DBMS Lab Manual

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EX NO: 01 DATE: AIM To study the various DDL commands and implement them on the database. COMMANDS SQL> create table stud (sname varchar2(30), sid varchar2(10), sage number(2), sarea varchar2(20)); Table created. SQL> desc stud; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------------------- -------- -------------------------------SNAME VARCHAR2(30) SID VARCHAR2(10) SAGE NUMBER(2) SAREA VARCHAR2(20) SQL>alter table stud modify ( sage number(10)); Table altered.

SQL> alter table stud add ( sdept varchar2(20)); Table altered. SQL> desc stud; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------------------- -------- -------------------------------SNAME VARCHAR2(30) SID VARCHAR2(10) SAGE NUMBER(10) SAREA VARCHAR2(20) SDEPT VARCHAR2(20) SQL> alter table stud drop ( sdept varchar2(20)); Table altered.

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SQL> desc studs; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------------------- -------- -----------------------------------SNAME VARCHAR2(30) SID VARCHAR2(10) SAGE NUMBER(10) SAREA VARCHAR2(20) SQL> truncate table studs; Table truncated. SQL> desc studs; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------------------- -------- -----------------------------------SNAME VARCHAR2(30) SID VARCHAR2(10) SAGE NUMBER(10) SAREA VARCHAR2(20) SDEPT VARCHAR2(20) SQL> drop table studs; Table dropped.

RESULT Thus the DDL commands were implemented and the output was verified.

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EX NO:02 DATE: AIM To study the various categories of DML commands such as logical operations, aggregate functions, string functions ,numeric functions, date functions, conversion functions and group functions, set operations, join operations and nested queries.. DESCRIPTION THE ORACLE TABLE DUAL Dual is a small oracle table which consists of only one row and one column and contains the value X in that column. INSERT This command is used to insert values into the table. SELECT This command is used to display the contents of the table or those of a particular column. RENAME This command renames the name of the table. ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS Various operations such as addition, multiplication, subtraction and division can be performed using the numbers available in the table. DISTINCT This keyword is used along with select keyword to display unique values from the specified column. It avoids duplicates during display. ORDER BY CLAUSE The order by clause arranges the contents of the table in ascending order (by default) or in descending order (if specified explicitly) according to the specified column. CONCATENATION OPERATOR This combines information from two or more columns in a sentence according to the format specified. LOGICAL OPERATORS AND : The oracle engine will process all rows in a table and displays the result only when all of the conditions specified using the AND operator are specified. OR : The oracle engine will process all rows in a table and displays the result only when any of the conditions specified using the OR operators are satisfied. NOT : The oracle engine will process all rows in a table and displays the result only when none of the conditions specified using the NOT operator are specified. BETWEEN : In order to select data that is within a range of values, the between operator is used. (AND should be included) PATTERN MATCH LIKE PREDICATE : The use of like predicate is that it allows the comparison of one string value with another string value, which is not identical. This is achieved by using wildcard characters which are % and _. The purpose of % is that it matches any string and _ matches any single character. IN AND NOT IN PREDICATE : The arithmetic operator = compares a single value to another single value. In case a value needs to be compared to a list of values then the in

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predicate is used.The not in predicate is the opposite of the in predicate. This will select all the rows whose values do not match all of the values in the list. NUMERIC FUNCTIONS ABS: It returns the absolute value of n. POWER: It returns m raised to nth power. n must be an integer else an error is returned. ROUND: It returns n rounded to m places right of the decimal point. If m is omitted, n is rounded to zero places. m must be an integer. SQRT: It returns square root of n. n should be greater than zero. STRING FUNCTIONS LOWER: It returns char with letters in lower case. INITCAP: It returns char with the first letter in upper case. UPPER: It returns char with all letters forced to upper case. SUBSTR: It returns a portion of char beginning at character m, exceeding up to n characters. If n is omitted result is written up to the end character. The 1st position of char is one. LENGTH: It returns the length of char LTRIM: It removes characters from the left of char with initial characters removed up to the 1st character not in set. RTRIM: It returns char with final characters removed after the last character not in the set. Set is optional. It defaults to spaces. LPAD: It returns char1, left padded to length n with the sequence of characters in char2. char2 defaults to blanks. RPAD: It returns char1, right padded to length n with the characters in char2, replicated as many times as necessary. If char2 is omitted, it is padded with blanks. AGGREGATE FUNCTIONS AVG (N): It returns average value of n ignoring null values. MIN (EXPR): It returns minimum value of the expression. COUNT (EXPR): It returns the number of rows where expression is not null. COUNT (*): It returns the number of rows in the table including the duplicates and those with null values. MAX (EXPR): It returns maximum value of the expression. SUM(N): It returns sum of values of n. CONVERSION FUCTIONS TO_NUMBER(CHAR): It converts the char value containing a number to a value of number data type. TO_CHAR(N,FMT): It converts a value of number data type to a value of char data type, using the optional format string. It accepts a number n and a numeric format fmt in which the number has to appear. If fmt is omitted, n is converted to a char value exactly long enough to hold significant digits. TO_CHAR(DATE, FMT): It converts a value of data type to char value. It accepts a date as well as the format in which the date has to appear. Fmt must be a date format. If fmt is omitted, date is the default date format. DATE FUNCTIONS SYSDATE : The sysdate is a pseudo column that contains the current date and time. It requires no arguments when selected from the table dual and returns the current date.

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ADD_MONTHS(D,N): It returns date after adding the number of months specified with the function. LAST_DAY(D): It returns the last date of the month specified with the function MONTHS_BETWEEN(D1,D2): It returns number of months between D1 and D2. NEXT_DAY(DATE, CHAR): It returns the date of the first week day named by char . char must be a day of the week. GROUP BY CLAUSE The group by clause is another section of the select statement. This optional class tells oracle to group rows based on distinct values that exists for specified columns. HAVING CLAUSE The having clause can be used in conjunction with the group by clause. Having imposes a condition on the group by clause, which further filters the groups created by the group by clause. SET OPERATIONS UNION CLAUSE: Multiple queries can be put together and their output combined using the union clause. The union clause merges the output of two or more queries into a single set of rows and columns. INTERSECT CLAUSE: Multiple queries can be put together and their output can be combined using the intersect clause. The intersect clause outputs only rows produced by both the queries intersected. The output in an intersect clause will include only those rows that are retrieved by both the queries. JOIN OPERATIONS INNER JOIN/ NATURAL JOIN/ JOIN: It is a binary operation that allows us to combine certain selections and a Cartesian product into one operation. OUTER JOIN: It is an extension of join operation to deal with missing information. Left Outer Join: It takes tuples in the left relation that did not match with any tuple in the right relation, pads the tuples with null values for all other attributes from the right relation and adds them to the result of the natural join. Right Outer Join: It takes tuples in the right relation that did not match with any tuple in the left relation, pads the tuples with null values for all other attributes from the left relation and adds them to the result of the natural join. Full Outer Join: It combines tuples from both the left and the right relation and pads the tuples with null values for the missing attributes and them to the result of the natural join. COMMANDS CREATION OF TABLE SQL>create table stud (sname varchar2(30), sid varchar2(10), sage number(10), sarea varchar2(20), sdept varchar2(20)); Table created. INSERTION OF VALUES INTO THE TABLE SQL> insert into stud values ('ashwin',101,19,'anna nagar','aeronautical');

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1 row created. SQL> insert into stud values ('bhavesh',102,18,'nungambakkam','marine'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into stud values ('pruthvik',103,20,'anna nagar','aerospace'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into stud values ('charith',104,20,'kilpauk','mechanical'); 1 row created. SQL> select * from stud; SNAME SID SAGE SAREA SDEPT ------------------------------ ---------- --------- -------------------- -------------------ashwin 101 19 anna nagar aeronautical bhavesh 102 18 nungambakkam marine pruthvik 103 20 anna nagar aerospace charith 104 20 kilpauk mechanical RENAMING THE TABLE STUD SQL> rename stud to studs; Table renamed. ARITHMETIC OPERATION SQL> select sname, sid+100 "stid" from studs; SNAME stid ------------------------------ --------ashwin 201 bhavesh 202 pruthvik 203 charith 204 CONCATENATION OPERATOR SQL> select sname || ' is a ' || sdept || ' engineer. ' AS "PROFESSION" from studs; PROFESSION ------------------------------------------------------------------ashwin is a aeronautical engineer. bhavesh is a marine engineer. pruthvik is a aerospace engineer. charith is a mechanical engineer.

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DISPLAY ONLY DISTINCT VALUES SQL> select distinct sarea from studs; SAREA -------------------anna nagar kilpauk nungambakkam USING THE WHERE CLAUSE SQL> select sname,sage from studs where sage<=19; SNAME SAGE ------------------------------ --------ashwin 19 bhavesh 18 BETWEEN OPERATOR SQL> select sname,sarea, sid from studs where sid between 102 and 104; SNAME SAREA SID ------------------------------ -------------------- ---------bhavesh nungambakkam 102 pruthvik anna nagar 103 charith kilpauk 104 IN PREDICATE SQL> select sname,sarea , sid from studs where sid in(102,104); SNAME SAREA SID ------------------------------ -------------------- ---------bhavesh nungambakkam 102 charith kilpauk 104 PATTERN MATCHING SQL> select sname, sarea from studs where sarea like '%g%'; SNAME SAREA ------------------------------ -------------------ashwin anna nagar bhavesh nungambakkam pruthvik anna nagar LOGICAL AND OPERATOR SQL> select sname ,sid from studs where sid>102 and sarea='anna nagar';

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SNAME SID ------------------------------ ---------pruthvik 103 LOGICAL OR OPERATOR SQL> select sname ,sid from studs where sid>102 or sarea='anna nagar'; SNAME SID ------------------------------ ---------ashwin 101 pruthvik 103 charith 104 NOT IN PREDICATE SQL> select sname, sid from studs where sid not in(102,104); SNAME SID ------------------------------ ---------ashwin 101 pruthvik 103 UPDATING THE TABLE SQL> alter table studs add ( spocket varchar2(20) ); Table altered. SQL> update studs set spocket=750 where sid=101; 1 row updated. SQL> update studs set spocket=500 where sid=102; 1 row updated. SQL> update studs set spocket=250 where sid=103; 1 row updated. SQL> update studs set spocket=100 where sid=104; 1 row updated. SQL> select * from studs;

