co-ordination and follow-up with the other sections of the

department for the smooth execution of the activities of the section. 4) Instructing Dy. Charge Engineer, regarding the execution of the work. 5) 6) 7) 8) Collection of necessary data regarding outputs. Maintaining necessary registers & records. Submitting C.A. / overtime forms with the justifications. Arranging for switching `ON & `OFF street lamps as per the schedule.

9) 10)

Ensuring that proper tools and equipments are used. Inspecting all safety devices and ensuring that these are used, whenever required.


In case of accident, arranging to take the injured person to the nearest dispensary / hospital for attention and informing the

concerned authority. 12) Arranging to draw materials against requisition and ensuring that these are properly used on the job and the balance, if any, is properly credited. 13) 14) Investigation of complaints received from public and VIPs. Driving the Undertakings vehicles, whenever required, during the course of his duties. 15) Countersigning contractor. 16) Arranging to send vehicles for monthly servicing on due dates and getting defects with the vehicle attended to. 17) 18) Arranging for attendance of staff working under him. With the introduction of timers for controlling street lamps, it is envisaged that the Dy. Engr. shall ensure that the street lamps are becoming ON / OFF on the scheduled time. Also, to ensure that the mechanical timers are adjusted regularly as per the programme. the bills for contract work executed by the


After computerization, it is envisaged that the Dy. Engr. Shall regularly update the database of Lanterns as well as Lamp History cards.


Prepare and execute the programme of energy conservation by rearranging street lighting circuits for keeping 1/3 lamp-offs and to use modern technology for achieving the same and to ensure that the details are sent immediately for billing.

21) 22)

To attend MCGM ward meetings in the absence of Supdt. / AE(PM). To prepare daily report in respect of vital activities like circuit messages, lamp-off messages, damaged pole messages, shock, fire, underground cable faults of his zones and report it to the


He works under the Deputy Engineer or directly under Supdt. (Supply) / Asst. Engr. and shall perform following duties. 1) 2) 3) 4) Allocating work to the staff under him. Checking attendance and materials at the work site. Collecting of data in connection with the work carried out. Checking progress of work and controlling labour on various jobs.


Filling in various forms in respect of the staff working under him, if required.


Giving First-aid to the injured person and taking him to the hospital, if required.

7) 8) 9)

Writing overtime statement, whenever required. Maintaining necessary records and registers. Inspection of poles to detect corroded poles and those in dangerous condition Section. and promptly informing the Breakdown Maintenance

10) 11)

Re-arranging the Lighters sections whenever necessary. Preparing and carrying out programme / schedules for cleaning of lamps, tree trimming and other maintenance work of street lamps.


Ensuring that lamp-off messages are attended to within reasonable time.


Driving Undertakings vehicles, whenever required, during the course of his duties.


Suggesting re-arrangement of the Lighter Section to Dy. Engr. / Supdt. or Asst. Engr. Whenever necessary.

15) 16)

Assisting Dy. Engr. for preparation of inventory of poles. To ensure that police complaints are lodged promptly in case of lantern / lamp missing and damaged pole cases.






Deputy Charge Engineers work under the Deputy Engineer or Sub Engineer / Charge Engineer of the section and their specific duties depend on the exigencies of the section and decided by the Supdt. (Supply) / Asst. Engineer concerned, from time to time. He performs the following duties : 1) Carrying out direct supervision of job allocated to him. Taking and attending to circuit messages with the help of Tradesmen. 2) 3) 4) Allocating the work to the men working under him. Taking attendance of the staff posted on the job. Arranging for the materials required for the jobs through the Deputy Engineer or Sub Engr. / Charge Engr. To keep updated record of

the stock of materials available in the chowkey. 5) Preparing of Requisitions and Credit Notes for materials to be ordered / credited. 6) 7) Allocation of work to the lighters. Ensuring that the police complaints are lodged in damaged / missing cases. 8) 9) Rearranging lighters sections in consultation with Sub Engr. Keeping necessary records of lantern cleaning activity.


Keeping records of mandays and output of job in the prescribed forms.


Filling in the leave forms etc., for the staff working under him, whenever required.


Informing the appropriate authorities, in case of damages to other utility services.

13) 14)

Deciding the temporary wire routes for giving temporary supply. Inspecting tools and other materials in the chowkies and arranging with the Sub Engineer / Dy. Engineer for replacing / reconditioning / scrapping, whenever necessary.


Giving or arranging for First-aid to the injured person and taking him to hospital, whenever necessary.

16) 17)

Checking the inventory of the materials given to the tradesmen. Inspecting damage to the street lighting pole and SLP etc., in case of accident and arranging for their removal to prevent being obstruction to vehicular traffic and / or being pilfered.


Reporting to Sub Engineer / Dy. Engineer, if any lamp-off messages have remained unrectified beyond a reasonable time.


Suggesting to Dy.Engr. / Sub Engr. rearrangement of Area Fitter sections depending upon messages and distance involved.


Maintaining lamp history cards up-to-date.


Driving Undertakings vehicle, whenever required, during the course of his duties.

22) 23) 24) 25)

Informing Senior Officers about the accidents through system control. Inspection of critical cases of lamp-off. Preparation of shift duty roaster for the tradesmen. Preparation of daily report of vital activities and submitting the same to the Dy. Engineer.

26) 2.6

To fill-up the purchase forms for procurement of non-stock items. CHARGE HAND GENERAL (PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE) The Charge Hand General shall work under Deputy Engineer concerned and his specific duties depend on the exigencies of the department and are decided by the Supdt. (Supply) / Asst. Engineer concerned, from time to time. He performs the following duties :


Carrying out direct supervision / inspection of painting of the street lighting poles by the contractor and by the departmental staff Sr. Painter / Jr. Painter, as per schedule and in the prescribed manner and to bring any defects in the pole painting to the notice of the Contractor and to get the same rectified immediately.


Keeping records of the output of the jobs especially for certifying the contractors bill.


Maintaining liaison with the contractors for carrying out the pole painting work as per schedule and as per specification.


To execute tree trimming activity as per schedule and supervise the same.


BREAKDOWN MAINTENANCE SECTION The Breakdown Maintenance Section arranges for replacement of damaged, corroded street lighting pole / SLP, maintaining earthing and apron to the street lighting poles, periodic painting of SLPs and repairs to cable faults and permanent overhead spans. It also executes small schemes and provide temporary illumination. For earthing to the underground cable faults the section arranges for excavation, re-laying and joining / termination of the cables and back filling of the trenches taken. Before trenching, an intimation of intended fault excavation is sent to the concerned Municipal Ward and wherever excavation across a road is necessary, the work is undertaken in co-ordination with Municipal Ward and / or Traffic Police Authorities. After attending to the cable faults in all respects, Preventive Maintenance is informed for normalizing the network. After commissioning repaired cable length, permanent

Reinstatement Notice giving details of backfilled excavation is sent to

Municipal Ward for necessary action and the same is followed up subsequently wherever necessary. 2.8 SUPDT. STREET LIGHTING / ASST. ENGINEER (BREAKDOWN MAINTENANCE) Supdt. Street Lighting / Asst. Engineer (Breakdown

Maintenance) is Executive Officers-in-charge of the zone allocated to him for Breakdown Maintenance. He is responsible to DESL(M) for smooth and efficient working of Breakdown Maintenance Section and co-ordinates the working and staff working under him. He is responsible for : 1) 2) Prompt removal and installation of damaged / corroded poles. Prompt repairs to faults on the underground cables including cable cut and cable raising messages. 3) Liaison with the Accident Department for recovery of damages by other utilities / organization / individuals. He shall carry out following specific duties : 1) Arranging for necessary permission from Municipal and Police authorities, wherever required, for carrying out repairs to

underground cable faults. 2) Preparing programme for replacement of damaged / corroded street lighting poles and pillars.











underground street lighting cable faults. 4) Arranging to send bills for damages to appropriate authorities / proper parties. 5) 6) Preparing Administrative Repot of the department. Collecting and maintaining statistical data as required from time to time. 7) 8) Preparing justification for staff required. Ensuring that the correct procedures as laid down are followed in the section. 9) 10) 11) 12) Dealing with all staff matters of the section. Expeditious disposal of papers received. Giving annual requirement of various material for the section. Attending co-ordination meeting with Municipal authorities and others, whenever required. 13) For pin-pointing street lighting cable faults, a testing equipment called easyflex is available in the market. Also, this instrument is being utilized by O & M Divisions for pin-pointing the cable faults. We have proposed to procure similar type of testing equipment. It is envisaged that Supdt. / Asst. Engr. (BM) will ensure that the street lighting cable faults are pin pointed by the testing equipment and to

extend necessary help whenever required to the sub-ordinates staff for testing the cable faults. 14) To arrange to collect every month data of lamp removed / installed every fortnight from all the chowkies of Street Lighting Department (Construction & Maintenance) and arrange to prepare Consolidated Statement of the same and forward it to Consumers (S) Department for billing. 15) To check the correctness of bills sent to MCGM wards by Consumer (S) Department and to advertise them about the correction to be made. 2.9 DY. ENGR. STREET LIGHTING (BREAKDOWN MAINTENANCE) : He shall be directly incharge of the day to day job at site and is responsible to the Supdt. / Asst. Engr. Street Lighting (Breakdown Maintenance). Besides being of general assistance to the Supdt. / Asst. Engr. Street Lighting (Breakdown Maintenance) in all matters connected with the section. He shall perform following specific duties : 1) 2) Instructing Dy.Ch. Engrs. Regading the execution of work. Ensuring that necessary formalities in respect of permission or intimation for the excavation and other MCGM related work have

been complied with, before taking up any job in hand. To liaison with municipal officials for the same. 3) Preparing daily programmes for job after taking into account, availability of the material and transport thereof. 4) 5) 6) 7) Submitting O.T. forms with justification. Maintaining necessary records and registers. Ensuring that proper tools and equipments are used. Arranging to send permanent Reinstatement Notices to Municipal Ward offices and follow-up with them till the reinstatement is done. 8) In case of accident, arranging to take the injured person to the nearest dispensary / hospital for attention and informing all

concerned. 9) Driving the Undertakings vehicle, whenever required, during the course of his duty. 10) To test the street lighting cable faults with the help of fault testing equipments as such equipments are proposed to be procured in the near future. 11) To attend MCGM Ward meetings in the absence of Supdt. / Asst. Engr. (BM).


To give feedback to Supdt. / Asst. Engr. (BM) about the workdone day to day and take instruction from him for efficient working of the section.


It is envisaged that the Dy. Engr. will take timely decision on site like diversion of cable routes, removal of poles etc.


To prepare the daily reports containing therein important activities of the section and submit it to Supdt. / Asst. Engr.





MAITNENANCE) He works under Dy. Engr. Street Lighting (Breakdown

Maintenance) or will report directly to Supdt. / Asst. Engr. (BM) in absence of Dy. Engr. and his duties are as under :1) Requisitioning materials from Depot Stores, arranging its transport to the work site chowkies and stocking the same in order. 2) 3) 4) Ensuring that the materials reach the correct job sites in time. Arranging to bring back left over materials from the site. Co-ordinating the work carried out by transport contractors,

wherever necessary. 5) 6) 7) Arranging for reconditioning of materials. Arranging to send vehicles for monthly servicing on the due dates. Sending attendance / job sheets to the main office in time.

8) 9)

Closing work orders after checking and crediting materials. Preparing credit notes for excess material leftover or released at the job sites.









repairs /

reconditioning the damaged tools / equipments. 11) Checking different proformae prepared by Dy. Ch. Engr. Before submission to Dy. Engr. or to Supdt. / Asst. Engr. in his absence. 12) Preparing weekly off schedule of watchmen and other staff, in advance. 13) Driving the Undertakings vehicle, whenever required, during the course of his duties. 14) Ensuring that the records maintained by the section are updated in time. 15) In the absence of Dy. Engr., the Sub Engr. is expected to perform vital duties of the Dy. Engr. 2.11 DY. CH. ENGRS. STREET LIGHTING (BREAKDOWN

MAINTENANCE) He shall work under Dy. Engr. / Sub Engr. Street Lighting (Breakdown Maintenance) and his specific duties shall depend on the exigencies of the section and shall be decided by the Supdt. / Asst.

Engr. Street Lighting (Breakdown Maintenance). He shall perform following specific duties : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Carrying out direct supervision of job allocated to him. Allocating the work to the men working under him. Taking attendance of the staff posted on the job. Preparing credit and requisition notes of the material. Arranging the watchmens duties. Arranging for the materials required for the job through his Sub Engr. 7) Arrange to provide necessary protection to trenches against

accidental hazards. 8) Keeping the records of mandays and output to the jobs in

prescribed form. 9) Compiling with statutory requirements of MCGM in respect of trenches taken. 10) Giving or arranging for First-aid to the injured person and taking him to hospital, whenever necessary. 11) Driving the Undertakings vehicle, whenever required, during the course of his duties. 12) Taking measurement of trenches and preparation of Reinstatement Notices.


Informing the proper authorities in case of damages to other utility service.


To give feedback to Dy. Engr. / Sub Engr. (BM) about the day to day working of the section.


To assist Dy. Engr. in fault finding with the help of cable fault testing equipments.


TRADESMEN The following categories of Tradesman / Asst. Tradesman etc. are normally working in the different sections of the department as shown against them. The tradesmen carry out duties as given in the preceding texts. The Asst. Tradesmen generally carry out routine jobs requiring lesser skill and complex jobs. The Tradesmen / Asst. Tradesmen take instructions from their Supervisor concerned and his specific duties depend on the exigencies of the department and are decided by the Supdt. / Asst. Engr. Concerned from time to time.

SR. TRADESMAN / ASST. NO. TRADESMAN 1 Jointer Jointermate 2 Electrical Fitter Junior Electrical Fitter Asst. Electrical Fitter 3 SRC Mechanic Jr.SRC Mechanic

GRADE T-5 T-4 T-5 T-4 T-3 T-4 T-4

SECTION OF THE DEPARTMENT Breakdown Maintenance Breakdown Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance & Workshop Preventive Maintenance

4 5 6 7 8 9

Muccadam Mason Jr.Mason Sr.Painter Jr.Painter Lighter Inspector Lighter Muccadam Lighter Cleaner Nawghany Casual Labour

T-3 T-3 T-2 T-3 T-2 T-3 T-2 T-2 T-1

Breakdown Maintenance Breakdown Maintenance Breakdown Maintenance & Preventive Maintenance Preventive Maintenance Preventive Maintenance Breakdown Maintenance & Preventive Maintenance


ELECTRICAL FITTER He shall perform following duties :


To work on emergency vehicles (A/L or T/W) to attend lamp-off (single) or circuit-off messages, fire / spark / shock messages

pertaining to street lighting system. 2) To provide and remove temporary or permanent electric supply by laying overhead span wires in street lighting circuit fault as well as in case of distributor / service faults. 3) In case of underground fault being declared the fitter shall arrange for restoring the affected circuit by giving temporary supply or by network changes. 4) To set / adjust the timing in the time switches installed in the SLPs and poles.


To test the cable ends for detecting defect or faulty zone. To terminate cable into the gland of street lighting box, if required by raising the cable.


To carry out wiring or power and control circuits containing contractors, timers, fuses in the SLP.


To provide or replace cutout in the street lighting box. To carry out switch box wiring.

8) 9)

To normalize the network after taking repaired cable into service. To provide / replace street lighting boxes and carry out complete wiring from the cable end to the lamp i.e. pole wiring.


To provide / replace the lanterns and / or brackets and carry out its wiring. To attend turned brackets complaints.


To report the work done as well as the work which could not be carried out against the allocated jobs.

12) 13)

To carry out SLP maintenance periodically. To install mechanical / electronic timers in the SLP with their control wiring.


Removal of damaged / corroded street lighting poles and planting new poles. The fitter in T-5 grade works on installation /

replacement of Semi-high-mast poles.


To provide lanterns and brackets on the replaced, damaged or corroded pole, with the help of hand towers. If, required he shall make arrangement for shifting of the hand tower from other location to the worksite.

16) 17)

To saddle the street lighting cables to the pole. To provide new earthing to the poles. To connect the disconnected earthing to the poles.


To remain standby with gang at various temporary illumination sites.


To receive emergency messages from control room and attend the same and report back while working on emergency vehicles without having supervisor.


Electric fitter is expected to have knowledge of safety precautions and artificial respiration.

21) 22) 23)

To keep the inventory of the tools allocated to him. To hand over back the material left issued to him to the supervisor. To arrange to take proper excavation for planting of poles and to ensure that the pole is correctly planted.


JOINTER He shall perform following duties :


To test the cable for detecting defect, if any.










remaking, sleeving, sealing etc. on street lighting cables. 3) To terminate street lighting cables in the street lighting boxes and in the SLPs. 4) To attend cable-cut messages by raising / straight-jointing the cables and terminating in the street lighting boxes / SLPs. 5) To remove, protect and reconnect the cables while replacing the poles / SLPs. 6) To report the work done as well as the work which could not be carried out against the allocated jobs. 7) The Jointer must be conversant with safety precautions to be observed in the trade, methods of artificial respiration. 8) 9) 10) To keep the inventory of the tools allocated to him daily. To arrange to how the jointer handcart at the worksite. In case of accident arrange to provide first-aid and report to control or supervisor. 11) After completion of work, to hand over the scrap / left out materials to the supervisor / officer. 3.3 PAINTER : He shall perform following duties :


To paint street lighting pole, SLP and other related items connected with the street lighting system after surface making and coating with primer.


To carry out stenciling on the poles, street lighting boxes, new lamps, SLPs nameplates and other related items connected with the street lighting system.


To update the stenciling in the SLPs whenever the street lighting network of the SLP is rearranged / changed or additional timer for 1/3 lamp-off is installed.


MUCCADAM : He shall perform following duties :


Arranging for the excavation tools and other materials required for the job.


Allocating the work to the men working under him and to get the desired output from them.

3) 4)

Taking attendance of the staff posted under him. Giving or arranging `First-aid to be injured person and taking him to dispensary / hospital, whenever necessary.


To carry out direct supervision of excavation, laying of pipes and cables, back filling and sundry jobs like transport of materials etc. connected with the street lighting system.


To ensure that while excavating the other utilities services and the cables are not damaged and that they are properly protected.


To read the drawings / sketches of the cable routes and take decisions for taking excavations.

8) 9)

To possess the copy of the excavation permission from MCGM. To deliver / collect sundry material fabricated in the workshop whenever necessary.


To submit the excavation intimation to the concerned municipal wards and collect the excavation permission.


MASON He shall perform following duties :

1) 2)

To provide / remake apron to the street lighting poles. To provide foundation and other masonary work connected with the installation / replacement of SLP.

3) 4) 5)

To carry out laying and jointing of pipes. To carry out reinstatement work, whenever necessary. To break and remake any brick-work / masonary / concrete

structures. 3.6 SRC MECHANIC He shall perform following duties : 1) To set the ON / OFF timings in the Time Switch / Timer.

2) 3) 3.7

To install / replace mechanical / programmable timers. Repairing of mechanical / programmable timer. LIGHTER INSPECTOR : He shall perform following duties :


To take attendance of the Lighters posted on the job at the various beats.


To arrange for material required for the lantern cleaning jobs as well as for pruning of tree branches.


To make alternate arrangement for switching ON / OFF of street lamps where the Area Lighter has not reported on duty.


To lodge police complaint about missing / damaged street lamps / poles and pillars.


To carry out supervision on the work of operation and inspection of street lamps by the Lighters.

6) 7)

In exigencies, to carry out operation and inspection of street lamps. To keep the location-wise records of hand tower and report the same to the supervisor.


To ensure that all the hand tower are in working condition and the defects if any be reported to the supervisor.



He shall perform following duties : 1) 2) 3) To take attendance of the Lighters posted on the job. To arrange for material required for the cleaning jobs. To carry out supervision on the cleaning of street lamps as per schedule in the prescribed manner. 4) To lodge police complaint about missing / damaged street lamps / poles and pillars. 3.9 1) LIGHTER To switch ON / OFF the street lamps as per schedule whenever required. 2) To inspect the lamp-off / circuit-off in the allotted street lighting section and report to the control centres / concerned supervisor all the abnormalities noticed. 3) To clean the interior and exterior portion of lantern using hand tower as per schedule and in the prescribed manner. 4) To lodge police complaint for the missing / damaged street lamps / poles / pillars in the absence of sectional muccadam or lighter inspector. 5) 6) To carry out tree trimming with the help of MCGM Mali. To inspect the another area if the concerned lighter does not report on duty.

3.10 1)

M.V. DRIVER To drive Undertakings vehicle for transportation of material and workmen to the worksite.

2) 3) 4)

To report defects in the vehicle to the Supervisor. To report accident / damages to the vehicle immediately. To take vehicles to M.V. Section for attending to defects of the vehicle and for monthly maintenance.

5) 3.11

To update the trip book after every trip. NAWGHANY He shall perform following duties :


To take excavation for installation / removal / replacement of street lighting poles, street lighting pillars and for laying / removing underground street lighting cables.


To assist the Tradesman / Asst. Tradesman in carrying out various jobs.


To carry out the necessary labour work as per instructions of Tradesman / Supervisor.


To clean and upkeep the office premises, as per instruction of the superiors.


To hand over / collect the papers to / from office of the Undertaking and related organizations.

4.0 4.1

OFFICE STAFF For the routine activities like marking attendance, leave, L.T.A. encashment, payment and recoveries, uniform and monsoon apparels and the administrative matters like recruitment, promotion, reversion, termination as well as the follow-up of bills for maintenance charges and energy consumption with MCGM and other organizations, the office staff shall comprise of one Office Supdt., one Office Asst. and requisite no. of Supervisors, Clerks, Shop-Recorders, Steno and Typist.


ASSISTANT OFFICE SUPERINTENDENT He shall work under the DCE(SL) and shall co-ordinate the work of O.A. and other staff. His duties are as follows :


General supervision of the work of the office staff in connection with staff establishment matters.

2) a) b)

Follow up for the recovery of outstanding bills. He shall maintain outstanding bills register. For this purpose he shall visit different wards / Account Offices / Main Office of MCGM and meet concerned staff / officers of MCGM

in connection with out-standing bills. For this purpose he shall seek the help of Vigilance Inspector of MCGM. c) He will submit necessary documents / letters to MCGM, as

demanded by them pertaining to outstanding bills. d) e) He will correspond with MCGM for recovery of outstanding bills. He shall reconcile the records of pending bills with our Account Department. f) He shall send periodical report regarding pending bills to Higher Officers. g) 4.3 Any other work given by DCE(SL) and DESL(M) time to time. OFFICE ASSISTANT The Office Assistant shall work under the Assistant Office Supdt. (Street Lighting) and co-ordinate the work of Supervisor and other staff under him. He shall be responsible for the following : 1) General supervision of the work of the staff under him in

connection with preparation, maintenance and / or checking of staff records, clothing records, staff engagement forms, discharge notices, temporary staff return forms, annual reports, budget estimates, Bgrade officers absentee memos, etc. 2) Attending to general correspondence.

3) 4)

Drafting of letters. Preparation of proposals like engagement of staff, variation in establishment, creation of temporary posts.

4.4 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

SUPERVISOR I Maintaining imprest cash register, recoupment of imprest cash bills. S.R. 4.4.10 cases and follow-up. Re-imbursement of medical bills. JE bills and other general bills. Accident compensation bills. Proposal for Sundays / Holidays working and checking of attendance of staff worked on Sundays / Holidays.


Preparation of statement of field duty, hazardous duty and reduction of distribution loss allowance for payment to staff.

8) 9) 10) 11) 12)

Scholarship and financial assistance forms. Proposal of scavenger engagement and their payment. Payment of compensatory allowance. Monthly tea bills of DCE(SL) & DESL(M). Monthly reports of final dues of separated employees, pending cases, fatal / non-fatal accident etc.


To assist OASL in day to day administrative work and supervise the work of clerical staff.

4.5 1)

SUPERVISOR II To keep records of monthly computer servicing and inventory records of PCs and its accessories.


Deputation bills and preparation of deputation, quarterly report on deputation.


Maintaining records of training to our staff by TIE in grade P1/T5 & P1/T6 and refresher courses of Dy.Engrs., Sub Engrs., Ch. Engrs.


Keeping records of trade trainees viz. SSA, Cable Jointers, Wireman etc.

5) 6) 7)

Verification of registration books of motor cars of `A grade officers. Maintenance of taxi fare and accident registers. To assist and overall supervise the work of Shop Recorders at chowkies.

4.6 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

CLERK 1 To issue taking over duty notes of permanent employees. Issue of ST slips, I. Cards / Bus Tokens to permanent employees. To keep records of final bills of separated employees. To issue letters to retiree employees. Maintenance of roaster register of reserve categories in grade P1/T2, P1/T3, P1/T4 and P1/T6 since DESL(M) is Panel Chairman.


Filling up the requisitions of vacancies, interest subsidy form, promotion forms etc.


To keep records of all permanent staff, personal promotion, silver medals.

8) 9) 10) 4.7 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 4.8 1)

Maintaining S.R. Files records. Issuing absenteeism letters to staff. To issue other relevant letters. CLERK 2 To keep records to temporary staff and casual labourers. To issue temporary promotion / reversion notes. Temporary staff registers. Preparation of OT statements. Issue of I.Cards, Bus Tokens of ST slips to temporary nawghanies. Issue of temporary staff engagement forms. CLERK 3 Dispatching departmental letters, notes, proposals at different

departments and outside parties. 2) 3) Maintaining dispatch registers. To receive local dispatch, other Depot dispatch as well as outside letters. 4) Preparation of `A & `B grade officers attendance.

5) 6) 4.9 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 4.10 1)

Scrutinizing and forwarding of papers. Circulation of important circulars. CLERK 4 Preparing daily report of street lighting. Monthly vehicle utilization report and servicing report. Damage / missing diary entry. Filing of all papers. Pole painting bills records. Issue of log books. Issue of payment through bank forms. SHOP RECORDER 1 To keep attendance of all staff in Street Lighting (Maintenance) Division.

2) 3) 4) 5) 3) 4) 4.11 1)

Maintaining inventory register. Distribution of pay-slips, income tax, PF, Bonus slips. Draft proposal of materials (scrapped and replacement). Preparing scrap material credit notes, gatepass. Preparation of unpaid wages advise. Issue of General Certificates. SHOP RECORDER 2 MIS Report.

2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 4.12 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 4.13 1) 2) 3) 4)

Statistical report. Damaged pole estimates. Damaged pole cost sheets. Street lighting bill statement. To maintain lamp and poles records. SHOP RECORDER 3 Issue of materials. Issue of monsoon apparels, jersey etc. To keep records of all stationery items. Maintaining different types of forms. Preparing grain requisitions. Preparing PF, festival advance advise. Proposal for issue / replacement of brief cases / fitter tool bags. Issue of safety shoes. Stitching allowances payment and recovery. SHOP RECORDER 4 (JTR CHOWKY & BMS-KUSSAR) Staff attendance. To keep material records at chowky level. Issue of materials. OT statement.







power loss


statement. 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 4.14 To prepare notes. Issue of grain requisition. Negative attendance. Job sheets. Filling leave forms, application, PF loans etc. SHOP RECORDER - 5 (GRANT ROAD A/F & LIGHTER SECTION, PALTON ROAD A/F, PATHAKWADI LIGHTER SECTION, PMS KUSSARA) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) Maintaining lamp history cards of street lighting lamps, poles etc. To keep attendance of staff. Issue of materials. Issue of grain requisitions. Preparing OT statements. Negative attendance of staff. Job sheets. Preparation of MIS. Maintaining lamps lives. Maintaining wattage wise registers of lamps. Maintaining leave registers of staff at four sections.

12) 4.15


1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Staff attendance Issue of materials. Grain requisitions. OT statements. Field duty, hazardous duty and distribution power loss allowance statements.

6) 4.16 1) 2) 3)

Lamp history cards. SHOP RECORDER 7 (DADAR CHOWKY) Staff attendance Issue of materials. Preparation of material requisitions, grain requisition and gate pass etc.

4) 5) 6) 4.17 1) 2)

OT statements / registers. Sundays / holidays working statements. Allowance statements. SHOP RECORDER 8 (SITLADEVI CHOWKY) Staff attendance Issue of materials.

3) 4) 5)

Grain requisitions. OT statements. Field duty, hazardous duty and distribution power loss allowance statements.


Leave registers.

4.18) CLERK TYPIST 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Typing of written draft / letters (English / Marathi). Taking dictation in writing. Writing dispatch. Filing of papers. Cutting stencils.

4.19) STENOGRAPHER 1) Taking dictation and transcribing it on a typewriter / personal computer. 2) 3) 4) 5.0 Preparing routine and simple drafts and tabulated proformae. Typing from drafts and hand written matter. Cutting stencils. COMPUTERISATION OF STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DIVISION It is proposed to computerize various data such as lamp history card and ward wise inventory of poles. Also, the total

maintenance schedule of the street lighting lamps such as painting of poles, mass replacement of lanterns and cleaning of lanterns is required to be computerized. After computerization, the `A grade officer of each section of the division will be responsible to update the data base and to ensure that the programme runs smoothly. The `A grade officer will be assisted by one Dy. Ch. Engr. And one Shop Recorder. In respect of establishment section, it is proposed to computerize the service record of each employee of the division.



UPDATED AS ON 30.11.2005



Hire Refrigerators and Water Heater to public and Undertakings Officers under OQF Scheme and look after maintenance of the same.


Regularly bill the consumers who have hired our appliances.


Undertake the R & M of Room Coolers, Water Coolers, Central Air Conditioning Plants of the Undertaking.


Undertake repairs to different types of motorized and heating appliances of the various departments of the Undertaking.


Design and layout of Air Conditioning plants for Undertakings premises.

THE DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES IN VARIOUS GRADES ARE AS BELOW : 1.0 1. SUPERINTENDENT, GRADE- A-4 :- (One) As a Head of the Department he will be responsible for overall administration and smooth working of the Department. 2. 2.1 2.2 To guide and supervise the activities of the officers under him in order to : Design suitable electrical system for various premises of the undertaking. Carry out preventive and breakdown maintenance of all air-conditioning plants, room cooler, water cooler and refrigerator, etc. 2.3 2.4 Carry out repairing and rewinding of electrical appliances / motors. Bill and recover and remit the hiring charges in respect of equipment on hire to private parties. 2.5 To forward various weekly, monthly and annual reports.

3. 4. 5.

To co-ordinate with other departments to achieve the required targets. To maintain proper discipline in the department. To review the claims in respect of defective / tampered meter in case of claim less than Rs. 1,00,000/-.


Being a designated member of panel for selection of various tradesmen to evaluate the performance of candidates.

2.0 1. 2.

DEPUTY ENGINEERS, Grade G/GVI :- (Two) To maintain the discipline in the section. To guide and get the repairs of various appliances delivered from the staff members in time.


To plan the manpower requirement and material requirement for efficient working of section below him.


To keep proper records of material received and issued at sub-station.

5. 6. 7. 8.

To design and keep proper inventory control. To supervise repairs of Domestic Electrical Appliances. Be responsible for the DEA Stores and its transactions. To design, erect, maintain and repair of Water Coolers of the Undertaking and supervise their fabrication and installation


To purchase material required for DEA Workshop for fabrication of Room Coolers and Water Coolers. Purchase of urgent material for DEA Repair

Workshop through Imprest Cash. 10. To maintain Incentive Bonus Scheme of DEA Repairs Workshop.

12. 13. Plants

To supervise the work carried out at DEA Repairs Workshop.

To inspect the materials against Inspection Form. To design, supervise, erection and maintenance the Central Air Conditioning

of the Undertaking. 14. 15. To supervise the repairs and maintenance of refrigerators. To supervise the repairs, fabrication and maintenance of Room Coolers and Water Coolers. 16. Insure that the materials required for the above two activities are requisitioned in due time. 17. To investigate and follow up cases of failure of refrigerators due to negligence of the consumers. 18. 19. To supervise purchase of tools and equipments. To prepare specifications for various material to be purchased through Material Management Department. 20. 21. 22. To check the material against Inspection Forms. To maintain inventory of Refrigerators. To detect the defect / faults in domestic appliances, refrigerator, air-conditioning plant, room cooler. 23. 3.0 To certify the fitness for the functionality of appliances. SUB ENGINEERS, Grade G/GV :- (Two)

1. 2.

Supervise the work of repairs and fabrication carried out by staff in their section. To arrange for the issue and delivery of materials from Pathakwadi to Colaba / Dadar.

3. 4.

Arrange for regular preventive maintenance of Water Coolers. To attend the complaints regarding failures of refrigerators and particulars those caused due to negligence of Consumers.

5. 6. 7.

Control the inventory of departments property, tools and equipment.. Maintain all information pertaining to refrigerators in Godown and Stores etc. Report to Deputy Engineer regarding accessories required for refrigerators, water coolers and room air conditioners.

8. 9. 10.

To look after training of Apprentices and Probationary Engineers. Purchase urgent material from Imprest Cash. Inspect material indented through the Stores and arrange to forward the same to DEA Stores.


Peruse the refrigerator service records and follow up individual cases. Prepare a list of pending jobs and take necessary action.


Report to Deputy Engineer regarding new refrigerators that have failed within guarantee period.

13. 14. 15.

Allocate indoor and outdoor work to the staff in his section. Substores stock maintenance, issues and recoupment of refrigerators and other accessories from Pathakwadi Stores. Fabrication and maintenance of water coolers and room air conditioners of the Undertaking in the North Zone.

16. 17. 18. 19.

Control movement of hired refrigerators in his area. Assist main office in follow up of repairs of machines that have failed within guarantee period. To maintain air conditioning installations. To prepare incentive Bonus Scheme data for staff in his section and forward to central office at Pathakwadi. FOREMAN (GENERAL), Grade P1/T8 :- (One)



Be responsible to all the repairs to Domestic Electrical Appliances carried out in the section and preventive and breakdown maintenance of room cooler, water cooler, etc.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Prepare new Jobsheets and tag for the repair articles. Ensure that all articles received have been properly tagged. To assist to Sub Engineer. Ensure that the details of work carried out and the material used on various jobs are properly entered on the DEA progress sheets.


Obtain quotations and arrange purchases form Imprest Cash of spares for appliances (non-stock items urgently required) from available sources.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 5.0 1 2 3

Submit to Deputy Engineer report of work done and estimates prepared daily. Arrange to deliver in a clean condition all the repaired articles Arrange for vehicles, under required, through Sub Engineer. Maintain a general cleanliness of the DEA repair shop. Render technical assistance to mechanics. Report to Deputy Engineer on all the above matters. OFFICE ASSISTANT, Grade A/GVIII :- (One) Preparation of Budget Estimates and Establishment Schedule. Budgetary Control and Augmentation of Grants. Obtaining of Administrative sanctions for :a) b) c) d) Temporary and Permanent Staff. Capital and Dead Stock items. Institution of Legal Proceedings against the defaulters Writing off Capital and Dead Stock Items.


Dealing with Procedural matters pertaining to :a) b) b) Stores, Billing Hiring of Refrigerators and Bottle Coolers.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 6.0 1. 2.

Dealing with matters pertaining to Accounts. Replying to Audit Queries (IA / MCA). Drafting Committee Notes. Making Special Correspondence with hirers. Replying to Unions Letters. Maintenance of Imprest Cash of Rs.25,000/- and arrange recoupment of the same. Carrying out physical stock checking of Stores Material. Arranging for disposal of non-moving surplus stock items and scrap. Cleanliness of Department. Reconciliation of D.E.A. Billing. Reconciliation of D.E.A. Deposit Account. Arranging recovery of outstanding amounts. Arranging day to day remittance of Cash & Cheques collected to Head Office. SUPERVISOR, Grade A/GVII :- (One) The supervisor shall supervise the work carried out by the clerical staff. Prepare annual requirements of stores materials in consultation with sanction of OACAS and Deputy Engineer for materials, such as : a) b) c) d) e) f) Uniforms and monsoon apparels; Spares / Accessories for domestic electrical appliances; Small tools; Electrical insulating materials; Stationary and printed materials; Other necessary items.


Maintain proper stock level and arrange timely recoupment of materials either by requisitions on other depots stores or by placing a purchase form in consultation with Sub Engineer / Deputy Engineer.


Carry out periodic physical checking of the stock of material in the departmental stores.


Reconcile discrepancies in the physical stock and the bin balances and monthly statements of issues and receipts.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 7.0 1. 2. 3. 4.

Report to OA, about the non-moving and surplus stock items and scrap. Correspond on stores matters in consultation with OA / Deputy Engineers. Assist OA in any other matter, if required. Draft official correspondence and notes. Maintain office records. SENIOR STENOGRAPHER (MARATHI), Grade A/GVII :- (One) To take dictation and transcribe in Marathi / English as necessary To type various letters, drafts and correspondence. To prepare stencil. To type letters, reports and statements.

8.0 1.

CLERKS, Grade A/GV :- (Four)

Receive articles for repairs, either from outside parties or from other departments of the Undertaking. He shall check the articles and acknowledge receipt.

2. 3.

Make an entry in the respective ledger and attach a tag to the appliance. Prepare a work progress sheet, enter the nature of complaint as reported by the Client, determine whether an estimate is required to be submitted for his approval and forward the appliance with the progress sheet to the Foreman (D.E.A Repairs).


Work out the cost of material and labour, estimated by the Foreman, intimate the same to the party and get his approval.


When the estimate is approved, allocate a job order and inform the Foreman to carry out the work.

6. 7. sheets. 8. 9.

Record the material issued on various jobs from the Material Requisition daily. Allocate the workers on various jobs/activities and enter the same in the job

Record the Labour on work progress sheets. On Completion of the jobs, work out the actual cost of material and labour for each job and submit the same to SCAS for his approval.


Remit cash collection to the Cash Department on the following working day on a Remittance Slip.


Submit monthly statements to the SCAS indicating the number of appliances repaired during the month.


Prepare the monthly job completion statement and forward the same to Dy. Engr./ SCAS / Dy. CAO


Forward reminders to customers for approval of the estimates and collection of repaired articles.

14. 15. 16.

Draft correspondence, in connection with the work of his section. Attend to customers for domestic electrical appliances on hire. Receive initial payments (deposits, stamp fee, one months hire in advance and Transport charges, etc.) and pass receipts.


Remit the cash so collected to the Cash Department on the next working day on a Remittance Slip.

18. 19. 20.

Prepare R.M.As.and forward the same to Foreman. Attend to telephone calls (inquiries, complaints, etc.) of customers. Maintain the stock of agreement stamps, revenue stamps, receipt books and the registers.


Maintain a register for deposit receipts.

22. 23. 24. 25. 26.

Send letters confirming removals, shifting and installations of the appliances. Check signature of the hirer on the deposit and indemnity bonds. Prepare the monthly arrears list; Send notices, warning letters, and termination notices to the defaulters. Collect bills and make investigations. 27. Arrange for removal of appliances for non-payment.

27. 28. 29. 30.

Follow up action for recoveries after checking payments up-to-date. Maintain the account of revenue stamps. Maintain records for cash collection and remittance. Maintain a register for attendance of mechanics to be billed and forward an advice to the clerk (billing).

31. 32.

Post the receipt stubs in the register and ledger day-to-day. Work out the hire charges for the broken periods on the R.M.As. and post the R.M.As. I n the ledger day-to-day.

33. 34. 35. 36. 37.

Close the monthly ledger accounts after making extensions. Transfer the balances to the next months ledger. Prepare the summary of ledger sheets, Prepare monthly figures for hire, stamp fee and other receipts. Prepare bills to be sent to ; a) b) c) Outside Parties, A Grade Officers & B Grade Officers - with a statement.


Reconcile every month ; a) Debits and Credits; b) Payments.


Prepare monthly statements of ; a) b) c) Arrears and Credits; Payments, Transactions, etc.

40. 41.

Pass adjustments to rectify the errors. Attend to all queries and correspondence in connection with the billing, consultation with OA/SCAS. in


Maintain D.E.A. hire deposit register and enter the day-to-day deposit receipts in the register.


Prepare final bills for closed accounts and forward the same to the parties along with covering letters.


Transfer outstanding debits / credits of closed hire accounts to the registers maintained for this purpose.


Attend to queries to inquiries and correspondence regarding billing and refund of deposits.


Prepare refund bills and forward the same to OACAS along with the deposit register, after making necessary entries in the deposit register.

47. 48. 49. 50. 51.

Confirm deposit amounts, by issuing certificates to the hirers. Attend to Audit queries regarding billing and refunds. Maintain a register for refund bills. File all papers pertaining to billing section. Assist to SCAS/OACAS in compiling information required by the management from time to time.

52. 53. 54.

Receive Incoming Papers. Maintain an inward correspondence register and record the disposal of cases. Write outward dispatch in the Peons delivery book.

9.0 1)

SHOP RECORDER, Grade A/GV :- (Six) Issue material to the workmen for repairs and maintenance jobs, after carefully measuring / weighing and obtaining job details;

2) 3)

Prepare material requisitions for the material issued; Maintain a register for the material issued to the workmen, but are likely to be returned partly or in full depending on the requirements of the job;


Follow up and finalise the issue of such materials on respective jobs and receive back the remaining materials;

5) 6) 7)

Prepare Credit Notes for the material returned by workmen; Report to OA/Dy.Engr. the times showing low stock levels; Arrange to recoup materials, wherever available from the Depot Stores against inter-stores requisitions.


Report to OA/Dy.Engr. for placing a purchase form, whenever the material is not available in any other Depot Stores;

9) 10) 11)

Check the physical stock with the bin card balances regularly; Maintain stock cards for refrigerants ; Issue tools, instruments, etc., from the tool board to the workmen against their tokens and receive back the same;


Check the tool board periodically and report to OA regarding replacement of worn out tools;


Maintain a record of issue of paint, thinner and primer to the painting section. Obtain allocations of various appliances to be painted and prepare requisitions accordingly.

14) 15) 16) 17) 18)

Maintain a record of defective accessories and their repairs; Assist OA/Dy.Engr. in attending to queries of stock; Do any other incidental work ; Report to SCAS/OA on all the above matters; Maintain Service Record Cards for each appliance given on hire ;


Enter the details of service calls attended by the machines on the installation/ removals/ shifting/ replacements, etc., on the service cards with necessary particulars;


Report to Foreman, the damages caused to the appliances / accessories by clients and obtain orders for billing ;


Work out the cost for damages and after obtaining approval of Foreman and forward the billing advice to the Clerk (Billing);

22) 23) 24)

Maintain installations and removals register for appliances on hire; Check grain requisitions prepared by Shop Recorder (Work Shop); Check all monthly statements received from the Mechanised Accounting with the Stores Bin-Cards for ; a) Material Issued, b) Material Returned, c) Material locally purchased, & d) Inter-Stores transfer of Materials. Report discrepancies in the above, to the Stores Account Section in the prescribed form ;


26) 27)

Prepare Statements showing number of D.E.A. in the Stores. Maintain Records ; a) b) c) Office Files, Hire Accounts Files, Staff record files and other records.

28) 29) 30) 31) 32)

File all the correspondence, forms requisitions, credit notes, S.R. notes daily. Maintain the attendance book and record all leave forms therein; Maintain leave and grading record of the staff; Maintain all stationery and printed materials and recoup the same; . Check the postings in the bin cards for :a) b) c) d) Material issued, Material returned, Material locally purchased, Inter-Stores transfer of material and report discrepancies;


Prepare S.R. notes, issue requisitions and D.Ls. for material purchased from Departmental Imprest Cash;

34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39)

Close stores bin balances monthly; Do any other incidental work required by SCAS/OACAS Enter the calls in the call register; On completion of the calls, make entries in the call register; Carry forward the jobs not completed; Stores accessories of refrigerators removed for repairs and issue the same when the refrigerators are ready for installation;

40) 41)

Prepare grain requisitions ; Write Leave Forms, outdoor, P.F. Loan Forms, S.F. Withdrawal Forms for the workers;

42) 43) 44) 45) 46) 47)

Prepare job sheets as per M/s. Ghatalia & Cooper report; Do all other incidental work for the workshop; Submit the service cards to Foreman (S) whenever required; Assist Foreman (S) in compiling any data; Enter the service reports on the service cards; Maintain imprest stock of materials required for repairs and maintenance work carried out at the Kingsway Section and arrange for timely recoupment of the same.

48) 49) 50)

Write dispatches of correspondence and material to be delivered to Colaba; Receive dispatches from Colaba; Collect Material, from the Depot Stores at Kingsway against requisitions, for the purpose of repairs and maintenance;

51. 52. 53. 54.

Prepare call sheets; Maintain all records at Kingsway; Assist Foreman (N) in all clerical work of the Kingsway Section; Report to SCAS/OACAS/Foreman (N) on all the above matters.

S) T) One Clerk and one Shop Recorder fully occupied with the Review Sub Committee Work. They are responsible for various

types of work namely making entries of new cases referred Review Sub Committee for review, assisting in sending letters to consumers for attending the R.S.C. Meetings, sending intimation letters to consumers regarding revised claim amount of approved cases, serving of notice to defaulting consumers. U) They have also required to prepare revised claim amendment bill of Review Sub Committee. 10.0 SEPOY, Grade A/GI :- (Two)

2) 3) 4)

To clean the tables of Officers and the administrative office.

To attend the bell of Officers. To remove despatch from the out tray of Officers and administrative staff. To remove despatch from the rack on the despatch table and accordingly put in to the concerned officers and staffs inward tray.


To take the despatch from SCAS & DCEGs office to Head Office at Colaba or other BEST premises and give the despatch to the concerned departments and take their acknowledgement on the despatch register.


Review Sub Committee and Review Committee letters, delivered to concern consumer and take their acknowledgement on the office copy and take zerox copies of documents of above both committees, etc.


To bring files from racks, xerox copies of office documents and punching / filing of papers.


To do any other office work delegated by officers, Office Assistant and Office Supervisor and Office staff i.e. filing of papers, cleaning of tables, to bring of drinking water, etc.

9) 11.0 1.0

And any other miscellaneous work given from time to time. FOREMAN, Grade P1/T7 :- (Five) Select and distribute indoor work to mechanics and issue instructions on the nature of work required to be done on various jobs. Supervise the work carried out by the mechanics on various cooling appliances. Prepare details of material and labour for repairs to machines and submit the same to the shop Recorder for evaluation. and further action through Dy. Engineer. Arrange for the issue of material to mechanics from the Stores. Arrange through Sub Engr. the vehicles and drivers. Report to Dy.Engr. on the Short-comings of the section and the daily progress. Allocate Nawghanies to the various sections. Arrange to repair defective accessories of refrigerators, such as relays, door handles and latches, thermostats, shelves, trays, etc. and credit them to the Stores duly repaired; Inspect each operation of spray painting such as, primer, first coat, finish coat, polishing, etc. Test refrigerators after complete overhaul. Supervise the work carried out by the Assistant Foreman. Report to Sub Engr./Dy.Engr. on the working of this section. To render Technical Assistance to Mechanic. Distribute work to various workmen. Submit estimates of material and labour required for jobs. Arrange for the issue of material to mechanics from the stores. Test all appliances, after repairs, for operation performance, power consumption and insulation resistance.

2.0 3.0

4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0


10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0

18.0 19.0

Control labour spent on various jobs carried out by the section. Ensure that all complaints received from the hirers and other department about Water Heaters, Hot Plates and Ovens and malfunctioning of these appliances are promptly attended and submit such reports to Dy.Engr. Ensure that all articles that have estimated and are pending approval of estimates are properly stored until further disposal. Follow up DEA Repair jobs entrusted to the workshops, commutators etc. Render technical assistance to mechanics. 12.0 ASSISTANT FOREMAN, Grade P1/T6 :- (Four)


21.0 22.0

1) 2) 3)

Look after the work of the Foreman in his absence; Render general assistance to the Foreman; Receive all outdoor service calls through :Phone, Calls received by enquiry clerk; Correspondence; Repeat calls, if necessary, Installations, removal, changeovers and shifting advise from the Enquiry Clerk, Scrutinise all the calls, group them areawise and assign call serial numbers; Ensure that proper address and machine number are given on the History Cards. Study the nature of complaint and the probable remedy; Distribute the calls areawise to the Mechanics, with necessary instructions; Allocate vehicles and drivers to Mechanics for carrying out outdoor calls; Receive all reports of outdoor repairs carried out by the mechanics and ensure that all service calls have been attended properly; a) b) c) d) e)

4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)


Go through the reports of repairs submitted. He shall investigate, if any follow-up action is required. He shall also enter the details in a master register and forward these reports to Shop Recorder (Service Records) for entering in Refrigerator Service Record Cards;


Report to Dy Engr. about failure of refrigerators due to customers negligence,

12) 13)

Report to Sub Engr. all the above matters. To purchase the sundry items / spares required on urgent basis from imprest cash. 13.0 Nine) SENIOR MECHANIC, Grade P1/T6 (DEA SECTION) :- (In all

1. 2. 3.

To assist Foreman & Asst. Foreman Testing of various equipments Rewinding & Over hauling of pump motors, transformers, having capacity more than 3 HP and special motors such as printing press machines. Overhauling & repairing of motor starters, 3 exhaust fan, Winding of heating coils.

4. 5.

SENIOR MECHANIC, Grade P1/T6 (REFRIGERATION SECTION) :1. 2. 3. Fabrication of room air-conditioner / water cooler. Detection of faults in central air-conditioning plant and attending to it. Testing of room air-conditioner / water cooler for fault detection and after repairs. 14.0 Seventeen) 1. JUNIOR MECHANIC, Grade P1/T5 (DEA SECTION) :- (In all

Repairing & overhauling of motor starters, drill machines, hot plates, ovens and various domestic electrical appliances. Over hauling of drive motors & pump motors of central a/c plants, Rewinding & overhauling of 3 phase exhaust fan, Rewinding of Siren coils Repairing & overhauling of water heater, hot plates & other heating appliance. Repairing & overhauling of fan motors Attending outdoor calls of water heater, ovens, hot plates and fly catchers.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

JUNIOR MECHANIC, Grade P1/T5 (REFRIGERATION SECTION) :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 15.0 1. 2. 16.0 1. 2. Fabrication of air-conditioner and water cooler. Attending to outdoor complaints of room cooler and water cooler. Installation of water cooler and room cooler. Overhauling of room air-conditioner and water cooler. Replacement of filter candle and electrical complaints of water purifier. WELDER-PIPE-FITTER, Grade P1/T5 :- (One) Making frame of Water Cooler and other accessories of the Water Cooler. To repair the body of refrigerator in case of minor damages. ASSISTANT TINMAN, Grade P1/T4 :- (Three) Help in fabrication of Water Cooler. Making side panel, drain tray and carrying out the brazing work whenever required. Carry out the tin work for refrigerator. 17.0 PAINTER, Grade P1/T3 :- (Four) Paint to new and old water cooler and spray painting of Refrigerator, Carrying out the painting work at the time of annual over hauling of Air Conditioner plant. Carry out the painting work at depot or other side whenever required. 18.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 ARMATURE WINDER, Grade P1/T4 :- (Ten) Winding of rotor / starter coils of motorised electrical appliances, Find out the faults in appliances and repairing them, Preparing data and winding different types of heating elements, Locating faults in motorised electrical appliances/domestic heating appliances and in their control / operating electrical circuits and repairing them, Attending to replacement of mechanical components such as bearing etc. in motorised appliances. FITTER, Grade P1/T4 :- (Fifteen)



To assist Junior Mechanic in fabrication of water cooler and room cooler.


Operation of Central A/c Plant.


Servicing of room cooler and water cooler.

20.0 1. 2.

NAWGHANY, Grade P1/T1 :- (Thirty Four) Assist tradesmen in all his daily work. Loading / unloading of air-conditioners, water coolers, refrigerators and other appliances.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Cleaning tools and equipments used by tradesmen. Clean workshop machines / equipments and shop floor. Carrying materials to work site. Carryout any other work as per the instructions of his supervisor.


GENERAL INFORMATION ON MATERIAL TESTING AND STANDARDS DEPARTMENT FOR UPLOADING IN THE UNDERTAKINGS WEBSITE Material Testing and Standards (MTS) Department under the Electric Supply Establishment is situated at 1st Floor

of Bijlee Bhavan, Mumbai-400 010.

Kussara Bunder Road, Mazgaon,

Divisional Engineer Material Testing & Standards (DEMTS) is the head of the division & is also appointed as the Information Officer under the provisions of the Right to Information Act 2005. The contact details of DEMTS are Tel.No.022-23719753, 23716126 Extn.841 and Fax. No.C/o 022-23724657, 23741025 and Email ID is [email protected] & C/o [email protected]. Deputy Chief Engineer Street Lighting (DCESL) to whom the DEMTS reports & having his office at Street Lighting Department, 1st Floor, 22kV Sewree Receiving Substation Annex Bldg., Acharya Donde Marg, Sewree, Mumbai-400 015. has been appointed as Appellate Officer under the provisions of the Right to Information Act 2005. The contact details of DCESL are Tel.No.022-24116023 and Email ID is [email protected]. The Working Hours of the Material Testing & Standards Department are as under: 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. with 30 minutes lunch break from Monday to Friday & 8.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. on Saturday without lunch break. The timings of the administrative staff are 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. from Monday to Friday with 45 minutes lunch break. The department has 2 main sections: i) ii) Material Testing Laboratory. Centralised Inspection Cell. p.t.o.



The routine activities are carried out by the testing staff allocated to the Assistant Engineer designated as AEMTS

who arranges to get the material tested as per the prescribed method and time, under the guidance of DEMTS. The material testing laboratory is entrusted with disposal of the following references for testing. 1) Tender References- wherein the tender samples submitted alongwith the offers against the tenders invited for procurements of materials are to be tested to help their evaluation vis--vis the specifications formulated by the recommending departments for the concerned materials. The specified time to clear the Tender Reference is 15 days(inclusive of interleaving Sundays & holidays). wherein the samples from lot 2) Inspection Formssupplies received at Transit Stores of Materials Management Dept. are to be tested to help the Accepting Authority decide about its acceptance or rejection based on its conformity with the specification formulated by the recommending department for the concerned materials. The specified time to clear the Inspection Forms reference is 7 days(inclusive of interleaving Sunday & holidays) 3) Departmental Letters(D.L.) from Electric Supply Branch Departments- wherein generally in-service materials, like transformer oil sample from power transformers, C.T.s, P.T.s, are to be tested to help the user department decide its suitability in service based on its conformity to the relevant standards. The department is authorised to issue Scrap Certificate in respect of C.T.s & P.T.s found beyond economical reconditioning/repairs. The specified time to clear the Departmental Letters from Electric Supply Branch Departments is 21 days(inclusive of interleaving Sundays & holidays)

4) Departmental Letters(D.L.) from Building Departments of Civil Engineering Establishment:Wherein the samples submitted by their various contractors for electrification jobs in the Undertaking are to be tested and to be declared their conformity with the relevant Indian Standards(or

otherwise). The materials referred include cable wires, MCBs, ELCBs, Ceiling / Exhaust fan and lighting fixtures. The specified time to clear the Departmental Letters from Building Department is 15 days(inclusive of interleaving Sundays & holidays) For the purpose of testing various materials referred to the department, the department has procured the required number of testing equipments / instruments and the department is maintaining a library of relevant Indian Standards booklets. The test instruments/equipments are periodically got recalibrated from the Accredited Laboratories / their respective manufacturers. The department maintains a register for the progress of all the references mentioned at above and duplicate copy of all the test reports forwarded to the concerned authorities / departments. When allowed by the concerned authority, the department arranges retesting on the rejected sample to enable the concerned supplier to witness the same on appointed day and time. The charges levied for the purpose are worked out as per Procedure Order No.256 A and are implemented after due sanction of the management. Most of the testing activities are carried out in the laboratory annexed to the Department excepting that the determination of No Load and Full Load Losses is carried out at the test bay in the Distribution Workshop and the Photometric Test on the Street Lighting Luminaires is carried out in the dark and open plot available elsewhere in the city of Mumbai. Wherever the test facilities are not created in-house, such test are got carried out through local external laboratories eg. the composition of the solder and plumbing metal used in the cable jointing.

The department is provided with very limited administrative staff comprising of one Office Assistant and one Shop Recorder, even the post of Stenographer has been abolished and the dictation /typing work is shared by the Steno attached to DCEDNs office.


CENTRALISED INSPECTION CELL: In order to streamline the procurement of certain sundry materials(presently 231 items), like hand tools and consumables, where no testing is involved a new Centralised Inspection Cell(CIC) was formed in the M.T.S. Department where such items are being decided both at tender as well as lot supply stages, by mere physical inspection. The cell is also responsible for compiling monthly reports on progress of Inspection Forms and major Tender References (of value over Rs. 10,00,000/- ) dealt by various divisions of Electric Supply Branch and to put up a monthly consolidated report to DGMES. The routine activities are carried out by the testing staff allocated to the Superintendent (CIC) who arranges to get the material inspected as per the prescribed method and time, under the guidance of DEMTS. Necessary record on progress of the tenders recommended, Inspection Forms cleared and monthly reports sent to the management, with duplicate copies thereof are maintained by the Cell.




This chapter generally gives the organisational set-up of the division and is intended to assist the officers and staff of the Undertaking to get acquainted with the work of the Operation & Maintenance Division. 1.2 1.2.1 RESPONSIBILITIES AND FUNCTIONS The division shall be primarily concerned with operation and maintenance of the Electric Supply Distribution System.


This shall include the responsibility for the smooth and uninterrupted working of : (a) Receiving stations; (b) Substations; (c) H.V. and L.V. mains Restoration of supply whenever interruptions occur in system. the


1.2.4 The department shall be responsible for complying with the requirements of various legislations applicable to its functioning viz. (a) Indian electricity Act and Rules, (b) The Indian Factories Act and Rules, and other Acts applicable from time to time. The department shall also send necessary returns as required under the above Acts to the respective authorities. The department shall be responsible for initiating bills for payment of fees to the Government Electrical Inspector. Maintenance of appropriate records in respect to payments of (a) lease rents, (b) Electrical Inspectors fees, (c) Way-leave charges and other suitable records for various substations/ receiving stations.



1.2.7 The department shall furnish the following data to the other departments of the Supply Branch;

V) Contd2

-: 2 :-

Loads of various transformers, cables, feeders in the distribution system to the Planning Department and suggest appropriate schemes, wherever considered necessary. Information regarding service overloads and unbalanced loads shall be furnished to the Commercial Department, whenever detected. The department shall send data regarding mal-operations of relays installed in the receiving stations or substations to the Meters & Relays Department for suitable action. The department shall render assistance to the Stores and Planning Departments in selecting and approving various stores items required by the department as far as their quality and suitability for use of the department are concerned. The department shall furnish to Planning and Stores departments its estimates of yearly consumptions of various items and stores likely to be used by the department in an ensuing year. ORGANISATION The Operation & Maintenance department is divided into four zones viz. (1) South, (2) Central South, (3) North & (4) Central North 1.3.1 Each zone will be under the control and supervision of the respective Divisional Engineer. Divisional Engineer shall be immediately responsible to the Deputy Chief Engineer Distribution i.e. DCE(DN) For convenience of works, the department is broadly divided into two sections, viz. (a) Repairs & Maintenance and (b) Operation & Restoration of Supply. The organization set up of the department is shown in the Organisation Chart (Appendix A).





W) Contd..3

-: 3 :-

1.4 1.4.1

ESTABLISHMENT The zone consist of :(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Divisional Engineer (Maintenance); Three Superintendents; Three Assistant Engineers One Superintendent and one Assistant Engineer for SIMHA 97 Cell at O & M (North) Divn. Other staff that may be sanctioned Establishment Schedule from time to time. under the

1.5 1.5.1

DUTIES The Divisional Engineer

The Divisional Engineer shall be directly responsible to the respective Deputy Chief Engineer of the zone and is the Chief Executive Officer Incharge of the Operation & Maintenance Department,


To assist him in the performance of his duties, he is provided with necessary staff as show in the Establishment Schedule sanctioned annually and also as shown in the departmental organisational chart. In addition to his being responsible for the implementation of the procedure laid down in the departmental manual, the Divisional Engineer shall also be responsible in cooperation with the Deputy Chief Engineer (Planning), for the proper maintenance of all sketches, plans and survey sheets. The Divisional Engineer may normally attend office during the afternoons and go out on inspection during the mornings. As such routine office work as possible should be delegated to his subordinates so as to leave him more



free to attend to the major issues of the department. He must strive to keep office work to a minimum so as to be able to devote the major part of his time to the supervision of outdoor work. X) Contd..4 -: 4 :-


He shall constantly keep under review all the activities of the department and introduce as & when considered necessary any changes that will materially improve the efficiency of the department. All changes concerning policy, however, before being introduce, are subject to the prior approval of the Dy. Chief Engineer. He shall maintain personal contact with his staff at all times and always keep their welfare in the foreground. Once it shows signs of receding, an unhealthy atmosphere is bound to develop. Precipitate action shall be avoided in all staff matters. He shall see that expenditure is controlled within the budget amounts. For this purpose, he shall maintain a register in accordance with the General Managers circulars issued from time to time. He shall submit to the Deputy Chief Engineer, not later than 30th April of each year, an Annual Report on the working of his department. He shall also be responsible for efficient operation, maintenance and routine testing of all plant, machinery and cables in the distribution system. He shall be responsible for inspection of all important works in progress and maintaining continuity of supply in collaboration with other co-related departments. He shall enforce all regulation, Standing Orders, Safety Rules and other departmental and statutory rules, instructions issued from time to tome and periodically inspect all departmental registers, records and activities of the department. He shall submit detailed reports of all major interruptions of supply of serious nature or any breakdown of plant or equipment or any other major changes in the System.









He shall be responsible for preparation of annual budget estimates of Capital and Revenue Expenditure and annual report of the department.

Y) Z) Contd5 -: 5 :-


He shall ensure indenting and stocking of sufficient spare parts for plant and machinery and other items of Stores to maintain continuity of supply. He shall periodically check up the stock and stores materials held in the departmental Sub-Stores from time to time and report cases of loss of property due to theft, fire, civil commotions or any other reason as may be. He shall maintain an up-to-date inventory of plant, machinery and items of dead stock entrusted to the Operation & Maintenance Department. He shall maintain staff records and deal with other matters connected with the staff of the department. He shall collect, maintain and submit to the appropriate authorities statistical and other information regarding this department as may be necessary from time to time.





xviii) He shall procure administrative and other appropriate sanctions for jobs to be carried out for outside parties and initiate actions for preparing outdoor bills, etc., in respect of the same. xix) He shall constantly keep under review all activities of the department and introduce with the approval of the appropriate authorities, whenever necessary, such changes technical, procedural or otherwise that will improve the efficiency of the department.


Superintendents/ Asst. Engineers :i) The Superintendents/ Assistant Engineers shall generally assist the Divisional Engineer in the discharge of their duties. As far as practicable and subject to the availability of personnel, one of the Superintendents/ Asst. Engineers in each zone shall be in-charge of all departmental


matters technical or otherwise connected with the repairs and maintenance of substation equipment and cables and the other Superintendent / Assistant Engineer shall be similarly responsible for all works in connection with (a) restoration of supply, (b) R & M of receiving stations & (c) remote control equipment when installed. AA) Contd6 -: 6 :-


Subject to the above division, the Superintendents/ Assistant Engineers shall perform the following duties : (a) They shall prepare and execute detailed programmes of operation, maintenance and testing of plant, machinery, cables and other equipment entrusted to the department. They shall personally inspect and supervise all important works in progress and the testing of newly installed equipment before commissioning. They shall be responsible for restoration of supply. They shall see that records of loads and voltages at substations, receiving stations and of distributors are maintained. They shall report cases of overloads and take appropriate actions for relief. They shall be responsible for maintaining up-todate maintenance registers, operating instructions of different receiving stations and substations, maps, diagrams, layouts, etc. They shall plan and arrange to indent or recoup Stores and materials required in the day to day running of the department. They shall maintain discipline and efficiency in all sections and staff under them, investigate reports of irregularities by staff and make suitable reports and recommendations to the Divisional Engineers. They shall localise and rectify faults on underground cables, including communication cables.


(c) (d)







They shall submit reports of faults to the Divisional Engineer.


They shall allocate and direct appropriate staff to carry out particular day to day assignments in the execution of above duties.


Contd..7 -: 7 :-


They may suggest schemes or any other measure for improvement of the functioning of the department. a) The Superintendents/ Assistant Engineers shall further ensure that the operating instructions issued in the Electricity Safety Code and other departmental instructions are properly understood and followed by the staff under them while carrying out works on live or dead equipment. The requirements of Indian Electricity Act and Rules and also any other statutory provisions applicable as far as their duties and operations are concerned, are adhered to.



Superintendent/ Assistant Engineer In-charge of SIMHA-97 Cell will plan and execute conversion of existing SIMHA network to SIMHA-97 scheme to reduce frequent breakdowns. A Deputy Engineer/ Deputy Charge Engineer will assist Superintendent/ Assistant Engineer. Deputy Engineers :The duties of Deputy Engineers are broadly classified into the following categories :(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Fault duty; R & M of substations & receiving stations; System Control; Repairs, Fault localisation of cables; Technical assistance to Divisional Engineer.


Fault Duty :i) When assigned fault duty, a deputy engineer shall be primarily concerned with the immediate restoration of

supply by the quickest possible measures without sacrificing safety and secutity. With this in view, he shall keep in contact with the System Controller and / or telephone operator in respective zones, either on VHF or through telephone. ii) On receipt of a fault message, he will proceed to the affected place without any delay in the vehicle provided for this purpose.


Contd8 -: 8 :-


He will carry out necessary operations to restore supply. If necessary, he may seek help of standby Deputy Engineer or Superintendent/ Assistant Engineer. After restoration of supply, he shall contact Controller and give him particulars of the operations carried out by him. He shall submit within 24 hours a detailed fault report in the standard form to the Divisional Engineer through the Superintendent/ Assistant Engineer. The Deputy Engineer will keep himself conversant with (a) All types of plant, machinery and equipment in the Supply System; He shall diagrams; maintain up-to-date H.V. network






He shall maintain in proper working condition all tools assigned to him and keep sufficient stock of stores and materials in his van; He shall be conversant with the Electric Safety Code and relevant provisions of the Indian Electricity Act and Rules.


R & M of receiving stations and substations :The Deputy Engineers on repairs and maintenance of receiving stations shall be directly responsible to the Superintendent/ Assistant Engineer and shall under his direction and supervision, execute maintenance programme of various receiving stations. In the course of these operations, he shall :-

(a) (b)

arrange for necessary shutdowns of equipment for maintenance purposes; overhaul switchgears, transformers (including filteration of transformer oil), tap-change gear, compressors, etc., as per the schedule prepared by the Superintendent; attend to complaints regarding equipment, etc., installed in receiving stations.



Contd9 -: 9 :-

In the discharge of the above duties, the Deputy Engineer shall be assisted by appropriate staff and the Deputy Engineer shall be responsible for both the work and safety of the staff allotted to them. Supervisory Control :The Deputy Engineer posted in Supervisory Control shall i) ii) Arrange shift staff working at various receiving stations; Make necessary arrangements in respect of leave and absence of the shift staff at all the receiving stations and in all shifts; Receive general as well as fault messages related to the BEST electric supply network and on a preliminary analysis direct the Fault Engineer and / or Fault Assistant or tower wagon or fuseman to proceed to the place of off supply and keep in constant touch with those attending the off supply. Keep the officers of the concerned zones informed regarding off supplies. Log important messages received from the Fault Engineer/ Fault Assistant/ Sub Engineer, etc. and report them to the officers and staff concerned through telephone operator or personally, if urgent. Guide the Charge Engineers of different receiving stations, whenever required, in case of breakdowns or any other difficulties. Check relays and other equipment installed in the Supervisory Control equipment;






Maintain up-do-date records regarding cutout, service, H.V. & L.V. faults. Check and certify overtime and meal allowance forms of shift duty staff of all receiving stations. Maintain fault register, V.H.F. register, mains daily report register, battery reading book, paralleling and separating of substations register and all other registers required. Contd10 -: 10 :-




Receive and despatch station materials at the Control Room. Arrange for standby staff in case of emergency reported at various receiving stations and substations. Take appropriate action in case of unusual incidents occurring at different receiving stations. Prepare daily report and V.H.F. report and read it out to DGMS, AGMS, CEDN, DCEDN, DCECN, DEMR, DEEN, DEMN at 7 a.m. every day and take action as per their instructions. He shall forward the report giving details regarding performance of V.H.F. sets to M & R Dept. Note down and convey telephone complaints to the staff concerned and get the complaints attended. Convey the complaints regarding station equipment, their performance, etc., at all receiving stations as well as at Esplanade Receiving station to R & M staff and civil work complaints to Building Department. In case of urgent fault messages, he shall inform fault vehicles on wireless if they are on the road.







After the installation of route control equipment at Kingsway, the System Controller shall be in-charge of the Supervisory Control and shall be additionally responsible to :i) watch the smooth functioning of the related receiving station equipment.

ii) iii)

carry out necessary switch in and switch out operations. direct fault operations and instruct staff on fault duty.

Cable maintenance and fault localisation :The Deputy Engineer shall be directly responsible Superintendent/ Assistant Engineer and shall i) to

locate faults and effect temporary and permanent repairs to the underground cable network, including communication cables and service cables.


Contd11 -: 11 :-


Test high and low voltage cables, pressure test switchgear, etc. supervise excavation works carried out by other utilities, whenever our cables are likely to be affected, and deputy Cable Inspectors to inspect our cables. attend to accidental damages of cables and pillars. supervise the work of pillar cleaners. supervise the work of Dy. Charge Engineer who are checking day and evening peak loads and report cases of overloads and unbalanced loads. maintain and keep in safe custody all testing instruments. pay particular attention to emergency work such as interruption of supply, reports of electrocution, poles/ pillars, giving shock, cables burning, etc. divert H.V. and L.V. cables required due to road widening programmes, etc.


iv) v) vi)




Technical Assistance to the Divisional Engineer :One of the Deputy Engineers shall be posted in the office of the Divisional Engineer and shall assist him in technical and other matters as may be required from time to time.

He shall i) consolidate data regarding equipment at substations, receiving stations, interruption of supply and maintain the necessary records. inspect Stores materials indented by the department for their suitability in use. collect and co-ordinate necessary statistical and other information and prepare draft Annual Report of the work of the department for eventual inclusion in the Administration Report.




Contd12 -: 12 :-


Assist the Assistant Engineers on outdoor jobs in cases of major breakdowns, whenever necessary.


Deputy Engineer/ Sub Engineer :The Deputy Engineer/ Sub Engineer shall be in overall in-charge of the jointing and cable laying section. He shall i) prepare the daily work sheet showing the work allocation of staff comprising of eight jointers, six muccadams, two masons, one improver and nawghanies, sub foreman, watchman, etc. take measurements of road reinstatement work after the completion of cable laying work for forwarding to Municipal authorities for resurfacing of roads. ensure that office registers/ files relating to work, such as services completed, chargeable work order jobs, replacement of cutout, etc., and reinstatement, damages, accidents are properly maintained. write completion reports giving details of labour/ material utilised, etc. indent materials required for execution of jobs and credit unserviceable/ excess materials back to the Stores and ensure that material is supplied to work sites in time.






fill in accident forms and certify correctness of particulars entered therein. recommend leave of staff. prepare cost sheets for chargeable jobs and certify bills received from Municipality in respect of road reinstatement work. write inter departmental letters regarding execution of work, shortage of materials, staff reports, damages to Undertakings property, theft reports, etc. perform H.V. and L.V. work in connection with permanent repairs to cable faults and other maintenance work of the underground distribution system.

vii) viii)



II) Contd13 -: 13 :-


Dy. Charge Engineer :The Deputy Charge Engineer shall i) supervise and check attendance and guide outdoor staff, such as muccadams, jointers, masons, nawghanies in the case of major schemes. assist the Deputy Engineer/Sub Engineer in preparing daily worksheet showing labour allocation and details of work and in cases of urgency re-allocation of labour on site, take measurements for road reinstatement work, etc. iii) write requisitions and prepare credit notes for excess/ unserviceable materials. maintain registers such as the work order book, muster roll, etc. drive light vehicles, whenever required. assist the Deputy Engineer/ Sub Engineer in executing cable laying and jointing schemes. maintain daily progress of work.



v) iii)



Jointer :The Jointer shall i) put in and remove fuses and links in the live distribution/ pillars/ panels; temporarily pothead live L.V. cables; seal dead cables; cut live low voltage cables in case of faults and restore supply by looping over with C.T.S./ V.I.R. cables temporarily. replace phase and neutral cutouts on live services.

ii) iii) iv)

v) JJ) Contd14

-: 14 :-


assist in transporting testing instruments and making connections while carrying out testing work. on maintenance jobs of distribution pillars, replace broken insulators, terminals, contacts and carry out cleaning, etc. supervise the work of about 5 nawghanies. carry out decompounding work of H.V. and L.V. dividing boxes of transformers, switchgear, etc. open cut sealing chamber/ sealing end of services in case of faults, to restore supply.


viii) ix)



Jointer-mate :The Jointer-mate shall i) help jointer in jointing work, such as cutting armour, fixing cutout board, taping, cleaning tools, giving proper tools, preparing tape bobbins, etc. tow the jointers hand card with nawghanies to and from the depot.



position and fix the cast iron box, after the sleeve is plumbed on the joint as per directions from jointer. pour cable compound/ bitumen in the joint boxes. replace neutral cutouts by neutral links and earthing cutouts. cut and seal dead L.V./H.V. (upto 6.6 KV) cables.

iv) v)

vi) 1.5.8

Mason :The Mason shall i) lay precast foundations, erect distribution pillars and make foundations on site, whenever required. lay and align the concrete pipes and seal the joints.


Contd15 -: 15 :-

iii) iv)

plaster and repair drainage arches; replace the flooring (polished and glass type) and reproduce the motifs on the walls damaged during excavation work. construct man-holes along pipe lines for inspection and cable pulling. fix rag-bolts in ceilings and walls for cable-cleats, cutout boards, etc.




Wireman :The wireman shall repair/ maintain the lighting wiring in substations.


Painter Writer :-

The Painter Writer shall reproduce the diagram of supply network on the doors of distribution pillars, showing layout of roads, pillars, cables, joints, etc.


Muccadam :The Muccadam shall i) ii) take attendance of men working under him; read route plan only in cases of minor work and mark area for excavating cable trenches; signal gang-men so as to ensure that all the men pull cable simultaneously to avoid kinking of cables; ensure that obstruction to pedestrians and vehicular traffic is kept to the minimum by proper piling and stacking of debris and by providing suitable crossings across the trenches. whilst excavating the road, arrange to keep caution boards for guidance of traffic. supervise a gang of nawghanies working on excavations and cable laying of minor schemes, such as laying of distributors, H.V. cables, erection of pillars, etc. Contd..16.. -: 16 :-






Cable Inspector :The Cable Inspector shall i) inspect and support cables exposed during excavations taken by other utilities and report visible damage to cables, if any. go around the section allotted and inform other utilities to take care of exposed cables. take instructions as regards excavations to be taken or in progress by other utilities. at the time of filling up the excavations, arrange to keep the cables in level and get them covered with the warning covers.





