Control Structures

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Section 4.

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4.2 Control Structures in Matlab

In this section we will discuss the control structures oered by the Matlab programming language that allow us to add more levels of complexity to the simple programs we have written thus far. Without further ado and fanfare, lets begin.

If evaluates a logical expression and executes a block of statements based on whether the logical expressions evaluates to true (logical 1) or false (logical 0). The basic structure is as follows. if logical_expression statements end If the logical_expression evaluates as true (logical 1), then the block of statements that follow if logical_expression are executed, otherwise the statements are skipped and program control is transferred to the rst statement that follows end. Lets look at an example of this control structures use. Matlabs rem(a,b) returns the remainder when a is divided by b. Thus, if a is an even integer, then rem(a,2) will equal zero. What follows is a short program to test if an integer is even. Open the Matlab editor, enter the following script, then save the le as evenodd.m. n = input(Enter an integer: ); if (rem(n,2)==0) fprintf(The integer %d is even.\n, n) end Return to the command window and run the script by entering evenodd at the Matlab prompt. Matlab responds by asking you to enter an integer. As a response, enter the integer 12 and press Enter.

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>> evenodd Enter an integer: 12 The integer 12 is even. Run the program again. When prompted, enter the nonnegative integer 17 and press Enter. >> evenodd Enter an integer: 17 There is no response in this case, because our program provides no alternative if the input is odd. Besides the new conditional control structure, we have two new commands that warrant attention. 1. Matlabs input command, when used in the form n = input(Enter an integer: ), will display the string as a prompt and wait for the user to enter a number and hit Enter on the keyboard, whereupon it stores the number input by the user in the variable n. 2. The command fprintf is used to print formatted data to a le. The default syntax is fprintf(FID,FORMAT,A,...). i. The argument FID is a le identier. If no le identier is present, then fprintf prints to the screen. ii. The argument FORMAT is a format string, which may contain contain conversion specications from the C programming language. In the evenodd.m script, %d is conversion specication which will format the rst argument following the format string as a signed decimal number. Note the \n at the end of the format string. This is a newline character, which creates a new line after printing the format string to the screen. iii. The format string can be followed by zero or more arguments, which will be substituted in sequence for the C-language conversion specications in the format string.

We can provide an alternative if the logical_expression evaluates as false. The basic structure is as follows.

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if logical_expression statements else statments end In this form, if the logical_expression evaluates as true (logical 1), the block of statements between if and else are executed. If the logical_expression evaluates as false (logical 0), then the block of statements between else and end are executed. We can provide an alternative to our evenodd.m script. Add the following lines to the script and resave as evenodd.m. n = input(Enter an integer: ); if (rem(n,2)==0) fprintf(The integer %d is even.\n, n) else fprintf(The integer %d is odd.\n, n) end Run the program, enter 17, and note that we now have a dierent response. >> evenodd Enter an integer: 17 The integer 17 is odd. Because the logical expression rem(n,2)==0 evaluates as false when n = 17, the fprintf command that lies between else and end is executed, informing us that the input is an odd integer.

Sometimes we need to add more than one alternative. For this, we have the following structure.

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if logical_expression1 statements elseif logical_expression2 statements else statements end Program ow is as follows. 1. If logical_expression1 evaluates as true, then the block of statements between if and elseif are executed. 2. If logical_expression1 evaluates as false, then program control is passed to elseif. At that point, if logical_expression2 evaluates as true, then the block of statements between elseif and else are executed. If the logical expression logical_expression2 evaluates as false, then the block of statments between else and end are executed. You can have more than one elseif in this control structure, depending on need. As an example of use, consider a program that asks a user to make a choice from a menu, then reacts accordingly. First, ask for input, then set up a menu of choices with the following commands. a=input(Enter a number a: ); b=input(Enter a number b: ); fprintf(\n) fprintf(1) Add a and b.\n) fprintf(2) Subtract b from a.\n) fprintf(3) Multiply a and b.\n) fprintf(4) Divide a by b.\n) fprintf(\n) n=input(Enter your choice: ); Now, execute the appropriate choice based on the users menu selection.

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if n==1 fprintf(The elseif n==2 fprintf(The elseif n==3 fprintf(The elseif n==4 fprintf(The else fprintf(Not end

sum of %0.2f and %0.2f is %0.2f.\n,a,b,a+b) difference of %0.2f and %.2f is %.2f.\n,a,b,a-b) product of %.2f and %.2f is %.2f.\n,a,b,a*b) quotient of %.2f and %.2f is %.2f.\n,a,b,a/b) a valid choice.\n)

Save this script as mymenu.m, then execute the command mymenu at the command window prompt. You will be prompted to enter two numbers a and b. As shown, we entered 15.637 for a and 28.4 for b. The program presents a menu of choices and prompts us for a choice. Enter a number a: 15.637 Enter a number b: 28.4 1). 2). 3). 4). Add a and b. Subtract b from a. Multiply a and b. Divide a by b.