SNAME SID SAGE SAREA SDEPT ------------------------------ ---------- --------- -------------------- --------------------

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SPOCKET -------------------ashwin 750 bhavesh 500 pruthvik 250 charith 100 101 102 103 104 19 18 anna nagar nungambakkam aeronautical marine aerospace mechanical

20 anna nagar 20 kilpauk

AGGREGATE FUNCTIONS SQL> select avg( spocket ) result from studs; RESULT --------400 SQL> select min(spocket) result from studs; RESULT -------------------100 SQL> select count(spocket) result from studs; RESULT --------4 SQL> select count(*) result from studs; RESULT --------4 SQL> select count(spocket) result from studs where sarea='anna nagar'; RESULT --------2 SQL> select max(spocket) result from studs; RESULT --------------------

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750 SQL> select sum(spocket) result from studs; RESULT --------1600 NUMERIC FUNCTIONS SQL> select abs(-20) result from dual; RESULT --------20 SQL> select power (2,10) result from dual; RESULT --------1024 SQL> select round(15.359,2) result from dual; RESULT --------15.36 SQL> select sqrt (36) result from dual; RESULT --------6 STRING FUNCTIONS SQL> select lower('ORACLE') result from dual; RESULT -----oracle SQL> select upper('oracle') result from dual; RESULT -----ORACLE

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SQL> select initcap('Oracle') result from dual; RESULT -----Oracle SQL> select substr('oracle' ,2 ,5) result from dual; RESULT ----racle SQL> select lpad('oracle',10,'#') result from dual; RESULT ---------####oracle SQL> select rpad ('oracle',10,'^') result from dual; RESULT ---------oracle^^^^ CONVERSION FUNCTIONS SQL> update studs set sage=to_number(substr(118,2,3)); 4 rows updated. SQL> select * from studs; SNAME SID SAGE SAREA SDEPT ------------------------------ ---------- --------- -------------------- -------------------SPOCKET -------------------ashwin 101 18 anna nagar aeronautical 750 bhavesh 102 18 nungambakkam marine 500 pruthvik 103 18 anna nagar aerospace 250 charith 104 18 kilpauk mechanical 100 SQL> select to_char( 17145, '099,999') result from dual;

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RESULT -------017,145 SQL> select to_char(sysdate,'dd-mon-yyyy') result from dual; RESULT ----------16-jul-2008 DATE FUNCTIONS SQL> select sysdate from dual; SYSDATE --------16-JUL-08 SQL> select sysdate,add_months(sysdate,4) result from dual; SYSDATE RESULT ----------------16-JUL-08 16-NOV-08 SQL> select sysdate, last_day(sysdate) result from dual; SYSDATE RESULT ----------------16-JUL-08 31-JUL-08 SQL> select sysdate, next_day(sysdate,'sunday') result from dual; SYSDATE RESULT ----------------16-JUL-08 20-JUL-08 SQL> select months_between('09-aug-91','11-mar-90') result from dual; RESULT --------16.935484 GROUP BY CLAUSE SQL> select sarea, sum(spocket) result from studs group by sarea; SAREA RESULT

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-------------------anna nagar nungambakkam kilpauk

-----------1000 500 100

HAVING CLAUSE SQL> select sarea, sum(spocket) result from studs group by sarea having spocket<600; SAREA -------------------nungambakkam kilpauk RESULT -----------500 100

DELETION SQL> delete from studs where sid=101; 1 row deleted. SQL> select * from studs; SNAME SID SAGE SAREA SDEPT ------------------------------ ---------- --------- -------------------- -------------------SPOCKET ------------------bhavesh 102 18 nungambakkam marine 500 pruthvik 103 20 anna nagar aerospace 250 charith 104 20 kilpauk mechanical 100 CREATING TABLES FOR DOING SET OPERATIONS TO CREATE PRODUCT TABLE SQL> create table product(prodname varchar2(30), prodno varchar2(10)); Table created. SQL> insert into product values('table',10001); 1 row created. SQL> insert into product values('chair',10010); 1 row created. SQL> insert into product values('desk',10110);

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1 row created. SQL> insert into product values('cot',11110); 1 row created. SQL> insert into product values('sofa',10010); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> insert into product values('tvstand',11010); 1 row created. SQL> select * from product; PRODNAME PRODNO ------------------------------ ---------table 10001 chair 10010 desk 10110 cot 11110 sofa 10010 tvstand 11010 TO CREATE SALE TABLE SQL> create table sale(prodname varchar2(30),orderno number(10),prodno varchar2(10)); Table created. SQL> insert into sale values('table',801,10001); 1 row created. SQL> insert into sale values('chair',805,10010); 1 row created. SQL> insert into sale values('desk',809,10110); 1 row created. SQL> insert into sale values('cot',813,11110);

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1 row created. SQL> insert into sale values('sofa',817,10010); 1 row created. SQL> select * from sale; PRODNAME ORDERNO PRODNO ----------------------------------------------table 801 10001 chair 805 10010 desk 809 10110 cot 813 11110 sofa 817 10010 SET OPERATIONS SQL> select prodname from product where prodno=10010 union select prodname from sale where prodno=10010; PRODNAME -----------------------------chair sofa SQL> select prodname from product where prodno=11110 intersect select prodname from sale where prodno=11110; PRODNAME -----------------------------cot CREATING TABLES FOR DOING JOIN AND NESTED QUERY OPERATIONS TO CREATE SSTUD1 TABLE SQL> create table sstud1 ( sname varchar2(20) , place varchar2(20)); Table created. SQL> insert into sstud1 values ( 'prajan','chennai'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into sstud1 values ( 'anand','chennai'); 1 row created.

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SQL> insert into sstud1 values ( 'kumar','chennai'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into sstud1 values ( 'ravi','chennai'); 1 row created. SQL> select * from sstud1; SNAME PLACE -------------------- -------------------prajan chennai anand chennai kumar chennai ravi chennai TO CREATE SSTUD2 TABLE SQL> create table sstud2 ( sname varchar2(20), dept varchar2(10), marks number(10)); Table created. SQL> insert into sstud2 values ('prajan','cse',700); 1 row created. SQL> insert into sstud2 values ('anand','it',650); 1 row created. SQL> insert into sstud2 values ('vasu','cse',680); 1 row created. SQL> insert into sstud2 values ('ravi','it',600); 1 row created. SQL> select * from sstud2; SNAME DEPT MARKS -------------------- ---------- --------prajan cse 700 anand it 650 vasu cse 680 ravi it 600

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JOIN OPERATIONS SQL> select sstud1.sname, dept from sstud1 inner join sstud2 on ( sstud1.sname= sstud2.sname); SNAME DEPT -------------------- ---------anand it prajan cse ravi it SQL> select sstud1.sname, dept from sstud1 join sstud2 on ( sstud1.sname= sstud2.sname); SNAME DEPT -------------------- ---------anand it prajan cse ravi it SQL> select sstud1.sname, dept from sstud1 left outer join sstud2 on ( sstud1.sname= sstud2.sname); SNAME DEPT -------------------- ---------prajan cse anand it ravi it kumar SQL> select sstud1.sname, dept from sstud1 right outer join sstud2 on ( sstud1.sname= sstud2.sname)

SNAME DEPT -------------------- ---------prajan cse anand it ravi it cse SQL> select sstud1.sname, dept from sstud1 full outer join sstud2 on ( sstud1.sname= sstud2.sname); SNAME DEPT -------------------- ---------prajan cse

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anand ravi kumar

it it cse

NESTED QUERIES SQL> select sname from sstud1 where sstud1.sname in ( select sstud2.sname from 2 sstud2 ); SNAME -------------------anand prajan ravi SQL> select sname from sstud1 where sstud1.sname not in ( select sstud2.sname from sstud2 ); SNAME -------------------kumar SQL> select sname from sstud2 where marks > some(select marks from sstud2 2 where dept='cse'); SNAME -------------------prajan SQL> select sname from sstud2 where marks >= some (select marks from sstud2 2 where dept='cse' ); SNAME -------------------prajan vasu SQL> select sname from sstud2 where marks > any ( select marks from sstud2 where dept='cse' ); SNAME -------------------prajan SQL> select sname from sstud2 where marks >= any ( select marks from sstud2

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2 where dept='cse' ); SNAME -------------------prajan vasu SQL> select sname from sstud2 where marks > all ( select marks from sstud2 where dept='cse' ); no rows selected SQL> select sname from sstud2 where marks < all ( select marks from sstud2 where dept='cse' ); SNAME -------------------anand ravi SQL> select sname from sstud1 where exists ( select sstud2.sname from sstud2 2 where sstud1.sname=sstud2.sname ); SNAME -------------------prajan anand ravi SQL> select sname from sstud1 where not exists ( select sstud2.sname from 2 sstud2 where sstud1.sname=sstud2.sname ); SNAME -------------------kumar

RESULT Thus all the DML commands were executed and the output was verified.

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EX NO: 03 DATE: AIM To study the various constraints available in the SQL query language. DOMAIN INTEGRITY CONSTRAINTS NOT NULL CONSTRAINT SQL> create table empl (ename varchar2(30) not null, eid varchar2(20) not null); Table created. SQL> insert into empl values ('abcde',11); 1 row created. SQL> insert into empl values ('fghij',12); 1 row created. SQL> insert into empl values ('klmno',null); insert into empl values ('klmno',null) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("ITA"."EMPL"."EID")

SQL> select * from empl; ENAME EID ------------------------------ -------------------abcde 11 fghij 12

CHECK AS A COLUMN CONSTRAINT SQL> create table depts ( dname varchar2(30) not null, did number(20) not null check (did<10000)); Table created. SQL> insert into depts values ('sales ',9876); 1 row created.