Pillar Cleaners :-

The Pillar Cleaner shall i) duct the inside of the distribution pillars and report the blown/ strained fuses and any irregularities. occasionally oil the hinges and locks of pillars.



Nawghany :The Nawghany shall i) excavate the earth for laying, removing or exposing the cables and fill in the excavations. transport materials/ tools/ equipment by hand or handcart from nearest depots to places of work and load/ unload the same as and when necessary. give manual help to the jointer and jointer-mate in their work, such as cleaning of tools, heating of compounds, solder and plumbing metal and cleaning the joint hole of sub-soil water. lay cables in trenches by pulling from cable drum.



iv) KK) LL) Contd..17

-: 17 :-


Charge Engineer :The Charge Engineer shall i) look after the working of electrical and mechanical equipment installed in the receiving station and shall be responsible for maintenance of electric supply to the substations and consumers at the required voltage. ensure that half hourly readings of loads/ temperature, etc., are maintained in the logsheet and that the transformers/ cables do not carry over load. carry out switching on and switching off operations on transformers/ feeder, breaker/ equipment and isolate the same as and when required.




submit weekly/ monthly reports on load condition at the receiving station. carry out routine tests on batteries, compressors, earth resistance, weekly testing of alarm relay on transformers, etc. supervise the work of cleaners and get the station equipment cleaned. He shall be responsible for the general cleaning and upkeep of the equipment and the station. ensure safety of the staff of other departments, when working in the receiving station. supervise the work of oil filtering of transformers and switchgear, whenever required. in case of accidents in the station caused to other staff, give first aid and make arrangements to take the affected staff to hospital and report to Accident Inspector and Factory Inspector. Issue bus tokens to staff and maintain register. He shall maintain the station diary and other registers for load, units consumed, telephone calls, etc. supervise work of routine overhauling of switchgears and minor station auxiliary equipment in the station.








MM) Contd18 -: 18 :-


assist the Superintendent/ Assistant Engineer in his duties of maintaining continuity of electric supply to the outgoing substations and general upkeep of the equipment and the receiving stations. maintain the log-sheet and enter half hourly load readings on feeders, transformers, tap-indicator, voltmeters, thermometers, etc. prepare weekly, fortnightly, monthly load forms, such as peak readings on feeders, load factor, units consumed, maximum demand, etc.




in case of emergency/ breakdown/ normal operations, assist the Superintendent/ Assistant Engineer in switching on/ off feeders, isolating and discharging of equipment, lowering of oil tanks and starting of rectifiers, etc.


Deputy Charge Engineer (R&M) :The Dy. Charge Engineer (R&M) shall i) supervise maintenance work of oil circuit breakers at the substations, filtering transformer oil on site, and circuit breaker oil at depot, and repair work, such as oil leakage from transformer oil tank, earthing conductor, wiring of substation lighting. test circuit breaker oil and transformer oil for acid test and dielectric strength test. renew drying agent from transformer breather. take load readings, temperature readings, etc. and maintain diary. drive delivery van for transporting material maintenance work and for attending to faults. for


iii) iv)



keep vigil to ensure safety of persons working inside substation in the vicinity of live equipment, whenever required. supervise the work of fitters on maintenance work of substation equipment.

vii) NN) OO)

Contd19 -: 19 :-


Dy. Charge Engineer (Static I) :The Dy. Charge Engineer (Static I) shall i) inspect superficially and report the functioning of electrical plant and equipment such as transformers, circuit breakers, cables, dividing boxes, low tension panels, current transformers, etc. in the substations in the Section.


dust and wipe with the help of a feather duster tied to a switch rod, live parts of high tension and low tension equipment, such as bus-bars, insulators, fuses, etc. record load reading on high tension feeders, transformers and low tension distributors in the substations in the Section and submit the report. report on building condition of substations as regards doors, locks, windows, fastenings, leakage during monsoon, etc. supervise the cleaning work done by nawghany. keep vigil to ensure safety of persons working inside substations in the vicinity of live equipment, whenever required.



v) vi)


Substations Inspector :The Substations Inspector shall i) inspect superficially and report the functioning of electrical plant and equipment such as transformers, circuit breakers, cables, dividing boxes, low tension panels, current transformers, etc. in the substations in the Section. dust and wipe with the help of a feather duster tied to a switch rod, live parts of high tension and low tension equipment, such as bus-bars, insulators, fuses, etc. record load reading on high tension feeders, transformers and low tension distributors in the substations in the Section and submit the report.




Contd20 -: 20 :-


report on building condition of substations as regards doors, locks, windows, fastenings, leakage during monsoon, etc. supervise the cleaning work done by nawghany. keep vigil to ensure safety of persons working inside substations in the vicinity of live equipment, whenever required.

v) vii)


Fitter The fitter shall i) effect minor repairs to plant in receiving and substations under the guidance of supervisor. carry out alterations in control panel wiring and station wiring of all types in accordance with drawing supplied. Maintain and repair all types of bicycles. assist Charge-hand General, Fitter Erector in major repairs and maintenance jobs. Carry out routine maintenance of station plant and machinery. attend to all minor fitting jobs.


iii) iv)


vi) 1.5.20

Assistant Fitter The Assistant Fitter shall i) ii) iii) carry out all alterations to station wiring. repair and generally maintain all types of bicycles. assist Fitter, Charge hand General, Fitter Erector in repairs and erection jobs. overhaul machines and machine plant. attend to switchgears, filtering of transformer and circuit breaker oils and operation and maintenance of machines used for the purpose, overhauling of circuit breakers and maintain portable machines and appliances.

iv) v)


vi) effect all minor fitting jobs. Contd21 -: 21 :-


Office Assistant The Office Assistant shall be directly responsible for the Divisional Engineer for the preparation, maintenance and/or checking, as the case may be, of staff records, clothing records,

staff engagement forms, discharge notices, temporary staff return forms, bills, annual reports, budget estimates, B grade officers absentee memos, and also for the drafting of letters and attending to general correspondence, and for the general supervision of all clerical office work. 1.5.22 Supervisor The Supervisor shall supervise the work of clerks, shop recorders in the department and assist the Office Assistant in all respects in his day-to-day work. 1.5.23 Clerk The Clerk shall i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) despatch, file and find references; check typed matter and worksheets; maintain staff leave record; recoup departmental requirements of Stores materials; issue stationery and clothing; maintain various general regtisters. scrutinise outgoing papers. check estimates substations. and maintain registers of new

ix) x) xi) SS) Contd22

maintain equipment files. assist in maintaining registers. review filing system, files, etc.




The clerk shall assist the higher administrative staff in the following work :i) preparation of budget estimates, annual reports, etc. and register pertaining to budget control.


maintenance of files on development and history of the Undertaking. M.C.A. queries and register pertaining to them. preparation of specifications. Invitation of tenders. Stores matters dealing with Supply Branch materials and equipment, etc. work done for outside parties and sale/ hire of equipment. Divisional Engineers office establishment. O.B. memo, bill vouchers, salary bills, etc. progress of cases with Government, Railways, Electrical Inspector, etc. registers pertaining to bill vouchers and hire/ sale of equipment, etc.

iii) iv) v) vi)

vii) viii) ix) x)



Stenographer The Stenographer shall i) ii) iii) take dictation and transcribe it on a typewriter. type from drafts, typewritten matters, etc. cut stencils according to instructions.


Typist The Typist shall i) type from drafts, typewritten matter, etc.


ii) cut stencils according to instructions. Contd23 -: 23 :-


Peon The Peon shall


distribute relevant papers to different sections as per the instructions of the staff. carry out despatch to Zonal offices.





-: 24 :-


PROCEDURAL WORKING OF THE OPERATION & MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT 2.1 INTRODUCTION : This chapter is intended to give a general picture of the overall working of the Operation and Maintenance department, and to assist the officers and staff of the Undertaking to follow the procedures of the different types of activities connected with the department. Relevant informations of these procedures are given in Chapter 2. The methods to be adopted for different types of work indicated herein shall serve as guidelines for the officers and staff and shall not be deemed to be complete in all respects. Wherever possible, reference to relevant office orders and departmental circulars has been made and from time to time these will have to be amended. 2.2 PRELIMINARY CABLE LAYING PROCEDURE

2.2.1 Cable laying can be divided into four operations, viz. trenching, laying, jointing and reinstating. But, before a cable may be laid, certain formalities have to be complied with. When a scheme has been prepared by the Planning department, approved and sanctioned by Management and/ or the Committee as the case may be, copies of the scheme are sent to the local authorities for their approval and formal sanction, and to all other public utility undertakings for information and appropriate action. If the scheme involves laying cable under the Government Railway tracks, six copies of the plan have to be submitted to the Railway authorities and a special agreement entered into. Furthermore, the Railway authorities demand that seven clear days notice must be given to them, after their formal sanction has been obtained, before the work is taken in hand. In addition, the earthing of the cable, on either side of the tracks, and iron of the pipes, if used, must be inspected by the Railway engineers before being covered, and by the Electrical Inspector to Government before the cables are energised. The procedure for obtaining the various sanctions to enable the proposed scheme to be taken in hand usually taken not less than two or three months. Before actually commencing the work, it is advisable to take the representatives of Local authorities on site to formally approve proposed pillar sites and in special cases cable alignments also, and to confirm by letter, at the earliest opportunity, the approvals so given. Contd25 -: 25 :-




The direction in which the cable is to be pulled in shall first be decided. If it is a completely new feeder or distributor, no special precautions need be taken apart from pulling in all the cable in one direction. If the new cable to be laid is to connect up with the pothead of an existing cable, or if an existing cable has to be cut and looped, the running ends (colouring and numbering) shall first be ascertained and the new cable pulled in accordingly. Never rely on the running ends marks on the cable, always check the running ends by personal inspection, after opening the cable seals. The cable ends shall be re-sealed immediately after examination. The next thing is to choose a suitable site for the cable drum, and mount it on jacks. Having properly cleaned and bedded, the cable trench as previously described, cable rollers shall be placed in position on the bed of the trench at regular intervals, and be sufficiently close so as to prevent undue sagging of the cable. For the purpose of pulling-in-the cable, the men shall be arranged, so as to avoid strapping their fingers between the roller and the cable. Then the pulling-in rope shall be passed down the trench over the rollers and made off to the cable grip which, in turn, is fixed to the end of the cable. It is customary for the muccadam or gangman to stand in a commanding position where he can view the entire route, and make evenly timed calls to his men to pull. If there is synchronism between the gangmans calls and the pulling by the men, the cable will leave the drum without difficulty and pass down the trench on the rollers. It is important that the cable should be pulled in with steady even pulls and not be unnecessarily jerked or strained. On no account shall a cable be allowed to twist or king as this is likely to spring the armour and fracture the paper insulation and outer servings of the cable. The cable shall be pulled around on a safe radius, thus preventing sharp bending and consequent straining. Normally, it is not possible to pull in more than half a drum length of cable at a time; therefore, in such cases, one of the two following alternatives are adopted, viz. (a) the cable may be cut when the first pull is complete or (b) the remainder of the cable may be removed from the drum by flaking. This latter process may be carried out in two days, viz. carried out under the direct supervision of any experienced foreman, muccadam or gangman. Contd26..

-: 26 :-

Other methods of pulling in cable include the use of wincher and motor vehicles. But as a general rule, the method described above is the one most frequently adopted. When a cable has been pulled in, laid in the trench and the rollers removed, the next procedure is to tighten and straighten the cable against a string line drawn down the trench over the specified alignment. When the cable has been properly straightened, it is covered with riddled earth to a depth of 6. This is then gently rammed down to a depth of 4, thus providing a good bedding for the warning covers which are placed centrally over the cable. Before the trench is filled in, all joint and cable position shall be carefully plotted by a draughtsman. In the case of services, however, the sketches are generally taken by the Foreman-incharge. These are later checked by an engineer and forwarded to the drawing office for plotting and record. Reinstatement - temporary After the cables and/ or pipes have been laid and the requisite protective covering provided, the soil is replaced and well rammed in successive layers of nor more than one foot in depth. If possible, the trenches should be watered to improve consolidation. It is advisable to leave a crown of earth not less than two inches in the centre and tapering towards the sides of the trench. This allows for shrinkage.


Temporary reinstatements in roadways must be inspected at regular intervals, particularly during the wet weather and settlement must be made good by further filling, if required. Such temporary reinstatement is then left for a time that the soil thoroughly settles down. After completion of the temporary reinstatement, joint measurements shall be taken with the representative of the contractor and a copy sent to the local authority. In the case of small jobs and short services, measurement shall be taken by the foreman-in-charge and send direct to the local authority. Contd27..

-: 27 :-


Reinstatement permanent After the sinkage has ceased, the trench may be permanently reinstated and the surface restored to its original condition either departmentally, by contractors or by the local authorities.

All reinstatement (except in private property) must be carried out to the satisfaction, and under the supervision of the local authority who must also certify bills of cost if carried out by contractor. It is also advisable to obtain the approval in writing of private parties (when they are involved) before passing the bills for payment. When the bills have been so certified, passed and paid, the responsibility of the Undertaking for sinkage or accidents, etc. ceases. Cable and joint markers During the course of permanent reinstatement, R.C.C. cable and joint markers should be laid directly above the cable and joints respectively, so as to facilitate their location in case of faults, etc. If the cable has been laid through open ground where there are no permanent land-marks in the vicinity, the cable and joint markers are usually made of mild steel plate, mounted on short length of old rails and erected at about 1-6 above ground level.



General Below are a few important worthy of note : i) Before laying the cable, always check the type, size and the seals; Roll the drum in the direction specified by the manufacturers and as shown on the side of the drum. Mount the drum at the most convenient spot for paying off the cable into the trench. Avoid unnecessary handling and sharp bends. When laying a cable adjacent to existing cables, adjust the levels to that joints and tappings can be easily made. Lay pipe lines straight, and clean them out before pulling a cable through, carefully seal the joints and ends of each pipe line.



iv) v)


WW) Contd28 -: 28 :-

vii) viii)

If iron pipes are used, earth them efficiently. Lay high voltage cables on the kerb side and low voltage cables on the building side of the alignment. For taking cables through water-tight basements, use proper lead-in tubes. Always keep the job tidy and clean both during the progress of work and on completion. With due regard to efficiency, execute all work as expeditiously as possible. Execute all work in such a manner as to cause the least possible inconvenience to the public. Make liberal use of all safety devices at your disposal.






General Jointing Procedure Whilst it is generally true that joints are the weakest spots in a cable system, there is no reason why this source of weakness shall not be kept to the minimum if proper care is taken in jointing. The cardinal rule to be observed in jointing is the maintenance of scrupulous cleanliness and the rigid exclusion of moisture.


Joint position Care shall be exercised when laying cables to arrange for the joints to be made in the most suitable places. Circumstances do not always permit ideal conditions, but joints inn carriageways drives under costly paving, concrete or asphalt surfaces in proximity to telephone cables, gas or water mains, shall be avoided wherever possible. There shall be sufficient overlap of cables to allow for the removal of cable ends which may have been damages. This point is extremely important as otherwise it may result in short piece of cable having to be let in.



-: 29 :2.3.3 Joint holes Whenever practicable, joint holes shall be of sufficient dimensions as to allow jointers to work with as much freedom of movement and comfort as possible. For this purpose, the depth of the hole shall be at least one foot below the cables proposed to be jointed. The sides of the hole shall be draped with small tarpaulin sheets to prevent loose earth, etc., from falling on the joint during the course of making. If the ground has been made up by tipping, etc., or if running sand is met with, the hole shall be well shored up with timber so as to prevent collapse. 2.3.4 Sump holes When jointing cables in water-logged ground or under monsoon conditions, a sump hole shall be excavated in the joint hole in such a position so that the accumulating water can be pumped or baled out without causing interference to the jointing operation. 2.3.5 Tents A tent shall be used in all circumstances where jointing work is being carried out in the open. It is a mistake to think that tents or tarpaulin sheets are only provided as a protection against rain. It is equally important to prevent dust from being blown on to the exposed joint and jointing materials, especially on to the compound and tapes. It follows, therefore, that the tent shall be erected in such a manner as to reduce to a minimum the amount of dust or foreign matter likely to blow in. This is generally achieved by having only one entrance to the tent, and the back facing the direction of the wind. The tarpaulin shall be weighed or tied down on the three remaining sides. 2.3.6 Preliminary to making a joint or cutting a cable Having prepared the joint hole and erected a tent as described in paragraphs 3,4, and 5 respectively, tools and equipment shall be neatly arranged in order of requirements. During rainy seasons, empty tins or buckets shall be kept handy for baling out water, and if conditions warrant it, a water pump shall be kept available and ready for immediate use. Troughs for laying the cable ends solid in bitumen in case of emergency shall also be kept in readiness. The lead sheath or cable seals shall not be opened until all necessary precautions have been


taken to prevent circumstances arising that might become uncontrollable. Contd.30 -: 30 :-

A fire shall be lit and placed in such a position so that fumes and smoke are not blown directly into the tent. The compound and bitumen shall be put in separate buckets covered with lids and kept close to the fire but not nearer than three inches. They shall be turned frequently to prevent overheating and carbonisation of the compound or bitumen as the case may be. The cable seals shall be examined to ascertain if they are intact and also that the cable ends are not damaged. If the seals are found broken or the lead sheath punctured, the cable ends shall not be jointed until after due examination and testing by the engineer in-charge of the work. Testing paper insulation for the presence of moisture particularly after a fault Before jointing a paper insulated cable that has broken down or has been damaged due to other causes which may have permitted water to percolate into the cable, the paper insulation shall be tested for the presence of moisture by immersion in hot compound or wax. The presence of moisture is indicated by formation of bubbles when a piece of the paper is immersed in hot compound. Only a single strip of paper shall be used for the test as if several thicknesses of paper are immersed, the escape of air between the layers may be mistaken for the presence of moisture. Particular attention shall be paid to the paper next to the sheath and to that next to the conductor, as it is in these positions that moisture is most likely to be found. The samples of paper shall be handled as little as possible to avoid contamination particularly by perspiration.



Cutting high voltage cables Before cutting high voltage cable, the engineer shall isolate the cable at both ends, discharge it, and affix an earth wire and, as a further precaution, test it at the point of cutting with a search coil. When satisfied as to its identity in the joint hole, a steel spike shall be driven through it in the presence of the jointer. In the event of a tee joint having to be made, the spike shall not be driven straight through the cable as this will render the cable

unserviceable at the point where the spike is driven through. The following alternative method shall be adopted. ZZ) Contd..31

-: 31 :-

After isolating, discharging, testing and earthing as previously described, the jointer shall be instructed to remove sufficient armouring, lead sheathing and paper belting for making the joint and to point out the most suitable positions for making the tapings on the exposed cores. While the jointer is carrying out these instructions, the spiking instrument shall be efficiently earthed. This being done, each core shall be spiked at the points where the tee joints are to be made. When all precautions and tests have been satisfactorily completed, a jointer may be allowed to proceed with his work. Great care shall be exercised by the Engineer-in-Charge to prevent the cables being made live until such times as all work is finished. Cutting low voltage cables Elaborate precautions as for high voltage cables are unnecessary when working on low voltage cables, the test lamps usually being the only apparatus required to ascertain if a cable is live or dead. The procedure is as follows : The armour and lead sheath shall be removed. The jointer shall then stand on a rubber mat and remove the belt insulation, exposing the cores for a length of about 18. Select the most convenient core to be cut (in all cases) expecting the neutral which should always be cut last, and separate it from the others by means of wooden wedge. Then insert a small piece of rubber insertion between the core to be cut and the remaining cores and cut through the selected core. The cut ends shall be separated and tested to ascertain if either or both are live or dead. Irrespective of being live or dead, both ends shall be taped as a measure of safety. The same procedure shall be followed with the remaining cores. It is advisable to step the positions of the cuts, so that it is impossible for the hacksaw, knife or any other tools which may be in use to cause a short circuit by coming into contact with two or more of the cut ends simultaneously.



Paper numbers, colours and phasing Except in unavoidable circumstances, cables shall always be laid and jointed number to number, or colour to colour, thus preventing cross joints. Contd32.. -: 32 :-

Generally it will be found that the paper numbers or colours represent the phases, but this shall never be taken for granted. Preliminary tests shall be made with the test lamps (in the case of L.V. cables), but in all cases the cables shall be properly tested and phased out by the engineer responsible for the work in hand. Preparing the joint box Open the joint box, remove all the fittings and the armour clamps, and take out the lead sleeve and plumbing rings. Clean the interior of the armour clamps and those parts of the joint box to which an electrical bond has to be made.



Preparing the lead sleeve and plumbing rings In all cases a shave hook and cable knife are the only tools required for cleaning the lead sleeve and plumbing rings. In no case shall a rasp or file be used except for chamfering down the extremities of the lead sleeve when the thickness exceeds 1/8th of an inch. Immediately the cleaning process is complete, mark out the lead sleeve and apply the lamp black and when dry, apply tallow over the cleaned and lamp blacked surfaces. The plumbing rings only require to be cleaned and tallowed; no lamp black is to be applied. Under the circumstances should lead fittings, which have been cleaned and blacked, be allowed to remain for any length of time without being tallowed. If this rule is disregarded, cleaned surfaces will rapidly oxidise and, unless they are re-cleaned, it shall not be possible to make a satisfactory plumbed joint. Preparing the cable end Place the cables side by side, line up and support them, and then mark the centre of the proposed joint. Allow a sufficient overlap and cut to length. Mark off the points to where the serving and bedding are to be removed and apply a band of


tape and wire binders. Cut and remove the armour, taking care not to damage the lead sheath during the process. Remove the bedding to the end of the armour and clean the lead sheath and exposed armour. The portions of the lead sheath, which have been cleaned and lamp blacked according to requirements, shall be tallowed. Contd33. -: 33 :-


Bonding the armouring to the lead sheath Remove all traces of compound from the armouring by heating it with a blow lamp and then by cleaning it with a piece of cotton rag or waste moistened with kerosene oil and then by a piece of clean dry rag on waste. Force the cotton-lapping tapes round the lead sheath as far back as possible under the armouring. Clean the lead sheath and then stuff the open space thus formed with dry cotton tape or cloth. This is to prevent the compound from coming out during the process of tinning and plumbing. Clean the exposed armour as bright as sliver with a file and then smear it with clean tallow. Apply not less than two complete turns of tinned binding wire around the end of the armouring to prevent it opening out and also to act as a reinforcement to the bonding. If, however, the armouring is galvanised, it shall not be filled unless it shows signs of rusting or corrosion. In such cases, only the affected parts of the armouring should be filed. Protect the lead sheath near to the armouring by wrapping it with cotton tape or cloth for a length of about 4. Then tin the armour with solder using resin and tallow as a flux. Clean the lead sheath with a shave hook or cable knife and apply a band of lamp black, leaving a clean space of about one inch from the end of the armouring. When the lamp black dries, apply tallow both over the cleaned and the lamp blacked surfaces. Then wipe a joint with plumbing metal round the tinned portion of the armouring and the cleaned portion of the lead sheath in exactly the same manner as an ordinary plumbed joint is wiped on to a sleeve or a cable union. Apply tallow to the bonding as soon as the wiping process is Lead sleeve Wrap with clean cloth, canvas or paper, a sufficient length of the cable on one side of the joint and pass the lead sleeve along the cable, resting it on the wrapping with the compound filling holes


of the sleeve facing the ground. Cover the lead sleeve with another piece of cloth or suitable material. Pass on to each cable end, one lead plumbing ring, and tighten the rings down at the correct distance apart, by means of the bolts provided for this purpose. It is optional whether the rings are plumbed in position or just left bolted in position. However, experience shows that by plumbing the rings in position, the final process of plumbing the lead sleeve is considerably facilitated. Contd34. -: 34 :-


Brass union or wiping gland There are no special precautions to be observed to save the passing of the locking rings and, as these vary, no definite instructions can be laid down. The u nion itself shall fit the lead sheath snugly and shall be well cleaned, tinned and lamp blacked being passed over the lead sheath.


Removing the lead sheath Mark off the final termination of the lead sheath and with a hack knife and hammer, cut the sheath through to half its thickness right round the periphery of the cable; then make a clean cut right through the sheathing, starting at the end of the cable and ending at the cut round the periphery. This completed, open out the sheath from the end of cable and carefully peel it off thus forming a bell-mouth round the periphery. If a bell-mouth is not successfully formed by this operation, a belling tool shall be used.


Removing the belt insulation Apply a binding of insulation tape, starting close to the bellmouth of the sheath and extend it 1&1/4 along the paper belting. Remove the belt insulation by unwinding the papers and tearing them off one by one against the edge of the tape. Lift the paper or jute fillers and cut them off as close to the end of the belt insulation as possible. Commencing at the crutch, apply a layer of protective moisturefree non-adhesive tape to the remainder of the cores.


Cutting the cores to length Form each core into the approximate position it will occupy in the completed joint. Place the cores to be jointed side by side and mark off the centre of the joint. Unwind the protective tape

to half the length of the ferrule plus 3/8th of an inch from the centre mark. Remove the insulation to the end of the protection tapes. If the conductors are shaped, make them circular with gas pliers. Sweat the exposed cores solid with solder and then making sure that the cores are occupying their final positions, cut at the centre position, so that there is the width of a saw cut between the ends of the conductors. Contd...35.... -: 35 :-


Sweating the ferrules Place the ferrules in position with the soldering slots at the top, and lightly close them on to the conductors with a pair of gas pliers or pipe grips. Baste the joint with solder, applying powdered resin as a flux and finally tighten the ferrules with sufficient force to bring them into intimate contact with the conductors. Continue to baste the point with solder until the solder freely runs through the core and ferrule. Finally, wipe the ferrules clean during which process, the soldering slots shall be filled with solder thus leaving a smooth and even surface on the ferrules. Remove all surplus solder from the surface of the ferrules and from the conductors between ends of the ferrules and the paper insulation by scrapping and/ or with glass paper. Scrupulously clean the joints taking care to remove all metal scraping and dust both from the metal cores and from the insulators. 2.3.21 Pencilling the insulation

Remove sufficient protection tape from the end of each core to allow a temporary binder to be applied to make the start of the pencilling. With a very sharp knife, trim the paper insulation into the form of a sharpened pencil. 2.3.22 Taping over the ferrule Wind the tape on the flat metal formers or spools or convenient size and of suitable thickness for passing between the cores. Apply the tape tightly, and gradually build up the space between the ferrules and the binder on the core insulation until a uniform level has been attained; then, tape from end to end over the ferrule and the core insulation up to the required diameter, each lapping covering slightly less than half the width of the previous lapping, removing when necessary, the protection tape and temporary binders and tapering off until the required thickness and overlap has been attained. Remove the remainder of the protection tapes.


Spreaders Insert the spreaders between the cores and place them so that there is half an inch between each spreader and the end of the taping over the ferrules. Fix in position by lapping several layers of tape round the three cores; the tape crossing from one side to the other of the spreader at alternate limbs.

AAA) Contd36 -: 36 :-


Fixing lead sleeve Carefully warm the lead sleeve with a blow lamp to remove all traces of moisture on the inside and then pass the sleeve over the joint and gently beat down the ends of the sleeve on to the plumbing rings or into intimate contact with the cable sheath as the case may be.


Assembly of the cast iron box Complete the bonding of the lead sheath to the armouring either by lead strips or by plumbing (the method may differ depending upon the design of the box). Place the bottom of the box in position and secure the armour clamps.


Filling the cast iron box with bitumen and the sleeve with compound Temporarily plug the filling-holes of the lead sleeve. Heat the bottom of the box until it is unpleasant to the touch. Pour in the bitumen at the specified pouring temperature, upto a level just below the vee joint. Allow sufficient time for the lead sleeve to warm up from the heat of the bitumen; then remove the plugs and very gradually fill the sleeve with compound at the specified temperature, to within from the top. Place the plugs in position and temporarily plumb them over. Leave to cool off for the required period which should not normally be less than 12 hours. Remove the filling plugs, warm the top of the sleeve and top up with hot compound. If there is any difficulty in getting the compound to flow from one filling hold to the other, again carefully warm the sleeve between the filling holes until the flow starts. Clean off the compound round the filling holes and plumb the filling plugs in position permanently.

Heat the top half of the cast iron box, complete the filling of the bottom with hot bitumen, allowing it to overflow into the vee grove and immediately bolt the top of the box in position. Fill the remainder of the box with bitumen and insert the plugs whilst the bitumen is still hot. To prevent rusting, pour a small quantity of bitumen over each of the nuts which secure the box and armour clamps. Contd37. -: 37 :-

The above describes the typical procedure to be followed when making a high voltage straight joint. The principles of jointing, however, remain the same and are applicable to all classes of joints but are varied to suit specific conditions. Set forth below are the main principles to be followed when engaging Work Order, in addition to a list of work orders and the phrasing of them. Instructions for all classes of work to be taken in hand are given by he Divisional Engineer or in his absence by Assistant Engineers. Work orders for new services, and services to be shifted at the consumers requests, are received from the Services department. All other work orders are engaged by the department. No work shall be taken in hand unless a work order has been engaged. Note : Exceptions to this ruling are only likely to occur in cases of emergencies or other cases of extreme urgency, when work orders should be engaged on the day following the commencement of work or at the earliest possible opportunity afterwards.






Work order forms in respect of jobs not immediately taken on the worksheet shall be retained in the office. It is the duty of each foreman to acquaint himself personally with the work orders for every job which he is in-charge of.



Requisitions shall not be handed over to the Stores department unless they bear the work order number, code numbers, etc., and a very brief address of the job. In the event of materials having to be ordered by telephone from Sub-Stores, the work order number shall also be given by the requisitionist and the requisition made out and signed by the Dy. Charge Engineer. The Dy. Charge Engineer in-charge of the work shall check and sign the audit copy of all such requisitions on the day following the issue of the requisition or at the earliest possible opportunity afterwards.


BBB) Contd38 -: 38 :-


Every effort shall be made by the Dy. Charge Engineer who starts a job to follow it through and finish it. Requisitions shall be as comprehensive as possible. making out requisitions for single items. Avoid



Requisitions for new tools or equipment chargeable to Capital shall not be drawn unless the prior sanction of the General Manager or the Committee as the case may be has been obtained. Requisitions for all classes of new tools or equipment chargeable to Capital or Revenue shall be first approved by the Divisional Engineer before being handed over to the Stores department. In the case of all chargeable and capital jobs, details of material and labour shall be recorded daily by the foreman on cost sheets, bearing the appropriate work order numbers, and be submitted to the Assistant Engineer in-charge of the work on the day following the completion of the job. All materials returned to the Stores department shall be accompanied by credit notes in triplicate. Such credit notes are given by the foreman in-charge of the work to the party responsible for returning the materials to the Stores department. Coding of requisitions and credit notes All material requisitions and credit notes are rated and extended by the Stores Accounts department and forwarded directly to the Hollerith department for punching. After punching they are sent




2.5 2.5.1

to the Commercial Department for scrutiny; therefore, errors in coding will cause delay, create additional work in making the necessary adjustments and, moreover, reflect on the efficiency or otherwise of the department. If the following instructions are carefully observed, no difficulties shall be experienced. All requisitions for tools, equipment and furniture chargeable to Capital, and requisitions for new small tools, equipment, stationery, printing, repairs and maintenance and servicing of furniture and office equipment chargeable to Revenue, shall bear the correct departmental code and accounts code. Contd...39... -: 39 :-

But such requisitions shall bear correct departmental code, Works in Progress code, Accounts code, Nature of Expenses code, etc. 2.5.2 Jointing materials Direct The following materials are classified as direct jointing materials: Cable dividing boxes, trifurcating boxes, tee boxes, sealing ends, potheads, cutout boards, lead sleeves, lead sheets, binding wire, ferrules, bushes, insulators, plumbers black sand paper, glue, troughs, bridges, tiles for joints, joint and pothead markers, seal-wire, rawl plugs, screws, firewood, coal, kerosene oil, waste and any other materials used exclusively for cable jointing. Indirect The following materials only are classified as indirect jointing materials : Plumbing metal, solder, tallow, resin, bitumen tape, all insulating tapes and all insulating compounds and bitumen. 2.5.3 Laying materials Direct The following materials are classified as direct laying materials.

Tiles, pipes, cement, sand, kerosene oil and waste for lanterns, and any other materials exclusively used in the process of laying cables. 2.5.4 Tools, equipment and accessories having an estimated service life of less than 10 years have been classified as follows : Blow lamps, burners, pins, globes for hurricane lanterns, tarpaulins, hack-saw blades, ladles, soldering irons, melting pots, ghamellas, handles for hammers, pick-axes, files, torch cells, and all other small tools. CCC) Contd40 -: 40 :-

2.6 2.6.1

O & M DEPARTMENT FAULT DUTY SCHEDULE Organisation For the purpose of attending to all interruptions of supply and breakdowns on the distribution system, the O & M department maintains specially trained staff working on 24 hour shift duty system under the general supervision of an officer not lower in rank than an Assistant Engineer. This officer is directly responsible to the Divisional Engineer for the efficient maintenance of all the underground and aerial mains and also for the street lighting system.


Establishment The staff consists of technically qualified Fault Engineers, Mains Engineers, Jointers and nawghanies whose activities are supervised by the Senior Officers who are directly responsible to the Divisional Engineer.

Each normal shift comprises not less than one Fault Engineer, two Mains Engineers, two jointers and eight nawghanies. All the H.V. supply interruptions are attended through Supervisory Control and L.V. Supply restoration through Fault Control. Shift duty hours

DDD) 2.6.3

The shift duty hours are as given below

1st Shift 07:00 hrs. to 15:00 hrs.

2nd Shift 15:00 hrs. to 23:00 hrs. 3rd Shift 23:00 hrs. to 07:00 hrs. The posting of staff to the various shifts is done in accordance with a special schedule prepared for this purpose from time to time. 2.6.4 Duties of Fault Engineer/ Mains Engineer The Fault Engineer/ Mains Engineer, when he takes charge of his shift, virtually takes charge of the whole distribution system as installed and maintained by the O & M (North) Department .

EEE) FFF) Contd41

-: 41 :-

On taking charge, his first duty is to check the Fault Lorry/ Fault Vehicle Log book to see that it is posted up-to-date and to ascertain, if any specific instructions or information have been recorded therein for his special attention. Next, he shall check the equipment to ensure that nothing is missing or damaged. All discrepancies shall be reported in writing to the Assistant Engineer. The actual duties of the Fault Engineer/ Mains Engineer are given in detail under the appropriate heading in the Office Manual.


Duties of other technical staff :All Technical staff supplied with telephones, are considered to be on standby duty and are required to keep in touch with the Supervisory Controller/ Fault Controller and to afford all possible assistance to the Fault Engineer on duty at any time when called upon to do so. For this purpose, it is necessary for such staff to inform Supervisory Controller/ Fault Controller of their whereabouts, or, alternatively leave clear information of their whereabouts at their homes, or with the Divisional Engineer, or the Superintendent/ Assistant Engineer, as the case may be.


PROCEDURE AND STANDING ORDERS FOR ATTENDING THE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INTERRUPTIONS Instructions for the Supervisory Controller for dealing with complaints regarding supply interruptions :-

General :All complaints regarding supply interruptions (excluding blowing of fuses of individual consumers or of service fuses in individual buildings attended to by fusemen from various fuse centres), shall be transmited to Supervisory Controller/ Fuse Controller. All messages regarding such complaints shall be logged immediately by the Fuse Control (Dadar), who shall then transmit them to the Fault Controller. The Fault Controller shall decide to which officer(s) staff the messages shall be given.

In the event of several consumers reporting off supply in the same locality, the messages shall be treated as a fault. A register of faults giving particulars of interruptions and actions taken shall be maintained by the Supervisory Controller. The fault messages are classified as under :GGG) Contd42 -: 42 :-


Messages of minor importance (Class A Messages) Small fires, service faults other than that of priority consumers, off supply in by-lanes affecting only a few consumers, blowing of fuses on one phase in the pillars and other miscellaneous messages, such as paralleling and separating of substations, switching in or out H.V. feeders/ substations, etc.


Messages of moderate importance (Class B Messages) Big fires, distributor faults and substation faults affecting large number of consumers, damage to pillars and other equipments, electric shocks, riots, etc.


Messages of major importance (Class C Messages) Large fires, service faults of priority consumers, 6.6 and 22 KV feeder faults affecting supply over a larger locality, fatal electric shocks, riot, civil disobedience, etc.

Priority Consumers :-

Priority consumers include hospitals, radio transmitting stations, telegraph offices, general post office, telephone exchanges, printing presses for newspapers, offices, Military and Naval headquarters, principal Police stations and institutions, important Government and Municipal offices, important residences, Municipal pumping stations, large factories, cold storage, cinemas and large hospitals. 2.7.2 Procedure :The message of B and C categories shall be reported to the Supervisory Controller by the Fuse Controller/ Fault Controller at all hours, and the following procedure shall be adopted by the Supervisory Controller in reporting fault messages to the various officers/ staff concerned. A Messages i) During working hours :Shall be reported to the Mains Engineer (North) who shall after investigation report to the Assistant Engineer (Mains) and the DEMN. HHH) Contd43 -: 43 :-


Outside working hours :Shall be reported to the Mains Engineer (North). The Mains Standby Engineer shall also be informed except between 10 p.m. and 6-30 a.m. during which period the Supervisory Controller shall advise the telephone operator whether or not to give the message.

B Messages i) During working hours :Shall be reported to the Mains Engineer, Substations Fault Engineer, Mains and Substations Stand-by Engineers, both the Asstt. Engineers, DEMN and DCE(DN)/ DCE(CN). Supervisory Controller shall report to DEMN and DCE(DN)/ DCE(CN) after investigation and

obtaining the full information from the staff attending the Fault/ Assistant Engineers.


Outside working hours :Shall be reported to the Mains Engineer, substations Fault Engineer, Mains and Substation Stand-by Engineers at all hours. Besides, both Assistant Engineers shall be informed, except between 10 p.m. and 6-30 a.m. during which period the Supervisory Controller shall advise telephone operator whether or not to give the message. DEMN and DCE(DN) DCE(CN) shall be informed at the discretion of the Substations and Mains Stand-by Engineers/ Supervisory Controller.

C Messages :Shall be reported to the Mains Engineer, Substations Fault Engineer, Mains and Substations Stand-by Engineers and both Assistant Engineers DEMN and DCE(DN)/ DCE(CN). Supervisory Controller shall report to DEM(N), DCE(DN) and CE(DN) after investigation and obtaining the full information from the staff attending to Fault/ Asstt. Engineers.


Messages regarding public lighting and overhead mains

North Zone Evening messages from lighters shall be recorded through out the year by the Kingsway telephone operator, who shall then give it to the Wagon-Hand/ Street Lighting department. III) Contd44 -: 44 :-

Central North Zone

Messages received from lighters during the evening shall be recorded by Kingsway telephone operator. These messages shall then be relayed to the Wagon-Hand/ Street Lighting department.

Central North & North Zones


Early morning messages given by lighters who switch off street light lamps shall be recorded through out the year by the Dadar operator who shall report them to thee Street Lighting department. All pending public lighting fault messages or overhead mains service faults shall be scrutinised by the A.E.S.L. who shall report to the Supervisory Controller the number of fault messages pending as at 9-00 a.m. everyday except on Sundays and Holidays.



Standing Orders for the concerned officers/ staff of Operation & Maintenance department in attending to supply interruptions All A grade officers of the Distribution Branch and all Deputy Engineers on stand-by duty (during the week allotted to them) shall constantly keep in touch with the Supervisory Controller by telephone/ wireless in the following manner :i) During normal working hours :When leaving their normal place of work or their residence, the officer concerned shall inform the Supervisory Controller as to where he can be contacted. When not at his normal place of work, the officer concerned shall inform the Supervisory Controller about the telephone at which he can be contacted; and where there is no telephone, the officer himself shall contact the Supervisory Controller at regular intervals (of not more than one hour in the case of A grade officers and hour in the case of Deputy Engineer on Stand-by duty).



-: 45 :-


Outside normal working hours :When not at his residence, the officer concerned shall inform the Supervisory Controller about the telephone at which can be contacted; and where there is no telephone, the officer himself shall contact the Supervisory Controller at regular intervals (of not more than 2 hours in the case

of A grade officer and hour in the case of Deputy Engineers on stand-by duty). The Supervisory Controller shall record all these messages in a register. As soon as a message regarding supply interruption is received through Fuse Control/ Fault Control, the concerned officers/ staff shall make it a point to keep themselves in close touch with the Supervisory Controller at all times till the supply is fully restored. If the supply is not restored within one hour after the receipt of the fault message, the concerned Substation Deputy Engineer, Mains Engineer during working hours or the substations/ Mains Stand-by Engineer after office hours, shall immediately proceed to the affected area and augment the efforts of the substations Fault Engineer/ Mains Engineer already working in the area of off supply. In case of interruptions concerning receiving stations, the concerned receiving station Charge Engineer shall keep his telephone free and shall keep himself in readiness to receive instructions from the Substations Fault Engineer/ Stand-by Engineer regarding feeder operations, etc. If the supply is not restored within one and a half hours, both Assistant Engineers shall proceed to the place of interruption to assist the Fault Duty staff. Where the duration of interruption exceeds two hours, the DEMN/ DEMCN shall proceed to the site and guide the staff. He shall also be available on the telephone at all times during a supply interruption for consultation for the transfer of loads and re-arrangement of network and be ready to proceed to the site at any stage if the Fault Duty staff attending the fault need his guidance. Contd46..

-: 46 :-

If supply is not restored within 3 hours and any time during interruptions if any major difficulties are encountered by the officers/ staff while restoring the supply, the DCE(DN) and/ or CED(N) shall keep in touch with the Supervisory Controller and, if necessary, proceed to the affected area.


General Instructions :The practice of giving momentary off supply to consumers by tripping feeder/ transformer OCBs in substations to facilitate fault location, transfer of feeders from one receiving station to another, and other auxiliary operations shall not be resorted to under any circumstances, without prior approval of DCE(DN). All network alterations either on the H.V. or L.V. systems carried out for maintenance and construction work, load transfers within receiving stations and also from one L.V. network to another shall be restored to the original conditions with out delay and the message regarding alterations either in the H.V. or L.V. networks shall be reported to all concerned through the Supervisory Controller by the concerned officer/ staff who carried out such alterations. PROCEDURE TO BE ADOPTED IN THE EVENT OF AN ACCIDDENT When an accident occurs resulting in loss of life or serious personal injury, the officer or Dy. Charge Engineer/ Sub Engineer In-charge of the work shall proceed at once to the place of accident and see that immediate steps are taken to remove the casualty from the cause and render first aid. Cover the body, if obviously dead. In consultation with the Police, send or take the casualty/ body to one of the Undertakings dispensaries or to a Hospital/ Mortuary whichever is appropriate. Notify the Accident Officer and other officials. Leave a message with the Supervisory Controller and Fault Controller for the purpose of notifying the other officers concerned of the Undertaking. Carry out any emergency work that may be necessary.



KKK) Contd47 -: 47 :-


A written report shall be submitted as soon as possible to the Head of the Department on a standard accident report form. The Head of the Department shall inform the General Manager in accordance with GM-10472 dated 10th September, 1949. Notices concerning accidents are to be given under :


Section 33(1) of the Indian Electricity Act read with the Bombay Government Notification No. 9175/27-A of 31st August 1935. Section 10B(1) of the Workmens Compensation Act. Section 30 of the Factories Act read with Rules 57 to 62. Accidents occurring in factories might be caused in such a way as would come under the Electricity Act as well as under the Factories Act. Reports of such accidents shall, therefore, be submitted under both these Acts as also the Workmens Compensation Act, if the casualty dies. Specimen of the three standard forms used for sending notices are appended and are marked B, C and D. 2.8.4


Accidents Leave Pay :Accident leave pay upto 3 months may be sanctioned by the Head of the Branch. Payment for periods in excess of 3 months requires the prior sanction of the General Manager. Such payments are made under S.R. 27/14 and in accordance with Section 4D of the Workmens Compensation Act. In all cases, applications for Accident Leave Pay shall be made on the prescribed forms. Fatal Accidents :In the case of an accident proving fatal, arrangements shall be made with the Accounts and Audit departments to deposit with the Commissioner for Workmens Compensation the appropriate amount as specified in Schedule IV, and as required under Section 8 of the Workmens Compensation Act, 1923 and also within the prescribed time limit. Contd48..


-: 48 :-


Compassionate Allowances :Under Service Regulation No. 18A, the General Manager may, in appropriate cases, with the prior sanction of the B.E.S.T. Committee, pay to any Municipal Officer or servant in the

employment of the Undertaking on his retiring or discharge from service or to his dependents in the event of his death, a compassionate allowance of not less than 2 years and not more than 3 years substantive salary/ wages either in one lump-sum or by periodical payments on account of any bodily injury or injuries fatal or otherwise, sustained by such Municipal Officer or servant in the discharge of his duties to the Undertaking or to the members of the public and necessitating his retirement or discharge from service. 2.9 2.9.1 Office work and procedure :-

Receiving Stations The B.E.S.T. receives electric supply in bulk at various receiving stations at 33000/ 22000 KV from Tatas receiving stations. At the BEST receiving stations the electric energy is transformed from 33 KV to 11 KV by 8 & 10 MVA transformers fitted with onload tap-changeequipment. Most of the receiving stations are equipped with high voltage air-blast circuit breakers, SF6 VCBs both on the 33000/ 22000 volts side and 11000 volts side. The transformers and feeders are provided with adequate protection by means of relays. The tripping circuit of the air-blast circuit breakers are from D.C. obtained generally from a 120 volts lead acid battery. However, in case of Parel and Dharavi receiving stations on the 11 KV side oil circuit breakers are fitted which are from 120 volts, 310 amp. hour. At our Dharavi and Parel receiving stations, the incoming 11 KV supply is controlled by 33 KV isolators and not by 11 KV air-blast circuit breakers. Usually, receiving stations feed area in a radius of to 1 mile from the receiving station. The system of receiving electric supply is on a unit basis; in other words, each power transformer in each receiving station receives power independently, via 11 KV circuit breaker and feeds it into its own radial network. On each 11 KV busbar section (in each receiving station) is connected a 11 KV capacitor bank. However, in an emergency, the busbar section can be made through by switching in a bus coupler installed in between the busbars and each section. The 11 KV air-blast circuit breaker tracks and 33 KV ABCB tracks are interchangeable amongst themselves, but not 33 KV with 11 KV and vice versa. LLL) Contd49

-: 49 :-


Substations :The substations receive electrical energy at 11000 volts from receiving stations and convert to 440 volts (3-phase, 4 wire) for the purpose of distributing it to our consumers. The transforming of electric energy is done by means of distribution transformers, fitted with off load tap-change equipment. The 11 KV distribution system is a radially fed network. Generally, there are 6 to 9 substations on one feeder from a receiving station and the feeders are looped in and out from each substation. Protective relays are installed at selected substations. Capacitors on the low voltage side of the substation have been installed in almost all substations. Cable network General :The cable network comprises of primary transmission at 33/ 22 KV, primary distribution at 11 KV and secondary distribution at 440/250 volts. The primary transmission at 33 KV is of the Unit Type and, therefore, can not be utilised for ring main operation. The 11 KV primary distribution network can however be made to operate as a ring main system though this is normally not done. The secondary distribution at 400/230 volts is usually of a radial system, but in an emergency can be operated as a ring main system.


Cable maintenance :The entire distribution network, both underground and overhead, is maintained by the Operation & Maintenance Department. For this purpose, suitably trained staff supplied with appropriate equipment work for 6 days of thee week on a 8-hour shift to maintain a permanent 24-hour duty schedule. The maintenance staff are always at the service of the Undertaking and attend to all messages, concerning interruptions of supply, breakdowns, emergency, fire, irrespective of the time of the day of night. Way leave for laying the distributors in private property and the property owned by public utilities are obtained by the Planning department. The permanent reinstatement of the cable trenches on public highways after they have been opened up to repair cable faults, etc., or by Roads department of the Bombay Municipal Corporation, or by the Bombay Port Trust authorities. With the exception of private properties, all the re-Instatement work is subject to the final approval of Roads department of the B.M.C.

MMM) Contd50

-: 50 :2.9.4 Strengthening of network and increase in capacity of substations All schemes for extension and strengthening of distribution network and increasing the capacity of substations are prepared by the Planning department and are approved by the Divisional Engineer, the Deputy Chief Engineer and the Chief Engineer. After approval by the officers, the schemes are submitted for sanction to the Management and/ or to the Committee, as the case may be. When the appropriate sanction has been obtained, the schemes are forwarded to the Divisional Engineer, Erection, for execution. When the schemes are completed and the increase in capacity is augmented, the department re-arranges the H.V. and L.V. networks, taken load readings within a months time and forwards them to the Dy. Chief Engineer and the Planning Engineer and the Planning department with their comments as to the load permitted and their records are continued to be maintained of the loads on these pillars, substations, etc. 2.9.5 New Receiving Stations :The scheme for new receiving stations, in order to augment the receipt of bulk power supply, are prepared by the Planning Department and are approved in the manner shown in 2.9.4 above. As soon as the new receiving station is completed, arrangements are made for appropriate shutdowns on the existing H.V. 11 KV network and to loop required feeders into the new receiving station. The building plans are usually approved in the manner shown in 2.9.4 above. 2.9.6 New Substations :-

Depending upon the load conditions on the existing network, the Planning Department prepares schemes for erecting additional substations with a view to meet the increased load growth. The plans of the substation building, the busbar and network diagram, etc. are approved in the manner shown in 2.9.4 above. As soon as the substation building is ready, it is taken over from the Building Department. The civil work of the new substations is done by the Engineer-in-Chief, Way & Works Department, or by a contractor. As soon as the substation is taken over from the Building Department, the Erection Department installs all electrical equipment. After the electrical equipment is installed by the Erection Department and the same is to be commissioned, the department arranges shutdowns from the adjoining network for looping in and out the proposed substation. After the Electrical Inspectors visit is arranged and the load is approved, the station is commissioned and taken over by the department and the network is re-arranged. NNN) Contd51

-: 51 :-


Communications All I.P.T. external telephones and equipment connected to the system are supplied on hire by the Indian Posts and Telegraphs department, Telephones, Bombay. For these services, hire charges are paid annually and call charges monthly. All receiving stations are equipped with I.T.I. inter-comm. telephones, supplied and installed by the Indian Telephone Industries, Bombay. Any defect in the working of this intercommunication telephone is to be reported to the DEMN/ DEMCN, with a copy to Supervisory Controller and M.R.E. The communication system are also maintained by the department. In all cases, appropriate sanction of the Management and/ or the Committee shall be obtained for an extension to, for modification of the existing communication system, etc. Records The department is responsible for the maintenance of its own records for which purpose it maintains its own clerical establishment and suitable cabinets for the storage of such records. Of prime importance are the records in respect of receiving stations, sites, technical records in respect of substations and /or receiving stations, Electrical Inspectors visit fees, etc., Way-leave charges, rents and taxes registers for the substations and/ or the receiving stations, inventory of tools, plant, machinery, etc.



Typing One Stenographer and two typists who serve the department are on the establishment.

2.10 2.10.1

FILING PROCEDURE Underlying principle The principle of good filing is to be able to locate quickly any correspondence that has been filed. It is not merely a means of disposing of correspondence, it is a specialised job which shall be only entrusted to trained staff.

OOO) Contd52

-: 52 :-


Filing system

The filing system adopted shall be governed by the following principles.

All files shall be filed in alphabetical or numerical order and each file shall be clearly titled. Whenever possible, major headings shall be used, as for example; Administration, Staff, Policy, Electric Supply, Transport, Telephones, Circulars, etc. Such a system can be expanded or modified to suit changing conditions without causing any disturbance to the system heading of all letters shall include the appropriate file of reference, e.g. S Staff Substations or T Telephones Internal, followed by the actual subject matter of the letter. As a further aid to filing, each letter shall preferably refer to only one subject; if it is essential to treat more than one subject in one letter, an additional copy of the letter shall be taken for filing in the appropriate file, and a cross reference given. Wherever possible, it is advisable to follow the maxim, one subject, one file, one letter. Supervision of and responsibility for filing :In view of the importance attached to filing, the Divisional Engineer shall periodically inspect all files belonging to the various sections of the department under his control. The Superintendents/ Asst. Engineers are responsible for the general supervision of all filing in connection with their respective sections. In like manner, the Office Assistants are directly responsible for the correct filing of all correspondence in the various offices to which they are attached.

2.11 2.11.1

PLANNING OF WORK Routine Work shall be carefully planned in order to economise time, labour and materials. For this purpose, the Divisional Engineer, is empowered to utilise the services of any of his staff in any section of the department, whenever he consider it necessary or expedient to do so. All officers shall carefully peruse the various technical journals an papers which are regularly circulated and make every endeavour to keep themselves informed of the latest developments in so far as they affect the Operation & Maintenance department. No work shall be taken in hand unless :

PPP) Contd53

-: 53 :-

the appropriate sanction, way-leave, as the case may be, has been obtained. adequate stocks of materials are available in the Stores or are obtainable in the local market, and; appropriate work orders are engaged in accordance with the procedure for engaging work orders. Priority for urgent work The order of priority for execution of work is,


restoration of supply, repairs and/ or replacement of faulty equipment and/ or cables; replacement of cutouts and cutout boards; diversion of cables and shifting of pillars. attention to messages received from fuseman, blowing of fuses in consumers premises, shock messages and/or messages relating to fire or house collapses, etc. WORKSHEET


To enable proper control to be kept on the execution of work and allocation of labour, a worksheet should be prepared daily.

The worksheet is prepared section-wise and shall contain the following data : 2.12.1 The names of the Sub-Engineer, Charge Engineer, Dy. Charge Engineer, etc. in-charge of each section; Classification of personnel (permanent an temporary) and check numbers of tradesmen, assistant tradesmen and miscellaneous staff. Total number of men on leave. The number of men of all categories allocate to each section; Work order numbers;


2.12.3 2.12.4 2.12.5

2.12.6 2.12.7

Location of work; Type of work;

QQQ) Contd54

-: 54 :-


Indications in the form of a letter D where draftsmen are required. The worksheet in case of cable work is drafted each morning at the Department Office/ District Office for the work proposed to be done the following day. Worksheet for the maintenance of substations and/ or receiving stations is drafted every Saturday morning for the next week. For this purpose, each Sub-Engineer, Charge Engineer/ Dy. Charge Engineer prepares a worksheet in respect of his own section. All the worksheets are checked by the officers concerned before finalisation. The final draft of the worksheet is handed over to the typist for taking out copies to : DCE(DN) DEMN AEMN Asstts. Foreman CE(DN) DCE(Pl) - 2 copies CSVO - 2 copies S.T.K.

2 copies 2 copies 6 copies 4 copies





VIGILANCE (ELECTRIC SUPPLY) DEPARTMENT CHAPTER-I 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Vigilance activity in respect of detection of theft of electrical energy of the BEST Undertaking has undergone many changes over the years. Earlier, this activity was handled by respective Commercial Departments. As the activity was carried out by Commercial Departments, not much importance was given to the same. In order to make concentrated effort and to implement systematic approach, a need was felt to form a separate section. The Vigilance cell in Electric Supply Branch was thus initially established in the year 1990 to detect the cases of theft of electrical energy. 1.2 Initially, the Vigilance Cell was started functioning with one Assistant Engineer, one Sub engineer, and six other employees. Additional staff required for carrying out raids were borrowed from Commercial Departments as per day-to-day requirement. However, due to the increase in work load and considering the importance of vigilance activity which also reduces the non-technical losses, in turn saving of Undertaking's revenue, the Vigilance cell was subsequently expanded in to an independent Department headed by an officer of grade A-3 Grade. 1.3 The organization chart showing the details of different categories of officers/staff working under the Divisional Engineer Vigilance (Electric Supply) is shown in Annexure-1. 2.0 SCOPE. 2.1 The Vigilance (Electric Supply) is presently working under AGMES and is responsible for detection and handling of theft of energy cases within the Supply area of BEST Undertaking. 3.0 ACTIVITIES OF VIGILANCE (ELECTRIC SUPPLY) DEPARTMENT 3.1 Arranging inspection for detection of theft of energy cases. 3.2 Arranging raid for tampering of meters and direct Supply cases 3.3 Lodging police complaints 3.4 Preferring /Recovering of provisional claim amounts 3.5 Forwarding the case files to Claims Review Committee for final settlements 3.6 Attending the Claims Review Committee meeting 3.7 Attending the court cases



SOURCES OF INFORMATION Vigilance (Electric Supply) department receives the complaints in the form of4.1 Telephonic complaints 4.2 Complaints through letters 4.3 Complaints received from outsiders by personal visits 4.4 Departmental Letters 4.5 General inspections carried out by the officers of Vigilance department.

5.0 ORGANIZATION/ESTABLISHMENT 5.1 The establishment of Vigilance (Electric Supply) consists of one Divisional Engineer one Superintendent, two Assistant Engineers (one each for respective South and North Zones), 5 Dy. Engineers, 4 Sub Engineers, one Assistant Office Superintendent and other staff members. 6.0 6.1 DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES DIVISIONAL ENGINEER VIGILANCE (ELECTRIC SUPPLY)

DEVIg shall be the Chief Executive officer in-charge of the department. He reports directly to the Asst. General Manager (Supply). He shall coordinate the work of Supdt. Asst.Engr and other officers/staff working under him. He shall be responsible for detection of theft of energy within the Supply area of BEST Undertaking. Dealing with the political pressure on the field staff thereby maintaining fear free atmosphere for the officer/staff at field while conducting the raid. Preparation of Administrative report, Establishment Schedule and Budget Estimates pertaining to the Department. Dealing with the sensitive cases/major issues and staff matters of the Department. Reviewing the activities of the Department and introducing changes for improving the efficiency of the Department. Reporting politically sensitive cases to AGMS/DGMS and GM in advance. Overall general supervision/co-ordination of the Department. 6.2 SUPERINTENDENT VIGILANCE (Supply): 479

Arranging the inspections and organize and conduct raids depending upon the importance of the case. Arranging the Security officer/staff for conducting the raid. Arranging the photographer at site. In most of the raids local politicians or local party leaders interfere. Therefore, they are to be convinced properly about the type of theft, method of calculating the loss incurred by the Undertaking mode orpiment reference to the Review Committee etc. This job is done by Supdt. Vig at site or in the Office. Once the payments is made by the consumer as per the Prevailing practice the Supdt.Vig follows up with the concerned Commercial department till the Supply is restored. He also decides the type of meter to be installed. If the consumer is given the facility of part payments the Supdt. follows up the case till the full payments is made by the consumer or else he arranges for the disconnection of Supply. Put up each case file for the information of the senior Officers & further to Review Committee for final settlement. Supdt(Vig) is one of the Review Committee members appointed by the GM. He has to attend the meeting as & when called by the Chairman Review Committee. The Committee settle the cases after going through the documents submitted by the consumer. To attend the court cases where FIR is lodged at his instance (Sec 50 of Indian Electricity Act 1910). To meet Public Prosecutor & police officers for clarification of cases filed by the department. To attend the meetings called by Electrical Inspector at his office. Put up proposal for revision of tariff for Vigilance cases. 6.3 ASSISTANT ENGINEERS (VIGILANCE) for

Initiate S.M. and forward the same to concerned Department reconnection of Supply.

To get the meters tested at site wherever meters are suspected to be tampered. 480

To send the clearance to respective Commercial Departments inn respect of old vigilance cases by going through the documents. To visit sites and personally supervise raids of importance. Booking of officer/staff from other Departments for day to day raids. To keep the suspected meters under observation & to bring it to the notice of Supdt. /Divisional Engineer if any abnormality is noticed. Scrutinize the complaints and list out the priorities 6.4 Dy.ENGINEER / SUB- ENGINEER (OFFICE).

To receive and record telephonic complaints from the general public VIPs and other Departments. To reply to the complaints already registered by them and inform them about the progress. To maintain registers for all types of complaints. To maintain each & every investigated case papers carefully for easy reference in future. To scrutinize the case files put up by AOS (Vig, before forwarding the same to Supdt(Vig). To put up draft reply letters to the parties as and when required. To prepare following statistical data by first week of every month: Position of complaints - their break-ups etc. Number of raids carried out every month and no. of case files put up. Number of case files come back with queries Maintain Performance data of the Department. To put up MIs file by first week of every month in consultation with Supdt (Vig) / AE(Vig). To analyze the CIS data of suspected consumers. 6.5 ASST.OFFICE SUPERINTENDENT (VIG)

AOS (Vig) shall work under the Divisional Engineer and he shall coordinate the Administrative work carried out by Supervisor and other clerical staff under him. He shall be responsible for the maintenance of Administrative Orders circulars and officer orders issued by the Management from time to time in respect of-


Preparation maintenance and checking of staff records, clothing records, staff engagement forms/discharge notices, Administrative reports, Budget estimates "A" & "B" grade officers absentee memo Variation in Establishment Schedule, inventory of capital/revenue assets Maintaining roasters of backlog as per reservation policies, Advices for payment of special allowances incentive bonus payment of officer's & staff Maintaining account of impress cash Attending to general correspondence Drafting of Committee notes letters to police department, courts etc. 6.6 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF:

6.6.1 SUPERVISOR. Updating the database of manpower details Put up draft establishment schedule of the department. Maintaining the attendance register of the department. Sending absentee memo To maintain and put up various allowances eligible by officers & staff Maintain the Impress Cash register Initiate relieving note transfer note taking over of officers and staff Forward `Power of attorney cases of officers to Legal department. Maintain seniority list of staff of department. Fill up requisition for vacancies Certify uniform stitching and washing allowance to the employees and inform EDP department for payment. Intimate training programme conducted by DETIE to the concerned officer/employee. Put up proposal for briefcase sanction to the sanctioning authority. Also put up for renewal as & when it is due. Fill up details required in the final bill of separated employees. Answering to the notes from AOS office and Personnel department. regarding establishment matters. Initiate confirmation notes of employees Check scholarship forms/Monetary assistance forms Forward Festival advance forms to EDP.


Put up Purchase forms for non-stock items/follow up with Stores department. Put up material requisition for items required by the department. Prepare credit notes for the items to be credited. Maintain the Inventory register. Prepare scrap notes for the items to be scrapped Put up Purchase form for furniture items/equipments to be repaired follow up with the Stores department. Estimate annual requirement of uniform cloth monsoon apparel winter cloth etc. and intimate Stores department. Estimate the annual requirement of table calendar wall calendar diary etc. and inform the Stores department. 6.6.2 DESPATCH CLERK (C1) He is directly responsible to carry out the following activities: To receive the dispatch write the inward no. & date make entries. Route the papers as per the markings and distribute it. To give outward no. & date to outgoing note letters and files and make entries To make cross entries on the relevant papers. To attend to the consumer in respect of action taken in clearance cases. To make the entries of papers in green files before forwarding the same to respective department. To circulate the circulars To file the papers personally and ensure that papers are filed in the appropriate files. To maintain all files/copies of notes sent to various Department. To maintain the `Key registers of the Department. 6.6.3 CLERK (C-2) He is directly responsible to carry out the following activities: Preparing case files. Once the raid is conducted case papers are to be Xeroxed. Recovery slip is to be prepared. New file is to be prepared which includes checking calculation arranging papers chronology, paging them, checking after filing o/c, papers in respective box files. Preparing intimation to respective Commercial department. Regarding the Vigilance case. Maintaining inspection reports. Segregating inspection reports in to four categories hotel, general, telephonic complaints and letters. Note down the no. of meters inspected in each report for MIS purpose. 483

Monthly report to be submitted by 10th of every month reports regarding recovery of old and new cases. Information regarding cases settled debits and credit amount mentioned in each file. Maintain the records of files which are sent to respective zones. Maintaining Review Committee letter. Copies of the intimation letter is received from Chairman Review Committee regarding revised claim amount. Therefore registers are to be updated as per the information filing them in respective o/c case files. Photographs. Original photographs are filed in respective original files and negatives to be filed in o/c case files. To verify & furnish details of old cases to AEVIG in respect of clearance/reconnection of meters monthly recoveries made/past recovers made. 6.6.4 STENOGRAPHER. Taking dictation and transcribing it. Cutting stencils according to instructions Typing letters from drafts and hand-written matter given by a & grade officers and AOS(Vig)/Supervisor. Typing letters to various police stations for according sanction for issuing necessary charge sheet 6.6.5 SHOP RECORDER (SR1) He shall perform the following activities. To bring meter particulars such as date of installation of meter date of removal outstanding amounts and address of the consumers from Ward Offices of Commercial Consumer (North, South and Energy Audit Departments. To attend the Courts for collecting meters which are deposited at various police stations as "Muddemaal after final judgment is given by the court and appeal period is over. To collect and follow-up for the claim amounts deposited in courts and fines recovered by the courts in favour of the B.E.S. & T. Undertaking. Visit police stations for handing over letters regarding complainants sanction letters and payment received in the Vigilance Department from consumers towards tampered meter or direct Supply cases. Entering the various data in computers


Preparing electric bills for claim amounts at site it self when large premises are raided. Preparing stop meter advice (SMA). To credit the meters to M.R.E. Department removed by Vigilance Department for tampering non-payment of claim amount or nonpayment of installments on due date and meters brought from the courts along with meter details such as meter no. make of the meter size of the meter reading at the time of removal of the meters and `condition of the meters. Preparing various statements required to be submitted to management eg. (Management information System). Follow-up with other department for departmental work Any other work assigned by the superiors. Typing of letters in the absence of stenographer or as and when required urgently by the Department. Driving of Undertaking vehicle as and when required in connection with the Departmental works. 6.6.6 SHOP RECORDER (SR2) He shall perform the following activities. Take out CIS printout from computer . Take out blank provisional claim letters. Prepare set of blank documents used at site during the raids for direct Supply and tampered meter cases. Follow up with xerox contractor for papers handed over for xeroxing. Preparing bill after giving pas code No. from register Prepare S.M. for tampered meter cases & O.K. meter cases and make entry in the S.M. register. Maintain direct Supply and tampered meter case registers. Updating direct Supply and tampered cases in computer. Misc. work pertaining to Computer Furnish necessary data to C2 while preparing the case files. Obtain consumer's Undertaking letter Any other work assigned by the superiors. Preparation of Incentive statements and put up for Management's approval. 6.7 METER INSPECTOR (P1-T-5)


He is required to assist the Dy. Engineer in detecting the theft of energy cases of tampered Poly Phase/Single Phase meters and un-metered use of electrical energy. To visit various meter cabins in order to detect the theft of energy cases. To note the meter reading of meters which are kept under observation. To assist the Dy. Engineer/Sub Engineer in identifying the premises using electrical energy through tampered meter by way of connecting / disconnecting the electric supply connections. Assisting Dy. Engineers / Sub Engineers in taking the phase-wise connected loads of the premises. To assist the Dy. Engineer/Sub Engineers in detecting the route of unmetered use of electrical energy and to identify the premises. To attend the complaints received in the department and submit the report to the office. To disconnect the tampered meter and arrange to deposit the same at the concerned police station as Mudde Maal, once the raid is conducted & case is made. Apart from the tampered meter if the consumer has other meters, to disconnect the O.K. meters of same installation and arrange to bring the meter to Vigilance Department and subsequently to M&R department. To carry out general inspections of the service position as assigned by the concerned officer from time to time. To carry out any other work given to him by the superiors. To attend the court cases as & when required. 6.8 METER INSPECTOR (P1-T/4)

He is required to assist the Dy. Engineer / Sub-Engineer in detecting the theft of energy cases of tampered Single Phase meters and un-metered use of electrical energy. To visit various meter cabins in order to detect the theft of energy cases. To assist the Sub-Engineer in identifying the premises using electrical energy through tampered meter by way of connecting / disconnecting the electric supply connections. 486

To assist the Dy. Engineers/Sub-Engineer in detecting the route of unmetered use of electrical energy and to identify the premises. To attend the telephonic/public/departmental complaints received in the department and submit the report to the Sub-Engineer / Assistant Engineer Vigilance/Supdt.Vig. To carry out general inspection of the service position as per the instructions given to him. To disconnect electric supply of the premises where the balance payment is not paid on due dates, on the instructions of Assistant Engineer / Superintendent Vigilance. Seal the cutouts, note down the last readings and inform the consumer. To reconnect the electric supply of the premises after the payment is received (if it is disconnected by Vigilance Department). Note down the reading and inform the consumer. To remove the meter/s in case of non-payment of provisional claim amount & depositing at Vigilance department. To carry out any other work given to him by the superiors. To attend the court cases as and when required. 6.9 MOTOR VEHICLE DRIVER (P1/G-III)

His main job is to drive the departmental vehicle from the place of reporting to the sites, office, police station, courts etc. To maintain the log book of the vehicle and obtain the signature of the user. To check fuel of the vehicle every day. To make the entry in the log book of the fuel consumed. To submit the logbook of the vehicle on 1st of the month to the department for preparing vehicle utilization report. Take the vehicle for monthly servicing to Motor vehicle section, Anik. Fill in the complaint form and to get the faults attended by the M.V. Section, Anik. To get the vehicle clean.


6.10 NAWGHANY (P1/T-1) Their general duties and responsibilities are as follows. To assist the meter inspector in carrying the meters / tools / equipments. To assist in tracing out the direct supply connections. Loading / unloading of the tools / meters / cables or other materials from the vehicle. Cleaning of office / furniture, vehicles etc. To excavate for detecting the un-authorized use of electrical energy. To take the meters to M&Rs sub-store for depositing. To collect the cable / wires removed from the site and bring it to Colaba Depot. To carry out any other work assigned to him by the superiors. To collect the meters from police station after the court matter is over.



Working procedure of Vigilance (Electric Supply) Department

1.0 SCRUTINY OF INFORMATION 1.1 The information received by telephonic complaint and through letters from the general public are required to be scrutinized initially in order to check for the repetition/genuineness of the complaint etc. Normally 20% of the telephonic complaints and 40% of letters from general public are either of repeated nature, fake complaint or the matter not concerned with the Vigilance Department. 1.2 All these information (i.e. telephonic complaints letters from public D.L. from other departments etc., are reviewed by the Supdt.(Vigilance), every day. 2.0 ARRANGING RAIDS 2.1 Every day morning the preliminary inspection/investigation reports are reviewed. The past details regarding consumption pattern sanctioned load of the meter installation data of the meter are collected. This may help in revealing the type of tampering and period of tampering. 2.2 The cases under observation are also discussed in the morning.

2.3 After having convinced that a consumer is tampering with the meter Supdt. (Vig) finalizes the place to be raided. He then takes the concurrence of DEVIG. A complainant and staff of Security Department are then booked for raid. The place to be raided is kept as a secret all the time. 2.4 Dy. Engineer & his crew are then informed about the raid. The concerned officer has to keep a copy of Electricity Act and copy of POWER of ATTORNEYof the complainant and other testing instruments with them. 2.5 Theft of energy detection squad consists of 2 Deputy Engineers, 1 Sub Engineer, one Complainant (of the rank of DYE/Sub Engr) from another Department, 2 Meter Inspectors, one Nawghany and Security Officer and staff.


2.6 Photographs are taken by the Vigilance Crew with the help of Digital Cameras. 2.7 Sometimes more number of officers and staff are booked depending on the circumstances and location of the raid etc. Additional officers are included in the team in consultation with the Divisional Engineer (Vig). 3.0 Detection of theft of energy at service position 3.1 Following are the activities which leads to detection of theft of energy at service position. 3.1.1 Obtaining the key of service cabin and informing the key holder regarding the inspection. 3.1.2 Inspection of the meter/s. 3.1.3 Detection of the theft and confirmation of the concerned consumer / beneficiary. 3.1.4 Calling the consumer/beneficiary at the service position. 3.1.5 Showing the abnormalities to the consumer/his representative and explaining the manner in which the meter is under registering, unmetering as the case may be. 4.0 Calculation of loss to the Undertaking With the co-operation of the consumer, the connected load is noted down and units lost thereby revenue loss is calculated as per the Procedure Order No.147 dated. 31st May 2005 given in Annexure - II. 4.1 The period of the provisional claim is decided by collecting the following information: 4.1.1 Date of installation of meter. 4.1.2 Date of laying of service cable. 4.1.3 Date of possession of the premises by the consumer. 4.2 The period of claim considered is either from the date of installation of meter up to the date of the raid or 2 years where the date of installation of meter is over 2 years as the case may be. 4.3 With the guidelines of the referred Procedure Order, units consumed during the claim period is calculated. 4.3.1 The units billed during the claimed period are then deducted. 4.3.2 Net loss of units are thus calculated.


4.3.3 For calculating the provisional claim, 1.5 times the maximum tariff of the referred category is taken in to account. The tariff rates for different categories are as per Annexure III. 5.0 VIGILANCE CLAIM 5.1 A Claim letter is then handed over to the consumer/beneficiary at site. He is then asked to make the payment as per the instructions laid down under the Procedure Order. 5.2 If the consumer refuses to make the payment, the complainant then proceed to the police station for lodging an FIR/CR. One section of the squad remains at the service position for guarding the evidences of the theft and connected loads. 5.3 At the police station, the complainant submits the complaint in writing to the police officer on duty. The loss of revenue is also informed. 5.4 The Police officer comes to the site and makes Panchnama. Photographs of tampered meter/direct supply is taken in different angles. The tampered meter/direct supply wires are disconnected and deposited with police as Muddemal. 6.5 If the consumer is having more than one meter, the non-tampered meters are also disconnected Removed and brought to the Department. 6.6 Police registers the case as per Section 135/138 of Electricity Act 2003. 7.0 SUBMISSION OF REPORTS 7.1 Case reports are submitted to office by the site Officers. 7.2 An intimation is sent to concerned Commercial and Consumer Departments regarding the Vigilance case. Unless the consumer makes the payment of Vigilance claim amount, reconnection of Supply is given. 7.3 The case is further followed up with the police station by deputing the officers to police station. 7.4 When the cases come up in the court for hearing, the concerned Officers/Staff attend the courts and along with the Public Prosecutor. 7.5 It is the duty of the Department to see that each case is successfully fought in the court and to maintain/handle records/case files of each cases till the matter is cleared by the court and or by the Undertaking's Claims Review Committee and last receipt of balance payment is received.


8.0 INCENTIVE TO OFFICERS/STAFF In order to compensate for the personal risk taken by the Vigilance officers at site and to follow-up for recovery of claim amount, the officers and staff of the Vigilance Department are paid Incentive. 9.0 REVENUE RECOVERED BY THE VIGILANCE (ELECTRIC SUPPLY) DEPARTMENT 9.1 The Department recovers about Rs.3.5 Crores per annum through Vigilance claims against the establishment cost of around Rs.50 Lakhs . 9.2 The Digilance department not only recover the cost of units it also enhances the Undertaking Revenue by preventing further theft of electricity in the area of Supply of BEST Undertaking.


