Monday-Friday, December 5-9, 2011

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Kim Rysemus Monday-Friday, December 5-9, 2011 Instructional Program: Clock Skills

Considerations List techniques and strategies to be used in addressing each considerations across the lesson activities Communicating lesson objectives: Student will be able to read an analog clock and use it for time management in his classes Establishing/maintaining positive relationships: Praise parts of the activities that students perform correctly; provide encouragement Recognizing adherence/lack of adherence to rules If the student becomes frustrated, slow down the lesson and break down the steps; work at the students pace, allow him enough work time Communicating high expectations for all students Remind the student of the importance of being able to read an analog clock for school, work,

Daily Plan Assessment/Data Collection: (Read an analog clock) Activities in sequence 1. Show the student a clock set to a randomly selected time. Say, what time is it? 2. Allow up to 5 seconds for student to begin his response 3. A. If correct to the minute, score (+) on the data sheet and say, how long until _____(randomly selected time)? B. If incorrect or no response, score (-) and tell the student the correct time. Then ask, how long until ________(randomly selected time)? 4. Allow 5 seconds for student to begin response 5. Score (+) if correct, (-) if incorrect or no response Data collection plan & decision rules To continuously assess progress during instruction, the student will be probed the first trial each day until mastery in objective is achieved.

Practicing Skills/Deepening Knowledge: (Read an analog clock) Activities in sequence 1. For 3 days conduct mini lessons 1.1. Use a number line with no numerals to practice counting to the nearest 1, use a number line with different shapes to practice counting 1.2. Practice long/minute hand reading with numbers on the clock 1.3. Practice short/hour hand reading with the clock 2. Put skills together 2.1. Say hour hand first 2.2. Count by 5s and 1s to the minute Mini Lesson Procedure 1. Explain the concept 2. Model out loud one trial

Kim Rysemus and everyday life Maintaining high level of student engagement Remind students of steps and continuously encourage participation 3. Coach the student through the next 5 practices Procedures to prevent errors and plans for consequences (reinforcement & error correction) Once mini lessons are complete, teach student to say the time and time remaining using most-toleast procedures such as verbal direction. The student will be talked through the step-by-step procedure of reading a clock. Prompting will be gradually faded as the program progresses. Closure At the end of each lesson, until mastery, we will revisit the probe question of the day and work through it to get the correct answers using the skills practiced in the lesson. Plans for individualizing


Kim Rysemus Monday-Friday, December 5-9, 2011 1st Hour: Functional Math

Considerations List techniques and strategies to be used in addressing each considerations across the lesson activities Communicating lesson objectives: Clarify any elements of the lesson that are unclear to individual students Establishing/maintaining positive relationships: Praise parts of the activities that students perform correctly; provide encouragement Recognizing adherence/lack of adherence to rules If students become frustrated or uninterested, break down the steps and complete a practice problem together Communicating high expectations for all students Remind students of the importance of knowing how to take measurements and the difference between area and

Daily Plan Practicing Skills/Deepening Knowledge: (Life Skills Math: Chapter 16- Lawn Care, lessons 7-9) Activities in sequence o Read the introduction to the lesson aloud to the class o Highlight any key ideas that are important to the lesson, have students do the same o Have a brief discussion relating the lesson to real-life examples o Walk through the example problem together as a class o Allow time for students to ask any questions o Work through the first 3 or so questions together as a class, allow the students to provide answers, walk around to check everyones paper for correct work o Give students time to finish the lesson activity independently o Go over all questions and answers as a class, allow the students to provide answers Procedures to prevent errors and plans for consequences (reinforcement & error correction) o Keep students awake and participating, tapping them on the shoulder if necessary o Give each student individual instruction, check work and answers Closure Allow cooperating teacher to close the lesson for the day Plans for individualizing

Kim Rysemus perimeter Maintaining high level of student engagement Say, Great job on (insert specific skill performed correctly)!" Provide individual attention to each student.


