4987-2007 Network of Raingauge
4987-2007 Network of Raingauge
4987-2007 Network of Raingauge
ga*m )
Indian Standard
551,508.7 : 5519501
@ BIS 1994
April 1994
Price Group 2
FOREWORD This Indian Standard ( First Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Ground Water and Preliminary Investigation Sectional Committee had been approved by the River Valley Division Council. Hydrometeorological data are collected to provide hydrological and meteorological input for They are also used for assessing, developing and managing water resources of the country. forecasting flood discharges, low flow and monthly-as well as yearly discharges for operation of Since rainfall is the most important factor in the problems reservoirs and hydroelectric plants. of hydrology, for correct assessment, the project authorities have not only to examine the reliability of the past data collected but may also have to augment the network for obtaining the representative water resource information of the project catchment. The main purpose in planning a hydrometeorological network is the provision of meteorological support to elucidate the hydrology of the river basins, or hydrological units, under consideration. The planning of -networks should, therefore be closely related to the physical factors which affect hydrology, namely, topography, morphology, precipitation, geology, land use and soil type, In the formulation of this standard due weightage has been given to international co-ordination among the standards and practices prevailing in different countries, in addition to relating it to the practices in the fieid, in this country. This has been done by deriving assistance from the following publications: Guide to hydrometeorological Organization, Geneva practices fourth edition, 1981 World Meteorological Commission methods, it is being
Hydrologic networks and methods, flood control series No. 15, 1960. Economic for Asia and the Far East and the World Meteorological Organization ( Transactions Bangkok. ) of the inter-regional seminar on hydrologic networks
in technology This standard was first published in 1968. Based on advancements revised based on the suggestions received from India Meteorological Department.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised ). The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 4987 : 1994
Indian Standard
1 SCOPE 1.1 This standard lays down recommendations for distribution, density and representativeness of network of raingauge for hydrometeorological studies. 2 REFERENCES The following Indian Standards adjuncts to this standard: IS No. 4986 : I983 are Title Code of practice for installation of rain gauge ( nonrecording type ) and measurement of rain (first revision ) Guide for storm analysis necessary 3.4 In not too elevated regions with average elevation one kilometre above sea level, the network density shall be one raingauge in 250 New raingauges shall be km2 to 400 km*. installed according to IS 4986 : 1983. The denser network of raingauges in certain regions of the catchment and its spare::ess at others will result in biased water resources assessment. In such cases the distribution may be made uniform by taking such raingauge stations which will give Thiessen polygons ( see IS 5542 : 1969) of more or less equal weight. No station pertaining to pockets of heavy precipitation should be excluded from consideration. 3.5 In areas predominantly hilly and where very heavy rainfall is experienced care shall be taken in the setting up of the network These raingauge stations. water sheds are the most important areas of the catchment. Thev are also the areas of extreme rainfall variibility. The normal network, if economically feasible, should be one raingauge in not more than 150 km2, the denser network being preferable. However, in areas where the catchment is in the rain shadow of high barriers, this precaution may not be necessary. 3.6 Since most of the multipurpose river valley projects are connected with irrigation, hydropower and flood control, automatic recording raingauges may be installed in the upper reaches of the catchment of the water-shed. The information about the intensity of rainfall, as could be obtained from the self-recording raingauges, may be utilized for obtaining the flood hydrograph immediately dowstream, where the tributaries are leaving the ravines and entering the main-stream. Here again, the self-recording raingauges may be fixed up after taking into consideration the economic feasibility, the requirement of the project and the necessity Howfor ~obtaining short duration intensities. ever, it is desirable to have at least 10 percent of the raingauge stations equipped with selfrecording type of raingauges. 3.7 In some cases it may not be necessary to design dense networks because information from meteorologically and geologically homogeneous catchments around the project 1
5542 : 1969
3 GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR DETERMINING THE ADEQUACY OF THE NETWORK OF RAINGAUGE STATIONS 3.1 For any type of hydrometeorological study it is imperative that an optimum design of the network of raingauge stations i-s determined taking into consideration various factors that influence the specific purpose for which such designs are envisaged. Orography of a place and rainfall variability therein, are two most important factors for designing the network. 3.2 There are two types of network namely, primary and secondary network. A primary network aims at establishing a permanent network of rain gauges for climatological purposes. A secondary network is purely of a temporary nature for meeting specific requirements of The idea of secondary certain major projects. network is to collect the data for as long a period as the project continues, or alternatively continue till a stable relationship can be developed between the stations of temporary and primary networks. one raingauge up to 500 km2 3.3 In plains, However, if the catchment shall be sufficient lies in the path of low pressure systems which cause precipitation in the area during their movement, the network should be denser, particularly in the upstream.
