Internship R. On GP

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Md. Musharrof Hossain Adjunct Faculty, Department of Business Administration Faculty of Administrative Science International Islamic University Chittagong.D.

C Subject: Submission of the internship research paper Dear Sir, I have the pleasure to submit herewith the internship research paper on the topicAssessment of Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study of GrameenPhone Ltd. in order to meet the requirement of internship as an integral part of the MBA program. Basically I worked in this paper to give a broad viewAssessment of Customer Satisfaction in the context of GrameenPhone Ltd. The information used in this paper comes from various sources. This preparation of the paper was an experience which made me known a lot about the telecommunication sector. It would be a great honor for me if you require me to explain any sort of query. Sincerely yours, ...................
Hasan Mahmud Rumman Matric No-M-061327 Section-D


All praise to Allah, the almighty, and the merciful. Without his blessing and endorsement this report would not have been accomplished.

I would then recall my honorable faculty member and the Internship supervisor Md. Musharrof Hossain whose guidance and inspiration helped me completing my report on Assessment of Customer Satisfaction in the context of GrameenPhone. I would also put on record my sincere appreciation to the organization supervisor Yeasir Mahmood Khan, Manager, Customer Service, GrameenPhone Ltd. for his guidance and support in preparing the report.

This report also has the blessing of many individuals who took part in preparing the questionnaire survey who are the agents. Without the help and assistance this report would not have been accomplished.

I am also grateful to Customer Service of GrameenPhone to find out time from their busy schedule. I thank to my family members for their patience which they shown during the whole course work.

At last but not the least I am thankful to all of my class mates for giving us the energy during the course work and creating a learning environment.


GrameenPhone Ltd. - the leading organization of mobile telecommunication industry of Bangladesh is now operating its business all over the country with a subscriber base of about 13 million. The project is designed to assess the satisfaction level of GPs subscribers. The hypothesis is Present service quality has satisfied customer that increase the number of subscribers. The organization is still growing rapidly and the present scenarios of the organization have been described in the Organization Part of this report. The initial Part describes organizations mission, vision, objectives, products, services, market share, and industry analysis. The later part contains the essence of the report, describes the research problem, which is the study of the customer perceptions about the Customer service provided by GrameenPhone. In the data collection method I have used primary sources and secondary sources. In broad sense subscribers satisfaction depends upon many factors, like Internet speed should be faster, Product Tariff, Help line is accessible for the customer. Employee satisfaction is one of them. So management should concern about it.

Table of content
Letter of transmittal Acknowledgement

Organizational Part
Chapter: One Origin of the Report Historical Background of GrameenPhone Company Overview Shareholder of GrameenPhone Vision Mission Statement Objectives of the organization Corporate strategy Purpose Technology People Service Organ gram of GP Product and services Offered by GP GSM features of GP Other Important services and aspects Present State of GP Corporate Responsibility Corporate Business Strategy Achievement SWOT Analysis of GP Chapter: Two Telecommunication Industry Overview Telecommunication Industry in SAARC Countries 13-14 14 14 15 15 16 17 17 17 18 19 24-28 28 28-29 30 30 32 33-39 5-11 12-13


Telecommunication Industry in Bangladesh & Market share


Project Part
Chapter: Three Survey result on customer satisfaction Research reporting Presenting the Survey Results in Graphical mood Analysis of the Survey Recommendations Appendix: Sample Questionnaire Reference 51-53 54 41 41 43-48 49-50 51

GrameenPhone has been recognized for building quality service with widest network coverage, different services. It is the leading telecommunications service provider in the country with more than 12 million subscribers across the country while offering innovative products and services and committed after-sales service. GrameenPhone can retain this present position only when they do continuous research on customer satisfaction and alleviate the lacking. So for the greater interest of GrameenPhone I

would like to prepare my report on Assessment of Customer Satisfaction: A case study of GrameenPhone Limited Objectives: Broad objectives: To measure, understand and analyze the current level of consumer satisfaction of GrameenPhone subscribers regarding the customer service provided by GP. Specific objectives: Attaining a preliminary idea on GPs approach: In meeting the needs of rapidly expanding customer base in pace with the ever changing business environment in alignment with the vision & objective of the corporate. Market share of GrameenPhone Ltd. To find the potential areas for GP coverage and areas where improvement is required.

SWOTof the Corporate in present market scenario. To make recommendations Implementing the approach in professional life.

Significance of the study The present study is worthwhile in various aspects. Nowadays unexpected competition is prevailing in telecommunication arena. So many mobile companies (banglalink, aktel etc) are doing their operation. All the mobile service providers are trying their level best to achieve customer acceptance with providing different services. At present GP is controlling the communication sector with a huge lead of 63 % market share and the present yearly growth trend is more than 3%. In a competitive business scenario this trend is not only high, considering the consumers average earning level and the high call charge of GP, it is remarkable. However, in this era of free market economy and competitive business, it is very difficult to maintain this monopolistic approach without mitigating the day-to-day problems in the structural and operational segments and making demand-driven improvements. Corporate therefore need to come up with new ideas for business development. They believe that after 5 years all of the telecommunication companies of Bangladesh

will be in a same row. At that time their survival will mostly depend on the customer service and customer satisfaction. To know, present services are useful to the customers, how much motivated they are, can it actually retain customers and influence and attract other customer, research & continuous monitoring on customer satisfaction is inevitable. Customer loyalty is usually demonstrated in the form of satisfaction. Considering the forthcoming business competitions from Global Leaders in

telecommunication technology, WARID TELECOM which has already invested an amount of Tk. 50000 million subsequent to that GP is going face the most challenging business situation in the communication sector of Bangladesh. Considering the near future challenges GP is more focused on securing a loyal customer base by assuring customer satisfaction to mitigate the business risk factors prior to the start of operation of WARID TELECOM. The present study is going to aid the GrameenPhone management to ensure better service & understanding about the existing customer needs and wants. Hypotheses: Present service quality has satisfied customer that increase the number of subscribers. Methodology: In this report I have used both primary data and secondary data.

Primary Data Collection In this report I have used primary data that was collected through direct survey even though Customer Satisfaction is a vague term and can not be converted in numerical form to have any assumption on the over customers view. However, a close ended questionnaire was prepared for survey. There are few open-ended questions too and some questions are even a blend of open and closed-ended. Moreover, direct interaction

with the customers assisted to assume the over all feed back of the customer base. Secondary Data Collection Apart from primary data, secondary data is very essential for this study. Secondary data are of two kinds, Internal and External. Internal secondary data was gathered from the organization itself and it includes Image Guide Book, Bulletin board and intranet of GP to find the annual company report, papers developed by company personnel etc. External secondary data was gathered by the sources outside the organization such as internet, newsletters, leaflets etc. Even though Customer Satisfaction is a vague term and can not be converted in numerical form to have any assumption on the over customers view. However, a close ended questionnaire was prepared for survey. More over, direct interaction with the customers assisted to assume the over all feed back of the customer base. The Target Population is GrameenPhone Subscribers aged between 18-50.The Sampling Frame is GrameenPhone Subscribers residing in Dhaka Metropolitan City. The Sample Size is 100. Information is collected through direct interviews with the subscribers. Tabulation and data analysis Data are useful only when I analyze them. After we collect the required data I will do the tabulation and then analyze the findings from the research. The findings of the paper would be analyzed through MS WORD, EXCEL and SPSS.

