Guided Reading Lesson

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Name: Adrienne Woolbright Date: March 4, 2012 Grade Level/Subject: Kindergarten/ Guided Reading Prerequisite Knowledge: Know reading strategies such as sounding out unfamiliar words Approximate Time: 15 minutes per group Student Objectives/Student Outcomes: Students will read a story they have not yet read and use their reading strategies to navigate their way through the text Content Standards: Common Core Standard RL.K.10. Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and
understanding. RF.K.2. Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).

Materials/Resources/Technology: A Book for each student, white board and dry erase marker Implementation:

Time Opening of lesson: (Objectives, hook, behavior expectations) I will present each group with a new book they have yet to read. We will talk about the title of the book and the students will take a picture walk through the text (except for two of my groups which are currently reading chapter books they will take a picture walk through the next chapter). I will ask students to predict what will happen in the story using the title and picture in the book. I will then write words that I have previously picked from the story that I think the students in each particular group will get stuck on. We will go over how to pronounce them and if needed what the word means. Students will be told that when it is not their turn to read they are not to shout out words that their peers are stuck on. Procedures: Include critical thinking questions and accommodations for individual needs The students will then take turns reading the story. Each student will read two pages at a time until the story, or chapter, is complete. During this time I will ask students to predict what will happen next? ask them if there is a problem in the story and what they think the solution will be? Questioning will occur to ensure they comprehend the story. For my student with autism I will point to the words being read on his book. I may also do this for my students with ADHD if they seem they are distracted and not following with the group. When students get to an unfamiliar word I will prompt them if needed to sound it out.

5 minutes

5-7 minutes

3 minutes

Summary/Closing: We will talk about the story and I will again write words on the white board that students seemed to be stuck on. I will ask them questions about the story to check for their understanding. This is a time when students can share any text to self connections they had with the book. They will then take this same book home to read with their parents to build fluency. Student Assessment: While each student is reading I will informally assess to see if they are using their knowledge of phonics and reading strategies to sound out and decode new or unfamiliar words. Do students look at and use the pictures to help them with new words? Do they chunk words to decode them and sound out each letter sound?

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