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SQL> insert into depts values ('marketing',5432); 1 row created. SQL> insert into depts values ('accounts',789645); insert into depts values ('accounts',789645) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02290: check constraint (ITA.SYS_C003179) violated

SQL> select * from depts; DNAME DID ------------------------------ --------sales 9876 marketing 5432 CHECK AS A TABLE CONSTRAINT SQL> create table airports (aname varchar2(30) not null , aid number(20) not null, acity varchar2(30) check( acity in ('chennai','hyderabad','bangalore'))); Table created. SQL> insert into airports values( 'abcde', 100,'chennai'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into airports values( 'fghij', 101,'hyderabad'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into airports values( 'klmno', 102,'bangalore'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into airports values( 'pqrst', 103,'mumbai'); insert into airports values( 'pqrst', 103,'mumbai') * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02290: check constraint (ITA.SYS_C003187) violated

SQL> select * from airports;

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ANAME AID ACITY ------------------------------ --------- -----------------------------abcde 100 chennai fghij 101 hyderabad klmno 102 bangalore

ENTITY INTEGRITY CONSTRAINTS UNIQUE AS A COLUMN CONSTRAINT SQL> create table book (bname varchar2(30) not null, bid number(20) not null unique); Table created. SQL> insert into book values ('fairy tales',1000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into book values ('bedtime stories',1001); 1 row created. SQL> insert into book values ('comics',1001); insert into book values ('comics',1001) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00001: unique constraint (ITA.SYS_C003130) violated

SQL> select * from book; BNAME BID ------------------------------ --------fairy tales 1000 bedtime stories 1001 UNIQUE AS A TABLE CONSTRAINT SQL> create table orders( oname varchar2(30) not null , oid number(20) not null , unique(oname,oid)); Table created. SQL> insert into orders values ('chair', 2005);

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1 row created. SQL> insert into orders values ('table',2006); 1 row created.

SQL> insert into orders values ('chair',2007); 1 row created. SQL> insert into orders values ('chair', 2005); insert into orders values ('chair', 2005) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00001: unique constraint (ITA.SYS_C003152) violated SQL> select * from orders; ONAME OID ------------------------------ --------chair 2005 table 2006 chair 2007 PRIMARY KEY AS A COLUMN CONSTRAINT SQL> create table custo ( cname varchar2(30) not null , cid number(20) not null primary key); Table created. SQL> insert into custo values ( 'jones', 506); 1 row created. SQL> insert into custo values ('hayden',508); 1 row created. SQL> insert into custo values ('ricky',506); insert into custo values ('ricky',506) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00001: unique constraint (ITA.SYS_C003165) violated

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SQL> select * from custo; CNAME CID ------------------------------ --------jones 506 hayden 508 PRIMARY KEY AS A TABLE CONSTRAINT SQL> create table branches( bname varchar2(30) not null , bid number(20) not null , primary key(bnam e,bid)); Table created. SQL> insert into branches values ('anna nagar', 1005); 1 row created. SQL> insert into branches values ('adyar',1006); 1 row created. SQL> insert into branches values ('anna nagar',1007); 1 row created. SQL> insert into branches values ('anna nagar', 1005); insert into branches values ('anna nagar', 1005) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00001: unique constraint (ITA.SYS_C003173) violated

SQL> select * from branches;

BNAME BID ------------------------------ --------anna nagar 1005 adyar 1006 anna nagar 1007 REFERENTIAL INTEGRITY CONSTRAINTS TO CREATE DEPTS TABLE

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SQL> create table depts(city varchar2(20), dno number(5) primary key); Table created. SQL> insert into depts values('chennai', 11); 1 row created. SQL> insert into depts values('hyderabad', 22); 1 row created. TO CREATE SEMP TABLE SQL> create table semp(ename varchar2(20), dno number(5) references depts(dno)); Table created. SQL> insert into semp values('x', 11); 1 row created. SQL> insert into semp values('y', 22); 1 row created. SQL> select * from semp; ENAME DNO -------------------- --------x 11 y 22 ALTER TABLE SQL> alter table semp add(eddress varchar2(20)); Table altered. SQL> update semp set eddress='10 gandhi road' where dno=11; 1 row updated. SQL> update semp set eddress='12 m.g. road' where dno=22; 1 row updated. SQL> select * from semp; ENAME DNO EDDRESS -------------------- --------- -------------------x 11 10 gandhi road y 22 12 m.g. road SQL> select city, ename from depts, s2emp where depts.dno = s2emp.dno; CITY ENAME -------------------- -------------------chennai x hyderabad y

RESULT Thus the various constraints were implemented and the tables were created using the respecting constraints. Hence the output was verified.

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EX NO: 4 DATE: AIM To create views for the table and perform operations on it. DEFINITION A view is an object that gives the user the logical view of data from the underlying table. Any relation that is not part of the logical model but is made visible to the user as a virtual relation is called a view. They are generally used to avoid duplication of data. Views are created for the following reasons, Data simplicity To provide data security Structural simplicity (because view contains only limited number of rows and colmns) TYPES OF VIEWS Updatable views Allow data manipulation Read only views Do not allow data manipulation

TO CREATE THE TABLE FVIEWS SQL> create table fviews( name varchar2(20),no number(5), sal number(5), dno number(5)); Table created. SQL> insert into fviews values('xxx',1,19000,11); 1 row created. SQL> insert into fviews values('aaa',2,19000,12); 1 row created. SQL> insert into fviews values('yyy',3,40000,13); 1 row created. SQL> select * from fviews; NAME NO SAL DNO

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-------------------- --------- --------- --------xxx 1 19000 11 aaa 2 19000 12 yyy 3 40000 13 TO CREATE THE TABLE DVIEWS SQL> create table dviews( dno number(5), dname varchar2(20)); Table created. SQL> insert into dviews values(11,'x'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into dviews values(12,'y'); 1 row created. SQL> select * from dviews; DNO DNAME --------- -------------------11 x 12 y CREATING THE VIEW SVIEW ON FVIEWS TABLE SQL> create view sview as select name,no,sal,dno from fviews where dno=11; View created. SQL> select * from sview; NAME NO -------------------- --------xxx 1 SAL DNO --------- --------19000 11


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SQL> select * from sview; NAME NO SAL DNO -------------------- --------- --------- --------xxx 1 19000 11 SQL> select * from fviews; NAME NO -------------------- --------xxx 1 aaa 2 yyy 3 zzz 4 SAL DNO --------- --------19000 11 19000 12 40000 13 20000 14

UPDATES MADE ON THE VIEW ARE REFLECTED ON BOTH THE VIEW AND THE TABLE WHEN THE STRUTURE OF THE TABLE AND THE VIEW ARE SIMILAR PROOF CREATING A VIEW IVIEW FOR THE TABLE FVIEWS SQL> create view iview as select * from fviews; View created. SQL> select * from iview; NAME NO SAL DNO -------------------- --------- --------- --------xxx 1 19000 11 aaa 2 19000 12 yyy 3 40000 13 zzz 4 20000 14 PERFORMING UPDATE OPERATION SQL> insert into iview values ('bbb',5,30000,15); 1 row created. SQL> select * from iview; NAME NO SAL DNO -------------------- --------- --------- ---------

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xxx bbb

1 5

19000 30000

11 15

SQL> select * from fviews; NAME NO SAL DNO -------------------- --------- --------- --------xxx 1 19000 11 aaa 2 19000 12 yyy 3 40000 13 zzz 4 20000 14 bbb 5 30000 15 CREATE A NEW VIEW SSVIEW AND DROP THE VIEW SQL> create view ssview( cusname,id) as select name, no from fviews where dno=12; View created. SQL> select * from ssview; CUSNAME ID -------------------- --------aaa 2 SQL> drop view ssview; View dropped. TO CREATE A VIEW COMBO USING BOTH THE TABLES FVIEWS AND DVIEWS SQL> create view combo as select name,no,sal,dviews.dno,dname from fviews,dviews where fviews.dno=dviews.dno; View created. SQL> select * from combo; NAME NO SAL DNO DNAME -------------------- --------- --------- --------- -------------------xxx 1 19000 11 x aaa 2 19000 12 y TO PERFORM MANIPULATIONS ON THIS VIEW SQL> insert into combo values('ccc',12,1000,13,'x');

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insert into combo values('ccc',12,1000,13,'x') * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01779: cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved table This shows that when a view is created from two different tables no manipulations can be performed using that view and the above error is displayed.

RESULT Thus views were created, various operations were performed and the outputs were verified.

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EX NO: 5 DATE: AIM To study the various data language commands (DCL) and implement them on the database. DESCRIPTION The DCL language is used for controlling the access to the table and hence securing the database. This language is used to provide certain priveleges to a particular user. Priveleges are rights to be allocated. The privilege commands are namely, Grant Revoke The various priveleges that can be granted or revoked are, Select Insert Delete Update References Execute All GRANT COMMAND: It is used to create users and grant access to the database. It requires database administrator (DBA) privilege, except that a user can change their password. A user can grant access to their database objects to other users. REVOKE COMMAND: Using this command , the DBA can revoke the granted database priveleges from the user. SYNTAX GRANT COMMAND Grant < database_priv [database_priv..] > to <user_name> identified by <password> [,<password..]; Grant <object_priv> | All on <object> to <user | public> [ With Grant Option ]; REVOKE COMMAND

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Revoke <database_priv> from <user [, user ] >; Revoke <object_priv> on <object> from < user | public >; <database_priv> -- Specifies the system level priveleges to be granted to the users or roles. This includes create / alter / delete any object of the system. <object_priv> -- Specifies the actions such as alter / delete / insert / references / execute / select / update for tables. <all> -- Indicates all the priveleges. [ With Grant Option ] Allows the recipient user to give further grants on the objects. The priveleges can be granted to different users by specifying their names or to all users by using the Public option. EXAMPLES Consider the following tables namely DEPARTMENTS and EMPLOYEES Their schemas are as follows , Departments ( dept _no , dept_ name , dept_location ); Employees ( emp_id , emp_name , emp_salary ); SQL> Grant all on employees to abcde; Grant succeeded. SQL> Grant select , update , insert on departments to abcde with grant option; Grant succeeded. SQL> Revoke all on employees from abcde; Revoke succeeded. SQL> Revoke select , update , insert on departments from abcde; Revoke succeeded.

RESULT Thus all the commands were executed and their output were verified.

