Arzivian Stat 2023-281 Summer A Syllabus

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Division of Arts and Sciences Math and Sciences

COMMON COURSE SYLLABUS PROFESSOR: Tatiana Arzivian F 202 Posted in F 202 PHONE NUMBER: E-MAIL: 239 732 3960


[email protected] Summer A


COURSE NUMBER AND TITLE, CATALOG DESCRIPTION, CREDITS: STA 2023 STATISTICAL METHODS I (4 CREDITS) This is an introductory course covering the fundamental topics of statistics. Topics include: descriptive measures, probability, probability distributions, central limit theorem, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, correlation, regression analysis and non-parametric test procedures. A graphing calculator is required. If completed with a grade of C or better, this course serves to demonstrate competence in the general education mathematics requirement.


PREREQUISITES FOR THIS COURSE: MAT 1033 or higher with a minimum grade of C, or testing CO-REQUISITES FOR THIS COURSE: None


GENERAL COURSE INFORMATION: Topic Outline. Probability Random variables Hypothesis testing Confidence interval estimation Small sample methods Correlation Simple linear regression Nonparametric statistics


LEARNING OUTCOMES AND ASSESSMENT: GENERAL EDUCATION COMPETENCIES: General education courses must meet at least four out of the five following outcomes. All other courses will meet one or more of these outcomes. Communication (COM): To communicate effectively using standard English (written or oral).

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STA 2023 STATISTICAL METHODS I Critical Thinking (CT): To demonstrate skills necessary for analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Technology/Information Management (TIM): To demonstrate the skills and use the technology necessary to collect, verify, document, and organize information from a variety of sources. Global Socio-cultural Responsibility (GSR): To identify, describe, and apply responsibilities, core civic beliefs, and values present in a diverse society. Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning (QR): To identify and apply mathematical and scientific principles and methods. ADDITIONAL COURSE COMPETENCIES: At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following additional competencies: LEARNING OUTCOMES Define and use the basic terminology of statistics. Organize, display, analyze and/or compare different sets of data using graphs, charts, tables or numerical measures. Calculate and interpret the various descriptive measures for central tendency, dispersion and relative position. Use the Empirical Rule to find probabilities on a bell-shaped distribution. Apply basic rules of probability. Determine the probability of an event using a probability distribution table, uniform distribution, binomial distribution, standard normal distribution and the student t distribution. Select an appropriate distribution model to calculate the probability of an event. Apply the Central Limit Theorem appropriately. Estimate means and proportions using confidence intervals. Conduct hypothesis tests on means or proportions. Determine and interpret p-values. Calculate and interpret the linear correlation coefficient to determine the strength and direction of the linear relationship between predictor and response variables. Determine the simple linear regression model and if appropriate, use it to predict VPASA: Revised 09/20/2011 ASSESSMENTS HOMEWORK and/or QUIZZES and/or TESTS and/or GROUP ASSIGNMENTS and/or PROJECTS HOMEWORK and/or QUIZZES and/or TESTS and/or GROUP ASSIGNMENTS and/or PROJECTS QR GENERAL EDUCATION COMPETENCIES



TIM Page 2

STA 2023 STATISTICAL METHODS I values. Analyze real-world data published in research journals or found on the internet. Apply non-parametric statistical tests where appropriate. V. DISTRICT-WIDE POLICIES: PROGRAMS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Edison State College, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the colleges guiding principles, offers students with documented disabilities programs to equalize access to the educational process. Students needing to request an accommodation in this class due to a disability, or who suspect that their academic performance is affected by a disability should contact the Office of Adaptive Services at the nearest campus. Lee Campus Charlotte Campus Collier Campus Hendry/Glades Ctr. VI. Taeni Hall S-116A Student Services SS-101 Admin. Bldg. A-116 LaBelle (239) 489-9427 (941) 637-5626 (239) 732-3918 (863) 674-0408


REQUIREMENTS FOR THE STUDENTS: o o o A graphic calculator is required (TI 83+) or TI 84 The student should read all new topics before they are discussed in class. Review power point presentation and watch assigned videos before class meetings. The student should read and print the syllabus and bring it to every class meeting. It is student responsibility to check college website and e-mail for announcements.