Enter your choice: We enter 1 as our choice and the program responds by adding the values of a and b. Enter your choice: 1 The sum of 15.64 and 28.40 is 44.04. Some comments are in order. 1. Note that after several elseif statments, we still list an else command to catch invalid entries for n. The choice for n should match a menu designation, either 1, 2, 3, or 4, but any other choice for n causes the statement following else to

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be executed. This is a good programming practice, having a sort of otherwise block as a catchall for unexpected responses by the user. 2. We use the conversion specication %0.2f in this example, which outputs a number in xed point format with two decimal places. Note that this results in rounding in the output of numbers with more than two decimal places.

Switch, Case, and Otherwise

As the number of elseif entries in a conditional control structure increases, the code becomes harder to understand. Matlab provides a much simpler control construct designed for this situation. switch expression case value1 statements case value2 statements ... otherwise statements end The expression can be a scalar or string. Switch works by comparing the input expression to each case value. It executes the statements following the rst match it nds, then transfers control to the line following the end. If switch nds no match, it executes the statment block following the otherwise statement. Lets create a second script having the same menu building code. a=input(Enter a number a: ); b=input(Enter a number b: ); fprintf(\n) fprintf(1) Add a and b.\n) fprintf(2) Subtract b from a.\n) fprintf(3) Multiply a and b.\n) fprintf(4) Divide a by b.\n) fprintf(\n) n=input(Enter your choice: ); fprintf(\n)

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However, instead of using an if ...elseif...else...end control structure to select a block of statments to execute based on the users choice of menu item, we will implement a switch structure instead. switch n case 1 fprintf(The case 2 fprintf(The case 3 fprintf(The case 4 fprintf(The otherwise fprintf(Not end

sum of %.2f and %.2f is %.2f.\n,a,b,a+b) difference of %.2f and %.2f is %.2f.\n,a,b,a-b) product of %.2f and %.2f is %.2f.\n,a,b,a*b) quotient of %.2f and %.2f is %.2f.\n,a,b,a/b) a valid choice.\n)

Save the script as mymenuswitch.m, change to the command window, and enter and execute the command mymenuswitch at the command prompt. Note that the behavior of the program mymenuswitch is identical to that of mymenu. Enter a number a: 15.637 Enter a number b: 28.4 1) 2) 3) 4) Add a and b. Subtract b from a. Multiply a and b. Divide a by b.

Enter your choice: 1 The sum of 15.64 and 28.40 is 44.04. If the user enters an invalid choice, note how control is passed to the statment following otherwise.

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Enter a number a: 15.637 Enter a number b: 28.4 1) 2) 3) 4) Add a and b. Subtract b from a. Multiply a and b. Divide a by b.

Enter your choice: 5 Not a valid choice.

A for loop is a control structure that is designed to execute a block of statements a predetermined number of times. Here is its general use syntax. for index=start:increment:finish statements end As an example, we display the squares of every other integer from 5 to 13, inclusive. for k=5:2:13 fprintf(The square of %d is %d.\n, k, k^2) end The output of this simple loop follows. The The The The The square square square square square of of of of of 5 is 25. 7 is 49. 9 is 81. 11 is 121. 13 is 169.

Another looping construct is Matlabs while structure whos basic syntax follows.

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while expression statements end The while loop executes its block of statements as long as the logical controlling expresssion evaluates as true (logical 1). For example, we can duplicate the output of the previous for loop with the following while loop. k=5; while k<=13 fprintf(The square of %d is %d.\n, k, k^2) k=k+2; end When using while, it is not dicult to fall into a trap of programming a loop that iterates indenitely. In the example above, the loop will iterate as long a k<=13, so it is imperative that we increment the value of k in the interior of the loop, as we do with the command k=k+2. This command adds 2 to the current value of k, then replaces k with this incremented value. Thus, the rst time through the loop, k = 5, the second time through the loop, k = 7, etc. When k is no longer less than or equal to 13, the loop terminates. The simple use of for and while loops to generate the squares of every other integer from 5 to 13 can be accomplished just as easily with array operations. k=5:2:13; A=[k; k.^2]; fprintf(The square of %d is %d.\n, A) The use of fprintf in this example warrants some explanation. First, the command A=[k; k.^2] generates a matrix with two rows, the rst row holding the values of k, the second the squares of k. A = 5 25 7 49 9 81 11 121 13 169