ANNEXURE -II RRR) ESO/ADM.12(A)/176/2005 dtd. 31.05.2005


Sub : Procedure to be followed for theft of energy (Direct supply / Tampered meter) cases by Vigilance (Electric Supply) Department 1.0 The existing procedure order for computation of initial claim in cases of direct supply/tampered meter is covered by procedure order no.127 vide ESO/Adm.12(A)/65/99 dtd.20.2.99. Subsequently, the guidelines were issued vide circular no.ESO/Adm.16/302/2001 dtd.15.11.2001 to lodge the police complaint and recover the claim amounts from the consumers /parties involved in direct supply and tampering of meter cases. 2.0 Under the Electricity Act 2003, the Indian Electricity Act, 1910 and the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948 have been repealed. Also, the Govt.of Maharashtra has notified the MERC (Electricity Supply Code and other Conditions of Supply) Regulations, 2005 on 20.1.05. In view of this, the following procedure shall be adopted, in case of detection of direct supply / tampered meter cases. On detection of direct supply/tampering of energy meter, the Authorized officer not below grade GGV/GGVI (Sub Engineer / DyE) will arrange to take the connected loads of the installations and assess the revenue loss to the Undertaking i.e. Vigilance claim as per the procedure given in annexure `A'. Police protection from the concerned police station shall be obtained as and when required. Photographs of the tampered meter/direct supply shall be taken in the presence of the consumer or his representative. The meter shall be disconnected forthwith and removed. The removed meter along with other material/ equipments, wires, etc. used for tampering/direct supply shall be recovered & sealed in the presence of the consumer/representative. Material thus seized shall be deposited in respective police station as Muddemal


4.0 5.0



The Vigilance claim in Rupees shall be worked out for a period not exceeding two years as per Electricity Supply code (MERC, Regulation, 2005) by multiplying the assessed units lost by 1.5 times the maximum slab of relevant tariff and adding the average of last two years FAC+(ED&MST) as applicable. i.e. Vigilance claim= (Assessed Unit lost) x A; Where, A = (1.5 times the maximum slab of relevant tariff) + Avg.of last two years FAC+(MST & ED) as applicable `A in (6.0) above shall be revised from time to time as and when tariff rates and other components get changed. The Vigilance claim worked out for the loss of electric energy is to be informed to the consumer/occupant/user (hereafter to be called as `party') of the premises, (at site itself), to which, electricity was connected. If the party makes 100% payment of the Vigilance claim amount, the case would be treated as closed and necessary undertaking for closing the case to be taken from the party. The supply restoration be done by connecting new meter and the case file be put up for the approval of AGM(ES)/DGM(ES) for closing the case. In such cases, no legal action would be initiated. If the party agrees to make 100% of Vigilance claim amount, and if they are not in a position to make the payment immediately, in such cases, supply can be restored after receipt of 50% of Vigilance Claim amount and suitable instalment facility not exceeding 3 months can be given by DEVIG for payment of the balance 50% amount. In genuine cases, instalment upto 6 months can be permitted with the approval of AGM(ES)/DGM(ES) and for longer period approval of GM may be obtained.

6.1 6.2



7.2 If the party disputes the Vigilance claim preferred, he can opt for making the payment of 50% of Vigilance claim amount and getting the supply reconnected. The case file would be referred to Claims Review Committee for review of the case. Simultaneously, the Department would lodge the complaint with the Special Court or with the First Class Magistrate(JMFC) of the concerned zone, with the help of retainer Advocate, except in the cases mentioned at 7.4 below. 7.3 In direct supply cases, clearance for installing new meter shall be given to Commercial Divisions after receipt of 50% of Vigilance claim amount.


7.4 Tampered meter cases for residential consumers, where vigilance claim amount is up to Rs.50,000/-, the Undertaking may not lodge the complaint in the Appropriate Court. 7.4.1 In cases of theft of electricity through direct supply without a meter, complaints shall be lodged with the Appropriate Court, if the party is not paying 100% of the claim amount. Also, the direct supply shall be removed in all cases of direct supply. 8.0 Working out of Revised Claim amount by Claims Review Committee: The Review Committee shall revise the unit lost suitably after hearing the consumer, going through the documents submitted, considering the facts of the case etc. depending upon the merits of each case. Once the unit lost is worked out by the Review Committee by giving the credit for already billed units, the revised claim shall also be worked out by using the same formula as at 6.0 above and no slab benefit be given. This is to avoid detailed calculation of bills on month-to-month basis, as being done presently. Also, Review Committee has to restrict the amendment period to maximum two years as per the MERC (Electricity Supply code and other conditions of Supply) Regulations, 2005 and the charging will be at 1.5 times the tariff as per formulas at 6.0 above. In case, any party is not making installment payment, as agreed upon, the action of supply disconnection, meter removal and legal action to be taken by the Vigilance Dept. wherever necessary.


10.0 The compounding/closing of case of theft of electricity/tampered meter as mentioned in para (7.0), is allowed only once. If the offence is detected for a second time or any subsequent occasion, filing complaint with the Court is compulsory, even though the party makes the payment of entire claim amount. 11.0 This supersedes earlier Procedure Order /Circulars regarding detection and further action of theft of electricity. This Procedure will come into force with immediate effect.

Sheet 1 of 2

To accompany Procedure Order No. 147 dtd. 31-05-2005


Sub : Computation of energy Charges in Direct

Supply/Tampered Meter cases

1.0 1.1 1.2

Procedure of calculation of initial claim would be as under: Whenever a direct supply case is detected, the Vigilance (ES) Dept. should confirm the tariff applicable. The Vigilance (ES) Dept. should ascertain the connected load of the installation for which the direct supply is used. If the wattage of any appliance is not available, they should check the current of such appliances with tong testers and determine the wattage. The hour of use of each type of load is given in the table-I. If there is any appliance which is not covered by the table, the Authorized officer should, at his discretion, decide the hours of usage for computation of claim. While working out the estimated claim in direct supply cases, the date of previous meter removal if any or date of construction of the building or date of service cable laid etc. should be taken into consideration. The period taken for Vigilance claim for direct supply cases should either be from the date of removal of old meter, if any or the date of construction of the building up to date of raid or maximum of two years, whichever is less.



1.4.1 Where the period of theft can not be established in cases like hutments and zopdas, it shall be presumed to be six months prior to the date of detection as per clause 8.6 of MERC regulations, 2005. 1.5 While working out the vigilance claim in tampered meter cases, the actual date of installation of meter should be taken into consideration. The period which is considered for vigilance claim in such cases should either be from date of installation of meter up to the date of raid or two years, where the date of replacement / installation of meter is over two years, as the case may be. In case, change of name was effected, date of change of name may be considered. In case of detection of direct supply cases, which are of purely temporary nature involving TS or TSR tariffs, the period for Vigilance claim should be calculated depending upon the nature of use of supply like for marriages, festivals, night matches, 496


temporary welding works, etc. The discretion, to decide the period in such cases, will be used by the Head of the Dept/Authorized officer. 2.0 Multiplying factors as given in the table-II attached should be applied to the category of premises for arriving at the claim amount. 3.0 Tariff applicable for calculating the provisional claim for direct supply and tampered meter shall be 1.5 times the relevant tariff. 4.0 By taking above factors into account, loss of revenue i.e. Vigilance claim shall be worked out as follows: The Vigilance claim in Rupees shall be worked out by multiplying the assessed unit lost by 1.5 times the maximum slab of relevant tariff and adding the average of last two years FAC+(ED &MST) as applicable. i.e. Vigilance claim= (Assessed Unit lost) x A; Where,

A = (1.5 times the maximum slab of relevant tariff) + Avg.of last two years FAC+(MST&ED) as applicable 4.1 The rate `A in para 4.0 shall change from time to time as and when tariff rates or any other factors like MST, ED & FAC changes.


Sheet 2 of 2 TABLE I No. of hours of use to be taken into consideration for various appliances / equipments for calculating initial claim amount in Direct Supply / Tampered Meter cases. GP1, GP2, IND(HV / Hrs. LV) SR TYPE OF APPLIANCES NO S, SN, TS1, CD, C1, SH-1 SH-2 SH-3 TSR, SB H, R C2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 LAMP / TL /TF /CF2 CEILING FAN TABLE FAN IRON GEYSER STOREAGE HEATER STOVE COOKER TOASTER MIXURE AIR CONDITIONER REFRIGERATOR WASHING MACHINE DRYER / SPINNER ELECTRONIC CLOCK RADIO TELEVISION ELECTRIC KETTLE OVEN COOKING RANGE RADIOGRAM TAPE RECORDER WATER COOLER XEROX MACHINE COMPUTER SET EXAUST FAN MOTIVE POWER


12 20 20 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 12 24 4 4 24 16 10 4 4 4 4 4 10 8 4 4 4

16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 24 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

16 16 16 16 4 4 20 20 20 20 16 20 12 12 24 12 20 20 20 4 4 24 12 16 16 12 12 12 12

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 24 12 12 24 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 24 20 20 24 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24



Sr. No. 1 2 3 4

CONSUMERS COVERED UNDER Description R, S Tariff TS , TSR Tariff C1, C2, SN, H, SL, CD, SB Tariff GP1, GP2, IND(HV), IND(LV) Single Shift Double Shift Three Shift

MULTIPLYING FACTOR D.F. 0.8 0.9 0.8 L.F. 0.7 0.9 0.7 M.F. 0.56 0.81 0.56

0.8 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.9 1.2

0.48 0.72 0.96

DF = Demand Factor, LF= Load Factor, MF = Net Multiplying Factor



T&E/Adm-12/R.I.Act/ 1559 /2005. Date : 21st December,2005

Sub: Departmental Manual of Telecommunication & Electronics Division. (Web Edition for information of Public) Ref: AGM(P)/A/66319/2005 dt. 13.12.2005. --Telecommunication & Electronics Division has following sections. a) Administrative Section. b) Radio Workshop & Telephone Section. c) SCADA Section. 1.0 1.1 1.1.1 Administrative Section is divided in two sub sections as General Administration and Billing Section. The activities of the sections are listed below: General Administration Section: This section looks after the works which pertains to Establishment of the division i.e. recruitment, promotion, preparing yearly Budgetary Report, Administrative Report, various Establishment Schedules, Committee Notes, sanction for procurement of furniture, proposals regarding scrapping of various inventory items, payment of various allowances etc. As and when various departments put forth their requirement for additional telephone connections the General Administration Section compiles the requirements and arranges for a Telephone Committee Meeting (TCM). The Telephone Committee consists of following members; i) ii) iii) iv) v) Chief Engineer Electric Supply (Chairman) Chief Engineer Operation, Transp Engg. ( Member) Dy.Chief Engineer Street Lighting (Scretary) Chief Traffic Manager Operation (Member) & Divisional Engineer Telecom & Elects. (Member) 500



Internal Auditor (Member)

The requirement of telephones are discussed in the TCM and the recommendations of the telephone committee are forwarded to the approval of Competent Authority. After the approval of Competent Authority, the required telephones are provided. 1.2 Billing Section: This section looks after payment of bills for telephones installed for various offices and residences of officers. Also the section is dealing with the reimbursement of telephone bills for officers who are eligible for telephone facility. This section also completes the formalities for installation / removal / shifting of telephone lines along with the formalities required for ISDN/Data lines, internet lines etc. Radio Workshop & Telephone Section The activities carried out by this section are as follows ; To arrange to provide / remove MTNL telephones and to install and maintain EPABX Systems (i.e. Exchanges installed in BEST premises viz. Colaba, Dadar, various Depots etc. for MTNL lines) Key Telephone Systems. To procure and co-ordinate the commissioning and maintenance of wireless communication system used by emergency staff of Traffic, Transport, Security and Electric Supply. To maintain public address systems, to repair minor complaints of electronic equipments. To make arrangement for payment of bills for maintenance of telephone exchanges, KTS Systems, Wireless Systems and for inter utility microwave communication system (meant for disaster management). To attend the Public / Internal Staff Telephone calls: For this the Colaba (Electric House) exchange is manned round the clock on all days, whereas Dadar Exchange is manned between 7.00 hrs. to 23.00 hrs. on working days. Basically telephone operators are the only staff of T&E Dept., who deal with electricity consumers residing in old city limit and BEST Bus commuters in Brihan Mumbai areas. The operators forward the telephone calls of Public / Internal Staff to the desired extensions. Electricity off supply complaints are dealt by Fuse Control centers. SCADA Section : SCADA System: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system (SCADA) was first introduced in 1970 for speedy restoration of Electric Supply at receiving Substation level. The system had following features Remote control of switchgear and tap control of power transformers. On demand telemetering. 501

2.0 2.1


2.3 2.4


3.0 3.1


SCADA system in North & Central North Zones: With the introduction of microprocessors in 1980`s the old system was replaced by microprocessor based SCADA system in the year 1989. The system is still in operation for 16 Receiving Substations in North and Central North Zone. In this system communication between Control Centre and various receiving substations is through underground communication cables. The system has remote control and automatic telemetering facility. The system monitors the equipments installed at receiving substations. Any status change of switchgear and alarm is automatically displayed as mimic panels at the control center. The system has data storage capacity at control center. The maintenance of this SCADA System is done departmentally since April, 2001. The communication network is also being maintained departmentally, right from installation. Central South Zone: A new SCADA System has been installed and commissioned for 13 RSS in Central South Zone in Feb., 2004. In this system communication media between Control Center and various RSS is TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) Microwave System. The SCADA System has distributed architecture. On each switchgear an Intelligent Electronic Device (IED) is installed which has digital out puts, digital inputs and analog inputs. All IEDS are connected to a local personal computer (PC). The Charge Engineer can perform ON/OFF operations from the local PC and view analog parameters, status of switchgears, alarms etc. The local Personal Computer is connected to the Control Centre on serial link through microwave. At Control Centre Operators can view the data on work stations and perform required switchgear operations. All vital data is stored in main and hot standby computer system. There is a mosaic type of mimic panel at Control Centre which has discrepancy keys for switchgear operations, digital displays for analog parameters and annunciation windows for various alarms. The SCADA System & Communication System are being maintained by T&E Dept. in co-ordination with the supplier. South Zone: Similar to central south zone a new Scada system has been installed and commissioned for 9 RSS in South Zone in June,2005. For this SCADA System the configuration and communication media is same as Central South Zone. The system is being maintained by Telecommunication & Electronics Division in coordination with the supplier. Intercom System : A dedicated internal communication cable network has been installed and commissioned in the Electric Supply Branch of the Undertaking 502




since long back, which connects various offices of Electric Supply Branch through Underground communication cables. This communication cable network, along with intercom exchanges and telephone instruments installed for this internal communication network, are maintained by T&E Dept. The section also maintains Diesel Generator sets required during disaster management.


The position of officers / staff sanctioned for carrying out the activities of Telecommunication & Electronics Division is as below:
Sr.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Nature of post DE(T&E) Supdt. (T&E) Asst. Engineer Dy. Engr. Electronics Dy. Engr. Electrical Sub. Engineer Ch. Engineer Foreman Asst. Office Supdt. Office Asst. Supervisor Super. (Tel) Clerk Shop-recorder Tel. Operator Sr. Mechanic Mechanic SRC Mechanic Jr. Mechanic Nawghany Jamadar M.V. Driver GRAND TOTAL Grade A-3 A-4 A-5 G/GVI G/GVI G/GV P1/T8 P1/T7 A/GIX A/GVIII A/GVII A/GVII A/GV A/GV A/GV P1/T6 P1/T5 P1/T4 P1/T4 P1/T1 A/GII P3/GII Sanctioned Strength 1 2 2 4 2 9 4 5 2 1 2 2 4 2 15 8 17 4 2 34 1 1 124

Address: Telecommunication & Electronics Division. 5th Flr, Tardeo Bus Station Sankul, R.S.Nimkar Marg, Tardeo, Mumbai 400 008. Tel. No: 23090036.


DEPARTMENTAL MANUAL OF OPERATION & MAINTENANCE (CENTRAL SOUTH) DIVISION Operation & Maintenance Division is responsible for maintaining reliable electric supply to the Consumers in the Central South zone comprising of Municipal wards B, C, majority of D & part of E. The Department is also responsible for carrying out preventive & breakdown maintenance of electricity distribution equipments. There are around 393 employees, 83 officers including 10 A grade officers and around 120 temporary casual labourers in O&M(Central South) division having 9 Receiving Stations including one 110 kV Receiving Station and around 521 Substations. The basic organization setup chart of the division is placed at annexure A.

DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF OFFICERS & STAFF WORKING IN DIFFERENT SECTIONS OF OPERATION & MAINTENANCE (CENTRAL SOUTH) DIVISION Divisional Engineer A3: The Divisional Engineer Maintenance (Central-South) (DEMCS) shall be directly responsible to the Deputy Chief Engineer Distribution South (DCEDS) and is the Chief Executive Officer in-charge of the Operation & Maintenance (Central South) Department. 1) For the convenience of working and to assist DEMCS in carrying out his day to day activities, the department is divided into the following sections. Section 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.1.7 1.1.8 1.1.9 1.1.10 Grade

8 nos. of 33 kV/22 kV RSS manning & maintenance & A4 Special Booking for bandhs, etc. Over 500 Distribution Substations unkeep & maintenance A4 Testing, Isolation & Repair to underground cable faults HV network operations and supply restoration A4 & department stores LV Schemes execution A5 Maintenance of over 900 APDs, 100 SLPs & 40 MPs A5 One no. of EHV (110 kV RSS) manning & maintenance A5 LT network operations & supply restoration A5 System Control working, LV loads & scheme preparation A5 General Administration AGVIII



3) 4) 5)

6) 7) 8)



11) 12)




16) 17) 18) 19)

The primary responsibility of the Divisional Engineer and the Department is for maintaining continuity of supply at the specified voltages/frequency to all consumers within the zone. In case of off supply or breakdown in supply, the DEMCS is responsible for early restoration of supply. The Divisional Engineer has to ensure availability of men and materials for carrying out all departmental works, efficiently. The Divisional Engineer has to ensure that there is proper allocation of jobs to all officers and staff in the department for the smooth functioning and optimization of available resources. He has to ensure proper training of officers and staff (on job) by suitable rotational policy. He has to continuously monitor & evaluate the work and progress of all officers and staff. He has to ensure that all RSS premises and DSS premises are in immaculate condition and they are properly inspected & maintained as per requirement specified in I.E. Rules. He shall constantly endeavour for strengthening of HV & LV networks by replacement of old dilapidated cables, equipments, etc. which may result in disruption of supply for which proper schemes to be initiated in consultation with DEPL(N) or departmentally. He shall ensure proper coordination and built up healthy relationship with sisterconcerns like M.C.G.M., Police, Fire Brigade, TATAs etc., assistance of whom are regularly sought for day to day activities. He shall constantly endeavour for improving the efficiency of the department by exploring new methodology, machinery/technology available from time to time. In addition to his being responsible for the implementation of the procedure laid down in the departmental manual, the Divisional Engineer shall be responsible for the maintenance of all records required by the department. He shall constantly keep under review all the activities of the department and introduce as and when considered necessary, any changes that will materially improve the efficiency of the department. He shall maintain personal contact with his staff at all times and keep their welfare in the foreground to ensure conducive atmosphere for smooth and efficient working of the department. He shall see that expenditure is controlled within the budget amounts. For this purpose, he shall maintain a register in accordance with the General Managers circulars issued from time to time. He shall submit to the Deputy Chief Engineer, not later than 30th April of each year, an Annual Report on the working of his department. He shall also be responsible for efficient operation, maintenance and routine testing of all plant, machinery, etc. in the distribution system. He shall be responsible for inspection of all important works in progress and coordinate with other co-related departments. He shall enforce all regulations, Standing Orders, Safety Rules and other departmental and statutory rules, instructions issued from time to time and



21) 22)


24) 25) 26)


28) 29


periodically inspect all departmental registers, records and activities of the department. He shall ensure that detailed reports of all major interruptions of supply of serious nature or any breakdown of plant or equipment or any other major changes in the System are put to his seniors. He shall be responsible for preparation of annual budget estimates of Capital and Revenue Expenditure and annual report of the department. He shall ensure indenting and stocking of sufficient spare parts for plant and machinery and other items of Stores to maintain continuity of supply and as may be required in course of day to day R&M activity. He shall periodically check-up the stock and stores materials held in the departmental sub-stores from time to time and report cases of loss of property due to theft, fire, civil commotions or any other reason as may be. He shall ensure maintenance an up-to-date inventory of plant, machinery and items of dead stock entrusted to the Operation & Maintenance Dept. He shall maintain staff records and deal with other matters connected with the staff of the department. He shall collect, maintain and submit to the appropriate authorities statistical and other information regarding this department as may be necessary from time to time, including monthly MIS. He shall procure administrative and other appropriate sanctions for jobs to be carried out for outside parties and initiate actions for preparing outdoor bills, etc. in respect of the same. He shall be conducting departmental enquiry as and when directed by the Management. He shall make special arrangements in regards to booking at Receiving Stations and other important installations during abnormal situations like bandhs, strikes, etc. Looking after of jobs of DCE(DS) in his absence.

RECEIVING STATION MANNING & MAINTENANCE SECTION: Superintendent (ES) A4: Responsible for overall manning & maintenance activities pertaining to RSS in Central South zone. 1) 2) 3) 4) Preparation of routine maintenance schedule of RSS equipments like switchgears, transformers, battery system etc. Procurement of minor spares for R&M of RSS through Material Management Department or direct purchase. Co-ordinate with Planning/Project for procurement of spares. Co-ordinate/interact with Project Department for installation/replacement of old equipment/system like Fire Fighting Systems, Battery Charger, Battery, Switchgears etc. Co-ordinate with Building Department for civil works (R&M) of our RSS.



6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23)

Ensure the upkeep of all RSS. Scrutinise monthly statements like Incentive Bonus, Field Duty and other statements. Periodic inspection of RSS premises. Issue of Annual/Monthly Maintenance Certificate for maintenance carried out by contractor for Fire Fighting Systems. Ensure proper manning of RSS premises round the clock by nawghany and atleast in one shift by Charge Engineer for upkeep, monitoring etc. Ensure the availability of monthly/annual peak loads of the RSS to Project Department for forward planning. Assist/brief DEMCS in all matters related to RSS activities like preparation of monthly MIS. To guide Deputy Engineers/Sub Engineers working with RSS in the course of their day to day working. Maintaining progress sheets of all officers/staff in RSS. Preparation of emergency booking list for special booking at our RSS during Bandh/Agitation etc. Periodically inform management in regards to any major events at RSS specially in regards to major breakdown of equipments and off supply. After studying the network and load condition, give concurrence for outages to Tatas work or work pertaining to other departments like Construction, M&R etc. Analysis of fault data. Overall management of 110 kV RSS. To arrange to attend breakdown in RSS equipment. To arrange for tripping investigation and testing of RSS equipments. To arrange for electrical inspection of equipments in RSS by electrical inspector. Monitoring the performance of SCADA System and reporting defect to DET&E.

STATIC SECTION Superintendent (ES) A4: Overall in-charge of inspection, maintenance, & repairs of Distribution Substations in Central South zone. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Maintaining discipline in the section. Assisting Divisional Engineer for preparation of M.I.S. and providing information to management. Co-ordinating with Building Department for attending civil complaints pertaining to DSS. Co-ordinating with other departments and sections for smooth functioning. Interacting with outside parties regarding complaints pertaining to DSS. Conducting departmental enquiries. Guiding Dy. Engrs. and other staff in day to day activities.


8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18)

Preparation of maintenance schedule. Preparation of duty roaster for concerned staff. Analysis of breakdown events, maintenance schedule etc. for system improvement. Looking after other sections in absence of concerned Asst. Engr./Supdt. (E.S.) Attending meeting with local authorities. Ensuring man and materials for day to day activities. Implementation and assessing the performance of new material and methods for system improvement. Liasion with Electrical Inspector. Assessment of the performance of subordinates. Preparation of various reports. Taking over/handing over of substation sites/new substations.


Superintendent (E.S.) A4:

Overall incharge of testing & permanent repairs section of Central South zone. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) Maintaining discipline in the section. Preparation of duty roaster for concerned staff. Ensuring man and material for day to day activities. Looking after other section in the absence of concerned Asst. Engr./Supdt. Engr. Assisting Divisional Engineer for preparation of MIS and providing information to management. Co-ordinating with MCGM and Traffic Police Department for necessary permission for the excavation & permanent repairs of the faults. Co-ordinating with other department and section for smooth functioning. Interacting with outside parties regarding their off supply complaints. Conducting departmental inquiries. Guiding Dy. Engr. and other staff in day to day activities. Attending meeting with local authorities. Implementing and assessing the performance of new material and methods for system improvement. Preparation of various reports. Ensuring the healthiness of testing equipments. Attending to Supply Branch Stores meeting.



Superintendent (E.S.) A4:

Overall responsibility of E.H.V. & H.V. network management in Central South zone.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

6) 7) 8)


10) 11) 12) 13) 14)

15) 16) 17) 18)

Giving guidance to Fault Engineers & managing quick E.H.V./H.V. supply restoration, in case of failures of supply. Corresponding with Project & Planning Department for preparation of E.H.V. & H.V. scheme. Giving comments on E.H.V. & H.V. schemes prepared by Project & Planning Department. Attending meetings with Sr. Officers of Supply Branch. Assisting the Divisional Engineer in respect of H.V. network design, commissioning, operation & maintenance of E.H.V. & H.V. network systems & getting approval of DGM(ES). Drafting reply to the queries raised by the H.V. consumers & VIPs and management in respect of interruption of E.H.V. & H.V. supply. Liasioning with TATAs for reliability of EHV & HV supply or in case of major failures and outages. To ensure that the operating instructions issued in Electricity Safety Code and departmental instructions are properly adhered by Fault Engineer & staff, while carrying out the work on live or dead equipment. To ensure that the requirement of Indian Electricity Act, Rules and the circular & procedure order issued by DGM(ES) from time to time are adhered & followed by the Fault Engineers & Staff in respect of EHV & HV network management. Stores & tender recommendation of the material consumed by O&M(CS) zone. Overall in-charge of sub-stores at Pathakwadi. Attending to monthly stores meetings & revision of specification meeting called by Project & Planning Department. Scrutiny & recommendation of tender received by store department for Central South zone. Preparing & sending performance report of the newly introduced plants & equipments in the O&M(CS) Department to Stores, Project & Planning Department. To assist Divisional Engineer O&M(CS) in respect of all the matters pertaining material & stores. Overall in-charge of computers & computerization of O&M(CS) Department. To explore the possibilities of application of new engineering & non-engineering software to be used in the department. Upgradation & modernization of existing computer systems in the department.



20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29)


31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40) 41)

To study the new software & hardware coming in the market from the point of view of Operation & Maintenance of power system & to arrange for demonstration & to obtain for management sanction for procurement of same. To monitor the maintenance of computers by the contractor & to manage the allotment time of computers to be used by various sections in the department. To assist the Divisional Engineer in respect of the computerization of the department. To manage the R&D cell in the Department. Studying the various faults occurring in the LV, HV & EHV network, its instruments, equipments, cables etc. Analysing the data of faults occurred & to draw conclusions. Suggesting the remedial actions or improvement to reduce the faults or to reduce recurrence of the same. Obtaining sanction of the management to implement the measure suggested & to procure the new equipments to be introduced in the system. To observe the performance of the newly introduced equipments, instruments & make the same as regular procedure after obtaining sanction. To liaison with MCGM & other Govt. Authorities like Railway, P.W.D. for permission to attend to faults occurring in the system. To assist Divisional Engineer for preparation of schedules for special duty or standby duties requested by Police, P.W.D., State Govt. or Central Govt. Authorities due to VIPs moments on special occasion etc. To assist the Divisional Engineer to look after his duties and responsibilities whenever he is away from the department for important meetings for departmental job. To supervise the important jobs concerning EHV, HV network management & to submit reports to the Divisional Engineer. Techno Administrative jobs. To conduct departmental enquiries. To maintain discipline among the officers & staff of H.V. network section & to conduct investigation if required & submit the report to DEMCS. Assisting Divisional Engineer for preparation of MIS and providing data & information to management. Looking after other sections in the absence or leave taken by an Asst. Engr./Supdt. Supply. Looking after the Divisional Engineer work in his absence or whenever on leave. Scrutinize and approve incentive bonus statement and field duty allowance of the officers & staff of H.V. section. To prepare evaluation report & confidential reports of the officers & staff of the H.V. Section. To prepare emergency booking of officers & staff in case of strikes & emergencies. To train & guide the H.V. Section officers & staff in performance of their duties.


LV SUPPLY RESTORATION SECTION: Assistant Engineer A5: Overall responsibility of L.V. restoration & L.V. network management in Central South zone. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) The Assistant Engineer shall generally assist the Divisional Engineer in the discharges of their duties as Divisional Engineer. Assistant Engineer shall be responsible of all matters technically or otherwise all works connected L.V. Supply Restoration. He shall give approval for the outages of equipments as per schedule of other sections or other divisions. He shall personally inspect and supervise all important works in progress. He shall be responsible for restoration of L.V. supply and guide the staff in case of major breakdown of L.V. network. He shall see and ensure records of loads, load of distribution transformer, distributors, service cables etc. are maintained. He shall report cases of overloads and take appropriate actions for relief. He shall periodically check up the daily report register, attendance register of staff, load sheets of L.V. networks etc. He shall plan and arrange to indent or recoup materials required for the section. He shall maintain discipline and efficiency in all groups and staff under him, investigate reports of irregularities by staff and make suitable reports and recommendations to the Divisional Engineer. He shall allocate & direct appropriate staff to carry out particular day to day assignment in the execution of above duties. He shall suggest the scheme and any other measures for improvement of the functioning of the department. He shall further ensure that the operating instructions issued in the electricity safety code and other departmental instructions are properly understood and followed up by the staff under them by carrying out the work on live and dead equipments. The requirements of Indian Electricity Act and Rules and also any other statutory provisions applicable as far as their duties and operations are concerned adhered to. He shall collect, maintain and submit the statistical data & other information regarding L.V. Supply Restoration Section as may be necessary from time to time. He shall submit monthly MIS report of the section to the Divisional Engineer. He shall submit monthly CA & overtime statement of all the staff working under him to the Divisional Engineer. He shall give comment on prepared L.V. schemes by other sections and planning department. To work as super controller in system control during monsoon season.

11) 12) 13)


15) 16) 17) 18)


L.V. LOADS AND SCHEME PREPARATION SECTION: Assistant Engineer A5: Overall responsibility of L.V. Loads, L.V. Scheme preparation in Central South zone. 1) 2) 3) 4) Overall in-charge of LV loads section, scheme preparation section and system control. To assist the Divisional Engineer. Ensure that updated Peak Load Sheet is prepared every year & forwarded to all concerned section incharge including DGMES. Study and analyze the proposals of various fault situations & suggest schemes or any other measures for improvement of functioning of the division under R&D with consent of Divisional Engineer. To inform concerned section in-charge for remedial action to be taken in case of core burnt cases, unequal load sharing of Transformer, overloaded distributors/transformers etc. which are observed while taking load by staff. Preparation of LV/HV schemes departmentally for replacement of old weak cables, reducing number of services on distributor. Diversion of cables in case of road widening. Diversion of cables for outside parties/MCGM authorities (chargeables jobs). To take approval of schemes from Divisional Engineers and sanctioning from DCE(DS) for departmental schemes. Preparation of cost sheet/estimate for chargeable jobs. To guide Dy.Engr./Sub Engr. in day to day work. Maintain discipline and efficiency of all officers and staff, investigate reports of irregularities by staff and make suitable reports and recommendations to the Divisional Engineer. Checking & certification of O.T./C.A & Meal Allowances of officers & staff. To give reports of abnormalities worked out while analyzing loads of LV network to the Divisional Engineer. Looking after other sections in absence of concerned A grade officer. To work as super controller in system control during monsoon season. Ensure proper records of Message Register, Fault Register, Fire Message Book & Tatas General Message etc. Ensure the healthiness of communication equipments.



7) 8) 9) 10)

11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16)

PILLAR MAINTENANCE SECTION : Assistant Engineer A5: 1) 2) 3) Overall incharge of Pillar Maintenance Section. Maintain discipline in the section Prepare detailed programs of Pillar Maintenance Section.


4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20)

Submit report of section to the Divisional Engineer. Co-ordinate with other department or section for smooth functioning. Co-ordinate with MCGB, Traffic for permission of excavation for laying cable and erecting pillar. Interact with outside parties regarding their complaints. Conduct departmental inquiries. Guide Deputy Engineer and other staff in day to day activity. Look after other sections in absence of concerned Assistant Engineers/separated Engineers. Attend meeting with local authorities. Prepare the annual performance report. Visit the site in case of major work and guide staff. Check and certify the O.T/C.A and meal allowance of officers and staff. Manning of vehicles for department and preparation of monthly report of vehicle utilization. Co-ordinate with Motor Vehicle Department Anik for maintenance of all vehicles of department. Carry out service position, inspection & maintenance independently. Co-ordinate with Commercial Department to carry out potheading & relaying of services in the events of demolition & re-construction of buildings. Carry out upgradation of services from 2 Core to 4 Core wherever necessary. To work as super controller in system control during monsoon season.

SCHEME EXECUTION SECTION : Assistant Engineer (A5): Overall responsibility of execution of schemes in Central South zone. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) Overall incharge of execution of schemes, prepared departmentally. Execution of sanctioned schemes after obtaining excavation permissions from concerned authorities. Maintain discipline in the section. Co-ordinate with other departments and sections for smooth execution of schemes in common excavation etc. Co-ordinate with MCGB, Traffic for permission of excavation for laying cables. Interact with outside parties regarding their complaints. Conduct departmental inquiries. Guide Dy. Engineers and other staff in day to day activity. Lock after other sections in absence of concerned A grade officer. Attend meeting with local authorities. Prepare the annual performance report. Visit the site in case of major breakdown and guide staff. Check and certify the O.T./C.A. and meal allowance of officers and staff. To work as Super Controller in system control during monsoon season. To repair underground cable faults during monsoon.


16) 17) 18)

Inspection and maintenance of service positions. Intimation of monthly data regarding execution of schemes to the concerned authorities. Upgrading of service cables.

110 kV KHETWADI RECEIVING STATION, MANNING & MAINTENANCE SECTION: Assistant Engineer A5: Overall responsible for all manning & maintenance activities, pertaining to 110 kV RSS at Khetwadi Receiving Station. 1) 2) 3) 4) Preparation of routine maintenance schedule of RSS equipments like O/H of switchgears, Oil filtering, Battery systems etc. Procurement of minor spares for RSS R&M from Material Management Department. Co-ordinate with Planning/Project Department for procurement of spares. Co-ordinate/interact with Project Department for installation/replacement of old equipment/systems like Fire Fighting System, Battery Charger, Battery, Switchgear etc. Co-ordinate with Building Department for civil works (R&M) of our RSS. Ensure the upkeep of entire RSS. Daily inspection of RSS premises. Issue of Annual Maintenance Certificate to annual maintenance contractor for Fire Fighting Systems. Ensure proper manning of RSS premises round the clock by nawghany and atleast in each shift by Sub Engineer and Charge Engineer for upkeep, monitoring, etc. Ensure the availability of monthly/annual peak loads of the RSS to Project Department for forward planning. To coach and guide Charge Engineers/Sub Engineers working with RSS in the course of their day to day working. Periodically inform management in regards to any major events at RSS specially in regards to major breakdown of equipments and off supply. After inspection of loads/load conditions, clearances to be given for outages for Tatas work or work pertaining to other departments like Construction, M&R, O&M(CN) for Bombay Central and Nair Hospital 33 kV RSSs. To work as super controller in system control during monsoon season.

5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13)


SYSTEM CONTROL (SUPER CONTROLLER) SECTION: Assistant Engineer A5: Overall responsibility of system control during monsoon season. in Central South zone.


1) 2) 3) 4)

5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Overall incharge of System Control. To assist the Divisional Engineer. Ensure proper communication among all sections of division, through System Control in day to day work to keep reliable electric supply to the consumers. To convey details of major off supply and progress of restoration involving EHV feeders, power transformers, bus sections, VVIP consumers & hospitals etc. to higher authorities including DGM(ES). To guide Dy. Engineers/Dy.Ch. Engineers in day to day work. Ensure proper records of Message Register, Fault Register, fire message book, TATAs General Message etc. To submit monthly reports of faults to the Divisional Engineer. Check & certify C.A./O.T. & meal allowance of officers & staff. Ensure the healthiness of all communication equipments. Ensure the functioning of SCADA system.

ADMINISTRATION SECTION: Office Assistant : A/G-VIII Office Assistant is responsible for the administrative work of the department and working directly under Divisional Engineer. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) Maintain discipline of the administrative staff. Maintaining service record files of the officers & staff of the department. Preparation of Annual Confidential Report Forms of the officers of the department. Drafting of letters & look after general correspondence. Overall control on Inward & Outward dispatch. To assist DEMCS in preparation of monsoon, fair & extended fair season proposals. To assist DEMCS in preparation of Establishment Schedule of the department. To assist DEMCS in preparation of budget estimate. Incharge of imprest cash of the department. Checking of imprest cash bills, medical reimbursement bills, substation lease rent bills, property tax bills, electrical inspectors visit fees bills. Put up cases to Dy.LO(ES) for disciplinary action of the staff. Checking of absentee memos of A & B grade officers. To check statements of overtime, field duty allowance, incentive bonus, meal allowance, compensatory allowance which are sent for payment. To check the documents for caste validity certificates & send the same to the respective authority and keep the record of the same. To check & sign the identification notes for payments for the officers & staff. To check the credit society loan forms & provident fund loan forms.


Supervisor Establishment : A/G-VII Supervisor is overall incharge of the establishment of the department. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) To supervise the administrative staff of the department. To maintain the S.R. files of staff, A & B grade officers. To initiate taking over notes of permanent & temporary staff/officers. To initiate reversion advices of the temporary staff and other establishment matters with the help of Establishment Clerk. To send monthly and quarterly statements to various departments. To assist OA to prepare CR forms of all officers. To assist OA to prepare the establishment variation schedule. To assist OA in preparation of Budget estimate. To assist OA to co-ordinate and follow up various matters. To supervise the department during OAs absence.

Stenographer (English): A/G-V 1) 2) 3) 4) To take dictation and transcribe it on a typewriter and give the required copies as per priority. To make the necessary corrections as made in the draft copy and give its printed copy again. To type any written note given by any officer of the department as required. To cut stencils according to instructions.

The overall administration work of the department is divided among the Clerk, Clerk-cum-Typist & Shop Recorders. Clerk-cum-Typist is also responsible for English & Marathi typing work of the department. The administration work of the department is as below: Clerk, Clerk-cum-Typist, Shop Recorder: A/G-V Establishment work: 1) 2) 3) 4) To look after the permanent and temporary establishment of staff and officers. To send monthly permanent, temporary & other statements pertaining to the establishment. Maintaining of service record files and file the relevant papers of staff & officers in their files. To send note for disciplinary action to Dy. LOES of the staff of the department.


5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

To send statements of quarterly reports of reserved categories to employment exchange. To initiate promotion and reversion note of staff and officers. To maintain the record of permanent and temporary staff. To take follow up regarding caste validity certificates & maintenance records. To prepare & maintain records of scholarships. To prepare medical reimbursement bills.

Substation work: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) To keep record of lease agreement of around 521 substations. To follow up of lapsed lease agreement of substation. To file the substation papers. To maintain record of lease rent & property tax paid for all the substations. To prepare bills of transport or equipments hired. To maintain registers of new substations. Preparation of bills for work done for outside parties and maintaining its record. Prepare energy meter reading statements of 9 Receiving Stations & send to DEMS for billing purpose.

Attendance work: 1) 2) 3) 4) Send monthly absentee memo of A & B grade officers. To maintain leave record in the attendance register of staff and officers. To dispatch leave forms, LTA/Encashment forms of staff & officers to STK/DIA To prepare Sunday/Holiday working of staff for sanction and thereafter send zerox copies of the same to respective Time Keeping Department of the staff for making the payment. To prepare identification note of staff & officers for LTA, Encashment, PF loan payment. To send monthly unpaid cards to Time Keeping Department.

5) 6)

Overtime & Allowances work: 1) 2) 3) 4) To prepare statement of hazardous allowance, excavation allowance, field duty allowance of all the staff. To prepare statements of incentive bonus. To prepare Overtime statement of the department. To maintain record of inventory.

Dispatch work: 1) 2) To make inward dispatch entry in incoming register. To make outward dispatch entry in outgoing register and scrutinize outgoing papers.



Preparation of budget estimates & maintain its records and maintain register pertaining to budget control.

Stationery & Misc. work: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) To prepare the meal allowance statement of all the sections of the department. To recoup stationery as per requirement and maintain its record. To issue stationery to all the sections as per their requirement and maintain its record. To maintain the record of deputation, training of SSA and Probationary Engineers of the department. To send the monthly deputation statements of officers of the departemnt. To maintain record of briefcase particulars of staff/officers and put up for the sanction & payment. To write Purchase Forms & maintain its records.

Sub-Stores work: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Procurement of materials from Kussara Stores required for R&M work of the department. To issue materials in the stores. Issue day to day material to all sections against Despatch Note. Maintain inventory of 392 items required for work carried out by department. Issue monthly Khadi cloth/soap to T-7 & all officers. Issue lockers to the staff & maintain record. Issue & maintain record of tools issued to staff against permanent gatepass. To keep proper stock level & store material in proper manner to avoid wastage/damage. To prepare statements such as monthly, yearly fair/monsoon requirement/consumption. Fill up purchase forms of material, equipments required for sub-store & Static-II Section & arrange to procure the same. Maintain register of Tender files & papers. To work on Sunday/Holiday in the stores in rotation with other Shop Recorders.

Casual Labour work: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) To prepare attendance register from job sheets of casual labourers. To prepare payment sheet of casual labourers. To get the attendance register and payment sheet of casual labourers audited. To prepare attendance statement, identification slips, balance payment statement of casual labourers. To perform payment duty for payment of wages to the casual labourers. To issue/maintain record of imprest cash. To prepare bills of imprest cash and recoup the same.


Clothing & Bills work: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) To issue clothing, jersey to the staff. To prepare requisition for raincoat, gumboots etc. & issue to the staff. To recoup clothing and jersey as per the requirement and maintain its record. To send statements for payment of stitching allowance and washing allowance. To prepare and issue grain requisition and maintain its record. To prepare reinstatement bills & property tax bills.

Sepoy: A/G-I:1) 2) 3) 4) 5) To clean the tables of A grade officers and of the administrative office. To attend the bell of all A grade officers and OA. To remove dispatch from the out tray of all A grade officers cabin. To remove dispatch from the pigeon rack on the dispatch table and accordingly give it to the concerned sections or put in concerned officers inward tray. To take the dispatch to Head Office at Colaba or other BEST office premises and give the dispatch to the concerned departments and take their acknowledgment on the dispatch register. To bring papers, file etc. as required by the Officers or office staff and file papers as instructed by them. To do any other office work delegated by Officers, Office Assistant and office Supervisor, office staff i.e. filing of papers, cleaning table, bringing water for drinking, Xeroxing of papers etc.

6) 7)

Liftman: A/G-I:1) 2) 3) To sit in the lift and attend to the staff/officers/public. To inform the service contractor/OAMCS if the lifts are defective. To follow up with service contractor to get the lift repaired.

SYSTEM CONTROL : Deputy Engineer G/GVI: 1) 2) To report to duty round the clock as per the roaster. To attend telephone and receive general as well as fault messages, fire, shock messages fatal and non-fatal accidents related to B.E.S.T. Electric Supply network and for preliminary analysis direct the Fault Engineers or Mains Engineer or tower wagon to proceed to the place. Keep in constant touch with those attending the off supply. Deciding priority of off supply messages, shock, fire & accident resp. Keep the officers of the concern section inform regarding off supplies. In case of urgent fault messages, he shall inform Fault Engineer/Sub Engineer on wireless to restore electric supply quickly. (a) Watch the smooth functioning of related RSS/DSS equipments. (b) Carry out necessary SW/IN, SW/OUT operation on SCADA. (c) Direct fault operations and instruct staff on fault duty.

3) 4) 5)




8) 9)


11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16)

17) 18) 19) 20)

Check & convey the daily report of both South and Central South zone in evening and morning shift which are prepared by Assistant Controller to the higher authorities from A-5 upto DGM(ES). Receive the non-fatal and fatal accident message and convey them to concern officers i.e. Welfare Officers, Medical Officers, Electrical Inspector of P.W.D. & also inform Bus control/Traffic control to make arrangement of cash for the treatment of injured person. Maintain proper records of off supply register, fire message register, Tatas general message and reading book, etc. Receive the messages of VVIPs visit from P.W.D. Electrical Department and convey them to concern officers and ensure necessary arrangement & monitoring standby arrangement round the clock to maintain uninterrupted electric supply. Lodge important messages received from the Fault Engineer, Mains Engineer and various officers and supervisors, those who are working to give uninterrupted electric supply to the consumers and report them to the concern section incharge and staff personally through telephone for necessary action. Guide the Charge Engineers at various RSS in case of breakdown or in other difficulties. Maintain upto date records of EHV/HV faults and also St. Light messages attended by St. Lighting Department. Arrange for stand by staff in case of emergency reported at various RSS and also take appropriate action in case of unusual incidents. Ensure VHF sets working satisfactorily. Note down and convey telephone complaints/fax machine complaints to the staff concerned and get the complaints attended. Note down and convey vehicle breakdown messages to Bus Control and get the complaint attended. The telephone complaint of Officers to be given to concern section and get them attended, also complaints of DSS/RSS convey to Building Department and get them attended. Prepare roaster of staff working under him & make substitute arrangement in case of shortfall/leave of staff. Check and certify overtime and meal allowance of the staff. Imparting on job training to Prob. Engineers, SSAs, Technical Assistants etc. In case of any disaster, to assist Fault Engineers, Mains Engineers, monitor the progress & convey the messages to higher authorities and local corporators & VIPs.

FAULT ENGINEER SECTION : Fault Engineer G/GVI: 1) Restoration of H.V. supply in case of interruption due to faults in transformer, busbar, switchgear, C.T., V.T., and relay underground cables. Restoration of H.V supply due to circuit breaker tripping caused by faulty consumer installations, overloads, incipient faults etc.



3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18)

19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24)

Reporting about overloaded transformer and feeder in critical load condition and arranging load relief. Isolating faulty transformer in substation and restore the LV supply or promptly informing the Mains Engineer to restore supply by L.V. network changes. Taking appropriate action in emergency situations, such as fires, accidents, natural calamities blackouts, etc. Issuing of permit to work to H.V. equipments after making them deed and grounded as and when required for maintenance/installation work. Arranging load transfer for following preventive maintenance jobs and issuing of Permit to work. Switchgear overhauling and busbar cleaning at distribution substation. Receiving substation feeders and transformer outages. Receiving substation busbar shutdowns. Relay testing. Substation feeders and transformers outages for other departments like Erection, Construction etc. Outages asked by M/s. TATA. Phasing out, charging and taking on load of newly established/installed/repaired E.H.V./H.V. feeders and transformers and other equipments. To take newly installed RSS/Sub-station feeder/Transformer into service. Checking of peak day and evening loads in the H.V./E.H.V. network. Writing fault reports and investigation reports. Checking and ensuring that recording instruments temporarily installed in substations and receiving stations for special reason, are working properly whenever required. Imparting on the job training to other Engineers. Providing emergency transport for departments work. Re-arranging network and update H.V. network diagram accordingly. To upkeep instruments and safety equipments kept in the FECSs vehicle. To prepare statements for MIS/incentive scheme, field duty allowance etc. To prepare meal allowance and O.T. statement of employees working in the section.

SCHEME EXECUTION SECTION : Deputy Engineer G/GVI: 1) Plan the daily work and work allocation of staff under working such as Sub Engineer, Deputy Charge Engineers, Jointers, Muccadam, Mason, Nawghanies and Casual Labourers. Inspect the site before starting the work and give intimation to the concerned ward offices and take necessary permission from Municipal Corporation and after completion of the work, reinstatement of excavation statement is to be prepared from Supervisor or Dy.Ch. Engineer and forwarding to the concerned ward of MCGM office for surfacing the excavated portion and also co-ordinate with MCGM while taking excavation.




4) 5)

6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20)

Ensure that office register, files related to work such as excavation report, service position inspection report, replacement of cutout and cutout boards, service upgradation record and accident report, and all important document related to the section are properly maintained and upgraded from time to time. Prepare daily work completion report, monthly report, MIS and also annual report, incentive statement, field duty and power loss allowance. Indent material required for job execution and credit unserviceable, excess material to store. Also scrap the cables which are removed from the site after its useful life is completed. Fill and forward the accident form in case of the accident. Prepare estimate cost for chargeable job and certify the bill received from MCGM in respect of road reinstatement work. Write departmental letters regarding execution of work, shortage of materials, staff report, regarding damages of undertakings property, theft report etc. Execute the sanctioned schemes. Open and close of location codes for schemes to be executed. Maintain the Attendance Book and O.T. Book, Field Duty Allowance for staff working under scheme section. Upgrade the service from 2C to 4C. Install capacitor in DSS & replace defective capacitors in DSS. Assist Repair Section for permanent repair of F/F, D/F, C/S/F and S/F in monsoon season. Prepare Annual Performance report of staff under working in Scheme Section. Sign the gate pass of material which are required for scheme execution job. Procurement of required material for R & M activities. Introduced system improvements methods and provide various informations regarding the section to superiors. Arrange the scheme execution job with minimum adequate man power and materials. Guide the staff working under him.

SCHEME PREPARATION SECTION : Deputy Engineer G/GVI: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Prepare LV schemes to reduce overload on distributors and reduce number of services on distributor and to strengthen LV network. Prepare the estimate for cable damaged by other utilities and private parties. Visit the site for checking the feasibility of laying cables and installation of pillars before preparation of the scheme. Study the proposals in the intimated/proposed schemes by Planning Department before preparation of schemes. Arrange the peak load of network before preparation of scheme. Study and analysis of repeated fuse blown messages and faults in the network. Ensure that updated Peak Load Sheet is prepared every year & forwarded to all concerned section incharge including DGMES.


8) 9) 10) 11)


13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19)

To ensure to update Peak Load Sheet (approx. 164 nos.) in computer. To prepare schedules of load taking programme for Summer/October heat and festive occasions i.e. Ganpati, Diwali, Ramzan etc. Ensure updating changes of L.V. network in day to day basis. To inform concerned section incharges for immediate remedial action required to be taken in case of core burnt cases, unequal load sharing, overloaded distributors/transformers etc. which are observed while taking the loads by the staff working under him. Study and analyze fuse blown cases, distributor faults, service faults, cutout failures etc. Suggest suitable schemes to remove overload in distributors, to reduce no. of services on distributors & to strengthen the LV network. To inspect various sites to prepare schemes, analyze the various fault situations, verify loads etc. Ensure peak load register, fuse blown register, scheme register, attendance register, booking register are properly maintained. To assist section in-charge for preparation of various reports such as monthly, annual performance report etc. To ensure tools such as tong tester, torch are properly maintained Imparting on job training to Engineers, SSAs & Technical Apprentices etc. Informing Commercial & Planning Department regarding overloaded service, distributor & transformers. Rearrange the L.V. network, interchange of units on LVB/ADP for flexibility of L.V. network with the help of other sections.

STATIC SECTION : Deputy Engineer G/GVI: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) Overall supervision of day-today activities of the section. Scheduling the jobs and co-ordinating with other section. To recommend leave form, LTA forms, leave encashment forms etc. To allocate the jobs. To sign the gate passes/requisition etc. To carry out sub-station visits. Co-ordinating with private parties & MCGM regarding sub-station complaints. Co-ordinating with Accounts Department & Legal Department regarding Lease Rent payment & renewal of lease agreement of DSS respectively. Co-ordinating with Civil Department regarding various types of civil complaints pertaining to DSS. To co-ordinate with the Electrical Inspector for annual inspection of DSS and specific inspection for new DSS and replacement of equipments. Procurement of required material for R&M activities. To upkeep the records pertaining to section in the register and computer. To prepare incentive statements, MIS reports, field duty and power loss allowance, electrical inspection reports, civil complaints reports.


14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21)

To report hospitalization/accident/sickness of staff on duty to all concerned. Supervision and repairs to all major breakdowns in DSS. Supervision for carrying out preventive maintenance of equipments in DSS. Testing of Transformer and tripping investigation of Transformer/feeder. Providing of various information regarding the section to superiors. Follow up with MV section regarding maintenance of vehicles. Enforce discipline in the section. Analysis of breakdown and to introduce system improvement methods.

RSS SECTION : Deputy Engineer G/GVI: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Prepare monthly roster for RSS manning of Charge Engineer/Nawghanies. Prepare routine maintenance schedule of RSS equipment (monthly/annual). Arrange to collect materials from Kussara Stores. Maintain inventory of spares and initiate procurement of the same. Monitor attendance of staff at RSS. Maintaining records and clearance of leave forms, L.T.A., Encashment forms, etc. Assimilate the basic data for monthly peak loads from all RSS. Periodic inspection of RSS (includes inspection of individual equipment). Take up breakdown maintenance activities of Battery charger complaint OLTC, Primary/Secondary breaker, Bus section complaints. D.C. leakage complaints Coordinate man/material to carry out breakdown maintenance. Prepare monthly statements on Field Duty, Hazardous Allowance, Sunday working, energy consumption, MIS of RSS, OT statements, Compensatory Allowance statements, etc. To supervise and guide Sub Engineers, Fitter gangs and all other staff working under them in course of their day to day working. Assist the Supdt. Incharge of RSS for all information, data, etc. in regards to RSS manning & maintenance. Preparation of annual/monthly maintenance certificates. Coordination with Fault Engineers, Sy. Controller in regards to outages at RSS. Report abnormalities immediately to Sy. Control and higher authorities. Maintaining history books, data sheets, computerized data of RSS. Follow up with Building Department for RSS, civil work and complaints. Carry out tripping investigation along with M&R Department personnel. Testing of transformer & other equipments for ascertaining its healthiness. Testing & maintaining AFF systems of all RSS by fitter gang or by Annual Maintenance Contractor. Maintaining of SCADA systems & reporting of performance. Enforcing discipline amongst staff and junior officers. To co-ordinate with the Electrical Inspector for annual inspection of RSS and specific inspection for new RSS and replacement of equipments.

10) 11)

12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24)




Deputy Engineer G/GVI: 1) Plan the daily work and work allocation of staff under working, such as Charge Engineer, Jointers, Muccadams, Masons, Painters, Fitters, Cleaners, Nawghanies and Casual Labours. 2) Inspect site before starting the work and after completion of the work, reinstatement of excavation statement is to be prepared from Supervisor of Charge Engineer and forwarding to the concern Ware Officer of Municipal Corporation for surfacing the excavated portion. Before starting the work giving information to Ward Officer of Municipal Corporation and taking permission from him. 3) Ensure that office register, attendance register, files related to work such as history of pillars, painting of pillars, cleaning of pillars, service position, inspection report, replacement of cut-outs and cut-out boards, service upgradation record, maintenance of pillar done record, damaged pillars report and records, accident report, painting contractor file and all important documents related to our section are properly maintained and update time to time. 4) Prepare daily work completion report, monthly report called MIS. 5) Indent material required for job execution and credit unserviceable excess material return to store also scrap the pillar which is removed from the site after its life is completed. Inspect the material which is supplied for Pillar Maintenance works. 6) Fill and forward the accident form in case of accident. 7) Sanction leave forms of staff, which is already signed by Deputy Charge Engineer 8) Prepare estimate cost for chargeable job and certify the bill received from Municipal Corporation in respect of road reinstatement work. 9) Write Internal Department Letters regarding Execution of work, storage of material, staff reports regarding damages of Undertaking property, Theft Report etc. 10) Perform H.V./L.V. work in connection with replacement of pillar or permanent repair of cable faults and for other maintenance work of pillars. 11) Guide staff under work him in any problem or any difficulties in work. TESTING & PERMANENT REPAIRS SECTION: a) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Deputy Engineer (Testing) G/GVI: To prepare roster of staff & officers in testing section. To maintain different registers for smooth working of the section. To test L.V. cable faults. To test H.V. cable faults. To identify LV & HV cables & cable routs. Pressure testing of HV cables & switchgears in the DSS & RSS.



8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) b) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

To carry out preventive maintenance & servicing of testing vehicle through the maintenance contractor time to time and to send service certificate to Materials Management Department. In case of failure or damage of testing equipments to get it repaired or procure the same from the contractor as early as possible. To do the arrangements to get necessary bills for work done by the contractor of testing vehicle. To give proper training to Engineers & other Apprentices. To keep attendance record of the staff & officers. To prepare field duty allowance, O.T. statement of the department. To review specification of testing equipments. Deputy Engineer (Permanent Repairs) G/GVI: To arrange & control the total manpower of permanent repairs section. Overall supervision of all jobs (LV, HV, EHV) carried out by the section daily. To assist Superintendent incharge of the section in case of major breakdown & scheme jobs. To deal with other utilities like MCGB, BPT, Railway, Traffic Police regarding permission for jobs & reinstatement work after completion of jobs. To recommend the leave forms/LTA of staff, incentive bonus, field duty allowance, excavation allowance & OT. Maintain all the vehicles of the section & take the necessary precaution regarding servicing, RTO passing & necessary repairs whenever necessary. To give necessary suggestions to prepare necessary schemes in case such as i) more no. of services on the distributor ii) cable running across the road/middle of the road/cable very deep. Scheduling & executing special jobs on Sundays, holidays, night shifts in cases like fault on busy road, across road/middle of the road/network conditions. To drive Undertakings light vehicle whenever necessary. To write inter departmental letters regarding excavation of work, shortage of material & staff etc.

8) 9) 10)

MAINS ENGINEER SECTION : a) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Deputy Engineer (Mains Loads) G/GVI: To maintain attendance of officers & staff working in the section. To re-arrange the L.V. network after completion of new schemes and commissioning of new DSS. Suggest to prepare L.V. schemes for overloaded distributors, transformers & services etc. To maintain temporary & permanent L.V. network changes registers. Recommend/sanction the leave of staff & making arrangement for substitute staff. Submit monthly incentive schemes, field duty allowance, holiday working & distribution loss payment advices for the eligible staff. Reply to Planning Department regarding technical clearances whenever required.


8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) b) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18)

Arrange the monthly stationery for the section. To make arrangement in case of breakdown, servicing of vehicles & in case of additional Mains Engineer crew. Update L.V. load sheets & recommend concurrence for distribution transformer outages for prearranged shutdowns. To maintain & analyze daily reports & messages. To inspect the service positions & other related details as per consumers complaints. To check the availability of materials & tools in Mains Engineers Vehicle. To arrange load relief & as suggested by Planning Department for temporary loads of functions & festivals. Re-arrange the L.V. network in case of looping In & Out of distributors, installations/replacement of pillars. To arrange outages for substation equipments by L.V. load transfers. To prepare sections MIS every month. Take appropriate actions in case of emergency situations such as fires, building collapse & blackouts etc. Mains Engineer G/GVI, G/GV: Attend burnt 400 Amps, 200 Amps & 100 Amps cutouts and 200 Amps & 100 Amps neutral link. Attend blown fuse messages. Attend blown fuse messages in case of suspected distributor fault and sectionalisation of LV network in case of distributor fault. Attend the burnt fuse bases, L-bend, Z-bend, st.patties & links. Attend burnt T/T & B/T core of service cables, burnt cores of distributors & Tr. Tails. Loop over the burnt cables at service position, ADP & LV boards and other location as & when required. Declare the distributor fault, service fault & sub service fault & arrange the temporary supply whenever necessary. Isolate the distributor fault & service fault whenever necessary. Pothead idle services or dangerous services. Attend shock messages by isolating faulty cable equipment. Take appropriate action in case of emergency situation such as fire, building collapse, floods, blackouts etc. Attend the failure of HV incoming supply to distribution transformer and hanging H.V. network load. Arrange load transfer for distribution transformer failure. Attend ADP damage messages. Restore L.V. supply in case of theft of transformer links and fuses. Attend false off supply message. Attend the load sharing complaint of distribution transformer in case of critical condition. Arrange the outages for switchgears overhauling, busbar cleaning and for any complaint at switchgears and outages for other divisions. 527

19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40) 41) 42) 43)

Arrange L.V. network or outage for phasing. Arrange L.V. network in case of looping IN & OUT of distributors, Installation/Replacement/Repairing of pillars. Arrange load relief as suggested by Planning Department for functions and festivals. Measure the current and voltages at L.V. board/ADP/Service Position whenever necessary. Arrange back to back of distributors for replacement of ADP/LV board. Check availability of materials & tools in Mains Engineers vehicle. Pothead idle services or dangerous services. Inspect the service position and other related details as per consumer complaint letter. Identify services teed on distributor in case of overload distributor to enable other section for preparation of necessary scheme. Remain standby for religious function/VVIP persons. Maintain attendance of L.V. supply restoration staff. Maintain & analysis of daily report of messages. Arrange to give concurrence for distribution transformer outages and L.V. network information to other section and divisions for pre-shutdown work Update the L.V.load sheets. Re-arrange the L.V. network after completion of new schemes and commissioning of new DSS. Suggest to prepare L.V. schemes for overloaded distribution transformer, distributors and services. Submit the CA allowances and OT register of staff monthly to Assistant Engineer. Maintain temporary and permanent L.V. network changes register. Recommend the leave and making arrangement for the substitute staff. Submit the monthly Incentive Scheme, Field Duty Allowance, distribution losses and Holiday working payment statement. Reply to Planning Department regarding TC whenever required by them. Arrange the monthly stationery for the section Make the arrange for the vehicle in case of breakdown, servicing and additional Mains Engineer crew. Remain stand by for the similar jobs for other section or till the reliever reported on duty. Preparing MIS statement every month. To maintain registers, files & other documents properly which are related to the section.

RSS SECTION: Sub Engineer G/GV: 1) To carry out daily routine maintenance activities. 2) Preparation of gate passes, job requisitions and collection of required material from Esplanade Sub-store/RSS sub-store to the required RSS. 3) Ensure physical transportation of man/material to work places. 4) Ensure proper scheduling of work (beginning & ending) 528

5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19)

Ensure higher safety standards at work places. Issuing of tokens to workers for maintenance activities. Use of rubber mats, hand gloves. Other staff prohibited to enter near live parts Ensure other equipment/network are not tampered with. Report abnormality immediately to Sy. Control and higher authorities. To maintain proper job sheet of work carried out, including justification of O.T. etc. To assist the Dy. Engineer in the course of all report preparation, after preventive & breakdown maintenance. Ensure safe return of spares, tools and equipment from work place to sub-store at Esplanade. Make necessary entry on all jobs carried out daily. Collect material from Kussara stores department when required. To direct and supervise the job carried out by the fitter gang. The Sub Engineer will keep himself conversant with all types of plant, machinery and equipment in the RSS. He shall maintain up-to-date control panel wriring diagram. He shall be conversant with relevant provision of the Indian Electricity Act and rules.

SCHEME SECTION : Sub Engineer G/GV: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Follow up with BMC Ward Office, Traffic Department, Railway, Road Department to obtaining excavation permission. Transport the material to various site of scheme to be executed. Maintain the material stock and various records of used material. Maintain the attendance, O.T., Field Duty Allowance of various staff of scheme execution section. Assist Dy.E. Scheme in progress of report, MIS. Submit the reinstatement statement to BMC and check the bills. Obtain the permission from landlord of private properties for the excavation in their premises. Complete the reinstatement in private property departmentally, if the excavation is in small size. Follow up with building department for reinstatement in private property, if the excavation is in longer size.

PERMANENT REPAIRS : Sub Engineer G/GV : 1) To arrange & transport the jointing material for isolation/permanent repairs jobs on various cable fault sites.


2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

To deal with MCGB/Traffic Police/BPT/Railway authorities for their permission as well as reinstatement of cable fault sites after completion of jobs. To supervise all the jobs carried out by the section daily. To carry out LV network changes on the site at the time of permanent repairs job whenever necessary. To recommend & sanction the leave forms of the staff. To drive the Undertakings light vehicle whenever necessary. To prepare MIS report, incentive bonus statement, excavation allowance, field duty statements. To inspect & maintain the tools.

FAULT CONTROL: Sub Engineer G/GV: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) Maintain off supply registers for all shifts of South & Central South Divisions. Maintain attendance register of subordinate staff of South & Central South Divisions. Maintain handling over charge register. Procure materials/stationeries for Fault Control from Stores/Sub Stores. Prepare & forward Incentive Scheme, Holiday working & Over Time statement of South & Central South Divisions. Maintain off supply registers for Street Lights. Maintain Temp. overhead wires given & removal register. Procure material required for cut-out gangs & mercury vehicle. Shall inform for records all S/F, C/S/F, D/F & failure of any other equipment to System Control. Shall inform for records all S/F, C/S/F, D/F & failure of any other equipment to concern A & B grade officers. In case of any disaster, divert Mains Engineer crew on site. Inform Sy. Control/higher authorities time to time about the progress. Follow up with AMS crew regarding temporary supply restoration & give feedback to Sy. Control/higher authorities. Attend telephone complaints of fuse control & take appropriate action to attend the same. Attend telephonic complaints from Consumers/Public & after assessing them the same to be informed to concerned authority. Confirm the off supply messages after restoration in all the cases. Divert the arial mains vehicle for arranging Temp. supply in case of cable faults. Inform street lighting staff to attend lamp-off, circuit, pole sparking, pole damage & overhead wires sparking messages. Arrange radio workshop technician for attending faulty/defective V.H.F. sets of Mains Engineer, mercury & Fault Control. Inform MTNL to attend faulty Telephone equipment. Arrange standby staff/officers who are working in two consecutive shifts. Prepare & implement duty roaster of Fault Control staff.


21) 22)

Receive D/D messages from various sections/Department for definite time & inform the off supply of affected areas to concern Fuse Control & consumers. Log messages with Bus Control regarding failure of vehicles for L.V. supply restoration.

STATIC SECTION : Charge Engineer T8: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) To allocate the jobs to the staff and Dy.Ch. Engineer. Inspection of store material. Recouping of material required for section. To up-keeping the records of various equipments of sub-stations. To assist in tripping investigation of Transformer and Feeders. To assist in Transformer Testing jobs. To assist in preventive job scheduling. To assist in preparing of incentive statements, MIS reports, field duty and power loss allowance for the staff under section. To report hospitalization/accident/sickness of staff on duty to all concerned. To update the data in computer as well as maintaining the registers. To supervise the all activities carried out by Dy.Ch. Engineers. Arranging to send CTs and their reports to MTS/Planning Department. To arrange for scrapping of CTs, LV capacitors and different materials removed from different sub-station. To supervise for providing monsoon protection of switchgear & L.V. Board carried out by Dy.Ch. Engr. To maintain log-book of vhicle.


Charge Engineer T8: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Book the staff for scheme jobs, isolation & permanent repairs of cable faults. Prepare daily worksheet. Supervise scheme jobs, cable fault isolation & permanent repairs job. Maintain location code book. Book the draughtsman on the different sites of cable jointing in order to update the records of the planning department. Drive the Undertakings vehicle whenever necessary.

RSS SECTION : Charge Engineer T8 : 1) Manning and monitoring of RSS.


2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12)

To ensure upkeep of RSS. Periodically monitor the loads of transformers, feeders and temperature of the transformers and ensure that transformer/cables do not carry over load. Daily inspection of oil level in trans. And oil filled reactors. Checking of buchholz for gas trap and oil leakage from equipment. Daily voltage and sp. Gravity reading of pilot battery cells. Inspection of each and every equipment for abnormality. Switching In/Off of capacitors as per power factor. To report any abnormality like tripping, alarms, fire etc. to Sy. Control/senior officers. To periodically inspect the complete RSS premises, including rear of switchgears for discharge noise, transformer yards for abnormal hot conditions etc. To sw/in, sw/out operations of transformer/feeder breakers or isolate the same as per instruction of system control or fault engineer during tripping and outages. Assist the routine/breakdown maintenance gangs in all possible ways. Maintaining proper records/diaries of attendance of Charge Engineers, roster/attendance of nawghanies, hourly load, temperature readings, battery reading, visitors diary and telephone diary, energy meter reading feeder tripping register, SCADA complaint, equipment Maintenance record & OT register Confirming load obtained with that of SCADA system wherever feasible. Ensure proper labels are provided on breakers To submit fortnightly reports on peak load conditions and battery readings (Voltage & Sp. Gravity), monthly energy meter readings. To direct the RSS nawghany for proper upkeep and also guide him on the safety standard requirements. Supervise the work of cleaning of receiving stations in the vicinity of live parts, also supervise the cleaning of equipments like capacitors after ensuring that they are not live. Supervise the work of oil filtration and taking oil samples periodically for testing. In case of accidents in the RSS caused to other staff, give first aid and make arrangement to take the affected staff to hospital and report to accident inspector and higher authority. To maintain first aid box. To arrange for necessary material & stationery from sub-stores. To report civil complains to building department and follow up.

13) 14) 15) 16) 17)

18) 19)

20) 21) 22)


Charge Engineer T8 : 1) 2) Be in overall incharge of the Jointing and cable laying work. Prepare the daily work sheet of casual labours. Prepare intimation for excavation & submit to BMC & get the permission.



4) 5) 6) 7)

Take measurements of road reinstatement work after the completion of cable laying of and pillar erection work for forwarding to Municipal Authorities for resurfacing of roads. Ensure that office registers/files relating to work, such as chargable work order jobs, replacement Write materials required for execution of jobs and credit unserviceable/excess materials back to stores and ensure that materials is supplied to work sites in time. To supervise unequal load sharing complaints of Distribution Transformer & maintain the records. To supervise ADP/LV Board reconditioning job.

PERMANENT REPAIRS : Charge Engineer T8: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) To book the staff for isolation & permanent repairs of cable faults. To prepare daily worksheet. Site supervision of HV & EHV cable fault isolation & permanent repairs job. To maintain location code book. To book the draughtsman on the different sites of cable jointing in order to update the records of the Planning Department. Driving the Undertakings vehicles whenever necessary.

ARIAL MAINS SECTION: Deputy Charge Engineer T7: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Prepare monthly roster of the arial mains crew & cutout replacement crew. Prepare & forward Incentive Scheme, Holiday working & Over Time statement of the staff etc. Prepare statement for Temp. wires laid & removed. Recommend LTA forms, leave encashment forms & leave forms for more duration & arrange to send to Assistant Engineer. Submit detailed report of all major interruptions of off supply of serious nature. Suggest schemes of any other measures for improvement of the functioning of the section Maintain discipline & efficiency in both the sections & staff under him, investigate reports of irregularities by staff & made suitable recommendations to the Assistant Engineer. The Chief Engineer shall further insure that the operating instructions in the Electrical Safety Code & other departmental instructions are properly understood & followed by the staff under him while carrying out work on live or dead equipments.



Dy.Ch. Engineer T7: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) To supervise the cleaning carried out by nawghany in the DS. To inspect and report the functioning of electrical equipments such as Transformer, Switchgears, capacitors, cables, dividing boxes in the sub-station. To report encroachments in DSS and blockage of means of access of DSS. Dusting with the help of feather duster on L.V. boards. Keep vigil to ensure safety of persons working inside the DSS in the vicinity of live equipments at the time of work. To report on building condition of sub-station as regards to doors, locks, windows, fencing, water leakages during monsoon etc. Lodging and follow up of the police complaint in case of missing items, theft etc. Taking L.V. load readings. To supervise the work of cleaning in the Transformer yard of the DSS. Taking and testing of Transformer oil samples. To carry out silicagel replacement activity of Transformer breather. To supervise maintenance work of overhauling, breakdown maintenance of substation equipments. Arrange for Transformer oil filtering at site. Filtering of removed oil from OLTC at depot. Supervising of overhauling of L.V. capacitor. Testing of earthing plates in the subs-station. Supervising cleaning of conservators. Supervision of maintenance and repair of Transformer oil filtering machine and other equipments in the Static Section. Supervising of removing and re-taping of cables ends. Inspection of stores materials. Supervision of fabrication work required under R&M for sub-station equipments. Supervision for providing monsoon protection of sw/gears and L.V. boards, L.V. capacitor etc. Supervision of maintenance of SFU at site. Supervision of attending oil leakages in Transformer and RMU sw/gear. Supervision of attending to sw/gears complaints. Supervision of attending to doors, windows, louvers, rolling, shutters etc. Removal of defective ammeters, relays etc. Supervising in replacement and reconditioning of CTs spouts, busbars and flower contacts. Supervision to attending low IR values of busbars and other equipments. Supervision of fixing name boards and caution boards in sub-station. Oil topping in Transformer. To assist tripping and non tripping investigation of Transformer and feeder breakers. To assist in Transformer testing jobs. To prepare gate pass for material.


35) 36) 37) 38)

Report in case of accident or sickness of staff on duty to all concerned. Updating of daily records in the section. Supervisions of painters activity & wiremans activity in DSS. Standby duty for DSS work other than O&M Department.


Deputy Charge Engineer T7: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Inspect the site before excavation of scheme. List the material required for scheme. Supervise the site where excavation to be carried out as per standard. Avoid inconvenience to pedestrian and provide caution boards while taking excavation. Protect the equipment of other utility for damage (such as telephone lines, water pipe, drainage, fiber cable, gas line etc.) and if so inform to concern authorities immediately. Co-ordinate with traffic police and traffic control for division of traffic if required. Report the progress of job to the superior time to time. Give the message to Sy.Control/Fault before making the distributor dead for job and minimize period of off supply. Report to superior immediately in case of fatal/non fatal accident after giving first aid treatment. Supervise the cable laying, joining, pillar installation, repair of faults job, capacitor, earthing job. Recommend level/LTA form of the staff working under him and forward to Deputy Engineer. Write the over time statement of the staff working under him and prepare credit and debit note for closing location code of scheme. Prepare daily worksheet of labour and work. Take measurement of excavated portion with the help of muccadam for preparation of reinstatement. Maintain discipline in the section. Co-ordinate with other department and section for smooth functioning. Co-ordinate with MCGB, Traffic for permission of excavated for laying cable. Interactive with outside parties regarding their complaints. Conducting departmental inquiries. Guide Dy.Engrs. and other staff in day to day activity. Look after other sections in absence of concerned. Attending meeting with local authorities. Prepare the annual performance report. Visit the site in case of major breakdown and guide staff.

6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24)



Deputy Charge Engineer T7: 1) 2) Supervise and check, attendance & guide out-door staff such as Muccadam, Jointers, Masons, Fitters, Nawghanies in the case of minor schemes. Assist Charge Engineer in preparing Daily Worksheet showing labour allocation and details of work and in case of urgency re-allocation of labour on site take measurements for road reinstatement etc. Write requisition and prepare credit notes for excess/unserviceable material. Maintain register such as work order book, muster roll etc. Assist Charge Engineer in executing cable laying and jointing schemes. Maintain daily progress of work. Assist Charge Engineer in attending unequal load sharing complaints of Distribution Transformer, reconditioning & replacement of ADP & erecting new ADP. To assist Charge Engineer in repairing the cable faults.