Errors Doing a research of such proportions may have resulted in errors. This potential error may be minimize by random selection of sample and avoid biasness on data collection and analyze. Limitation of the study: The scope of the study is not limited within the periphery of telecommunication sector. Customer satisfaction is the ultimate word in revenue generation. Thereby, this

experience can easily be customized in any revenue generating, profit oriented organization. There are some limitations. These are The Study results might not be completely representative or all-inclusive as the survey area is limited to Dhaka city only. It was not possible to get all required internal information of the company as these are treated as confidential to the company. Some subscribers were not interested to convey information due to lack of availability of time and other constraint. Getting all required information of other company was not possible. The time constraint

Customer Satisfaction: Actually customer satisfaction is a vague term. It is very difficult to identify actual satisfaction level because some customers are price sensitive and some are quality sensitive. Depends upon the sensitivity customer satisfaction factors are different.

The Customers are in the mainstream of sales oriented services. The success of such companies mostly depends on the satisfaction of the customers .The buyers are happy if the product and/or the services perceived value meet their expectations and the vice versa. Customer usually build expectation level through past buying experiences, the suggestion of reference group, sales people, various media information means advertisement, competitor information and promises lead to the expectations. Marketer must be careful to set the right level of expectations. If they set expectations too low, they may satisfy those who buy but fail to attract enough buyers. In contrast, if they raise expectations too high, buyers are likely to be disappointed. Dissatisfaction can arise either from a decrease in product and service quality or from an increase in customer expectations. In either case, it presents an opportunity for companies that can deliver superior customer value and satisfaction. So, the marketer main task is to match the products perceived value with customer expectation. To-day most successful companies have taken the strategy of are raising expectations and delivering performance to match. Such companies track their customers expectations, perceived company performance, and customer satisfaction. Highly

satisfied customers produce several benefits for the company. Satisfied customers are fewer prices sensitive remain customers for a longer period and talk favorably to others about the company and its products and services. A company can always increase customer satisfaction by lowering its price and increasing its services, but it may result in lower profits. Thus, the purpose of marketing is to generate customer value profitably. It is also important for the company to know about the satisfaction level of the customers. When any problem is identified, it becomes easier to solve the problem. The next part of this paper has been focused on the Customer Satisfaction Factors of GrameenPhone. It is done through a research survey to find out the customer satisfaction level of GrameenPhone. Customer Satisfaction Factors of GP: GrameenPhone is a fast growing mobile company. In mobile telecommunication industry, there are direct and indirect factors that influence customer satisfaction. Here focus on the most important factors that influence customer satisfaction. Airtime: Air time is the core offering of GrameenPhone, So, quality of communication network availability, etc, are the most important customer satisfaction factors, quality of airtime depends on the ratio of subscribers and transmission base station. It the numbers of subscribers are increased without developing the network, quality of airtime goes down

After Sales Services: After sales services is very important in the mobile telecommunication industry. GP has extensive after sales customer care tools. Here focus on these step by step. 1. Helpline: GrameenPhone has introduced some hotline through which Subscriber can get 24 hours customer service from GP. In this hotline Subscribers can talk in Bangle and English language. For the greater interest of Subscriber GP also introduced dialect base


language. In this dialect Subscribers are served in regional language. So, this service keeps a continuous relationship with the subscribers A GP subscriber needs to dial 121 to reach GrameenPhone Helpline. It is a computer aided information base to afford immediate access to the information about the subscribers, but the operations are done manually. After dialing 121, subscribers are first welcomed by an automated and standarilized process. Then he needs to wait for few seconds. After that the subscriber reaches the Customer Manager. CM starts the conversation with a greeting. The subscriber explains his/her problems to the CM. If the inquiry is regarding general information, the customer relations officer does not need to take help of information system. She/he just provides the information and the subscriber keep the phone. There are some queries that are much more personalized and the CM needs to get into the account of that particular subscriber to provide the service. In some case, the subscriber just keeps the complaint/ request and later action is needed to be taken. Customer need to pay TK. 2 per minute to take the service from helpline. 2. Information Centers: Most of the problems of the subscribers are solved by the helpline service. But there are some problems that can not be solved by over phone. Subscriber need to come physically to deal with those problems. GrameenPhone has 18 GPC and 602 GPSDs which provide services all over the country. These Customer Relation Centers are situated in the prime divisional head quarters like Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, Rajshahi and Khulna and GPSDs situated all most everywhere in Bangladesh. In these information centers the subscribers can come directly with their problems like billing, address change, SIM change, edge problem etc. These after sales services are very crucial to keep subscribers satisfied regarding GrameenPhone.

Historical Backdrop of GrameenPhone

GrameenPhone Ltd. is the market leader in the telecommunication sector in Bangladesh. With the beginning of 2006 the company completed its ten years of


business. The company achieved remarkable success during this period. It is now able to say that it has the largest network, the widest coverage, the biggest subscriber base and more value added services than any other mobile phone operators in Bangladesh. GP has a very strong competitive position in the telephone industry in the country. GrameenPhone: The Beginning 1 2 3 November 28, 1996: GrameenPhone was offered a cellular license in Bangladesh by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. March 26, 1997: GrameenPhone launched its service on the Independence Day of Bangladesh. After ten years of operation, GrameenPhone has almost 13 million subscribers as of January 07 and the present growth rate is 3.

GrameenPhone Ltd. (GP) is the market leader in the mobile telecommunication industry of Bangladesh. GP is a joint venture between Bangladesh and Norway. Principally GP was established in 1995. However, due to some revisions of government policy, GP was not permitted to start the operation. The license agreement was signed on October 31, 1996. GP started developing the infrastructure facilities in the country, and started the commercial operation on March 26, 1997 with an initial customer of 5,000 in seven districts. This turn around time is also considered as one of the land mark in telecommunication sector of developing countries. Bangladesh is a developing country with a per capita income of US $ 300. Access to telecommunication was considered as luxury than a necessity. In this socio-economic situation GP started their operation. GPs aim was to develop one GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) cellular mobile communications network in Bangladesh in competition with two other GSM operators and one AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone System) operator. GP aims to provide the best possible technical quality, customer service, and coverage also in the rural areas at the most reasonable prices, to as many customers possible in Bangladesh.