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Again, with roots deeply planted in Fortran, Matlab enters the entries of matrix A in columnwise fashion. The following command will print all entries in the matrix A. >> A(:) ans = 5 25 7 49 9 81 11 121 13 169 It is important to note the order in which the entries were extracted from the matrix A, that is, the entries from the rst column, followed by the entries from the second column, etc, until all of the entries of matrix A are on display. This is precisely the order in which the fprintf command picks o the entries of matrix A in our example above. The rst time through the loop, fprintf replaces the two occurrences of %d in its format string with 5 and 25. The second time through the loop, the two occurrences of %d are replaced with 7 and 49, and so on, until the loop terminates. For additional help on fprintf, type doc fprintf at the Matlab command prompt. Although a good introductory example of using loops, producing the squares of integers is not a very interesting task. Lets look at a more interesting example of the use of for and while loops. Example 1. For a number of years, a number of leading mathematicicans believed that the innite series

1 1 1 1 2 = 1 + 22 + 32 + 42 + k


converged to a nite sum, but none of them could determine what that sum was. Until 1795, that is, when Leonhard Euler produced the suprising result that the sum of the series equaled 2 /6. Use a for loop to sum the rst twenty terms of the series and compare this partial sum with 2 /6 (compute the relative

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error). Secondly, write a while loop that will determine how many terms must be summed to produce an approximation of pi2 /6 that is correct to 4 signicant digits. We wish to sum the rst 20 terms, so we begin by setting n = 20. We will store the running sum in the variable s, which we initialize to zero. A for loop is used to track the running sum. On each pass of the for loop, the sum is updated with the command s=s+1/k^2, which takes the previous value of the running sum stored in s, adds the value of the next term in the series, and stores the result back in s. n=20; s=0; for k=1:n s=s+1/k^2; end The true sum of the series in 2 /6. Hence, we compute the relative error with the following statement. rel=abs(s-pi^2/6)/abs(pi^2/6); We can then use fprintf to report the results. fprintf(The sum of the first %d terms is %f.\n, n, s) fprintf(The relative error is %e.\n, rel) You should obtain the following results. The sum of the first 20 terms is 1.596163. The relative error is 2.964911e-02. Note that the relative error is less than 5 102 , so our approximation of 2 /6 (using the rst 20 terms of the series) contains only 2 signicant digits. The next question asks how many terms must be summed to produce and approximation of 2 /6 correct to 4 signicant digits. Thus, the relative error in the approximation must be less than 5 104 .

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We start by setting tol=5e-4. The intent is to loop until the relative error is less than this tolerance, which signies that we have 4 signicant digits in our approximation of 2 /6 using the innite series. The variable s will again contain the running sum and we again initialize the running sum to zero. The variable k contains the term number, so we initialize k to 1. We next initialize rel_error to 1 so that we enter the while loop at least once. tol=5e-4; s=0; k=1; rel_error=1; Each pass through the loop, we do three things: 1. We update the running sum by adding the next term in the series to the previous running sum. This is accomplished with the statement s=s+1/k^2. 2. We increment the term number by 1, using the statement k=k+1 for this purpose. 3. We calculate the current relative error. We continue to loop while the relative error is greater than or equal to the tolerance. while rel_error>=tol s=s+1/k^2; k=k+1; rel_error=abs(s-pi^2/6)/abs(pi^2/6); end When the loop is completed, we use fprintf to output results. fprintf(The actual value of pi^2/6 is %f.\n, pi^2/6) fprintf(The sum of the first %d terms is %f.\n, k, s) fprintf(The relative error is %f.\n, rel_error) The results follow.

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The actual value of pi^2/6 is 1.644934. The sum of the first 1217 terms is 1.644112. The relative error is 0.000500. Note that we have agreement in approximately 4 signicant digits. This example demonstrates when we should use a for loop and when a while loop is more appropriate. We oer the following advice. What type of loop should I use? When you know in advance the precise number of times the loop should interate, use a for loop. On the other hand, if you have no predetermined knowledge of how many times you will need the loop to execute, use a while loop.

For k = A
Matlab also supports a type of for loop whose block of statements are executed for each column in a matrix A. The syntax is as follows. for k = A statements end In this construct, the columns of matrix A are stored one at a time in the variable k while the following statments, up to the end, are executed. For example, enter the matrix A. >> A=[1 2;3 4] A = 1 2 3 4 Now, enter and exercute the following loop.

