4-Db - Eac Report Press Release - English

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In Bujumbura, Burundi: Lawrence Henri Christian Mensah Phone : +254 720 348 642 E-mail: lmensah@ifc.

org Jean Mvuyekure Tlphone : +257 77 846 300 Email : [email protected] Linda Karimi Telephone : +254 728 147 114 Email : [email protected]

In Washington, D.C.: Nadine Ghannam Phone: +1 (202) 473-3011 E-mail: [email protected]

IFC and World Bank Report Finds Improved Business Regulations for East African SMEs Bujumbura, Burundi, April 11, 2012A new IFC and World Bank report shows that the business environment for entrepreneurs in all five economies of the East African CommunityBurundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Ugandaimproved in 2010-2011, as the countries implemented critical regulatory reforms. The report, released Wednesday, compares business regulations and identifies good practices across the EAC on the 11 areas covered by the World Bank Groups annual Doing Business report. The report, Doing Business in the East African Community 2012, shows that the five countries of the EAC implemented a combined 10 regulatory reforms across nine areas measured. The report finds that Burundi is among the top ten most improved economies worldwide in 2010-2011, with four regulatory reforms: dealing with construction permits, protecting investors, paying taxes, and resolving insolvency. Rwanda, the top performer in the region, made the most progress over the past six years. Worldwide, it made the second-most progress. Over that period, Rwanda implemented 22 reforms, making it easier to do business across nine areas of regulation. Additionally, the economy has undertaken ambitious land and judicial reforms, introduced new corporate, insolvency, civil procedure, and secured transactions laws. Rwanda has also streamlined and remodeled institutions and processes for starting a business, registering property, trading across borders, and enforcing a contract through the courts. If each member country were to adopt the region's best practice for each indicator measured by Doing Business, East Africa would rank 19 on the ease of doing business, comparable to Germany, rather than 115.. Over the past seven years, regulatory reforms in the EAC have focused on simplifying regulatory processessuch as trading across borders and starting a business. A popular trade facilitation reform among the EAC economies has been implementing electronic systems for customs declaration. Export time in the region dropped from an average of 40 days in 2006 to 29 days in 2011. Meanwhile, import time was cut nearly in halffrom 60 days in 2006 to 33 days in 2011. This is the third report in this series analyzing business regulations in the EAC. The regional report released today, draws on the global Doing Business project and its database, as well as the findings from Doing Business 2012, the ninth in a series of annual reports investigating the regulations that enhance and constrain business activity globally. ###

About the Doing Business report series Doing Business analyzes regulations that apply to an economys businesses during their life cycle, including start-up and operations, trading across borders, paying taxes, and resolving insolvency. The aggregate ease of doing business rankings are based on 10 indicators and cover 183 economies. Previous years rankings are back-calculated to account for the addition of new indicator(s), data corrections, and methodology changes in existing indicators so as to provide a meaningful comparison with the new rankings. Doing Business does not measure all aspects of the business environment that matter to firms and investors. For example, it does not measure security, macroeconomic stability, corruption, the level of skills, or the strength of financial systems. Its findings have stimulated policy debates in more than 80 economies and enabled a growing body of research on how firm-level regulation relates to economic outcomes across economies. For more information about the Doing Business report series, please visit: www.doingbusiness.org. Join us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DoingBusiness.org. Compare Doing Business data on your iPhone: www.doingbusiness.org/iphone About the World Bank Group The World Bank Group is one of the worlds largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries. It comprises five closely associated institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA), which together form the World Bank; the International Finance Corporation (IFC); the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). Each institution plays a distinct role in the mission to fight poverty and improve living standards for people in the developing world. For more information, please visit www.worldbank.org, www.miga.org, and www.ifc.org.

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