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EX NO: 6 DATE: AIM To write an SQL application that creates tables and perform certain operations based on the concept of nested queries. GIVEN APPLICATION Given relational schema are sempls ( eno primary key, ename, edob, gender,doj,desg, bpay, dno) sdments ( dno, dname) spros( pno primary key,pname,dno) sworks ( eno , pno , datework, intime, outtime) A department can control any number of projects but a project is controlled only by one department. An employee can work in any number of projects on a day but an employee is not permitted to work more than once on a project on the same day. Develop suitable queries. TO CREATE SEMPLS TABLE SQL> create table sempls( eno number(10) primary key, ename varchar2(10), edob varchar2(15), gender varchar2(10), doj varchar2(15),desg varchar2(30), bpay number(10), dno number(10)); Table created. SQL> insert into sempls values( 1, 'bala','15/1/84','m','16th july','lec',7000,1); 1 row created. SQL> insert into sempls values( 2, 'kala','13/9/84','m','18th july','lec',10000,2); 1 row created. SQL> insert into sempls values( 3, 'mala','17th june','f','19th june','lec',19000,1); 1 row created. SQL> insert into sempls values(4, 'nila','20th june','f','19th june','sr.lec',20000,1); 1 row created.

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SQL> insert into sempls values( 5, 'vina','2nd jan','f','12th july','prof.',50000,2); 1 row created. SQL> select * from sempls; ENO ENAME EDOB GENDER DOJ DESG BPAY DNO

--------- ---------- --------------- ---------- --------------- -------------------------------------- --------1 2 3 4 5 bala kala mala nila vina 15/1/84 13/9/84 17th june 20th june 2nd jan m m f f f 16th july 18th july 19th june 19th june 12th july lec lec lec sr.lec prof. 7000 10000 19000 20000 50000 1 2 1 1 2

TO CREATE SDMENTS TABLE SQL> create table sdments( dno number(10), dname varchar2(30)); Table created. SQL> insert into sdments values (1, 'cse'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into sdments values (2, 'it'); 1 row created. SQL> select * from sdments; DNO --------1 2 DNAME -----------------------------cse it

TO CREATE SPROS TABLE SQL> create table spros (pno number(20) primary key, pname varchar2(30),dno number(10)); Table created. SQL> insert into spros values(81, 'aaa',1);

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1 row created. SQL> insert into spros values(82, 'bbb',1); 1 row created. SQL> insert into spros values(83, 'ccc',1); 1 row created. SQL> insert into spros values(84, 'ddd',2); 1 row created. SQL> insert into spros values (85, 'eee',2); 1 row created. SQL> select * from spros; PNO PNAME DNO --------- ------------------------------ --------81 aaa 1 82 bbb 1 83 ccc 1 84 ddd 2 85 eee 2 TO CREATE SWORKS TABLE SQL> create table sworks (eno number(10) , pno number(20) , datework varchar2(20) , intime number(10),outtime number(10)); Table created. SQL> insert into sworks values(1,81,'11th july',9,10); 1 row created. SQL> insert into sworks values(1,82,'11th july',10,11); 1 row created. SQL> insert into sworks values(1,83,'11th july',11,12); 1 row created.

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SQL> insert into sworks values(1,84,'11th july',12,1); 1 row created. SQL> insert into sworks values(1,85,'11th july',1,2); 1 row created. SQL> insert into sworks values(2,85,'12th july',8,9); 1 row created. SQL> select * from sworks; ENO --------1 1 1 1 1 2 QUERY 1 This querylists the details of employees who earn a basic pay that is less than the average basic pay of the employees. SQL> select * from sempls where bpay < (select avg(bpay) from sempls); ENO ENAME EDOB GENDER DOJ DESG BPAY DNO ------- ---------- --------------- ------------------ ------- ------------------ ------------ --------1 bala 15/1/84 m 16th july lec 7000 1 2 kala 13/9/84 m 18th july lec 10000 2 3 mala 17th june f 19th june lec 19000 1 4 nila 20th june f 19th june sr.lec 20000 1 QUERY 2 This query lists the department number , number of employees in each department. SQL> select dno,count(eno) from sempls group by dno; DNO --------COUNT(ENO) ---------PNO DATEWORK --------- -------------------81 11th july 82 11th july 83 11th july 84 11th july 85 11th july 85 12th july INTIME OUTTIME ----------------9 10 10 11 11 12 12 1 1 2 8 9

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1 2 QUERY 3

3 2

This query lists the details of employees who earn a basic pay in the range 10000 to 20000. SQL> select * from sempls where bpay between 10000 and 20000; ENO ENAME EDOB GENDER ------- --------- ---------- ----------2 3 4 QUERY 4 This query lists the details of employees who have worked in projects controlled by department name = cse. SQL> select * from sempls, sdments,spros where sdments.dno=spros.dno and sdments.dno=sempls.dno and dname='cse'; ENO ENAME EDOB GENDER DOJ DESG --------- ---------- --------------- ---------- --------------- -----------------------------BPAY DNO DNO DNAME PNO --------- --------- --------- ------------------------------ --------PNAME DNO ------------------------------ --------1 bala 15/1/84 m 16th july lec 7000 1 1 cse 81 aaa 1 3 mala 19000 aaa 4 nila 20000 aaa 17th june 1 cse 1 f 19th june lec 81 kala mala nila 13/9/84 17th june 20th june m f f DOJ DESG BPAY DNO ------- --------------- -----------------------------18th july 19th june 19th june lec lec sr.lec 10000 19000 20000 2 1 1

20th june f 1 1 cse 1

19th june

sr.lec 81


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This query lists the employee number, employee name, department number, date worked if the employee has worked in more than 4 projects on a day. SQL> select sempls.eno,ename,dno,datework from sempls,sworks where sempls.eno in(select eno from (select eno,datework from sworks group by eno,datework having count(pno)>4)) and datework in (select datework from (select eno,datework from sworks group by eno,datework ha ving count(pno)>4)); ENO ENAME DNO DATEWORK --------- ---------- --------- -------------------1 bala 1 11th july 1 bala 1 11th july 1 bala 1 11th july 1 bala 1 11th july

RESULT Thus the application was implemented and the output was verified.

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AIM To implement various programs using PL/SQL language. PROGRAMS TO DISPLAY HELLO MESSAGE SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 a varchar2(20); 3 begin 4 a:='Hello'; 5 dbms_output.put_line(a); 6 end; 7 / Hello PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. TO INPUT A VALUE FROM THE USER AND DISPLAY IT SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 a varchar2(20); 3 begin 4 a:=&a; 5 dbms_output.put_line(a); 6 end; 7 / Enter value for a: 5 old 4: a:=&a; new 4: a:=5; 5 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. GREATEST OF TWO NUMBERS SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare

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2 a number(7); 3 b number(7); 4 begin 5 a:=&a; 6 b:=&b; 7 if(a>b) then 8 dbms_output.put_line (' The grerater of the two is'|| a); 9 else 10 dbms_output.put_line (' The grerater of the two is'|| b); 11 end if; 12 end; 13 / Enter value for a: 5 old 5: a:=&a; new 5: a:=5; Enter value for b: 9 old 6: b:=&b; new 6: b:=9; The grerater of the two is9 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. GREATEST OF THREE NUMBERS SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 a number(7); 3 b number(7); 4 c number(7); 5 begin 6 a:=&a; 7 b:=&b; 8 c:=&c; 9 if(a>b and a>c) then 10 dbms_output.put_line (' The greatest of the three is ' || a); 11 else if (b>c) then 12 dbms_output.put_line (' The greatest of the three is ' || b); 13 else 14 dbms_output.put_line (' The greatest of the three is ' || c); 15 end if; 16 end if; 17 end; 18 / Enter value for a: 5 old 6: a:=&a; new 6: a:=5;

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Enter value for b: 7 old 7: b:=&b; new 7: b:=7; Enter value for c: 1 old 8: c:=&c; new 8: c:=1; The greatest of the three is 7 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. PRINT NUMBERS FROM 1 TO 5 USING SIMPLE LOOP SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 a number:=1; 3 begin 4 loop 5 dbms_output.put_line (a); 6 a:=a+1; 7 exit when a>5; 8 end loop; 9 end; 10 / 1 2 3 4 5 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. PRINT NUMBERS FROM 1 TO 4 USING WHILE LOOP SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 a number:=1; 3 begin 4 while(a<5) 5 loop 6 dbms_output.put_line (a); 7 a:=a+1; 8 end loop; 9 end; 10 / 1 2 3 4

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PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. PRINT NUMBERS FROM 1 TO 5 USING FOR LOOP SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 a number:=1; 3 begin 4 for a in 1..5 5 loop 6 dbms_output.put_line (a); 7 end loop; 8 end; 9 / 1 2 3 4 5 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. PRINT NUMBERS FROM 1 TO 5 IN REVERSE ORDER USING FOR LOOP SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 a number:=1; 3 begin 4 for a in reverse 1..5 5 loop 6 dbms_output.put_line (a); 7 end loop; 8 end; 9 / 5 4 3 2 1 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. TO CALCULATE AREA OF CIRCLE SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 pi constant number(4,2):=3.14; 3 a number(20);

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4 r number(20); 5 begin 6 r:=&r; 7 a:= pi* power(r,2); 8 dbms_output.put_line (' The area of circle is ' || a); 9 end; 10 / Enter value for r: 2 old 6: r:=&r; new 6: r:=2; The area of circle is 13 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. TO CREATE SACCOUNT TABLE SQL> create table saccount ( accno number(5), name varchar2(20), bal number(10)); Table created. SQL> insert into saccount values ( 1,'mala',20000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into saccount values (2,'kala',30000); 1 row created. SQL> select * from saccount; ACCNO NAME BAL --------- -------------------- --------1 mala 20000 2 kala 30000 SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 a_bal number(7); 3 a_no varchar2(20); 4 debit number(7):=2000; 5 minamt number(7):=500; 6 begin 7 a_no:=&a_no; 8 select bal into a_bal from saccount where accno= a_no; 9 a_bal:= a_bal-debit; 10 if (a_bal > minamt) then 11 update saccount set bal=bal-debit where accno=a_no;

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12 end if; 13 end; 14 15 / Enter value for a_no: 1 old 7: a_no:=&a_no; new 7: a_no:=1; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select * from saccount; ACCNO NAME BAL --------- -------------------- --------1 mala 18000 2 kala 30000 TO CREATE TABLE SROUTES SQL> create table sroutes ( rno number(5), origin varchar2(20), destination varchar2(20), fare numbe r(10), distance number(10)); Table created. SQL> insert into sroutes values ( 2, 'chennai', 'dindugal', 400,230); 1 row created. SQL> insert into sroutes values ( 3, 'chennai', 'madurai', 250,300); 1 row created. SQL> insert into sroutes values ( 6, 'thanjavur', 'palani', 350,370); 1 row created. SQL> select * from sroutes; RNO ORIGIN DESTINATION FARE DISTANCE --------- -------------------- -------------------- --------- --------2 chennai dindugal 400 230

