Ub D Wiki Revised

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Lesson Plan
Title: Topic:

Wikis in the Classroom Wikis Grade:

Subject/Course: Instructional Technology Teachers K-8 Designers: Scott Price

Stage 1 Identify Desired Results

International Society for Technology in Education (ITSE) National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS Standards): 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. Teachers: a. promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness c. promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes d. model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and other in face-to-face and virtual environments 2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETSS. Teachers: a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity b. develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress c. customize and personalize learning activities to address students diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources 3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers: a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations b. collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and
Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 1

resources to support student success and innovation c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats

Understandings: Students will understand that: Wikis have an educational value: Wikis promote student social interaction and collaboration support asynchronous communication that allows students to contribute at any given time and any given place students are more engaged in the learning process when they are actively involved in the construction of their knowledge Wikis can be used for teaching all grade levels The use of Wikis in the classroom is easy and does not require any technical expertise Related Misconceptions: Wikis require HTML programing or specialized technical ability Wikis do not add an educational value to the classroom experience Creation of a Wiki is time consuming and/or requires financial investment by user(s)

Essential Questions: Overarching Questions: How can the use of Wikis in the classroom encourage classroom participation and facilitate active learning? Does the use of technology in the classroom increase student interest and motivation? How can students be more involved in the construction of their knowledge and be given more control in their learning? How can technology promote student collaboration? Topical Questions: What is a Web 2.0? What is a Wiki? How can Wikis be used in lesson planning? How can Wikis be used to collaborate with other classrooms? What other Web 2.0 tools can be used with Wikis to create fun and innovative projects? What are some of the pedagogical uses of Wikis?

Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 2

Students will know. That a Wiki is a Web 2.0 tool that can be used in lesson planning to create fun and innovative projects that promote collaboration among students and other classrooms while facilitating active learning. That there is multiple free Wiki sites that can be utilized for teaching. All grade levels can learn to use a Wiki. Students can access, communicate and contribute to a classroom Wiki from anywhere at any time. Other Web 2.0 tools can be utilized and posted to a Wiki to create more interesting and fun Wikis that encourage student interest.

Students will be able to. Understand and provide the definition of a Web 2.0. Identify 3 Wiki sites Access three tutorials for the 3 Wiki sites Understand how to Create a Wiki account Identify pedagogical uses for Wikis in the classroom Ideas for incorporating the use of a Wikis into their classroom Identify 2-3 additional Web 2.0 tools that can be used collaboratively with a Wiki

Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 3

Stage 2 Assessment
Performance Task: Participants will list three ideas on how they think they can incorporate Wikis into their classroom and/or lesson planning Participants will list three ideas on how they think they can incorporate additional Web 2.0 tools and Wikis into their classroom and/or lesson planning

Other Evidence Participants will take initial survey (self-assessment) on their current level of knowledge, understanding and use of Wikis in their classroom and/or lesson planning Participants will take post- test to assess knowledge gained in workshop

Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 4

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Activities 1. Workshop participants will complete an initial survey (self- assessment) to determine their current level of understanding of the use of Wikis in the classroom and other Web 2.0 applications. (W) 2. The instructor will introduce and explain: (H) a. What is a Web 2.0? b. What is a Wiki? c. How and where do I go on the Internet start a Wiki? i. Instructor will demonstrate how easy it is to create a Wiki account. ii. Instructor will provide a list of three easy to use Wikis. iii. Instructor will provide the students with three tutorials to use as a reference. d. Discuss pedagogical uses of Wikis and view examples of educational Wikis. 3. Workshop participants will list three ideas of how they think they could use Wikis in their classroom. (E-1,T) a. Participants will share with the instructor and classmates their ideas b. Participants will share with the instructor and classmates any barriers that they feel may prohibit using Wikis in their classroom/lesson planning (time, knowledge, dont see the benefit etc) 4. The instructor will introduce two to three Web 2.0 tools that can be used collaboratively with Wikis that will create fun and interesting lesson plans. (R) a. Instructor will demonstrate examples of the two to three Web 2.0 tools b. Instructor will provide ideas for using these in lesson planning 5. Workshop participants will list three ideas of how they think they could use the Web 2.0 tools and Wikis in their classroom (E-2,R) a. Open discussion among the instructor and classmates i. Do the additional Web 2.0 tools add value and interest to the Wiki and lesson planning? ii. Will this create more interest and participation by your students? iii. Does this create more interest for the teacher to use Wikis in their lesson planning? 6. The instructor will answer any questions on Web 2.0 tools and Wikis. (E,T) 7. Workshop participants will complete a post-assessment and workshop evaluation. (E-2)

