Egyptian antiquities organization and german archaeological institute (michael Meinecke, Philip Speiser, and Muhammad Fahmi awad) completed: 1980 0168.EGY Table of Contents 1983 Technical Review Summary (12 pages) Project Basic Fact Sheet (2 pages) 1980 Client's Architect's Record (5 pages) Nomination Forms (2 pages) Images and Drawings (38 pages) List of Visual Materials (10 pages)
Egyptian antiquities organization and german archaeological institute (michael Meinecke, Philip Speiser, and Muhammad Fahmi awad) completed: 1980 0168.EGY Table of Contents 1983 Technical Review Summary (12 pages) Project Basic Fact Sheet (2 pages) 1980 Client's Architect's Record (5 pages) Nomination Forms (2 pages) Images and Drawings (38 pages) List of Visual Materials (10 pages)
Egyptian antiquities organization and german archaeological institute (michael Meinecke, Philip Speiser, and Muhammad Fahmi awad) completed: 1980 0168.EGY Table of Contents 1983 Technical Review Summary (12 pages) Project Basic Fact Sheet (2 pages) 1980 Client's Architect's Record (5 pages) Nomination Forms (2 pages) Images and Drawings (38 pages) List of Visual Materials (10 pages)
Egyptian antiquities organization and german archaeological institute (michael Meinecke, Philip Speiser, and Muhammad Fahmi awad) completed: 1980 0168.EGY Table of Contents 1983 Technical Review Summary (12 pages) Project Basic Fact Sheet (2 pages) 1980 Client's Architect's Record (5 pages) Nomination Forms (2 pages) Images and Drawings (38 pages) List of Visual Materials (10 pages)
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The Aga Khan Award for Architecture The Aga Khan Award for Architecture
Darb Qirmiz Quarter
Cairo, Egypt Restoration: Egyptian Antiquities Organization and German Archaeological Institute (Michael Meinecke, Philip Speiser, and Muhammad Fahmi Awad) Cairo, Egypt Master Craftsmen: S.M. al-Habbal, S.H. Muhammad, and I. Abd al-Munim Cairo, Egypt Client: Egyptian Antiquities Organisation (Abd al-Tawab, Director of the Islamic Section) Cairo, Egypt Completed: 1980 0168.EGY Table of Contents 1983 Technical Review Summary (12 pages) Project Basic Fact Sheet (2 pages) Feature from the 1983 Award Book (8 pages) 1983 Clients Architects Record (2 pages) 1980 Clients Record (5 pages) Nomination Forms (2 pages) Images and Drawings (38 pages) Thumbnail Images of Scanned Slides (12 pages) List of Visual Materials (10 pages) 1983 Technical Review Restoration of the Darb Qirmiz Cairo , Egypt 1. Obj ec t ives To rehabilitate an ancient quarter in the Fatimid city of Cairo, fi rst by conse rving the seve n listed monume nts in the quart e r and ultimately by r ehabilitating all the houses in t he quarter . The buildings so far r estored are : 1. Madrasa of Sabiq a l - Din a l -Anuki , c. 770/ 1368 AD (Restored 1973-6, now a mosque) 2. Mausoleum of Shaikh Sinan, 994/ 1585- 86 (Restored 1973-6). 168. EGY . I< 3 . Sabil - Kucab of Abd al - Rahman Kathuda (Fountain below, Koranic ' school above), 11 57/1744-5 (In course of restoration since 1979) 4. of Tatar al-Higaziya, 748/ 1347- 761/ 1360 (Rest ored 1979-83, now a mosque) Also 1n course of r estoration , si nce t he beginning of 1983: 5. Palace of Bash tak al - Nasiri (completed 740/ 1339) . Ot1rb Qirmi: Quflrler, Cairo, Egypl 11. Description of Site 1. (a) Topogr aphy. The site appears flat but in fact has a gent le f all from cast to west and f rom north to south. (b) Climatic Conditions. The climate of Cairo i.s mild in winter with occasional rains. In summer it can be hot , but conditions of extreme unpleasantness are seldom experienced due to the fac t that the humidity arrives after the period of greatest heat; the peak month (or temperatures is July while the humid conditions only become severe in August and Sept ember when the temperature is already fa ll ing . 2 . Historical Background The area lies in the centre of the Fat1mid city of Cairo es tablished in the 4th/ 10th cent ury . lt over l aps and immediatel y adjoins on t he north the area of the original Faci.:mid palace, and the area of t he quarter adjoins on the west the main north-south artery of the FatLmid city. By the 8th/ 14th century, when the ear liest of the monuments in the quarter were being built the ol d building stock ' had apparently fal len into considerable disrepair (the western part of the Fatimid palace had been demolished in the previous century to allow the construction of the Qalii'un complex). The new monuments were substantially built with very thick walls of solid s t one and must have been continuously repaired using waqf funds until the French Committee took over the j ob of maintenance in Ot1rb Qirmi: Quflrler, Cairo, Egypl the 1890's. Hence it is not surprising that the monuments are still standing in the late 20th century. However , their maintenance has not been sustained at the same high level i.n the l ast 30 years and all of the monuments i n this quarter were in an advanced state of disrepai r bordering on collapse ~ h e n the German Archaeol ogical Institute chose this quarter as a pi l o t experimental project for t he conservation of the old Fat\.mid city. Haint enance of the domestic building stock cannot have been so carefully pursued, for hardly any of the domestic building is as old as the ol dest monume nts . On average most of the domestic buildings were reconstructed 1n the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. Even t hey are i n a fairly advanced state of disrepair , owing to the fact t hat many of them are waqf. properties and have not been properl y maintained in recent years. The life of the quarter has changed, partly due to t he migration of wealthier inhabi tants to other areas as the building stock deteriorated, and partly to t he decline of some crafts and trades and t heir replacement by modern ones, notabl y al uminium working and waste paper recyc 1 ing. 3. Local Architectural Character The buildings are high, on average about 15 metres. The monuments are construc t ed throughout most of t heir height of stone-faced walls with a core of poorer r ubble material. Sometimes the upper Ot1rb Qirmi: Quflrler, Cairo, Egypl l e vels of the monuments are constructed 1n brick. Roofs and fl oors are of shaped wooden beams carry ing a '-'OOden platform on which a layer of earth and clay served as the roofing material . Floors were often of patterned marble or of plain stone slabs. Domestic buildings we re built o( poorer quality materials, generally to the same heigh t . The 1.alls were of a kind of half- t imbered construction with an infilling of brick and rubble. They were often plastered and col oured in dark ochre or cream. III. Design and Cons truction 1. The Architect's Approach to the Problem The initial approach was in fact not devised by an archit ect but by an architectural historian at the German Institute, Dr Michael Meinecke. The plan was to set about the conservation of the monuments as a first step in an eventual upgrading and rehabilitation of the whole quarter. For this purpose t he German government gave t he first allocation of 100,000 DM to the Egyptian government in 1973. A very active German ambassador negotiated with the Egyptian govern- went that the Egyptians provide all the necessary expertise f r ee of charge, including the services of an architect (Muhammad - c Fahmi Awad), in order to make the maximum use of. the generous grant of the German government. The German Institute approached waster craftsmen direct and obtained competitive estimates for Ot1rb Qirmi: Quflrler, Cairo, Egypl the cootrac ts on its O\..n account. Aft e r the comp1 e ti on of the conservat ion of the first two of the monuments the German Ins t i tute decided to detail one of its own architec ts to the pr oject to handle th is rather arduous f inanc ial aspect of the work and to collaborate closely with the Egyptian a r ch iLect in t he day to day supervision of the conservat i on work (Hr Philipp Speiser). Also, the German Ins ti tute made the decision at an early stage LO pay the mas t er c raftsmen very handsomely for their work,and in t his way they have built up a very high morale among t he workmen on the project who are now both dedic ated and dependable. 2. The Work of Conservation The accompanying book published in 1980 by Dr Michael Meinecke for the German Archaeological Inst itute contains a desc r i ption of the buildings and the conservation of all the monuments in the Darb Qirmiz which have so far been restored or are in course of r estoration,except the madrasa of Tatar al-Hitaziya. The procedure for conservation of the buildings was fundamentaliy of the same type i n all the monument s so far r estored. Briefly the work includes: The r eplacement of all the stones (ashlar limestone blocks) which have become corroded t hrough rising dampness in the lower l evels of the walls; r eplacement of a ll the stone pavi ng blocks that have been similarly damaged; removing all plaster which is loose Ot1rb Qirmi: Quflrler, Cairo, Egypl or damaged by rising damp and replacing it with new plaster of the same type executed i n the traditional way; the replacement of all damaged decorative work keeping as cl osely as poss ible to t he origi na t echnique and appearance ; the 1epair or r eplacement of all damaged wood in doors, screens , and so on; the careful c l eanins down , consolidation and whe re possible r epa ir of all the original painted surfaces, especially those containing decoration or inscriptions ; the repl acing of all missing features where they can be clearly identified, and the r e pair and reconstruction of a ll the roof surfaces using the origina l materials . Some detailed remarks on particular measures t aken in each of the monuments follow ( i ) The Madrasa of Sabiq al - Din Mitqal al - Anuki . Ot1rb Qirmi: Quflrler, Cairo, Egypl The central floor of the courtyard is a re-creation of the original floor of which t he pattern was found in the Antiquities Service; there was,however,nothing left of t he original marble i n situ. The mihrab was dismantled. Everything below the l evel of the arch had to be r