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3 chennai 6 thanjavur

madurai palani

250 350

300 370

SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 route sroutes.rno % type; 3 fares sroutes.fare % type; 4 dist sroutes.distance % type; 5 begin 6 route:=&route; 7 select fare, distance into fares , dist from sroutes where rno=route; 8 if (dist < 250) then 9 update sroutes set fare=300 where rno=route; 10 else if dist between 250 and 370 then 11 update sroutes set fare=400 where rno=route; 12 else if (dist > 400) then 13 dbms_output.put_line('Sorry'); 14 end if; 15 end if; 16 end if; 17 end; 18 / Enter value for route: 3 old 6: route:=&route; new 6: route:=3; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select * from sroutes; RNO ORIGIN DESTINATION FARE DISTANCE --------- -------------------- -------------------- --------- --------2 chennai dindugal 400 230 3 chennai madurai 400 300 6 thanjavur palani 350 370 TO CREATE SCA LCULATE TABLE SQL> create table scalculate ( radius number(3), area number(5,2)); Table created. SQL> desc scalculate; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------------------- -------- -----------------------------------RADIUS NUMBER(3)

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SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 pi constant number(4,2):=3.14; 3 area number(5,2); 4 radius number(3); 5 begin 6 radius:=3; 7 while (radius <=7) 8 loop 9 area:= pi* power(radius,2); 10 insert into scalculate values (radius,area); 11 radius:=radius+1; 12 end loop; 13 end; 14 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select * from scalculate; RADIUS AREA --------- --------3 28.26 4 50.24 5 78.5 6 113.04 7 153.86 TO CALCULATE FACTORIAL OF A GIVEN NUMBER SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 f number(4):=1; 3 i number(4); 4 begin 5 i:=&i; 6 while(i>=1) 7 loop 8 f:=f*i; 9 i:=i-1; 10 end loop; 11 dbms_output.put_line('The value is ' || f); 12 end; 13 / Enter value for i: 5

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old 5: i:=&i; new 5: i:=5; The value is 120 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

RESULT Thus the various programs were implemented and their output was verified.

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EX NO: 8 DATE: AIM To perform goto and exception handling mechanisms. GOTO COMMAND PURPOSE The GOTO statement changes the flow of control within a PL/SQL block. The entry point into such a block of code is marked using the tags. This statement makes use of the <<user defined name>> to jump into the block of code for execution. SYNTAX GOTO <code block name> <<user defined name>> CREATING THE TABLES SPRODUCTMASTERS AND SOLDPRICES SQL> create table sproductmasters( pno varchar2(10), sellprice number(10)); Table created. SQL> insert into sproductmasters values('p1',3200); 1 row created. SQL> insert into sproductmasters values('p2',4000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into sproductmasters values('p3',6000); 1 row created. SQL> select * from sproductmasters; PNO SELLPRICE ---------- --------p1 3200 p2 4000 p3 6000 SQL> create table soldprices( pno varchar2(10), datechange varchar2(20),soldprices number(10)); Table created.

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OPERATION TO BE PERFORMED If the price of a product is less than 4000 then change to 4000. The price change is to be recorded on the old price table along with the product number and the date on which the price was last changed using PL/SQL. PROGRAM 1 declare 2 sellingprice number(10,2); 3 begin 4 select sellprice into sellingprice from sproductmasters where pno='p1'; 5 if sellingprice < 4000 6 then 7 goto add_old_price; 8 else 9 dbms_output.put_line(' Current price is '|| sellingprice); 10 end if; 11 <<add_old_price>> 12 update sproductmasters set sellprice = 4000 where pno='p1'; 13 insert into soldprices values('p1',sysdate,sellingprice); 14 dbms_output.put_line(' The new price of p1 is 4000 '); 15 end; 16 / PROGRAM OUTPUT The new price of p1 is 4000 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. DISPLAYING THE CONTENTS OF SOLDPRICES TABLE SQL> select * from soldprices; PNO DATECHANGE SOLDPRICES ---------- -------------------- ---------p1 27-AUG-08 3200 EXCEPTIONS Exceptions are error handling mechanisms. They are of 2 types, Pre defined exceptions User defined exceptions


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SQL> create table ssitems( id number(10), quantity number(10), actualprice number(10)); Table created. SQL> insert into ssitems values(100,5,5000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into ssitems values(101,6,9000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into ssitems values(102,4,4000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into ssitems values(103,2,2000); 1 row created. SQL> select * from ssitems; ID QUANTITY ACTUALPRICE --------- ------------------100 5 5000 101 6 9000 102 4 4000 103 2 2000 PRE DEFINED EXCEPTIONS SYNTAX begin sequence of statements; exception when < exception name > then sequence of statements; end; EXAMPLE USING PL/SQL SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 price ssitems.actualprice % type;

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3 begin 4 select actualprice into price from ssitems where quantity=10; 5 exception 6 when no_data_found then 7 dbms_output.put_line ('ssitems missing'); 8 end; 9 / ssitems missing PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. DISPLAYING THE UPDATED TABLE SQL> select * from ssitems; ID QUANTITY ACTUALPRICE --------- ------------------100 5 5000 101 6 9000 102 4 4000 103 2 2000 USER DEFINED EXCEPTONS SYNTAX declare < exception name > exception; begin sequence of statements; raise < exception name >; exception when < exception name > then sequence of statements; end; EXAMPLE USING PL/SQL SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 zero_price exception; 3 price number(8,2); 4 begin 5 select actualprice into price from ssitems where id=103; 6 if price=0 or price is null then 7 raise zero_price; 8 end if;

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9 exception 10 when zero_price then 11 dbms_output.put_line('Failed zero price'); 12 end; 13 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. DISPLAYING THE UPDATED TABLE SQL> select * from ssitems; ID QUANTITY ACTUALPRICE --------- ------------------100 5 5000 101 6 9000 102 4 4000 103 2 2000

RESULT Thus the goto statement and exceptions were executed and their respective outputs were verified.

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EX NO: 9 DATE: AIM To study the various TCL commands namely commit, rollback and savepoint. DESCRIPTION COMMIT: This command saves all the transactions to the database since the last commit or rollback command. ROLLBACK: This command is used to undo the transactions that have not been already saved to the database.It can be used to undo transactions since the last commit or rollback command. SAVEPOINT: This command is a point in transaction that you can roll the transaction back to without rolling back the entire transmission. CREATE THE TABLE ITYR SQL> create table ityr(ename varchar(15),eid number(5),salary number(5)); Table created. PROGRAM SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 t number(6); 3 n number(6); 4 s number(6); 5 begin 6 insert into ityr values('a',100,19000); 7 insert into ityr values('b',102,1000); 8 s:=&s; 9 n:=&n; 10 savepoint a; 11 update ityr set salary=salary+2000 where eid=s; 12 update ityr set salary=salary+1500 where eid=n; 13 select sum(salary) into t from ityr; 14 if(t>20000) 15 then 16 rollback to a; 17 else 18 dbms_output.put_line('no updation'); 19 end if;

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20 end ; 21 / Enter value for s: 100 old 8: s:=&s; new 8: s:=100; Enter value for n: 102 old 9: n:=&n; new 9: n:=102; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. DISPLAYING THE UPDATED TABLE SQL> select * from ityr; ENAME EID SALARY --------------- ---------- ---------a 100 19000 b 102 1000

RESULT Thus the various commands were executed and the output was verified.

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EX NO: 10 DATE: AIM To write PL/SQL blocks that implement the concept of for the 3 types of cursors namely, Cursor for loop Explicit cursor Implicit cursor

TO CREATE THE TABLE SSEMPP SQL> create table ssempp( eid number(10), ename varchar2(20), job varchar2(20), sal number (10),dnonumber(5)); Table created. SQL> insert into ssempp values(1,'nala','lecturer',34000,11); 1 row created. SQL> insert into ssempp values(2,'kala',' seniorlecturer',20000,12); 1 row created. SQL> insert into ssempp values(5,'ajay','lecturer',30000,11); 1 row created. SQL> insert into ssempp values(6,'vijay','lecturer',18000,11); 1 row created. SQL> insert into ssempp values(3,'nila','professor',60000,12); 1 row created. SQL> select * from ssempp; EID ENAME JOB --------- -------------------- -------------------1 nala lecturer 2 kala seniorlecturer 5 ajay lecturer 6 vijay lecturer 3 nila professor SAL --------34000 20000 30000 18000 60000 DNO --------11 12 11 11 12

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TO WRITE A PL/SQL BLOCK TO DISPLAY THE EMPOYEE ID AND EMPLOYEE NAME USING CURSOR FOR LOOP SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 begin 3 for emy in (select eid,ename from ssempp) 4 loop 5 dbms_output.put_line('Employee id and employee name are '|| emy.eid and|| emy.ename); 6 end loop; 7 end; 8 / Employee id and employee name are 1 and nala Employee id and employee name are 2 and kala Employee id and employee name are 5 and ajay Employee id and employee name are 6 and vijay Employee id and employee name are 3 and nila PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. TO WRITE A PL/SQL BLOCK TO UPDATE THE SALARY OF ALL EMPLOYEES WHERE DEPARTMENT NO IS 11 BY 5000 USING CURSOR FOR LOOP AND TO DISPLAY THE UPDATED TABLE SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 cursor cem is select eid,ename,sal,dno from ssempp where dno=11; 3 begin 4 --open cem; 5 for rem in cem 6 loop 7 update ssempp set sal=rem.sal+5000 where eid=rem.eid; 8 end loop; 9 --close cem; 10 end; 11 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select * from ssempp; EID ENAME JOB SAL DNO --------- -------------------- -------------------- --------- --------1 nala lecturer 39000 11 2 kala seniorlecturer 20000 12