3) 4) 5) 6) 7)


FAULT CONTROL SECTION: Dy. Charge Engineer T7: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) To repot on duty round the clock as per roster. Maintain off supply registers for all shifts of South & Central South Divisions. Maintain off supply registers for Street Lights. Maintain Temp. overhead wires given & removal register. Procure material required for cut-out gangs & mercury vehicle. Attend telephonic complaints of fuse control & take appropriate action to attend the same. Attend telephonic complaints from consumers/public & after assessing them the same to be informed to concerned authority. Confirm the off supply messages after restoration in all the cases Divert the arial mains vehicle for arranging Temp. supply in case of cable faults. Inform street lighting staff to attend lamp-off, circuit, pole sparking, pole damage & overhead wires sparking messages. Arrange radio work shop technician for attending faulty/defective V.H.F. sets of Mains Engr., mercury & fault control. Inform MTNL to attend faulty telephone equipments. Receive D/D messages from various sections/department for definite time & inform the off supply of affected areas to concern Fuse control & consumers. To make the data entries of off supply in computer pertaining to Fault Control.


L.V. LOADS SECTION: Dy. Charge Engineer T7 : 1) 2) 3) 4) To prepare updated Peak Load Sheet (approx. 164 nos.) on computer in AUTOCAD MAP 2000 version. To update day to day changes of network in load sheets. To take LV loads during summer and October heat considering peak load cycles of the day such as morning/day/evening/night peak. To inform concerned sections, abnormalities such as cable core insulation burnt fuse-base burnt, unequal load sharing of dist. Transformers & overloaded LV network etc. observed during taking loads. To take service loads and carry out site inspection before preparing any scheme. To monitor loads of critical network during breakdown occasions. To take LV loads in particular areas during festive occasions such as Ganpati, Diwali & Ramzan. To maintain various records such as fuse blown cases, scheme cases, booking, overtime. To help in preparing incentive and field duty allowance, holiday working statements of LV supply restoration section. To take the fresh L.V. load after execution of scheme. Identification of feed services on distributor for preparation of scheme proposals.

5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

SYSTEM CONTROL SECTION: Dy. Charge Engineer T7 : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) To report on duty round the clock as per roster. To attend telephone calls and receive the messages of preventive maintenance as well as breakdown messages. Make data entry of faults, supply failures records & taking out the computerized daily report in evening & morning shifts. Write the work outage & work over messages, general messages in message book. To assist System Controller in case of emergency i.e. HV/EHV Feeder tripping, power trans. Failure & major breakdown. Arrangement of dispatch of daily report copies of South & Central South divisions to various officers of Supply Branch from A-5 upto DGMES. Lodge the messages received from the Fault Engineer, Mains Engineer & other staff & officers those who are working round the clock for smooth functioning of system. Arrangement of M.V. driver & staff in case of shortage & emergency. Preparation of overtime sheets of staff working under him. To maintain the register viz. D/F, S/F, F/F register, fire message register, Tatas register, disaster register & attendance register, message book etc.

8) 9) 10)


11) 12) 13) 14)

To maintain the Sy. Control room clean, maintain discipline in System control with the help of nawghany on duty. To maintain the off supply computer ready with the help of service engineer. To maintain the fax machine ready with the help of service engineer. To inform officers those who have booked on emergency duty during strike period.

PERMANENT REPAIRS SECTION: Deputy Charge Engineer T7: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) To take the attendance of staff posted on job. Site supervision of permanent repairs & cable fault isolation work. Utilization of proper manpower. To minimize the off supply to the other consumers during permanent repairs of cable faults. Writing of attendance of staff/jobsheet of casual labourers/OT of staff in the OT register/departmental letters/gatepass. Before starting the job to intimate concern MCGM ward by sending work intimation notice & to forward the reinstatement notices to them after completion of job by taking exact measurements of the excavated place. Giving message to the control regarding progress of each & every job. To arrange first aid to the injured person & to take him to the hospital whenever necessary.

7) 8)

PERMANENT REPAIRS SECTION : Jointer T5: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) To isolate the cable fault by cutting the cables in case of faults & restore the supply by temporary looping over/temporary pot heading. To carry out the jointing work of LV, HV cables in case of cable faults as well as newly laid cables. To assist Sr. Jointer in case of EHV cable jointing. To temporary pothead live LV cables. To seal dead LV cables. To make LV gland/sealing end as well as HV terminations. To carry out de-compounding work of HV & LV dividing boxes of transformers & switchgears etc. To test the cables after isolation of faults as well as after permanent repairs of faults. To put in & remove fuses & links in the live ADP, LVB etc. To remove the temporary supply after permanent repairs of the cable faults. To fix/replace LV cut-out cut-out boards. To supervise the work of nawghanies working under him.


SCHEME SECTION : Jointer T5: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Isolate the cable fault by cutting the cables in case of faults & restore the supply by temporary looping over/temporary potheading. Carry out the jointing work of LV, HV cables in case of cable faults as well as newly laid cables. Assist Sr. Jointer in case of EHV cable jointing. Temporary pothead live LV cables. Seal dead LV and HV cables. Make LV gland/sealing end as well as HV terminations. Carry out de-compounding work of HV & LV dividing boxes of transformers & switchgears etc. Test the cables after isolation of faults as well as after permanent repairs of faults. Put in & remove fuses & links in the live ADP, LVB etc. Remove the temporary supply after permanent repairs of the cable faults. Fix/replace LV cut-out and cut-out boards. Supervise the work of nawghanies working under him. PILLAR MAINTENANCE SECTION : Jointer T5: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Put in and remove fuses and links in the live distribution boards, pillars. Temporarily pothead live LV cables. Seal dead cables. Replace phase and neutral cut-outs on live services. On maintenance jobs of distribution pillars, replace broken insulators, terminals, contacts & carry out cleaning etc. Supervise the work of about 5 nawghanies. Open out sealing chamber sealing end of services in case of faults to restore supply. Permanent potheading of cables. To attend unequal load sharing complaints at LV Board as well as at LVDB of Distribution Transformer sides. Replacement & raising of cutout boards under service position maintenance job. Replacement of complete sets of busbar inclusive of fuse buses under reconditioning & hanging busbar of ADP/LV Board. Repairs of cable faults.


MAINS ENGINEER SECTION : Jointer T-5: The Jointer shall work under supervision of Dy. Engineer/Sub Engineer for attending any messages and while on routine job. The jobs are carried out under supervision of Dy. Engineer/Sub Engineer for LV network operation. Whereas the physical work has been carried out by the Jointer only. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) Put in or remove fuses and links in the live pillars/panels/LV boards and service position. Temporarily pothead live cables. Seal dead cables. Handle live low voltage cable in case of faults and restore supply by isolating or looping over with cable cores temporarily. Replace phase and neutral cut-outs on live service. Assist in making connection while carrying out testing work. Replace blown fuses, burnt fuse base, Z-bend, L-bend, cleaning of contacts and terminals. Put in or remove fuses and links in the live pillars/panels/LV boards and service position. To supervise the work. Carry out the decompounding work of HV/LV dividing boxes of transformer etc. Open out sealing chamber/sealing end of services in case of faults. Remake the brass gland or new gland in case of cable cores burnt wherever possible. Remain standby for the similar job for the other sections or till the reliever reported on duty.

PERMANENT REPAIRS SECTION : Senior Jointer T6 : 1) 2) All the jobs carried out by T-5 Jointer. To carry out the jointing/termination of EHV (22 kV & 33 kV) cable in case of cable faults/newly laid cables. STATIC SECTION Fitter T5 : 1) 2) 3) 4) To carry out overhauling of switchgears and capacitors. To replace defective parts of switchgars in case of breakdowns. Reconditioning of CTs, Spounts, Busbars and switchgears, Transformer parts and accessories. Replacement of Silicagel.


5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20)

Provision and removal of monsoon protection on switchgears/LV boards substation. To carry out conservator cleaning. Filtering of Transformer under supervision of supervisor. Assisting Dy.Ch.Engr. for testing of Transformer/Capacitors/Switchgears and earing. Assisting Dy.Ch.Engr. for earth plate testing. To carry out fabrication work at stores. To carry out CT wiring, heater wiring under the supervision of supervisor. Preventive maintenance and over hauling of work shop machines belonging to static section. Attending to various fitting/fabricating jobs. To fix the name boards of DSS. To carry out retaping of cable ends. Inspection of stores materials. Maintenance of SFU at site. Attending to oil leakages of transformers HV/LV, D/B, bushings, main tanks, fins, etc. Arranging for towing of oil filtering machine Disconnection and reconnection of LV tails of transformers.

RSS SECTION : Fitter T5: 1) To maintain updated tool box. He shall be able to dismantle and reassemble all RSS equipment like switchgear, transformer top plate, OLTC gear, Bus bar in minimum possible time. Generally conversant with distribution network. Highly conscious of safety standards. Carry out jobs as directed by supervisor, Sub Engineer/Dy. Engineer. Properly allocate work to his sub-ordinate nawghanies. Generally conversant with the mechanism work of special equipment like OLTC. Attending to defect in filter machine. Removing taping from cable end for testing. Taping cable ends after testing. To carry out overhauling of switchgears, OLTCs and other equipments of RSS. To replace defective parts of RSS equipments in case of breakdown. To carry out preventive maintenance activities of all RSS equipments. To provide/remove monsoon protection on RSS equipments. To carry out minor wiring jobs. Inspection of stores material. To supervise transportation of oil drums and materials. To carry out fabrication job. To assist Sub Engr./Dy. Engr. for testing of RSS equipments like transformer switchgears earthing etc.

2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19)



Maintenance of auto fire fighting system of RSS.

MAINS ENGINEER (CUTOUT GANG) SECTION: Jointer Mate T4 : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Help Jointer in jointing work such as cutting armour, tapping, cleaning tools, giving proper tools, preparing tapes etc. Fix the cutout board. Replace burnt 100 Amp. cutout & neutral links. Tape the burnt cores of the cables & wires at service positions. Connect the temp. wires as & when required. Remove the bridges of cutouts at serviced positions in case of fire, shock or any emergency situation arises. Remove the bridges for testing the faulty distributor & service cables. Give feedback after attending messages to Fault Control. Ensure the safety of staff working under him.

L.V. LOADS SECTION : Sr. Painter T4 : 1) To draw, reproduce & update the diagram of LV network on the doors of ADPs (Auxilary Distribution Pillars) showing layout of roads, other pillars, cables, joints etc. To stencil & update the details of outgoing distributors on the doors of ADPs. To stencil the departmental name boards.

2) 3)

STATIC SECTION : Painter T4: 1) 2) 3) 4) To carry out scrapping of oil paint on switchgears and transformers To paint switchgears and transformers and capacitors with red oxide and grey paint. To carry out stenciling on switchgears, transformer etc. To stencil the name boards of DSS.

STATIC SECTION: Wireman T4: 1) 2) 3) 4) To attend no light complaint and re-wiring for maintaining lighting in DSS. To provide new lamps, and lamp shades etc. To replace switches, switch boards, exhaust fans & fuses. To provide additional wiring with extra points in sub-stations.



To assist Building Department for connecting the welding machine supply for attending the DSS complaints.

ARIAL MAINS SECTOIN : Sr. Electrical Fitter T6: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Arrange/remove temp. supply where U/G cable faults occurs. Remove the bridges at service positions for testing cable faults. Attend street light messages such as pole shock, pole damage, lantern hanging & overhead sparking. Attend minor defects/complaints regarding temp. supply already given to restore supply. Arrange temp. supply for scheme jobs of other divisions. Carry tools, materials from vehicle to any place of work. Maintain & upkeep the vehicle/van provided for this purpose. Ensure the safety of the staff while working on arial lifts. PILLAR MAINTENANCE SECTION :

Fitter T4: 1) 2) 3) 4) Attend the complaints of ADP, LV Board such as replacement of Apron, Canopy, Hinges and Locks etc. on live. Re-condition the pillar LV Board. Attend the unequal load sharing complaints at LVDB side of Distribution Transformer. Preparation of sets of LV busbar for attending changing bus bar complaints & reconditioning of LV Board. STATIC SECTION : Fitter T4: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) To carry out overhauling of switchgears/capacitors. To replace defective parts of switchgears in case of breakdowns. Reconditioning of CTs, Spouts, Busbars and Switchgears, Transformer parts and accessories. Replacement of Silicagel. Provision and removal of monsoon protection on switchgears/LV Boards at Substation. To carry out conservator cleaning. Filtering of Transformer under supervision of supervisor. Assisting Dy.Ch.Engr. for testing of Transformer/Capacitor/Swtichgears and earthing.


9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20)

Assisting Dy.Ch.Engr. for earth plate testing. To carry out fabrication work at stores. To carry out CT wiring, heater wiring under the supervision of supervisor. Preventive maintenance and over hauling of work shop machines belonging to static section. Attending to various fitting/fabricating jobs. To fix the name boards of DSS. To carry out retaping of cable ends. Inspection of stores materials. Maintenance of SFU at site. Attending to oil leakages of transformers HV/LV, D/B, bushings, main tanks, fins, etc. Arranging for towing of oil filtering machine. Disconnection and reconnection of LV Tails of transformers PILLAR MAINTENANCE SECTION :

Jointer Mate T4: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Help Jointer in jointing work, such as cutting armour, fixing, cutout board, taping, cleaning tools, giving proper tools, preparing tape bobbins etc. Tow the Jointers hand-cart with nawghanies to and from the depot. Position and fix the cast iron Box after the sleeve is plumbed on the joint as per directions from Jointer. Prepare & pour cable compound/bitumen in the joint boxes. Replace neutral cut-outs by neutral links and earthing cut-outs. Cut and seal dead LV cables. SCHEME SECTION Jointer Mate T4: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Assist the Jointer in joining work such as cutting, armour, taping, giving proper tools, preparing tape bobbins, fixing cutout boards Tow the Jointer Handcart with the nawghanies to the working site from the depot & vice versa. Position & fix the cast iron box after the sleeve is plumbed on the joint as per direction of Jointer. Pour cable compound/bitumen in the joint boxes. Cut & seal dead LV/HV cables. Isolate the LV cable faults. Give/remove the temporary supply in case of fault. Replace service cutout, neutral.



Painter T4: 1) 2) 3) 4) To carry out scrapping of oil paint on switchgears and transformers, capacitors etc. To paint switchgears, transformers & capacitors with red oxide and grey paint. To carry out the stenciling on switchgears, transformer etc. To stencil the name boards of DSS.

SCHEME SECTION : Mason T2 : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Prepare the foundation for new pillar/sw.gr./capacitor. Do the reinstatement in the private property where excavation is taken. Do the minor masonry work in case of damages of RCC pipe if any. Fix the LV board in the DSS. Seal the under ground pipe of the cable. Built and break to cable entries at DSS. Install/replace pillar. PILLAR MAINTENANCE SECTION : Mason T2: 1) 2) Lay precast foundations, erect distribution pillars and make foundation on site wherever required. Fix rag-bolts in walls for cut-out boards. PILLAR MAINTENANCE SECTION : Cable Inspector T2: 1) 2) Inspect the BEST cable where excavation is taken by other utilities & ask them to protect BESTs cable. Inform regarding excavation taken by other utility to Dy.E. PMCS.


Nawghany T1 :

1) 2)

To take excavation for isolation and permanent repairs of cable faults and for laying of new cables. To backfill the excavation after permanent repairs of cable faults or laying of new cables.


3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

To transport materials/tools/equipments by hand or hand cart from nearest depots to place of work. To load & unload of joining materials/scraps/tools etc. as & when necessary. To lay cables in the trenches by pulling from cable drum. To give manual help to the jointer & jointer mates in their work of jointing potheading etc. To bring relevant sketches from Planning Department. To forward excavation intimation notices and reinstatement notices to respective MCGM wards.


Nawghany T1: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Take excavation for isolation and permanent repairs of cable faults and for laying of new cables. Backfill the excavation after permanent repairs of cable faults or laying of new cables. Transport materials/tools/equipments by hand or hand cart from nearest depots to place of work. Load & unload of jointing materials/scraps/tools etc. as & when necessary. Lay cables in the trenches by pulling from cable drum. Give manual help to the jointer and jointer mates in their work of jointing, potheading etc. Bring relevant sketches from Planning Department. Forward excavation intimation notices and reinstatement notices to respective MCGM wards. Clean the chowky and arrange potable water. Help in installation of capacitor and pillar.

LV LOADS SECTION: Nawghany T1: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) To carry tools, required material, departmental letter to various offices of work as and when necessary. To clean the furniture and supervisory staff of section in connection with the departmental work. To ensure and maintain adequate supply of drinking water in pots/bottles maintain for the purpose. To assist the Dy.Ch.Engrs. while taking the load in L.V. network. To help the Dy.Ch.Engr./Jointer Mate for identification of services on distributor. To help the Dy.Ch.Engr. for site inspection befo/re preparation of scheme. To help the Painter for stenciling on ADP/LVB. 546

STATIC SECTION Nawghany T1: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Transporting materials, tools, equipments by hand from depot to site of work. Loading and unloading of materials. Give manual help to the fitter, painter, wireman in their work. Cleaning dusting and sweeping of sub-stations and office. Assisting painter for scrapping of transformer/sw.gr./capacitors before painting. Assisting fitter for taking transformer oil samples. Removal of debris, unwanted materials inside the sub station and in the vicinity. Tree cutting inside the transformer yard. Oiling and lubricating the doors, hinges and locks. Assisting Dy.Ch.Engrs. for taking LV loads. Towing of filtering machine and helping fitter for carrying out oil filtering of transformers at various DSS. Day to day dispatch work and filling.

MAINS ENGINEER (CUTOUT) SECTION : Nawghany T1 : 1) 2) 3) Carry tool bag, cutouts& neutral links from Stores, Sub stores to work site. Assist the tradesman & perform unskilled work under his guidance.\ Remain standby at place of work for reliever reported on duty or for any other jobs.

ARIAL MAINS SECTION : Nawghany T1 : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Perform any manual departmental work i.e. moving and lifting equipment or materials required for LV supply restoration. Carry tools and repair materials, departmental correspondence stationery etc. from stores/sub-stores to departmental or any place of work. Assist officers and supervisory staff on fault and maintenance duties and cleaning of vans/vehicles used in connection with the departmental work. Assist officers and supervisory staff on fault and maintenance and issue of stores materials. Assist tradesman and perform unskilled work under their guidance. Standby at place of work for reliever not reported on duty or for any other jobs. Procure refreshments, snacks, meals etc. for officer and supervisory staff who may be on continuous shift duty and cleaning table etc. Transport materials/tools/equipments by hand from sub stores/vehicles to place of work and load/unload the same as and when necessary.


9) 10)

Give manual help to the Fitter in their work, such as cleaning of tools, laying & removal of temp. wires. Assist the officers, supervisory staff and jointer in changeover the vehicles/van due to breakdown on monthly servicing or additional work.

RSS (R&M GANG) SECTION : Nawghany T1: 1) 2) 3) 4) To assist fitter and perform unskilled work under HIS guidance. Perform any manual labour incidental to departmental work, e.g. moving and lifting machine, machine parts, oil drums, etc. Transport material tools, equipment, by hand or by vehicle to different RSS from Esplanade Sub-stores and load unload the same as & when necessary. To perform duties as Nawghany in shift duty for manning of RSS when required as per instruction from Dy. Engineer.

RSS (MANNING) SECTION : Nawghany T1: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Upkeep of RSS. Sweeping/washing of floors of RSS, cleaning of RSS premises, cleaning of walls, windows, furniture, phones, and dead equipment. Cutting grass, trees and watering to plants, trees and earthing pits in the premises. Dusting of panels, battery charger and transformer (at the time of outage) Ensure when in shift duties that adequate drinking water is available in cooler or pots in the RSS. Attending to door bells. Assist fitter for maintenance in his shift in other course of work. Report all abnormalities to Sy. Control in absence of Charge Engineer. Procure refreshment, snacks, meals, etc. for officers who may be continuing shift duty and clean dinning table, utensils, etc. Carry tools and departmental correspondence, stationeries etc. from RSS to RSS or Head Office. He should prohibit person without proper RSS entry pas to enter the RSS. To switch/in and switch/out RSS building and compound lights.

MAINS ENGINEER SECTION : Nawghany T1: 1) 2) Perform any manual departmental work i.e. moving and lifting equipments or materials required for L.V. supply restoration. Carry tools and repair materials, departmental correspondence stationery etc. from stores/sub-stores to department or any place of work.


3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13)

14) 15)

Sweep, clean or wash the office floor/work place including clean/dust work place, walls, windows pans, ventilators, dead equipment, furniture etc. Assist officers and supervisory staff on fault and maintenance duties and cleaning of vans/vehicles used in connection with the departmental work. Assist officers & supervisory staff on fault and maintenance and issue of stores materials. Assist tradesman and perform unskilled work under their guidance. Standby at place of work for reliever not reported on duty or for any other jobs. Carry out any unskilled works at the DSS, ADP or service position under the supervision. Ensure adequate supply of drinking water is maintained in coolers and pots/bottles maintained for the purpose. Procure refreshments, snacks, meals etc. for officer and supervisory staff who may be on continuous shift duty and cleaning table etc. Excavate the earth for laying, removing or exposing the cables and fill in the excavation. Transport materials/tools/equipments by hand from sub stores/vehicles to place of work and load/unload the same as and when necessary. Give manual help to the jointer and jointer mate in their work, such as cleaning of tools, heating of compounds, solder and plumbing matter and cleaning the joint pits of subsoil water. Lay cable in trenches by pulling them. Assist the officers, supervisory staff and jointer in changeover the vehicles/van due to breakdown on monthly servicing or additional work.

FAULT CONTROL SECTION : Nawghany T1: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Clean the telephone, office tables, sweep the floors & clean the dinning table etc. Ensure & maintain that adequate supply of drinking water in coolers & pots/bottles maintained for the purpose. Procure refreshment, snacks, milk etc. for officers and Fault Control staff who may be in shift duty. Take the dispatch of morning daily report copies. Ensure working of petromax & emergency light & keep clean the same. Deliver the written message given by the Fault Controller to other sections.

SYSTEM CONTROL SECTION : Nawghany T1: 1) 2) 3) To work round the clock as per roster. To clean the telephones, office tables, sweep the floor & dinning table etc. Ensure & maintain that adequate supply of drinking water in coolers & 4) pots/bottles maintained for the purpose.


4) 5) 6) 7)

Procure refreshment, snacks, milk etc. for officers and System Control staff who may be in shift duty. Take the dispatch of morning daily report copies. Ensure working of petromax & emergency light & keep clean the same. Deliver the written message given by the System Controller to other sections of respective divisions. PILLAR MAINTENANCE SECTION

Nawghany T1: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Clean of distribution pillar and report the blown/strained fuses and any irregularities. Occasionally oil the hinges and locks of pillar. Excavate the earth for erecting pillar laying, removing or exposing the cables and fill in the excavation. Transport materials/tools/equipment by hand or hand cart from nearest depots to places of work and load/unload the same as and when necessary. Give manual help to the Jointer and Jointer Mate in their work such as cleaning of tools, heating of compound solder and plumbing metal and cleaning the joint hole of sub-soil water. Lay cable in trenches by pulling from cable drum.


FAULT ENGINEER SECTION: Nawghany T1: 1) To assist Fault Engineer while carrying out various activities e.g. raising/moving the breakers to open the doors of sub-station ADPs. 2) To carry tools and materials equipments, department correspondence, stationery etc. from sub-station to sub-station, department to sub-office or any other place of work and load/unload the same as & when required 3) To check the materials stock in the vehicle D type and glass type T.I. fuses (5 Amps. & 2 Amps.), torch cells, cotton and cloth. 4) To clean the vehicles used in connection with departments work. 5) To perform any manual incidental to departmental work. LV LOADS SECTION: Draughtsman G/G-III: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) To update HV/LV network diagram according to changes in the network. To draw tracings of various faults. To visit site and collect details for preparation of schemes. To draw schematic and sketches for the scheme. To update tracings of ADP/DSS location sheets.


6) 7) 8) 9)

To update pillar history sheets. To maintain block/roller plans. To draw sketches regarding official work. To colour various sketches.

RSS SECTION : Gardner (Mali) T2: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Plantation of trees and plants at various RSS premises. Watering of plants at various RSS premises. Providing proper proportion of soil and fertilizers to plants. To replace soils from earthen pots periodically. To collect decorative plants from nurseries. Cultivation and upkeep of gardens in the premises of RSS.

M.V. Driver Supervisor P2/G-V : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Assure the fitness & soundness of all departmental vehicles. To do minor repair works of vehicles at site in emergency. To assign duties & roster to the M.V. Drivers. To follow up with Motor Vehicle Department for repairs & maintenance of departmental vehicles. To adhere to the maintenance schedules given by the Motor Vehicle Section. To maintain discipline among the M.V. Drivers. To prepare Accidents Reports in cases of vehicle accidents. To drive vehicles in absence of M.V. Drivers. To assist Deputy Engineer, Pillar Maintenance Section for drivers & vehicles problems.

M.V. Driver P2/G-III : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Assure the fitness & soundness of vehicle to drive as per rules & regulations. Drive the vehicle efficiently as per rules & regulations laid down by Traffic Department & Undertakings M.V. Section. Maintain proper level of fuel. Make entries for the mileage of the vehicle. Arrange to submit the vehicle report to M.V. Section in case of accident. Not to park vehicle at unauthorized places. Deliver/receive the vehicle for monthly servicing & inspection. To maintain vehicle trip book. Should know the location of different substations & RSSs and should be in a position to reach the substations through shortest route & minimum time according to the traffic pattern of time of the day. Should be familiar with all roads, One Ways, No Entry & traffic conditions in Central South zone.






1. 1.1

INTRODUCTION : For operational convenience the area of supply has been divided into South and North Zones. The area towards North of the dividing line upto Sion & Mahim is covered by Erection (North) Division. The area towards the South of the dividing line upto Navy Nagar is covered by Erection (South) Division. The dividing line being along the central line of Tardeo Road from Haji Ali to Bellasis Road, Bellasis Road, Shephard Road, Nesbit Road and Dockyard Road. RESPONSIBILITIES & FUNCTIONS : The department shall be responsible for execution of sanctioned schemes for HV & LV network development connected with the following capital jobs. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. New Substations. Extensions/alterations to the existing substations Extensions/alterations of HV & LV cables and pillars Upgradation of 2 core/3 core services to 4 core services Replacement of existing dual ratio distribution transformers into single ratio transformers Execution of SIMHA-97 Schemes Execution of SIMHA-97 Schemes prepared by Commercial Division. Supervision of Contractors job for execution, cable laying, backfilling of trenches and reinstatement of trenches on the private properties. Tender recommendations and sample inspections connected with cable jointing kits upto 11 kV terminations and allied materials.

2. 2.1

2.2 2.3

The department shall also be responsible for execution of service work orders engaged by the Commercial (South) Division. The department shall also assist the Operation & Maintenance Department in effecting repairs which involve laying of long lengths of cables and replacement of transformers, switchgears, LV Boards, etc. under fault.



The department shall also be responsible for managing the transport fleet of Supply Branch for transportation of material for site jobs wherever necessary. ORGANISATION :


3.1 The department shall be under the overall supervision and control of Divisional Engineer, Erection (South) Division, who shall be responsible to the DCE(DS)/CED(S) for the efficient administration of the department. 3.2 For the convenience of working, the department is divided into following section as per BMC Wards. There are 5 Sections which are headed by Dy.Engineer & Administration is headed by Office Assistants. The following are the 4 Sections called as Chowky. i) ii) iii) iv) M.G.Road Chowky Babulnath Chowky Mehta Chowky Potia Compound Chowky

And Transport Section for the Transportation of materials. 4. 4.1 ESTABLISHMENT : The department shall consist of Divisional Engineer, two Superintendents, one Assistant Engineer, six Deputy Engineers, two Office Assistants and other staff that may be sanctioned from time to time. DUTIES : DIVISIONAL ENGINEER (A-3) :

5. 5.1

The Divisional Engineer shall be the Chief Executive Officer in-charge of the department and shall be responsible to the DCE(DS)/CED(S) for the smooth and efficient working of the department. He shall co-ordinate the work of Superintendent, Assistant Engineer, O.A. and other staff working under him. 5.1.2 He shall be responsible for i) ii) iii) iv) attending meetings pertaining to the departmental matters and as directed by DCE(DS)/CED(S) from time to time; execution of sanctioned schemes for HV & LV network development; execution of service work orders; execution of SIMHA-97 Schemes;


v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) xiii)

overall supervision of Contractors job in relation to excavation, cable laying, backfilling, reinstatement etc; smooth and efficient running of Transport Section; preparation of annual report, establishment schedule and budget estimates, pertaining to the department; arranging for engagement of permanent/temporary staff to suit his requirements from time to time; being Panel Chairman, conducting trade test, interview and posting of Muccadams; dealing with major issues and staff matters of the department; reviewing the activities of the department and introducing changes for improving the efficiency of the department; expeditious disposal of the papers (e.g. inspection forms, tender recommendations etc.); overall general supervision of the department.

5.2 SUPERINTENDENT 1 (A-4) 5.2.1 Superintendent-1 Erection (South) Division shall be the executive officer in-charge of materials arrived at Kussara a Dharavi Stores. He shall be responsible to the Divisional Engineer, Erection (South) Division for all work allotted to him. He will be mainly responsible for i) recommendation of tender files; ii) acceptance/rejection of material received, thereby ensuring the quality of materials; iii) co-ordination with Material Testing & Standards Department and Materials Management Department for timely receipt of different materials; iv) attending to various meeting as directed by DEES; v) suggesting to DEES & initiating proposals for modernization a improvement of existing matters of working of the department; vi) managing the computers in the department and monitoring / supervising their servicing/maintenance; vii) giving annual requirements of various materials used in the execution of work; viii) furnishing details regarding justification for temporary staff whenever required; ix) furnishing details for preparing annual reports, budget estimates and establishment schedule; x) dealing with all staff matters of the Section and expeditious disposal of the papers;



5.3 SUPERINTENDENT -2 (A-4) 5.3.1 Superintendent-2, Erection (South) shall be the executive officer incharge of the HV & LV network development of D.& E Wards and Transport Section of Supply Branch. He shall be responsible to the Divisional Engineer of Erection (South) for all the work connected to his section. Superintendent-2, Erection (South) Division will be mainly associated with the execution of i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) schemes connected with new substations; schemes connected with extensions/alterations of existing substations i.e. remodeling; schemes connected with relieving overload of HV & LV Network; schemes in connection with diversion of HV/LV cables as per requirement of MCGB and outside parties; transformer replacement i.e. service work order; SIMHA-97 Schemes; overall supervision of Contractors job in relation to excavation, cable laying, backfilling, reinstatement etc;




He shall provide assistance to the Operation & Maintenance Department in effecting repairs to HV/LV cable faults, replacement of defective transformers, switchgears, LV Boards, etc. He shall be responsible for the following specific duties i) ii) iii) iv) v) preparing programmes for execution of schemes well in advance; arranging for necessary permissions from MCGB and Police Authorities wherever required; allocating and supervising the work of Deputy Engineers working under him; arranging to obtain shut-downs from O.& M. Department wherever necessary; ensuring that Deputy Engineers start their work on and after getting the Permit to work from O.& M. Department wherever necessary, and discharge the same immediately after completion of work; ensuring that the Operation & Maintenance Departments are advised regarding the dates of commissioning of substations with Test Certificates, in time;



vii) viii)

ix) x)

arranging to remove debris from the work sites and send reinstatement notices to appropriated authorities; arranging to prepare necessary proforma and statements required from time to time and arrange for closing of work orders in accordance with the orders issued from time to time; dealing with all staff matters of the Section and expeditious disposal of the papers; managing the Transport fleet of Supply Branch for transportation of materials for supply branch;

5.4 ASSISTANT ENGINEER A-5 : 5.4.1 Assistant Engineer shall be in-charge of HV & LV network development of A,B & C Wards. He shall be responsible to the Divisional Engineer, Erection (South) for all the work connected to his sections. 5.4.2 Assistant Engineer, Erection (South) Division will be mainly associated with the execution of i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) schemes connected with new substations; schemes connected with extensions/alterations of existing substations i.e. remodeling; schemes connected with relieving overload of HV & LV Network; schemes in connection with diversion of HV/LV cables as per requirement of MCGB and outside parties; transformer replacement i.e. service work order; SIMHA-97 Schemes; Overall supervision of Contractors job in relation to excavation, cable laying, backfilling, reinstatement etc.

5.4.3 He shall provide assistance to the Operation & Maintenance Department in effecting repairs to HV/LV cable faults, replacement of defective transformers, switchgears, LV Boards etc. 5.4.4 He shall be responsible for the following specific duties i) preparing programmes for execution of schemes well in advance; ii) arranging for necessary permissions from MCGB and Police Authorities wherever required; iii) allocating and supervising the work of Deputy Engineers working under him; iv) arranging to obtain shut-downs from O.& M. Department, wherever necessary; v) ensuring that Deputy Engineers start their work on and after getting the Permit to work from O.& M. Department



vii) viii)


wherever necessary, and discharge the same immediately after completion of work; ensuring that the Operation & Maintenance Departments are advised regarding the dates of commissioning of substations with Test Certificates, in time; arranging to remove debris from the work sites and send reinstatement notices to appropriate authorities; arranging to prepare necessary proforma and statements required from time to time and arrange for closing of work orders in accordance with the orders issued from time to time; dealing with all staff matters of the Section and expeditious disposal of the papers;

5.5 According to the convenience, the Divisional Engineer, Erection (S) Division may allocate a part or all work of either of the Supdt./Asstt.Engr. to others. 5.6 5.6.1 DEPUTY ENGINEERS (G/G6) : The Deputy Engineers are directly in-charge of the jobs at site and are responsible to the Superintendent and Assistant Engineer concerned. The allocation of work to the Deputy Engineers shall depend on the exigencies of the Department and shall be decided by the Superintendent & Assistant Engineer concerned from time to time. The Deputy Engineer shall be responsible for the following specific duties, wherever applicable i) ii) surveying of proposed routes of the cables and new and old substation sites before the execution of the relevant schemes; planning and efficient excavation of schemes, preparation of daily programme for execution of schemes before taking them in hand, taking into account the availability of material and transportation of materials; preparing the necessary indent for requirement of substation equipments (switchgears, transformers, LV Boards etc.) and intimating the date of the equipment to be made available by Distribution Workshop; ensuring that necessary formalities in respect of permissions/ intimations have been complied with before taking any job in hand; supervising the execution of schemes; ensuring that material and labour required, reach the work site in time; instructing Sub Engineer, Charge Engineer, Dy.Charge Engineer regarding the execution of work; arranging with Sub Engineer for preparation of worksheets;




v) vi) vii) viii)



ensuring that the job sheets of staff working under him are sent to the office in time; x) ensuring safety measures are followed, before and during execution of work on live equipments; xi) co-ordination with the O.& M.Division for collecting a Permit to work in case of shut down of any high voltage feeder or busbar; xii) discharging the Permit to work after taking all necessary precautions; xiii) giving suitable messages to supervisory control whenever required; xiv) arranging for handling over of pillars, LV Boards, transformers, switchgears to the O.& M. Division in accordance with the approved system; xv) in case of cutting of HV cable, ensuring that the cable is dead before being spiked; xvi) arranging for standby whenever required; xvii) taking measurements of insulation resistance of cable, before jointing operations are commenced, checking the phases and issuing definite instructions to jointers about the cable connections; xviii) reporting to the Superintendent/Assistant Engineer in case of cross phasing or wrong polarity detected during the execution of work; xix) ensuring that no consumers are kept off supply without prior notice; xx) arranging for sending reinstatement notice to the appropriate authorities and reminding them till the reinstatement is done; xxi) arranging for removal of debris from the work sites; xxii) collection of necessary data regarding output; xxiii) maintaining necessary records and registers;] xxiv) checking Macadams Hand Cart and Jointers handcart regularly; xxv) inspecting First-Aid boxes regularly; xxvi) submitting O.T. Forms and Meal Allowance forms justifications in time; xxvii) ensuring the closing of work orders in time; xxviii)driving Undertakings vehicles in the course of his duties; xxix) attending courts wherever required; xxx) inspection of stores material whenever required xxxi) submissions of Work Completion Report regarding execution of schemes; xxxii) supervision of Contractors job to ensure that the work is carried out as per norms of the contract; xxxiii)arranging to submit the incentive scheme, input/


output statements in time to the Supdt./AE; xxxiv)investigations of complaints from public; xxxv)ensuring that proper security arrangements are at chowkey; xxxvi)ensuring that excess material is not stored in the chowkey. xxxvii)crediting the materials brought from the work sites to stores; xxxviii)in case of accident, arranging to take the injured person to the nearest dispensary/ hospital for medical treatment attention and information about it to the concerned authorities; 5.7 DEPUTY ENGINEER (TRANSPORT) G/G6

5.7.1 Deputy Engineer (Transport) will be in-charge of the Transport Section and shall be responsible for the transport of materials to the job sites and the effective utilization of transport vehicles at Kussara. He shall be responsible for the following specific duties i) ii) iii) iv) ensuring that materials reach the correct job sites in time; arranging to bring back left-over materials; maintaining records of receipt and disposal of the requisitions/ credit notes in the Transport Section; co-ordination with Materials Management Department for issue of contract work orders to transport contractors, wherever necessary; preparation of requisition for contract work orders executed by the contractor; arranging for reconditioning of scrapped materials wherever possible; arranging to send scrap materials to the Oshiwara Scrap Yard; arranging of daily record of the movement of vehicles; arranging to send vehicles for monthly servicing/ PUC/ Docking on the due dates; arranging for attendance of staff working under him; arranging for taking injured persons, in case of accident, to the nearest dispensary/ hospital for medical treatment attention and informing all concerned; maintaining the First-Aid Kit; maintaining necessary records and registers; inspection of Stores materials, whenever necessary;

v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi)

xii) xiii) xiv)


5.8 5.8.1

SUB ENGINEER G/G5 : The Sub Engineer shall work under one of the Deputy Engineers and his specific duties shall depend on the exigencies of the department, which shall be decided by the Supdt/AE. He shall perform the following duties supervising the execution of schemes; preparing worksheets for day to day jobs; studying the schemes in detail and assessing the number of men and material required for the job; iv) arranging for necessary permission required from the Ward Office of MCGB and the Police authorities wherever required; v) allocating work to the staff working under him; vi) engaging work orders for different jobs; vii) preparing requisitions for material for the execution of jobs undertaken by him; viii) preparing credit notes for excess materials left over or released at the sites; ix) transporting jointers materials to the job sites in time; x) checking attendance of staff and materials at work sites; xi) sending staff attendance/ job sheets to office of Erection (South) Division at Kussara in time; xii) arranging for standby whenever required; xiii) closing work order after checking and crediting materials; xiv) collection of data in connection with the execution of schemes; xv) checking progress of work and controlling labour on various jobs; xvi) informing various utilities regarding damage to their equipment/ cables, etc.; xvii) preparing reinstatement notices after taking measurement; xviii) follow up the reinstatement work in private properties with XEN (Building Department) and ensuring its proper execution; xix) arranging for removal of debris from work sites; xx) filling in various forms, such as, leave forms, accident forms, Provident Fund Forms, meal allowance forms and writing job sheets and handing them over to the Deputy Engineer in respect of the staff working under him whenever required; xxi) preparing cost sheets for chargeable jobs; xxii) giving first-aid to the injured persons and taking them to hospital whenever necessary; xxiii) arranging for posting of Security staff to guard chowkey and cable drums at work sites; xxiv) arranging for transport of equipment/ materials such, as transformer, switchgears, cables, etc.; i) ii) iii)


xxv) checking, testing and inspection of equipments before commissioning; xxvi) checking tools and equipment and sending damaged tools/ equipments to Kussara for repairs/ reconditions; xxvii) supervising laying of pipes at night whenever required; xxviii) supervision of Contractors job to ensure that the work is carried out as per norms of the contract; xxix) maintaining necessary records and registers; xxx) checking different proforma prepared by Charge Engineer/ Dy.Ch.Engineer before submitting them to the Deputy Engineer; xxxi) preparing weekly off schedule of the Security Guards and other staff, in advance; xxxii) driving the Undertakings vehicles during the course of his duties; xxxiii) arranging for inspection of damaged/obsolete equipments by Audit staff before scrapping; xxxiv) to issue work requisition for reconditioning of pillars; xxxv) arranging sundry materials fabricated in the workshop whenever necessary; xxxvi) ensuring proper distribution of pay cards to the staff on the salary day.



5.9.1 The Charge Engineer & Dy.Charge Engineer shall work under one of the Dy.Engineer/Sub.Engineer and his specific duties shall depend on the exigencies of the dept. and shall be decided by the Supdt./Asst.Engr. from time to time. 5.9.2 i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) He shall perform the following duties:carrying out direct supervision of jobs allotted to him; allocating work to the staff under him; taking attendance of the staff posted on the job; arranging materials required for the jobs through Sub.Engr. ; arranging security guards duties; arranging to provide necessary footboards over the trenches; arranging to provide necessary protection to trenches against accidental hazards; keeping credit notes ready for materials to be credited; keeping the records of man days and output of jobs in the prescribed forms; filling in different types of forms regarding leave application, provident fund and savings fund etc. in respect of the staff working under him; complying with the statutory requirements of MCGM in respect of displaying information on the notice board;



informing the appropriate authorities in case of damage to the other utility services; xiii) inspecting tools and other materials in chowky and arranging with the Sub Engineer for replacing/reconditioning/scrapping of tools whenever necessary; xiv) arranging `first-aid to the injured person and taking him to hospital wherever necessary; xv) checking the inventory of materials with the Macadams directly; xvi) deciding the cable route after taking trail holes; xvii) furnishing measurements of trenches to Sub.Engr. in order to enable him to prepare reinstatement notices; xviii) preparing requisitions for materials for jobs under him; xix) preparing credit notes for excess materials and crediting them to stores; xx) getting the damaged materials retrieved whenever required; xxi) preparing job sheets; xxii) arranging to deliver materials and tools to outdoor staff at sites, as and when required and keeping the records of the same; xxiii) driving the Undertakings vehicles during the course of his duties;




5.10.1 The Office Assistant shall work under the Divisional Engineer and shall co-ordinate the work of the supervisor and other staff under him. 5.10.2 He shall be responsible for the general supervision of the work of the staff under him in connection with i) preparation, maintenance and checking of staff records; ii) clothing records; iii) staff engagement forms/discharge notices; iv) temporary staff return forms; v) annual reports; vi) budget estimates; vii) `A & `B grade officers absentee memos; viii) variation in establishment schedule; ix) inventory of capital/revenue assets; x) maintaining roasters of backlog as per reservation policy; xi) arranging for trade test, interview for the post of Macadams; xii) advices for payment of special allowances, incentive bonus, payment of casual labourers etc.; xiii) maintaining account of imprest cash; xiv) attending to general correspondence; xv) drafting of letters;




5.11.1 The supervisor shall work under the Office Assistant. He shall supervise the work of clerks and shop-recorders in the dept. and assist the Office Assistant in all respects in his day to day work. 5.11.2 His duties shall comprise of the following : 1) 2) 3) procurement and issue of stationery. compensation process for accident while on duty. preparation and maintenance of : Attendance register, Accident register, Stationery registers Maintenance of Inventories for dead stock, equipment and office furniture. Process of purchase of sundry non stock materials and stationery. Preparing different files to be submitted to the Management. Preparation and maintenance of register for the proposal put up to the Management. Checking of different statement for allowances to be paid to the employees. To handle the job of the Clerks in their absence. Processing of final dues bills of ex-employees and maintenance of register thereof. Drafting of general notes/DLs Scrutiny of outgoing papers. Initiation of the purchase forms for the material to be purchased by Materials Management Dept. Preparation of details in connection with budget.

4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14)

5.12. CLERK/SHOP-RECORDER (A/GV) : 5.12.1 The clerks/shop-recorders shall work under the supervisor. 5.12.2 Their duties shall comprise of the following: i) dispatch, filling and finding reference; ii) checking of typed matter and worksheets; iii) maintaining of staff records; iv) recoupment of departmental requirements of Stores materials; v) issue of stationery and clothing; vi) maintenance of various general registers; vii) scrutiny of outgoing papers;


viii) ix) x) xi) xii) xiii) xiv) xv) xvi) xvii) xviii) xix) xx) xxi) xxii) xxiii) xxiv) xxv) xxvi) xxvii)

checking of estimates and maintaining registers of sanctioned schemes and location codes; maintaining registers for new service work orders received from commercial dept.; maintenance of equipment files; preparation of details in connection with the budget, annual report, etc., and the register pertaining to budget control; maintenance of history cards; maintenance of files on development and history of the Undertaking; maintenance of attendance records of the staff; maintenance of registers pertaining to MCA queries; preparation of purchase forms; maintenance of statistical records; maintenance of registers in respect of shortage of materials, matters in connection with work and dealings with outside parties; preparation of OB Memos, bill vouchers, salary bills, wages bills, workmens compensation bills etc.; processing of permanent reinstatement bills, journal entries; preparation of forms for bus tokens, change of address, etc.; processing of cases with Government, Railways, Electrical Inspector, MBPT, MCGM, etc.; maintenance of registers pertaining to bill vouchers for hire/sale of equipment; maintenance of seniority list of all the staff; maintenance of roaster as per reservation policy; maintenance of registers in respect of trade test, interview, waiting list, posting etc. of Muccadam. CR/DR Book adjustement and Maintenance of CR/DR Register

5.13 STENOGRAPHER (A/GV) : 5.13.1 i) ii) iii) iv) v) He/She shall perform the following duties: taking dictation and transcribing; preparation of routine and simple drafts; typing from drafts and hand-written matters; cutting stencils according to instructions; certifying the bills/servicing reports for routine maintenance or repairs of computers/typewrites;

5.14 TYPIST (A/GV): 5.14.1 i) ii) He / She shall perform the following duties: typing from drafts and hand-written matters, etc.; cutting of stencils according to instructions;



certifying bills/servicing reports for routine maintenance or repairs of computers/typewriters;

5.15 SEPOY (A/GI) 5.15.1 He / She shall perform the following duties: 1. To collect the key of the dept. from the Security posts to open the dept. in the morning and to deposit the same to security post after closing the dept. in the evening. Xeroxing of papers whenever required. Delivery of dispatch to Colaba/Dadar/ Kussara/ Pathakwadi and other places/ depot of the Undertaking and different wards of the MCGM whenever required and also collecting the same from various depots/depts. of the Undertaking. Receiving papers, files etc. from various depts./ sections of the Undertaking and forwarding the same to the concerned depts../divns. And getting acknowledgement whenever necessary. To collect the files, papers etc. from the various tables of the dept. and forward the same to the respective tables. To switch on/off lights, fans and PCs. To clean the tables/chairs and PCs of the dept. Attending the bell Any other work relating to dept. allotted by staff/officers.

2. 3.



6. 7. 8. 9.

6.0 6.1.1

CHARGE HAND GENERAL(P1/T6) : The Charge Hand General shall work under Dy.Engr./ Sub.Engr. (Transport). Also he shall take instructions from Dy.Charge Engr. In connection with execution of day to day work. The Charge Hand General (Transport) shall be responsible for the following duties: a. b. c. Allocating day to day work to the staff of the Transport Section. Preparing requisitions, Gate pass note and arranging materials for the execution of jobs undertaken. Arranging and physically checking defects of equipments such as, transformers & switchgears, AD Pillars/LV boards etc. for outdoor movements.




e. f.


h. i. j.



m. n. o. p.

q. r. s.



To supervise work of equipment movement gang whenever it is required to shift equipment from one place of work to other place within or outside the territory of Supply Branch. To go alongwith equipment movement lorry of transport contractor, engaged for shifting the Undertakings equipment. Maintaining important register in his custody such as attendance register, daily work allocation register, movement book, location code/work order/indent books etc. To help Sub.Engr./Dy.Engr. for inspection of new/old/faulty items whenever required OR to carry out this work independently as when instructed by Sub.Engr./Dy.Engr. To reporting about non-availability of required material to Sub.Engr./Dy.Engr. in writing. Arrange to cash purchase spare parts or any other new items required for Transport activities. To help Shop recorder in preparation of job sheets. To ensuring that job sheets of staff working under him are sent to the concern officer in time. Also in case of absence of Shop recorder to prepare job sheets of staff. To prepare overtime intimation/meal allowance advice, worksheets, acting duty advice etc. and to ensure that same are sent to the concern officer in time. To keep record of material drawn/used/credited and manpower used for carrying out particular work, with the help of Shop recorder. Ensuring safety measures are followed, before and during execution of work. Giving First-aid to injured persons and sending them to hospitals as and when required. Reporting to the Sub.Engr./Dy.Engr./Supdt., Asstt.Engrs. in case of accident during the execution of work. Accompanying the injured persons in case of accident to the nearest dispensary or hospital for attention and informing the concerned authorities. To help Dy.Engr./Sub.Engr. in preparing accident investigation report. Instructing and guiding the sub-ordinate staff i.e. tradesmen/nawghanies regarding the execution of work. Maintaining the discipline in Transport Section. To report indeciplines/misconduct on part of his subordinate to the on duty officer i.e. Dy.Engr./Sub.Engr. To help Dy.Engr. (Transport) for procurement of new machines or attaining to defective machines/equipment either at Workshop or at repairer/manufacturers work. To attain defective Transport machineries with the help of his subordinates staff i.e. Fitter/Wireman etc.



w. x. 7.0 7.1

Ensuring that all major/minor machineries and portable tools/measuring material, instruments, tools & equipments pertaining to Transport Section are in working condition and cleanliness and properly stored/stacked. In case of any type of shortcoming shall be immediately reported to Dy.Engr. In absence of other sections Charge Hand General, he shall take care of that section in addition to his normal duties. General supervision of day to day activities.

DRIVER SUPERVISOR (P2/G5) : The Driver Supervisor shall work under Dy.Engineer/ Sub Engineer of Transport Section. Also he shall take and follow up instructions from Dy.Ch.Engr. In connection with execution of day to day work.

7.1.2 He shall be responsible for the following duties : 1. Allocating day to day work to the staff/drivers/MV Fitter of the Transport Section. 2. Maintaining important registers in his custody such as attendance, roaster of driver, work allocation register, vehicle register for defect, servicing, PUC RTO passing etc. 3. Ensuring that all the vehicles are in working condition and adequately clean. 4. Any type of defect, damage shall be reported to Dy.Engr. and shall arrange to send it to MV Anik for necessary repairs immediately. 5. Ensuring that particular vehicles should be send to MV Anik on the particular date for monthly servicing, PUC, docking, RTO passing, as per the schedule given by EET(MV). 6. He shall follow up with MV Anik for vehicle routine maintenance, breakdown maintenance and shall arrange to bring back the vehicles. 7. In case of minor damage or defect, vehicle should be attended in the depot only with the help of MV Fitter. In case of breakdown of vehicle on line he should arrange line fitter of bus control to attend the vehicle. 8. To supervise movement of vehicles and ensure the proper timing of movement. 9. To help Shop Recorder in preparation of sheets, filling of leave forms, to insure that job sheets and leave forms of staff working under him are sent to concern in time. 10. Ensuring safety measures are followed, before and during execution of work.


11. Giving First-aid to injured persons and sending them to hospitals as and when required. 12. Reporting to the Sub Engr./Dy.Engr/Supdt./Asstt.Engr. in case of accident during the execution of work. 13. Accompanying the injured persons in case of accident to the nearest dispensary or hospital for attention and informing the concerned authorities. 14. To help Dy.Engr./Sub Engr. In preparing accident investigation report. 15. Instructing and guiding the sub-ordinate staff i.e. MV Drivers/Tradesmen/Nawghanies regarding the execution of work. 16. Maintaining the discipline in Transport Section. To report indiscipline/ misconduct on part of his subordinate to the on duty officer i.e. Dy.Engr./ Sub Engr. 8.0 M.V. DRIVER (P2/G3) : 8.1 MV Driver shall work under the supervision of Dy.Engr./ Sub Engr.

8.1.2 He shall carry out the following duties: 1. 2. 3. Driving motor lorry, Tower wagon, Tractor, Station Wagon or Motor Car as per directions. Ensure that there is enough petrol/ HSD Oil and engine oil in the vehicle and that the Radiator is topped up. In case of accident, arranges to remove injured pedestrian to Hospital and gives complaint with all particulars to Traffic Inspector or to Officer concerned. Attend to minor break-downs like tyre puncture etc. reports to Motor Vehicle Department to send Line Fitter in case of heavy break-downs. SENIOR JOINTER (P1/T6) Sr.Jointer working in the department is directly responsible for making all types of joints and termination of 22kV/33kV cables. Sr.Jointer shall work under Dy.Engineer and his specific duties shall depend on exigencies of the department. The staffs working under the Sr.Jointer are Jointer in grade P1/T5 1 no., Perm.Nawghany in grade P1/T1 4 nos. He is the in-charge of Jointer Hand Cart and for which the permanent gate pass is given to transport the hand cart along with the prescribed materials to the respective jointing site. He shall perform the following duties :


9.0 9.1.1




carrying out the jointer pit of required dimensions as per types of joint and as per site conditions; ii) allocating work to the staff working under him; iii) he shall take necessary precautions while installing tent over jointers pit so as to make it dust free, moisture free, accident proof (mechanical and electrical); iv) in case of water seepage, water leakage occurring in the jointers pit, the Sr.Jointer shall make necessary arrangement of water draining. Further he shall make necessary arrangement of safe guarding jointers tent and his staff in case of heavy rains; v) carrying out the jointing job with taking necessary precautions in case of water pipe gas pipe or any other live cables existing in the pit; vi) carrying out the cable preparations by giving appropriate measurement to staff for joint in hand; vii) identification of ends, of cables and should assist to Dy.Engr. carrying out for phasing operations. viii) Providing proper lighting arrangement in the tent and observing safety measures; ix) Giving proper instructions with precautions to his staff for heating of compounds and soldering pot; x) Proper measurement should be given for the preparation of cable in case of 22kV/ 33kV terminations and power transformer secondary cable termination; xi) to carry out soldering of ferule and lugs smoothly and without blow holes; xii) to carry out proper penciling and taping in case of conventional st.joints; xiii) to carry out uniform heat shrinking of insulating tubes in case of non conventional heat shrinkable joints; xiv) providing necessary earthing to the both cable ends while jointing as well as termination. xv) Proper soldering of lead rings and lead/ brass sleeve in case of conventional st.joints; xvi) Proper heating and filling of inner and outer compound with necessary precautions; xvii) Submission of damaged tools to the site in-charge and get the replacement in time; xviii) Taking periodic inventory of materials, tools stored in hand cart, reviewing and checking the entries made in permanent gate pass, arranging for required materials, tools; xix) Transporting the jointer hand cart to the jointing sites; xx) After completion of jointing work shall carry out backfilling of joint pit; xxi) After completion of jointing works shall removes the tent and submit the extra tools and scrap to the site in-charge. xxii) Directly responsible for the job, therefore, should have the knowledge of each type of joint (measurement for cable preparation and procedure of joints) and types of cable.


xxiii) Carrying out the pot heading & scaling of cables.

10.0 SR. JOINTERMATE (P1/T5)/ JOINTER (P1/T5): 10.1.1 Sr. Jointer mate/ Jointer in grade P1/T5 should have to assist the Sr.Jointer in preliminary work with regards to EHV cable joints and terminations. Sr.Jointermate/Jointer has to perform all the duties of Sr.Jointer while (i) St.Jointing of HV & LV cables (ii) T jointing of LV cables (iii) terminations of HV & LV cables, (iv) pot heading & sealing of HV & LV cables; In addition to this, he shall have to perform following duties: Fixing of cut out boards; Providing proper earthing to the meter cabin, service cable towards consumer end; Transporting the jointer hand cart to the jointing sites; Assist T6 Jointer for carrying out 33kV Joint as well as 33 kV termination; To maintain the jointer hand cart & jointer tool box; Proper fixing of glands & lugs; Proper soldering of ferule and lugs; To carry out proper bitumen taping in case of HV/LV St.Joints and T Joints; Taking necessary precautions to avoid dust and moisture while jointing by installing the tent over jointer pits. To ensure that the tent is accident proof (mechanical and electrical) Give the proper instructions & measurement to carry out the cable preparation for different types of HV/LV and T Joints as well as termination. Proper heating of inner and outer compound and soldering pot. Filling of inner and outer compound with necessary care and precautions; Taking proper precaution and advice of site in-charge should carry out T joints in live in case of emergency; To carry out the backfilling of jointer pit after completion of jointing work; To carry out the cutting, sealing and pot heading of cables. JOINTERMATE (P1/T4) : Jointer mate has to assist the Jointer in preliminary works with regards to HV/LV cable joints and terminations. He shall have to perform all the duties of Jointer.

10.1.2 i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix)


xi) xii) xiii) xiv) xv) 11.0 11.1.1





12.1.1 The following are the responsibilities and duties in respect of Muccadam in grade P1/T3. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) He should lay HV & LV cables on footpaths and carriageway. He should control, supervise and guide the Nawghanies and casual labourers etc. working under him. He should have knowledge about excavation and cable laying He should guide the staff working under him for High Voltage and Low Voltage cable laying and special job pertaining to the work. He should read sketches of house and Street Lighting services and mains schemes plans. He should be able to receive and transmit the messages on telephone whenever necessary. He should identify the material and equipments collected from the Materials Management Dept. He should supervise the working staff for movement of transformer and switchgear. He should give directions to the Crane man while lifting the heavy material. He should have sound knowledge of the other depts. Of the Undertaking. He should also have the knowledge of local authorities like MCGM, Govt. Offices etc.

13.0 WIREMAN (P1/T4) / ASSTT. WIREMAN (P1/T3) 13.1.1 Wireman / Asstt. Wireman shall be responsible for performing following duties: Wireman/Asstt.Wireman, shall be on versant with various types of wires/cables/accessories used in wiring work, its current carrying capacity, types of wiring, jointing/soldering/crimping methods, and safety precautions to be observed in the trade, methods of artificial respiration, etc. He shall carry out new wiring of addition/alteration/repairs of existing wiring pertaining to lighting/power circuits at substations/workshop or at any other place of the Undertaking. He shall carry out internal control circuit wiring of HT/LT switchgears, capacitors, transformers temperature controller/bushel relay etc. He shall carry out preventive as well as breakdown maintenance of electrical wiring & switching/controlling devices of Workshop machines



3) 4)


14.0 14.1.1 1.

such as EOT crane, oil filtration machine, electric furnace/oven, drilling/cutting/grinding/shearing machines, oil pump, various types of power driven portable machines/tools etc. MASON SENIOR (P1/T3) Mason shall be responsible for performing following duties: He shall have ability to use spirit level, square, plumb line and all other tools in connection with masonry work. He shall know about proper mixing of cement, sand, water, and metal, either manually or using hand driven/motor driven batch mixture machine. He shall construct RCC foundations, cement frogs, and any other RCC articles as per given sketch/specimen. He shall construct manholes, carry out reinstatement of concrete and tiles flooring, fixing rag bolts in walls, either at Workshop/Substations or at any other place of the Undertaking. He shall carry out minor repairs/addition/alteration to civil structure such as plastering, making foot steps, fixing door frames etc. Also he shall carry out general cleaning and preventive maintenance of tools / equipments / machines pertaining to his trade. NAWGHANY (P1/T1) : Nawghany shall be responsible for performing following duties: Excavation and reinstatement of road for laying, repairing and replacing of cables. Pulling of cables from the drum and laying into trenches. To carry materials, tools or articles from the nearby depot with the help of Hand Cart or by hand as per requirement. To help Jointer & Jointer mate in their work e.g. to clean the tools, to heat mixtures, to solder plumbing, to clean the joint pits for draining of water. To carry new or old material from Stores Dept. or from Chowkey, Section where the old material are kept and to carry it to Stores or to carry it from one dept. to another dept. Loading and unloading material, equipments, tools etc. into vehicles. To work as Security Guard on the place of work whenever is needed. To dispatch the mail in dept, sub offices whenever is needed. To keep the record of day to day work. To lift and move the machine and its spare parts related to departmental work, breaking down of walls, boring holes, digging the trenches, performing such types of laborious works. To transport the tools, cleaning, repairing material, departmental papers, stationary etc. from one place to another or from departmental sub offices to any other site of work. Sweeping, cleaning and washing of substations, chowkies and office floors and compounds, including cutting of grass plants, trees and cleaning or

2. 3.

4. 5.

15.0 15.1.1 1. 2. 3. 4.


6. 7. 8. 9. 10.





14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

dusting of station, wall window panes, ventilators, dead equipment, furniture etc. To assist the officer and supervisory staff while carrying out the repairing and maintenance work and cleaning the vehicle utilized for departmental use. Assisting the Shop recorder, Clerk and Supervisory staff at the time of procurement and issuing the store materials. Assisting the Tradesmen and to carry out unskilled work under their guidance. To inform about unforeseen / accident by telephone or by other means and to remain there as standby till any help is received. To do any unskilled work pertaining to receiving station/substation or its plant or machinery under supervision and guidance. While working in shift , it is to confirm that whether sufficient water is there in coolers and clay pots. TRADESDMEN


16.1.1 The following categories of Tradesmen/Assistant Tradesmen, etc. are normally working in the different sections of the dept. as shown against them:Jointer Jointer mate Fitter Asstt.Fitter Carpenter Cabinet Maker Painter(Sr.) Painter(Jr.) Wireman Muccadam Mason Tradesman Asstt.Tradesman Tradesman Asstt.Tradesman Tradesman Tradesman Tradesman Tradesman Tradesman Tradesman Tradesman a)HV/LV network development b) services a)HV/LV network development a)HV/LV network development b) services a)HV/LV network development b) services a)HV/LV network development b) services


1. 1.1 WORKING PROCEDURAL OF ERECTION DEPARTMENTS This chapter gives a general picture of the overall working of the Erection Department. The methods to be adopted for different types of work indicated herein shall serve as a guideline for the Officers and staff and shall not be deemed to be completed in all respects. Wherever possible, reference to relevant office order and departmental circulars has been made and from time to time, threes may have to be amended. PROCEDURE


1.2.1 Capital jobs in connection with HV & LV network developments. 1.2.2 The Planning Dept. justifies and arranges to obtain the sanction of the appropriate authorities, whenever any scheme in connection with the following jobs is to be carried out i) new substations; ii) Extensions/alterations to the existing substations; iii) Extensions /alterations to HV & LV cables & pillars; iv) Diversion of HV/LV cables for MCGM and outside parties: 1.2.3 The Planning Dept. then finalizes the sanctioned schemes and onwards to the Divisional Engineer, who in turn gets them registered in his records. The decision as to when the work of installation of equipment or laying of cables in connection with the extensions/alterations of existing substations is taken at the level of CED(S)/DCE(DS) and the Divisional Engineer is advised to prepare a schedule. 1.2.3 The CED(S)/DCE(DS) holds a monthly meeting with Divisional Engineers of Erection, Maintenance and Commercial Dept. and their Superintendents. At this meeting the various schemes sanctioned so far, in connection with i) ii) new substation; extensions/alterations to the existing substations;


iii) ]

extensions/alterations to HV & LV cables & pillars are reviewed and priority fixed on the basis of the requirement of a) Commercial Depts.:- For new loads held up or likely to be connection in the near future. b) Operation & Maintenance Dept.:- For relieving overloads on the system or improvement of voltage conditions.


SERVICE LAYING JOBS: The Divisional Engineer, Commercial engages service work orders for laying of new services and replacing the existing small size of service cables by higher sizes and removal of existing service. The Divisional Engineer, Erection after the receipt of work order gets it registered in his records. Thereafter in the next few days, a survey is carried out by Erection Division for the purpose of taking up the work in had and if everything is in order, the job is scheduled and completed. TRANSPORT : The various depts. of Electric Supply Branch handover requisitions in respect of materials which cannot ordinarily be transported by their own staff in their vans to the Transport Section, Kussara and the Dy.Ch.Engr. Transport after entering the requisitions in the register arranges to transport the materials to the work sites, and from the work sites back to Kussara. The Transport Section also receives scrap materials to be sent to the Oshiwara Scrap Yard.

2.0 2.1

EXECUTION OF WORK The Divisional Engineer, Planning with his knowledge of time taken for delivery of materials in different categories, arranges to place orders for major items well in advance, so that the Divisional Engineer, Erection is not handicapped for want of materials whenever sanctioned schemes are to be taken up for execution. He also ensures through the Dy.Ch. Manager of Stores & Purchase, Kussara, for recoupment of other sundry materials, well in time. The Divisional Engineer, Erection has on his establishment sufficient posts of supervisory staff and tradesmen but he has only a limited staff in the



category of nawhanies, who are invariably engaged against temporary sanctions, from time to time. 2.3 i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) The rules governing the working of the Dept. arethe Indian Electricity Act 1910 and the Indian Electricity Rules 1956, relating to the particular conditions and working of the Dept.; Indian Telegraph Act 1885; The Factories Act 1948 and the Bombay Factories Rules 1950; The Bombay Industrial Relations Act 1946; The Industrial Disputes Act; Shops and Establishment Act; Workmens compensation Act; Payment of wages Act; Electricity safety rules and Codes issued by the Undertaking;

2.4 i) ii) iii) 2.4.1

COMMISSIONING OF EQUIPMENTS:new substations; extensions/alterations at existing substations; extensions / alterations of HV/LV mains & pillars; After the priority of execution of schemes is fixed at the monthly meetings the Supdt./Asstt.Engr. prepares the monthly programme and allocates the work to his Dy.Engr. who prepare their schedules programme? In accordance with the monthly programme the Dy.Engr. ensures that a proper access to the substations from outside is available for transport of heavy equipment and also suitable access to substation building and transformer yard exists for movement of equipments. Supdt./Asstt.Engr. then forwards an indent to Dy.Engr. to ensure that all equipments required for installation in the substations are made available by Stores and Distribution Workshop. The work of erection of equipments at the new substation (indoor/indooroutdoor) shall not be commenced till the substation building has been handed over by the DEMS to avoid any complaints later on regarding substation building structure and means of access by the staff of O & M Dept. Dy.Engr. arranges for transport of materials and equipments either through Transport Section or through a contractor and arranges to place the equipments at the proper place of installation. The substation is normally equipped with the following items







i) ii) iii) iv) 2.4.7

distribution transformer 250KVA to 1600 KVA; set of OCBs or Ring Main Unit for on trolling the incoming feeder/outgoing feeder/primary side of Distribution transformer; ADP/LV board; Capacitor; The circuit breakers/Rum is installed at site in accordance with the instructions from the manufacturer. The entire operating mechanism including operating levels, toggle mechanisms are checked florperformance. If the circuit breakers are of withdraw able type provided with inter locking shutters, then it is important to observe the alignment very carefully, so that the interlocking shutters are operating properly. Normally the cables laid in connection with new substation are incoming feeder from BEST 22/33 KV substation to the new substations; outgoing feeders from the new substation to the existing substation; HV cable of transformer; LV cables connecting LV network of existing substation; As and when the laying cables is scheduled the Supdt./Asstt.Engr. / Dy.Engr. ensures that requisite lengths of cables, joining material and other materials are available in stock. The route of the cables as per the scheme is then surveyed by the Dy.Engr., so that i) the quantum of labour and the period of execution could be assessed; ii) timely solution could be found for any problems to be encountered; iii) suitable location of chowky may be selected from where the labour could be conveniently controlled and the movement of materials shall be economical ;

2.4.8 i) ii) iii) iv) 2.5


Deputy Engineer (Schemes) arranges to obtain from Ward Officers of MCGM formal Objection and permit for excavation for the requisite period and commences the work thereafter. Also intimation to `Cable Information Service of the Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. about the location of our excavations, is sent, so that they could port their staff wherever their cables are existing and thus avoid damage to the telephone cables. Wherever any excavations are involved across major roads, which are likely to disrupt the vehicular traffic the Dy.Engr. arranges to send an intimation to the Commissioner of Police, Traffic Dept. so that he could post a traffic constable to regulate the traffic, if found necessary.



Normally, the cables are laid direct in the ground and wherever the cable has to cross a road or a vehicular entrance to a building, pipes are laid so that the cables shall be pulled through them without any hindrance to vehicular traffic. Since pipe lying across the road disrupts the road surface, pipes/with ducts is laid at intervals of 70mtrs. or so and at road junctions whenever any roads are reconstructed. The job of cable laying is divided into six major porti9on i.e. excavation (trenching); laying pipes, wherever necessary; laying cables in the trench or pulling through pipe; protecting with warning covers; backfilling (temp. reinstatement) permanent reinstatement; When only one cable is to e laid, the width of the excavation is abort 0.6 mtrs, so that the workers can be stand in the trench and pull the cables. Whenever more cables are to be laid in the same excavation, which are either laid side by side or in tier formation the spacing between the centers of the cables is kept between 13 to 22 cms., depending upon the space available. The width of the trench is increased accordingly. Normally, the depth of the excavation shall be about 1.05 mtrs. in case of 22 KV cables, 0.9 mtrs. in case of 6.6KV cables and 0.75 mtrs. in case of LV cables, unless some obstructions are encountered when the depth is decreased to suit the conditions.

2.8 i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) 2.9



Normally, the excavation is carried out by manual labour using pick axes, spades, cross-bars, chisels, sledge hammers and gamelans, but where rock or concrete surface is to be broken; compressed air tools taken on hire are used for excavations. TRIAL HOLES Before commencing the excavation, the Foreman/Asstt.Foreman arranges trial holes about 10 to 12 mtrs. so that as far as possible a straight-run excavation may be decided to avoid major obstructions, if any. After the route of the excavation is decided, the Muccadam distributes a suitable length of excavation (depending upon the type of the surface and the size of the trench) to the Nawghanies under him.



PROTECTION TO OTHER UTILITY SERVICES As the trenching work proceeds, existing properties of other utilities/authorities are exposed. Suitable steps are to be taken to support


such properties, so as to prevent them from damage. The usual method of giving temp. support is by means of brick piers or lashings from pieces of timber or bars placed at frequent intervals, across the trench from which the Services are slung, whilst the work is in progress. Accidental damage to any property is reported with the least delay to the owing authority either personally or over telephone and if the Undertaking is not responsible for the damage, this fact is clearly stated at the time the report is made.


STACKING EXCAVATED MATERIAL If there is any danger of the trench collapsing, the side are well shored up with timber and sheeting as the excavation proceeds.


Some roadways are wide enough to allow half the width to be closed and still allow traffic to use the free half. When this is the case, it is possible to open up the roads in two halves. The first half is opened unto examine whether the pipes can be laid in a straight run. It is then filled up without laying pipes. Then the second half is opened out to examine whether the pipes can be linked up with the pipes in the first half. If it is possible to link up with the first half, then the pipes are laid and the first half is re-excavated to ally the pipes in continuity of the second half. After the trench has been made ready for the purpose of pulling the cables, arrangements for laying the cable in the trench or through the pipes are made. Firstly, the direction in which the cable is to be pulled is decided and accordingly, a suitable site for the cable drum and its mounting on jacks is fixed. The cable rollers are placed in position on the bed of the trench at regular intervals sufficiently close, so as to prevent undue sagging of the cable. The pulling in rope is then passed down the trench over the rollers and made off to the cable grip which in turn is fixed to the end of the cable. The Muccadam or the head Gang-man stands in a commanding position where he can view the entire route and shouts evenly-timed calls to his men to pull. With the synchronism between the gang mans call and the pulling by the workers, the cable leaves the drum without difficulty and passes down the trench on the rollers. As far as possible, the cable is pulled with steady-even-pulls and not jerked or strained. When the cable is being pulled round bends rollers are placed sideways, so as to keep the cable at a safe radius, thus preventing sharp bending and consequent straining of the cable.





TEST CERTIFICATE When all the equipment is placed in its proper position and all accessories and cables have been connected thereto; the Supdt./ Asstt.Engr./Dy.Engineer shall thoroughly check the working of the equipment and then finally arrange to forward the Test Certificate to DEMS/DEMCS to enable him to commission the equipment after obtaining Electrical Inspectors approval.

6. 6.1

WORKSHEET To enable proper control to be kept on the execution of outdoor work and allocation of labour, a worksheet is prepared by the Sub.Engkr., one day in advance of each working day. A worksheet is prepared by the Sub.Engr. of the Section which shall contain the following data name of the Sub.Engr. incharge of the section; names of Ch.Engr./Dy.Ch.Engr. incharge of particular jobs; classification of personnel (permanent and temp.) and check nos. of the non-scheduled staff; total number of persons; location code nos. with detailed activity-wise codes; location of works- reference of the scheme plan/layout plan; type of work; indication in the form of letter `D where a draughtsman is required;


i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) 7.0 7.1

HOURS OF WORK The hours of work for the department are given below: Timing 08.00 to 17.00 hrs. 08.00 to 17.00 hrs. Lunch Recess 12.30 to 13.30 hrs. 12.30 to 13.30 hrs.

Days Outdoor staff Mon. to Sat. Transport Section Mon. to Sat.





Sub.: Uploading of departmental Manual on BESTs Website as required under the Right to Information Act-2005. Ref.: AGM(P)/A/66319/05 dt. 13/12/2005. With reference to above, we are forwarding herwith a Hard copy of Erection (South) Divisionss Manual alongwith Soft copy (CD) for uploading the same on BESTs Website. For information & needful action, please.

Encl.: Hard copy & Soft copy (CD)




This chapter gives generally the organizational set up of the department and is intended to assist the officers and staff of the Undertaking to be acquainted with the work of the Planning (Network) Department. It will be seen that at several places there is repetition of duties allocated to different categories of staff and this may lead to misunderstanding in fixing responsibilities. Therefore, at the outset it must be clarified that wherever any item is repeated under different staff levels the staff at the lowest level is the one which actually carries out the work and the higher level staff guide the work and assume responsibility for implementation of general policies. Details and accuracy are to be ensured by the staff which actually carries out the work.



Planning Network Department is responsible for the Planning of High Voltage (11KV) and low voltage network. The department is responsible for preparation of Administrative Report of the Supply Branch and Schedule of Estimate. The department is under the Divisional Engineer, Planning (Network) who is assisted by two Superintendents and five Assistant Engineers. The Organisation set up is given in Appendix A. The major activities of the dept. can be classified as under 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 H. V. Network Planning Routine Planning Drawing Office Substation cases under network category Preparation of Administrative Report



Preparation of Schedule of Estimate


H. V. Network Planning :

H. V. Network section of the Planning department is responsible for planning of the entire HV network including the 11KV outlets of receiving substation. The feeder loads and reports of overload cases received from the O & M departments are analysed and schemes are made if required for strengthening the HV network. Also whenever new receiving substations are proposed to be commissioned, the outlets are planned taking into consideration the needs of the HV network. New substations are initiated and the HV schemes for these are proposed in such a way that network flexibility / reliability is maintained. This section also makes schemes for major diversions, whenever required by MCGM or other utilities. The technical clearance for load requirement at 11 KV (HV TC) is also processed by this section. Two Superintendents assisted by two Deputy Engineers carries out this work. 1.2.1 Procedure followed while dealing with the various activities of HV network section.

