CSWIP-WI-6!92!11th Edition September 2011

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Copyright © 2011, TWI Certification Ltd
DOCUMENT No. CSWIP-WI-6-92 Requirements for the Certification of Visual Welding Inspectors (Level 1), Welding Inspectors (Level 2) and Senior Welding Inspectors (Level 3) (fusion welding) in accordance with the requirements of BS EN ISO 17637:2011
11th Edition September 2011
(Formerly CSWIP-WI-6-80 October 1993) Issued under the authority of the Governing Board for Certification All correspondence should be addressed to: TWI Certification Ltd Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, UK Telephone: +44 (0) 1223 899000 Fax: +44 (0) 1223 894219. Email: twicertification@twi.co.uk Website: www.cswip.com
CSWIP is administered by TWI Certification Ltd The use of the UKAS Accreditation Mark indicates accreditation in respect of those activities covered by Accreditation Certificate No 25
 Copyright © 2011, TWI Certification Ltd 1
The Certification Scheme for Personnel (CSWIP) is a comprehensive scheme which provides for the examination and certification of individuals seeking to demonstrate their knowledge and/or competence in their field of operation. The scope of CSWIP includes, all levels of Welding Inspectors, Welding Supervisors, Plant Inspectors, Welding Instructors, Underwater Inspectors and NDT personnel. CSWIP is managed by the Certification Management Board, which acts as the Governing Board for Certification, in keeping with the requirements of the industries served by the scheme. The Certification Management Board, in turn, appoints specialist Management Committees to oversee specific parts of the scheme. All CSWIP Boards and Committees comprise member representatives of relevant industrial and other interests. The current document covers the Certification of Visual Welding Inspectors (Level 1) Welding Inspectors (Level 2) and Senior Welding Inspectors (Level 3). There are two categories of Senior Welding Inspector: one with Radiographic Interpretation and one without. The requirements governing Registration of Visual Welding Inspectors, Welding Inspectors and Senior Welding Inspectors are detailed in a separate document: CSWIP-WI-1-91. Success in the appropriate CSWIP Certification examination is one of the prerequisites of Registration. Registration is strongly recommended as it helps to satisfy the CSWIP certificate renewal requirements, see Clause 4.5.1
Access to certification schemes is not improperly restricted. The sole criteria for certification are given in the document (and any subsequent amendments) and no other criteria will be applied. Certification is not conditional on the candidate applying for other services or membership from TWI Certification Ltd, its parent, or any other groups or associations.
1. General
1.1 Scope
This document prescribes procedures by which personnel may be examined, and, if successful, certificated for the duties of Visual Welding Inspector (Level 1), Welding Inspector (Level 2) or Senior Welding Inspector (Level 3), as defined in Clause 1.2. This document does not purport to cover personnel who do not have the responsibilities defined in Clause 1.2. The examinations are primarily intended for fusion welded steel construction, but endorsements are available for other material groups. There are recognition arrangements between TWI Certification Ltd and other Welding Inspector Certification Schemes: for example the American Welding Society - Certificated Welding Inspector and the Southern African Institute of Welding - Welding Fabrication Inspector and the Welding Technology Institute Australia Welding Inspector. Persons possessing qualification(s) in these schemes may be allowed exemptions from part(s) of the CSWIP examination(s). Details on all recognition arrangements are available at www.cswip.com This scheme is not normally intended to apply to engineers or engineering surveyors concerned with the total certification of the plant.
1.2 Responsibilities of personnel
Typical areas of work activity of personnel for whom CSWIP welding inspector qualifications would be suitable are given below:
1.2.1 Visual Welding Inspectors (Level 1) (under the supervision of a Welding Inspector or Senior Welding Inspector)
a) An introduction to the welding processes
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b) Codes and standards Application of the requirements of codes and standards. c) Parent material identity Verification against documentation and markings of correctness of parent material. d) Welding consumables identity Verification of correctness of welding consumables (electrodes, filler wires, consumable inserts, gases, fluxes etc). e) Pre-weld inspection Verification that dimensions, fitup and weld preparations are in accordance with the engineering drawings. f) Preheating Verification that preheat (where required) is in accordance with specified procedures. g) Post weld visual inspection Visual inspection and dimensional check of completed weldment against specification requirements and drawings. h) In-process welding surveillance Surveillance during welding to verify compliance with specified procedure including any preheat, interpass temperature control and post heat requirements.
1.2.2 Welding Inspectors (Level 2)
Those given above plus: i) Supervision of Visual Welding Inspectors in the conduct of activities (a) to (h) above.  j) Welding procedures Establishing that a procedure is available, has been approved as required by the appropriate authority and is being employed in production. k) Witnessing of welder and procedure approval tests Witnessing the preparation of test pieces and destructive tests, and verifying compliance with appropriate standards and specifications. l) Welder approvals Verification that adequate and valid welder approvals are available, and that only approved welders as required are used in production. m) Post weld heat treatment Verification that post weld heat treatment has been conducted in accordance with specification requirements. n) Reports Preparation of inspection reports.
1.2.3 Senior Welding Inspectors (Level 3)
Those given above plus: o) Supervision of Welding Inspectors and Visual Welding Inspectors in the conduct of activities (a) to (n) above as appropriate. p) Certification of compliance Final acceptance and certification that the requirements of the specification have been met. q) Weld drawings Interpretation of weld drawings and weld symbols.
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 r) Records Maintenance of comprehensive inspection records. s) Weld defects Appreciation of the factors influencing the formation of weld defects and their acceptability in relation to the written specification. t) NDT results Verification of NDT reports on welding work for which the Senior Welding Inspector is responsible. This may include radiographic interpretation. u) Quality assurance Ensuring that quality assurance standards and procedures are maintained.
1.3 Requirements prior to taking a certification test
Job responsibilities and experience criteria for examination eligibility as given below are strictly adhered to and enforced.
1.3.1 Visual Welding Inspector (Level 1)
Although there is no specific experience requirement it is recommended that candidates possess a minimum of six months’ welding related engineering experience and two years industrial experience. In addition, candidates must comply with Clause 1.3.4.
1.3.2 Welding Inspector (Level 2)
Welding Inspector for a minimum of 3 years with experience related to the duties and responsibilities listed in Clause 1.2.2 under qualified supervision, independently verified.
 Certified Visual Welding Inspector (Level 1) for a minimum of 2 years with job responsibilities in the areas listed in 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 above.
Welding Instructor or Welding Foreman/Supervisor for a minimum of 5 years. In addition to all of the above, candidates must comply with Clause 1.3.4.
1.3.3 Senior Welding Inspector (Level 3)
Certified Welding Inspector (Level 2) for a minimum of 2 years with job responsibilities in the areas listed in 1.2.1, 1.2.2 and 1.2.3 above.
 5 years' authenticated experience related to the duties and responsibilities listed in Clause 1.2.3, independently verified. In additional to the above, candidates must comply with Clause 1.3.4.
1.3.4 Training
All candidates (with the exception of ‘mature candidates,’ see below) must attend a CSWIP approved course of training at the appropriate level prior to examination. Details of such courses are available on request.

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