Mil STD 499b

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NOT MEASUREMENT SENSITIVE MIL-STD-499B (Date) Superseding MIL-STD-499A 1 May 1974

NOTE: This draft, dated 6 May 94, prepared by the MIL-STD-499B Joint OSD/Services/Industry Working Group as agent for HQ AFMC/EN has not been approved and is subject to modification. DO NOT USE PRIOR TO APPROVAL (Project MISC-0160)







MIL-STD-499B 2.70


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.




1. This standard is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense (DoD) and may be used by other government and commercial organizations. 2. Send comments and pertinent data for improving this standard to HQ AFMC/ENS, 4375 Chidlaw Rd Suite 6, WPAFB OH 45433-5006. A self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appears at the end of this standard. 3. This standard captures the key aspects of the DoDs reform initiatives to: better integrate requirements; implement multi-disciplinary teamwork, including potential suppliers, early in establishing the requirements; establish clear measurements of system responsiveness; encourage innovation in products and practices; focus on process control rather than inspection; encourage risk management rather than risk avoidance; eliminate functional stove-pipes; reduce the time it takes to acquire products and services; increase teamwork and cooperation within the government and industry; and encourage tailoring. 4. The intent of this standard is to assist in defining, performing, managing, and evaluating systems engineering efforts in defense system acquisitions and technology developments. The scope and requirements of systems engineering are defined in terms of what should be done, not how to do it. As a result, the systems engineering activities to manage are defined, not how to manage them. 5. This standard defines an executable systems engineering process and required systems engineering efforts. In doing this, it implements DoD policy on systems engineering to: apply systems engineering throughout the system life cycle; provide a comprehensive, iterative technical process as the basis for integration of all technical efforts; and, meet cost, schedule, and performance objectives with an optimal system solution encompassing people, products, and processes. The process is applicable in any phase of an effort and for any size or complexity of an effort. 6. This standard provides the technical foundation for integrating product and process development. This requires: the simultaneous development of system products and life-cycle processes to satisfy user needs; multidisciplinary teamwork; and a systems engineering approach. The Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) describes the implementation of these by each organization with technical responsibilities. The intended use of the SEMP is to coordinate and integrate all technical plans and planning, by developing and formalizing the SEMP prior to technical effort execution, using the SEMP in executing the effort, and maintaining the SEMP for the duration of the effort. The SEMP is structured to facilitate its application contractually in lieu of this standard.1 7. This standard provides the process to leverage development techniques including streamlined management approaches (e.g., use of Non-Developmental and Military or Commercial Off-The-Shelf items) and commercial leveraging options (e.g., Dual Use Technologies). These leveraged approaches are enabled by emphasizing a performance-based approach to system requirements and then identifying/ defining/designing candidate solution alternatives that best satisfy those requirements. Preferred solutions are identified based on cost, schedule, performance, and risk. 8. This standard governs the conduct of a complete, integrated technical effort (systems engineering), not the organizational entity or method of implementation. The organization of resources employed to implement this standard is expected to vary from one program implementation to another. 9. This standard integrates the entire technical effort. This includes requirements from other standardization documents selected for contractual implementation, but not their replacement. Each program implementation will employ other standards to satisfy program requirements and to comply with DoD policy. It is the Program Manager's responsibility to select and tailor those standards which are necessary to execute the program successfully. 10. This standard must be conscientiously tailored to ensure that only necessary and appropriate requirements are cited in defense solicitations and contracts. Tailoring guidance can be found in MILHDBK-248, Acquisition Streamlining, and in paragraph 6.3 of this document.

Written approval from the milestone decision authority is required to put this standard on contract directly instead of using the SEMP.





Paragraph Page 1. SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Background.................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Application Guidance.................................................................................................................. 1 1.2.1 Usage of configuration item........................................................................................... 2 1.2.2 Usage of Tasking and Performing Activities ................................................................. 2 1.2.3 Usage of program ........................................................................................................... 2 1.3 Order of Precedence ....................................................................................................................2 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................................... 2 3. DEFINITIONS..................................................................................................................................... 2 4. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................... 3 4.1 Systems Engineering Planning Implementation.......................................................................... 3 4.2 Systems Engineering Input.......................................................................................................... 3 4.2.1 Technical Objectives.......................................................................................................... 3 4.3 Systems Engineering Process Requirements............................................................................... 5 4.3.1 Requirements Analysis ...................................................................................................... 5 Requirements ............................................................................................................5 4.3.2 Functional Analysis/Allocation.......................................................................................... 5 Functional Analysis.................................................................................................. 5 Allocation. ................................................................................................................5 4.3.3 Synthesis ............................................................................................................................6 Design....................................................................................................................... 6 Design Verification .................................................................................................. 6 4.3.4 Systems Analysis and Control. .......................................................................................... 6 Trade-off Studies...................................................................................................... 7 Requirements Analysis Trade-off Studies ....................................................... 7 Functional Analysis/Allocation Trade-off Studies ........................................7 Synthesis Trade-off Studies............................................................................ 7 System/Cost Effectiveness Analysis ........................................................................7 Risk Management..................................................................................................... 7 Configuration Management...................................................................................... 8 Interface Management.............................................................................................. 8 Data Management ....................................................................................................8 Systems Engineering Master Schedule (SEMS) ...................................................... 8 Technical Performance Measurement (TPM) .......................................................... 8 Implementation of TPM.................................................................................. 9 TPM on Requirements ....................................................................................9 TPM on Objectives or Decision Criteria ........................................................9 Technical Reviews ................................................................................................... 9 Technical Review Content.............................................................................. 9 Response to Change ............................................................................................... 9 4.4 Systems Engineering Output. ...................................................................................................... 9 4.4.1 Specifications and Baselines.............................................................................................. 10 4.4.2 Life Cycle Support Data ....................................................................................................10 5. DETAILED REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................... 11 5.1 Systems Engineering Planning ....................................................................................................11 5.1.1 Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP).............................................................. 11 Technical Performance Measurement (TPM) Planning........................................... 11 Technical Review Planning....................................................................................... 11 Technical Integration Planning ................................................................................11 Technology Transition Planning .............................................................................. 11 Relating TPM, SEMS, and SEDS to Cost and Schedule Performance Measurement ............................................................................................................12 DRAFT



Paragraph Page 5.1.2 Systems Engineering Master Schedule.............................................................................. 12 5.1.3 Systems Engineering Detailed Schedule (SEDS) .............................................................. 12 5.2 Functional Tasks.......................................................................................................................... 12 5.2.1 Reliability and Maintainability .......................................................................................... 12 5.2.2 Survivability....................................................................................................................... 13 5.2.3 Electromagnetic Compatibility and Radio Frequency Management ................................. 13 5.2.4 Human Factors................................................................................................................... 13 5.2.5 System Safety and Health Hazard...................................................................................... 13 5.2.6 System Security.................................................................................................................. 13 5.2.7 Producibility....................................................................................................................... 14 5.2.8 Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) ....................................................................................14 5.2.9 Test and Evaluation............................................................................................................14 5.2.10 Integrated Diagnostics...................................................................................................... 14 5.2.11 Transportability ................................................................................................................14 5.2.12 Infrastructure Support ...................................................................................................... 15 5.2.13 Other Functional Areas ....................................................................................................15 5.3 Leveraged Options....................................................................................................................... 15 5.3.1 Non-Developmental Items (NDI) ...................................................................................... 15 5.3.2 Open System Architectures (OSA) ....................................................................................15 5.3.3 Re-Use................................................................................................................................15 5.3.4 Dual Use Technologies ...................................................................................................... 15 5.4 Pervasive Development Considerations ...................................................................................... 15 5.4.1 Computer Resources .......................................................................................................... 15 5.4.2 Materials, Processes, and Parts Control ............................................................................. 16 5.4.3 Prototyping......................................................................................................................... 16 5.4.4 Simulation .......................................................................................................................... 16 5.4.5 Digital Data ........................................................................................................................16 5.5 System/Cost Effectiveness .......................................................................................................... 16 5.5.1 Manufacturing Analysis and Assessment .......................................................................... 16 5.5.2 Verification Analysis and Assessment............................................................................... 17 5.5.3 Deployment Analysis and Assessment .............................................................................. 17 5.5.4 Operational Analysis and Assessment............................................................................... 17 5.5.5 Supportability Analysis and Assessment........................................................................... 17 5.5.6 Training Analysis and Assessment ....................................................................................18 5.5.7 Disposal Analysis and Assessment ....................................................................................18 5.5.8 Environmental Analysis and Impact Assessment .............................................................. 18 5.5.9 Life Cycle Cost Analysis and Assessment ........................................................................18 5.5.10 Models.............................................................................................................................. 18 5.6 Implementation Tasks.................................................................................................................. 19 5.6.1 Verification ........................................................................................................................19 5.7 Technical Reviews........................................................................................................................19 5.7.1 Review Responsibilities..................................................................................................... 19 5.7.2 Structuring Reviews........................................................................................................... 19 Major Reviews.......................................................................................................... 19 Incremental Reviews ................................................................................................20 5.7.3 Alternative Systems Review (ASR)................................................................................... 20 5.7.4 System Requirements Review (SRR) ................................................................................20 5.7.5 System Functional Review (SFR)...................................................................................... 20 5.7.6 Preliminary Design Review (PDR)....................................................................................21 5.7.7 Critical Design Review (CDR) .......................................................................................... 21 5.7.8 System Verification Review (SVR)................................................................................... 21 5.7.9 Physical Configuration Audit (PCA) ................................................................................. 22 5.7.10 Subsystem Reviews.......................................................................................................... 22 Software Specification Review (SSR) ................................................................... 22 DRAFT

MIL-STD-499B Paragraph


Page Preliminary Design Review (Subsystem)............................................................... 23 Critical Design Review (Subsystem)...................................................................... 23 Test Readiness Review (TRR) ............................................................................... 23 Functional Configuration Audit (Subsystem FCA)................................................23 Physical Configuration Audit (Subsystem PCA) ................................................... 24 5.7.11 Functional Reviews.......................................................................................................... 24 5.7.12 Interim System Reviews .................................................................................................. 24 5.8 Systems Engineering Capability Assessment.............................................................................. 24 6. NOTES................................................................................................................................................. 25 6.1 Intended Use ................................................................................................................................25 6.2 Data Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 25 6.3 Tailoring Guidance...................................................................................................................... 25 6.3.1 Tailoring Considerations....................................................................................................27 6.3.2 General Guidance (Section 4) ............................................................................................27 6.3.3 In Depth Considerations ....................................................................................................27 6.3.4 General Guidance (Section 5) ............................................................................................29 Implementation Tasks. ............................................................................................. 29 Systems Engineering Management Plan .................................................................. 29 Functional Tasks....................................................................................................... 29 6.3.5 Tailoring Documentation................................................................................................... 29 6.3.6 Potential Environmental Concerns ....................................................................................29 6.4 Application Guidance.................................................................................................................. 29 6.4.1 Integrated Planning ............................................................................................................29 6.4.2 Tasking activity SEMP and SEMS ....................................................................................29 6.4.3 Performing Activity Systems Engineering Management Plan .......................................... 30 6.4.4 Performing Activity Systems Engineering Master Schedule ............................................30 6.4.5 Decision Data Base ............................................................................................................31 6.4.6 Automated Tools................................................................................................................31 6.4.7 Relationship of Technical Planning to Cost and Schedule Performance........................... 32 6.4.8 Relationships of Technical Performance Measurement (TPM) to Cost and Schedule Performance Measurement ................................................................................................32 6.4.9 System Configuration ........................................................................................................32 6.5 Subject term (key word) listing ................................................................................................... 33 6.6 Changes from previous issue....................................................................................................... 33 APPENDIX A GLOSSARY ....................................................................................................................34 APPENDIX B LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................43 APPENDIX C SYSTEMS ENGINEERING MASTER SCHEDULE GUIDANCE .............................. 44 Figure Page 1. Key Terms....................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Systems Engineering Life-Cycle Application................................................................................. 2 3. The Systems Engineering Process................................................................................................... 4 4. Example of a System Life Cycle..................................................................................................... 28 5. SEMS Interrelationships.................................................................................................................. 31 6. Example System Configuration....................................................................................................... 33 7. Example Technical Performance Measurement Profile.................................................................. 41 8. Systems Engineering Master Schedule ........................................................................................... 44 Table Page I. Related Standardization Documents ................................................................................................26




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This standard defines a total system approach for the development of defense systems. The standard requires: establishing and implementing a structured, disciplined, and documented systems engineering effort incorporating the systems engineering process; multidisciplinary teamwork; and the simultaneous development of the products and processes needed to satisfy user needs. The systems engineering process is defined generically to facilitate broad application. This standard defines the requirements for technical reviews. The tasks in this standard provide a methodology for evaluating progress in achieving system objectives. This standard provides a comprehensive, structured, and disciplined approach for new system product and process developments, for upgrades, for modifications, and for engineering efforts conducted to resolve problems in fielded systems in all acquisition and support phases. This standard is applicable to technical efforts in support of advancement and development of new technologies and their application. It applies to large and small scale systems; to single or multiple procurements; and to the replacement of current products and processes. The standard is applicable to systems irrespective of composition including those that are integrated from diverse elements, hardware dominant, and software dominant. This document should be tailored for effective and efficient program implementation. Note: Systems engineering involves design and management of a total system which includes hardware and software, as well as other system elements. They all should be considered in analyses, trade-offs, and engineering methodology. 1.1 Background. The systems engineering process is System applied iteratively throughout the system life cycle to translate stated problems into design requirements, m Elem providing an integrated system solution consisting of ysteDeploymen ent S ion, s people, products, and processes with the capability to t, O at satisfy customer needs. See Figure 1 for key terms. fic tem F per i ys Problems are normally expressed in terms of needs for new yS developments and modifications or, as deficiencies in Users operating, supporting, or providing training for alreadyCustomers fielded items. Performance-based requirements and alternative solutions to problems are iteratively defined and Suppliers refined. Solutions may employ existing, limited development, or emerging technologies transitioned from the technology base to product and process applications. Where needed, a technology transition approach is dw at ar e established, implemented and controlled. Transition M Sof ata D twar criteria and implementation methods (what, when, to e F a c iliti e s whom, by whom) are defined cooperatively by the tasking s Pro d u ct and performing activities (see 1.2.2) and include definition of an acceptable level of maturity for all life cycle products FIGURE 1. Key Terms and processes. Selection of preferred solutions is based on cost, schedule, performance, and risk. Technical risk management is integral to the process and includes the identification, quantification, impact assessment, and implementation of mitigation measures throughout the acquisition cycle. A comprehensive, responsive verification effort is implemented to ensure that designs satisfy requirements. Progressive verification from individual pieces of the solution (system elements) up through the total system is required. This structured and disciplined process is applied across the eight primary system functions (characteristic actions spanning life cycle requirements) to define and select solutions that optimally solve the problem from a life-cycle perspective, that is, lifecycle-balanced solutions (see Figure 2).
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1.2 Application Guidance. This standard applies to pre-milestone 0 activities, Concept Exploration and Definition, Demonstration and Validation, Engineering and Manufacturing Development, Production and Deployment, and Operations and Support acquisition phases. This standard applies to all tasking and performing activities. It can be used by the tasking activity to assist in systems engineering planning (in DRAFT



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FIGURE 2. Systems Engineering Life-Cycle Application terms of the required systems engineering efforts), as well as the performing activitys planning function (in terms of a responsive proposal and implementation plan). 1.2.1 Usage of configuration item. Throughout this standard, the term configuration item (CI) refers to any type of configuration item (hardware, firmware, software, their aggregation, or any discrete portions). When a requirement applies to a specific type of CI, the limiting designation is used (e.g., computer software configuration item or CSCI). 1.2.2 Usage of Tasking and Performing Activities. Throughout this standard, the term tasking activity refers to the organization requiring the technical effort. The term performing activity refers to that organization doing the technical effort. 1.2.3 Usage of program. Throughout this standard, the term program is used generically to include programs or projects for which systems engineering is tasked or performed. 1.3 Order of Precedence. Figures in this standard are for example only. If there is a conflict between the text and the figures, the text applies. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS This section is not applicable to this standard (no documents are referenced in Sections 3, 4, or 5). 3. DEFINITIONS A glossary of essential definitions for systems engineering is contained in Appendix A.




This section defines the systems engineering tasks that are generally applicable throughout the system life cycle for any program, new development, upgrade, modification, resolution of deficiencies, or development and exploitation of technology. 4.1 Systems Engineering Planning Implementation. For each application of this standard: a. All technical execution and management efforts shall be integrated in conformance with the systems engineering process. Technical tasks, including task requirements of other standardization documents cited for contractual application, shall be integrated to yield a single and complete process that focuses all activities on the common objective. The planning and execution of required tasks shall demonstrate multidisciplinary teamwork whereby all appropriate technical disciplines are applied to satisfy identified needs. The integrated technical effort shall be reflected in the Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP), the Systems Engineering Master Schedule (SEMS), and the Systems Engineering Detailed Schedule (SEDS). b. The performing activity shall execute the systems engineering process, and other required systems engineering activities, in accordance with the contractual SEMP. The SEMP shall represent the tasking and performing activity tailoring of this standard; it shall describe the systems engineering process and the performing activitys plan to execute that process for the contracted effort. Additionally, the performing activity shall maintain and update the SEMP (see 6.2). c. The performing activity shall develop a SEMS for contractual implementation. d. The performing activity shall develop a SEDS and maintain it as detailed, time-dependent tasks evolve. Normally, an initial version of the SEDS accompanies the performing activitys proposal and it is maintained during contract execution to track technical progress and associated risks (see 6.2). e. The performing activity shall extend the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) developed by the tasking activity to the level necessary to complete contractual requirements. The performing activity has the flexibility to extend the contract WBS (derived from the tasking activity-developed program WBS) below the reporting requirement to reflect how the work is to be accomplished consistent with program risk. f. Quality shall be an integral part of all technical elements and activities of the program to focus on preventing defects rather than detecting and correcting them. 4.2 Systems Engineering Input. The process input includes information necessary to support continued technical effort (includes results from technology validation and item verification) as well as initiation of a new phase of technical effort (includes new or updated customer needs, technology base data, outputs from a previous phase, and program constraints). The performing activity shall notify the tasking activity of needed technical input information, why it is needed, and when it is needed. The tasking activity will inform the performing activity which information will not be provided, and must therefore be generated in the phase. 4.2.1 Technical Objectives. When lacking sufficient data to establish requirements, technical objectives shall be used to provide a basis for defining and trading off relationships among need, urgency, costs, risks, and worth. Technical objectives identified should assist in converging on a system solution, focus on factors critical to success, and offer substantial capability payoffs for resources expended. The performing activity shall: a. identify needed technical objectives, with rationale; b. develop metrics and success criteria to ensure that increases in system capabilities are cost effective when technical objectives are established for capabilities beyond requirements; and c. use critical technical objectives in technical performance measurement.


