Spiritual Tradition French School Francis de Sale

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Discipleship Assesment [T192]

1. Reflecting on my spiritual life

One spiritual tradition that I feel could particular benefit from drawing from. One spiritual discipline that I could beneficially develop the practise of.

2. Considering my life
One spiritual tradition that I feel could particular benefit from drawing from. Discuss my choice and reason for choice.

Name: Tina Francis Date: 9 March 2010 Lecturer: Chris Jack

Spiritual tradition

French school Spirituality (Francis de Sales/Jeanne De Chantal)

French school Spiritual tradition practises a spiritual discipline that draws my attention to the condition of my own soul, and the need to humble myself before the creator. St Francis De Sales teaches on purification of the soul through devotions. In his writing he encourages me to cleanse the soul of all its attachments that will hinder true devotion. I am to detests, rejects and abhors all of my sins, past and present. He believed though not necessary, this type of confession is beneficial when preparing the heart for renewal, and dedication of the soul to God. 1 In drawing from this tradition I see how important it is to denounce every trace of evil, pass, present and future away from my life and away from anything that is connected to me. In doing so, I am rejecting the plan of Satan and as I confess, I am then surrendering the condition of my soul to God for purification.

This tradition in its meditation discipline demonstrates the prominence of humility before God, emphasising on our low status and our appreciation for Gods grace. This for me is important and will be a regular confession make before God, as an adoption from this tradition. I know it is God, who makes me perfect through Christ Jesus, but less I forget, confessing will help me to denounce any pride in me, as I recognise it to be a weakness that fails many. Another interesting area that I draw from in this tradition is De Sales protest against venial sins. Things that we do for amusement and pleasure, which are not direct sin, or illegal, but if done in excess they can intensify an attachment. These types of attachments he says are contrary to devotion, opposed to charity, enfeeble the spirit, hinder divine consolations and open the door to temptation.2 De Sales believes the soul should be purified from its affection to venial sins, and we should never voluntarily give access to or remain in them. This brings new light for me in regards to (Genesis 4:3, 4 and 7) Cain was a tiller of the ground. He brought to the Lord an offering of the fruit of the ground.

1 2

De Sales, The Devout Life, confessions, 15. De Sales, The Devout Life, inclinations, 50.

The Lord responded to Cain, If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin crouches at your door; its desire is for you, but you must master it. So if I care less for venial things, sins will not linger at my door.

Another challenging attributes to this tradition that I is appealing and I can adopt is De Sales recommendation of one hour daily mental prayer, which he called the prayer of the heart. My prayer life though vital has not been consistent. This I would like to incorporate with devotion, meditation and being in the presence of God. All of which should be priority for me after acquiring such favourable knowledge.

Jeanne De Chantal demonstrates submission and loyalty towards her spiritual couch, and appeared to have received good fruit from it, and likewise produce good fruit. Drawing from De Chantal, it seems fitting that I would benefit from a spiritual friend and a couch as this was an aspect of her life that help her in ministry. I have also seen this imagery in Paul and Timothy relationship.

I choose French school spirituality because of the great attention it invested in the soul. The obligation it gave to the soul to enable spiritual growth and the commitment to defy human weaknesses. It is not the will of God for me to tolerate the weaknesses of human nature that opposes and rebels against His Holy Spirit. There are times when I know what is required of me but do not perceive how to attain that status. I choose this tradition for its practises and disciplines are firm and protective of the soul. It highlights area that I possible allowed which hinder me from growing spiritually. whether through lack of knowledge, complacency or ignorance. French school tradition is like a steward over the soul. Telling me how to resist and overcome the tendency of the soul that inhibits me from being in the presence of God. It steers me in the right direction as the Holy Spirit would do.

Spiritual Discipline - Meditation

The spiritual discipline of meditation overlaps with disciplines such as, purification, devotion, prayer, study of the word, and being in Gods presence. St Francis treated meditation as a point of contact for purification. For purification, he teaches reflections on different aspects of life, by using meditation. He said by the grace of God, if meditation is well practised, it will uproot from the heart, both sin and the affection of sin.3 While knowing that purification of the soul is beneficial to me; I also know that, God alone can do this great work in me, using the discipline of meditation. Therefore, I identify with Peter Toon, that meditation is an important way to free myself to God, and allowing the Holy Spirit to reign in me.4

Not long ago, I was directed to (Joshua 1:8) and I was prompted by the word to meditate upon Gods Law. I receive this instruction as though God was telling me, to know His Law. It is difficult for me to say whether I know or meditate on the Law, as God has commanded in His word. I now realized that God was asking me to hear His voice and obey His word, and that He was offering me fellowship with Himself.5 How disappointed God must have been, that I have treated His instruction at such surface value. I acquaint myself with the Law, but not as God desires for me. This is one of my reasons for choosing meditation.