The major activities of the HV section can be divided into three viz., (i) Clearing of HV TCs (ii) Initiating 11KV network proposals for New RSS/ DSS, alteration / addition in 11KV network (iii) Strengthening of the HV network. HV TC - The load requisition are received by the Commercial Department from the various consumers. The cases are referred to Planning Department to get their Technical Clearance so as to accommodate the increased load without any operational constraint. Depending upon the load and the area to be catered to, the TC is referred to Planning Department as per Procedure Order 90A(for releasing the load on HV network). If DSS is already existing, the load is to be released on the existing DSS as far as possible, if not, then space for DSS is asked for. If the load more than 1500KW or the plot area is more than 10,000sq.mtrs. then a copy of TC is to be referred to Project Department also for assessing the requirement of a RSS in the plot. The conditions for insisting on release of load on HV network is given in Procedure Order 90 A. For establishing an HV room, the HV supply is generally made available from the nearest HV feed to the site. This is decided after studying the HV network for ascertaining the spare capacity and if it is not possible to release load on the existing


H.V. network, then load is released after strengthening of HV network by preparing schemes. After complete study the HV TC is cleared with any of the following remarks (a) HV room required (b) load to be released on existing network (c) strengthening of HV network required (d) subject to execution of intimated HV scheme. Initiating & Processing of HV network proposals for new RSS/DSS, Alteration/ Additions of RSS/DSS and strengthening of HV network Once it is decided that a new RSS or DSS is required, the negotiations with the party for getting the DSS site is carried by the concerned Deputy Chief Engineer (CN/CS) incharge of Commercial dept. In the case of new RSS, the Project Dept. informs Planning Network Dept. for designing the outlets of the RSS or any alteration / addition in the existing RSS. The HV proposals for new DSS is asked for by the routine section. The HV proposal for HV room is prepared by the HV section itself, and also proposals for strengthening of HV network. The strengthening of HV network includes relieving of load on existing feeders, replacement of small size feeders, altering the network to facilitate easy load transfer etc. Schemes for diversion and shifting of our installations such as substations, LV pillars, cables etc. whenever required, usually chargeable to the concerned party, who wants the shifting/ diversion. While preparing any HV scheme the following points are to be considered. Quick Supply Restoration

In case of failure of any feeder or Power transformer the time required for supply restoration should be minimum. To achieve this the following points should be taken care of while designing the H.V. network : To reduce the no. of DSS in a chain on a feeder to 5. To reduce the no. of DSS with Ring Main Unit especially in a continuous chain. Important consumers, Hospitals, Military Major Govt. Offices etc. have to be given more no. of reliable feeds from different RSS. Reliability & Flexibility of Network


A system is said to be reliable if the load can be easily transferred in case of abnormal condition i.e. during fault or outage. For increasing the reliability of network the following points have to be considered. There should be more no. of interconnections of one RSS with the nearby RSS.

Spare capacity of 20% should be available on the Power transformer and feeder in case of load transfer. The weak links i.e. feeder cable sizes below 0.2 sq. inch are replaced by 300 sq.mm./ 3 core PILC cables. The tail end status of the DSS is removed by injecting an alternate feed into the DSS wherever it is required. Economic Consideration

The scheme should be economical i.e. the cost of the scheme should be minimum. The cost of the scheme can be minimized by considering the following factors. Initial Investment The route of the cable selected should be the shortest one. Idle potheaded cables are used instead of laying new cables unnecessarily. Replacing the old weak cables in common excavation. Considering the future requirement, cables can be laid in common excavation for future use. Sometimes a longer route can be selected if the shorter route is congested or there are many obstacles. Running Cost To reduce losses in the HV cable logical feeding of substation should be selected i.e. the DSS should be fed from the nearest RSS.


Ease of Operation

The DSS should be easily accessible to the Fault Engineer and also the HV network should be designed by considering the road traffic, One Way restriction. This way, the Fault Engineers movement could be made easy while attending to the network abnormalities.

H.V. network Strengthening The HV network strengthening is done in the following cases : 1.2.2

To remove the feeder overload To give load relief to the overloaded Power Transformer. Commissioning of new substation.

Planning Procedure

For efficient and proper planning, the already intimated schemes which have not been executed have to be identified and studied. While designing the outlets of RSS the load growth should be studied and the design should be such that the outlets should not get overloaded at least for the five years from execution of scheme. The proposal thus prepared is sent to Chief Engineer Distribution though the respective Operation & Maintenance Dept. for their comments and approval. The proposal is sent by Divisional Engineer Maintenance with his comments to the Deputy Chief Engineer. The Chief Engineer Distribution gives the final approval to the proposal. The proposal may be returned at any stage for review, if not acceptable. Once the proposal is approved, the plans for the same are prepared in the drawing office. During inspection for taking over the site and afterwards, the site plans and layout plans for the DSS are prepared. Copies of the layout plans are sent to the respective Deputy Chief Engineer for approval. The layout plan of DSS is sent to the building department for preparation of building drawing and estimate for the


construction of same. The building drawing is later approved by Planning Network. Copies of the building drawings are sent by Commercial Department to the party as required for building the DSS. For construction of the DSS, Procedure Order 90A is xfollowed to decide who has to build the DSS; whether BEST or the party. The civil sanction for the cost of building for the DSS is taken by Planning Network. The sanctioning authority at present is AGM(ES). The plans, prepared by the drawing office for the approved proposal, are sent to the Estimator for working out the estimate for the work to be carried out. The approval, plans and estimate is sent for sanction to the sanctioning authority. The sanctioning authority is according to the nature of scheme and the cost. Presently the sanctioning authority are DCEPL and AGM(ES) for Planning Dept. Once the scheme is sanctioned it is intimated to respective Erection Department and if required Construction department for execution. Once the scheme is executed by the Erection/ Construction Dept. a completion/ part completion report is sent by them for our records. During the process of execution Draughtsman is also sent for bringing site details. If the scheme is not executed within five years it is sent back to Planning Network for revalidation i.e. whether the scheme is to be executed at this stage. 1.3 Routine Planning. Routine planning of LV network involves mainly the following jobs. 1.3.1 1.3.2 Technical Clearance (T.C.) of load requisitions referred by Commercial Dept. Planning of substations This involves initiating substation cases out of technical clearance, preparation of site plan (S/Pl), layout plan (L/Pl), Mains plan (M/Pl), preparing and obtaining sanction of HV and LV scheme for commissioning of substations etc. Substation cases are also initiated under plan 37 i.e. when the Architects approach Planning Dept. for No Objection Certificate for obtaining approval of Executive Engineer, Building Proposals (EEBP), MCGM. When the Architects approach with their plans the load requirement and the network condition of the area are studied and the decision as to whether to have a substation or not in the premises is conveyed to Ex. Engineer, Building Proposals and the Architects. The requirement of substation in a plot is decided as per procedure order 90A formulated for the same.

1.3.3 Preparation of schemes for LV network strengthening based on the LV loads received from O & M for general improvement of LV network and for the release of loads under new requisitions. 1.3.4 Preparation of schemes for removal of overloads of distributors and transformers based on feedback from O & M departments.


The Routine Planning section is divided into 4 zones viz., South, Central South, Central North and North, identical with the zones of Operation and Maintenance Department. Each zone is having 1 Assistant Engineer and 2 Dy. Engineer for carrying out the jobs. The preparation of scheme consists of making the proposals after study of network and obtaining approval of distribution section, obtaining sanction after the preparation of necessary drawings and estimates and intimating the schemes to Erection Department for execution. 1.4 Drawing Office :

Drawing Office attached to the Planning Network dept. maintains accurately all the records of the electrical installations marked geographically on plans. The important task of maintaining these vital records is entrusted with the Drawing office of Network Planning department.

These records mainly consist of Survey Sheets prepared to the scale of 1 : 480. On survey sheet all our underground cables, receiving sub-stations, distribution substations, dist. Pillars, poles, service positions etc. with dates of installation and other details are marked. It is a difficult task to update these records as the configurations of our installations change daily because of the new schemes executed and works carried out. This job is managed by sending draughtsmen to the sites where the scheme works are going on, taking measurements and marking the details of the jobs like substation, ADP, cables etc. in a an extension sketch and transferring this to the block plans. The drawing office also prepares all the drawings such as Site Plan (S/Pl), Layout (L/Pl), Mains Plan (M/Pl) etc. required for the purpose of execution of schemes. Maps of Mumbai in different scales with divisions based on different parameters such as wards, divisions, load density, zones etc. with different information such as existing distribution substations, receiving sub-stations, proposed distribution substation/ receiving stations etc. are maintained by the drawing office. 1.5 Substation cases under Network category :

Other than the distribution substation cases initiated out of load requisitions, Planning Network Department also initiates distribution substation proposals at locations where the LV network is fully loaded and sites cannot be obtained from the consumers. Negotiations with landlords of premises such as MCGM, State Government, MBPT, Private properties, Police Department etc. for obtaining the substation sites are carried out directly by the Planning Network Department. Obtaining sites from the above public bodies is time consuming and requires continuous follow up. The usual procedure is to survey the area where critical network exists. A vacant site such as playground, garden,


open space etc. is located where a substation can be established and site plan is prepared. After taking over the site by continuous and vigorous follow-up, required plans and schemes for commissioning of the substations are prepared in the usual way. The areas where such network substations are required to be commissioned are slum colonies such as Antop Hill, Dharavi etc. and congested localities like Kalbadevi and Fort area. At preset 1 Assistant Engineer with 1 Dy. Engineer carries out this job of initiating / negotiating and planning these network substations. 1.6 Forward Planning :

This involves accessing requirements for the period of 15 years of the followings:1.6.1 Load forecasting is carried out based on prevailing load Load Forecast : condition, yearly load trends, load density, area-wise load demands, receiving station load demand and power factors, development plans, etc. 1.6.2 Means to meet the load demand : This is based on tariff wise energy consumption patterns, receiving station load, etc.


Load densities : This is based on division of area, considering residential, commercial, industrial and mixed pattern. 1.6.4 Area-wise load demands : This is based on peak loads of substation in the area for past 5 yrs. And forecasting trends of load demand. Pertaining to various scheme for substations, 1.6.5 Income and expenditure : relieving overload the income and expenditure is worked out. 1.6.6 Preparation of master plan : This is based on load forecast, forecast of means for meeting demand likely, changes in the technology, organization and system alternation. 1.7 Preparation of Administrative Report :

The Administrative Report pertaining to the development of the Electric Supply Branch shall be prepared by the department every year. In this report all achievements and short falls of the previous year shall be briefly brought out together with necessary illustrations and statistical tables indicating the performance of the Electric Supply Branch. The report shall also present, briefly, the outlines of the future plans of development. The report shall be submitted to the management through the DGMS according to the programme drawn by the Public Relations Officer. 1.8 Preparation of Schedule of Estimate :


Schedule of Estimate for materials, labour and services is prepared every year for obligatory and undertaking job. The details regarding the procedures followed in preparing the Schedule of Estimate is given in Chapter III.

****** * ******




Divisional Engineer : A-3

Divisional Engineer Planning Network shall be overall in-charge of Planning Department and shall be reporting to the Deputy Chief Engineer (Planning). He will recommend / sanction the leave as per the delegation of powers from Management. He will carry out the jobs other than above allotted by the superiors from time to time. He is responsible for the smooth and efficient working of the department and will co-ordinate the work of various sections of the department such as, Routine Planning (4 zones), HV network, substation cases under network category, Drawing Office and Administrative Section. Each section is headed by and A Grade Officer whose duties and responsibilities are listed below :2. Superintendents : A-4


There are two Superintendents in the department. One superintendent is incharge of HV network of North zone and Drawing Office and the other Superintendent is incharge of HV network of South zone and preparing Schedule of Estimate and Administrative Report of Electric Supply Branch. 2.1 2.1.1 Superintendent Planning Network shall be responsible for Preparing scheme for strengthening of H. V. networks, additions and alternations to substation. Preparing schemes for outlets for new receiving substations (RSS) and also additional outlets from existing receiving substations. Preparing schemes for diversion / shifting of our substation cables / distribution pillars as per the requirement of MCGM and private parties for this development project. Supervising the working of the Drawing Office and ensuring that data necessary for the proper maintenance of block plans, detailed extension sketches and various other drawings etc. required by the Supply Branch for the purpose of maintaining electric supply are accurately collected, faithfully marked and properly reproduced as and when required.




2.1.5 2.1.6

Preparing the annual administrative report of the Electric Supply Branch. Preparing schemes for specific problem reported by O & M Department for improvement of H. V. network ; Taking approval, sanction of all the schemes prepared by H. V. Section; Intimating all the sanctioned schemes to the executing department. To recommend / sanction the leave as per the delegation of powers from Management.

2.1.7 2.1.8 2.1.9

2.1.10 To carry out the jobs other than above allotted by the superiors from time to time.

2.2 2.2.1

The Assistant Engineer Network Substation cases shall be responsible for Initiating network substation cases in overloaded areas.



Negotiating with various authorities / private parties for finalizing substations sites under network categories. Co-ordinating with Civil Engineering Dept. for taking over of sites, preparation of building drawing, obtaining EEBP(C)s approval. Submitting monthly report to management regarding proposals of network substation cases. Follow up with government for getting grant / loan for various schemes intended for improvement of network. To recommend / sanction the leave as per the delegation of powers from Management. To carry out the jobs other than above allotted by the superiors from time to time. Assistant Engineers : A-5 Assistant Engineers in routine Planning Section of the Planning Network Dept. is divided into 4 zones, viz., North, Central North, Central South and South. The activities of each zone is handled by one Assistant Engineer Planning (Network). He shall be reporting to the Divisional Engineer Planning (Network). The duties and responsibilities are identical in all the 4 zones which are listed below :





2.2.7 3. 3.1

3.1.1 3.1.2

Overall supervision of job carried out by Dy. Engineer working under him. Clearing of TCs (Technical Clearance) Commercial Dept. for releasing load. of cases referred by respective

3.1.3 3.1.4

Issuing NOCs for New construction & addition & alteration of existing buildings. Formulate & suggest the preparation of schemes for strengthening, addition and alteration of L. V. scheme for the purpose of releasing load and also for relieving the overload cases; Formulate & suggest the preparation of scheme for diversion of cables, remodeling of DSS, shifting of ADPs / ZPs, substations. Formulate & suggest the preparation of scheme for establishing new substation; Obtaining approval / sanction for the schemes prepared.


3.1.6 3.1.7



Collecting and studying the load conditions in various localities and anticipated load changes on account of seasonal variations, Diwali illuminations, citywide celebrations of nations days, etc. Ensuring that the schemes comply with the provisions of relevant Acts and that they involve minimum of operational hazards.


3.1.10 Preparation of various monthly information system reports. 3.1.11 To recommend / sanction the leave as per the delegation of powers from Management. 3.1.12 To carry out the jobs other than above allotted by the superiors from time to time.

4. q

Deputy Engineer : G/GVI

The Deputy Engineer Planning Network shall be reporting to the concerned superintendent / Assistant Engineer. There are two Deputy Engineers allotted to each zone of Routine Planning Section, two Deputy Engineers for H.V. Network section and one Deputy Engineer for Substation under network section :

4.1 4.1.1

Deputy Engineers in Routine Planning Section are responsible for : Putting up of NOCs for new construction and additional, alteration of existing buildings received in depts. Putting up of T.C.s referred by respective Commercial dept. Preparing schemes for strengthening, addition and alteration of L. V. network, for releasing load and to remove overload. Preparing schemes for commissioning of new substation, Preparing schemes for diversion of cable, shifting ADPs / ZPs & DSS. Preparing schemes for remodeling of existing DSS. Putting up approvals and sanctions for the schemes of LV / HV networks.

4.1.2 4.1.3

4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 4.1.7



Monitoring & recording achievements related to strengthening addition, alteration in LV / HV network and commissioning of new DSS. Attending to joint site visit with representatives of DCE(CN/CS) and party for selecting new substation site under T.C. case.


4.1.10 Preparation & revision of site plans for respective DCECN/CS. 4.1.11 Preparation & revision of layout plans, main plan, sketch plan in co-ordination with Chief Draughtsman (routine planning). 4.1.12 Checking of building drawings through Chief Draughtsman (routine planning), 4.1.13 Preparation of schemes and estimates for obligatory job & undertaking job. 4.1.14 Putting up of sanction of civil cost for new DSS and remodeling of existing DSS. 4.1.15 Monitoring progress of proposed substation cases, 4.1.16 To co-ordinate with respective Erection Dept. for the execution of intimated schemes. 4.1.17 Revalidation of the schemes intimated previously. 4.1.18 Putting up for post facto sanction & additional sanction of the schemes. 4.1.19 To give spare capacity of network and feeding points to release load as requested by respective commercial depts..

4.1.20 Review the proposed DSS cases referred by respective DCECN/CS. 4.1.21 To recommend / sanction the leave as per the Management. delegation of powers from

4.1.22 To carry out the jobs other than above allotted by the superiors from time to time.

4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2

Deputy Engineer (H. V.) Planning shall be responsible for : Preparing schemes for strengthening additions and alterations of H.V. schemes. Preparing schemes for establishing outlets for new receiving additional power transformer at existing receiving substation. substation and



Preparing schemes for replacement of old/ weak sizes of H. V. cables in the system. Giving technical clearance to commercial dept. in case of H. V. supply requirement. Preparing schemes for removing chain of RMU, tail end substation, Giving H. V. proposal for new substation & new receiving station. Updating and keeping records of receiving substation loads from respective O & M depts.. Preparing schemes for specific problems referred by O & M dept. (repeated feeder fault, diversion / replacement of fault prone cable.) Preparing scheme for diversion / alteration of H. V. cables required by different authorities like BMC, BPT, Railways, etc.


4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7



4.2.10 Replying to BMC, BPT, Railway & other local authorities regarding requirement of pipes, proposal intimated schemes etc. 4.2.11 To recommend / sanction the leave as per the delegation of powers from Management. 4.2.12 To carry out the jobs other than above allotted by the superiors from time to time.


Deputy Engineer Planning Network (Network substation cases ) shall be responsible for : Initiating network substation cases, where LV load conditions are critical. Negotiating and following up with the authorities for processing the network substation cases. Preparation of LV schemes for the network substation cases. Follow up the network substation case with Collector, City of Mumbai, Energy Dept. Mantralaya, Revenue Dept. etc. Follow up with Mantralaya for Grant/loan under DPDC.

4.3.1 4.3.2

4.3.3 4.3.4


4.3.5 4.3.6

Updating network substation files. To recommend/sanction the leave as per the delegation of powers from Management. Preparing yearly administrative report of supply branch. To carry out the jobs other than above allotted by the superiors from time to time.

4.3.7 4.3.8

5. Drawing Office Incharge : G/GVI

The Drawing Office Incharge will be overall incharge of the Planning Drawing Office and will be responsible for all the day-to-day activities of the Drawing Office. He will be reporting to Superintendent Supply (H.V.Section). He will recommend/sanction the leave as per the delegation of powers from Management. He will carry out the jobs other than above allotted by the superiors from time to time. 5.1 Chief Draughtsman : G/GV

The Drawing Office is divided into 5 sections viz., Record, Routine, Outdoor, General and Pending & Roller Plan. Each section is under the supervision of a Chief Draughtsman who shall work directly under the Drawing Office Incharge. He shall be responsible for carrying out the following specific duties: supervising the working of and maintaining discipline and general neatness in the drawing office, including supervision of printing work. Checking equipment drawings such as wiring diagrams, schematic diagrams, mechanical drawings etc.

Allocating draughtsmen to the senior draughtsmen according to their work load and preparing duty schedules of draughtsmen. Arranging to update block plans, roller plans, route plans, Receiving substation cable details, display charts etc. Final checking of layout plans and scheme plans pertaining to substations after these plans are checked by the senior draughtsmen.


Ensuring that all block plans, roller plans and other records maintained in the Drawing Office are kept up-to-date. Checking and signing the daily work sheets. Pointing out the discrepancies in the daily work sheets and forwarding the consolidated monthly statement to the concerned Divisional Engineers. Pointing out the variations in the executed schemes to the concerned Divisional Engineers Erection. To recommend/sanction the leave as per the delegation of powers from Management. To carry out the jobs other than above allotted by the superiors from time to time. Checking the arrears of draughtsmens work and ensuring that the draughtsmen complete their work within a reasonable time depending upon the nature of the work. Maintaining adequate stock of stationery and drawing materials. Procuring drawings from public utilities and B.M.C. or B.P.T. to incorporate new roads and regular building lines etc. in our block plans. Checking the equipment issued to draughtsmen/senior draughtsmen periodically. Ensuring that all sketches of outdoor works are taken and posted in appropriate records. Following up cases of missed sketches and obtaining the same from the departments concerned. Preparing a consolidated statement of non-conventional straight joints.


Supervisor Survey : T-8

The Supervisor Survey in Grade T-8 is responsible for the survey activities conducted for the Electric Supply Branch.


The duties and responsibilities of the Supervisor (Survey) are as given below : 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 Supervising the working of Sr. Surveyor. Study and allocation of jobs to Sr. Surveyor. The area surveyed by Sr. Surveyor is ultimately required to be transferred on survey sheets. As this record is of a permanent nature, it is necessary to check for its correctness before marking it on survey sheets by Supervisor Surveyor. He guides Sr. Surveyor for survey of newly developed are and in case of difficulties on sites for surveying. Checking ZP/PL drawings which are prepared by Sr. Surveyor. He co-ordinate with all sections of Planning (N) Dept. and other Depts. Such as Comm.(S) &(N) and Civil Engineering Dept. for the updation of our records in respect of survey sheets. He has to attend the various authorities, such as MCGM, Collector of Mumbai, BPT, MMRDA, MHADA, etc. to collect the various information/drawings to update planning records. He is solving the queries raised by Dman regarding C. S. Nos., lines, F. P. Nos. Land marks, co-ordination, etc. time to time. In cases of discrepancy in the ownership details brought by the Private Party and our Sr. Surveyor, he will go to meet senior officers in the City Survey Office for its correctness.


5.2.5 5.2.6




5.2.10 To recommend/sanction the leave as per the delegation of powers from Management. 5.2.11 To carry out the jobs other than above allotted by the superiors from time to time.


Senior Surveyor : T-7


The duties and responsibilities of the Senior Surveyor are as given below : 5.3.1 To carry out hutments survey for Comm. Dept. to prepare schemes with the help of survey instruments. Preparation of ZP/PL drawings for hutments and transferring the same on survey sheets. Updation of Zopadpatti key plan. To survey the sites for discrepancies noticed by Dman/Deputy Engineer and other depts.. of Supply Branch in respect of existing schemes, road widening and any other changes on sites and update our Survey sheets accordingly. To visit City Survey Office, MCGM and other authorities in order to confirm the ownership of the land, details of the land for Comm. Dept. and other depts.. To maintain ZP/PL drawing registers, etc. Deputy Charge Engineer : T-7 The Deputy Charge Engineer works under one Superintendent and shall be responsible for : 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.4.4 5.4.5 5.4.6 preparing estimates for all the capital/obligatory schemes including diversion, HV/LV strengthening, shifting, etc. compiling sanction notes including schemes for civil cost of the substation. scrutinising drawings, such as Mains Plan, Layout Plan, Site Plan, etc. to send estimation of schemes to the existing depts.. collecting data from various depts. For working out the schedule of estimates. helping in the preparation of charts, calculations and tabulations.


5.3.3 5.3.4


5.3.6 5.4


Assistant Office Supdt : A/GIX 599

The Assistant Office Supdt. shall be reporting to the Divisional Engineer. He/She shall supervise the work of the clerical staff, supervisor and stenographers/typists working in the department. He/She shall be responsible for : 5.5.1 5.5.2 keeping a check on organizational matters pertaining to the department. studying / co-ordinating / implementing the recommendations made by various experts and consultants. preparing departmental budget estimates and Administration Reports. preparing Establishment Schedule of the department. obtaining administrative sanctions for various requirements of the dept. from time to time. dealing with staff matters and maintaining staff records, and staff files & other confidential files. initiating and following up procurement of various requirements of the department. maintaining inventory of departmental equipments & computers. scrutinising Committee Notes, and notes pertaining to scheme sanctions.

5.5.3 5.5.4 5.5.5



5.5.8 5.5.9

5.5.10 maintaining the budgetary control of different budget heads. 5.5.11 maintaining statistical records. 5.5.12 forwarding monthly, quarterly, annual statements and reports to Management and other Statutory bodies. 5.5.13 Reviewing the departmental manual. 5.5.14 Maintaining general upkeep and cleanliness of the department. 5.5.15 to keep control on Imprest Cash. 5.5.16 Following up the cases in respect of licence fees/execution of deeds etc. with various Govt. authorities.


5.5.17 To recommend/sanction the leave as per the delegation of powers from Management. 5.5.18 To carry out the jobs other than above allotted by the superiors from time to time.


Supervisor : A/GVII The Supervisor duties shall consist of

5.6.1 5.6.2 5.6.3 5.6.4

supervise and control the work of clerks/clerk-typist/Sepoys working in the dept. control and distribute the work to Stenographers/Typist. Keep a check on organizational matters pertaining to the dept. Putting up Committee Notes/Obtaining GMs/Add.GMs sanction etc. on important staff/policy/administrative matters. Initiating and following up procurement of various requirement of the dept. Maintaining general upkeep and cleanliness of the dept. and to make correspondence in the behalf. To ensure discipline amongst the staff working under him. Preparing absentee memos of A and B Grade Officers. Maintaining LTA/Soaps and Napkin registers and issuing of the same.

5.6.5 5.6.6

5.6.7 5.6.8 5.6.9

5.6.10 Maintains Imprest Cash for DCEPL. 5.6.11 To calculate and prepare statements for incentive bonus and field duty allowance. 5.6.12 Periodical check of indents/additions/transfers/ sanctions and inventory of office equipments. 5.6.13 Preparing budget estimates and administration reports. 5.6.14 Controlling budget grants. 5.6.15 Replying M. C. A. queries. 5.6.16 Preparing specifications.


5.6.17 Obtaining sanctions for expenditures. 5.6.18 Obtaining annual contract schedules. 5.6.19 Initiating O.B.memos, bill vouchers, salary bills, etc. 5.6.20 Following up cases with Government, Railways and other bodies. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MEMBERS OF STAFF COVERED UNDER BIR ACT, 1946. 1. Senior Draughtsman : G/GIV

The Senior Draughtsman shall work directly under one of the Chief Draughtmen. The duties specified below shall be suitable divided among the Senior Draughtsmen : guiding the draughtsmen allotted to work under him in the preparation of site plans, layout plans, scheme plans, extensions to network, and supplying network drawings and checking their work. Marking and arranging to mark in pencil on roller plans all the proposed schemes. Maintaining regularly the work sheets of executing departments verifying whether any changes have been made. Allocating, supervising and guiding the work of outdoor draughtsmen. Checking the sketches drawn by outdoor Dmen. Ensuring in every manner that the work executed outdoors is faithfully marked on the block plans. Maintaining all registers in connection with the work. Looking after the maintenance of printing machine. Supervising printing work and arranging to take prints. Sending scheme plans to other public utilities. Supervising and arranging the work of colour prints. Looking after the general requirements of the drawing office such as stationery, furniture, tube lights, fans, water cooler, water filter etc.


Guiding the draughtsmen in marking Undertakings cables on drawings received from other public utilities. Preparing specification and equipment drawings. Supervision and checking the work of renewing old block plans. Checking whether drawing office records have been brought up-to-date on the basis of completion reports. Checking the marking and number of service lines for multi-storeyed buildings. 2. Draughtsman : G/GIII

The draughtsman shall work under one of the Senior Draughtsmen and will have to carry out all the work allocated to him. The duties of the draughtsman would generally be any of the following : preparing site plans. Preparing layout plans. Preparing scheme plans. To visit the site when required. Preparing schematic drawings. Preparing network drawings/schematic drawing and such other drawings. Preparing specification and equipment drawing. Taking prints. Colouring and folding the drawings. Making sketches and taking necessary measurements of works carried out on site by executing departments. Marking on the block plans the works carried out by executing departments.


Preparing fair sketches of scheme (Extn.) fault and service jobs taken on site. Transferring details from old block plans to new ones.

Marking Undertakings cables on drawings received from other public utilities. To attending fault messages and preparing fault tracings. Giving information of EHV & HV cables for O & M Division. Preparing R/pl, ZP/pl, SK/pl etc. Preparing Comm.(S) & (N) sketches. To mark sanctioned scheme on Roller plan/LV sheets in pencil. To mark the cables in colour on Roller plan /LV sheets after receiving extension sketches. 3. Stenographer : A/GV The Stenographers duties shall consist of taking dictation pertaining transcribing it. Tying & filing. 4. Clerk-Cum-Typist : A/GV The Typists duties shall consist of maintaining substations files. Updating the same and maintaining with Alphabetical Index. Maintaining various registers of plans, filing and typing work. Checking estimates and maintaining the register of new substations. Maintaining the register in respect of lease rent payment. to various sections of the depts. and



Clerk : A/GV The Clerk shall assist the Technical Staff in

5.1 5.2

despatching, filing and finding references. Maintaining leave record of staff.

5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 6.

Recouping stores materials. Issuing stationery and clothing. Maintaining registers in department. Scrutinising outgoing papers. Maintaining office files. Reviewing filing index. Shop Recorder : A/GV The Shop Recorders duties shall consist of

6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4

maintaining records of site plans, mains plans and layout plans. Preparing grain requisitions of staff and leave record of Drg. Office Staff. Follow up with maintenance of zerox and ammonia printing machine. To forward Layout plans, site plans and Mains plans to Electrical Inspector and various other utilities such as MCGM, Tatas, Railways, MbPT, etc. Printer : A/GIV The printers duties shall consist of taking ammonia prints of all the plans prepared in Drg. Office and operating of Xerox machines.



Sepoy : A/GI


The Sepoys duties shall consist of Taking prints Cutting prints. Fixing drawings and pasting sketches on extension books, service cards, etc. Rearranging drawings. Folding drawings.

Mopping and dusting. Carrying dispatch to the departments located in the Head Office. Shifting furniture. Bringing materials from Stores. Taking out reference files from the cabinets/cupboards and keeping them back. Collecting and distributing internal papers from the trays. Attending calls. 9. 9.1 Nawghany : T-1. to carry departmental stationery from stores and helping the supervisory staff and Shop Recorders in issuing stores material. Sweeping and cleaning office premises. Cleaning and dusting of tables & office furniture and performing unskilled work. To ensure adequate supply of drinking water in coolers and pots and cleaning of the same. To procure refreshments, meals and snacks, etc. for officers and supervisory staff and cleaning of utensils and dinning table.

9.2 9.3 9.4




Carrying of survey instruments to and from sites and helping in taking measurements, cleaning of instruments. Procuring drinking water at sites. To carry and bring the dispatch to/from various departments, Ward Officers, outside authorities, etc.

9.7 9.8




This chapter is intended to give a general picture of the overall working of the Planning Department and to assist the Officers and staff of the Undertaking to follow the procedures connected with the activities of the department. The methods to be adopted for different types of work indicated herein shall serve as guidelines for the staff and shall not be deemed to be complete in all respects. Wherever possible, reference to relevant Office Orders and Departmental Circulars has been made and from time to time these will have to be amended. 3.1 3.1.1 PLANNING : Routine Planning : This involves the preparation of schemes and estimates and obtaining administrative sanctions for meeting new loads requisitioned by the consumers and relieving overloads in the distribution systems. While doing this, it shall be ensured that the development of the distribution system conforms to a set of pattern. Load Reference :

All load demands above 75 KV (ECL) shall be referred by the Commercial Department to the Planning Department on Technical Clearance forms. The technical clearance (T.C.) forms received from the south zone shall bear serial numbers from 1 to


500 and those from north zone shall bear serial numbers from 501 to 1000 in each financial year. These forms shall be processed as per procedure laid down in department.. The development of the network requires the preparation of one or more of the following schemes : i) ii) iii) iv) Extensions and/or additions to the networks ; Establishment of new substations ; Alterations and additions to the existing substations ; Laying of pipes.

Before preparing the schemes for the works mentioned under.

The following points shall be scrutinized and at least two alternative schemes shall be considered before deciding on the final scheme : i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Loading of existing network ; Capacity of existing network ; Flexibility of existing network ; Prevailing voltage conditions ; Additional load required ; Spare capacity available ; Anticipated development of load in the neighbourhood of the network under consideration. Economics. Extensions and/or additions to the networks.


This shall involve


i) ii)

Laying cables for extending the existing mains. Sectionalising the network and establishing termination points wherever necessary to strengthen the network. Establishing new substations

Schemes for new substations involve preparation of site plan, layout plan and mains scheme plan for installing switchgear, transformers, auxiliaries and laying cables. Alterations and additions to the existing substations.

While preparing schemes for augmentation of capacities at existing substations, availability of space, modifications to civil works and elimination of working hazards shall be scrutinized before deciding on any of the following alternatives ; i) ii) Augmentation of feeder capacities ; Augmentation of transformer capacities ;

Laying of pipes. Schemes for laying pipes fall under the following three categories.


Pipes for laying cables across roads, carriage ways, private property, road junctions and across railways tracks. Pipes across new roads and junctions of existing roads which are being widened and resurfaces as per the procedure laid in dept. Pipes across railway tracks for laying cables under future development schemes as per the procedure laid in dept. Processing the building plans received from architects in regard to their power requirements :



Copies of plans in duplicate for building proposals are received from architects for clearance regarding BEST substation requirements before the same are approved by the authorities of the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai. After assessing the electrical load requirements of the proposed building as per the norms, one copy of the plans, duly stamped with the BEST stamp is returned to municipal authorities intimating to them whether substation space


shall be required or not. A copy of this letter shall also be endorsed to the architect. Sanction procedure : This involves the following steps : i) A schematic drawing for proposals conforming to sections, and shall be drawn and forwarded together with a site plan to the concerned Divisional Engineer (Operations and Maintenance) for his comments ; who will route them through the respective Deputy Chief Engineer and the Chief Engineer for concurrence and return to DEPL(N). After obtaining the approval to the schematic drawing, the drawings which must accompany the estimates and the sanction form shall be drawn in accordance with the procedure detailed under section. A detailed list of works shall be prepared.




The drawings mentioned in section (ii) and the list of works shall be sent to the approving authority as given below : Estimated cost of proposal Upto Rs. 25 lakhs (LV schemes) All HV & S/S cases Over Rs. 25 lakhs and Upto Rs. 50 lakhs Over Rs. 50 lakhs Approving authority DCEPL AGM(ES) AGM(ES)



A set of site plan and layout plan mentioned in section shall be forwarded to the Assistant Engineer (Building) for the preparation of civil drawing and estimation of civil cost if required. The estimates of works shall be prepared based on the scheduled rates in force. The sanction form shall be prepared in duplicate.





For substation cases the history sheet pertaining to Planning Department shall be prepared and all relevant papers shall be complied and flagged. The sanction form with the compilation shall be sent to DCEPL/AGM(ES)/DGM(ES) for sanction and the duplicate copy of the sanction form with the date of dispatch written on it shall be retained. On receipt of sanction the description and details of the same shall be entered in the Schemes Register and the sanctioned expenditure pertaining to mains account and the date of sanction shall be entered on the mains scheme plan. Also the proposals shall be marked in pencil on the H.V. and L.V. roller plans and in ink on the master plan. If the proposals require way leave permission, an application for this shall be made. The intimation of sanction shall be sent to the concerned department and the local bodies. The sanction form shall be sent to Budget Officer for noting and return. The sanction form with papers shall be filed.





xiii) xiv)

Way-leave permission for laying H.V. and L.V. mains in properties belonging to government or private parties shall be obtained. Revalidation of sanctioned schemes : All intimations for the execution of schemes shall bear the date upto which the scheme is valid for execution. In case a scheme remains unexecuted for a period of more than five years from the date of intimation, the executing departments shall be asked to return all the papers, concerned with such a scheme to the Planning Department for review and updating. These schemes shall be reviewed taking into consideration and changed network and/or rates. The updated schemes shall be returned to the executing departments with a fresh validity stamp. Schemes not required to be executed shall be cancelled and an intimation sent to the executing departments.



Establishment Schedule : The establishment schedule of the department shall be reviewed every year, and the proposals and justifications for any additions and upgrading of posts


shall be submitted in approved forms to the management through the AGM(ES). In case no revisions are proposed a nil report shall be submitted. 3.4 Administration Reports : The Administration Report pertaining to the development of the Electric Supply Branch shall be prepared by the department every year. In this report all achievements and short falls of the previous year shall be briefly brought out together with necessary illustrations and statistical tables indicating the performance of the Electric Supply Branch. The report shall also present briefly the outlines of the future plans of development. The report shall be submitted to the management through the AGM(ES) according to the programme drawn by the Public Relations Officer. 3.5 3.5.1 Schedule of Rates : The schedule of rates for equipment, material, labour and the various jobs undertaken by the Electric Supply Branch shall be worked out on in every year and shall be made operative from the beginning of the financial year. These rates shall be compiled in 3 parts for : i) Materials ; ii) Labour, iii) Services for Undertaking and Obligatory jobs.

Materials : The schedule of rates for materials includes the cost of equipment as well as consumable materials used by the Supply Branch. The rate for each item shall be worked out taking into account the folio rates of the items as on the first of September of the year and shall be obtained from the Stores Accounts Section. To this rate 10% shall be added to cover price variation for Undertaking jobs. For Obligatory jobs 10% price variation and 10% overhead charges are added to the actual cost of material.

Labour : The total monthly basic salaries and the number of persons working in the Supply Branch shall be obtained category-wise from the Supdt. (Time-keeping). From this, the basic daily wage rate shall be computed on the basis of 30 days to a month. The rate of dearness allowance per month as on the 1st of January of the


year or the figure adopted by the Supdt. (Time Keeping) in the establishment schedule, whichever is higher, shall be obtained from the Supdt. Time-Keeping. The average dearness allowance per day shall be then computed on the basis of 26 days in a month. Other costs to cover the cost of bus tokens, the cost of uniforms and the cost of washing allowance shall be based on the rates obtained from the S.T.K. Costs for activities like excavation, jointing of various cables, laying of cables, transport and erection of switchgear, transformers, pillars, L.V. boards shall be computed as per standard costs of materials and labour based on the materials and manpower requirement obtained from the concerned divisional engineers. The schedule of standard rates for transport shall be obtained from the Accounts Department. The schedule of standard rates for permanent reinstatement shall be obtained from the XEN(BS) and converted to give the rate per running metre for different widths of trenches and also pay the reinstatement charges given by MCGM on the road and foot path. 3.5.2 Schedule of Obligatory jobs (Procedure Order 256A) : Materials Charges : The materials rates of equipments such as transformers, switchgear units, LV Board, ADPs & capacitors are not charged to the party. Jointing materials and cables charges are charged to the party. =

Labour Charges : (i) Basic Salary / Wages per day

(Min. of the grade + Max. of the Grade of the Category ) 30 days ------------------------------------------------------------------2 (ii) Plus 50% to cover weekly offs, Holidays & Leaves (i) (Dearness Allowance per day (=monthly cost of DA provided in the (Establishment Schedule for the (year for which firm quotations are to be given. ) ) ) - 30 days )



Plus 50% to cover weekly offs, Holidays & leaves.

Provident Fund & Employees Pension Scheme at 12% on + Gratuity at 7.70% on + Allowances and benefits like H.R.A., L.T.A., Group Insurance Scheme, Bus Token, Washing Allowances, Cost of Uniform, Medical & Welfare Benefit, Time Keeping, Provident Fund & EDP Dept. cost and other allowances as per the rates by the Accounts Dept. i) ii) iii) 3.6 For weekly offs, holidays & leaves 50% is added on 25% extra amount of total labour cost is taken as supervision charges. Any other specific items such as transport, lorry charges, etc.

Preparation of drawings and up-keep of the Drawing Office :

3.6.1 The drawing office shall be responsible for the preparation of the following :i) Site Plans : (S/Pl) These are drawings showing the sites for substations, receiving substations or any other premises required by the supply branch. ii) Layout Plans : (L/Pl) These are drawings showing the arrangement of the equipment in the substations, receiving substations or any other premises of the supply branch.


Scheme plans : (M/Pl) These are drawings showing the proposals for laying cables, installing pillars.


Route Plans : (R/Pl) These are drawings showing the route of 22 kV / 33 kV cables giving detailed point to point dimensions and cross sectional views.


Service, Extension and miscellaneous Sketches :


These are sketches prepared by the draughtsmen at site of works showing the details of the works carried out by the executing departments. 3.6.2 Procedure : The procedure for drawing items (i) to (v) as above shall be as follows : 3.6.3 Procedure for the preparation of site plan : The draughtsman shall visit the site before preparing the site plan. The site plan shall be drawn on a printed tracing paper of standard size (297 mm x 420 mm) to a scale of 1:480 (1=40) or 1:500 and show the following : i) ii) iii) iv) All dimensions in millimeters, North line at the top right hand corner, pointing upwards, Plot boundary in red dash lines, In cases where it is not possible to show the entire plot boundary it shall be shown in the key plan, Site boundary in red, Indoor portion of the site hatched in red lines at 45 degrees, Means of access for the equipment in Blue Adjoining plots with their C.S. Nos. wherever possible,

v) vi) vii) viii)


The C.S. No., S.S. No., T.P.S. No., Division, Ward No., Plot No., S.S. file No. in the table at the top right hand corner. Area of the site giving areas of indoor and outdoor portions separately, Area of site to be surrendered in green, Structures (or obstacles) to be removed to be shown in yellow.

x) xi) xii)


A key plan to a scale of 1:9600 (1=800) with its North line parallel to that of the site plan (wherever possible) shall be drawn below the legend column. The key plan shall show the site in red and atleast two road junctions in its vicinity. The draughtsman shall mark the proposed roads, plot boundaries and structures shown in the prospective consumers drawing on the block plan in pencil if they are not already shown. The site plan shall be checked by the senior Draughtsman and approved by the Dy.E and AE. 3.6.4 Procedure for the preparation of layout plan for : Indoor/Outdoor Substation : The draughtsman shall visit the site before preparing the layout plan if instructed by the Dy.E/AE. He shall prepare the layout plan on a standard printed tracing paper to a scale of 1:50 and shall show the following : a) 230 mm thick brick walls or 150mm thick R.C.C. walls to be hatched as per the standard. All dimensions in millimeters, North line at the top right hand corner pointing upwards, The positions of transformer foundations ; switchgear foundations, switchgears, L.V. distribution board/pillar, capacitor, cable entires, trenches, pipe inlets, manholes, outlets, doors, gates, etc. as per the Dy.Es/A.E.s instructions. Numbers of different items and their description under the legend column,

b) c) d)



The C.S. No., Division, S.S. No., T.P.S. No., File No. etc., in the table at the top right hand corner as obtained from the relevant site plan. Bus-bar arrangement as instructed by the Dy.E/A.E. Cross reference to the relevant site plan and AGM(C)s building drawing (for standard sizes of inlets, outlets, rolling shtters, doors, manholes etc.) New numbder shall be given to the old L/Pl after 5 years.

g) h)


616 The following points shall be borne in mind by the Draughtsman in preparing the layout plan : a) b) c) d) e) Outlet shall not be shown above the LV board. Inlet shall be on the South West side wherever possible. Outlet shall be opposite the inlet wherever possible. LV board shall not be opposite the switchgear as far as possible. Clearance at the rear of the switchgear shall not be less than 1200 & 1500 mm depending on make of sw/gear. Fencing/ brick wall for the outdoor portion shall be 2440 mm in height. Cross reference no. to be written in respective site plan.



In cases where any transformer is proposed inside the indoor portion, the procedure described in section shall be followed The layout plan shall be checked by the Senior Draughtsman and approved by the Dy.E and A.E. Indoor Substation : In addition to the relevant items described under section the following shall be shown a) b) Clear height below beam/ ceiling of 4000 mm. Exhaust fans of 900 mm or 1200 mm sweep in suitable numbers as instructed by the DyE/ AE and / or air extractor above transformer. Outdoor Substation : Relevant items under Section only shall be shown Basement Substation :


In addition to the relevant items under Section shall be shown a) b) c) Loading-in-tubes as instructed by the Dy.E/ A.E Switchgear platform of height not less than 450 mm.

the following

A platform projecting 225 mm beyond the wall and 900 mm high for supporting the LV board. 150mm thick brick walls adjoining the walls of the basement (wherever necessary) to support the trench covering plates/ slabs ; A cable supporting rack or suspended hangers near the leading in tubes (the design of this rack/ hanger shall be obtained from the Dy.E/ A.E) Rolling shutter at entrance wherever necessary. Position of inlets and exhaust fans. A 225mm thick bund-wall around the transformers in cases wherever necessary ( as decided by the Dy.E/ A.E). A 225mm thick and 450 mm high platform in front of the LV board.



f) g) h)


3.6.5 Procedure for the preparation of mains scheme plans : The Dman shall draw the mains scheme plan as per the proposals given to him by the Dy.E/ A.E. He shall visit the site to ascertain the feasibility of laying cables and erecting pillars. He shall draw the mains scheme plan on a tracing paper of any of the following sizes to a scale of 1 : 480 ( 1-40) or 1 : 500. a) b) c) 297 mm (width) x 420 mm (length) 297 mm (width) x 594 mm (length) 297 mm ( width) x 841 mm (length)

The Dman shall show the following on the mains scheme plans :



Northline at the top right hand corner pointing in the upper semicircle ; C.S No., S.S No. etc. at the top right hand corner ; All proposed cables ( in broken lines) distribution boards and pillars as per the colour code. All existing cables and cables proposed under previous sanctions along the route of the proposed cables along with all the services ; Destinations of all the cables ( related to proposals) ; Boundaries of the plots through which the cables are proposed in black broken lines and their C.S Nos. and / or plot nos. Existing roads with set back lines and proposed roads ; Details of congested cable positions related to proposals wherever necessary ; All existing and proposed pipes ; Proposed pipes wherever cables have to cross roads and in private property ( as instructed by the Dy.E). Manholes at cable bends at intervals of 20 mtrs. Sizewise lengths of the proposed cables. C. S. Nos. of private properties to be written through which the cable is proposed.

ii) iii)


v) vi)

vii) viii)

ix) x)

xi) xii)

The Dman shall make provision for writing the sanction particulars mentioned in Section 3.6.5 and enter the relevant site plan and layout plan nos. on the mains scheme plan. He shall also draw a key plan to a scale of 1 : 9600 ( 1 = 800) and its North line same as main scheme. If more than one sheet is used the key plan shall be shown only on sheet no. 1. The mains scheme plan shall be checked by the Senior Dman and approved by the Dy.E/ A.E.



Procedure for the preparation of route plan : The Dman shall draw the route plan on R.T.F of width 297 mm x 841 mm to a scale of 1: 480 (1 = 40)/ 1 : 500 as per the sketches taken at the site of works and shall show the following i) ii) North line at the top right hand corner ; All bends, crossings, pipes, manholes other utilities and permanent structure along the route of the cable ; All necessary dimensions with respect to permanent structures ; Enlarged views ( not to scale) to show the position of straight joints etc. with bearings. Sectional views with dimensions where a) b) c) v) vi) cables pass through pipes other utilities exist near the cables. cables cross.

iii) iv)

Jointer number, date of joint, type and make of joint to be given. Key plan on scale 1 : 4800 to be prepared showing route of 22KV/ 33KV cable in single line, showing specific footpath and crossing the road if any. This key plan shall be sheet no. 1 of R/ Pl. Route length of each feeder with feeder number sheetwise and total length of 22KV/ 33KV and common cable to be given on sheet no. 1 i.e on key plan. Details such as S.S No., Division No., Ward No., Scale, date of drawing shall be given in index column. Fault sketches shall be prepared in case of marking of 22KV/ 33KV faults by giving date to new cable piece on R/Pl and block plan in addition to the corrections in R/Pl. The colour code shall be followed for the markings.




The Senior Dman shall check the route plan with the extension sketches and the block plans.



Procedure for the preparation of sketches : The following sketches shall be prepared by the Dman at site of works by taking necessary measurements. i) ii) iii) Extension sketches Service sketches including sketches of temporary services Fault sketches. Extension Sketches : These are sketches prepared on standard graphic sketch books, whenever any additions or alterations are made in the network and shall show a) b) Building/ Compound walls adjacent to the route of the cables. Alignment of the cables with respect to property lines and building lines, Positions of pipes, across roads, carriageways to private properties and wherever laid, All cables joints with bearings from permanent structures and terminations Cross sectional views taken at points where the cables pass through pipes in layers or the formation of the cables is not easily discerned. Northline in the right hand top corner in upward direction.




f) The Dman shall also obtain the following information ; a) b) c) d) e) Date on which the jobs are done, Jointer No./ Muccadam No. Cable sizes and HV ends and destinations Type and make of joints/ terminations. Transformer capacities, with make of transformer.



Unit numbers of distribution pillars/ boards where the cables are terminated and the total number of ways provided. Number of HV switchgear units provided in substations and their make. Number of capacitors with the capacity and make. Stencilling of distribution pillars/ boards and HV switchgear. Any other information necessary for the faithful reproduction of the work done. Service sketches including sketches of temporary services : These shall be prepared on standard service cards and shall show :


h) i) j)

a) b) c) d) e) f)

Location of T joints, Size of distributor or unit no. if service is direct from LV Board or ADP. Location of pipes Length, size and type of cable Position of service cutout board. Northline in the right hand top corner.

The draughtsman shall check whether the number stenciled on the cutout board tallies with that on the work order sketch and report to the senior draughtsman if it does not. Ascertain from the supervisor on site on which phase a 2 core service is teed. After checking of sketch, service card shall be kept in service card rack properly. Fault sketches :


These sketches are prepared on extension sketch books giving all the bearings of joints from permanent structures and details required to locate joint positions wherever required. Sketches of missed jobs : The Senior Draughtsman shall check through the worksheets (job register) and ensure that no job is missed by the draughtsman for the purpose of preparing sketches. He shall check up with the executing departments and obtain full details of such works, that have been missed by our draughtsman. If this is not possible approximate sketches shall be prepared by the draughtsman in consultation with the Sub Engineer/ Charge Engineer/ Asst. Charge Engineer who executed the job. All such sketches shall be distinguished as approximate by a written remark. The drawing office shall also be responsible for the following : 3.6.8 Upkeep of Block Plans / R3pm. Sheets : Block plans are printed survey sheets to a scale of 1:480 (1=40)/1:500 showing the island of Bombay. They are over 750 in number and each sheet has cross references to its adjacent sheets. All our cables, Distribution substations, receiving substations, distribution pillars etc. are marked on these sheets by draughtsman according to the colour code. The block plans form the most important record of our network and all markings on them shall be done with utmost care. The following procedure shall be followed for marking on block plans : The details of sketches mentioned in 3.6.7 shall be marked on the block plans by the same draughtsman who has taken the sketches at site of work. These markings shall be checked by the senior draughtsman. The proposed roads, plot boundaries and structures shown in the prospective consumers drawings are marked in the block plans in pencil if they are not already marked. These markings shall be checked by the senior draughtsman and verified with the T.P., Schemes, Development Schemes, etc. As and when new roads are made and existing roads widened by the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, they shall be marked on the block plans in black ink. Renewal of Block Plans/R3pm : All old and mutilated block plans shall be renewed. This shall be done by transferring all markings from the current block plans on to a new set of block


plans after ensuring that the current block plans are updated. The draughtsman shall write the date of completion and initial on the renewed block plan. The senior draughtsman shall check, replace the current block plan by the renewed one. The removed block plan shall be kept in the drawing office for 3 years. The older block plan shall be destroyed. This process shall be continued throughout the year. Making new Block Plans : Printed block plans obtained from the Government Stationery and Printing Press shall be updated by marking all new roads, plots and existing buildings with reference to the town planning schemes and development schemes. Where printed block plans are not available the Draughtsman/Supervisor (Survey) shall obtain the map of the area to any convenient scale and draw a map of the required block to a scale of 40 feet to an inch (1:480)/1:500. All road names and land marks shall be written. The numbers to be given to the new block plans shall be as indicated in the index map No. C/Pl. For new areas which are not covered by the index map the block plan numbers shall be obtained from the office of the Collector of Mumbai. 3.6.9 Upkeep of H.V. and L.V. Roller Plans : H.V. roller plan : This is the map of the city of Mumbai drawn to a scale of 1:4800 (1=400), divided into 14 which are joined together to form a continuous roll, mounted on two wooden rollers fitted into a wooden box with a glass top for convenience of handling. Every sheet is numbered and bears cross references to adjacent sheets. The plan shows all existing receiving substations, substations, distribution substations and 6.6 KV/11KV cables and proposed, receiving substations, distribution substations and 6.6 KV/11KV cables. L.V. Roller Plan : This is similar in construction to the HV roller plan except that it shows all distribution substations, distribution pillars and boards L.V. cables and the network fed by each distribution substation. It also shows all L.V. mains schemes sanctioned by not executed. Procedure for marking : The draughtsman shall mark in pencil all sanctioned mains schemes on the relevant roller plan/s and write the mains scheme plan number alongside the


markings. When the commissioning report is received the pencil markings on the H.V. roller plan shall be coloured by referring the block plan markings. The colouring of the pencil markings on the L.V. roller plan shall be done after the network changes are intimated by D.E.M.(S) / D.E.M.(N) /D.E.M. (CS) / D.E.M.(CN).

L.V. load transfers of a payment nature done by the O & M department shall be recorded on the L.V. roller plan by effecting the necessary colour changes. H.V./L.V. Plans roller sheets : These are maps maintained separately to mark HV and LV cables on scale 1:2400 (1-20). These are substitute for existing HV/LV roller plans as it is finding difficult to mark cables on existing roller plans due to increased number of cables. Procedure of marking on these maps shall be same as marking or roller plans. 3.6.10 Preparation of ZP/Pl Drawings : These drawings are useful for giving electric supply in hutment areas. These are prepared by draughtsman under supervision of sr.surveyor / sup. (survey) after surveying the hutment areas and plotting them on the scale of 1:480/1:500 as normally these hutments are not marked on survey sheets broughts from Collector of Mumbai. These are drawings prepared on standard size tracing papers on scale 1:480 /1:500 and shall show : a) b) c) d) e) All huts with passages and roads, Nearest point of supply i.e. ZP/ADP, service cutout etc. Name of hutments Number of huts C.S. No., S.S. No. Division, Ward No. etc. in standard index.



Key plan to scale of 1:9600 with its north line similar to ZP/Pl, in the legend column showing adjacent prominent roads. Preparation and updating of network diagrams : (N/ Pl)


The radial HV network diagram showing all the receiving substations and the distribution substations and feeders fed from each receiving substation, shall be updated as soon as the commissioning report is received by referring the block plan. Also any outlets proposed from an existing or proposed receiving substation shall be drawn on a tracing paper as instructed by the Dy.E/ A.E.

3.6.12 Preparation and upkeep of specification drawings and equipment drawings : i) Specification drawings : ES/ Pl, ES/ Pl (A)

These drawings are required for the procurement of materials required by the Supply Branch. Normally they accompany the specifications of the items. These drawings shall show the details of materials, bill of materials, tolerances, limits and fits and such other details required for manufacturing the items. ii) Equipment Drawings : (E/Pl) These are drawings comprising the following : a) b) c) d) Key and schematic diagrams ; Physical drawings ; Connection and wiring diagrams, and schedules of wiring, Data pertaining to equipment

The Dman shall draw these drawings on tracing papers of suitable standard size and mention the corresponding manufacturers drawing no.

3.6.13 Preparation and Upkeep of pipe drawings :


These shall be prepared whenever pipes are laid by parties other than the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai and properly stores. 3.6.14 Preparation and Upkeep of the Master Drawing : The Master drawing is the map of the city of Mumbai to a scale of 1:9600 showing all existing roads, developments proposed by the Municipality and Government and all existing and proposed substations and receiving stations. The code for marking on the Master drawing shall be as given.

3.6.15 Preparation of other drawings : (Sk/Pl) These are drawings required for specific purposes to accompany notes, reports, reprints of lectures, master plans etc. These drawings also include the drawings made for exhibitions and display. These drawings fall under the following main categories : i) ii) iii) Tentative layouts and sketches, Graphs and charts, Art working diagrams,

Preparation of Zp/PL Preparation of maps of India, Maharashtra, Greater Mumbai, Mumbai City, etc. 3.6.16 Preparation of models : These are special jobs required to be done for display purposes. 3.6.17 Checking of mains scheme completed : On receipt of mains scheme completion reports, the Senior Draughtsman shall check the following :i) Whether the block plan markings tally with the completion report in respect of sizes of cables and deviations in the cable routes, position of distribution pillars erected/replaced etc.



After doing the above, he shall hand over the completion report to the Senior Draughtsman in charge of records for checking the markings on the roller plans and noting.

3.6.18 Taking Prints : The tracing, site plans, layout plans and main scheme plans shall be taken out from the files / folders by the machine operator as per instructions from the Senior/Chief Draughtsman or the DOI. The tracings of other drawings shall be handed over to the operator together with specific instructions in regard to the number of prints to be taken. All the tracings shall be taken out with the knowledge of the concerned senior draughtsman. The priorities for taking prints shall be decided by DOI or Chief Draughtsman who shall ensure that the urgent prints required by routine planning section and O & M departments are given preference to the other prints. The operator shall take prints as directed and cut them along the cutting lines. The prints shall be handed over to the senior draughtsman. The operator shall maintain a daily record of the prints taken by entering in a diary. The senior draughtsman/C.D. shall ensure that all the tracings are returned to their proper places. 3.6.19 Bringing Owners Name and Address : Whenever the A.E./Dy.E. asks the senior draughtsman to get the owners name and address of an area or plot, the senior draughtsman shall check the C.S. No. and the Division by referring the block plan. He shall send Sup. (Survey) to the City Survey Office or the Survey Department of the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai with a letter for bringing the same. If the information is not available at the above places, the draughtsman shall visit the site and bring the particulars after verifying the rent receipt. If the above efforts are unsuccessful, the Dy.E. shall write to the Collector of Mumbai giving a detailed description of the property along with a site plan and obtain the particulars. 3.6.20 Discrepancies in block plans and roller plans : During reference to the block plans and roller plans, the engineers and site supervisors come across certain mistakes and omissions. In order to facilitate the reporting of such discrepancies, a form is kept in the drawing office. These forms shall be filled up by the persons noticing the discrepancies and submitted to the Planning Department. DOI/CD shall ensure that these mistakes in the block plans and roller plans are corrected. The discrepancies form shall be checked against the outdoor draughtsmans sketches, completion


reports, work-sheets and wherever necessary the supervisor concerned shall be consulted to obtain the correct information for making the corrections. In cases, where no records are available, the draughtsman shall visit the site and prepare an approximate sketch and correct the block plan and roller plan accordingly. The site shall be surveyed by Sr. Surveyor/Sup.(Survey) if necessary in solving the discrepancy. 3.6.21 Discrepancies in Worksheets : In order that the services of the draughtsmen shall be used in the best possible manner and no jobs are missed by them every day the work-sheets are to be received by the department from the executive departments before 3.00 p.m. the previous day. Now a days the work sheet from the executive departments are not reaching in the Planning Department.

Whatever discrepancies are noticed by the Senior Draughtsman shall be brought to the notice of the executive departments. Procurement of equipment, instructions, stationery etc., required for the drawing office. Stationery items required for daily routine work shall be included in the annual procurement schedule and the monthly requirements drawn against a requisition. Drawing instruments shall be procured by putting up a purchase form. Major equipment shall be procured only after obtaining appropriate sanctions. Issue of various items to each staff member shall be strictly controlled. 3.7 3.7.1 Office Maintenance : AOS shall be responsible for keeping the office premises neat and clean. He shall take at least one round, each day, in the department and get any useless material removed and point out the lapses on the part of any officer/employee in the department. Matters not pertaining to any officer/employee shall be dealt with by him. He shall check the following and do the needful wherever necessary ;




Whether the cupboards below the windows are clean and anything is lying on top of them. Whether all the indoor plants in the department are being property and regularly watered. Whether the doors of all cupboards, lockers etc. are property closed. Whether any files, papers, books, drawing boards, tee squares etc., are kept out of place. Whether all Venetian blinds, clocks, lights, fans, switches and other fixture are in proper working condition. Whether furniture and other fittings need any repairs.


iii) iv)




Whether the place where drinking water is kept and the sanitary block are kept clean. Whether window panes are regularly cleaned, the floor washed once every week, broken window panes replaced etc. Whether all photo frames are in alignment. If not, the shall point it out to the person concerned.



3.8 3.8.1

Allocation of work : For the convenience of working, the Planning Department is divided into 3 main sections. Routine Planning, H.V. Planning and Network Substation Planning. The work in these sections is also interdependent. In order to have fixed responsibilities in regard to : administration and clerical staff ; office upkeep ; running the drawing office ; the workload is divided and allocated to each of the superintendent and assistant engineers.

3.8.2 Normally, the allocation of work shall be as follows : H.V. Planning 2 Superintendents are each for North &


South zone & 2 Deputy Engineers Network Substation Routine Planning of South Zone Routine Planning of Central South Zone Routine Planning of North Zone Routine Planning of Central North Zone 1 Assistant Engineer & 1 Deputy Engineer

1 Assistant Engineer &1 Deputy Engineer

1 Assistant Engineer & 2 Deputy Engineers

1 Assistant Engineer & 2 Deputy Engineers

1 Assistant Engineer & 2 Deputy Engineers


The drawing office and office staff shall be under the charge of Superintendent & Assistant Office Superintendent respectively for smooth and efficient running of section. Sanctioning of leave etc., arranging transfers and rotating the staff shall also be looked after by them. House Keeping, dead stock, furniture, office equipment, accommodation and amenities shall be looked after by one of the Assistant Engineers. The Deputy Engineers and Assistant Engineers shall be periodically rotated by the DEPL(N) from one section to another and the work allocation shall be reviewed periodically to ensure smooth working of the department.



The clerical staff and draughtsmen shall also be periodically rotated to perform different duties described under section 1.5 by the Superintendent and Assistant Engineer concerned. The workload of these staff shall also be periodically reviewed and reallocated to ensure equitable distribution. Each year the aims and objectives of various section, their achievements, priorities and difficulties shall be reviewed and a total work assessment shall be made to facilitate proper allocation.



3.9 3.9.1

Staff records : The staff records of all employees (including officers) both temporary and permanent on the roll of the department and those of separated employees shall be maintained by the AOS(PL)/DEPL(N). All the entries in the staff record shall be made in ink and duly authenticated by the DEPL(N) or the concerned officer authorized by him. These records shall be of a confidential nature and shall be accessible to the person dealing with the subject matter. Working hours : Following duty hours shall be observed by the different categories of staff working in the department : i) Technical Officers : Week days : 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. (with 45 minutes lunch recess) 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.


3.10 3.10.1


Deputy Charge Engineers : Monday to Friday Saturday ii) Administrative Staff : Week days : 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. (with 45 minutes lunch recess) : : 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. (with 45 minutes lunch recess) 8.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.


Draughtsmen and other Drawing Office Staff : a) Indoor section : Week days

9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. (with 45 minutes lunch recess)

Shop Recorder: Week days : 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.


Saturday b) Outdoor section : Week days

(with 30 minutes lunch recess) 8.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.

9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. (with 45 minutes lunch recess).


Survey section : Week days Saturday

: :

9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. (with 30 minutes lunch recess) 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.


Sepoys : Week days : 8.30 a.m. to 5.15 p.m. (with 45 minutes lunch recess)


Navghanies : Week days & Saturday : 8.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. (with 1 hr. lunch recess)

3.10.2 These timings are subject to alteration depending upon the exigencies of work.


Dead Stock Inventory : The inventory of dead stock shall be physically checked by the Senior Clerk once each year in the month of March. He shall ensure that all equipment and office furniture existing in the department bear the departmental reference number. He shall also check the physical condition of the equipment and shall get it repaired whenever necessary. He shall sign the dead stock register and make a report in case any item it not traceable.


Upkeep of Office files and records :

3.12.1 All office files shall be as per the colour code : i) The clerks in charge of filing shall ensure that : no file is unduly bulky ;


ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix)

new continuation files are opened and designated as Part I, Part II, etc; new parts always start from the beginning of a month ; references of new parts opened are given in consecutive parts ; all torn files are replaced ; all torn papers are reconditioned ; all loose papers are filed properly ; all files are labeled and numbered and while replacing the substation files, the information on the inside front cover is faithfully reproduced on the new file. They shall ensure that all files are kept in their proper places. They shall check the inventory of files in the filing cabinets in the months of April, July, October and January. They shall remove all obsolete files and papers from the filing cabinets in consultation with the A.E. at each review period and send such papers and files to Bombay Central for records. Papers which are not required to be maintained shall be destroyed forthwith.


All registers and files comprising the official records shall be neatly maintain ned and kept in their places (as given in the filing index) and the following rules shall be strictly followed :i) ii) iii) iv) All mutilated records shall be renewed. All entries shall be legible. No entries shall be overwritten. Wrong entries shall be neatly crossed with a single line and correct entries written above the scored entry. Where space does not permit this, the correct entry shall be written elsewhere in the register giving its cross reference.



Index of records and files : An index giving a detailed record of all files and registers in the department and their locations shall be maintained.



Introduction:-: Computer Application Department was established under BCR 1069 dtd. 28.03.1996 with objective of Computerization of the Electric Supply Branch for providing better services to our consumers. The following two main applications were envisaged for Computerization while creating the Computer Application Department. 1) Computerization of Commercial & Consumer Activities. 2) Digitisation of Cable Data Record.

For Computerization of Commercial & Consumer Activities a Separate Department has been established in the year 2001 i.e TSP Dept. Digitisation Project is being handled by Computer Application Department. Establishment :- The computer Application Department is handed by a Divisional Engineer and the following staff is sanctioned for the department.


Divisional Engineer vacant) Superintendent Dy. Engineer Chief Dman Office Asst. Clerk/Typist Nawghany

(loan to TSP & presently

2 4 2 1 1 2

Duties & resonsibilities of Divisional Engioeer:

The Divisional Engineer is overall in-charge of the department for supervision as well as administrative control. Monitoring and proposing the staff requirement, new projects, planning and forecasting arranging training, computerization activity of Electric Supply Branch, introducing new technologies into Electric Supply Branch, carrying out feasibility studies for different applications will be the duties of the Divisional Engineer. The Divisional Engineer will interact with the outside parties for getting knowledge of the technological changes, new mode of electronic communications, techniques, tec.


The Divisional Engineer will report to Dy. Chief Engineer Planning. Various monthly, quarterly reports to various departments are to be sent in time. Sending Annual Administrative Report, Budget Estimates, Capital Budget, Revenue Budget & Variation of establishment schedule will be the duties of Divisional Engineer. The Divisional Engineer should maintain the overall discipline of the department.

The Divisional Engineer will attend Electric Supply Branch meetings and will be the authorised person to give the reports / information of his

department to the management as and when required. He will put up the proposal for increase or decrease of the staff, as per the requirement. He will also carry out such activities which will help in (developing the department) meeting the objectives.

Duties & responsibilities of Superintendent:

The Superintendent will be working under the Divisional Engineer. He will take up jobs assigned from the Divisional Engineer. He will look after the project/s assigned to him. The superintendent will assign jobs to his staff in


carrying out the activities. He will plan the jobs & implement the same. The plans will have to be reviewed time to time. The progress will be reported to the Divisional Engineer time to time or as & when required by the Divisional Engineer. Preparation of specifications, scrutinisation of offers, evaluation and/or recommendations is to be carried by the Superintendent. The Superintendent will have control over the staff working in his section. He will put up his requirements & seek guidance from the Divisional Engineer for policy decisions. Any change in the normal procedures will have to be put up to the Divisional Engineer such proposals are to be approved by the Divisional Engineer. He will carry out the jobs as per the instructions/directives of the Divisional Engineer. The Superintendent will be responsible to put up proposals for necessary training to the staff involved in the project. The superintendent will also be responsible to put up proposals for procurement of necessary hardware and software for carrying out the project. He will also put up proposals for manpower requirement of the project. time-schedule for the same. The Superintendent will co-ordinate with other departments connected with the project. He will co-ordinate with the representatives of the vendor. He The Superintendent will prepare


will assure that the work is carried out as per the specifications, terms & conditions of contract & the organizations interest is protected.

Duties & responsibilities of B Grade Officers:

The Dy. Engineers will report to the Superintendent and will carry out the jobs allotted by the Superintendent. The Dy. Engineer will study the

procedures of the user department and will propose a computer system for the department. The specifications for the Hardware and Software will be prepared by the Dy. Engineers and will get approved from the Senior Officers, Processing of the tender i.e. floating of tender through Stores Dept., to assist the Supdt. for scrutinizing the offers, technical evaluation, site inspections & recommendations. He will carry out all the activities and

duties to ascertain the implementation of the project. Maintaining inventory of all P.C. systems & its accessories used in Electric Supply Branch will be the duty of the B Grade Officer. The Dy. Engineer with help of OA & Clerk will maintain the inventory of all the PCs system along with accessories like Printers, Scanners, Modems, etc. in the Electric Supply Branch and will follow up with every department periodically so as


to have a correct inventory. The inventory would give the true picture of the assets and its allocation department wise for the Electric Supply Branch. Maintaining records of Annual Maintenance Contract and review of the same periodically will be the job of a Dy. Engineer. Computer systems are maintained through contracts since there is no in-house expertise in this field. The B Grade Officer will maintain the records relating to the AMC and monitor the contractor service to BEST s satisfaction. To study proposals of computerization put up by various department and suggest suitable systems for them will be the job of Dy. Engineer. The Dy. Engineer will study the proposals received from the departments for computerization and put up the feasibility report. He would

also suggest a suitable system for the requirements. The Dy. Engineer for advertising the tender may prepare specifications. The further process will be followed as above. Updation and monitoring BESTs website &

monitoring payment of website contractor. The Dy. Engineer will maintain the inventory of different softwares purchased by the departments of Electric Supply Branch. The maintenance support for the software will be given through the supplier or manufacture and the Dy. Engineer will work as liaison officer for software support.


The Dy. Engineer will put up for the purchase of new books, magazines, manuals required for Computer Application Department and also maintain the inventory of the same. The Dy. Engineer would be always in search of the latest developments in the field of computerization useful for the business of Undertaking. He will collect the literature related to these technological changes and maintain the same in the department. The Dy. Engineer will identify the areas in different departments where small packages can be used to reduce the manual work effectively. The Dy. Engineer will put up proposals for scrapping of PC System/Accessories condition of the same in the Electric Supply Branch. Preparation of monthly payment statement of AMC from various reports of different departments will be the job of Dy. Engineer.

Duties & responsibilities of Chief Dman :

The Chief Dman will report to the Dy. Engr./Asst.Engr./Supdt. and will give necessary information of his work and will take guidance from them. He will also supervise and distribute jobs to the Dman working under him. The Chief Dman will prepare drawings, as and when required. He will


arrange to procure the materials needed for the drawing activities in advance, so that the work will not be hampered. The Chief Dman will be responsible for quality checking of the digital format of original paper drawing using light-table. He will also arrange to Locate/spare the drawing, (Block-Plans) as and when required. He will assist the digitization vendor in case of clarification doubts due to bad quality of paper drawings. He will refer other drawings and make necessary corrections accordingly in the Block Plan. The C.D. will undergo training for Auto-CAD or similar software as and when required & will make use of computer in day to day working. He will supervise & assess the work of Draughtsmen working under him. The C.D. will attend to all the queries regarding drawings/features/facilities and he will report those, which could not be dealt with by C.D., to his seniors.

Duties & responsibilities of Office Assistant :

The Office Assistant shall be directly responsible to the Divisional Engineer for the preparation, Maintenance and / or checking, as the case may be, of staff records, Clothing records, staff engagement forms, discharge notices, temporary staff returns forms, bills, annual reports, budget estimates, B


grade officers absentee memos, also for the drafting of letters, attending to general correspondence and for the general supervision of all clerical office work. The duties and responsibilities of Office Assistant Establishment are: Maintaining the Service Records of the staff. Maintaining staff registers, keeping records of vacant posts required to be filled up and putting up requisitions for filling them. Putting up draft notes on staff and other administrative matters. Putting up proposals for the confirmation of temporary staff to the Permanent establishment. Scrutinizing the attendance of all staff of the division and attending to all work arising from the same. Preparing service termination slips and final bills of separated employees, etc. Attending to queries from the Personnel, Time-Keeping and the Budget Departments. Preparing periodical statutory statistical returns regarding the staff as required by the Government and the Management.


Maintaining classified files pertaining to various subjects, such as office procedures, Office Orders, Government control orders, correspondence with the Workers Unions etc. Issuing grain requisitions to the staff. Putting up drafts notes regarding matters pertaining to Stores materials, office equipment and furniture, stationery and printing item and keeping a check on their consumption. Attending to the maintenance of office equipment and furniture and maintaining their records. Keeping a check on budget grants and putting up notes for their augmentation, when necessary. Preparing the Annual Budget Estimates and the establishment schedule. Supervising the work of Stenographers, typists and the office peons.

Duties & responsibilities of Clerk/Typist :

The duties and responsibilities of a Clerk/Typist shall be :


Dispatch, file and find reference : Check typed matter and worksheets. Maintain staff leave record. Record up department requirements of stores materials. Issue stationery and clothing. Maintain various general registers. Scrutinize outgoing papers. Check estimates and maintains registers of new substations. Maintain equipment files. Review filling system files, etc. The Clerk/Typist shall assist the higher administrative staff in the following work. Preparation of budget estimates, annual reports etc. and register pertaining to budget control. Maintenance of files development and history of the Undertaking. M.C.A. queries and register pertaining to them. Preparation of specifications. Invitation of tenders. Stores matters dealing with Supply Branch materials and equipment etc. Work done for outside parties and sale/hire of equipment.


Divisional Engineers office establishment. O.B. Memo, bill vouchers, salary bills, etc. Progress of cases with Government, Railways, Electrical Inspector, etc. Registers pertaining to bill vouchers and hire/sale of equipment etc. They shall assist the Office Assistant/Supervisor or any other officer under whom they are to work. Looking after the stationery requirements and the office furniture and equipment of the department. Getting the Building department to carry out necessary repairs in the department. Maintaining and filing departmental papers other than installation papers. Dealing with establishment and staff matters of the Department. Preparing grain requisitions for the staff of the department and looking after inventory work. Typing from drafts, typewritten matter, etc. Cutting stencils according to instructions.




Organisation, Responsibilities and Duties of Planning (Materials) Department. 1) Introduction :

In the year 1995, the Planning department was re-organized by bifurcating into two divisions i.e. Planning (Network) and Planning (Materials). Each division is headed by a Divisional Engineer in grade A/3. The function of Planning (Materials) is procurement of material and work related thereof. It will be seen that at several places there is repetition of duties allotted to different categories of staff and this may lead to misunderstanding in fixing responsibilities. Therefore, at the outset it must be clarified that wherever any item is repeated under different staff levels the staff at the lowest level is the one which actually carries out the work and the higher level staff guide the work and assume responsibility for implementation of general policies. Details and accuracy are to be ensured by the staff which actually carries out the work. 1.1 1.2 Organization : The organizational setup of the department is as shown in Organization Chart in Appendix A.