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>> for k=A, k, end k = 1 3 k = 2 4 Note that k is assigned a column of matrix A at each iteration of the loop. This column assignment does not contradict the use we have already investigated, i.e., for k=start:increment:finish. In this case, the Matlab construct start:increment:finish creates a row vector and k is assigned a new column of the row vector at each iteration. Of course, this means that k is assigned a new element of the row vector at each iteration. As an example of use, lets plot the family of functions dened by the equation y = 2Ctet ,


where C is one of a number of specic constants. The following code produces the family of curves shown in Figure 4.1. At each iteration of the loop, C is assigned the next value in the row vector [-5,-3,-1,0,1,3,5]. t=linspace(-4,4,200); for C=[-5,-3,-1,0,1,3,5] y=-2*C*t.*exp(-t.^2); line(t,y) end

Break and Continue

There are two sitautions that frequently occur when writing loops. 1. If a certain state is achieved, the programmer wishes to terminate the loop and pass control to the code that follows the end of the loop. 2. The programmer doesnt want to exit the loop, but does want to pass control to the next iteration of the loop, thereby skipping any remaining code that remains in the loop. As an example of the rst situation, consider the following snippet of code. Matlabs break command will cause the loop to terminate if a prime is found in the loop index k.

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Figure 4.1. A family of curves for C = 5, 3, 1, 0, 1, 3, and 5. for k=[4,8,12,15,17,19,21,24] if isprime(k) fprintf(Prime found, %d, exiting loop.\n,k) break end fprintf(Current value of index k is: %d\n,k) end Note that the output lists each value of k until a prime is found. The fprinft command issues a warning message and the break command terminates the loop. Current value of Current value of Current value of Current value of Prime found, 17, index k index k index k index k exiting is: 4 is: 8 is: 12 is: 15 loop.

In this next code snippet, we want to print the multiples of three that are less than or equal to 20. At each iteration of the while loop, Matlab checks to see if k is divisible by 3. If not, it increments the counter k, then the continue statment

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that follows skips the remaining statements in the loop, and returns control to the next iteration of the loop. N=20; k=1; while k<=N if mod(k,3)~=0 k=k+1; continue end fprintf(Multiple of 3: %d\n,k) k=k+1; end If a multiple of 3 is found, fprintf is used to output the result in a nicely formatted statement. Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple of of of of of of 3: 3: 3: 3: 3: 3: 3 6 9 12 15 18

Any and All

The command any returns true if any element of a vector is a nonzero number or is logical 1 (true). >> v=[0 0 1 0 1]; any(v) ans = 1 On the other hand, any returns false if non of the elements of a vector are nonzero numbers or logical 1s.

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>> v=[0 0 0 0]; any(v) ans = 0 The command all returns true if all of the elements of a vector are nonzero numbers or are logical 1s (true). >> v=[1 1 1 1]; all(v) ans = 1 On the other hand, all returns false if the vector contains any zeros or logical 0s. >> v=[1 0 1 1 1]; all(v) ans = 0 The any and all command can be quite useful in programs. Suppose for example, that you want to pick out all the numbers from 1 to 2000 that are multiples of 8, 12, and 15. Heres a code snippet that will perform this task. Each time through the loop, we use the mod function to determine the remainder when the current value of k is divided by the numbers in divisors. If all remainders are equal to zero, then k is divisible by each of the numbers in divisors and we append k to a list of multiples of 8, 12, and 15. N=2000; divisors=[8,12,15]; multiples=[]; for k=1:N if all(mod(k,divisors)==0) multiples=[multiples,k]; end end fmt=%5d %5d %5d %5d %5d\n; fprintf(fmt,multiples)

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The resulting output follows. 120 720 1320 1920 240 840 1440 360 960 1560 480 1080 1680 600 1200 1800

Vectorizing the Code. In this case we can avoid loops altogether by using logical indexing. k=1:2000; b=(mod(k,8)==0) & (mod(k,12)==0) & (mod(k,15)==0); fmt=%5d %5d %5d %5d %5d\n; fprintf(fmt,k(b)) The reader should check that this code snippet produces the same result, i.e., all multiples of 8, 12, and 15 from 1 to 2000.