emade anew and for t h is purpose old marble had to be found and matched and ceramics had to be specially fired. The minbar was found in pieces and was r eassembled with the addition of new wood where necessary. The wooden screens looking into the courtyard on the upper level had been burnt, one was partly reassembled from the old pieces and the other was compl etely made (rom ne w material . One stone was found of the ori ginal cornice and from this the whol e of the cornice was replaced. In the loft of the Hadrasa the architect found one broken and disintegrated cre st which was all that \MS left of the original cresting of the monument . From this the cresting was remade and replaced. (ii) Nausoleum of Shaikh Sinan. Here the most important point was repair of the damage to the dome,which was carefully repl astered in,side and out, and the making good of the damage to one corner and to the cresting. Internally the building was cl eaned and repainted and new glass lamps were made and rehung (as was done in the other monuments ). (iii) Sab1l-Kueab of Abd al-Rahman Kathuda " Some of the most severe damage here was on the timber eaves and timber pendants at the top of the building. This was all made good and the roofs. resurfaced to make them waterproof. The paving of the Koranic school was relaid and all the surfaces were c leaned. The conservation of the build ing has not been completed because of difficulties which were experienced in duplicating the original tile work. The experimental tiles which had been produced were not felt to be of adequate quality and further experiments are being Ot1rb Qirmi: Quflrler, Cairo, Egypl unde> taken in order to obtain tiles ''Orlh/ of the origina l building. (iv) Nadrasa of Tatar al-Higaz1ya This building was in a worse condition than t he preceding three. Only fragments of the original decoration remained as most of the plaster had fallen off the building. It therefore proved a more laborious task to try to r ecreate the original appearance . All the gypsum screens had to be remade as well as large portions of the original highly- ' decorated calligraphic frieze around the cour t yard , and around the mihrab. Particular care was taken with the cleaning of the painted woodwork inside the t o m ~ which proved to be one of the splendours of the Madrasa,decorated as it is with gol d and many colours. The windows of this tomb also proved to be of magnificent quality 7 after painstaking cleaning. On the north-eastern corner of this building rising damp proved so difficult that a solution was found by leaving vent holes >n the wall in an attempt to introduce some drying out by evaporation. It was originally i nt ended to r eplace the top of the minaret of this building; which is thought to have been r emoved after it threatened to collapse,and stored in the Antiquities De pt. This part of the restoration work has not been carried out , however ,because there was some doubt abo t Ot1rb Qirmi: Quflrler, Cairo, Egypl thecorrect ide ntification of the stones of the ninaret There was also it should be mentioned ,some apprehension on the part of the German I nstitut e t hat this work might prove extreme l y cost l y to effect. (v) Palace of Bashtak a l-N;siri l?ork on the conservat i on of this palace has only begun this year and is not very far advanced. This is the most ambitious of the conserva tion works undertaken by the German Ins titute so fa r and the results should be truly magnificensas the accompanying photographs ind i cate . When compl ete it is arguable that the main qa'a of the palace , which over looks t he main thoroughfare of the Fatimid c ity through a number of large screered openings, will constitute t he finest surviving domestic volume from the ~ l a m l u k per iod in Egypt. IV. The Type of Res toration An important factor i n t he conservation of these buildings was the very low budget on which t he work had to be done. The German Institute wa s anxious to achieve the maximum of effect on the community to hel p revitalise the area . Endeavouring to make their funds extend as far as possible inevitably meant setting their s i ght s low. For this reason a decision was made at an early stage in the project not to undertake the extremely expensive task of endeavouring to control rising damp, Ot1rb Qirmi: Quflrler, Cairo, Egypl but to accept that continual maintenance and repair would be nece ssary in the future on the buildings, until this probl em was somehow brought under controL In some respects this li mited budget has proved an advantage. It has meant the minimum int erference with those parts of the old fabric which are still in reasonable condition,and the retention, to a large extent, of the patina of aging which existed on the buildings before tlie conservation work began. In sympathy with this the ~ 1 j t qal ( J ) was repainted internally using a dull cream colour which harmonised with the old materials; >n the case of the Tatar (4),which was felt to be rather dark and gloomy, the internal courtyard has been painted in white -which might be said to be less sympathetic although it has certainly brightened it. A negative aspect of this conservation philosophy might be said to be that the conserved buildings generally do not look as freshened and bright as they might. The beneficial effect on the community might therefore be slightly reduced , however much this restrained policy of conservation might be admired by the connoisseur. It should be noted that the aim of the original project is somewhat modified now because the area is becoming a more commercial one. Two new commercial complexes have been erected on critical sites which the German Institute intended should be upgraded residential sites. Fortunatel y the buildings are relatively inoffensive and the Institute has been able to ensure that their height has not exceeded the average height of buildings in the area. The increasing commercial prosperity of the quarter may not be seen as d iminishing the importance of the Ot1rb Qirmi: Quflrler, Cairo, Egypl project , but rather as another step in the same direction of r elMbilitatior and revitalisation of the whole of the ancient Fiti.mid city. The quality of the restoration work i s genera lly very good. The sense of retained authenticity is very strong and there are only the technic al and aesthetic qualities refe rred to above which might give cause (or some quali fication. Some stones of the outer wall of the Hitqal ( l ) have al ready been corroded since the conservat i onwork was compl e te. Damp is rising to a considerable height on the f a ~ a d e . The impact of the projec t on the surrounding community has been considerable. Two local mosques have become available for use a nd they are mosques of which the community can be proud. The mausoleum is likewise a fine, neat addition to the street scene. As t he Sabil-Kufiab (3) is as yet incompl ete no use has yet been made of the building 1 and this is a matter which still has to be decided. The German I ns titute hope that the Palace of Bashtak (5) wi ll become a centre for the organisation and publ ic display of proj ects.relating to the upgrading and revitalisatio of the old city. A problem in the quarter has been that the main cross lane, Darb Qirmiz, was broken in two by the erection of a house across it at the beginning of this century. One of the aims of the German Institute is to open a way through this house to allow a thoroughfare from one half of the quarter to the other, thus assisting in its revitalisation. They bel ieve that the recent revival of commercial activi ty in the quarter is an even greater justification for pursuing t his plan. Ot1rb Qirmi: Quflrler, Cairo, Egypl The German l nsti lut e and Lhe EgypLian Archaeologi ca l Departme nt are empl oying a relatively sma ll team of f ine craftsmen on this conservation work, yet these are the fines t masons , plasterers and carpenters left in Cairo (several of them are sons of men who worked for Creswell and the Committe 50 years ago) Their continuing employment is keeping alive craftsmanship in a very r eal way. Those responsible for the conservation: I. Ge rman Archaeological Institute 1973- 2. Dr. Michae l Meinecke 1973-79 3. Dr. Philipp Speiser 1978- 4. Egyptian Ant iquities Organi sation 1973- 5. Muhammad Fahmi cAwad, Architect. Ot1rb Qirmi: Quflrler, Cairo, Egypl PROJECT l' ACT 1 . 1. I Country EGYPT 1 . 2. Project RESTORATION OF THE DARB QlRfi!Z, CAIRO 1. 3. Architect Ge rman Archaeol ogical Institute and Egyptian Antiquiti es Organisation 1.4. nates of i l design Originally 14th - early 20th century ii) construction Ditto, conserved 19?3 onwards (ongoing) 2. 2. 1. Project 2 . 2 . Project Objectives 2.3. Description of site and surroundings Four conservation projects have be en c ompleted : t\.tO madrasa-mosques , a tomb and a (fountain below, Koranic school above) . A pa1ace is now i n course of conservat1on To conserve the monuments of the Darb Oirmiz. a s ma ll . quarter of the old Fatimid city of Cairo, the hope of t hus encourasin& the revival of the I ife of the qiJ.lll' ter::. The quarter adjoins and extends to the east of, the central spine street of Fatimid Ca o, runs nor th south. The and the palace are actual l y on this street, t he orher hqjl d j ngs on a mp)n l ane sr right angl es 500 peopl e 'tive in the area 3. 3.1. Site Area 26 , 600 ( approx) sq.m. - ------ ha. J 3.2 . Building Area :( 1) 400 (2) 50 (3; 105 sq .m. (4) 400 sq.m. 3. 3. Building flaterials & Techniques ( identifying whether self-help or not ) i ) Foundations Stone ii) Y?al ls Stone, red brick and wood iii) Roofing F.arth on timber platform iv) Other special . Floors "''ere of fine-jointed marble, mihrabs of marble, features ( if ceramic und utrJamental plascerwotk, some walls had areas of glazed ti l ing and i nscriptions i n plaslerwork 3.4. Beneficiaries : Number of persons Community: approx. 500
Ot1rb Qirmi: Quflrler, Cairo, Egypl Type of persons ( socio/econ . level , etc. ) Mostly working class and smal l shopkeepers ( 1 ) $ 30,000 (1973) $36, 120 ( 2) $ 1,,237 (1976) $ 4,850 4.