Richard Foster expressed that the purpose of meditation, is to have a close relationship with Jesus. He says it is a spiritual space, where Christ is allowed to establish a dwelling for Himself in my heart. Foster called this union with Christ, an inward fellowship that transforms the internal persona.6 I believe that Gods desires for me, includes this quality of intimacy with Jesus Christ. God wants
3 4

De Sales, The Devout Life, meditation facilitates purification, 18-19. Toon, From Heart to Mind: Meditation important way, 16. 5 Foster, Celebration Of Discipleship, hearing and obeying, 21. 6 Foster, Celebration Of Discipleship, what happen in meditation, 24.

through His Son Jesus Christ, according to (Hebrews 10:16), to imprinted His laws upon my heart, and inscribe them upon my mind. I now know that, it is Jesus who equips us with the law, as he is the Law. Upon looking into meditation as a discipline, I feel this practice could

Another area of meditation which is appealing to me is meditation on the word. This is my second reasons for choosing it as a spiritual discipline. Peter Toon introduced meditation as a way of receiving the word of God into the heart, from the mind.7 Hence biblical meditation begins with the exposed word of God. This form of meditation challenges me, as I am more disciplined in studying the word of God. Foster shared that meditation of Scripture centred on internalising and personalising the passage, and any attempt to approach it in a study format should be avoided. 8 He stated that the purpose of meditation is to position oneself to here God more clearly. He concluded that meditation is more reflecting, listening, releasing, than it is studying, thinking and grabbing. There should be less effort of activity on my side as I am the guest and Christ through the Holy Spirit is the host.

In looking into meditation as a discipline, I have discovered in light of Foster and Toon that meditation places more emphasis on Jesus active role in me other than focusing on myself. Choosing this spiritual discipline is the yielding in silence, to the voice of God, and the benefits He offered, as I commit myself to His commands. Benefits from meditation includes, increase of faith, closer fellowship, and a strong confidents in God. Other benefits also include good fruits (Psalms 1:2-3), prosperity (Joshua 1:8), and assistant toward praise during time of hardships and trials (Psalms 10:1213). (1,494 Words)

7 8

Toon, From Heart to Mind: Meditation receiving the word of God, 10. Foster, Celebration Of Discipleship, forms of meditation, 33.

Practical discipleship - Mission

To more fully express my discipleship commitment to Jesus Christ would have to be the calling of mission. This would give me the opportunity to make my life available for non Christians, who have no access to the gospel. Mission would mean for me, denying myself, taking up my cross and following Jesus. This is the teaching of Jesus in (Matthew 16:24). This is the ultimate area of discipleship. It takes you on a journey of true fellowship with people and with Jesus. It teaches servant hood in the Kingdom of God.

Mission will enable me to be a light in world of darkness. Peter Maiden reminded us, that Israel was first selected, to be a light to the nation. Then Jesus became the perfect light. The baton was then commissioned to the church.9 As part of the church, I am now an agent of the light, which gives me that great commission, to take the light to all nations. (Matthew 28: 19-20) tell us, Go then and make disciples of all the nations, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you. Peter Hicks concluded that, since Christ came as the light that He may bring salvation to the earth, we also are light, and it is our calling and missionary duties.10 Paul was a great missionary and an admirable example of discipleship. He has greatly influence me in his letter to a place of accepting the calling of mission in my heart.

My discipleship commitment to Jesus is to be like Him toward my fellow mankind. Jesus made Himself available for those who were week, cast out, and afflicted. He provided a life of hope for the blind, the lost, the captive, and the spiritual dead. He positioned and humbled Himself in order to fulfil His discipleship commitment to the lives that needed Him. My aim would be to commit myself to the same standard of discipleship as Jesus. Jesus desires this standard of discipleship from those


Maiden, Discipleship, God selected 152. Hicks, What Could I Be, Christ and Christian as light, 156.

whom He called. Peter Maiden in his work stated that it was made clear through Jesus that one of the primary purposes of discipleship was the creation of missionaries. He verified this in (Matthew 4:19) Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men.11 My final reason for mission coincided with Maidens views, concerning the logic of Christian mission. (Roman 10:14-15) Mission is a lifestyle in which Christians are called to serve as Jesus disciples. Christians are called to bring the gospel to those who need to here, in order for them to believe, so they can call upon Him whom they believed in. There is no greater work than to work in the Kingdom of heaven.

De Sales, Francis, An Introduction to The Devout Life. New York: Joseph F.Wanger,Inc (1923).

Maiden, Discipleship, Jesus towards mission, 147. (500 Words)

Total word count (1994 Words)

Foundation, The Lockman. The Amplified Bible. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1954. Hicks, Peter, What Could I Be?, Nottinham: Inter-Varsity Press, 2005. Maiden, Peter, Discipleship, Milton Keynes: Keswick Ministries, 2007. Toon, Peter, From Mind to Heart: Christian Meditation Today, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1987.

http://www.oblates.org/spirituality/jane/ biography.php

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