Nested Loops
Its possible to nest one loop inside another. You can nest a second for loop inside a primary for loop, or you can nest a for loop inside a while loop. Other combinations are also possible. Lets look at some situations where this is useful. Example 2. A Hilbert Matrix H is an n n matrix dened by H(i, j) = 1 , i+j1 (4.3)

where 1 i, j n. Set up nested for loops to construct a Hilbert Matrix of order n = 5. We could create this Hilbert Matrix using hand calculations. For example, the entry in row 3 column 2 is H(3, 2) = 1 1 = . 3+21 4

These calculations are not dicult, but for large order matrices, they would be tedious. Lets let Matlab do the work for us.

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n=5; H=zeros(n); Now, doubly nested for loops achieve the desired result. for i=1:n for j=1:n H(i,j)=1/(i+j-1); end end Set rational display format, display the matrix H, then set the format back to default. format rat H format The result is shown in the following Hilbert Matrix of order 5. H = 1 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/9

Note that the entry is row 3 column 2 is 1/4, as predicted by our hand calculations above. Similar hand calculations can be used to verify other entries in this result. How does it work? Because n = 5, the primary loop becomes for i=1:5. Similarly, the inner loop becomes for j=1:5. Now, here is the way the nested structure proceeds. First, set i = 1, then execute the statement H(i,j)=1/(i+j1) for j = 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. With this rst pass, we set the entries H(1, 1), H(1, 2), H(1, 3), H(1, 4), and H(1, 5). The inner loop terminates and control returns to the primary loop, where the program next sets i = 2 and again executes the statement H(i,j)=1/(i+j-1) for j = 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. With this second pass, we set the entries H(2, 1), H(2, 2), H(2, 3), H(2, 4), and H(2, 5). A third and fourth

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pass of the primary loop occur next, with i = 3 and 4, each time iterating the inner loop for j = 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Finally, on the last pass through the primary, the program sets i = 5, then executes the statement H(i,j)=1/(i+j-1) for j = 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. On this last pass, the program sets the entries H(5, 1), H(5, 2), H(5, 3), H(5, 4), and H(5, 5) and terminates.

Fourier Series An Application of a For Loop

Matlabs mod(a,b) works equally well with real numbers, providing the remainder when a is divided by b. For example, if you divide 5.7 by 2, the quotient is 2 and the remainder is 1.7. The command mod(5.7,2) should return the remainder, namely 1.7. >> mod(5.7,2) ans = 1.7000 The following commands produce what engineers call a sawtooth curve, shown in Figure 4.2(a). t=linspace(0,6,500); y=mod(t,2); plot(t,y) In Figure 4.2(a), we plot the remainders when the time is divided by 2. Hence, we get the a periodic function of period 2, where the remainders grow from 0 to just less than 2, then repeat every 2 units. With the following adjustment, we produce what engineers call a square wave (shown in Figure 4.2(b)). Recall that y<1 returns true (logical 1) when y is less than 1, and false (logical 0) when y is not less than 1. y=(y<1); plot(t,y,*) This type of curve can emulate a switch that is on for one second (y-value 1), then o for the next second (y-value 0), and then periodically repeats this on-o cycle over its domain.

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Figure 4.2. Generating a square wave with mod. Lets make one last adjustment, increasing the amplitude by 2, then shifting the graph downward 1 unit. This produces the square wave shown in Figure 4.3. y=2*y-1; plot(t,y,*)

Figure 4.3. A square wave with period 2. Note that this square waves alternates between the values 1 and 1. The curve equals 1 on the rst half of its period, then 1 on its second half. This pattern then repeats with period 2 over the remainder of its domain. Fourier Series. Using advanced mathematics, it can be shown that the following Fourier Series converges to the square wave pictured in Figure 4.3

4 sin(2n + 1)t (2n + 1)


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It is certain remarkable, if not somewhat implausible, that one can sum a series of sinusoidal function and get the resulting square wave picture in Figure 4.3. We will generate and plot the rst ve terms of the series (4.4), saving each term in a row of matrix A for later use. First, we initialize the time and the number of terms of the series that we will use, then we allocate appropriate space for matrix A. Note how we wisely save the number of points and the number of terms in variables, so that if we later decide to change these values, we wont have to scan every line of our program making changes. N=500; numterms=5; t=linspace(0,6,N); A=zeros(numterms,N); Next, we use a for loop to compute each of the rst 5 terms (numterms) of series (4.4), storing each term in a row of matrix A, then plotting the sinusoid in three space, where we use the angular frequency as the third dimension. for n=0:numterms-1 y=4/((2*n+1)*pi)*sin((2*n+1)*pi*t); A(n+1,:)=y; line((2*n+1)*pi*ones(size(t)),t,y) end We orient the 3D-view, add a box for depth, turn on the grid, and annotate each axis to produce the image shown in Figure 4.4(a). view(20,20) box on grid on xlabel(Angular Frequency) ylabel(t-axis) zlabel(y-axis) As one would expect, after examining the terms of series (4.4), each each consecutive term of the series is a sinusoid with increasing angular frequency and decreasing amplitude. This is evident with the sequence of terms shown in Figure 4.4(a).