4. 1. Budget(!,) $ 51 020 (1980 ) "
( 198:; ( in US$ ( 1) $ 37,037 ( 1976) $1,2 , 390 4.2. Actua l (tot . l ( 2) ' $ " 237 ( 1976) " $ " 850 (1963 (4) $ 51 ,867 ( 1982) $5 1,867 4.3. Breakdown of Actual Costs Land $ NIL (19 $ (1983 Infrastructure $ NIL (19 = $
Building $ see above (19 = $ (198: Total $ see above (19 G $ (1983 4 . 4. Unit Costs tl) $75 (1976) $ 85 . 83 (i) Unit Cost (2 ) $84.75 (1976) $ 97 of. Build in2
(1 982 l. -= $ 127 . 55 Compares wi t h present range in count!Y of Hi gh $ /sq. m. (1983) (Not comparable but obtainable $ / sq . m. (1983) from reports o n other proj e c t s ) Low $ /sq.m. (1983) J (iil Actual Total cost of Housing Uni t in US$ 1983 ( Actual Cost Number of Units Land $ - ----- P 9 8 3 l (Not applicable ) Infrastructure $ ____ _ (1983) Building $ ____ _ (1983) Total $ ____ _ (1983) 5. Country Economic data 5. 1. Per capita income 5.2. Average Household income 5 . 3. Poverty threshols ' $ ____ _ ( 1983) (p.a . )( Take from other reports i f needed ) $ ( 1983) (p.a.) $ (1983) ( $ ______ (1983) per household per r.::m: 5.4. Project benef iciaries Average household income level ' $ (1983) per household per Ot1rb Qirmi: Quflrler, Cairo, Egypl 90 HAFSI A QUARTER to the StUj. None of the overlooks the interior of the house. The units were standardized to facilitate the design and implemenmtion of the project, but the types were mixed so as to avoid repetition and mon()(ony. A few special house types such as bridge houses spanning the pedestrian srreet were also included. Certain traditional architectural concepts were re tained, such as white walls contrasting with colored openings and a small window set just above the exterior doorway to light the interior. The housing unitS and shops were built with a post and-beam structure (because of the water rable) while the StUj was designed with a concrete frame supporting concrete vaula. In general in siru concrete was used for structural members and brick for the exterior walls and internal partitions. The floors were constructed of brick follcr blocks covered with concrete and paved with terrauo tiles. Exterior walls were rendered and painted. Assessmenr. The buildings integrate well with the old city, and the quarter is not easily identifiable in a roof10p view of the medina. The scale, shapes, and colors are also discreet when viewed from the preexisting traditional srreets 10 the north. Unfortunately a subltantial amount of abandoned land, especially to the south, still surrounds the new housing. Anticipating the possibility of such changes by homeowners as the external addition of rooms or roof terraces, the architects provided a certain fl exibility in their plans and overdesigned to accommodate such additional loads. The rransition to these houses is gradual, starting from the fully public external areas, through the internal semipublic screets and squares and semi private gardens, 10 the fully private house areas. The irregular layout and the bridge houses provide a variety of views and even more a degree of formal complexity. The orientation of the gardens of the Lshaped houses protects them against rain 6 laden winds from the north and west, while the courtyards of the other houses are naturally sheltered. As for utilities, the project was due to be connected 10 city gas mains at the end of 1983. Although eleccrical and telephone cables were initially buried below the street, anarchic connections have proliferated along the walls and across the streets. There is a variety of shops along the length of the Suk el Hout differing in size, length, width, height , orientation, and lighting. The suq also serves as a barrier separating the new residential area from the existing tall apartment blocks and the large-scale facilities to the west. The specialization in tended for the other shops did not materialize, and many of them sell cheap clothing. Unforrunau:ly the provision of offices was a fai lure, and most have been converted 10 dwellings or storage areas. The commercial life of the quarter nevertheless is quite vigorous. Conclusion. Before its reconsrructioll the Hafsia was socially a relatively undesirable living area, and most of its current inhabitants would have preferred to live in a villa in one of the city's suburb!. Yet the comparatively low cost of the quarter a!'ld its locarion near the city center were attractive incentives, as were speculative motives in certain cases. Only a few of the inhabitants chose to li ve in the reconstructed quarter for its aesthetic qualities. The forst objective of the project, that of maintaining a harmonious relationship with the exist ing urban morphology, has been largely attained. The second one, of providing ap propriate housing for the poor from neighboring areas, has been almost a complete failure because the houses were al located according to income and solvency rather than need or previous residence in the area. Consequently only the wealth iest members of the neighboring communities could afford the quarter. A majority of the buyers came from areas outside the medina and belonged to more affluent social sectors. By 1978, one year after completion, 80 per cent of the wealthier inhabitants had already modified the plans of their houses. eliminating or adding partitions, moving entrance, kitchen, or closet doors, and rearranging storage areas. Also 6: A typical u.indow with shutters. 7: The ground and sewnd floor plan of rM rOtv houses. 8: The livi"R room of one of rM wealthier inhabiumcs. Political pressure elimiMted the tJOOTest ll/>- pliconcs and allowed a high-income group co modify house /lions. d liVU\g b b. kuchcn c. bcJTQOm e d. bathroom e. we c (. garden ucittty court h. :i(f\."t:t h 0 I 2 4 m. GroonJ l'hx>r Sccund Fluor 7 16 per cent of the units had been subdivided into smaller in dependent units, either by the poorer inhabitants to generate additional income or by wealthier landlords for speculation. Furthermore Z5 per cent of the residents had undertaken ex tensions involving up to three additional rooms, and 31 per cent of the units were shared by two or three households. These modifications to the original plans generated prob lems. Although the architects had made allowances for some alterations, half the additions made were not anticipated and caused friction between neighbors over sunlight, ventilation, and views. In some respects, however, these extensions and modifications help to make the project a living neighborhood rather than a frozen monumental design. The reconscruction of the Hafsia quarter, while architec rurally unspectacular, demonstrates the will of the Tunisian authorities to check the gradual destruction of the medina. In 1975 the medina had 140,000 inhabitants and 15,000 dwel l ings covering an area of 270 hectares. The scale of the problems of the medina are immense and have led to the consideration of several renovation projects following Hafsia. One, known as Hafsia Z, has been officially adopted by the Tunisian au thorities with financial support from the World Bank. There is every evidence that lessons have been learned from the first phase, especially at the socioeconomic level, and that the same mistakes will nor be repeated in the Hafsia 2 project. This evidence can be found principally in the new renovation con cepts and principles that the project embraces: I) " Integrated" projeccs. All architectural, urban, demo graphic, socioeconomic, and employment dam should be si multaneously taken into consideration. 2) User participation. Financial and institutional incentives should be given to private owners to undertake rehabilitation. 3) "Urban continuit)'." Renovation areas should not adjoin derelict areas but should be entirely surrounded by rehabili ration zones. 4) "Sociol soUdarit)'." In order to displace as few as possible of the urban poor already living in the neighborhood, the in coming, more affluent inhabitants should pay a higher share of the costs. 5) Replicabiliry. To ensure the spread of the rehabilitation projects to the rest of the medina, appropriate funding and agencies should be set up and cost recovery of expenses should be as high as possible. The Hafsia Z project combines the sale of properties to private developers with the cross sublidization of rehabilitation loans for the deteriorated residential structures. It meets the needs of the urban poor and at the same time shows a re spectable economic rate of return on invested funds. 91 96 DIRB QIRMIZ QUARTER Bazaar; and the Madrasa of Carnal al-Oin Yusuf ai-Ustadar, dating from 1407. The third and fourth phases, still in the planning stage, will concentrate on upgrading the infrastructure and residential buildings of the quarter, and will include the construction of new housing on empty plots. Location. To the north of the quarter and adjoining it lies the area where the original Fatimid Palace once stood. To the west the quarter is flanked by the main thoroughfare of Old Cairo, since the Middle Ages called Darb Qirmiz, from which the quarter gets its name. Background. The fact that the earlier monuments are still standing can be attributed to two factors: their solid construc tion of thick stone walls and a regular program of repair and maintenance. During the last thirty years, however, this maintenance has been neglected, and all the monuments were found to be in an advanced state of disrepair, bordering on collapse, when the German Archaelogical Institute in Cairo chose this quarter as an experimental project for the conser- vation of the Old City. Lacking the historical significance of the monuments, the residential buildings of the quarter have suffered even more from insufficient maintenance. Despite having been recon structed in most cases between the eighteenth and early-twen tieth centuries, they are nevertheless in a fairly advanced state of disrepair. The life of the quarter has become less vibrant over the years. The wealthier inhabitants have moved to other areas, and residential buildings have consequently deteriorated. A:t the same time traditional crafrs and trades, once the predom inane means of livelihood for the inhabitants of Darb Qirmiz, have been replaced by modern ones, notably aluminum works and the recycling of waste paper. Local Architectural Character. On average, both the mono ments and residential buildings are I 5 meters in height, with the former constructed throughout most of their height of stone-faced walls with a core of rubble. Occasionally their up per levels are constructed of brick. The roofs are made of shaped wooden beams carrying a wooden platform with a layer of earth and clay serving as the roofing material. Floors are often of patterned marble or plain stone slabs. Poorer-quality materials have been used in the construction of the residential buildings. Here the walls are timber with an in fill of brick and rubble. They are often plastered on the outside and colored in dark ocher or cream. The Work of Conservation. So far the procedure followed for the restoration of the monuments has been fundamentally the same for all. Stone in the lower levels of the walls that corroded as a result of rising damp has been replaced as have similarly damaged paving stones. All plaster that came loose or was damaged, once again because of rising damp, has been replaced with new plaster both made and laid in the traditional way. Damaged decorative work has been replaced, keeping as closely as possible to the original technique and appearance; damaged wood in doors and screens has either been repaired or replaced; original painted surfaces have been carefully cleaned and where possible repaired, especially those containing inscriptions. Missing features that were clearly identified have been replaced and new glass lamps have been hung in all seven monuments. Finally, all roof surfaces have been repaired and reconstructed with original materials. Details. Madrasa of Sabiq al-Oin Mitqal al-Anuki. The central floor of the madrasa courtyard was re-created in its original form with the help of patterns found at the Egyptian Anti quities Organization. The mihrab was dismantled and every thing below its arch rebuilt. For this purpose old marble, which matches the particular type of marble originally used here, had to be found and special ceramics made. The minbar, which had fallen apart, was reassembled with the addition of new wood where necessary. One of the two badly burned wooden screens on the upper level, which looked onto the courtyard below, was partly reassembled from old pieces, while the other was remade with completely new material. Tomb of Sheik Sinan. The most important repair work on the mausoleum was done on the damaged dome, which was carefully replastered inside and out. Internally the building was cleaned and repainted and the cresting was repaired. Fountain of Abd al-Rahman Kathuda. Some of the most se vere damage to the fountain was on the timber eaves and pen dants at the top of the building. This was all repaired and the roofs resurfaced to make them waterproof. The paving of the madrasa on the upper level was relaid and the surfaces cleaned. l: The madrasa on rhe upper level of the Fountain of Abd a!,. Rahman Karhuda is a light, lofry srn<cture of stone columns and arches surrounded by a timber balcony screen. Z: Tiny yet mon umenral in the Street scene is rhe Tomb of Sheik Sinan. 3: The plan of rhe whole quarter identifies rhe seven monuments. a. Madrasa of Sabiq aiDin ai-Anuki b. Tomb of Sheik Sinan c. Foonrain of Abd aiRahman Kathudo d. Madmsa of Tatar ai-Hit.>ziya e. Palace of Bastak ai,Nasiri f. Wakalat Bo:aar g. Madrasa of Oamal aiDin Yuwf aiUstador 3 97