Web 2.0 links: Online tutorial: http://www.doink.com/ http://vimeo.com/418037 http://vimeo.com/407282 http://goanimate.com/ http://youtu.be/UCOCJKGi6xY http://goanimate4schools.com/public_index http://www.voki.com/ http://youtu.be/ZX05alxaTPo
Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 5

Wiki Links: Online tutorial: http://www.wikispaces.com/ http://www.wikispaces.com/content/wiki-tour http://pbworks.com/ http://pbworks.com/webinars http://youtu.be/74cnTbyHdzQ http://wikisineducation.wetpaint.com/ http://youtu.be/6Xk8upBFCaA Other resources: http://educationalwikis.wikispaces.com/Articles+and+Resources http://wiki.wetpaint.com/page/Wiki+101 http://www.scoop.it/t/wikis-for-education/p/1422498335/state-of-wiki-usage-in-k12-schools-change- agency

Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 6

Post Workshop Assessment Data & Analysis, Participant Evaluation Data & Analysis, and Self-Evaluation
Assessment Data & Analysis:
Wikis in the Classroom/ Pre-test: A. What is a Wiki? Is it different than a website? How? B. What is a Web 2.0? Is it different than a website? Is it different than a Wiki? C. Are you already using a Wiki or Web 2.0 applications in your classroom? If so, How? Data Analysis of Pre-test: Eight total participants A. All participants knew what a Wikis was. Four participants could not identify the difference between a Wiki and a Website and four participants identified that a Wiki is interactive and collaborative where a website is not. B. Two students could define a Web 2.0 and could identify that a Wiki is a Web 2.0 website. Six participants answered they did not know or were not sure. C. Three participants were already using Wikis in their lesson planning/classroom and five participants were not currently using Wikis in their classroom. Of the three participants already using Wikis in their classroom, none identified how. Wikis in the Classroom/ Post-test: A. B. C. D. E. What is a Wiki? Is it different than a website? How? What is a Web 2.0? Is it different than a website? Is it different than a Wiki? Do you see yourself using a Wiki or Web2.0 applications in your classroom in the future? Yes or No Name a Web 2.0 application discussed in this Workshop. Name a Wiki website discussed in this Workshop.

Data Analysis of Post-test: Eight participants A. All eight participants could define and identify that a Wiki is interactive and collaborative; whereas, a website is not. B. All eight participants could define Web 2.0 and that a Wiki is a Web 2.0 tool/website. C. Seven participants answered yes that they could see themselves using a Wiki or a Web 2.0 in their classroom and one participant answered maybe: a. Yes answer ideas: use Wiki for vocabulary and digital class book on important people for social studies b. Maybe answer: was concerned about student postings and about students that may not have access to the internet at home D. All eight participants could name a Web 2.0 discussed in the workshop. E. All eight participants could name a Wiki website discussed in the workshop. Assessment evaluation and revisions to workshop: The post-test assessment shows that the participants did understand the concepts of Web 2.0 and Wikis by the end of the workshop. They all could identify the Web 2.0 applications and Wiki sites that were discussed in the workshop. They also understood that Wikis were collaborative and interactive versus the passive viewing of material on a website. Three out of eight (37.5%) of participants were already using Wikis prior to the workshop. After completion of the workshop, seven out of eight (87.5%) of the workshop participants answered that they could see themselves using Wikis in their classroom. The only revision I would make in the future is to make sure I could better identify the participants currently using Wikis and how they were using them prior to the workshop, so that I could better judge the increased interest and motivation to use Wikis after the workshop. I think I would email this question out to all the participants before the workshop so they would have more time to answer this question in detail. Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 7

Participant Evaluation Data and Analysis:

Survey questions: Rate on scale 1 to 5 with 1 being strongly disagree to 5 being strongly agree Five of the eight participants completed the evaluation (three did not return the evaluation to me) I was well informed about the objectives of this workshop? This workshop lived up to my expectations. The content is relevant to my job. The instructor was well prepared. The instructor was helpful. Average score: 5 Average score: 5 Average score: 5 Average score: 5 Average score: 5 Average score: 4.5

I will be able to use what I learned in this workshop.