GP had its success from the very beginning of their operation and has successfully maintained the consistency of success through out the decade due to its strong customers service and relationship.

Company Overview
Shareholders of GrameenPhone The shareholders of GrameenPhone contribute their unique, in-depth experience in both telecommunications and development. TelenorMobileCommunications Telenor is the leading Telecommunications Company of Norway listed in the Oslo and NASDAQ Stock Exchanges. It owns 62% shares of GrameenPhone Ltd. Telenor have played a pioneering role in development of cellular communications. It has substantial international operations in mobile telephony, satellite operations and pay Television service.


Grameen Telecom, which owns 38% of the shares of GrameenPhone, is a not-for-profit company and works in close collaboration with Grameen Bank. The internationally reputed bank for the poor has the most extensive rural banking network and expertise in microfinance. It understands the economic needs of the rural population, in particular the women from the poorest households. Grameen Telecom, with the help of Grameen Bank, administers the Village Phone Program, through which GrameenPhone provides its services to the fast growing rural customers. Grameen Telecom trains the operators, supplies them with handsets and handles all service-related issues. Figure: Share holder of GrmeenPhone The international shareholder brings technological and business management expertise

Share Holde De rs' tails

Te nor le Gra e Te c me n le om

3% 8 6% 2

while the local shareholder provides a presence throughout Bangladesh and a deep understanding of its economy. Both are dedicated to Bangladesh and its struggle for economic progress and have a deep commitment to GrameenPhone and its mission to provide affordable telephony to the entire population of Bangladesh.



Grameen Phones vision is We are here to help Mission: 1 2 3 4 Knowing customer expectations Satisfying Customers in accordance to the identified expectations Knowing us Organizing us

Slogan: "Let's not expect the customers to travel to get the service rather let service travel to the customers" Objective of the Organization: The objective of GP is in two folds: To generate revenue & To contribute in the economic development of Bangladesh where telecommunications can play a critical role. This is why GrameenPhone, in collaboration with Grameen Bank, is aiming to place one phone in each village to contribute significantly to the economic uplift of those villages through Village Phone. The Corporate Strategy

GrameenPhones basic strategy is ensuring services. The preliminary step in assuring this service is wide network coverage in both urban and rural areas. In contrast to the island strategy followed by other operators, which involves connecting isolated islands of urban coverage through transmission links, GrameenPhone builds continuous coverage, cell after cell. While the intensity of coverage may vary from area to area depending on market conditions, the basic strategy of cell-to-cell coverage is applied throughout Grameen Phones network. Thereby a massive network expansion can be located in past years of GP. As a matter of fact to ensure customer satisfaction GP has invested a huge amount in network expansion comparatively which is more than any other operator. The ultimate result is reflected in the following chart:


Sylhet Rajshahi Dist: 16 Upa: 134 Dist: 6 Upa: 41

Dhaka Dist: 17 Upa: 144

Khulna Dist: 10 Upa: 66 Barisal Dist: 6 Upa: 41 Chittagong Dist: 8 Upa: 82

GP has largest network coverage with 61 districts out of 64 districts, 506 Thana indoor and highway coverage.


Due to this huge investment in network expansion, it took 5 years for GP to cross the break even point. According to Anders Jenson, the CEO of GP, this investment was mandatory to ensure a satisfied and strong customer base. This is reflected in the interview of CEO of GrameenPhone with BBC Worlds Asia Business Report. The recent fall in SIM taxes and taxes on mobile hand sets, Anders Jenson added that the taxes need to drop even further as the initial cost of getting connected and price of handsets are still major barriers for new subscribers. Notably GrameenPhone has already added more 1000 base stations to its network in the last six months, bringing the total number of base stations to 4500. "We are looking to roll out another 1000 for the rest of the year. And we believe in a good growth for the country and a good growth of this industry and we will invest to cover for the growth," the GP CEO added.

The Resource
People The people who are making it happen the employees are young, dedicated and energetic. All of them are well educated at home or abroad, with both sexes and minority groups in Bangladesh being well represented. They know in their hearts that GrameenPhone is more than just about phones. This sense of purpose gives them the dedication and the drive, producing in about three years the biggest coverage and subscriber base in the country. Technology GrameenPhones Global System for Mobile or GSM technology is the most widely accepted digital system in the world, currently used by over 300 million people in 172 countries. GSM brings the most advanced developments in cellular technology at a reasonable cost by spurring severe competition among manufacturers and driving down the cost of equipment. Thus, consumers get the best for the least. The Service: GrameenPhone believes in service, a service that leads to good business and good


development. Telephony helps people work together, raising their productivity. This gain in productivity is development, which in turn enables them to afford a telephone service, generating a good business. Thus development and business go together. To assure complete satisfaction of the customers GP formulated a separate Customer Management Division which goal is to: ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF GRAMEENPHONE LTD.






ProductSHAFIQUL ISLAM MD. Category




Prepaid Smile M2M



Xplore Package 1


Smile PSTN Djuice





Smile M2M Smile M2M is a pre-paid product with mobile-to-mobile connectivity. Any one can make and receive calls to and from all DEPUTY DIRECTOR, COMPANY SECRETARYmobiles

(within GP coverage)HEAD OF INTERNAL AUDIT using Smile M2M Pre-

paid. It has network mobility feature, with which any one can move around the country with his GP mobile phone (within GP coverage). Here access fee and bill cycle is not applicable. Smile PSTN Smile PSTN is a pre-paid product with mobile-to-mobile, isd incoming outgoing connectivity. Any one can make and receive calls to and from all mobiles using Smile


PSTN Pre-paid. Here access fee and bill cycle is not applicable.

Djuice Another popular product of GrameenPhone is Djuice, which was specially launched recently. This product is mainly designed for the young generation. Xplore Package Xplore Package 1 is the prime post-paid products of GrameenPhone. This phone can connect all mobiles within the home zone and all GP mobiles throughout GPs coverage area as well as all BTTB fixed line telephone connections. It has National Roaming facility. Xplore Package Xplore Package 2 is the prime post-paid products of GrameenPhone. This phone can connect all mobiles within the home zone and all GP mobiles throughout GPs coverage area as well as all BTTB fixed line telephone connections. It has National Roaming facility. It has 1000 Commitment fee. GPPP GPPP is the prime post-paid products of GrameenPhone. It is designed only for business purpose. This phone can connect all mobiles within the home zone and all GP mobiles throughout GPs coverage area as well as all BTTB fixed line telephone connections. It has National Roaming facility. It has 1200tk Commitment fee without vat.

GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) Features of GrameenPhone GrameenPhone subscribers enjoy the following GSM features without bearing any additional costs: Caller ID: Display of the phone number of an incoming call in from ones handset before the call is answered. Call Waiting:


While talking to the first caller, customer will hear a special tone informing him/her about the second call on the line. At that moment he/she can put the first caller on hold and talk to the second caller. Call Conference: Receiving calls from multiple callers can be supplemented by joining these multiple callers so as to enable them to talk to each other. He/she will be able to communicate with a group consisting of maximum five callers. Call Divert: Call Divert lets you redirect or re-route ones call to another GrameenPhone mobile or any other fixed (if you have BTTB connectivity) or mobile phone. Call Barring: Enables ones to restrict certain types of calls to be made from ones mobile. This feature is especially important for security purposes. Value Added Services The following additional services are available upon request: Voice Mail Service (VMS): VMS is a unique answering machine. It provides a subscriber with a personal electronic mail box in our voice mail center. It records your personalized greetings as well as stores your incoming voice messages. It records incoming voice messages if you are: 1. Outside GP's coverage area or 2. Busy or 3. Simply switched off your mobile. Short Message Service (SMS): SMS in your mobile acts like an advanced pager. One can send and receive text messages of up to 160 characters, directly from one GP mobile to another GP mobile. Fax and Data Service (currently available only to corporate clients): One can use your mobile phone attached to a computer to send faxes or transfer data. No need to have connection with a fixed line. One can use this service even when you are on the move


within GPs coverage area. Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Service: WAP provides easy, secure access to the Internet in text format through the mobile phone within the GP coverage area.

Fax and Data Service (Available only to corporate clients): One can use his mobile Phone attached to a computer to send faxes or transfer data. No need to have connection with a fixed line. One can use this service even when he/she is on the move within GPs coverage area. This is a tool to access WAP-enabled information from the Internet through GP mobile phones. You can also access your yahoo e-mail account through GP WAP service. WAP stands for Wireless Application Protocol. Very recently they have launched this service. This value added service provides easy, secure access to the Internet in text format through ones mobile phone within GP coverage. All GrameenPhone users can avail the service provided who have WAP enabled hand-set and Data enabled SIM card. Initially GP is planning to launch WAP service in the contents like: E-mail, News, Entertainment, City Guide, Travel, Emergency, Games/ Puzzles, Fashion/Beauty, and so on. Key benefits for a subscriber are of WAP: 1. Easy to use. 2. The possibility of having personalized services. 3. Portability. You do not have to entail separate investment for WAP. 4. Access to a wide variety of services on a competitive market. 5. Fast, convenient and efficient access to services.


Thank you A Grameenphone connection is not just simply a mobile connection; it is the beginning of a new relationship. Since the start of our operations in 1997, we believe that a special relationship is formed with each new connection a time-nurtured attachment that deepens with every call you make and receive. Thank you is our way of expressing our gratitude, because not only has your loyalty touched us but has also made us the preferred mobile operator. Our thankyou program provides you with a number of rewards that will make your mobile phone experience with us even more satisfying. But this offer is unavailable at this moment.

Discount on Voice Calls: As part of the Thankyou program, you will receive discounts and bonus talk-time for Post-paid and Pre-paid voice calls respectively, based on a combination of your total voice call bill and the number of years you have been with GrameenPhone. Discount through SMS With Thankyou SMS Discounts, there are shopping surprises with every SMS. Shop with any one of our Thankyou Partners and send us an SMS (with the store code) at the cash counter to receive an immediate discount at the store. Thankyou Crown Grameenphone offers the prestigious Thankyou crown membership to especially cater to subscribers. Thankyou crown membership offers subscribers special personal service and care. They will also enjoy exceptional service at all our customer touch-points.

Cell E-mail: Cell E-mail is a state-of the art Technology which offers e-mail service through SMS. It possesses almost all the aspects of standard web mail and most importantly it is compatible with almost all GSM handset. Thus providing a way to use email to the subscribers who dont have access to Internet. Inforev Limited a local ICT solution


Provider company is providing the solution on behalf of GrameenPhone Ltd.

Exclusive Discounts Enjoy a wide variety of wonderful discounts with your thank you crown membership at various exclusive local and International thank you crown partners. As an esteemed crown member, you will enjoy special discounts at Seagull Hotel, Cox's Bazaar as well as various International Hospitals, including Bangkok Medical Centre, Thailand and the Raffles Hospital, Singapore, with many more to come. You will also enjoy wonderful discounts at more than 200 Thankyou partner locations in Bangladesh. News Service (2221/2222): This is a news broadcasting service jointly provided by Prothom Alo and The Daily Star. A subscriber can call 2221 (Bengali)/2222 (English) from his/her GP mobile phone and listen to the latest news highlights. Channel-I Program Schedule (2525): 2525 is a Channel -I Program schedule service. A subscriber can call this number from his/her GP mobile phone and listen to Channel I program (daily) highlights. Channel-I GP Information Services (2626): 2626 is Channel -I and GP information service whereby a subscriber can avail information on news, events of the day, transport schedule and horoscope. Event Based Sports Update (2002): This is an event based Sports Update service. In respect to special sport's events for Ex. international and national Cricket events, GrameenPhone updates the latest news, which can be accessed by dialing 2002. EDGE: GrameenPhone brings you EDGE an advanced mobile technology which enables highspeed mobile Internet and data services. It is up to 8 Times Faster Than GPRS Benefits of EDGE: With EDGE, any one can


1 2 3 4 5 6

Get Internet access any time, remain connected all the time wherever he or she is, and have a great Web surfing experience Surf the Internet with super-fast speed from his/her handset Browse contents more easily on his/her mobile phone Send and receive e-mails through his/her mobile phone Send and receive multimedia (pictures, sounds) messages Download better quality content: high-quality ring tones, wallpapers, songs, movie clips, videos, animated logos, and themes that let his/her customize his/her handset in many ways.

Receive telephone calls even while browsing. Once the call ends, his/her data transfer will resume automatically.

What are the EDGE services? GrameenPhone offers the following services: 1 2 3 Web surfing (yahoo, Google, etc.) Send and receive MMS (pictures, sounds, video clips, text) Download games, animations, wallpapers, video and audio clips, polyphonic tones, true tones, themes, color logos etc. In addition, any one can also use his/her handset as a dial-up modem. Other Important Services and Aspects of GP: International Roaming About GP International Roaming: GrameenPhone has been offering International Roaming facility to its subscribers since March 1999. GrameenPhone is the first Cellular Operator providing this premium service to its valued subscribers and till today it is the only company offering International Roaming Service in Bangladesh. While traveling abroad, a GP IR subscriber can use and enjoy all the operators network coverage and other facilities (with whom GP has International Roaming Agreement). Subscribers of those Roaming Partner Operators can also enjoy network coverage and facilities of GrameenPhone while visiting Bangladesh. Currently GrameenPhone has 311 International Roaming partners with networks spread across115countriesasofFebruary2007.