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5 6 3

ajay vijay nila

lecturer lecturer professor

35000 23000 60000

11 11 12

TO WRITE A PL/SQL BLOCK TO DISPLAY THE EMPLOYEE ID AND EMPLOYEE NAME WHERE DEPARTMENT NUMBER IS 11 USING EXPLICIT CURSORS 1 declare 2 cursor cenl is select eid,sal from ssempp where dno=11; 3 ecode ssempp.eid%type; 4 esal empp.sal%type; 5 begin 6 open cenl; 7 loop 8 fetch cenl into ecode,esal; 9 exit when cenl%notfound; 10 dbms_output.put_line(' Employee code and employee salary are' || ecode and|| esal); 11 end loop; 12 close cenl; 13* end; SQL> / Employee code and employee salary are 1 and 39000 Employee code and employee salary are 5 and 35000 Employee code and employee salary are 6 and 23000 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. TO WRITE A PL/SQL BLOCK TO UPDATE THE SALARY BY 5000 WHERE THE JOB IS LECTURER , TO CHECK IF UPDATES ARE MADE USING IMPLICIT CURSORS AND TO DISPLAY THE UPDATED TABLE SQL> declare 2 county number; 3 begin 4 update ssempp set sal=sal+10000 where job='lecturer'; 5 county:= sql%rowcount; 6 if county > 0 then 7 dbms_output.put_line('The number of rows are '|| county); 8 end if; 9 if sql %found then 10 dbms_output.put_line('Employee record modification successful'); 11 else if sql%notfound then 12 dbms_output.put_line('Employee record is not found'); 13 end if; 14 end if; 15 end;

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16 / The number of rows are 3 Employee record modification successful PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select * from ssempp; EID ENAME JOB SAL DNO --------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------------1 nala lecturer 44000 11 2 kala seniorlecturer 20000 12 5 ajay lecturer 40000 11 6 vijay lecturer 28000 11 3 nila professor 60000 12

RESULT Thus the various operations were performed on the table using cursors and the output was verified.

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EX NO: 11 DATE: AIM To study and implement the concept of triggers. DEFINITION A trigger is a statement that is executed automatically by the system as a sideeffect of a modification to the database. The parts of a trigger are, Trigger statement: Specifies the DML statements and fires the trigger body. It also specifies the table to which the trigger is associated. Trigger body or trigger action: It is a PL/SQL block that is executed when the triggering statement is used. Trigger restriction: Restrictions on the trigger can be achieved The different uses of triggers are as follows, To generate data automatically To enforce complex integrity constraints To customize complex securing authorizations To maintain the replicate table To audit data modifications TYPES OF TRIGGERS The various types of triggers are as follows, Before: It fires the trigger before executing the trigger statement. After: It fires the trigger after executing the trigger statement. For each row: It specifies that the trigger fires once per row. For each statement: This is the default trigger that is invoked. It specifies that the trigger fires once per statement.


These two variables retain the new and old values of the column updated in the database. The values in these variables can be used in the database triggers for data manipulation

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SYNTAX create or replace trigger triggername [before/after] {DML statements} on [tablename] [for each row/statement] begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------exception end; USER DEFINED ERROR MESSAGE The package raise_application_error is used to issue the user defined error messages Syntax: raise_application_error(error number,error message); The error number can lie between -20000 and -20999. The error message should be a character string. TO CREATE THE TABLE ITEMPLS SQL> create table itempls (ename varchar2(10), eid number(5), salary number(10)); Table created. SQL> insert into itempls values('xxx',11,10000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into itempls values('yyy',12,10500); 1 row created. SQL> insert into itempls values('zzz',13,15500); 1 row created. SQL> select * from itempls; ENAME EID SALARY ---------- --------- --------xxx 11 10000 yyy 12 10500 zzz 13 15500 TO CREATE A SIMPLE TRIGGER THAT DOES NOT ALLOW INSERT UPDATE AND DELETE OPERATIONS ON THE TABLE

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SQL> create trigger ittrigg before insert or update or delete on itempls for each row 2 begin 3 raise_application_error(-20010,'You cannot do manipulation'); 4 end; 5 6 / Trigger created. SQL> insert into itempls values('aaa',14,34000); insert into itempls values('aaa',14,34000) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-20010: You cannot do manipulation ORA-06512: at "STUDENT.ITTRIGG", line 2 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'STUDENT.ITTRIGG' SQL> delete from itempls where ename='xxx'; delete from itempls where ename='xxx' * ERROR at line 1: ORA-20010: You cannot do manipulation ORA-06512: at "STUDENT.ITTRIGG", line 2 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'STUDENT.ITTRIGG' SQL> update itempls set eid=15 where ename='yyy'; update itempls set eid=15 where ename='yyy' * ERROR at line 1: ORA-20010: You cannot do manipulation ORA-06512: at "STUDENT.ITTRIGG", line 2 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'STUDENT.ITTRIGG' TO DROP THE CREATED TRIGGER SQL> drop trigger ittrigg; Trigger dropped. TO CREATE A TRIGGER THAT RAISES AN USER DEFINED ERROR MESSAGE AND DOES NOT ALLOW UPDATION AND INSERTION SQL> create trigger ittriggs before insert or update of salary on itempls for each row 2 declare 3 triggsal itempls.salary%type;

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4 begin 5 select salary into triggsal from itempls where eid=12; 6 if(:new.salary>triggsal or :new.salary<triggsal) then 7 raise_application_error(-20100,'Salary has not been changed'); 8 end if; 9 end; 10 / Trigger created.

SQL> insert into itempls values ('bbb',16,45000); insert into itempls values ('bbb',16,45000) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-04098: trigger 'STUDENT.ITTRIGGS' is invalid and failed re-validation

SQL> update itempls set eid=18 where ename='zzz'; update itempls set eid=18 where ename='zzz' * ERROR at line 1: ORA-04298: trigger 'STUDENT.ITTRIGGS' is invalid and failed re-validation

RESULT Thus the triggers were created , executed and their respective outputs were verified.

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EX NO: 12 DATE: AIM To write PL/SQL programs that execute the concept of functions and procedures. DEFINITION A procedure or function is a logically grouped set of SQL and PL/SQL statements that perform a specific task. They are essentially sub-programs. Procedures and functions are made up of, Declarative part Executable part Optional exception handling part These procedures and functions do not show the errors. KEYWORDS AND THEIR PURPOSES REPLACE: It recreates the procedure if it already exists. PROCEDURE: It is the name of the procedure to be created. ARGUMENT: It is the name of the argument to the procedure. Paranthesis can be omitted if no arguments are present. IN: Specifies that a value for the argument must be specified when calling the procedure ie. used to pass values to a sub-program. This is the default parameter. OUT: Specifies that the procedure passes a value for this argument back to its calling environment after execution ie. used to return values to a caller of the sub-program. INOUT: Specifies that a value for the argument must be specified when calling the procedure and that procedure passes a value for this argument back to its calling environment after execution. RETURN: It is the datatype of the functions return value because every function must return a value, this clause is required. PROCEDURES SYNTAX create or replace procedure <procedure name> (argument {in,out,inout} datatype ) {is,as} variable declaration; constant declaration; begin PL/SQL subprogram body; exception exception PL/SQL block; end; FUNCTIONS SYNTAX

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create or replace function <function name> (argument in datatype,) return datatype {is,as} variable declaration; constant declaration; begin PL/SQL subprogram body; exception exception PL/SQL block; end; CREATING THE TABLE ITITEMS AND DISPLAYING THE CONTENTS SQL> create table ititems(itemid number(3), actualprice number(5), ordid number(4), prodid number(4)); Table created. SQL> insert into ititems values(101, 2000, 500, 201); 1 row created. SQL> insert into ititems values(102, 3000, 1600, 202); 1 row created. SQL> insert into ititems values(103, 4000, 600, 202); 1 row created. SQL> select * from ititems; ITEMID ACTUALPRICE ------------------101 2000 102 3000 103 4000 ORDID -------500 1600 600 PRODID --------201 202 202

PROGRAM FOR GENERAL PROCEDURE SELECTED RECORDS PRICE IS INCREMENTED BY 500 , EXECUTING THE PROCEDURE CREATED AND DISPLAYING THE UPDATED TABLE SQL> create procedure itsum(identity number, total number) is price number; 2 null_price exception; 3 begin 4 select actualprice into price from ititems where itemid=identity; 5 if price is null then

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6 raise null_price; 7 else 8 update ititems set actualprice=actualprice+total where itemid=identity; 9 end if; 10 exception 11 when null_price then 12 dbms_output.put_line('price is null'); 13 end; 14 / Procedure created. SQL> exec itsum(101, 500); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select * from ititems; ITEMID ACTUALPRICE ------------------101 2500 102 3000 103 4000 ORDID --------500 1600 600 PRODID --------201 202 202

PROCEDURE FOR IN PARAMETER CREATION, EXECUTION SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> create procedure yyy (a IN number) is price number; 2 begin 3 select actualprice into price from ititems where itemid=a; 4 dbms_output.put_line('Actual price is ' || price); 5 if price is null then 6 dbms_output.put_line('price is null'); 7 end if; 8 end; 9 / Procedure created. SQL> exec yyy(103); Actual price is 4000 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. PROCEDURE FOR OUT PARAMETER CREATION, EXECUTION

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SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> create procedure zzz (a in number, b out number) is identity number; 2 begin 3 select ordid into identity from ititems where itemid=a; 4 if identity<1000 then 5 b:=100; 6 end if; 7 end; 8 / Procedure created. SQL> declare 2 a number; 3 b number; 4 begin 5 zzz(101,b); 6 dbms_output.put_line('The value of b is '|| b); 7 end; 8 / The value of b is 100 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. PROCEDURE FOR INOUT PARAMETER CREATION, EXECUTION SQL> create procedure itit ( a in out number) is 2 begin 3 a:=a+1; 4 end; 5 / Procedure created. SQL> declare 2 a number:=7; 3 begin 4 itit(a); 5 dbms_output.put_line(The updated value is ||a); 6 end; 7 / The updated value is 8 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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CREATE THE TABLE ITTRAIN TO BE USED FOR FUNCTIONS SQL>create table ittrain ( tno number(10), tfare number(10)); Table created. SQL>insert into ittrain values (1001, 550); 1 row created. SQL>insert into ittrain values (1002, 600); 1 row created. SQL>select * from ittrain; TNO TFARE --------- -----------1001 550 1002 600 PROGRAM FOR FUNCTION AND ITS EXECUTION SQL> create function aaa (trainnumber number) return number is 2 trainfunction ittrain.tfare % type; 3 begin 4 select tfare into trainfunction from ittrain where tno=trainnumber; 5 return(trainfunction); 6 end; 7 / Function created. SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 total number; 3 begin 4 total:=aaa (1001); 5 dbms_output.put_line('Train fare is Rs. '||total); 6 end; 7 / Train fare is Rs.550 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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FACTORIAL OF A NUMBER USING FUNCTION PROGRAM AND EXECUTION SQL> create function itfact (a number) return number is 2 fact number:=1; 3 b number; 4 begin 5 b:=a; 6 while b>0 7 loop 8 fact:=fact*b; 9 b:=b-1; 10 end loop; 11 return(fact); 12 end; 13 / Function created. SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> declare 2 a number:=7; 3 f number(10); 4 begin 5 f:=itfact(a); 6 dbms_output.put_line(The factorial of the given number is||f); 7 end; 8 / The factorial of the given number is 5040 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

RESULT Thus the PL/SQL programs were executed and their respective outputs were verified.