Survey improvement suggestions: How would you improve this workshop? (the participants could check any that apply- but none were checked) Participant evaluation analysis and revisions to the workshop: The evaluations of the workshop were very good. I believe that I met the overall objective of the workshop. However, I was disappointed that no improvements were suggested. Upon reflection, I believe this was a time issue. The workshop was at the end of the school day for the participants, and I feel like they rushed through the evaluation. I definitely know that I can make improvements to the workshop, which I will discuss further in my self-evaluation. The revision I would make to the workshop would be to make sure I got everyones email address so that I could email him or her the evaluation after the workshop. This would allow the participants more time to complete the evaluation, and hopefully, they would reflect and give me more suggestions. I would also make sure the participants understood the importance of making suggestions and how I could utilize them to make improvements to the workshop. I would also include a prompt for additional suggestion and/or comments in the evaluation. Provide better information before the workshop. Clarify the workshop objectives. Reduce the content covered in the workshop. Increase the content covered in the workshop. Update the content covered in the workshop. Improve the instructional methods. Make workshop activities more stimulating. Improve workshop organization.

Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 8

Workshop Self-evaluation:
In general, I am very pleased with the workshop. It was received well and the participants were very

involved. I have been to many professional workshops where the participants seem to be watching the clock and waiting for the workshop to end. To my great relief, the participants were interested, motivated and were eager to share ideas and learn. I did a great deal of research and planning for the workshop. This definitely paid off, since I felt very secure in my

knowledge of the material and was able to answer participant questions with confidence. It was surprising how hard it was to keep the workshop to a reasonable length and still allow time for interaction between the participants. My goal was to not only present the information, but to allow them the time to explore the material and share ideas. I felt the workshop would not be successful if the participants did not engage with other and share lesson planning ideas and past experiences using Wikis and Web 2.0 applications. The presentation had a few hiccups, which surprisingly worked to increase the involvement and contribution by the

participants to the overall workshop. I was unable to play the tutorials for Voki, GoAnimate and Wikispaces that I had embedded into my PowerPoint presentation. The Cobb County Schools IT department blocked access. I then had to work with the participants to describe and demonstrate Voki, GoAnimate and how to set up a Wikispaces account. Working together w e were able to display on laptops a participants personal Voki and I was able to show my GoAnimate. This actually ending up being fun, and the participants were excited to share ideas and personal experiences. Going forward, I have learned the hard lesson that the technology in your presentation has to be supported by the technology at the site of the workshop. This was a mistake on my part, but also a valuable learning experience for the future. I have since learned how to display these tutorials and videos in my presentation. I defined the success of the workshop by the following factors: the technology specialist for my school has asked me to

share these types of ideas and workshops with our staff at Bullard Elementary school and the other workshop participants were genuinely excited at the possibilities of using these instructional tools. I am eager to share my knowledge with other teachers and look forward to my next opportunity. Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 9

Power Point Presentation Handout for Workshop


Wikis In The
By Scott Price

Wikis In The Classroom

!What is a Web 2.0?
!Web 2.0 is the move toward a more social, collaborative and interactive World Wide Web.

!A Web 2.0 site allows users to interact and collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue as creators of user-generated content in a virtual community, in contrast to websites where users (consumers) are limited to the passive viewing of content that was created for them. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_2.0

Wikis In The Classroom

!Examples of Web 2.0 ! Examples of Web 2.0 include social networking sites, blogs, wikis, video sharing sites, hosted services, and web applications.

Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 10


What is a Wiki?
!A wiki is a Web 2.0 site that allows you to become an active participant: !You can create or edit the site contents. !You do not need special technical skills. !All that is needed to get started is a computer with an Internet connection. ! A wiki is continuously being revised and is a living collaboration whose purpose is the sharing of the creative process and product by many. ! The word "wiki" comes from Hawaiian language, meaning "quick" or "fast."