DRAFT FIGURE 3. The Systems Engineering Process


Customer Needs/Objectives/ Requirements Missions Measures of Effectiveness Environments Constraints Technology Base Prior Outputs Program Decision Requirements Requirements From Tailored Specifications and Standards

Requirements Analysis
Analyze Missions & Environments Identify Functional Requirements Define/Refine Performance & Design Constraint Requirements Requirements Loop

Systems Analysis & Control (Balance)

Select Preferred Alternatives Trade-Off Studies Effectiveness Analyses Risk Management Configuration Management Interface Management Data Management Performance-Based Progress Measurement SEMS TPM Technical Reviews

Functional Analysis/Allocation
Decompose to Lower-Level Functions Allocate Performance & Other Limiting Requirements to All Functional Levels Define/Refine Functional Interfaces (Internal/External) Define/Refine/Integrate Functional Architecture Design Loop


Verification Transform Architectures (Functional to Physical) Define Alternative System Concepts, Configuration Items & System Elements Define/Refine Physical Interfaces (Internal/External) Define Alternative Product & Process Solutions

Decision Data Base Decision Support Data System Functional & Physical Architectures Specifications & Baselines Balanced System Solutions




4.3 Systems Engineering Process Requirements. The performing activity shall employ the systems engineering process of requirements analysis, functional analysis/allocation, synthesis, and systems analysis and control (Figure 3) progressively throughout the effort to achieve contractual objectives and to define requirements, designs, and solutions for the system life cycle. 4.3.1 Requirements Analysis. The performing activity shall analyze customer needs, objectives, and requirements in the context of customer missions, utilization environments, and identified system characteristics to determine functional and performance requirements for each primary system function. Prior analyses shall be reviewed and updated, refining mission and environment definitions to support system definition. Requirements analysis shall be conducted iteratively with functional analysis to develop requirements that depend on additional system definition (e.g., other system items, performance requirements for identified functions) and verify that people, product, and process solutions (from synthesis) can satisfy customer requirements. In conducting requirements analysis, the performing activity shall: a. assist in refining customer objectives and requirements; b. define initial performance objectives and refine them into requirements; c. identify and define constraints that limit solutions (e.g., missions and utilization environments or adverse impacts on natural and human environments); and d. define functional and performance requirements based on customer provided measures of effectiveness. When measures of effectiveness are not provided at the level of detail needed, the performing activity shall develop and use a set of measures of effectiveness relating to customer missions; utilization environments; needs, requirements, and objectives; and design constraints. Requirements. Functional requirements identified in requirements analysis and as process inputs shall be used as the top-level functions for functional analysis. Performance requirements shall be: a. interactively developed across all identified functions based on system life cycle factors; and b. characterized in terms of the degree of certainty in their estimate, the degree of criticality to system success, and their relationship to other requirements. 4.3.2 Functional Analysis/Allocation. The performing activity shall define and integrate a functional architecture to the depth needed to support synthesis of solutions for people, products, and processes and management of risk. Functional analysis/allocation shall be conducted iteratively: a. to define successively lower-level functions required to satisfy higher level functional requirements and to define alternative sets of functional requirements; b. with requirements analysis to define mission and environment driven performance and to determine that higher level requirements are satisfied; c. to flowdown performance requirements and design constraints; and d. with synthesis to define and refine feasible solution alternatives which meet requirements and to place derived requirements into the functional architecture. Functional Analysis. Identified functional requirements shall be analyzed to determine the lower level functions required to accomplish the parent requirement. All specified usage modes shall be included in the analysis. Functional requirements shall be arranged so that lower level functional requirements are recognized as part of higher level requirements. When time is critical to performance or sequencing of functions, a time-line analysis shall be conducted. Functional requirements shall be logically sequenced; with input, output, and functional interface (internal and external) requirements defined; and be traceable from beginning to end conditions, and across their interfaces. Allocation. The performing activity shall successively (highest to lowest level) establish performance requirements for each functional requirement and interface. Time requirements that are prerequisite for a function or set of functions shall be determined and allocated. The resulting set of requirements shall be defined in measurable terms, applicable go/no-go criteria, and in sufficient detail for use as design criteria. Performance requirements shall be traceable throughout the functional architecture, through the analysis by which they were allocated, to the higher-level requirement they are intended to fulfill.




4.3.3 Synthesis. The performing activity shall define and design solutions for each logical set of functional and performance requirements in the functional architecture and integrate them as a physical architecture. The performing activity shall conduct synthesis iteratively with functional analysis/ allocation to define a complete set of functional and performance requirements necessary for the level of design output required. Requirements analysis shall be used to verify that solution outputs can satisfy customer input requirements. The performing activity shall: a. determine the completeness of functional and performance requirements for the design and identify derived requirements needed for completeness in terms of function and performance; b. define internal and external physical interfaces including required function and performance and ensure that requirements are integrated and verifiable across interfaces; c. identify critical parameters, analyze their variability and solution sensitivity to the variability; d. define people, product, and processes alternatives interactively (including the concepts, techniques, and procedural data applicable to each of the primary system functions) as well as required allowances for tolerances and variabilities for those alternatives; e. define system, configuration item, and system element solutions to a level of detail that enables verification that required accomplishments have been met; and f. translate the architecture into a work breakdown structure, specification tree, specifications, and configuration baselines. Design. The outputs from synthesis shall describe the complete system, including the interfaces and relationships between internal and external items. The performing activity shall: a. develop the information for establishing and updating applicable functional, allocated, and product baselines; system, CI, process, and material specifications including commercial item descriptions; drawings and lists; interface control documentation; technical plans; life cycle resource requirements; procedural handbooks and instructional materials; and documentation of personnel task loading; b. apply design simplicity concepts, evaluating alternatives with respect to factors such as ease of access, ready disassembly, common and non-complex tools, decreased parts counts, modularity, producibility (e.g., ready assembly), standardization, and less demanding cognitive skills; c. demonstrate design consistency with results from risk reduction efforts; and d. establish and control correlation among interdependent and functionally related elements. Design Verification. The performing activity shall progressively verify that product and process designs satisfy their requirements (including interfaces), from the lowest level of the current physical architecture up to the total system, and can be implemented. 4.3.4 Systems Analysis and Control. The performing activity shall measure progress, evaluate alternatives, select preferred alternatives, and document data and decisions used and generated. Systems analyses shall include trade-off studies, effectiveness analyses and assessments, and design analyses to determine progress in satisfying technical requirements and program objectives, and to provide a rigorous quantitative basis for performance, functional, and design requirements. Control mechanisms shall include risk management, configuration management, data management, and performance-based progress measurement including the SEMS, Technical Performance Measurement (TPM), and technical reviews. The performing activity shall implement systems analysis and control to ensure that: a. decisions on solution alternatives are made only after evaluating their impact on system effectiveness, life cycle resources, risk, and customer requirements. The performing activity shall identify those alternatives which would provide improved system effectiveness or costs when compared with those based on contract requirements; b. technical decisions and system-unique specification requirements are based on systems engineering outputs and results of decisions documented; c. traceability from process inputs to outputs is maintained, including changes in requirements; d. schedules for the development and delivery of products and processes are mutually supportive; e. technical disciplines and disciplinary efforts are integrated into the systems engineering effort; f. impacts of customer requirements on resulting functional and performance requirements are examined for validity, consistency, desirability, and attainability with respect to technology availability, physical and human resources, human performance capabilities, life cycle costs, DRAFT



schedule, risk, applicable statutes, contractually designated hazardous material lists, and other identified constraints. This examination shall either confirm existing requirements or require the determination of more appropriate requirements for the system; and g. product and process design requirements shall be directly traceable to the functional and performance requirements they were designed to fulfill, and vice versa. Trade-off Studies. Desirable and practical trade-offs among user requirements, technical objectives, design, program schedule, functional and performance requirements, and life cycle costs shall be identified and conducted. Trade-off studies shall be defined, conducted, and documented at the various levels of the functional or physical architecture in enough detail to support decision making. The level of detail of each study shall be commensurate with cost, schedule, performance, and risk impacts. Requirements Analysis Trade-off Studies. The performing activity shall conduct requirements analysis trade-off studies to establish alternative performance and functional requirements to both resolve conflicts with and satisfy customer requirements. Functional Analysis/Allocation Trade-off Studies. The performing activity shall conduct trade-off studies within and across functions to: a. support functional analyses and allocation of performance requirements; b. define a preferred set of performance requirements satisfying identified functional interfaces; c. determine performance requirements for lower-level functions when higher level performance and functional requirements can not be readily resolved to the lower-level; and d. evaluate alternative functional architectures. Synthesis Trade-off Studies. The performing activity shall conduct synthesis trade-off studies to: a. support decisions for new products and process developments versus non-developmental products and processes (see 5.3); b. establish system/CI configuration(s); c. assist in selecting system concepts, designs, and solutions (include people, parts, and materials availability); d. support materials selection and make-or-buy, process, rate, and location decisions; e. examine proposed changes; f. examine alternative technologies to satisfy functional/design requirements including alternatives for moderate to high risk technologies; g. evaluate environmental and cost impacts of materials and processes; h. evaluate alternative physical architectures to select preferred products and processes; and i. select standard components, techniques, services, and facilities that reduce system life-cycle cost and meet system effectiveness requirements. Government and commercial data bases should be utilized to provide historical information used in evaluation decisions. System/Cost Effectiveness Analysis. The performing activity shall plan and implement a systems analysis effort as an integral part of the systems engineering process. The performing activity shall develop, document, implement, control, and maintain a method to control analytic relationships and measures of effectiveness. Critical measures of effectiveness used for decision making should be identified for technical performance measurement. System/cost effectiveness assessments shall be used to support risk impact assessments. The performing activity shall analyze each primary system function to: a. support the identification and definition of performance and functional requirements for the primary system functions to which system solutions must be responsive; and b. support the selection of preferred product and process design requirements that satisfy those performance and functional requirements. Risk Management. The performing activity shall establish and implement a risk management program. Risks shall be assessed for products, processes (e.g. process variability), and their interrelationships. Risk shall also be assessed for contractually identified variations, uncertainties, and evolutions in system environments. The risk management program shall be conducted to: a. identify potential sources of technical risk including critical parameters that can be risk drivers; DRAFT



b. quantify risks, including risk levels, and their impacts on cost (including life cycle costs), schedule, and performance. Include design, cost, and schedule uncertainties and sensitivity to program, product, and process assumptions; c. determine sensitivity of interrelated risks; d. determine alternative approaches to handle moderate and high risks; e. take actions to avoid, control, or assume each risk and adjust the SEMP as necessary; and f. ensure risk factors are evaluated as a part of decision making including the selection of specification requirements, and design and solution alternatives. Configuration Management. The performing activity shall manage the configuration of identified system products and processes. This effort shall include configuration: a. identification, including the selection of the documents to comprise the baseline for the system and CIs involved and the numbers and other identifiers affixed to the items and the documents; b. control, including the systematic proposal, justification, evaluation, coordination, approval, or disapproval of all proposed changes to the configuration of CIs after establishment of the baseline(s) for the CI; c. status accounting, including the recording and reporting of the information needed to manage configuration items; and d. audits, including verification that the CI conforms to its current approved configuration documentation. Interface Management. The performing activity shall manage the internal interfaces within their contractual responsibility. The performing activity shall support activities established to ensure that external interfaces are managed and controlled. The performing activity shall delineate the design compatibility of external and internal engineering interfaces as interface requirements in their specifications. Interface controls shall be established, coordinated, and maintained for interface requirements, documents, and drawings, and include all applicable performing activity, vendor, and subcontractor contract items and tasking activity furnished equipment, computer programs, facilities, and data. Interfaces shall be controlled to ensure accountability and timely dissemination of changes. Data Management. The performing activity shall establish and maintain an integrated data management system for the decision data base to: a. capture and organize all inputs as well as current, intermediate, and final outputs; b. provide data correlation and traceability among requirements, designs, solutions, decisions, and rationale; c. document engineering decisions, including procedures, methods, results, and analyses; d. be responsive to established configuration management procedures; e. function as a reference and support tool for the systems engineering effort; and f. make data available and sharable as called out in the contract. Systems Engineering Master Schedule (SEMS). The performing activity shall implement the SEMS for top-level process control and progress measurement to: ensure completion of required accomplishments; demonstrate progressive system and development achievements and maturity; ensure that integrated, multidisciplinary information is available for decision and demonstration events; provide an event-based, accomplishment-oriented framework for measuring progress; and demonstrate control of cost, schedule, and performance risks in satisfying accomplishments, requirements, and objectives. SEMS accomplishments with their supporting criteria shall be devised and structured to ensure that: a. critical technical inputs and decision data are available for technical and program decision points, demonstrations, reviews, and other identified events; b. required progress and system maturity are demonstrated prior to continuing technical efforts dependent on that progress and maturity; and c. a SEMS accomplishment is complete when all its associated criteria have been demonstrated. Technical Performance Measurement (TPM). The performing activity shall establish and implement TPM to evaluate the adequacy of evolving solutions and to identify deficiencies impacting the ability of the system to satisfy a performance requirement. Actions taken to redress deficiencies depend DRAFT

MIL-STD-499B on whether the technical parameter is a requirement or an objective. TPM level of detail and documentation shall be commensurate with the impact on cost, schedule, performance, and risk.

DRAFT Implementation of TPM. The performing activity shall determine the achievement-todate for each technical parameter. Technical progress shall be assessed in terms of both allowed variation and the trend in achievement-to-date compared with the planned value profile. When progress in the technical effort supports revision of the current estimate, a new profile and current estimate shall be developed. Risk assessments and analyses shall be updated to reflect changes in planned value profiles and current estimates, and impacts on related parameters. TPM on Requirements. For identified deficiencies, analyses shall be performed to determine the cause(s) and to assess the impacts on higher-level parameters, interfaces, and system cost effectiveness. Alternative recovery plans shall be developed with cost, schedule, performance, and risk impacts fully explored. For performance in excess of requirements, the marginal cost benefits and opportunities for reallocation of requirements and resources shall be assessed and an appropriate course of action defined. TPM on Objectives or Decision Criteria. The performing activity shall perform TPM on objectives and decision criteria as defined in the SEMP. Technical Reviews. The performing activity shall plan and conduct the technical reviews necessary to demonstrate that required accomplishments have been successfully completed before proceeding beyond critical events and key program milestones. Technical reviews shall be conducted for the system and contractually identified configuration items. Technical reviews shall occur at key events identified in the SEMS when the performing activity is ready to demonstrate completion of all the SEMS accomplishments associated with the event, as measured by their associated criteria. Technical Review Content. System and CI technical reviews shall be integrated reviews including all disciplines, all primary system functions, and all products and processes of the item being reviewed. Reviews shall be structured within the total system context to: a. confirm that the effects of technical risk on cost, schedule, and performance, as well as risk reduction measures, rationale, and assumptions made in quantifying the risks have been addressed; b. demonstrate that the relationships, interactions, interdependencies, and interfaces between required items and externally interfacing items, system functions, subsystems, configuration items, and system elements, as appropriate, have been addressed; c. ensure performance, functional, design, cost, and schedule requirements and objectives, technical performance measurements and technical plans are being tracked, are on schedule, and are achievable within existing programmatic constraints; and d. confirm that continued development is warranted, and when it is not, that executable alternatives have been defined. Response to Change The performing activity shall define total program impact of identified changes to technical requirements with respect to cost, schedule, performance, and risk. Technical, cost, and schedule problems shall be diagnosed and their impacts determined. The impacts of collateral effects induced by solutions and solution alternatives on the technical program, including interfaces, shall be determined. The performing activity shall inform the tasking activity of changes in cost, schedule, performance, and risk that impact the executability (on time, within budget, meets requirements) of the program. The performing activity shall process all resulting changes to contract requirements and configuration baselines in accordance with established change control procedures. The performing activity shall ensure that supporting data is accessible to the tasking activity and documented in the decision data base. 4.4 Systems Engineering Output. Outputs of the systems engineering effort are acquisition phase dependent. The performing activity shall develop and implement a decision data base that: a. Documents and organizes data used and generated by the systems engineering effort. DRAFT

MIL-STD-499B b. Provides an audit trail of results and rationale from identified needs to verified solutions for traceability of requirements, designs, decisions, and solutions.