Kim Rysemus Monday-Friday, December 5-9, 2011 Instructional Program: Reading Fluency

Considerations List techniques and strategies to be used in addressing each considerations across the lesson activities Communicating lesson objectives: Show and describe the key features of the Detailed Prosody Rubric to the student; give examples of expectations Establishing/maintaining positive relationships: Praise parts of the activity that student performs correctly; provide encouragement Recognizing adherence/lack of adherence to rules If the student becomes frustrated, slow down the lesson and work at the students pace; ask the student what she is specifically struggling with Communicating high expectations for all students Remind the student that increased fluency and prosody will help her

Daily Plan Assessment/Data Collection: (Reading fluency: Chocolate Fever by Robert Kimmel Smith) Activities in sequence 1. Every 5th day of instruction a probe will be taken 2. Student will complete a hot read on the passage from the novel of that specific week 3. Student will be scored on correct words read per minute and prosody Data collection plan & decision rules To continuously assess progress during instruction, the student will be assessed after four days of instruction, or at the end of the school week. Assessment will occur during the normal instruction time, either the very beginning or very end of the hour depending on the days lesson. Assessment will continue until objective is attained.

Practicing Skills/Deepening Knowledge: (Reading fluency: Chocolate Fever by Robert Kimmel Smith) Activities in sequence Day 1: Timed cold read, score for correct words per minute (CWPM) and prosody Day 2: Model read the same passage from Day 1, then coral read the same passage from Day 1 Day 3: Coral read review the same passage from Day 1, then mini lesson on prosody Day 4: Review mini lesson on prosody, then let the student read the same passage from Day 1 independently out loud Day 5: Probe, hot read the same passage from Day 1, score for CWPM and prosody *routine for the week, change the passage every Monday (or Day 1), reading through the novel Procedures to prevent errors and plans for consequences (reinforcement & error correction) The modeling strategy will serve as the prompt and will be faded based on progress tracked through constant data taken from assessments. Show student the prosody rubric that she will be assessed with. Explain to her each components meaning and what the expectations are. Closure At the end of each lesson, we will recap the skills worked on for the day. Then, I will describe the

Kim Rysemus reading skills such as comprehension, and it will help her in other classes as well Maintaining high level of student engagement Say, Great job on (insert specific skill performed correctly)!" Provide individual attention to each student. next days lesson. Plans for individualizing


Kim Rysemus Monday, December 5, 2011 2nd Hour: Reading, Functional Vocabulary

Considerations List techniques and strategies to be used in addressing each considerations across the lesson activities

Daily Plan Introducing New Content: (functional vocabulary word of the day)

Big Idea Teach a functional vocabulary word (Nominee) that will be applied on an assessment later in instruction. Students should be able to define the word and apply it to real-life or provide examples. Communicating lesson objectives: Getting Learner Focused Learning a functional word that is Present real-life examples of Nominee and how it will be useful in their lives. Show online used and relevant to everyday examples and visuals if applicable. life; a word that is seen on signs, Presentation Outline job related, domestic related, etc. 1. Give each student a notecard to write down the word and its definition 2. Pull up SmartBoard, write Nominee on the SmartBoard for the class to see Establishing/maintaining 3. Give the students 1-2 minutes to guess the meaning and discuss with each other the positive relationships: definition Encourage students to make 4. Look up the definition online with the SmartBoard for the class to see. Discuss the correct predictions of word meanings and definition and its functionality examples. 5. Give the students 1-2 minutes to copy the definition and examples onto their notecards *Notes for instruction Definition: a person entered to win a position or award Recognizing adherence/lack of adherence to rules Encourage participation and Examples/Applicationdiscussion to keep everyone -when you vote for president, etc., you chose between nominees involved. Remind students that -know the differences between nominees, their views and beliefs they will be assessed on these words in a couple of days Sentence- The nominees for class president are Kenneth and Tiara. Communicating high expectations for all students Say, It is important to know these words, especially as an Assessment Assessment will be given after 10 vocabulary words have been taught, or when the coop teacher sees fit. Closure