Why Wiki?
! students develop writing and debate skills and exposure to diverse perspectives ! teacher can use as a central location for class material and media ! students can access, communicate and contribute to a classroom Wiki from anywhere at any time ! all grade levels can learn to use a Wiki ! promote collaboration among students and other classrooms while facilitating active learning

Why Wiki?
! other Web 2.0 tools can be utilized and posted to a Wiki to create more interesting and fun Wikis that encourage student interest ! multiple free wiki hosting sites ! generate more student interest and promote social interaction ! easy to use and do not require advanced computer skills and knowledge
! if you can utilize Microsoft Word, you can Wiki

Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 11



Todays Objective
!Encourage the incorporation and use of Wikis in the Classroom !Introduce other Web 2.0 tools and how these can be utilized with Wikis and other resources to create more interesting and collaborative lesson plans !Discuss lesson planning ideas

Pedagogical Uses of
! Collaborative storytelling ! Collaborative writing !http://www.slideshare.net/isahigueras/ collaborative-writing-using-wikis ! Collaborative dictionary ! students post the words and their definitions into the wiki !students add pictures and audio files of the pronunciation of each word !share and collaborate with other classes



Pedagogical Uses of

!Students plan, develop and present projects !Collaborative projects: !http://andtothink.wikispaces.com/ !http://crozetdigikids.wikispaces.com/ Civil+War+Novels


Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 12

Pedagogical Uses of

! Teacher can use to post Classroom assignments such as: !Notes !Worksheets !Handouts ! Host on-line e-portfolios of student writing ! Homework spreadsheet: !Central location for all assignments, project due dates, and upcoming events for the entire grade level.

Pedagogical Uses of
! Create a digital class book:


! Assign each student a letter of the alphabet, word, or topic and a wiki page: !Each student builds a page about a word related to the class topic !Students can embed Glogs, upload photos and videos, and add text to their pages !Use wiki's discussion thread for students to comment on each other's wiki pages !Content ideas: !ABC wiki about any topic (page about a word related to the topic starting with each letter of the alphabet) !50 states !Chemical reactions !Historical people, places, or events

What Are Some Free Wiki Sites?

!Wikispaces.com !http://www.wikispaces.com/ !http://www.wikispaces.com/content/ teacher !Pbworks.com !http://pbworks.com/ !Wetpaint.com !http://wikisineducation.wetpaint.com/

Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 13



How To Create a Wiki Account on Wikispaces

Create Bulk Users For Your


Helpful Tutorial Links

!Pbworks !http://pbworks.com/webinars !http://youtu.be/74cnTbyHdzQ !Wetpaint.com !http://youtu.be/6Xk8upBFCa

5& Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 14


Your Ideas/Open Discussion

! List three ideas/ways you think you could use Wikis in your classroom ! What do you see as barriers to the incorporation of Wikis in your classroom? !Time !Dont see the benefit !Too Hard to Learn ! Given what we have learned today, do you still think those barriers are still valid or too hard to overcome?

Web 2.0 Applications You Can Use With Your Wiki, Blogs, Smart Boards or Website
!Voki.com !http://www.voki.com/ !GoAnimate.com !http://goanimate4schools.com/ public_index !DoInk.com !http://www.doink.com/



Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 15

! You can create personal Voki accounts for free !Voki for classroom accounts for education: !Classroom accounts cost $29.95/year !30 day money back guarantee !Lesson plan database
!Lesson plans are free for anyone to use with or without a classroom acccount

Ways to Use

Voki in Education

! Have students make an avatar as a classroom introduction ! Poetry and music composition !Students create poems or lyrics that can be spoken or sung by their favorite avatar ! Present vocabulary list of words for correct pronunciation ! Foreign language !Students create short stories for their avatar to speak ! Student book talk !Use to review and summarize books ! Classroom newsletter !You can place a speaking avatar in a blog, email, website or wiki
o http://www.techlearning.com/Default.aspx?tabid=67&EntryId=624


Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 16



! Create free personal account ! GoAnimate for education: !http://goanimate4schools.com/publicanimations !Lesson Gallery
!Can access with or without classroom account

!Classroom accounts starting at $99.00/year

Ways to Use GoAnimate in Education

! Student presentations ! Teacher presentations ! Creative writing ! Introduce concepts on your Wiki page:
! Vocabulary words ! Math concepts/definitions ! Books ! Rules for the classroom/ bullying ! Music

Your Ideas/Open Discussion

! List three ideas/ways you think you could use Web 2.0 tools and Wikis in your classroom ! Do the additional Web 2.0 tools add value and interest to the Wiki and lesson planning? ! Will this create more interest and participation by your students? ! Does this create more interest for the teacher to use Wikis in their lesson planning?

Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 17



For The

Artist In All of Us

!Create animations
!http://www.doink.com/ !http://vimeo.com/418037 !http://vimeo.com/407282

Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 18


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