Multiple Choice Questions

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Lesson #6: Multiple Choice Questions Main objectives of this lesson:

Test knowledge on the topic of PowerPoint

Lesson #6: Title: Multiple Choice Questions Please submit your answers to your professor using the document provided. Click here for document. Save to your computer and print out to hand in class. 1. Where is the Microsoft PowerPoint file located? a. b. c. d. Online Microsoft Word On the Programs menu My Documents folder

2. In the print box how would you change the slides from printing vertical to printing horizontal? a. b. c. d. You can not change the direction they print Go to Print What and select Notes Page Check Frame Slides Click Horizontal, found under the Handouts section

3. How would you best end a slide show early? a. b. c. d. Press the Esc button Keep clicking the mouse until the last slide appears Press the Enter key Press the End key

4. To change the text of any slide you must delete all text held within the text box?

a. True b. False

5. To print only three slides per page one must? a. b. c. d. Select Slides under the Print What section Find the Print Range section, click slides and enter the number three Under the Handouts section one must select three from the slides per page section. Select number of copies to be three

6. To show a slide show presentation you click on which menu? a. b. c. d. The File menu The Slide Show menu The Insert menu The View menu

7. After highlighting text, pressing the Delete button does what? a. b. c. d. Deletes all un-highlighted text Deletes all the text on the page Deletes the highlighted text Causes the highlighted text to become bolded

8. To print a slide show one must click what? a. b. c. d. The File menu and select Print Click the Print menu Ask the office assistant to perform the print job Click the Tools menu and select printer

9. Are transitions and animations effects the same? a. True

b. False

10. Which one of these would be considered as a Transition Effect? a. b. c. d. Box In/Out Appear Fly Blinds

11. What are some disadvantages of using Microsoft PowerPoint? a. Control the type of effect you deem necessary for a certain presentation b. Using too many flashy transitions or animations that could get overwhelming for the eyes of the audience. c. Gets people more involved d. It enhances the presentation

12. What command would you follow to find the animation effects? a. b. c. d. File > Open > Animation Format > Object > Animation Effects Slide Show > Custom Animation Tools > Add-Ins > Animation

13. Practicing too much before a presentation could make you very nervous and not help you out? a. True b. False

14. Having different transitions and animation effects on each slide will make you presentation better? a. True b. False

15. Transition effects must be picked carefully because once you add it to the presentation there is no way you can change it or undo it? a. True b. False

16. When doing animation effects the timing is set automatically set by Microsoft PowerPoint? a. b. c. d. Yes, PowerPoint knows how much time it is needed in the animation effect I am using. No, I have to set it either by indicating how much time I want it to occur or by using the mouse. No, You cant see timing to the animation effects Both (b) and (c)

17. The toolbar used to open, save, and print PowerPoint presentations is: a. b. c. d. Formatting toolbar Drawing toolbar Standard toolbar Status bar

18. What is the purpose of PowerPoint? a. b. c. d. To make graphs and charts To make presentations easier to present To write a paper for science class To make pictures

19. Which view displays many of the slides at once and allows you to see the overall effect of the presentation? a. Slide View b. Normal View c. Outline View

d. Slide Sorter View

20. Which is NOT a method of presenting a PowerPoint presentation? a. b. c. d. Overhead transparencies Handouts World Wide Web Writing it on the board

21. What shouldnt you use when saving a file? a. b. c. d. Spaces Periods Letters Both A and B

22. Who does the notes page view benefit? a. b. c. d. The speaker Students The computer No one

22. What is a design template used for? a. b. c. d. Adding graphics to the slide To start the presentation To add a color scheme and arrange various elements All of the above

23. To fit a graphic or clip art on to a slide you can change the; a. Design Template b. Slide Layout c. Color Scheme

d. Outline

24. The Slide Layout function is found in the _____ menu. a. b. c. d. Format Edit Tools Slideshow

25. What buttons can be pressed in order to return to the beginning of the presentation? a. b. c. d. Enter + Shift Alt + Ctrl Shift + Home Ctrl + Home

26. When adding clip art, how do you alter the size of the picture? a. b. c. d. Pull at the corners Right click the middle Left click the center All of the above

27. When adding animation effects how do you know what the animation will look like before you apply it? a. b. c. d. Click order and timing Chart effects Multimedia settings Preview

28. When adding transition effects, what view should you be in? a. Slide sorter

b. Normal c. Slide show

29. When adding summary slides what view should you be in? a. Slide sorter b. Normal c. Slide show

30. What appears on the summary slide once it is created? a. Titles of all the slides b. A brief paragraph c. A picture and final message

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