Kim Rysemus adult, if you want a job and live on your own. Maintaining high level of student engagement Provide enough time to let students make predictions, discuss, copy the definition, and ask questions Give students the opportunity to ask any questions they may have to clarify the word, Nominee. Plans for individualizing:

Kim Rysemus Tuesday, December 6, 2011 2nd Hour: Reading, Functional Vocabulary

Considerations List techniques and strategies to be used in addressing each considerations across the lesson activities

Daily Plan Introducing New Content: (functional vocabulary word of the day)

Big Idea Teach a functional vocabulary word (Debate) that will be applied on an assessment later in instruction. Students should be able to define the word and apply it to real-life or provide examples. Communicating lesson objectives: Getting Learner Focused Learning a functional word that is Present real-life examples of Debate and how it will be useful in their lives. Show online used and relevant to everyday examples and visuals if applicable. life; a word that is seen on signs, Presentation Outline job related, domestic related, etc. 6. Give each student a notecard to write down the word and its definition 7. Pull up SmartBoard, write Debate on the SmartBoard for the class to see Establishing/maintaining 8. Give the students 1-2 minutes to guess the meaning and discuss with each other the positive relationships: definition Encourage students to make 9. Look up the definition online with the SmartBoard for the class to see. Discuss the correct predictions of word meanings and definition and its functionality examples. 10. Give the students 1-2 minutes to copy the definition and examples onto their notecards *Notes for instruction Definition: formal discussion about different views on a current topic Recognizing adherence/lack of adherence to rules Encourage participation and Examples/Applicationdiscussion to keep everyone -debates let you know each persons side involved. Remind students that -helps you make a decision when voting they will be assessed on these words in a couple of days Sentence- The class had a debate on the importance of homework. Communicating high expectations for all students Say, It is important to know these words, especially as an Assessment Assessment will be given after 10 vocabulary words have been taught, or when the coop teacher sees fit. Closure

Kim Rysemus adult, if you want a job and live on your own. Maintaining high level of student engagement Provide enough time to let students make predictions, discuss, copy the definition, and ask questions Give students the opportunity to ask any questions they may have to clarify the word, Debate. Plans for individualizing:

Kim Rysemus Wednesday, December 7, 2011 2nd Hour: Reading, Functional Vocabulary

Considerations List techniques and strategies to be used in addressing each considerations across the lesson activities

Daily Plan Introducing New Content: (functional vocabulary word of the day)

Big Idea Teach a functional vocabulary word (Election) that will be applied on an assessment later in instruction. Students should be able to define the word and apply it to real-life or provide examples. Communicating lesson objectives: Getting Learner Focused Learning a functional word that is Present real-life examples of Election and how it will be useful in their lives. Show online used and relevant to everyday examples and visuals if applicable. life; a word that is seen on signs, Presentation Outline job related, domestic related, etc. 11. Give each student a notecard to write down the word and its definition 12. Pull up SmartBoard, write Election on the SmartBoard for the class to see Establishing/maintaining 13. Give the students 1-2 minutes to guess the meaning and discuss with each other the positive relationships: definition Encourage students to make 14. Look up the definition online with the SmartBoard for the class to see. Discuss the correct predictions of word meanings and definition and its functionality examples. 15. Give the students 1-2 minutes to copy the definition and examples onto their notecards *Notes for instruction Definition: the selection of a person for a job Recognizing adherence/lack of adherence to rules Encourage participation and Examples/Applicationdiscussion to keep everyone -know when important elections are so you can vote involved. Remind students that -chance to give your vote/opinion they will be assessed on these words in a couple of days Sentence- The presidential election was last night. Communicating high expectations for all students Say, It is important to know these words, especially as an Assessment Assessment will be given after 10 vocabulary words have been taught, or when the coop teacher sees fit. Closure