98 OIRB QIRMIZ QUARTER The restoration of this building has been held up because of difficulties in getting riles made ro march the originals. The experimental riles produced were nor considered ro be of ad- equate quality, and further experiments are being undertaken. Madrasa of Tarar al-Higatiya. This building was in worse condition than rhe preceding three: only fragments of the original decoration remained and mosr of the plaster had fallen off. Re-crearing the origi nal appeara11ce of rhe madrasa was therefore more difficult. All the gypsum scree11s had co be re made, as well as large portions of the original, highly decorated calligraphic frieze around the courtyard a!ld the mihrab. One of the splendors of this madrasa is the Tomb of Tatar and particular care was taken in cleaning the gilt 4 and polychrome woodwork of its interior. The magnificent quality of the windows, both in terms of design and crafts manship, became obvious once they had been carefully clea11ed. Rising damp on the northeastern comer of the build illg was a particular problem, but this was solved by leaving vent holes in the walls to allow evaporation. The top of the minaret, removed a11d stored at the An riquit ies Organization when it seemed that it might collapse, has sti ll to be replaced. The correct identification of its stones seems to be in some doubt. Palace of Basrak al-Nasiri. Work on the conservation of the palace- the most ambitious project undertaken so far- was begun in 1983. When complete the main reception hall, which overlooks the Darb Qirmiz thoroughfare through a number of large screened openings, wi ll probably be the finest example of interior domestic architecture surviving from the Mamluk period ill Egypt. CMcl.sion. Shortage of funds made major restoration work in certain areas impossible. Consequently it was decided quite 4, 5: The major domed space of the Tomb of Sheik Sinan. The section shows the relationship of the major and minor spaces; the interior was merely cleaned and the painted surfaces repainted. 6: The fourteenthcen!t<ry Madrasa of Tarar al-Higaziya has a ribbed dome that sits on an octagonal base. 7, 8, 9: An interior view shows the mihrab and minbar, and the elaborate tiling and cal ligraphy adorning the walls, derails of which are also shown. So sensitive has been the restoration that nowhere is the newness usually associated with such projects apparent. early in the conservation process not ro undertake the ex rremely expensive rask of crying ro control rising damp. Instead it was determined that continual maintenance and repair work on the buildings would be necessary in the future until this problem could somehow be brought under control. In some respects the shortage of funds was an advantage. For example, very little work has been carried out on those parts of the old fabric still in reasonable condition, with the result that the image of age that the buildings conveyed before conservation work began has been largely retained. The original restoration program has been somewhat mod ified because the quarter is becoming increasingly commercial. Two new commercial complexes have been built on sites that had been earmarked for residential development. Fortunately, the buildings are relatively inoffensive and the German Ar chaelogicallnstirute has been able to ensure chat their height does not exceed the average height of the older buildings in the area. The increasing commercial prosperity of the quarter is a welcome step in the direction of rehabilitating and revi talizing the old city. The quality of the restoration work is generally of a high standard and the sense of retained authenticity is very strong. The impact of the project on the surrounding community has been considerable. Two local mosques have again become available for use. These have been beneficial ro the local com- munity not only by providing centers for prayer, bur since 99 100 DI RB QIRMI Z QUART ER mosques are commonly used as madrasas, for religious instruc tion as well. The restored Tomb of Sheik Sinan is a fine ad dition to the street scene. It is hoped that the Palace of Basrak ai-Nasiri wi ll become a center for the organization and public display of projects relating ro the development of the old city. A problem in the quarter has been the main cross lane, Darb Qirmiz, which was blocked by the erection of a house across it at the beginning of this century. One of the aims of the conservation program is to open a way through this house to allow traffi c once again to pass from one half of the quarter ro the other, thus assisting in the process of revitalization. Finally, apart from the importance of preserving the his torical heritage of a nation, such restoration projects also help revive the traditional crafts of an area. The project has led to the employment of some of the finest masons, plasterers, and carpenters in Cairo, and their continued employment is help- ing to keep their crafts alive. I 0: The counyard of the Madrasa of Sabiq al-Oin M itqal al-Amki with iiS re-created marble panemed floor and mihrab in rhe sanc- tuary. I I, 12: Below is a derail of the entrance porch to the madrasa with iiS castellated parapel, and ar right the sancwary with the mihrab and minbar. Allrhe glass lamps are new. 101 comp!ete<l fo:rr. ;hculd '5e "'rett;rned to:
rv 32, Chemln des Cret;s Crand-Saconnex PROJECT RECORD FCRM 1218 Suisse tel :. (22) 38 90 70 fiF:cr:,, , v'F:o .-- 1980 Tne Aga Khan Award for Architecture "-.' I. IDENTIFICATION I. Project Title Reactivation of Oar b Qirmiz, Cairo - Phase I 2. Pos<al Address German Archaeological I nsti t ute - Cairo, Cairo - Zamalek 22 Shari a Gezira el- Wusta/31 Sharia Abu 1-reda II. PERSONNEL Property of the Egyptian Governement , partly private; I. Client/Owner administered by the Governor of Cai r o , the Waqf Ministry Na:r.e/Addressthe Egyptian Antiquities Organization a nd 2. Planner(s) Address Co- operation of the German Archaeol ogical Institute - Cairo and the Egypt i an Antiquities Organization proj ect direc tor : Michael Meinecke German Archaeological Institute 3. Architect{;) Address D-1000 Berlin 33, Podbielskiallee 69-71 Muhammad rahmi cAwed , Egyptian Antiqu ities Or ganization - Centre of Documentation for Islamic and Coptic Monuments 4. Ccntractor(s) none : t he project architec t acted as non- profitable contractor Ac<Jress 5. User / Occupam(s) nd Income Level(s) The Darb Qirmiz is 32 shops User Type income Level Ill. TYPE 0:' USE ! . Planned 2. Ac!ual Residential quarter Residential quarter IV. PROJECT TIMETABLE (da<es) l. Project Formulation 2. Projec! Commission 1973 1973 ( indicate amount ) inhabited by 731 Planned
persons and contai ns A:-ruaJ Comoletion 3. :-iandover to Client 1976 : first restoration c ompleted 4. Opening/Occupa:1cy V. ?ROJECT ECONOMICS till January 1977 : OM 105210. -- (LE 19340. -- , OM 2691.-; ) excl uding the professional fees , which were l. Total Costs !indicate arr.ount covered by the co-operating institutions lv\z.terials and Labour Professior;ai Fees ------ 2. MaJor of F<Jnds (give %)grant by the governement of the German rederal Private .. _ _ _ Municipal National International Republic -- Ot1rb Qirmi: Quflrler, Cairo, Egypl Tnt. ."-CA KH:\ N AWARD FOR ARCniTECTL! RF. PROJECT IV VI. ?ROJEC7 HISTORY Provlde a brief descri ption of the htstory of the proj e-:t , inc1uamg deiinition , programme and design, construct ion and occupancy. Please note the major constraints that you in reJat!on to each of factors. 2/ 2 Location: The Darb Qirmiz i s a r esident ial quart er in the c entre of the r at imi d City of Cairo. Its physica l configuration is c haracteriz ed by 32 bui ldings : 7 historic monuments (built before 1850) , constituting c. 40% of the built fabr ic; 22 tenement houses (mostly built between c. 1880/ 1920) ; 3 more houses were previously pulled down by their owners to make way for new constructions . Definition: The project aims to demonstrate the po tentials for the rea ctivat i on of the resi dential quarters of Cairo by means of archi tectural cons erva t1 on. Phase I - Reactivation of religious f unctions: As the quarter had no operating religious centres the project started with restorations of the ruinous r eligi o us monuments, in order to r estit ute th e cultural identity of the area . 1973-1976 restorati on of the Madrasa of Sabiq ad-Din Mitqal al-Anuki (built c. 770/1368- 69), now used as Friday mosque of t he quarte r; 1976-1978 restoration of t he Mausoleum of Sinan (dated 994/1585- 86), now again venerated a s the tomb of the l ocal saint of the Darb; since 19?9 restoration of t he Madrasa of Tatar al-Higaziya (built 748/1347 , 761/1360) . Phase I I - Architectural cons ervation of s ecular monuments : Recently the project s hi fted to the disused o r only partly inhabited secular monuments, where new cultural or r e creational centres are to be insta l led and new sp- for housing will be made available. Since 19?9 restoration of the Hause and Sabil-Kut t ab of cAbd Katouda (dated 1157/1744-45 ) . In addition there are four more monuments of this class bordering Darb Qi rmiz - the Palace of Bastak (compl eted 740 /1339), the Wakalat (end of 11th/17th century), t he Bait al- Jslam and a middl e class house (both pre- 1800) - still awaiting restorat ion. To fur ther strengthen the h istoric roots of the quarter it is to be hoped that funds will be made ava ilable for t he implementation of Phase II - as well as of: Phase III - Upgrading of tenement houses and i mprovements of infra s tructure . Phase IV - Building of new appertment houses on empty plots . If impl ement ed not only the social s ta tus of the area wil l have cons iderabl y improved , but it has been ca lculat ed that enough new flats c an be reconstruc- overleaf if necessary. ted to provi de shelter to all families of th,e_ VII. DOCUMENTATION (please a:;pend and check that which you have Darb Qi rmi z _ _ ciographica! Data (about yourself) _ _ {spediy.) I Qncumpotatinn II Biog raphical data of project director Please note: The submission of this Form is a pre:-equisite to cand!dacy fer the Aw.::.rd. A! i lniormation contained in and submhrec! with the For;n wUl be kept strictiy t:v:"f idential .:ntH the ar.nouncement of the of the! Award. SuCseqt.:ent!y, such r.ay be ma1 by the Aga Khan Awards Foundation for scholarly only. pe:- scns v:!s!ling tc publish, rer:;rcCuce or reprint such informaricn shall l:.e requ!red to secure pr1cr permission !n each Date Hamburg, 6.12._1 979 Ot1rb Qirmi: Quflrler, Cairo, Egypl The Aga Khan Award for Architecture 32, chemin des CrciS, 1218 Grand-Saoonnex. Geneva, Switzerland, Telephone {22) 98 90 70 168. EGY. 1983 CLIENTS' RECORD CONFIDENTIAL I . ll)ENTIFICATtON .. A. Projet Title
0\7= T-1\E' 'JIA-1<\3 B. Postal Address y. 'J)ARt3 ( 1: 1.. 'JAMA 1.. E Y A / CAI'RO j E6 \'p U. PERSONS RESPONSIBLE (Please give name and address for each. lf mnre than one. please slate precise roles and re1ationships.) A. Client/Owner B. Architect/Planner ('\'l<O':IEC-1: SltJC.E ARC..-1\AI':<: \..OG>IC.AI.- AWA'P ( Tl\G: 1-\.ARCI..ttJ - l-IS - CA\QO C. Consultants (e.g. Economis-t, Sociologisl, Demographer. Engineer) 1.-G:ADE:R 10.1-S -11 AI-!D AOVISE::R SINC.E. <J)R . t-1. hE.\ 1-JE:CLcE. %, 'ib\Sc\-lA r\ D. Contractor E. Masler Craftsman c
Ot1rb Qirmi: Quflrler, Cairo, Egypl "UA-.1 . "Po 'Box. 1b'Oo j'D-b3 ':BOI-Jt-.1 A 1..- -\\A\31\ \... E I IJ SAM> S).IE.O \SRA\\ IM AL-HOIJ!\ Ill. USE B. Uscr/ CX:cupant 1. Occupation 2. locome Level C. Specify any change(s) between planned and actual usc. kO IV. PROJECT HISTORY - A. Programme l<r+2 lic..c.Lt C..S4 l11hu r I ':I. '11 11'\.., A
