Relief Booklet 2012-f3

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Note: Copy the questions and complete the SET assigned to you by the
relief teacher in your exercise book. DO NOT write anything in this booklet.

SET 1 CHAPTER 1: Respiration 1

The apparatus above was used in a science activity to study the breathing mechanism in humans. (a) Describe what happens when the rubber sheet is pulled downwards. (b) Describe what happens when the rubber sheet is pushed upwards. (c) What process of the human breathing mechanism is represented by your answer in (i) 2(a)? (ii) 2(b)? (d) Name the parts in the human respiratory system that is analogous to the apparatus below: (i) glass tube (ii) Y-shaped glass tube (iii) balloon (iv) bell jar (v) rubber sheet (e) Name three diseases that affect human lungs.

Relief Booklet 2012

Sapura Smart School

SET 2 CHAPTER 2: Blood Circulation and Transport 1

The apparatus above was used in a science activity. The following steps were carried out: Step 1 : Two similar hibiscus plants, about 25 cm tall, were selected. Step 2 : The plants were pulled out of the soil and the roots were washed to remove any remaining soil. Step 3 : The plants were trimmed until ten leaves were left on each plant. Step 4 : Each plant was placed in a measuring jug filled with water, and labelled F and G, as shown in the figure above. Step 5 : 10 ml of cooking oil was poured into each jug. Step 6 : A layer of grease was applied to the leaves in G. Step 7 : The plants were placed in the Sun for three hours. The initial and final water levels in both jugs were recorded in the table below. Initial water level Final water level Plant F 75 ml 68 ml Plant G 75ml 75 ml

(a) Suggest a hypothesis for this experiment. (b) What are the three variables that are kept constant in this experiment? (c) Name the variable that (i) is manipulated (ii) responds (d) Name two processes in plants that require the uptake of water from the roots. (e) What conclusion can you draw from this experiment? (f) How is water transported in plants? (g) Describe the direction in which water is transported in plants.

SET 3 CHAPTER 3: Excretion 1

The figure above shows the cross-section of a human kidney. (a) Label the following parts on the figure above. capsule cortex medulla pelvis

(b) What is the main function of the cortex? (c) What are the five products that are excreted by the kidneys? (d) Why must excretory products be removed from the body?

(a) Name two metabolic processes in plants that yield simple excretory substances. (b) A plant excretory product is changed into crystals and stored in the leaves. How are these crystals removed from the plant? (c) Another plant produces a volatile oil as an excretory product. (i) Where would this product be stored in the plant? (ii) How would this product be removed? (d) What are the two structures that remove water from plants? (e) Name two plants that produce tannin. (f) What are two beneficial uses of tannin?

Relief Booklet 2012

Sapura Smart School

SET 4 CHAPTER 4: Reproduction

(a) Which part of the male reproductive system produces the following? (i) sperms (ii) sex hormones (b) How is the urethra similar in the female and male? (c) How is the urethra in the male different from the urethra in the female?

The figure above shows a flower. (a) Label the following parts on the figure above. anther stigma ovary style

(b) What is the male reproductive part of the flower? (c) What is the female reproductive part of the flower? (d) In a flower, what are the following? (i) male gamete (ii) female gamete


CHAPTER 5: Growth

(a) What are the five different stages of human growth? (b) What are the two stages where rapid growth occurs?

(c) What happens to a child if he consumes too much food?

(a) How does a babys weight and height change as it grows into a toddler?

(b) What are the two changes to a babys body shape as it grows into a toddler?

(c) How does a babys level of activity change as he grows into a toddler?

(d) How should a babys diet change as he grows into a toddler?

(e) An adult stops growing in height. Name two types of tissues that continue to grow in length, even in adulthood.

Relief Booklet 2012 Sapura Smart School

CHAPTER 6: Land and Its Resources 1

The apparatus shown in the figure above was used in an activity. (a) What is the chemical compound in eggshells?

(b) Write down the equation in words for the reaction that takes place in this activity.

(c) What is another name for the substance formed in (b).

(d) What is formed when water is added in excess to the substance formed in (b)?

(e) Write down the equation in words for the reaction that takes place in (d)?

(f) What is another name for the substance formed in (e)?

(g) Is heat absorbed or released in (d)?


CHAPTER 7: Electricity 1

M N Circuit M and Circuit N as shown in the figures above are set up. (a) How are circuits M and N similar? (b) How are the circuits different, based on the following aspects: (i) Number of pathways (ii) Resistance as the number of bulbs increases (c) What can you conclude about (i) I1, I2 and I3 in circuit M? (ii) I1, I2, I3 and I4 in circuit N? (d) What is the voltage of the dry cells in circuit M, if each bulb has a resistance of 1 and 3 A of current flowing through it? (e) In circuit N, each bulb has a resistance of 2 . Calculate the value of I4 if the dry cells supply 2 V. (f) What is Ohms Law?


Relief Booklet 2012

Sapura Smart School

CHAPTER 8: Generation of Electricity 1 (a) Sally wanted to iron some clothes. She noticed that the wire of the iron was exposed in two places. What would happen if she plugged the iron in and switched it on?

(b) What should she do to iron her clothes safely?

(c) Name three steps that should be taken if a person has been electrocuted?

2 (a) What is the wire that carries an electrical current from a substation to a consumers home?

(b) What instrument is used to measure the amount of electricity used in a home?

(c) What is the SI unit for the following? (i) electrical energy (ii) electrical power

(d) A fluorescent lamp is marked 40 W. If the voltage of the electrical energy supplied is 240 V, what is the current that flows through the lamp?

(e) (i) What is a unit of electrical energy? (ii) If one unit of electrical energy costs RM 0.20, calculate the cost of using the lamp for 7 hours a day in the month of May?

(f) Name three safety devices in the wiring system at home.

(g) Describe how the safety devices mentioned in (f) function.

SET 9 CHAPTER 9: Stars and Galaxies 1

The figure above shows the birth and death of stars.

(a) What causes the nebula to become dense?

(b) What happens to the core of a ball of gas as it becomes denser?

(c) When is a star born or formed?

(d) How does a star increase its size?

(e) As the red giant from the star bigger than the Sun expands, it forms X, as shown in the figure above. What is X?

(f) (i) What is a white dwarf? (ii) What is a black dwarf? (g) When is a neutron star and black hole formed?

Relief Booklet 2012

Sapura Smart School

SET 10 CHAPTER 10: Space Exploration

(a) What is a space probe used for? (b) Do space probes carry humans?


Give two reasons for your answer in (b). (d) Name the space probe that landed successfully on Jupiter.

(a) Why do some people feel that space exploration should not be continued? (b) Give two reasons why space exploration should be continued. (c) Suggest one way in which space exploration can be made less expensive.

(d) (i) What is the object in the figure shown above? (ii) What is the purpose of the object in the figure shown above?

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