Kim Rysemus adult, if you want a job and live on your own. Maintaining high level of student engagement Provide enough time to let students make predictions, discuss, copy the definition, and ask questions Give students the opportunity to ask any questions they may have to clarify the word, Election. Plans for individualizing:

Kim Rysemus Thursday, December 8, 2011 2nd Hour: Reading, Functional Vocabulary

Considerations List techniques and strategies to be used in addressing each considerations across the lesson activities

Daily Plan Introducing New Content: (functional vocabulary word of the day)

Big Idea Teach a functional vocabulary word (Political Party) that will be applied on an assessment later in instruction. Students should be able to define the word and apply it to real-life or provide examples. Communicating lesson objectives: Getting Learner Focused Learning a functional word that is Present real-life examples of Political Party and how it will be useful in their lives. Show online used and relevant to everyday examples and visuals if applicable. life; a word that is seen on signs, Presentation Outline job related, domestic related, etc. 16. Give each student a notecard to write down the word and its definition 17. Pull up SmartBoard, write Political Party on the SmartBoard for the class to see Establishing/maintaining 18. Give the students 1-2 minutes to guess the meaning and discuss with each other the positive relationships: definition Encourage students to make 19. Look up the definition online with the SmartBoard for the class to see. Discuss the correct predictions of word meanings and definition and its functionality examples. 20. Give the students 1-2 minutes to copy the definition and examples onto their notecards *Notes for instruction Definition: a group of people with the same political beliefs Recognizing adherence/lack of adherence to rules Encourage participation and Examples/Applicationdiscussion to keep everyone -know which party you agree with involved. Remind students that they will be assessed on these Sentence- President Obama belongs to the Democratic political party words in a couple of days Assessment Communicating high Assessment will be given after 10 vocabulary words have been taught, or when the coop teacher expectations for all students sees fit. Say, It is important to know Closure these words, especially as an Give students the opportunity to ask any questions they may have to clarify the word, Political

Kim Rysemus adult, if you want a job and live on your own. Maintaining high level of student engagement Provide enough time to let students make predictions, discuss, copy the definition, and ask questions Party. Plans for individualizing:

Kim Rysemus Friday, December 9, 2011 2nd Hour: Reading, Functional Vocabulary

Considerations List techniques and strategies to be used in addressing each considerations across the lesson activities

Daily Plan Introducing New Content: (functional vocabulary word of the day)

Big Idea Teach a functional vocabulary word (Customer Service) that will be applied on an assessment later in instruction. Students should be able to define the word and apply it to real-life or provide examples. Communicating lesson objectives: Getting Learner Focused Learning a functional word that is Present real-life examples of Customer Service and how it will be useful in their lives. Show used and relevant to everyday online examples and visuals if applicable. life; a word that is seen on signs, Presentation Outline job related, domestic related, etc. 21. Give each student a notecard to write down the word and its definition 22. Pull up SmartBoard, write Customer Service on the SmartBoard for the class to see Establishing/maintaining 23. Give the students 1-2 minutes to guess the meaning and discuss with each other the positive relationships: definition Encourage students to make 24. Look up the definition online with the SmartBoard for the class to see. Discuss the correct predictions of word meanings and definition and its functionality examples. 25. Give the students 1-2 minutes to copy the definition and examples onto their notecards *Notes for instruction Definition: services provided before, during, and after making a purchase Recognizing adherence/lack of adherence to rules Encourage participation and Examples/Applicationdiscussion to keep everyone -know how to contact/find customer service involved. Remind students that -know what services are offered; returns, exchanges, maintenance they will be assessed on these words in a couple of days Sentence- The customer service at Wal-Mart helped me exchange the shirt I bought for a new size. Communicating high expectations for all students Assessment Say, It is important to know Assessment will be given after 10 vocabulary words have been taught, or when the coop teacher these words, especially as an sees fit.

