Yoga Practices
Yoga Practices
Yoga Practices
Asana is a Body posture, it is a Sanskrit word used to describe a position of the body. Patanjali, the founder of Ashtanga Yoga defines asana as "Steady and comfortable posture". Traditionally many asanas are practiced in Hatha Yoga tradition, primarily to achieve better physical and mental health. Asanas have deep impact on the entire body and mind complex, it affects different systems in the body like muscular, respiratory, circulation, digestive, excretory, reproductive, endocrine, nervous system.
raised pose)
Uttanpadasana with one leg Vipritakarani Tadagasana
Pavanamuktasana 2 legs
Pavanamuktasana 1 leg Ardhachakrasana 1 (half Ardhachakrasana 2 Anantasana 1 Anantasana 2 Ardha Chakrasana (prep. Wheel pose) Chakrasana (full wheel pose)
(Horse gesture in shoulder stand) Matsyasana (Fish pose) Halasana (Plough pose)
Vistrutapada Halasana (advanced stage of Halasana) Karnapeedanasan (inverted pose)
(locust pose) Dhanurasana (Bow pose) Noukasana (Boat pose) Makarasana (crocodile pose)
Shalabhasana Adhvasana Niralamba Shalabhasana