GrameenPhone is a GSM 900/1800 network and most of its Roaming Partners have GSM 900 or 1800 networks. However GrameenPhone also has some GSM 1900, CDMA, 2.5G, 3G and other types of operators as Roaming Partners. Benefits of Roaming: 1. Using the same mobile number 2. Reachable at one number 3. Same mobile handset 4. Reduce high bill 5. Tensionless traveling around the world 6. Move anywhere, anytime without any notice

Billing Format and Credit Policy: GrameenPhone Limited has its own billing format and credit policy. This billing format describes the different types of charges. The bill has three perforated sections, allowing payment in a GP partner bank without a deposit slip. The upper portion is to be retained by the subscriber while the two bottom portions are to be kept by the bank and GP respectively, with a paid stamp placed by the bank on all three portions. The corporate client of GP receives the total charges of all the mobile phones under the account on the first page while the details of the charges for each individual mobile phone are provided in the subsequent pages. According to the Credit Policy, introduced from January 1, 2000, the credit limit of a subscriber will be equal to Tk. 1000 plus the amount of security deposit, if any. Once the total charges (billed or to be billed) exceeds the Credit Limit, the connection will be automatically barred at any period of the month. The barring will come into effect the moment the Credit Limit is exceeded. The barring is not related to the monthly bills. It can happen any time after the Credit Limit is crossed. The service will be restored immediately after receiving the payment information. A subscription will be permanently disconnected if the outstanding dues are not paid within three months of barring of the services. But now, GrameenPhone subscribers enjoy the new flexible credit policies and online banking service:


The Services provided for rural subscribers

GrameenPhone believes in service, a service that leads to good business and good development. Telephony helps people work together, raising their productivity. This gain in productivity is development, which in turn enables them to afford a telephone service, generating a good business. Thus development and business go together.

Service for the Rural Poor People:

Establishing a nation wide network gives fair access to all geographical areas. From a business point of view, this strategy serves the long distances as well as the rural markets. This emphasis on rural coverage brings a much needed infrastructure in the underdeveloped rural areas. In collaboration with Grameen Bank, which provides micro credit only to the rural poor, GP utilizes the bank borrowers to retail telecom services in the rural areas. Leveraging on Grameen bank borrowers reduces the distribution costs of GrameenPhone rural services, contributing to the profitability of this segment. By bringing electronic connectivity to rural Bangladesh, GrameenPhone is bringing the revolution to the doorsteps of the rural poor and unconnected. Village Phone Program The Village Phone program is GrameenPhone's unique method of bringing connectivity


to the rural areas of Bangladesh. This program enables Grameen Bank's borrowers to retail telephone service in their respective villages, and has the potential to penetrate the rural areas rapidly and effectively. A typical Grameen Bank borrower takes a loan of Tk 6000 without collateral from the Bank to purchase, say, a cow. The cow would then produce milk that the borrower could sell to her neighbors enabling her to make a living and pay off the loan. The process allows the poorest of the poor to stand up on their feet. In the case of Village Phone, a telephone also acts as an income generating mechanism for a borrower; a telephone serves as another "cow." A woman borrows about Tk 20,000 from the Bank and purchases a handset and sell telephone services to the villagers, making a living and thus paying off her loan. It creates a self-employment opportunity in each village and provides access to telephones to all. Grameen Telecom, Grameen Bank's arm for administering the Village Phone operators, typically selects women by considering past borrowing records with the Bank. There are 2144 Village Phones in operation today and soon thousands of Village Phones around the country are expected across rural Bangladesh. Health Line: Health Line service is the most key concern service provided by the GrameenPhone. For this service GrameenPhone has got the GSM award. Health Line is the Health Information Service (HIS) for the GrameenPhone (GP) valued subscribers. GP subscribers will get medical information and services from Health Line medical call center. Health Line program will deliver medical advice/consultation for both adult and pediatric patients over mobile phone using: -- Standard and internationally used medical triage software -- Pharmacy & Laboratory Information System software The hotline number for Health Line that will act as the "First Point of Contact" both for emergency and non-emergency medical needs of GP subscribers. Product and Service: Doctor and Medical Facilities Information Drug and Pharmacy Information Laboratory Test Interpretation Medical Advice/Consultation (Members Only)


GPs present State: At 1997 March 26, 1997 GrameenPhone launched its service on the Independence Day of Bangladesh. After ten years of operation, GrameenPhone has almost 13 million subscribers as of January 07 and the present growth rate is 3 & current market share is 63%. From 1997 to 2007 market growth and customer base can be shown in the follows figure;



SUBSCRIBER BASE (1997- EOY January 07) 10,758,708


Growth: 3%

Growth: 94%


Growth: 132%


Growth: 109%

Growth: 47% Growth: 64% Growth: 146% Growth: 219% Growth: 100%
18,00030,000 60,000 2,388,158



Growth: 67%

774,881 471,371 191,690

19 97 19 98 20 00 20 02 20 03 20 04 20 05 20 06 19 99 20 01



20 07

The Corporate Responsibility:

The shareholder of GrameenPhone believes that Good business is good development. Since its inception, GrameenPhone has always considered Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to be an important function of the company.

Along with providing telecommunication service to almost 13 million people, providing direct income earning opportunities to a large number of people and being one of the top corporate taxpayer in the country, GrameenPhone has an extensive CSR program.

GrameenPhone has developed a very strong CSR program over the years, some of which are highlighted below:

The Village Phone Program of GrameenPhone is a unique initiative which provides access to telecommunications facilities in remote rural areas where no such service was available before. The Program enables mostly poor village women to own a Village Phone subscription and retail the phone service to her fellow villagers while providing them with a good income-earning opportunity. It is administered by Grameen Telecom in cooperation with Grameen Bank, the internationally renowned micro-credit lending institution.


GrameenPhone supports a number of national socio-cultural activities including sponsoring the national book fair (Ekushey Boi Mela), National Poetry Festival, Childrens art competitions, and other events.

GrameenPhone actively participates in development of cricket in the country and is presently the official sponsor of the Bangladesh National Cricket Team. It has also sponsored the national under -17 team, Premier cricket league etc. GrameenPhone also sponsors the Presidents Cup Golf tournament and other sports events.