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To execute the embedded SQL program in JAVA.

import java.sql.*; class emb { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); String s="insert into table1 values ("+args[0]+")"; Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:aarthi"); Statement st=con.createStatement(); int i =st.executeUpdate(s); if(i>0) System.out.println("Data Inserted" +i); else System.out.println("Data not inserted"); con.close(); } }

Table before insertion: Table1 Id

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D:\Java\jdk1.5.0\bin>javac embedded1.java D:\Java\jdk1.5.0\bin>java embedded1 1001 Data Inserted1 D:\Java\jdk1.5.0\bin>java embedded1 1002 Data Inserted1 D:\Java\jdk1.5.0\bin>java embedded1 1003 Data Inserted1 D:\Java\jdk1.5.0\bin>java embedded1 1004 Data Inserted1 D:\Java\jdk1.5.0\bin>

Table after insertion: Table1 Id 1001 1001 1002 1003 1004

Thus the embedded SQL application is implemented successfully.

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EX NO: 14 DATE: AIM To study the process of normalization. DESCRIPTION OF NORMALIZATION DEFINITION Normalization is the process of decomposing a relation schema into fragments / subrelations. It is a technique for producing a set of relations with desirable properties, given the data requirements of an enterprise. It is a formal method that can be used to identify relations based on their keys and the functional dependencies among their attributes. It is a refinement process and has two properties namely, Lossless Decomposition Dependency Preservation decomposition DIFFERENT NORMAL FORMS UNNORMALIZED FORM A relation that contains one or more repearting groups. FIRST NORMAL FORM (1NF) A relation in which the intersection of each row and column contains one and only one value. (no repeating groups and atomic values) SECOND NORMAL FORM (2NF) A relation that is in first normal form and every non primary key attribute is fully functionally dependent on any candidate key. (eliminate partial dependency) THIRD NORMAL FORM (3NF) A relation that is in first and second normal form and in which no non primary key attribute is transitively dependent on any candidate key. (eliminate transitive dependency) BOYCE-CODD NORMAL FORM (BCNF) A relation is in BCNF if and only if every determinant is a candidate key.(all determinants candidate keys) FOURTH NORMAL FORM (4NF) A relation that is in Boycecodd normal form and contains no nontrivial multi-valued dependencies. ( eliminate multi valued dependency) FIFTH NORMAL FORM (5NF)

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A relation that has no join dependency.(eliminate join dependency) DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONAL DEPENDENCY (FD) DEFINITION A functional dependency from X to Y exists if and only if for every instance of |R| of R, if two tuples in |R| agree on the values of the attributes in X, then they agree on the values of the attributes in Y. Eg: XY ie. X determines Y (or) Y is functionally dependent on X. The determinant of a FD refers to the attribute, or group of attributes on the left hand side of the arrow. FORMS OF DEPENDENCIES FULL DEPENDENCY A functional dependency XY is a full FD if the dependency does not hold on removal of any attribute a from the set of attributes A in X ie. if A and B are attributes of a relation, B is fully functionally dependent on A, if B is functionally dependent on A but not on any proper subset of A.. PARTIAL DEPENDENCY A functional dependency XY is a partial FD if some attribute A that belongs to X, can be removed from X and the dependency still holds. For example consider the table EMPLOYEE , Employee name Aaa Bbb Ccc Serial no 1000 1005 1009 Project no 501 505 509 hours 10 20 30 Project name hospital inventory analysis Project location 1st floor 8th floor 9th floor

The functional dependencies for this relation are as follows, {serial no , project no} {hours} If any of the attributes are removed the relationship cannot be determined . So this is full FD. { serial no , project no } {project name} { serial no , project no } {employee name} {project no } {project name , project location} In these FDs on removal of one attribute also the relationship exists. So this is partial FD. TRANSITIVE DEPENDENCY A condition where A, B and C are attributes of a relation such that if AB and BC , then C is transitively dependent on A via B (provided that A is not functionally dependent on B or C).

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MULTI VALUED DEPENDENCY Represents a dependency between attributes for example A, B and C in a relation, such that each value of A there is a set of values for B and a set of values for C.. However, the set of values for B and C are independent of each other. LOSSLESS JOIN DEPENDENCY A property of decomposition, which ensures that no spurious tuples are generated when relations are reunited through a natural join operation. JOIN DEPENDENCY Describes a type of dependency. For example, for a relation R with subsets of the attributes of R denoted as A,B,..,Z, a relation R satisfies a join dependency if, and only if, every legal value of R is equal to the join of its projections on A,B,..,Z. APPLICATION This is an example of an unnormalized table CLIENT RENTAL Client No CR76 Cname John Kay Property No PG4 PG16 Paddress 6,Lawrence St, Glasgow 5,Novar Dr, Glasgow 6,Lawrence St, Glasgow 2,Manor Rd, Glasgow 5,Novar Dr, Glasgow Rentstart Rentfinish Rent Owner no 1-Jul-00 31-Aug350 CO40 01 1-Sep-02 450 CO93 1-Sep-02 1-Sep-99 10-Jun-00 10-Oct00 1-Nov02 1-Dec-01 10-Aug03 350 375 450 CO40 CO93 CO93 Tony Shaw Tony shaw Oname Tina Murphy Tony Shaw Tina Murphy


Aline Stewart

PG4 PG36 PG16

Client (Client No,Cname) PropertyRentalOwner (Client No,Property No,Paddress,Rentstart,Rentfinish,Rent,Owner No,Oname)


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Client No Cname CR76 John Kay CR56 Aline Stewart PROPERTY RENTAL OWNER Client No CR76 Property No PG4 Paddress 6, Lawrence St, Glasgow 5 Novar Dr, Glasgow 6 Lawrence St, Glasgow 2 Manor Rd, Glasgow 5 Novar dr, Glasgow Rentstart 1-Jul-00 Rentfinish 31-Aug01 1-Sep-02 10-Jun-00 Rent Owner No 350 CO40 Oname Tina Murphy Tony Shaw Tina Murphy Tony Shaw Tony Shaw

CR76 CR56

PG16 PG4

1-Sep-01 1-Sep-99

450 350

CO93 CO40

CR56 CR56

PG36 PG16

10-Oct00 1-Nov-02

1-Dec-01 10-Aug03

375 450

CO93 CO93

SECOND NORMAL FORM CLIENT Client No Cname CR76 John Kay CR56 Aline Stewart RENTAL Client No CR76 CR76 CR56 CR56 CR56 Property No PG4 PG16 PG4 PG36 PG16 Rentstart 1-Jul-00 1-Sep-01 1-Sep-99 10-Oct-00 1-Nov-02 Rentfinish 31-Aug-01 1-Sep-02 10-Jun-00 1-Dec-01 10-Aug-03


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Property no Paddress PG4 6, Lawrence St, Glasgow PG16 5 Novar Dr, Glasgow PG36 2 Manor Rd, Glasgow

Rent Owner no Oname 350 CO40 Tina Murphy 450 375 CO93 CO93 Tony Shaw Tony Shaw

THIRD NORMAL FORM PROPERTY FOR RENT Property No Paddress PG4 6, Lawrence St, Glasgow PG16 5 Novar Dr, Glasgow PG36 2 Manor Rd, Glasgow OWNER Owner No Oname CO40 Tina Murphy CO93 Tony Shaw CLIENT Client no Cname Cr76 John kay Cr56 Aline stewart RENTAL Client No CR76 CR76 CR56 CR56 CR56 Property No PG4 PG16 PG4 PG36 PG16 Rentstart 1-Jul-00 1-Sep-01 1-Sep-99 10-Oct-00 1-Nov-02 Rentfinish 31-Aug-01 1-Sep-02 10-Jun-00 1-Dec-01 10-Aug-03 Rent Owner No 350 CO40 450 375 CO93 CO93

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PROPERTYFORRENT Property No Paddress PG4 6, Lawrence St, Glasgow PG16 5 Novar Dr, Glasgow PG36 2 Manor Rd, Glasgow Owner No Oname CO40 Tina Murphy CO93 Tony Shaw Rent Owner No 350 CO40 450 375 CO93 CO93 OWNER

BOYCE CODD NORMAL FORM CLIENT INTERVIEW Client No CR76 CR56 CR74 CR56 Interview Date 13-May-02 13-May-02 13-May-02 1-Jul-02 Interview Time 10.30 12.00 12.00 10.30 Staff No SG5 SG5 SG37 SG5 Room No G101 G101 G102 G102

INTERVIEW Client No CR76 CR56 CR74 CR56 Interview Date 13-May-02 13-May-02 13-May-02 1-Jul-02 Interview Time 10.30 12.00 12.00 10.30 Staff No SG5 SG5 SG37 SG5

STAFFROOM Interview Date 13-May-02 13-May-02 13-May-02 1-Jul-02 Staff No SG5 SG5 SG37 SG5 Room No G101 G101 G102 G102

RESULT Thus the process of normalization was studied in detail.

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To implement payroll project by using Visual Basic as front end & Oracle as back end.