IS 4987 : 1994 catchment, with better network may already be therefore be examined available. It should, wheather information about such catchments already exist and from the rainfall analysis already carried out for the catchment whether it could be possible to obtain the design storm, fulfilling those requirements. 4 SATURATED NETWORK DESIGN raingauges equation: where N = optimum number of raingauge stations, is obtained ) by the following
N = ( G/P
4.1 In addition to the general considerations given in 3, for setting up raingauges in any area, one of the factors that shouldguide the fixation of the actual network of raingauges is the importance of the project itself and the accuracy with which rainfall over the catchment is to be assessed. If the project is very important and the rainfall over the area has to be assessed with the maximum possible accuracy, then a network of raingauges shall be set up, such that, any addition to it will not appreciably alter the rainfall assessed. Such a network is referred In order to arrive at a saturated network. a saturated network of raingauges for any catchment or area, the procedure given in 4.1.1 shall be adopted. 4.1.1 Rainfall in the area for a few storms shall be assessed, taking into account all theraingauges ( 100 percent ) in the catchment, 80 percent of raingauges, 60 percent of the raingauges, etc. The raingauges chosen shall be equitably distributed in the area. A graph between the number of raingauges taken into account and the storm rainfall may be drawn for each one of the storms separately. If it is notrced that the ~assessed storm rainfall does not change appreciably, even if raingauges considered are slightly less than the total number existing, then it indicates that the existing network is near the saturated value. If the assessed storm rainfall changes rapidly with change in the number of gauges considered, it shows that the network is fa.r from saturated and the number of gauges ~may be increased to such a stage that any further increase in the gauges does not appreciably alter the assessed storm rainfall. 5 OPTIMUM NETWORK DESIGN
C, = coefficient of variation of the rail;fall values Gf the existing raingauge stations, and P = desired degree of percentage error the estimate of basin mean rainfall. 5.2.1 The procedure for working out mum number for a typical case explained in Annex A. this has in optibeen
5.2.2 The mean rainfall sha!l be estimated corl-ectly wtthin 10 percent ( P = 10 ). With the dccrcase in the percentage error, the adequate number of raingauges or the raingauge network woc~ld also increase. This would increase tho operating cost. Therefore, in establishing the optimum r?umber of raingauges, the problem of operating cost shall also be taken into consideration. However in case of special requireme,rts, suitable methods may be used. 5.3 Allocation of Additional Raingauge Stations
The probem cf allocating additional raingauge stations depeiids upon the spatial distribution of existing raingauge stations, and the variability of rainfall over the basins. With the limitations of accessibiiity to new sites and available for maintaining these facilities stations, additional raingauges should be located so as to have an even distribution over the entire basin. The allocation should take into account the variability of the mean monthly and annual rainfall over the basin. The mode of allocation has been explained in the example given in Annex A. 6 MINIMUM NETWORK DESIGN
5.1 The aim of optimum network design is that, by interpolation between values of different stations, it should be possible to determine with sufficient accuracy, for practical purposes, the characteristics of the basic hydrometeorological elements at any point of inter-est. By characteristics is meant, all quantitative data, averages and extremes that define the statistical distribution of the hydrometeorological elements studied. 5.2 Adequacy of Raingauge Stations When the mean rainfall is calculated arithmetical average, the optimum by simple number of
6.1 In many areas it may not be feasible to design even an optimum network as given in 5. In such cases, a minimum network may have to be designed and the distribution of the available raingauges in the various catchments require a good climatological knowledge. For example, in a catchment lying on. the leeward side of the prevailing moisture laden wind, it is not necessary to provide a better network immediately after the hump at the cost of the lower reaches, where rainfall is heavier. 6.2 Special care shall be taken for planned development of networks which would not contribute towarJs faulty assessment of water resources and flood producing potential,