4.4.1 Specifications and Baselines. The performing activity shall generate required system and configuration item (CI) unique documentation. General criteria include the following. a. Documentation used to establish configuration baselines (Functional, Allocated, Product) shall be developed progressively. b. Specifications shall be formalized to establish configuration baselines commensurate with the contracted effort. c. Configuration baselines shall be documented, controlled, and audited in accordance with contractual configuration management practices. d. Essential requirements for processes shall be included in item specifications. e. Specification requirements shall be verifiable. Traceability to their verification criteria and methods shall be maintained. f. The performing activity shall present specifications for approval only when: (1) the cost, schedule, and performance risks associated with the item and its processes have been determined and the risk levels are acceptable; (2) item costs have been determined and those costs satisfy established design-to-cost targets or other prescribed affordability limits; and (3) its completeness and design attainability have been confirmed. g. System functional and CI development specifications shall be performance based. 4.4.2 Life Cycle Support Data. The performing activity shall identify, annotate, and track those elements in the decision data base necessary for the life cycle management of the system.





This section describes systems engineering tasks that shall be evaluated/tailored for integrating product and process development as applied to a specific program and phase. Tailored requirements for program specific tasks will be provided by the tasking activity in solicitations or suggested by the performing activity through procedures such as responses to draft request for proposals. 5.1 Systems Engineering Planning. The systems engineering process shall be applied to system objectives and requirements, forming the basis for the development function. This application shall define and plan the necessary technical program tasks including the Statement of Work (SOW), SEMP, SEMS, SEDS, and other technical plans identified in the contract. 5.1.1 Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP). The performing activity shall determine how a fully integrated technical effort will be conducted in compliance with this standard. The performing activity shall define the implementation of the systems engineering process including how all of the outputs are entered into the decision data base as well as how they are used interactively with, and as inputs for subsequent applications of, the process. Each task in the SEMP shall be traceable to the system definition. The SEMP developed by the performing activity (see 4.1.b) shall provide a summary, with reference to the detailed plan, for all technical plans required by the Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) of the contract. Technical Performance Measurement (TPM) Planning. The performing activity shall identify technical parameters for tracking and plan a TPM effort that is responsive to tasking activity requirements and the SEMS. When not otherwise provided, the performing activity shall establish TPM update frequencies, tracking depth, and, response time to generate recovery plans and planned profile revisions. Achievement-to-date assessments should be planned to support cost reporting (such as the cost performance report and cost/schedule status report) and the SEMS. Technical parameters selected for tracking shall be critical indicators of technical progress and achievement and shall include either system parameters, CI parameters, or both. Parameter descriptions shall include identification of related risks. The relationships between selected parameters and lower-level component parameters that must also be measured shall be determined. Each parameter shall be correlated with the lowest level Contract Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS) element consistent with the scope of the parameter. Technical Review Planning. The performing activity shall devise and plan a structured review process to demonstrate and confirm completion of required accomplishments by satisfying their accomplishment criteria in the SEMS. Reviews required by the tasking activity as well as all other reviews necessary to demonstrate, confirm, and coordinate progress shall be incorporated into overall review planning. Reviews include structured meetings on progress toward satisfying SEMS events. The performing activity shall define the tasks associated with the conduct of each review, including responsibilities of personnel involved, review site(s), and necessary procedures (e.g., action item closeout), entry criteria, and all required accomplishments. The performing activity shall incorporate the success criteria established by the tasking activity and describe any additional success criteria necessary for review accomplishments, how compliance with requirements and criteria will be determined, and how discrepancies identified will be handled. Overall review planning, as well as the plan for the conduct of each review, shall be contained in the SEMP. Technical Integration Planning. Plans to define and implement system functionality shall be integrated into the SEMP. How multidisciplinary teamwork is to be implemented shall be defined including how the performing activitys organizational structure supports the time-phased needs of the technical effort. The performing activity shall describe the organizational responsibilities and authority for the systems engineering effort, including control of subcontracted technical efforts. Technology Transition Planning. The performing activity shall establish, implement, and control a technology transition approach for identifying and applying relevant available and emerging technologies to program specific efforts. The activities and the criteria for assessing, validating, and transitioning critical technologies from technology development and demonstration programs, including commercially developed technologies, shall be determined. Methods to identify technology alternatives DRAFT



and selection criteria used to determine when and which alternatives will be incorporated into people, product, and process solutions shall be defined. This approach shall be responsive to transition methods and criteria required by the tasking activity. a. Performance requirements for technologies critical to system success shall be monitored via TPM. b. When technologies required to meet requirements can not be effectively transitioned, or when the requirements can only be generally defined, opportunities for preplanned product improvement or evolutionary acquisition strategy alternatives shall be identified and documented. c. Criteria for validation shall include maturity in performance, affordability, and life cycle processes. Relating TPM, SEMS, and SEDS to Cost and Schedule Performance Measurement. The performing activity shall determine and define a means to relate TPM, the SEMS, and the SEDS to cost and schedule performance measurement and to identify traceability among them. Cost, schedule, and technical performance measurement shall be made against common elements of the CWBS down to the level required for cost and schedule reporting or as specified in the contract. The performing activity shall integrate this approach into risk management efforts. 5.1.2 Systems Engineering Master Schedule. The SEMS developed by the performing activity shall identify contractual events and the significant accomplishments that must be achieved by those events for the complete technical effort. The performing activity shall include events, associated accomplishments, and success criteria identified by the tasking activity. The SEMS shall reflect the integration of the efforts necessary to satisfy required accomplishments. Events, accomplishments, and accomplishment criteria shall directly relate to WBS elements. a. Accomplishments required to transition moderate to high risk technologies shall be incorporated into the SEMS along with their success criteria. b. Events should be identified in the format of entry and exit events (Initiate Preliminary Design Review (PDR) and Complete PDR) or use entry and exit accomplishments for each event. c. All SEMS accomplishments shall be event related, not time coincidental or driven. SEMS accomplishments shall have one or more of the following characteristics: (1) Define a desired result at a specified event that indicates design maturity or progress directly related to each product and process; (2) Define completion of a discrete step in the progress of the planned development; and (3) Define activities to provide product and process functionality. d. SEMS accomplishment criteria shall be measurable. SEMS accomplishment criteria shall provide a definitive measure or indicator that the required level of maturity or progress has been achieved. e. Both the tasking and performing activities should identify critical TPM parameters to be used in accomplishment criteria for identified milestones. Selected parameters should include those bearing on risk and those that directly relate to the programs Acquisition Program Baseline. 5.1.3 Systems Engineering Detailed Schedule (SEDS). The SEDS shall outline the tasks and calendar dates necessary to show when individual tasks will be done as well as how and when each of the accomplishment criteria in the SEMS will be met. 5.2 Functional Tasks. The tasks listed below do not preclude or supersede tasks applied from other standardization documents. The performing activity shall ensure that the following tasks are incorporated into the systems engineering process. Sources for tailoring these tasks, and additional tasks necessary to the specific application of this standard, can be found in section 6, Table I. These tasks shall be included in the requirements analysis, functional analysis/allocation, synthesis, and systems analysis and control, and their impact shall be included in system life cycle cost estimates. These tasks reflect important areas in system development. The determining factor for the degree of performance required shall be satisfying total system cost, schedule, and performance requirements and objectives, at an acceptable level of risk. 5.2.1 Reliability and Maintainability. The performing activity shall identify and define functional and performance requirements and derive solution-dependent requirements to ensure that items are reliable and maintainable. Emphasis shall be on: a. determining requirements based on the user's system readiness and mission performance requirements, physical environments, and resources available to support the mission; b. managing the contributions to system reliability and maintainability made by system elements; DRAFT



c. preventing design deficiencies (including single point failures), precluding the selection of unsuitable parts and materials, and minimizing variability effects in manufacturing processes; d. developing robust systems, acceptable under specified adverse environments experienced throughout the system's life cycle and repairable under adverse conditions; and e. developing items that have low impact on support resources including time, people, money, parts, tools, storage, and transportation assets. 5.2.2 Survivability. The performing activity shall identify and define functional and performance requirements and derive solution-dependent requirements to ensure that items are survivable when those items must perform critical functions in a man-made hostile environment. Survivability from all threats found in specified levels of conflict shall be analyzed. Threats to be considered include conventional, electronic, nuclear, biological, chemical, high power microwave, kinetic energy weapons, directed energy weapons, and terrorism or sabotage. Critical survivability characteristics shall be identified, assessed, and evaluated for their impact on system effectiveness. For items hardened in order to meet a survivability requirement, hardness assurance, hardness maintenance, and hardness surveillance programs shall be developed to identify and correct procedures in manufacture, repair, spare parts procurement, and maintenance or repair activities that may degrade item hardness during the system's life cycle. 5.2.3 Electromagnetic Compatibility and Radio Frequency Management. The performing activity shall identify and define functional and performance requirements, and derive solution-dependent requirements, to ensure system solutions employing electric and electronic items can achieve necessary performance in intended environments. The performing activity shall ensure electric and electronic items comply with applicable DoD, national, and international electromagnetic compatibility requirements. The performing activity shall ensure that intentional radiators or receivers of radio frequency energy comply with DoD, national, and applicable international policies for radio frequency spectrum management. 5.2.4 Human Factors. The performing activity shall identify and define functional and performance requirements and derive solution-dependent requirements to ensure that human factors are integrated into product and process designs. Objectives shall include balance of system performance and cost of ownership by ensuring that item designs are compatible with the capabilities and limitation of the personnel who will operate, maintain, transport, supply, control, and dispose of the items. Requirements and designs shall minimize characteristics that require extensive cognitive, physical, or sensory skills; require the performance of unnecessarily complex tasks; require tasks that unacceptably impact manpower or training resources; or result in frequent, repetitive, or critical errors. 5.2.5 System Safety and Health Hazard. The performing activity shall identify and define functional and performance requirements and derive solution-dependent requirements consistent with higher-level and mission requirements as well as cost effectiveness to effect safe use of system items and to control hazards associated with system items. The total system of people, products, and processes, including verification, manufacture, support, and disposal activities, shall be analyzed to identify potential hazards for the life cycle. Identified hazards associated with use of system end items shall be documented to establish criteria for mitigating or defining and categorizing high and serious risks. Materials categorized as having high and serious risks shall be characterized in terms of risks related to producing, deploying, operating, supporting, training with, and disposing of system end items using such materials. Use of materials which present a known hazard shall be avoided to the extent practical. If use of hazardous materials is an essential element of the solution, a containment program, including procedures for safe use and disposal, shall be developed and implemented. This program shall include eventual substitution for hazardous materials except for those explicitly accepted by the tasking activity for the specific application. Handling and disposal of hazardous material shall be included in life cycle cost estimates. 5.2.6 System Security. The performing activity shall identify and define functional and performance requirements and derive solution-dependent requirements to eliminate or contain vulnerabilities to known or postulated security threats (documented for contractual use). Item, information, and data base susceptibility to damage, compromise, or destruction shall be identified and reduced. Control of compromising emanations (TEMPEST) shall be explicitly addressed early in the acquisition of items that DRAFT



have a potential to emanate sensitive information. All items and their processes, including system information flows, shall be evaluated for known or potential vulnerabilities for the entire life cycle. The tasking activity will establish the level to which the vulnerability shall be controlled. 5.2.7 Producibility. The performing activity shall identify and define functional and performance requirements and derive solution-dependent requirements for producibility. The performing activity shall employ multidisciplinary teamwork to ensure that items are producible and to generate simple designs and stable manufacturing processes to reduce risk, manufacturing cost, lead time, and cycle time; and that minimize use of strategic and critical materials. As part of system design, manufacturing methods, processes, and process controls shall be defined, evaluated, and selected based on total system cost, schedule, performance, and risk. a. Prior to full rate production, the performing activity shall ensure that the product design has stabilized, the manufacturing processes and process controls have been proven, and rate production facilities, equipment, capability, and capacity are in place (or are about to be put in place) to support the approved schedule. b. The performing activity shall use value engineering concepts to assist in the identification of requirements that add cost to the system but add little or no value to the users. 5.2.8 Integrated Logistics Support (ILS). The performing activity shall identify and define functional and performance requirements and derive solution-dependent requirements to ensure that items are supportable. The performing activity shall: a. ensure requirements are related consistently to readiness objectives, to design, and to each other; b. integrate support factors into item and system element design interactively with the design of support products and processes; c. identify cost-effective approaches to supporting an item when deployed/installed; d. identify and define requirements for support structure elements so that the item is both supportable and supported when deployed/installed; and e. plan for post-production support to ensure continued, economic logistics support. 5.2.9 Test and Evaluation. The performing activity shall identify and define functional and performance requirements and derive solution-dependent requirements to ensure that all required item characteristics are verifiable. Verification of the acceptability and compatibility of human performance requirements, personnel selection, training, and man-machine interfaces of system procedural data shall be integrated into the system test program. The objectives, scope, and type of system test and evaluation shall reflect an integrated approach for functionality verification to conserve resources. Test and evaluation planning shall address performance, functional, and design requirements with appropriate quantitative criteria, test events or scenario descriptions, resource requirements (e.g., test range, special test facilities), and test limitations. Wherever practicable, tests for different objectives shall be combined. Test and evaluation efforts shall be structured to: a. provide information for assessment of technical risks and for decision making; b. generate information to determine whether items have met technical performance requirements, specifications, and objectives; c. verify that items are operationally effective and suitable for intended use; d. verify the critical assumptions, data, and methods used to derive critical item requirements (e.g., safety, survivability, electromagnetic compatibility); and e. verify the critical assumptions, data, and methods used in the verification of item performance. 5.2.10 Integrated Diagnostics. The performing activity shall identify and define functional and performance requirements and derive solution-dependent requirements to incorporate diagnostics which provide unambiguous detection and isolation of faults which occur when system end items are in use. Factors to be considered in developing requirements include embedded testability; built-in-test; automatic, semi-automatic, and manual testing; common test data; technical information; consistent detection and isolation; and training. 5.2.11 Transportability. The performing activity shall identify and define functional and performance requirements and derive solution-dependent requirements to ensure that items are transportable. The performing activity shall identify the limiting characteristics of transportation systems, as they apply to DRAFT



item requirements, designs, and development. The performing activity shall use this data to derive and refine item requirements and designs, and impact associated packaging, handling, storage, and transportation solutions. The performing activity shall address transportability in the development of new, modified, and non-developmental items and in developing integrated logistics support for items. 5.2.12 Infrastructure Support. The performing activity shall identify and define functional and performance requirements and derive solution-dependent requirements for a compatible interface with the infrastructure supporting the system, to identify unique infrastructure support requirements, and to ensure timely planning to provide needed infrastructure support. The performing activity shall assess each item for its interaction with and integration into the command, control, communications, and intelligence structure. The performing activity shall identify the support that the system will require from other support agencies and commands (e.g., mapping, charting, geodesy, and meteorology). 5.2.13 Other Functional Areas. The performing activity shall identify and define other areas of the systems functionality to derive and define additional system requirements needed to satisfy higher level requirements. As the functionality of the system is defined during execution of the systems engineering process, additional functional tasks may also be identified. An example is resource conservation (e.g., life cycle resources, energy consumption, preservation of material for recycling). 5.3 Leveraged Options. The following options offer the potential for reduced risk and cost in many systems. The performing activity shall identify alternatives which facilitate the use of these options. As candidates for a particular application, they shall be assessed for use as appropriate in system solutions. (Note: When structuring physical architecture alternatives, solution viability may depend on the application order of non-developmental items (NDIs) and open system architectures (OSAs) versus new development items and technologies. For example, employing new development items and technologies first may preclude application of NDIs and OSAs. Employing NDIs and OSAs first may export higher risks to remaining items requiring new development.) 5.3.1 Non-Developmental Items (NDI). The performing activity shall identify and evaluate NDIs, including commercial and military off-the-shelf items, for use in system solutions. NDIs shall be used where practical when they meet requirements and are cost-effective over the entire life cycle. 5.3.2 Open System Architectures (OSA). The performing activity shall identify and evaluate OSAs for use in system solutions. These shall be evaluated for applications in systems employing pre-planned product improvement or evolutionary acquisition strategies; when required solution functionality and mission application is expected to vary; and in circumstances where technologies are changing rapidly. Additionally, OSAs shall be evaluated for application to effect required system interoperability and use of solutions across multiple items. OSAs shall be used where practical when they meet requirements and are cost-effective over the entire life cycle. 5.3.3 Re-Use. The performing activity shall identify opportunities for designing items for re-use and multiple application and evaluate the benefits and costs of those opportunities. Opportunities providing cost-benefit and that are compatible with program objectives shall be identified to the tasking activity. 5.3.4 Dual Use Technologies. The performing activity shall identify and evaluate the application of dual use technologies in system solutions. Dual use technologies shall be employed where practical when they meet requirements and are cost-effective over the entire life cycle. 5.4 Pervasive Development Considerations. The following tasks, as selected and tailored for the particular program application, shall be integrated into the systems engineering process. 5.4.1 Computer Resources. The performing activity shall manage computer resource development for system end items as an integral part of overall system development. The performing activity shall not finalize computer hardware resource decisions until the software design demonstrates a maturity that minimizes the risk of inadequate processor throughput and memory. Similarly, software design decisions shall not be finalized until computer hardware resource designs demonstrate a maturity that minimizes the risk of incompatibility. DRAFT



a. The performing activity shall address the requirements for software development tools and the software development, integration, and test environments. b. The performing activity shall ensure that software development is disciplined and an integrated part of systems engineering activities. 5.4.2 Materials, Processes, and Parts Control. The performing activity shall establish, implement, and control a materials, processes, and parts control program. This program shall focus on standardization of parts, materials, and processes. The program shall addresses the design, procurement, and availability of parts through the expected life of each item, the environment that the item is required to operate in, and account for life cycle support costs. The program shall emphasize reducing the variety of parts, variability in processes, and associated documents used with items. 5.4.3 Prototyping. The performing activity shall evaluate whether prototyping should be used to assist in identifying and reducing risks associated with integrating available and emerging technologies into an item's design for satisfying requirements. When employed, prototyping shall address all aspects of the emerging technology which bear upon its successful application, to include, for example, hardware, software, and manufacturing processes. Prototyping (experimental, rapid, or developmental) shall be used to provide timely assessment of item testability to identify the need for new or modified test capabilities. The performing activity shall conduct the same type of evaluations, and for the same purpose, when supporting product improvements and modifications to fielded (operational) systems. 5.4.4 Simulation. The performing activity shall evaluate the extent of simulation application to refine requirements and designs, and to evaluate solutions for people, products, and processes by simulating their interaction with their environment. Additionally, simulation application shall be evaluated as an adjunct to prototyping. The performing activity shall employ simulation where cost-effective. 5.4.5 Digital Data. The performing activity shall evaluate the use of integrated computer aided engineering, design, manufacturing, test, and support methods to support design integration through shared product and process models and data bases. When cost effective over the system life cycle, documentation of accomplishments and exchange of product and process information shall be consistent with standard interchange formats such as Continuous Acquisition Life-cycle Support (CALS) or as contractually defined. 5.5 System/Cost Effectiveness. Systems/cost effectiveness analysis and assessment tasks shall be integrated into the systems engineering process to support development of life cycle balanced products and processes. These tasks do not preclude or supersede tasks applied from other standardization documents. Sources for tailoring these tasks, and additional tasks necessary to the specific program application of this standard can be found in section 6, Table I. Critical requirements and verifications identified by analyses of each primary system function shall serve as constraints on other items and areas they impact. These constraints shall be included in requirements documentation and specifications for impacted items and areas. a. The performing activity shall conduct system/cost effectiveness analyses and assessments to: (1) support the identification of mission and performance objectives and requirements; (2) support the allocation of performance to functions; (3) provide criteria for the selection of solution alternatives; (4) provide analytic confirmation that designs satisfy customer requirements; and (5) support verifications of people, product, and process solutions. b. The performing activity shall identify those parameters that drive solutions and establish their sensitivity to uncertainties in input data and assumptions. c. When another system has comparable characteristics, it shall be included as a baseline system to support the determination, completeness, and achievability of requirements. 5.5.1 Manufacturing Analysis and Assessment. The performing activity shall conduct manufacturing analyses and assessments to support the development of people, product, and process requirements and solutions necessary to produce system end items. Manufacturing analyses shall include producibility analyses and manufacturing and production inputs to system effectiveness, trade-off studies, and life cycle cost analyses. Alternative designs and capabilities of manufacturing shall be evaluated. DRAFT