I. DatcofCommenccmcnl ,,.. .,,. J..
"'"' 2. Date or Completion . I OJ._ :::. .... ......, B. Design _19_12. t-lo1qw.. 1. Date of Commencemenl Jo ..... b \q1r
2. Date of Completion
Sa.< I-. ffis_i l%o s ............ C. Constructi<m l. Date of Commencement _4913 lg}b 2. Date of Completion - 1.9..1:& \C\L D. Date of Project Occupancy
v. PROJECT ECONOMICS CosLS, give amounts and currencies. Specify their date(s) o ( validity)
A. Total Initial Budget lo o.o.o- l!!o ooo . B. Total Actual Costs I o..o.o..o.cJli_ \ - - C. of CoSis I. Land 2. Materials'1rl-\oJl.OO - 3. Labour 3b"oo.- (oR,ooo_- 4. Professional Fees
2 b $ oo -=--\2..o .. M -
0 . Source(s) of Funds rctnuge) l. Private 2. Public a. Local b. N a!jurpl ,.._ - .. .. 1 c. Jntcm;,tional ' ' Ot1rb Qirmi: Qufl rl er, Cairo, Egypl VI. PROJECT EVOLUTION Describe the genesis o f the project, through prog1amme, design and oonstructjon to final and present occupancy. VII. PROJECT MAINTENANCE Specify the provisions that were initiall y made and are now enforced fot the present and future maintenance or the building. Indicate nny significant change{s) that have occurred since the project was completed.
""'ev-..: -to c:R_o lM..e.a '-;1. t, ..... t,?>e....o...., ) Ot1rb Qitmi: QunNer. Clliro, Egyp1 l . ow.c .... -\Q...._ lb A' c&bo \k %C ......... ,.,, of McQ. (it) lh
. Cl.v..ct.. k L...-, Cl5l. (k.
Wot.:> J o! (_ l3.:S <t - vJ l.'b o <...0 b w \.-._<!) o{. D(lrh Qtrmi= Quartl!r. Coiro. Egypt Vlll. SIGNIFICANCE OF PROJ ECT In what way is this project important? Describe the aspccc(s)or the project you feel represent a particular achievement, for example, the ecorlomic. or socia1 achieveme nt, or its response co culture o r climate, e tc. Please state the level to which you arc satisfied with the projt.:cl. T Co.uo . a. \'!.
\Ao \c u:>i\t o..........
o.MC> l.l;)
Q)(CQr o..u c...Q
'fL. 0\C.I. \.\CMA .0<to. , It
ll-v...v_ o{ C.,.J . (Pie:IS4! c."Qnlinue overleM ir neeessnry) IX. DOCUMENTA llON C)..o..... (A.A... 0. \ .\Q... \S \leS<i 4 u. o_ss .
k> (t , Uli..Ac c.c.u,..Dd tUM. eu...'\ (Please indicate rhat which you enclose with the Clients' Record) The Kh3n Award ror Archite<:tore reques1s from each architect the visual nnd technical informaciollconO!rning their work. fol owever, to <.'Omph:te the portfolio for eath projCt, you may wish to enclose additional materials, such as drawings, textual descriptions, photographs, etc. Biographical Doto Project Brier/Programme Other (Please specify: Ple3,..,<: no te: Th..:: submission o r this Porm is a prcrcqui,itc to can..Jid:u.:)' (\)r the J\W".tnJ. All infonnation contained in :11'1.1 \ ubmittcd with I he Form will be kept stri<.11)' confidential unti l the annuunccm..:nt ()( the Aw:m.l redpienb. Subsl.'qul.'nll)'. such inrorm;ui nn m:t)' be m:tdc av:)ilnble by t he A sa Kh:1n Awnrds Foundation (or SC'hoi:Erly purp():...'S only. Ncvcrthclc ....... wb.hing h't p,hlish, t..: J11'V\Iucc: C)t rcprin1 such inform:1tion be rn1uircd to """" e prior penni, <iun in cch iohr>ncc. ' /, Authori>.cd __ Date __ \0_/ Q_/ 8 2._ Ot1rb Qirmi: Quflrler, Cairo, Egypl
The Aga Khan Award for Architecture FORM II: NOMINATION CONFIDENTIAL Please complete the for m using one f orm per proj ect . The closi ng date for receipt of entries is 15 Oct ober 1979. I wish to nominate the following project whi ch was completed or has been i n use si nce 1st Januar y 1950 and before lst January 1977: NAME OF PROJECT FULL POSTAL ADDRESS DATE OF COMPLETION NAME OF DESIGNER (firm or individual) FULL POSTAL ADDRESS Reactivation of Darb Oi r ml z Zame l ek 22 , Sharia Gezira e1-Wus ra 31 Sharia Abu 1-Feda Cairo. Egypt 1976 (Phase I) Ge rman Archae1ogical Institu t e D- 1000 Bei1lin 33 Podblel s kiallee 69- 71 NAME OF OWNER/ Cll EN T (not occupier) FULL POSTAL ADDRESS The Egypt ian Ant iquiti es Organizati o n The WAQF Ministry REASON FOR NOMI NATION Conservation. restorat i on. and reus e pf rhe madrasa Amirs NO,'viiNATOR'S SIGNATURE _,C,o:,::nc:cv.:::e:,:no,._r"'s._,O:,:f'-"f'-"i.:::c.:::e ___________ DA TE JAn, 1980 NAME AND ADDRESS Please return t he coJ11)leted form to the Off1ce of the Cvnvencr Offiffnl tlt(' Con''c'nor City Scicnt. "C Center. M24 Science Center. Phil:.del phia. PA t91()J. L 1 .S. A. eel. f215t 38732'110 TWX 710 6700302 G: .. ndSo.connc:A, tlltJ Gcnevc. tcl.c0221 1JS';IO-o TELEX 2754S Ot1rb Qirmi: Quflrler, Cairo, Egypl The Aga Khan Award for Architecture 1&6 . &;y FORM II: TION CONFIDENTIAL Please complete the form using one form per projeq. The c losing date for r eceipt of entries is 15 October 1979. 1 wish to nominate the following project which was completed or has been in use since 1st January 1950 and before 1st January 1977: NAME OF PROJECT FULL POSTAL ADDRESS DATE OF COMPLETION NAME OF DESIGNER (firm or i ndividual) FULL POSTAL ADDRESS NAME OF OWNER/CLIENT (not occupier) FULL POSTAL ADDRESS Reactivation of Darb Oi rm!z Zame lek 22, Shari ... Gezira el Wusra 31 Sharia Abu 1-Feda Cairo. Egvpt 1976 (Phase 1) German Archaelogical Institute D-1000 Beillin 33, Podbie1skia1lee 69-71 Esyptian Government The Egyptian Antiquities Organi zation The WAQF Ministry REASON FOR NOMINATION Conservation, restoration. and reuse of the madrasa Amirs MJtqal Please return the completed form to the Office of the Convenor nfth' University City Science Center. Seience Center. Philadelphia. PA 19104. U.S.A. tel. f21S1 3873290 TWX 710 670 0302 G:oandSaeonncx, TELX Ot1rb Qirmi: Quflrler, Cairo, Egypl Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia plan Site ..-- CJ ""'"' " - r - - ~ - l----1 -- ~ - ~ ..... ~ GJ r-::.::\ ~ Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Site plan indicating location of the Madrasa of Sabic ad-Din Mitqual al-Anuki. ljiJ>al.ijalili 0. _..1:111 ;.}....-. 50 l ' Gebetsnische nach der Restaurierung : ..j)LJI ; J r' . ...,..1..,.-11 - Restaurierungsobjekte I t.-.} y _,Jk.. JL:-- Historische Bauten c:J - i L.. 1.}' Lageplan der Madra sa des Am Irs Mi1qal im Ma!3stab 1:2000 Pri vathaus (zum A briG vorgesehen) r .. . : ' rWI e::J ,J.I _ J\.a!... 'i1 .) ........ 