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However, a truly remarkable result occurs when we add the sinusoids in Figure 4.4(a). This is easy to do because we saved each individual term in a row of matrix A. Matlabs sum command will sum the columns of matrix A, eectively summing the rst ve terms of series (4.4) at each instant of time t. figure plot(t,sum(A)) We tighten the axes, add a grid, then annotate each axis. This produces the image in Figure 4.4(b). Note the striking similarity to the square wave in Figure 4.3. axis tight grid on xlabel(t-axis) ylabel(y-axis)



Figure 4.4. Approximating a square wave with a Fourier series (5 terms). Because we smartly stored the number of terms in the variable numterms, to see the eect of adding the rst 10 terms of the fourier series (4.4) is a simple matter of changing numterms=5 to numterms=10 and running the program again. The ouptut is shown in Figures 4.5(a) and (b). In Figure 4.5(b), note the even closer resemblance to the square wave in Figure 4.3, except at the ends, where the ringing exhibited there is known as Gibbs Phenomenon. If you one

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day get a chance to take a good upper-division dierential equations course, you will study Fourier series in more depth.



Figure 4.5. Adding additional terms of the Fourier series (4.4).

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4.2 Exercises
1. Write a for loop that will output the cubes of the rst 10 positive integers. Use fprintf to output the results, which should include the integer and its cube. Write a second program that uses a while loop to produce an indentical result. 2. Without appealing to the Matlab command factorial, write a for loop to output the factorial of the numbers 10 through 15. Use fprintf to format the output. Write a second program that uses a while loop to produce an indentical result. Hint: Consider the prod command. 3. Write a single program that will count the number of divisors of each of the following integers: 20, 36, 84, and 96. Use fprintf to output each result in a form similar to The number of divisors of 12 is 6. 4. Set A=magic(5). Write a program that uses nested for loops to nd the sum of the squares of all entries of matrix A. Use fprintf to format the output. Write a second program that uses array operations and Matlabs sum function to obtain the same result. hard Euler shows that 4 1 1 1 = 1 + 4 + 4 + 4 + . 90 2 3 4 Write a program that uses a for loop to sum the rst 20 terms of this series. Compute the relative error when this sum is used as an approximation of 4 /90. Write a second program that uses a while loop to determine the number of terms required so that the sum approximates 4 /90 to four signicant digits. In both programs, use fprintf to format your output. 7. Some attribute the following series to Leibniz. 1 1 1 1 = 1 + + 4 3 5 7 9 Write a program that uses a for loop to sum the rst 20 terms of this series. Compute the relative error when this sum is used as an approximation of /4. Write a second program that uses a while loop to determine the number of terms required so that the sum approximates /4 to four significant digits. In both programs, use fprintf to format your output.

8. Goldbachs Conjecture is one of the most famous unproved conjectures 5. Write a program that uses nested in all of mathematics, which is remarkfor loops to produce Pythagorean Triples, able in light of its simplistic statement: positive integers a, b and c that satisfy All even integers greater than a2 +b2 = c2 . Find all such triples such 2 can be expressed as a sum that 1 a, b, c 20 and use fprintf of two prime integers. Write to produce nicely formatted results. a program that expresses 1202 as the sum of two primes in ten 6. Another result proved by Leon-

324 Chapter 4

Programming in Matlab nd integers a and b (in two ways) so that a3 + b3 = 1729. Use fprintf to format the output of your program. 11. Write a program to perform each of the following tasks. i. Use Matlab to draw a circle of radius 1 centered at the origin and inscribed in a square having vertices (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 1), and (1, 1). The ratio of the area of the circle to the area of the square is : 4 or /4. Hence, if we were to throw darts at the square in a rondom fashion, the ratio of darts inside the circle to the number of darts thrown should be approximately equal to /4. ii. Write a for loop that will plot 1000 randomly generated points inside the square. Use Matlabs rand command for this task. Each time random point lands within the unit circle, increment a counter hits. When the for loop terminates, use fprintf to output the ratio darts that land inside the circle to the number of darts thrown. Calculate the relative error in approximating pi/4 with this ratio. 12. Write a program to perform each of the following tasks. i. Prompt the user to enter a 3 4 matrix. Store the result in the matrix A. ii. Use if..elseif..else to provide a menu with three choices: (1) Switch two rows of the matrix; (2) Multiply a row of the matrix by a scalar; and (3) Subtract a scalar multiple of a