Long lead time items, material source limitations, availability of materials and manufacturing resources, and production cost shall be identified, assessed, and documented. Manufacturing-critical characteristics of people, product, and process solutions shall be identified and their risks included in risk management efforts. Results of these activities and solution alternatives shall be assessed interactively with other system solution alternatives. 5.5.2 Verification Analysis and Assessment. The performing activity shall conduct verification analyses and assessments to support the development of people, product, and process solutions necessary to verify that system end-items satisfy their requirements. Verification analyses shall address verification requirements and criteria for solution alternatives; definition of verifications to demonstrate proof of concept; and development, qualification, acceptance, pertinent operational, and other testing. Life cycle requirements for test consistency in and across the solution set shall be determined These analyses shall address the requirements and procedures needed to verify critical verification methods and processes (such as key methods, assumptions, and data used in verifications by analysis). Verification-critical characteristics of people, product, and process solutions shall be identified and their risks included in risk management efforts. Results of these activities and solution alternatives shall be assessed interactively with other system solution alternatives. 5.5.3 Deployment Analysis and Assessment. The performing activity shall conduct deployment analyses and assessments to support the development of people, product, and process solutions necessary to deploy system end-items. Deployment analyses and assessments shall address: a. factors for site/host selection, activation/installation, field assembly, and checkout requirements including identification of site-unique hazard classification and explosive ordnance disposal requirements; b. operational and maintenance facilities and equipment requirements; c. compatibility with existing infrastructure (e.g., computer-communication systems); d. determination of environmental impacts and constraints (environment impacts on the system and system impacts on the environment) at deployment sites as defined by the environmental analysis and impact assessment task (see 5.5.8); e. early deployment of training items and personnel; f. initial provisioning and spares; g. packaging, handling, storage, and transportation; and h. site transition requirements. Deployment-critical characteristics of people, product, and process solutions shall be identified and their risks included in risk management efforts. Results of these activities and solution alternatives shall be assessed interactively with other system solution alternatives. 5.5.4 Operational Analysis and Assessment. The performing activity shall conduct operational analyses and assessments to support the development of people, product, and process solutions necessary to satisfy operational requirements for system end-items. The performing activity shall analyze and assess the operational use of alternative solutions addressing interactively: a. the way the solutions will be used to accomplish required tasks in their intended environments; b. interfacing systems required to execute operational functions in the intended use environment; c. required joint and combined operations; and d. identified modes of operational deployment and employment. Operations-critical characteristics of people, product, and process solutions shall be identified and their risks included in risk management efforts. Results of these activities and solution alternatives shall be assessed interactively with other system solution alternatives. 5.5.5 Supportability Analysis and Assessment. The performing activity shall conduct supportability analyses and assessments to assist in the development of people, product, and process solutions to support system end-items. Supportability analyses shall be used to assist in the identification of data and procedures needed in specifications and other development documentation to provide system life cycle support (e.g., additional interface information and verification requirements for utilization of "used" parts). Supportability analyses shall address: a. all contractually specified levels of operation, maintenance, and training for system end-items; DRAFT



b. the planned life cycle to ensure that system end-items satisfy their intended use; c. identification of supportability-related design factors; d. the development of an integrated support structure (people, products, and processes); and e. support resource needs including parts, people, facilities, and materials. Supportability-critical characteristics of people, product, and process solutions shall be identified and their risks included in risk management efforts. Results of these activities and solution alternatives shall be assessed interactively with other system solution alternatives. 5.5.6 Training Analysis and Assessment. The performing activity shall conduct training analyses and assessments to support development of people, product, and process solutions to train users of system end-items. Training analysis shall include the development of personnel capabilities and proficiencies to accomplish tasks at any point in the system life cycle to the level they are tasked. These analyses shall address initial and follow-on training necessary to execute required tasks associated with system end-item use. Training-critical characteristics of people, product, and process solutions shall be identified and their risks included in risk management efforts. Results of these activities and solution alternatives shall be assessed interactively with other system solution alternatives. 5.5.7 Disposal Analysis and Assessment. The performing activity shall conduct disposal analyses and assessments to support development of people, product, and process solutions to dispose of products and by-products. Environmental factors for process wastes and outputs as well as used products and components shall be included. Alternative disposal methods for system parts and materials shall be evaluated and requirements for new or modified methods determined. Methods addressed should include storage, dismantling, demilitarization, reusing, recycling, and destruction. Costs, sites, responsible agencies, handling and shipping, supporting items, and applicable federal, state, local, and host nation regulations shall be factors in the analyses. Disposal-critical characteristics of people, product, and process solutions shall be identified and their risks included in risk management efforts. Results of these activities and solution alternatives shall be assessed interactively with other system solution alternatives. 5.5.8 Environmental Analysis and Impact Assessment. The performing activity shall adhere to all applicable statutes and to contractually designated hazardous material lists. Environmental analysis limited to the above shall be performed to determine the impact on and by each system product and process alternative on factors such as noise pollution, quantities and types of hazardous materials used, hazardous waste disposal, and other defined environmental requirements as applicable. Methods to mitigate problems identified from this analysis shall be defined and an assessment of impacts made. Results of these assessments shall be factored into effectiveness analyses as well as system definition, design, and verifications. Analysis output will be documented appropriate to the acquisition phase and used in conjunction with cost and performance analyses outputs to support acquisition phase exit criteria. Use of materials which present a known hazard to the environment shall be avoided to the extent practical. Environmental-critical characteristics of people, product, and process solutions shall be identified and their risks included in risk management efforts. 5.5.9 Life Cycle Cost Analysis and Assessment. Life cycle cost analyses and estimates, including the cost of development, acquisition, ownership, and disposal, shall be conducted and updated as designated in the contract to support decisions, assessments of system cost effectiveness, and trade-off studies. This effort shall identify the economic consequences of solution alternatives. These analyses shall develop the requisite cost information to support decisions on alternative people, product, and process solutions and risk assessments. These analyses shall include established design-to-cost targets, a current estimate of these costs, and known uncertainties in these costs. 5.5.10 Models. Effectiveness models, including simulations, shall be used when they contribute to the decision process. The models shall allow parameters to be varied so that their relative, individual effect on total system performance and life cycle cost can be determined. Performance characteristics allocated to system functions shall correlate to parameters in the models. The models, data files, and their documentation shall be maintained, updated, and modified as required. Each version of a model or data file that impacts requirements, designs, or decisions shall be entered into the decision data base.





5.6 Implementation Tasks. The performing activity shall conduct the following tasks, interactively with the systems engineering process, as needed to satisfy contract requirements. a. Conduct developmental test and evaluation to validate technologies for application to system solutions, acquire definition information to support synthesis, and acquire verification information to support assessments in systems analysis and control. b. Implement engineering test models, and other related items needed to conduct developmental test and evaluation. This does not include items for those tests conducted on low-rate or full rate production hardware, unless specified in the SOW. c. Generate, and re-use, as appropriate, software to satisfy systems engineering requirements. d. Provide sustaining engineering and problem solution support. 5.6.1 Verification. The performing activity shall verify people, product, and process solutions by design analysis, design simulation, inspection, demonstration, or test. Required performance of all critical characteristics shall be verified by demonstration and test. Design analysis and simulation shall be used to complement, not replace, demonstration and test. Tests shall include system effectiveness evaluations and manufacturing process proofing. Where total verification by test is not feasible, testing shall be used to verify key characteristics and assumptions used in the design analysis or simulation. Commensurate with the contractual effort, the performing activity shall: a. conduct verification of the physical architecture (including interfaces) from the lowest level up to the total system to ensure that functional and performance requirements are satisfied; b. generate evidence necessary to confirm that configuration items meet their requirements; c. validate technologies for use in people, product, and process solutions considering cost, schedule, performance, and risk using established criteria; and d. verify that materials employed in system solutions can be disposed of in a safe, environmentally compliant manner. 5.7 Technical Reviews. The performing activity shall conduct reviews in accordance with the SEMP. Typically, reviews are co-chaired by the tasking and performing activities and participants are those who have a stake in the objectives of the review. 5.7.1 Review Responsibilities. At each review, the performing activity shall: a. be able to substantiate trade-off decisions with technical details and associated rationale; b. ensure appropriate participation including that of subcontractors, vendors, and suppliers; c. host the review at an appropriate site (or sites); d. provide information and items necessary to demonstrate and confirm that the SEMS accomplishments associated with the review event have been satisfied; e. provide administrative support (e.g., resources, materials, meeting rooms, security, clerical); f. provide other information and items necessary, including agendas and plans; and g. document the proceedings including key points, decisions, and issues with associated rationale; open and unresolved items with their closure requirements and responsibilities. 5.7.2 Structuring Reviews. The structured review process shall provide needed demonstrations and confirmations of SEMS accomplishments at the level suited to: ensure orderly progress of the technical effort; confirm functional integration; enable resolution of issues at the earliest time and lowest level; support event-based decisions; and control risk. This process must be balanced; that is, it must be as unobtrusive as possible but as rigorous as necessary. The primary categories of reviews to meet the objectives are major reviews and incremental reviews. Major Reviews. Major reviews include: Alternative Systems Review, System Requirements Review, System Functional Review, system Preliminary Design Review, system Critical Design Review, System Verification Review, and system Physical Configuration Audit. These reviews reflect major system development milestones, each traceable to the preceding. Major reviews shall have well defined entry and exit criteria. Although called an audit, the system Physical Configuration Audit shall utilize the same concept of identifying accomplishments and success criteria. Incremental reviews facilitate conduct of major reviews as system demonstration and confirmation events.




DRAFT Incremental Reviews. There are three types of Incremental Reviews: Subsystem Reviews, Interim System Reviews, and Functional Reviews. Only the subsystem review has a scope that is less than system-wide. The Functional Reviews examine an aspect of the systems functionality across the entire system and with a multidisciplinary focus. These reviews are part of an overall strategy of getting issues identified and resolved prior to initiating a major review. 5.7.3 Alternative Systems Review (ASR). ASR shall be conducted to demonstrate that the preferred system concept(s): provides a cost effective, operationally effective and suitable solution to identified needs; meets established affordability criteria; and can be developed to provide a timely solution to need at an acceptable level of risk. ASR shall demonstrate, for the preferred system concept, that: a. it is traceable to and can satisfy mission needs and other identified customer requirements; b. life cycle resource requirements, significant potential environmental consequences, timing to need, and other factors designated by the tasking activity, have been identified; c. it is documented and defines cost, schedule, and performance objectives and thresholds; d. pertinent technologies (product and process) have been identified and the approach to their validation, including prototyping and simulation, and transition is defined; e. risks and risk drivers have been identified, quantified, prioritized, and that an effective and implementable risk management approach is defined; f. the critical accomplishments, success criteria, and metrics have been defined for the next acquisition phase or continued technical effort including technical exit criteria; and g. a draft specification tree and planned program work breakdown structure for the next phase of technical effort are defined and traceable to the physical architecture. 5.7.4 System Requirements Review (SRR). SRR shall be conducted to demonstrate progress in converging on viable, traceable system requirements that are balanced with cost, schedule, and risk by confirming that: a. customer requirements (including environments, usage modes, and other pertinent factors) were analyzed and translated into system-specific functional and performance requirements; b. technology validation and demonstration plans are complete and closure plans on technical demonstrations and maturations are achieving required progress; c. critical technologies for people, product, and process solutions have been identified and assessed; d. risks are identified and quantified, and risk mitigation actions are achieving required progress; and e. the total system approach to satisfying requirements (including interfaces) for the primary system functions has been identified (draft system and initial development specifications). 5.7.5 System Functional Review (SFR). SFR shall be conducted to demonstrate convergence on and achievability of system requirements and readiness to initiate preliminary design by confirming that: a. system functional and performance requirements have converged and characterize a system design approach that satisfies established customer needs and requirements; b. the system's physical architecture and draft allocated configuration documentation establish the adequacy, completeness, and achievability of functional and performance requirements (sufficient design and systems analyses including assessment and quantification of cost, schedule, and risk); c. critical technologies for people, product, and process solutions have been verified for availability, achievability, needed performance, and readiness for transition; d. the process completely defined system functional and performance requirements including that (1) system solutions for people, products, and processes satisfy all primary system functions, (2) an audit trail from SRR is established with changes substantiated, (3) risks are mitigated and remaining risks acceptable, and (4) the system functional baseline can be established; e. the draft specification tree has been assessed (based on the physical architecture) for the next phase or engineering effort to include any effect on the planned or approved Program Work Breakdown Structure (PWBS); f. planned CWBSs for the next phase or technical effort have been assessed based on planned or approved PWBS; g. the risk handling approach has been defined for the next phase or technical effort; DRAFT



h. pre-planned product and process improvement and evolutionary acquisition requirements and plans have been defined; i. implementation requirements for technology transition have been defined; and j. the critical accomplishments, success criteria, and metrics have been defined for the next acquisition phase or continued technical effort. 5.7.6 Preliminary Design Review (PDR). PDR shall be conducted to confirm that the total system detailed design approach (as an integrated composite of people, product, and process solutions) satisfies the functional baseline; risks are mitigated with closure plans for remaining risks demonstrating required progress; and the total system is ready for detailed design. PDR shall confirm that: a. the process completely defined system requirements for design including that (1) the design approach is balanced across cost, schedule, performance, and risk for the life cycle, (2) the system physical architecture is an integrated detailed design approach for people, products, and processes to satisfy requirements, including interoperability and interfaces, (3) an audit trail from SFR is established with changes substantiated, (4) the system design approach is consistent with available Developmental Test and Evaluation (DT&E) results, (5) risks are mitigated and remaining risks acceptable, and (6) the allocated baselines for system CIs are defined; b. issues for system CIs, functional areas, and subsystems are resolved; c. sufficient detailed design has been accomplished to verify the completeness and achievability of defined requirements; d. the risk handling approach is refined for the next phase or technical effort; e. pre-planned product and process improvement and evolutionary acquisition requirements and plans have been refined; and f. critical accomplishments, success criteria, and metrics are valid for continued technical effort. 5.7.7 Critical Design Review (CDR). CDR shall be conducted to demonstrate that the total system detailed design (as an integrated composite of people, product, and process solutions) is complete, meets requirements, and that the total system is ready for manufacturing and coding. CDR shall confirm that: a. issues for the system, functional areas, and subsystems are resolved; b. the process completely defined system design requirements including that (1) the design is balanced across cost, schedule, performance, and risk for the life cycle, (2) the system physical architecture is an integrated detailed design for people, products, and processes to satisfy requirements, including interoperability and interfaces, (3) an audit trail from PDR is established with changes substantiated, and (4) allocated baselines for system CIs are refined; c. the system design compatibility with external interfaces (people, products, and processes) has been established; d. system design and interface requirements and design constraints are consistent with DT&E results; e. DT&E results support critical system design and interface requirements and design constraints; f. the risk handling approach is refined for the next phase or technical effort; g. pre-planned product and process improvement and evolutionary acquisition requirements and plans have been refined; and h. the critical accomplishments, success criteria, and metrics are valid for continued technical effort. 5.7.8 System Verification Review (SVR). SVR shall be conducted to demonstrate that the total system (people, products, and processes) was verified to satisfy requirements in the functional and allocated configuration documentation, and to confirm readiness for production, support, training, deployment, operations, continuing verifications, continuing development (if any), and disposal. SVR shall confirm the completion of all incremental accomplishments for system verification (e.g., Test Readiness Reviews, CI and system Functional Configuration Audits) and confirm that: a. issues for the system, functional areas, and subsystems are resolved; b. system and CI verification procedures were completed and accurate (including verification by test and demonstration of critical parameters as well as key assumptions and methods used in verifications by analytic models and simulations); DRAFT



