Yoga Practices

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Yoga Practi ces Positi ons, Postu res, Asan a (The Best Practi ce to Perfe ct Healt h)

Asana is a Body posture, it is a Sanskrit word used to describe a position of the body. Patanjali, the founder of Ashtanga Yoga defines asana as "Steady and comfortable posture". Traditionally many asanas are practiced in Hatha Yoga tradition, primarily to achieve better physical and mental health. Asanas have deep impact on the entire body and mind complex, it affects different systems in the body like muscular, respiratory, circulation, digestive, excretory, reproductive, endocrine, nervous system.

Standing Position - Yoga Postures or Asana in Standing Position

Stand erect with the feet quite close together, heels and the big toes touching each other. Hands touching thighs, this position help to achieve stability of pulse.

List of Postures or Asana In Standing Position

Veerasana (Warrior pose) Trikonasana (Triangle pose) Vrikshasana (Tree pose) Shirshasana (Headstand pose) Parivarta Trikonasana (Twisted triangle pose) Ekapad Hastasana (Hand to Leg pose) Ugrasana (Ferocious

pose) Sankatasana (Difficult pose) Garudasana (Eagle pose)

Mridang Bandha (Drum pose) Virabhadrasana (Gracious Warrior pose) Patangasana (Kite pose)

Sitting Position - Yoga Postures or Asana in Sitting Position

This is the sitting position with both legs together and stretched, toes erect, spine erect and both hands straight and palms resting on the floor.

List of Poses or Asana In Sitting Position

Dhyan Mudra (Meditation gesture) Swastikasana (Auspicious pose) Samasana (Balance pose) Padmasana (Lotus pose) Padmasana (Baddha) (Tied lotus) Padmasana (Utthit) (Lifted lotus) Parvatasana (Mountain pose) Akarna Dhanurasana (Type 1) (Bow pose in sitting) Akarna Dhanurasana (Type 2) (Bow pose in sitting) Padmasana Yogamudra (Type 1) Padmasana Yogamudra (Type 2) Vakrasana (Type 1) (Twisted pose) Kukkutasana (Cockerel pose) Garbhasana (Foetus pose) Utkatasana (Toe Balance pose) Padangusthasana (Single Toe Balance pose) Merudandasana (Crow pose) Ekapadashirasana (Single Leg to Head pose) Tolangulasana (Scale pose) Vakrasana (Type 2) (Twisted pose) Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist) Sharanagata Mudra (Forward Bending) Vajrasana (Thunderbolt pose) Vajrasana Yogamudra (Type 1) Vajrasana Yogamudra (Type 2) Paschimottanasana (Half) (Half Forward Bend) Paschimottanasana (Full) (Forward Bend) Januhastasana Hastashirasana Ekpad Sahajhasta Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) Dwipad Sahajhasta Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) Dattamudra Simhasana (Lion pose) Ekapadhastasana (Hand to Single leg pose) Ardhapadmabandhasana (Half lotus bound pose) Ugrasana (Ferocious pose) Hansasana (Swan pose)

Supine Position (Yoga Postures in Supine Position)

Lie down on the back with legs together, straight extended, the toes erect and hands straight and palms resting on the floor.

List of Postures or Asana In Supine Position

Uttanpadasana with both legs



(corpse pose) (pond pose) (gas release wheel pose)

raised pose)
Uttanpadasana with one leg Vipritakarani Tadagasana

(Inverted pose) stand)

Pavanamuktasana 2 legs

Pavanamuktasana 1 leg Ardhachakrasana 1 (half Ardhachakrasana 2 Anantasana 1 Anantasana 2 Ardha Chakrasana (prep. Wheel pose) Chakrasana (full wheel pose)

Sarwangasana (Shoulder Ashwini Mudra

(Horse gesture in shoulder stand) Matsyasana (Fish pose) Halasana (Plough pose)
Vistrutapada Halasana (advanced stage of Halasana) Karnapeedanasan (inverted pose)

Prone Position (Yoga Postures in Prone Position)

In this position you lie down in prone on front side of the chest and abdomen with the chin on the floor. Both hands lying besides the thighs, and palms resting on the floor.

List of Postures or Asana In Prone Position

Saral Hasta Bhujangasana

(Straight arm Cobra pose)

Vakra Hasta Bhujangasana

(Bent arm Cobra pose) Shalabhasana Half (locust pose)

Niralamba Bhujungasana

(locust pose) Dhanurasana (Bow pose) Noukasana (Boat pose) Makarasana (crocodile pose)
Shalabhasana Adhvasana Niralamba Shalabhasana

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