dierent ways. Use fprintf to format your output. 9. Here is a simple idea for generating a list of prime integers. Create a vector primes with a single entry, the prime integer 2. Write a program to test each integer less than 100 to see if it is a prime using the following procedure. i. If an integer is divisible by any of the integers in primes, skip it and go to the next integer. ii. If an integer is not divisible by any of the integers in primes, append the integer to the vector primes and go to the next integer. Use fprintf to output the vector primes in ve columns, right justied. 10. There is a famous stoy about Sir Thomas Hardy and Srinivasa Ramanujan, which Hardy relates in his famous work A Mathematicians Apology, a copy of which resides in the CR library along with the work The Man Who Knew Innity: A Life of the Genius Ramanujan. I remember once going to see him when he was ill at Putney. I had ridden in taxi cab number 1729 and remarked that the number seemed to me rather a dull one, and that I hoped it was not an unfavorable omen. No, he replied, it is a very interesting number; it is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two cubes in two dierent ways. Write a program with nested loops to

Section 4.2

Control Structures in Matlab 325 termine and output the number of solutions. iii. The program should also output the solutions, if any. Use well crafted format strings with fprintf to output all results. 14. Plot the modied sawtooth curve. N=500; t=linspace(0,6*pi,N); y=mod(t+pi,2*pi)-pi; line(t,y) It can be shown that the Fourier series

row from another row of the matrix. iii. Perform the task in the requested menu item, then return the resulting matrix to the user. a. In the case of (1), your program should prompt the user for the rows to switch. b. In the case of (2), your program should prompt the user for a scalar and a row that will be multiplied by the scalar. c. In the case of (3), your program should prompt the user for a scalar and two row numbers, the rst of which is to be multiplied by the scalar and subtracted from the second. 13. The solutions of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 are given by the quadratic formula b b2 4ac . x= 2a The discriminant D = is used to predict the number of roots. There are three cases. 1. If D > 0, there are two real solutions. 2. If D = 0, there is one real solution. 3. If D < 0, there are no real solutions. Write a program the performs each of the following tasks. i. The program prompts the user to input a, b, and c. ii. The programs computes the discriminant D which it uses with the conditional if..elseif..else to deb2 4ac


2(1)n+1 sin nx n

converges to the sawtooth curve. Perform each of the following tasks. i. Sketch each of the individual terms in 3-space, as shown in the narrative. ii. Sketch the sawtooth, hold the graph, then sum the rst ve terms of the series and superimpose the plot of the result. 15. Logical arrays are helpful when it comes to drawing piecewise functions. For example, consider the piecewise denition f (x) = 0, if x < 0 x, if 0 x .

Enter the following to plot the piecewise function f .

326 Chapter 4

Programming in Matlab

N=500; x=linspace(-pi,pi,N); y=0*(x<0)+(pi-x).*(x>=0); plot(x,y,.) A Fourier series representation of the function f is given by a0 + 2

[an cos nx + bn sin nx] ,


where a0 = /2, and an = 1 cos n n2 and bn = 1 . n

Hold the plot of f , then superimpose the Fourier series sum for n = 1 to n = 5. Hint: This is a nice place for anonymous functions, for example, set: b = @(n) 1/n;

Section 4.2

Control Structures in Matlab 327

4.2 Answers

1. This for loop will print the cubes of the rst 10 positive integers. for k=1:10 fprintf(The cube of %d is %d.\n,k,k^3) end This while loop will print the cubes of the rst 10 positive integers. k=1; while k<=10 fprintf(The cube of %d is %d.\n,k,k^3) k=k+1; end

3. The following program will print the number of divisors of 20, 36, 84, and 96. for k=[20, 36, 84, 96] count=0; divisor=1; while (divisor<=k) if mod(k,divisor)==0 count=count+1; end divisor=divisor+1; end fprintf(The number of divisors of %d is %d.\n,k,count) end

5. This program will print Pythagorean Triples so that 1 a, b, c 20.

328 Chapter 4

Programming in Matlab

N=20; for a=1:N for b=1:N for c=1:N if (c^2==a^2+b^2) fprintf(Pythagorean Triple: %d, %d, %d\n, a, b, c) end end end end

7. The following loop will sum the rst 20 terms. N=20; s=0; for k=1:N; s=s+(-1)^(k+1)/(2*k-1); end Compute the relative error in approximating /4 with the sum of the rst 20 terms. rel=abs(s-pi/4)/abs(pi/4); Output the results. fprintf(The actual value of pi/4 is %.6f.\n,pi/4) fprintf(The sum of the first %d terms is %f.\n,N,s) fprintf(The relative error is %.2e.\n,rel)

9. The mod(m,primes)==0 comparison will produce a logical vector which contains a 1 in each position that indicates that the current number m is divisible by the number in the prime vector in the corresponding position. If any of these are 1s, then the number m is divisible by at least one of the primes in the current list primes. In that case, we continue to the next value of m. Otherwise, we append m to the list of primes.

