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A A LTEX Package to Prepare Author and Aliation Blocks Patrick W.

A This paper describes L TEX 2 package authblk version 1.3 from 2001/02/27 It is part of the preprint collection of packages

Summary The stripped version of this le contains the following brief description: % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % A LaTeX2e package to redefine the \author command to work as normal or to allow a footnote style of author/affiliation input. Three methods of input: 1. Standard LaTeX \author{Name1//Affil1 /and Name2 and Name3//Affil2 . . .} (use \authorcr, not \\, to force new line within the author text) 2. Automatic mode (selects modes 1 or 3 depending on number of affiliations) \author{Name1} \affil{Affil1} \author{Name2} \author{Name3} \affil{Affil2} . . . 3. Footnotes explicitly \author[*]{Name1} \author[**]{Name2} \author[**]{Name3} \affil[*]{Affil1} \affil[**]{Affil2} . . .


A The standard L TEX syntax for entering author names and their aliations is rather limited. The standard is to have author blocks consisting of all authors from one institute grouped together. However, if there are many institutes, or if the authors are ordered in some other way (e.g. alphabetically) it is more appropriate to use a footnote system. Both methods should be available for any paper since the style depends more on the number of authors and aliations and their mixture.

Author/Aliation Blocks

This package oers a syntax for entering author names and their aliations A that permits both styles, and is also compatible with the standard L TEX syntax. It places its results in the control sequence \@author, which is the standard container for the author/aliation names; in this way it can be used immediately with A standard L TEX classes, or with packages that modify the title/author block.

Invoking the Package

The macros in this package are included in the main document with the A \usepackage command of L TEX 2 , \documentclass[..]{...} \usepackage[options]{authblk} where the possible options are described below in Section 5.

J. B. Smith Institute for Research Hamilton, Ontario C. T. Appleton and P. R. Bailey NASA, Greenbelt, MD

Authors and aliations can be printed in author blocks, as

or in a line with footnote markers for the aliations, as J. B. Smith1 , C. T. Appleton2 , and P. R. Bailey2

Institute for Research, Hamilton, Ontario 2 NASA, Greenbelt, MD

\author \affil

The user can enter the author and aliation information in a number of different manners.
A 1. Standard L TEX, with syntax

\author{. . . \and. . . \and. . . } where each block of author(s)/aliation comes between the \and commands, containing possibly \\ for new lines; 2. Automatic switching between author block or footnote style, information input with a series of \author, \affil commands as \author{author1 } \author{author2 } \affil{al1 } \author{author3 } \author{author4 } \affil{al2 }

Author/Aliation Blocks

where the authors will appear all in one (possibly continued) line with automatic footnotes, and the aliations appear in separate lines below; 3. Footnote style with manual footnote markers given as optional arguments; in this case, the \author and \affil commands can be fully separated: \author[1]{author1 } \author[1]{author2 } \author[2]{author3 } \author[2]{author4 } \affil[1]{al1 } \affil[2]{al2 } Method 1 can only produce author blocks; method 3 only footnotes, while 2 can produce both. If the number of aliations is greater than Maxaffil, footnotes are used, otherwise author blocks. With method 1, the \\ command is used to switch to aliation text, possibly changing the font; if the author text is to be forced to a new line, use \authorcr instead. Warning: methods 2 and 3 can only be used after authblk has been loaded, since \affil is otherwise not dened. However, a single \author command (method 1) can appear before \usepackage, or even before \documentclass, as is allowed A in standard L TEX.




Certain aspects of the author/aliation blocks can be controlled by the user through redenitions. As already mentioned, the maximum number of aliations before automatically switching from author block to footnote mode is set in the counter Maxaffil. Redene this with \setcounter{Maxaffil}{2}

\Authfont \Affilfont

The default is 2. The author and aliation lines can be set in dierent fonts, determined by these macros. By default they are \normalfont. Redene them with \renewcommand, for example:
\renewcommand\Authfont{\scshape} \renewcommand\Affilfont{\itshape\small}


The interline spacing between the author and aliation lines is set by the length \affilsep. Change this with \setlength, as \setlength{\affilsep}{1em}

\Authsep \Authand \Authands

This spacing applies to both footnote and author block modes. In footnote mode, one can change the texts that comes between the authors names, between two authors, and before the last author when there are more than two. For example,

Author/Aliation Blocks

\renewcommand\Authsep{, } \renewcommand\Authand{ and } \renewcommand\Authands{, and }

This example actually shows the defaults.

Options during Loading

Some recongurations are provided for by means of options to the \usepackage command. These are: blocks sets Maxaffil to so that the automatic selection will always be author/ aliation blocks; noblocks sets Maxaffil to 0 so that the automatic selection will always be footnote mode; maxn (n = 2, 6) sets Maxaffil to n; auth-sc sets author font to small caps; auth-sc-lg sets author font to small caps, but with size \large; auth-lg sets author font to normal, but in size \large; affil-sl sets aliation font to slanted; affil-it sets aliation font to italic; german changes and to und in author lists.

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