c. the system and CIs were confirmed ready for verification; d. verifications were conducted in accordance with established procedures; were completed for people, products, and processes; and system processes are current, executable, and meet the need; e. an audit trail from CDR is established with changes substantiated and the system and CIs verified; f. the risk handling approach is refined for the next phase or technical effort; g. pre-planned product and process improvement and evolutionary acquisition requirements and plans have been refined; h. planning is complete and procedures, resources, and other requisite people, products, and processes are available (or programmed to be available) to initiate operations, support, training, production, deployment, disposal, and continuing verifications and development (if any); and i. the critical accomplishments, success criteria and metrics have been refined and validated for the next acquisition phase or continued technical effort. 5.7.9 Physical Configuration Audit (PCA). A system PCA shall be conducted to confirm that: all CI PCAs have been satisfactorily completed; the current state of the decision data base is valid and represents the system; items (including processes) that can be baselined only at the system-level have been baselined; required changes to previously completed baselines have been implemented (e.g., deficiencies discovered during testing have been resolved and implemented); and system processes are current, can be executed, and meet the need. A system PCA may be conducted after a full set of production representative CIs has been baselined. This review shall be conducted in accordance with contractually established configuration management procedures. 5.7.10 Subsystem Reviews. The performing activity shall conduct subsystem reviews to assure that the requirements (including interface requirements) for the subsystem have been identified, balanced across its segments and interfaces, documented, and met. These reviews shall address issues and assess progress of a subsystem and ensure that the subsystem is developed in a life cycle context (development through disposal). Each review shall focus on required accomplishments for the SEMS event the review supports as well as upcoming system reviews. The subsystem review shall address impacts on and by interfaces with other subsystems and systems, documentation, risk, and to the extent they apply, designs, verification readiness, and documentation. Generally, the subsystem review shall confirm that the specifications required for the CI, its materials, and its processes are defined adequately to ensure that: a. at subsystem requirements reviews, the requirements allocated to the CI are complete and incorporated into the specification and that pertinent interface control documentation has been established; and b. at subsystem design reviews, the requirements allocated to the CI are viable and necessary process and material specifications have been developed. Software Specification Review (SSR). SSRs shall be conducted to demonstrate convergence on computer software configuration item (CSCI) requirements as an integrated part of system and CI requirements, and readiness to initiate preliminary design for the CSCI, by confirming that: a. subsystem and functional issues have been resolved; b. the system physical architecture has converged on, and characterizes, a software design approach that includes design allocation of functional and performance requirements, interface requirements, and constraints to the CSCI as well as derived requirements for the CSCI; c. CSCI requirements are traceable to higher-level requirements and that the set of requirements incorporates the functionality that must be implemented in the CSCI; d. the relationship between the CSCI and associated computer hardware requirements has been identified and the design compatibility between the hardware and software has been established; e. CSCI requirements, needed to ensure that its performance and system compatibility satisfy higher-level and interfacing requirements, have been captured in a completed Software Requirements Specification and, if applicable, completed Interface Requirements Specification; f. cost, schedule, and performance risks have been identified, quantified, and prioritized; g. risks are acceptable and risk management planning for the CSCI has been incorporated into overall technical risk management; and h. CSCI life cycle resource requirements are compatible with, and incorporated into, the system life cycle resource requirements. DRAFT


DRAFT Preliminary Design Review (Subsystem). Subsystem PDRs shall be conducted to confirm that the CIs detailed design approach (as an integrated composite of applicable people, product, and process solutions) provides required functionality; risks are mitigated with closure plans for remaining risks demonstrating required progress; and the CI is ready for detailed design. PDR shall confirm that: a. subsystem and functional issues have been resolved; b. the process completely defined CI requirements for design including that (1) the design approach is balanced across cost, schedule, performance, and risk for the life cycle, (2) the CI physical architecture is an integrated detailed design approach for applicable people, products, and processes to satisfy requirements, including interoperability and interfaces, (3) an audit trail from SFR is established with changes substantiated, (4) the CI design approach is consistent with available DT&E results, (5) risks are mitigated and remaining risks acceptable, and (6) the allocated baseline for the CI is defined; c. sufficient detailed design has been accomplished to verify the completeness and achievability of defined requirements; d. the risk handling approach is refined for the next phase or technical effort; e. applicable pre-planned product and process improvement and evolutionary acquisition requirements and plans have been refined; and f. critical accomplishments, success criteria, and metrics are valid for continued technical effort. Critical Design Review (Subsystem). Subsystem CDRs shall be conducted to demonstrate that the CI detailed design (as an integrated composite of applicable people, product and process solutions) is complete, meets requirements, and the CI is ready for fabrication, coding, assembly, and integration of qualification units. CDR shall confirm that: a. subsystem and functional issues have been resolved; b. the process completely defined CI design requirements including that (1) the design is balanced across cost, schedule, performance, and risk for the life cycle, (2) the CI physical architecture is an integrated detailed design for applicable people, products, and processes to satisfy requirements, including interoperability and interfaces, (3) an audit trail from CI PDR is established with changes substantiated, (4) allocated baseline(s) for the CI are refined; c. the CI design compatibility with external interfaces (people, products, and processes) has been established; d. CI design and interface requirements and design constraints are consistent with DT&E results; e. DT&E results support critical CI design and interface requirements and design constraints; f. the risk handling approach is refined for the next phase or technical effort; g. pre-planned product and process improvement and evolutionary acquisition requirements and plans have been refined; and h. critical accomplishments, success criteria, and metrics are valid for continued technical effort. Test Readiness Review (TRR). TRRs shall be conducted, as needed, for each CI to confirm completeness of test procedures, to assure that the CI is ready for testing, and to assure that the performing activity is prepared for formal testing. TRR shall confirm that: a. test procedures comply with test plans and descriptions, demonstrate adequacy to accomplish test requirements, and satisfy CI specification requirements for verifications; b. pre-test predictions and informal test results (if any) indicate testing will confirm necessary performance; c. new or modified test support equipment, facilities, and procedure manuals required to accomplish planned DT&E and Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) are available and satisfy their requirements; and d. required operation and support documents are complete and accurate. Functional Configuration Audit (Subsystem FCA). Subsystem FCAs shall be conducted to verify that CIs have achieved the requirements in their functional, if any, and allocated configuration DRAFT


MIL-STD-499B documentation. These audits shall be conducted in accordance with contractually established configuration management procedures.

DRAFT Physical Configuration Audit (Subsystem PCA). Subsystem PCAs shall be conducted on the as-built version of a CI against its design documentation. PCAs are normally conducted when production representative articles are available and establish or verify the product baseline for the CI. PCAs shall be conducted in accordance with contractually established configuration management procedures. 5.7.11 Functional Reviews. Integrated, multidisciplinary functional reviews shall be conducted across the system to demonstrate: a. progress in defining requirements for the systems functionality; b. vertical traceability of the functionality from needs/customer requirements to solutions; c. integration and balance of the functionality across interfaces; and d. progress in converging on design solutions that provide the required functionality. With this perspective, these reviews shall be conducted to assist in the identification and resolution of issues; support the identification of alternatives to satisfy higher level requirements; and support technical plan development ensuring that product plans are functionally integrated system-wide. 5.7.12 Interim System Reviews. Interim system reviews shall be conducted across the system, as needed between major reviews, to: a. provide system status toward satisfying the SEMS for the next major review; b. ensure that closure plans are defined and implemented for subsystem and functional issues; c. confirm incremental progress toward meeting system-level SEMS accomplishments; and d. confirm that system maturity, including risk mitigation, is achieving needed progress. 5.8 Systems Engineering Capability Assessment. The tasking activity may assess the performing activitys capability to satisfy contractual requirements for systems engineering. Upon request of the tasking activity, the performing activity should make available for tasking activity review additional systems engineering procedures and data. The review consists of a combined demonstration and analysis of features in the performing activity's procedures, data, facilities, personnel, and tools that are key to the satisfaction of contract requirements. Prior to contract award, this review is used by the tasking activity to assist in identifying the risk in achieving required accomplishments. During the contracted period, the review may be conducted to evaluate the cause of not meeting contractual requirements and to evaluate the viability of get well actions, if developed.



MIL-STD-499B 6. NOTES (This section contains information that may be helpful, but it is not mandatory.)


6.1 Intended Use. This standard is to be used when a program involves the development or upgrade of a system, segment, configuration item, or set of configuration items. It applies equally to any performing activity, whether a government or industry operation. Programs for which a government activity plays a contractor role should implement this standard under a contract to the tasking government activity. A single, integrated set of technical tasks should be developed. This can be accomplished by: integrating all the tasks in the SOW; tailoring this document to include tasks from other standards selected for contractual application; executing the complete, integrated task set via the SEMP; or some appropriate combination of these alternatives. Regardless of the approach taken to place the tasks of this standard on contract, the SEMP should be the single integrated technical planning document. Table I identifies some of the related standardization documents that should be considered for tailored incorporation into the SOW, SEMP, or both. In responding to a request for proposal, the offeror identifies the specifications and standards that have been utilized, with other pertinent information, to achieve the integrated technical effort proposed for execution. Commercial specifications and standards are used in lieu of government specifications and standards unless there are no equivalent commercial specifications and standards. Government specifications and standards are used only when there are not equivalent commercial specifications and standards. Table I is current as of the date of publication of this standard and lists the specifications and standards most often used. Check the DoD Index of Specifications and Standards (DoDISS) for the list of specifications and standards adopted by the DoD. 6.2 Data Requirements. The following Data Item Descriptions (DIDs) must be listed, as applicable, on the Contract Data Requirements List (DD Form 1423) when this standard is applied on a contract, in order to obtain the data, except where DoD FAR Supplement 227.405-70, Data Requirements, exempts the requirement for a DD Form 1423. Reference Paragraph 4.1.b 4.1.d DID Number TBD TBD DID Title Systems Engineering Management Plan Systems Engineering Detailed Schedule

The above DIDs were those cleared as of the date of this standard. The current issue of DoD 5010.12-L, Acquisition Management Systems and Data Requirements Control List (AMSDL), must be researched to ensure that only current, cleared DIDs are cited on the DD Form 1423. (Note: The SEDS is not intended for contractual approval.) 6.3 Tailoring Guidance. This standard is applied at the discretion of the tasking activity. In each application, this standard should be tailored to the specific requirements of a particular program, program phase, or contractual structure. Tasks which add unnecessary costs, data, and any factors which do not add value to the process or product should be eliminated. Tailoring takes the form of deletion (removal of tasks not applicable), alteration (modifying tasks to more explicitly reflect the application to a particular effort), or addition (adding tasks to satisfy program requirements). Tailored requirements and task statements may be used in preparing solicitation documents as well as by offerors in response to a draft Request for Proposal. MIL-HDBK-248 provides additional tailoring guidance. a. Tailoring involves selection of the most appropriate, or preferred, documents to be applied, and the precedence of tasks to ensure that the complete task set is integrated, harmonized, and balanced to best achieve total system requirements. Harmonization must include provisions for resolving conflicts among task requirements. This can include procedures ranging from simple notification to notification with solution recommendations and justifications. Each task selected for application must contribute, in a cost-benefit sense, to the final objective. Tasks are not viewed as an end in themselves. The total system approach embodied in this standard provides the process to effect this harmonization. b. Tailoring specific tasks requires definition of the depth of detail, level of effort, and the data expected. Tailoring is performed to both breadth and depth based on the program and program DRAFT

MIL-STD-499B AREA Automated Information Systems Configuration Management & Audits Climatic information Computer aided acquisition and logistics support Corrosion prevention and control Data Management Design to Cost Drawing practices Environmental analysis (operating environments) Electromagnetic compatibility Electrostatic discharge Human factors Integrated Diagnostics Maintainability Manufacturing Non-destructive inspection Nuclear hardness and survivability Parts, materials, and processes control Producibility Quality program Reliability/durability Software Software quality program Specification Practices Statement of Work Preparation Supportability Survivability System safety System security Tailoring Technical Data Package Technical Reviews Telecommunications Testability Thermal design/analysis Training Transportability Value engineering Work Breakdown Structure


REFERENCE2 MIL-STD-7935 MIL-STD-973 MIL-STD-210 MIL-STD-1840 MIL-HDBK-59 MIL-STD-1250, 1568 DoD-STD-1700 MIL-STD-337 MIL-STD-100 MIL-STD-810 MIL-STD-461, 462, 1795, 1818 MIL-E-6051 MIL-HDBK-237 MIL-STD-1686 MIL-HDBK-263 MIL-STD-1472, 1794, 1800 MIL-H-46855 DoD-HDBK-763 MIL-STD-1814 MIL-STD-470, 1843, 2184 MIL-HDBK-472, 791 MIL-STD-1528 MIL-HDBK-728, 731 MIL-I-6870 DoD-STD-1766 MIL-STD-965 MIL-HDBK-300, 402 MIL-HDBK-727 MIL-Q-9858 MIL-HDBK-50 ANSI/ASQC Q90 Series MIL-STD-785, 1530, 1543, 1783, 1798 DoD-STD-2167 MIL-HDBK-287 MIL-STD-1803, 1815 DoD-STD-2168 MIL-HDBK-286 MIL-STD-490, 961 MIL-HDBK-245 MIL-STD-1388, 1839 MIL-STD-1799, 2069 MIL-HDBK-336 MIL-STD-882 MIL-STD-1785 MIL-STD-970 MIL-HDBK-248 MIL-T-31000 MIL-STD-1521 MIL-STD-188-xxx MIL-STD-2165 MIL-HDBK-251 MIL-STD-1379 MIL-STD-1367 MIL-STD-1771 MIL-STD-881

TABLE I. Related Standardization Documents


Table I is current as of the date of publication of this standard and lists the specifications and standards most often used. Check the DoDISS for the list of specifications and standards adopted by the DoD (See 6.1).





phase. Tailoring in breadth of application deals with factors such as types and numbers of systems impacted by the development of a new general application subsystem, the numbers and types of assessments, numbers and types of reviews, and so forth. Tailoring in depth involves decisions concerning the level of detail needed to generate and substantiate the outputs required to satisfy contractual objectives. The depth of the systems engineering effort varies from program to program in relationship to complexity, uncertainty, urgency, and the willingness to accept risk. 6.3.1 Tailoring Considerations. The objectives of the contract effort and the inputs to the systems engineering process scope the breadth and depth of application. To assist in defining the depth of application and level of effort, the following inputs should be identified for any application of this document. a. The level of detail in system definition required from the contracted effort. For example, during conceptual investigations a complete functional decomposition of the system for each system alternative is not always necessary. However, sufficient depth is necessary to provide confidence in cost, schedule, and performance objectives and related risk estimates. Different depths may be identified for areas in relationship to the application of new technologies. b. Tasking activity directions and limitations including willingness to accept risk. c. The scenarios and missions to be examined for each primary system function. d. A set of measures of effectiveness organized hierarchically. The relative importance of all metrics at the top-level in the hierarchy should also be identified. e. Known constraints and requirements for establishing constraints in areas where they are likely to exist but quantitative data is not available (or determine these internally). f. The technology base data including identification of key technologies, performance, maturity, cost, risks, and any limiting criteria on the use of technologies. g. The factors essential to system success, including those factors related to major risk areas (e.g., budget, resources and threat). h. Technical demonstration and confirmation events that must be conducted (including technical reviews required by the tasking activity). 6.3.2 General Guidance (Section 4). The basic systems engineering process described in section 4 can be applied to any development effort (including new developments, modifications, and products improvements), regardless of size or complexity. Attention to scope of the effort and level of output expected is, however, essential. Additionally, there are some tasks that may require specific tailoring. a. For example, an unprecedented, new system development in concept exploration phase is not likely to require configuration management audits or formal change control mechanisms. However, conceptual exploration investigation of modifications to an existing or foreign developed system may need this type of activity (for example to verify interface constraints). b. TPM in concept exploration phase may be reduced to tracking critical technical objectives or decision metrics related to validated needs. A technology program may not require the execution of any TPM tasks although some top-level tracking of key success metrics is recommended. If just top-level tracking is desired, tailor (e.g., delete 6.3.3 In Depth Considerations. The level of detail expected from the end-products of the technical effort must be identified as this scopes the depth to which the systems engineering process must be executed. For example, functional analysis and synthesis should be conducted to a sufficiently detailed depth to identify areas of technical risk appropriate for consideration for the acquisition phase or effort. The term "sufficiently detailed" is determined based on the objectives of the contracted effort and can be characterized by the information content expected from the physical architecture. For example, during Concept Exploration and Definition the physical architecture should describe the system concept. During Demonstration and Validation, the physical architecture should describe the system in terms of its specifications and the concept of the CIs that make up the system. By the end of Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD), the physical architecture should provide the detailed design requirements for all system elements and the drawings for the system CIs. Throughout acquisition, the level of detail may vary since the baseline system may be at one level of detail and product or process improvements or other modifications may be at a different level of detail. Note that level of detail needed DRAFT

DRAFT FIGURE 4. Example of a System Life Cycle



Concept Exploration & Definition


Demonstration & Validation


Engineering & Manufacturing Development


Production & Deployment - Operations & Support


Need Analysis Support Technology Opportunity

Requirements Analysis
Anaylze Missions & Environments Identify Functional Requirements Define/Refine Performance & Design Constraint Requirements Requirements Loop