The company takes an active interest in spreading IT education through both urban and rural schools. Over the years, GP has donated more than 100 computers to a number of mostly rural schools, benefiting thousands of poor students. During the floods of 2004, GP was actively involved in helping flood- affecting people by donating and supplying medicine, drinking water and arranging health camps. A donation of BDT two million was made to the Bangladesh Red Crescent Societys earthquake preparedness and awareness program. The company actively participates in the city beautification program initiated by Dhaka and Rajshahi City Corporation and supports improvement of the traffic systems in major cities. GrameenPhone supports the Acid survivors Foundation and a project for austistic children by providing supports for their education and improvement of earning ability. Moreover, GP has also restored the exterior of the historic Old Railway Station Building in Chittagong as per its original architectural design. It has sponsored a scholarship fund for the poor and meritorious students of the Finance and Banking Department of Dhaka University in cooperation with the Finance and Banking Alumni Association. GP has also donated 16 computers to two schools for underprivileged children. The Corporate Business Strategy GrameenPhone's basic strategy is coverage of both urban and rural areas. GrameenPhone builds continuous coverage, cell after cell. While the intensity of coverage may vary from area to area depending on market conditions, the basic strategy


of cell-to-cell coverage is applied throughout GrameenPhone's network. To assure Customer Satisfaction, GrameenPhone had expanded the resources and extended its services in accordance to its inclining customer segments and needs as a mandatory requirement:

Resources Vs Customers Subscriber (Figure in '000) No. 0f Employee Base Station Roaming Partners

2002 775 695 500 127

2003 1,200 795 590 199

2005 5000 2100 1515 275

June'06 9634 3953 1750 317

Resources VS Custom rs e
18000 16000 14000 Inclining Ra tio 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 75 7 10 ,2 0 50 00 93 64





Year Achievement:
GrameenPhone has been recognized as the market leader with 12832374 upto march 29, 2007 among them prepaid subscribers are 12248824 and post paid subscribers are


583550. This is the great achievement of GP. As a telecommunication service provider GrameenPhone Ltd. plays a very important role in the economic development of Bangladesh. National Board of Revenue (NBR), Ministry of Post and

Telecommunication, Bangladesh Telephone and telegraph Board (BTTB) and Bangladesh Railway (BR) are Government bodies that are directly or indirectly benefited by Grameen Phone Ltd. Now people are able to get communication benefit from GrameenPhone. By bringing electronic connectivity to rural Bangladesh, is brining the digital revolution to the doorsteps of the poor and unconnected. Grameen bank borrowers are engaged in a business by providing valuable phone service to their fellow villagers. For them mobile phone is a weapon against proverty

SWOT analysis of Grameenphone at a glance

The overall evaluation of a companys strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats is SWOT. As a key tool of analyzing internal and external environment of the company almost all the companies of modern age frequently use SWOT.

Capital Grameenphone was started their operation with huge amount of capital mainly invested by the shareholders. The Capital size is $191 million. In fact, world famous institutions like IMF, World Bank, senior lender etc. have sanctioned loan for GP. Besides this, Grameenphone is going to enter into capital market to ensure more investment. This capital is about 4000 core Tk. It indicates a strong capital background of Grameenphone. Good Owner Structure GrameenPhone has the best owner structure in the telecommunication industry of Bangladesh. Telenor is one of the largest company, which is operating in different


countries around the world. Again, in Bangladesh, Grameen Bank is one of the largest NGO, which has the better communication all over the country. Network Availability GP get the recognition as a market leader with almost 13 million for their emerging network coverage. GP has installed network in 61 out of 64 districts and 506 thana in the country. In every day the network is being developed. Thats why the company can provide better connectivity in most of the area of the country. Optical fiber network GP is using the optical fiber network of Bangladesh Railway. There is a contract between GrameenPhone and Bangladesh Railway that GP will use this network for the next 25 years. This advantage enables GP to set a Nations Wide Network in a very competitive cost. Market Leader GrameenPhone is the first organization in Bangladesh, which have reached to the general people. Though City Cell had started their operation beforehand, but they were unable to reach the general people. So, the people are being used to with GrameenPhone. This is a huge advantage of GrameenPhone. Active Management Team 4,574 Motivated Employees at different age groups are involved in doing different operation in Grameenphone. They always involve in active participation in decision making. So, we can say that Grameenphone has a dynamic management team that consists of expert from both home and abroad. This helps GP to always remain on leading position and move forward at a consistent rate. Effective Support Organization GrameenPhone have shared the idea from the employees of Bangladesh Railway and Grameen Bank, who are experienced and were able to provide precious guideline for the operation of GrameenPhone. Innovative For the continuous improvement, GrameenPhone is opened to receive new ideas. They


continuously find new and better ways to serve subscriber through technology and service and have even introduced products that did not exist in the telecommunication industry previously. THE CULTURE GrameenPhone has a conducive and safe working environment. Besides focusing on customers and communities, they are committed to treating their employees with integrity, dignity and respect. The organizations intent is to establish good working relationship through a mutual understanding of expectations. GrameenPhone believes in working in a team and demonstrate the team spirit to maximize and excel in standard quality service to their valued subscribers in the area of telecommunication. Beside this, employees work in an environment where they feel valued, responsible and supported by the authority as well as by their colleagues. High Ethical Standard To keep the quality of service, GrameenPhone is strict to follow its ethical standard. International Roaming GrameenPhone has inaugurated a new era in international roaming facility for GP post paid subscribers. These subscribers can avail this facility after fulfilling some requirements. Currently GrameenPhone has 311 International Roaming partners with networks spread across 115 countries as of February 2007. GP promotes international roaming with internet access. 24 hours customer services: GrameenPhone has introduced some hotline through which Subscriber can get 24 hours customer service from GP. In this hotline Subscribers can talk in Bangle and English language. For the greater interest of Subscriber GP also introduced dialect base language. In this dialect Subscribers are served in regional language. So, this service keeps a continuous relationship with the subscribers Face to Face Service GrameenPhone subscribers can get prompt and instant service from GPC, GPSD, GPCF etc. Nevertheless platinum crown member subscribers can get better service


stay at home. GrameenPhone has opened 18 GPC and 602 GPSD for providing face to face better service.

Weak Coverage Although GrameenPhone claim that country wide network with coverage of 61 districts and 506 thana in the country, some districts subscriber like nohakali Netrokona, Laxmipur, Naogaon, Pirojpur, Maulvibazar, Habiganj, CoxsBazar and so on, can not communicate effectively in these weak networks. Whenever GP offer a new promotion some valuable subscribers can not get connected. Recently these subscribers are facing this problem due to 12 pm to 4pm promotional offer. Network development problem Here mentioned that GP has an emerging network throughout the country. It is always a problem to keep a consistent service in a situation of frequent development. Culture Gap In GrameenPhone management, employees from different country are existed. Suppose, The Managing director is a Norwegian, Director from technical is Indian and many more employees come from different country. Thats why; some times there may be lack of understanding due to cultural gap. Different Ideas create problem: In GrameenPhone, this is highly encouraged to apply new strategy for the better performance. Sometimes it creates problem because employees are used to with the previous strategy. Complicated Pricing Structure GrameenPhone has lots of products. The pricing of these products and their billing policies are different which also difficult for a user to understand. Incomplete Messages through Promotional Activities Most of the time, the advertisement of GrameenPhone do not convey the appropriate


messages. Not only that, most of them are also so confusing to understand. As a result subscribers get the wrong meaning of what has been said to them. Problem Contained Offers Recently all most all of the new offers of GrameenPhone are having some technical problems. Either they are not working at all or part of the services of those offers is disabled. For example recently xplore subscribers and business solution are offered respectively 300 and 450 minutes free talk time for FnF number but they cannot active FnF number. Not only that, GrameenPhone is also delaying to solve those problems which is only raising the dissatisfaction level of its subscribers. No International SMS GrameenPhone does not ensure international SMS, which brings dissatisfaction of international roamer. Opportunities: Government taking steps Bangladesh Government recently getting the submarine cable connectivity. By using this, people can brows & communicate with others people with very minimum cost all over the world. So GP has the opportunity to become the leader in the industry within the country. Declining Prices for Handsets Few years ago the people of low income could not effort mobile phone services due to the high price of handsets. Now the price of handset has decreased and the low income people want to get connected through mobile phone. Economic Growth of Bangladesh The economic growth of the country will increase the expansion of telecommunication industry. From 1995 to 2007, there is a huge change in telecommunication sector.