21 Brunnenhaus des cAbd ar-Ral;tman Karbuda (1744) 34 Palasr des Amirs Basrak (1334- 1339) 35 Mad rasa des Gamal ad-Din Ylisuf al-Usradar (1408) 36 Madrasa der Tatar al-J:iigaz!ya (1348/1360) 41 Mausoleum des Saibs Sinan (1585) 45 Madrasa des Amirs Mitqal (um 1365) 398 Karawanserei Bazara (17. Jh.) W Wohnhaus (18. Jh.) [;;:] (l..,:Jijl ...,..,J.k..) i.,\.;. I ..i;.:S' .:r )\ J..S. J::- r ' C W U I"'' 'oV) 1 .... vf. _vro) n (r' rn ) .)\.:....'11 .......... >! v.,..t.ll Jl.r:- ro ( r u "1 "'" ' ' ) _r; .)........ n (r'rl. r''rf.AI...,Vi' (r' oAo 1...,'\ '\ q pi ._:,;........ f., (r'nol...,vii Jl_,-) J\.a!... ....... f.o ,_pU.I r'\A (r (r v-\:JI r J\:JI J_r... Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Situation within old Cairo Ground level plan, the Madrasa of Sabiq ad-Din Mitqual al-Anuki _, a: ... "( Q C) g. c( c( .... ~ I= E: <>-. :I 1- ."' ~ Ll. ... 0 ~ c ( ~ Ul <>'-' \,.) a::r Ul c( ..... a < ~ c( _, If) I:< s. ;3? Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Upper level plan of Madrasa before restoration Upper level plan of Madrasa after restoration S. 37 J w Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia East/west section through madrasa of Amirs Mitqal showing the entrance side of building before (top) and after .. Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia North/south through the building showing the main iwan and quibla wall before (top) and after restoration .. Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia The main level of Madrasa is formed by a courtage enclosed by four iwans Entry facade of Madrasa. Access to apartments behind monument is through a vaulted passage (lower right) I ll ' . 10 \ 20 T Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia South wing of Madrasa before restoration South wing during restoration Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia The main iwan and paryer niche before restoration The main iwan after restoration. Note the reintroduction of parapets. Detail of prayer niches decoration Courtyard paving and main iwan after restoration Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Detail of retored mahrabiya The north iwan with the old Mahrabiya before restoration Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Entrance on north iwanb with suspended lighting system
.. .... . ~ \ Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Restoration work ot the fine chiselled ceilings Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Site plan indicating location of the Mausoleum of Saihs Sinan Bib al.fui Ub
l;jinaJ. I;jalili 0. .,AJil ;.\...o. 50 100 I. l 'rmchlagbild: Gcbetsnische nach der Restauricrung : ._j)l;JI ; ) ,...
- Restaurierungsobjekte I . . .; ._, IL . . _;L.,. '- J Hi storische Bauren CJ .;L:-- Lageplan der Madrasa des Amirs Mi1qal im Mal3stab 1:2000 Privathaus (zum Abri3 vorgesehen) T : \ ('WI I _ J\A!... .r.:--'J1 21 Brunnenhaus des <Abd ar-Ra\;lman Katbuda (1744) 34 Palast des Amlrs Basuk (1334- 1339) 35 Madrasa des Gamal ad-Din Yusuf al-Ustadar (1408) 36 Madrasa der Tatar al-l:f igazlya ( 1348f1360) 41 Mausoleum des Saibs Sinan (1585) 45 Madrasa des Amlrs Mi1qal (urn 1365) 398 Karawanserei Bazar<a (17. Jh.) \XI Wohnhaus (18. Jh.) t=J (L,:JI) y)k..) .jl:-- l.i;.:S' .:r )1 J::- ,. ' C \V 11 I ... \ ' 0 V) f ... vt. _vr o) .r.:--'11 _,.....; n (1"\rr\_\rn ;l.)t:_. )II u.-Y.. Jk r o (('\f., AI ... A \ \) .:,\.o:J.. I _r.; 'l"i (1"\'l"i. 1"\nAI ... v" .... vt.A) (('\oAof..,\\1) ;.;l- 1\ ( (' ' n o 1 ... v Y\ Jl,....) J\A!... .r.:--'-;1 1 o I r-s- .pU-1 ;.;_;.JI) 4)\)'_, '1"\A (r L-UI ;.;_;.JI ;.;_;.!1/ r .;\!.!' ;.;_;.!1) J_;.:... Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Subterranean and ground level plans of mausoleum before restoration Plan re-establishing the original entrance to mausoleum I ; ' ' ; ' I \ ' . ' ' ' I I I i : ' ' - - ' ; ' ' Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Site plan indicating location of the Madrasa of Tatar al-Higaziya ijia aJ.ijUW 0 50 100 I. .r:u- Umschlagbild : Gebetsnische nach der Restaur ierung : ......; )l;J1 ;; .) ,- . c)L.'Y1 ._,.,1_,_)1 - Restaurierungsobjekte I . . ;._, IL. _;L_. I - ..1 Historische Bauten CJ - i L... <! . Lageplan der Madrasa des Am1rs Mi.rqa:J im MaBstab 1:2000 Privathaus (zum AbriB vorgesehen) r .. :\ I"W1 J\..A:... 21 Brunnenhaus des cAbd Karbuda (1744) 34 Palast des Am1rs Bastak (1334- 1339) 35 Madrasa des Gamal ad-Din Yusuf al-Ustadar (1 408) 36 Madrasa der Tatar al-l:figazlya (1348(1360) 41 Mausoleum des Saibs Sinan (1585) 45 Madrasa des Am1rs MilC)il (um 1365) 398 Karawanserei Bazarca (17. Jh.) W Wohnhaus (18. Jh.) b:J (L,:J1.:,1 ...,..,lk..) .)l:-- 1..i.;.:S" ..:r )I .b- r ' C \V t t I.:. \ \ 0 V) I.:.Vt _V\0) !ll:..:..: n (I" \\'1"\_ \i'n _,bl.:.-'J' I ....A-,;. u: ..J1 JU:- _, ..1... r o (I"\ t AI.:. A \ \) _r; .)..1... n (1"\ ii '1"\ 'nA/ .:.Vi\ .:.Vt A) (I" ' 0 A 0 I A'\ '\ t) .:;\.:.... e:-:J1 v!..l... t ' (1"\iio/.:.Vii J\..A:... to <,?.:lU-1 .:;_;J1) i'\A (? L-UI .:;_;JI (? 0-'l:JI .J _;JI I _rs. .jl:JI .J _;JI) J _r.. Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Plan of Madrasa Tatar al-Higaziya. Square entrance hall on the northeast side of the building W&J BUILT 71.811348 fad BUILT 7&111360 ; ; Cl BUI LT 19 CENT ~ ARCH. SOUNDING M.N. A - + = ~ 10m Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Madrasa of Tatr al-Higaziya: cross-sections ~ BUILT 71.8/ 131.8 o ~ l I I I I ' 2 3 4 5 ' 1==1 I I S P ~ 7 I 9 -elm - BUILT 7 611 1360 Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Madrasa of Tatr al-Higaziya: east-elevation I I - 1 0 l s 6 7 rmr ;l;l : ;J ---- - - - - - ---- -- .... -.- _.., _,...,. .. - ----. -
'\' ..... :.:: .... .., . ...:, / '. ' ,.... . "' /' ... ,/', ...... . :: :.>::. J - : \. -- -- -- - - -- ID!lilll lmHHI Ji 1 ll/ ' ! ..=-- t 1D n Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Madrasa Tatr al-Higaziya: rebuilding of Mirhab Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Madrasa Tatar al-Higaziya: prayer niche frieze before restoration Madrasa Tatar al-Higaziya: repair and stucco Courtyard and southeast iwan during restoration Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Stucco decoration before restoration Stucco decoration after restoration Wooden ceiling after restoration Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Site plan indicating location of the Fountainhouse of Abd-as-Rahman Kathuda ljinoJ.Ijalili 0.
