Dcservo Newkit

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EXPERIMENT NO. 1(b) Aim: To study D.C. servo motor and to plot its torque-speed characteristics. Apparatus required: DC Servomotor, Techno generator Panel drawing DC Motor study, DCM-01

Conceptual Background: D.C. motors are the most commonly used actuators in electro-mechanical control systems or servomechanisms. Compared to actuators like 2-phase a.c. motor and stepper motor, the d.c. motor has the advantage of higher torque and simpler driving circuit. However the presence of a commutator and a set of brushes with the problems of sparking make the d.c. motor somewhat less durable.



D.C servomotors can be controlled from armature side or from field. In field controlled d.c servomotors the ratio of L/R is large i.e., the time constant for field circuit is large. Due to large time constant, the response is slow and therefore they are not used commonly. The speed of the motor can be controlled by adjusting the voltage applied to the armature. In it the time constant is small and hence the response is fast. The efficiency is better than the field controlled motor. The various sections of the unit are described below in some detail.

(a) Mechanical Section : It comprises of the experimental permanent magnet d.c. motor (approx. 8W) coupled to a small d.c. generator (approx. 2W), which serves the twin purposes of, Electrical loading of the motor, and Transient response signal pick-up. Further, a slotted disk mounted on the common shaft produces 6 pulses per revolution through an opto- interrupter, which is used in a 4-digit speed display in r.p.m. The specifications of the main experimental d.c. motor are: Operating Voltage :12Vdc No Load Current: 0.09A Full Load Current: 1.0A Torque: 30mN-m/ 300g-cm

(b) Motor Power Supply : The operating voltage of the motor is 12 volt d.c. while the current, depending on loading, is around 120-650 mA. A built-in variable voltage source (2- 14Vd.c.) provides this power and two 3 digit DPMs are available to monitor the armature voltage and armature current of the motor.

(c) Transient Response Timing Section : When the power is suddenly switched ON, the motor speed increases gradually and finally reaches a steady value. This process takes a few tens of milliseconds and is therefore too slow for a CRO display with repeated ON/OFF of the motor. Although a storage CRO could be used to freeze the transient response and compute the time constant, an alternative using digital circuits is provided in the unit. A 3-digit time count display enables the user to measure the time constant without an expensive storage CRO.


(d) Power Supplies : All the circuits are powered through built-in I.C. regulated power supply of appropriate capacities.



Torque-Speed curves:




Motor and Generator Characteristics

At no load (load step at 0) the motor is supplied with varying armature voltages, Ea =3, 4, 5, 12. For each Ea, the motor current Ia, speed N, and generator voltage Eg arerecorded. Straight line approximation of the Ea vs. speed and Eg vs. speed yield the motor andgenerator constants KM (rpm/volt) and KG (volts/rpm). The following steps are suggested: Set MOTOR switch to ON. Set RESET switch to RESET. Set LOAD switch to 0 position. Vary Ea in small steps and take readings as under (Table 1)

Plot N vs. Ea and Eg vs. N. Obtain the slopes and compute KM and KG.
Torque Speed Characteristics

To obtain the torque-speed characteristics, the motor is supplied with a fixed armaturevoltage and its speed is recorded for varying external loading This loading is effectedby electrically loading the coupled generator. Set MOTOR switch to OFF. Set RESET switch to RESET. Set LOAD switchto 0 positions. Connect Ea to the voltmeter and set Ea = 6V Shift the MOTOR switch to ON. Measure armature input (Ea), motor current (Ia)and motor speed in rpm. Record the readings (at S. No. 1 in the Table-2)


Set the LOAD switch to 1, 2, 5 and take readings as above. (S.Nos. 2, 3, in theTable 2) Complete the table below with the calculated values

Motor Voltage Ea = 6 volts; Ra = 4 ohms

Plot Torque vs. Speed curves on a graph paper (approximated straight line plots) Compute B from the slope of Torque-Speed curve and average Kb from the table [Fig. 6].


Repeat above for Ea= 8, Ea= 10, Ea= 12 and record the average values of motorparameters B and Kb.

Motor Voltage Ea = 8 volts; Ra = 4 ohms

Result: Armature controlled speed torque characteristics for given DC servomotor has been plotted. Discussions: The most important assumption in this experiment is that of considering the system to be linear. Strictly speaking the AC servomotor and the DC generator are both non-linear. Further, there are non-linear friction components which have been totally neglected. All these contribute to errors in the result although the transfer function derived represents the actual behavior of the motor pretty well, at least at low speeds. Applications: Servo motors have been around for years. Because of their small size, they are widely used by hobbyists and collectors to operate remote-controlled or radio-controlled toy cars and robots and even airplanes. Servo motors can also be found in one form or another in industrial devices where robotics are necessary. Servo motors can be found across a number of industries, from pharmaceutics to food services.


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