2.0 2.1

Responsibilities and Functions : The department shall be responsible for maintaining sufficient stocks and procurement of materials pertaining to 11kV distribution substation and LV network. This includes procurement of distribution transformers. 11kV switchgears, HV and LV Cables, Capacitors, LV boards and pillars, ACBs, Jointing materials, 11kV protective current transformers etc. and some of the minor items. The department shall be responsible for assessment of annual requirement of all the major and minor items for 11kV distribution substations, LV network. The dept. shall be responsible for preparing specifications for all the major and minor items pertaining to distribution substation and LV network. The department shall also be responsible for preparing tender document for major items like transformers, switchgears, HV and LV cables, capacitors, LV boards and pillars etc. The department shall be responsible for scrutiny of all the major and minor items referred to it and preparing recommendations. The department shall be responsible for follow up after the orders placed with the suppliers and keep track of their performance. The department shall keep in touch with new development in technology and designer equipment and revise the specification from time to time based on the development. The department shall be responsible for arranging demonstrations of new equipments procured to familiarize the executing department and maintenance divisions for their installation and upkeep.




3.0 3.1

Establishment : The department consists of a Divisional Engineer Planning (Material) in grade A-3, one Superintendent in grade A-4, two Assistant Engineers in grade A-5, four Deputy Engineers in grade G/GVI, one Deputy Charge Engineer in grade T-7, one Office Assistant, one Supervisor, three Clerks, one Clerk-cum-Typist, two Stenos, one Sepoy. Divisional Engineer : The Divisional Engineer Planning (Material) shall be responsible to the Dy.Chief engineer Planning for the smooth and efficient working of the Planning (Materials) department and will co-ordinate the works of the

4.0 4.1


sections comprising it. He shall be responsible to the Dy.Chief Engineer Planning for the following :1] 2] Overall administrative control of the Planning (Materials) Department. Estimating the requirements of equipments/ materials required for distribution substation and L.V. network and ensuring with the help of the Material Management (MM) Department that adequate stocks are maintained. Preparing specifications, tender documents etc. scrutinizing and recommending tenders, following up with MM Department the cases of recommended tenders until the satisfactory execution of orders by giving them all technical help. Preparing the annual report, budget estimates and establishment schedule of the department. Adopting new developments in the field of technology and equipments. To reply to the querries raised to Tender Committee/Management/ BEST Committee at regards tender recommendations as well as MCA querries. To have better coordination with M.M. Dept. and user departments as regards exchange of information and ideas/views. Superintendent :



5] 6]



4.2.1 Superintendent shall be responsible to the Divisional Engineer Planning (Materials) for the specific duties allotted to him out of the following. These duties are divided amongst the Assistant Engineers and Deputy Engineers according to the convenience of the department by the DEPL(M). [1] Procurement of major equipments such as distribution transformers of ONAN and ANAN type also amorphous core type, switchgears of type Vacuum Circuit Breakers and Ring Main Units. Spares or transformers and switchgears. Getting data from Erection (N) (W/S) as regards faulty transformers and initiating action for floating tenders for repairing of these transformers. Estimating the requirements of above equipments/ materials for the distribution substations and ensuring with the help of MM Department that adequate stocks are maintained. Also forwarding the requirement of transformer oil to M.M.Dept.




Preparing/Revising technical specifications due to developments in the technology also as per the field experience. Scrutiny of tender offers for technical suitability. Seeking clarifications in time from the tenderers as regards technical parameters if required. Seeking data from user depts. As regards performance of various items supplied by various firms. Finalisation of tender recommendations and to forward the same within stipulated time. To reply the querries raised by Tender Committee/ Management regarding the tender recommendations before putting up to BEST Committee. Following up with the MM Department cases of recommended tenderers. Follow up with the firms whom the orders are placed as regards offering prototype for inspection at suppliers works. To arrange to expedite the inspection at the suppliers works. To follow up with the firm in coordination with M.M.Dept. for the timely delivery of the material to keep satisfactory inventory level. To coordinate with the user dept. about utilization of material in stock. To obtain the data/information regarding the performance of equipments supplied by new firms to whom trials orders are placed. To advise/to offer views to M.M.Dept. in case of files referred for assessing the liquidated damages for late delivery of items on orders. To attend to the representatives of manufacturers visiting the dept. for various items/issues. To arrange demonstrations cum training program for the new items procured by the Dept. so as to get the technical staff acquainted with the working/ maintaining the equipment. To attend stores coordination meeting with DEPL(M) and to reply the querries raised by the members. Special jobs as may be allotted from time to time by DEPL(M).

[4] [5]




[9] [10]

[11] [12]

[13] [14]








Collecting and maintaining all statistical data necessary for ensuring adequate stock of equipments. Assistant Engineer :


4.3.1 Asst.Engr. shall be responsible to the Divisional Engineer for the specific duties allotted to him out of the following. These duties are divided amongst the A.Es according to the convenience of the department by the DEPL(M) [1] Procurement of materials like HV and LV cables, LV Pillars and Boards, Capacitors, LV circuit Breakers, Jointing materials and kits, 11kVprotective current transformers and minor items like fuse bases, cutouts, lead pipes and sheets, cutout boards etc.


Estimating the requirements of above equipments/ materials for the distribution substations and ensuring with the help of MM department that adequate stocks are maintained. Also forwarding the requirement of transformer oil to M.M.Dept. Preparing/Revising technical specifications due to developments in the technology also as per the field experience. Scrutiny of tender offers for technical suitability. Seeking clarifications in time from the tenderers as regards technical parameters if required. Seeking data from user depts. as regards performance of various items supplied by various firms. Finalisation of tender recommendations and to forward the same within stipulated time. To reply the queries raised by Tender Committee/ Management regarding the tender recommendations before putting up to BEST Committee. Following up with the MM Department cases of recommended tenderers. Follow up with the firms whom the orders are placed as regards offering prototype for inspection at suppliers works.


[4] [5]




[9] [10]


[11] [12]

to arrange to expedite the inspection at the suppliers works. To follow up with the firm in coordination with M.M.Dept. for the timely delivery of the material to keep satisfactory inventory level. To coordinate with the user dept. about utilization of material in stock. To obtain the data/information regarding the performance of equipments supplied by new firms to whom trials orders are placed. To advise/to offer views to M.M.Dept. in case of files referred for assessing the liquidated damages for late delivery of items on orders. To attend to the representatives of manufacturers visiting the dept. for various items/issues. To arrange demonstrations cum training program for the new items procured by the dept. so as to get the technical staff acquainted with the working/ maintaining the equipment. To attend stores coordination meeting with DEPL(M) and to reply the queries raised by the members. Special jobs as may be allotted from time to time by DEPL(M). Collecting and maintaining all statistical data necessary for ensuring adequate stock of equipments. Preparing the annual reports and budget estimates of the Planning Department. Deputy Engineer :

[13] [14]





[19] [20]



4.1.1 The Deputy Engineer will work under the Superintendent or one of the Asst.Engrs. The number of deputy Engineers allotted to Superintendent/ Asst. Engr. and their specific duties will depend on the exigencies of the department and shall be decided from time to time by DEPL(M). His duties will comprise some of the following :[1] [2] [3] Maintaining statistics pertaining to the Supply Branch. Preparing Budget Estimates. Initiating proposals for purchase of equipments.



Calculating annual/bi-annual requirement of items pertaining to Planning (M) Department. Preparing Draft specification and drawings and put for approval of the concerned authority. Thorough scrutiny of technical part of the tender. Seeking clarification from the tenderers as regards technical particulars. Putting up draft recommendation of the tender. Put up proposal of factory inspection if any to higher authorities and among/co-ordinate with the manufacturer and the inspecting officers for carrying out the factory inspection. Thorough scrutiny of drawings submitted by the manufacturer for approval. Prepare note for deputation proposals for carrying out prototype and lot inspection of the equipments at the suppliers works. Co-ordinate and arrange the inspection of the prototype and lot inspection of the equipment. Keep track of the delivery of the equipment and co-ordinate with the firm in case of any technical discrepancies. Maintain the stock position of the equipment and co-ordinate with the M.M. department and the manufacturer in case of higher inventory or critical stock position. Monitor and maintain the performance of the equipment of the supplier. Study and discuss various catalogue and keeping touch with the latest development in the equipment in the market. Study the suitability of the introducing equipment with new technology into our system in terms of economy efficiency. Modify the existing specification for betterment of the equipment. To carry out site visits as and when required for critical cases. Dy.Charge Engineer :


[6] [7] [8] [9]


[11] [12]



[15] [16]

[17] [18] 4.4

4.4.1 The Dy.Charge Engineer will have to work under the Deputy Engineers and shall be responsible for


[1] [2] [3] 4.5

Compiling data. Helping in the preparation of charges, calculation and tabulation. To carry out site visits. Office Assistant :

4.5.1 The Office Assistant is responsible to the Divisional Engineer, Planning (Material). He is fully utilized in various activities of [1] To deal with all establishment matters and any other job entrusted by superiors of the division. Supervise the work of the subordinate staff i.e. clerks, steno/typist etc. working in the department. Keeping control on organizational matters pertaining to the department. Preparing departmental budget estimates and administrative reports. Preparing establishment schedule of the department. Obtaining administrative sanction. Dealing with staff matters and maintaining staff records such as staff files and other confidential files. Initiating and following up of procurement of various requirements such as furniture, office equipments etc. of the department. Maintaining budgetary control of different budget heads. Reviewing of the departmental manual. Replying to audit queries. Maintaining general upkeep and cleanliness of the department. Supervisor : To supervise the subordinates working under him. Carrying out all establishment matters and any of job entrusted by Superiors.


[3] [4] [5] [6] [7]


[9] [10] [11] [12] I [1] [2]



Verification of bills, follow up of final dues of separated employees, maintaining seniority list of all categories on the establishment of Planning Division. To prepare various types of draft notes for management sanction. Maintaining of confidential files, records, papers etc. Attending to the general up-keep of files, records etc. Supervising the work entrusted to the clerks and to get the work done within a specific period of time. Forwarding monthly, quarterly annual statements and reports to management and other statutory bodies. To assist OAPL(M) in routine administrative matter. Maintaining general up-keep and cleanliness of the department. To ensure discipline amongst the staff working under him. Stenographer : Taking dictation and transcribing it. Typing and other related work. Checking and comparing the typed matter. Clerk-cum-Typist : Dispatch work in respect of inward/outward registers, green file registers, fax registers, correspondence register, tender file register, maintaining of petrol requisition register and issue of petrol requisition books. Preparing stationery requisitions, purchase form, gate passes. Preparing monthly tender position. Typing and other related work regarding specification, recommendations etc. and other miscellaneous typing work entrusted by the superiors. Checking and comparing the typed matter. Filing of Misc. papers.

[4] [5] [6] [7]


[9] [10] [11] II. [1] [2] [3] III [1]

[2] [3] [4]

[5] [6]


[7] IV. [1]

To put up Purchase Forms and maintain P.F. Register thereof. Clerk : Maintaining and updating of S.R.files of the staff and officers on the establishment of electric supply branch. Preparing of monthly statement such as staff position of permanent and temporary staff, sanction of briefcase, proposals in respect of briefcase, keeping records of bills towards briefcase, maintaining of clothing card and issuing of monsoon apparels, periodical statements in respect of various diaries, information regarding officers such as address, telephone number to be incorporated in the diaries, to assist the work carried out by OA and Supervisor, maintaining registers such as clothing, briefcase maintaining Identity card-cum-bus token register, issue of Identity cardcum-bus token and entry thereof etc. Filing of order, stores and equipment papers and annual contract schedule. Opening and maintenance of tender file and order files. Preparing duplicate quotation files. Maintenance of various registers i.e. tender register, cost data register. To furnish various types of information regarding stores matter required by technical officers. Collect data from concerned departments for working out and declaring distribution losses. To prepare statement regarding distribution loss factor of electric supply branch. To dispatch file and find references as required by technical officers as well as by administrative officers. Maintaining various registers listed in the index file and office files. To assist AE/OA in preparing budget capital/revenue budget estimates and administrative reports. Following up cases with various departments of the Undertaking with regard to tenders.



[4] [5] [6] [7]




[11] [12]




Preparation deputation bills. J.E. bills and follow up thereof, preparing monthly and quarterly deputation statements. Procurement of Furniture and Office Equipment and maintaining inventory of Furniture and office equipment. Maintaining inventory of computers of Department and preparing computer maintenance report. Preparing Absentee memo of A & B grade Officers. Preparing Tea bills of concerned officers. Filing of circulars and other administrative plan/publication/subject study/reviewing filing index and opening of new subject files and to maintaining of statistical record. To assist AE in MCA queries regarding administrative matters. Follow up of various departmental files with concerned offices. Preparing medical bill of reimbursement. Sepoy : Cleaning and dusting office furniture. Carrying dispatch to the departments located in the head office and various other offices. Shifting furniture. Bringing materials/ stationery from Stores. Taking out reference files from the cabinets/cupboards and keeping them back. Collecting and distributing internal papers from the tray. Attending to call bells of officers. Equipments : Procurement of distribution transformers, 11kV switchgear for DSS, HV and LV cables, LV Pillars and boards, capacitors, 11kV protective CTs for



[17] [18] [19]

[20] [21] [22] V. [1] [2]

[3] [4] [5]

[6] [7] 5.0 5.1


DSS, air circuit breakers, jointing kits and materials, fuse bases, cutouts etc. 6.0 6.1 Budget Estimates : Budget Estimates for DSS and L.V. network for the current and the next financial year comprising the revenue and the capital shall be put up every year according to the programme chalked out by the management. While preparing these estimates care shall betaken to take into consideration all variations in prices of materials, rates of labour, taxes, levies etc. The estimates shall be as realistic as possible and for this purpose it is necessary to obtain sufficient data of the executive capacity of the department, availability of stores and materials and such other factors as are responsible for proper realization of the projects. Each year the budget estimates for the current year shall be revised on the basis of actual performance observed and anticipated quanta of works likely to be completed during the year. The budget estimates shall be checked against the master plan and reconciled every year. These estimates comprising the revenue and capital budgets shall be submitted to the management through DCEPL. 7.0 Establishment Schedule : The establishment schedule of the department shall be reviewed every year and the proposals and justifications for any additions and upgrading of posts shall be submitted in draft form to the management through DCEPL. In case no revision are proposed a NIL report shall be submitted. 8.0 8.1 Procurement of Material : The Planning (Material) Department shall be responsible of -

8.1.1 Assessing the requirement of the following materials : a) b) c) d) e) f) Distribution transformers 11kV switchgear for DSS 11kV and 1.1kV cables LV capacitors for DSS LV Pillars and boards HV and LV joints


g) h)

11kV protective CTs Minor items like lead pipes and sheets, fuse bases, cutouts, transformer oil etc.


Preparing specifications and drawings for the items referred in (d) above. Specification and drawings shall be prepared based on our specific requirements and conforming to the Indian Standard Specifications of international standards whenever necessary for all new types of equipments. The specifications and drawings for existing items shall bereivewed and revised whenever fresh tenders are floated for these items.


Compiling the annual requirement of material covered under Annual Contract Schedules (Appendix `C) and revising the specification, if necessary.


Checking stock position of material :Stock statements in respect of recurring items are furnished by Material Management Department every month. These shall be compared by the Planning Department against anticipated requirements. Wherever stocks are noticed to be below the required level, the department shall take up the matter with Dy.CMM (Supply & Building).

[4] [5]

Investigating complaints regarding defective supplies. Advising Material Management Department regarding disposal of nonmoving and surplus items. Assessing liquidated damages for late deliveries of items on order. Preparing/amending brief specifications and drawing for all the material used for distribution substations, as and when required.

[6] [7]

8.1.2 In addition to the above, the department shall study :[1] All new products of interest and assess their suitability for use in the distribution network. Substitution of cheaper materials and/or development of new products to suit the special needs of the distribution network.




Preparation and upkeep of specification drawings and equipment drawings : Specification drawings : These drawings are required for the procurement of materials required for distribution substation. Normally they accompany the specifications of the items. These drawings shall show the details of materials, limit of materials, tolerances and such other details required for manufacturing the items.



Equipment drawings : These are drawings comprising the following : a) b) c) d) Key and schematic diagrams ; Physical drawings ; Connection and wiring diagrams and schedules of wiring ; Data pertaining to equipment ;

The draughtsman shall draw these drawings on tracing papers of suitable standard size and mention the corresponding drawing No. 10.0 Research and Development :

10.1 The Planning (M) Department shall carry out continuous research in respect of the following subject i) ii) iii) 10.2 Equipment design ; Power factor improvement ; Performance quality ;

The projects under each of these subjects shall be listed out various activities such as collecting information, carrying out experiments, analyzing the data and putting up a draft report shall be assigned to officers of the dept. as may be decided by the need of the Dept. The draft reports shall be scrutinized by officers of the Electric Supply Branch and commented upon. The comments received from the officers shall be considered by the individual putting up the report and the revised drafts shall be put up to the DCE(PL).




These reports shall be submitted to the AGM(S)/DGM(S) for approval and orders for their implementation of suggestions given in the report. Experimentation and field trials : As each one of the projects listed out under Section 10.1 will need certain trials and experiments to be conducted in the field, the research worker shall explain the project to the field staff and arrange to carry out the experiments with their co-operations. Wherever it is necessary, the research worker shall order special equipment and if the existing personnel are incapable of carrying out the experiment, he shall take assistance from outside agencies to conduct the experiment. The results of these experiments and trials shall be collected by the research worker for the concerned projects. Each report shall be filed in a special file under SUBJECT STUDY. Once a report is finalised, one copy of the text shall be classified and documented in the Supply Branch Library.

11.0 11.1



Office Maintenance :

12.1 Office Assistant shall check the following and do the needful wherever necessary. [1] Whether the cupboards below the windows are clean and anything is lying on top of them. Whether all the indoor plants in the department are being properly and regularly watered. Whether the doors of all cupboards, lockers etc., are properly closed. Whether any files, papers, books etc. are kept out of place. Whether all venetion blinds, clocks, lights, fans, switches and other fixtures are in proper working condition. Whether furniture and other fitting need any repairs. Whether the place where drinking water is kept and the sanitary block are kept clean. Whether window panes are regularly cleaned, the floor washed once every week, broken window panes replaced etc.


[3] [4] [5]

[6] [7]




Whether all photo frames are in alignment. If not, it shall be pointed out to the person concerned. In addition to the above, he shall ; Point out any water leakage in the department to the Building supervisor. Get the wooden furniture polished and the steel furniture painted and Decide in consultation with DEPL(M) whether any additional furniture, office equipment etc., is needed in the department and take steps to procure these. Training : The training schemes in regard to probationary engineers, student engineers, stipendary apprentices and other trainees which are organized by the TIE department shall be implemented in so far as their training in the department is concerned. Follow up and appraisal of training during probationary period of appointees in the department shall be allotted as under : Probationary Engineer Clerical staff including Sepoys --SPL(M) / AEPL(M)\ OAPL

12.2 {1} {2} {3}

13.0 13.1


On satisfactory completion of training within the department, the officer in charge of follow up shall certify the staff record of the appointee. All reports required by the TIE department in respect of trainees shall be prepared and sent by the A.E. in charge. Allocation of work : The nature of work done by the engineers of material section may be overlapping responsibilities. The work in these sections is also interdependent. In order to have fixed responsibilities in regard to ;administration and clerical staff; office upkeep; etc., the work load in divided and allocated to each of the clerical staff by Office Assistant. Staff Records : The staff records of all employees (including officers) both temporary and permanent on the roll of the department and those of separated employees shall be maintained by the DEPl(M). All the entries in the staff


14.0 14.1



record shall be made in ink and duly authenticated by the DEPL(M) or the concerned officer authorized by him. These records shall be of confidential nature and shall be accessible to the person dealing with the subject matter. 16.0 Working Hours : Following duty hours shall be observed by the different categories of staff working in the department ; 1) Officers : Weekdays : 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. (with 45 min. Lunch recess from 12.45 p.m. to 1.30 p.m.) 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.



Dy.Ch.Engr. : Weekdays : 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. (with 45 min. Lunch recess from 12.45 p.m. to 1.30 p.m.) 8.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.

Saturdays 3)

Administrative Staff :


9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. (with 45 min. Lunch recess from 12.45 p.m. to 1.30 p.m.)


Sepoys : Weekdays : 8.30 a.m. to 5.15 p.m. (with 45 min. Lunch recess from 12.45 p.m. to 1.30 p.m.)


These timings are subject to alteration depending upon the exigencies of work. 17.0 Dead Stock Inventory : The inventory of dead stock shall be physically checked by the Supervisor once each year in the month of March. He shall ensure that all equipments and office furniture existing in the department bear the departmental reference number. He shall also check the physical condition of the equipment and shall get it repaired whenever necessary. He shall sign the dead stock register and make a report in case any item is not traceable. 18.0 Upkeep of office files and records :

18.1 All office files shall be as per the colour code below :Green -Order Stores Equipment Administration Correspondence Planning Data Statistics Subject study Staff Registers Receiving Stations





Pink Folders


18.2 i) ii) iii) iv) v)

The clerks in charge of filing shall ensure that : No file is unduly bukly ; New continuation files are opened and designated as Part I, Part II, etc. New parts always start from the beginning of a month ; References of new parts opened are given in consecutive parts ; All torn files are replaced :


vi) vii) viii) 18.3 18.4

All torn papers are reconditioned ; All loose papers are filed properly ; All files are labeled and numbered ; They shall ensure that all files are kept in their proper places. They shall check the inventory of files in the filing cabinets in the month of April, July, October and January. They shall remove all obsolete files and papers from the filing cabinets in consultation with A.E. at each review period and send papers and files to Mumbai Central for records, Papers which are not required to be maintained shall be destroyed forthwith. All registers and files comprising the office records (Appendix `D) shall be neatly maintained and kept in their proper places (as given in the filing index) and the following rules shall be strictly followed :All mutilated records shall be renewed. All entries shall be legible. No entries shall be overwritten. Wrong entries shall be neatly crossed with a single line and correct entries written above the scored entry. Where space does not permit this, the correct entry shall be written elsewhere in the register giving its cross reference. Index of records and files : An index giving a detailed record of all registers in the department shall be maintained as per Appendix `D.



i) ii) iii) iv)




Procedure for the procurement of Stores (Major items )


Requirements :

The requirements of all the major items for distribution

substation shall be collected and collated periodically and compared vis-vis the stock position.


Specifications and drawings : Detailed specifications of the items to be procured shall be drawn well in advance and sent to M.M.Dept. at least one week before the date of advertisement.


Scrutiny of quotations and recommendations : On receipt of duplicate quotations from M.M.Dept. the technical features of the offers shall be studied. If any clarification is required, the tenderer/s shall be requested to do so within a stipulated period.


After receiving the necessary clarification from the tenderer/s and their comparative statement of prices; deliver; periods; terms of payment etc. accompanied by original quotations from M.M.Dept. recommendations for placing theorder (justifying the recommendations) shall be put up to DGMS/AGMS/AGMM.



Materials covered under Annual Contract Schedule

(A) Major items

Sr.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Distribution Transformer (ONAN) Dry Type Transformer (ANAN) H.V. Protective Current Transformers 1.1KV, HR PVC Cable 1.1KV, 1C x400 SQ MM.CU XLPE Cable. 11kV, 3C x 70 sq.mm. Al. PILC Cable 11kV, 3C x 50 sq.mm. Cu. XLPE Cable 11kV, 3C x 300 sq.mm. Al. PILC Cable 11kV, 3C x 240 SQ MM. AL XLPE Cable. 11KV, 3C X 70 SQ.MM. AL.PILC Cable. 11KV, 3C X 50 SQ.MM. CU.XLPE Cable. 11KV, 250 MVA, Indoor Switchgear (VCB) Air Circuit Breakers 11KV, Outdoor Ring Main Units Non-Extensible Type (3 way & 4 way) Fuse switch Unit (200A, 400A, 630A) L.V.Distribution Pillars & Boards. Mini Pillars 56 kVAr, Indoor L.V. Capacitors (APP Type) 56 kVAr, Outdoor L.V. Capacitors (APP type)


(B) Minor items Sr.No.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Cable Waning Covers. RCC Pipes & Collars P.V.C. Pipes H.S. Cutouts 16A to 100 A. H.S. Cutouts 200A to 400A & Neutral Cutouts100A to 200A H.S. Jointing Kits (11kV & 1.1kV) T.W. Service Meter Boards. Casting, ferrous & Non-ferrous Insulating Materials (Tapes) Transformer Oil PVC Wires (Copper) PVC Wires (Aluminium) Lead Pipes & Sheets HRC Fuses, 315 Amps. Brass Gland.



Classification of Files / Records

Case Files / Records

Part IV Part V


Order Staff (Personal)


Functional Files / Records

Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part XI


Correspondence Administration Planning Stores

Pl/Corr./ Pl/Ad./ Pl/Plan/ Pl/St./

Study Files / Records

Part XII Part XIII Part XIV Part XV Part XVI


Equipment Subject Study Data Statistics Registers

Pl/Eq./ Pl/SS/ Pl/Data/ Pl/Stat/ Pl/Reg./



CONSUMER (NORTH) CONSUMERS (NORTH) DEPT. Technical staff 1. Superintendent (Consumers) :The Superintendent (Consumers) shall be directly responsible to the Deputy Chief Engineer (Commercial (N) ) and is the Executive officer in charge of the Consumer Department (North) zone. xxxi) To assist him in the performance of his duties, he is provided with necessary staff as shown in the departmental organization chart. xxxii) He shall constantly review all the activities and functions of the department and shall introduce any changes as and when considered necessary, which are likely to improve the efficiently of the department All changes involving major policy decision shall be subject to the prior approval of the Deputy Chief Engineer (Commercial (N) ) . xxxiii) He shall maintain personal contact with the officers and staff working under him and shall be responsible for smooth working of the department. xxxiv) He shall submit the Annual Administration Report on the working of his zone to the Deputy Chief Engineer (Commercial (N) ) not later than 30th April of each year. xxxv) He shall enforce all regulations, procedure orders, standing orders and other departmental statutory rules and instructions issued from time to time and shall inspect all departmental registers and records according to the schedule for such inspection. xxxvi) He shall be responsible for the preparation of yearly budget estimates of Capital and Revenue Expenditure. xxxvii) He shall ensure indenting and stocking of sufficient stationery required and continuity of supply of the same. xxxviii) He shall maintain an inventory of machinery / equipment and of Dead Stock entrusted to his department. xxxix) He shall maintain staff records and deal with other matters connected with the staff of his zone.




He shall collect, maintain and submit to the appropriate authorities statistical data and other information regarding the Consumer Departments may be necessary from time to time. He shall ensure that all meters are read according to the schedule programme and bills for electric energy are prepared and dispatched within a period of 7 to 10 days from the dates the meters are read. He shall arrange to advise the Accounts Department regarding the total amount for the electric energy charges and electricity duty under various account heads as shown in the ledgers after bill posting is done and monthly summaries are prepared. He shall arrange for preparation of Electricity Duty returns and payment of Electricity Duty in three installments on or before the schedule dates as provided for under the provisions of the Bombay Electricity Duty Rules, 1962. He shall ensue that all cash collections made by the Consumers Department are promptly deposited with the Cash Department. He shall arrange to investigate consumers complaint regarding incorrect reading of meters, incorrect billing, omission of payment posting etc. and if necessary rectify the error and inform the consumers subsequently. He shall issue instructions to the Indoor and Outdoor Sections and coordinate the working of these sections.






xlvii) He shall attend the meeting with the Electrical Inspector of Government of Maharashtra as a Member of the Authorities constituted under Part II of the Schedule of the Bombay Electricity Duty Act, 1950 and participate in deliberations regarding Electricity Duty chargeable in cases of disputes raised by the consumers. xlviii) He shall certify and sign credit notes for amounts exceeding Rs.25,000/- in each instance for mistakes in billing due to incorrect applications of tariff, electricity duty arising out of incorrect meter readings, etc. xlix) He shall visit the consumers premises for verification of correct tariff of electricity duty applicable where the class of premises as recorded on the meter reading folio, tariff and electricity duty made applicable are disputed by the consumer. He has to attend various courts like High Court, City Civil Court, Consumers Dispute Redressal Forum, Electrical Inspector, any other Authorities which whom filed the cases. He has to file Affidavits for



defending the cases and assist our Legal Department in defending the cases. li) He has to keep a watch over backlog of various activities in the Department and bring the same to the notice of Management and put up for additional staff to clear the backlog. He has to monitor the Disconnection Drive for recovery of outstanding of arrears. He has to supervise and guide subordinate officers. He has to monitor the disciplinary action against the officers & staff depending upon the reports received against them. He is appellate authority for first appeal of delinquent officer/staff against whom punishment is awarded in the disciplinary action taken. He has to attend various meetings namely Supply Branch Conference, DGM(ES), CED(N) from time to time and furnish the information required by them and implement the orders, suggestions given by the Management. He has also to attend personally complaints received from VIPs or repeated complaint received from consumers. He has to coordinate the activities of the Consumers Department with the other related Departments namely Commercial, EDP, Vigilance, Security Vigilance, Energy Audit. He is also a Member of Review Committee wherein he has to attend the meeting called by the Chairman of Review Committee. He has to attend Seminars, Symposiums, Meeting, Exhibition etc. deputed by the Management. He has to visit other Electricity Boards in order to study the working of their Consumers Department so that improvements can be introduced in our Department.










2. 2.1

Deputy Engineer, GG-VI :Distribution of Work : a. b. c. d. Disconnection Investigation Testing of Meters Reconnection of meters


e. 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8

O/S recovery

Government A/C Dishonoured Cheque dispute amount Controling on MRBC New A/C Section

To control on Temp. Section To control on Electronic Account meters Investigation of VIP s cases, Govt. Cases.

3. 3.8

Sub Engineer - GG-V : To look after the work of Sr. Inq. Insp. T7 and Inq. Insp. After distribution work to Sr. Inq. Insp. To check Report brought by Inquiry Inspector, Investigate, meter testing etc; If the meters are defective, advice for replacement and Amendment; To send meter for OT at MRE To advice for rectification of bills; To report to Dy. Engg., Supdt. Supply and SCS; Testing of meter by accucheck in VIP cases.

3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14

Responsibility :1. 2. 3. 4. To control on T7, Sr. Inq. Insp. Ask consumers for making payment against non-payment. To recover O/S amount Report to Vig (Supply) regarding direct supply, tampered meter, or any alteration in connection with meter.



Deputy Charge Engineer - T7 : 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 To test the meters on OLT, Accuchek To bring meter testing reports Disconnection of meters, 50,000/- & above. Investigation at site.

Responsibility : 1. 2. To find the accuracy of meters, Report to Sub Engineer.

5. 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11

Meter Reader (Tech.) T6 : Reading of meters Disconnection for non-payment Dishonoured cheque dispute cases. Site visit, Bank Visit, for investigation, installation of cut outs, Bridges for nonpayment cases. Reading of induction type Meters with Palmtop Electronic Meter Reading Instrument. Reading of Electronic Meters. To report for tampered meter, damage meter.


5.13 5.14

Responsibility : 1. 2. To brought proper reading and reports. Cut outs, Bridges, proper sizes to present at office and to carry again for installation




Assistant Superintendent Consumers :xxii. Assistant Superintendent Consumers shall generally assist the respective Superintendents (Consumers) in the discharge of their duties. xxiii. Assistant Superintendent may normally go for inspection, surprise visits, attending to consumers complaints, etc. in the morning and attend to office work or investigation of complaints in the office in the afternoon. xxiv. Assistant Superintendent shall carry out the following inspections : a) Visit all Cash Centres within the zonal jurisdiction twice a month to check their working, imprest cash, etc. Each cash center shall be checked at least once a month at the time of opening of the center. b) Visit consumers, whenever necessary, regarding cases which cannot be satisfactorily settled by correspondence and when the consumers cannot, or will not for valid reasons call at our office. c) Visit those localities from where complaints of non-receipt of bills are received, with a view to enquire into the genuineness of such complaints against Messengers and for taking of appropriate action. d) Visit consumers premises whenever necessary in connection with disputes regarding applicability of tariff or electricity duty, inaccessibility of service position, etc.


xxv. He shall constantly review the activities and functions of the department and suggest necessary changes aimed at improving efficiency of the department. xxvi. He shall maintain personal contact with the officers and staff working under him and ensure a smooth working of the Department. xxvii. He shall inspect all departmental registers and records. xxviii. He shall ensure that the programme for reading of meters and preparation of bills is drawn up well in advance. xxix. He shall ensure that the reading programme for commercial, industrial and public accounts is drawn up well in advance and copies thereof are sent to Billing, Ledger and EDP Dept. Energy Audit Dept. xxx. He shall attending all departmental meetings with the Superintendent Consumers and assist him in the deliberations thereof. xxxi. He shall certify and sign credit notes for amounts, exceeding Rs.25,000/- in each instance for mistakes in billing due to incorrect application of tariff, electricity duty, arising out of incorrect meter readings, etc. xxxii. He shall attend the consumers who call at our office with complaints and shall investigate the causes of complaints and give satisfactory replies. xxxiii. He shall scrutinize cases pertaining to claims arising out of change of tariff or stoppage of meters and make his recommendations to the Superintendent Consumers. xxxiv. He will generally supervise the working of the Indoor and Outdoor Sections and sanction leave in excess of 7 days at a time to the staff of those sections. xxxv. He will hold departmental enquiries and take disciplinary action against the staff of the Department and also hear appeals against the orders passed by the officers working under him. xxxvi. He shall periodically check whether bills are being properly delivered by actually visiting the consumers premises. xxxvii. He shall examine requests for making changes in the deposit receipts and approve the same if arranged. xxxviii. He shall examine proposals for establishment of new cash receiving centers or shifting of the existing ones. He shall also negotiate for acquisition of new sties for locating such cash receiving centers.


xxxix. He shall attend to the work of the Superintendent Consumers in his absence. xl. He is a Member of Review Sub Committee. He has to attend meetings called by Chairman Review Committee from time to time.

xli. He has to attend various Court cases, sign Affidavits and assist Legal Department in defending the cases. xlii. He has to visit the related Department like EDP Commercial, Vigilance, Energy Audit, Accounts to coordinate the activities of Consumers Department with related Department.

2. i. xi.

Office Superintendent (Wards), A/G-X : Directly responsible ASCN, Supdt. Supply, SCN. He should maintain staff records and deal with other matters connected with staff of this zone.

xii. He should collect; maintain and submit to the appropriate authorities statistical datas and other information regarding his zones may be necessary from time to time. xiii. He should arranged to investigate consumer complaints regarding incorrect reading of meters, incorrect billing, omission of payment posting, High bill, Low Bill, no bill, and if necessary rectify the errors and inform the consumers subsequently. xiv. He should issue instruction to the subordinate officer Indoor and Outdoor staff and coordinate the working of these sections. xv. He should certify and sign Debit/Credit notes for amounts exceeding Rs.10,000/- in each instance for the mistakes in billing due to incorrect applications of tariff, electricity duty arising out of incorrect meter reading, wrong punching etc.

xvi. He has to attend various Courts like High Court, City Civil Court, Consumers Dispute Redressal Forum, Electrical Inspector, any other


Authorities which consumers filed the cases. He has to file Affidavits for defending the cases and assist our Legal Department in defending the cases. xvii. He has to keep a watch over backlog of various activities in the Department and bring the same to the notice of his superiors. xviii. He has to take the disciplinary action against the staff depending upon the reports received against them. xix. He has to coordinate the activities of the consumers Department with the other related Departments namely Commercial, EDP, Vigilance, Security Vigilance.


Office Assistant (Wards), A/GVIII : i. Directly responsible to office Supdt/ Dy. Engr..

xiii. He shall maintain staff attendance Leave record and deal with other matters in connection with staff. xiv. He shall collect, maintain and submit to the Office Supdt. Statistical data and other necessary information from time to time. xv. He has to attend consumers complaint change in tariff, change of name etc. and give satisfactory reply.

xvi. He shall issue instructions to the Supervisor, clerk and coordinate the working of these sections. xvii. He look after the work of Office Supdt. in his absence. xviii. He shall certify and sign Dr./Cr. Notes, change of name forms for collection of correct deposit. xix. He has to keep a watch over backlog at various activities in the Department and bring the same to the notice of Superintendent. xx. He will generally supervise the working of the Indoor Section and sanction leave up to 7 days at a time to the staff of his section.

xxi. He should maintain personal contact with the staff working under him and ensure a smooth working of the Dept. xxii. He shall ensure the various forms prepared by his staff and sent to EDP Dept.


xxiii. He has to coordinate the activities of the Consumers Dept. With the other related Dept. namely Commercial, EDP, If , Vigilance, Security Vigilance.


Office Assistant (Outdoor) (OAC2 (OD) ) : i. He will directly report to SCN. He will be working under ASCN and has to look after the following jobs.

xiii. He will supervise and control the bill distribution by Messengers who are working directly under one Supervisor. xiv. OAC2(OD) will keep contact with SEDP in case of delay in receipt of cycle-wise bills as per the schedule already fixed. xv. He will grant leave to staff working under him as per the limit.

xvi. Daily in the morning, he will attend Cash Counter office to supervise and coordinate posting of Counter Clerks, arranging substitutes in case of absence of staff. He will also check up about the availability of Mobile Cash Van and Cash Collection Van and the concerned M.V. Drivers. xvii. OAC2(OD) will put up draft replies to ASCN regarding communications received in connection with bill delivery and other problems pertaining to operation of 28 Cash Collection Centres. xviii. OAC2(OD) will visit the Cash Counters in case of any complaints, which are to be attended immediately. xix. OAC2(OD) will prepare a draft proposal for opening new Cash Collection Centres at the request of Municipal Corporators, MLAs and Local Associations. xx. Before preparing the proposal as stated I 1.7 above, OAC2(OD) will visit the proposed new site to ascertain the ownership of the site, say public land or private land. Accordingly, OAC2(OD) will contact the concerned landlord/authority to confirm whether the site would be available for proposed Cash Counter.

xxi. OAC2(OD) then will confirm from Supervisor Cash which are the Cash Counters situated near to the proposed Cash Collection Centre. He will also arrange the receipts of bills for 3 months at these counters. This statistics will be attached to the proposal.


xxii. OAC2(OD) then will write to concerned local authority or landlord of the proposed site for obtaining written permission to start our new Cash collection Centre. xxiii. OAC2(OD) prepare a draft proposal with the relevant information as stated above.


Office Assistant (Establishment) : i. OACN (Est) will directly report to SCS. He will be working under ASCN to look after the following job. He will supervise and control the Establishment Section, Receipt Section, Control Section, Deposit Section, Vacating Call Section, Enquiry Counters, Dishonured Cheque Section, Godown Section, staff who are working directly under one Supervisor.


vii. OA (Est) will put up draft replies to ASCN in connection with all the above referred Sections. viii. He will grant PL, CL, SL leave to staff working under him as per the limit. ix. He maintains the leave records of all officers and sent it to Audit Dept.


OA GENERAL:- He deals with the cases pertaining to Sub Review Committee, Review Committee, and cases filed by our Legal Department against various consumers. He also maintains records of MCA queries and VIP letters received from MLA, Committee member, Local Corporaters and Social workers. He also assist SCN in various departmental activities .


OA Deposit Section AG VIII :


Attending Consumers i.e. guiding about procedure of deposit refund.


Drafting all the letter pertaining Security Deposit refund in case of discrepancies noted while refunding. Preparation of MIS i.e. no. of cases received/disposed off/pending handling of Imprest Cash (booking of Vrs., Sending letters to parties inviting them to collect payment). Preparation of recoupment bills, Issuance of revenue



stamps to CH/N counter and maintaining control register of receipts books issued and completed. 12. Put up cases of excess Security Deposit refund, Dispatching deposit, verification slips to concerned zones, marking papers for preparation of bill after scrutiny, filing O/L of disputed cases etc. To look after the bills prepared by Clerk, To look after the TDS Job at the end of every year. To look after the Demand drive for excess deposit.

13. 14. 15. 8.

Supervisor Control :1. Despatch cy. wise adj. code papers to EDP Department and Amendment papers. To prepare billing programme with the approval of outdoor section/DEO II of EDP Department and make necessary charges of required and to distribute approx. 80 copies to all concerned Wards/Section Department. To prepare disconnection programme with consideration of billing programme and actual position of bill delivery. CMTR3-Statement for Consumers South. To prepare Summary of PO 128 under Code 28& 68 for Debit & Credit Summary purpose. To maintain exempted Electric Duty Register in tacts. To keep track of No. of A/cs. & No. of meters of each cy. as well as total. Filling of documents of 28 & 68 code cyclewise/monthwise for audit purpose. To assist agreemental A/c. Clerk and comptist when required. Filing work of statements received from various Departments. To prepare E Form of Summaries for SCS.



14. 15.

16. 17. 18.

19. 20. 21. 9.

Supervisor Cash Counter : 10. Cash Collection of Electric Bills.


11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

General Administration work. Posting of clerk/Reliever of counter. Cash depositing of previous days Cash in Cash Dept. Daily earnings entry in register & report to SCS. Visiting Counters. Relieving Clerks in absenteeism. Prepare G.I.B. & I.I.B. Statements sent to JWSC for sanction. Prepare Machine allowance statement.


Supervisor Government A/c : 1. Bill Delivery, Follow-up, Reply to consumer (Govt. A/c.).


Supervisor Bill Delivery :1. Private A/c. Bill Delivery, Supervision, Daily Worksheet & O.T. Statement, Worksheet of Messenger checking, calculation of Incentive, Public Complaints & Follow-up.


Supervisor Receipt Section :1. 10. To maintain shortage Excess Registers of Cash Counters. To maintain printing Mistake Register of Cash Counters and to send debitcredit advice accordingly. To send monthly J.E. of cash counter shortage excess through Audit Dept. to (C.A.) To issue shortage slips to Counter Clerks. To receive dishonoured cheques from Banks. To send weekly Pay Order statement to Supdt. / Cash.


12. 13. 14.



To solve discrepancies of banks. To cross tally dis-cheques from banks with the bank Register. To attend consumers bill discrepancies. To keep record of Bank files.

16. 17.


Supervisor Temporary Section : 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Suspense payment posting in ledger. To help/attend short-run as well as long run cases. To post debit/credit adjustment received from receipt section. To make entries of dishounoured cheques. To send these prepared reading folios to Outdoor Section for reading, every month. As soon as reading is obtained, the bills are prepared manually for every consumer. All these bills are posted in a) monthly summary and b) personal account of every consumer in ledger. After posting of manually prepared bills in summary monthly summary after getting tallied to send it to Consumers (North). Bills are given to consumers for payments. To initiate yellow memo for inquiry of high, low, nil consuming. To write the reply of memo on reverse of the folios. Ganeshotsav & Navaratrotsav Temporary Meter cases are entered in Deposit register maintain separately and get it audited. Prepare summary of both utsavs and sent it to Consumers (North) after auditing has done. O/S amount statements are prepared for Ganesh Utsav & Navaratra Utsav & send it to Commercial Dept. for recovery.




23. 24. 25. 26.





Supervisor Dishonoured Cheque Section (Cash Counter) : 1. 13. 14. Send debit advice on floppy to EDP. Debit advice entry in all zone registers to close the entry in our register. Keep the cheques in our custody zone wise and serial wise.


Not on records cheques. Find out correct A/c Nos. from receipting, chalan, folio, Ledger or Banks. Attend consumers enquiries regarding dis-cheques. Attend consumers applications regarding dis. cheques and action thereafter letters to consumers, Dr.Cr. advices through Control Section. Attend Applications of cheque facility from Computer & inform to sorting section. Monthly statement of dish. cheque to Review Committee. Receiving Requisitions from zone and Commercial Dept. attend Consumers of requisitions inquiry, attend requisition from p.c. & sent to zone. Receiving Refund of Deposit papers from deposit section attend consumers of Deposit enquiry, attend Deposit papers from P.C. send to Deposit Section. Debit Advices copies to be sent to Cash Department (N) to close the entries of Cash Dept. register as per OA Cash request. Final JE advices prepare JE advices bank wise Audit the JEs from EDP printout 7 send to Cash Dept. / Accounts Dept. for closing the entry of Cash Department.

16. 17.


19. 20.





Supervisor Electronic Meters : 13. 14. Attend Double billing cases. Arranging distribution of Electronic Meter Bills.


15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Attending consumers. Preparing Ledger Position. Preparing MRA. Dr/Cr adjustments. Reply to consumers letters (dispute for High Bill, D.P. Charges, Tariff Change etc.) To send advise to Supervisor Deposit for transfer old accounts security deposit to electronic account. To coordinate with Energy Audit Dept. Preparation of O/S amount. To create O/S, O/C, Amendment on Requisition received from Commercial Dept. To reply MCA queries pertaining to Electronic Meters.


21. 22. 23.



Supervisor Establishment : A) Appointment : A person come with a I.D. note from Personnel Dept. where his name, designation and check nos. are given.

vii. To post him/her in a section as per SCNs instructions. viii. To issue him/her time card. ix. x. xi. To accommodate the person against vacant vacancy. To note his particulars in staff Record Register. To update on roll position.

xii. To prepare F.T.T. statement.

B) v.

After 10/15 days we receive Appointment papers of Personnel Dept. To take all the particulars on staff Record from appointment papers i.e. To note his starting Salary, Date of joining, Designation, Date of Birth,


accommodated against vacancy, Superannuation Date, Cast, Residential Address etc. vi. To prepare his S.R. file and file the papers.

vii. To send back appointment papers, received from CPO to S.T.K. for further action. viii. To prepare F.T.T. statement and file in his/her S.R. File.

C) i. ix. x. xi.

Transfer from other dept. to this dept. : To post his/her to the Section as per SCNs instruction. To issue him/her time card. To take out taking over duties note. To accommodate him suitable vacancy.

xii. To update on roll position. xiii. To note in S. R. Register. xiv. To follow whether his/her S.R. file and set of Identity Card cum Bus Token is received. xv. D) i. Make necessary changes in his/her Bus token. Promoted / Transfer from this Dept. to other Dept. : To write Reliving note and take back his Gate Pass, Laminated Outdoor Card, Electrical Equipment i..e. Torch, Bulb, Cell, Key of Locker.

viii. To note in S.R. Register. ix. x. To update on roll position. To note the vacancy & put up Requisition to CPO for filling the vacancy f necessary. To send his S.R. file and set of F.T.T.



xii. To intimate EDP to delete the name of the person for Machine Allowances. xiii. To send set of F.T.T. to corresp. for cancellation


Expired employee :

xxi. After received the message from expired members family to collect Rs.4000/- from AOS Dept. And make arrangement to hand over the family member of expired employee. xxii. To forward death certificate to P.F.. xxiii. To prepare the S.T. Slip of the expired person. xxiv. To send Requisition for filling the post. xxv. To initiate the final bills of expiry staff.

F) 1. 2. G)

Dismissed Employee : To send copies of order to all concerned. To collect F.T.T. from the staff concerned. Other actions as stated above. To sort out the dispatch of SCN (i.e. VIPs letters pertaining to the Consumers Dept. and papers of other Dept.) on day to day basis and forwarded to SCN and other officers of Consumers (N) Dept. Confidential Report of A & B Grade Officers : To get the printed forms from Personnel Dept. To get the particulars of the officers. To fill the leave Record of the officers.

H) iv. v. vi.

I) a.

By Resignation/Voluntary Retirement :To send a letter of Resignation along with proposal and S.R. file to CPO, DGM(ES) for approval.



After receipt of resignation letter duly approved by DGM(ES)) to intimate employee concerned by a letter. To prepare S.T. slip and send to concerned depts. To send requisition to CPO for filling of vacancy.

v. xi.

xii. To collect F.T.T. from employee. xiii. To handover Ex-employee F.T.T. to the concerned employee for one year and necessary entries are made and obtain him/her signature in the register. xiv. To certify his/her final bills and send to SMA. xv. After receipt of intimation from Cash Department to send letter to him that final dues are ready for payment. xvi. To issue him identification note. xvii. To inform him about ex-gratia payment bill and other dues. 20 i) v) vi) J) By Retirement: To issue him a letter in six month advance from due date of Retirement. To send Service Termination slip to the concern Department To collect the cheque and bills of 90% P.F. from Cash Department.

vii) To collect F.T.T. K) v) Issue of Wrist Watches : To fill up the option forms in triplicate by the concerned employee and certified from the SCN. vi) To forward the option form copy to CPO & IA and third copy to be filed in S.R. file vii) To intimate the employee about the time place of presentation of Wrist Watches.


viii) If the wrist watches are not collected by the concerned employee to make necessary arrangement to handover the wrist watches. L) To draft proposals for various requirement/repair pertains to Consumer (N) Department to obtain Management sanction.

M) To forward the vehicle report of Motor vehicles of Consumer (N) Department to EET(MV) Anik. N) To take entries of servicing of Cash Registering machines of Consumer (N)Department & forward the satisfactory report to Material Management Department. To take quotation from the supplier for repairing Cash Registering Machines and put up proposal to obtain Management sanction. To prepare inventory of computer, attend the complaints pertaining to the computers of Consumer (North) Department. To collect the papers from wards and other Sections and forward the same to Xeroxing contractor on day-to-day basis and distribute accordingly. To circulate Office Orders and circulars among the wards and other sections. To attend the complaints of staff of Consumers (N) Dept. To prepare the Budget proposals (yearly) TTo prepare Administrative report of Consumers (N) (Yearly). To revalidate the lapse post when the vacant posts are filled. To prepare monthly on roll position of staff and Quarterly statement. All other work pertaining to Establishment Section emerging from time to time





1. 2. 3. 4. 5. X)


Supervisor O.S.:
To create O.S.


Supervisor Change of name: iii. Send reply to letters regarding change of name.



Requisition to be noted on M.R. Folios.


Supervisor High Bill : iv. v. vi. To attend high bill letter and oral complaints on the counter preparation of duplicate bills, ledger position C.C. Memos. Report of Investigation memos noting on folios.

20. x.

Supervisor Def. Mtr. Amendment: ix. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. Reply to dispute letters. Combined billing. Consumers audit query and recalculation of claim. Passing J.E. To attend consumers. Attend Court Cases, Legal Department, Electrical Inspector, Review/ Sub Review Committee. Also attend Vigilance cases. Take out ledger position, working out re-amendment claims. To work out credit for O.T. cases, fast meter cases, maintaining proper records and follow up.


Sr. Inquiry Inspector AG-VII : 8) 9) Distribution of work of Inq.Inspector, Reading files to MRBC. Distributing work to MRBC.

10) Distribution of disconnection memo to MRBC. 11) Distribution reconnection memo. 12) Distribution of Outstanding recovery to Inquiry Inspector. 13) Distribution of work of new account. 14) Distribution of work of Government Agreemental Account


Responsibility :4. 5. 6. Distribute work properly to Inq. Inspector M.R.B.C. To send Reading files to EDP as per Schedule for billing. To Control on MRBC for bringing, reading as per schedule.


Stenographer AG-VII. 1) 2) Take dictation from SCN, Supdt. (Supply), ASCN Ward Officer & Translate it. Type letters and notes of various wards and section.

TECHNICAL STAFF :1. Nawghany T1 : 6) To carry Accucheck bags with Inspectors and Sub Engineers. 7) Removed meter from site and to keep in the office. 8) To bring Reading files from record room to wards, vice versa whenever required. 9) To send reading files to EDP as per daily schedule. 10) Sort / out/cut disconnection memos received from EDP Department. Responsibility: 3) To take care of Accucheck bag, for maintenance. 4) To keep meters properly which brought from sites.


Meter Inspector (Sr.) T5 : 3) 4) To removal / Reinstall of meters due to non-payment. To replace the defective meter.


Responsibility: 1) 2) MRA should be properly filled up at time removed. Meter replacement slips to be filled up properly.

ADMINISTRATIVE & GENERAL STAFF 1. Scavenger T1 : Nature of work: Clearing and moping of Consumers Department, Godown, Cash Counter Office, Cash Department etc.

M.V. Driver P2/G3 : To drive departmental Jeeps to perform outdoor activities such as disconnection, recovery, site testing. To bring cash from all Cash Collection Centers.


Sepoy AG-I : 14) To clean the table & chair in the office. 15) To carry meter reading files, ledgers etc. as and when required by the concern clerk while attending consumers complaint. 16) To insert the new connection folios in the meter reading files. 17) To tie the ledgers sheets of the payment made by the consumer at the various cash counter. 18) To distribute exception and reading files ward-wise after received from EDP. 19) To dispatch call back of meter to the IFN Section as per instruction of the Ward Officer. 20) To carry urgent dispatch of various Ward/Section in Colaba, EDP etc.


21) To hand deliver the Consumers letter as per the instruction of SC and Ward Officer. 22) To tie Deposit listing, Demand month wise and cycle wise. 23) Bind loose sheet according to ledger nos. Arrange. 24) Arrange the meter reading files and ledgers at the appropriate places. 25) Switch off the light and fans after closing cabin & office. 26) To lock the office and hand over the keys to the Security Guard. 4. Jamadar - AG-II: 5) To post sepoys ward wise by rotation for 3 months. To take their attendance every morning. To post sepoy in the absence of any sepoy posted in the respective ward / section. To inspect sepoy whether they are in uniform or not. To note the outdoor dispatch received from Section/Ward and to arrange to forward the same through sepoy. To inspect the work given to sepoy has been done correctly.

6) 7) 8)


Messenger - AG-II: Delivery of bills.


Dafatary -


To maintain the daily workbook of messenger. Bill Distribution record register, presenty of messenger, Sorting of bills (Making of parts messenger wise). 7. Sorter AG-IV : Sorting of bills, pullout of bills. 8. Record Keeper (Godown) - AG-IV : 10) Keeping reading folios files according to cycle wise. 11) Keeping ledger file according to cycle wise. 12) When folio comes form zone wards section have to arrange it properly number wise and then have to do Patti pasting accordingly. 13) Every year before month of March ending have to complete new ledger files. 694

14) Record keepers are maintaining reading folio files current and old for 10 year. 15) Record Keeper are maintaining stubs, Audit, Roll Challans, Stationery etc. 16) One register book has been kept in Godown section for maintenance of record. Incoming and outgoing registers. 17) Investigation memo of four-ward wise section arranging and filing is done. 18) When Record Keeper have to carry old files, papers to PMGP, Dharavi Record keeper have to inform Dy. CSVO for arranging one Security Guard to post at Godown Section, to check the material and then proceed to PMGP Dharavi. As per instruction to SCS please. 9. MRBC AG-V: 5) 6) 7) 8) To take reading of conventional meters and ordinary electronic meters. Disconnection of electricity as per memos. Reconnection of electricity as per memos. Submit various reports for non availability of meter on board, inaccessible meters for readings, cabin key not available, unread meters.


Inquiry Inspector - AG-V: 6) 7) 8) 9) To test the meters by OLT. Change at tariff (Investigation) Change of address and name (ii). Investigation regarding various codes N, B C, H etc.

10) To give new account to meter installed.

Responsibility :3) 4) 11. To verify various codes properly e.g. H, C, B, N Codes. To verify change in tariff cases, R TO C, C TO R etc.

CLERK AG-V: A. Establishment Clerk :



Free Travel Tokens: i) Register showing name of staff and issued some travel token set maintained. ii). In case a FTT is reported spoiled. A) to get application from the staff B) To ask the staff to pay Rs. 10.00. C) To prepare duplicate one and to collect original from the staff. D) To send original spoiled FTT to O.S. Corr. for cancellation. E) File all relevant papers in S.R. file. In case a FTT is reported lost same procedure is obtained but on 4th occasion penalty is to be charged. To prepare Grain Requisitions. To maintain attendance and leave record of the staff working in Establishment Section and staff of T-7 Grade. To prepare sweepers voucher bills. At present 13 Sweepers are used for Cash Counter for cleaning and providing drinking water. i) To put up proposal for new sweeper as per requirement ii) To prepare bill and make payment from Imprest Cash. iii) To obtain yearly sanction.

6) 7) 8)

10) Attendance and Absentee Memo of A & B Grade Officers. i) ii) To enter leave forms and LTA forms of A & B Grade Officers in register To send these forms to IA after getting sanction from proper authorities. iii) To prepare absentee memos as per the attendance file and register. iv) To Send these memo to Audit Department. v) To reply queries of any from Audit Department. vi.) To maintain Muster.

11) Festival Advance :- Festival Advance is give for Ganesh Chaturthy, Buddh Poornima, X;mas, Ramzan Idd. i) To take out circular well in advance. ii). To send application form to all sections and collect these forms from them. iii) To prepare advices to EDP & AIA Paysheetwise iv) To see eligibility of the staff ( to verify religion and grade etc.)

12) Scholarship :- After receipt of circular form CWO i) To send forms to staff members. ii) To prepare list of staff to whom forms are issued. (iii) To collect the forms along with Xerox of mark list and verify them. iv.) to verify application forms (v) See eligibility and whether filled properly. (vi) To prepare statement and get it typed. (vii) To give acknowledgment to the staff for recovery their application. (viii) To send form alongwith statement of DL to the CWO. After recovery scholarship statement from EDP. (i) To


prepare advises and send them to AIA alongwith fee receipts or attendance from school or college. 13) Workers Education Classes :- To prepare bills for these who have gone for Study Tour. 14) LTA & Encashment : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) 10. To issue LTA & Encashment forms to the staff. To collect these forms from them and enter in register. To verify the forms and check eligibility To get sanction of these forms To send these forms to IA. & Time keeping

Identification notes. : To issue identification notes to the staff for payment of LTA, Encashment, P.F. loan Society loan etc. PF loan & Society Loan Forms :- To verify PF Refundable and non refundable forms and society loan forms. House loan to verify documents regarding House loan and subsidy and get attested form Head of the Department. Financial Assistance of Rs .100.00: - To verify form and attendance of school from staff members and make statement Paysheetwise and send to EDP and AIA for payment. Meal Allowance: - To send Meal allowance of members of staff after informing them in register to Audit Department & to verify them P.F Nomination Forms: - To check P.F. nominations forms and send them to P.F Department and give acknowledgment to the staff and solve queries if any. Departmental letters regarding various subjects sending attendance to time keeping No objection certificate for passport, for sending S.R. File etc.









Laminated Bus Pass to Retiree: To make arrangement for Bus passes to retirees after receiving Photograph for them and issue these laminated bus passes to the after entry in the register and to issue service certificate to retiree.

18.2 Final bills: To enter final bills of separated employees in the register and send these bills to Time Keeping and follow up them 30. Salary Certificate: - To prepare salary certificate after receiving applications form member of the staff. Sport leave Forms: To maintain register of sport leave form and send them to Time Keeping; Medical Reimbursement. :- After receiving application from members of staff for claiming Medical Department / AIA & CPO after receiving sanction from Medical & audit bills are to be prepared and send them to CA/DIA. When these bills are passed Est. Section has to receive Identification notes and issue them to staff members. Dispatch: - Sending dispatch to various Departments of Colaba. Application for Quarters and Promotion to various posts :- To verify application for quarters and check eligilibility them and send them to Welfare Department To verify application for promotions and check eligibility of them and get three years attendance from the Time Keeping and three years record from S.R. file. Change of Address: - To get applications from staff members who want to change their addresses in S.R. File and issue them letters in pre forms and send copies of these letters to various department. Ex-gratia payment: - To give idenditification & entry in Ex-gratia slip to exemployee. Complaints: To attend complaints for repairing furnitures, Water Cooler, telephones, electrical fitting etc.

31. 32.

33. 34.




List of Duties of Clerk (Misc.) :



Stationery : i. ii. iii. To check up and put up stationary requisition every month To arrange to get stationery from Dadar Stores. To arrange to issue stationery to the staff as and when required.


Printing Indent : i. ii. iii. iv. v. After receipt of approval from SC/ASC prepare specification form in triplicate separately for forms and books. To prepare printing requisition in triplicate and attached specimen. To obtain section officers signature on specification form and specimen. To forward specification form duly signed by the officer to the Material Management Department. To make compilation and file one copy of specification from and specimen in separate file maintain for it.

vi. To give printing requisition number and make entry in the register book maintain for printing ended. vii. To note progress of printing requisition i.e. Tender no. and Date of Opening, P.O. No., Name of the Supplier, Cost etc. in the register book as and when we receive papers form Material Management Department. viii .After opening of the tender, the Material Management Department forward the tender file for recommendation. ix.. On receipt of the tender file for recommendation, GSM of sample papers are verified whether they are as per our specification. x. After verification of GSM of Sample papers we recommend to the lowest tenders.

xi. If the lowest tender is overlooked and 2nd lowest or 3rd lowest tenderer is recommended we have to state reasons why lowest tenderer is rejected. xii. Recommended tender file is forwarded to the Material Management Department. xiii. The recommended firm forwards the proofs of printing for our approval. xiv. On receipt of proof for approval it is sent to the concern section for approval.



To forward the proof duly approved to the Material Management Department.

xvi. To send material inspection form to the concern section when material is ready. xvii. To prepare material requisition form when concern section certifies that the material is O.K. xviii. To arrange to get the material. xix. To make entry in the register regarding the quantity, date of receipt of material and date and number of material requisition form. xx. C. i. ii. To inform the concerned section that material is received. If the cost of material is upto 2000.00 put up purchase form If the cost of material is more than Rs.2000.00. a) Put up a note to DCE(CN/CED(N)/BO/CA & PA/DIA/AGM(S)/ADDL.GM./G.M/B.O./SCN giving proper justification. b) c) d) e) f) g) h) 13. Put a revenue sanction form. To send purchase form along with G.M.s Sanctionto Material Management Department. To follow up. To inspect the material when received. To arrange to bring the material. To forward material requisition form. To hand over the material to concerned section. Material other than stock items.

(Imprest Cash) Clerk :x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. To prepare purchase form for purchase of material from Imprest cash. To make entry in the Petty Cash Book. To get purchase form audited. To place order to the supplier. To prepare voucher against cash memo issued by the supplier. To make entry in the Imprest Cash Register. Voucher and Imprest Cash Register is audited. Voucher bill is sent to Colaba CA/DIA for recoupment. 700

xviii. After recoupment entry is made in the Imprest Cash Register. 14. Clothing / Rain Coat & Gumboot : i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Clothing issued to sepoy, Nawghany, Inquiry Inspector and Sr. Inquiry Inspector. Issued in June / December every year as per this due. To prepare clothing card and note this due and maintain To prepare note to EDP., T.K., & DIA for stitching and washing allowance. Raincoat and Gumboot issued to Outdoors staff and Umbrella to Sepoy every three years. To prepare annual requirement statement of clothing/rain coat and Gumboot and forward to Material Management Department every year.


Brief Case : ix. x. xi. Brief case is issued to Officers and Outdoor staff. Issued once in every three year. To put up sanction note as per due.

xii. After sanction is obtained inform the concern staff to purchase the brief case. xiii. To prepare P.F. enclosing the cash memo of the brief case and zerox copy of sanction and send to DIA xiv. After P.F. is audited, amount of paid from Imprest Cash to the concern staff as per their grade. xv. Voucher bill is prepared for recoupment of amount. xvi. Brief case due register is maintained further all details i.e. P.F. No., Cash Memo No. & Date. Next Due etc.


MIS Report :i. ii. MIS report is prepared every month and a copy of which is sent to SOES, AOES & DCE(CN). Information is collected from various sections of department in prescribed format.



Consolidated statement of four zones are prepared.

All other miscellaneous work pertaining to Establishment Section emerging from time to time. 17. Deposit section (Clerk ): 1. Registering application of deposit refund preparation of deposit verification slip with comparison of interest register & listings of deposit. Checking of triplicate deposit receipt book before issuance to CHN counter. Verification of files to confirm removal of meter, change of name etc. Verification & settlement of MCA queries. O/S.FB of all ward in deposit listings. Adjustment of

2. 3. 4. 5.

Attending consumers regarding refund & demand verification of deposit paid against old account and adjustment of the same against electronic account. Attending queries of confirmation of deposit interest job i.e. 1 to 19 and Agreemental account and TDS thereon. Attending queries of non-receipt of interest and TDS thereon. Transfer of accounts cases i.e. after receipt of 902 advices and accordingly changes in listings preparation of MIS. Preparation of refund of S. bill and closing all entries in deposit listings preparation O/C refund bills. Reconciliation work of deposit collection and refunded. Job pertaining to additional S. Deposit demand drive. Preparation of fresh receipts. Transfers of deposit of old account to electronic account. Attending queries of non-reflection of deposit. Preparation of MIS deposit demand drive collection an notices served. All other work pertaining to deposit demand drive.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.


18. Cash Counter Clerk: 1) Receive the amounts and the bills from the consumers and write down the amount received on the bill form.


2) 3) 4)

Put the bill form in the Machine and operate the machine to pass the receipt. Issue receipted bill to the consumer. Count the days collection and prepare the remittance Challans with the particulars of cash and cheques collected, receipts passed ( from--to) and the total amount of the receipts passed. Prepare `a cash collection memo with following particulars. a) Date of collection. b) Machine receipts nos. (from --- to ) c) Manual receipts (hand receipts) from ---to d) No. of receipts pertaining to South Zone, North Zone and DEA. e) Total amount of receipts passed. f) Total amount deposited with Cash department.



Deposit the cash collections as shown on remittance challan with the Cash Department. Send the Cash collection memo, counter folios of receipts and Audit Roll to the Receipt Section.



Bill Delivery Section : 1) Correction of address to maintain register, to prepare the investigation memo, to advice the amended address to EDP, to attend the folio, to attend the consumers complaint.


Receipt Section : 1. 2. 3. 4. To maintain Bank Register. Entries regarding receipts, daily collection, discheques, bank balance, weekly pay orders and to tally the same. To keep record of summary of Cash Counters and banks received from EDP. To prepare weekly and monthly bank collection statement to tally daily collection of Cash Counters and banks with EDP Summary.


5. 6. 7. 16. 17.

To maintain bank Punching Mistake Reg. & issue shortage slips to the banks and to attend bank queries. To keep record of collection for north by north. To prepare vouchers of monthly commission to the banks. To send monthly bank J.E. to SCN & C.A. To reconcile deposits of the banks with the record of Accounts Department. To solve all types of queries and discrepancies regarding reconciliation and pass Journal Entries accordingly.

10) To maintain Advance Rebate code Reg.

11) To send annual reports regarding bank collection. 12) To attend letters from consumers and to attend queries from Account Dept. & Cash Dept. 13) To attend consumers bill queries to keep record of Bank guarantee received against operating cash counter by Co-op. Nationalized, scheduled Bank on behalf of Undertaking. 14) To receive dispatch from Banks. 15) To send counters & banks stubs to EDP after entering in various statements. 16) To keep record of daily stubs received from EDP. 17) To write the daily remittance of Cash Counter Collection and keep record of monthly cash counter collection. 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) To maintain register of 16-56 code. To attend queries from Cash Dept. regarding Remittance and Challans. To attend J.E.s (Cyclewise) in Susp. Register. To extend the amount of Susp. Register. To post different cycles is susp. Register. To make statement regarding unadjusted receipt to revenue transfer A/c.


24) 25) 26)

To maintain Suspense Register. Posting of Susp. A/c. 1) Cy. 28-form Rec. Missing Rec. Cy-23 Prov. Claim Amt. (Amendment).

27) Cy-22 Change in Tariff. 28) Cash highlight wrong punching, Transfer of A/c. , O.S. A/c. 29) To verify stubs for payment discrepancies. To send advice about suspense and interchange of payment i.e. 17-57 & 18-58 Reg. 30) To maintain insertion deletion Reg. & follow-up. 31) To maintain Delay-Payment and send advice. 32) To attend D.L. & queries from South & diff. Zones. 33) To attend consumers bill discrepancies.

21. ECS /NET BANKING PAYMENT / CLERK :- He receive the mandate forms of ECS in triplicate after verification of details on mandate forms , one copy of mandate is sent to EDP , second copy to Canara Bank , Colaba Branch for update . After receiving EDP statement he verifies whether ECS mandates are updated or not. Regarding Net Banking Payments , he receive payment listing from EDP, in case of any discrepancy found in consumers account he co-ordinate with EDP Dept. and make the corrections by sending debit/ credit advice .


POST OFFICE CLERK:- Post office collecting cash / cheques against our electricity bills . After collection of cash and cheque Head post offices send us Pay Order against cash collected by them , cheques collected by them , daily MIS alongwith stub portion of receipt passed in post offices to BEST Undertaking . After receiving above Pay Order against cash collected by post offices, cheques collected by them , daily MIS alongwith stub portion of receipt passed in post offices are verified by post office clerk , after confirmation Pay Order and cheques are remitted to Cash Department through remittance by Post Office clerk . Audit rolls and stub portion alongwith receipts he sends to EDP department after auditing the same.


He maintains post office wise register and enter daily collection and reconcile the same on day to day basis and prepared MIS. 23. Temporary Section : 20) Posting of temporary security deposit receipts paid by the consumer, received from Commercial Dept. in Deposit Register (approx. 100 each month). 21) Payment posting in Personal account of consumers in ledger according to the payment listing received from EDP and from original receipts shown by the consumers.

22) To bill the short run cases. (Monthly 100/150 approx.) 23) After billing of short run cases, enter it into deposit register and adjustment register. 24) After auditing has done, to create O/S of outstanding amounts of short run cases. 25) If the said amount is refunded by preparing refund bill and entries of the same are made in 4 registers 1) CD Book, 2) Deposit Register, 3) Deposit Adjustment Register, 4) Application Register Afterwards sent to audit for audit purpose. 26) Posting of letters in application register. 27) To give refund cheques to consumer of Ganesh Utsav and Navratri Utsav. 28) If meter found stopped, damaged To prepare 8.M. and send list to Commercial Department for replacement of meter. 29) To make entries of S.M. after replacement of meter. 30) Reading folios are prepared for each and every consumer who is taking temporary meter, according to the connection order received from Commercial Department. 31) After auditing has done, to create O/S of outstanding amounts of short run cases.


32) Likewise, short-run cases, to attend long-run cases (i.e. meters taken for construction, etc. for long period purpose.) 33) To prepare summery of Consumer(S). Temporary Section and sent to Supdt.

34) While attending long run cases, checking of debit and credit side of A/c. is done from installation of meter till removal of meter. Period of long run cases may be for 3,5,7,9 years.

35) To carry forward the ledger each and every account in new ledger ( Since 1995- 1996). 36) To prepare statement of personal temporary account of consumer whenever he demanded. 37) To bill short run/Long run cases. 38) A separate register is being prepared for the prepaid meter.

II) Dishonored Cheque Section : 1. Receiving cheques from Cash Department (S) from register. 2. Receiving cheques from Cash Department (N) from register. 3. Receiving cheques from Consumer Department (N) from register. 4. Receiving cheques from Receipt Section (N) from register. 5. Sorting of cheques zone wise Electronics, Temp. A/c. Consumer (S). 6. Entry in zonewise register. 7. Checking of A/c. Nos. from All Zone Computer. 8. Sent advice to sorting inspection for cancellation of cheque facility. 9. If cheque consist of 2,3, or 4 A/cs, then confirm the bill amounts from Ledger or Receipt Section and advice Accordingly. 10. Rejected adjustment to be check which comes from EDP & readvice through Control Section.


11. Dish. Cheque of Temp. Section Prepare separate audited advice to debit the amount to Temp. Section. 12. Dish. Cheque of O.S. amount Inform to O.S. Section of zones. 13. Suspense A/c. cheque - find out the original A/c from zone 7 then Debit advice.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 24. EXCEPTION CLERKS 1 To attend cyclewise exception (Part I,II,III,IV) received from EDP Dept. day to day. 2 To initiate the pink memos, yellow memos whenever it is necessary.

3 To attend the 3rd exception of low and Nil consumption memos. 4 To attend the Green memo, Yellow memos, Pink memos and Computer memos received from Sub Engineer and distribute the same to the concerned Section if so. 5 To note the report of Sub. Engineer on M.R. Folios and maintain record of the same. 6 To maintain the Register of Computer memos, Pink memos and Yellow memos separately.


CHANGE OF NAME CLERK 1 To accept the change of name requisition by verifying the documents and demanding security deposit. 2 3 Register to be maintained. In clear cases noting in the file to be done and advices to be sent to EDP.

4 In doubtful cases, cases are to be sent for investigation. 5 Dispute letters to be replied.


6 7

Information regarding Change of Name is to be sent to Consumer Dept. Cases of High Court / City Civil / Consumer Redressal Forum are to be attended with Legal Dept.


Letter Clerk. 1 2 3 To maintain data-wise register of Consumers letter. To prepared investigation memo as per consumers letter and forward to Sub. Engr. After receiving report from Sub. Engineer make entry on reverse of folio. In case of replacement to send report to Sup. NA.

5 In case of wrong punch, over read, slab benefit to prepare Debit/Credit adjustment and send to pre-audit. 6 In between the audit period bills to be pulled out and make necessary correction in the bill and send back to OAC-4 . After receiving adjustment papers from Audit debit/credit note to be prepared and record the same on reverse of folio and debit/credit note send to post audit. After that the same is forwarded to EDP Cell III. After debit/credit passed approval to be taken for Delay Payment waived. 7 In case of removal of meter approval to be taken and after that send for disconnection clerk for further action.

8 In case of meter replaced under O.T. Duplicate papers to be sent to I.F. with due approval of concerned authorities. If required debit/credit adjustment to be prepared. 9 In case of Electronic Meter. Meter replacement particulars to be taken from I.F. Section. To attend invalid cases. To take legal action. To give written reply to consumers complaints.

10 11 12




1 Receiving the ESL-85 Rdg. Statement and manual SM papers from EDP & New account section. 2 Preparing manual reading statement considering the old and current reading files and confirming the average for amendment of claim which varies case to case. To confirm P.O. 128 order applied for the case , if applied all correspondence pertaining to the case consider while preparing the amendment or refund any done the LC although the defective meter replacement case and computer avg. billing to the consumer.

4 Forwarding the preparing reading statement to EDP section to prepared amendment. 5 Receiving the prepared claim and make noting of receipt of claims. 6 Forward the cases to consumer for the claim less then Rs.10,000/- and claim above Rs.10,000/- to audit dept. for preaudit. 7 Duly audited claims to sent to consumer. Claims with any query to forward to EDP for correction OR to again to audit dept. after sorting out query. Preparing manual Esl-85 claims for the Two meters [C/21 & C/24] for consumers.

9 To follow the instructions and query for the manually prepared claim and after pre-audit sent the same to consumer.

10 To send final notice for claims. 11 To attend the dispute letters from consumers by letters and personal visit from Electrical Inspector, from Committee Members from G.M., DGM, CED(N), office. 12 To reply to the consumers letters explained the fact of the case. 13 To send disconnections for non payment of claim for not considering the final notice and reply to their dispute correspondence for ESL-85 claims. 14 To follow up with disconnection memo.


