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Dan Washburn - A Model of God (Sacred Geometry)

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A Model of God Dan Washburn - 02/08/06 All Consciousness is One Consciousness 1.

Creation: Quantum Mechanics: Reality is created from the interplay of Consciousness and Probability. Conscious observation collapses the probability wave. God: The Light of Divine Consciousness moves on the watery chaos of probability waves to bring forth the dry land of classical physics. 2. Mystical states. Oneness A description of Mystical Experience given by the psychiatrist Rick Strassman in his book DMT: the Spirit Molecule There no longer is any separation between the self and what is not the self. Personal identity and all of existence become one and the same. In fact, there is no "personal" identity because we understand at the most basic level the underlying unity and interdependence of all existence. Extraordinarily powerful feelings surge through consciousness. We are ecstatic, and the intensity of this joy is such that our body cannot contain it - it seems to need a temporarily disembodied state. While the bliss is pervasive, there's also an underlying peace and equanimity that's not affected by even this incredibly profound happiness. 3. The Mechanism of Miracles Causality does not exist. There are only very high degrees of probability. There must be something very wrong with our conception of causality. Consider the implications of Special Relativity. Simultaneity exists only within one frame of reference. Suppose an event A depends on the simultaneous occurrence of two other events B and C. Event A occurs in that frame of reference, but what about other frames of reference where B and C are not simultaneous? Miracles occur by consciousness altering the probability of events. We know that alteration of probability occurs in the collapse of the quantum wave function through conscious observation. The alteration of macro event probabilities is seen in the shift of dice throw probabilities in parapsychological direct intention experiments (psychokinesis). Some people may have a high degree of this capacity via nature or nurture. So high that they can produce miracles by altering the probabilities of events. The capacity may function more powerfully in certain altered states of consciousness, particularly mystical states.

4. Diagrams of God



Peace e





Love thy neighbor as thyself.

5. Birth of the Gods If all consciousness is one consciousness, with the individuality of the human mind being something like a multiple personality disorder of God, the possibility exists of a group mind in which individual minds are merged. Gods, angels, and archetypes are personalities created by human imagination and emotion and exist for a culture on a group mind level. They are ensouled by divine consciousness and can perform miracles since as separate personalities they have conscious intention which can alter event probabilities. See the book Conjuring up Phillip, in which a team of researchers create a group mind personality, commune with it via spiritualist sance, and produce many physical phenomena. 6. Scientific validation validation scale
1 irrational - no evidence whatsoever (eg paranoid delusions) 2 semi-rational - very questionable evidence, hearsay (eg urban legend) 3 anecdote - field reports, eg ufo sightings, no tooth decay in certain areas 4 survey - field reports systematically collected and analyzed 5 hypothesis - testable propositions are formulated, experiments are carried out 6 replication - experiments are repeated across researchers, laboratories, methods 7 acceptance - some members of the scientific community accept the results as true 8 validation - nearly all members of the scientific community accept the results as true 9 technology - results are used in practical applications 10 integration - results are well understood within the larger body of scientific laws

Evidence that Human Consciousness is not limited to a brain: Conscious Perception can occur outside the physical senses Remote Viewing experiments. Twenty years of remote viewing experiments carried out at the Stanford Research Institute and SAIC were reviewed by Professor of Statistics Jessica Utts at the request of the CIA. She concluded that the phenomenon is real. It appears across researchers, laboratories, and methods. Nobel Laureate Brian Josephson agrees and now heads the MindMatter Unification Project at the Cavendish Laboratory. http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/~bdj10/ Brian Josephson homepage http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/%7Ebdj10/psi.html Parasychology links http://anson.ucdavis.edu/~utts/ Jessica Utts homepage Validation scale: level 7.

Conscious Intention can influence event outcomes without physical intervention. Meta-analyses of hundreds of experiments on direct intention effects, such as conscious changes to radioactive emissions and the outcome of dice throws, show that the phenomena is real.
See review article by Braude: http://integralinquiry.com/docs/649/intentions.doc. One Laboratory working on Direct Intention: The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) program was established at Princeton University in 1979 by Robert G. Jahn, then Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science, to pursue rigorous scientific study of the interaction of human consciousness with sensitive physical devices, systems, and processes common to contemporary engineering practice. Since that time, an Interdisciplinary staff of engineers, physicists, psychologists, and humanists has been conducting a comprehensive agenda of experiments and developing complementary theoretical models to enable better understanding of the role of consciousness in the establishment of physical reality. http://www.princeton.edu/~pear/

Validation scale: level 7. Consciousness Can Exist Outside the Body Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D, The Afterlife Experiments. 2002. A Harvard Ph.D and former professor of Psychology at Yale, with over 400 published papers, conducts experiments on the reality of communication with those who no longer have a body. Validation scale: level 5.

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