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The story explores themes of relationships, commitment, and honesty through comedic monologues delivered on rollercoasters and through phone conversations.

In the first monologue, Roxy is unsure about where her relationship with Derek is headed and considers breaking up with him on the rollercoaster.

Roxy's conflict with Derek is resolved when he proposes to her on the rollercoaster, to which she happily accepts.

"Roxy" from "Roller Coaster Monologue" You and your obsession with rollercoasters.

Whats the name of this one? Oh, The Terminatrix. How nice. Look, Derek, I How do I buckle this thing? I got it. Derek, I think Ive got enough adrenaline and funnel cakes in my system, I can finally tell you whats in my heart right now. This might not be the best conversation to have on the rollercoaster, but if what I am about to say breaks your heart, you can just claim that whatever tears might be in your eyes are due to wind resistance. (Leans back the rollercoaster begins going up.) Oh here we go! So, what Im trying to say What am I trying to say? Well, weve had a good year. Almost a year. (She leans forward and bounces up and down just a bit to show the bumpy beginning of the roller coaster.) Ten months and 22 days. Things started out bumpy. Sort of like this ride. And I thought we were headed in the same direction. (leans back again.) But now it feels like weve been traveling on two different tracks. What? Put my hands in the air? Okay. (Raises hands in the air.) But really, Derek, where are we headed? I feel like Im ready to take the plunge off of the Marriage Mountain Splash Ride. And Im not afraid to get soaked with commitment. Youd rather spend your time on the bumper cars. Sure, its fun to bump around, but it gets pretty meaningless after a while. So, thats why I think oh my gosh, this is high up! Is it supposed to be this high? Its safe, right? Anyway, thats why Ive decided Here goes! (The roller coaster drop begins!) Im BREAKING UP WITH YOU!!!! AAAAAH! I THINK WE SHOULD JUST BE FRIENDS! AND SEE OTHER PEOPLE!!!! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! (She leans to the left.) So, what do you think?! (She leans to the right.) What are you doing? What is this? (She accepts something from him.) A ring? You want to marry me? Here comes another one! Whoa, whoa, aaaaaaah! Youre crazy, Derek! But - Yes! ILL MARRY YOU!!!! (She lurches to a sudden stop. Catches her breath.) Lets do it again! "Mrs. Claus Dumps Santa" - Holiday Monologue To my dear husband. No. Dear Chris. No, no. Dear Nick. Dear St. Nick. No. Dear Mr. Claus. I am so sorry it has come to this. We've been married for over a dozen centuries and yet somehow we've grown apart. Maybe it's the fact that you spend more time with your reindeer than you do with me. Or that you don't feel complete unless you are down in your workshop, slave-driving those poor elves. The rest of the world sees you as unceasingly jolly, a constant beacon of merriment. But they don't know the real Claus. Quiet. Sullen. A workaholic who drinks too much eggnog! And what about that bowl full of jelly you call a stomach? Maybe you should spend less time making a list and checking it twice and more time on the treadmill! I'm sorry. I don't mean to lash out. None of these things really matter. They aren't why I'm leaving you. The truth is, I've met someone new. It doesn't matter who it is. All that matters is how I feel when we spend time together, hiding Easter eggs and decorating chocolate rabbits. All that matters is that we're happy. And I truly hope that you can find happiness too. Maybe with the tooth fairy? She's always had a thing for you. You have my blessing. Good bye, my husband. I'm leaving this note next to a glass of milk and some cookies for old time's sake. Farewell. Super Spy

