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Love of A Mother

Characters: -Mrs Shanti,45 years old a loving and caring mother, Teju; mother and Mr Rajus wife -Mr Raju, 47 years old, a strict but responsible husband and father -Teju,22 years old, a spoilt teenager, loves a Chinese-Indian boy -Adam,25 years old, Tejus boyfriend, very sincere in their relationship -Melvin, 25 years old a friend of Teju and Adam -Dr.Chow,around 40 years old -Assistant at the counter -Few nurses

Scene 1
Mom : (yelling from downstairs) Baby come down for dinner, its already late. Teju: Amma stop nagging me, Im not a small child and I know went to eat. (Tehju coming from upstairs wearing fancy clothes) Teju: Appa I am going out for dinner with my friends. Appa: Where ? ( Teju went out and slam the door )

Scene 2
(She went out and took out her handphone) Tehju: Hey babe, where are we going for dinner. Adam: Please come to the French restaurant. Well meet there. Love u

After 15 minutes they met in the restaurant. The place was quiet, they sat beside each other and hold their hands. [Background music: Romeo and Juliet] Adam: Baby, did u still remember the first day we met? Teju: Of course, how can I forget ?

[flashback] 2 years ago..[In a nightclub party] Adam: Who is that girl? Shes so hot. Melvin: Oh, shes my classmate. Shes a very nice girl. Do you want to talk to her? Adam: Hey dude, wait! How do I look? Melvin: Come on stop acting like that. Lets go and talk to her. Melvin brought Adam to meet Teju . Melvin: Hey teju. This is my friend, Adam. Teju: Oh, hi Adam. Adam: Errr hi ummm Teju. Do you want to know something, you are really hot. Teju: [Blushing] Thank you, Adam. They started talking , exchange their numbers and they often go out together. As days passed, they get closer and closer and finally they fell in love with each other . Although tejus parents are friendly but they dont accept a malay-chinese boy in their family so teju hide about her love from her family.

Scene 4
One day while cleaning Tejus room, Mrs Shanthi found a photo of her daughter with a guy hugging each other. Mom : Teju, come here now! Teju : What ma you are so annoying. Mom: Shut up! Who the heck is he?

Teju: Err he is my boyfriend, Adam. Mom: What? Adam? Is he an Indian ? Teju: No, actually he is a Chinese-Indian. What is the problem if hes not an Indian? I love him and I want to marry him. Mom.: I do not mean like that babyits just ...that type of boy are not suitable for our family. Teju: Not suitable? Plz... ma, try to understand me. Mom: You are my mother or Im your mother. Now I dont want to listen to any of your words. Go to your room! Teju: NO! You are not listening to me at all. Im leaving now. Mom: Teju, where are you going. Listen to me, I was just giving advice to you as a mom. All this time I raised you so hard and carefully and what I got is THIS? [crying] Teju : You are starting again ma. Im leaving. I cant stay with you. At that moment, Tejus dad arrived from work. He saw his wife crying and he already knew that something is not going right. Dad: Teju, where are you going? Teju: Dad, Im leaving . I cant stay with ma anymore. Shes so annoying. Dad: Wait! Tell me what is the problem, Ill talk to your mum. Teju: Dad, its actually I love this guy call Adam. He is not from our race but his mum is an Indian. So, mum did not approve my relationship with Adam. Dad: Ok, you just go inside and Ill talk with your ma. Her parents sat down and talked about her problem all night and finally they agreed with her decision. Teju was very happy when they told her .

Few days passed, Teju started to notice that her parents are arguing frequently. For her this is weird because not even once she had seen her parents arguing as she know her parents love each other. They were always so loving and caring. But now she could not believe her own eyes that her parents are fighting. One day, after her dad went to work, she saw her mother crying and praying to God for forgiveness. Teju could not understand what is actually going on, she try to find out why her mother is behaving so unusual. So she decide to find out why her parents are

acting like this. She tried to dig in her mothers diary to find anything important and she found this: [Extract from Mrs Shantis diary] May 13 I faint at my working place. I was admitted in the hospital because when I woke up in my office, my vision was blur. The doctor, Dr.Chow did few test to identify the problem and he told me to come on the next day to collect the report. I was worried what is going to happen. At that time, I prayed to God that nothing will happen to me as I have a husbang and daughter who needs me. May 14 Early in the morning, I received calls from the hospital authorities, they told me to come early. When I arrived there the doctor was busy treating the patients, so a nurse came and give my report. I was so afraid to open the cover and to look inside but I couraged myself and took out the report from the cover and. there was a positive report on brain tumour disease. I felt like the whole world had just stopped and the God has just gave up on me. After reading the diary, Teju started to cry, she regret talking to her mum like that. She went to see Dr.Chow.

Scene 6
In the hospital, Teju: Can I see Dr. Chow? Its really urgent. Assistant at the counter: Please go to room 7. Teju: Thank you. In room 7 Nurse: Excuse me Dr.Chow, theres someone here who wants to meet you urgently. Dr.Chow: Let her in. Teju: Good morning Dr.Chow, Im your patient, Shantis daughter. Dr.Chow: Oh yes come in I have to talk to you about your moms condition. I already talk about this to your dad. Teju: How long is my mom having this disease and how long is she going to live, doctor?

Dr.Chow: Your mom having this disease for 1 year and shes going to live for about maximum 1 month. Teju: Is there any cure for this disease? Dr.Chow: There is a treatment for this disease but your mom refused to take treatment, she dont want to waste her precious time lying on the bed with tubes all over her body. Teju:[sobbing] Thank you, doctor. Dr.Chow: Yes sure.

Scene 7
When Teju arrived at home, she found her mother on the floor with her diary on her hand. She was panicked and dont know what to do as her father went to overseas for business. She immediately carry her mom to the car and drove to the hospital. In the hospital, Teju: Mom!Mom! Wake up look at me! I am so sorry. Plz.[crying] But her mom lay motionless, the nurse brought her mom to the ICU ward. Nurse: Madam, please dont enter the room. After a while, the doctor came out. Dr.Chow: Your mom does not want to take the treatment and she lost her sight. Try to talk to her and convince her to take the treatment. Teju entered the ICU ward. Teju: Mom, please take the treatment. Mrs.Shanti: Teju baby is that you. Look at me I cant see and Im dying. Taking the treatment will only make my days of suffering a lot. Please tell the doctor to kill me, I cant take it any more. Teju came out of the ward and talk with the doctor Teju: Doctor, please kill my mom. I cant take it, its her last wish doctor. Please. Doctor: I cant do it. Its against my profession. Teju: Doctor, please its my moms last wish.

The doctor was speechless.The doctor entered inside the ward and came out. He told me that my mom passed away when we were talking outside. I did not say anything, I just went out of the hospital. No more mom, no more people to argue with.

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