Students should expect to spend at least six hours outside of class studying for this course; that includes reviewing their notes and textbook, doing homework and quizzing themselves on course material. If you do not have that amount of time available, you may need to adjust your course and/or work load.
o It is students responsibility to complete all assigned online homework , quizzes and tests using MyLabsPlus by the given due date, even if you are absent from class. If you have a problem, work an arrangement with the professor before the due date. (Web based homework can be redone as many times as you want before due day, just keep submitting the results in order to start from the place you finished. There are several possible links that will assist the student with the homework problems: Help Me Solve This, View an Example, Video, Animation, Textbook Pages and Ask My Instructor). Online Quizzes and Tests are timed and expire after the time is off. You can take the quizzes up to three times and I will use your best score. You can take tests twice and I will use your best score also. There will be pop-up In-class Quizzes during the semester as well. Online Homework should be finished prior to taking quizzes with the grade of at least 70%. Online Quizzes should be taken prior to taking tests with the grade of at least 60%. If you do not achieve a grade of 60% on your quiz after 3 attempts, please see me to discuss your options. Page 3

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STA 2023 STATISTICAL METHODS I There are NO make-up tests if you miss a test. If the student misses a Test or In class Quiz, the student will earn a zero for that Test or Quiz. The student is responsible for registering with MyLabsPlus. This course will be taught using new learning management platform Canvas. ACCESSING THE COURSE: To do this the student has to: 1. Purchase access to MyLabsPlus; see Section IX Required Course Materials for more information. 2. Log into 3. Select the Student Academics tab 4. Select the STA2023 course Once the student has entered the course, they should see the blue Edison State College logo on the top left of the screen and the canvas logo on the top right of the screen. The student is now in Canvas. Click on Courses & Groups at the top of the screen and select STA2023 STATISTICAL METHODS I under MyCourses. Welcome to the Canvas course homepage. Here the student will find important course information including this syllabus and information about the instructor. Select LEARNING MODULES for an outline of the course including step-by-step instructions on how to begin. ** TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES: IF the student experiences any technical difficulties they must contact the professor immediately. If technical problems continue from students personal computers, it is their responsibility to contact technical support and/or use the computers available on Edison State College campuses to complete the assignments. CANVAS PROFILE: In the top right corner of Canvas, the student will find a link for their Canvas profile. Follow this link to edit your communication settings- you can receive course notifications through your Edison email address, a personal email address, text messages, Facebook, Skype and other social networking services. Students can choose any combination of these settings and can change them at any time. It is the students responsibility to ensure their communication settings are configured in a way that allows them to promptly receive course notifications. CANVAS TOOLS: Course Tools are found on the left-hand side of the Canvas STA2023 page. DISCUSSIONS: Students can use discussion boards to post and respond to general questions about homework, data projects, and tests. This is a public forum. All members of the class may read and post to Discussions do not post any confidential information. CHAT: Students can communicate with their instructor or classmates through this live chat tool. Collaboration: This tool allows students to communicate with each other and work on projects. VII. ATTENDANCE POLICY: The student is expected to attend all sessions, arriving on time and remaining until class is dismissed. Leaving earlier may count as an absence. Absence from more than 2 classes may result in a lower letter grade. Page 4

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STA 2023 STATISTICAL METHODS I The last day to withdraw with a full refund is May 14 The last day to withdraw without academic penalty is June 6. If a student does not withdraw before this date and fails to meet the course requirements, that student will receive a grade of F.