15 Follow up on Installment cases and to send disconnection or direct debit letter as per the unpaid amount of installments. 16. After 15 days from the receipt of disconnection particulars for disconnection inspector to case forward to OACN / OSCN for approval to meter removal for non-payment of claim after disconnection of supply. 17. To send the note to disconnection section to initiate MRA for non payment of claim after approval. 18. To send letter to Commercial to not to sanction the new connection upto settlement of ESL-85 claim. 19. To keep track on meter removal instructions given to disconnection section. 20. To forward the case to Review Committee/Review Sub-Committee or appropriate authority as per claim amount. To prepare the drafts and manual claim workings for approval and forward the cases to appropriate authority. 21. To note down the payments particulars received form EDP Dept. And consumer produced receipts for payment of claims. 22. If claim fully paid the debit slips forwarded to EDP-3 Section to do necessary debit credit adjustments. 23. Sent debit letters for the claim below Rs.10,000/- to Consumers to settle the claim failing which claim will be debited in subsequent bills. Along this manual letters manually prepared bills attached to facilitate the payments and to produce the same at office within 07 days. 24. For the letters of debit of claims the debit notes are forwarded to EDP-3 sections after a month after checking the claim payment records. 25. After settlement of claims the stamping is done at backside of current folio mentioning the claim amount, claim period, base period and filing date after that the case forwarded to Internal Audit Dept. for post audit. 26. To attend the audit queries of post audited ESL-85 case to correct those errors. 27. After non-settlement of claim amount if meters removed form the installations the claim papers are forwarded to Sup. O/S to create additional O/S after confirmations of payment particulars.


28. Preparation of credit notes for the revised ESL-84 cases and refund delay payment charges if any due to ESL-84 case. 29. To prepare the brief information of the claim for Electrical Inspector Case and court cases and put up and forward the cases to Legal Dept. for further actions. 30. To attend court matters and appeal thereafter. 31. To attend MCA queries. 32. To prepare manual claim in respect of tariff cases. 33. Attending invalid cases. 34. Necessary noting on reading file and necessary debit credit adjustment for settled Security Vigilance cases.


Duties & Responsibilities of Clerk (Disconnection Section) : 1. Puling out the disconnection memos referring NTD Register, VIP and Payment Noting Register, MRA Register, DR/CR Register, P.O. 128 Register etc; Preparing the lots for disconnection after obtaining the officers signature on disc. Memo; Distribution of lots to MRBC; Initiating reconnection orders after payment; Sending reconnection orders to Outdoor Section; Initiating MRA for non-payment of regular bills; Reconnection Fee Debt Advice to EDP; Preparing Disc. Memo for dishonoured cheque cases; Initiating MRA for party letters and non-payment of dishonoured cheques; Scrutinize the scan list;


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.




MIS Reports and various reports to AEC(N).


Government A/c. Section

1. 2.

Overall supervision of work; To attend the consumers and their queries such as high bill complaints, change of name & address, correction of bills as per authority; To check the payment in Suspense and pass necessary Debit/Credit to the respective account; To reply letters received from the consumers; To send final disconnection notices, removal, creation of O.S. To reply the MCA/Audit queries; Opening of new accounts; To attend SM and MRAs in regarding files as well as on Master Tape; Preparing proclaim, forwarding to the consumers, sending final notices/disconnection/removal advices, creation of O.S. etc; Replying Consumers dispute regarding amendment;


4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


11. Follow up of O.S. Recovery; 12. Giving authority codes; 13. 14. Preparing duplicate bills; Preparing Statements;

15. Attending to Reconnected Memos sent by Commercial Dept.; 16. Attending legal maters such as redressal forum, City/Civil/High Courts etc; and appeal thereafter;

17. Attending exception cases, passing Debit/Credit notes of wrong bills; 18. Attending invalid cases;



To attend transfer of A/c, from Govt. to Ordinary and vice-versa.


Duties & Responsibilities Supervisor (O.S.) : 1. 2. To check ESL 84, 85, 86 amount and check the extra claim amount; Find out the last ledger position amount as per removal date and enter in the reconnection form; Find out O.S., O.C. amount from the old registers (BD and DCL book). Prepare Final Bill and deposit amount on the reconnection forms, make entry in the Registers and send it to Commercial Dept; Prepare monthly summary of O.S. and O.C.; To attend reconnection memo and follow up O.S. Recovery; Reconciliation entries and send pleading notices; To forward the case to Legal Dept. and initiate legal proceedings for recovery; To put up Committee notes.



5. 6. 7. 8.


32. 1.


Preparing temporary accounts registers i. a. Short Term A/c b. Long Term A/c As per the connection orders opening the accounts ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. In case of long terms a/c preparing reading folios of the meter sending the folios to their respective wards to get monthly reading noting the reading of the meters in the register preparing bills and ledgers sending papers for investigations, if necessary.



As per all the I.D. papers, closing the accounts.


4. 5. 6.

In case of non-payments advise to be sent to DECN. Preparing cheques for Ganshi Utsav and Navratri Utsav. After closing the accounts, if Refund is raised then refund voucher to be prepared after submitting the original deposit receipts by the consumer. 1. If outstanding amount balancd shown, the outstanding memo created along with I.D. papers and send to Recovery Section and E.D. amount of o/s send to Sup. Stats and to follow up recovery. Writing the letters to the defaulter consumers for making arrears payment. Month-wise summary send to Sup. Stats. Preparing O/S creation book and DCL register. Recording/checking payment from cash collective list and stubs. Reply to the consumers letters. Attending legal matters such as redressal forum, city civil court, high court and appeal thereafter. Preparing Street Lighting Bills and all unmetered supply bills. Preparing summary of Street Lighting bills. Attending queries of the consumers. Follow up of the DESL in case of non-payment.


7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14.


SUPERVISOR : 1. 2. To attend the consumers complaint for high billing, low billing. To bifurcate the consumers written complaint as per complaint matter and forward them for further process. To attend change of name of consumers meters with due verification of documents. Receiving of documents in case of change in tariff and amendment if required.





To give duplicate bills if consumer has not received the bill and if he complaints about that. To issue current bill for extension of meter. To issue installments as per instructions of ASCN and SCN. To make corrections in the bills regarding with case of wrong punch overread, wrong debits or credit etc. To attend complaints of amendment and issue installment if required. To keep records of staff attendance and leave record. To keep circulars in update manner. To attend the P.O. 128 cases and to fill 906, 955 forms if required in any case. Overall supervision and guidance to staff.

6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.



Control Section 1) 2) Issue Cr/Dr books & to keep track of the books to all the Wards/Sections. To make a unite-wise, Tariff wise position of each credit note in a Register (Monthly approx.600 to 700 cr.notes) To prepare 1 to 19 cycles credit summary of Consumer (North) Department in the register and then clab with credit Notes of Energy Audit Department/Agreemental /Temp.Section and the adjustment directly done by the E.D.P. Department. To prepare a serial wise register of credit Notes. To Tally the cycle-wise credit register and serial-wise credit Note Register. To prepare summary statement in a certain proforma which is advised by SCS. To pull out the Officers Quarters bills for deduction in salary by advising to EDP as well as DIA.


6) 7) 8)




To checks all bill received from EDP Department and If correction are required the correction to be made with consultation of Audit Department. To prepare Debit/Credit Notes. To prepare amendments of bill and same to be get Audited from Audit Department. To prepare monthly summary. To attend Agreemental Consumers and if any correction are there in bill same to be corrected and same advice to be sent to EDP Department. Revised bills to be prepared and to forward EDP Department. To attend MCA queries & prepare reply for same. To put files to officers regarding Delay payment advice. To prepare advice regarding code 10 and 50 (Agreemental Amendments). To attend Internal Audit queries. To attend Commercial & DEMR queries. To receive the cycle-wise dispatch from EDP Department to distribute to all Wards/Sections. To pull out the papers required for the cycle-wise summary i.e. 1 to 19 Cy. To prepare cycle-wise control summary of Cy.1 to 19. To keep track of each Cr./ Dr. .adjustment advised by the Wards/Sections. To prepare various statements/information whenever required by the Officers. To inform the thrown/rejected adjustment cases to the all Wards/Section. To prepare code-wise Register of Credit codes. To tally the cycle-wise credit Register & Serial wise credit register. To attend the consumers in the absence of Agreemental A/c. clerk and Comptist.

11) 12)

13) 14)

15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21)

22) 23) 24) 25)

26) 27) 28) 29)



To attend all the queries of the wards concern with the EDP Department and try to solve those. To make of Debit entry in register. Despatch to distribute all zone wise. a. b. c. d. e. Change of name SM Slips Connection Order ESL 85 Daily Despatch sent by Control Section to EDP Code-wise.

31) 32)


Daily Cash Receipt Despatch to (Receipt Section / Govt Account / Electronic / TIN / Deposit / OS Agreemental ) Bill Despatch to distribute all Zone / Sup.CC / Deposit / Audit / DEEA cycle-wise. J/E Entry and totaling works. To keep record of debit notes which are thrown by EDP Department. To prepare Debit Note summary. J/E Summary Proclaim Summary. Code 28 Summary. Grand Summary.


35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40) 41)


Comptist: 1) Take totals of receipts passed at the cash counters and tally (reconcile) the amount of Cash Collection as per the receipts shown on the memo of collections subitted by each counter clerk. Take totals of receipts posted section-wise in the register for: a) b) c) Consumers current accounts Consumers disconnected accounts or O.S.accounts. Amounts to be kept in suspense.



3) 4)

Take totals of remittance challans and consolidated remittance slip. Take monthly totals of collections made every day by the bank and posted in the Banks Collection Register. Take totals of monthly summaries of cash collections at the various cash counters mobile vans and banks as recorded in the Cash Collection register. Take pagewise totals of ledgers for residential, commercial and industrial accounts and reconcile the cross totals. Take totals of ledger summaries written with page-wise units, cost, duty meter hire etc.





Change in Tariff: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Refund of deposit. Direct debit. Change in Tariff MCA Query. Direct debit 609 Form Security & Vigilance.


Folio Copying Clerk: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Folio copying. Folio insertion/torn folio N/Code & C Code. Double billing cases. E.D.Cases.


S.M. Clerk : 1) 2) Attending SM on file as well as to send advice to EDP -907, 913. MRA.


Debit /Credit: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Manual calculations. Passing Dr./Cr.notes Noting on folios. Calculation of D.P., Code 49. Audit queries. To attend consumers.



The Typist : 1) The Typist should type letters, notes of various wards and Section of Consumers (North) Department.




1.1 1.1.1

INTRODUCTION This chapter gives the organizational set up of the department indicating duties and responsibilities of the officers and staff of the department. The area of operation includes both South and North Zones of the Undertaking. RESPONSIBILITY The department shall be responsible for execution of sanctioned schemes connected with the following capital jobs :1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Equipping new 22kv/33kv Sub Stations. Extension/alterations of existing 22kv/33kv Sub stations. Laying of 22/33kv cables Laying of Fibre Optic Cables. Laying of Communication cables.

1.2 1.2.1


The department shall also be responsible for :i) Assisting Operation & Maintenance Departments in effecting repairs which involve laying of long lengths of 22/33kv cables and / or replacement of equipments like Power Transformers, Switchgears, Capacitor Banks, Control Desk, Relay Panel, Metering Panel, Battery charger, Reactors as and when required by AGMS. Inspecting the materials and arranging to forward tender recommendations for the items as per the scheme schedule approved by DGMS.


1.3 1.3.1

ORGANISATION The department shall be under the overall Supervision and control of Divisional Engineer Construction (DECO), who shall be responsible to the Asst.General Manager Supply (AGMS) for efficient administration of the department. For the convenience of working, the department is divided into the following sections :i) 22kv/33KV R/Stn. /Sub.Stn. equiping.



ii) 1.3.3 1.4 1.4.1

33kv Cable laying

The organizational set up of the department is shown in the organization chart, Annexure 'A". ESTABLISHMENT The department shall consist of a Divisional Engineer, one Superintendent, three Assistant Engineers, three Deputy Engineers and other staff that may be sanctioned from time to time.

1.4.2. The hours of work for the department are given below. Weekdays Outdoor Staff Monday to Saturday Monday to Friday Working Hrs. 08.00 to 17.30 9.00 to 17.00 Lunch Recess 12.30 to 13.30 13.00 to 13.45

Office working hours.

(Shop Recorders - Monday to Saturday - 8.00 hrs. to 17.00 hrs.) 1.5 1.5.1 DUTIES : DIVISIONAL ENGINEER (DECO) : The Divisional Engineer shall be the Chief Executive Officer In-charge of the Department and shall be responsible to the Asst. General Manager Supply (AGMS) for the smooth and efficient working of the department. He shall coordinate the work of Superintendent. Assistant Engineers and other staff working under him. 1.5.2 He shall be responsible for :i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Ensuring satisfactory execution of sanctioned schemes and other jobs. Preparation of annual report, establishment schedule and budget estimates pertaining to the department. Setting of yearly target for the department after reviewing various sanctioned schemes in hand and the priorities. Dealing with the issues pertaining with external agencies like MCGB, Traffic Police, Police, Railways, BPT, Telephones etc. Arranging for permanent/temporary staff from time to time for the working of the department. Dealing with major issues and staff matters of the department.


vii) viii) ix) 1.6 1.6.1

Reviewing the activities of the department and introducing changes for improving the efficiency. Expeditious disposal of papers. Overall general supervisions of the department.

SUPERINTENDENT Superintendent, Construction shall be the Executive Officer In-charge of the Section allocated to him and shall be responsible to DECO for all the work connected to his section. He shall be mainly associated with execution of schemes connected with :i) ii) Laying of 22kv/33kv cables, Jointing & terminations for new 22kv/33kv Sub station as per the schemes. Laying of HV cable, jointing & terminations and laying of Communication cables in common excavation only when, sanctioned schemes are made available to the department by the respective departments along with the request, while carrying out the jobs as mentioned in (i). Assisting DECO in preparing yearly target of the department. Assisting O&M Department in repairing cable faults as and when necessary. Laying of fiber optic cables.


iii) iv) v)


ASSISTANT ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION - 3 Nos. (AECO-1, AECO-2 & AECO-3) Assistant Engineer, Construction shall be the Executive Officer In-charge of the section allocated to him and shall be responsible to DECO for all the work connected to his Section. He shall be mainly associated with the execution of schemes of :i) ii) iii) New 22kv/33kv Sub station. Extension/alteration of existing 22kv/33kv Sub station. Assisting O&M Department as and when necessary.



1.8 1.8.1

SPECIFIC DUTIES : Specific duties of Superintendent and Assistant Engineers shall be follows :i) Assisting DECO in preparing yearly target of the department.


ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) xiii) xiv) xv)

Preparing programmes for execution of schemes well in advance pertaining to their section. Arranging for necessary permissions from MCGB and Police Authorities whenever required. Allocating and supervising the work of Deputy Engineers working under them. Arranging for shut downs from O&M Department whenever necessary. To ensure that Deputy Engineers work as per procedure laid down in the safety code of Electric Supply. To ensure that O&M Department are advised regarding the dates of commissioning of 22kv/33kv sub stations with Test Certificates. To ensure of opening of Work Orders Intimation to C.A. closing of Work Order, Initiating work completion reports. To furnish details regarding justification for temporary staff whenever required. To provide details for preparing annual reports, budget estimates and establishment schedule for their sections. To deal with all staff matters of their section and expeditious disposal of papers. To recommend tenders for various items pertaining to the sections. To inspect various materials supplied by the outside parties as per the scheduled approved by the AGMS. To supervise smooth co-ordination between Dy.Engineer & Transport contractor for the movement of equipment, material at site etc. To put up purchase forms and arrange for purchase of materials for the urgent job.

1.9 1.9.1

DEPUTY ENGINEER(DY.ECO) The allocation of work to Deputy Engineers shall be decided by concerned Superintendent, Assistant Engineers from time to time. Besides being of general assistance to the Superintendent/Assistant Engineer, in the matters connected with the work allocated, the Deputy Engineer is specifically responsible for all technical work pertaining thereto. The Deputy Engineers shall be responsible for the following specific duties.: i) ii) iii) Opening of location codes before taking up execution of schemes. Forwarding of work commencement notice to the Accounts Department. Ensuring that necessary formalities in respect of permissions/intimations before taking any job in hand, taking into account the availability of material and transportation of materials.





Planning for efficient execution of schemes by preparing of daily programme for execution of schemes, after taking into account the availability of transportation of materials. Establishing temporary chowkies as per the requirement by selecting the suitable site, getting the permission from various authorities. He is further responsible for posting the staff, allocation of work, maintaining necessary registers, maintaining regular inventory of the materials, maintaining security with the help of security guards and security officers. After the completion of the scheme job, Dy.Engineers is responsible for de-establishing the already established chowkies. Supervising the execution of schemes. Ensuring that material and labour required, reach sites in time. Instructing Sub Engineer, Charge Engineer, Dy. Charge Engineer regarding the executing work. Ensuring the job sheets, work sheet, O.T.Forms, Leave Forms of staff working under him are sent to the office in time. Ensuring safety measures as per the safety code are followed before and during execution of work. Giving suitable messages to system control/supervisory control whenever required. Taking measurements of insulation resistance of cable, before the commencement of jointing operations, and issuing definite instructions to Jointers about jointing jobs. Arranging with the O&M Division for permit to work in case of shut down of any EHV feeder or busbar. Discharging the Permit to work after taking all necessary precautions. Submitting compensatory allowance forms with proper justification of all officers working in chowkey in time. To ensure monthly services of undertaking vehicles allotted to the chowkey and maintaining necessary records and registers.



vii) viii) ix)






xv) xvi)


xviii) Maintaining necessary data regarding input and output and preparing incentive bonus statements and forwarding to JWSC.


xvii) xix)

Submission of work completion report regarding execution of scheme. Ensuring closing of work orders and submitting work completion reports to concerned Superintendent/Assistant Engineer. Driving Undertaking's vehicles in the course of his duties. Inspection of stores materials whenever necessary. In case of accident during the course of working, arranging first aid, and subsequently to take the injured person to the nearest dispensary/hospital for necessary medical help. Further, to provide information about the incidence to the concerned authorities with immediate effect.

xx) xxi) xxii)

xxiii) To forward the fact finding report to officers in charge whenever the staff are injured while carrying out undertaking works at site. xxiv) Arranging to forward vehicle accident report to Motor Vehicle Department whenever undertaking's vehicle meet with an accident. xxv) To co-ordinate with transport contractor for transporting materials at site in time.

xxvi) Inspecting first aid boxes, tools, safety implements, for safe working regularly and checking the tools and materials of tradesman working under their sections. xxvii) Crediting the materials brought from the work sites to stores Muccadam hand cart, Jointers hand cart etc. 1.9.4 Deputy Engineer responsibilities:i) Cable Laying Section has following additional

Surveying and finalising proposed route of cables to be laid before taking up execution of the relevant schemes. Ensuring the compliance of necessary formalities of MCGB,Traffic Police, BPT, Railways, etc. before commencing the execution of cable laying schemes. Arranging reinstatement advises to the appropriate authorities and ensuring satisfactory reinstatement. Arranging for removal of debris from the work sites and crediting scrapped materials from the work sites.






Deputy Engineer, 22kV/33kV Substation Equipping Section has following additional responsibilities. i) Ensuring storing of sufficient materials and proper security arrangement at chowkey sites. To ensure safe transportation of heavy equipments like power transformers, switchgears, reactors, etc. from storing sites to installation sites. Carrying out pre-commissioning tests on equipment installed in 22kV/33kV Substation, preparing test reports for submission to O & M Department. To inspect the accessories of major equipments and to inform shortfall/defective items to concerned Supdt./Asst.Engineer before commencing execution of scheme. To install all the equipment as per the relevant code of practice.







1.10.1 The Sub Engineer shall work under the Deputy Engineer and his specific duties shall depend on the exigencies of the Department, which shall be decided by the Superintendent/Assistant Engineer. He shall perform the following duties. i) ii) iii) Supervising the execution of schemes. Preparing worksheets for day to day jobs. Studying the schemes in detail and assessing the manpower and material required for the job. Arranging for necessary permission required from the Ward Office of MCGB and the Police authorities wherever required. Allocating work to the staff working under him. Engaging work orders for different jobs. Preparing requisitions for material for the execution of jobs undertaken by him.


v) vi) vii)



Preparing credit notes for excess materials left over or released at the job sites. Transporting jointer's materials to the job sites in time. Checking attendance of staff and materials at work sites. Sending staff attendance/job sheets to Fountain Office in time. Closing work order after checking and crediting materials. Collection of data in connection with the execution of schemes. Checking progress of work and controlling labour on various jobs. Informing various utilities regarding damage to the equipmetn/cables, etc. Preparing reinstatement notices after taking measurements. Follow up the reinstatement work in private properties with XEN(BS)/Supdt.(BS) of Building Department and ensuring its proper execution.

ix) x) xi) xii) xiii) xiv) xv) xvi) xvii)

xviii) Arranging for removal of debris from work sites. xix) Filling in various forms, such as, leave forms accident forms, Provident Fund, meal allowance forms and writing job sheets and handing them over to the Deputy Engineer in respect of the staff working under him whenever required. Preparing cost sheets for chargeable jobs. Giving first-aid to the inured persons and taking them to hospital whenever necessary. Arranging for posting of Security staff to guard chowkey and cable drums and other materials at work sites.

xx) xxi)


xxiii) Arranging for transport of equipment/materials such as transformer, switchgears, cables, etc. xxiv) Checking, testing and inspection of equipments before commissioning. xxv) Checking tools and equipment and sending damaged tools/equipments to Kussara for repairs/reconditioning.


xxvi) Supervising laying of pipes at night whenever required. xxvii) Maintaining necessary records and registers. xxviii) Checking different proforma prepared by Dy.Charge Engineer before submitting them to the Deputy Engineer. xxix) Preparing 'Weekly off" schedule of the Security Guards and other staff , in advance. xxx) Driving the Undertaking's vehicles during the course of his duties. audit department inspection of damaged/obsolete

xxxi) Arranging for equipments.

xxxii) Ensuring proper distribution of pay cards to the staff on the 'Salary day'. xxxiii) Checking progress of work and controlling labour on various jobs. xxxiv) Ensuring closing of work orders in time. xxxv) In case of accident arranging to take the injured person to the nearest dispensary/hospital for attention and informing the concerned authorities.



1.11.1 Charge Engineer shall work under one of the Deputy Engineers and his specific duties shall depend on the execution exigencies of the department and shall be decided by the Superintendent/Assistant Engineers from time to time. He shall perform following duties:i) Allocating the work to the men working under him and carrying out direct supervision of jobs allotted to him i.e. execution of schemes. Studying the schemes in detail & assuring the no. of men & material required for the jobs. Complying with statutory requirements of MCGB in respect of displaying information on notice board of site. Informing appropriate authorities in case of damage to the other utility services. Engaging work orders for different jobs.






vi) vii) viii) ix)

Closing work order in time after checking and crediting materials. Preparing requisitions/credit notes of materials for jobs under him. Transporting jointer's materials to the job sites in time. Taking attendance of the staff posted on the job & sending it to department. Reviewing progress of work and controlling labour on various jobs. Keeping the records of man days and output of jobs in the prescribed forms. Inspecting tools and other materials in chowkey and arranging for replacement/ reconditioned/scrapping whenever necessary. Giving first aid to an injured person and taking him to hospital whenever necessary. Furnishing measurement of trenches to Deputy Engineer for preparing reinstatement advises. Driving the Undertaking's vehicles during the course of his duties. Preparing reinstatement notices after taking measurements. Follow up the reinstatement work in private properties with XEN(BS)/ Supdt.(BS) of Building Department and ensuring its proper execution.

x) xi)




xv) xvi) xvii)

xviii) Arranging for removal of debris from work sites. xix) Filling in various forms, such as , leave forms, accident forms, Provident Fund, meal allowance forms and writing job sheets and handing them over to the Deputy Engineer in respect of the staff working under him whenever required. Arranging for posting of Security staff to guard chowkey and cable drums and other materials at work sites. Arranging for transport of equipment /materials such as, transformer, switchgears, cables, etc. Checking, testing and inspection of equipments before commissioning.





xxiii) Checking tools and equipment and sending damaged tools / equipments to Kussara for repairs / reconditioning. xxiv) Supervising laying of pipes at night whenever required. xxv) Maintaining necessary records and registers.

xxvi) Checking different proforma prepared by Dy.Charge Engineer before submitting them to the Deputy Engineer. xxvii) Preparing 'weekly off' schedule of the Security Guards and other staff, in advance. xxviii) Arranging for inspection of damaged/obsolete equipments by Audit staff before scrapping. xxix) Ensuring proper distribution of pay cards to the staff on the 'salary day'.


DEPUTY CHARGE ENGINEER The Dy.Ch.Engineer shall work under one of the Sub Engineers / Charge Engineers and his specific duties shall depend on the exigencies of the department and shall be decided by the Superintendent/Assistant Engineer from time to time. He shall perform the following duties . i) ii) iii) iv) Carrying out direct supervision of jobs allotted to him. Allocating work to the staff under him. Taking attendance of the staff posted on the job. Arranging for materials Engineer/Charge Engineer. required for the jobs through Sub

v) vi) vii)

Arranging security guard's duties. Arranging to provide necessary footboards over the trenches. Arranging to provide necessary protection to trenches against accidental hazards. Keeping credit notes ready for materials to be credited. Keeping the records of mandays and output of jobs in the prescribed forms.

viii) ix)



Filling in different types of forms regarding leave application, provident fund etc. in respect of the staff working under him. Complying with the statutory requirements of MCGB in respect of displaying information on the notice board. Informing the appropriate authorities in case of damage to the other utility services. Inspecting tools and other materials in chowkey and arranging with the help of Sub Engineer/Charge Engineer for replacement and/or reconditioning and/or scrapping of tools whenever necessary. Giving first-aid to he injured persons and taking them to whenever necessary. hospital






Checking the inventory of materials with the assistance of Muccadams directly. Deciding the cable route after taking trial holes. Furnishing measurements of trenches to Sub Engineer / Charge Engineer in order to enable him to prepare reinstatement notices.

xvi) xvii)

xviii) Preparing requisitions for materials for jobs under him. xix) xx) xxi) xxii) Preparing credit notes for excess materials and crediting them to stores. Getting the damaged materials retrieved whenever required. Preparing job sheets. Arranging to deliver materials and tools to outdoor staff at sites, as and when required and keeping the records of the same.

xxiii) Driving the Undertaking's vehicles during the course of his duties.


TRADESMAN: -The following categories of Tradesman/Asst.Tradesman are normally working in the different sections of the department as shown against them.


Cable Laying Section :-


Sr. Jointer (T6) :- Sr. Jointer working in the department is directly responsible for making all types of joints and termination of 22kv/33kv cables. Sr. Jointer (T6) shall work under Dy.Engineer and his specific duties shall depend on exigencies of the department. The staff working under the Sr.Jointer (T6) are Jointer in grade T5 - 1 no. , Perm. Nowghany in grade T1 - 4 nos. He is the incharge of Jointer hand cart and for which the permanent gate pass is given to transport the hand cart along with the prescribed materials to the respective jointing site. He shall perform the following duties.


Carrying out the jointer pit of required dimensions as per types of joint and as per site conditions. Allocating work to the staff working under him He shall take necessary precautions while installing tent over jointers pit so as to make it dust free, moisture free, accident proof (mechanical and electrical). In case of water seepage, water leakage occurring in the jointer's pit, the Sr.Joitner shall make necessary arrangement of water draining. Further, he shall make necessary arrangement of safe guarding jointer's tent and his staff in case of heavy rains. Carrying out the jointing job with taking necessary precautions in case of water pipe , gas pipe or any other live cables existing in the pit. Carrying out the cable preparations by giving appropriate measurement to staff for joint in hand. Identification of ends of cables and should assist to Dy.E. carrying out for phasing operations. Providing proper lighting arrangement in the tent and observing safety measures. Giving proper instructions with precautions to his staff for heating of compounds and soldering pot. Proper measurement should be given for the preparation of cable in case of 22kv/33kv terminations and power transformer secondary cable termination. To carry out soldering of ferule and lugs smoothly and without blow holes.

ii) iii)










xii) xiii)

To carry out proper penciling and taping in case of conventional st. joints. To carry out uniform heat shrinking of insulating tubes in case of non conventional heat shrinkable joints. Providing necessary earthing to the both cable ends while jointing as well as termination. Proper soldering of lead rings and lead / brass sleeve in case of conventional St. joints. Proper heating and filling of inner and outer compound with necessary precautions. Submission of damaged tools to the site incharge and get the replacement in time.





xviii) Taking periodic inventory of materials, tools stored in hand cart, reviewing and checking the entries made in permanent gate pass, arranging for required materials, tools. xix) xx) xxi) Transporting the jointer hand cart to the jointing sites. After completion of jointing work shall carry out backfilling of jointer pit. After completion of jointing works shall remove the tent and submit the extra tools and scrap to the site incharge. Directly responsible for the job, therefore, should have the knowledge of each type of joint (measurement for cable preparation & procedure of joints) and types of cable.


xxiii) Carrying out the pot heading & sealing of cables. Sr.Jointermate /Jointer :- Sr.Jointermate / Jointer in grade T5 should have to assist the Sr.Jointer in preliminary work with regards to EHV cable joints and terminations. Sr.Jointermate / Jointer has to perform all the duties of Sr.Jointer while (i) St.jointing of HV & LV cables (ii) 'T' jointing of LV cables (iii) terminations of HV & LV cables. (iv) pot heading & sealing of HV & LV cables. In addition to this he shall have to perform following duties. i) Fixing of cut out boards.



Providing proper earthing to the meter cabin, service cable towards consumer end. Transporting the jointer hand cart to the jointing sites. Assist T6 Jointer for carrying out 33kv joint as well as 33kv termination. To maintain the jointer hand cart & jointer tool box. Proper fixing of glands & lugs. Proper soldering of ferule and lugs. To carry out proper bitumen taping in case of HV /LV St. joints and 'T' joints. Taking necessary precautions to avoid dust and moisture while jointing by installing the tent over jointer pits. To ensure that the tent is accident proof (mechanical and electrical). Give the proper instructions & measurement to carry out the cable preparation for different types of HV / LV and 'T' joints as well as terminations. Proper heating of inner and outer compound and soldering pot. Filling of inner and outer compound with necessary care and precautions. Taking proper precaution and advice of site incharge, should carry out 'T' joints in live in case of emergency. To carry out the backfilling of jointer pit after completion of jointing work. To carry out the cutting, sealing and pot heading of cables. Jointermate :- Jointermate has to assist the Jointer in preliminary works with regards to HV / LV cable joints and terminations. He shall have to perform all the duties of Jointer. Muccadam :He shall supervise nowghanies, for excavation for laying of HV & LV cables, erection of pillars, laying of house services etc.

iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii)



xi) xii) xiii)


xv) i)



Takes attendance of staff on minor jobs, posts Watchman to guard materials (such as cables, handcart etc.) Furnishes information to Draughtsmen as regards the position of route of cables, joints, size of cables, cable colours, 'A' or 'Z' ends, for the purpose of preparation of sketches. Informs the supervisor the particulars of damage to the property of other utilities, in the course of excavation work. Receives materials at the chowky and issues to workmen as instructed by the supervisor and reports any discrepancies in the stock position. Ensures safety of workmen while on the job, due to moving vehicles etc. Keeps account of excavation tools, foot-boards, fencing caution boards etc. Forwards damages / burnt tools for repairs. Nawghanies :- Nowghanies are engaged for the jobs of (i) Cable Laying section (ii) 22/33kv Sub station equipping section (iii) General administration section. Duties of Nowghanies working in all the above mentioned three sections are as follow.







He shall do the labour work e.g. carrying & transporting equipments & spares from office / stores to the work site / chowkey and vice-versa, to break the wall, to drill the holes, to excavate & to back fill the pit etc. To look after the despatch of papers within the division. To take the outward despatch to the various departments. To bring the office stationeries from the main / sub stores to the office / chowkies. To clean/broom, to wash office, RSS, Office equipments, to clean walls, windows, chairs, tables and utensils. To take care of flower plants, trees inside the compound of RSS, Office. To help officers & supervisors in daily routine work to clean and maintain departmental vehicles.

ii) iii) iv)


vi) vii)



To do un-skilled job with various tradesman (fitter, mason, wireman, jointer) and help them. To inform officers regarding any accident occurred at site / RSS. To arrange for tea, water, break-fast, lunch for supervisors/officers. To do watchman's duty if regular security department's staff is not available. 22kV/33kV Substation Equipping Section Fitter :He shall carry out general fitting and filling, drilling, grinding, tapping, jointing, cutting and shearing jobs and the fabrication of HV cubicles and frames, LV boards and pillars, T.D. Bollards, St. lighting fitments etc. He shall erect the switchgear, etc. in correct alignment in new substation. He shall carry out overhauling and re-conditioning and repairs to switchgear, distribution transformers, jacks, etc. Assistant Fitter :He shall carry out general fitting and filling, drilling, grinding, tapping, jointing, cutting and shearing jobs and the fabrication of HV cubicles and frames, LV boards and pillars, T.D. Bollards, St. lighting fitments etc. He shall erect the switchgear, etc. in correct alignment in new substation. Also caries out overhauling and re-conditioning and repairs to switchgear, distribution transformers, jacks, etc. He shall carry out overhauling and re-conditioning and repairs to switchgear, distribution transformers, jacks, etc Mason :- Mason is engaged for the jobs of (i) Cable laying section (ii) 22kv/33kv substation equipping section. Duties of the Mason working in above mentioned both the section are as follows.

ix) x) xi)

1.13.2 i)

ii) iii) i)




To prepare switchgear foundations for control desk, relay panel, RTCC panel and related equipments as per the requirement.



To fix rag bolts in walls for cleating and to fix the rag bolts in foundation of various RSS equipments like 11KV switchgear, RTCC panel, control desk, Relay pannel, transformer neutral link arrangement etc. To joint and align E.W., P.V.C. and R.C.C. pipes. To construct manholes. To carry out reinstatement of concrete, tiled flooring and plastering whenever & wherever required. To construct bundding wall around the transformer in transformer bay along with sump well trench. To prepare cable trench in R.S.S. premises. To prepare trench covers for trenches. To seal the cable entries. To enlarge the cable entries. To prepare masonry work for cable supporting arrangement for 11KV Switchgear, 33kv switchgear,transformer H.V./L.V. cables. Wireman :He shall carry out repairs to the wiring installation in sub station. He shall replace defective switches, time switches and carry out rewiring of the installation, if necessary. He shall connects supply from LV panel to machines and equipments required for maintenance of sub station equipment. Rectifies defects in the supply connection terminals of hot plates, call bells, hand drills, hand lamps, exhaust fans, etc. He shall carry out additional wiring of control panels under the guidance of Asst. Charge Engineer. He shall carry out alteration in control panel wiring under the guidance of Asst. Charge Engineer.

iii) iv) v)


vii) viii) ix) x) i) ii)







1.14.1 The Office Assistant shall work under the Divisional Engineer and shall coordinate the work of the supervisor and other staff under him. He shall be responsible for the following.



General supervision of the work of the staff under him in connection with staff engagement forms, discharge notices, temporary staff return forms, maintenance and/or checking of the staff records, clothing records, annual reports, budget estimates, `B' Grade officers absentee memo advices for payment of special allowances, incentive bonus etc. and also maintaining account of Imprest Cash . Attending to general correspondence Drafting of letters. To put up various proposals for staff sanction - Temporary/Permanent Replies to Union letters Notes for disciplinary action against the staff Confidential Reports of Officers and staff To control Imprest cash Follow up of Establishment papers To put up notes for sanction of capital/Dead stock items and various forms. Preparing of variation of establishment schedule, capital & Revenue Budget. Preparing and forwarding all the periodical and yearly statement. Administrative Reports. Preparing and forwarding following periodical Statement No. 11, 13, 28, 30, 34. Statements :-

ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x)


xii) xiii) xiv)

11) 13)

Threat of Bomb Blast - Inspection of premises monthly report thereof. Verification of Registration Books of Motor Cars / Motor Cycles/Scooters maintained by the A & B Gr.Officers. Items of Capital Works i) Furniture & Office Equipment





ii) Tools & Equipment. Closing of account of the year i) Jobs completed on or before 31st March ii) Jobs incomplete as on 31st March. Closing of Account - Provision to be made for outstanding bills for work done or services render (Yearly).



1.15.1 The Supervisor shall work under the Office Assistant. He shall supervise the work of Clerk and Shop Recorders in the department and assist the Office Assistant in all respect in his day-to-day work. Update of S.R.files of Schedule staff. i) To send/ask for SR files of staff/officers and keep the record of movement of files and update SR files. To update verify the engagement forms of temporary staff. To follow up staff termination notices, slips and circulars. To check workmens compensation forms and to attend bills maintain the register. To verify final dues bills and maintain the register. To process ESI forms and to maintain register. To issue salary /service certificate To update Imprest Cash Register & recoupment bill. To fill up Identification Notes and change of address. To attend unpaid wages bills and maintain Register. To issue pay cards. To verify staff register for temporary/permanent vacancies. To maintain Register of SSA, Prob.Engineer, Apprentice Clerks, staff on loan etc. Trade Test - Mason & Jointers Trade.

ii) iii) iv)

v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) xiii)




To maintain Register, waiting list and relevant correspondence - follow up. To maintain inventory & dead stock item register. Taxi bill register.

xvi) xvii)

xviii) Verification of negative attendance, checking of attendance register. xix) 1.16 To report cases of long absenteeism.

CLERK/SHOP RECORDERS. The Clerks/Shop Recorders shall work under one of the Supervisors. The number of Clerks/ShopRecorders allotted to each Supervisor shall be decided by the office Assistant from time to time. Their duties shall comprise of the following. TABLE - I : ESTABLISHMENT (PERMANENT & TEMPORARY) i) To issue notes in respect of taking over of duties, Reversion I.D.,Transfer I.D., Relieving DL, requisitions of various posts. To fill up engagement forms of temp. nowghanies, taking over, service termination slip, to make all entries in register & S.R.files of temp. nowghanies. Clothing & monsoon apparels requirement & related work. Issue of badges & maintain the register. Preparing yearly report - in connection with schemes, completed/part completed/ monthly & fortnightly report. Preparing location code registers and submit the statement of location code completed and carried forward every year to C.A. Attend the querries in connection with schemes with C.A. Cable laid & removed scheme executed reports. Chargeable job outside parties. Special allowance to 'B' Grade officers. Issue of Brief case


iii) iv) v)


vii) viii) ix) x) xi)


xii) xiii) xiv) xv)

To maintain register for PSS & TSS forms. Festival Advance/Financial Assistance. Incentive Bonus. Preparing of S.R.files of permanent & temp. employees in case of new appointment & follow up with other departments for S.R files of transferred employees. Issue of napkins, soaps to officers, employees. All activities connected with scholarship.

xvi) xvii)

xviii) To maintain O.B. Register xix) xx) xxi) Docket form, seniority list, monthly expenditure statement. To update S.R.files of Non schedule employees. Any other work not mentioned above related to establishment or any other work assigned by Supr./OA. S ESI & related work.


xxiii) Issue of Identification notes of unpaid wages. xxiv) Preparing statements No. 1,2,4,5,16,26,27,29,31,32. Statements :1) Monthly reporting of staff vacancies (Permanent). As on 1st of every month. On Roll superannuation as on 1st of every month. Absentee Memo of 'B' Grade officers for every month. Payment of final dues bill Monthly Report of Accidents Seniority list of nowghanies in grade P1/T1 as on 1st April(Yearly) Seniority list of Nowghanies in grade P1/T1 as on 1st April (yearly)

2) 4) 5) 16) 26) 27)


31. 29.

Publishing of seniority list as on 1st April (Yearly) Closing of Accounts for the year. i) Jobs completed on or before 31st March ii) Jobs incomplete as on 31st March Publishing of seniority list as on 1st April (Yearly)



All work related to temporary promotion/permanent promotions of Sr.Jointer, Jointer, Sr.Jointer mate, Jointermate & Mason.

i) ii) iii)

Temp. promotion as per seniority list Temp. transfer to other departments. All related work of filling up of above vacancies, taking over, relieving, reversion, etc. Keeping upto date record of all above posts. Preparing waiting list of above posts & cable jointer apprentice. Maintaining roster as per guidelines. All activities connected to trade test of Mason & Jointer with the help of Supervisor. Any other related work not mentioned above or any other work assigned by Supervisor / O.A. Preparing Statement No. 3, 12, 22, 23, 24,33. Statements :-

iv) v) vi) vii)



1. 12.

Monthly statement of staff vacancies (Temp.) as on 1st of every month Qtrly statement of class III & IV employees of SC/ST/DT & NT/OBC/General. Monthly statement of 100 point roster. Quartely statement of backlog/recruitment of Backward class.

22. 23.



Quartely statement of no. of staff establishment.

schedule & Non-schedule as


List of Silver Medals to be given to the staff on the occasion of celebration of 'BEST DIN' Function on 7th August (Yearly).

TABLE - III - DESPATCH i) To receive the papers and entered in Inward Register and to distribute papers. To despatch papers and entered in outward Register and despatch Book. To keep the movement of papers - to send monthly statement of pending cases. To maintain Tender files and purchase form Register. To file papers in respective files and to maintain all departmental files, to maintain its register to issue of stationary to various chowkies and Receiving stations. To maintain officers leave register. All work related to casual labour, Attendance, payment, termination programme etc. Filing of papers except S.R.Files. Any other work assigned by Supervisor/OACO. Transport/Movement of materials bill Conventional Joint statements. Grain requisition. Stationary requisitions, gate pass, credit notes, to maintain to record of stationary & materials received & despatched on M.D.Note. To recoup office stationary, stationary indent, printing of stationary. Preparing of bills for hiring of services. To send reinstatement notes to various ward.

ii) iii)

iv) v)

vi) vii)

viii) ix) x) xi) xii) xiii)

xiv) xv) xvi)



To follow up various notes/bills/proposals by visiting personally to various dept.

xviii) To put up purchase forms, making necessary entries of material received to inform the same to Supervisor. xix) Preparing statements No. 6,7,8,9,10,35,36,37,21. Statements :6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 35. 36. 37. 21. Submission of statement of pending cares/references for the month. Disposal of letters from BEST Undertaking. Servicing of undertaking vehicle statement Vehicle utilisation report & maintenance of log book. Vehicle availability report. Monthly output statement Details of inspection forms cleared/pending. Details of Tender cleared/pending. Casual laboures attendance work conduct statement.



To collect the attendance from Chowkies, Rec.Station. - compile it and entered the same in muster attendance register. To send negative attendance to various Time Keeping Department - 4 times in a month 1. 2. 3. 4. From 1 to 15 From 16 to 25 From 16 to 31 From 26 to 31 Permanent staff/Temp.Staff. Temp. staff Permanent staff Temp.staff.

ii) iii)

Attending leave forms of all the staff and maintain the leave register. To prepare overtime statement and to maintain OT Register.



To attend querries of attendance and from T.K, I.A, EDP by visiting personal and Time Keeping Dept. To keep the records of unpaid wages cards. To send copies of job sheet to A/CS Dept. Any other work assigned by Supervisor or any other related work not mentioned above. Preparation of attendance register. Compensatory Allowance all related work. Meal allowance all related work. Sunday & Holiday working all related work. To attend querries in respect of C.A.,Meal allowance. To report long absenteeism cases to Supervisor/O.A. To bring attendance from all site with complete information such as name, Ch.No., time, date etc. To ensure that previous dates jobsheets are signed by outdoor staff or other wise follow up with then and obtain their signature. To report back in office at 2.00 p.m. without fail. After handing over the job sheet to attendance SR-I. he should asist the other S/Rs in their work or other wise clear the pending work of OT, meal allowance, Sunday/Holiday working.

v) vi) vii)

viii) ix) x) xi) xii) xiii) xiv)


xvi) xvii)

xviii) Incentive Input statement. xix) Any other related work not mentioned above & or any other work assigned by Supervisor /OA. Preparing Statement No. 17,18,19,20 Statements :17. 18. Negative attendance of permanent staff Negative attendance of temporary staff.




Overtime statement.


20. Casual Labourers payment advice. STENOGRAPHER: He/She shall perform the following duties:i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Taking dictation and transcribing it on a Typewriter/P.C. Preparation of routine and simple drafts. Typing from drafts and hand written matter. Cutting stencils according to instructions. Certifying the bills for routine maintenance of repairs of Typerwriter/PC. Updating / Maintaining records stored in P.C.


CLERK/TYPIST He/She shall perform the following duties :i) ii) iii) Typing from drafts and hand-written matters, taking printouts etc. Cutting of stencils according to instructions. Certifying the work computers/typewriters. for routine maintenance or repairs of


Doing clerical work as may be allocated by OA/Supervisor.







INTRODUCTION This chapter gives a general picture of the overall working of the Construction Departments. The methods to be adopted for different types of work indicated herein shall serve as a guideline for the Officers and Staff and shall not be deemed to be complete in all respects. Wherever possible, reference to relevant office orders and departmental circulars has been made, this may require to be amended from time to time.

1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2

PROCEDURE Capital jobs in connection with EHV & LV. The Project Department justifies and arranges to obtain the sanction of the appropriate authorities, whenever any scheme in connection with the following jobs is to be carried out :i) ii) iii) iv) v) New 33KV Substations. Extensions/alterations to the existing 33KV Substations. Extensions/alterations to EHV & HV cables. Diversion of EHV cables for MCGB and outside parties. Laying of 22/33kv cables from Tata's Sub station to BEST's Substation.


The Project Department then finalizes the sanctioned schemes and forwards to the Divisional Engineer (Construction), who in turn gets them, registered in his records. The decision as to when the work of installation of euipment or laying of cables in connection with the extensions/alterations of existing 22kv/33kv substations is taken at the level of AGMS and the Divisional Engineer is advised to prepare a schedule. EXECUTION OF WORK The Divisional Engineer, Project with his knowledge of time taken for delivery of materials in different categories, arrange to place orders for major items well in advance, so that the Divisional Engineer, Construction is not handicapped for want of materials whenever sanctioned schemes are to be taken up for execution.

2.0 2.1


He also ensures through the Deputy Chief Material Manager of Stores & Purchase, Kussara, for recoupment of other sundry materials, well in time. 2.2 The Divisional Engineer, Construction has on his establishment sufficient posts of supervisory staff and tradesmen, but he has only a limited staff in the category of nawghanies, who are invariably engaged against temporary sanctions, from time to time. The rules governing the working of the Department are : i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) 2.4 The Indian Electricity Act 1910 and the Indian Electricity Rules 1956, relating to the particular conditions and working of the Department. The Factories Act 1948 and the Bombay Factories Rules 1950. The Bombay Industrial Relations Act 1946. The Bombay Industrial Disputes Act. Shops and Establishment Act. Workmen's Compensation Act. Payment of Wages Act. Electricity Safety Rules and Codes issued by the Undertaking.


Commissioning of equipments :i) ii) iii) New 22/33KV Substations. Extensions /alterations at existing 22/33KV Substations. Extensions/alterations of 22KV/33KV cables.


After the priority of execution of schemes is fixed and SCO/AECO-1/2/3 allocates the work to the concern Deputy Engineers who prepare their schedules/programmes. In accordance with the programme the Deputy Engineer ensures that a proper access to the substations from outside is available for transport of heavy equipment and also suitable access to 22/33KV Substation building and transformer yard exists for movement of equipments. The work of erection of equipments at the new 22KV/33KV Substation shall not be commenced till the RSS building has been handed over by the DEMN/DEMCN/DEMS/DEMCS to avoid any complaints later on regarding substation building structure and means of access by the staff of O&M Departments. Deputy Engineer arranges for transport of materials and equipments either through Transport Section or through a contractor and arranges to place the equipments at the proper place of installation. The 22/33KV Substation is normally equipped with the following items.






i) ii) iii) iv) 2.4.6

Power Transformer 10MVA to 12MVA Set of VCB , 11kv & 33kv Switchgears. Earthing equipment. Capacitor / Reactor.

The circuit breakers installed at site in accordance with the instructions from the manufacturer. The entire operating mechanism including operating levels, toggle mechanism are checked for performance. If the circuit breakers are of withdrawable type provided with inter locking shutters, then it is important to observe the alignment very carefully, so that the interlocking shutters are operating properly and trucks can be pressed hopefully. Normally the cables laid in connection with new substation are :i) ii) iii) iv) Incoming feeder from Tata/BEST 110KV RSS to new 22/33KV RSS. Outgoing feeders from the new substation to the existing. Receiving station if in scheme it has mentioned in view of commission RSS. Transformer tails. Transformers & 33kv Switchgear Terminations.



As and when the laying of cables is scheduled the Superintendent / Deputy Engineer ensures that requisite lengths of cables, jointing material and other materials are available in stock. The route of the cables as per the scheme is then surveyed by the Deputy Engineer, so that :i) ii) iii) The quantum of labour and the period of execution could be assessed. Timely solution could be found for any problems to be encountered. Suitable location of chowkey may be selected in consultation with MCGB, from where the labour could be conveniently controlled and the movement of materials shall be economical.


Deputy Engineer arranges to obtain from Ward Officers of MCGB formal No Objection and permit for excavation for the requisite period and commences the work thereafter. Also intimation to 'Cable Information Service' of the Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd., about the location of our excavations, is sent, so that they could post their staff wherever their cables are existing and thus avoid damage to the telephone cables. Wherever any excavations are involved across major roads, which are likely to disrupt the vehicular traffic, the Deputy Engineer arranges to send an intimation to the Commissioner of Police, Traffic Department, so that he could post a traffic constable to regulate the traffic, if found necessary. Normally, the cables are laid direct in the ground and wherever the cable has to cross a road or a vehicular entrance to a building, pipes are laid so that the cables




shall be pulled through them, without any hindrance to vehicular traffic. Since pipe laying across the road disrupts the road surface, pipes/with ducts at intervals of 70 mtrs. or so and at road junctions whenever any roads are reconstructed. The job of cable laying is divided into six major operations i.e. :i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Excavation (trenching) Laying pipes, wherever necessary Laying cables in the trench or pulling through pipe Protecting with warning covers. Backfilling (temporary reinstatement) Permanent reinstatement.


When only one cable is to be laid, the width of the excavation is about 0.6 mtrs., so that the workers can stand in the trench and pull the cables. Whenever more cables are to be laid in the same excavation, which are either laid side by side or in tier formation the spacing between the center of the cables is kept between 13 to 22 cms., depending upon the space availability. The width of the trench is increased accordingly. Normally, the depth of the excavation shall be about 1.35 mtrs. in case of 22KV cables, 1.2 mtrs. in case of 6.6KV cables and 0.75 mtrs. in case of LV cables, unless some obstructions are encountered when the depth is decreased to suit the conditions. Normally, the excavation is carried out by manual labour using tools like pickaxes, powrahs, cross-bars, chisels, sledge hammers and ghamelas. Wherever rock or concrete surfaces are to be broken, compressed air tools taken on hire are used for the excavations. Trial Holes Before commencing the excavation, the Dy.Charge Engineer arranges trial holes about 15 mtrs. so that as far as possible a straight-run excavation may be decided to avoid major obstructions, if any. After the route of the excavation is decided, the Muccadam distributes a suitable length of excavated (depending upon the type of the surface and the size of the trench) to the Nowghanies / Casual Labour under him.





Protection to other utility services. As the trenching work proceeds and existing properties of other utilities/authorities are exposed, and steps are taken to support such properties, so as to prevent their damage. The usual method of giving temporary support is by means of brick pillars or lashings from pieces of timber or bars, placed at frequent intervals, across the trench from which the services are slung, whilst the work is in progress. Accidental damage to any property is reported with the least


delay to the owning authority either personally or over telephone and if the Undertaking is not responsible for the damage, this fact is clearly stated at the time the report is made. 3.4 Stacking excavated material If there is any danger of the trench collapsing, the side of trench are well shored up with timber and sheeting as the excavation proceeds. 4.0 Some roadways are wide enough to allow half the width to be closed and still allow traffic to use the free half. When this is the case, it is possible to open up the roads in two halves. The first half is opened up to examine whether the pipes can be laid in a straight run. It is then filled up without laying pipes. Then the second half is opened out to examine whether the pipes can be linked up with the pipes in the first half. If it is possible to link up with the first half, then the pipes are laid and the first half is re-excavated to lay the pipes in continuity of the second half. After the trench has been made ready for the purpose of pulling the cables, arrangements for laying the cable in the trench or through the pipes are made. Firstly, the direction in which the cable is to be pulled is decided and accordingly, a suitable site for the cable drum and its mounting on jacks is fixed. The cable rollers are placed in position on the bed of the trench of regular intervals sufficiently close, so as to prevent undue sagging of the cable. The pulling in rope is then passed down the trench over the rollers and made off to the cable grip which in turn is fixed to the end of the cable. The Muccadam or the head Gang-man stands in a commanding position where he can view the entire route and shouts evenly-timed calls to his men to pull. With the synchronism between the gangman's call and the pulling by the workers, the cable leaves the drum without difficulty and passes down the trench on the rollers. As far as possible, the cable is pulled with steady-even-pulls and not jerked or strained. When the cable is being pulled round bends rollers are placed sideways, so as to keep the cable at a safe radius, thus preventing sharp bending and consequent straining of the cable. Test Certificate When all the equipments are placed in its proper position and all accessories and cables have been connected thereto, the Superintendent / Deputy Engineer shall thoroughly check the working of the equipment and then finally arrange to forward the Test Certificate to the respective Operation & Maintenance Department to enable them to commission the equipment after obtaining the Electrical Inspector's approval.





6.0 6.1

Worksheet To enable proper control to be kept on the execution of outdoor work and allocation of labour, a worksheet is prepared by the Sub Engineer, one day in advance of each working day. A worksheet is prepared by Sub Engineer/Charge Engineer of the section which shall contain the following data :Name of the Dy.Engineer/Sub Engineer in charge of the section. Classification of personnel (permanent and temporary) and check nos. of the nonscheduled staff. Total number of persons. Location code nos. with detailed activity-wise codes. Location of works-reference of the scheme plan/layout plan / work orders / SIMHA-97 schemes. Type of work. Indication in the form of letter 'D' where a draughtsman is booked.


i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii)





DIVISIONAL ENGINEER :He shall confirm the work of the contractor is carried out in accordance with the specification, schedule of quantities, conditions of contract, and scope of work. He shall arrange the work order time to time to the contractor in connection with the contract jobs. In case of any discrepancy, in consistency, error or omission in the contract. He shall give the decision and issue instructions to the contractor directing in what manner the work is to be carried out. The decision of the Divisional Engineer shall be final and conclusive. He shall report to the AGMS regarding any disputed points assigning out of the course of work. He shall confirm the maintenance of safety provisions of the work site of the contractor as per the safety codes as applicable. He shall confirm the observation of all five regulations at the work sites of the contractor. He shall arrange to deduct the contributions as per the provision of ESI Act 1948 at source from the contractor's dues through running or final bills. He shall certify the declaration form nos. 1 and 3 in accordance with regulation 11 read with regulation14 of the ESI Act-1948. Further, he shall confirm the submission of the referred forms by the contractor to the ESI section / Dept. of the undertaking within 3 days from the date of commencement of work by the contractor. He shall certify the Attendance and wage register of all the labourers (employees covered under ESI and beyond ESI) engaged on work by the contractor every month. Further he shall confirm the submission of the same by the contractor on or before 10th day of the next month for on going works to the undertaking's ESI section/Dept. He shall confirm and decide the penalty to contractor in the event of failure to comply the requirement as mentioned in the clause 3.11.3 and / or 3.11.4 as per regulations 31-A and damages as per regulations 31-C.


He shall arrange confirm the submission of the information in respect of the employees of the contractor who continue working and drawing wages within insurable wage ceiling beyond 30th September on 31st March to the ESI Section on or before 10th day of the following month. He shall arrange the inspection of all the records of the contractor as required by law and by the BEST Undertaking. He shall decide the hours of work on site of the contractor. He shall arrange to maintain the information of the contractor's address / telephone or other contact numbers so as to enable him to engage the contractor round the clock or during emergencies if required. The cable laying work has to be carried out only in day time. However, if required the Divisional Engineer may instruct the contractor to carry out the job at any time. He shall issue permission in writing to the contractor for carrying out works on Sundays, holidays except for emergency. He shall decide the details and proforma of the report to be submitted by the contractor in connection with reporting of state and progress of the work. Further he shall confirm the periodic submission of the same by the contractor. He shall have power to make any alterations in , omission from addition to or substitutions for the original specifications, drawings that may appear to him to be necessary or advisable during the progress of the work. He shall have discretion power to extend the time of completion of work for only such alterations, additions or substitutions of the work. He shall give opinion on fixing the rates which shall be derived from the rates for similar class of work if the rates for additional, altered or substituted work are not specifically provided in the contract. He shall confirm the non removal of tools, plants machinery, equipments, water pumps, cable roller, jacks/spindles and consumables required for cable laying as provided by the contractor before the completion of the work in hands. He shall arrange to check the tools, machinery, equipments, water pumps, cable rollers, jacks/spindles and consumables required for cable laying and as provided by the contractor for the efficiency and quality. He shall serve a notice in written form to the contractor if same are found inefficient, bad or inferior quality with the instructions of replacing the same with fresh one of good quality.


He shall confirm the site of chowky as constructed by the contractor during the work, be cleaned and restored to its original condition. Further he shall arrange to clean the site at the contractor's risk and cost in case of failure of contractor in this respect. He shall arrange to confirm that the contractor is not allowed to carry out any job on undertaking's work site other than that required for the satisfactory completion of the undertakings work. He shall arrange to issue necessary letters to the contract in order to obtain the permission of local authorities and / or private properties whenever required during the course of work. He shall confirm the displaying of necessary information along with the copy of permission at site, barricading of the trench, provision of security lighting and placing of steel plates on the excavated portion across / along major traffic road whenever required. He shall arrange to issue the material required for executing the cable laying job such as cable drums, cable warning cover after submission of the requisition for the same one day in advance by the contractor. He shall confirm the damage or loss of the materials given to the contractor by the undertaking. He shall arrange to replace the materials in case of damage and loss at the contractor's cost. He shall confirm the delay in completion of work is due to natural calamities and due to any other circumstances beyond the control of the undertaking and shall decide on giving suitable extension in the time schedule to cover such delays. He shall confirm the maintenance of account of materials issued by the undertaking by the contractor as per the manner prescribed by him.



STREET LIGHTING (CONSTRUCTION) DIVISION INTRODUCTION The Street Lighting Construction division designs and executes street lighting schemes regarding provision, shifting and improvement of street lighting as well as providing temporary lighting during festivals on behalf of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM). For fulfilling this responsibility the department carries out liaison with municipal authorities / traffic police and other utilities / organisations, procure material through Material Management (MM) Dept. for street lighting system and executes works as per the work order received from MCGM. The office of the Street Lighting (Construction) Division is at Sewree and the office address is as given below: Street Lighting (Construction) Division 1st floor, Rec.Sub.Stn. Annexe Bldg., P. Thakre Udyan Bus Terminus, Acharya Donde Marg, Sewree, Mumbai - 400 015. Tel.No. 24101791 / 24123969 E-mail ID : [email protected] 1.1 ORGANISATION 1.1.1 The Street Lighting (Const.) Division is working under the overall supervision and control of a Divisional Engineer, who is reporting to the Dy.Chief Engr. St.Ltg. Based on the activities and functions, the division is entrusted with; for the convenience of working, the division is divided into following sections : Design and Liaison under Superintendent (Design & Liaison) Construction Section under Assistant Engineer (Construction) Material Procurement Section (Stores Section) under Superintendent (Stores) Workshop under Assistant Engineer (Workshop) 1.0.


The organisational set up of the department is shown in the organisation chart in Annexure `A" attached with this note. 1.1.2 The division, besides Divisional Engineer has Supdt. Engrs. and Asst.Engrs. and other officers and staff that may be sanctioned from time to time. 2.0 DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF DIFFERENT POSTS 2.1 DIVISIONAL ENGINEER The Divisional Engineer designated as Divisional Engineer St.Ltg. (Construction) [DESL(C)] will ensure the smooth and efficient working of the division for discharging the function and activities entrusted to the department. DESL(C) is responsible for :2.1.1 Design, plan and execution of st.ltg. jobs 2.1.2 Liaison with municipal authorities / traffic police & other utilities/organisation in connection with street light issues. 2.1.3 Execution of sanctioned scheme as per work orders received from MCGM. 2.1.4 Procurement of material through MM Dept. for st.ltg. system. 2.1.5 Smooth and efficient running of street lighting. workshop. 2.1.6 Reviewing activities of the division and introducing latest technology for improving the efficiency of working and for reducing cost of works. 2.1.7 Arranging for permanent and temporary staff as per requirement from time to time. 2.1.8 Settling the major issues of staff matters of the division. 2.1.9 Being the Chairman of the panel for selection & appointment of Asst. tradesmen & tradesmen (e.g. Asst. Elect. Fitter, Jr. Elect. Fitter, Elect. Fitter), to conduct the trade test / interview for selection of candidates to prepare the waiting list, appoint and promote whenever vacancies occur. 2.1.10 Preparation of annual administrative report, establishment schedule and budget estimate pertaining to the St.Ltg. Dept. (Construction) 2.1.11 Expeditious action on complaints from VIP's / general public and cases referred by other departments of undertaking. 2.1.12 Preparation of maintenance rate, schedule of estimate and getting necessary approvals and informing MCGM. 2.2 DESIGN AND LIAISON SECTION 2.2.1 SUPERINTENDENT (DESIGN & LIAISON) He shall be in charge of Design and Liaison Section and will report to DESL(C). The following will be his responsibilities. Preparation of maintenance rate, schedule of estimate and getting necessary approvals and informing MCGM. Liaison with the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM), Traffic Police, State Govt. agencies and other utilities/organisations concerned with the street lighting system. Arrange for measurement of illumination level on roads, lanes/bylanes in the area of operation, whenever required and maintain record of the same. Designing street lighting schemes on all roads/lanes/gardens and other public premises as per requirement of MCGM, complying with national/international standards and putting up proposals theirof.

758 Designing and getting executed the schemes pertaining to temporary illumination provided during festivals like Ganapati festival, Navratri, Diwali, Moharam and Mahaparinirvan Din, Badi Raat etc. Preparation of scheme proposals, obtaining approvals, sanctions and forwarding the scheme proposals to MCGM for issue work orders by MCGM. Carrying out joint inspections with municipal authorities for preparing schemes for improvement / shifting /new provision of street lightng and removal / replanting of street lighting poles etc. Obtaining necessary work order from municipal authorities for the provision/improvement of street lighting. To attend co-ordination meetings convened by MCGM / Traffic Police Department and to take up/sort out the matters related to street lights. Preparation of schedule of rates for various jobs carried out by the department. Collection and maintaining of statistical data as required from time to time. Preparing, maintaining and updating street light scheme drawings and other relevant drawings. To prepare necessary proforma and statements required for the section from time to time. Forwarding work completion reports and bills for shifting/alterations and maintenance of street lamps to the MCGM and other authorities/parties. To ensure that the correct procedures as laid down are followed by the section. Dealing with all staff matters of the section. Taking expeditious action on correspondence received. To arrange data on pending schemes for assessing material requirement for the ensuing year. To take necessary action regarding public complaints received regarding street lights. 2.2.2 DEPUTY ENGINEER (DESIGN & LIAISON) He shall be incharge of the Design & Liaison activities and shall report to the Supdt.(D&L). The following shall his duties: To carry out joint inspection with MCGM and other organisations related to street lighting schemes for improvement/new provision/addition alterations/removal and replanting of street lamps. To design street lighting system, temporary lighting and put up for approval/sanction. Forward the scheme proposals to MCGM. To obtain from MCGM and other authorities concerned, the required work orders and payment of deposit, if any and necessary follow up, theirof. To carry out illumination measurement at site during the evening/night time as per instruction of Supdt. (D & L). To inspect and investigate the complaints from VIPs/general public and put up report to Supdt.(D&L). To carry out illumination measurement on roads / lanes and to maintain data of the same and other activities. To arrange for site inspection and measurement of various parameters for addition/alterations of street lamps.

759 To obtain approval on estimates and proposal for addition/alterations of street lamps. To work out data on pending schemes for assessing material requirement for jobs in the ensuing year. To co-ordinate with the Maintenance Division for changeover of lamps and with Execution Section for execution of schemes, tree trimming, lantern cleaning etc. depending upon urgency for improving illumination. To send report for follow up for the bills for street lighting jobs connected with MCGM and other authorities concerned. Driving the Undertaking's vehicle, whenever required, during course of his duties. 2.2.3 CHARGE ENGINEER ST.LTG. (DESIGN & LIAISON) He shall work under Supdt. St.Ltg. (Design & Liaison) & his duties are as under : Checking the estimate and cost sheets prepared by the Dy.Ch.Engr. for various street lighting jobs. Arranging auditing of the cost sheets & preparation of O.B. memo. Sending the bills/provisional bills to the concerned authorities the street lighting jobs carried out. Maintaining and updating data and progress of schemes referred to the section from time to time. Preparation of energy bills for temporary lighting and getting the same audited. Maintaining the record in respect of deposits received, bills sent to various authorities. To follow up with the concerned authorities for payment of deposit/additional deposits etc. Arranging for updating of various drawings on the street lighting system. Follow-up with concerned authorities for issuing of work order. To prepare draft reply/letters for complaints and cases referred to the section. Driving the Undertaking's vehicle, whenever required, during course of his duties. To work out Schedule of Rates for various street lighting jobs. Preparation of Schedule of Estimate. To prepare maintenance rate for lamps charegable to MCGM & other agencies for street lights installed and maintained by BEST. To carry out illumination level measurement. 2.2.4 DY.CH.ENGINEER ST.LTG.(DESIGN & LIAISON SECTION) He shall work under Dy.Engr. St.Ltg. (Design & Liaison Section) and shall perform following duties: Carry out site inspection alongwith Dy.Engr. / Draughtsman for measurement of different parameters, necessary for preparation of st.lighting scheme. Carry out illumination level measurement along with Dy. Engr. (Design & Liaison) before preparation of scheme and after execution of scheme, whenever required. Preparing appropriate scheme drawings. Preparing the estimate of cost of the scheme for various st.lighting jobs. Preparing scheme proposals as instructed by Dy.Engr. (D&L)

760 Preparing the scheme folder and forward the same for execution through proper channel. Arrange joint inspection with MCGM/Traffic Police/general public etc. Driving the Undertaking's vehicle, whenever required, during course of his duties. To carry out illumination level measurement & maintain data of the same. 2.2.5 Chief Draughtsman : Supdt. (Design & Liaison) is allocated 2 Chief Draughtsmen who shall work under him. The allocation of work to the 2 Chief Draughtsmen shall depend on the exigencies of the department and shall be decided by the Supdt. (D & L) from time to time. The Chief Draughtsman shall be responsible for following work connected with Drawing Section of the dept. Preparation of drawing for various schemes, equipment and any other miscellaneous drawings. Maintaining Master Plan drawings, SLP drawings, Scheme drawings & equipments drawings by promptly updating the same on receipt of details of the completed schemes. Arranging the prints and drawings. Checking and certification of various drawings prepared by Drawing Office. 2.2.6 Draughtsman D'man shall work under one of the Chief D'man and his specific duties shall depend on the exigencies of the department and shall be decided by Supdt. (D & L). He shall perform following duties. Taking measurements at site and preparing sketches. Preparing scheme drawings for various street lighting works. Colouring of prints and drawings whenever required. Preparing equipment drawings connected with specifications of materials being procured. Preparing miscellaneous drawings related to the working of the street lighting department. Preparing SLP drawings to show phasewise & circuitwise distribution of street lamps after a site inspection. Updating various drawings maintained by the department, such as scheme drawings, SLP drawings and Master Plan, on completion/execution of the schemes. Renewal of drawings, whenever necessary. 2.3 CONSTRUCTION SECTION 2.3.1 ASSISTANT ENGINEER ST. LTG. (CONSTRUCTION) The construction section operate from chowkies which are established near work sites. Each chowky is under an Assistant Engineer, who will be responsible for execution of schemes in time as instructed by DESL(C). The Assistant Engineer is responsible for following functions : Planning execution of schemes of provision/addition/alteration of St.Ltg. system so that jobs are completed in scheduled time with minimum man power and material. Ensuring the quality of work.

761 Arrangement for necessary permissions required from MCGM and Traffic Police Authorities, wherever required. Allocation and overall supervision of the work. Arrangement for reinstatement to be carried out by the appropriate authorities. Implementation safety procedure, compliance of conditions for permission of excavation from MCGM / Traffic Police etc. Attending meetings concerning street lights as and when instructed by DESL(C). Arranging opening and closing of Location codes from time to time. Collection and maintenance of statistical data, as required from time to time. Preparing justification for temporary staff whenever required. Working out annual requirement of materials for his chowky. Implementation of the correct procedures laid down by Undertaking while working at site. Dealing with all staff matters of the chowky. Forwarding scheme commissioning report to Maintenance division for record as well as for billing. 2.3.2 DEPUTY ENGINEER ST.LTG. (CONSTRUCTION) The Dy. Engr. St. Ltg. (Construction) will be responsible for executing the jobs which are handed over to him by Assistant Engineer. The following are duties of Dy. Engr. (Construction) : Implementing programmes of Assistant Engineer so that the jobs are completed in time with minimum expenditure. Ensuring the material and labour at the work site in time. Giving proper guidance to the Dy.Ch.Engr. for the execution of work whenever required. Handing over of completed st.ltg. scheme to the Maintenance Division. Sending reinstatement notes to the appropriate authorities and follow up with them till the reinstatement is done. Arranging for removal of debris from the site. Maintaining necessary records and registers regarding output, material and tools stock position, staff availability and timings. Inspecting `FIRST-AID' boxes regularly. Submitting O.T. forms with justification. Ensuring the closing of work order in time. Ensuring usage of proper tools and equipments. In case of accident, arranging to take the injured person to the nearest dispensary/hospital and reporting concerned authorities in the required format. Fixing the position of poles at site considering the drawings given and site conditions. Submission of report regarding execution of the work and lamp commissioning. Driving the Undertaking's vehicle whenever required during course of his duties. 2.3.3 SUB ENGINEER ST.LTG. (CONSTRUCTION) He shall report to Dy.Engr. (Construction) / Asst. Engineer (Construction) & his specific duties shall depend on exigencies of the section which shall be decided by Asst. Engr. (Const.). He shall perform following duties : Selecting the cables route by surveying the site before starting the excavation.

762 Preparation of daily programme for execution of scheme, taking into account, availability of men, materials and transport etc. Ensuring compliance of formalities in respect of permission for the excavation. Overall supervision of the execution of the scheme to ensure quality and quantity as per the norms of undertaking. Arranging material from Depot Stores, arranging its transport to the work site chowkies and keeping the same properly at chowky / worksite. Arranging to bring back excess materials from site. Co-ordinating the work to be carried out by transport contractors, wherever necessary. Arranging reconditioning of materials. Arranging to send vehicles for monthly servicing on the due dates. Sending attendance & job sheets to the main office in time. Closing Location codes after checking and crediting materials. Preparing credit notes for excess material or servicable material released at the job sites. Checking tools and equipment and arranging the repairs/reconditioning damaged tools/equipments. Checking different proformas prepared by Dy.Ch.Engrs. before submission to Dy. Engr. Arranging watchman and other staff in advance. Driving the undertaking vehicle whenever required during the course of his duties. 2.2.4 DY.CH.ENGR. ST. LTG. (CONSTRUCTION) He shall report to the Dy.Engr./Sub Engr. and shall perform following duties. Carrying out direct supervision of jobs allocated to him. Allocating the work to the men working under him. Taking attendance of the staff. Arranging for the material required for the jobs through the Dy.Engr./Sub Engr. Arranging watchman duties Implementing all conditions in excavation permission such as providing necessary barricades to trenches against accident hazards, caution boards, notice boards giving details of excavation etc. Keeping credit notes ready for the materials to be credited. Keeping the record of man-days and output of the jobs in the prescribed forms. Complying with any other statutory requirement of MCGM/Traffic Police in respect of trenches taken on road/footpath. Informing the appropriate authorities in case of damage to the other utility services. Inspecting tools and equipments in the Chowkey and arranging with the Sub Engr. for replacing /reconditioning/scrapping whenever necessary. Arranging `FIRST-AID' to the injured person and taking him to the dispensary/hospital. 2..2.4.13 Taking measurement of the trenches and preparation of reinstatement notices. Preparing requisition and credit notes for materials for the jobs allotted.

763 Arranging to deliver material and tools to the outdoor staff at site as and when required and keeping a record of the same. Driving the Undertaking vehicle whenever required during the course of his duties. Preparation fortnightly & monthly work progress reports. 2.4 STORES SECTION Stores Section works out the requirements of materials ande procures through Material Management Department to make available the material necessary for the jobs. Section is responsible for assessing the performance of the materials and introduction new materials / technology in the system. 2.4.1 SUPERINTENDENT.(STORES) He shall report to DESL(C) and will be responsible for procurement of st.ltg. materials through Material Management dept. He will ensure that materials are available in time for the jobs. He shall be responsible for : Working out requirement of materials & conveying the same to MM dept. Preparing / revisioning technical specification for material to be procured for street lighting. Tender recommendations and subsequent follow-up. Monitoring stock position and follow-up with the MM dept. for recoupment. Maintaining history on procurement of materials. Introducing new technology into system for increasing efficiency and reducing cost. Developing alternate sources for supply of material. Follow-up with the supplier through MM Dept. for getting material in time. Arranging deputation for factory inspection and lot inspection at the supplier's works wherever necessary. Follow-up for low stock / out stock material and making available the same for executing jobs in schedule time. Arranging for proper distribution of, materials in short supply, among various user sections/depts. depending on priority so that the jobs could be carried out. Maintaining data of performance of material procured on trial orders and on regular orders. Initiating note for the opening of a ledger folio for the new item intended to be stocked. Arranging through MM dept. for disposal of surplus/obsolete stock items. Attending monthly co-ordination meeting with MM Dept. & taking suitable action necessitated in respect of st.ltg. materials. Circulating among the officers of st.ltg. dept. the stock position of important st.ltg. materials at depot stores and purchase section of MM Dept. Ensuring proper stock of material by following up with MM Dept. Taking up with the supplier/manufacturers through MM Dept. the cases of materials failed in guarantee period or prematurely failed materials. Arranging for the repairs of tools and equipments through MM Dept., whenever necessary.