Steve. By now hevv probably realize that I emm leavink you. I leave for you this tape, because I dont vant you theenk you deed somethink wronk, or that romance vas fadink for me, or anythink like that. I also dont vant you think I emm like other Russian internet brides, who marry pathetic rich American and leave him. No. Only reason I emm leavink you, darlink, is because I hevv gathered all intelligence ve need, and henndlers are recallink me to my country. I realize, this probably comes as bit of shock, given our eight years of merriage. I emm dedicated professional, Steve. Surely, you must hevv suspected somethink. Did you really think voman sexy and talented as me ends up vith dumpy nerdman like you? Such a think is against natural law. You honestly think I vas likink your model trains? Oh, sveetie no. No vun is interested in model trains. I know vhat youre thinkink, right? Jim and Brenda vould come over, and they vould play vith model trains for hours, no? Vell, Jim and Brenda vork for my government, too. Sorry. As long as I emm comink clean, (suddenly drops accent) I speak perfect English. Oh, and Im not Russian. They havent been spying on you for years. No, I work for the Norwegians. We have a far more extensive intelligence network. Im taking Sam and Julie and the baby with me. Sorry about that, but since they have my genes, they are technically considered a government secret. But dont worry, sweetie. They are almost guaranteed brilliant futures with the Norwegian Intelligence Agency. Well, Im off. Ill always care for you, in my way, but of course I gave my heart long ago to the service of his majesty King Harald. Oh! Honey, I still have a lot of hiding spots around the house. I removed all the microfilm and computer disks, but I didnt have time to deactivate the booby traps. Maybe dont reach into anything or, like, open On second thought, maybe youd better just move. So, yeah, just wanted to say sorry about your whole life being a lie and everything. My bad. Im sure youll find a nice girl and remarry. Maybe lower your expectations, you know, quite a bit. Youll do fine. Adios. Thanks for all the government secrets. "One Way Street" (On the Phone) Hey, girl! Sorry I haven't called you back. My Mom's throwing a fit again. Two weeks ago, it was because I snuck out at night to go to a party out on the beach, last week because I skipped school to go to the mall, and now today because she found that pack of cigarettes I had hidden in my underwear drawer...she shouldn't be in my room anyways. (Beat) Oh, yeah, tell me about it! Thank goodness I have you to talk too; otherwise I'd surely lose my mind. It's not easy being understood nowadays. (Beat) I'm O.K. I guess. It's more annoying than anything else. I just feel like curling-up and falling asleep when this happens. You think everything will be O.K.? Really...thanks girl. I appreciate your encouragement. You're always there for're the best friend a girl could ever make me feel so...Hello? Hello? (To the Audience) Why, that little tramp hung-up on me again! "French Toast" (Sitting on her bed with her headphones on listening to music, until she hears the phone) Hello? Oh hi Jen! What's up? (beat) Oh yeah, no that's okay, I think Mr. Humphreys is the only teacher that didn't get the know, the memo that says that "MATH" isn't the only class we have all day...that man is putting a serious crimp on my social schedule. I think he's trying to beat the record for the most consecutive days for major exams. (beat) say, if you want, why don't you come over to my house tonight, and we'll go over it together. The refrigerator is stocked, so we'll have a lot of fun! What are you going to wear to the dance this Friday? (bear) You're not going!?...What do you mean you're not going...Everybody's going! (beat) Oh, come on, you're beautiful. You know guys,...they're always waiting till the last minute. (beat)(sympathetic) OOOh, I think you look great with glasses, they give you character...(thinking of something sympathetic) and they make you loooook.... (Thinking of a word) SOPHISTICATED! Have you ever tried contacts? You can even get them in colors. I think Sharon should wear red, to match her witchy attitude...that girl's got serious problems (pause) Did you see what she did with her hair? My gosh,...she dyed it JET BLACK! It's not enough that's she's already pale, but she had to go and dye her hair black...I think she was going for the gothic she just looks spooky....she should have left it the way it was...(beat) What?...Oh I heard,...was it on her back all day?...You'd think somebody would have told her; that was such a nice jacket too...poor thing; (thinking to herself) I would have got it in purple...(angry) Anyway, I hate those disgusting know, it's just a matter of time till we ALL make their "Hit List". (beat) Sweety I'm telling you, there's nothing to worry about. You're just new, and nobody knows you yet. I'm sure there's lots of guys that would love to take you to the dance. If I was a guy I'd take you out (giggles). Anyway we still have a few days, just give them a chance. (beat) Will you quit putting yourself down. Listen, a few highlights, and they'll be slobbering all over you. Really though, you're cute, so don't worry about it. Take my word for it, having a bunch of guys hanging around you all day, acting immature, is highly over-rated; a girl's got to be selective, so just be patient. (her brother Kenny comes into the room) Hang on Jen...(to Kenny) What are you doing in my room? Did anybody say you could come in? And what about knocking? Hey!...And by the way, were you digging around in my diary again?...No! You can't borrow my cd's!...I know it was you, I never leave it on top of my dresser. If I ever find out that you've been digging around in my room while I'm gone, I'm going to tell everybody at school that you still wet your bed (beat)...I don't care if you don't, I'll tell them anyway!...Now get out of my room before I tell mom.....MOM!!!! (to herself, as Kenny runs out) I thought so...Hi Jen, where were we? Oh Yeah! Brad's taking me. Yeah, we're both thinking about wearing blue, and wearing our Converse All Stars; it ought to be fun! He's so cute, I love it when he gives in to me. (beat) Oh David?...He's past history. The football team thought it would be so macho if they all shaved their heads on both sides and got a Mohawk for team if anything would help them with their losing I broke-up with him. I mean it's not bad enough that he gave-in to peer pressure or that it looks absolutely stupid, but the fact that he didn't even bother telling me first. I told him, hopefully you WIN a game, because I don't want you hanging around ME anymore. I could see it if our team was NUMBER ONE, and they just wanted to have a trademark or start a fashion trend. But pleeeease...give me a break. (pause, thinking to herself)...And he had such nice hair too. (pause) Anyway,my mom's going to take us, so why don't we pick you up at your house and we can all go together! Wouldn't that be fun! (beat)(phone rings on the other line) Hang on Jen, someone's on the other line...Hello?...Ivan?...Ivan who?...(beat) You sit in the back of my English Class?...(beat) with Mrs. Merril? Oh yeah, now I remember. You're that new guy with the accent...Hang-on. I think my mom's calling me