GRADING POLICY: Final Grade will consist of the following: Homework 20% Online and In-Class Quizzes 28% Tests 32% Final Exam 20% Total 100% Grades will follow the following scale 90 - 100 80 - 89 70 - 79 60 - 69 Below 60 = = = = = A B C D F

(Note: The incomplete grade [I] should be given only when unusual circumstances warrant. An incomplete is not a substitute for a D, F, or W. Refer to the policy on incomplete grades.) The student MUST take the final examination. If you missed Final exam you may fail the course. Students can only use their calculator, any necessary statistical tables and 2 handwritten pages (8 by 11) of notes on tests and the Final. The students can NOT use any software package during the final exam. The students can NOT use the textbook or the eBook during the final exam. If you know that you will not be in attendance the day of a given exam, you may take the exam prior to the day it is given. If the student misses a test or in-class quiz, the student will earn a zero for each missed Test or Quiz. The lowest Test score may be replaced by the final exam score, if the final exam score is higher. This includes a zero score for the first Test that may have been missed, providing that the student did not miss more than 2 class meetings.

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REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS: Triola, Mario F. Essentials of Statistics (4th Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson/ Addison-Wesley, 2011. (Hard copy or electronic copy in MyMathLabPlus) MyMathLabPlus (sold separately or shrink-wrapped with the textbook) A TI-83 Plus or TI-84 graphing calculator, or equivalent, is required. The use of calculators with computer algebra systems (for example, TI-89s and TI-92s) is not permitted on tests or quizzes. RESERVED MATERIALS FOR THE COURSE: A copy of the textbook is in the Library.



CLASS SCHEDULE: The following is a tentative schedule of required topics. All topics listed will be covered, but dates on Page 5

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STA 2023 STATISTICAL METHODS I which they are covered may change based on student needs and pedagogical concerns. Since this is only a tentative schedule, it is in your best interests to attend class regularly and to check the web portal and MyMathLabPlus frequently for announcements of changes.

2023 281 Summer 2012 T 12 :30 2 :30 pm

Please note that online homework assignments should be finished before taking online quizzes with the grade of at least 70% to open the quiz. Online Quizzes should be finished before taking online tests with the grade of at least 60%. Dates Summer A Week Tuesday Watch videos for Ch 1, 2 before first class meeting Ch 1.1 1.4 Ch 2.1 2.4 2023 281 Sections Online homework

5/07 1 5/11 5/8

Homework assignments and Quizzes for Ch 1, 2 (due before next class meeting) Watch videos for Ch 3, 4 Homework assignments and Quizzes for Ch 3, 4 (due before next class meeting) Test 1 (Ch 1, 2, 3) due 6/1 Watch videos for Ch 5 Homework assignments and Quiz for Ch 5 (due before next class meeting) Watch videos for Ch 6

5/14 2 5/18 5/15 Ch 3.1 3.5 Ch 4.1 4.6

5/21 3 5/25 5/22

Ch. 5.15.4

5/29 4 6/01 5/29

Ch 6.1 6.5

Homework assignments and Quiz for Ch 6 (due before next class meeting) Test 2 (Ch 4, 5, 6) due 6/15 Watch videos for Ch 7

6/04 5 6/08 6/5

Ch 7.1 7.5

Homework assignments and Quiz for Ch 7 (due before next class meeting) Watch videos for Ch 8

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6/11 6 6/15 6/12 Ch 8.1 8.6

Homework assignments and Quiz for Ch 8 (due before next class meeting) Test 3 (Ch 7, 8) due 6/21 Work on Sample Final

6/18 7 6/21 6/22 8 6/26 6/21 Thursday 6/19

Ch.10.1 10.3 Review for Final Exam Final Exam 12:30 2:20 pm

Homework assignments and Quiz for Ch 10 Sample Final exam practice

All online assignments will be closed on 6/20 at midnight


ANY OTHER INFORMATION OR CLASS PROCEDURES OR POLICIES: For additional help with this course, the student may: o Request a tutor from the Edison State College Tutoring Center. o Use the Tutoring Center available in MyLabsPlus. Tutoring is available 5:00PM-12:00AM EST, Sunday-Thursday o The Academic Success Center at our College is located in J-204. o All of these services are available to the student at no additional cost. If the student experiences any technical difficulties then the student can receive help at the Support Technical Center. For Technical support assistance, you can speak with a technician 24x7 by calling: 888-883-1299. If you have a learning of physical disability that will require special accommodations, please notify the coordinator of disabilities immediately. Please do not hesitate to email me any questions pertaining to the course material at [email protected] or stop by my office (F 202).

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