764 Compiling and maintaining various data on the procurement of the material, consumption of material, performance of material and delivery performance of the supplier and taking suitable action with MM Dept. Reporting to Supdt. (CIC) the monthly position on tenders and inspection forms received. Maintaining data on maintenance contract of Personal Computers of St.Ltg. dept. and sending monthly report thereof to DECA. Co-ordinate with Workshop for fabrication of non standard items, Inspection of material and receiving of materials. Co-ordinating with MM Department for inspection of street lighting materials. Preparation of programme for fabrication and equipping / reconditioning jobs, well in advance. Arranging for inspection of street lighting material of which DESL(C) is the inspection authority. Preparing programme for disposal of surplus, servicable and scrap material. Collecting and maintaining statistical data as required from time to time. Ensuring that the correct procedures as laid down are followed in the section. 2.4.2 DY. ENGINEER STREET LIGHTING (STORES) He shall report to the Supdt. St.Ltg. (Stores). Besides being of general assistance in all matters connected with the responsibility of Supdt. Street Lighting (Stores) ; the Dy.Engr. shall perform following duties : Prepare draft material specification and draft tender recommendation. Study the technical details received from the manufacturer/supplier for their suitability in our system and if necessary put-up for incorporating changes in our specifications. Study relevant Indian Standard and prepare draft specification for material to be procured. Collect data from maintenance and execution section for working out annual material requirement and work out annual requirement. Collect data from Depot Stores for circulating information on availability of material. Follow-up with MM Dept. at various stages of material procurement. Maintain records on tenders, purchase orders, inspection forms and performance of products as well as delivery performance of the suppliers. Maintain the specification and drawings of material being procured for the dept. 2.5 STREET LIGHTING WORKSHOP SECTION :Street Lighting Workshop gives necessary assistance to execution sections by way of assembling/equipping & reconditioning of street lighting items, whenever required. The section also fabricates sundry items whenever necessary. Besides, the material released from the various jobs by maintenance and execution sections are reconditioned. Non servicable materials are scrapped and transported to Scrapyard. The section is responsible for inspection of street lighting material referred under inspection forms by Material Management Department. 2.5.1 ASSISTANT ENGINEER (WORKSHOP) :He shall report to DESL(C) and will be responsible for smooth functioning of Street Lighting Workshop. He will ensure that materials for which workshop is


responsible are available in time for the jobs. Also he will ensure the efficient working of the workshop. He shall be responsible for : Maintaining data of performance of material procured on trial orders and on regular orders. Arranging for the repairs of tools and equipments and machines through MM Dept., whenever necessary. Preparation of programme for fabrication and equipping / reconditioning jobs, well in advance. Arranging for inspection of street lighting material of which DESL(C) is the inspection authority. Preparing programme for disposal of surplus, servicable and scrap material. Collecting and maintaining statistical data as required from time to time. Ensuring that the correct procedures as laid down are followed in the section. Arrangement for repairs of street lighting pillars. 2.5.2 CHARGE ENGINEER (WORKSHOP) :He shall work under Asst. Engr. (Workshop) and supervise the activities of workshop. He shall perform following duties. Allocate and supervise the work of Charge Hands General and Dy.Charge Engineers working under him. Arrange for upkeep of tools and equipments used in the workshop. Arrange for repairs of st.lighting pillars. Prepare programme for assembling/equipping and reconditioning of st.lighting materials and for fabrication jobs required from time to time. 2.5.3 DY.CH.ENGR. ST. LTG. (WORKSHOP) He shall work under the Charge Engineer (Workshop) and his specific duties shall depend on the exigencies of the department. He shall perform following duties : Carrying out direct supervision of jobs allotted to him. Allocate the work to the men working under him. Maintaining the attendance record of the staff posted on jobs. Keeping the record of input man-days and outputs of the jobs in the prescribed forms. Filling in various forms for the staff working under him, whenever necessary. Arranging `First-Aid' to injured person and taking him to hospital, whenever necessary. Preparing requisition and credit notes for materials required by sections. Delivering material and tools to the outdoor staff at site as and when required and keeping a record of the same. Preparing job sheets. Driving Undertaking's vehicle whenever required during the course of his duties. Inspecting street lighting material referred under Inspection Forms and putting up the observations/test result to Asst. Engineer, Street Lighting (Workshop). Salvaging and stocking the servicable materials and utilising them during reconditioning/assembly jobs. Attend SLP's complaints at site with the help of tradesman in absence of Charge Hand General.

766 Arranging for getting sundry materials fabricated in the workshop in the absence of Charge Hand General. Arranging for proper stocking of servicable materials and arrange to dispose of scrap materials to scrapyard. 2.5.4 CHARGE HAND GENERAL (WORKSHOP) Charge Hand General shall work under the Charge Engineer (Workshop) and his specific duties shall depend on the exigencies of the dept. and shall be decided by Asst. Engineer (Workshop) from time to time. He shall perform following duties : Carrying out direct supervision on fabrication jobs allocated to him. Taking the attendance of the staff posted on the job. Arranging for the materials required for the jobs allocated. Keeping record of the input and output of the job allocated to him. Inspecting tools and other materials and arranging for replacing/reconditioning/scrapping of the same whenever necessary. Delivering material and tools to the outdoor staff at site as and when required and keeping a record of the same. Salvaging and stocking the servicable materials and utilising them during reconditioning/assembly jobs. Attending SLP's complaints at site with the help of tradesman. Inspection of street lighting poles, brackets and switch boxes referred under inspection forms and putting up the observations to AESL(W/S). 3.0 TRADESMEN The following categories of Tradesman/Asst. Tradesman as shown below are normally working in the different sections of the department. The tradesmen shall carry out duties as given in the texts from 3.1.1 to 3.1.10. The Asst. Tradesmen shall generally carry out routine jobs requiring lesser skill. Complex jobs shall be carried out by the Tradesmen. The Trademen/Asst.Trademen shall take instruction from their Supervisor concerned and his specific duties shall depend on the exigencies of the department and shall be decided by the Asst.Engr./Supdt. concerned from time to time. The following category of Tradesmen are working in Construction Division. Sr. No. Designation Grade 1) Jointer T-5 2) Jointermate T-4 3) Electrical fitter T-5 4) Jr.Elect.fitter T-4 5) Asst.Elect.fitter T-3 6) Asst. Fitter Welder T-4 7) Mech. Fitter T-5 8) Muccadam T-3 9) Mason T-3 3.1 ELECTRICAL FITTER (T-5 Grade) He shall perform following duties:3.1.1 Attending lamp off complaints including circuit messages, fire/spark messages pertaining to st.ltg. system. 3.1.2 Providing and removing temporary electric supply by laying/removing overhead span wires.


3.1.3 SLP maintenance including setting of time in the time switch. 3.1.4 Testing the cable ends for detecting defect or faults zone. 3.1.5 Terminating cable into the gland of st.ltg. box, if required by raising the cable. 3.1.6 Inspection of materials along with Charge Engineer / Dy. Charge Engineer. 3.1.7 Carrying out wiring circuits of contactors in the SLP. 3.1.8 Providing or replacing cutout for the st.ltg. box. 3.1.9 Normalising the network after taking repaired cable into service. 3.1.10 Providing/replacing st.ltg. boxes and carry out complete wiring from the cable end to the lamp. 3.1.11 Providing/replacing the lanterns and/or brackets and carry out its wiring with heavy hand tower or aerial lifts/tower wagon. Reporting the work done as well as the work which could not be carried out against the allocated jobs. Erection of street lighting poles. Equipping and reconditioning of lanterns. 3.2 ASST. ELECTRICAL FITTER (T-3 Grade) 3.2.1 To work with T-6 fitter in Aerial lifts/Tower wagon for attending lamp off messages. 3.2.2 To attend lamp of complaints using ladder/light hand tower. 3.2.3 Fixing the switch box. 3.2.4 Saddling of cables on street light poles. 3.2.5 Providing brackets upto 4' length with ladder/light hand tower. 3.2.6 Equipping/Recondition of lanterns and control gear boxes etc. 3.2.7 Tapping the cable cores in switch boxes. 3.2.8 Erection of street lighting poles. 3.2.9 Inspection of materials along with Charge Engineer / Dy. Charge Engineer. 3.3 JOINTER (T-5 Grade) He shall perform following duties along with Jointer mate :3.3.1. Testing the looping cable of street light circuits for detecting faulty zone. 3.3.2. Making straight joints, T-joints, potheads, decompounding,sleeving, sealing etc on cables. 3.3.3 Terminating st.ltg. cables in the st.ltg. boxes and in the SLPs. 3.3.4 Attending cable-burnt messages by raising/straight-jointing the cables and terminating in the st.ltg. boxes/SLPs. 3.3.5. Removing, protecting and reconnecting the cables while replacing the poles/SLPs. 3.4 JOINTER MATE (T-4 Grade) 3.4.1 To work along with Jointer (T-5). 3.4.2 To work independently on L.T. cables for making straight joints, T joints, potheads, decompounding, sleeving etc. 3.5 MUCCADAM (T-3 Grade) He shall perform following duties:3.5.1 Upkeep the materials in the chowky. 3.5.2 Allocate the work to the men working under him. 3.5.3 Take attendance of the staff posted under him.


3.5.4 Give or arrange for `First-aid' to injured person and taking him to dispensary/hospital whenever necessary. 3.5.5 Carry out direct supervision of excavation, laying of pipes & cables, back filling & sundry jobs like transport of material scrap etc. connected with the st.ltg. system. 3.5.6 Deliver/collect sundry material fabricated in the workshop whenever necessary. 3.5.7 Segregate service and scrap materials. 3.6 FITTER (T-5 Grade) He shall perform following duties :3.6.1 Carry out installation/fabrication job connected with the st.ltg. system. 3.6.2 Attend the mechanical defects of SLP. 3.6.3 Inspect the st.ltg. material like poles, brackets, box etc. along with Charge Engr. for detecting mechanical defects. 3.6.7 Inspecting the materials referred under inspection forms along with Charge Hand General. 3.7 MASON (T-3 Grade) He shall perform following duties:3.7.1 Provide/remake apron to the st.ltg. poles. 3.7.2 Provide foundation and other masonary work connected with the installation/replacement of SLP. 3.7.3 Carry out laying and joining of pipes. 3.7.4 Carry out reinstatement work, whenever necessary. 3.7.5 Break and remake small brick work/masonary/concrete structures. 3.8 ASSISTANT FITTER-WELDER (T-4 Grade) He shall perform following duties:3.8.1 Carry out fabrication/dismantling jobs using electrical/gas welding equipments in the Work-shop as well as at sites. 3.8.2 Attend the mechanical complaints of SLP and st.ltg. poles at sites. 4.0 NAWGHANY He shall perform following duties :4.1. Take excavation for installation/removal/replacement of st.lighting poles, st.ltg. pillars and laying/removing underground st.ltg. cables, backfilling leveling and ramping. 4.2 Assist the Tradesman/Asst.Tradesman in carrying out various jobs. 4.3 Carry out necessary manual labour work as per instructions of Tradesman/Supervisor. 4.4 Work in the vehicle. 4.5 Transport of material. 4.6 Carry water to the chowky/site and distribute water at site. 4.7 Clean and upkeep the office premises as per instruction of the superiors. 4.8 Hand over/collect the papers to/from office of the Undertaking and related organisations. 4.9 Take out file and filing of papers in file as instructed by clerks/officers. 5.0 OFFICE STAFF : Office work like marking attendance, leave, L.T.A. encashment, payment, recoveries, distributing uniform and monsoon apparels and the administrative matters like recruitment, promotion, reversion, termination as well as the follow up of bills for


maintenance charges and energy consumption with MCGM and other organisations are carried out by office staff. The office staff comprises of one Asst. Office Supdt., one Office Asst. and requisite no. of supervisor, clerks, Shop recorder, steno and typists. 5.1 ASST. OFFICE SUPDT. : He shall report to DESL(C) and will be responsible for smooth and efficient working of office of the Divisional Engineer, Street Lighting (C) by supervising and controlling office staff. His duties are as follows : 5.1.1 General control of the office staff. 5.1.2 Follow up for the recovery of outstanding bills. For this purpose he shall visit the concerned officials at municipal wards and main offices 5.1.3 Reconcile the records of pending bills with our Accounts Dept. 5.1.4 Compilation of data for capital & revenue budget. 5.1.5 Reply the audit queries of establishment matters. 5.1.6 Any other office work given by DESL(C). 5.1.7 Carry out establishment work connected with temporary staff. 5.1.8 Maintaining of records/files connected with above activities. 5.2 OFFICE ASST. : The Office Asst. shall work under the Asst. Office Supdt. St.Ltg. and co-ordinate the work of supervisor and other clerical staff under him. The duties shall be as follows :5.2.1 General supervision of the work of the staff under, in connection with establishment matters, the preparation, maintenance and/or checking of staff records, clothing records, staff engagement forms, discharge notices, temporary staff return forms, annual reports, Budget estimates, A & B grade officers absentee memos, wage bill for Casual Labours. 5.2.2 Attending to correspondence connected with office matters. Drafting of letters. 5.2.3 Putting up data to Asst. Office Supdt. for preparing/completing Revenue and Capital budget. 5.2.4 Replying to audit queries of establishment matters. 5.2.5 Any other office work given by DESL(C). 5.2.6 Maintaining of records/files of the department. 5.3 SUPERVISOR 5.3.1 He shall work under the Office Asst. and supervise the work of clerks and shoprecorders in the dept. 5.3.2 Assist the Office Asst. in all matters in his day-to-day work and drafting of letters. 5.4 CLERK/SHOP RECORDER : They shall work under Office Assistant. Their duties shall comprise of the following : 5.4.1 Despatch, filing and finding references 5.4.2 Checking of typed matter and worksheets 5.4.3 Maintaining of staff leave records 5.4.4 Recoupment of office stationarymaterial. 5.4.5 Issue of stationery and clothing. 5.4.6 Maintenance of various registers. 5.4.7 Checking of calculation of estimates and maintaining registers of sanctioned schemes and location codes. 5.4.8 Maintaining registers for work orders received from MCGM & other organisations. 5.4.9 Maintaining of history cards.


5.4.10 Maintaining of attendance records for the staff. 5.4.11 Maintaining of registers pertaining to MCA queries. 5.4.12 Preparation of purchase forms. 5.4.13 Maintaining of statistical records. 5.4.14 Maintaining of registers in respect of works and payment to outside parties. 5.4.15 Preparation of O.B. memos, bill vouchers, salary bills, wages bills, Workmen's Compensation Bills etc. 5.4.16 Processing of permanent reinstatement bills. 5.4.17 Preparation of forms for Identity-Cum-Bus tokens, change of address and other staff matters. 5.4.18 Follow up of cases with MCGM, Govt., Electrical Inspector etc. as per instruction of Office Assistant. 5.4.19 Maintaining of registers pertaining to bill vouchers. 5.4.20 Any other clerical work given by Office Assistant. 5.4.21 Follow up with audit department and purchase the cash purchase items. 5.4.22 Preparing different types of statement, required to be submitted to the different authorities of management. 5.4.23 Upkeeping of the records/files of the subject matter handled. 5.5 STENOGRAPHERS : He / She shall perform the following duties : 5.5.1 Taking dictation and transcribing it on a typewriter/personal computer. 5.5.2 Preparing routine and simple drafts. 5.5.3 Typing from drafts and hand-written matter. 5.5.4 Cutting stencils. 5.5.5 Certifying the bills for routine maintenance or repairs to typewriter, personal computers. 5.6 TYPIST He / She shall perform the following duties : 5.6.1 Typing from drafts and hand-written matter, etc. 5.6.2 Cutting of stencils. 5.6.3 Certifying bills for routine maintenance or repairs to Typewriter /Personal Computer. DESL(C) steno1/c:data/deslc/revslcma.doc/28.12.05











DCE(SL)s Establishment consists of the office of the Dy. Chief Engineer, Street Lighting and a separate section known as Kiosks Section. Kiosk Section is responsible for making specifications for tender, for awarding of contract for advertising on street lighting poles through kiosks affixed to it, scrutinise the offers received and recommend suitable offers. On award of the sole agency (contract) proper implementation of terms and conditions of the contract, giving connections / reconnection / disconnection to the illuminated kiosks and keeping record of non illuminated kiosk, collection of connection charges, monthly rentals and arranging for the payment of MCGM share of revenue received from contractor are main functions of the Section. This Section is also responsible for preparing street lighting bills of MCGM Wards and forwarded to all the Wards through Consumer department. The Section is working under a Superintendent (Kiosks) who reports to Deputy Chief Engineer, Street Lighting.



Street Lighting (Construction) Division 22 KV Sub Station, Annexe Bldg. First Floor, Opp. Prabhodhankar Thakhare Udyan Acharya Dhonde Marg Sewri, Mumbai 400 015. Tel. No. 24116023


Street Lighting (Construction) Division 22 KV Sub Station, Annexe Bldg. First Floor, Opp. Prabhodhankar Thakhare Udyan Acharya Dhonde Marg Sewri, Mumbai 400 015. Tel. No. 24101793

DCESL Steno1/c:data/dcesl/DCESLEST.doc






FUNCTIONS, ORGANISATION, RESPONSIBILITIES & DUTIES SCOPE : This chapter incorporates functions, organizational set-up, responsibilities and duties of the Meters and Relays Dept. 1.2 FUNCTIONS : The Meters and Relays Department perform the following functions. 1.2.1 Energy meters and other electrical instruments :

1.1 Repairs to energy meters. Repairs and testing of meters and electrical instruments other departments. Testing of energy meters. Testing of energy meters for Official Test. 1.2.2 Repairs and testing of electrical instruments of Receiving Substations and Sub-stations. Arranging for bringing in the energy meters for routine overhauling. H.V. Consumers and bulk supply metering section : Initial testing of HV CT/PT operated meters in Standard Laboratory. Routine testing of HV consumer meters. Routine inspection of HV consumer meters. Work pertaining to commissioning of new HV consumers.

780 Addition/alteration in existing HV consumers metering system Monthly reading of HV consumers and preparation of billing statements. Amendment calculations for HV consumers. 1.2.2 Bulk supply metering at BEST and TATA Power Company Receiving Stations :

Initial testing and configuration, checking of TPCs New Tariff meters. Installation and commissioning check up of TPCs Tariff meters. Half yearly routine testing of TPCs tariff meters along with TPCs engineers. Monthly readings of TPCs tariff meters. 1.2.4 Preparation of bulk supply statements and monthly reports of analysis of Undertakings consumption. RELAY SECTION : Repairs and testing of protective relays and other auxiliary relays in Receiving Sub-stations. Commissioning of control/relay panels and outgoing feeder panels for New Receiving Sub-stations. Commissioning of control/relay panels and outgoing feeder panels under replacement. Tripping Investigation. Trip coil testing of oil circuit breakers in distribution workshop, Kussara. 1.2.5 Routine inspection and defect attending of Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR). Maintenance of plant and equipment :

781 Maintenance of plant and equipment of the Meters and Relays Department. Maintenance of punching clocks and wall clocks. Maintenance of electrical equipments. 1.2.6 Procurement of materials / equipments : Procurement of energy meters. Procuring spares parts for energy meters. Procuring metering equipments for HV consumers. Procuring other materials, tools, plant and equipment for the Meters and Relays Department. Stores section of Meters and Relays Department : Keeping an account of un-stenciled energy meters and their spare parts on stack bins. Passing requisitions for energy meters and their spare parts. Writing off old, unserviceable, damaged beyond economical repair and stolen energy meters. Writing off old and unserviceable tools, plant and equipments of the Meters and Relays Department. Registers and records : Maintaining meter history cards/computer records. Maintaining protective relay history registers. Maintaining M.D. and unit statements in respect of Bulk Supply Metering. Maintaining serial number book of house service meters. Maintaining the drawings of the plant and equipments of the Meters and Relays Department.



Maintaining the drawings of protective circuits. Maintaining the drawings of tap-change control circuits. Maintaining the catalogues, leaflets, books etc. of the Plant & equipments connected with Meters and Relays Department. Maintaining the inventory registers of tools, plant, equipments, furniture and office equipment of the Meters and Relays Department. Miscellaneous : Ration and Phase angle testing of measuring Current Transformers for acceptance.

1.2.9 Ration polarity testing of protective Current Transformers for acceptance. Ratio and phase sequence testing of voltage transformers. Connect recording instruments at site. Estimating the damages and submitting estimated cost of repairing of damaged meters. Testing of sample meters and instruments. 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 ORGANISATION : The organization set-up is shown in the attached Chart (Appendix I). The Divisional Engineer, Meters and Relays Department is overall in-charge of the department. He is responsible to the Deputy Engineer (General) i.e. DCEG for efficient administration of the department. The department is broadly divided into two sections under the control of one Superintendent and six Assistant Engineers. The Sub-sections under Assistant Engineers ( Meters Repairs and Testing ) are :

1.3.3 1.3.4

783 Meter Repairs Section Meter Testing Section Standard Room Instrument Room 1.3.5 The Sub-sections under Superintendent (Relays) are : Relay Section: Bulk supply and H.V. Meter Section 1.4 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES : The duties and responsibilities of the staff of the department are given below. The distinction between the duties and responsibilities is that when a person is required to carry out the jobs/functions himself, they are termed as Duties, whereas other matters pertaining to duties of the staff working under him, for which he is indirectly responsible, are termed as Responsibilities. 1.4.1 Divisional Engineer (Meters & Relays ) Grade A-3 Divisional Engineer, Meters and Relays is responsible to Deputy Chief Engineer (General) for the functions of the entire department. His duties are enumerated below : He shall maintain discipline in the department. He shall ensure smooth and satisfactory working of the department. He shall supervise the activities of the department. He shall control the budget grants. He shall initiate new methods/developments economizing and increasing efficiency of the department. for He shall hear appeals of summary trials. 784 He shall prepare the annual report. 1.4.2 Superintendent (Meters and Relays) Grade A-4 Superintendent, Meters and Relays Department, the second senior most officer, is responsible to the Divisional Engineer, Meters and Relays Department and will be responsible for the following activities : He is over all in-charge of Relay Section and HV Metering System. He will assist Divisional Engineer for the activities mentioned in (i) to (vi) in Clause No. 1.4.1.

METER REPAIR,STANDARD LABORATORY & INSTRUMENT SECTION 1.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Organization chart for REPAIR SECTION Please refer Annexure A Activities : Repairs/overhauling of energy meters. Repairs and testing of electrical instruments of other departments. Maintenance of meter testing benches, plant and equipment of the Meters and Relays Department. Maintenance of Punching Clocks and Wall Clocks. Procurement of energy meters and spare parts for energy meters. Procuring other materials, tools, plant and equipments for Meters and Relays Department. Maintaining meter history records. Estimating the damages and submitting estimated cost of repairs of damaged meters. Testing of reference standard meters, laboratory meters, sample 785

2.7 2.7 2.8

meters and instruments. 3.0 3.1 Records and Registers : RECORDS :

3.1.1 Issue of energy meters. 3.1.2 Incoming reading of the meters 3.1.3 Scrapped batches of the meters 3.1.4 Stock of energy meter, spare parts 3.1.5 Total no .of new meter stencil record 3.2 REGISTERS

3.2.1 Contract register containing the details such as Purchase Order details, Inspection Form No., meter order quantity, supplied quantity of the meter and the meters found defective within the guarantee period. 3.2.2 Meter received for Official Testing, Lab Testing and Vigilance cases. 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 3.2.7 3.3 New rejected meter register Meter issue and credit details Daily Stock Register Stock register of spare parts Daily issue spare parts register Data in personal computer The meter details such as meter no., maker no., size, type, date of purchase, purchase cost etc. of about twelve lack meters are available.


4.0 4.1 4.1.1

DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE OFFICERS & STAFF AS FOLLOWS : Assistant Engineer (Meter Repair) Grade - A5 RESPONSIBILITIES: The Assistant Engineer, (Meters) shall be responsible to DEMR for the following functions :

Repairs/overhauling of energy meters Repairs and testing of electrical instruments of other departments. Arranging for bringing in the energy meters for repairing and overhauling. Routine inspection of energy meters. Maintenance of meter testing benches, plant and equipment of the Meters and Relays Department. Maintenance of Punching Clocks and wall clocks. Procurement of static and conventional energy meters, spare parts of energy meters, Meter Testing Equipment, Meter Reading Instrument, Reference Standard Meter etc. Procurement of punching clocks and Computerized Time Attendance Recording System. Procuring metering equipment for H.V. Consumers. Procuring other materials, tools, plant and equipment for Meters and Relays Department. Keeping an account of energy meters and their spare parts. Passing requisitions for energy meters and their spare parts. Scrapping of old, unserviceable, damaged beyond economical energy meter and tools, plant and equipment of the Meters and Relays Department. Writing off old and unserviceable, damaged beyond 787

economical energy meter and tools, plant and equipment of the Meters and Relays Department. Maintaining meter history records. Maintaining serial number book of energy meters, Estimating the damages and submitting estimated cost of repairs of damaged meters. Testing of reference standard meters, laboratory standard meters, sample meters and instruments. Scrutinizing the usefulness of the new equipment pertaining to the metering system. Filing up vacancies of staff working under him. Renewal of factory license Compliance with the provisions of I.E. Act, I.R. Rules, Payment of Wages Act, Supply Act, Workmens Compensation Act, Safety Regulations etc. 4.1.2 DUTIES : Preparation of specification of Static and Conventional Energy meters, Meter Testing Equipment, Meter Reading Instrument, Reference Standard Meter and Computerized Time Attendance Recording System. Getting information about the requirement of various sizes of meters. Putting up of proposal by considering the consumption pattern, availability of meters, balance order quantity for obtaining approval of the competent authority (DGMS) for indent quantity. To forward indent to Materials Management Department along with the requisite number of specification copies for advertising the tender. After opening of the tender, testing is to be carried out in the Standard Laboratory to ascertain the features of the sample 788

meters if required meetings to be held with the tenderer and queries to be send if any and compiling the test results received from the MTS Department. Preparing the recommendations. Replaying to the queries regarding the tender. After placing the order, preparing the order file. Physical inspection of ordered meters with tender sample meters. Writing of confidential reports of the staff working in the section. Ensure discipline and smooth working of the section. Sanctioning of leave of the staff working in the section. Supervision of the staff in his section. Drafting inter-departmental notes and letters to outside parties. Recommending tenders for purchasing materials / equipments of his section. Concluding summary trials. Signing Meal Allowance, Driving Allowance and Overtime of the staff working in the section. 4.2 4.2.1 Deputy Engineer (Meter Repairs) Grade GGVI RESPONSIBILITIES: He shall be in-charge of Repair Section and responsible to Assistant Engineer (Meter Repairs) for the following activities. Repairs to energy meters. Arranging for bringing in the energy meters for routine overhauling, repairing and testing.


Procurement of energy meters. Procuring spare parts for energy meters. Procuring other materials, tools, plant and equipment for Meters and Relays Department. Keeping an account of energy meters and their spare parts. Passing requisitions for energy meters and their spare parts. Scrapping of old, unserviceable, damaged beyond economical energy meter and tools, plant and equipment of the Meters and Relays Department. Writing off old and unserviceable, damaged beyond economical energy meter and tools, plant and equipment of the Meters and Relays Department. Estimating the damages and submitting estimated cost of repairs of damaged meters. DUTIES Supervision of staff of Repair Section Ensuring that the quality of meters repaired is maintained. Ensuring that the meters are correctly stenciled and proper records maintained. Ensuring that the meter covers are properly sealed. Ensuring that the meter stock records are properly maintained, size wise and make wise. Requisitioning the new meters and their spare parts. Ensuring that the stock level of meters spare parts is properly maintained. Working out the requirements of various sizes of meters and initiating cases for procuring them to maintain adequate stock levels. Following-up cases of procurement of meter and their spares. 790 4.2.2

Initiating and following-up cases for writing off old, unserviceable, damaged beyond economical energy meters and stolen meters. Arranging for periodical stock taking of meters brought into the department in order to ensure that no meter is lost in the department. Inspecting damaged meters periodically in order to ensure that estimation is properly maintained. Ensuring that the register of small tools is properly maintained. Ensuring that sufficient stock of tested meters is always in both the Sub-stores to meet the requirement of the commercial divisions. Ensuring that all safety precautions are taken and that safety equipments are maintained in good condition. Ensuring good attendance of the staff in the section. Initiating and following up cases for procurement of materials / equipments for his section. Sanctioning leave forms of the staff working in the section. Signing Meal Allowance Forms, Driving Allowance and Overtime of the staff working in the section. 4.3 4.3.1 Sub-Engineer (Standard Laboratory) Grade GGV RESPONSIBILITIES He shall be in-charge of Standard Laboratory and Instrument Section and responsible to Assistant Engineer (Repair Section) for the following activities. Repairs and testing of electrical instruments of other departments. Maintenance of meter testing benches, plant and equipment of 791

the Meters and Relays Department. Repairing, overhauling and testing of Rotating Sub-Standard Meters and Reference Standard Meters. Testing of sample meters. Maintenance of Punching Clocks and Wall Clocks. Procuring other materials, tools, plant and equipment for Meters and Relays Department. Writing off old and unserviceable, damaged beyond economical energy meter and tools, plant and equipment of the Meters and Relays Department. DUTIES Supervision of staff in the Standard Laboratory and Instrument Section. Ensuring that all jobs in the Standard Laboratory and Instrument Sections are carried out within a reasonable time. Initiating and following-up cases of procuring materials/equipment required for his section. Ensuring that the quality of jobs carried out is maintained. Ensuring that the quality of jobs carried out is maintained. Ensuring that the plant and equipment of the department is maintained in good order. Sanctioning leave forms of the staff working in the section. Signing Meal Allowance Forms, Driving Allowance and Overtime of the staff working in the section. Foreman General (Repairs) Grade T8 RESPONSIBILITIES The Foreman General (Repairs) shall be responsible to the Deputy Engineer (Meter Repairs) for the following. 792

4.3.2 4.4 4.4.1

Repairing and overhauling of energy meters. Inspection of new meters. Cannibalizing old meters. Estimation of damaged meters. Procuring other materials, tools, plant and equipment for Meters and Relays Department. Writing off old and unserviceable, damaged beyond economical energy meter and tools, plant and equipment of the Meters and Relays Department. DUTIES

4.4.2 Supervision of staff working under him. Allocation of work to the staff. Ensuring that all meters are properly repaired. Ensuring that salvaging of meters is properly carried out. Ensuring that damaged meters are correctly estimated for repairs. Recommendation of leave forms of the staff working in the section. Scrapping of old, unserviceable, damaged beyond economical energy meter and tools, plant and equipment of the Meters and Relays Department. Writing off old and unserviceable, damaged beyond economical energy meter and tools, plant and equipment of the Meters and Relays Department. Ensuring that the meters are correctly stenciled and sealed. 4.5 4.5. 1 Foreman General (Instrument) Grade T8 RESPONSIBILITIES


The Foreman General (Instrument) shall be responsible to the respective Sub-Engineer (Standard Laboratory) for the following. Repairing and scrapping of old, un-serviceable, beyond economical repair electrical instruments. Repairing, testing and maintenance of meter testing benches, plant and equipment of the Meters and Relays Department. Repairing, overhauling and maintenance of punching clocks and wall clocks installed at various establishments of the Undertaking. DUTIES Allocating jobs to the staff working under him and writing worksheets. Supervising the staff working under him. Ensuring that all jobs are carried out satisfactorily and within a reasonable time. Writing of reports pertaining to jobs carried out for other departments. Recommendation of leave forms of the staff in the section. Writing Meal Allowance Forms, Driving Allowance and Overtime forms of the staff working in the section. Scrapping and writing off of old, unserviceable tools, plant and equipment of the Meters and Relays Department. Foreman General (Standard Laboratory) Grade T8 RESPONSIBILITIES He shall be responsible to the respective Sub-Engineer (Standard Laboratory) for the following functions : Repairing, overhauling and testing of Rotating Sub-Standard Meters and Reference Standard Meters. Testing of Laboratory Standard Meter & electrical measuring 794

4.5.2 4.6 4.6.1

instruments. 4.6.2 Testing of sample meters and instruments. Updating and keeping the records of the equipments and keeping the records of the test reports. Forwarding the test reports to concerned department. DUTIES Supervision of staff in the Standard Laboratory and Instrument Room. Ensuring that all jobs are carried out in the Standard Room are carried out within a reasonable time. Initiating and following-up cases of procuring materials/equipment required for his section. Ensuring that the quality of jobs carried out is maintained. 4.7 4.7.1 Recommendation of leave forms of the staff working in the section. Writing Meal Allowance Forms, Driving Allowance and Overtime forms of the staff working in the section. Foreman (Repairs) Grade T7 RESPONSIBILITIES Foreman (Repairs) shall be responsible to the Foreman General (Repairs) for the following functions : Repairs to energy meters. Inspection of new meters. Cannibalizing of old meters. Estimation of damaged meters. To maintain the discipline & cleanliness in the section.



DUTIES Supervision of staff working in the section. Allocation of work to the staff. Ensuring that all meters are properly repaired. Ensuring that salvaging of meters is properly carried out. Ensuring that old, unserviceable, damaged beyond economical repair meters are correctly estimated for scrap. Taking new meters from meter sub-stores as per requirement in advance. Keeping the records of new meters received, balance in stores & department & scrutinizing the data as per requirement. Recording the new defective meters intimated by meter mechanics during overhauling of the meters. Preparing list for the defective meters noticed during the month & keeping the record for the meters intimated to the stores department same as meters received from the firm after repairing. Scrutinizing the available data of new defective meters as per the requirement. Maintain the attendance & leave records of the staff working in the section. To maintain the records of the sealed & unsealed energy meters available in the department & its sub-stores. To arrange substitute acting arrangement against the staff absent or on leave if required and to proceed the acting allowance form. To maintain the records for the staff deputed to work outdoor. To reports regarding the staff who is absent for more than 7 days without any intimation or prior leave sanction. To look after the painting section and machines used in the 796

section and to arrange the preventive & breakdown maintenance of the machines as required. To arrange the gate passes of the materials for the outdoor work. To arrange to hand over the defective meters as intimated by Deputy Engineer (Repairs) to meter sub-stores. To find out the particulars of the meter from the available records for answering different queries. Accepting the meters forwarded for Official Test & Lab Test with their physical observation & to arrange to forward these meters for testing with proper records. To arrange the spare parts of the meters required for repairing. 4.8 4.8.1 To check the records of the consumable and non-consumable items maintained in sub-stores. Intimating to the officer/supervisor if any abnormality/accident occurred. Writing Meal Allowance Forms, Driving Allowance and Overtime forms of the staff working in the section. Assistant Foreman (Repairs) Grade T6 RESPONSIBILITIES The Assistant Foreman (Repairs) shall be responsible to the Foreman (Repairs) for the following functions : Repairs to energy meters. Allocation of old & new meters for repairing and overhauling as per the requirement. Ensuring that the quality of the jobs carried out is maintained. Ensuring that the plant & equipment i.e. ovens, drill machines, air compressor, microscope etc. of the department are maintained in good condition.


Intimating regarding present staff to Foreman. To arrange replacement of Incoming damaged meters if observed by any meter mechanic. To inspect and arrange the spare parts required by Meter Mechanic for replacing old defective parts of energy meters. Recording of the output submitted by the staff working in the section. Intimation to the Foreman General & Foreman regarding output submitted by the staff working in the section. To arrange switch in & out the plants & equipments used in the section. To maintain the discipline & cleanliness in the section. To ensure that jewels of all old meters taken for repairing are inspected before completion of the job.


DUTIES Supervision of the staff working in the section. Allocation of the work to the staff. Ensuring that all meters are properly repaired. Ensuring that salvaging of meters is properly carried out. Ensuring that old, unserviceable, damaged beyond economical repair meters are correctly identified for scrapping. Brazing of the sealing screws of conventional poly phase meters using Aqua Welding Machine. Routine maintenance of Aqua Welding Machine & reporting if any abnormality observed. Checking of jewels of the old meters taken for repairing by microscopic view or conventional method as required.

798 4.9 4.9.2

Inspection and checking of the old poly phase meters received from installation i.e. Incoming meters. Recording required essential data for keeping the records of the incoming poly phase energy meters. Salvaging old, unserviceable meters for required spare parts. Sorting of the incoming meters for re-cycling or scrapping of the Polyphase energy meters. Taking spot checking of the various staff working on the floor for meter repairing. Checking meter number labels provided by meter mechanics on the meters to be repaired. Intimating to the officer /supervisor if any abnormality/ accident occurred. Senior Meter Mechanic (Grade T5) DUTIES The Senior Meter Mechanic (Repairs) shall be responsible to the Assistant Foreman (Repairs) and has to carry out the following duties :

Repairs and overhauling of poly phase meters.

Checking of jewels of the old meters taken for repairing by microscopic view or conventional method as required. To assist Foreman (Relay) in the job of OCB. To carry out the checking of Incoming damaged Polyphase meters. Repairing of terminal blocks. Inspection & checking of the old poly- phase meters received from installations i.e. Incoming meters. To keep records of essential data of incoming Polyphase 799

energy meters. 4.10 4.10.2 Salvaging of old unserviceable meters. Sorting of the incoming poly-phase energy meters for recycling or scrapping. Ensuring that the quality of jobs carried out is maintained. To arrange replacement of Incoming Damaged meters if observed. To check & replace the spare parts required for replacing old defective parts of the energy meters. Intimation or submission of the daily output for the work carried out to Assistant Foreman. To arrange switch in & out the plants & equipments used in the section. To maintain the discipline & cleanliness in the section. Meter Mechanic (T 4) DUTIES The Meter Mechanic (T-4) shall be responsible to Assistant Foreman (Repairs) and has to carry out the following duties: Repairs and overhauling of single phase energy meters. To carry out inspection of Incoming Damaged Single Phase meters. To carry out the repairing of terminal blocks. Inspection of the old single phase meters received from installations i.e. Incoming meters. To keep record of essential data of incoming single phase energy meters. Salvaging of old un-serviceable meters which are not to be recycled in the system. 800

Sorting of the incoming single phase energy meters for recycling or scrapping. Ensuring that the quality of jobs carried out is maintained. To check and replace the spare parts required for replacing old defective parts of the energy meters. Intimation or submission of the daily output for the work carried out to Assistant Foreman. To arrange switch in and out the plants and equipments used in the section. To maintain the discipline and cleanliness in the section. 4.11 4.11.2 Senior Painter (T-4) DUTIES The Senior Painter (T-4) shall be responsible to Assistant Foreman (Repairs) and has to carry out the following duties: To clean the meter covers before painting on buffing machines or other instruments used for the job. To carry out the job of meter cover painting, which are taken for repairing. Maintain the required temperature and smooth working of the ovens. To intimate any abnormality observed in the machines used in the painting section. To maintain the discipline and cleanliness in the section. Ensuring that the quality of jobs carries out is maintained. He should avoid wastage of the paints and other consumable items used in the Painting Section. He should use the safety devices when working with machines as required and suggested by Safety Rules from time to time.


To cut stencils as required for stenciling of energy meters. To paint the meter serial numbers on tested energy meter as per the numbers marked on the meters. To paint the equipments and other accessories and parts used in the department as per the requirement. 4.12 4.12.2 Junior Painter (T-3) DUTIES The Junior Painter (T-3) shall be responsible to Assistant Foreman (Repairs) and has to carry out the following duties: To clean the meter covers before painting on buffing machines or other instruments used for the job. To carry out the job of meter cover painting, which are taken for repairing. Maintain the required temperature and smooth working of the ovens. To intimate any abnormality observed in the machines used in the Painting section. To maintain the discipline and cleanliness in the section. Ensuring that the quality of jobs carries out is maintained. He should avoid wastage of the paints and other consumable items used in the Painting Section. He should use the safety devices when working with machines as required and suggested by Safety Rules from time to time. To cut stencils as required for stenciling of energy meters. To paint the meter serial numbers on tested energy meter as per the numbers marked on the meters. To paint the equipments and other accessories and parts used in the department as per the requirement.


4.13 4.13.2

Muccadam DUTIES

The Muccadam (T-3) shall be responsible to Assistant Foreman (Repairs) and has to carry out the following duties: 4.14 4.14.1 To allocate the jobs requirement. to the Nawghanies as per the

To arrange the seals required for sealing energy meters form meter Sub-stores. To arrange to carry out the job of sealing of energy meters from the Nawghanies as per the requirement. To keep the records of the seals used for sealing energy meters. To re-arrange Nawghanies as per the requirement in day to day working To assist Assistant Foreman (Repairs) for loading scrapping materials in the lorry. Foreman (Instrument) Grade T7 RESPONSIBILITIES Foreman (Instrument) shall be responsible to the Foreman General (Instrument) for the following functions :

Repairing, overhauling and maintenance of the punching clocks and wall clocks installed at various establishments of the Undertaking and the workshop. To record the complaints of the punching clocks received from various locations.

803 4.14.2

Repairing and maintenance of the different electronic instruments received from various departments. To record the complaints of the punching clocks received from various locations. DUTIES To allocate the job to those working under him. To carry out the routine and breakdown maintenance of meter testing equipments and other plant and equipments used in the department. To carry out repairing, overhauling and maintenance of punching clocks and wall clocks and to keep the record of the work carried out. To arrange spare parts and consumable items required for maintaining the punching clocks and meter testing equipment. To keep the attendance and leave records of the staff working in the section. Ensuring that the quality of jobs carried out is maintained. Repairing and scrapping of the old, unserviceable damaged beyond repair equipments and instruments. To check and arrange the spare parts required for repairing punching clocks for replacing old defective parts. To arrange and carry out the lift changing programme of the punching clocks installed at various sites. To maintain the discipline and cleanliness in the section. Repairing, overhauling and calibration of Rotating SubStandard Meter. Intimating to the officer supervisor if any abnormality / accident occurred. Writing leave forms, Meal Allowance Forms, Driving Allowance and Over Time Forms. 804


Assistant Foreman (Instrument) Grade T6 The Assistant Foreman (Instrument) shall be responsible to the Foreman General (Instrument) for the following functions:


DUTIES To carry out the regular inspection of the punching clocks installed at various locations. To attend the breakdown complaints of the punching clocks at site. To carry out the repairing and overhauling of the wall clocks. To record the complaints of the punching clocks received from various locations. To carry out the repairing & maintenance of the different electrical instruments received from various departments. To assist Foreman (Instrument) for routine and breakdown maintenance of the meter testing equipments and other instruments used in the department to Foreman (Instrument). To keep the record of the punching clock complaints attended. Ensuring that the quality of jobs carried out is maintained. Ensuring that the plant and equipment of the department is maintained in good order. To carry out the lift changing programme of the punching clocks installed at various sites. To maintain the discipline and cleanliness in the section. Intimating to the officer / supervisor, if any, abnormality / accident occurred. Nawghany 4.16


He should carry out the following duties : 4.16.1 4.16.2 4.16.3 4.16.4 4.16.4 4.16.6 4.16.7 4.16.8 4.16.9 5.0 5.1 Loading / unloading of the meters and other equipments carefully as per the instructions. He should carry out the sealing of the energy meters under supervision of the Muccadam. He should take initiative for learning different activities carried out in the Repair Section. If called, he has to report in the shift duty. He should dispatch files/reports etc. to other departments as per requirement. Cleanliness of the vehicles. Assisting Foreman General / Foreman / Assistant Foreman / Clerk / Shop Recorder when required. Transportation of material. To maintain the discipline and cleanliness in the section. PROCEDURAL WORKING SCOPE This chapter contains a detailed description of the procedure for carrying out various functions of the Repair Section. 5.2 5.3 5.3.1 HISTORY AND FUTURE TRENDS THE PROCEDURE PERTAINIG TO ENERGY METERS ARE AS FOLLOWS : Receiving meters from installations : The Commercial Departments remove the meters from installations for various reasons, such as disconnection, replacement by higher size, damage due to over loading, mechanical failure etc. The meters thus removed, are sent to the Meters and Relays Department as Incoming OK or damaged meters for repairing, overhauling and testing.


Meters are received in the North Zone at the Sub-Stores of the Meters and Relays Department situated at Dadar Workshop and in the South at the Sub-Stores of the Meters and Relays Department situated at the Colaba. The damaged meters are credited along with the A form prepared by the commercial departments, which contains the data such as serial number, meter number, make, size, reading and external damage if any observed in the meter. While receiving these meters, the Shop Recorder at the substores of the Meters and Relays Department examines each meter for physical damage such as terminal block flash-over, breakage of the meter cover seals, hole on the body etc. and make appropriate entries in the challan prepared by the Inspectors of the Commercial Department, who hand over the meters. After receiving all the meters, the Shop Recorder prepares separate statements for OK meters and damaged meters known as Incoming Sheet showing the number of meters received during the day. The incoming sheet contains the following information : Serial number, Make, size and incoming reading of the meter.

The meters received in the South and North zone are brought to the Meters and Relays Department and are stored separately and size-wise. It is further examined whether the meters can be economically repaired. The meters which are badly damaged or the spare parts for which are not available or which have become very old and have completed their stipulated life of 15 years are separately stored. The meters which can be repaired and which are below 15 years, are stored aside. Damaged Meters The damaged meters, when received in the Meters and Relays Department, Single Phase meters are examined by a T-4 mechanic and Poly Phase meters are examined by a T-6 mechanic for estimation of repairs to damage. Normally, the damage meters are of the following nature : i) Glass broken, ii) Cover dented, iii) Terminal Block flashed over or burnt, iv) Current coil burnt, v) Rotor disc damaged 807


vi) Counter damaged etc. The details of the damages are reported by the mechanic to Assistant Foreman who prepares the statement of B form which contains details damage details on the basis of A form submitted by the crediting department. In certain cases, there is no external damage. The internal damage can not be ascertained externally. However, such meters are also sent as damaged meters by the commercial department for suspected damages. Such meters are required to be examined. Damaged in some cases are so heavy that it is not economical to repair them. Such meters are also required to be examined by the Foreman (Meter Repairs) and certified as Damaged Beyond Repair. The damaged meters which can be repaired are kept aside for repairing and testing. Repairing of meter Meters are taken out for repairing/overhauling from OK meters and damaged meters which can be repaired and are below 15 years old. The meters are distributed to the mechanics in the morning. Single Phase meters are distributed to mechanic in Grade T4 and Poly Phase meters to those in Grade T-5. A label is prepared for each meter by the respective mechanics stating out meter number, makers serial number, make, size and mechanics identification number. The mechanics then dismantle the meters. Each mechanic super scribes his identification number on inside of bodies and covers of the meter and then send them to the paint-shop. The counters, bottom bearings and discs are detached from the frame work. Compressed air is blown over the frame work to remove dust and it is further cleaned by brush. The insulation of voltage coils and current coils is checked by a megger test. The counters are cleaned. 5.3.3

In case of very rusty counters, the counters are dismantled and the gear wheels are cleaned by brushing petrol. The jewels are sent for inspection to a senior mechanic in grade T-5 who examines them under microscope. Rough and cracked jewels are replaced. The discs are checked for Prueness. Before assembling all parts viz. counter and bottom and top bearings are oiled with Clock oil. In the evening when the bodies and 808

covers are received from painting shop, the meters are assembled and checked by one lamp test by the respective mechanics. The labels prepared in the morning are put on corresponding meters .Next day meters are sent to the stenciler, who stencils the respective serial number of the meter on its body and cover as given on its label. He also stencils numbers which indicate the month and the year of stenciling and the size of meter, its amps, as given on the name plates. He further check from serial number book the correctness of serial number of the meter as stenciled on it and that the maker number tallies with that entered in the serial number book. Next, meters are then sent to Testing Section for testing. During testing, if the test results of the meter, specially of the low loads, are erratic, the meter is sent back for checking the pivot, The pivot is polished, if found rough. Also, if any minute defect or abnormality found in the meters, then same is repaired by T4 mechanic available in the Testing Section. 5.3.4 Painting of meter cases and covers : The meter cases and covers are sent to the paint shop by the meter mechanics after removing their parts for overhauling. Before repairing the meter cases and covers, they are subjected to a : i) De-greasing Process ii) De-rusting Process iii) Buffing Process De-greasing Process Cases and covers are dipped for half an hour in the bath containing a solution of caustic soda lime and soap bar in the proportion of 100 liters of the water to 2 Kg of caustic soda and 1 Kg of lime and bar of soap for removal of grease, oil and dirt. After removing the parts from the de-greasing bath, they are washed with clean water. De-rusting Process Cases and covers then kept in oven at 100 degree centigrade for hours. After removing cases and covers from ovens, they are cleaned in wise benches.


De-buffing Process After cleaning, whatever rust is remaining, it is removed by buffing.

Dipping Process Most of the meter cases and covers are painted by dipping process. In case of maters covers, the window glasses are pasted with pieces of wet papers on both the sides. The meter case and covers are dipped in a paint batch which consist of stoving enamel black paint mixed with a sufficient quantity of thinner, so that the viscosity of the paint is adjusted between 20-30 flow-seconds with :flow cup viscometer cup no. 4. The meter covers and cases are taken out from the paint bath and kept on the rack for dripping of excess paint. The meter cases and covers are baked for 20 minutes in a oven, the temperature for which is normally 120 degree centigrade. Certain makes of meters which have name plates permanently fixed to the cover can not be painted by dipping process and hence are painted by brush and dried in the oven. Cases and covers are sent back to the respective mechanics after painting.


Estimation for damaged/lost/stolen meters : Estimated charges for damaged, lost, stolen meters are worked out by Meters and Relays Department. Procedure for estimation is as follows ;

Estimated charges for damaged meters Estimated charges for damaged meters are worked out on the basis of average cost of the meters purchased by the Undertaking. The charges are separately worked out for conventional meters, static meters and Pre-payment meters. Further, meters are classified as Single Phase meters, Polyphase meters upto 50 Amps and Poly Phase meters above 50 Amps. Then 10 % of the average cost of the meter is added as an overhead charges. Further, 10 % of the net cost is added as a variation in the cost to obtain the final cost of the meter. In case of the meter found damaged within three years, 25 % of the average cost is considered and 50 % of the meter cost is considered if meter is found damaged after three years. However, in case of static meters, 10 % variation is not considered. Labour charges of overhauling/repair, testing and 810

replacement charges are added in average cost of the meter to work out the final cost of the damaged meters. However, in case of the meters found damaged within one year, labour charges of repair and testing are not considered.

Estimated charges for Lost and Stolen meters Estimated charges for lost/stolen meters are worked out by considering average cost of the meters purchased by the Undertaking. Then 10 % of the average cost of the meter is added as an overhead charges. Further, 10 % of the net cost is added as a variation in the cost to obtain the final cost of the meter. Labour charges of overhauling/repair, testing and replacement charges are added in average cost of the meter to work out the final cost of the lost/stolen meters.


Procurement of energy meters Maintaining adequate stocks of all sizes of meter and keeping them available for installation on consumers installation is the responsibility of the Meters and Relays Department. Every year meters having their useful life, unserviceable, damaged beyond economical repair or having been stolen are written off from time to time. Every year new consumers are connected up to our system. New meters of various sizes are therefore, ordered every year. The following method gives a fairly good assessment of the requirements of new meters for the next financial year. In the month of September / October every year, Annual Contract Schedule No. 33 is received from the Materials Management Department. In this schedule, the requirements and specifications for the various sizes of meters are filled in by the Meters and Relays Department. The Deputy Engineer (Meter Repair) prepares a statement sowing monthly issue and receipt of meters to and from the Distribution and Commercial Departments, zone-wise and size-wise for about previous 18 months. The Distribution and Commercial Departments are require to indicate their requirements of meters, size-wise for the next financial year. The stock figure of each size of meter as on 1st April of the next financial year is worked out from the figures of 811

i) ii) iii) iv)

Meters issued during last 18 months. Meters received during last 18 months. Total stock of blue tick, red tick and stenciled meters as on the date of working out the figures. Estimated figure of requirement of meters for the remaining months of the current financial year.

v) vi)

Estimated figure of meters to be written off during the remaining months of current financial year. Meters on order which are likely to be received during the financial year.

Once the size-wise stock figures of meters as on 1st April of the next financial year known, the requirements of the next financial year are worked out from the knowledge of the requirements of the Distribution and Commercial Departments (co-related with average consumption during previous 18 months) and the estimated figure of meters to be written off during the next financial years. Taking into consideration, the normal delay in deliveries by the manufacturers, 1.5 times the actual estimated requirement is recommended for purchase. The requirement is forwarded to DCEG / CEES / AGM(ES) / DGM(ES) for scrutiny and sanction. After obtaining Managements sanction, the indent along with the specification is forwarded to the Materials Management Department. The tenders are invited by the Materials Management Department and they are normally sent to Meters and Relays Department for recommendation. While recommending, due consideration is given to the cost of the meter, delivery period quoted, experience of the make regarding its performance, cost of maintenance/repair, experience in respect of after sales service by the supplier/manufacturer. In case of new meters in respect of which no experience is available, sample tests are taken before finalizing the tenders. Even if the tests are satisfactory, only trial order for about 10 to 15 % of our requirements is recommended. Among others, the total requirement is as far as possible distributed between more 812

than one supplier for the purpose of ensuring continuity of supply. The quantities are, however, divided in proportion to the price quoted, the firm having quoted the lowest gets the maximum order. The recommendations are sent to DCEG / CEES / AGM(ES) / DGM(ES) / GM for approval. 5.3.7 Receipt of new meters The new meters in lot are first received in Sub-stores of Material Management Department at Wadala. The sample meters are physically inspected by Foreman General of Repair Section and further meters are tested at MTS Department and subsequently lot is accepted/rejected by certifying inspection form. After clearance of inspection form, requisitions may be passed immediately. Meters once drawn are transferred to the capital inventory of the Meters and Relays Department until they are written off. S.R. notes are prepared by the Material Management Department for taking the meters in stock. For each make and size of the meter, there is a separate folio. If a new folio is required to be opened, the Meters and Relays Department allot the new folio numbers. The new meters are stored make-wise and size-wise in a separate store room on the racks and account of meters is also kept by him. As and when required, the meters are drawn from the stocks. Every meter is overhauled and meter found damaged are rejected and further meters are sent to the Testing Section for testing and calibration. If meter found failed in testing, are also rejected. Serial numbers are stenciled on every accepted meter. Meters are numbered in continuation irrespective of the size. Separate alphabet are allotted to the meters to identify the size of the meter. The serial number of the meter consist one alphabet (which indicates size of the meter) and six digits, out of these first two indicate the year of stenciling and next four digits indicate the serial number. These numbers are stenciled on the front side of the cover and body. Also month and year is stencilled on the meter. All stencilling is done with white paint. The rejected meters are returned to the Materials Management Department to get repair and replacement of these meters from the supplier. Stock taking of meters 813

5.3.8 Everyday meters are returned to the Meters and Relays Department from the installation and at the same time, more are issued for installation to the Distribution and Commercial Department. To keep a check over this flow of meters and at the same time, to ascertain that there is no loss of meters, a periodic stock taking of meter lying in the Meters and Relays Department is carried out every two months. A meter, which has been returned to the department, unless it is again sent out on installation must be available in the department. Also new meter which is numbered, but not sent out must also be available. The method of stock taking is described below : Stock files are prepared for meters both make-wise and sizewise. Serial numbers of the meters are brought in are entered in the stock files by shop recorders/clerks from the incoming sheets (list of meters returned by the Distribution and Commercial Department to the Meters and Relays Department) every day. The meters which are issued to the Distribution and Commercial Departments during the same month, are struckoff. The remaining numbers serial number-wise are transferred to new stock files of the next month, in which the serial numbers of the meters issued and returned during the month are entered. The stock file, therefore, indicates the meters which should be available in the department on any date. To confirm this, physical stock of the meters in the department is taken normally during the first week of the month. The list of numbers is corrected to incorporate transactions of meters during the stock taking, the numbers are tallied with those appearing in the stock files. Certain discrepancies are invariably found which are generally due to noting the numbers during the physical errors in making entries in the stock files. All the above queries are solved by the supervisor by scrutinizing and correctly spotting the mistakes. 5.3.9 Procurement of spare parts for meters Spare parts are required for each and every type of meter for the purpose of routine maintenance and replacement of damaged parts. These spare parts are sometimes supplied along with the meters procured from the supplier or purchased as and when required. Generally, the following spare parts are required : i) ii) Body Cover 814

iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix)

Current Coil Potential Coil Bottom bearing Top pivot Jewels Counter Terminal Block

Since these are proprietary items, they are ordered from the respective meter manufacturers. The quantity to be ordered depends upon the rate of consumption of the corresponding spare parts. All the spare parts when received are taken on the Suspense Account of the Materials Management Department in the first instance and subsequently, requisitions are passed after acceptance of the material along with the inspection form. The spare parts are stored and their records are maintained by the Meters and Relays Department on behalf of the Materials Management Department from time to time. One Shop Recorder in Grade AG-5 is in charge of the spare parts store. Writing off of meters Old and unserviceable meters, meters damaged beyond economical repairs and meter stolen or lost due to fire or house collapse while on installation are written off from the inventory from time to time.

5.3.10 Old and unserviceable meters A batch of meter raging from 200 to 400 in numbers is taken at a time from meters which are beyond economical repairs and meters which have completed their useful life of 15 years. Obsolete meters for which spare parts are not available are given priority. A list of meter number is prepared. Then these meter numbers are entered in the computer software programme which contains the details such as Size, Make, Maker no., Year of Purchase, Book Value and Depreciated Value of the meter. The print of the Scrap Batch is taken, which is again physically checked with the meters. After obtaining the sanction, the meters are transported to The Scrap Yard for further disposal my the Materials Management Department .The notes along with the summary statement and the list of the meters is sent to the Accounts Department for writing off these scrapped meters. 815


TESTING AND CALIBRATION OF LABORATORY STANDARD METER: ROTATING SUB-STANDARD METER (RSS) INCOMING TEST Rotating Sub-standard meter is tested and calibrated once in a six month. This meter is tested against Laboratory Sub-Standard Meter D-3000 and SM-3050. The Rotating Sub-standard meter is connected and 110 % of full load current and rated voltage is applied on the meter for at least two and half hour so that meter attains steady temperature. Before adjustments are made, following tests for all ranges of Rotating Sub-Standard Meters are carries out and recorded in the register, which gives the guidelines for the adjustment. 1.0 100 % Full Load at U.P.F. 2.0 50 % Full Load at U.P.F. 1.0 20 % Full Load at U.P.F. 1.0 10 % Full Load at U.P.F. 1.0 100 % Full Load at 0.5 P.F. 1.0 50 % Full Load at 0.5 P.F.

DIAL TEST The current is adjusted to full load at U.P.F. One KwH unit is passed through the Rotating Sub-Standard Meter. The reading of the Rotating Sub-Standard Meter and Laboratory Standard Meter is noted. If the meter is correct, it will register one KwH unit.

CREEP TEST With current circuit open and the 102 % of normal voltage applied to the Rotating Sub-Standard Meter, the meter 816

should not make one revolution. Overhauling of Rotating Sub-Standard Meter After carrying out incoming testing as above, repairing and overhauling of Rotating Sub-Standard Meter is carried out as follows : The Foreman remove the Rotating Sub-Standard Meter from the case and the top and bottom counters. Top bearings, jewel, pivots and discs are detached from the frame-work. Compressed air is blown over the frame work to remove dust and it is further cleaned by brush. The counters are dismantled and the gear wheels are cleaned by brushing with petrol. The jewel and pivot are cleaned and checked for the smoothness for the mechanical movement. Also the frame, magnet, coil and other parts cleaned by the compressed air. All the contacts and on/off switches are cleaned. Before assembling all parts, viz. counter and bottom and top bearings are oiled with Clock oil. All these parts are re-assembled in the case. Calibration of Rotating Sub-Standard Meter After repairing and overhauling, again testing and if required calibration of Rotating Sub-Standard Meter is carried out. The following tests for all ranges of Rotating Sub-Standard Meter are carried out and recorded in the Incoming Test Register. 1.0 100 % Full Load at U.P.F. 2.0 50 % Full Load at U.P.F. 1.0 20 % Full Load at U.P.F. 1.0 10 % Full Load at U.P.F. 1.0 100 % Full Load at 0.5 P.F. 1.0 50 % Full Load at 0.5 P.F. DIAL TEST The current is adjusted to full load at U.P.F. One KwH unit is passed through the Rotating Sub-Standard Meter. The 817

reading of the Rotating Sub-Standard Meter and Laboratory Standard Meter is noted. If the meter is correct, it will register one kWh unit. CREEP TEST

With current circuit open and the 102 % of normal voltage applied to the Rotating Sub-Standard Meter, the meter should not make one revolution. If required, necessary adjustments are made to obtain accuracy within the prescribed limit. All the test results are recorded in the register as well as on the card provided on Rotating Sub-Standard Meter. The paper seals are provided on the Rotating Sub-Standard Meter meter case. 5.3.12 TESTING AND CALIBRATION OF AMMETER, VOLTMETER AND TONG TESTER All these instruments are tested and calibrated against the Constant Voltage and Current Source ZERA-320 for various range of adjustments.



1.0 Organisation Chart for Establishment & Administrative Section: Please refer Annexure I 2.0 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 Activities: Establishment: Maintaining staff position. Trade test & interviews

2.1.3 Initiating various proposals relating to Establishment matters 2.1.4 Keeping Staff Record, file, register, etc. 2.2 Administration: 2.2.1 Procurement of stationery & material 2.2.2 Arranging various payment

2.2.3 House-keeping 2.2.4 Initiating various proposals relating to Administrative matters 2.2.5 3.0 3.1 Renewal of Fcatory License & BMC permit. Records & Registers Registers Establishment



Staff record, Bus Token - Staff Position - Superannuation - Final Dues payment - Rosters of various categories for filling in Reserved posts Despatch: Inward/Outward/file movement/tenders & Inspection Forms/Official Testing of meters/Purchase Forms.



Administration: Bill Voucher, Deputation, Brief-case, Verification of Registration of Motor Cards, Xerox Comp. Repairs & Servicing, Clothing, financial assistance, scholarships, jerseys, Overtime, Compensatory Allowance, Meal Allowance, Field Duty Allowance, Attendance, Leave Record, Imprest Cash, purchase through Imprest Cash, Accident, Inventory, Service Record files movement.

3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.3 3.3.1 4.0 4.1 4.1.1

Files: Establishment: Please Refer Annexure II Administration: Please Refer Annexure III Miscellaneous: Please Refer Annexure IV Data in Personal Computers : Attendance and Leave record, draft letters, notes, formats etc. Duties & Responsibilities: Office Assistant (Grade A/GVIII):Responsibilities: The Office Assistant (Meters & Relays) shall be responsible to DEMR for the establishment matters of the department. Filling up vacancies of staff


Conducting trade/written tests/interviews and maintaining their rosters from T4 to T6 grades Maintaining staff record files Maintaining the attendance registers Maintaining the seniority list of the department Controlling Budget grants Maintaining the register for office equipment & furniture Maintaining the filing system of the department. Maintaining the Imprest Cash account Compiling with the provisions of Statutory Acts

Compiling with Standing Orders Compiling with Service Regulations Preparing deputation advance & JE bills and maintaining its register Incoming & outgoing papers (dispatch work) Duties: Putting up notes for filling up of vacancies and following them Up Ensuring that staff records are maintained properly Ensuring that the attendance sheets/registers are maintained and initiating cases for taking action against the staff, having irregular attendance. Preparing the seniority list of the department and maintaining it up-to-date Preparing the establishment schedule and Capital & Revenue budgets Putting up sanction forms for purchase of dead stock and capital items and maintaining the register up-to-date 4.1.2


Maintaining the register for office equipment and furniture up-to-date Preparing a thorough filing system and ensuring that all the papers are properly & correctly filed Keeping of the Imprest Cash account Compiling administration reports Ensuring that the provisions of the various statutory Acts viz. Factories Act, Payment of Wages Act, Workers Compensation Act, etc. are compiled with Ensuring that all procedures regarding administrative matters are properly followed in accordance with the service regulations/Standing Orders

Supervision of clerical staff Ensuring that all office records are properly maintained Ensuring that meter cards are posted regularly and there is no backlog in this respect Ensuring that Outward Bill memos are correctly prepared within a reasonable time Ensuring that the Factory licence is renewed in time Ensuring that all returns with respect to Factory, Employment Exchange, statement of performance targets, monthly report of absenteeism, etc. are sent in time Controlling stationery items Initiating and following up the cases for procurement of materials, such as, monsoon apparatus, uniforms, diaries, etc. Putting up notes pertaining to staff matters, such as scholarships, advances, recovery statements, etc.


Sending monthly statements such as Vacancy, Reserved category, utilization & servicing of vehicles, final dues of ex-employees, accident reports, pending tenders & inspection, absent without leave for more than one month forms, deputation reports. Supervisor (Office) (Grade A/GVII)

4.2 4.2.1

Responsibilities: The Supervisor is responsible to OAMR for following functions: Preparation of monthly statements, bills, etc. Arranging for test/interview Initiating various Establishment proposals 4.2.2 Maintaining staff position Duties: To supervise the Clerks, Shop Recorders and Sepoys working in the section 4.3 4.3.1

Attending queries Giving information required by various departments of the Undertaking Assisting OAMR in preparation in Establishment Schedule Any other work in absence of OAMR and entrusted by DEMR/OA Supervisor (Repairs) (Grade A/GVII) Responsibilities: The Supervisor (Repairs) is responsible to Deputy Engineer for following functions: Duties:

Daily stock taking of meters available at both the Sub-stores and updating record of the meters available in depots.


To maintain and updating New meter records which contain details such as Purchase Order number, Gross Rate, Order Quantity, I.F. Number & Date, Serial Number of meters, Challan Number, Quantity received from the firm, quantity accepted from the firm, quantity balance with the firm, Requisition note and no.of defective meters and Rejection memos. Preparing yearly statement of new meters and informing to Stores Account. Checking of Transaction Register and Stores Account Statement. To prepare Damage Meter Inspection Form after collecting data from respective Shop Recorder and Mechanic. Writing requisitions and departmental letters to various departments and to follow up the same. Scrutinising various statements such as Group-wise Inventory level statement, Stores Received Note Statement, Transaction Register Statement and Material Cost Statement etc. Preparing identification notes for Society load forms


Clerk (Establishment) Grade A/GV Responsibilities:


The Clerk (Establishment) is responsible to OAMR / Supervisor (office) for following functions: Initiate various notes & letters regarding establishment and staff matters. Upkeeping Register of Backward Class, seniority list and staff records Releasing final bills, follow up of Establishment proposals Putting up proposals for Silver medal and wrist watch on BEST day Duties: Issue of Service Certificates and general certificates, Identification notes, etc. 4.4.2


Sending Monthly, quarterly, half yearly, yearly and occasional statement regarding establishment matters to various departments Issue of Bus tokens & maintenance of its records Checking of various applications like P.F. / Society loan, Medical reimbursement, Housing Loan subsidy, Pension and application from Exemployees children for employment, etc. for certification. Filing of Staff Record papers Any other work entrusted by OA/Supervisor Clerk (Administration) Grade A/GV Responsibilities: 4.5


The Clerk (Administration) is responsible to OAMR / Supervisor (office) for following functions: Attending Administration queries Initiating proposals like procurement of any material, verification of Motor Driving Licence, etc.

Issue of Clothing & monsoon wear, keeping its record and other related work (i.e. stitching charges & Washing Allowance Advice, etc.) Maintaining Inventory, Accident Register & related works Duties: Sending Work Requisitions regarding complaints for civil work and its follow up. Procurring stationery Assisting OAMR in preparing Revenue & Capital Budgets Motor Vehicle Statements and related work Initiating Purchase Forms and keeping Sanction Form Register 4.5.2

825 4.6 4.6.1

Preparation of Outward Bill Memos and related work Any other work entrusted by OA/Supervisor Clerk (Payment) Grade A/GV Responsibilities: The Clerk (Payment) is responsible to OAMR / Supervisor (office) for following functions:

Calculation of Incentive Bonus and preparing Payment Advice Preparing Payment Advice for Field Duty Allowance / Overtime/ Meal Allowance / Compensatory Allowance, etc. Preparing Bill Vouchers towards the payment of deputation, Medical reimbursement,Car Advance, Outside parties, etc. Duties: Initiating Brief-case proposals and maintaining its register Payment of Festival advance Work regarding Renewal of Factory licence, BMC permit, etc. Any other work entrusted by OA/Supervisor


4.7 4.7.1

Clerk (Despatch) Grade A/GV Responsibilities: The Clerk (Despatch) is responsible to OAMR / Supervisor (office) for following functions:

Preparing monthly statements like tenders & Inspection forms, pending cases, VIP statements, etc. Receiving and sending papers & files, etc.



Duties: Keeping inward/outward file movement, tender & Inspection Forms, Overtime & Purchase Forms Compilation of files Filing of all office file papers Any other work entrusted by OA/Supervisor Clerk (Attendance) Grade A/GV Responsibilities: The Clerk (Attendance) is responsible to OAMR / Supervisor (office) for following functions: 4.8 4.8.1 To send monthly absentee memos of officers To send monthly absentee reports Keeping Imprest Cash and maintaining its registers, bills of purchase through Imprest cash, etc. Duties: Maintaining attendance and leave record of all staff of the department Keeping LTA records Producing leave record for promotion assessment, silver medals, etc. Any other work entrusted by OA/Supervisor


4.9 4.9.1

Shop Recorder (Relays & H.V.) Grade A/GV Responsibilities: The Shop Recorder (Relays & H.V.) is responsible to SMR /


DyE(HV) / AEMR (Relays) for following functions: Follow up of Stores proposals of relay & H.V. sections Procurement of material which is a non-stock item for relay & H.V. Section Collecting information for Relay, H.V. & Testing sections Duties: Filing of all papers of Relay & H.V. sections in their respective files and also filing of papers of Testing Order files, etc. 4.9.2 Preparing grain requisitions of Relay & H.V. sections staff To execute all Clerical work of Relay & H.V. sections 4.10 4.10.1 Any other work entrusted by OA/Supervisor Stenographer (English) Grade A/GV Duties: The Stenographer (English) is responsible to OAMR for following duties: 4.11 4.11.1 Taking dictation Typing work Shop Recorder (Repairs) Grade A/GV Responsibilities: The Shop Recorder (Repairs) is responsible to DyE(Repairs) for following functions: 4.11.2 Duties: Issue of Static & Conventional meters to consuming departments


To record meter number, Seal number and sealing of the meters at the time of issue. To inspect the meters credited by the consuming departments To accept the Static and Conventional meters credited by consuming departments To record meter number, seal number, reading and damages, if any, of the meters at the time of crediting. Preparing list of tested, untested, sealed and defective meters To prepare Damage meter Inspection Form on the basis of incoming meter form submitted by crediting department. To keep record of meters issued to and credited by consuming department To accept meters for official testing along with O.T. forms. Issue of spare parts and tools as and when required by Mechanic To keep record of spare parts and tools To initiate Purchase Forms for procurement of material To maintain sufficient stock of spare parts and tools Writing requisitions, Credit Notes, Gate-pass Issue of sundry items such as napkins, toilet soap, etc. To verify meters identified for scrapping To prepare and check scrap batch of meters identified For scrapping Writing Meal Allowance form, Overtime statements, grain requisition, Credit Notes, etc. To search and confirm records of the meter such as meter number, Maker number, initial and final reading and condition of meters from the record file available with us Filing of various notes, statements, etc.


4.12 4.12.1

Sepoys The Sepoys will carry out following duties: Receiving papers, files, etc. from various departments / sections / staff and forwarding the same to the concerned department / section / staff on getting acknowledgement, whenever it is necessary. Forwarding dispatch to Colaba, Dadar, Kussara, Pathakwadi and other places of the Undertaking wherever required and also collecting the same back from those places. Collecting the keys of the department to open the department in the morning and depositing the same to Security post after closing the department in the evening Duties: To open the departments doors, windows in the morning and closing the same in the evening. To clean the tables & chairs of the staff To attend bell of cabins and calls of the staff To make arrangements of tea/coffee, etc. To execute all Clerical work of Relay & H.V. sections Any other work entrusted by OA/Supervisor





Est-1 Est-2 Est-3 Est-4 Est-5 Est-6 Est-7 Est-8 Est-9 Est-10 Est-10A Est-11 Est-12 Est-13 Est-14 Est-15 Est-16 Est-17 Est-18 Est-19 Est-20 Est-21 Est-22 Est-23 Est-24 Est.25 Est-26 Est-27 Est-28 Est-29 Est-30 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Establishment Schedule - Staff Strength Creation of Posts (Proposals) Revalidation of Posts Appointments Probation / Confirmation Promotion - Promotion Policy Reversion Transfer Separation Trade Test Representation to BC Grading of Staff Seniority List Acting arrangement Deputation / Deputation Allowance Loan Arrangement Attendance Leave Working Hours Discipline & Disciplinary action Standing Orders Service Regulations Overtime / Holiday working Meal Allowance Other Allowances Payment & Recoveries IC/BT (Bus Pass) Uniforms / Clothing Perdiocal returns ( Ex-employees ) Festival Advance 831

Est-31 Est-32 Est-33 Est-34 Est-35 Est-36 Est-37 Est-38 Est-39 Est-40 Est-41 Est-42 Est-43 Est-44

: : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Grains Quarters Scholarships PF / SF / EWF / FP Scheme & Gratuity Welfare Certificates Civil Defence Accident & Assaults (Except electrical accidents) Medical Residential Address Voluntary Subscription Qualification & experience for posts Employees State Insurance Incentive Bonus Schemes



Adm-1 Adm-2 Adm-3 Adm-4 Adm-5 Adm-6 Adm-7 Adm-8 Adm-9 Adm-10 Adm-11 Adm-12 Adm-13 Adm-14 Adm-15 Adm-16A Adm-16B Adm-17 Adm-18 Adm-19 : Vehicles : Telephones & Telecommunications : Office Building : Office Accommodation : Locks & keys : Office Furniture & Equipment Capital : Office Furniture & Equipment Dead Stock : Tools & Equipment Capital : Tools & Equipment Capital - Dead Stock : Stationery & Printing : Capital Inventory : Departmental Manual : Administrative Reports : : Circulars : Procedure Orders : Guidelines : Delegation of Powers : : Confidential Papers

Adm-20 Adm-21 Adm-22 Adm-23 Adm-24 Adm-25 Adm-27 Adm-28 Adm-31 Adm-34 Adm-40 Adm-45 Adm-46 Adm-48 Adm-49 Adm-52 Adm-58

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Security Arrangement Theft & Property Strikes Record Classification Audit queries Account matters Budget Estimates Budget Control Supply Branch Conference Stores & Engg. Conference Union matters Canteen Imprest Cash Meeting of other departments Reports on Visits & Inspections Awards / rewards to employees Instructions given by AGM(ES) / CE(ES)



Stores-1 Stores-2 Stores-3 Stores-4 Stores-5 Stores-6 Stores-7 Stores-8 Stores-19 Stores-26 Maint-59 Opex-1 Opex-5 Opex-13 Opex-17 Opex-18 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Stores matters & Procedures Specification ISI Literature Technical Data Stock position of vital items Annual Requirement Annual Contract Material Test Report / Inspection Report Scrapping & Disposal Purchase Form / Tender / Quotation Monsoon protection Conditions of Supply and Misc. charges Power Restriction Tariffs ISI Cell Factory matters

Opex-43 Opex-48 Trg-1 Trg-2 Trg-3 Trg-5 Trg-9 Trg-11 Study-11 Study-15 Eq-85 Stat-20 Stat-29 Stat-30 Stat-36 Stat-53

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Security Deposit Works done outside parties except MCGM Training - Policy & Suggestion Training in Outside institution Training - Prob.Engrs./ SSA /Engg.Student Training in M.V. driving Technical Lectures & Visits Workers Education Schemes Computerisation I.B. Scheme & Operational Efficiency Hire purchase of Personal Computers Management Information System Coincident KVA Demand Maximum Demand Units registered at Tatas & BESTs end Monthly statistical returns of Elec.Supply Schemes- Monthly Reports of pending cases


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