Section 4.2

Control Structures in Matlab 329

primes=2; for m=3:100 if any(mod(m,primes)==0) continue else primes=[primes,m]; end end We create a format of 5 elds, each of width 5, then fprintf the vector primes using this format. fmt=%5d %5d %5d %5d %5d\n; The resulting list of primes is nicely formatted in 5 columns. 2 13 31 53 73 3 17 37 59 79 5 19 41 61 83 7 23 43 67 89 11 29 47 71 97

11. We open a gure window and set a lighter background color of gray. fig=figure; set(fig,Color,[0.95,0.95,0.95]) We draw a circle of radius one, increase its line width, change its color to dark red, set the axis equal, then turn the axes o. t=linspace(0,2*pi,200); x=cos(t); y=sin(t); line(x,y,LineWidth,2,Color,[0.625,0,0]) axis equal axis off

330 Chapter 4

Programming in Matlab

We draw the square in counterclockwise order of vertices, starting at the point (1, 1). In that order, we set the x- and y-values of the vertices in the vectors x and y. We then draw the square with a thickened line width and color it dark blue. x=[1,-1,-1,1,1]; y=[1,1,-1,-1,1]; line(x,y,LineWidth,2,Color,[0,0,0.625]) Next, we set the number of darts thrown at 1000. Then we plot one dart at the origin, change its linestyle to none (points will not be connected with line segements), choose a marker style, and color it dark blue. N=1000; dart=line(0,0,... LineStyle,none,... Marker,.,... Color,[0,0,0.625]); In the loop that follows, we use the handle to this initial dart to add x- and y-data (additional darts). First, we set the number of hits (darts that land inside the circle) to zero (we dont count the initial dart at (0, 0)). hits=0; for k=1:N x=2*rand-1; y=2*rand-1; set(dart,... XData,[get(dart,XData),x],... YData,[get(dart,YData),y]) %drawnow if (x^2+y^2<1) hits=hits+1; end end In the body of the loop, we choose uniform random numbers between 1 and 1 for both x and y. We then add these new x- and y-values to the XData and YData of the existing dart by using its handle dart. We do this for x by

Section 4.2

Control Structures in Matlab 331

rst getting the XData for the dart with get(dart,XData), then we append the current value of x with [get(dart,XData),x]. The set command is used to set the updated list of x-values. A similar task updates the darts y-values. At each iteration of the loop, we also increment the hits counter if the dart lies within the border of the circle, that is, if x2 + y 2 < 1. You can uncomment the drawnow command to animate the dart throwing at the expense of waiting for 1000 darts to be thrown to the screen. Finally, we output the requested data to the command window. fprintf(%d of %d darts fell inside the circle.\n,hits,N) fprintf(The ratio of hits to throws is %f\n\n,hits/N) fprintf(The ratio of the area of the circle to the area\n) fprintf(the area of the square is pi/4, or approximately %f.\n\n,pi/4) rel_err=abs(hits/N-pi/4)/abs(pi/4); fprintf(The relative error in approximating pi/4 wiht the ratio\n) fprintf(of hits to total darts thrown is %.2e.\n,rel_err)

15. We begin by using logical relations to craft the piecewise function. N=500; x=linspace(-pi,pi,N); y=0*(x<0)+(pi-x).*(x>=0); line(x,y,... LineStyle,none,... Marker,.) Next, we compose two anonymous functions for the coecients an and bn . a=@(n) (1-cos(n*pi))/(n^2*pi); b=@(n) 1/n; Note that a0 = /2, so a0 /2 = /4, which must be added to the sum of the rst ve terms of the series. Thus, well start our running sum at s = /4. The for loop then sums the rst ve terms. We use another line command to plot the result.

332 Chapter 4

Programming in Matlab

s=pi/4; N=5; for k=1:N s=s+(a(k)*cos(k*x)+b(k)*sin(k*x)); end line(x,s,LineWidth,2,Color,[0.625,0,0])

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