(switches/excited) Hey Jen!...You'll never guess who's on the other line!...You know the boy, in our English Class, the one that's new, that sits in the back...You know...the one with the cute accent!...He's on the other line!(beat) I know, I can't believe it either!...Hang-on. (switches) Ivan?...I'm back. How do you like Mrs. Merril? She's cool isn't she? (beat) Yeah, she gives me a break on my grades and a hall pass whenever I need one...Hey, where are you from anyway? You sound like you're from somewhere foreign. (beat) Oh really...France?...Oh how cool! I always thought it'd be neat to go there, matter of fact I'm taking my first French Class this year...Hang-on Ivan, I think,...I think I smell smoke...Hang-on (switches) Jen, are you still there?...He's from France, he's a French Foreign Exchange Student!...He's so cute...I love his accent...(excited) Hang-on...Hang-on! (switches/trying to maintain her composure) Ivan, so do you have a girlfriend back home. (beat) Cool!...I mean, Oh...that's too bad. Are you going to the dance this Friday? (beat) Oh yeah...(beat) I do know her...(beat) She's my best friend...(beat) I'm sure I could arrange that...(beat) I don't know, you know a lot of boys have already asked her out. (beat) No!...Hang-on! Wait!...I don't think she's committed...Ivan? Hang-on, my dog just puked on my latest copy of Teen Magazine...Hang-on (switches) He doesn't have a girl friend!...He wants to ask you out!...I guess he saw us hanging-out around school together and he wants me to find out if you like him or not...He-wants-to-ask-YOU to the dance! I told him you had lots of offers but hadn't committed, so don't sound too eager, and I told him you'd be coming over tonight and we'd talk about it. So what are you going to wear? (excited) Wait!,Wait!...Let me think! Okay, okay, can wear those white converse tennis shoes we got at the mall the other day. Pick-out some red knee-knee-high socks (beat) ..sure you do. I saw you wear them the other day. (beat) Yeah those,...and I'll let you borrow my red pleated skirt, you know the plaid one with the shiny black belt, and my brother's got one of those nice long sleeve dress shirts, that he never wears, and you can use one of you dad's red striped ties...Can't you just see it, ...that'd be so'd be sort of Punker, or Rock Star, but not over-the-top! We're going to look awesome together!...Hang-on...(switches/trying to maintain her composure) Ivan, sorry to keep you waiting...(beat) Oh the dog?...Oh yeah, he's okay, I saw him eating grass earlier, he always does that, when he's feeling sick. (beat) What?...Oh don't worry she'll never know a thing...I know she's got busy social schedule; with being popular and all...but we're getting together tonight, and I'll find out what's going on...okay?...Hang-on, someone's knocking on my door, Hang-on. (switch) Oh my gosh! He thinks you're "Tres Jolie" means, "You're very pretty!", in french...Oh I'm so excited, this is going to be so awesome!...And afterwards you can spend the night at my house,...we'll have a little, girl a couple of cool a little popcorn...(Tommy comes into the room again) Hang-on again!(switches to hold) Brat!...I told you never to come in my room again...(beat) I don't care what you want!...Tommy, I swear, if you don't get out of the room right now, I'm going to go downstairs to mom and throw the worst hissy fit you've ever seen and she's going to ground you from that computer for a week!...You know I'll do it, so you'd better get your little butt out of here now!...I mean it! (Tommy leaves, Lindsey talks low to herself) Finally!...Good riddance!...(flustered, and lost her train of thought and realizes she still has two people on the line) Oooh my gosh!...(talks hurriedly) Hello Gotta-go..I'll see you tomorrow..bye! (hangs-up on Ivan and switches) Sometimes my little brother can just drive me up-the-wall...or should I say "younger", he's not really "little". Matter of fact, I have to admit, he's kind of cute, but I'll never tell HIM that, he's got a big head already...Anyway...Ivan's absolutely nuts about you! I'm sure he's probably dreaming of you right now, wondering how he's going to pop the question!...You see how easy that was?...I don't think he ever suspected a thing, so be surprised when he asks you....okay?...Jen?...Hello?...Are you there?...IIIIIIIVVVAAAAN?????!! (nervous giggle) HuHu..(tries to recover) I didn't know you were...I mean...Jen just called ...she says...uuuuuhhh...she says that she's absolutely nuts about you...she can't wait til you pop the question...I don't think she suspects a thing...That's right, I already said that, didn't I?...Well gotta go...Don't be surprised if she says "Yes" when you ask her...I'm outy, Bye, Bye (Hangs-up)....OOOOPS!

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