so . Umschlagbild: Gebetsnische nach der Restaurierung : 0)l;JI . c::::>L-)11 - Restaurierungsobjekte I , . .} ._,.,_rlk.. Historische Bauten CJ . i L.... t/. Lageplan der Madra sa des Amlrs Mi1qal im Mal3stab 1:2000 Privathaus (zum Abril3 vorgesehen) G:J r : \ rWI J\2.... ..r:-'11 ....... 21 Brunnenhaus des <Abd ar-Ra};lman
34 Palast des Am!rs Bascik (1334- 1339) 35 Madrasa des Gamal ad-Din Yiisuf al-Uscidar (1408) 36 Madrasa der Tatar ai-I;Iigazlya (1348/ 1360) 41 Mausoleum des Saibs Sinan (1585) 45 Madrasa des Amlrs Mi1qal (urn 1365) 398 Karawanserei Bazar 0 a (17. Jh.) W Wohnhaus (18. Jh.) (yljl ..,..,U....) Jl:-- l.i;.:S' If )I -'7- J::.- r ' (r.WU/A> \ \oV) /A>Vi _vro) ..r:-'11.,......; n (r \H'L\Hf. ).>\::....)II u..... Y.. v.. ..UI Jlz:. .)....... r o ((\f. A/A>A \\) _.r:; .)....... n ((\'f'"\ '( \rf.A/A>Vi\ ..... ViA) (r \ oAo ; .... 1) L.ll:... f.\ (r' no /A> Vii Jlr) J\2.... ..r:-'11 .)....... f. o 1 ':?.>U.I 0_,AJI) nA ( U \ . :II ? t'- ur v-l!ll L.I_,AJI/ _TJ- Jl!ll 0_,AJI) J_r... Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia First sketches of Sabil-Kuttal Fountainhouse and site Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Fountainhouse and House of Abd-as-Kathuda: Ground level; first level; and second level Section through Fountainhouse and the house of Agd-as-Rahman Kathuda .. l ::, . "I . ~ :., I ro ~ ~ .. 1 ~ 0 ' 0 0 I : ' I ' DOD ' ' " - 0 - 0 I c;_,..., - ; - .. -' I' D_ 3 ODD L Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Exterior of Fountainhouse Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia View from Teahouse gallery on surroundings Sabil Kuttab: first floor before restoration Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia View on Fountainhouse during restoration of the roof The first floor of Fountainhouse after rebuilding and consolidation Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Fountainhouse construction details: super imposed roofs Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia sect ion upper roof 0 10 20 30 ~ 0 SOcm secti on lower roof ~ - - - - ~ - = ~ 0 10 20 30 i,O 50 em Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Sabil Kuttab: repair of roofing Sabil Kuttab: entrance ceiling Sabil Kuttab: decorated lower ceiling before cleaning Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia PLA "CK XVIII ~ < " on < 0 -' < ...... \ ..I! - ) 00f1MOZ D D D ==a-=--- ID-- a Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia PusCHE XIX . I ... I ~ ' .......... I Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Private house rehbilitation co-sponsored and encouraged by Darb Qirmiz project (Atfafat Al Qaffasin no. 6) B L A L . -, c. GROUNDFLOOR 3 SHOPS t. WORK- OR STORE ROOMS UPPER FLOOR PROPOSAL III 1 5-ROOM FLAT t. SINGLE ROOMS A-A I I I I I ~ - " ' " " I I I "" "" 0 2 I. 6 8 10m J B s l A L _Jc UPPER FLOOR PROPOSAL l : 2 3ROOM FLATS 2 SINGLE ROOMS 8-8 j B j A UPPER FLOOR PROPOSAL II : 2 2-ROOM FLATS 1 6 ROOM FLAT STREET ELEVATION c-c Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Saudi Arabia Private house rehabilitation co-sponsored and encouraged by Darb Qirmiz project (no. 6 & 6A) IB A L _j A A L _j A _j B GROUNDFLOOR UPPER FLOOR A-A B- B Ill 111111 H.,.,., 0 2 t. 6 8 10m ELEVATION NORTH ELE VATION SOUTH 0 1D 20 30 LO 50 60 70 SO 90 100m DARB OIRMI Z SP.iSC Darb Qirmiz Quarter Cairo, Egypt Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Acc No: S004799 VM Title: Date: 03.04.1989 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S004820 VM Title: Date: 03.04.1989 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S058765 VM Title: Location plan, Fountainhouse Date: 15.03.1980 Photographer: GERMAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Copyright: N Technical Infos: Notes: taken from book by Von Michael Meinecke Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S058781 VM Title: Mausoleum of Saihs Sinan Date: 15.03.1980 Photographer: GERMAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Copyright: N Technical Infos: Notes: taken from book by Von Michael Meinecke Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S058832 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S058833 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Darb Qirmiz Quarter Cairo, Egypt Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Acc No: S058860 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S058862 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S058879 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S058887 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S058959 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S058960 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Darb Qirmiz Quarter Cairo, Egypt Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Acc No: S058962 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S058964 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S058965 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S058984 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S058988 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S058992 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Darb Qirmiz Quarter Cairo, Egypt Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Acc No: S059001 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059005 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059009 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059014 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059026 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059028 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Darb Qirmiz Quarter Cairo, Egypt Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Acc No: S059032 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059034 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059038 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059039 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059040 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059041 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Darb Qirmiz Quarter Cairo, Egypt Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Acc No: S059043 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059045 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059046 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059047 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059050 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059052 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Darb Qirmiz Quarter Cairo, Egypt Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Acc No: S059055 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059058 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059059 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059060 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059064 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059065 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Darb Qirmiz Quarter Cairo, Egypt Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Acc No: S059066 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059067 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059069 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059364 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059367 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059370 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Darb Qirmiz Quarter Cairo, Egypt Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Acc No: S059371 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059373 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059380 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059383 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059383 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059402 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Darb Qirmiz Quarter Cairo, Egypt Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Acc No: S059411 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059412 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059413 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059422 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059425 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059430 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Darb Qirmiz Quarter Cairo, Egypt Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Acc No: S059437 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S059445 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S080110 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S080111 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S080112 VM Title: Date: 15.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: C1 VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S130987 VM Title: Date: 01.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Darb Qirmiz Quarter Cairo, Egypt Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt Acc No: S130988 VM Title: Date: 01.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S130989 VM Title: Date: 01.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Acc No: S130990 VM Title: Date: 01.04.1983 Photographer: GUNAY Reha Copyright: Y Technical Infos: Notes: Location: VM Link: 0168 Darb Qirmiz Quarter Darb Qirmiz Quarter Cairo, Egypt List of Visual Materials Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt No VM Num CD Id IMG Ord VM Title Date Photographer Format Copyright 1 S004785 03.04.1989 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 2 S004799 CD00007 IMG0024 03.04.1989 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 3 S004813 03.04.1989 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 4 S004814 03.04.1989 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 5 S004820 CD00007 IMG0023 03.04.1989 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 6 S005410 11.04.1989 GERMAN 24x36 Y 7 S005411 11.04.1989 GERMAN 24x36 Y 8 S005412 11.04.1989 GERMAN 24x36 Y 9 S005413 11.04.1989 GERMAN 24x36 Y 10 S005414 11.04.1989 GERMAN 24x36 Y 11 S007554 Key to slides photographs 19.04.1989 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 12 S058759 Location plan 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 13 S058760 Location plan 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 14 S058761 Plan, Madrasa Mitqal 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 15 S058762 Plan, Madrasa Mitqal before(74) after 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 16 S058763 Section, Mausoleum of Saihs Sinan 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 17 S058764 Plan, Madrasa Tatar al Higaziya 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 18 S058765 CD00007 IMG0001 Location plan, Fountainhouse 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 19 S058766 Plan, Palace of Bastak 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 20 S058767 Madrasa Mitqal 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 21 S058768 Madrasa Mitqal 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 22 S058769 Madrasa Mitqal, after restoration 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 23 S058770 Madrasa Mitqal 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 24 S058771 Madrasa Mitqal, during restoration 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 25 S058772 Madrasa Mitqal, during restoration 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 26 S058773 Madrasa Mitqal, after restoration 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 27 S058774 Madrasa Mitqal, during restoration 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 28 S058775 Madrasa Mitqal, during restoration 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 29 S058776 Madrasa Mitqal, during restoration 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 30 S058777 Madrasa Mitqal, during restoration 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 31 S058778 Madrasa Mitqal, after restoration 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 32 S058779 Madrasa Mitqal, after restoration 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 33 S058780 Madr.Mitqal-South wing before(70) after 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 34 S058781 CD00007 IMG0004 Mausoleum of Saihs Sinan 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 35 S058782 Mausoleum of Saihs Sinan 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 36 S058783 Madrasa Tatar al Higaziya 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 37 S058784 Fountainhouse 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 N 38 S058785 15.04.1983 LEWCOCK Ronald 24x36 Y 39 S058786 15.04.1983 LEWCOCK Ronald 24x36 Y 40 S058787 15.04.1983 LEWCOCK Ronald 24x36 Y 41 S058788 15.04.1983 LEWCOCK Ronald 24x36 Y 42 S058789 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 43 S058790 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 44 S058791 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 45 S058792 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 46 S058793 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 47 S058794 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 48 S058795 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 49 S058796 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 50 S058797 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y Darb Qirmiz Quarter Cairo, Egypt List of Visual Materials Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt No VM Num CD Id IMG Ord VM Title Date Photographer Format Copyright 51 S058798 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 52 S058799 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 53 S058800 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 54 S058801 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 55 S058802 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 56 S058803 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 57 S058804 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 58 S058805 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 59 S058806 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 60 S058807 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 61 S058808 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 62 S058809 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 63 S058810 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 64 S058811 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 65 S058812 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 66 S058813 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 67 S058814 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 68 S058815 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 69 S058816 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 70 S058817 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 71 S058818 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 72 S058819 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 73 S058820 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 74 S058821 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 75 S058822 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 76 S058823 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 77 S058824 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 78 S058825 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 79 S058826 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 80 S058827 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 81 S058828 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 82 S058829 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 83 S058830 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 84 S058831 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 85 S058832 CD00007 IMG0021 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 86 S058833 CD00007 IMG0028 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 87 S058834 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 88 S058835 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 89 S058836 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 90 S058837 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 91 S058838 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 92 S058839 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 93 S058840 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 94 S058841 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 95 S058842 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 96 S058843 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 97 S058844 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 98 S058845 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 99 S058846 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 100 S058847 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y Darb Qirmiz Quarter Cairo, Egypt List of Visual Materials Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt No VM Num CD Id IMG Ord VM Title Date Photographer Format Copyright 101 S058848 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 102 S058849 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 103 S058850 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 104 S058851 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 105 S058852 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 106 S058853 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 107 S058854 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 108 S058855 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 109 S058856 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 110 S058857 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 111 S058858 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 112 S058859 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 113 S058860 CD00007 IMG0015 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 114 S058861 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 115 S058862 CD00007 IMG0006 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 116 S058863 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 117 S058864 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 118 S058865 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 119 S058866 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 120 S058867 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 121 S058868 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 122 S058869 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 123 S058870 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 124 S058871 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 125 S058872 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 126 S058873 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 127 S058874 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 128 S058875 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 129 S058876 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 130 S058877 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 131 S058878 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 132 S058879 CD00007 IMG0012 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 133 S058880 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 134 S058881 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 135 S058882 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 136 S058883 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 137 S058884 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 138 S058885 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 139 S058886 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 140 S058887 CD00007 IMG0007 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 141 S058888 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 142 S058889 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 143 S058890 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 144 S058891 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 145 S058892 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 146 S058893 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 147 S058894 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 148 S058895 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 149 S058896 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 150 S058897 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y Darb Qirmiz Quarter Cairo, Egypt List of Visual Materials Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt No VM Num CD Id IMG Ord VM Title Date Photographer Format Copyright 151 S058898 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 152 S058899 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 153 S058900 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 154 S058901 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 155 S058902 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 156 S058903 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 157 S058904 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 158 S058905 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 159 S058906 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 160 S058907 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 161 S058908 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 162 S058909 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 163 S058910 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 164 S058911 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 165 S058912 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 166 S058913 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 167 S058914 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 168 S058915 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 169 S058916 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 