Review of Related Literature
Review of Related Literature
Review of Related Literature
A textbook or coursebook is a manual of instruction in any branch of study that is widely used in a school. Textbooks are produced according to the demands of educational institutions. Most textbooks are only published in printed format,but nowadays, many are available as online electronic books or BSE (Buku Sekolah Elektronik). Textbooks are compiled by experts on particular subjects. In this case, the compilers of English textbooks are English language experts who master the science of language (linguistic), the theory of language teaching, language learning theory, and English education curriculum. According to the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of Republic of Indonesia (Permendiknas) number 11 of 2005, textbooks are compulsory reference books which contain learning materials, those have the aim of increasing the faith and devotion, character and personality, mastery of science and technology, the ability of aesthetic sensitivity, potential physical, and health which is based on national education standards. Textbook provides facilities for students to learn independently. Textbook is a book that students use on to a certain level as a medium of learning (instructional), related to the field of study (Ministry of Education 2005:4) Many experts express opinions about the definitions of textbook, Arifin (2009:56) argues that textbooks are types of book that is used in teaching and learning activities, that textbooks are prepared according the needs of students. It is also stated that textbooks are the records of racial mind that is prepared for instructional purposes and objectives (Quest Hall in Tarigan 2009:12) Another expert who tries to define what textbook is is Lange as cited in Tarin (2009:12). He states that textbooks are the standard books or books
of any special branch of study and may consist of two types; the principal books or the main books and additional or supplements books. More detailed definition was stated by Bacon as cited in Tarin (2009:12. He argued that textbooks are books that are designed to be used in the classroom, carefully compiled and prepared by experts of their own fields, and are also equipped with appropriate and harmonious means of teaching. Based on the opinions of the experts, it can be concluded that textbook is a standardized book in courses of study, compiled by experts of their own respective fields for the instructional purposes, which are equipped with teaching facilities and are easily understood by users in schools, in this case both teacher and students, so as to support a teaching program. 2. The function of textbooks The function of textbooks is as effective learning tools. For students, the textbook is one of sources of information and an effective tool to increase their experience. For teachers, the material presented in textbooks may be used as consideration in teaching. For example, as the material chosen and compiled with material from other sources. The valid textbook is a textbook that can help students in solving simple and complex problems, not create a wrong perception, and can be accounted for its truth in accordance with the rules of science (Pusbuk Ministry of Education 2005:7). Permendiknas number 11 of 2005 states that textbooks serve as a reference required by educators and learners in the learning process. According to Tarin (2009:15) text book is an important and powerful tool for providing and fulfilling indirect experience in large numbers and neatly organized. According to Buckingham (in Tarin 2009:19) there advantages of the textbook are as follows: (1) the opportunity to learn according to their intelligence, (2) the opportunity to repeat or review, (3) the possibility to check memory, (4) easy to make notes for later use, (5) a special opportunity that can be displayed by visual means in order to support the effort to learn from a book.
According to Kisanjaya (in Kisro 2006:50) there are five functions of a textbook for teachers and two functions for students. The function of textbooks for students is as a means of assurance of teaching materials that will be studied; as a learning tool inside and outside the classroom (outside the classroom as a teacher) in which there were clues, theories, concepts or materials or the evaluation exercise. The function of a textbook for teachers, are as a guide to identify the materials, learn techniques and teaching methods, and obtain teaching materials as a learning tool. From some of these functions, it can be concluded that the function of textbooks is as a source of teaching materials, reference, and means to achieve learning goals for teachers and students, as well as tools development for programs in the curriculum. Reading Reading is one of the four skills in English. Besides reading, there are writing, listening, and speaking. Reading itself is the process to derive meaning from text. Children who already understand spoken language and who are able to fluently and easily recognize printed words do not usually have difficulty with reading comprehension. Reading education in Indonesia begins from the earliest level of education. It can be from parental education or the most earliest formal school; kindergarten. Government has put a lot of effort to advance the reading ability of the students in schools. Textbook are mostly given free in school which then can be borrowed by both students and teachers.
3. Character building in education According to wikipedia, character or in this case moral character to be precise, is defined as an evaluation of a particular individual's durable moral qualities. The concept of character can imply a variety of attributes including the existence or lack of virtues such as integrity, courage, fortitude, honesty, and loyalty, or of
good behaviors or habits. Other experts say that character is a pattern, be it thoughts, attitudes, and actions in a person which is very strong and difficult to remove (Munir 2010:3). In addition, Khan (2010:1) also mentions that character is a stable personal attitude as a result of consolidation process in a progressive and dynamic way, an intregasion of statements and actions.
In addition to understanding of character by Khan (2010:1), he also explained the notion of education which he stated as a process that helps to grow, develop, mature, organize, and direct people. Education also means the process of developing a wide range of potentials that exist in human beings in order to be useful for himself and his environment. Definition of education is also described in the Dictionary of Education which stated that education is the process a person develops abilities, attitudes, and other forms of behavior in the community where he lives. Another opinion expressed by Dewantara (in Munib 2010:33) that education generally means power to advance the growth of moral character (inner strength, character), mind (intellect), and a child's body. Another opinion is expressed by Joesoef (in Munib 2010:33) that the notion of education has two aspects; process and outcome / product. In this case, process is the process of aid, assistance, guidance, instruction, training. While the definition of outcome / product is an adult human, morality, responsibility, and independency. From a few opinions about understanding the character and also the understanding of education, it can be concluded that the character education or character building in education is an effort in the form of guidance which is undertaken to develop a wide range of potentials that exist in human beings in order to have the thoughts, attitudes, and acts of kindness and become a mature human being, have good morals, responsibility, and independency. 4. Cultural Values and Character Education Based on the guidelines for schools regarding the Development of Education Culture and National Character issued by the Ministry of National Education
(2010:9), the values developed in the culture and national character education can be identified from the sources below. 1. Religion: Indonesia is a society of religious people. Therefore, the lives of individuals, communities and nations are always based on religious teachings and beliefs. Politically, the state's life was based on the values derived from religion. On the basis of these considerations, then the values of culture and national character education should be based on the values and principles derived from religion. 2. Pancasila: Republic of Indonesia is established on the principles of nationhood and statehood, called Pancasila. Pancasila is contained in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution and further elaborated in the articles contained in the 1945 Constitution. That is, the values contained in Pancasila became the values that govern political life, law, economics, society, culture, and art. Culture and national character education aimed at preparing the students become better citizens, ie citizens who have the ability, willingness, to apply the values of Pancasila in their lives as citizens. 3. Culture: it is a fact that there is no human being living in a society that is not based on cultural values that society recognized. Cultural values that form the basis of giving meaning to the concept and meaning of communication among members of that society. Such important position of culture has in public life requires a source of cultural values in culture and national character education. 4. National Educational Objectives: the formulation of quality that must be owned by every citizen of Indonesia, developed by various educational units at various levels and pathways. National education goals include a variety of human values that must be owned by Indonesian citizens. Therefore, the purpose of national education is being the most operational source in the development of culture and national character education. The most commonly described topics in character education are: religious, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creativity, independency, democracy, curiosity, nationality and social awareness.