IS 4987 : 1994 6.3 In plain there should be at !east one raingauge station for an area of 750 km2. In hilly regions one raingauge station normally represent an area between 100 km2- 250 km2. In arid areas, one raingauge station should normally represent an area between 1500 km2 - 10 000 km2. 7 PERIOD OF DATA OF OBSERVATIONS AND UNIFORMITY to obtain a precipitation Catchment Layout No. of years stable frequency distribution amount are recommended: Islands 30 Shore 40 Plains 40 of
Mountains 50
7.1 The period of precipitation record required to analyse a problem within a reliable safety factor, depends upon the nature of the problem and the time variations in precipitation io the concerned region. For example, if the frequency disti ibuti,>n of mea:: annual precipitation depth at a point or over an area becomes essentially stable after a certain period, the adtlition of fmther years of observations does n-t significantly add to the accuracy. The 1cng;h zf the period of record needed to achieve a stable~frequency distributionvaries by seasons and regions. From experience, the following tentative estimates of the number of years needed
7.2 Although there might be justification in continui.jg observations at selected stations indefinitely, u::limited operation of all stations may not be possible frcm fina.;cidl considerations. The need to retain all gauges of an existing network should be reviewed from time to time, and the station for which future data could be thi--,ugh estimated with sufficient accuracy correlation with records at one or more neighbouring stations, may b.: discontinued. It shouid be remembered that undue hurry in closirrg down a raingauge station as soon as the project report is ready, may lead to disastrous results unless stable data, comparable to neighbouring stations, has already been collected from it.
Calculate T2 -zz.z 4
A-l.1 A typical river basin with four raingauge stations within the catchment and four outside is shown in Fig. 1. A-2 ESTIMATION OF RAINGAUGES OF OPTIMUM NUMBER
A-2.1 The various steps involved in the estimation of optimum number of raingauges are described below: Calculate a> the 4 of T= the total rainfall in millimetres, raingauges situated within the catchment area. Denote this by T: 800 ~+ 540 + 445 + 410 = 2 195 catch-
s2 7-I = 31 073
1297725-1204506 = ___~~ 3 of
Calculate the mean rainfall in the ment given by: T 2 195 m z -4.-._ = 548.75 4
the sum of squares of the rainfall of t!iese 4 raingauges as SS = ( 800 ) + ( 540 j + ( 445 > + ( 410 ) = 1297 725
Optimum number, N of raingaugzs that would be necessary to estimate the average rainfall with a percentage error less than or equal to 10 percent ( P = 10 ) is obtained by:
IS 4987:1994
Cl The
A-2.2 Thus, the 4 existing raingauges are not adequate for estimating the average catchment rainfall within an allowable error of 10 percent or less. The optimum number should be at least 11, so that 7 ( = 11 - 4 ) additional raingauges within the catchment area are required.
11 raingauges are to be allocated to different zones in proportion of their areas. Thus the number of raingauges in different isohyetnl zones should Abe: x, = 14, X, = 4.1, x5 = 0.7. X, = 3.7, number existing number. X, 0 x, = 1.1 in each number These X, 1 Total 4 7
Calculate the additional zo!lc by subtracting the from the total optimum are shown below: Zone Existing No. X1 OX, X, 0 2 1
a) Draw isohyets at equal intervals taking into consideration the rainfall of the stations outside the catchment. Isohyetal lines for 380 mm, 510 mm, 640 mm, 770 mm and 900 mm are drawn as shown in Fig 1. b) Measure the area bounded by two consecutive isohyets within the catchment by a planimeter. The proportionate areas of the different isohyetal zones marked by by X1, X,, X,, X, and X5 are found to be: X, = 0.122 9, X, = 0,376 0, X, = 0.339 2, A, = O-1 021, and X5 = 0.059 8.
additional number of raingauges should be allocated randomly in each zone. Tn the absence of random number tables allocate them considering relative distance amongst the different raingauge sites, the accessibility, availability of part-time observers and discharge site, etc. The allocation has bee:1 done arbitrarily in the nresent case and the new sites are indicated by circles in Fig. 1.
@ 0
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