M N Alternative Concepts S
Requirements Analysis
Anaylze Missions & Environments Identify Functional Requirements Define/Refine Performance & Design Constraint Requirements Requirements Loop

O Reduced Risk R Alternative D 1

Requirements Analysis
Anaylze Missions & Environments Identify Functional Requirements Define/Refine Performance & Design Constraint Requirements Requirements Loop

Evolutionary Requirements Definition O O Refined Detailed Final R R Design Design D D 2 3

Requirements Analysis
Anaylze Missions & Environments Identify Functional Requirements Define/Refine Performance & Design Constraint Requirements Requirements Loop

O Product R Improvement D 4
Requirements Analysis
Anaylze Missions & Environments Identify Functional Requirements Define/Refine Performance & Design Constraint Requirements Requirements Loop

Systems Analysis & Control (Balance)

Select Preferred Alternatives Trade-Off Studies Effectiveness Analyses Risk Management Configuration Management Interface Management Technical Data Management Performance Based Progress Measurement SEMS TPM Technical Reviews

Systems Analysis & Control (Balance)

Select Preferred Alternatives Trade-Off Studies Effectiveness Analyses Risk Management Configuration Management Interface Management Technical Data Management Performance Based Progress Measurement SEMS TPM Technical Reviews

Systems Analysis & Control (Balance)

Select Preferred Alternatives Trade-Off Studies Effectiveness Analyses Risk Management Configuration Management Interface Management Technical Data Management Performance Based Progress Measurement SEMS TPM Technical Reviews

Systems Analysis & Control (Balance)

Select Preferred Alternatives Trade-Off Studies Effectiveness Analyses Risk Management Configuration Management Interface Management Technical Data Management Performance Based Progress Measurement SEMS TPM Technical Reviews

Requirements Analysis
Anaylze Missions & Environments Identify Functional Requirements Define/Refine Performance & Design Constraint Requirements Requirements Loop

Systems Analysis & Control (Balance)

Select Preferred Alternatives Trade-Off Studies Effectiveness Analyses Risk Management Configuration Management Interface Management Technical Data Management Performance Based Progress Measurement SEMS TPM Technical Reviews

Systems Analysis & Control (Balance)

Select Preferred Alternatives Trade-Off Studies Effectiveness Analyses Risk Management Configuration Management Interface Management Technical Data Management Performance Based Progress Measurement SEMS TPM Technical Reviews

Functional Analysis/Allocation
Decompose to Lower-Level Functions Allocate Performance & Other Limiting Requirements to All Functional Levels Define/Refine Functional Interfaces (Internal/External) Define/Refine/Integrate Functional Architecture Design Loop

Functional Analysis/Allocation
Decompose to Lower-Level Functions Allocate Performance & Other Limiting Requirements to All Functional Levels Define/Refine Functional Interfaces (Internal/External) Define/Refine/Integrate Functional Architecture Design Loop

Functional Analysis/Allocation
Decompose to Lower-Level Functions Allocate Performance & Other Limiting Requirements to All Functional Levels Define/Refine Functional Interfaces (Internal/External) Define/Refine/Integrate Functional Architecture Design Loop

Functional Analysis/Allocation
Decompose to Lower-Level Functions Allocate Performance & Other Limiting Requirements to All Functional Levels Define/Refine Functional Interfaces (Internal/External) Define/Refine/Integrate Functional Architecture Design Loop

Functional Analysis/Allocation
Decompose to Lower-Level Functions Allocate Performance & Other Limiting Requirements to All Functional Levels Define/Refine Functional Interfaces (Internal/External) Define/Refine/Integrate Functional Architecture Design Loop

Functional Analysis/Allocation
Decompose to Lower-Level Functions Allocate Performance & Other Limiting Requirements to All Functional Levels Define/Refine Functional Interfaces (Internal/External) Define/Refine/Integrate Functional Architecture Design Loop

Verification Transform Architectures (Functional to Physical) Define Alternative System Concepts, Configuration Items & System Elements Define/Refine Physical Interfaces (Internal/External) Define Alternative Product & Process Solutions Verification

Transform Architectures (Functional to Physical) Define Alternative System Concepts, Configuration Items & System Elements Define/Refine Physical Interfaces (Internal/External) Define Alternative Product & Process Solutions Verification

Transform Architectures (Functional to Physical) Define Alternative System Concepts, Configuration Items & System Elements Define/Refine Physical Interfaces (Internal/External) Define Alternative Product & Process Solutions Verification

Transform Architectures (Functional to Physical) Define Alternative System Concepts, Configuration Items & System Elements Define/Refine Physical Interfaces (Internal/External) Define Alternative Product & Process Solutions Verification

Transform Architectures (Functional to Physical) Define Alternative System Concepts, Configuration Items & System Elements Define/Refine Physical Interfaces (Internal/External) Define Alternative Product & Process Solutions Verification

Transform Architectures (Functional to Physical) Define Alternative System Concepts, Configuration Items & System Elements Define/Refine Physical Interfaces (Internal/External) Define Alternative Product & Process Solutions

0 MS Specifications

1 MS

2 MS


3 MS

4 MS

D i s p o s a l


Configuration Baselines

System Specification Development Specifications Product Specifications Process/Material Specifications Functional Allocated Product

Major Technical Reviews & Audits MNS MS ORD PPBS STAR







P C A Alternative Systems Review Critical Design Review Physical Configuration Audit Preliminary Design Review System Functional Review System Requirements Review System Verification Review

Mission Need Statement Milestone Operational Requirements Document Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System System Threat Assessment Report




from the technical effort to ensure adequacy of technical definition, design, and development is not synonymous with the level of detail expected for management control and reporting (e.g., cost performance reports). Reporting for management control is normally to WBS level 3, except where highcost or high-risk elements necessitate additional, lower-level visibility for effective management control. 6.3.4 General Guidance (Section 5). Many of the tasks in section 5 are phase dependent. Some tasks are not applicable to every program. Some tasks may need to be expanded as other standardization documents are applied. Figure 4 depicts an example life cycle for an unprecedented system. It illustrates the application of the systems engineering process across a systems life cycle and specific products and activities associated with application of this standard to an acquisition phase. Specific technology base development and modification activities are not identified in this figure. Implementation Tasks. The tasks identified are general systems engineering tasks that will require explicit tailoring to define the scope of the technical effort. Task selection is program and phase dependent. Systems Engineering Management Plan. The specific content requirements for the SEMP may vary for each application. Tailor the SEMP to define the specific content requirements for the intended application of this document. For example, if TPM were not implemented on a technology program delete the requirements for this type of planning from the SEMP. If there are no technology insertion efforts being considered, delete those requirements. Functional Tasks. The tasks in 5.2 are intended to be integrated into the systems engineering process. Generally, the need (and subsequent tailoring guidance) results from customer inputs and systems engineering process outputs. The tasks identified represent some of the critical disciplinary considerations to be examined in development. As requirements are made definitive, tasks from appropriate standardization documents should be examined, selected and integrated into planned systems engineering process activities. Some tasks (e.g., ILS) are applicable throughout acquisition generally because support is always a factor. The tailoring of these tasks is expected to vary by application and program complexity. Depending on the specific program, some or even most of the tasks could be deleted. Also, these tasks may be conducted by personnel from multiple organizations to implement the multidisciplinary teamwork needed in product and process development. 6.3.5 Tailoring Documentation. Tasking activity tailoring is included in the tasking activity SEMP and Request for Proposal (RFP)/SOW. Performing activity tailoring recommendations are included in their proposal as inputs to the SOW and the SEMP. 6.3.6 Potential Environmental Concerns. When making a solicitation for work to be contracted, the tasking activity must examine not only the existing laws and agreements pertaining to control of hazardous materials, and the lists which define those materials, but also the pending extensions of those agreements and lists which could affect the program in its later phases. 6.4 Application Guidance. 6.4.1 Integrated Planning. When technical efforts are large and complex, they normally require the successful intermeshing of activities conducted by more than one organization. Further, the technical effort may be a part of a larger, program-wide effort. Overall technical planning should be integrated across all activities having systems engineering responsibilities. The program manager should have visibility into how all related technical efforts are integrated. Thus, systems engineering planning for the tasking activity should have clear, well defined interfaces to the systems engineering planning conducted under contract to each performing activity, including event/accomplishment-based schedules and timebased schedules. Finally, many programs implement integrated program-wide plans, event/ accomplishment-based schedules, and time-based scheduling. In these circumstances, each SEMP, SEMS, and SEDS should be integrated into their program-wide counterparts. 6.4.2 Tasking activity SEMP and SEMS. Prudent planning (and DoD Policy) requires that the program office establish a planning and control system for systems engineering. A consistent implementation of this would have the tasking activity develop a SEMP and a SEMS to support its DRAFT



planning requirements. The tasking activity may elect to provide its SEMP and SEMS in part or total to the performing activity for use in proposal preparation. When provided, the tasking activity SEMP and SEMS is for guidance only. The tasking activity SEMS should provide top-level events, accomplishments, and accomplishment criteria throughout the entire program. The tasking activity SEMP and SEMS should provide detailed information for the next acquisition phase and/or engineering effort to identify specific events, accomplishments, and criteria necessary to satisfy planned and required technical exit criteria. The tasking activity SEMP should contain: a. A general life cycle roadmap of the key systems engineering activities to be accomplished in the next acquisition phase and who (tasking activity or performing activity) will be responsible for their accomplishment. The tailoring approach for this standard and other applicable standards for contractual application should be included. b. The concept to effect multidisciplinary teamwork for the tasking activity technical effort and specific responsibilities. c. The plans and criteria for transitioning critical product and process technologies. d. Identification of key trade-off studies, the scope and depth of systems effectiveness assessments, the current measures of effectiveness hierarchy, technical risk management plans, critical technical parameters, and tracking requirements for those parameters. e. Identification of existing simulations which should be made available to the performing activity. 6.4.3 Performing Activity Systems Engineering Management Plan. The SEMP prepared by each performing activity describes how the systems engineering will be implemented and controlled. It is recommended that the SEMP become the contractual application vehicle for implementation of this standard. Potential advantages of this approach include: greater flexibility to increase commonality between government and commercial enterprises (e.g., apply company dual-use processes); more tightly matching tasks to requirements; greater opportunity for innovation; and increased performing activity accountability. To be effective, the SEMP must be contractually binding. However, it also must be recognized that the SEMP reflects a best estimate of how the activities will happen at a particular point in time. It is expected that the SEMP will need to change to meet contract requirements as the performing activity encounters unplanned events. A flexible contract implementation approach is necessary. An approach that balances the needed flexibility with the necessary implementation discipline is to require, in the RFP, development of the SEMP and delivery with the proposal. The SEMP, and requirements for review and approval of updates (included on the DD 1423), would then be negotiated as part of the CDRL. The SEMP is then approved by the tasking activity prior to or concurrent with the issuance of a contract or change order. Changes to the SEMP can be made by mutual agreement between the respective tasking activity and performing activity program managers via the CDRL. 6.4.4 Performing Activity Systems Engineering Master Schedule. As the key control element of the systems engineering process, the SEMS should be contractually implemented in a manner that requires a contract change proposal to modify the SEMS. The Instructions to Offerors should contain requirements for the performing activity to develop the SEMS as part of the proposal. The negotiated SEMS is to be placed on contract as an attachment to the SOW. The SOW must require that progress be tracked in accordance with the SEMS and reported at both incremental (functional, subsystem, and interim system) reviews and major reviews. In cases where demonstration milestones are being used to determine whether or not to exercise an option, or to move into the next phase of a program, a demonstration milestone clause should be established in the contract. Such a clause should contain a statement of the basis that the tasking activity will use for its decisions. Demonstration milestones should be incorporated into the contract, for example in Section H. The SEMS can be used as the basis for quantitative requirements for award fees. The SEDS (normally a deliverable item) provides a calendar based, detailed listing of the tasks needed to satisfy the tasks in the SEMS. During phases with specifications on contract, the linkage between the specification requirements, the WBS, the SOW, TPM, the SEMS, and the SEDS provides a significant risk management tool that provides specific insights on the relationships between cost, schedule, and performance risks. This relationship allows all items to be tracked to the same WBS element. This relationship is shown in Figure 5 for the EMD phase. For systems engineering efforts prior to the Demonstration and Validation phase, the specification tree may not be available. The draft Program or Contract WBS would be used to guide development of the SOW, SEMS, and SEDS, in this case. DRAFT



System Specification 1000 Air Vehicle 1100 Airframe 1110 Wing 1180 Landing Gear System

WBS Elements
1000 Air Vehicle 1100 Airframe 1110 Wing 1180 Landing Gear System

3.1 Air Vehicle (WBS 1000) Design, develop, produce, and verify, complete air vehicles, defined as airframe, propulsion, avionics, and other installed equipment

Systems Engineering Master Schedule

Significant Accomplishments
PDR 1. Preliminary Design Complete


Accomplishment Criteria
1. a. Duty Cycle Defined b. Preliminary Analysis Complete c. Preliminary Drawings Released

Systems Engineering Detailed Schedule

Detailed Tasks
Program Events: 1. Preliminary Design Complete Duty Cycle Defined




FIGURE 5. SEMS Interrelationships 6.4.5 Decision Data Base. This is a repository of information used and generated by the systems engineering process, at the appropriate level of detail for the acquisition phase. The intent of the decision data base is that, when properly structured, it provides access to the technical information, decisions, and rationale that describe the current state of system development and its evolution. For example, the decision data base is intended to: a. illustrate intrasystem, intersystem and item interfaces; b. permit traceability between the elements at various levels of system detail; c. provide means for complete and comprehensive change control; d. include the techniques and procedural data for development, manufacturing, verification, deployment, operation, support, training, and disposal; e. provide data to verify the adequacy of design development; f. provide data for trade-offs and assessments of an item's capability to satisfy objectives; and g. provide complete documentation of the design (products and processes) to support progressive system development and subsequent iterations of the systems engineering process. The decision data base may be on electronic media. The specific format and structure of the data base may be defined by the tasking activity or left open for performing activity definition. Standardization of its format and structure, however, should be an issue early in acquisition, upgrade, or modification to document and maintain the necessary audit trail. Computer system independence should be maximized to facilitate transition and translation of system data. When multiple cooperative or associate contracts are executed, a common format and interface should be agreed upon by all participants. Performing activities should be accountable for compatibility of system data from their subcontractors. The form, depth, and frequency of tasking activity access to the data base should be defined in contract requirements. 6.4.6 Automated Tools. Performing activity-owned, off-the-shelf automated tools for data maintenance and transfer are generally preferred over the use of new tools requiring a development effort. Their selection for use, particularly for data transfer, may be predicated on their ability to satisfy DRAFT



prescribed security and data interchange (e.g., American National Standards Institute - ANSI X-12) requirements. Development requirements for new tools are acceptable, if pragmatic life cycle management benefits can be realized. In circumstances where multiple performing activities are supporting the same overall development effort, the tasking activity should consider the requirement that each performing activity use the same automated tools to facilitate transition and translation of system data, and provide a common format and interface among all participants. The performing activity should justify, on the basis of life cycle cost effectiveness, the selection and use of test equipment, software, and documentation tools that differ from the installed tool set at projected maintenance facilities. When cost effective, tools should be selected from those considered to be industry standards. 6.4.7 Relationship of Technical Planning to Cost and Schedule Performance. Planning of technical tasks provides the foundation for cost and schedule planning. It forms the basis for allocating resources, scheduling task elements, assigning authority and responsibility, and integrating all aspects of the technical program. Technical planning is carried out to meet contractual requirements and is integrated with the cost and schedule control system at the appropriate level. The allocated resources form the performance measurement baseline for integrated cost, schedule, and technical management. This relationship pertains both to the initial program definition and to redefinitions occurring as part of the decision and control process. 6.4.8 Relationships of Technical Performance Measurement (TPM) to Cost and Schedule Performance Measurement. The purpose of performance measurement is to provide contractor and Government program managers with accurate data to monitor execution of their programs. Performance measurement provides a basis for responsible decision making by both contractor and DoD Component managers by requiring that contractors' internal management control systems produce data that: a. indicate work progress; b. properly relate cost, schedule, and technical accomplishment; c. are valid, timely, and able to be audited; and d. provide DoD Component managers with information at a practical level of summarization. TPM assesses the technical characteristics of the system and identifies problems through engineering analyses or tests which indicate performance being achieved for comparison with performance values allocated or specified in contractual documents. Cost/schedule performance measurement assesses the program effort from the point of view of the schedule of increments of work and the cost of accomplishing those increments. By comparing the value of work accomplished with its planned value and with the actual cost of work performed, variances are identified that quantify the effects of problems being experienced. In addition to problems due to unrealistic cost and schedule planning, cost/schedule performance measurement may show up technical inadequacies, just as technical problems identified through TPM surface inadequacies in budget of time or dollars. TPM and cost/schedule performance measurement are complementary functions. Further, by assessing progress toward design objectives, TPM can provide a basis to assess the adequacy of remaining cost performance budgets and to revise cost and schedule projections as necessary. TPM assessment points should be planned to coincide with cost reporting as well as the planned completion of significant design and development tasks, or aggregation of tasks. This facilitates the verification of the results achieved in the completed task in terms of its technical requirements and the verification that technical work still to be accomplished is within established budgets. Thus, TPM and cost/schedule performance measurement must be integrated both in task planning and in contract reviews to achieve the ultimate goal of effective cost, schedule and technical performance management. 6.4.9 System Configuration. This section presents, as an example, the configuration of a generic system. The system configuration consists of the system's elements and the linkages among them. An element of the configuration, when identified and designated for configuration control, is called a configuration item (CI). A CI which contains hardware is termed a configuration item (designated a CI) and may include equipment, computers, materiel, software, facilities, etc. A CI which consists only of software is termed a computer software configuration item (CSCI). As these CIs and their constituents are identified and developed, the interfaces between them are also identified and developed. Figure 6 shows how a system may be partitioned into its CIs and their components and how CSCIs would appear in this partitioning (a top-down process). DRAFT







CI-11 HW

CI-121 HW

CI-13 HW

CI-31 HW


CI-122 HW CI-211 HW

CI-212 FW CSCI-213 SW

CI-221 HW CI-222 FW





CI-2121 HW

CSCI-2122 SW

CI-2221 HW

CSCI-2222 SW

FIGURE 6. Example System Configuration The system shown in Figure 6 is partitioned into three subsystems: (l) CI-l consisting of three items of equipment with a process but no computers; (2) CI-2 consisting of two CIs each having hardware with embedded processors or firmware; and (3) CI-3 consisting of a digital computer and the software it uses to achieve necessary functionality. CI-1 is partitioned into CI-11, CI-l2 (process driven CI such as training), and CI-l3. CI-12 is further partitioned into the hardware elements of the process. CI-2 is partitioned into CI-21 and CI-22. CI-22 is further partitioned into CI-221, a hardware item and CI-222, a firmware item. CI-222 is made up of CI-2221 (CI for the hardware portion of the firmware) and CI-2222 (CSCI for the software portion of the firmware). These "lower-level" CIs may be partitioned further into less complex components until they are suitable for individual treatment. CI-3 is partitioned into CI-31 and CSCI-32. These "lower-level" CIs may be partitioned further into components until they are suitable for individual treatment. Note that physical integration of components and CIs is achieved bottom-up. 6.5 Subject term (key word) listing. Multidisciplinary Teamwork Primary System Functions System System Elements Systems Engineering Detailed Schedule Systems Engineering Master Schedule Systems Engineering Management Plan Systems Engineering Process Technical Performance Measurement Technical Reviews

6.6 Changes from previous issue. Marginal notations are not used in this revision to identify changes with respect to the previous issue due to the extensiveness of the changes.