In this project we have used visual basis as front end and oracle as back end.Visual Basic is a flexible and user friendly interface and it can also easily interact with the back end.This project stores the details of an employee working in an organization. By using this project, the details of an employee such as employee id,name,age,designation,address&salary can be stored.We can update the records ,which exists in the database easily and quickly.

Entity relationship diagram














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Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection Dim rc As New ADOB.Recordset Private Sub cmdadd_Click() clear rc.AddNew cmdadd.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub cmdupdate_Click() rc(0) = Txtid.Text rc(1) = txtname.Text rc(2) = txtage.Text rc(3) = txtdes.Text rc(4) = txtadd.Text rc(5) = txtsal.Text rc.Update ref If cmdadd.Enabled Then MsgBox " Record Modified", vbInformation, "Employee details." Else cmdadd.Enabled = True MsgBox "Record Saved", vbInformation, "Employee details." End If End Sub Private Sub cmdprevious_Click() If Not cmdadd.Enabled Then rc.CancelUpdate cmdadd.Enabled = True End If rc.MovePrevious If rc.BOF Then rc.MoveFirst disp End Sub Private Sub cmdnext_Click() If Not cmdadd.Enabled Then rc.CancelUpdate cmdadd.Enabled = True End If rc.MoveNext If rc.EOF Then rc.MoveLast End Sub

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Private Sub cmdfind_Click() If Not cmdadd.Enabled Then rc.CancelUpdate cmdadd.Enabled = True End If rc.Requery On Error GoTo AD FO = InputBox("Enter the Employee ID to Find", "Employee details...") If FO = "" Then Else rc.Find "empid=""&FO&""" disp Exit Sub AD: MsgBox "No Record Found", vbCritical, "Medicare Automation" End If End Sub Private Sub cmddelete_Click() If Not cmdadd.Enabled Then rc.CancelUpdate cmdadd.Enabled = True End If If Not rc.EOF Then b = MsgBox("Do you want to delete record", vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Employee details...") If b = vbYes Then rc.Delete MsgBox "Record Deleted", vbInformation, "Employee details..." End If Else MsgBox "No Records to delete", vbCritical, "Employee details..." End If ref End Sub

Private Sub form_load() cn.open "dsn=emp", "cse", "cse" rc.open "select * from pritto", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic If Not rc.EOF Then ElseIf rc.EOF Then rc.MoveFirst disp End If End Sub

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Private Sub disp() txtid.Text = rc(0) txtname.Text = rc(1) txtage.Text = rc(2) txtdes.Text = rc(3) textadd.Text = rc(4) txtsal.Text = rc(5) End Sub Private Sub clear() Txtid.Text = "" txtname.Text = "" txtage.Text = "" txtdes.Text = "" txtadd.Text = "" txtsal.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub ref() rc.Close rc.open "select * from pritto", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic End Sub

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Thus the application program for saving the payroll details of employee is done successfully using VISUAL BASIC as front end and ORACLE as back end.

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EX-NO:-16 DATE:-


To implement Oracle as back end. the banking project by using Visual Basic as front end &

In this project , we have used visual basis as front end and oracle as back end. Visual Basic is a flexible and user friendly interface and it can also easily interact with the back end .This project stores the details of an customer depositing money in a bank .The tables were created using SQL and forms were designed using VISUAL BASIC. By using this project, the details of an bank customer such as customer id , name , age , designation , address& account type , balance amount can be stored .We can perform the transactions like withdrawal and deposit and update the records in the database .We can also view the records which already exist in he database easily and quickly.

Entity _Relationship Diagram

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Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection Dim rc As New ADOB.Recordset Private Sub cmdadd_Click() clear rc.AddNew cmdadd.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub cmdupdate_Click() rc(0) = Txtid.Text rc(1) = txtname.Text rc(2) = txtage.Text rc(3) = txtadd.Text rc(4) = txtdes.Text rc(5) = cmbacc.Text rc(6) = txtamount.Text rc.Update ref If cmdadd.Enabled Then MsgBox "Record Modified", vbInformation, "Banking Control..." Else cmdadd.Enabled = True MsgBox "Record Saved", vbInformation, "Banking Control..." End If End Sub Private Sub cmdpre_click() If Not cmdadd.Enabled Then rc.CancelUpdate cmdadd.Enabled = True End If rc.MovePrevious If rc.BOF Then rc.MoveFirst disp End Sub Private Sub cmdnext_Click() If Not cmdadd.Enabled Then rc.CancelUpdate cmdadd.Enabled = True End If If rc.EOF Then rc.MoveLast disp End Sub

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Private Sub cmdfind_Click() If Not cmdadd.Enabled Then rc.CancelUpdate cmdadd.Enabled = True End If rc.Requery On Error GoTo AD FO = InputBox("Enter the Customer ID to Find", "Banking Controls...") If FO = "" Then Else rc.Find "id=""&FO&""" disp Exit Sub AD: MsgBox "NO RECORD FOUND", vbCritical, "Banking Control..." End If End Sub Private Sub cmddelete_Click() If Not cmdadd.Enabled Then rc.CancelUpdate cmdadd.Enabled = True End If If Not rc.EOF Then b = MsgBox("Do you want to delete record", vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Banking Control...") If b = vbYes Then rc.Delete MsgBox "Record Deleted", vbInformation, "Banking Controls..." End If Else MsgBox "No Records to delete", vbCritical, "Banking Controls..." End If ref End Sub Private Sub cmdwd_Click() Dim p As New ADODB.Recordset wd = InputBox("Enter the Amount to withdraw...", "Banking Control...") p.open "select balance from pritto 1", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic If wd <> "" Then txtamount.Text = Val(txtamount.Text) - Val(wd) p(0) = Val(txtamount.Text) p.Update End If

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p.Close ref disp End Sub

Private Sub cmddep_Click() Dim p As New ADODB.Recordset d = InputBox("Enter the Amount to Deposit...", "Banking Control...") p.open "Select balance from pritto 1", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic If d <> "" Then txtamount.Text = Val(txtamount.Text) + Val(d) p(0) = Val(txtamount.Text) p.Update End If p.Close ref disp End Sub Private Sub form_Load() cn.open "dsn=emp", "cse", "cse" rc.open "select * from pritto", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic If Not rc.EOF Then rc.MoveFirst disp End If cmbacc.AddItem "Saving account" cmbacc.AddItem "Current account" End Sub Private Sub disp() Txtid.Text = rc(0) txtname.Text = rc(1) txtage.Text = rc(2) textadd.Text = rc(3) txtdes.Text = rc(4) cmbacc.Text = rc(5) txtamount.Text = rc(6) End Sub Private Sub clear() Txtid.Text = "" txtname.Text = "" txtage.Text = ""

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txtadd.Text = "" txtdes.Text = "" cmbacc.Text = "" txtamount.Text = "" End Sub

Private Sub txtid_GotFocus() 'txtname.setFocus End Sub

Private Sub ref() rc.Close rc.open "select * from pritto 1", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic End Sub

Private Sub txtamount_GotFocus() If Not cmdadd.Enabled Then txtamount.SetFocus Else cmdwd.SetFocus End If End Sub

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Thus the implementation BANKING PROJECT using Visual Basic as front end and Oracle as back end is done successfully

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To implement Library Management System by using Visual Basic as front end & Oracle as back end.

In this project we have used visual basis as front end and oracle as back end.Visual Basic is a flexible and user friendly interface and it can also easily interact with the back end.This project stores the details of Books stored in an Library.

By using this project, the details of a Book such as Book Name, Book Code, Author can be stored.We can update the records ,which exists in the database easily and quickly. Books can be reserved by using this Project. Also for a particular Author the books written by them can be displayedWe can update the records into the database.We can also view the records,which already exist in the database easily and quickly.

Entity- Relationship Diagram

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Private Sub Command1_Click() If Text1.Text = "" And Text2.Text = "" Then Frame1.Visible = True End If End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Form3.Show End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() Form2.Show End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() Form4.Show End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a As String rs.Index = "Key" a = Val(InputBox("Enter Book Code")) rs.Seek "=", Val(a) If rs.NoMatch = True Then MsgBox "Invalid Code" Else Text1.Text = rs.Fields("Book Name") Text2.Text = rs.Fields("Book Code") Text3.Text = rs.Fields("Author") End If End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() Data1.Recordset.AddNew End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Data1.Recordset.MoveNext

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If Data1.Recordset.EOF Then Data1.Recordset.MoveFirst End If End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() Data1.Recordset.MovePrevious If Data1.Recordset.BOF Then Data1Recordset.MoveLast End If End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() Data1.Recordset.Update MsgBox "Saved" End Sub Private Sub Command6_Click() Form1.Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim str As String rs.Index = "key" str = Val(InputBox("Enter the code")) rs.Seek "=", Val(str) If rs.NoMatch = True Then MsgBox "Invalid code"

Else Text1.Text = rs.Fields("Member Name") Text2.Text = rs.Fields("MemberCode") Text3.Text = rs.Fields("Age") End If End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Data1.Recordset.AddNew End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click()

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Data1.Recordset.MoveNext If Data1.Recordset.EOF Then Data1.Recordset.MoveFirst End If End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() Data1.Recordset.MovePrevious If Data1.Recordset.BOF Then Data1Recordset.MoveLast End If End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() Data1.Recordset.Update MsgBox "Saved" End Sub Private Sub Command6_Click() Form1.Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Form1.Show Unload Me End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() Data1.Recordset.AddNew End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Dim str As String rs.Index = "Key" str = Val(InputBox("Enter Member Code")) rs.Seek "=", Val(str) If rs.NoMatch = True Then MsgBox "Invalid Code" Else Text1.Text = rs.Fields("Member Name") Text2.Text = rs.Fields("Member Code") Text3.Text = rs.Fields("Book Name") Text4.Text = rs.Fields("Book Code") Text5.Text = rs.Fields("DOI")

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Text6.Text = rs.Fields("DOR") End If End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() Data1.Recordset.MoveNext If Data1.Recordset.EOF Then Data1.Recordset.MoveFirst End If End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() MsgBox "Saved" End Sub Private Sub Command6_Click() Data1.Recordset.MovePrevious If Data1.Recordset.BOF Then Data1Recordset.MoveLast End If End Sub


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Thus the implementation of Library Management Systems is done successfully using Visual Basic as Front end and Oracle as Back end .

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