170 S058917 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 171 S058918 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 172 S058919 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 173 S058920 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 174 S058921 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 175 S058922 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 176 S058923 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 177 S058924 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 178 S058925 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 179 S058926 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 180 S058927 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 181 S058928 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 182 S058929 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 183 S058930 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 184 S058931 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 185 S058932 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 186 S058933 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 187 S058934 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 188 S058935 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 189 S058936 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 190 S058937 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 191 S058938 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 192 S058939 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 193 S058940 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 194 S058941 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 195 S058942 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 196 S058943 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 197 S058944 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 198 S058945 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 199 S058946 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 200 S058947 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y Darb Qirmiz Quarter Cairo, Egypt List of Visual Materials Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt No VM Num CD Id IMG Ord VM Title Date Photographer Format Copyright 201 S058948 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 202 S058949 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 203 S058950 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 204 S058951 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 205 S058952 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 206 S058953 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 207 S058954 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 208 S058955 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 209 S058956 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 210 S058957 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 211 S058958 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 212 S058959 CD00007 IMG0008 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 213 S058960 CD00007 IMG0016 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 214 S058961 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 215 S058962 CD00007 IMG0014 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 216 S058963 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 217 S058964 CD00007 IMG0044 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 218 S058965 CD00007 IMG0046 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 219 S058966 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 220 S058967 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 221 S058968 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 222 S058969 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 223 S058970 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 224 S058971 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 225 S058972 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 226 S058973 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 227 S058974 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 228 S058975 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 229 S058976 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 230 S058977 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 231 S058978 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 232 S058979 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 233 S058980 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 234 S058981 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 235 S058982 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 236 S058983 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 237 S058984 CD00007 IMG0047 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 238 S058985 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 239 S058986 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 240 S058987 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 241 S058988 CD00007 IMG0029 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 242 S058989 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 243 S058990 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 244 S058991 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 245 S058992 CD00007 IMG0031 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 246 S058993 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 247 S058994 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 248 S058995 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 249 S058996 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 250 S058997 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y Darb Qirmiz Quarter Cairo, Egypt List of Visual Materials Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt No VM Num CD Id IMG Ord VM Title Date Photographer Format Copyright 251 S058998 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 252 S058999 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 253 S059000 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 254 S059001 CD00007 IMG0030 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 255 S059002 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 256 S059003 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 257 S059004 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 258 S059005 CD00007 IMG0022 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 259 S059006 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 260 S059007 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 261 S059008 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 262 S059009 CD00007 IMG0049 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 263 S059010 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 264 S059011 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 265 S059012 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 266 S059013 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 267 S059014 CD00007 IMG0035 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 268 S059015 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 269 S059016 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 270 S059017 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 271 S059018 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 272 S059019 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 273 S059020 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 274 S059021 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 275 S059022 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 276 S059023 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 277 S059024 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 278 S059025 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 279 S059026 CD00007 IMG0050 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 280 S059027 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 281 S059028 CD00007 IMG0052 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 282 S059029 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 283 S059030 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 284 S059031 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 285 S059032 CD00108 IMG0061 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 286 S059033 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 287 S059034 CD00108 IMG0062 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 288 S059035 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 289 S059036 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 290 S059037 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 291 S059038 CD00108 IMG0063 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 292 S059039 CD00108 IMG0064 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 293 S059040 CD00108 IMG0065 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 294 S059041 CD00007 IMG0043 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 295 S059042 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 296 S059043 CD00108 IMG0066 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 297 S059044 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 298 S059045 CD00108 IMG0067 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 299 S059046 CD00108 IMG0068 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 300 S059047 CD00108 IMG0069 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y Darb Qirmiz Quarter Cairo, Egypt List of Visual Materials Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt No VM Num CD Id IMG Ord VM Title Date Photographer Format Copyright 301 S059048 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 302 S059049 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 303 S059050 CD00108 IMG0070 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 304 S059051 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 305 S059052 CD00108 IMG0071 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 306 S059053 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 307 S059054 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 308 S059055 CD00108 IMG0072 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 309 S059056 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 310 S059057 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 311 S059058 CD00108 IMG0073 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 312 S059059 CD00108 IMG0074 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 313 S059060 CD00108 IMG0075 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 314 S059061 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 315 S059062 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 316 S059063 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 317 S059064 CD00108 IMG0076 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 318 S059065 CD00007 IMG0026 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 319 S059066 CD00108 IMG0077 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 320 S059067 CD00007 IMG0048 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 321 S059068 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 322 S059069 CD00007 IMG0010 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 323 S059070 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 324 S059071 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 325 S059072 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 326 S059073 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 327 S059074 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 328 S059075 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 329 S059076 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 330 S059077 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 331 S059078 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 332 S059079 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 333 S059080 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 334 S059081 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 335 S059082 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 336 S059083 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 337 S059084 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 338 S059085 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 339 S059086 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 340 S059087 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 341 S059088 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 342 S059089 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 343 S059090 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 344 S059091 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 345 S059092 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 346 S059093 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 347 S059094 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 348 S059095 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 349 S059096 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 350 S059097 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y Darb Qirmiz Quarter Cairo, Egypt List of Visual Materials Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt No VM Num CD Id IMG Ord VM Title Date Photographer Format Copyright 351 S059098 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 352 S059099 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 353 S059100 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 354 S059101 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 355 S059102 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 356 S059103 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 357 S059104 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 358 S059105 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 359 S059106 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 360 S059107 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 361 S059108 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 362 S059109 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 363 S059110 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 364 S059111 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 365 S059360 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 366 S059361 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 367 S059362 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 368 S059363 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 369 S059364 CD00007 IMG0025 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 370 S059365 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 371 S059366 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 372 S059367 CD00007 IMG0018 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 373 S059368 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 374 S059369 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 375 S059370 CD00007 IMG0038 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 376 S059371 CD00007 IMG0032 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 377 S059372 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 378 S059373 CD00007 IMG0051 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 379 S059374 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 380 S059375 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 381 S059376 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 382 S059377 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 383 S059378 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 384 S059379 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 385 S059380 CD00007 IMG0009 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 386 S059381 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 387 S059382 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 388 S059383 CD00007 IMG0027 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 389 S059383 CT00056 IMG0006 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 390 S059384 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 391 S059385 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 392 S059386 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 393 S059387 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 394 S059388 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 395 S059389 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 396 S059390 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 397 S059391 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 398 S059392 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 399 S059393 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 400 S059394 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y Darb Qirmiz Quarter Cairo, Egypt List of Visual Materials Darb Qirmiz Quarter, Cairo, Egypt No VM Num CD Id IMG Ord VM Title Date Photographer Format Copyright 401 S059395 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 402 S059396 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 403 S059397 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 404 S059398 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 405 S059399 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 406 S059400 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 407 S059401 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 408 S059402 CD00007 IMG0034 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 409 S059403 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 410 S059404 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 411 S059405 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 412 S059406 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 413 S059407 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 414 S059408 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 415 S059409 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 416 S059410 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 417 S059411 CD00007 IMG0033 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 418 S059412 CD00007 IMG0019 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 419 S059413 CD00007 IMG0040 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 420 S059414 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 421 S059415 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 422 S059416 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 423 S059417 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 424 S059418 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 425 S059419 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 426 S059420 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 427 S059421 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 428 S059422 CD00007 IMG0041 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 429 S059423 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 430 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Quarter, Cairo, Egypt No VM Num CD Id IMG Ord VM Title Date Photographer Format Copyright 451 S059445 CD00007 IMG0042 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 452 S059446 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 453 S059447 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 454 S059448 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 455 S059449 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 456 S059450 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 457 S059451 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 458 S059452 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 459 S059453 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 460 S059454 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 461 S059455 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 462 S059456 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 463 S059457 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 464 S080102 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 Y 465 S080103 15.03.1980 GERMAN 24x36 Y 466 S080104 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 467 S080105 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 468 S080106 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 469 S080107 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 470 S080108 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 471 S080109 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 472 S080110 CD00007 IMG0013 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 473 S080111 CD00007 IMG0011 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 474 S080112 CD00007 IMG0002 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 475 S080113 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 476 S080114 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 477 S080115 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 478 S080116 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 479 S080117 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 480 S080118 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 481 S080119 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 482 S080120 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 483 S080121 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 484 S080122 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 485 S080123 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 486 S080124 15.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 487 S130987 CD00007 IMG0003 01.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 488 S130988 CD00007 IMG0005 01.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 489 S130989 CD00007 IMG0036 01.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 490 S130990 CD00007 IMG0045 01.04.1983 GUNAY Reha 24x36 Y 491 S135583 GERMAN 24x36 Y 492 S135584 GERMAN 24x36 Y 493 S135891 Tomb of Sheikh Sinan GUNAY Reha 6x8 Y