New and Better Interconnect Agreement GrameenPhone is going to have agreement with T&T to have better connection from land phone. The organization has agreement with other operators like AKTEL, City Cell or BanglaLink to have better internal connectivity. Huge Demand for Telecom Services The market of telecommunication is expanding. So, this is easy for GrameenPhone to achieve the major portion of expanded market because of its leading position. New International Gateway As BTTB has established new gateway to connect internationally, this is easy for mobile phone companies to provide services of ISD call and international roaming. Land Phone: Bangladesh Government has already started to provide license to private sector to setup land phone. GrameenPhone has a very good reputation in the country. They can capitalize this goodwill and take initiatives to enter the market of land phone. Threats: More Rigid Government Regulations Government is becoming restricted for taking away currency from the country. So, Foreign Company are threatened because they may have risk to payback their investment to the country. The government also put restriction for the work permit of foreign employee. Other existing operator Among the existing competitors, Banglalink, AKTel and City Cell are planning to develop country wide network and take many promotional activities. This may make hindrance to take current advantage enjoyed by GrameenPhone alone.

Political Instability


Political instability is another threat because, with the change of Government, policies are also changed. So, this is difficult for any multinational & national organization to cope with new policies. Devaluation of Taka The rate of devaluation of money is very high. As the investments occurs in foreign currency, thats why the devaluation of Taka decrease profit from financial point of view. Price War Recently this has become the most important concern for any mobile operator. To remain competitive in the market, operators have to reduce prices, which causes of reduction of revenue. In the above discussion it is clear that GP has huge strength and opportunity. If GP can utilize all the advantage properly and minimize the weakness & threat then GP can retain its leading position and can continue forever.

Telecommunication Industry overview

Telecommunication Industry in SAARC Countries Bangladesh has one of the lowest tele-density and the lowest telephone penetration rates in the world and even in the South Asia. According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) report, the telecommunication revenue as a percentage of the GDP is also low in Bangladesh compared to the other regional countries. Among the SAARC countries per 100 inhabitants Maldives has the highest tele density while Bangladesh has the lowest.



Bhutan 2.03

Bangladesh Pakistan 3.9 4.19

India 5.01

Sri Lanka 8.1

Maldives 16.92

Number of 1.34 Telephone per 100



Source: GP Annual Report 2007

Num r of Te phone pe 1 0Inhabitant be le r 0

1 8 1 6 1 4 1 2 1 0 8 6 4 2 0 1 .9 6 2 Nepal 8 .1 2 3 .0 3 .9 49 .1 5 1 .0 Bhutan Bangladesh Pakistan
B hu ta n Ba ng la de sh Pa ki sta n Sr iL an ka M al di ve s In di a

Per 1 User 00

14 .3

N ep al

India Sri Lanka Maldives


Figure: Number of telephone per 100 inhabitants in SAARC countries. Telecommunication Industry in Bangladesh Mobile telecommunication industry in Bangladesh is in growth stage because still most of the people can not afford its high operating cost. In the early 90s City Cell started the journey of mobile industry in Bangladesh. In the first few years it was the only company in the industry and made the mobile industry monopoly. But the emerging of new mobile operators broke the monopoly. The telecommunication sector in Bangladesh is poised for rapid growth in the early 90s. The concept of mobile telephony has become largely familiar and phenomenal in Bangladesh from the early 90s. The sector, particularly which of mobile phones, is one of the fastest growing areas of the economy. The growth potentials will continue to remain robust for the foreseeable future. There are five telephone operators in


Bangladesh at the moment. Among them one is Government owned telephone operator: Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board (BTTB) announced Teletalk and the other four are privately owned companies namely Grameen Phone Ltd. Telecom Malaysia International Bangladesh (IMIB) owned Aktel, Tele-giant Orascom owned Banglalink and Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Ltd (PBTL) & SingTel jointly owned Citycell. The recent market shares of mobile industry occupied by different mobile company are as follows: Company Market Share GP 48.37% Aktel 19.73% Banglalink 19.67% Citycell 4.17% Tele Talk 2.17% Warid 5.89%

Market Share

Growth: 3%

12 ,0 0 0,00 0

Growth: 94%



10 ,0 0 0,00 0
GP Aktel Banglalink Citycell Tele Talk Growth: 132% Warid

8 ,0 0 0,00 0 Figure: Mobile operators- market share (November07) Growth: 109% 6 ,0 0 0,00 0
Growth: 47% Growth: 64%

4 ,0 0 0,00 0

Growth: 146% Survey result on customer satisfaction Growth: 219%


In the early 90s City Cell started the journey, of 0 , 5 3 1 industry in Bangladesh. In the Growth: 100% 1 1 4 mobile 2 ,0 0 0,00 0 77 , 81 first few years it was the only company 4in8 the industry and made the mobile industry monopoly. 0But, 0 0 06 0 , 0 0 01 9 1 , 6 9 0 1 8 , 0 0 0 GrameenPhone broke the monopoly and took the necessary steps to 3 0
19 98 19 99 20 00 20 02 20 03 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 19 97 20 01

Growth: 67%




connect the people in communication arena. GrameenPhone is the only mobile company in Bangladesh who not only concentrated on urban people but also village people. They brought their big hand towards the poor and unconnected. GrameenPhone has increased the living standard. Grameen Bank borrowers who provide the services are uplifting themselves economically through a new means of income generation while at the same time providing valuable phone service to their fellow villagers. The telephone is a weapon against poverty. In this way GP is contributing in the total GDP in Bangladesh. GrameenPhone also take active part in the social welfare. GP still now is the only operator whose network coverage is country wide and is offering some unique services thats why number of subscriber is growing gradually. So, at last in conclusion of survey result it is clear that the subscribers of GP are satisfied.