Kim Rysemus adult, if you want a job and live on your own. Maintaining high level of student engagement Provide enough time to let students make predictions, discuss, copy the definition, and ask questions Closure Give students the opportunity to ask any questions they may have to clarify the word, Customer Service. Plans for individualizing:

Kim Rysemus Monday, December 5, 2011 2nd Hour: Reading, Functional Vocabulary

Considerations List techniques and strategies to be used in addressing each considerations across the lesson activities

Daily Plan Introducing New Content: (functional vocabulary word of the day)

Big Idea Teach a functional vocabulary word (Credit Limit) that will be applied on an assessment later in instruction. Students should be able to define the word and apply it to real-life or provide examples. Communicating lesson objectives: Getting Learner Focused Learning a functional word that is Present real-life examples of Credit Limit and how it will be useful in their lives. Show online used and relevant to everyday examples and visuals if applicable. life; a word that is seen on signs, Presentation Outline job related, domestic related, etc. 26. Give each student a notecard to write down the word and its definition 27. Pull up SmartBoard, write Credit Limit on the SmartBoard for the class to see Establishing/maintaining 28. Give the students 1-2 minutes to guess the meaning and discuss with each other the positive relationships: definition Encourage students to make 29. Look up the definition online with the SmartBoard for the class to see. Discuss the correct predictions of word meanings and definition and its functionality examples. 30. Give the students 1-2 minutes to copy the definition and examples onto their notecards *Notes for instruction Definition: the maximum amount of money you can spend on a credit card Recognizing adherence/lack of adherence to rules Encourage participation and Examples/Applicationdiscussion to keep everyone -$5,000 limit, $10,000, etc. involved. Remind students that -however much you can afford to eventually payback at the end of the month they will be assessed on these words in a couple of days Where to findCredit limits are found on credit cards and on bank loans Communicating high Significanceexpectations for all students -you do not want a credit card with a limit that is more than you can afford Say, It is important to know -know your budget and get a credit card that fits within that budget these words, especially as an

Kim Rysemus adult, if you want a job and live on your own. Maintaining high level of student engagement Provide enough time to let students make predictions, discuss, copy the definition, and ask questions -having a reasonable credit limit will keep you out of debt Assessment Assessment will be given after 10 vocabulary words have been taught, or when the coop teacher sees fit. Closure Give students the opportunity to ask any questions they may have to clarify the word, Credit Limit. Plans for individualizing:

Kim Rysemus Monday-Friday, December 5-9, 2011 2nd Hour: Reading

Considerations List techniques and strategies to be used in addressing each considerations across the lesson activities

Daily Plan Practicing Skills/Deepening Knowledge: (Goodmans Five-Star Stories: Travels, 3-7)

Activities in sequence o Read aloud the introduction to the lesson to the class o Highlight key ideas and important notes, have student do the same o Read the story aloud as a class, allow students to take turns reading aloud Communicating lesson objectives: o Periodically stop throughout the reading to highlight key ideas, have students do the same Highlight important ideas to focus o Summarize/recap the reading passage as a class students attention and help o Give students time to answer comprehension questions independently comprehension o Check answers as students finish Procedures to prevent errors and plans for consequences (reinforcement & error correction) o Keep students awake and participating, tapping them on the shoulder if necessary Establishing/maintaining positive relationships: o Give each student individual instruction, check work and answers Praise students for reading aloud; Closure provide encouragement to Allow cooperating teacher to close the lesson for the day participate Plans for individualizing Recognizing adherence/lack of adherence to rules If students become frustrated or uninterested, provide individual instruction; go back in the reading with the student, point out highlighted ideas to help find the answer Communicating high expectations for all students Remind students of the importance of reading to find

Kim Rysemus main ideas and make inferences Maintaining high level of student engagement Say, Great job on (insert specific skill performed correctly)!" Provide individual attention to each student.


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