A1. Scope. This Appendix provides definitions of essential terms used in the standard. This Appendix is a mandatory part of the standard. The information contained herein is intended for compliance. A2. Applicable Documents. This section is not applicable to this appendix. A3. Definitions. Allocated Baseline. The initially approved documentation describing a configuration item's (CI) functional, performance, interoperability, and interface requirements that are allocated from those of the system or a higher level CI; interface requirements with interfacing CIs; design constraints; derived requirements (functional and performance); and verification requirements and methods to demonstrate the achievement of those requirements and constraints. Generally, there is an allocated baseline for each CI to be developed. Compatibility. The capability of two or more items, components of equipment, or material, to exist or function in the same system or environment without mutual interference. Configuration Baseline. The configuration documentation formally designated by the Government at a specific time during a system's or configuration item's life cycle. Configuration baselines, plus approved changes from those baselines, constitute the current configuration documentation. There are three formally designated configuration baselines, namely the functional, allocated, and product baselines. Configuration Item (CI). An aggregation of hardware, firmware, or computer software or any of their discrete portions, which satisfies an end use function and is designated by the Government for separate configuration management. Configuration items may vary widely in complexity, size, and type, from an aircraft, electronic, or ship system to a test meter or round of ammunition. Any item required for logistic support and designated for separate procurement is a configuration item. (Note: In this standard, the term configuration item (CI) means any type of CI. When a requirement is limited to a specific type of CI, the limiting designation is used such as, computer software configuration item or CSCI.) Cost Objectives. Financial thresholds and targets established for relevant life cycle cost elements and subelements consistent with the ability to control and influence the element. Customers. Users and suppliers of system end items. Customer Requirements. Statements of fact and assumptions that define the expectations of the system in terms of mission or objectives, environment, constraints, and measures of effectiveness. These requirements are defined from a validated needs statement (Mission Needs Statement), from acquisition and program decision documentation, and from mission analyses of each of the primary system life-cycle functions. Decision Data Base. The organized collection of data (inputs, as well as intermediate and final outputs) that provides the audit trail of decisions and rationale from initially stated needs and requirements to the current description of system people, product, and process solutions. It includes information such as functional and physical architectures, specifications, baselines, plans, test results, models (e.g., finite element, simulation), drawings, and layouts. Demilitarization. The disposal resources, processes, procedures, design considerations, and methods necessary to ensure that military-peculiar attributes of system end items (such as explosives, whether in warheads or employed to effect performance of an item) can be deactivated (rendered harmless) or otherwise disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.





Deployment Function. Tasks, actions, and activities to be performed to bring a system, or upgrades to the system into a state of full operational capability. The function encompasses transport, receive, process, assemble, install, test, checkout, operate and, as required, emplace, house, store, or field types of activities. Derived Requirements. Characteristics needed to complete the requirements set for item design that are dependent on the nature of the item solution for their initial identification. These are typically identified during synthesis of preliminary product and process solutions, related trade-off studies and verifications. Design. (verb) The process of defining, selecting, and describing solutions to requirements in terms of products and processes. (noun) The product of the process of designing that describes the solution (either conceptual, preliminary, or detailed) of the system, system elements or system end-items. Design Constraints. The boundary conditions within which the developer must remain while allocating performance requirements and/or synthesizing system elements. These design constraints may be externally imposed (e.g., safety, environmental) or internally imposed as a result of prior decisions which limit subsequent design alternatives. Examples of these constraints include: form, fit, function, interface, technology, material, standardization, cost, and time. Design Requirements. That set of characteristics defining solution specific implementation ranging from solution boundary conditions (e.g., form and fit) to detailed design including build to, code to, and buy to requirements for products and how to execute requirements for processes. Design-To-Cost. An acquisition management technique to achieve system designs that meet stated cost objectives. The technique embodies early establishment of realistic but rigorous cost targets and a determined effort to achieve them. Development Function. Tasks, actions, and activities to be performed to evolve the system from customer needs to system people, product, and process solutions. The function encompasses the planning and execution of the definition, design, design implementation, integration, analyses, and control types of activities. Development applies to new developments, product improvements, and modifications, as well as any assessments needed to determine a preferred course of action for material solutions to identified needs, deficiencies, or problem reports. Disposal Function. Tasks, actions, and activities to be performed to ensure that disposition of products and by-products that are no longer needed, no longer useful, or no longer fit for use, complies with applicable classified and environmental regulations and directives. The function encompasses the short and long term impact to the environment and health hazards to humans and animals as well as recycling, material recovery, salvage for reutilization, demilitarization, and disposal of by-products across the life cycle. Effectiveness Analysis. An analytical approach used to determine how well a system performs in its intended utilization environment. Environment. The natural and induced conditions experienced by the system including its people, products, and processes. The natural environment (weather, climate, ocean conditions, terrain, vegetation, space conditions); combat environment (dust, fog, smoke, nuclear-chemical-biological); threat environment (effects of existing and potential threat systems to include electronic warfare and communications interception); operations environment (thermal, shock, vibration, power variations); transportation and storage environment; maintenance environment; test environments; manufacturing environments (critical process conditions, clean room, stress) and other environments (e.g. software engineering environment, electromagnetic) related to system utilization. Environmental Requirements. The requirements that characterize the impact of the environment on the system/configuration item (CI) as well as the system/CIs impact on the natural environment.





Evolutionary Acquisition. An adaptive and incremental strategy applicable to high technology and software intensive systems when requirements beyond a core capability can generally, but not specifically, be defined. Exit Criteria. Specific accomplishments or conditions that must be satisfactorily demonstrated before an effort can progress further in the current acquisition phase or transition to the next acquisition phase. Function. A task, action, or activity performed to achieve a desired outcome. Functional Analysis and Allocation. Examination of a defined function to identify all the subfunctions necessary to the accomplishment of that function; identification of functional relationships and interfaces (internal and external) and capturing these in a functional architecture; and, flow down of upper-level performance requirements and assignment of these to lower-level subfunctions. Functional Architecture. The hierarchical arrangement of functions, their internal and external (external to the aggregation itself) functional interfaces and external physical interfaces, their respective functional and performance requirements, and the design constraints. Functional Baseline. The initially approved documentation describing a system's or items functional, performance, interoperability, and interface requirements and the verification required to demonstrate the achievement of those specified requirements. Functional Requirement. The necessary task, action, or activity that must be accomplished. Functional Review. An incremental review conducted across the system to address progress and issues for an area of the systems functionality. Interface Requirement. The functional and physical requirements and constraints at a common boundary between two (or more) functions or items. Interfaces result from the interaction between functions, items, products of an item, or collateral effects of operating an item. Functional interfaces are the relationships between characteristic actions (internal or external). Physical interfaces are the relationships between internal parts of the solution as well as between the solution and external elements. Interim System Review. A review conducted across the entire system, between major reviews, to address progress and issues. Item. A generic term used to denote any product, including systems, subsystems, assemblies, subassemblies, units, sets, parts, accessories, computer programs, or computer software. In this standard, it also denotes any process including a series of actions, changes, or functions to achieve an end or result. Life Cycle Resources. All resources (e.g., time, money, people, materials, facilities) required to accomplish the primary system functions for an item throughout its life cycle. Major Review. A formal demonstration and confirmation across the system that supports or constitutes a program milestone event. Major reviews mark significant progress in system maturity and have key accomplishments and success criteria that directly relate to established phase exit criteria for the program. Manufacturing Function. Tasks, actions, and activities to be performed to convert raw materials and components into a product. It provides for: definition of manufacturing designs (including manufacturing layouts), methods, and processes; and fabrication, assembly, and checkout of component elements (including test equipment, tooling, and machinery). Measure of Effectiveness (MOE). A metric used to quantify the performance of integrated system solutions (people, product, and process) in terms that describe the utility or value when using those solutions to meet customer needs. MOEs can include cost effectiveness metrics. Measure of Effectiveness Hierarchy. A top-down set of measures of effectiveness that establishes a relationship from customer needs, requirements and objectives to design criteria. The Measure of Effectiveness hierarchy assists in the selection of requirements and in analytic estimates and verifications DRAFT



that integrated system solutions (people, product, and process) satisfy customer needs, objectives, and requirements. Metrics. Measures used to indicate progress or achievement. Multidisciplinary Teamwork. The timely and cooperative application of all appropriate disciplines in an open-communication, shared-information environment to effect people functioning as a team to achieve optimum solutions to problems regardless of the actual organizational structure employed. Need. A user-related capability shortfall (such as those documented in a Mission Need Statement, field deficiency report, or engineering change proposal), or an opportunity to satisfy a capability requirement because of a new technology application or breakthrough, or to reduce costs. Can also apply to a shortfall in capability to accomplish supplier-related primary system functions (e.g. disposal). Non-Developmental Item (NDI). Non-developmental means not requiring development. Nondevelopmental items include: a. any item available in the commercial marketplace (including Commercial-off-the-Shelf); b. any previously developed item in use by a Federal, State, or local agency of the United States or a foreign government with which the United States has a mutual defense cooperation agreement; c. any item described in subparagraph a. or b., above, that requires only minor modification to meet the requirements of the procuring agency; or d. any item currently being produced that does not meet the requirements of subparagraph a., b., or c., above, solely because the item is not yet in use or is not yet available in the commercial marketplace. Open System Architecture. A logical, physical structure implemented via well defined, widely used, publicly-maintained, non-proprietary specifications for interfaces, services, and supporting formats to accomplish system functionality, thereby enabling the use of properly engineered components across a wide range of systems with minimal changes. Operational Effectiveness. The overall degree of mission accomplishment of a system when used by representative personnel in the environment planned or expected (e.g., natural, electronic, threat) for operational employment of the system considering organization, doctrine, tactics, survivability, vulnerability, and threat (including countermeasures, initial nuclear weapons effects, nuclear, biological and chemical contamination threats). Frequently used as an operational test and evaluation metric. Operational Suitability. The degree to which a system can be placed satisfactorily in field use with consideration given to availability, compatibility, transportability, interoperability, reliability, wartime usage rates, maintainability, safety, human factors, manpower supportability, logistics supportability, natural environmental effects and impacts, documentation, and training requirements. Frequently used as an operational test and evaluation metric. Operations Function. Tasks, actions, and activities to be performed with required resources to accomplish defined mission objectives and tasks in the peacetime and wartime environments planned or expected. Performance. A quantitative measure characterizing a physical or functional attribute relating to the execution of a mission or function. Performance attributes include quantity (how many or how much), quality (how well), coverage (how much area, how far), timeliness (how responsive, how frequent), and readiness (availability, mission readiness). Performance is an attribute for all system people, products, and processes including those for development, production, verification, deployment, operations, support, training, and disposal. Thus, supportability parameters, manufacturing process variability, reliability, and so forth, are all performance measures. Performance Requirement. The extent to which a mission or function must be executed, generally measured in terms of quantity, quality, coverage, timeliness, or readiness.





Physical Architecture. The hierarchical arrangement of people, product, and process solutions, their functional and performance requirements; their internal and external (external to the aggregation itself) functional and physical interfaces and requirements, and the physical constraints that form the basis of design requirements. The physical architecture provides the basis for system/CI baselines as a function of the acquisition phase. It documents designs for people, products (such as hardware, software, facilities), and processes required to: a. accomplish effectiveness analysis, risk analysis, and technology transition planning; b. establish the feasibility of physically realizing the functional architecture; c. identify manufacturing verification, support and training requirements; d. document the configuration of prototypes and other test articles; and e. define in increasing detail the solution to identified needs. Preplanned Product Improvement. The conscious, considered strategy which involves deferring the development of necessary performance capabilities associated with elements having significant risks or delays so that the system can be fielded while the deferred element is developed in a parallel or subsequent effort. Provisions, interfaces, and accessibility are integrated into the system design so that the deferred element can be incorporated in a cost effective manner when available. The concept also applies to process improvements. Primary System Functions. Those essential tasks, actions, or activities that must be accomplished to ensure that the system will satisfy customer needs from a system life-cycle perspective. The eight primary system functions are development, manufacturing, verification, deployment, operations, support, training, and disposal. Also referred to as primary (or system) functions, and system life-cycle functions. Producibility. The attributes of a design that allow it to be produced economically with consistent quality. Product Baseline. The initially approved documentation describing all of the necessary functional, performance, and physical requirements of the configuration item (CI); the functional and physical requirements designated for production acceptance testing; and tests necessary for deployment, support, training, and disposal of the CI. In addition to the documentation, the product baseline of a configuration item may consist of the actual equipment and software. There is a product baseline for each CI. Requirements. Characteristics that identify the accomplishment levels needed to achieve specific objectives for a given set of conditions. Requirements Analysis. The determination of system specific performance and functional characteristics based on analyses of customer needs, requirements, and objectives; missions; projected utilization environments for people, products, and processes; constraints; and measures of effectiveness. The bridge between customer requirements and system specific requirements from which solutions can be generated for the primary system functions. Risk. A measure of the uncertainty of attaining a goal, objective, or requirement pertaining to technical performance, cost, and schedule. Risk level is categorized by the probability of occurrence and the consequences of occurrence. Risk is assessed for program, product, and process aspects of the system. This includes the adverse consequences of process variability. The sources of risk include technical (e.g., feasibility, operability, producibility, testability, and systems effectiveness); cost (e.g., estimates, goals); schedule (e.g., technology/material availability, technical achievements, milestones); and programmatic (e.g., resources, contractual). Risk Management. An organized, analytic process to identify what can go wrong, to quantify and assess associated risks, and to implement/control the appropriate approach for preventing or handling each risk identified. Risk Management Plan. Description of the risk management program that describes the approach and activities for risk management. The technical risk management plan is an essential part of the Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP). DRAFT



Schedule Requirements. Progress characteristics imposed in terms of operational capability, production and surge rates, production and repair cycle times, or other development time constraints. Segment. A generic term for a portion (and all its constituent parts) of a system. Can be a single CI. Specification. A description of the essential technical requirements for items, materials, and services that includes the verification criteria for determining whether these requirements are met. A specification supports the acquisition and life cycle management of the item, material, and service described. Specification Tree. The hierarchical depiction of all the specifications needed to control the development, manufacture, and integration of items in the transition from customer needs to the complete set of system solutions that satisfy those needs. Subsystem. A grouping of items satisfying a logical group of functions within a particular system. Subsystem Review. An incremental review conducted for a configuration item (CI) or aggregate of CIs to assess subsystem development risks, issues, and progress. Subsystem reviews can be formal (review of a single CI as part of a preliminary design review (PDR)) or informal (a working group meeting assessing progress and actions needed to meet future required accomplishments). Suppliers. The development, manufacturing, verification, and deployment personnel that define, design, code, fabricate, assemble, integrate, verify, test, deliver and/or install system end items, and safely dispose of the by-products of their activities. Support Function. Tasks, actions, and activities to be performed to provide support for operations, maintenance, logistics, field performance information feedback, training, and materiel management. The function encompasses the definition of tasks, equipment, skills, personnel, facilities, materials, publications, data, services, supplies, and procedures required to ensure the proper supply, storage, and maintenance of a system end item. Synthesis. The translation of input requirements (including performance, function, and interface) into possible solutions (resources and techniques) satisfying those inputs. Defines a physical architecture of people, product, and process solutions for logical groupings of requirements (performance, function, and interface) and then designs those solutions. System. An integrated composite of people, products, and processes that provide a capability to satisfy a stated need or objective. System Effectiveness. Measure(s) of the extent to which a system can be expected to satisfy customer needs and requirements. System effectiveness depends on factors including availability for use, and dependability and capability in operation. System effectiveness and its factors may be used as decision criteria and the values may be used as requirements. System Elements. The basic constituents (personnel, hardware, software, facilities, data, materials, services, techniques) of a system that satisfy one or more requirements in the lowest levels of the functional architecture. System End Item. A deployed system product and/or process that is ready for its intended use. System Life Cycle. The period extending from inception of development activities, based on an identified need or objective, through decommissioning and disposal of the system. Systems Analysis and Control. The imposition of structure and discipline into system evolution by: measuring progress based on demonstrated performance; identifying, developing, and examining alternatives; making decisions based on cost, schedule, performance, and risk to effect balanced results; documenting the evolution and rationale; and controlling resulting configurations.