Research reporting
Finally, the report has been presented in a written format. For getting a moderate knowledge on customer satisfaction of the GP in figure, a series of questions were asked to the customers with the help of a questionnaire. As the research includes a survey on customer satisfaction, a significant part of the report has been presented in statistical measurements and graphs. Thus, based on the analysis of the data collected, I come up with necessary recommendations and conclusion. The findings from these questions have been represented below:


Presenting the Survey Results in Graphical mood

S urve : Age Bre y akdow n

4 ya -5 ya 6 e rs 0 e rs 6 % 4 ya -4 ya 1 e rs 5 e rs 6 % 3 y a 4 ye rs 6 e rs 0 a 1% 6 2 ye rs - 2 y a 1 a 5 e rs 1% 4 5 ye rs a a e 1 a nd bov 4 % 1 ya 2ya 5 e rs 0 e rs 1% 8

15 years 20years 21 years - 25 years 26 years 30 years 31 years 35 years 36 years 40 years 41 years - 45 years 46 years - 50 years

3 ya 3 ya 1 e rs 5 e rs 1% 6

2 ya 3 ya 6 e rs 0 e rs 2% 0

51 years and above

Years of using GP Connection (Loyalty Indicator)


Loya of Custom rs to GP lity e

More t n 5 Ye rs ha a 6 % 4 Ye rs a 4 % Le t n 1Ye r ss ha a 2% 6

Le stha 1Ye r s n a 1Ye r a 2Ye rs a 3Ye rs a 4Ye rs a Moretha 5Ye rs n a

3 Ye rs a 1% 0

2 Ye rs a 3% 0

1Ye r a 2% 4

1. I use GrameenPhone because it is the best:

Custom r Fe dback on ove GP e e rall

Good 6% Better than Others 1 2% S atisfactory 4% Below S atisfactory 0%
The Be st Be t r t n Ot rs t e ha he Good Sa isfa ory t ct Be low Sa isfa ory t ct

The Best 78%


The EDGE service of GrameenPhone is very good

Cus e Attraction to GP's Products tom r

No 3% 4 Ye s 6% 6

Ye s No


3. Different packages offered by GrameenPhone match with my convenience.

No 24%

Yes No
Yes 76%

4. Network Coverage of GP is the best.

No 4%

Ye s No

Yes 96%


5. The extra benefits offered by GP e.g. Thank You partner.

Ye s 5% 2 No 4% 8

Ye s No

6. After Sales Service of GP is prompt.

No 1 8%

Ye s No

Yes 82 %


7.GP helpline can address my queries and fulfill my needs.

No 36% Yes 64 %
Ye s No

8. Billing rate of GP is Moderate.

No 2 %
Ye s No

Yes 9 8%


9. GrameenPhone concentrates on quality services.

No 38%

Yes 62%

Ye s


6. GP?

If another company comes up with the similar offers, would you still be loyal to

Custom r Loy e ality GP in Change Busine to d ss S nario ce

No 34 %
Ye s No

Yes 66 %


Analysis of the Survey:

The first question was a understated way of identifying the length of consuming the services which is an indicator of loyalty to GP. 50% of the total subscribers have been using GP phone for more than 2 years, which is an indicator of customer satisfaction. As it could be observed from the above tables and the charts, maximum number of subscribers had chosen GP for the network coverage. This concept had motivated majority (78%)of them to decide that GrameenPhone is the best. 12% straight agrees to the point that, its better than others. Thereby, GP has successfully covered satisfaction of the 90% subscribers. According to 2nd survey result, 66% people use GP because EDGE service of GP serve their present need in comparison to other operators. Besides this presently GP is offering so many services that are desired by subscriber. For example, GP is offering, missed call alert, pay for me etc that is able to fulfill their current need. According to the 4th survey result 96% people use for its wide network coverage. GP has largest network coverage with 61 districts out of 64 districts, 506 thana indoor and highway coverage. Extra benefit offered by the GP like thank you bonus, thank you partner also satisfy 52% subscriber. As GP has 18 GPC, 602 GPSD, GPCF and many other supporting desk, some active hot line, GP is high after sales service provider than other operator. 82% subscribers are satisfied with present after sales service. At last, it is seen that GP call rate is moderately high than other operator in Bangladesh, after that GP has almost 13 million subscriber and present growth rate is 3%. The main


reason behind this success is only quality service, wide network coverage, prompt after sales service, motivated employees etc. than other operator. In the SWOT analysis of GrameenPhone, I have mentioned that GP is opened to receive new ideas. They continuously find new and better ways to serve subscriber through technology and service and have even introduced products that did not exist in the telecommunication industry previously. Nevertheless GP also provide some other facilities like international roaming, 24 hours customer services etc also responsible for customer satisfaction.

After analysis all the findings I can come into the conclusion that GP still in the leading position for service quality that satisfy customer and results in increase the number of subscribers that I have mentioned in the initial portion.


Some subscribers complain that Helpline is not so easy to reach. So management should increase human agent and channel capacity because it is the most crucial touch point. Many are using EDGE service from GP. But some subscribers complain that they cannot use it properly and get less speed. As I think it is most promising aspect, concern unit should be concerned about it. Call rate of GP is high than any other operator. For greater satisfaction of subscribers in the long term, call rate should be reduced. Customer information center is not sufficient yet. So, more information centers should be opened in all over the country. In broad sense subscribers satisfaction depends upon many factors, employees satisfaction is one of them. So management should concern about it. Sometimes for any activation it takes more time. It may be the one reason of customer dissatisfaction. So it should not be.




Approx. Monthly Income: 5,000-10,000 11,000-15,000 16,000-20,000 21,00025,000 30,000 above Occupation: For How many years have you been you using GP? (Please give ): <1 1 2 3 4 5> Do you use SIM of any other Operator? Yes No

If yes, please name the other operator(s): _______________________ For conducting research on Assessing Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study of Grameenphone Ltd. have designed this questionnaire. The result would be used only for the preparation of internship report as required to complete MBA degree under the school of business, International Islamic University Chittagong,Dhaka Campus. Your active participation will enable conducting the research work successfully. 1. I use GrameenPhone because it is the best! 5: The Best 4: Better than others 3 : Good 2 : Satisfactory 1: Below Satisfactory 2 The EDGE service of Grameen Phone is very good



3. Different packages offered by GrameenPhone match with my convenience.



4. Network Coverage of GP is best.




5. The extra benefits offered by GP eg Thank You bonus, Thank You partner.



6. After Sales Service of GP is prompt.



7. GP helpline can address my queries and fulfill my needs.



8. Billing rate of GP is Moderate.



9. GrameenPhone concentrates on quality services.



10. If another company comes up with the similar offers, would you still be loyal to GP?




1.Mohammad Adil, DM, ICMC, Customer Service, GrameenPhone Ltd.
1.Md. Musharrof Hossain,President,BSHRM.


Internal Infocube 4.Survey from the customers 5.

6. 7.

Telenor Portal Khaled Mahmud Raihan,Senior Financial Analyst,CRISL.



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