Systems Engineering. An interdisciplinary approach encompassing the entire technical effort to evolve and verify an integrated and life-cycle balanced set of system people, product, and process solutions that satisfy customer needs. Systems engineering encompasses: a. the technical efforts related to the development, manufacturing, verification, deployment, operations, support, disposal of, and user training for, system products and processes; b. the definition and management of the system configuration; c. the translation of the system definition into work breakdown structures; and d. development of information for management decision making. Systems Engineering Detailed Schedule (SEDS). The detailed, time-dependent, task-oriented schedule of the work required to accomplish the complete, integrated technical effort and its relationship to the events, accomplishments, and accomplishment criteria identified in the Systems Engineering Master Schedule (SEMS). The SEDS shows detailed progress of the work efforts including tasks for the continual assessment of the technical parameters. Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP). The plan for the conduct of the fully integrated technical effort necessary to satisfy the general and detailed requirements of MIL-STD-499B. Systems Engineering Master Schedule (SEMS). A compilation of key accomplishments, each with measurable criteria, requiring successful completion to pass identified events. Events include technical reviews and audits, demonstration milestones, and decision points. Accomplishments include major and critical tasks, activities, and demonstrations. Accomplishment criteria are measurable indicators of successful completion of the associated accomplishment and can include completed work efforts and demonstrations of technical performance. The SEMS is event based, not calendar based. Systems Engineering Process. A comprehensive, iterative, problem-solving process that: a. transforms validated customer needs and requirements into a description of a life-cycle balanced solution set of people, products, and processes; b. generates information for decision makers; and c. provides information for follow-on technical efforts (see also Figure 3). Tailoring. The process by which individual task statements (sections, paragraphs, or sentences) of specifications, standards, and related documents are evaluated to determine the extent to which they are most suitable for a specific system and equipment acquisition and the modification of these requirements to ensure that each achieves an optimal balance between operational needs and cost. The tailoring of data product standards and DIDs is limited to the exclusion of information requirement provisions. (Tailoring standards by adding tasks to satisfy program requirements is permitted except for data product standards.) Technical Data. Scientific or technical information recorded in any form or medium (such as manuals and drawings). Computer programs and related software are not technical data; documentation of computer programs and related software are. Also excluded are financial data or other information related to contract administration. Technical Data Package. A technical description of an item (product and process) adequate for supporting an acquisition strategy, production, engineering, and logistics support. The description defines the required design configuration and procedures to ensure adequacy of item performance. It consists of all applicable technical data such as drawings, associated lists, specifications, standards, performance requirements, quality assurance provisions, and packaging details. Technical Effort. Any scientific, engineering, or related activity that influences or is influenced by, the primary system functions. Technical Objectives. Target values used when insufficient data are available for stating binding requirements or, when opportunities are identified for substantial increases in effectiveness, decreases in cost, or additional flexibility (such as utilization in environments different from baseline conditions). Includes cost, schedule, and performance attributes.





Technical Parameters. A selected subset of the systems technical metrics tracked in Technical Performance Measurement (TPM). Critical technical parameters relate to critical system characteristics and are identified from risk analyses and contract specifications. Technical parameters examples: a. specification requirements; b. metrics associated with technical objectives and other key decision metrics used to guide and control progressive development; c. design-to-cost targets; and d. parameters identified in the acquisition program baseline or user requirements documentation. Technical Performance Measurement (TPM). The continuing verification of the degree of anticipated and actual achievement for technical parameters. Confirms progress and identifies deficiencies that might jeopardize meeting a system requirement. Assessed values falling outside established tolerances indicate a need for evaluation and corrective action (see Figure 7). a. Achievement-to-Date. Present assessed value of the technical parameter. b. Current Estimate. The technical parameter value predicted to be achieved by the end of the contract with remaining resources (including schedule and budget). c. Technical Milestone. A point where a TPM evaluation is accomplished or reported. d. Planned Value. Technical parameter value based on the planned value profile. e. Planned Value Profile. Projected time-phased achievement of a technical parameter. f. Tolerance Band. Alert envelope around the planned value profile indicating allowed variation and projected estimating error. g. Objective. The goal or desired value (see Technical Objectives). h. Threshold. The limiting acceptable value of a technical parameter. i. Variation. Difference between the planned value and the achievement-to-date value.
Planned Value Profile Objective Current Estimate Threshold Tolerance Band Planned Value Technical Milestones TIME

Achievement TECHNICAL to date PARAMETER Variation VALUES

FIGURE 7. Example Technical Performance Measurement Profile Technical Reviews. A series of systems engineering activities by which the technical progress of a program is assessed relative to its technical or contractual requirements. Conducted at logical transition points in the development effort to reduce risk by identifying and correcting problems/issues resulting from the work completed before the program is disrupted or delayed. Provide a method for the performing activity and tasking activity to determine that the development of a system and/or configuration item and its documentation have met contract requirements. Includes incremental reviews (functional, subsystem, and interim system) and major system technical reviews. Time Requirements. Required functional capabilities dependent on accomplishing an action within an opportunity window (e.g., a target is vulnerable for a certain time period). Frequently defined for mission success, safety, system resource availability, and production and manufacturing capabilities.





Time-line Analysis. Analytical task conducted to determine the time sequencing between two or more events and to define any resulting time requirements. Can include task/time-line analysis. Examples: a. A schedule line showing key dates and planned events. b. An engagement profile detailing time based position changes between a weapon and its target. c. The interaction of a crew member with one or more subsystems. Trade-off Study. An objective evaluation of alternative requirements, architectures, design approaches, or solutions using identical ground rules and criteria. Training Function. Tasks, actions, and activities to be performed to achieve and maintain the knowledge and skill levels necessary to perform operations and support functions efficiently and effectively. Users. The operators and supporters of system end items, and the trainers that train the operations and support personnel. Users execute the operations, support, training, and some disposal functions associated with system end items. Verification Function. Tasks, actions, and activities to be performed to evaluate progress and effectiveness of evolving system (people, product, and process) solutions and to measure compliance with requirements. Analysis (including simulation), demonstration, test, and inspection are verification approaches used to evaluate: risk; people, product, and process capabilities; compliance with requirements; and proof of concept. The function encompasses all Test and Evaluation including Developmental Test and Evaluation activities such as technology validation, manufacturing process proofing, quality assurance and acceptance, as well as Operational Test and Evaluation. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). A product-oriented family tree composed of hardware, software, services, data, and facilities which result from systems engineering efforts during the development and production of a defense materiel item, and which completely defines the program. Displays and defines the product(s) to be developed or produced, and relates the elements of work to be accomplished to each other and to the end product.





B1. Scope. This appendix provides a list of all acronyms and abbreviations used in this standard, with associated meaning. This appendix is not a mandatory part of this standard. The information contained herein is intended for guidance only. B2. Applicable Documents. This section is not applicable to this appendix. B3. Acronyms and Abbreviations. ANSI ASQC ASR CDR CDRL CI CSCI CWBS DID DoD DoDISS DT&E EMD FCA HDBK ILS MOE NDI OSA OT&E PCA PDR PWBS RFP SEDS SEMP SEMS SFR SOW SRR SSR SVR TPM TRR WBS American National Standards Institute American Society for Quality Control Alternative Systems Review Critical Design Review Contract Data Requirements List Configuration Item Computer Software Configuration Item Contract Work Breakdown Structure Data Item Description Department of Defense Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards Developmental Test and Evaluation Engineering and Manufacturing Development Functional Configuration Audit Handbook Integrated Logistics Support Measure of Effectiveness Non-Developmental Item Open System Architecture Operational Test & Evaluation Physical Configuration Audit Preliminary Design Review Program Work Breakdown Structure Request for Proposal Systems Engineering Detailed Schedule Systems Engineering Management Plan Systems Engineering Master Schedule System Functional Review Statement of Work System Requirements Review Software Specification Review System Verification Review Technical Performance Measurement Test Readiness Review Work Breakdown Structure





C1. Scope. This appendix provides general guidance for the development of the Systems Engineering Master Schedule (SEMS). This appendix is not a mandatory part of this standard. The material contained herein is intended for guidance only. C2. Applicable Documents. This section is not applicable to this appendix. C3. Definitions. (see Appendix A) C3.1 Acronyms and Abbreviations. (see Appendix B) C4. Overview. The Systems Engineering Master Schedule (SEMS) is a contractual technical events plan (see Figure 8). It is not calendar driven. The events in the SEMS are generally key demonstration, progress assessment, or decision points. These events could include reviews (e.g., Preliminary Design Review), major verification efforts, or other technical events where it is necessary to measure and demonstrate progress before proceeding with follow-on technical efforts. For each event in the SEMS, one or more accomplishments are identified. The accomplishments are the critical tasks/activities that must be done prior to entering (or exiting) an event. The criteria used to measure the successful completion of each accomplishment must be defined. An accomplishment is done when all of its accomplishment criteria have been satisfied and can be demonstrated. The event can be initiated (or completed) when all its identified accomplishments are done. The SEMS should reflect both the entry accomplishments for an event (what must be done to initiate a review or demonstration milestone) and the exit accomplishments (what must be done to know that the event has been successfully completed).

Required Accomplishment Accomplishment Criteria

Ready for Detailed Design Requirements Complete Requirements Achievable

SEMS Event Driven (Not Date Driven or Time Coincidental) Required Accomplishments to Enter/Exit Event Measurable Accomplishment Criteria Captures All Required Efforts (Integrated)
FIGURE 8. Systems Engineering Master Schedule C4.1 SEMS Use. The SEMS is the top-level process control and progress measurement tool for the systems engineering effort. It provides a clear mechanism for in-process verification. The SEMS accomplishments must reflect an integration of all technical factors. The SEMS accomplishments with associated criteria establish confirmation requirements for completion of critical work tasks and for product and process maturity demonstrations. In this manner, the SEMS provides the linkage between the acquisition strategy and the phase exit criteria by demonstrating accomplishments at events conducted under contract. The phase exit criteria would be included in the SEMS as required accomplishments for one or more events. Acquisition Program Baseline parameters should be incorporated in the SEMS via inclusion of accomplishment criteria related to progress in achieving requirements (such as Technical DRAFT



Performance Measurement). Thus, the events provide a mechanism to demonstrate and confirm progress and to assess risk. The SEMS is developed to address specific program needs and the technical effort to be accomplished. In addressing the features of the technical effort, the SEMS identifies the accomplishments needed to ensure that required technical progress is being made, risks are being controlled, and that the system is maturing, as needed, to satisfy requirements. Thus, every SEMS reflects the unique aspects of the particular program incorporating those demonstrations and risk mitigations peculiar to overall program success. C4.2 SEMS Format. The SEMS has four critical elements: the events, the required accomplishments for each event, the criteria for each accomplishment, and the event sequencing (or time line). Additionally, a numbering scheme is useful to simplify tracking of events, accomplishments, and accomplishment criteria to the statement of work, work breakdown structure, and the Systems Engineering Detailed Schedule (SEDS). C4.2.1 SEMS Events. Events in the SEMS can include demonstration milestones, reviews, and other key progress demonstration points. Demonstration milestones are included in the contract, for example in Section H. These are usually defined in the instructions to offeror and in the model contract. Normally, the performing activity selects the dates for most milestones. The SEMS is not date driven, however, a limited number of events may be date-related demonstration milestones in other parts of the contract. Technical reviews are commonly used SEMS events. The instructions to the offeror suggest and/or require some of these as milestones. The performing activity is normally allowed to select appropriate milestones pertinent to the proposed approach. The SEMS events need to be organized to reflect needed sequencing of these events. Other types of events are possible such as initiation of significant demonstrations. These may be identified by either the tasking activity or the performing activity. When building the proposed SEMS, the performing activity is generally responsible for proper sequencing. C4.2.2 SEMS Accomplishments. SEMS accomplishments define interim and final steps to defining, developing, and producing the system. They must be properly sequenced and organized around the product and event they support. Examples are structural definition complete and software documented. Additionally, product and process maturation accomplishments should be included to reflect progress toward achieving required performance and required verifications. Defining the scope of accomplishments is a factor critical to the success of the SEMS. If accomplishments are too narrow, the flexibility in executing the technical effort can be curtailed. For example, defining accomplishments that represent only a couple of months of effort is probably too detailed for most program applications. The top-level accomplishments go on contract in the SEMS. The supporting detail, representing smaller pieces of the work, should be incorporated in the SEDS. Accessibility to the SEDS should provide the needed visibility into the performing activitys technical progress. Alternatively, accomplishments that are too broad (for example, if they span multiple events) need to be broken up into manageable parts. C4.2.3 SEMS Accomplishment Criteria. An accomplishment is not done unless all associated criteria have been satisfied. It is essential that all accomplishment criteria be measurable and useful. Test Plan Complete is measurable and useful. Test Plan 85% Complete is not measurable (Note: stating that 85% of the planning elements complete isnt useful since that last 15% may include the hardto-do elements that could require more effort than the first 85%). Likewise, 100 pages of Test Plan Complete is measurable but it is not useful (length provides no meaningful measure on whether the planning is near or far from completion). The accomplishment criteria can include completed work efforts such as thermal analysis complete and programmers manual done. Progress in achieving technical parameter requirements/objectives used in Technical Performance Measurement (TPM) should also be included. At successive events, this can be effected by using accomplishment criteria which would confirm that the value of a technical parameter is within its allowed tolerance band and that the current estimate of the technical parameter satisfies its threshold. Thus, the data associated with the accomplishment criteria provide quantitative inputs into program decision points. DRAFT



C4.2.4 SEMS "Time Line". The SEMS is an event-based schedule, not time based. The logical sequence of events, however, does need to be evident. Many activities can occur in parallel, but when one effort is logically dependent on the completion of another, that relationship must be evident in the SEMS. This concept was illustrated above, but a simple example is that an entry accomplishment for the system critical design review should be the completion of the system preliminary design review. The logical sequencing, or critical accomplishment path, is critical to overall process control. This sequencing may or may not be evident in the event numbering scheme employed. The natural tendency is to require that event number three always follow event number two. This is not obviously bad since the initial time based scheduling done by the performing activity provides the planned time sequence of events, if all goes well. Significant problems have been experienced with time (calendar) sequences used to structure successive event dependencies (for example, maybe event number three did not rely on the completion of event number two). For this reason, the event dependencies in the SEMS must be based on a critical accomplishment path. This enables truly independent events and accomplishments to proceed should there be difficulties in successfully reaching closure on a separate event. C4.3 SEMS Structure. The SEMS needs to be structured in a manner that effectively controls progressive development to ensure that all the tasks that need to be accomplished are completed prior to starting or continuing technical efforts dependent on those accomplishments. For example, consider the progression between the Critical Design Review and the System Verification Review. The following illustrates how the SEMS can be used to control the effort in progressively verifying a radar configuration item (CI).

Required Accomplishment (Entry or Exit) Accomplishment Criteria

Radar Critical Design Review

Radar design released for building qualification unit (Exit) Radar design complete Radar design confirmed by analysis to satisfy performance and functional requirements in Radar CI Development Specification Verification plan complete

Radar Test Readiness Review

Radar Critical Design Review Complete (Entry) Radar CDR exit accomplishments met Radar verification procedures complete (Entry) Procedures defined to verify all critical points in operational envelope Radar qualification unit ready for verification (Entry) As-built unit conforms to design Verification resources defined and ready (Entry) Trained personnel available Facilities equipped and available Radar qualification unit released for verification (Exit) All entry accomplishments demonstrated

Radar Functional Configuration Audit

Radar Test Readiness Review Complete (Entry) Radar TRR exit accomplishments met Verification Testing Complete (Entry) Verifications conducted in accordance with established procedures DRAFT

MIL-STD-499B All verifications complete Radar Satisfies Radar CI Development Specification (Entry) All part 3 requirements verified in accordance with part 4 verification criteria Radar verified to meet established requirements (Exit) All entry accomplishments demonstrated


System Verification Review

Radar Test Readiness Demonstrated (Entry) Radar TRR completed Radar meets established requirements (Entry) Radar FCA completed C4.4 SEMS Implementation. The offerors must be required to submit the SEMS as part of the proposal. Typically, a sample SEMS is provided to the offerors with the solicitation. Note that the sample SEMS should be realistic and illustrative of what the tasking activity requires, but it should not reflect the tasking activity view of the SEMS expected in the proposal. Experience indicates that offerors bias their development approach in an attempt to be responsive to a perceived requirement. The SEMS is negotiated with other contractual documents and is placed on contract as an attachment to the statement of work. It is not a Contract Data Requirements List item. The demonstration milestones are incorporated in Section H of the contract. The SEMS submitted must be compatible with the overall program schedule. The statement of work needs to include tasking requiring that progress be tracked in accordance with the SEMS and demonstrated or confirmed at events identified.



MIL-STD-499B Custodians: Army - MI Navy - EC Air Force - 10

DRAFT Preparing Activity: Air Force - 10 Agent: Air Force - 11 (Project No. MISC-0160)

Review Activities: DoD - DC, IR Army - AR, AT, AV, CE, CR, ER, ET, GL, IE, ME, MI, SC, TM Navy - AP, AS, CG, EC, MS, NM, OM, OS, SA, SH, TD, YD Air Force - 11, 12, 13, 17, 19, 27, 70, 71, 79, 80, 82, 84, 85, 99 Marine Corps - MC DLA - AQCOS, MMS



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